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. 2014 May;34(9):1547–1563. doi: 10.1128/MCB.01060-13

The TAF9 C-Terminal Conserved Region Domain Is Required for SAGA and TFIID Promoter Occupancy To Promote Transcriptional Activation

Malika Saint a, Sonal Sawhney a, Ishani Sinha a, Rana Pratap Singh a, Rashmi Dahiya a, Anushikha Thakur a, Rahul Siddharthan b, Krishnamurthy Natarajan a,
PMCID: PMC3993605  PMID: 24550006


A common function of the TFIID and SAGA complexes, which are recruited by transcriptional activators, is to deliver TBP to promoters to stimulate transcription. Neither the relative contributions of the five shared TBP-associated factor (TAF) subunits in TFIID and SAGA nor the requirement for different domains in shared TAFs for transcriptional activation is well understood. In this study, we uncovered the essential requirement for the highly conserved C-terminal region (CRD) of Taf9, a shared TAF, for transcriptional activation in yeast. Transcriptome profiling performed under Gcn4-activating conditions showed that the Taf9 CRD is required for induced expression of ∼9% of the yeast genome. The CRD was not essential for the Taf9-Taf6 interaction, TFIID or SAGA integrity, or Gcn4 interaction with SAGA in cell extracts. Microarray profiling of a SAGA mutant (spt20Δ) yielded a common set of genes induced by Spt20 and the Taf9 CRD. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays showed that, although the Taf9 CRD mutation did not impair Gcn4 occupancy, the occupancies of TFIID, SAGA, and the preinitiation complex were severely impaired at several promoters. These results suggest a crucial role for the Taf9 CRD in genome-wide transcription and highlight the importance of conserved domains, other than histone fold domains, as a common determinant for TFIID and SAGA functions.


Biological systems contain several multisubunit transcription complexes bearing one or more shared protein subunits. Such complexes regulate transcription at various levels and are well studied in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (14). Transcriptional activation is a multistep process that regulates gene expression under various conditions. A variety of transcription factors and regulatory complexes are recruited in a specific manner to gene promoters in response to activating stimuli (2, 5).

Gcn4, a master transcriptional activator during amino acid starvation response and other stress (6), binds to the upstream activation sequence (UAS) regions of target promoters and recruits a wide array of coactivators (711), including the SAGA histone acetyltransferase complex and SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex to remodel chromatin. The permissive chromatin then allows stable assembly of the preinitiation complex (PIC), composed of the general transcription factors (GTFs) TFIIA, -B, -D, -E, -F, and -H and RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), in the core promoter region (2, 3, 5, 12). TBP delivery is a key rate-limiting step in the PIC assembly process (13, 14). Two pathways have been identified for TBP delivery: TATA-containing promoters assemble TBP primarily through the SAGA pathway, whereas the TATA-like (noncanonical TATA) promoters assemble TBP through the TFIID pathway (1519).

Genetic and genomic experiments suggest that SAGA and TFIID have redundant roles in transcription (15, 20). Whereas inactivation of the TFIID subunit Taf1 (taf1ts2) or the SAGA subunit Spt3 (spt3Δ) or Gcn5 (gcn5Δ) individually reduced transcription of a limited number of genes, transcription was completely shut down in the taf1 spt3 or taf1 gcn5 double mutants, indicating redundancy of TFIID and SAGA complexes in transcription. However, it is unclear what facets of TFIID and SAGA function are impaired in the double mutant (15, 20).

Since the discovery that 5 of the 14 TBP-associated factors (TAFs) are shared in the TFIID and SAGA complexes (2123), little information has been available about their relative roles in the two complexes. Of central importance is whether the shared TAF subunits have similar roles in the TFIID and SAGA complexes or if they perform complex-specific roles. The shared protein subunits also contain one or more evolutionarily conserved domains (24), and it remains to be seen if such domains contribute differently to TFIID and SAGA complex functions.

Taf9 is an evolutionarily conserved subunit of the SAGA and TFIID complexes. The evolutionary conservation of yeast Taf9 spans the amino-terminal histone H3-like histone fold domain (HFD) and the carboxyl-terminal conserved region domain (CRD), but in higher eukaryotes, an additional carboxyl-terminal extension is present (25). The requirement for Taf9 for transcription was previously studied using conditional alleles or depletion strategies in yeast and higher eukaryotes (2629). However, the mutant yeast taf9 alleles employed had multiple mutations and/or led to a total depletion of the Taf9 mutant protein levels, thereby making it difficult to assess the direct contributions of Taf9.

The Taf9 HFD appears sufficient for dimerization with Taf6, as was evident from the Taf9-Taf6 crystal structure (30), and due to copurification of a C-terminally truncated yeast Taf9 mutant with TFIID (31). The Taf9 C-terminal region interacts with the downstream promoter element (DPE), located around +30 with respect to the transcription start site in Drosophila and humans (25, 32). Studies in mammalian cells showed an intriguing requirement for the C-terminal region for Taf9 interaction with both the zinc finger domain of the hematopoiesis-specific transcription factor EKLF and the DPE of the β-globin gene, an EKLF target (33). The DPE is notably absent in yeast (2, 32). The Taf9 CRD has been shown to be important for interaction of TFIID with the yeast cell cycle regulator Swi6 (31, 34). However, none of the previous studies examined if the Taf9 CRD was required for Taf9 association with SAGA or for SAGA function. Moreover, a requirement for the CRD for genome-wide transcription has also not been probed before.

In this study, we provide several lines of evidence to demonstrate that the evolutionarily conserved Taf9 CRD is a critical domain required for transcriptional activation. The Taf9 CRD is required for induced expression of ∼9% of yeast genes under amino acid starvation conditions. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays showed that promoter occupancy of SAGA, TFIID, and PIC require the Taf9 CRD under Gcn4-activating conditions for several but not all promoters examined. Thus, we have uncovered a critical role for the Taf9 CRD in SAGA- and TFIID-mediated transcriptional activation and PIC assembly at both Gcn4-dependent and -independent promoters in vivo.


Strains, plasmids, and oligonucleotides.

The strains, plasmids, and oligonucleotides used in this study are listed in Tables S1, S2, and S3 in the supplemental material, respectively.

Media and growth conditions.

S. cerevisiae strains were cultured in synthetic complete (SC) medium containing 1.5 g/liter Bacto-Yeast Nitrogen Base with ammonium sulfate with added amino acid supplements or in yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) medium. Yeast cells were cultured in SC-Leu-Ile-Val medium with sulfometuron methyl (SM) to impose amino acid starvation conditions, using different concentrations of SM, as indicated.

Error-prone PCR mutagenesis and gap repair cloning of Taf9 mutants.

Random mutations were introduced into the TAF9 gene by error-prone PCR using Taq DNA polymerase (35). Each 100-μl reaction mixture contained 1.75 mM MgCl2, 0.25 mM MnCl2, 0.4 mM (each) dCTP, dTTP, and dGTP, and 0.1 mM dATP, as well as 0.3 μM (each) forward and reverse primers, ON294 and ON299, respectively; 2.5 U Taq DNA polymerase; and 0.4 ng of plasmid Sp1 as template DNA. The PCR products were digested with EcoRV. The vector Sp1 was cut with BseJI and BamHI, and the gapped vector and insert were mixed in a molar ratio of 1:3 and transformed (36) into yeast strain RPY1. To identify recessive taf9 alleles, the URA3-marked TAF9 plasmid Ip1 was shuffled out from yeast strains on 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA)-containing medium and tested for SM sensitivity. A total of 5,250 transformants were screened, resulting in 63 potential candidates. The mutant taf9 plasmids were rescued, retransformed into strain RPY1, and retested. A total of 35 candidates showed a reproducible SM-sensitive growth phenotype.

RNA isolation and real-time PCR analysis.

Total RNA was isolated by the hot-phenol method (37) according to details provided under Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession number GSE44544. About 500 ng of total RNA was treated with DNase I, Amplification grade (Invitrogen), and used for cDNA synthesis using the ABI High Capacity cDNA reverse transcription kit. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was carried out using SYBR green chemistry in an ABI 7500 or ABI 7500 Fast real-time (RT) PCR system according to the manufacturer's cycling conditions. All real-time PCR primers were verified to have an amplification efficiency of at least 1.9 ± 0.06. The Pol III-transcribed scR1 RNA was used as the endogenous control. The concordant data (the threshold cycle [CT] values of outliers were removed when the replicate CT difference was >1.0) were averaged from a minimum of two biological-replicate RNA preparations. The relative gene expression was calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method (38, 39).

Expression profiling and analysis.

Total RNA was isolated by the hot-phenol method from the RPY72 (wild-type [WT]), YSS26 (taf9-tCRD2), and spt20Δ (number 7390; Open Biosystems) strains, treated or not with SM, and the RNA was purified using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen). Four independent RNA preparations were made from each of the untreated or SM-treated WT (WT ± SM) and taf9 (taf9 ± SM) strains and two independent preparations from the spt20Δ strain treated with SM. Four microarray hybridizations, including two dye swaps, were conducted for the WT ± SM, taf9 ± SM, and taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM and two dye-swap hybridizations for the spt20Δ plus SM/WT plus SM comparison were performed. RNA samples were processed and hybridized using the two-color protocol to custom 8×15k yeast gene expression arrays (Agilent). Raw data were extracted using Agilent feature extraction software v., and the two-color data were normalized using the LOWESS option in GeneSpring GX 12.5 software.

Statistically significant differential expression in the WT ± SM, taf9 ± SM, and taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM comparisons was determined using the significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) tool (40) at a false discovery rate (FDR) of ∼5% in all experiments. Additionally, Bayesian analysis was independently carried out using the BAGEL tool (41) with default settings. Genes that showed nonoverlapping confidence intervals were selected as being significantly differentially expressed in each experiment.

Genes found to be significantly differentially expressed by both SAM and BAGEL were further filtered through a PERL script for genes that showed consistent (at least 3 of the 4 arrays in each experiment) differential expression of at least 1.5-fold (a log2 ratio of ≥0.585 for upregulated and ≤−0.585 for downregulated genes) in WT ± SM data were selected for further analysis. BAGEL was also used to identify genes that showed no expression change (a log2 ratio ≤0.585 and ≥−0.585) in the taf9 ± SM arrays. The WT ± SM and the spt20Δ plus SM/WT plus SM data were analyzed using BAGEL, and genes showing statistically significant differential expression were determined as described above. For the spt20Δ plus SM/WT plus SM arrays, genes that showed differential expression of at least 1.5-fold in both arrays were selected. Only those open reading frames (ORFs) identified as being in verified and uncharacterized categories, based on the chromosomal feature file (downloaded in January 2013) from the Saccharomyces Genome Database, were used for further analysis.

The Taf9 CRD-dependent genes were identified from three comparisons: (i) Genes with no change in expression in the taf9 ± SM data relative to their values in the WT ± SM data, (ii) genes with either log2 ratios of ≤−0.585 or ≥0.585 in the taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM data and either up- or downregulated (at least 1.5-fold) in the WT ± SM data, and (iii) genes whose expression values in the taf9 ± SM data differed by 1.5-fold from those in the WT ± SM data. A total of 963 genes were derived from this analysis, from which genes whose log2 ratios were greater in the taf9 ± SM and taf9 plus SM/WT plus SM data by a factor of 1.5-fold relative to their values in the WT ± SM data were removed to yield 463 genes that required the Taf9 CRD for their induction. A similar analysis was done for the downregulated set to yield 400 genes that required the Taf9 CRD for their repression.

Clustering analysis was performed using hierarchical clustering of the 963 Taf9 CRD-dependent genes using GeneSpring GX 12.5 software (Agilent). Dubious ORFs were removed from the 538 Gcn4-induced genes identified previously (42), and the resulting 515 Gcn4-induced genes were used for analysis. Details of the meta-analysis of the Gcn4 ChIP-on-chip data and the statistical analysis of the significance of the overlap in the Venn diagram are provided in the supplemental material.

Coimmunoprecipitation and GST-Gcn4 pulldown assays.

Coimmunoprecipitation was carried out from whole-cell extracts prepared as described previously (43), using an anti-Myc mouse monoclonal antibody (Roche) essentially as described previously (9, 23), except that the antibody was cross-linked to protein G-Sepharose 4B beads using dimethyl pimelimidate (Fluka). The glutathione S-transferase (GST)–Gcn4 pulldown assays were performed essentially as described previously (9, 23). The pulldown material was run on 6 to 12% SDS-PAGE gels, Western blotted, and probed with the indicated antibodies using ECL Plus reagent (GE Healthcare).

Chromatin immunoprecipitation.

Chromatin extracts were prepared essentially as described previously (44, 45). The cells were cultured with or without SM treatment, as described above (GEO accession number GSE44544). Yeast cell cultures (optical density at 600 nm [OD600], 100 to 140) were cross-linked with 20 ml of formaldehyde solution (50 mM HEPES-KOH, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA, 140 mM NaCl, and 11% [vol/vol] formaldehyde) for 20 min with intermittent shaking and then quenched with 30 ml 2.5 M glycine for 5 min at ambient temperature. Cells were collected by centrifugation and washed sequentially with 200 ml and 100 ml cold Tris-buffered saline. The cells were lysed in 400 μl FA lysis buffer (50 mM HEPES-KOH [pH 7.5], 1 mM EDTA, 140 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate, and protease inhibitors) using acid-washed and dried glass beads for 45 min in a Vortex Genie (Scientific Industries). The lysate was sonicated in ice using the Branson 250D sonicator set to 14 to 16% amplitude, with a 12-s pulse each cycle for a total of 20 to 25 cycles. The chromatin extracts were stored at −80°C, and prior to use, the chromatin extract was cleared by centrifugation in 1.5-ml tubes at 13,000 rpm for 30 min at 4°C. DNA was extracted, and the chromatin size was ensured each time to be in the average range of ∼300 to 500 bp. For immunoprecipitation (IP) reactions, protein G-Sepharose beads (GE Healthcare) were washed with 1× phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and 12.5 μg anti-Myc antibody, or 2 to 3 μg of other antibodies, per IP was bound to 12.5-μl beads for 2 h at 4°C. Chromatin extracts equivalent to cells at an OD600 of ∼20 were added to the antibody-coupled beads in FA lysis buffer, and IPs were conducted for 2 h at 4°C. The immune complexes were washed for 3 min each at room temperature and eluted in 125 μl as described previously (46). The eluted DNA was de-cross-linked overnight at 65°C, treated with RNase A (100 μg/ml) for 2 h at 37°C, and then treated with proteinase K (0.4 μg/ml) for 30 min at 42°C, and samples were phenol-chloroform extracted and DNA precipitated with 3 volumes of ethanol in the presence of LiCl and glycogen as a carrier. The DNA was resuspended in 50 μl 0.1× Tris-EDTA (TE) and used for PCR analysis. The input total DNA was diluted 10,000-fold, and the IP DNA samples were diluted between ∼2- and 10-fold and used for quantitative real-time PCR using SYBR green chemistry. All primers used for qPCR had an amplification efficiency of at least 1.9 ± 0.06. The fold enrichment was determined using the 2−ΔΔCT relative-quantitation method (38, 39). The CT values were used to calculate the enrichment of IP DNA relative to the input DNA (ΔCT = CT input − CT IP) for a specific target, as well as the nonspecific control POL1 coding sequence or the TEL06R-XC (for H3 acetyl-K9/14 [K9/14Ac] IPs). The ΔCT value of the specific target was subtracted from that of POL1 to calculate the enrichment of specific DNA with reference to the control nonspecific DNA (ΔΔCT = ΔCT target − ΔCT control), and 2−ΔΔCT was calculated (38, 39). The GPM1 UAS locus was analyzed using the absolute relative quantitation method (38, 39).


The following antibodies were used for ChIP or Western blot analysis: mouse monoclonal anti-c-Myc clone 9E10 (catalog no. 11667203001; Roche), mouse monoclonal Rpb1 8WG16 (catalog no. ab817; Abcam), rabbit polyclonal anti-acetyl-histone H3 (catalog no. 06-599; Upstate-Millipore), rabbit polyclonal histone H3 antibody (catalog no. ab46765; Abcam), rabbit polyclonal Rpb1 phospho-Ser2 (catalog no. ab5095; Abcam), mouse polyclonal antihemagglutinin (anti-HA) clone 12CA5 (47), rabbit polyclonal anti-Taf12 (48), and rabbit polyclonal anti-Gcn4 (8). Other antibodies used were anti-Gcn5 (49), Snf6 (a kind gift from Alan Hinnebusch), anti-Taf1 (50), anti-Tra1 (51), rabbit polyclonal TBP (52), and anti-Taf5 and anti-Taf6 antibodies (a kind gift from Tony Weil [53]).

Microarray data accession number.

The microarray data have been deposited at NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus under accession number GSE44544.


A genetic screen identified the requirement for TAF9 CRD for Gcn4-dependent transcriptional activation.

In a genetic screen to identify regions of Taf9 required for transcriptional activation by Gcn4, we screened for mutants impaired for growth in SM, an inhibitor of isoleucine and valine biosynthesis, which induces Gcn4 expression (6, 54). A total of 35 candidates that conferred a reproducible SM-sensitive phenotype were obtained, 9 of which showed a very severe phenotype. The TAF9 ORF from each of the nine mutants was subcloned to a fresh vector backbone to eliminate any unrelated mutations outside the coding region, and their SM-sensitive phenotype was reconfirmed by spot assay (Fig. 1A). All of the mutants also exhibited a temperature-sensitive phenotype (Fig. 1A). Sequencing of the TAF9 coding region revealed that each mutant had one or more mutations, but remarkably, all the mutants contained a premature stop codon (Fig. 1A), indicating that the Taf9 CRD was truncated to various extents.

FIG 1.


The Taf9 CRD is required for Gcn4-dependent activation. (A) Locations of substitution, frameshift (FS), and nonsense mutations. The SM-sensitive (0.25 μg/ml SM) and temperature-sensitive (37°C) phenotypes are shown on the right. (B) Schematic diagram showing the WT yTaf9 and the Taf9-tCRD1, Taf9-tCRD2, and Taf9-tCRD3 mutant; Drosophila (dTaf9); and human (hTaf9) sequences. The evolutionarily conserved histone H3-like HFD and the predicted fourth α-helix (shown as a rectangle below the yTAF9 schematic) in the yTaf9 CRD are shown. The dTaf9 and hTaf9 sequences also contain an additional nonconserved C-terminal extension. (C) Replica print assay of strains RPY72 (TAF9), YSS-C4 (taf9-tCRD1), YSS-C5 (taf9-tCRD2), YSS-C6 (taf9-tCRD3), and RPY1 with the YEplac181 vector on SC-Leu plus 5-FOA medium. (D) Western blot of Taf9-Myc13 in extracts of RPY67 (lanes 1 and 2; hcTAF9), YSS1 (lane 3; chTAF9), RPY1 (lane 4; scTAF9), or YSS26 (lane 5; Taf9-tCRD2). Lanes 6 to 9 contain extracts from strain RPY1 (scTaf9-Myc13) bearing taf9-tCRD2 (lane 6), taf9-tCRD1 (lane 7), or taf9-tCRD3 (lane 8) or untagged control (lane 9, BY4741). The blot was probed with anti-Myc (α-Myc) antibody or anti-Gcd6 as a control. (E) Spot assay showing the SM-sensitive and temperature-sensitive (Ts) phenotypes. The strains were spotted onto SC-Leu-Ile-Val plates with 0.5 μg/ml SM (0.5 SM) or no SM (0 SM) or a YPD plate (37°C). (F) Phenotype test for the transcription elongation defect. The taf9-tCRD2 strain (RPY101) and control WT (BY4741), spt8Δ, and spt20Δ strains transformed with vector pRS426 were spotted onto SC-Ura medium alone or onto plates containing 75 μg/ml 6-AU or 15 μg/ml MPA. (G) Reporter assay showing the expression of the CYC1::UASGCRE-lacZ fusion in taf9 mutant strains. The strains were grown in SC-Ura-Leu-Ile-Val medium at 30°C from an OD600 of ∼0.5, and the cultures were either harvested after 5 h or treated after 2.5 h with 0.5 μg/ml SM and cultured for an additional 6 h. The β-galactosidase specific activity was calculated from six transformants each for non-SM-treated and SM-treated cell extracts. The error bars indicate standard errors of the mean (SEM).

To further understand the CRD function, systematic deletion constructs of TAF9 bearing a premature stop codon at amino acid residues 106, 121, and 132 were made and named Taf9-tCRD1, -tCRD3, and -tCRD2, respectively (Fig. 1B). These taf9-CRD mutants were designed by making the C-terminal region (amino acids 102 to 157) into three segments as follows: the tCRD1 truncation removed the entire C-terminal region up to the HF domain, the tCRD2 truncation retained amino acids up to the predicted fourth α-helix (shown in the schematic below yTAF9 in Fig. 1B), and tCRD3 retained amino acids including a partial region of the predicted fourth α-helix. Whereas the taf9-tCRD1 and -tCRD3 mutants caused lethality, the taf9-tCRD2 mutant was viable (Fig. 1C). Western blot analysis showed that all the mutant proteins are stably expressed (Fig. 1D, lanes 5 to 8) at or above the level of the WT Taf9 in the same strains (Fig. 1D, lanes 6 to 8). Thus, the lethality of the taf9-tCRD1 and -tCRD3 mutants was not a consequence of defective expression. The taf9-tCRD2-bearing strain showed an extreme SM-sensitive phenotype and a lethal phenotype at 37°C (Fig. 1E). In the viable taf9-tCRD2 strain, the level of the mutant Taf9-tCRD2 protein was comparable to that of WT Taf9 (Fig. 1D, compare lane 5 with lane 3). To be sure, we further introduced the taf9-tCRD2 allele on a high-copy-number plasmid, confirmed the overexpression, and found that the taf9-tCRD2 mutant phenotype was not altered (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material).

In a previous study, it was reported that Taf9 has genetic interactions with components of the transcription elongation machinery (55). Moreover, the ySAGA complex has also been implicated in the process of transcriptional elongation (45, 56, 57). To distinguish if the mutant phenotype is due to an impairment of transcription initiation or elongation processes, we examined the growth of the WT and the taf9 mutant in media containing the elongation inhibitor mycophenolic acid (MPA) or 6-azauracil (6-AU) (58). The taf9-tCRD2 mutant did not show a growth defect in MPA or 6-AU (Fig. 1F), indicating that the Taf9 CRD is not required for global transcription elongation. This conclusion is further substantiated by our analysis of the elongating RNA polymerase II (Rbp1 C-terminal domain [CTD]-Ser2P), discussed below.

We next tested if the taf9 mutants showed a Gcn4-dependent activation defect using the UASGCRE::lacZ reporter fusion (59). Cell extracts were obtained from WT TAF9 or the various taf9 mutants (shown in Fig. 1A) treated or not with SM, and β-galactosidase activity was measured as described previously (48). As expected, the UASGCRE::lacZ reporter was induced ∼42-fold in the WT TAF9 strain upon SM treatment. However, the induction was substantially reduced, by ∼10 to 20-fold, in all the mutants, including the taf9-tCRD2 strain, relative to the control WT TAF9 strain (Fig. 1G). Thus, the Taf9 CRD is required for transcriptional activation by Gcn4.

Identification of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes.

To identify the global requirement of the Taf9 CRD for activation by Gcn4, we conducted microarray analysis using TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 mutant strains with or without SM treatment (see Materials and Methods). To examine the role of the Taf9 CRD for SAGA-regulated transcription, we also performed microarray analysis of the spt20Δ mutant (described below). The microarray data revealed that ∼17% of yeast genes were Taf9 CRD dependent for their expression, including 463 upregulated genes and 400 downregulated genes. Hierarchical clustering of these Taf9 CRD-dependent genes from all replicate hybridizations yielded seven major gene clusters with altered expression patterns (Fig. 2).

FIG 2.


Expression profiles of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes. A hierarchical-cluster map shows the expression of the 963 Taf9 CRD-dependent genes from WT plus SM versus non-SM-treated (WT+/−), taf9-tCRD2 plus SM versus non-SM-treated (taf9-tCRD2+/−), taf9-tCRD2 plus SM versus WT plus SM (taf9-tCRD2+/WT+), and spt20Δ plus SM versus WT plus SM (spt20Δ+/WT+). The expression profiles of induced (I1 to I4) or repressed (R1 to R3) genes in the WT ± SM data across the different data sets are indicated.

Genes highly induced by SM in the WT strain are in clusters I3 and I4 (Fig. 2), comprising a large number of Gcn4-induced amino-acid-biosynthetic genes identified previously (42). Genes with less induction are in clusters I1 and I2, and the downregulated genes are in clusters R1 to R3 (Fig. 2). A large fraction of the Gcn4-induced amino-acid-biosynthetic genes (42) are in clusters I3 and I4. The Taf9 CRD-dependent genes exhibited two major profiles. The SM-mediated induction of genes in clusters I1 (250 genes) and I3 (194 genes) was either lost (I1) or impaired (I3) in the taf9 mutant relative to the WT strain. These genes included ALD3, ALD4, GAP1, and 14 of the 24 Seripauperin (PAU) genes in cluster I1 and ARG1, BNA1, MET28, and GGC1 from cluster I3, respectively (Fig. 2). Consistent with this result, the same gene clusters were downregulated in the taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM data (Fig. 2). Although the genes in cluster I4 (27 genes) had comparable SM induction levels in both the WT and the taf9 mutant, 17 of these genes were downregulated under SM conditions in the taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM experiment, indicating a Taf9 CRD requirement for expression under SM (Fig. 2).

Paradoxically, other Taf9 CRD-dependent genes (cluster I2) showed greater induction in the taf9 mutant than in the WT. These 50 genes, including ILV2, MET6, MET13, and ARO1, showed equivalent levels of expression in the taf9-WT direct comparison (Fig. 2), indicating that their uninduced (non-SM-treated) expression was impaired by the taf9 mutation. The genes in clusters R1 and R3 are downregulated in a Taf9 CRD-dependent manner, as their repression is either lost (R1) or impaired (R3) in the taf9 mutant. Genes in R2 showed greater repression in the taf9 mutant than in the WT strain (Fig. 2). Together, these data revealed that the Taf9 CRD is required for genome-wide transcription of a large number of genes and impacts transcription in multiple ways.

Taf9 CRD functions in the SAGA pathway.

Next, we determined the relationship between the Taf9 CRD and SAGA for genome-wide expression under amino acid starvation conditions. Although SAGA-regulated genes have been identified by profiling an spt3Δ mutant (15), no data on the genome-wide requirement for SAGA under SM conditions is available. Therefore, we carried out microarray profiling of the WT and the spt20Δ mutant strains under SM conditions. A total of 974 genes (∼17% of the genome) were differentially regulated (up- or downregulated by1.5-fold in spt20Δ and the WT strains), including 555 and 419 genes that required Spt20 for their upregulation (log2 ≤ −0.585 in spt20Δ and WT strains) or downregulation (log2 ≥ 0.585 in spt20Δ and WT strains), respectively. In the WT ± SM data, 227 of the above-mentioned 555 genes were upregulated, implying that the genes require Spt20 for their induction in SM. Of the 419 genes with elevated expression in the spt20Δ mutant, 105 genes were also downregulated in the WT ± SM data, suggesting Spt20-dependent repression.

We next analyzed the overlap between genes induced in the Taf9 CRD and Spt20 data sets and found a statistically significant overlap between genes induced in a manner dependent on both the Taf9 CRD and Spt20 (Fig. 3A). Thus, a common set of 134 genes are dependent on the Taf9 CRD and Spt20, suggesting that the Taf9 CRD functions in the SAGA pathway of transcriptional activation. The rest of the Taf9 CRD-induced genes were not impaired by the spt20Δ mutation, suggesting that the Taf9 CRD also functions outside the Spt20/SAGA pathway for transcriptional activation.

FIG 3.


The Taf9 CRD functions in the SAGA pathway for transcriptional activation. (A) Overlap between genes induced in Spt20-dependent and Taf9 CRD-dependent manners at high statistical significance. (B to D) cDNAs from WT (RPY72), taf9-tCRD2 (YSS26), and spt20Δ (number 7390) strains (with or without SM treatment) were used for qRT-PCR analysis using primers for selected genes from cluster I3 (Fig. 2), with scR1 as an endogenous control, and the results were plotted as the fold induction (B), taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM ratio (C), or spt20Δ plus SM/WT plus SM ratio (D). The expression of RPS5, RPS8A, and GPM1 was analyzed under non-SM-treated conditions. The error bars indicate SEM.

Next, we examined the expression of selected Taf9 CRD-dependent genes using qRT-PCR analysis. The magnitude of induction by SM in the WT strain ranged between 2- and 25-fold (Fig. 3B). In the taf9 mutant strain, induction was impaired for all genes except MET28 and TRP3 (Fig. 3B). When the relative expression levels between the WT and the taf9 mutant in SM medium (taf9-tCRD2 plus SM/WT plus SM) were compared, transcription of MET28 and TRP3 was also found to be Taf9 CRD dependent (Fig. 3C). Although induction of ARG1 mRNA by SM was impaired in the taf9 mutant (∼4-fold compared to ∼10-fold in the WT) (Fig. 3B), the ARG1 mRNA level was not reduced in the mutant in SM medium (Fig. 3C), as was also reported for the gcn5Δ, spt3Δ, and spt8Δ mutants (44). As the ARG1 mRNA level in non-SM-treated medium was slightly elevated (ΔCT values) (data not shown), this could partly dampen the perceived induction, indicating that activation of ARG1 transcription was not substantially impaired by the Taf9 CRD mutation. Although RPS5, RPS8A, and GPM1 were not in our list of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes, we also examined the expression of RPS5 and RPS8A, shown previously to be Taf (TFIID) dependent (18, 19, 60, 61), and GPM1, shown to be TFIID independent (29) under SM-free conditions. Indeed the mRNA levels of the two RP genes, but not that of GPM1, were reduced in the taf9 mutant strain relative to that of the WT (Fig. 3C). Together, the qRT-PCR data showed that the transcriptional activation of several genes was dependent on the Taf9 CRD.

To validate the Spt20 requirement for transcriptional activation, we carried out qRT-PCR analysis of the selected genes BNA1, MET28, and TRP3 and included the previously studied ARG1, which was shown to be bound by SAGA, as well as SAGA dependent for activation (46). Our qRT-PCR data showed that the induction by SM of ARG1, BNA1, and MET28 mRNAs, but not that of TRP3, was impaired in the spt20Δ mutant (Fig. 3D). Together, the expression analyses discussed above revealed that genes induced in a Taf9 CRD-dependent manner comprise those induced by Gcn4 and also include both Spt20/SAGA-dependent and -independent genes.

Taf9 CRD-dependent genes are regulated by Gcn4 and several other activators.

To gain further insights into the Taf9 CRD requirement for transcriptional activation by Gcn4 and other TFs, we examined the Taf9 CRD-induced gene promoters for the occupancy of TFs studied under SM conditions in a ChIP-on-chip study by the Young laboratory (62). We asked what fraction of the promoters bound by each of the 34 TFs (at P values of ≤0.01 and ≤0.005) showed Ta9 CRD dependence and found that the vast majority of the TFs were bound to one or more of the Taf9 CRD gene promoters (see Tables S4 and S5 in the supplemental material). Of these TFs, only Gcn4, Arg81, and Cad1/Yap2 were bound significantly (P < 0.05) more to the Taf9 CRD-dependent genes than expected relative to the negative gene set (see the supplemental material; also, data not shown). Since not all TFs were studied by Harbison et al. under amino acid starvation conditions, the requirement for the Taf9 CRD, if any, could not be predicted for such TFs. Our analysis suggests that multiple TFs, as demonstrated here for Gcn4, could require the Taf9 CRD for their transcriptional activation.

Next, we asked how many of the 463 Taf9 CRD-induced genes were represented among the 515 Gcn4-induced genes identified previously (42). The Venn diagram yielded 175 genes (∼34%) that overlapped between the two gene sets, and this overlap was highly significant (Fig. 4A). To validate the requirement for Gcn4 for the expression of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes, we carried out qRT-PCR analysis for the expression of selected genes from among the 175 genes dependent on both the Taf9 CRD and Gcn4 for their induction (Fig. 4A). The data showed that the expression of ARG1, TSA2, ESC8, GGC1, BNA1, YLR152C, MET28, and TRP3 was induced in SM medium but was highly impaired in the gcn4Δ mutant (Fig. 4B). The expression of ULA1, although Taf9 CRD dependent (Fig. 3B and C), was not known to be Gcn4 dependent previously (42), and our qRT-PCR data confirmed that ULA1 expression was not impaired in the gcn4Δ mutant (Fig. 4B). Together, these results indicate that SM-inducible Taf9 CRD-dependent genes include both Gcn4-independent and -dependent genes.

FIG 4.


Gcn4-mediated activation of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes. (A) Venn diagram showing statistically significant overlap between genes induced in Taf9 CRD-dependent (463 genes; this study) and Gcn4-dependent (515 genes [42]) manners. (B) qRT-PCR validation of genes from cluster I3 (Fig. 2) to determine Gcn4 dependence for activation. cDNA was prepared from total RNA isolated from WT (RPY72) and gcn4Δ (strain 249) strains (with or without SM) and analyzed as for Fig. 3B. (C) Recruitment of Gcn4 in the UAS regions of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes. Cross-linked chromatin extracts from the WT TAF9 (YMS94) or taf9-tCRD2 (YMS95) strain treated or not with SM were used to immunoprecipitate Gcn4 using 5 μl polyclonal anti-Gcn4 antibody per IP reaction. The fold enrichment was calculated relative to the POL1 ORF as a control. The error bars indicate SEM from a minimum of two chromatins and three IP reactions.

A large fraction of genes identified in this study as dependent on Gcn4 and the Taf9 CRD have not been previously demonstrated to be bound by Gcn4 at their promoters. Therefore, a limited number of Taf9 CRD-dependent genes reported to be bound by Gcn4 in SM medium in the ChIP-on-chip study (62) were selected, and ChIP assays were conducted to determine Gcn4 occupancy in SC medium with or without SM. Indeed, the ChIP data showed increased Gcn4 occupancy in the upstream promoter regions of ARG1, BNA1, MET28, TRP3, GGC1, and YLR152C gene promoters in the WT strain in SM medium (Fig. 4C). On the other hand, no Gcn4 enrichment was obtained at the RPS5 and GPM1 promoters. Importantly, the ChIP data showed that Gcn4 occupancy was not compromised at these promoters, except for a slight reduction at YLR152C, in the taf9 mutant strain (Fig. 4C).

The TAF9 CRD mutant can interact with full-length TAF6.

We next tried to ascertain the cause of the Taf9 CRD-dependent activation defect. It is possible that the taf9-tCRD2 phenotype resulted from a heterodimerization defect between Taf9 and Taf6. Although Taf9-Taf6 interaction at a minimum requires the HF domains (30), it is not clear if additional sequence determinants are required for Taf9-Taf6 interaction in a full-length context. Therefore, we carried out pulldown assays using GST-Taf6 and MBP fusions bearing the WT or the mutant Taf9-tCRD1 and -tCRD2 proteins. The pulldown data showed that truncated Taf9 can interact with full-length Taf6, although at slightly reduced levels compared to the WT (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). We also examined the interaction of the Taf9 CRD with Taf6 in vivo using a dominant-negative genetic assay. We reasoned that overexpression of truncated Taf9 mutant proteins could squelch Taf6, leading to a dominant-negative growth defect. Yeast strain BY4741 was transformed with high-copy-number plasmids expressing Myc13-tagged TAF9; taf9-tCRD1, -tCRD2, -tCRD3; or the empty vector YEplac181, and the SM-sensitive phenotype was examined. Indeed, overexpression of all three truncation mutants caused SM-sensitive growth defects (Fig. 5A). Western blot analysis showed that the mutant constructs were indeed overexpressed in these strains compared to single-copy WT Taf9 (Fig. 5B). Together, these data showed that the Taf9 truncation mutants retained their ability to interact with Taf6 both in vitro and in vivo.

FIG 5.


Truncation of the Taf9 CRD does not impair TAF6-TAF9 interaction, SAGA/TFIID complex stability, or Gcn4-SAGA interaction. (A and B) Dominant-negative phenotype and Western blot analysis. (A) Strain BY4741 transformed with TAF9-Myc13 (YMS147), taf9-tCRD1(YMS28), taf9-tCRD2 (YMS30), and taf9-tCRD3 (YMS34), or control empty vector YEplac181 (YMS27) was spotted onto SC-Leu plates with no SM or 0.5 μg/ml SM and incubated at 30°C or on a YPD plate at 37°C. (B) Western blot analysis showing overexpression of tCRD1 (lanes 4 and 5), tCRD2 (lanes 6 and 7), and tCRD3 (lanes 8 and 9). The untagged control (lane 1) and WT Taf9 control (lanes 2 and 3) are also shown. (C and D) Coimmunoprecipitation of Taf11-Myc13 from the YMS14 (TAF9) and YMS16 (Taf9-tCRD2) strains (C) and Spt7-Myc13 from the YMS10 (TAF9) and YMS11 (Taf9-tCRD2) strains (D), using anti-Myc antibody. Serial dilutions containing 50 μg, 25 μg, and 12.5 μg of the input extracts or 2-fold serial dilutions of the immunoprecipitates were denatured, resolved through 6 to 12% SDS-PAGE, blotted onto a Hybond ECL membrane, and probed with the indicated antibodies. (E) GST-Gcn4 interaction with SAGA. Yeast whole-cell extracts from TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 strains shown in panel C were used for pulldown analysis from Escherichia coli lysates containing either WT GST-Gcn4 (p2528), the 10 Ala mutant (p2144), or empty vector (GST). Three concentrations of each GST protein were mixed with 1 mg yeast cell extracts, incubated on ice for 1 h, clarified, and pulled down with glutathione (GSH)-Sepharose beads. The input lanes were loaded with 120 μg cell extracts and 2-fold serial dilutions and the pulldown lanes with 2-fold serial dilutions of the eluates and analyzed as described for panels B and C. The Ponceau S-stained blots are also shown.

TFIID and SAGA integrity is largely intact in the Taf9 CRD mutant cell extract.

We next examined the stability of Taf9-containing SAGA and TFIID complexes in the taf9 mutant strain. Myc13-tagged TAF11, a TFIID-specific subunit, or SPT7, a SAGA-specific subunit, was coimmunoprecipitated from the TAF9-HA3 or taf9-tCRD2-HA3 strain. The Taf11-Myc13 immunoprecipitation led to the pulldown of the TFIID subunits Taf1 and TBP and the shared TAF subunits Taf12, Taf5, Taf6, and Taf9 from WT and taf9 mutant cell extracts (Fig. 5C). Moreover, the Spt7-Myc13 immunoprecipitation led to the pulldown of Gcn5, Tra1, and the shared TAF subunits Taf12, Taf5, Taf6, and Taf9 from the WT and taf9 mutant cell extracts (Fig. 5D). Snf6, a SWI/SNF subunit, and TBP did not coprecipitate with Spt7-Myc13. In both TFIID and SAGA coimmunoprecipitations, the recovery of Taf9-tCRD2, and Taf6 and Taf5 to a lesser extent, was slightly reduced in the mutant compared to that from the WT. Together, these coimmunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that Taf9-tCRD2 could associate with TFIID and SAGA complexes in cell extracts.

Gcn4 interaction with SAGA is intact in the Taf9 CRD mutant.

Previous studies have shown that SAGA interaction with the Gcn4 activation domain is mediated by Tra1 (51, 63) and Taf12 subunits (48, 63). Moreover, these subunits are also required for transcriptional activation of target genes by Gcn4, thereby providing physical and functional interaction of SAGA subunits with Gcn4. Therefore, we tested whether the lack of the Taf9 CRD impaired the interaction of Gcn4 with the SAGA complex. GST pulldown assays (9, 23) using GST-Gcn4 showed interaction of Spt7, Gcn5, Tra1, Taf12, and Taf9 from the TAF9-HA3 extract in a manner dependent on the WT Gcn4 activation domain (Fig. 5E). As expected from our previous study (9), the SWI/SNF subunit Snf6, used as a control here, was specifically pulled down. Whereas no interaction with Taf1 was seen, interaction with TBP did not show specificity for the Gcn4 activation domain, as observed previously (9, 23). The pulldown assays conducted from the tCRD2-HA3 extract also showed the pulldown of the same SAGA subunits, albeit with reduced recovery of the Gcn5 subunit (Fig. 5E). Importantly, the interaction of Gcn4 with Tra1 and Taf12 was not impaired in the tCRD2-HA3 extract (Fig. 5E). Together, these results indicate that the interactions of the Gcn4 activation domain with the mutant SAGA complex are largely intact in vitro.

Taf9 recruitment to promoters is dependent on the Taf9 CRD.

We next assessed the requirement for the Taf9 CRD for promoter recruitment of Taf9 in vivo. For ChIP analysis, we selected the ARG1, BNA1, MET28, TRP3, and RPS5 genes, which showed Taf9 CRD dependence for expression along with GPM1, whose expression was not impaired by the taf9 mutation (Fig. 3). In WT cells, Taf9 occupancy at the ARG1 locus, well studied as a model for Gcn4-mediated recruitment of coactivators and PIC (7, 45, 46), was highly enriched in the ARG1UAS, ARG1core, and ARG1 5′ ORF regions under SM-treated versus non-SM-treated conditions (Fig. 6A). However, Taf9-tCRD2 occupancy was reduced to background levels at these locations under SM-treated conditions, except in the ARG1 3′ ORF region (Fig. 6A).

FIG 6.


The Taf9 CRD is required for occupancy of Taf9 complexes in vivo. (A and B) Occupancy of Myc13-tagged Taf9 and Taf9-tCRD2 at the ARG1 locus under SM-treated and untreated conditions (A) and occupancy at other Gcn4-dependent promoters under SM-treated and untreated conditions or at Gcn4-independent promoters RPS5 and GPM1 under non-SM-treated conditions (B). (C) Occupancy of Spt7-Myc13 at the ARG1 locus in TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 strains under SM-treated and untreated conditions. (D) Levels of histone H3 K9/14Ac at the ARG1 locus under SM-treated and untreated conditions. A ChIP assay was done with anti-H3 K9/14Ac antibody and normalized to the total histone H3 level by immunoprecipitation with pan-anti-H3 antibody. (E) Spt7-Myc13 occupancy in TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 strains in the UAS regions of the Gcn4-dependent promoters under SM-treated and untreated conditions or in the RPS5UAS and upstream region of GPM1 under non-SM-treated conditions. (F) Core promoter occupancy of Taf11-Myc13 at Gcn4-dependent targets in TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 strains under SM-treated and untreated conditions or at RPS5 and GPM1 under non-SM-treated conditions. The POL1 coding sequence was used as a nonspecific control, except in panel D, where the TEL06R-XC region was used. For each analysis, enrichment values were obtained from 3 or 4 chromatin immunoprecipitation assays from at least two independent chromatin preparations. The error bars indicate SEM.

ChIP data also showed that Taf9 occupancy was substantially enriched above background in the Gcn4-dependent BNA1UAS, BNA1core, TRP3UAS, TRP3core, and MET28core promoter regions and was induced in SM-treated versus non-SM-treated medium, except at BNA1UAS, where no SM-induced stimulation was seen (Fig. 6B). Our data also showed that Taf9 occupancy was CRD dependent at the UAS and core promoter of RPS5 and the GPM1core promoter under non-SM-treated conditions (Fig. 6B). Together, these data demonstrated a strong requirement for the Taf9 CRD for Taf9 occupancy at both Gcn4-dependent and Gcn4-independent promoters in vivo.

The Taf9 CRD is required for SAGA recruitment.

We next studied Spt7-Myc13 recruitment at the ARG1 locus in TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 strains. Spt7 occupancy was strongly stimulated at the ARG1UAS in the WT strain under SM-treated compared to non-SM-treated conditions (Fig. 6C), and the induction was completely abolished by the taf9-tCRD2 mutation. Spt7 occupancy was induced between 2- and 4-fold at the ARG1core, 5′ ORF and 3′ ORF regions in SM in the WT strain but was abrogated by the taf9-tCRD2 mutation, except at the ARG1 3′ ORF (Fig. 6C). Gcn5, as part of SAGA, promotes histone H3 K9/14 acetylation at the ARG1 locus (45). We tested if the defective SAGA recruitment could reduce acetylation in the taf9 mutant. Indeed, H3 K9/14Ac levels were reduced across the ARG1 locus in the mutant in comparison to the WT (Fig. 6D). In the 3′ ORF region, although Spt7/SAGA occupancy was stimulated by SM, the H3 K9/14Ac level was not high enough compared to other regions in the WT (Fig. 6C and D), probably because of the recruitment of multiple deacetylases to the ARG1 3′ ORF region, as reported previously (45). Together, our results showed that the Taf9 CRD is required for SAGA recruitment and SAGA-mediated H3 K9/14Ac at the ARG1 locus.

We also examined Spt7/SAGA occupancy in the UAS regions of the BNA1, MET28, TRP3, RPS5, and GPM1 promoters. The Spt7-Myc13 occupancy, although not induced by SM in the BNA1 and MET28 UAS regions, was higher than background levels (Fig. 6E), but this enrichment was abolished in the mutant (Fig. 6E). No specific enrichment of Spt7/SAGA was found in the TRP3UAS region, consistent with TRP3 being a TFIID target (15, 18). Wild-type TAF9 strains showed high Spt7 occupancy in the GPM1 (upstream) and RPS5UAS regions under non-SM-treated conditions, which was almost abolished in the taf9 mutant (Fig. 6E). Two previous reports have examined SAGA occupancy at RP gene promoters (64, 65). Whereas Bhaumik and Green (64) reported no enrichment of SAGA, Ohtsuki et al. (65) carried out ChIP-on-chip and reported enrichment of the Gcn5 subunit for several RP gene promoters. Together, our results demonstrate that SAGA recruitment to multiple promoters is dependent on the Taf9 CRD.

TFIID recruitment to multiple TAF-dependent promoters requires the Taf9 CRD.

To examine the requirement for the Taf9 CRD for TFIID recruitment, TAF11-Myc13 occupancy was examined in TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 mutant strains. In the Gcn4-regulated core promoter regions of BNA1, MET28, and TRP3, the Taf11-Myc13 occupancy was induced ∼2 to 4-fold under SM-treated conditions compared to SM-free conditions in the TAF9 strain (Fig. 6F), which was severely impaired in the taf9 mutant, indicating Taf9 CRD dependence for TFIID occupancy. At the ARG1core promoter, however, little or no Taf11-Myc13 occupancy was enriched in the WT strain treated with SM (Fig. 6F). At the Gcn4-independent RPS5core promoter, as expected from previous studies on other TFIID subunits (18, 19, 60), the TAF11-Myc13 subunit occupancy was enriched at this locus in the WT but was completely lost in the taf9 mutant (Fig. 6F), indicating the impairment of TFIID occupancy by the Taf9 CRD mutation. At the GPM1core promoter, we obtained ∼3-fold enrichment of TAF11-Myc13 occupancy above background that was unaffected by the Taf9 CRD mutation, indicating Taf9 CRD-independent TFIID recruitment at the GPM1core promoter (Fig. 6F). Thus, at multiple Gcn4-dependent core promoters and the Gcn4-independent RPS5core promoter, the Taf9 CRD is required for TFIID occupancy.

PIC assembly at several promoters is dependent on the Taf9 CRD.

To investigate if the SAGA/TFIID occupancy defects led to a concomitant defect in assembly of the preinitiation complex, we carried out ChIP assays using SPT15-Myc13 (TBP)-, SUA7-Myc13 (TFIIB)-, and RPB3-Myc13 (RNAP II)-tagged strains bearing TAF9 or taf9-tCRD2 alleles. The ChIP data showed that the occupancy of TBP, TFIIB, and RNAP II was highly stimulated under SM-treated conditions in the TAF9 strain relative to non-SM-treated conditions in the BNA1, MET28, TRP3, and ARG1 core promoter regions (Fig. 7 and 8B). Thus, amino acid starvation conditions elicited by SM treatment led to stimulation of PIC assembly at multiple promoters regulated by Gcn4, consistent with previous data on PIC assembly at the ARG1 core promoter (8, 45). The PIC assembly at the Gcn4-independent RPS5 and GPM1 core promoters was also highly enriched in the TAF9 strain under non-SM-treated conditions (Fig. 7).

FIG 7.


Requirement for Taf9 CRD for PIC assembly. Recruitment of Spt15-Myc13 (TBP), Sua7-Myc13 (TFIIB), and Rpb3-Myc13 (RNAP II) was determined at the core promoters of Gcn4-dependent BNA1, TRP3, and MET28 genes under SM- and non-SM-treated conditions, as well as at the Gcn4-independent RPS5 and GPM1 core promoters under non-SM-treated conditions, by ChIP assays using anti-Myc antibody. For each analysis, enrichment values were obtained with reference to a nonspecific POL1 coding sequence probe. Data from three chromatin immunoprecipitation assays from at least two independent chromatin preparations are plotted. The error bars indicate SEM.

FIG 8.


Taf9 CRD-independent PIC assembly at the ARG1 locus. (A) Mediator recruitment was analyzed at ARG1UAS using Gal11-Myc13. (B) Recruitment analysis of Spt15-Myc13 (TBP), Sua7-Myc13 (TFIIB), and Rpb3-Myc13 (RNAP II) at the ARG1core promoter. (C) Analysis of Rpb1-Ser2(P) levels across the ARG1 locus. ChIP assays were performed using chromatin extracts from tagged strains in TAF9 and taf9-tCRD2 strain (with or without SM) backgrounds. Anti-Myc, 8WG16 (unphosphorylated Rpb1), or anti-Ser2P antibodies were used for ChIP analysis, with a probe corresponding to the POL1 coding sequence as a nonspecific control. The normalized data were obtained from 3 or 4 chromatin immunoprecipitation assays from at least two independent chromatin preparations. The error bars indicate SEM.

Next, we examined the occupancy of TBP at each of these promoters in the taf9 mutant strain and found that TBP occupancy was reduced to background levels at BNA1 and MET28 in the mutant (Fig. 7). However, at the TRP3, RPS5, and GPM1 (Fig. 7) and the ARG1 (Fig. 8B) core promoters, TBP occupancy was reduced but not abolished. Thus, the Taf9 CRD was required for TBP recruitment at all core promoters examined. The ChIP data also showed that both TFIIB and RNAP II occupancy was substantially impaired at the BNA1, MET28, TRP3, and RPS5 core promoters in the mutant. At the GPM1core promoter, however, the occupancy of TFIIB and RNAP II was unaffected in the taf9 mutant (Fig. 7), consistent with the WT level of GPM1 mRNA in the mutant (Fig. 3C).

PIC assembly occurs despite the absence of the Taf9 CRD at the ARG1 core promoter.

As discussed previously, although SAGA occupancy at ARG1 was highly Taf9 CRD dependent, ARG1 transcription was not highly dependent on the Taf9 CRD (Fig. 3B and C). To probe this, we examined the occupancy of the mediator, TBP, TFIIB, and RNAP II at the ARG1 locus in detail using ChIP assays. The mediator (Gal11-Myc13) occupancy at ARG1UAS was stimulated upon SM addition in WT cells (Fig. 8A). Unexpectedly, Gal11-Myc13 occupancy was elevated under both non-SM-treated and SM-treated conditions in the taf9 mutant strain (Fig. 8A). The occupancy of TBP (Spt15-Myc13), TFIIB (Sua7-Myc13), and RNAP II (Rpb3-Myc13 and Rpb1) was induced at ARG1core under SM-treated conditions in the WT strain and was not compromised in the taf9 mutant strain (Fig. 8B and C).

We next tested if the form of RNAP II recruited to the ARG1 locus is active in elongation by measuring the Rpb1 CTD-Ser2P levels, a hallmark of elongating RNAP II (reviewed in reference 66). The ChIP data showed increasing Rpb1 CTD-Ser2P levels from the ARG1core through the body of the gene in the WT TAF9 strain in a manner induced by SM treatment (Fig. 8C). These levels were further elevated in the taf9 mutant under SM-treated conditions (Fig. 8C), indicating that Taf9 CRD mutation causes increased RNAP II elongation in the ARG1 coding sequence. The elevated Gcn4 level at the ARG1UAS (Fig. 4C) is perhaps responsible for enhanced mediator recruitment, which could in turn contribute to RNAP II delivery to the ARG1core promoter in the taf9 mutant (Fig. 8C). These results are also consistent with SAGA-independent mediator recruitment by Gcn4 at the ARG1UAS (7). We suspect that the level of TBP, although reduced, could be sufficient to promote robust PIC assembly at the ARG1core promoter.


The Taf9 CRD is required for Gcn4- and SAGA-dependent transcriptional activation and for genome-wide transcription.

In this study, using an unbiased genetic screen combined with genetic and biochemical analyses, we determined that the evolutionarily conserved Taf9 C-terminal region is a critical domain required for transcriptional activation by Gcn4 and other activators. The C-terminal truncation of the Taf9 CRD resulted in SM-sensitive and heat-sensitive growth phenotypes (Fig. 1A) and reduced Gcn4-dependent transcriptional activation of multiple Gcn4 target genes, including that of a Gcn4-dependent reporter CYC1GCRE-lacZ gene construct (Fig. 1G).

Genome-wide transcriptome analysis conducted under Gcn4-activating conditions showed that a large fraction of yeast genes were Taf9 CRD dependent, including ∼463 upregulated and ∼400 downregulated genes (Fig. 2). Interestingly, at least 34% of the Taf9 CRD-dependent genes (Fig. 4A) were previously shown to be activated by Gcn4 (42). Moreover, our analysis of previous ChIP-on-chip data for 34 transcriptional regulators studied by the Young laboratory (62) revealed that Gcn4, in addition to other TFs, was bound under SM conditions to the Taf9 CRD gene promoters. These analyses indicated a requirement for the Taf9 CRD for promoter activation by multiple transcriptional regulators.

The Taf9 CRD-dependent genes included both SAGA- and TFIID-dependent genes identified in other studies (1517, 67). Transcriptome profiling of a spt20Δ mutant under amino acid starvation conditions showed that almost 60% of the SAGA-dependent genes are also Taf9 CRD dependent for activation in SM (Fig. 3A), indicating that the Taf9 CRD is required for transcriptional activity of SAGA in vivo. Consistent with these results, ChIP analysis showed that SAGA occupancy was severely reduced (Fig. 6C and E) in the taf9 CRD mutant. Moreover, the histone H3 K9/14Ac carried out by SAGA was reduced by about 50% in the ARG1 gene UAS and core promoter regions (Fig. 6D), indicating that SAGA acetylation function is also compromised in vivo by the taf9-tCRD2 mutation.

The Taf9 CRD is a common determinant of SAGA and TFIID promoter occupancy.

SAGA and TFIID have distinct promoter specificities, and accordingly, yeast promoters have been classified as TFIID or SAGA dominated (18, 19), including in recent genomic studies (15, 68). SAGA recruitment to the UAS is through direct activator interactions (51, 63, 69, 70). TFIID recruitment to promoters is mediated via Rap1 (2, 60), as well as through core promoter interactions (19). There are also examples of promoters under dual regulation by SAGA and TFIID. The RNR3 gene promoter has been shown to bind TFIID and requires the acetylation and TBP recruitment functions of SAGA (71). SAGA and TFIID are also recruited to promoters in response to heat shock and DNA damage (17, 72). Thus, the SAGA and TFIID occupancies are dependent on the promoter context and are also activator dependent.

We examined the requirement for the Taf9 CRD for TFIID and SAGA occupancy at Gcn4-induced gene promoters. Our studies identified distinct promoter classes: those that are bound by SAGA (Spt7) but not TFIID (Taf11), such as ARG1; those that are bound by TFIID but not SAGA, such as TRP3; and those that are bound by both SAGA and TFIID, such as MET28 and BNA1 (Fig. 9). Notably, the SAGA and/or TFIID occupancies in the UAS and core promoter regions, respectively, of these gene promoters were highly dependent on the Taf9 CRD. Thus, Gcn4 appears to stimulate transcription in a promoter-dependent manner by differentially engaging the TFIID and SAGA coactivator modules (Fig. 9).

FIG 9.


Taf9 CRD is required for coactivator occupancy, PIC assembly, and transcriptional activation. (A) In WT cells, the UAS-bound Gcn4 recruits the SAGA complex (two-headed arrow) to the ARG1 promoter, upon which SAGA acetylates (Ac) nucleosomes and delivers TBP to the core promoter, leading to PIC assembly and transcriptional activation. In taf9 mutant cells, although Gcn4 interaction with SAGA is intact, SAGA occupancy was reduced at the ARG1UAS. Consistent with the reduced SAGA levels, TBP and H3 K9/14Ac levels were also diminished by the taf9 mutation. However, PIC (TFIIB and RNAP II) assembly was not reduced. Robust recruitment of the mediator (Gal11) was seen in WT and taf9 mutant cells, leading to efficient PIC assembly at the ARG1core promoter. (B) The Taf9 CRD is required for TFIID occupancy (single arrow) at the TRP3 core promoter. TRP3 is a Gcn4-induced target gene that is SAGA depleted but TFIID dominated. TFIID occupancy and PIC assembly are critically dependent on the Taf9 CRD. (C) Dual recruitment of SAGA and TFIID at BNA1 and MET28 promoters is dependent on the Taf9 CRD. BNA1 and MET28 are Gcn4-induced genes that are bound by both TFIID and SAGA. The taf9-tCRD2 mutation impairs SAGA and TFIID occupancy, as well as PIC assembly, at the BNA1 and MET28 promoters.

Although the Taf9 CRD is required for PIC assembly at most promoters examined, ARG1 was an exception (Fig. 9). Several studies have demonstrated TBP recruitment function for SAGA (reviewed in reference 2). In the results presented here, SAGA recruitment at ARG1UAS was lost in the taf9 CRD mutant (Fig. 6), and a consequent reduction in TBP recruitment at the ARG1core promoter was observed (Fig. 8). Moreover, previous studies showed that SAGA and the mediator are independently recruited to ARG1UAS by Gcn4 (7), and consistent with this, the mediator was efficiently recruited to ARG1UAS in the taf9 mutant (Fig. 8A and 9). Thus, it appears that the robust levels of the mediator and the residual level of TBP could result in unimpaired PIC levels at the ARG1core promoter.

As discussed above, we have shown a requirement for the Taf9 CRD for SAGA occupancy of the UAS and TFIID occupancy of core promoter regions of multiple genes (Fig. 6). We demonstrated that Gcn4 recruitment to the Taf9 CRD-dependent genes under SM was comparable in the WT and the taf9 mutant, indicating that the transcriptional activation defect is not a consequence of impaired activator binding to the UAS. Moreover, the interaction of Gcn4 with SAGA in cell extracts was not impaired by the Taf9 CRD mutation. Tra1 and Taf12, two SAGA subunits previously shown to interact with the Gcn4 activation domain (51, 63, 69), are efficiently coimmunoprecipitated in a complex with Spt7 (Fig. 5D), and the same subunits were also pulled down by Gcn4 (Fig. 5E); therefore, it is likely that the CRD is dispensable for Gcn4 interaction with SAGA in vivo.

How might the Taf9 CRD function in SAGA and TFIID promoter occupancy? One possibility is that truncation of the Taf9 CRD impairs interaction with a component of SAGA and TFIID. In this context, we hypothesized two potential candidates: Taf6, as the heterodimerization partner, and Taf5, recently shown to promote Taf6-Taf9 interaction through the Taf6 C-terminal HEAT domain (73). Accordingly, we overexpressed TAF6 and TAF5 in the taf9-tCRD2 mutant strain and found that neither could suppress the mutant phenotype (data not shown). It remains to be seen what factors, if any, have genetic and/or physical interactions with the Taf9 CRD.

Previous reports showed that the Taf9 CRD interacts with downstream promoter element (DPE)-containing promoters in Drosophila (32), which was shown to be required for sequence-specific DNA binding to the DPE as a heterodimer in association with Taf6. Furthermore, the human Taf9 C-terminal conserved region was shown to have both intrinsic sequence-independent DNA binding activity and sequence-dependent DNA binding to the DPEs of core promoters (25, 33). Although no DPEs have been found in yeast so far (references 2 and 32 and our unpublished data), it is possible that the Taf9 CRD, in association with Taf6, provides a sequence-independent DNA binding activity at core promoters of the Taf9 CRD-dependent genes in yeast. Alternatively, it is possible that interaction of TFIID and SAGA with chromatin is dependent on the Taf9 CRD. In this scenario, TFIID has been shown to interact with chromatin through specific TAF subunits in a manner that recognizes specific histone modifications, such as Taf3 interaction with H3K4Me3 histones (7476) or the Taf1/Bdf1 interaction with acetylated histone H4 (77). Also, the mammalian TFIID subunits Taf1, Taf4, Taf6, and Taf12 also appear to interact with DNA (25), thereby providing additional interactions with promoter DNA. SAGA, too, contains multiple chromatin interaction motifs (24), and thus, the Taf9 CRD could promote SAGA interaction with chromatin. Even though the H3 K9/14Ac was reduced by only ∼50% in the taf9 mutant, we cannot rule out the possibility of inefficient SAGA binding to poorly acetylated chromatin. The interplay between these chromatin-interacting domains and the Taf9 CRD alone, or in conjunction with Taf6, could stabilize TFIID and SAGA on chromatin in promoters in vivo. Thus, in the absence of the Taf9 CRD, it seems possible that TFIID and SAGA have high off rates from chromatin, thereby leading to diminished occupancy.

In summary, we have demonstrated that the Taf9 CRD is essential for TFIID and SAGA occupancy at gene promoters to support transcriptional activation by Gcn4. Our results also show that Gcn4 employs a common strategy, using the Taf9 CRD to potentiate TBP delivery and PIC assembly during transcriptional activation. Altogether, this study highlights the importance of a conserved domain in shared TAFs, other than the histone fold domain, as a common determinant of SAGA and TFIID promoter occupancy and transcriptional activation. Future studies on other conserved domains in shared TAF subunits could uncover the full range of domain requirements and their specialization, if any, in the two transcriptional regulatory complexes.

Supplementary Material

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We thank Alan Hinnebusch (National Institutes of Health), Jerry Workman (Stowers Institute of Medical Research), Tetsuro Kokubo (Yokohama City University, Japan), Tony Weil (Vanderbilt University), Steven Buratowski (Harvard Medical School), and Shelley Berger (University of Pennsylvania) for providing antibodies and strains; Jayasha Shandilya for carrying out the initial genetic screen; Jerry Workman, Alan Hinnebusch, and Swami Venkatesh for discussions and comments on the manuscript; Genotypic Technologies, Bangalore, India, for microarray hybridizations; and Jeffrey Townsend (Yale University) and Rashi Gupta for advice on BAGEL analysis.

M.S., I.S., R.P.S., and R.D. were supported by Junior and Senior Research Fellowships from CSIR; S.S. was supported by a Senior Research Fellowship from ICMR. R.S. acknowledges support from the PRISM project at IMSc, funded by DAE, Government of India. This work was funded by a research grant from CSIR, by partial support under DST-PURSE, by UPOE, and by UGC-RNW grants to K.N.

R.D. performed all experiments during revision of the manuscript.


Published ahead of print 18 February 2014

Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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