The process of ageing makes death increasingly likely, but involves a random aspect that produces a wide distribution of lifespan even in homogeneous populations1,2. The study of this stochastic behaviour may link molecular mechanisms to the ageing process that determines lifespan. Here, by collecting high-precision mortality statistics from large populations, we observe that interventions as diverse as changes in diet, temperature, exposure to oxidative stress, and disruption of genes including the heat shock factor hsf-1, the hypoxia-inducible factor hif-1, and the insulin/IGF-1 pathway components daf-2, age-1, and daf-16 all alter lifespan distributions by an apparent stretching or shrinking of time. To produce such temporal scaling, each intervention must alter to the same extent throughout adult life all physiological determinants of the risk of death. Organismic ageing in Caenorhabditis elegans therefore appears to involve aspects of physiology that respond in concert to a diverse set of interventions. In this way, temporal scaling identifies a novel state variable, r(t), that governs the risk of death and whose average decay dynamics involves a single effective rate constant of ageing, kr. Interventions that produce temporal scaling influence lifespan exclusively by altering kr. Such interventions, when applied transiently even in early adulthood, temporarily alter kr with an attendant transient increase or decrease in the rate of change in r and a permanent effect on remaining lifespan. The existence of an organismal ageing dynamics that is invariant across genetic and environmental contexts provides the basis for a new, quantitative framework for evaluating how and how much specific molecular processes contribute to the aspect of ageing that determines lifespan.
Body temperature is a major determinant of lifespan in poikilotherms3–5 that also influences mammalian ageing6. From 20 °C to 33 °C, the mean lifespan of C. elegans decreases 40-fold7. To explore the impact of temperature on the actual distribution of lifespans, we used our automated imaging technology8 to collect highly resolved mortality data in multiple replicate populations placed across this temperature range (Methods). From these data we estimated the survival curve S(t), which is the probability of being alive at time t, and the hazard function h(t) = −d log(S(t))/dt, which is the instantaneous risk of death at time t (Supplementary Note 1.1 and Methods).
In many invertebrates, changes in temperature alter the rate at which the risk of death increases with time4,5,9. Our lifespan data, controlled for environmental heterogeneity (see Statistical methods section in Methods), confirmed this effect. However, we further observed that changes in temperature appeared to shift h(t) by an equal and opposite amount in magnitude and time when plotted on a log–log scale, suggesting that between any two temperatures T0 and T1, λhT1(t) = hT0(λ−1t) independent of any particular parametric form of h(t). This change in hazard corresponds to a simple stretching of the survival function along the time axis by a dimensionless scale factor λ: ST1(t) = ST0(λ−1t) (Supplementary Note 1.2). The sole effect of changes in body temperature on lifespan therefore appeared to be a temporal rescaling of mortality statistics.
To confirm this effect, we applied an accelerated failure time (AFT) regression model10 in which lifespan distributions that only differed by temporal scaling would have identically distributed residuals (Supplementary Notes 1.3 and 1.4 and Methods). To identify any significant differences between AFT residual distributions, we applied a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test adapted to censored data (Supplementary Note 2). We identified no significant temperature-dependent deviations from temporal scaling within two thermal ranges: 19–30 °C and 30.5–33 °C (Fig. 1b–d and Extended Data Figs 1–3). Populations above 30.5 °C exhibited a more pronounced late-age deceleration (Fig. 1e, Extended Data Fig. 3 and Supplementary Note 1.4), consistent with an increased heterogeneity11 (Supplementary Note 3). Yet, even at high temperatures, the observed hazard function appears to be dominated more by ageing (for example, a progressive increase in the hazard) than by chance events that would produce a constant hazard (that is, non-ageing).
We then asked whether other interventions could produce a temporal scaling. Since oxidative damage has been linked to ageing across taxa12,13, we quantified the effect of the oxidant tert-butyl hydroperoxide (tBuOOH) and found that it quantitatively rescales lifespan distributions in a dose-dependent manner up to 3 mM (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.02) with significant deviations observed only at 6 mM (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P = 9 × 10−4; Fig. 1f–g and Extended Data Fig. 4).
To further explore the range of interventions that might yield temporal scaling, we considered three members of the insulin/IGF-1 pathway5,9: daf-16, a transcription factor required for lifespan extension by multiple signals14, age-1, a regulatory kinase upstream of daf-16, and daf-2, the insulin/IGF receptor, all of which influence both lifespan and thermal stress resistance7. Each mutant population exhibited a lifespan distribution rescaled from the wild-type distribution, both at 20 °C (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.015; Fig. 2a–e) and at 33 °C (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.017; Extended Data Fig. 4). The insulin/IGF receptor daf-2 influences the activity of the heat shock factor hsf-1 (ref. 15), and disruption of hsf-1 also shortens lifespan by temporal rescaling (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.2; Fig. 2c, f). Elimination of the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor hif-1, known to influence lifespan through daf-16-dependent mechanisms16, behaved likewise (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.2; Extended Data Fig. 4).
Since changes in nutrition alter lifespan across taxa17, we considered two modifications of C. elegans diet: ultraviolet inactivation of the bacterial food source18 and disruption of feeding behaviour by the eat-2(ad1116) mutation19. Ultraviolet inactivation of bacteria extended lifespan via temporal scaling (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.2; Fig. 1h, i). In contrast, eat-2(ad1116) populations exhibited a significant deviation from temporal scaling (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P = 5 × 10−5), with a disproportionate increase in the standard deviation of lifespan compared with the mean (Fig. 2g, j). We also noted that eat-2(ad1116) populations exhibited a substantially increased variation in developmental timing. While such variation does not affect lifespan statistics based on manually synchronized young adults (Methods), it is possible that the causes of this developmental variation also underlie the increased variation of lifespan. We found that disruption of the mitochondrial complex I in nuo-6(qm200) populations produced analogous effects on developmental timing with a deviation from temporal scaling of lifespan similar to eat-2(ad1116) (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 3 × 10−18; Fig. 2h, k). Yet, populations with either allele exhibited temporally rescaled lifespan distributions in response to temperature changes (Kolmogorov–Smirnov P > 0.2; Fig. 2i, l and Extended Data Fig. 4). We conclude that while eat-2(ad1116), nuo-6(qm200), and shifts in temperatures from below to above 30 °C alter lifespan distributions outside the temporal scaling model, these interventions do not eliminate the ability of C. elegans to respond to subsequent interventions with temporal scaling. Temporal scaling thus appears to be a pervasive response to interventions of diverse modality and intensity.
A temporal scaling would arise if all physiological determinants of the risk of death in C. elegans acted as if they were jointly governed by a single stochastic process whose rate constant alone was altered by interventions (Supplementary Note 4). If the risk of death was determined in this way, we reasoned that transient interventions early in adulthood would produce a persistent temporal shift, not a scaling, of mortality statistics (Supplementary Note 4.3). To test this, we focused on temperature, which can be quantitatively, rapidly, and reversibly switched at any age from a baseline temperature T0 to a transient temperature T1 (Fig. 3a). We confirmed that transient exposure to higher temperatures produced a permanent shortening of lifespan5 (Fig. 3b). We found that this shortening consisted of a temporal shift of the lifespan distribution (Fig. 3c, d) ST1(t) = ST0(t − Δτ) that matches the magnitude of shift Δτ predicted if time were rescaled only for the period τ that animals were held at the transient temperature: Δτ = τ (1 – λ−1), with λ the scale factor relating populations always held at T1 to populations always held at T0 (Fig. 3e, f, Supplementary Note 4.3, Supplementary Table 2 and Extended Data Fig. 5). In a complementary experiment, we found that exposure to high temperature for different periods τ also gave shifts with the predicted magnitude (Extended Data Fig. 5). It appears, therefore, that the temporal scaling observed in Fig. 1a and the temporal shifting of Fig. 3 are compatible with a single model in which interventions alter the effective rate constant of a stochastic process governing those aspects of C. elegans physiology that determine risk of death. This process is evidently ongoing even very early in adulthood and is governed by the same rate constant as in late adulthood.
To clarify how molecular pathways contribute to temporal scaling, we quantified the magnitude of scaling produced by different intensities of intervention: that is, the scaling function. In the case of temperature, we applied an Arrhenius analysis20,21 to interpret the change of λ (which in our framework rescales the rate constant of ageing) across the range 20–35 °C (Fig. 4a). We identified three distinct thermal regimes: I, 20–29.4 °C; II, 29.4–32.1 °C; III, 32.1–35 °C (Fig. 4b, Methods and Extended Data Figs 6 and 7) with regime I being further subdivided into Ia and Ib by a reproducible transition point at 24.4 °C.
Each scaling regime appears to correspond to a distinct molecular mechanism and barrier process dominating the timescale of ageing (Supplementary Table 1). Sharp decreases in lifespan have been observed to occur around 30 °C in Drosophila melanogaster21, hinting at a more general phenomenon in poikilotherms. Notably, this transition coincided with a deviation from temporal scaling of lifespan distributions (Fig. 1e and Extended Data Fig. 3). Intriguingly, the scaling across the breakpoint between regimes Ia and Ib suggested that temporal scaling need not be disrupted by a change in the molecular mechanisms dominating the timescale of ageing.
Quantifying the effects of temperature on mutant strains, we found that the elimination of DAF-16 shorted lifespan by a rescaling of 28% in regime Ia and 25% in Ib (Fig. 4c, d). The daf-16(mu86) population exhibited the same slope in scaling function as wild type in Ia, and differed only by about 5% across regime Ib, suggesting that the mechanisms mediating the temperature dependence of lifespan in regime I were not altered by elimination of DAF-16. In contrast, the hypomorphic alleles daf-2(e1368) and age-1(hx546) exhibit clear temperature-dependent effects across regime I (Fig. 4c, d). Both genes influence lifespan at 20 °C and 35 °C primarily by suppressing daf-16 activity22, which itself appears independent of temperature. Thus, daf-2(e1368) and age-1(hx546) alleles appear to be neomorphic in respect of the temperature dependence of their regulation of DAF-16.
We found that tBuOOH decreased lifespan at concentrations above 750 μM, with λ decreasing as a power law (Fig. 4e and Methods). This suggests an overall mass-action kinetics for the chain of events linking the direct targets of tBuOOH to the rescaling of the lifespan distribution. The distinct scaling functions of tBuOOH (power law) and temperature (multiple Arrhenius regimes) further suggest distinct molecular targets and mechanisms through which each type of intervention rescales the lifespan distribution.
As with temperature, the elimination of DAF-16 in the presence of tBuOOH reduced lifespan by a constant amount (Fig. 4f), 19.5 ± 8.8%, across all concentrations tested. Taken together with our temperature data in Fig. 4c, these results suggest that DAF-16 acts antagonistically but in parallel to the mechanisms through which tBuOOH and temperature shorten lifespan. DAF-16, tBuOOH, and temperature appear to affect ageing through their influence on risk determinants downstream of all three. For example, DAF-16 might attenuate or mitigate certain types of error or damage regardless of how the errors are created. The magnitude of temporal scaling produced both by daf-2(e1368) and by age-1(hx546) alleles varied across tBuOOH concentrations (Fig. 4g), which seems yet another aspect of a quantitative stress-dependent regulation of DAF-16 present in these strains but absent in wild type.
Disruption of daf-2, daf-16, hif-1, or hsf-1 produces distinct metabolic, cell-biological, and behavioural effects15,23, as do changes in diet24, temperature25, and exposure to tBuOOH26. Yet, temporal scaling arises independently of the molecular targets specific to each intervention and requires that all risk determinants be affected to the same extent. This suggests that ageing in C. elegans can be described in terms of a whole-organism state variable r that completely determines all-cause mortality (Extended Data Fig. 9). State variables familiar from other contexts include temperature, pressure, and entropy, all of which describe the behaviour of a system resulting from the collective action of its many constituent elements without reference to their nature. In the same way, the change of the state over time, r(t), describes the ageing process of C. elegans in terms of a collective action of all physiological determinants of risk. Where multiple risk determinants independently influence lifespan, temporal scaling requires that interventions simultaneously rescale, to an identical extent throughout life, the risk functions associated with each determinant (Supplementary Note 5.1). In models including dependencies among risk determinants, temporal scaling can emerge even when interventions act differentially across risk determinants (Supplementary Notes 5.2 and 5.3): dependencies can propagate the influence of interventions from one to all risk determinants, in effect producing a system-wide property that we call r(t).
The temporal scaling of lifespan distributions constrains the dynamics of the state variable r(t): the single stochastic process determining C. elegans lifespan must be invariant to timescale transformations and follow an average dynamics governed by a single effective rate constant: dr/dt = −krF(r), where F(r) is an unknown function of r that does not depend on kr. In this formulation, temporal scaling arises when interventions change kr into kr/λ. These dynamics place constraints on any stochastic process proposed to describe organismal ageing, as its parameters must change in a coordinated fashion. For example, if r(t) were described by a biased random walk27, the drift coefficient and the square of the diffusion coefficient must remain in a fixed proportion under intervention (Supplementary Note 6).
The idea that ageing is driven by changes in an organismal physiological state has been variously framed in terms of notions such as organization, vitality, organ reserve, or resilience3,28,29. The temporal scaling across interventions justifies this notion, allowing an initial formalization. We note that any aspects of C. elegans physiology that change over time but do not influence lifespan, influencing ‘quality’ rather than ‘quantity’ of life, need not change in concert with r(t).
We know neither the physiological basis of the state r(t) nor the specific dynamics by which it changes with age. Yet, we can expect a broad set of lifespan determinants to affect only kr, including minimally all determinants that influence lifespan exclusively through DAF-16 (refs 14, 30), HSF-1, or HIF-1, or through the mechanisms that mediate the effects of temperature and tBuOOH on lifespan. If most ageing mechanisms currently studied influence only kr, then future studies directed at clarifying the physiological origins of r and its dynamics should identify novel ageing mechanisms F(r).
Experimental methods
The following nematode strains were used: QZ0 (wild type (Bristol)), TJ1052 (age-1(hx546)II), and QZ120 (daf-2 (e1368)), QZ60 (daf-16(mu86)), QZ121 (hsf-1(sy441)), QZ414 (eat-2(ad1116)), ZG31 (hif-1(ia4)), and MQ1333 (nuo-6(qm200)).
Hermaphrodites were cultured under standard conditions8,31, at either 20 °C or 25 °C as noted, on plates containing 100 μg ml−1 ampicillin and seeded at an absorbance at 600 nm of 20 with the E. coli strain NEC937 B (OP50 ΔuvrA; KanR)32. Before seeding, all bacteria was irradiated in batch culture with 4 J m−2 of 254-nm light in a UV Stratalinker (Stratagene). Age-synchronous cohorts were prepared by hypochlorite treatment33. In strains exhibiting an increased variation in developmental time, in particular eat-2(ad1116) and nuo-6(qm200), developmentally synchronized L4 larvae were manually selected at the final stage of vulval maturation. To control for any effects of temperature on C. elegans development, all populations were held at 20 °C until their second day of adulthood, at which time they were exposed to the interventions described (unless otherwise stated). Individuals were randomly assigned groups by obtaining aliquots from populations suspended in M9 buffer. Automated lifespan experiments were run, blinded, and validated according to published methods8.
All populations were transferred on their second day of adulthood onto plates containing 22.5 μg ml−1 nystatin (Sigma N3503) to prevent fungal growth and 27.5 μg ml−1 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine (FUDR, Sigma) to eliminate live progeny. Where live bacteria were used (Fig. 1h, i), 10 μg ml−1 FUDR sufficed to eliminate live progeny.
Standard NGM agar plates were poured and dried according to published methods8. For tBuOOH assays, the compound was added to molten agar immediately before pouring. All plates containing tBuOOH were seeded and placed in a fume hood until the bacteria was absorbed, approximately 1 h. We found no evidence of time-dependent degradation of tBuOOH in solid agar plates, nor any effect of the tBuOOH degradation byproduct tbutanol on C. elegans lifespan (Extended Data Fig. 4), although evaporation of tBuOOH needed to be strictly controlled.
Scanner temperatures were measured using thermocouples (ThermoWorks USB-REF) mounted on the bottom of empty Petri dishes loaded onto each scanner. Scanners were given several hours to reach their stable operating temperature, at which point measurements were taken every 10 s. Because operating scanners exhibit small, regular oscillations in temperature8, the average of multiple cycles, each lasting 20 min, was taken.
Statistical methods
Population sizes
Supplementary Table 2 shows various summary statistics, including population size, for the population in each figure panel. No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. Initial experiments showed that populations larger than 500 individuals provided more robust survival estimates. Statistical power was estimated retrospectively (Supplementary Notes 2.2 and 6.3). Animals lost from observation were censored according to published methods8.
All replicates described are biological replicates, performed in separate weeks using separate populations. All replicates performed in the laboratory yielding informative population sizes and meeting self-consistency standards (for example consistent results across multiple scanners8) are shown.
Single AFT regression (all figures)
Using our automated microscopy method8, a single, very large, homogeneous population must be distributed across multiple scanners. The local environment characteristic to each scanner can influence C. elegans lifespan. This influence can be measured and controlled using the same AFT model we use to quantify temporal scaling. In most cases, our AFT models take the form
(1) |
where yi is the lifespan of individual i, β is the parameter vector being estimated, and Xi is the categorical covariate coding for the label associated with each individual i. This label takes different values in different contexts, representing either the plate name (Figs 1, 2, 3b, d and 4b–f), scanner name (Fig. 4a), or animal genotype (Fig. 4c, f). We take the logarithm of lifespan, log(yi), following the standard approach for evaluating multiplicative effects on lifespan, conceptually equivalent to stating that yi = (βXi)εi.
Each AFT regression model has an intercept that determines the ‘reference’ lifespan in relation to which all parameter vectors β are scaled. The intercept is implicitly determined by the particular categorical encoding scheme used for Xi. In Figs 1, 2 and 3b–d a ‘deviation’ coding is used, placing the intercept at the grand mean lifespan of all individuals. In Fig. 4, a dummy coding is used, placing the intercept at the mean lifespan of a specific reference group whose identity is noted in each case. The coding scheme used for the categorical variable has no effect on the value of model residuals εi and determines only the values of the AFT parameters β.
All AFT regression models were estimated via Buckley–James regression (included in the R34 package RMS). In Figs 1a and 3b and Extended Data Fig. 5a, j, l, n, p, r, t, v ‘device-corrected death times’8 were calculated to remove obscuring effects of temperature variation between scanners on the aggregate hazard rate. A dummy encoding for Xi coded for the scanner on which each individual was observed. The model intercept was then added to the residuals εi.
In many panels, AFT residuals εi are grouped and plotted according to some experimental condition: by temperature in Figs 1c, d, e and 2l and Extended Data Fig. 4i; by tBuOOH concentration in Fig. 1g and Extended Data Fig. 4a; by bacterial treatment in Fig. 1i; and by genotype in Fig. 2d, e, f, j, k and Extended Data Fig. 4e, g, k, m, o, q, s, u, w. We emphasize that in each case, the experimental condition used to group plots is not a covariate in the AFT model. Instead, the single AFT categorical covariate codes for an experimental unit—plate or scanner name—as detailed above. In this way, any temporal rescaling produced by variation in environmental conditions across these units will be estimated and reflected in the parameter vector β, and its effects minimized on the residual times εi. These residuals are then grouped according to the experimental variable during subsequent analysis (Supplementary Note 2).
Single AFT regression for additive models (Fig. 3d–f, h and Extended Data Fig. 5b, e, l)
To account for temporal shifts in mortality statistics, Buckley–James regression (using the R34 package RMS) was used to fit the model
(2) |
where Xi is the categorical covariate the initial (Fig. 3d–f and Extended Data Fig. 5b) temperature at which individual i was placed, the duration of time spent at that temperature (Extended Data Fig. 5d–g), or the number of switches used (Extended Data Fig. 5l). A ‘deviation’ coding was used (see equation (1)) in Fig. 3d and a dummy coding was used for Fig. 3e, f.
Significance (Figs 1 and 2)
The probability (P value) that the observed differences in lifespan between two populations are explained entirely by temporal scaling was estimated using the two-sided modified Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to identify heteroscedasticity among AFT residuals. This approach is described, with additional power analysis, in Supplementary Note 2.
Hierarchical clustering of survival curves (Extended Data Fig. 3)
A hierarchical clustering of survival curves was computed to identify groups of curves temporally rescaled in respect to each other. All pairs of populations were compared using the modified Kolmogorov–Smirnov test as described in Supplementary Note 2. The modified Kolmogorov–Smirnov distance (Supplementary Note 2) was used as the distance metric for clustering, using the R34 hierarchical clustering implementation hclust.
Estimating hazard functions (Figs 1–3)
The time-dependent hazard rate was estimated through numerical differentiation of the Kaplan–Meier cumulative hazard estimate. To generate confidence bands for the true hazard rate under the assumption that it is locally smooth, death times were fitted with a piecewise-polynomial B-spline hazard model using the R34 package bshazard35.
Estimating the magnitude of temporal scaling across temperatures (Fig. 4a, b)
Buckley– James regression was used to fit the AFT model described in equation (1), with Xi as a categorical covariate coding the scanner name corresponding to each individual tested. By specifying a single scanner at 25 °C as the reference category of a reference coded categorical variable, the AFT parameter vector β becomes the best estimate of the scale factors relating lifespan on each scanner Xi to the 25 °C reference: SX(t) = S25 °C(λ−1t).
Because the average temperature was measured for each scanner Xi, the corresponding λ can therefore be plotted in Fig. 4 a, b as a function of the temperature on the scanner that produced it.
Identifying distinct scaling regimes (Fig. 4b and Extended Data Figs 6 and 7a, b)
Because the temperature scaling of timescale λ did not appear uniform, we applied a linear segmented regression model using transformed variables to identify the number scaling regimes and estimate the boundaries between them. An Arrhenius model was fitted, assuming that within each segment
(3) |
with λ(T) as the scale factor at temperature T, and A and B as pre-exponential and exponential Arrhenius constants, respectively. One or more breakpoints were incorporated at temperatures T = {C1, C2, …, Ci} to produce the segmented model
(4) |
with T0 and Tn the fixed starting and end temperatures, respectively. A linear model was tested in the same fashion:
(5) |
Model parameters were estimated using the R34 package ‘segmented’.
To generate best estimates for the B parameter within each Arrhenius scaling regime identified by segmented regression, death times within each regime were isolated and fitted using a nonlinear regression approach (R34 package nls2). In all segmented and nonlinear regression models performed on λ values, each λ was weighted according to the size of the population used in the AFT regression from which the λ was estimated. Additional estimates of Arrhenius parameters were obtained following the approach described in equation (6).
Estimating the effect of mutations relative to wild type, across temperatures (Fig. 4c). To estimate the effect of mutant alleles on lifespan relative to wild type at each temperature, a separate AFT model as specified in equation (1) was run at each temperature considered. In each regression, Xi was specified as the genotype of individuals, with the categorical variable coded to use wild-type populations as the reference.
Characterizing the temperature dependence of mutant lifespan across temperatures, relative to wild type (Fig. 4d and Extended Data Fig. 7c). To identify differences in the temperature dependence of lifespan of mutants relative to wild type, we considered each thermal regime separately (regimes Ia and Ib in Fig. 4d and regimes II and III in Extended Data Fig. 7). We considered the model
(6) |
where Xi is a categorical variable encoding for the genotype of the individual, Yi is the biological replicate in which the individual was observed (animals originating from the same hypochlorite treatment in the same week have the same Yi), and Ti is a continuous variable representing the temperature (in inverse degrees Kelvin) at which the individual was placed. The interaction term βxXiTi captures any differential effect of temperature on the mutant strain relative to wild type. The null hypothesis, therefore, is that mutant individuals exhibit no difference in their response to temperature compared with wild-type individuals, which can be rejected if a significant non-zero value of βx is observed, as calculated from the associated Wald Z score. The estimated model parameters are provided in Supplementary Table 3.
Multiple AFT regression across tBuOOH replicates (Fig. 4e). The absolute effect of tBuOOH on lifespan varies between replicates. Several factors may contribute to this, including a variation in temperature of the molten agar and the time spent pouring it, and a variation in duration time required to dry plates. The relative effect of different tBuOOH concentrations on lifespan within each replicate, however, appeared more robust. So, we estimated the relative effects of tBuOOH on lifespan using the multiple regression model
(7) |
with Xi as a categorical covariate coding for tBuOOH concentration, and Yi as a categorical covariate coding for the replicate name. The tBuOOH covariate was coded such that the parameters βc were relative to the 0 mM category. The biological replicate covariate was coded such that the parameters βc were relative to a single reference replicate. In this way, the parameters βc represent the best estimate of the relative effect of tBuOOH across replicates.
To determine the quantitative dependence of the scale factor on tBuOOH concentration, the values of βr and the tBuOOH concentrations corresponding to each Xi were fitted by the polynomial model λ = b[tBuOOH]a using the R34 nonlinear regression package nls2.
A distinct statistical was attempted to confirm the above analysis in a different way. All death times were fitted with the single model
(8) |
where Bi is the logarithm of the tBuOOH concentration to which each individual i was exposed, represented as a continuous covariate. This makes βc the best estimate of the exponent of the power-law relationship between lifespan and tBuOOH concentration. Yi is the biological replicate in which the individual was observed (animals originating from the same hypochlorite treatment in the same week have the same Yi), and YiBi is a cross term to identify any systematic differences between the effect of tBuOOH between replicates. The estimated model parameters are provided in Supplementary Table 3.
Single AFT regression on each tBuOOH replicate (Fig. 4e). To validate the multiple regression model described previously, the AFT model described in equation (1) was fitted separately on the data collected in each replicate, with Xi coded to correspond to the tBuOOH concentration. The dummy variables for the tBuOOH covariate were set up such that scale factors were relative to the 0 mM control group. Using these cofactors, the R34 nonlinear regression package nls2 was used to fit the polynomial relationship λ = b[tBuOOH]a for each replicate.
Estimating the effect of genotype relative to wild type, across tBuOOH concentrations (Fig. 4f). To measure the effect of mutant alleles on lifespan across tBuOOH concentrations, a separate AFT model as specified in equation (1) was run on each data set collected at each concentration. In each regression, Xi was specified as the genotype of individuals, with the categorical variable coded to use wild-type populations as the model intercept.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank J. Alcedo for nematode strains, X. Manière for providing the NEC937 Escherichia coli strain, B. Ward for reading our manuscript, and D. Marks, C. Romero, T. Kolokotrones, D. Yamins, P. F. Stadler, E. Smith, and all members of the Fontana laboratory for discussions and encouragement throughout this project. Some strains were provided by the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center which is funded by US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440). This work was funded by the NIH through grant R01 AG034994 and by a Glenn Award from the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research.
Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Author Contributions N.S. conceived and analysed the experiments. N.S., J.A., W.E.A., V.G., A.G., Z.M.N., and I.F.L.-M. developed experimental protocols and performed experiments. N.S. and W.F. interpreted data and performed model calculations. N.S. and W.F. wrote the manuscript with input from J.A.
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