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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Feb 4.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Appl Stat. 2014;8(4):2175–2202. doi: 10.1214/14-aoas748

Longitudinal High-Dimensional Principal Components Analysis with Application to Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Multiple Sclerosis

Vadim Zipunnikov 1,, Sonja Greven 2, Haochang Shou, Brian Caffo 3, Daniel S Reich 4, Ciprian Crainiceanu 5
PMCID: PMC4316386  NIHMSID: NIHMS611085  PMID: 25663955


We develop a flexible framework for modeling high-dimensional imaging data observed longitudinally. The approach decomposes the observed variability of repeatedly measured high-dimensional observations into three additive components: a subject-specific imaging random intercept that quantifies the cross-sectional variability, a subject-specific imaging slope that quantifies the dynamic irreversible deformation over multiple realizations, and a subject-visit specific imaging deviation that quantifies exchangeable effects between visits. The proposed method is very fast, scalable to studies including ultra-high dimensional data, and can easily be adapted to and executed on modest computing infrastructures. The method is applied to the longitudinal analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data of the corpus callosum of multiple sclerosis (MS) subjects. The study includes 176 subjects observed at 466 visits. For each subject and visit the study contains a registered DTI scan of the corpus callosum at roughly 30,000 voxels.

Keywords: principal components, linear mixed model, diffusion tensor imaging, brain imaging data, multiple sclerosis

1 Introduction

An increasing number of longitudinal studies routinely acquire high-dimensional data, such as brain images or gene expression, at multiple visits. This led to increased interest in generalizing standard models designed for longitudinal data analysis to the case when the observed data are massively multivariate. In this paper we propose to generalize the random intercept random slope mixed effects model to the case when instead of a scalar one measures a high-dimensional object, such as a brain image. The proposed methods can be applied to longitudinal studies that include high-dimensional imaging observations without missing data that can be unfolded into a long vector.

This paper is motivated by a study of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients (Reich et al., 2010). Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system. A hallmark of MS is damage to and degeneration of the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate nerve fibers in the brain. Such damage results in sclerotic plaques that distort the flow of electrical impulses along the nerves to different parts of the body (Raine et al., 2008). MS also affects the neurons themselves and is associated with accelerated brain atrophy.

Our data are derived from a natural history study of 176 MS cases selected from a population with a wide spectrum of disease severity. Subjects were scanned over a 5-year period up to 10 times per subject, for a total of 466 scans. The scans have been aligned (registered) using a 12 degrees of freedom transformation which accounts for rotation, translation, scaling, and shearing, but not for nonlinear deformation. In this study we focus on fractional anisotropy (FA), a useful voxel-level summary of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a type of structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). FA is viewed as a measure of tissue integrity and is thought to be sensitive both to axon fiber density and myelination in white matter. It is measured on a scale between zero (isotropic diffusion characteristic of fluid-filled cavities) and one (anisotropic diffusion, characteristic of highly ordered white matter fiber bundles) (Mori, 2007).

The goal of the study was to quantify the location and size of longitudinal variability of FA along the corpus callosum. The primary region of interest (ROI) is a central block of the brain containing the corpus callosum, the major bundle of neural fibers connecting the left and right cerebral hemispheres. We weight FA at each voxel in the block with a probability for the voxel to be in the corpus callosum, where the probability is derived from an atlas formed using healthy-volunteer scans, and study longitudinal changes of weighted FAs in the blocks (Reich et al., 2010). Figure 1 displays the ROI that contains corpus callosum together with its relative location in a template brain. Each block is of size 38 × 72 × 11, indicating that there are 38 sagittal, 72 coronal, and 11 axial slices, respectively. Figure 2 displays the 11 axial (horisontal) slices for one of the subjects from bottom to top. In this paper, we study the FA at every voxel of the blue blocks, which could be unfolded into an approximately 30, 000 dimensional vector that contains the corresponding FA value at each entry. The variability of these images over multiple visits and subjects will be described by the combination of: 1) a subject-specific imaging random intercept that quantifies the cross-sectional variability; 2) a subject-specific imaging slope that quantifies the dynamic irreversible deformation over multiple visits; and 3) a subject-visit specific imaging deviation that quantifies exchangeable or reversible visit-to-visit changes.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

The 3D-rendering of the region of interest (left), a blue block containing corpus callosum, and the template brain (right). Views: R=Right, L=Left, S=Superior, I=Interior, A=Anterior, P=Posterior. For the purposes of orientation, major venous structures are displayed in red in the right half of the template brain. The 3D-renderings are obtained using 3D-Slicer (2011) and 3D reconstructions of the anatomy from Pujol (2010).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

The corpus callosum of a randomly chosen subject. Eleven axial slices are shown on the left. A histogram of the weighted FA values is on the right. Orientation: Interior (slice 0) to Superior (slice 10), Posterior (top) to Anterior (bottom), Right to Left. The pictures are obtained using MIPAV (2011).

High dimensional data sets have motivated the statistical and imaging communities to develop new methodological approaches to data analysis. Successful modeling approaches involving wavelets and splines and adaptive kernels have been reported in the literature (Mohamed and Davatzikos, 2004; Morris and Carroll, 2006; Guo, 2002; Morris et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2011; Rodriguez et al., 2009; Bigelow and Dunson, 2009; Reiss et al., 2005; Reiss and Ogden, 2008, 2010; Li et al., 2011; Hua et al., 2012; Yuan et al., 2014). A different direction of research has focused on principal component decompositions (Di et al., 2008; Crainiceanu et al., 2009; Aston et al., 2010; Staicu et al., 2010; Greven et al., 2010; Di et al., 2010; Zipunnikov et al., 2011b; Crainiceanu et al., 2011), which led to several applications to imaging data (Shinohara et al., 2011; Goldsmith et al., 2011; Zipunnikov et al., 2011a). However, the high dimensionality of new data sets, the inherent complexity of sampling designs and data collection, and the diversity of new technological measurements raise multiple challenges that are currently unaddressed.

Here we address the problem of exploring and analyzing populations of high dimensional images at multiple visits using high dimensional longitudinal functional principal components analysis (HD-LFPCA). The method decomposes the longitudinal imaging data into subject specific, longitudinal subject specific, and subject-visit specific components. The dimension reduction for all components is done using principal components of the corresponding covariance operators. Note that we are interested in imaging applications and do not perform smoothing. However, in Section 3.4, we discuss how the proposed approach can be paired with smoothing and applied to high-dimensional functional data. The estimation and inferential methods are fast and can be performed on standard personal computers to analyze hundreds or thousands of high-dimensional images at multiple visits. This was achieved by the following combination of statistical and computational methods: 1) relying only on matrix block calculations and sequential access to memory to avoid loading very large data sets into the computer memory (see Demmel, 1997 and Golub and Loan, 1996 for a comprehensive review of partitioned matrix techniques); 2) using SVD for matrices that have at least one dimension smaller than 10, 000 (Zipunnikov et al., 2011a); 3) obtaining best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of principal scores as a by-product of SVD of the data matrix; and 4) linking the high-dimensional space to a low-dimensional intrinsic space, which allows Karhunen-Loève (KL) decompositions of covariance operators that cannot even be stored in the computer memory. Thus, the proposed methods are computationally linear in the dimension of images.

The rest of the manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews LFPCA and discusses its limitation in high-dimensional settings. In Section 3 we introduce HD-LFPCA, which provides a new statistical and computational framework for LFPCA. This will circumvent the problems associated with LFPCA in high dimensional settings. Simulation studies are provided in Section 4. Our methods are applied to the MS data in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper with a discussion.

2 Longitudinal FPCA

In this section we review the LFPCA framework introduced by Greven et al. (2010). We develop an estimation procedure based on the original one in Greven et al. (2010), but we heavily modify it to make it practical for applications to imaging high dimensional data. We also present the major reasons why the original methods can not be applied to high-dimensional data.

2.1 Model

A brain imaging longitudinal study usually contains a sample of images Yij, where Yij is a recorded brain image of the ith subject, i = 1, …, I, scanned at times Tij, j = 1, …, Ji. The total number of subjects is denoted by I. The times Tij are subject specific. Different subjects could have different number of visits (scans), Ji. The images are stored in 3-dimensional array structures of dimension p = p1 × p2 × p3. For example, in the MS data p = 38 × 72 × 11 = 30, 096. Note that our approach is not limited to the case when data are in a 3 dimensional array. Instead, it can be applied directly to any data structure where the voxels (or pixels, or locations, etc.) are the same across subjects and visits and data can be unfolded into a vector. Following Greven et al. (2010) we consider the LFPCA model

Yij(υ)=η(υ)+Xi,0(υ)+Xi,1(υ)Tij+Wij(υ), (1)

where υ denotes a voxel, η(υ) is a fixed main effect, Xi,0(υ) is the random imaging intercept for subject i, Xi,1 (υ) is the random imaging slope for subject i, Tij is the time of visit j for subject i, Wij(υ) is the random subject/visit-specific imaging deviation. For simplicity, the main effect η(·) does not depend on i and j. As discussed in (Greven et al., 2010), model (1) and the more general model (8) in Section 3.2 are similar to functional models with uncorrelated (Guo, 2002) and correlated (Morris and Carroll, 2006) random functional effects. Instead of using smoothing splines and wavelets as in (Guo, 2002; Morris and Carroll, 2006), our approach models the covariance structures using functional principal component analysis; we have found this approach to lead to the major computational advantages, as further discussed in Section 3.

In the remainder of the paper, we unfold the data Yij and represent it as a p × 1 dimensional vector containing the voxels in a particular order, where the order is preserved across all subjects and visits. We assume that η(υ) is a fixed surface/image and the latent (unobserved) bivariate process Xi(υ)=(Xi,0(υ),Xi,1(υ)) and process Wij(υ) are square-integrable stochastic processes. We also assume that Xi(υ) and Wij(υ) are uncorrelated. We denote by KX1, υ2) and KW1, υ2) their covariance operators, respectively. Assuming that KX1, υ2) and KW1, υ2) are continuous, we can use the standard Karhunen-Loève expansions of the random processes (Karhunen, 1947; Loeve, 1978) and represent Xi(υ)=k=1ξikϕkX(υ) with ϕkX(υ)=(ϕkX,0(υ),ϕkX,1(υ)) and Wij(υ)=l=1ζijlϕlW(υ) where ϕkX and ϕlW are the eigenfunctions of the KX and KW operators, respectively. Note that KX and KW will be estimated by their sample counterparts on finite 2p × 2p and p × p grids, respectively. Hence, we can always make a working assumption of continuity for KX and KW. The LFPCA model becomes the mixed effects model

{Yij(υ)=η(υ)+Zijk=1ξikϕkX(υ)+l=1ζijlϕlW(υ)(ξik1,ξik2)~(0,0;λk1X,λk2X,0);(ζijl1,ζijl2)~(0,0;λl1W,λl2W,0), (2)

where Zij = (1, Tij)′ and “ ~ (0, 0; λk1X,λk2X, 0)” indicates that a pair of variables is uncorrelated with mean zero and variances λk1X and λk2X, respectively. Variances λkX’s are nonincreasing, that is λk1Xλk2X if k1k2. We do not require normality of the scores in the model. The only assumption is the existence of second order moments of the distribution of scores. In addition, the assumption that Xi(υ) and Wij(υ) are uncorrelated is ensured by the assumption that {ξik}k=1 and {ζijl}l=1 are uncorrelated. Note that model (2) may be extended to include a more general vector of covariates Zij. We discuss a general functional mixed model in Section 3.2.

In practice, model 2 is projected onto the first NX and NW components of KX and KW, respectively. Assuming that NX and NW are known, the model becomes

{Yij(υ)=η(υ)+Zijk=1NXξikϕkX(υ)+l=1NWζijlϕlW(υ)(ξik1,ξik2)~(0,0;λk1X,λk2X,0);(ζijl1,ζijl2)~(0,0;λl1W,λl2W,0). (3)

The choice of the number of principal components NX and NW is discussed in (Di et al., 2008; Greven et al., 2010). Typically, NX and NW are small and (3) provides significant dimension reduction of the family of images and their longitudinal dynamics. The main reason why the LFPCA model (3) cannot be fit when data are high dimensional is that the empirical covariance matrices KX and KW can not be calculated, stored or diagonalized. Indeed, in our case these operators would be 30, 000 by 30, 000 dimensional, which would have around 1 billion entries. In other applications these operators would be even bigger.

2.2 Estimation

Our estimation is based on the methods of moments (MoM) for pairwise quadratics E(Yij1Ykj2). The computationally intensive part of fitting (3) is estimating the following massively multivariate model

Yij=η+k=1NXξikϕkX,0+Tijk=1NXξikϕkX,1+l=1NWζijlϕlW=η+ΦX,0ξi+TijΦX,1ξi+ΦWζij, (4)

where η = (η(υ1), …, η(υp)), Yij = {Yij1), …, Yijp)} are p × 1 dimensional vectors, ϕkX,0,ϕkX,1 and ϕlW are correspondingly vectorized eigenvectors, ΦX,0=[ϕ1X,0,,ϕNXX,0] and ΦX,1=[ϕ1X,1,,ϕNXX,1] are p × NX dimensional matrices, ΦW=[ϕ1W,,ϕNWW] is a p × NW dimensional matrix, principal scores ξi = (ξi1, …, ξiNX)′ and ζij = (ζij1, …, ζijNU)′ are uncorrelated with diagonal covariance matrices E(ξiξi)=ΛX=diag(λ1X,,λNXX) and E(ζijζij)=ΛW=diag(λ1W,,λNWW), respectively.

To obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues in model (4), the spectral decompositions of KX and KW need to be constructed. The first NX and NW eigenvectors and eigenvalues are retained after this, that is KXΦXΛXΦX′ and KWΦWΛWΦW′, where ΦX = [ΦX,0′, ΦX,1′]′ denotes a 2p × NX matrix with orthonormal columns and ΦW is a p × NW matrix with orthonormal columns.

Lemma 1: The MoM estimators of the covariance operators and the mean in (4) are unbiased and given by

X00=i,j1,j2ij1ij2hij1j21,X01=i,j1,j2ij1ij2hij1j22,X10=i,j1,j2ij1ij2hij1j23,X11=i,j1,j2ij1ij2hij1j24,W=i,j1,j2ij1ij2hij1j25,η̂=1ni=1Ij=1JiYij, (5)

where ij = Yijη̂, the 2p × 2p matrix KX=[KX00KX01;KX10KX11], with KXks=E{ΦX,kξi(ΦX,sξi)} for k, s ∈ {0, 1}, the weights hij1j2l are elements of the lth column of the matrix Hm×5 = F′(FF′)−1 the matrix Fm has columns equal to fij1j2 = (1, Tij2, Tij1, Tij1, Tij2, δj1j2)′, and m=i=1IJi2.

The proof of the lemma is given in Appendix. The MoM estimators (5) define the symmetric matrices X and W. Identifiability of model (4) requires that some subjects have more than two visits, that is Ji ≥ 3. Note that if one is only interested in estimating covariances, η can be eliminated as a nuisance parameter by using MoMs for quadratics of differences E{Yij1Ykj2)(Yij1Ykj2)′ as in Shou et al. (2013).

Estimating the covariance matrices is a crucial first step. However, constructing and storing these matrices requires O(p2) calculations and O(p2) memory units. Even if it were possible to calculate and store these covariances, obtaining the spectral decompositions would be infeasible. Indeed, KX is a 2p × 2p and KW is a p × p dimensional matrix, which would require O(p3) operations, making diagonalization infeasible for p > 104. Therefore, LFPCA, which performs well when the functional dimensionality is moderate, fails in very high and ultra high dimensional settings.

In the next section we develop a methodology capable of handling longitudinal models of very high dimensionality. The main reason why these methods work efficiently is because the intrinsic dimensionality of the model is controlled by the sample size of the study, which is much smaller compared to the number of voxels. The core part of the methodology is to carefully exploit this underlying low dimensional space.


In this section we provide our statistical model and inferential methods. The main emphasis is on providing a new methodological approach with the ultimate goal of solving the intractable computational problems discussed in the previous section.

3.1 Eigenanalysis

In Section 2 we established that the main computational bottleneck for standard LFPCA of Greven et al. (2010) is constructing, storing, and decomposing the relevant covariance operators. In this section we propose an algorithm that allows efficient calculation of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of these covariance operators without either calculating or storing the covariance operators. In addition, we demonstrate how all necessary calculations can be done using sequential access to data. One of the main assumptions of this section is that the sample size, n=j=1IJi, is moderate so calculations of order O(n3) are feasible. In Section 6 we discuss ways to extend our approach to situations when this assumption is violated.

Write = (1, …, I), where i = (i1,…, iJi) is a centered p × Ji matrix and the column j, j = 1, …, Ji, contains the unfolded image for subject i at visit j. Note that the matrix i contains all the data for subject i with each column corresponding to a particular visit. The matrix is the p × n matrix obtained by column-binding the centered subject-specific data matrices i. Thus if i = (i1, …, iJi) then = (1, …, I). Our approach starts with constructing the SVD of the matrix

=VS1/2U. (6)

Here, the matrix V is p × n dimensional with n orthonormal columns, S is a diagonal n × n dimensional matrix and U is an n × n dimensional orthogonal matrix. Calculating the SVD of requires only a number of operations linear in the number of parameters p. Indeed, consider the n × n symmetric matrix with its spectral decomposition = USU′. Note that for high-dimensional p the matrix cannot be loaded into the memory. The solution is to partition it into L slices as ′ = [(1)′|(2)′| … |(L)′], where the size of the lth slice, 1, is (p/L) × n and can be adapted to the available computer memory and optimized to reduce implementation time. The matrix is then calculated as l=1L(l)l by streaming the individual blocks. This step calculates singular value decomposition of the p × n matrix . Note that for any permutation of components υ, model (3) will be valid and the covariance structure imposed by the model can be recovered by doing the inverse permutation. If smoothing of the covariance matrix is desirable, then this step can be efficiently combined with Fast Covariance Estimation (FACE, Xiao et al. (2013)), a computationally efficient smoother of (low-rank) high-dimensional covariance matrices with p up to 100,000.

From the SVD (6) the p × n matrix V can be obtained as V = ỸUS−1/2. The actual calculations can be performed on the slices of the partitioned matrix as Vl = lUS−1/2, l = 1, …,L. The concatenated slices [(V1)′|(V2)′| … |(VL)′] form the matrix of the left singular vectors V′. Therefore, the SVD (6) can be constructed with sequential access to the data with p-linear effort.

After obtaining the SVD of , each image ij can be represented as ij = VS1/2Uij, where Uij is a corresponding column of matrix U′. Therefore, the vectors ij differ only through the vector factors Uij of dimension n × l. Comparing this SVD representation of ij with the right-hand side of (4), it follows that cross-sectional and longitudinal variability controlled by the principal scores ξi, ζij, and time variables Tij must be completely determined by the low-dimensional vectors Uij. This is the key observation which makes the approach feasible. Below, we provide more intuition behind our approach. The formal argument is presented in Lemma 2.

First, we substitute the left-hand side of (4) with its SVD representation of ij to get VS1/2Uij = ΦX,0ξi + TijΦX,1ξi + ΦWζij. Now we can multiply by V′ both sides of the equation to get S1/2Uij = VΦX,0ξi + TijVΦX,1ξi + VΦWζij. If we denote AX,0 = VΦX,0 of size n × NX, AX,1 = VΦX,1 of size n × NX, and AW = VΦU of size n × NW, we obtain

S1/2Uij=AX,0ξi+TijAX,1ξi+AWζij. (7)

Conditionally on the observed data, , models (4) and (7) are equivalent. Indeed, model (4) is a linear model for the n vectors ij’s. These vectors span an (at most) n-dimensional linear subspace. Hence, the columns of the matrix V, the right singular vectors of , could be thought of as an orthonormal basis, while S1/2Uij are the coordinates of ij in this basis. Multiplication by V′ can be seen as a linear mapping from model (4) for the high-dimensional observed data ijs to model (7) for the low dimensional data S1/2Uij. Additionally, even though VV′ ≠ Ip, the projection defined by V is lossless in the sense that model (4) can be recovered from model (7) using the identity VVij = ij. Hence, model (7) has an “intrinsic” dimensionality induced by the study sample size, n. We can estimate the low-dimensional model (7) using the LFPCA methods described in Section 2. This step is now feasible as it requires only O(n3) calculations. The formal result presented below shows that fitting model (7) is an essential step for getting the high-dimensional principal components in p-linear time.

Lemma 2: The eigenvectors of the estimated covariance operators (5) can be calculated as Φ̂X,0 = X,0, Φ̂X,1 = X,1, Φ̂W = W, where the matrices ÂX,0, ÂX,1, ÂW are obtained from fitting model (7). The estimated matrices of eigenvalues Λ̂X and Λ̂W are the same for both model (4) and model (7).

The proof of the lemma is given in Appendix. This result is a generalization of the HD-MFPCA result in Zipunnikov et al. (2011b), which was obtained in the case when there is no longitudinal component ΦX,1. In the next section, we provide more insights into the intrinsic model (7).

3.2 The general functional mixed model

A natural way to generalize model (3) is to consider the following model

Yij=η+Zij,0k=1NXξikϕkX,0+Zij,1k=1NXξikϕkX,1++Zij,qk=1NXξikϕkX,q+l=1NWζijlϕlW, (8)

where the (q + 1)-dimensional vector of covariates Zij = (Zij,0, Zij,1, …, Zij,q) may include, for instance, polynomial terms of Tij and other covariates of interest.

The fitting approach is essentially the same as the one described for the LFPCA model in Section 3.1. As before, the right singular vectors Uij contain the longitudinal information about ξi, ζi, and covariates Zij. The following two results are direct generalizations of Lemmas 1 and 2.

Lemma 3: The MoM estimators of the covariance operators and the mean in (8) are unbiased and given by


where ij = Yijη̂), the (q + 1)p × (q + 1)p block-matrix KX is composed of p × p matrices KXks=E{ΦX,kξi(ΦX,sξi)} for k, s ∈ {0, 1, …, q}, the weights hij1j2l are elements of the lth column of matrix Hm×((q+1)2+1) = F′ (FF′)−1, the matrix F((q+1)2+1)×m has columns equal to fij1j2 = (vec(Zij1Zij2), δj1j2)′, and m=i=1IJi2.

Lemma 4: The eigenvectors of the estimated covariance operators for (8) can be calculated as Φ̂X,k = X,k, k = 0, 1, …, q, Φ̂W = W, where the matrices ÂX,k, k = 0, 1, …, q and ÂW are obtained from fitting the intrinsic model

S1/2Uij=Zij,0k=1NXξikAkX,0+Zij,1k=1NXξikAkX,1++Zij,qk=1NXξikAkX,q+l=1NWζijlAlW. (9)

The estimated matrices of eigenvalues Λ̂X and Λ̂W are the same for both model (8) and model (9).

3.3 Estimation of principal scores

The principal scores are the coordinates of ij in the basis defined by the LFPCA model (8). In this section, we propose an approach to calculating BLUP of the scores that is computationally feasible for samples of high-resolution images.

First, we introduce some notation. In Section 3.1, we showed that the SVD of the matrix can be written as i=VS1/2Ui, where the n × Ji matrix Ui corresponds to the subject i. Model (8) can be rewritten as

vec(i)=Biωi, (10)

where, Bi=[BiXBiW],BiX=Zi,0ΦX,0+Zi,1ΦX,1++Zi,qΦX,q,BiW=IJiΦW,Zi,k=(Zi1,k,,ZiJi,k),ωi=(ξi,ζi) the subject level principal scores ζi=(ζi1,,ζiJi), ⊗ is the Kronecker product of matrices, and operation vec(·) stacks the columns of a matrix on top of each other. The following lemma contains the main result of this section; it shows how the estimated BLUPs can be calculated for the LFPCA model.

Lemma 5: Under the general LFPCA model (8), the estimated best linear unbiased predictor (EBL UP) of ξi and ζi is given by

(ξ̂iζ̂i)=(ii)1ivec(i), (11)

where all matrix factors on the right side can be written in terms of the low-dimensional right singular vectors.

The proof of the lemma is given in Appendix. The EBLUPs calculations are almost instantaneous as the matrices involved in (11) are low-dimensional and do not depend on the dimension p. Section 6 in Appendix briefly describes how the framework can be adapted to settings with tens or hundreds of thousands images.

3.4 HF-LFPCA model with white noise

The original LFPCA model in Greven et al. (2010) was developed for functional observations and contained an additional white noise term. In this section, we show how the HD-LFPCA framework can be extended to accommodate such a term and how the extended model can be estimated.

We now seek to fit the following model

Yij=η+Zij,0k=1NXξikϕkX,0+Zij,1k=1NXξikϕkX,1++Zij,qk=1NXξikϕkX,q+l=1NWζijlϕlW+εij, (12)

where εij is a p-dimensional white noise variable, that is Eij) = 0p for any i, j and Ei1j1εi2j2) = σ2δi1i2δj1j2Ip. The white noise process εij(υ) is assumed to be uncorrelated with processes Xi(υ) and Wij(υ).

Lemma 3 applied to (12) shows that σ2W=i,j1,j2ij1ij2hij1j2(q+1)2+1 is an unbiased estimator of KW + σ2Ip. To estimate σ2 in a functional case, we can follow the method in Greven et al. (2010): i) drop the diagonal elements of σ2W and use a bivariate smoother to get σ2W, ii) calculate an estimator σ̂2=max{(tr(σ2W)tr(σ2W)/p,0}. To make this approach feasible in very high-dimensional settings (p ~ 100, 000), we can use the fast covariance estimation (FACE) developed in Xiao et al. (2013), a bivariate smoother that scales up linearly with respect to p and preserves the low dimensionality of the estimated covariance operator. Thus HD-LFPCA remains feasible after smoothing by FACE.

When the observations Yij’s are non-functional, the off-diagonal smoothing approach cannot be used. In this case, if one assumes that model (12) is low-rank then σ2 can be estimated as (tr(σ2W)k=1NWλ̂kW)/(pNW). Bayesian model selection approaches that estimate both the rank of PCA models and variance σ2 are discussed in Everson and Roberts (2000) and Minka (2000).

4 Simulations

In this section, three simulation studies are used to explore the properties of our proposed methods. In the first study, we replicate several simulation scenarios in Greven et al. (2010) for functional curves, but we focus on using a number of parameters up to two orders of magnitude larger than the ones in the original scenarios. This increase in dimensionality could not be handled by the original LFPCA approach. In the second study, we explore how methods recover 3D spatial bases when the approach of Greven et al. (2010) cannot be implemented. In the third study, we replicate the unbalanced design in and use time variable Tij from our DTI application and generate data using principal components estimated in Section 5. For each scenario, we simulated 100 data sets. All three studies were run on a four core i7-2.67Gz PC with 6Gb of RAM memory using Matlab 2010a. The software is available upon request.

First scenario (ID, functional curves)

We follow Greven et al. (2010) and generate data as follows


where ξik~i.i.d.0.5N(λkX/2,λkX/2)+0.5N(λkX/2,λkX/2) means that the scores ξik are simulated from a mixture of two normals, N(λkX/2,λkX/2) and N(λkX/2,λkX/2) with equal probabilities, a similar notation holds for ζijl. The scores ξik’s and ζijl’s are mutually independent. We set I = 100, Ji = 4, i = 1, …, I, and the number of eigenfunctions NX = NW = 4. The true eigenvalues are the same, λkX=λkW=0.5k1, k = 1, 2, 3, 4. The orthogonal but not mutually orthogonal bases were


which are measured on a regular grid of p equidistant points in the interval [0, 1]. To explore scalability, we consider several grids with increasing number of sampling points, p, equal to 750, 3000, 12000, 24000, 48000, and 96000. Note that a brute-force extension of the standard LFPCA would be at the edge of feasibility for such a large p. For each i, the first time Ti1 is generated from the uniform distribution over interval (0, 1) denoted by U(0, 1). Then differences (Tij+1Tij) are also generated from U(0, 1) for 1 ≤ j ≤ 3. The times Ti1, …, Ti4 are normalized to have sample mean zero and variance one. Although no measurement noise is assumed in model (3), we simulate data that also contains white noise, εij(υ). The purpose of this is two fold. First, it is of interest to explore how the presence of white noise affects the performance of methods which do not model it explicitly. Second, the choice of the eigenfunctions in the original simulation scenario of Greven et al. (2010) makes the estimation problem ill-posed if data does not contain white noise. The white noise εij(υ) are assumed to be i.i.d. N(0, σ2) for each i, j, υ and independent of all other latent processes. To evaluate different signal-to-noise ratios we consider values of σ2 equal to 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01. Note that we normalized each of the data generating eigenvectors to have norm one. Thus, the signal-to-noise ratio, (k=14λkX+k=14λkW)/(pσ2), ranges from 50 (for p = 750 and σ2 = 0.0001) to 0.004 (for p = 96, 000 and σ2 = 0.01).

Table 1 and Tables 4 and 5 in the web-appendix report the average L2 distances between the estimated and true eigenvectors for Xi,0(υ), Xi,1(υ), and Wij(υ), respectively. The averages are calculated based on 100 simulated data sets for each (p, σ2) combination. Standard deviations are shown in brackets. Three trends are obvious: i) eigenvectors with larger eigenvalues are estimated with higher accuracy, ii) larger white noise corresponds to a decreasing accuracy, iii) for identical levels of white noise, accuracy goes down when the dimension p goes up. Similar trends are observed for average distances between estimated and true eigenvalues reported in Tables 6 and 7. These trends follow from the fact that for any fixed σ2, the signal-to-noise ratio decreases with increasing p and the performance of the approach quickly deteriorates once the signal-to-noise ratio becomes smaller than one.

Table 1.

Based on 100 simulated datasets, average distances between estimated and true eigenvectors of Xi,0(υ), standard deviations are given in parentheses.

(p, σ2)

(750, 1e-04) 0.034 (0.048) 0.07 (0.069) 0.074 (0.053) 0.081 (0.07)
(750, 5e-04) 0.031 (0.031) 0.055 (0.051) 0.084 (0.097) 0.112 (0.151)
(750, 0.001) 0.035 (0.039) 0.062 (0.054) 0.078 (0.059) 0.139 (0.206)
(750, 0.005) 0.035 (0.039) 0.072 (0.062) 0.096 (0.063) 0.159 (0.084)
(750, 0.01) 0.045 (0.036) 0.079 (0.054) 0.129 (0.102) 0.234 (0.103)

(3000, 1e-04) 0.031 (0.028) 0.064 (0.118) 0.09 (0.13) 0.109 (0.126)
(3000, 5e-04) 0.037 (0.032) 0.065 (0.048) 0.077 (0.06) 0.14 (0.136)
(3000, 0.001) 0.031 (0.027) 0.06 (0.044) 0.087 (0.062) 0.131 (0.07)
(3000, 0.005) 0.058 (0.035) 0.106 (0.058) 0.171 (0.09) 0.324 (0.096)
(3000, 0.01) 0.073 (0.028) 0.142 (0.048) 0.236 (0.074) 0.508 (0.072)

(12000, 1e-04) 0.031 (0.028) 0.062 (0.048) 0.077 (0.056) 0.134 (0.165)
(12000, 5e-04) 0.041 (0.036) 0.078 (0.05) 0.121 (0.069) 0.201 (0.081)
(12000, 0.001) 0.047 (0.04) 0.083 (0.054) 0.164 (0.114) 0.295 (0.118)
(12000, 0.005) 0.112 (0.032) 0.217 (0.064) 0.44 (0.216) 0.758 (0.153)
(12000, 0.01) 0.175 (0.031) 0.338 (0.093) 0.554 (0.132) 0.987 (0.071)

(24000, 1e-04) 0.035 (0.032) 0.066 (0.049) 0.09 (0.141) 0.146 (0.173)
(24000, 5e-04) 0.055 (0.045) 0.097 (0.061) 0.146 (0.09) 0.266 (0.098)
(24000, 0.001) 0.07 (0.038) 0.125 (0.047) 0.23 (0.167) 0.43 (0.15)
(24000, 0.005) 0.183 (0.049) 0.348 (0.097) 0.622 (0.208) 0.998 (0.11)
(24000, 0.01) 0.295 (0.043) 0.518 (0.117) 0.742 (0.102) 1.184 (0.07)

(48000, 1e-04) 0.046 (0.068) 0.076 (0.067) 0.103 (0.059) 0.175 (0.122)
(48000, 5e-04) 0.073 (0.035) 0.13 (0.056) 0.234 (0.1) 0.437 (0.099)
(48000, 0.001) 0.105 (0.051) 0.183 (0.065) 0.407 (0.23) 0.695 (0.192)
(48000, 0.005) 0.307 (0.08) 0.532 (0.151) 0.824 (0.208) 1.19 (0.086)
(48000, 0.01) 0.458 (0.084) 0.712 (0.1) 0.938 (0.074) 1.186 (0.126)

(96000, 1e-04) 0.045 (0.033) 0.087 (0.059) 0.146 (0.103) 0.246 (0.107)
(96000, 5e-04) 0.116 (0.081) 0.194 (0.094) 0.431 (0.268) 0.721 (0.218)
(96000, 0.001) 0.188 (0.089) 0.32 (0.121) 0.787 (0.339) 1.062 (0.216)
(96000, 0.005) 0.457 (0.065) 0.707 (0.107) 0.954 (0.125) 1.298 (0.074)
(96000, 0.01) 0.662 (0.105) 0.926 (0.103) 1.116 (0.075) 1.143 (0.153)

Figure 8 (web appendix) displays the true and estimated eigenfunctions for the case when p = 12, 000 and σ2 = 0.012 and shows the complete agreement with Figure 2 in Greven et al. (2010). The boxplots of the estimated eigenvalues are displayed in Figure 4. In Figure 5, panels one and three report the boxplots of and panels two and four display the medians and quantiles of the distribution of the normalized estimated scores, (ξikξ̂ik)/λkX and (ζijlζ̂ijl)/λlW, respectively. This indicates that the estimation procedures provides unbiased estimates.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Boxplots of the normalized estimated eigenvalues for process Xi(υ), (λ̂kXλkX)/λkX, (left box) and the normalized estimated eigenvalues for process Wij(υ), (λ̂lWλlW)/λlW, (right box) based on scenario 1 with 100 replications. The zero is shown by the solid black line.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

The left two panels show the distribution of the normalized estimated scores of process Xi(υ), (ξikξ̂ik)/λkX. Boxplots are given in the left column. The right column shows the medians (black marker), 5% and 95% quantiles (blue markers), and 0.5% and 99.5% quantiles (red markers). Similarly, the distribution of the normalized estimated scores of process Wij(υ), (ζijlζ̂ijl)/λlX is provided at the right two panels.

Second scenario (3D)

Data sets in this study replicate the 3D ROI blocks from the DTI MS data set. We simulated 100 data sets from the model


where 𝒱 = [1, 38] × [1, 72] × [1, 11]. Eigenimages (ϕkX,0,ϕkX,1), and ϕlW are displayed in Figure 3. The images in this scenario can be thought of as 3D images with voxel intensities on the [0, 1] scale. The voxels within each sub-block (eigenimage) are set to 1 and outside voxels are set to 0. There are four blue and red sub-blocks corresponding to ϕkX,0 and ϕkX,1, respectively. The eigenfunctions closest to the anterior side of the brain (labeled A in Figure 3) are ϕ1X,0 and ϕ1X,1, which have the strongest signal proportional to the largest eigenvalue (variance), λ1X. The eigenvectors that are progressively closer to the posterior part of the brain (labeled P) correspond to smaller eigenvalues represented as lighter shades of blue and red, respectively. The sub-blocks closest to the P have the smallest signal, which is proportional to λ4X. The eigenimages ϕkW shown in green are ordered the same way. Note that ϕkX,0 are uncorrelated with ϕlW However, both ϕkX,0 and ϕlW are correlated with the ϕkX,1s describing the random slope Xi,1(υ). We assume that I = 150, Ji = 6, i = 1, …, I, and the true eigenvalues λkX=0.5k1, k = 1, 2, 3, and λlW=0.5l1, l = 1, 2. The times Tij were generated as in the first simulation scenario. To apply HD-LFPCA, we unfold each image Yij and obtain vectors of size p = 38 × 72 × 11 = 30, 096. The entire simulation study took 20 minutes or approximately 12 seconds per data set. Figures 13, 14, and 15 (web-appendix) display the medians of the estimated eigenimages and the voxelwise 5th and 95th percentile images, respectively. All axial slices, or z slices in a x-y-z coordinate system, are the same. Therefore, we display only one z-slice, which is representative of the entire 3D image. To obtain a grayscale image with voxel values in the [0, 1] interval, each estimated eigenvector, ϕ̂ = (ϕ̂1, …, ϕ̂p), was normalized as ϕ̂ → (ϕ̂ − minsϕ̂s)/(maxsϕ̂s − minsϕ̂s). Figure 13 displays the voxel-wise medians of the estimator, indicating that the method recovers the spatial configuration of both bases. The 5-percentile and 95-percentile images are displayed in Figures 14 and 15, respectively. Overall, the original pattern is recovered with some small distortions most likely due to the correlation between bases (please note the light gray patches).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

3D eigenimages of the 2nd simulation scenario. From left to right: ϕkX,0 are in blue, ϕkX,1 are in red, ϕkW are in green, the most right one shows the overlap of all eigenimages. Views: R=Right, L=Left, S=Superior, I=Interior, A=Anterior, P=Posterior. The 3D-renderings are obtained using 3D-Slicer (2011).

The boxplots of the estimated normalized eigenvalues, (λ̂kXλkX)/λkX and (λ̂lWλlW)/λlW, are displayed in Figure 11. The eigenvalues are estimated consistently. However, in 6 out of 100 cases (extreme values shown in red), the estimation procedure did not distinguish well between ϕ3W and ϕ4W. This is probably due the relatively low signal.

The boxplots of the estimated eigenscores are displayed in Figure 12. In this scenario, the total number of the estimated scores ξik is 15, 000 for each k and there are 90, 000 estimated scores ζijl for each l. The distributions of the normalized estimated scores (ξikξ̂ik)/λkX and (ζijlζ̂ijl)/λlW are displayed in the first and third panels of Figure 12, respectively. The spread of the distributions increases as the signal-to-noise ratio decreases. The second and fourth panels of Figure 12 display the medians, 0.5%, 5%, 95% and 99.5% quantiles of the distribution of the normalized estimated scores.

Third scenario (3D, empirical basis)

We generate data using the first ten principal components estimated in Section 5. We replicated the unbalanced design of the MS study and used the same time variable Tij’s. The principal scores ξik and ζijk were simulated as in Scenario 1 with λkX=λkW=0.5k1, k = 1, …, 10. The white noise variance σ2 was set to 10−4. Thus, SNR is equal to 1.32. The results are reported in Table 8 of the web-appendix. The average distances between estimated and true eigenvectors for Xi(υ) and Wij(υ) are calculated based on 100 simulated data sets. Principal components and principal scores become less accurate as the signal-to-noise gets smaller.

5 Longitudinal analysis of brain fractional anisotropy in MS patients

In this section we apply HD-LFPCA to the DTI images of MS patients. The study population included individuals with no, mild, moderate, and severe disability. Over the follow-up period (as long as 5 years in some cases), there was little change in the median disability level of the cohort. Cohort characteristics are reported in Table 10 of the web-appendix. The scans have been aligned using a 12 degrees of freedom transformation, meaning that we accounted for rotation, translation, scaling, and shearing, but not for nonlinear deformation. As described in Section 1, the primary region of interest is a central block of the brain of size 38 × 72 × 11 displayed in Figure 1. We weighted each voxel in the block with a probability for the voxel to be in the corpus callosum and study longitudinal changes of weighted voxels in the blocks (Reich et al., 2010). Probabilities less than 0.05 were set to zero. Below we model longitudinal variability of the weighted FA at every voxel of the blocks. The entire analysis performed in Matlab 2010a took only 3 seconds on a PC with a quad core i7-2.67Gz processor and 6Gb of RAM memory. First, we unfolded each block into a 30, 096 dimensional vector that contained the corresponding weighted FA values. In addition to high dimensionality, another difficulty of analyzing this study was the unbalanced distribution of scans across subjects (see Table 9 in the web-appendix); this is a typical problem in natural history studies. After forming the data matrix Y, we estimated the overall mean as η̂=1ni=1Ij=1JiYij and de-meaned the data. The estimated mean is shown at Figure 16. The mean image across subjects and visits indicates a shape characterized by our scientific collaborators as a “standard corpus callosum template”.

Model 1: First, we start by fitting a random intercept and random slope model (1). To enable comparison of the variability explained by processes Xi(υ) and Wij(υ), we followed the normalization procedure in Section 3.4 in Greven et al. (2010): Tij’s were normalized to have sample mean zero and sample variance one. The estimated covariance matrices are not necessarily non-negative definite. Indeed, we have obtained small negative eigenvalues of the covariance operators X and W. Following Hall et al. (2008) all the negative eigenvalues were set to zero. The total variation was decomposed into the “subject-specific” part modeled by process Xi and the “exchangeable visit-to-visit” part modeled by the process Wij. Most of the total variability, 70.8%, is explained by Xi (subject-specific variability) with the trace of KX = 122.53, while 29.2% is explained by Wij (exchangeable visit-to-visit variability) with the trace of KW = 50.47. Two major contributions of our approach is to separate the processes Xi and Wij and quantify their corresponding contributions to the total variability.

Table 2 reports the percentage explained by first 10 eigenimages. The first 10 random intercept eigenimages explain roughly 55% of the total variability, while the effect of the random slope is accounting for only 0.80% of the total variability. The exchangeable variability captured by Wij(υ) accounts for 17.5% of the total variation.

Table 2.

Model 1 (Tij change): Cumulative variability explained by the first 10 eigenimages.

1 22.13 0.08 7.12 29.33
2 10.66 0.11 3.20 43.29
3 5.99 0.13 2.04 51.44
4 4.84 0.08 1.44 57.80
5 2.80 0.06 0.90 61.56
6 2.39 0.07 0.83 64.85
7 1.94 0.10 0.63 67.52
8 1.72 0.08 0.50 69.82
9 1.55 0.05 0.45 71.86
10 1.20 0.05 0.39 73.50

55.20 0.80 17.50 73.50

The first three estimated random intercept and slope eigenimages are shown in pairs in Figures 6, 7, and in 17, 18, 19, 20 in the web-appendix, respectively. Figures 21, 22, and 23 in the web-appendix display the first three eigenimages of the exchangeable measurement error process Wij(υ).

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Eleven slices of ϕ̂1X,0. A histogram of the voxel intensities is on the right. The pictures are obtained using MIPAV (2011).

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Eleven slices of ϕ̂1X,1. A histogram of the voxel intensities is on the right. The pictures are obtained using MIPAV (2011).

Each eigenimage is accompanied with the histogram of its voxel values. Recall that the eigenimages were obtained by folding the unit length eigenvectors of p ≈ 3 · 104 voxels. Therefore, each voxel is represented by a small value. For principal scores, negative and positive voxel values correspond to opposite loadings (directions) of variation. Each histogram has a peak at zero due to the existence of the threshold for the probability maps indicating if a voxel is in the corpus callosum. This peak is a convenient visual divider of the color spectrum into the loading specific colors. Because of the sign invariance of the SVD, the separation between positive and negative loadings is comparable only within the same eigenimage. However, the loadings of the random intercept and slope within an eigenimage of the process Xi(υ) can be compared as they share the same principal score. This allows us to contrast the time invariant random intercept with the longitudinal random slope and, thus, to localize regions that exhibit the largest longitudinal variability. This could be used to analyze the longitudinal changes of brain imaging in a particular disease or to help generate new scientific hypotheses.

We now interpret the random intercept and slope parts of the eigenimages obtained for the MS data. Figures 6 and 7 show the random intercept and slope parts of the first eigenimage ϕ1X, respectively. The negatively loaded voxels of the random intercept, ϕ1X,0, essentially compose the entire corpus callosum. This indicates an overall shift in the mean FA of the corpus callosum. This is expected and is a widely observed empirical feature of principal components. The random slope part, ϕ1X,1, has both positively and negatively loaded areas in the corpus callosum. The areas colored in blue shades share the sign of the random intercept ϕ1X,0 whereas the red shades have the opposite sign. The extreme colors of the spectrum of ϕ1X,1 show a clear separation into negative and positive loadings especially accentuated in the splenium (posterior) and the genu (anterior) areas of the corpus callosum; please note the upper and lower areas in panels 0 through 5 of Figure 7. This implies that a subject with a positive first component score ξi1 > 0 would tend to have a smaller mean FA over the entire corpus callosum and the FA would tend to decrease with time in the negatively loaded parts of the splenium. The reverse will be true for a subject with a negative score ξi1. The other two eigenimages of Xi(υ) and eigenimages of Wij(υ) are discussed in the web-appendix.

Next, we explored whether the deviation process Wij(υ) depends on MS severity by analyzing the corresponding eigenscores. To do this, we divided subjects according to their MS type into three sub-groups: relapsing-remitting (RR, 102 subjects), secondary progressive (SP, 40 subjects), and primary progressive (PP, 25 subjects). For each of the first ten eigenimages, we formally tested whether there are differences between the distributions of the scores of the three groups using the t-test and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon-rank test for equality of means and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for equality of distributions. For the first eigenimage, the scores in the SP group have been significantly different from both those in RR and PP groups (p-values < 0.005 for all three tests). For the second eigenimage, scores in the RR group were significantly different from both SP and PP (p-values < 0.01 for all three tests). The two left images of Figure 8 display the group bean plots of the scores for the first eigenimage and the second eigenimages of Wij(υ), respectively.

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Model 1: Group bean plots according to MS type (left) and according to EDSS score (right).

In addition to MS type, the EDSS scores were recorded at each visit. We divided subjects into two groups according to their EDSS score: i) smaller than 5 and ii) larger than or equal 5. As with MS type, we have conducted tests for the equality of distributions of the eigenscores of these two groups for all ten eigenimages. For eigenimages one and two, the distributions of eigenscores have been found to be significantly different (p-values <0.001 for all three tests). The two right images on Figure 8 display group bean plots of the scores for the first eigenimage and the second eigenimage of Wij(υ), respectively.

We have also conducted a standard analysis based on the scalar mean FA over the CC for each subject/visit and fitted a scalar random intercept/random slope model. In this model, the random intercept explains roughly 94% of the total variation of the mean FAs. Figure 24 displays bean plots of the estimated random intercepts stratified by EDDS score and MS type. For both cases there was a statistically significant difference between the distributions of the random intercepts (EDSS: p-values < 0.001; MS-type, SP vs RR and PP, p-values < 0.002, for all three tests). Similar tests for the distributions of the random slopes did not identify statistically significant differences between groups. We conclude that this simple model agrees with the full HD-LFPCA mode, though the multivariate model provides a detailed decomposition of the total FA variation together with localization variability in the original 3D-space.

Model 2: Second, we fit model (8) using Zij,1 equal to a visit-specific EDSS score. Again, Zij,1’s were normalized to have sample mean 0 and sample variance 1. Table 3 reports percentages explained by the first 10 eigenimages in Model 2. Interestingly, the total variation explained by the random intercept and random slope in both models are approximately the same with 56.0% in Model 1 vs. 54.2% for Model 2. However, the random slope in Model 2 explains a much higher proportion of the total variation: 13.2% in Model 2 using EDSS versus Model 1 using time. The second component of the random slope explains almost 8.5% of the total variation. We have also explored whether the scores of Wij(υ) depend on MS type and EDSS score using the t-test, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon-rank test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. For the first eigenimage, the SP type was significantly different from the RR (p-values < 0.01 for all three tests), though, it was not significantly different from the PP group. For the second eigenimage, the distribution of eigenscores for the SP type was significantly different from that of the scores for the RR (p-values < 0.05 for all three tests), and not significantly different from the distribution of the scores of the PP type. For grouping according to EDSS score, the distributions of the eigenscores of the first two eigenimages have been found to be statistically different (p-values <0.01 for all three tests). Figure 9 displays bean plots similar to Figure 8 for the distributions of the scores in the groups defined by MS types and EDSS. This indicates that the deviation process Wij(υ) in Models 1 and 2 carries not only useful but also almost identical remaining information regarding severity of MS.

Table 3.

Model 2 (Zij change): Cumulative variability explained by the first 10 eigenimages.

1 17.79 0.42 5.59 23.80
2 0.53 8.46 1.99 34.78
3 6.92 0.39 1.55 43.64
4 4.68 0.76 1.05 50.13
5 3.02 0.52 0.80 54.46
6 2.44 0.29 0.69 57.88
7 1.63 0.77 0.54 60.82
8 1.48 0.67 0.39 63.36
9 1.41 0.51 0.35 65.64
10 1.19 0.38 0.33 67.54

41.09 13.17 13.28 67.54

Figure 9.

Figure 9

Model 2: Group bean plots according to MS type (left) and according to EDSS score (right).

6 Discussion

The methods developed in this paper increase the scope and general applicability of LFPCA to very high dimensional settings. The base model decomposes the longitudinal data into three main components: a subject-specific random intercept, a subject-specific random slope, and reversible visit-to-visit deviation. We described and addressed computational difficulties that arise with high-dimensional data using a powerful approach referred to as HD-LFPCA. We have developed a procedure designed to identify a low-dimensional space that contains all the information for estimating of the model. This significantly extended the previous related efforts in the clustered functional principal components models, MFPCA (Di et al., 2008) and HD-MFPCA (Zipunnikov et al., 2011b).

We applied HD-LFPCA to a novel imaging setting considering DTI and MS in a primary white matter structure. Our investigation characterized longitudinal and cross sectional variation in the corpus callosum.

There are several outstanding issues for HD-LFPCA that need to be addressed. First, a key assumption of our methods is that they require a moderate sample size that does not exceeds ten thousands, or so, images. This limitation can be circumvented by adopting the methods discussed in Appendix. Second, we have not formally included white noise in our model. Simulation studies in Section 4 demonstrated that a moderate amount of white noise does not have a serious effect on the estimation procedure. However, a more systematic treatment of the related issues is required.

In summary, HD-LFPCA provides a powerful conceptual and practical step towards developing estimation methods for structured ultra high dimensional data.


The authors would like to thank Jeff Goldsmith for his help with data management. The research of Vadim Zipunnikov, Brian Caffo and Ciprian Crainiceanu was supported by grant R01NS060910 from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and by Award Number EB012547 from the NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB). The research of Sonja Greven was funded by the German Research Foundation through the Emmy Noether Programme, grant GR 3793/1-1. The research of Daniel S. Reich was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or or the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering or the National Institutes of Health.


Al. Large sample size

The main assumption which has been made in the paper is that the sample size, n=j=1IJi, is sufficiently small to guarantee that calculations of order O(n3) are feasible. Below we briefly describe how our framework can be adapted to settings with many more scans - on the order of tens or hundreds of thousands.

LFPCA equation (4) models each vector ij as a linear combination of columns of matrices ΦX,0, ΦX,1, ΦW. Assuming that 2NX + NW < n, each ij belongs to an at most (2NX + NW)-dimensional linear space ℒ(ΦX,0, ΦX,1, ΦW) spanned by those columns. Thus, if model (4) holds exactly the rank of the matrix does not exceed (2NX + Nw) and at most 2NX + Nw columns of V correspond to non-zero singular values. This implies that the intrinsic model (7) can be obtained by projecting onto the first 2NX + Nw columns of V and the sizes of matrices AX,0, AX,1, AW in (7) will be (2NX + Nw) × NX, (2NX + Nw) × NX, and (2NX + Nw) × NW, respectively. Therefore, the most computationally intensive part would require finding the first 2NX + Nw left singular vectors of Y. Of course, in practice, model (4) never holds exactly. Hence, the number of columns of matrix V should be chosen to be large enough to either reasonably exceed (2NX + Nw) or to capture the most of the variability in data. The latter can be estimated by tracking down the sums of the squares of the corresponding first singular vectors. Thus, this provides a constructive way to handle situations when n is too large to calculate the SVD of .

There are computationally efficient ways to calculate the first k singular vectors of a large matrix. One way is to adapt streaming algorithms (Weng et al., 2003; Zhao et al., 2006; Budavari et al., 2009). These algorithms usually require only one pass through the data matrix during which information about the first k singular vectors is accumulated sequentially. Their complexity is of order O(k3p). An alternate approach is to use iterative power methods (see, for example, Roweis, 1997). As the dimension of the intrinsic model, 2NX + Nw, is not known in advance, the number of left singular vectors to keep and project onto can be adaptively estimated based on the singular values of the matrix . Further development in this direction is beyond the scope of this paper.

A2. Proofs

Proof of Lemma 1: Using the independence of Yi and Yk, the expectation of pairwise quadratics is

E(Yij1Ykj2)={ηη,ifkiηη+KX00+Tij2KX01+Tij1KX10+Tij1Tij2KX11+δj1j2KW,ifi=k, (13)

where δj1j2 is 1 if j1 = j2 and 0 otherwise. From the top equality we get the MM estimator of the mean, η̂ = n−1i,j Yij The covariances Kx and Kw can be estimated by de-meaning Yij as ij = Yijη̂ and regressing ij1ij2 on 1, Tij2, Tij1, Tij1Tij2 and δj1j2. The bottom equality can be written as E(ij1j2υ)=Kυfij1j2, where ij1j2υ=ij2ij1 is a p2 × 1 dimensional vector, the parameter of interest is the p2 × 5 matrix Kυ=[vec(KX00),vec(KX01),vec(KX10),vec(KX11),vec(KW)], and the covariates are entries m the 5 × 1 vector fij1J2 = (l, Tij2, Tij1, Tij1Tij2, δj1j2)′. With these notations EYυ = KυF, where υ is p2 × m dimensional with m=i=1IJi2 F is a 5 × m dimensional matrix with columns equal to fij1J2, i =1,…,I and j1,j2 = 1,…, Ji. The MM estimator of Kυ is thus υ = υF′(FF′)−1 which provides unbiased estimators of the covariances Kx and Kw. If we denote H = F′(FF′)−1, we get the result of the lemma.

Proof of Lemma 2: Let us denote by UX and UW the matrices denned by equations (5) with S1/2Uij1Uij2S1/2 substituted for ij1ij2. The 2n × 2n dimensional matrix UX and the n × n dimensional matrix UW are low-dimensional counterparts of x and W, respectively. Using the SVD representation ij = VS1/2Uij, the estimated high dimensional covariance matrices can be represented as X=DUXD and W=VUWV, where the matrix D is 2p × 2n dimensional with orthonormal columns denned as

D=(V0p×n0p×nV). (14)

From the constructive definition of H, it follows that the matrices UX and UW are symmetric. Thus, we can construct their spectral decompositions, UX=ÂXΛ̂XÂX and UW=ÂWΛ̂WÂW. Hence, high dimensional covariance matrices can be represented as x = DÂXΛ̂XÂXD′ and w = W Λ̂WÂWV′, respectively. The result of the lemma now follows from the orthonormality of the columns of matrices D and V.

Proof of Lemma 3: With notational changes, the proof is identical to the proof of Lemma

  1. Proof of Lemma 4: With notational changes, the proof is identical to the proof of Lemma

  2. Proof of Lemma 5: The main idea of the proof is similar to that of Zipunnikov et al. (2011b). We assume that function η(υ,Tij) = 0. From the model it follows that ωi ~ (0, Λω), where Λω is a covariance matrix of ωi When pNx + JiNW the BLUP of ωi is given by ω̂i=Cov(ωi,vec(i))Var(vec(i))1vec(i)=ΛωBi(BiΛωBi)1vec(i) (see McCulloch and Searle, 2001, Section 9). The BLUP is essentially a projection and thus it does not require any distributional assumptions. It may be denned in terms of a projection matrix. If ξi and ζij are normal then the BLUP is the best predictor. When p > Nx + JiNw the matrix BiΛωBi is not invertible and the generalized inverse of BiΛωBi is used (Harville, 1976). In that case, ω̂i=ΛωBi(BiΛωBi)vec(i)=Λω1/2(Λω1/2BiBiΛω1/2)1Λω1/2Bivec(i)=(BiBi)1Bivec(i) Note that it coincides with the OLS estimator for ωi if ωi were a fixed parameter. Thus, the estimated BLUPs are given by ω̂i=(ii)1ivec(i).

Contributor Information

Vadim Zipunnikov, Email:, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21205.

Sonja Greven, Email:, Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and Miinchen, 80539 Munich, Germany.

Brian Caffo, Email:, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21205.

Daniel S. Reich, Email:, Translational Neurology Unit, Neuroimmunology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.

Ciprian Crainiceanu, Email:, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21205.


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