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. 2013 Nov;195(3):927–940. doi: 10.1534/genetics.113.154211

The Drosophila wings apart Gene Anchors a Novel, Evolutionarily Conserved Pathway of Neuromuscular Development

Ginny R Morriss 1, Carmelita T Jaramillo 1, Crystal M Mikolajczak 1, Sandy Duong 1, MaryAnn S Jaramillo 1, Richard M Cripps 1,1
PMCID: PMC3813874  PMID: 24026097


wings apart (wap) is a recessive, semilethal gene located on the X chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster, which is required for normal wing-vein patterning. We show that the wap mutation also results in loss of the adult jump muscle. We use complementation mapping and gene-specific RNA interference to localize the wap locus to the proximal X chromosome. We identify the annotated gene CG14614 as the gene affected by the wap mutation, since one wap allele contains a non-sense mutation in CG14614, and a genomic fragment containing only CG14614 rescues the jump-muscle phenotypes of two wap mutant alleles. The wap gene lies centromere-proximal to touch-insensitive larva B and centromere-distal to CG14619, which is tentatively assigned as the gene affected in introverted mutants. In mutant wap animals, founder cell precursors for the jump muscle are specified early in development, but are later lost. Through tissue-specific knockdowns, we demonstrate that wap function is required in both the musculature and the nervous system for normal jump-muscle formation. wap/CG14614 is homologous to vertebrate wdr68, DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7, which also are expressed in neuromuscular tissues. Thus, our findings provide insight into mechanisms of neuromuscular development in higher animals and facilitate the understanding of neuromuscular diseases that may result from mis-expression of muscle-specific or neuron-specific genes.

Keywords: Drosophila, adult muscle, jump muscle, neuromuscular development, wdr68

UNDERSTANDING the genetic causes of pleiotropic diseases can provide insight into the roles of specific genes in a biological process and can also uncover a genetic pathway or framework that controls diverse developmental processes. In Drosophila, a number of genes whose mutants have a multitude of phenotypes have ultimately been proven to control centrally important molecular pathways. Such genes include members of signaling pathways and other conserved molecular events.

The TGFβ pathway carries out a number of developmental roles during animal development, including early specification of germ layers during embryogenesis (reviewed in Watabe and Miyazono 2009). In Drosophila, this pathway also functions during pupal development, and among other roles it is required for the formation of the crossveins of the adult wing (Ralston and Blair 2005; Chen et al. 2012). Recently, we identified an additional role for TGFβ signaling during pupal development in specification of the adult jump muscle (also called the tergal depressor of the trochanter, or TDT) (Jaramillo et al. 2009). The jump muscle arises from the leg imaginal disc of the second thoracic segment (Rivlin et al. 2000) and functions in the escape response of the animal (Nachtigall and Wilson 1967). Hypomorphic mutations affecting the TGFβ pathway cause a reduction in the number of fibers in the jump muscle due to a failure to specify the complete number of founder cells for each fiber (Jaramillo et al. 2009).

Mutations affecting the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP)-signaling pathway are one of several in Drosophila whose phenotypes include abnormal wing-vein patterning, and a number of these mutants have yet to be correlated with an annotated locus (Blair 2007). With the advent of the fully annotated Drosophila genome, it has become possible to more readily identify candidate genes for such mutations. This task is further facilitated by the several genetic tools that are available in this system, including chromosomal aberrations that have precise molecularly defined breakpoints (see, for example, Parks et al. 2004 and Popodi et al. 2010).

Here, we have analyzed the wings-apart (wap) gene in Drosophila. wap to date has not been associated with an annotated gene; yet, as with mutations affecting the TGFβ pathway, wap mutant phenotypes include semilethality and defects in wing crossvein formation (Lifschytz and Falk 1969; Schalet and Lefevre 1973). We demonstrate first that wap mutants also fail to form a jump muscle, and we localize the affected gene on the X chromosome to CG14614. One wap allele causes a premature stop in the CG14614 coding sequence, and, through tissue-specific knockdown of wap/CG14614, we show that wap function is required in both the nervous system and the developing musculature. Moreover, loss of wap function results in a failure of the jump muscle to form, arising from a failure to sustain the newly developed muscle fibers. wap is homologous to the vertebrate genes–wdr68 in zebrafish and DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7 in mammals. These genes encode orthologous WD40 repeat proteins expressed in vertebrate muscle and nervous systems (Skurat and Dietrich 2004), which interact physically with an ortholog of the Drosophila minibrain locus (Tejedor et al. 1995). Our findings identify a new component of the muscle development process, which is likely to be mediated by a complex of proteins conserved across species.

Materials and Methods

Drosophila stocks and crosses

Drosophila were maintained at 25° on Jazz food mix (Fisher Scientific) unless otherwise stated. All genotype information is according to the guidelines at Fly stocks were obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, Drosophila Genetic Resource Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center (VDRC), and the Transgenic RNAi Project at Harvard Medical School.

For deficiency screens, each cross was composed of equal numbers of virgin females and males and maintained at 25°. For deficiency screening with wap alleles, each mutant allele was crossed with the deficiency lines Df(1)Exel6255 (Exelixis, Inc.), Df(1)BSC708, Df(1)LB6, Df(1)54, Df(1)DCB1-35c, Df(1)DCB1-35b, and Df(1)R8A (Schalet and Finnerty 1968; Schalet and Lefevre 1973; Rahman and Lindsley 1981). This was achieved by crossing female Balancer/Deficiency to males of the genotype wapx/Dp(1;Y)y+mal171, since this duplication complements the wap mutants (“x” refers to any or all of the three wap alleles currently available: wap2, wap3, and wap9). The number of progeny eclosed from each individual cross was counted. Comparisons between the total numbers of female progeny with Balancer/wapx genotype and female progeny with the Deficiency/wapx genotype were performed using Student’s t-test. Analyses of jump-muscle and wing crossvein phenotypes were performed for both Balancer/wapx and Deficiency/wapx genotypes as described below.

The previously mentioned deficiency lines were also crossed with each other to further refine the X chromosome map. These same deficiency lines were also used to map other proximal X chromosome mutations thought to be within the region spanning 20A to 20C: l(1)G0179, eo16-2-27, eo25, intro3, uncl1, uncl10, soz1, l(1)20Cb2, l(1)20Cb6, l(1)20Ca1, l(1)20Ca2, and l(1)G1096.

Virgin females of each mutation used in the deficiency screens were also crossed with equal numbers of males from X chromosome duplication lines spanning the region deleted by the Df(1)Exel6255 deficiency. The duplication lines used in these experiments were Dp(1;3)DC382, Dp(1;3)DC383, Dp(1;3)DC384, Dp(1;3)DC562, Dp(1;3)DC386, Dp(1;3)DC387, Dp(1;3)DC388, Dp(1;3)DC389, and Dp(1;3)DC390 (Popodi et al. 2010). Not all combinations of mutations and duplications were tested against one another, since some mutations are complemented by deficiencies of the duplicated region. For those duplications tested, the number of eclosing male progeny with the genotype Balancer/Y; Duplication/+ were compared with male progeny of the mutation/Y; Duplication/+ genotype using Student’s t-test to assess the ability of each duplication tested to rescue the phenotype of the mutations.

To ensure that any phenotypic rescue observed in the duplication analysis with wap was not due to rescue of a secondary mutation, lines were also generated that had the genotype Df(1)Exel6255/FM7a; Duplication/Duplication and/or Df(1)DCB1-35c/FM7a; Duplication/Duplication for each of the following duplications: Dp(1,3)DC383, Dp(1,3)DC384, Dp(1,3)DC562, Dp(1,3)DC386, Dp(1,3)DC387, Dp(1,3)DC388, and Dp(1,3)DC389. These lines were crossed with wap2/Dp(1;Y)y+mal171 males. Female FM7a/wap2; Duplication/+ progeny were compared with female Deficiency/wap2;Duplication/+ progeny to assess whether the wap mutation can be rescued by the duplications. The jump-muscle and wing crossvein phenotypes were assessed as described below for rescue by duplication.

The Gal4/UAS system was utilized for RNA interference (RNAi) knockdown experiments (Brand and Perrimon 1993). Equal numbers of virgin female and male flies were allowed to mate 3 days at 25°, at which point crosses were transferred to 29° to activate maximally the Gal4 drivers. tub-Gal4 and da-Gal4 were used as ubiquitous drivers for initial RNAi analysis. To determine the tissue-specific effects of RNAi knockdown, Mef2-Gal4 and 1151-Gal4 drivers were used for muscle-specific knockdown, and elav-Gal4 was used for knockdown in the nervous system. UAS-RNAi lines were utilized for knockdown of CG14614 (line 107076), CG14619 (lines 37929 and 37930), CG14618 (lines 24879 and 47451), CG12576 (lines 51205 and 104261), and Cp110 (lines 24874, 24875, and 101161). RNAi knockdowns were assessed for viability. Jump-muscle formation was assessed in cryosections of pharate pupae of the pupal lethal knockdowns as described in the following paragraphs.

To obtain flies carrying both the wap mutation and the founder cell-specific rP298-lacZ transgene (described in Ruiz-Gomez et al. 2000), female FM7i,GFP/wapx mutants were crossed with equal numbers of rP298-lacZ transgenic males. rP298-lacZ/wapx female progeny were selected as virgins and crossed with FM7i,GFP/Y males. Each female of the F2 generation was isolated individually as a virgin and crossed with FM7i,GFP/Y males to establish stable stocks. Progeny from these crosses were assessed for presence of the wap mutation by observing the Bar-eye phenotype associated with the FM7i, GFP balancer. The presence of male offspring with wild-type eye morphology indicated that the lethal wap mutation could not be present in the generated stock. To screen for the presence of the rP289-lacZ transgenic marker, two adult flies from each line positive for the wap mutation were filleted and stained overnight at 37° in XGAL solution [1× PBS, 100 mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 100 mM K3[Fe(CN)6], 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, and 0.2% w/v X-Gal (Sigma)]. Stocks positive for both the wap mutation and the rP298-lacZ transgene were used in the pupal dissections described below. Both the wap2 and wap9 alleles were used for these crosses.

DNA methods

The coding sequence for wap was amplified from wild-type and wapx/Y mutants, using primers of the sequences 5′-gaggagtagtggacatcagc and 5′-gtcgcgctgccgaaagtcccg. The region amplified was sequenced using BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems Inc.). Sequences were edited, aligned, and analyzed using Sequencher (v. 4.10.1) software.

The wild-type region, after sequencing, was cloned into the pCaSpeR-4 transformation vector (Thummel et al. 1988) and injected into y w embryos for generation of transgenic rescue lines.

Paraffin sectioning, cryosectioning, and immunofluorescence

Preparation, sectioning, and staining for paraffin-embedded samples were as described by Cripps et al. (1998). Sections were cut at 10-µm thickness and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Sigma). Stained slides were dehydrated through 100% ethanol, soaked in xylene, and mounted in Cytoseal-XYL (VWR Scientific Products).

Cryosections were prepared by removing pharate pupae from the pupal case, embedding in Optimal Cutting Temperature (OCT) medium, and freezing. Sections were cut at 10-µm thickness at −18° and air dried. Samples were fixed for 10 min at room temperature with 3.7% v/v formaldehyde in PBTx [1× PBS, 0.2% v/v Triton-X100, 0.2% w/v Blocking Agent (Roche)], washed, and used for antibody staining as described below.

For pupal dissections to assess founder cell specification, new white prepupae were selected and aged until the appropriate time for dissection. Pupal samples were dissected in a Sylgard-coated petri dish (Dow Corning) and pinned open. Samples were fixed for 30 min on ice in 5% formaldehyde in 1× PBS, washed in PBTx, then subjected to blocking, and incubated with antibody (described below).

Fixed and washed samples were stained with antibodies as described by Patel (1994) and modified by Molina and Cripps (2001). Primary antibodies used for cryosections were anti-βPS-integrin 1:10 (Brower et al. 1984) (University of Iowa Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank). For pupal dissections, primary antibodies used were mouse anti-β-galactosidase 1:400 (Promega) and rabbit anti-MEF2 1:1000 (Lilly et al. 1995) (provided by Bruce Paterson, National Institutes of Health). For immunofluorescence of sections, Alexa-conjugated (Molecular Probes) secondary antibodies were mixed with Alexa-488 phalloidin at 1:500 (Molecular Probes) and with 2 µg/ml DAPI (Sigma). Alexa-conjugated secondary antibodies were diluted to 1:2000 for pupal stains.

For analysis of the crossveins of the adult wings, wings were mounted as described in Jaramillo et al. (2009). Briefly, wings were removed from adult flies and stored overnight in 70% (v/v) ethanol. Wings were transferred twice into 100% ethanol and soaked in 100% xylene prior to being mounted in Cytoseal-XYL (VWR Scientific Products) for imaging.

An Olympus BX-51 stereomicroscope with DIC or fluorescence optics was used to collect images. Adobe Photoshop was used to compile digitally collected images into figures.


wap mutants are characterized by three phenotypes

Since one signaling pathway involved in wing crossvein development is also involved in proper jump-muscle development (Jaramillo et al. 2009), mutants with defects in the crossveins of the adult wings were examined to determine if these mutants also exhibited TDT defects. One such mutant was wap, characterized by three phenotypes (Figure 1). First, in the wing of an adult wild-type fly, there are five longitudinal veins and two crossveins (Figure 1A); in ∼10% of wings apart mutants, there are supernumerary crossveins located between the second and third longitudinal veins (Lifschytz and Falk 1969; Schalet and Lefevre 1973; arrows in Figure 1B). Second, in paraffin sections of the thoracic muscles of wild-type and wap mutant flies, we observed the wild-type jump muscle organized in a rosette pattern, located between the DVM I and DVM II muscles (Figure 1C) while in the mutant the TDT was absent, although none of the other major thoracic muscles were affected (asterisk in Figure 1D). Third, wap mutants are semilethal as homozygotes or hemizygotes (Schalet 1972), and this semilethal phenotype was observed in heteroallelic combinations of three wap alleles (Figure 1E). The rare wap adult escapers showed very low mobility, held their wings slightly down and to the side of the body, and died soon after eclosion. Since the phenotypes were observed in all homozygous, heteroallelic, and hemizygous lines of wap mutants that we were able to examine, we conclude that the phenotypes all arise from mutation of the same gene.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

wap mutants show three phenotypes. (A and B) In the wings, whereas wild-type (WT) wings have two crossveins (A), a proportion of wap mutants show additional crossveins between L2 and L3 (B, arrows). (C and D) In horizontal sections of the adult throrax, wild type shows a prominent tubular jump muscle, the TDT muscle (C, arrow); by contrast, wap mutants do not have a detectable jump muscle (D, asterisk). DLM, dorsal longitudinal indirect flight muscle; DVM, dorsoventral indirect flight muscle. (E) Compared to control female siblings, whose viability is normalized to 1.0, wap heteroallelic combinations show extremely low viability. n represents the total number of females scored from a cross of FM7/wapx females crossed to wapy/Dp(1;Y)y+mal171 males, in which 50% of the female progeny would be expected to be of the heteroallelic genotype. Bar, 400 µm for A and B; 50 µm for C and D.

wap is located in region 20C in the proximal X chromosome

Mapping of the wap mutations by Lifschytz and Falk (1969) suggested that wap is located on the proximal X chromosome in region 20A3-4. To more precisely localize the transcriptional unit affected by the wap mutation, each of the wap mutant alleles was crossed for complementation analysis with a series of deficiency lines. The deficiencies are denoted in Figure 2 as red bars. Deficiencies used in the complementation analysis were Df(1)Exel6255 (Exelixis Inc.), Df(1)BSC708, Df(1)LB6, Df(1)54, Df(1)DCB1-35c, Df(1)DCB1-35b, and Df(1)R8A (Schalet and Finnerty 1968; Schalet and Lefevre 1973; Rahman and Lindsley 1981).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Summary of genetic and genomic mapping of wap on the proximal X chromosome. From the top: genomic coordinates, followed by the approximate locations of genes that have yet to be annotated, based upon our deletion and duplication mapping. Annotated genes are named and shown as blue boxes, with light blue denoting genes transcribed toward the centromere and darker blue denoting genes transcribed away from the centromere. Estimated cytology is indicated. Red boxes denote extent of indicated deficiencies; light red regions denote uncertainties in locations of breakpoints. Blue boxes at bottom represent the extents of named duplications.

Aggregate results from complementation mapping of three wap alleles with the deficiency lines are shown in Table 1. The deficiencies Df(1)BSC708, Df(1)LB6, and Df(1)R8A complement wap alleles, whereas four deletions, Df(1)Exel6255, Df(1)54, Df(1)DCB1-35c, and Df(1)DCB1-35b, are semilethal when heterozygous with wap mutant alleles (Table 1). These data indicate that the region proximal to the Df(1)BSC708 deletion, and distal to the Df(1)R8A deletion, is the region in which wap is located. To confirm that these escapers show all three previously described wap phenotypes, the wings and thoraxes of females heterozygous for the deficiencies and wap were analyzed for the presence of the wing and TDT phenotypes characteristic of wap. We found that those heterozygous females from the deficiency lines that complemented wap had normal wing-vein patterning and that the jump muscle was present (Figure 3, A and B, results from Df(1)BSC708/wap2 shown). The escapers from the semilethal heterozygotes exhibited an additional crossvein between the second and third longitudinal vein, characteristic of wap homozygous mutants (Figure 3C). Moreover, the jump muscle in almost all of these heterozygous females was completely absent (Figure 3D, results from Df(1)Exel6255/wap2 shown). It is important to note that, although almost all escapers lack the jump muscle, in a small percentage of the escapers (3%; n = 64), the TDT was present (inset in Figure 3D). However, in these cases, the muscle exhibited highly abnormal morphology and a >60% reduction in the number of fibers compared to wild-type jump muscle (2–5 fibers per muscle in mutants, compared with 30–32 fibers in wild type).

Table 1. Deficiency mapping of proximal X-chromosome point mutations.

Mutation mapped
Deficiency tested l(1)G0179 eo intro wap uncl soz l(1)20Cb l(1)20Ca
Df(1)BSC708 + + + + + + +
Df(1)LB6 + + + + + +
Df(1)54 + + +
Df(1)Exel6255 + + + +
Df(1)DCB1-35c + + + + + +
Df(1)DCB1-35b NT +
Df(1)R8A + + + + + + +

“+” indicates that the heteroallelic combination was viable; “−” indicates that the heteroallelic combination was lethal or semilethal; NT indicates that the combination was not tested.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Deletion and duplication mapping of the wap wing and jump-muscle phenotypes. (A and B) Df(1)BSC708 does not uncover the wing and jump-muscle phenotypes of wap2. (C and D) Df(1)Exel6255 deletes the wap locus, since Df(1)Exel6255/wap2 combinations show ectopic wing veins (arrow in C) and a loss of the jump muscle (asterisk in D). Inset in D shows a rare residual jump muscle observed in a Df(1)54/wap2 female. (E and F) Df(1)Exel6255/wap2 phenotypes can be rescued by Dp(1;3)DC389. Bar, 400 µm for A, C, and E; 50 µm for B, D, and F.

Since the annotated breakpoints (FlyBase FB2012_02) of some of the deficiency lines used in this study [Df(1)LB6, Df(1)54, Df(1)DCB1-35c, Df(1)DCB1-35b, and Df(1)R8A] have not been mapped to exact genomic coordinates, we sought to refine our mapping by performing complementation tests of the deficiencies themselves. Since the exact breakpoints of the deficiencies are unknown, those genes estimated to be located in region 20C1 and that are deleted by Df(1)Exel6255 cannot be ruled out as candidates for wap. Results shown in Table 2 demonstrate complementation of Df(1)LB6 with Df(1)DCB1-35c, suggesting that the proximal breakpoint for Df(1)LB6 is to the left (i.e., centromere distal) of the distal breakpoint for Df(1)DCB1-35c. The proximal breakpoints for Df(1)54 and Df(1)DCB1-35c are left of the distal breakpoint for Df(1)R8A, as both of these are complemented by the Df(1)R8A deficiency (Table 2, last column). The distal breakpoint of Df(1)R8A is also more proximal than the proximal breakpoint of Df(1)Exel6255, as inferred from complementation between these two deficiencies. The Df(1)DCB1-35b deficiency spans the entire region tested, as previously reported (Schalet and Finnerty 1968), and does not complement Df(1)R8A.

Table 2. Complementation tests of proximal X-chromosome deficiencies.

Deficiency mapped
Deficiency tested Df(1)BSC708 Df(1)LB6 Df(1)54 Df(1)Exel6255 Df(1)DCB1-35c Df(1)DCB1-35b Df(1)R8A
Df(1)BSC708 +
Df(1)LB6 + +
Df(1)54 +
Df(1)Exel6255 +
Df(1)DCB1-35c +

“−” indicates that the heteroallelic combination was lethal; “+” indicates that the combination was viable.

While the mapping of the deficiencies resolved some of the deficiency breakpoints, it was still not adequate to completely refine the map of this genetic region. Additional mutations located within the same region of the proximal X chromosome, for which the corresponding transcriptional units have yet to be identified from among the annotated gene models, were assessed using complementation mapping. These mutations are thought to affect predominantly single genes rather than multiple genes. If the mapping has sufficient resolution, candidate genes for the different mutants could be inferred (Table 1, mutants arranged according to the predicted order on the chromosome).

The mutant/Deficiency complementation data indicated that the locations of the mutations, relative to each of the other mutations tested, remained in the original map order, with the exception of l(1)20Ca and l(1)20Cb, for which the order was switched. However, the regions to which each of these mutations are located on the chromosome map did change, as discussed below.

The results presented in Table 1 indicate that the mutant l(1)G0179 was deleted by both Df(1)LB6 and Df(1)54, but not by the other deletions. l(1)G0179 is complemented by Df(1)BSC708, suggesting that its actual location on the chromosome is distal to estimated region 19E7, where the breakpoint of Df(1)BSC708 is located [based upon annotation of cytological regions relative to annotated genomic coordinates on FlyBase (FB2012_02)]. The results also suggest that the distal breakpoint of Df(1)54 extends even further distal to its estimated breakpoint of 19F1 and to the mapped breakpoint of Df(1)BSC708, although the exact extent of the deletion remains unknown.

Table 1 also indicated that the lethal extra organs mutation (eo, FBgn0000580) lies between the Df(1)BSC708 and Df(1)DCB1-35c deficiencies but was not complemented by Df(1)LB6, suggesting that the proximal breakpoint for the Df(1)LB6 deficiency is to the right of the proximal breakpoint for Df(1)BSC708.

The complementation results for the introverted (intro, FBgn0001268) mutation were very similar to those obtained for the wap mutation (Table 1 and Figure 2). For both of these mutants, the mutation was localized to the region between the proximal breakpoint of Df(1)LB6 and between the proximal and distal breakpoints of Df(1)DCB1-35c.

At least one mutant allele of the uncoordinated-like (uncl, FBgn0003951) gene was complemented by all the deficiencies except Df(1)54 and Df(1)DCB1-35b. This suggested that uncl lies proximal to Df(1)Exel6255 and distal to Df(1)R8A. What is also suggested by these results is that one breakpoint of the Df(1)54 deficiency must also be found within the region between the breakpoints of these deficiencies. It is important to note that results were not consistent between the two uncl alleles used for the mapping. A condition for lethality in this analysis was that the deficiency tested must fail to complement all alleles tested for a specific mutant. The analysis of these mutant alleles indicated that the uncl1 allele was lethal with all deficiencies except Df(1)LB6, suggesting that additional mutations may be present in the proximal region of the X chromosome in uncl1 mutants.

Both the sozzled (soz, FBgn0001568) and l(1)20Ca (FBgn0001569) mutants were complemented by all the deficiencies except Df(1)DCB1-35c. This indicates that the location of these two mutations lies between the breakpoints of Df(1)Exel6255 and Df(1)R8A and proximal to uncl and the proximal breakpoint of Df(1)54. Finally, the l(1)20Cb (FBgn0001570) mutant was complemented by all deficiencies, except for Df(1)R8A.

To provide additional rigor to the deletion mapping data, each mutation tested in the above experiments was also subjected to complementation experiments using duplication lines (blue bars in Figure 2) to determine if the duplications were capable of rescuing the phenotype observed in the mutants (Table 3). The duplication lines selected were those that span the region deleted by the Df(1)Exel6255 deficiency, since this deletion failed to complement wap; moreover, the breakpoints of this deficiency have been molecularly mapped. Not all of the duplications were tested with all the mutations, since the deficiency analysis suggested that some point mutations cannot be located in the regions duplicated. The analysis showed that, consistent with our deficiency screen data, the l(1)G0179, l(1)20Cb, and l(1)20Ca mutations could not be rescued by any of the duplication constructs tested.

Table 3. Duplication mapping of proximal X-chromosome point mutations.

Mutation mapped
Duplication tested eo Intro wap Deficiency/wap uncl soz
Dp(1;3)DC382 NT NT
Dp(1;3)DC383 NT
Dp(1;3)DC384 NT NT
Dp(1;3)DC389 + + +
Dp(1;3)DC390 NT NT +

“+” indicates that the heteroallelic combination was viable; “−” indicates that the heteroallelic combination was lethal or semilethal; NT indicates that the combination was not tested.

The eo mutation also could not be rescued by any of the tested duplications. This could be due to the presence of more than one lethal mutation on the eo mutant chromosome, or perhaps the entire region required for expression of the eo gene product or some key regulatory region is not duplicated by the duplication line being tested. It was not surprising that the uncl mutation could not be rescued by any of the duplications, since the results from the deficiency screen suggested that multiple sites on the X chromosome were affected in the uncl mutation. soz was rescued by the Dp(1;3)DC390 duplication, refining the location of this gene to the region mapped in the complementation analysis.

Data presented in Table 3 also indicate the ability of Dp(1;3)DC389 to rescue both intro and wap. This alone suggested that both intro and wap are located in the 92,593-bp region duplicated by Dp(1;3)DC389. When Df(1)Exel6255/FM7a; Dp(1;3)DC389/Dp(1;3)DC389 females were crossed with wap2/Dp(1,Y)y+mal171 males, Df(1)Exel6255/wap2 females, which were lethal in the absence of the duplication, were viable in the presence of the duplication (Table 3). We were also able to rescue Df(1)DCB1-35c/wap2 females with the Dp(1;3)DC389 duplication using the same approach; however, this result was less significant considering that the Df(1)DCB1-35c deficiency can itself be fully rescued by the Dp(1;3)DC389 duplication (data not shown). Thoraxes from both the Df(1)Exel6255/wap2; Dp(1;3)DC389/+ females (Figure 3F) and the Df(1)DCB1-35c/wap2; Dp(1;3)DC389/+ females (not shown) had a fully formed jump muscle, and these flies also exhibited normal wing crossvein development (Figure 3E). A few wap escapers eclosed from the lines with the Dp(1;3)DC383, Dp(1;3)DC386, and Dp(1;3)DC388 duplications. These flies were not considered rescued by the duplications, as all escapers died shortly after eclosion, a subset of them had extra wing veins, and all lacked the jump muscles (data not shown).

CG14614 is the gene responsible for wap function

Both wap and intro are found within the region defined by Df(1)Exel6255, Df(1)DCB1-35c, and Dp(1;3)DC389. Seven genes are found in this region: CG14614 (FBgn0031186), CG14619 (FBgn0031187), CG14613 (FBgn0031188), CG14618 (FBgn0031189), CG12576 (FBgn0031190), Cp110 (FBgn0031191), and l(1)G0196 (FBgn0027279). wap was complemented by a l(1)G0196 mutant, suggesting that l(1)G0196 is not the gene responsible for the wap phenotype (data not shown). For the other genes in the region, RNAi was performed to knock down expression of the products encoded by each gene, using the well-established Drosophila Gal4/UAS system (Brand and Perrimon 1993). By individually knocking down expression of each of the remaining candidate genes, the wap phenotypes should be recapitulated when the correct gene is knocked down. The constitutively expressed Gal4 lines tub-Gal4 and da-Gal4 were used to carry out the knockdown experiments.

Results of the knockdown experiments with both the tub-Gal4 (Lee and Luo 1999) and da-Gal4 (Dura 2005) drivers are summarized in Figure 4A. Knockdown of CG14613 was not tested due to unavailability of an RNAi construct, and thus we cannot assess its contribution to the wings-apart phenotype. No lethality was observed in a CG14618 knockdown, and all eclosed flies had a normal jump muscle. This gene was therefore ruled out as a candidate for wap. Viability was also observed when da-Gal4 was used to knock down CG14619 (line 37929), CG12576 (line 51205), and Cp110 (all lines). Lethality was observed when da-Gal4 was used to drive knockdown of CG14614 and a different line targeting CG14619 (line 37930). The tub-Gal4 driver resulted in lethality when used to knock down CG14614, CG14619 (both lines), CG12576 (line 104261), and Cp110 (line 101161). All but one (CG12576) of the lethal tub-Gal4 knockdowns were lethal in the pupal stage. We were able to rule out CG12576 as a candidate for wap since wap mutants survive until the pupal stage, leaving CG14614, CG14619, CG14613, and Cp110 as the remaining candidates for the gene responsible for the wap phenotype.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Effects of RNAi knockdown of gene candidates for wap. (A) Candidate genes that are annotated on the genome map were knocked down using UAS-RNAi, controlled by the ubiquitous drivers tub-Gal4 or da-Gal4. For each gene targeted, we show the line supplied by the Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center (VDRC); the number of off-targets predicted for the RNAi; and the viability and jump-muscle phenotypes observed in the knockdown animals. (B–D) Representative immunofluorescent images of horizontal sections through the thorax of knockdown animals. (B) Wild-type animals show the appearance of the jump muscle. (C and D) Knockdown of Cp110 or CG14619 does not affect jump-muscle formation. Note the disorganized muscles in the CG14619 knockdown that results from a failure to evert the head (arrowhead in D) during pupal development. (E–G) Knockdown of CG14614 causes a severe reduction in the number of fibers in the jump muscle and defects in the cross-sectional shape of the muscle. Arrows in all panels denote the jump muscle; asterisk denotes absence of jump muscle. Sections were stained for F-actin (green), βPS integrin (red), and DAPI (blue). Bar, 50 µm.

We next determined if the wap TDT phenotype was reproduced in any of the pupal lethal knockdown flies. Since CG14614, CG14619, and Cp110 are all lethal in the pupal stage, pharate adults were removed from their pupal cases and cryogenically sectioned to assess jump-muscle morphology. In stained cryosections of wild-type animals, the jump muscle is positioned on the lateral side of the thorax between DVM I and DVM II (Figure 4B, arrow). The TDTs of Cp110 and CG14619 knockdown flies developed normally (Figure 4, C and D, arrows), allowing these gene models to be ruled out as candidates for wap. Interestingly, CG14619 knockdown pharate adults recapitulated the phenotype observed in intro mutants, with head structures within the thoracic area (Figure 4D, arrowhead) and a failure of both head eversion and leg and wing disc elongation (data not shown). This observation provisionally identified CG14619 as the gene affected in intro mutants. It should be noted, however, that the RNAi lines used for CG14619 knockdown each have 23 off-targets, although none of the 23 genes map to the proximal X chromosome. Thus, our assignment of CG14619 as intro is only tentative.

Importantly, knockdown of CG14614 resulted in flies either with absent jump muscles (asterisk in Figure 4F) or with severely reduced TDT fiber numbers (Figure 4, E and G, arrows). There were also some flies that exhibited both phenotypes, with a reduced jump muscle on one side of the thorax and a missing jump muscle on the contralateral side. These results strongly suggest that CG14614 is the transcriptional unit associated with the wap phenotype.

Knockdown of CG14614 did not recapitulate the wing-vein phenotypes that was observed in a subset of wap mutants, but since the wing-vein phenotype is not fully penetrant, it is most likely that we have simply yet to sample sufficient flies to observe this effect. In addition, many of the eclosed adults fail to expand their wings prior to death, making it difficult to determine if a subtle wing-vein defect was present.

Genomic duplication of CG14614 rescues the wap jump-muscle phenotype

The data presented above provide strong evidence that wap corresponds to CG14614. To fully confirm this conclusion, we determined if a duplication containing only the CG14614 locus was able to rescue any of the phenotypes of wap mutants. To achieve this, we amplified by PCR genomic DNA containing the entire CG14614 transcribed region and cloned this DNA into a vector for generating transgenic animals. The genomic rescue fragment is indicated as a black bar in Figure 5A. Transgenic animals containing the amplified DNA were generated, and homozygous stocks were established and designated as P[CG14614].

Figure 5.

Figure 5

CG14614 is the gene affected in wap. (A) Higher detail of genomic region included in the Dp(1;3)DC389 duplication. Note that only five annotated genes are contained within this deficiency. Black bar denotes the wild-type rescue construct for CG14614. (B and C) Stained cryosections of wap mutants rescued using the introduced genomic fragment described in A. Note that wap2/Y shows partial rescue of the jump muscle (arrow in B), while wap9/Y shows complete rescue of the jump muscle (arrow in C). (D) Domain structures of wild-type and mutant CG14614 proteins and the zebrafish ortholog, Wdr68. Note the premature stop codon in the wap2 isoform. Bar, 50 µm.

We next crossed FM7/wapx females to homozygous males carrying the transgenic DNA and analyzed the phenotypes of wapx/Y; P[CG14614]/+ offspring. The transgene did not effectively rescue the lethality of wap2 or wap9, yet when we analyzed pharate adults for jump-muscle formation, there was a significant rescue of the muscle phenotype: wap2/Y mutants, which normally never show the presence of a jump muscle, had a TDT present in the rescued animals, although it was reduced in size (Figure 5B); more significantly, wap9/Y males that also carried the transgene showed a complete rescue of the jump-muscle phenotype (Figure 5C). It is unclear why the transgene did not rescue the lethality of the wap2 and wap9 alleles. One possibility is that each mutant has a closely linked second-site lethal mutation. Since wap2 and wap9 were isolated in separate screens, the linked mutations would each have to have independently arisen, and they must be very closely linked to wap because Dp(1;3)DC389 rescues both mutants. This could be resolved by determining if the transgene can rescue wap2/wap9 trans-heterozygotes. Another possibility is that the genomic rescue construct does not contain enough flanking DNA to express wap in the tissues where it is required for viability. Since we have not mapped the regulatory regions of wap, this remains the most reasonable explanation. Nevertheless, the rescue of the muscle phenotype of the wap mutants overall provided further support for the hypothesis that CG14614 corresponds to wap.

In a further experiment, we sequenced the coding regions of wap2 and wap9, following PCR of genomic DNA isolated from hemizygous males. We were unable to collect sufficient DNA to sequence the coding region of the wap3 mutant because the wap3 chromosome also carries a deletion that causes early lethality. We did not observe an alteration in the coding region of wap9, but the wap2 allele had a non-sense mutation at codon 319 of the sequence. This change is predicted to result in the formation of a product lacking the last 25 amino acids (Figure 5D). CG14614 is highly orthologous to Wdr68 in zebrafish and murine DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 7. These are WD40 repeat proteins implicated in neuromuscular development (see Discussion for more details). The murine ortholog is 91% similar to CG14614, and the C-terminal amino acids missing in the wap2 isoform of CG14614 are conserved in the mouse isoform. Thus, the residues missing in the truncation mutant likely represent functionally important residues. Since no changes were observed in the coding region of wap9, we propose that this mutation arises from alteration of noncoding regulatory sequences. While we did not carry out quantitative RT-PCR to determine CG14614 expression levels in the mutants, it seems likely that transcript levels would be reduced in the mutant animals.

Altogether, we demonstrate the following: that RNAi knockdown of CG14614 phenocopies the wap lethality and jump-muscle phenotypes; that the jump-muscle phenotype of wap was rescued using transgenic CG14614; and that a point mutation is present in the CG14614 coding region from a wap2 mutant. These data provide compelling evidence that CG14614 is the gene affected in wap mutants.

Jump-muscle founder cells are specified early in development in wap mutants but are later lost

Founder myoblasts are required for the proper specification of individual skeletal muscles in Drosophila. Since these cells have all the genetic information to give the muscle its unique identity, and since the wap muscle phenotype is specific to the jump muscle, we hypothesized that jump-muscle-specific founder cells are not specified in wap mutants. The wap2 and wap9 mutations were recombined with the founder cell marker duf-lacZ (also referred to as rP298), which shows nuclear lacZ expression in all muscle founder cells. Wild-type and mutant pupae were dissected during early pupal formation, when the jump-muscle fibers are being specified (Fernandes and VijayRaghavan 1993). Dissected samples were stained for the myoblast nuclei marker MEF2 (red) and for β-Gal expressed by the rP298-lacZ marker of founder cell nuclei (green). Our results indicated that founder cells were specified early in development but were later lost (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Figure 6

wap mutants generate muscle precursors that subsequently are lost. Control (left) and wap mutant (right) pupae were collected at the indicated pupal time points and stained for the indicated markers. (A–D) Note that the founder cells for the jump muscle, visualized by ß-gal accumulation in the rP298 background, are specified normally in the wap mutants, but that the muscle is lost by 24 h APF. Bar, 50 µm.

As early as 16 hr after puparium formation (APF), formation of the jump muscle was apparent between the dorsoventral indirect flight muscles DVM I and DVM II, which were used as landmarks for the location of the TDT (not shown). By 18–20 hr APF, the jump muscles of FM7i/rP298-lacZ wap pupae had more structured musculature, and the presence of numerous TDT-specific founder cells was evident (green-labeled cells, Figure 6A). By contrast, the 18- to 20-hr APF rP298-lacZ wap/Y samples had largely reduced staining of jump-muscle-specific founder cells, but did not exhibit a reduction in founder cell staining in the developing DVMs (Figure 6B). Additionally, the mutant jump muscle (Figure 6B) was much less organized compared with the ordered nature of the wild-type TDT (Figure 6A). By 24 hr APF, the FM7i/rP298-lacZ wap pupal musculature had a well-developed muscle pattern, with the jump muscle nestled between the DVMs (Figure 6C). By contrast, in the 24-hr APF mutant rP298-lacZ wap/Y males, the TDT was completely absent (Figure 6D). There was not an obvious difference in the number of myoblasts contributing to the jump muscle in mutants vs. wild type, although it remains a formal possibility that myoblast number was also affected.

These data demonstrated the requirement for wap function early in jump-muscle development. Although specification and myoblast fusion were initiated in wap mutants, development was not sustained, and the nascent jump muscles did not continue development. Clearly, wap function is required to sustain the development of these muscles.

CG14614 is required in both neurons and muscles for normal development

Previous studies involving indirect flight muscle development have shown that disruption of neuronal restructuring during muscle development can result in degeneration of the muscle target (Fernandes and VijayRaghavan 1993). Due to the dependence of muscle formation and neuron developmental pathways on one another, we examined the impact of neuron-targeted knockdown of wap (CG14614) on jump-muscle development. In addition, we also determined if wap function in myoblasts and developing muscles was required for normal TDT formation. The results are summarized in Figure 7A.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Tissue-specific knockdowns demonstrate that wap functions in both muscle and neuronal cells to sustain jump-muscle development. Tissue-specific Gal4 drivers were used to knock down wap function in either all cells (tub-Gal4), adult muscles (1151-Gal4), neurons (elav-Gal4), or both muscles and neurons (1151-Gal4 and elav-Gal4). (A) Summary of effects of tissue-specific wap knockdown upon viability and jump-muscle fiber number. Note that viability is more severely reduced using the neuronal driver, but a stronger muscle phenotype is apparent using the 1151-Gal4 driver. Using a combination of drivers does not enhance the jump-muscle phenotype. (B–E) Representative immunofluorescent images of the global and tissue-specific knockdowns. Note the reduction in (arrow), or absence of (asterisk), the jump muscle. Bar, 50 µm.

When wap function was knocked down in myoblasts and developing muscles using the 1151-Gal4 driver (Anant et al. 1998), there was a significant reduction in the size of the jump muscle and in the number of fibers that constituted the muscles. Whereas the TDT in control animals has >25 fibers per muscle (Jaramillo et al. 2009) (Figure 7A), 1151 > wap RNAi animals had jump muscles containing an average of 7.88 fibers (Figure 7C). We did not jump test these knockdown animals, although our earlier studies demonstrated that a reduction in the number of jump-muscle fibers compromises the ability to jump (Jaramillo et al. 2009). We also used a Mef2-Gal4 driver (Ranganayakulu et al. 1998) to knock down wap function and also saw a significant, albeit more moderate, reduction in the number of jump-muscle fibers. When wap function was knocked down in the nervous system using elav-Gal4, there was also a significant, but less severe, reduction in fiber number (Figure 7D).

We also set up a cross in which both 1151-Gal4 and elav-Gal4 were used to knock down wap function. In this case, the effect on fiber number was no greater than that observed for the 1151-Gal4 driver alone (Figure 7E).

We conclude from these data that the predominant function of wap in jump-muscle formation is in the myoblasts and developing muscles. Since the 1151-Gal4 driver also is active in tendon cells (Soler et al. 2004), it is also possible that wap function in these cells contributes to jump-muscle formation. Interestingly, there was a significantly reduced viability in elav > wap RNAi flies (Figure 7A). This indicates that, separate from the requirement for wap in the muscles, there is a requirement for wap function in the nervous system for normal viability.


In this article we have identified a new function for the wings-apart gene in controlling formation of the jump muscles in the Drosophila adult. This phenotype is in addition to the lethality and frequent wing crossvein defects that have been described in the past for this mutant (Schalet 1972; Schalet and Lefevre 1973). We further demonstrate that wap is allelic to the annotated gene CG14614, using RNAi, sequencing of a wap mutant allele, and genetic rescue of the jump-muscle phenotype. Finally, we demonstrate that wap functions predominantly in the developing muscles to sustain myotube survival early during the pupal stage, but that it has a vital function in the nervous system. The pleiotropic effects and the requirements for wap function in a number of different tissues are consistent with its broad and robust expression in many Drosophila tissues throughout development (Graveley et al. 2011).

What is the function of the protein generated by wap? The wings apart mutant affects not only the adult wing, but also the viability of the flies and the formation of the jump muscle. The observed TDT phenotype is similar to that of crossveinless (cv, FBgn0000394) mutants and other BMP pathway mutants (Jaramillo et al. 2009) but does not exhibit the same wing crossvein phenotype as in those mutants. Since cv mutants that lacked the posterior crossvein of the adult wing also showed decreased numbers of TDT muscle fibers, and since wap mutants have extra wing crossveins, we initially predicted the wap mutants to have increased fiber number in the jump muscle. This was not the case. However, the observed downregulation of TDT formation by the wap mutant can be explained by at least two different possibilities.

The first possibility is that wap is involved in the TGFβ-signaling pathway, like cv, but may interact with components of the pathway that do not interact with cv. The TGFβ pathway has many different ligands, different types of receptors, and a number of intracellular components that associate with each other in varying combinations in a context-dependent manner (Khalsa et al. 1998). MAN1 (FBgn0034964) protein products antagonize the TGFβ pathway (Wagner et al. 2010) and MAN1 mutation leads to the presence of ectopic wing crossveins (Pinto et al. 2008). These mutants do not have an observable muscle defect nor abnormal neuromuscular junctions, but affect synaptic transmission, providing further evidence for context dependence in TGFβ-signaling activity.

A second possibility is that, although wap acts on the same tissues as cv and other TGFβ pathway components, it may be part of a different signaling pathway. The Epidermal Growth Factor receptor (Egfr, FBgn0003731) pathway is required for the proper formation of wing crossveins (Ralston and Blair 2005) and also functions in the formation of muscles (Maqbool and Jagla 2007). Angulo et al. (2004) show that absent, small, or homeotic discs 2 (ash2, FBgn0000139) represses EGFR signaling. Mutations in ash2 also result in ectopic wing veins (Angulo et al. 2004) and neural defects (Beltran et al. 2003).

However, MAN1 mutants do not show jump-muscle defects (data not shown), and there is no observed genetic interaction between wap mutants and null alleles of genes functioning in either the TGFβ or EGF pathways (data not shown). These observations suggest that wap functions through yet another mechanism.

The predicted protein product of wap has a WD40 repeat domain, and genes orthologous to wap are found in organisms ranging from yeast to plants to humans. Orthologs include the TTG1 gene that regulates root, shoot, and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis (Walker et al. 1999) and vertebrate craniofacial and muscle patterning genes (Nissen et al. 2006). WD40 repeat proteins mediate protein–protein interactions and contain 4–10 repeating units of 44–60 residues ending in tryptophan and aspartate (WD) (reviewed in Holm et al. 2001 and Suganuma et al. 2008). These repeats form propeller-like structures, termed β-propellers, created by the folding of four antiparallel β-sheets (reviewed in Holm et al. 2001). This protein family is known to have roles in signal transduction, messenger RNA processing, gene regulation, vesicular trafficking, and regulation of the cell cycle (reviewed in Skurat and Dietrich 2004 and in Suganuma et al. 2008). These findings are consistent with the premise that genes whose mutants have pleiotropic effects can be members of broadly used biological pathways.

One particular vertebrate ortholog for wap is wdr68, which is involved in craniofacial patterning in zebrafish (Nissen et al. 2006). Another orthologous gene has been isolated in rabbit skeletal muscle as DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7 (DCAF7) (Skurat and Dietrich 2004). The zebrafish severe craniofacial defect observed in wdr68 mutants can be rescued by expression of Drosophila wap, suggesting that the function of the wdr68 gene is conserved in animals from invertebrates to vertebrates, even in developmental processes such as craniofacial development that are not found in invertebrates (Nissen et al. 2006).

Studies in vertebrates also demonstrate that Wdr68/DCAF7 associates with members of the dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase gene family, Dyrk1a and Dyrk1b, and probably functions within the nucleus. Dyrk1a plays a role in phosphorylation of glycogen synthase and is expressed at high levels in the central nervous system, heart, and skeletal muscle (Skurat and Dietrich 2004). Mutations in Dyrk1a genes in humans and mice are associated with neurological defects (Martinez De Lagran et al. 2004). Dyrk1b, which is activated by Rho-GTPase family members, has increased expression in skeletal muscles and regulates the transition from growth to differentiation. Knockdown in mouse C2C12 cell lines results in a loss of myogenin expression and leads to failure in muscle differentiation (Deng et al. 2003). Dyrk1 also has a conserved function between vertebrates and invertebrates. The Drosophila gene minibrain (mnb) is a functional ortholog of vertebrate Dyrk1a and is required for proper formation of post-embryonic neurons (Tejedor et al. 1995; reviewed in Kinstrie et al. 2006). Thus, there is developing evidence that wap and mnb each function in a conserved pathway to regulate muscle and/or neuron development. In the future, it will be interesting to determine if Mnb protein colocalizes with Wap protein and whether mnb also acts in the same pathway as wap.


We thank Bruce Paterson for anti-MEF2, TyAnna Lovato for assistance with cryosectioning and generating transgenic flies, and William Gelbart for valuable discussions of this work. We acknowledge technical support from the Department of Biology at the University of New Mexico Molecular Biology Facility, which is supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant P20 GM103452 from the Institute Development Award Program of the National Center for Research Resources. This research was supported by NIH grant R01 GM061738 (to R.M.C.). G.R.M. was supported by an NIH Initiatives to Maximize Student Diversity grant (R25 GM060201). C.T.J. was supported by a Minority Access to Research Careers award (T34 GM008751) and by a diversity supplement to GM061738 from the NIH/National Institute of General Medical Sciences. This research was supported in part by the More Graduate Education at Mountain States Alliance (MGE@MSA) Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement no. HRD-0450137.


Communicating editor: T. Schupbach

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