Murray MJ, Nicholson JC, Coleman N. (2015) Biology of childhood germ cell tumours, focussing on the significance of microRNAs. Andrology 3(1), 129–139. doi: 10.1111/andr.277.
Andrology Volume 3, Issue 1
On first publication online and in print of the special issue on Testicular Germ Cell Cancer in issue 3:1 of Andrology, the article by Murray et al. was omitted from the published version.
The missing article has now been added to the online version of the issue, and its full citation appears above. The article can be found here:
We apologise for this error both to the author and to subscribers.
The article is also reproduced as a reprinted article at the end of the print version of issue 3:2. Note that citations to the full article should cite the reference above in issue 3:1.