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. 2004 Jun;16(6):1506–1520. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020644

The Arabidopsis SKU6/SPIRAL1 Gene Encodes a Plus End–Localized Microtubule-Interacting Protein Involved in Directional Cell ExpansionW⃞

John C Sedbrook a,1, David W Ehrhardt b, Sarah E Fisher b, Wolf-Rüdiger Scheible c, Chris R Somerville b,d
PMCID: PMC490042  PMID: 15155883


The sku6-1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits altered patterns of root and organ growth. sku6 roots, etiolated hypocotyls, and leaf petioles exhibit right-handed axial twisting, and root growth on inclined agar media is strongly right skewed. The touch-dependent sku6 root skewing phenotype is suppressed by the antimicrotubule drugs propyzamide and oryzalin, and right skewing is exacerbated by cold treatment. Cloning revealed that sku6-1 is allelic to spiral1-1 (spr1-1). However, modifiers in the Columbia (Col) and Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotype backgrounds mask noncomplementation in sku6-1 (Col)/spr1-1 (Ler) F1 plants. The SPR1 gene encodes a plant-specific 12-kD protein that is ubiquitously expressed and belongs to a six-member gene family in Arabidopsis. An SPR1:green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion expressed in transgenic seedlings localized to microtubules within the cortical array, preprophase band, phragmoplast, and mitotic spindle. SPR1:GFP was concentrated at the growing ends of cortical microtubules and was dependent on polymer growth state; the microtubule-related fluorescence dissipated upon polymer shortening. The protein has a repeated motif at both ends, separated by a predicted rod-like domain, suggesting that it may act as an intermolecular linker. These observations suggest that SPR1 is involved in microtubule polymerization dynamics and/or guidance, which in turn influences touch-induced directional cell expansion and axial twisting.


The roots of plants must maneuver through a gauntlet of soil particles, rocks, and debris to position themselves to take up water and nutrients and to anchor the plant. Directional growth of the root is in large part governed by touch- and gravity-induced cell expansion processes that occur within the root tip. The root tip is composed of a cap, a meristematic region, and adjacent distal and main elongation zones. Gravity sensing occurs predominantly in collumella cells within the cap (Boonsirichai et al., 2002). The site of touch sensing is not clear, although it likely occurs in more than one location within the tip, including cells within the root cap (Evans, 2003; Massa and Gilroy, 2003). Tip direction changes are the consequence of altered patterns of polar cell expansion in the elongation zones. These cell expansion patterns can be studied in Arabidopsis thaliana roots growing down an inclined and impenetrable agar surface. Okada and Shimura (1990) found that this environment promotes a regular sinusoidal pattern of growth, termed root waving.

Analysis of time-lapse videos of waving roots (J.C. Sedbrook and C.R. Somerville, unpublished data) coupled with data from published reports (Okada and Shimura, 1990; Simmons et al., 1995; Rutherford and Masson, 1996; Sedbrook et al., 2002; Massa and Gilroy, 2003) allows for the following simplified description of root waving. A root tip responds to gravity with a two-dimensional downward bend, resulting in the cap pushing against the agar surface. Sensing this obstacle, a three-dimensional cell expansion process is induced within the elongation zone, thereby changing the direction of root tip growth to either the right or left of its original trajectory (viewed from above the agar surface). This direction change is often associated with an axial rotation of the tip, which can be seen as a twist in the normally straight epidermal cell files within the elongation zone. A root tip moving to the right takes on a brief right-handed twist, and a leftward move is accompanied by a brief left-handed twist. Massa and Gilroy (2003) propose that the root tip touch response downregulates the graviperception machinery.

At the end of the touch-induced lateral direction change, the cap again presses into the agar surface as the tip bends and grows toward the gravity vector. The obstacle avoidance response is again triggered, but this time the cell expansion pattern has an opposite handedness compared with the previous response, thereby completing a sinusoidal wave. It has been postulated that circumnutation drives the frequency of the wave (Mullen et al., 1998; Migliaccio and Piconese, 2001), yet the basis of the handedness switching is a mystery.

Little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying touch-induced directional cell expansion and organ axial twisting. Garbers et al. (1996) and Deruere et al. (1999) found that a mutation in the rcn1 gene, which encodes a protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit involved in polar auxin transport, resulted in root growth that slanted to the right of the normal downward waving direction. rcn1, but not wild-type roots, formed coils at the bottom of horizontally positioned agar plates containing the auxin transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid. aux1 mutant roots form coils instead of growing straight on horizontal or tilted agar surfaces, revealing an enhanced directional growth bias (Mirza, 1987; Okada and Shimura, 1990). AUX1 encodes an auxin influx carrier necessary for polar auxin transport (Bennett et al., 1996).

Furutani et al. (2000) reported that spr1-1 roots slanted to the right on inclined agar surfaces and that spr1-1 roots and etiolated hypocotyls exhibited a right-handed axial twist. These root phenotypes, along with an accompanying defect in anisotropic cell growth, were suppressed by the antimicrotubule drug propyzamide and the microtubule stabilizing drug taxol. Furutani et al. (2000) also found that the cortical microtubule arrays of elongating spr1-1 epidermal root cells were arranged in helices with a left-handed pitch instead of with the normal transverse orientation. Propyzamide created right-handed helical microtubule arrays in wild-type and spr1-1 elongating root cells, which coincided with a change to leftward slanting and left-handed twisting roots. These results prompted them to propose that a microtubule-dependent process and SPR1 act antagonistically to control directional cell elongation and axial twisting.

Thitamadee et al. (2002) provided a further connection between microtubules and growth handedness with the isolation of two suppressors of spr1 named lefty1 and lefty2. The lefty mutants exhibited left slanting and left-handed twisting roots, right-handed obliquely oriented cortical microtubule arrays in elongating epidermal root cells, and increased sensitivities to microtubule drugs. The dominant negative lefty mutations correspond to single amino acid changes in the α-tubulin proteins TUA4 and TUA6, with the altered residues mapping to the tubulin dimer interface. It was postulated that the spr1 and lefty mutations affected microtubule stability and/or dynamics and that the resultant twisted growth was possibly because of obliquely oriented microtubules guiding the oblique deposition of cellulose microfibrils (Hashimoto, 2002; Thitamadee et al., 2002). Hussey (2002) speculated that the lefty mutations might create tubulin dimers that formed microtubules with an altered shape, which was reflected in the orientation of the cortical arrays.

To learn more about directional cell expansion processes, we used the root waving assay to identify mutants with altered patterns of cell expansion and root growth. We identified a mutant, sku6-1 that exhibits right skewing and right-handed axial cell file twisting. The sku6-1 mutation, which is in the Columbia (Col) ecotype, appeared to complement the spr1-1 mutation, which is in the Landsberg erecta (Ler) background, because of two modifiers present in the different ecotypes. However, cloning of the genes corresponding to sku6 and spr1 revealed that they were the same gene and we have accordingly renamed sku6-1 as spr1-6 (there are five other spr1 alleles besides sku6-1, hence the name spr1-6; Nakajima et al., 2004). Results presented here indicate that the SPR1 protein functions as a microtubule interacting protein that is preferentially localized to the plus ends of cortical microtubules. We hypothesize that SPR1 controls certain aspects of cell expansion by regulating the growth and/or guidance of microtubule plus ends.


Phenotypic Analyses of spr1-6

The spr1-6 mutant (ecotype Col) was isolated as a recessive nuclear mutation in a T-DNA activation-tagging screen for root waving mutants. On 1.5% agar-solidified germination medium (GM) that was tilted 40° from the vertical, growth of spr1-6 roots skewed in a rightward direction as viewed from above the agar surface, whereas wild-type Col roots grew straight downward (Figures 1A and 1B). Close examination of spr1-6 roots revealed that the epidermal cell files twisted much more in a clockwise direction (right-handed) compared with the wild type as the root moved to the right during the wave motion (Figures 1C and 1D, Table 1). spr1-6 root epidermal cell files also exhibited brief left-handed twisting similar to the wild type as the root tip moved to the left. During the leftward motions, a portion of the spr1-6 root had a tendency to rise off of the agar as the tip pointed toward and grew against the agar surface (Figure 1D).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Growth Phenotypes of spr1-6 and Wild-Type Seedlings and Plants.

(A) and (B) Wild-type (A) and spr1-6 (B) seedlings grown 7 d on 1.5% agar-solidified GM tilted at 40° from the vertical (wave assay) and imaged from above the agar surface. The arrow in (B) delineates a root that has grown into the agar.

(C) and (D) Enlarged view of wild-type (C) and spr1-6 (D) roots that had gone through the wave assay. In (D), note the prolonged right-handed (RH) cell file rotation of the spr1-6 root (top left portion marked by a line) as well as a portion of the spr1-6 root that was off the agar surface (the portion of the root out of the plane of focus and indicated by an arrow). Left-handed (LH) and right-handed (RH) cell file rotations are also indicated by lines in (C).

(E) and (F) Wild-type (E) and spr1-6 (F) roots grown 7 d in 0.8% agar-solidified GM. Note the larger amount of cell file rotation for the spr1-6 root.

(G) and (H) Confocal image projections of propidium iodide–stained wild-type (G) and spr1-6 (H) etiolated hypocotyls, showing the large amount of spr1-6 cell file rotation.

(I) and (J) Wild-type (I) and spr1-6 (J) plants growing in the greenhouse. In (J), note the two spr1-6 leaves (indicated by arrows) that are not laying flat because of right-handed twisted petioles; the top right leaf is sideways, whereas the bottom left leaf is upside down.

(K) and (L) Wild-type (K) and spr1-6 (L) seedlings put through the wave assay at 16°C.

(M) Closer view of spr1-6 root put through the wave assay at 16°C. Note the more prolonged right-handed cell file rotation than seen in (D), which was grown at 22°C.

Bars in (A), (B), (K), and (L) = 10 mm; bars in (C) to (H) and (M) = 0.1 mm; bars in (I) and (J) = 1 cm.

Table 1.

Measurements of Wild-Type (Col) and spr1-6 Roots Grown under Various Conditions

Treatment Wild-Type Length (mm) spr1-6 Length (mm) Wild-Type Anglea spr1-6 Angle Wild-Type Cell File Rotationb spr1-6 Cell File Rotation Wild-Type Cortical Microtubule Pitch Anglec spr1-6 Cortical Microtubule Pitch Angle
Tilted 1.5% agar 22°C ND ND −2.2° ± 6.0, n = 68 32.7° ± 6.2, n = 42, P = 6.2 × 10−49 ND ND ND ND
Vertical 0.8% agar 22°C 21.9 ± 3.5, n = 66 22.3 ± 3.0, n = 61, P = 0.5 0.2° ± 6.6, n = 64 28.0° ± 12.2, n = 59, P = 1.9 × 10−30 −0.5 ± 1.2, n = 27 10.4 ± 5.6, n = 23, P = 2.8 × 10−13 −1.4° ± 4.4, n = 137 −0.9° ± 3.8, n = 130, P = 0.46
Tilted 1.5% agar 16°C ND ND 3.0° ± 6.0, n = 74 68.4° ± 11.1, n = 74, P = 4.0 × 10−88 ND ND ND ND
Vertical 0.8% agar 16°C ND ND 1.8° ± 5.4, n = 50 62.1° ± 11.0, n = 47, P = 4.9 × 10−55 −0.5 ± 2.1, n = 32 26.4 ± 3.7, n = 30, P = 2.1 × 10−43 −1.3° ± 5.0, n = 180 1.9° ± 4.7, n = 202, P = 6.8 × 10−10

The average angle that roots grew on the agar surface, where 0° is vertical, and positive numbers were to the right of vertical.


The cell file rotation is the number of epidermal cell files that crossed a 1-mm-long line drawn down the longitudinal axis of the root, from ∼1.5 to 2.5 mm from the tip. Positive values represent right-handed cell file rotation, whereas negative values represent left-handed cell file rotation.


The cortical microtubule pitch angle is the average angle of cortical microtubules in root cells within the elongation zone (measurements taken 0.2 to 0.6 mm from the root tip quiescent center), where 0° would be transverse, negative angles right-handed oblique, and positive angles left-handed oblique (n = number of cells sampled in 28 to 39 roots for each category).

Numbers are averages ± sd; n = sample size; P = Student's t test probability (two tailed), where <0.05 is statistically significant. ND, not determined.

spr1-6 roots also exhibited a right-handed twisting bias when grown within or on vertically oriented 0.8% agar-solidified GM, as did airborne spr1-6 etiolated hypocotyls and, at times, leaf petioles (Figures 1E to 1J, Table 1). spr1-6 roots that penetrated the tilted agar surface and grew within the medium, however, did not skew but instead followed the gravity vector–like wild type until encountering the agar/plate interface, after which they again skewed to the right (Figure 1B).

The spr1-6 root axial rotation defect as well as the surface-dependent right slanting phenotype were much stronger when seedlings were grown at 16°C on either tilted 1.5% agar-solidified GM or vertical 0.8% agar-solidified GM, revealing the temperature-sensitive nature of these phenotypes (Figures 1K to 1M, Table 1). In fact, spr1-6 roots had more of a tendency to loop and coil under these conditions than when grown at 22°C (Figures 1L and 1M). Growth at 16°C had little effect on wild-type directional growth (Figure 1K, Table 1).

Effect of Antimicrotubule Drugs

Furutani et al. (2000) found that the right-skewing and right-handed twisting root growth phenotypes of spr1-1 seedlings were suppressed by the antimicrotubule drug propyzamide. Because spr1-6 did not complement the spr1-1 mutation (see below), we tested the effects of antimicrotubule drugs on spr1-6 root growth, using a range of concentrations. Figures 2C and 2D and Table 2 show that on tilted medium containing 3 μM propyzamide, spr1-6 and wild-type roots both skewed to the left. The dinitroanaline herbicide oryzalin affected root growth similarly, with 0.1 μM exerting the strongest left-skewing effect (Figures 2E and 2F, Table 2). Oryzalin concentrations higher than 0.1 μM inhibited root elongation and abolished slanting and waving.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Effects of Antimicrotubule Drugs on Root Skewing.

Seedlings were grown 4 d on 1.5% agar-solidified GM tilted 40° from the vertical and then transferred onto the same media either without ([A] and [B]) or with 3 μM propyzamide ([C] and [D]) or 0.1 μM oryzalin ([E] and [F]). (A), (C), and (E) are the wild type; (B), (D), and (F) are spr1-6. The bar in (B) = 10 mm, which is the same scale for all panels.

Table 2.

Measurements of Wild-Type and spr1-6 Seedling Roots Grown on Either 1.5% Agar-Solidified GM or 0.8% Agar-Solidified GM with or without an Antimicrotubule Drug

Sample No Drug Propyzamide 3 μM Oryzalin 0.1 μM
Wild type, 1.5%, anglea −2.2 ± 6.0 −28.8 ± 10.9 −5.3 ± 6.8
spr1-6, 1.5%, angle 32.7 ± 6.2, P = 6.2 × 10−49 −34.1 ± 12.1, P = 0.059 −10.3 ± 8.4, P = 7.6 × 10−4
Wild type, 0.8%, angle 0.2 ± 6.6 −2.4 ± 11.2 −7.0 ± 8.3
spr1-6, 0.8%, angle 28.0 ± 12.2, P = 1.9 × 10−30 4.4 ± 6.8, P = 2.0 × 10−3 −1.1 ± 7.3, P = 7.4 × 10−5
Wild type, 0.8%, lengthb 21.9 ± 3.5 16.3 ± 2.4 16.3 ± 2.4
spr1-6, 0.8%, length 22.3 ± 3.0, P = 0.502 15.8 ± 1.5, P = 0.283 18.6 ± 2.7, P = 1.0 × 10−3
Wild type, 0.8%, CFRc −0.5 ± 1.2 −5.7 ± 7.3 −7.1 ± 4.4
spr1-6, 0.8%, CFR 10.4 ± 5.6, P = 2.8 × 10−13 −9.5 ± 8.5, P = 0.074 −5.9 ± 4.6, P = 0.273

The average angle that roots grew on the agar surface, where 0° is vertical and positive numbers were to the right of vertical.


Average root length in millimeters.


Cell file rotation is the number of epidermal cell files that crossed a 1-mm-long line drawn down the longitudinal axis of the root, from ∼1.5 to 2.5 mm from the tip. Positive values signify right-handed cell file rotation, and negative values signify left-handed cell file rotation.

Numbers are averages ± sd; n = sample size; P = Student's t test probability (two tailed), where <0.05 is statistically significant. The P values correspond to a comparison between wild-type and spr1-6 samples of a given treatment. For angle and length measurements, 34 < n < 69; for cell file rotation measurements, 22 < n < 31. ND, not determined.

We also quantified root axial twisting by measuring the amount of cell file rotation seen in spr1-6 and wild-type roots grown on vertical 0.8% agar-containing GM with or without each of these drugs (Table 2). We found that, on average, the right-handed axial twisting bias usually seen in spr1-6 roots switched to a left-handed twist in the presence of 3 μM propyzamide as well as 0.1 μM oryzalin. Wild-type Col roots, which usually do not have a twisting bias, also acquired a left-handed twist on agar media containing these drugs (Table 2).

Cloning of the SPR1-6 Gene

The spr1-6 mutant was isolated from a T-DNA activation-tagged population. However, the mutation segregated as a single recessive allele, suggesting that the phenotype was because of loss of gene function rather than activation of a gene. The original mutant line contained several T-DNA insertions, but after a cross to the wild type, a spr1-6 line designated JS79 that contained a single T-DNA insertion was identified. The genomic DNA flanking the T-DNA in JS79 was recovered by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (Liu et al., 1995). The resulting 1.3-kb fragment contained a region of the T-DNA left border inserted within the open reading frame of putative gene At2g03680.

To confirm that the disruption of At2g03680 by the T-DNA insertion was the cause of the spr1-6 mutant phenotype, we isolated a 2.5-kb XhoI genomic fragment from BAC F19Bll that contained the putative SPR1 gene along with 0.8-kb upstream and 0.7-kb downstream sequences (Figure 3A). The XhoI fragment, which did not carry any other intact annotated genes, was cloned into the pBIN19 binary vector and transformed into spr1-6 plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Clough and Bent, 1998). Analysis of T1 and T2 generation transformants revealed that this fragment was able to complement all of the spr1-6 phenotypic abnormalities (data not shown).

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

The SPR1 Gene Structure and Amino Acid Sequence Alignments.

(A) Diagram of the SPR1 gene. Solid rectangles are the SPR1 exons, and thick connecting lines are introns. Translational start and stop are marked by arrows. Thin broken line at the left represents 0.8 kb of sequences between the XhoI site and transcriptional start, whereas the thin broken line at the right represents 0.7 kb of genomic DNA from transcriptional stop to the other XhoI site. The relative location of the T-DNA is shown (not drawn to scale).

(B) Amino acid sequence alignment of SPR1 and the SPR1-like predicted proteins. The two solid lines under the sequences mark the locations of a direct repeat sequence. Solid boxes represent amino acids that match the consensus.

(C) Amino acid sequence alignment between SPR1 (bottom) and a portion of the human Filamin A protein (FLNa; top). Identical residues are represented by letters between the two sequences, whereas conserved residues are delineated by plus signs (28% identity, 45% conserved, smallest sum probability of 1.1 × 10−6). Alignment was performed by WU-BLAST 2.0 (Altschul et al., 1990) using FLNa residues 1420 to 1516 as the query.

SPR1 Is a Novel Plant-Specific Gene Belonging to a Multigene Family

The T-DNA element responsible for the spr1-6 mutation was inserted at codon 75 within the second exon of a three-exon gene (At2g03680) predicted to encode a novel 119–amino acid polypeptide (12 kD; Figures 3A and 3B). BLAST searches of GenBank identified no SPR1 homologs outside of plants but identified five other SPR1-like genes within Arabidopsis (At1g26360, At1g69230, At3g02180, At4g23496, and At5g15600). These genes were predicted to encode proteins sharing from 44 to 56% amino acid sequence identity with SPR1 (Figure 3B). ESTs were identified for three of the five SPR1-like genes (At3g02180, At4g23496, and At5g15600). ESTs for At3g02180 and At4g23496 appeared to be full length, supporting the genome project annotations of these genes.

Twenty ESTs corresponding to the SPR1 gene were identified in GenBank. Many appeared to be full length or nearly full length, supporting the annotation of the SPR1 open reading frame (ORF) by the genome project. The SPR1 gene sequence was also annotated as interacting with nitrilase based on a yeast two-hybrid screen. However, the two-hybrid interaction was not confirmed by other means and may have been artifactual. The SPR1 and SPR1-like proteins have a low complexity composition within the middle portions of the polypeptides, with some proteins containing continuous stretches of Thr residues. The middle portion of SPR1 is rich in Pro and Thr residues. A highly conserved direct repeat sequence is present at the N-terminal and C-terminal ends of these proteins, the consensus motif being GGGSSLG/DYLFG (Figure 3B). Database searches did not report this motif as being present in other proteins. Comparison of the SPR1 sequence to GenBank using the MAXHOM alignment program (Sander and Schneider, 1991) revealed significant sequence similarity between SPR1 and a portion of the human Filamin A protein (FLNa; Figure 3C; 28% amino acid identity and 45% conservation over a continuous 87–amino acid stretch, smallest sum probability of 1.1 × 10−6). FLNa is a 280-kD actin cross-linking and scaffolding protein consisting of an N-terminal actin binding domain and 24 repeat sequences, each repeat being ∼96 amino acids long (Tigges et al., 2003). SPR1 shares homology with the repeats 12 and 13.

To determine where the SPR1 gene is expressed, RNA gel blots were performed on total RNA from various wild-type tissues (Figure 4). A 0.6-kb transcript was identified in all wild-type tissues tested, including seedling roots and shoots as well as adult leaves, inflorescence stems, and flowers. No transcripts were identified in RNA from the spr1-6 mutant, confirming that the probe was specific to SPR1 transcripts and that the spr1-6 mutation was a null.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

RNA Gel Blot Analysis of SPR1 Expression.

Total RNA gel blot probed with radiolabled SPR1 DNA (top panel, 0.6-kb band) or stained with methylene blue to visualize rRNA (loading control). The first lane is total RNA from spr1-6 seedlings, and the other lanes contain total RNA from various wild-type tissues. Note that the rRNA staining shows the spr1-6 seedlings, and wild-type flowers/buds samples were loaded heavier than the others.

A SPR1:Green Fluorescent Protein Fusion Localizes to Microtubules

To determine the subcellular localization of the SPR1 protein, we generated transgenic spr1-6 seedlings expressing a SPR1:green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion consisting of the ENHANCED GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (EGFP) open reading frame (Cutler et al., 2000) fused to the C terminus of the predicted SPR1 open reading frame. To preserve normal regulatory sequences, the construct pJS1 contained the EGFP gene in frame with the genomic SPR1 gene, along with SPR1 upstream and downstream genomic sequences. This construct complemented the spr1-6 mutant phenotypes in 100 of 107 transgenic plants (data not shown).

Confocal microscopic analysis of these seedlings identified GFP fluorescence emanating from the cytoplasm as well as from filamentous structures around the cortex of root and shoot cells (Figures 5A to 5C). The filamentous patterns were consistent with cortical microtubule localization. For instance, within the root tip, the filamentous arrays were disorganized within meristematic cells and transversely oriented within elongation zone cells (Figure 5A). Moreover, these arrays at times became oblique then longitudinally oriented within root mature zone cells (data not shown).

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

GFP Fluorescence from a SPR1:GFP Fusion Protein Imaged by Confocal Microscopy.

(A) Root epidermal cells within the meristem/distal elongation zone.

(B) Root epidermal cells within the main elongation zone.

(C) Hypocotyl epidermal cells.

(D) Phragmoplast localization within a dividing root epidermal cell (indicated by an arrow).

(E) Spindle localization within a dividing root cortical cell (indicated by an arrow).

(F) Pre-prophase bands in two cap cells of the root tip (indicated by arrows).

(B), (C), and (D) are brightest point projections of multiple confocal sections (21 slices and 0.5-μm steps for [B], 36 slices and 0.4-μm steps for [C], and 43 slices and 0.7-μm steps for [D]), and images [A], [E], and [F] are individual sections. Bars = 20 μm.

Because microtubules also form distinctive arrays at others stages of the cell cycle, we examined whether SPR1:GFP localized to preprophase bands, phragmoplasts, and mitotic spindles in dividing cells. As was the case in the interphase cell cortex, SPR1:GFP-related fluorescence was visible in patterns consistent with microtubule localization within these arrays (Figures 5D to 5F).

SPR1:GFP Is Concentrated at Microtubule Plus Ends of Cortical Microtubules

Although the SPR1:GFP fusion protein exhibited fluorescence patterns consistent with microtubule localization, in most interphase cells the distribution of fluorescence was not uniform along the cortical microtubules but instead appeared to be more densely accumulated in specific regions (Figures 5B and 5C). To investigate this localization further, we performed time-lapse imaging of SPR1:GFP using confocal microscopy. We observed that SPR1:GFP fluorescence commonly moved in comet-like streaks across the cell cortex (Figures 6A and 6B; see Supplemental Movies S1 and S2 online). The fluorescence in each streak was typically asymmetrically distributed, being of highest intensity at the end leading the direction of travel and diminishing exponentially to form a trailing tail (Figure 6C). These patterns of localization and movement were consistent with the label showing polarized accumulation at the growing ends of microtubules. By contrast, transgenic seedlings expressing a yellow fluorescent protein β-TUBULIN fusion (YFP:TUBULIN) exhibited uniform fluorescence across cortical microtubules in interphase cells (see Supplemental Movie S3 online).

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Tip Gradient of SPR1:GFP.

(A) and (B) Kymographs of SPR1:GFP gradients at the growing ends of interphase cortical microtubules. A transition to polymer shortening (catastrophe) and subsequent rapid loss of SPR1:GFP label is indicated by “cat” in (A).

(C) Mean intensity of SPR1:GFP in a 7-pixel-wide lane calculated at each axial position along the end of the labeled microtubule. The image of the labeled polymer end is depicted below the graph, with lines indicating the mapping of the image to the plotted values. The arrow indicates the direction of growth of the labeled end. The curve is an exponential regression to the tailing values only [Inline graphic].

We asked if the SPR1:GFP comets shared other characteristics displayed by the dynamic ends of cortical microtubules. As predicted, SPR1:GFP microtubule localization appeared de novo at the cell cortex, with label moving away from the site of origin, just as observed with TUBULIN:GFP-labeled microtubules (Shaw et al., 2003; Figure 7A and see Supplemental Movie S4 online). The plus ends of cortical microtubules undergo frequent shifts among growth, pause, and shrinking states, a pattern termed dynamic instability (Mitchison and Kirschner, 1984). SPR1:GFP comets moved relatively smoothly in one direction but often disappeared abruptly. Upon closer examination, these episodes of disappearance appeared to be associated with a transition to polymer shrinkage and at times could be clearly imaged because of less dissipation of label along the sidewalls (Figure 7B and see Supplemental Movie S5 online).

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Dynamic Behavior of SPR1:GFP.

(A) Time-lapse confocal images showing a SPR1:GFP-labeled structure (green arrowheads) appearing in a location at the cell cortex that previously contained no detectable organized label (yellow arrowheads), suggesting a de novo origin at the cortex for the labeled structures. The numbers indicate time in seconds before and after the appearance of the structure.

(B) Time-lapse confocal images showing a single SPR1:GFP-labeled structure exhibiting episodes of dynamic growth (green arrowheads) and shortening behavior (red arrowheads) similar to microtubule catastrophe and rescue. The numbers indicate time in seconds. Scale bars = 5 μm.

Comets of SPR1:GFP were also observed to join and travel along common tracks, suggesting the formation and association of individual microtubules into bundles of polymers, as also observed with TUBULIN:GFP (Shaw et al., 2003; see Supplemental Movie S6 online). SPR1:GFP patches occasionally appeared to detach from the cortex and were subjected to buffeting by the underlying streaming cytosol (see Supplemental Movie S7 online). This behavior would be difficult to explain if the patches of label were not at the ends of the polymers. Finally, previous observations revealed that the lagging ends of cortical microtubules show slow and persistent depolymerization (Shaw et al., 2003). We did not observe movement of the fluorescent comets consistent with lagging end depolymerization (60 observations in nine cells and four plants). Taken together, these observations strongly suggest that SPR1:GFP is concentrated in gradients at the plus ends of growing cortical microtubules and that this tip accumulation is typically sensitive to the growing state of the microtubule.

Not all observed microtubules labeled with SPR1:GFP displayed pronounced accumulation at the growing end. For instance, interphase cells were sometimes observed in which most microtubules showed a more even distribution of label (Figures 5A and 7B). Such cells tended to be in tissue that had been wounded or mounted for extended periods of time (data not shown). There also was no clearly observed bias in the distribution of label within the phragmoplast, mitotic spindle, and preprophase band arrays (Figures 5D to 5F). In time-lapse images of these arrays (see Supplemental Movies S8 to S10 online), short dashes of label could occasionally be seen in one to three consecutive image frames, but this limited information made it difficult to determine if these were end-labeled polymers or fragmented polymers.

Modifiers of spr1 Mutations in Different Ecotypes

The spr1-6 mutation (Col ecotype background) was originally called sku6-1. Because the sku6-1 mutant exhibited similar phenotypes to the spr1-1 mutant (Ler ecotype background; Furutani et al., 2000), we performed a complementation analysis. When assayed for root skewing, the roots of F1 sku6-1/spr1-1 seedlings exhibited a definite left slanting waving pattern like that seen with wild-type Ler roots (Figure 8). Furthermore, F2 seedlings displayed approximately a 9:7 ratio of left slanting to right slanting roots, consistent with the independent assortment of two loci (70 left:66 right; null hypothesis of 9:7 ratio, χ2 = 1.39, P > 0.20; null hypothesis of 3:1 ratio, χ2 = 40.16, P < 0.0005).

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Seedlings Grown on Tilted 1.5% Agar-Solidified GM.

Top row, F1 seedlings originating from a spr1-6 by spr1-1 cross; bottom row left of line, spr1-1 seedlings; bottom row right of line, spr1-6 seedlings. Note F1 seedlings wave to the left like wild-type Ler (data not shown) and not to the right like spr1-1 and spr1-6. spr1-1 is in the Ler background. Scale bar = 10 mm.

Although these data suggested that sku6-1 and spr1-1 were not allelic and were segregating independently, the cloning of the corresponding mutations confirmed that they both disrupted the same gene. The spr1-1 allele was the result of a deletion that removed the beginning portion of the SPR1 gene, and the spr1-1 mutant phenotype was rescued by a genomic fragment carrying the SPR1 gene (Nakajima et al., 2004). Moreover, Nakajima et al. (2004) isolated five spr1 alleles, all of which contained mutations within the SPR1 gene. We used primers flanking the spr1-1 deletion as well as primers specific to the spr1-6 T-DNA to confirm that the spr1-6 by spr1-1 cross was a success (data not shown).

Given that both spr1-1 and spr1-6 seedlings contained no SPR1 transcripts (Nakajima et al., 2004; Figure 4), it is likely that both are null alleles. Therefore, to explain the complementation data, we hypothesize that two independent modifiers exist, one with a dominant allele in the Col background (i.e., genotype A/A b/b) and the other with a dominant allele in the Ler background (i.e., genotype a/a B/B). These modifiers produce left slanting roots when dihybrid (A/a B/b) in a spr1-6/spr1-1 null background. However, when either or both of these modifiers is homozygous recessive (A/- b/b, a/a B/-, or a/a b/b) in a spr1-6/spr1-1 null background, the resultant phenotype is right-skewing roots.

According to this hypothesis, one would expect that one-sixteenth (6.25%) of the spr1-6 by spr1-1 F2 plants would be double homozygous dominant for the modifiers (A/A B/B) and would produce homozygous left slanting F3 families of plants. Indeed, we found that five out of 89 F2 plants (5.6%) produced F3 families that were homozygous left slanting (χ2 = 0.06, P > 0.8). This data does not fit the 1:3 ratio one would expect associated with a single modifier (χ2 = 30.77, P < 0.0005). Moreover, 45 of the 89 F3 families proved to be heterozygous and, as expected, were segregating either 9:7 left:right skewing (F2 parental genotype of A/a B/b) or 3:1 left:right skewing (F2 parental genotype of either A/A B/b or A/a B/B). The remaining 39 of 89 F2 plants (43.82%) that had right-skewing roots all gave rise to F3 families that were homozygous right skewing, which is very close to the expected 7/16th ratio (43.75%).

Cortical Microtubules in spr1-6 Root Elongation Zone Cells Remain Transverse Even Though Root Axial Rotation Occurs

Previously, Furutani et al. (2000) reported that cortical microtubules in spr1-1 root elongation zone cells were oriented in left-handed oblique arrays instead of being transversely oriented like in the wild type. They hypothesized that the orientations of cortical arrays govern the direction of cell expansion; thus, oblique arrays caused the spr1-1 root axial twisting phenotype. To determine if spr1-6 elongating root cells also had left-handed obliquely oriented microtubule arrays, we grew spr1-6 and wild-type seedlings on vertical 0.8% agar-solidified GM for 5 d at 22°C, fixed the tissue, and stained for tubulin using whole-mount immunofluorescence. Under our conditions, the cortical microtubule arrays within spr1-6 elongating root cells were mostly transverse and on average were slightly right-handed oblique instead of left-handed oblique throughout the entire distal and main elongation zones, even though the spr1-6 roots had been twisting as they grew (Table 1, Figures 9A to 9C). This average microtubule pitch angle was statistically indistinguishable from the wild type (Table 1). When spr1-6 seedlings were grown at 16°C, which causes a more severe spr1-6 right-handed root axial twisting phenotype, the microtubule pitch angle in elongation zone cells was, on average, slightly left-handed oblique and statistically different from that of the wild type (Table 1, Figure 9D). However, many of the spr1-6 roots (16 out of 39) had a majority of elongation zone cells with transverse and/or right-handed obliquely oriented arrays. Moreover, even though wild-type and spr1-6 average microtubule pitch angles were comparably small, there was a big difference in the relative average amounts of wild-type and spr1-6 root cell file rotation (Table 1).

Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Confocal Microscopic Projection Images of Anti-TUBULIN Whole-Mount Immunolocalization in Roots.

(A) A montage of images depicting a spr1-6 root. Note the cell file rotation.

(B) Closer view of cells in (A) within spr1-6 root main elongation zone (cells' location marked by the arrow in [A]).

(C) to (F) Close-up views of main elongation zone cells in a wild-type root (C), a spr1-6 root grown at 16°C (D), and spr1-6 roots grown on 3 μM propyzamide (E) or 0.1 μM oryzalin (F).

All roots were grown at 22°C (except [D]) on vertical 0.8% agar-solidified GM with or without the drug before fixation. Note the transverse microtubule arrays in (C), the left-handed oblique arrays in (D), and the right-handed oblique arrays in (B), (E), and (F). Scale bar in (A) = 0.1 mm; scale bars in (B) to (F) = 10 μm.

To determine whether, under our conditions, antimicrotubule drugs induced right-handed obliquely oriented microtubule arrays, as Furutani et al. (2000) and Thitamadee et al. (2002) reported for propyzamide, we examined cortical microtubules in spr1-6 and wild-type roots that were growing vertically on 0.8% agar-solidified GM containing either 3 μM propyzamide or 0.1 μM oryzalin. Both drug treatments often created right-handed obliquely oriented microtubule arrays in spr1-6 and wild-type elongating root cells (Figures 9E and 9F; data not shown).


The spr1-6 null mutation results in roots that respond to surface-induced touch stimulation on vertically oriented agar media by growing to the right of the gravity vector (viewed from above the agar surface). spr1-6 organs also exhibit predominantly right-handed twisting about their longitudinal growth axes because of an underlying directional cell expansion bias. These observations implicate SPR1 as being an important regulator of directional cell expansion.

A wild-type Col root usually forms waves straight down an inclined hard-agar surface because of the root tip making rightward direction changes that equal leftward direction changes (Figures 1A to 1C). Moreover, when a Col root changes direction to the right or left, the elongation zone briefly displays a right-handed or left-handed twist, respectively, each being of equal duration (Figure 1C). An spr1-6 root, on the other hand, exhibits more of a rightward change in root tip direction coinciding with a prolonged right-handed twist (Figures 1B and 1D). It also makes the periodic leftward lateral movement and brief left-handed twist to complete the wave, but the leftward motion is accompanied and followed by the tip bending and growing toward the gravity vector and against the agar surface more than normal. This appears to coincide with less differential cell expansion on the upper and lower flanks of the elongation zone, resulting in a portion of the root growing off of the agar surface (Figure 1D). Therefore, the spr1-6 defect alters the overall cell expansion pattern in such a way as to enhance rightward lateral direction changes and inhibit leftward movements.

Part of the spr1-6 bias in waving direction may be caused by the prolonged right-handed axial twisting of the root tip. Axial twisting likely enhances lateral direction changes when the root cap and meristem are not aligned with the elongation zone. This is the case most of the time on a tilted agar surface because of the root tip bending toward the gravity vector. On the other hand, spr1-6 roots grow relatively straight when embedded within an agar medium because the tip is straight as the root twists.

Whereas root axial twisting may amplify directional movement of a bent root tip, differential cell expansion on the right and left flanks likely also contributes to root waving and skewing. Buer et al. (2003) found that wild-type Ler roots waved and skewed in the absence of twisting on zero-nutrient agar medium. We also observed both wild-type and spr1-6 roots at times waving without twisting on our nutrient agar medium. In fact, the spr1-6 root tip in Figure 1D can be seen bent to the right as it begins to form a wave even though axial twisting has not yet begun. Therefore, touch-induced differential flank cell expansion may also be affected in spr1-6 plants.

We observed that the anti-microtubule drug propyzamide made spr1-6 and Col roots skew to the left on inclined agar surfaces, consistent with what was seen by Furutani et al. (2000) with spr1-1 and Ler. Additionally, we found that like propyzamide, oryzalin also suppressed spr1-6 right skewing (Figures 2C to 2F). Given that propyzamide and oryzalin are chemically distinct drugs that are thought to target microtubules differently (Anthony and Hussey, 1999; Young and Lewandowski, 2000), it appears that these drugs affect root skewing by altering microtubule growth and/or organization without specifically binding to the site of SPR1 action.

Somewhat surprisingly, the microtubule stabilizing drug taxol also causes left skewing of wild-type and spr1-1 roots (Furutani et al., 2000; Hashimoto, 2002), whereas propyzamide and oryzalin make right skewing wvd2 roots skew even more strongly to the right (Yuen et al., 2003). Therefore, the cause of root skewing is more complicated than a simple stabilization or destabilization of microtubules.

The SPR1 gene encodes a small plant-specific protein and belongs to a six-member gene family. A short sequence near the SPR1 N terminus (GGGQSSLDYLF) is repeated at its C terminus (GGGSSLDYLF). This direct repeat, which flanks a region of low complexity, is highly conserved within the SPR1 gene family (Figure 3B). The PROF secondary structure prediction program (Rost and Sander, 1993; predicts that 85% of SPR1 amino acid residues are solvent exposed, suggesting the protein forms a rod-like structure. Consistent with this prediction is the observation that an 87–amino acid stretch of SPR1 shares 28% identity and 45% conservation with a rod-forming repeat sequence present in the human FLNa protein (Figure 3C). The FLNa protein reorganizes the actin cytoskeleton by interacting with integrins, transmembrane receptor complexes, and second messengers (Tigges et al., 2003). Thus, the SPR1 protein may have a rod-like structure with nearly identical structural features at each end, suggestive of a function as a linker protein.

Our analyses of transgenic plants expressing a SPR1:GFP fusion protein indicate that SPR1 interacts with microtubules. First, SPR1:GFP localized to filamentous structures resembling microtubules in the four major microtubule structures: the interphase cortical array, the preprophase band, the phragmoplast, and the mitotic spindle. Second, the patterns of these filaments changed in the same way that microtubule patterns change as cells go through various developmental stages. Third, time-lapse imaging of SPR1:GFP revealed a variety of dynamic behaviors also observed in cortical microtubules: filamentous growth and shrinkage consistent with polymer dynamic instability (Dhonukshe and Gadella, 2003; Shaw et al., 2003), de novo origination of filaments at the cell cortex (Shaw et al., 2003), and occasional episodes of rapid and erratic movement consistent with polymer detachment from the cell cortex (Shaw et al., 2003).

We found SPR1:GFP to be concentrated at the growing and presumed plus ends of cortical microtubules, having the appearance of passing comets in time-lapse movies (Figures 6A to 6C and see Supplemental Movies S1 and S2 online). This SPR1:GFP plus end labeling was noticeably different from the uniform labeling observed with a YFP:TUBULIN marker in interphase cells (see Supplemental Movie S3 online). The plus ends of microtubules are the primary sites of growth and shortening, the cycling of which is termed dynamic instability (Desai and Mitchison, 1997). There is growing evidence that a large protein complex resides at microtubule plus ends and regulates dynamic instability (Schroer, 2001; Carvalho et al., 2003; Howard and Hyman, 2003). For instance, the microtubule plus end binding EB1 protein increases microtubule rescues and decreases catastrophes (shortening) and pausing, resulting in an overall increase in polymerization (Tirnauer et al., 2002). EB1 binds directly to a subunit of dynactin, which appears to have a potent microtubule nucleation effect (Ligon et al., 2003). A dominant negative form of CLIP-170, which is a plus end binding microtubule–associated protein that acts as a linker between membranes and microtubules (Howard and Hyman, 2003), did not affect microtubule growth or shortening but, instead, significantly reduced the rescue frequency (Komarova et al., 2002). Removal of CLIP-170 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe caused an increased rate of catastrophes (Brunner and Nurse, 2000).

The labeling pattern of SPR1:GFP on interphase cortical microtubules is similar to the localization patterns of EB1 and CLIP-170, although EB1 shows pronounced plus end gradients in mitotically arrested cell extracts and uniform labeling of microtubule walls in interphase extracts (Tirnauer et al., 2002). Moreover, Chan et al. (2003) recently showed that a GFP fusion to the Arabidopsis EB1 protein may also be concentrated at the minus ends of microtubules, which we do not observe with SPR1:GFP. Like EB1 and CLIP-170, SPR1:GFP plus end labeling typically disappears upon microtubule shortening, suggesting that SPR1 is important for microtubule polymerization or the inhibition of depolymerization.

EB1 and CLIP-170 have been shown to bind directly to microtubules (Pierre et al., 1992; Berrueta et al., 1998; Hayashi and Ikura, 2003). By contrast, we were unable to pull down detectable quantities of GST:SPR1 fusion protein in vitro with polymerized tubulin (see Supplemental Figure 1 online). Therefore, the SPR1 protein may associate with microtubules indirectly by binding to another protein or a protein complex that binds tubulin.

It is unclear if SPR1:GFP forms microtubule plus end gradients in the spindle, phragmoplast, and preprophase band (see Supplemental Movies S8 to S10 online). If most microtubules in the spindle extend from the poles and overlap at their plus ends, one would expect a pronounced bias in label distribution in the center of the spindle. Because this is not observed, either SPR1:GFP labels these polymers more uniformly than it does cortical microtubules or there are enough plus ends distributed at other locations within the array to obscure a centralized bias in label distribution. A similar argument could be made about SPR1:GFP localization in the phragmoplast. The high concentration of microtubules in the preprophase band makes it difficult to determine localization of SPR1:GFP along individual polymers.

SPR1 function appears not to be essential for the mitotic spindle and phragmoplast arrays, based on normally oriented cell divisions and normal root elongation rates in spr1-6 plants (data not shown; Tables 1 and 2). Its dispensability in these processes may be because of redundant functions of one or more of the SPR1 family members. Consistent with this idea, the SPR1-like gene At3g02180 appears to be ubiquitously expressed at levels comparable to SPR1, based on microarray analysis of various tissues (see Supplemental Table 1 online).

Microtubule arrays are commonly transversely oriented within elongating epidermal root cells before at times becoming obliquely or longitudinally oriented upon cessation of expansion. Several mutations in Arabidopsis that cause root skewing and axial twisting exhibit obliquely oriented cortical microtubule arrays within elongating root cells. (Furutani et al., 2000; Thitamadee et al., 2002; Yuen et al., 2003). Left-handed oblique microtubule arrays were correlated with right-handed axial twisting, and right-handed oblique arrays were found with left-handed root twisting mutants. The treatment of seedlings with the microtubule drugs propyzamide, oryzalin, and taxol also resulted in a correlation between microtubule orientation and helical growth, with right-handed oblique arrays occurring with left-handed twisting (Furutani et al., 2000; Figures 9E and 9F, Table 2). Furutani et al. (2000) postulated that the orientation of cortical microtubules within elongating cells directed cell elongation, perhaps by directing cellulose deposition. However, it is not clear that cortical microtubules direct the deposition of cellulose microfibrils (Baskin, 2001; Himmelspach et al., 2003; Sugimoto et al., 2003).

Our data shines another light on directional cell expansion by showing an uncoupling of microtubule pitch and root axial twisting within elongating root cells. We found that many spr1-6 roots twisted even though the cortical microtubules were transversely oriented in cells throughout the entire lengths of their elongation zones (Table 1, Figures 9A and 9B). Moreover, we found no correlation between the average amounts of cell file rotation and the average microtubule pitch angles in wild-type and spr1-6 roots (Table 1). Indeed, wild-type roots twisted very little even though the average cortical microtubule pitch angles in their cells were of a similar degree as those in spr1-6 elongating cells. This result was somewhat surprising because Furutani et al. (2000) observed obvious left-handed oblique microtubule arrays in right-handed twisting spr1-1 cells. We attribute the discrepancy between our results and theirs to growth condition and/or ecotype differences. For instance, under our root waving conditions, spr1-1 roots barely skewed compared with what they found. Additionally, we identified two modifiers affecting root skewing in the Col and Ler backgrounds (Figure 8). These or other modifiers could potentially affect microtubule pitch.

Taken together, our results strongly suggest that the pitch of cortical microtubules in epidermal cells does not guide epidermal cell file twisting, although it may influence the handedness of the twist. Instead, the degree of epidermal cell file twisting may be driven in large part by a difference in the overall elongation duration and/or rate of epidermal cells compared with that of ground tissue cells. For instance, if these cell types elongate equally, there will be no cell file rotation. However, if ground tissue cells elongate less than epidermal cells, there will be twisting because of a torsional strain placed on the root. Given this model, the spr1-6 mutation likely affects the balance between ground tissue and epidermal cell elongation rates or duration and therefore may affect the microtubule arrays differently in these cells. We should note that Furutani et al. (2000) proposed a similar model of differential cell expansion for spr1-1, although they emphasized a role for the pitch of microtubule helical arrays in driving directional growth.

Our working hypothesis is that SPR1 affects microtubule dynamic instability by promoting polymerization and/or discouraging pausing and catastrophe events. Based on the predicted SPR1 protein structure, SPR1 could be acting to stabilize microtubule polymers by cross-linking proteins in the plus end complex. Alternatively, SPR1 may recruit growth machinery to the plus end complex, stabilize or guide microtubules by linking them to the cell cortex, or aid in the bundling of polymers. It is not clear how changes in microtubule dynamic instability may affect directional cell expansion. One possibility is that stabilizing microtubules allows them to reside in a given location for longer periods of time, which in turn prolongs related cell expansion and/or cell wall deposition processes.


Growth and Analysis of Plants

An activation tagging collection of 62,000 lines in the Col-0 ecotype was generated using the SKI15 vector as described by Detlef Weigel (Weigel et al., 2000) and has been deposited in the ABRC as accession number CS31100. The root waving assay and quantification of organ growth were performed as described by Rutherford and Masson (1996) and Sedbrook et al. (2002). Propyzamide and oryzalin were obtained from Chem Service (West Chester, PA).

Cloning and Analysis of the SPR1 Gene

Molecular and bacterial clone manipulations were performed using standard procedures (Ausubel et al., 1994). DNA fragments flanking the T-DNA were cloned as described by Siebert et al. (1995) and Liu et al. (1995). RNA gel blots were probed with the SPR1 open reading frame amplified from the EST clone 139B17 as described by Sedbrook et al. (1999).

Generation of Transgenic Plants Carrying a SPR1:GFP Reporter Construct

A 2.5-kb XhoI fragment from the BAC clone F19B11 (obtained from the ABRC) carrying the SPR1 gene was cloned into the pBluescript KS+ vector using standard procedures. The SPR1:GFP construct pJS1 was made as follows. A fragment containing SPR1 coding sequences and 0.8-kb upstream sequences was PCR amplified using the XhoI pBluescript KS+ clone as a template and primer T7 along with a primer located at the end of the SPR1 ORF (5′-GGGGGATCCCGGGGCTAGCTTGCCACCAGTGAAGAGATAATC-3′). This PCR product was digested with EcoRI and BamHI and cloned into pZero-2.1 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA; clone A). The T3 primer along with a SPR1-specific primer located at the end of the SPR1 ORF (5′-CCCTGGATCCAAGTAAAATAATTGCAAAGACCT-3′) were used to amplify 0.7-kb downstream sequences from the XhoI pBluescript clone. This PCR product was digested with BamHI and Asp718 and cloned into pZero-2.1 (clone B). The BamHI/Asp718 fragment B was then introduced into clone A to make clone AB. An NheI/BamHI EGFP fragment from the pEGAD vector (Cutler et al., 2000) was next introduced into clone AB to make clone ABC, and the ABC fragment was cut out of pZero-2.1 with EcoRV and Asp718, then cloned into the SmaI and Asp718 sites of the binary vector pBIB (Becker, 1990) to make pJS1. Clone pJS1 was introduced into spr1-6 plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Clough and Bent, 1998).

Imaging of Cortical Microtubules

Four-day-old wild-type and spr1-6 seedlings that had been growing on a vertical 0.8% agar-solidified GM in Petri dishes within a Percival CU36L5 incubator (22°C, 16 h light; Percival, Perry, IA) were transferred to the same medium with or without a particular antimicrotubule drug and allowed to grow vertically for an additional 3 d before being fixed and subjected to the whole-mount immunofluorescence protocol described by Sugimoto et al. (2000). Cold treatment was performed by growing seedlings on vertical 0.8% agar-solidified GM for 8 d within a Percival E54B incubator (16°C, 24 h light) before fixation. A mouse anti-α-tubulin monoclonal antibody B-5-1-2 (Sigma T5168, 1:1000 dilution; St. Louis, MO) and a rabbit anti-mouse IgG-fluorescein isothiocyanate secondary antibody (Sigma F9137, 1:200 dilution) were used as probes. Confocal images of root tips were acquired with a Zeiss LSM 510 confocal microscope attached to a Zeiss Axiovert 100M inverted microscope (Jena, Germany) equipped with 40× and 63× oil immersion objectives. Image SXM imaging and analysis software was specially adapted by Steve Barrett ( to handle the LSM 510 images on a Macintosh G4 computer.

Confocal imaging of living plants was performed essentially as described by Sedbrook et al. (2002) and by Shaw et al. (2003). Image analysis and quantitation was performed in NIH Image (Wayne Rasband) and in customized software developed in the Matlab computing environment (Shaw et al., 2003). Movies of image time series were created in Adobe After Affects software (Mountain View, CA).

Sequence data for this article has been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank data libraries under accession number AY464947 (SPR1).

Supplementary Material

[Supplemental Data]


We thank Takashi Hashimoto for kindly providing the spr1-1 allele for complementation analysis and for sharing details of the spr1-1 mutation, Detlef Weigel for providing the activation tagging vector SKI15, Steve Barrett for kindly modifying the Image SXM code, and the ABRC for providing wild-type seeds as well as genomic and EST clones. We also thank the Department of Cell and Structural Biology at the University of Illinois for the use of their confocal microscope. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (1 R15 GM068489) to J.C.S., the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-FG02-03ER20133) to C.R.S., and the Carnegie Institution of Washington to D.W.E.


Online version contains Web-only data.

The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors ( is: John C. Sedbrook (

Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at


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