Biopolymers have arguably evolved to be free of entanglements that could impair their folding or function. This selection mechanism is, however, opposed by the general physical principle that sufficiently long and densely packed polymers are inevitably entangled. This competition is nowadays well-documented for proteins and viral DNA, which can be knotted and yet, functionally viable. By contrast, the incidence of knots in RNA is still virtually unexplored. To fill this gap, we topologically profiled thousands of RNA structures, finding only three deeply knotted chains. Comparison with higher-resolution homologs further suggests that these instances may actually be unknotted as well. The practical absence of knots indicates that thermodynamic or kinetic mechanisms are likely at play for minimizing the entanglement of biologically viable structured RNAs.
Keywords: RNA structure, RNA knots, physical knots, PDB-wide topological profiling
The ongoing effort to detect and characterize physical entanglement in biopolymers has so far established that knots are present in many globular proteins and also, abound in viral DNA packaged inside bacteriophages. RNA molecules, however, have not yet been systematically screened for the occurrence of physical knots. We have accordingly undertaken the systematic profiling of the several thousand RNA structures present in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The search identified no more than three deeply knotted RNA molecules. These entries are rRNAs of about 3,000 nt solved by cryo-EM. Their genuine knotted state is, however, doubtful based on the detailed structural comparison with homologs of higher resolution, which are all unknotted. Compared with the case of proteins and viral DNA, the observed incidence of knots in available RNA structures is, therefore, practically negligible. This fact suggests that either evolutionary selection or thermodynamic and kinetic folding mechanisms act toward minimizing the entanglement of RNA to an extent that is unparalleled by other types of biomolecules. A possible general strategy for designing synthetic RNA sequences capable of self-tying in a twist-knot fold is finally proposed.
The notion that biomolecules should be minimally entangled to fold efficiently and reproducibly and sustain functionally oriented structural arrangements seems so intuitive that viable biological molecules have long been thought to be practically free of physical knots (1, 2).
Indeed, it was only relatively recently that the occurrence of deeply knotted proteins was shown (3). Several other instances of knotted and slipknotted proteins have been discovered more recently (4), and it is now established that a sizeable fraction of the protein chains deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) (5) host physical knots (1, 6). The latter range in complexity from the simplest trefoil knot to the six-crossing Stevedore’s knot (7). The functional implications of these knots are still unclear. Nevertheless, several hypotheses have been formulated to rationalize the functional advantage that arguably leads specific knotted proteins to evolve from unknotted ones (6, 8). For instance, knots have been argued to enhance the mechanical stability of active sites and prevent proteolytic degradation (8, 9).
Although empirical evidence shows de facto that knotted proteins do exist, it also confirms the expectations that physical knots can significantly hinder and slow down the spontaneous folding process (10). This occurs because the various folding steps need to be well-coordinated to ensure the formation of the correct knot type in the correct protein location (11–13). This limited kinetic accessibility is likely responsible for the much lower incidence of knots in proteins compared with generic equilibrated polymers (14), where entanglement inevitably arises with increasing chain length and compactness (15–18).
Physical knots have also been shown to occur abundantly in the dsDNA of a number of viruses (19–21). For instance, a series of remarkable experiments carried out on the P4 bacteriophage (21–23) has shown that its 10-kbp-long dsDNA contains many more physical knots when packaged inside the phage capsid than when free in solution (24). In fact, the P4 genome has a 95% probability of accommodating complex physical knots (21–23, 25) when it is packaged inside a viral particle, where it cannot be simplified by topoisomerases (26, 27).
As for the case of proteins, the discovery of knots in packaged viral DNA raised several questions about their functional implications, particularly for the expected difficulty of ejecting the knotted genome from the narrow capsid exit pore. More recent studies have shown that this conundrum can be solved by considering the working of topological friction at the molecular scale (28) and especially, the ordering effect of DNA self-interactions (25), which favors the untying of DNA knots inside the capsid during ejection (29).
Nowadays, the occurrence of physical entanglement in proteins and DNA is documented and characterized well enough that novel knotted proteins and short DNA molecules have been successfully designed, and the average entanglement of DNA filaments can be created or relaxed in a controlled manner (30–32).
These topological profiling efforts, however, have not been paralleled for the third and last kind of strand of life (33), namely RNA. To the best of our knowledge, no systematic survey of physical knots in RNAs has been carried out so far, and no genuine physical knots have been reported in naturally occurring individual RNA structures.
The interest in characterizing and detecting other forms of RNA entanglement has, nevertheless, been significant in past years, particularly regarding pseudoknots. These motifs are secondary structure elements with a nontrivial geometry that abound in RNA molecules and can have important functional implications (34–37). In particular, several efforts are being made to clarify how exactly pseudoknots can hinder RNA translocation through the ribosomal pore and cause a shift in the codon reading frame (36, 38–40).
Qualitatively, however, pseudoknots are very different from physical knots. In fact, as their name suggests, they are not real knots: by pulling on the ends of a chain, any pseudoknot will progressively yield until the chain is fully stretched, whereas physical knots will never disappear but rather, tighten up.
Clearly, the impact of knots on RNA mechanical resistance and hindrance to translocation can be much more dramatic than that of pseudoknots (28). For this reason and the general connection between RNA structure and function, it is important to assess the abundance of knots in naturally occurring RNAs and shed light on their biological relevance and implications (41).
In this respect, it is important to recall the seminal study by Wang et al. (42), which succeeded in designing an RNA sequence of 104 nt capable of folding into a knotted structure. The study not only gave a proof of concept that RNA can be knotted but also, established that the Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase III could catalyze the interconversion of knotted and unknotted forms of the synthetic RNA (42). It is, therefore, intriguing that genuine knots have not yet been reported for naturally occurring RNAs, with the possible exception of a Chlorella virus intron (41).
Results and Discussion
These considerations motivated us to carry out a systematic search for the occurrence of physical knots on all of the RNA structures that are presently available in the PDB. To this purpose, we considered all currently available PDB entries and isolated 2,863 of them involving RNA either alone or in association with proteins and DNA or hybridized with DNA. Of all distinct RNA chains covered by these entries, we retained 5,466 structures with backbones that comprise more than five phosphates and hence, could, in principle, be knotted (43). The entries, which are mostly obtained by in vitro transcription, are listed in Dataset S1, and their length distribution and categorized subdivision are given in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
RNA dataset properties. A and B show the distribution of lengths (number of phosphates) and the categorized subdivision (based on the PDB COMPND field), respectively, of all 5,466 RNA structures with more than five phosphates currently available in the PDB.
The backbone (P-atoms trace) of each RNA chain was circularized in silico using the so-called minimally interfering closure scheme (44). This algorithm turns the linear open backbone of the molecule into a closed structure, which hence, has a mathematically well-defined topological state. The knotted state of the closed backbone was finally established by computing suitable topological invariants (Materials and Methods).
In our systematic survey, we found only three instances of RNA molecules that accommodate physical knots in their backbone. These knotted structures and their properties are listed in Table 1 in order of increasing topological complexity.
Table 1.
Knotted RNA structures
Knot | Molecule | Organism | Length (nt) | PDB ID code | Essential knotted region | Essential crossings |
41 | 23S rRNA | E. coli | 2,740 | 2GYA:0 | A1434-U1563 | G1478-G1480: C1558-C1561 |
16124834 | 26S rRNA | T. lanuginosus | 3,169 | 3JYX:5 | A416-A428, G616-C636, A647-A677, C700-G716, G787-A791, A1373-A1433, U1439-U1448, C2389-C2405, G2619-C2625, C2760-U2822, U2978-U2999 | C618-A622: A1401-U1405 A710-G714: U2775-A2780 |
31#31#41#31 | 23S rRNA | E. coli | 2,904 | 1C2W:B | U234-G372 (31) G520-A825 (31) U1440-A1535 (41) U1851-C1892 (31) | C239-A241: C275-G277 G524-A526: A586-U588 A1453-G1455: A1525-G1527 A1853-G1857: U1886-G1888 |
The knotted regions of the 23S units consist of relatively short, uninterrupted stretches of the backbone, which accommodate the whole knot (for 2GYA:0; Fig. 3) or its separable prime components (for 1C2W:B; Fig. 4). The knot of the 26S unit (3JYX:5) is more delocalized, and hence, for clarity, we list the sequences of backbone segments that, after joined, embody the fundamentally entangled portion of this molecule (Fig. 2). Such an essential knotted region was obtained by shortcutting helices and loops that do not contribute to the chain entanglement. The essential crossings consist of possible pairs of interlocked RNA strands that can untie or simplify the knot when passed through each other. Detailed comparisons with unknotted homologs suggest that some of the listed essential crossings and hence, the associated knots as well are arguably caused by limitations in cryo-EM structural resolution (Fig. 5).
The first instance corresponds to the figure-of-eight or knot and is found in the E. coli 23S rRNA (45). The second instance is a much more complex 16-crossings prime knot that is present in the Thermomyces lanuginosus 26S ribosomal unit (46). The two molecules consist of about and nt, respectively. Finally, the third knotted structure is, again, an E. coli 23S rRNA (45, 47). Unlike the first instance, however, it features a composite knot formed by the succession of four separate prime knotted components: a knot plus three trefoil or knots.
We start by discussing the complex knot found for the 26S ribosomal unit, which is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2A represents the whole molecule, whereas the essential knotted region is shown in Fig. 2 B and C. This essential region was obtained by shortcutting helices that do not contribute to the topological entanglement of the molecule to make its knotted state readily perceivable by visual inspection. Fig. 2D, instead, is a minimal diagrammatic representation of the closed physical knot. Fig. 2 C and D show that the high nominal complexity of this entanglement, which is measured through the number of crossings in the simplest diagrammatic projection, mostly arises because of the clasp formed by two helices located at the top of Fig. 2C. The nucleotides at the clasp have a large sequence separation (about 2,000 nt), which underscores the significant nonlocality of the knot. It is important to notice that the knot would persist even if this clasp was removed by a suitable strand passage. In fact, in this case, the original 16-crossings knot would simplify to a 7-crossing one , which can finally be untied by another virtual strand passage. The two regions that are arguably naturally primed for such simplifying strand passages are listed in Table 1 and highlighted in cyan in Fig. 2C.
Fig. 2.
Knotted 26S rRNA structure from PDB ID code 3JYX:5. The complete structure is given in A and colored according to a rainbow scheme (red → yellow → green → blue) across the two termini. The essential knotted region, tied in a 16-crossings knot, is highlighted in B and isolated in C, where the essential crossings are colored in cyan. D shows the minimal ring diagram of the associated 16-crossings knot (produced with M. Thislethwaite's Knotscape graphical package).
We now turn to the two knotted 23S units from E. coli starting from chain 2GYA:0, which is shown in Fig. 3A. The entangled region of this molecule spans as few as 130 nt, and its knotted state, corresponding to a simple figure-of-eight knot, is clearly seen in the excerpted knotted region in Fig. 3C. The featured figure-of-eight knot is an achiral twist knot. These kinds of knots are easily produced by a single-strand passage in rings that are repeatedly twisted. It is intriguing to notice (i) the analogy of this mechanism with the strand passages occurring in RNA helices as in the previous case and (ii) that this mechanism is utterly different from the one emerging in densely packed dsDNA, where torus knots are abundant and twist knots are rare (22, 23). Unlike the discussed 26S case, a single-strand passage suffices to untie the observed knot. One of the possible essential crossings, where the untying strand passage could be performed, is listed in Table 1 and highlighted in red in Fig. 3C.
Fig. 3.
Knotted 23S rRNA structure from PDB ID code 2GYA:0. The complete structure is given in A and colored according to a rainbow scheme across the two termini. The knotted region, tied in a figure-of-eight or knot, is highlighted in B and isolated in C, where the essential crossings are colored in red. D shows the minimal ring diagram of the associated knot (produced with M. Thislethwaite's Knotscape graphical package).
The other knotted instance of the 23S unit, corresponding to the 1C2W:B chain, is finally shown in Fig. 4. It features a composite knot resulting from the concatenation of four separate prime components: a figure-of-eight knot and three trefoil ones (Fig. 4B). The entanglement of the shortest component, which consists of only nt, is clearly visible in the backbone trace in Fig. 4C.
Fig. 4.
Knotted 23S rRNA structure from PDB ID code 1C2W:B. The complete structure is given in A and colored according to a rainbow scheme across the two termini. The four prime components of the knotted region are highlighted in color in B. The entanglement of the shortest trefoil-knotted component (U1851-C1892) is shown in C.
In connection with the complexity of RNA self-entanglement, it is worth recalling that it has been proposed to classify RNA structures by their topological genus (48, 49). The genus provides a useful characterization of the complexity of pseudoknots and can be used for secondary structure prediction (50, 51). It is, thus, interesting to ascertain if it correlates with the nominal complexity of the knots found in the RNA. Accordingly, we used the RNApdbee web server (52) to extract the secondary structures of the RNA from their PDB files and then, computed the corresponding genera using the computational engine of the McGenus web server (51). We found that the two 23S ribosomal units, 2GYA:0 and 1C2W:B, have genera equal to and , respectively, whereas the knotted 26S ribosomal unit has a genus equal to . As was shown in ref. 49, these genera are fairly small but still compatible with the typical size of nt of these RNAs.
The fact that only three of thousands of RNA molecules are knotted indicates the extreme paucity of nontrivial entanglement in naturally occurring RNAs. In fact, the knots incidence is so low that one may doubt whether the three exceptional structures are genuinely knotted.
This point is particularly pertinent, because both the 23S and 26S rRNAs were solved by cryo-EM. This technique has proven to be invaluable for gaining quantitative insight into the structural organization of large and complex biomolecular structures, although its scope can be limited in practice by two main factors. First, the electronic flux impacting the molecules may be high enough to alter their structures. Second, the resolution of cryo-EM maps is appreciably lower than in conventional crystallography and hence, without suitable knowledge-based constraints, prone to ambiguous model reconstruction including spurious strands crossing potentially affecting the molecule's topology, as noted by the authors of the 1C2W structure (47). For a better control of the latter ambiguities, several order parameters are usually monitored to establish the local quality of the model fit of the electron density map.
Such quality parameters are available for PDB entries 2GYA:0 and 3JYX:5. In both cases, the regions corresponding to the knots’ essential crossings fall within or close to the range of nucleotides where the model fitting was marked as deviating appreciably from the target electron density map. It is, therefore, plausible that the unknotted structures obtained by eliminating the essential crossings could provide a better fit to the target EM maps. In such case one would have that none of the thousands of surveyed RNA structures are knotted.
Additional elements in favor of this conclusion arise when comparing the knotted 23S and 26S RNAs with other homologs available in the PDB.
In particular, other than 2GYA and 1C2W, there exist 36 other PDB entries involving E. coli 23S units. Strikingly, these homologous structures are all unknotted. The unknotted counterparts include structures solved by X-ray at a 3.2-Å resolution, such as entries 2I2T:B (53) and 2I2V:B (53), which have 90% or more sequence identity (54) with 2GYA:0 and 1C2W:B, as well as cryo-EM ones, such as entry 2GYC:0 (45). The latter structure is particularly relevant, because it is a different conformer of the very same RNA molecule of the knotted 2GYA:0 entry (their sequence identity is 100%). By performing a structural alignment of this knotted–unknotted pair using the ARTS webserver (55), we found that the two interlocked strands G1478-G1480 and C1558-C1561 in the knotted 2GYA:0 chain (shown in Fig. 3C) are not hooked in the unknotted 2GYC:0 structure (Fig. 5A) This comparison, therefore, poses the question of whether the clasp and hence, the knot in 2GYA:0 are possibly caused by cryo-EM resolution limitations. It would, therefore, be interesting to ascertain if the unknotted structure obtained by unlocking the 2GYA:0 clasp would lead to a better fit of the cryo-EM data.
Fig. 5.
Comparison of RNA strands interlocking in the knotted 23S and 26S units and their unknotted homologs. In A, strands G1478-G1480 and C1558-C1561 are highlighted in red for two 23S structures of E. coli: 2GYA:0 (knotted) and 2GYC:0 (unknotted). B highlights strands A710-G714 and U2775-A2780 for 3JYX:5 (the knotted 26S unit of T. lanuginosus) and the corresponding BLASTn-aligned (54) strands A735-G739 and U2762-G2768 of 4A18:1 (an unknotted homolog from T. thermophila). The red strands are interlocked in the knotted structure and unlocked in the unknotted one.
For the 26S ribosomal unit, instead, there exist only two instances in the PDB, including the previously discussed knotted one for T. lanuginosus. The second instance is for Tetrahymena thermophila, and it is unknotted. Its structure was solved by X-ray at a resolution of 3.5 Å as part of a larger ribosomal complex (56). The asymmetric unit of this complex contains three 26S copies corresponding to PDB entries 4A18:1, 4A19:1, and 4A1D:1. The 26S structures of T. lanuginosus and T. thermophila, despite differing by knotted state, have very similar sequences. In fact, the BLASTn alignment (54) of 3JYX:5 and 4A18:1 returns a sequence identity of 82%. The extensive sequence alignment includes a region encompassing one of two essential crossings for the knotted 26S structure of T. lanuginosus. The two involved RNA segments, which are interlocked in the T. lanuginosus 26S unit, are unlocked in the T. thermophila one (Fig. 5B). Again, toward clarifying the genuine character of the entanglement of the 26S unit knot, it could be verified whether the interlocking removal improves the cryo-EM data fitting.
Regardless of whether the pool of knotted RNA entries consists of only three or rather, zero entries, the outcome of this survey is that the incidence of knots in RNA molecules is utterly negligible both in absolute terms and also, by comparison with proteins and viral dsDNA.
Therefore, assuming that the PDB provides an unbiased representative sample of naturally occurring RNAs, one concludes that, within the realm of the various strands of life, RNA seems to be the only instance where physical knots are very rare.
The striking observation that available RNA structures are virtually free of physical knots poses the question of what plausible mechanisms may have ruled out these forms of self-entanglement. A priori, one can envisage several possible selection processes that involve either the kinetics or thermodynamics of RNA folding.
On the one hand, it is known that the fold organization of naturally occurring RNA sequences is much simpler than for random sequences with the same overall nucleotide composition. This point is well-illustrated by considering the above-mentioned genus as an indicator of the complexity and entanglement of RNA secondary structures. In fact, one observes that the minimum energy structures of random sequences of nt typically have a genus of the order of (57), whereas naturally occurring ones of the same length have a genus of only 5–8. This comparison provides strong evidence that naturally occurring RNA sequences have arguably evolved to minimize the geometrical complexity and hence, the entanglement of their low-energy conformations. For the case of coding RNAs, this property ought to have the functional advantage of eliminating the effects of topological hindrance (28, 29) during translocation through the ribosomal pore.
On the other hand, this sequence-encoded simplicity of RNA structures may be further aided by the kinetics of the folding process. In fact, it may be envisaged that the folding of long RNA molecules may occur, at least in part, cotranscriptionally. This mechanism ought to favor the formation of local helices in newly transcribed regions. In this case, except for sufficiently small molecules (41), it would be very difficult to develop knots in the resulting highly branched structure of long and helically folded RNA. Furthermore, long RNAs can acquire their structure through the coalescence of smaller subunits that fold independently, possibly assisted by proteins. Such modularity, which favors local intramolecular contacts and hence, low overall degrees of entanglement, is also consistent with typical routes of molecular evolution. One example is offered by RNA ribosomal complexes, which have arguably evolved by modular expansion of an evolutionary conserved core (58). The observed practical lack of knots across available ribosome structures can, therefore, indicate that their modular growth has allowed for maintenance of their unknotted character throughout evolution, despite the significant contour length increase.
Additional clues regarding the relative weight of the (possibly concurrent) kinetic and thermodynamic mechanisms as well as the functional implications of RNA knots could be provided in the future by the investigation of 3D structures of long noncoding RNAs and the newly discovered eukaryotic circular RNAs as well (59–62). Knotting, which is expected to arise from circularization (63), ought to affect significantly the shape and compactness of small circular RNAs, which may help avoid their in vivo degradation.
Finally, we note that the structural properties of the three knotted RNAs suggest how to generalize the strategy previously followed by Seeman (64) to design novel RNA sequences capable of self-tying into a fold with and knots topology. In fact, as for the putative knotting mechanism of a Chlorella virus intron (41), a possible scheme would be to promote first the formation of a helix and then, the threading of its apical loop, which is sketched in Fig. 6. As a matter of fact, by increasing the length of the stem, one could generate molecular knots of far greater complexity than the simplest prime knots achieved so far. In fact, by modulating the number of turns in the helix, it would be possible to span across the various members of the twist-knot family. The helix length modulation could be achieved by either increasing the length of the involved sequence or even, varying the concentration and type of counterions in solution that could affect both the geometry of the helix (64) and the electrostatic persistence length controlling the knot size (65).
Fig. 6.
Design of RNA twist knots. Twist knots (such as the shown knot) can be formed by RNA sequences designed to fold into a helix with an unpaired loop large enough to be threaded by one of two termini. The knot could be stabilized by base pairing at the helix apex or annealing of the two complementary termini.
The systematic design of twist or other types of RNA knots could be significantly aided by suitable structure prediction algorithms. As a prerequisite, these methods need to be capable of handling conformations of genus different from zero. A number of such methods based on free-energy minimization (50, 51, 66–69) or kinetic folding approaches (70) have been developed in recent years. Their predicted fold is typically encoded by a graph representation, which carries information about the succession of RNA strands contacts but is oblivious to associated sequence of strands over- and underpasses. Consequently, genuine knots and pseudoknots may share the same graph. Accordingly, we believe that a most interesting research avenue would be to extend the scope of current RNA structure–prediction methods to distinguish these different forms of entanglement.
Materials and Methods
RNA Structures Database.
The processed database of RNA chains was obtained by selecting all 2,863 PDB entries that, as of June of 2014, contained RNA molecules either alone or complexed/hybridized with other types of biomolecules, such as proteins and DNA. For each PDB file, we used the criterion of the Jena Library of Biological Macromolecules to retain only those chains containing RNA nucleotides (i.e., presence of at least one nucleotide O2′ atom or uracils). Nucleotide entries corresponding to alternate locations in the PDB file were neglected. The resulting structural dataset consisted of 6,394 RNA chains, and we restricted considerations to 5,466 of them that have more than five phosphates and therefore, can, in principle, be knotted (43). The dataset is provided as Dataset S1.
Detecting and Locating Knots in RNA Chains.
To detect a physical knot in an RNA chain, we first bridge the two termini of its backbone (phosphate trace) with a minimally invasive closing arc (44) to obtain a ring. The ring topology is then established by first simplifying the ring geometry at fixed topology (3, 18, 71) and then, computing the Alexander determinants or for complex/composite knots, the Dowker code. The latter can unambiguously identify prime knotted components of up to 16 crossings by comparison with available look-up tables. Applying the topological profiling scheme to 5,466 RNA chains returned a very limited set of putatively knotted structures (specifically 1DV4:A, 1C2W:B, 2GYA:0, 1S1I:3, 3BBX:B, 3J16:K, 3IY8:A, 3IY9:A, and 3JYX:5), which were further screened for structural integrity. Only the three structures listed in Table 1 were found to have a knotted and gapless backbone (no consecutive phosphates farther apart than 15 Å). The chain portions accommodating physical knots or its separable prime components were located with a bottom-up knot search (72).
Note Added in Proof.
We note that in the early study of ref. 73, VanLook et al. had argued against the occurrence of genuine knots in the subunits of four model 30S structures that were available in 1998. We also point out that in December 2014, after submission of this article, the Protein Data Bank has consolidated in a single entry any large structure (such as rRNAs) that was previously split over multiple PDB files. For the reader's convenience we provide the mapping of the chains discussed in the article with the new consolidated entries that have superseded them: 2GYA:0 → 4V4V:B0, 2GYC:0 → 4V4W:B0, 2I2T:B → 4V50:BB, 2I2V:B → 4V50:DB, 3JYX:5 → 4V7H:B5, 4A18:1 → 4V8P:A1, 4A19:1 → 4V8P:D1, 4A1D:1 → 4V8P:H1.
The superseded entries can still be accessed at their individual link (e.g., for entry 3JYX) and their atomic coordinates and nucleotide indexing have been preserved in the new consolidated entries.
Supplementary Material
We thank Sandro Bottaro, Aaron Burton, Giovanni Bussi, Stefano Gustincich, and Angelo Rosa for extensive discussions. We thank A. Burton also for pointing out ref. 73 to us. This work was partially supported by Italian Ministry of Education Grant PRIN 2010HXAW77.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. M.K. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board.
This article contains supporting information online at
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