It is still unclear what molecular forces drive chaperone-mediated protein folding. Here, we obtain a detailed mechanistic understanding of the forces that dictate the four key steps of chaperone-client interaction: initial binding, complex stabilization, folding, and release. Contrary to the common belief that chaperones recognize unfolding intermediates by their hydrophobic nature, we discover that the model chaperone Spy uses long-range electrostatic interactions to rapidly bind to its unfolded client protein Im7. Short-range hydrophobic interactions follow, which serve to stabilize the complex. Hydrophobic collapse of the client protein then drives its folding. By burying hydrophobic residues in its core, the client’s affinity to Spy decreases, which causes client release. By allowing the client to fold itself, Spy circumvents the need for client-specific folding instructions. This mechanism might help explain how chaperones can facilitate the folding of various unrelated proteins.
Molecular chaperones are fundamental to the cell, both in facilitating protein folding and in preventing cytotoxic protein aggregation, particularly during de novo protein synthesis and cellular stress. A relatively small set of chaperones is used to maintain the diverse array of proteins that are present in the cell. Chaperones have thus evolved to recognize and bind to a large variety of cellular proteins that differ not only in primary sequence, but also in their secondary and tertiary structure, and therefore in their folding state (Kim et al., 2013).
How chaperones recognize and select their client proteins has been an enigma since the beginning of research in this area. Based primarily on the most obvious structural characteristics of unfolded and unfolding client proteins, namely, the presence of exposed hydrophobic surfaces, it has become widely accepted that chaperones use hydrophobic interactions to recognize and bind to their clients (Clerico et al., 2015; Li et al., 2009; Saio et al., 2014). For some chaperones, such as GroEL, ATP binding and hydrolysis was found to trigger conformational changes in the client binding site that changed the surface hydrophobicity and therefore allowed the controlled binding and release of the client proteins (Hayer-Hartl et al., 2016; Karagöz and Rüdiger, 2015; Li and Buchner, 2012; De Los Rios and Barducci, 2014; Saibil et al., 2013).
Aided by innovative genetic approaches, several new chaperones have recently been identified, some of which appear to promote the refolding of clients without any obvious means of regulating client binding and release (Huang et al., 2000; Jakob et al., 1993; Merz et al., 2006; Quan et al., 2011). These discoveries raise the obvious question as to how these chaperones recognize and bind client proteins in their unfolded conformation, maintain apparently stable complexes, and release client proteins once folded, all without the use of co-chaperones or other cofactors such as ATP.
Spy, a periplasmic protein of Escherichia coli, is a member of this new group of chaperones that promote client binding and folding without any obvious use of energy, cofactors, or posttranslational modifications that might control the chaperone’s conformation and binding capacity. Spy’s chaperone function was discovered by its ability to stabilize the protein Im7 in vivo (Quan et al., 2011). Spy is a highly effective molecular chaperone that allows Im7 to fold to completion while bound to it (Quan et al., 2011; Stull et al., 2016). The overall function of Spy thus appears to be to stabilize Escherichia coli periplasmic proteins from tannins and other agents that interfere with protein folding (Quan et al., 2011).
Im7 is a 10 kDa E. coli monomeric protein that has been used extensively to study protein folding. Moreover, conditions and mutants of Im7 have been developed that enable both partially and fully unfolded Im7 variants to remain soluble (Capaldi et al., 2001, 2002; Friel et al., 2009; Gsponer et al., 2006; Pashley et al., 2012; Whittaker et al., 2007). These Im7 variants therefore avoid aggregation, one of the major challenges in working with chaperone clients and a key reason that the number of kinetic and thermodynamic studies on chaperones is limited. Based on all these considerations and that both Spy and Im7 are very amenable to structural and biophysical approaches, we used this pair to address several fundamentally important questions concerning chaperone-client interactions. Here, we demonstrate that Spy initially uses long-range electrostatic interactions to rapidly bind to unfolded Im7. Following this initial encounter, hydrophobic contacts between Spy and unfolded Im7 form, which complement the electrostatics and stabilize the complex. The very amphiphilic nature of these interactions likely helps Im7 to explore its folding landscape while bound to Spy. Subsequent burial of Im7’s hydrophobic residues during its folding process then reduces its binding affinity to Spy and self-regulates its release from the chaperone. These data describe how the interplay of molecular forces involved in chaperone action facilitate client binding, folding, and release, without the need for allosteric regulation of the chaperone.
Electrostatic Interactions Enhance Spy-Client Binding
The biophysically amenable nature of the recently discovered chaperone Spy and one of its in vivo clients, Im7, together with the previously established mechanism of Im7 folding (Capaldi et al., 2001, 2002; Friel et al., 2009; Gsponer et al., 2006; Pashley et al., 2012; Whittaker et al., 2007), afforded us the opportunity to analyze the forces governing how an unfolded protein binds, folds, and is subsequently released by a chaperone.
We previously showed that Spy binds its unfolded client protein Im7 very rapidly, with a rate constant of 1.3 ± 0.2 × 107 M−1s−1 (Stull et al., 2016). This fast binding rate constant is consistent with previous studies on the interaction kinetics of chaperones such as GroEL, SecB, and trigger factor with their clients, which have also been shown to be rapid diffusion-controlled processes (Fekkes et al., 1995; Maier et al., 2001; Perrett et al., 1997). The rate constant for Spy-client interaction is about two to three orders of magnitude faster than the average basal association rate constants for biomacromolecules, which are ~105–106 M−1s−1 (Berg and von Hippel, 1985; Schreiber et al., 2009). While extremely rapid association rates help to explain how chaperones effectively compete with protein aggregation, the chemical forces that drive these processes are unclear. We considered two primary mechanisms that would enhance protein-protein interactions above the basal association rate: long-range electrostatic interactions and an induced fit mechanism that invokes a generation of a higher affinity binding site upon initial encounter (Pontius, 1993; Schreiber et al., 2009; Shoemaker et al., 2000; Wright and Dyson, 2009).
We analyzed the kinetics of Spy-client complex formation by stopped-flow fluorescence measurements in buffers containing various concentrations of sodium chloride (25 to 300 mM) to alter the ionic strength. We reasoned that if electrostatic forces were indeed involved in complex formation, the bimolecular rate constant should decline exponentially with increasing ionic strength due to screening of the charges on the two interacting proteins (Schreiber et al., 2009; Selzer and Schreiber, 1999; Vijayakumar et al., 1998).
Since Spy does not contain any tryptophan residues, we used the tryptophan fluorescence of Im7 to monitor chaperone-client complex formation via stopped-flow. To mimic the unfolded state of Im7, we used the Im7 variant Im7 L18AL19AL37AH40W (hereafter termed Im7A3W), which is fully unfolded, soluble, and binds Spy tightly in a 1:1 ratio under native conditions (see Figure S1, and Figure S2) (Pashley et al., 2012; Stull et al., 2016). As shown previously, Spy binding to Im7A3W causes an increase in tryptophan fluorescence (Stull et al., 2016), which we fitted to exponential functions to obtain an observed rate constant (kobs) (Figure 1A and Figure S3). Analysis of the kobs in buffers of increasing ionic strengths revealed a linear dependence on Spy concentration under all salt conditions, indicating that the observed increase in fluorescence in these experiments corresponds to the bimolecular step of Spy binding to Im7A3W (Figure 1B and Figure S3). Importantly, we found that kobs is highly dependent on the ionic strength of the buffer and decreased at each Spy concentration as the ionic strength increased. Next, we fitted kobs as a function of Spy concentration to a line and determined the binding rate constant (kon) from the slope for each ionic strength (Figure 1B). We found that kon decreased exponentially with increasing salt concentration, indicating that electrostatic forces are an important component of client binding to Spy (Figure 2A and Table S1).
Fitting a plot of kon against the ionic strength with an exponential function allowed us to determine the boundaries of the binding rate constant at high and low ionic strength, respectively (Figure 2A). At very low ionic strength (i.e., equivalent to 1 mM), the maximum binding rate constant was determined to be 4.5 × 109 M−1s−1. This rate constant is very close to the theoretical maximal diffusion-limited association rate constant between Spy and Im7A3W, which was calculated to be 5 × 109 M−1s−1 at this temperature (see Experimental Procedures), implying that this is a diffusion-limited, orientation independent binding process. At the limit of high salt concentration (> 0.5 M), the association rate constant was found to be three orders of magnitude lower (4.5 × 106 M−1s−1). This latter rate constant is in line with those commonly observed for protein-protein interactions that are not electrostatically enhanced (Schreiber et al., 2009). Thus, at physiological salt concentrations (e.g., in the human large intestine, where the ionic strength is between 0.1 and 0.165 M (Kararli, 1995)), electrostatic attractions between Im7 and Spy enhance the binding rate constant by at least two orders of magnitude. Spy is expressed at extremely high rates following stress, reaching concentrations as high as 2.7 mM (Quan et al., 2011). Given that the binding rate constant with Im7 ranges from 3×107 to 2×108 M−1 s−1 at physiological salt, the binding half time with Im7 would be 1.2 to 7.7 μsec, very likely fast enough to efficiently compete with aggregation. We tested the salt-dependence of the binding kinetics with two previously characterized in vitro Spy clients, casein and reduced carboxymethylated α-lactalbumin (Quan et al., 2011, 2014). As observed for Im7, kon decreased exponentially with increasing ionic strength, indicating that binding enhancement through electrostatic attraction is a common feature of Spy:client complexes (Supplemental Figure S4).
Spy possesses an overall positive charge (isoelectric point of 9.47), whereas Im7 exhibits an overall negative charge (isoelectric point of 4.37) (Pashley et al., 2012) (Figure 2D). To rule out the possibility that the observed interaction between Spy and its clients is simply due to non-specific electrostatic interactions, we conducted isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) binding experiments between Im7A3W and RNase A, a 13.7 kDa protein whose size and isoelectric point are similar to those of Spy (isoelectric point of 8.64). As shown in Figure S5A, we did not observe any measurable interaction between these two proteins, indicating that the binding of Spy to Im7A3W is not just due to non-specific electrostatic interactions between two oppositely charged proteins.
Client Release From Spy Is Less Sensitive to Ionic Strength than Is Binding
To investigate how client release is affected by the ionic strength, we determined the release rate constant (koff) from both the y-intercept of the binding plots and by performing binding competition experiments (see Figure 1B and S3). In contrast to kon, which decrease ~250-fold over the range of ionic strengths tested, koff only increased by ~30-fold (Figure 2A and 2B and Table S1). While this result demonstrates that electrostatic interactions are also important for maintaining the Spy-Im7A3W complex, they appear to play a more critical role in complex formation. Such differences in the ionic strength dependence of binding and release rate constants have been reported for a number of other protein-protein interactions (Darling et al., 2002; Hemsath et al., 2005; Joachimiak et al., 2014; Kirchhoff et al., 1997; Schreiber and Fersht, 1993; Wallis et al., 1995; Zhou, 2001, 2003). Our results suggest that the forces governing unfolded Im7 binding and release are at least partially different. Whereas the formation of the complex is strongly affected by long-range electrostatic forces, other intermolecular forces are involved in stabilizing the complex.
While we have evidence that electrostatic interactions are an important component in chaperone-client recognition and binding, we cannot entirely exclude that an induced fit mechanism may also contribute to the rapid binding reaction. Folding of Im7, which can occur while bound to Spy (Stull et al., 2016), can easily be imagined to accelerate complex formation. In the case of an intrinsically disordered protein client, the folding that occurs upon complex formation generally acts to stabilize the complex (Bardwell and Jakob, 2012; Wright and Dyson, 2009). In the case of Spy, however, stabilization seems rather counterproductive, as this would result in the folded state of the client binding with higher affinity than the unfolded state. Thus, the folded client protein would tend to be trapped on the surface of the chaperone. Indeed, we observed that the folded state of Im7 binds with the lower affinity than unfolded Im7 (Stull et al., 2016). These observations argue against the induced fit model.
Spy-Client Release Is Controlled by Hydrophobic Interactions
How can binding of the client be more affected by ionic strength than its release? One possible explanation is that binding may involve interactions that are not present in the final complex; i.e., the initial, electrostatically-mediated encounter complex may relax into an ensemble that involves fewer charged residues. This ensemble could then be stabilized through other forces, such as hydrophobic interactions. To investigate which forces play a role in complex stability and how they contribute to chaperone function, we next investigated the role that hydrophobic interactions play in the Spy-Im7 complex.
Previous studies revealed that some gain of function mutations (termed Super Spy variants) in Spy that improved chaperone activity in the E. coli periplasm increased the hydrophobic surface on Spy’s concave side and increased its affinity for Im7 by up to six-fold (Quan et al., 2014). These results suggested that hydrophobic residues are involved in Spy-client interactions. To test whether the increased Im7 affinity for Super Spy variants was due to changes in client binding or release, we investigated the interaction of Im7A3W with the two most active Super Spy variants, Q100L (SpyQ100L) and H96L (SpyH96L), via stopped-flow fluorescence. Both of the mutated residues in these variants are located on the interior of the concave side of Spy and therefore increase its hydrophobicity (Quan et al., 2014). Since wild-type Spy (SpyWT) binds Im7 with a rate already near the theoretical limit and hydrophobic interactions are short-ranged, we hypothesized that increased client-chaperone binding rate constants could not explain the superior chaperone activity of these Super Spy variants. Indeed, the association rate constants of SpyQ100L and SpyH96L did not differ dramatically from that of SpyWT (Figure 3 and Table S1), suggesting that the interaction of these Spy variants with Im7A3W is primarily guided by electrostatically-driven client recognition. While SpyH96L-Im7A3W association could be fit by a single exponential function, SpyQ100L displayed two additional phases (Figure S3F, and S3G). Both additional phases were found to be independent of the SpyQ100L concentration (Figure S3L, and S3M), implying that these two phases correspond to unimolecular steps. Since SpyQ100L is a better chaperone than SpyWT (Quan et al., 2014), these unimolecular steps could involve Spy-induced Im7A3W folding. In either case, we concluded that increased association rates do not explain the enhanced chaperone activity of these Super Spy variants and that hydrophobic interactions are not a major driving force for the initial complex formation.
To determine the rates at which the two Super Spy variants release their clients, we performed the same binding competition experiments that we employed for SpyWT. In these experiments, we first formed complexes between Spy and Im7A3W and then mixed these complexes with the tryptophan-free variant Im7A3W75F to compete for Spy’s client binding site. We found the Im7A3W release rate constants of SpyH96L and SpyQ100L to be, respectively, 5- and 130-fold lower than that of SpyWT (Figures 3B and S3 and Table S1), explaining the ~7- and 150-fold increase in client affinity (Kd) of the Super Spy variants. Our finding that Spy variants with increased surface hydrophobicity show decreased client release rates strongly suggests that surface hydrophobicity is an important component of complex stability and primarily controls the client release rate.
Hydrophobic Desolvation Manifests in Entropic Complex Stabilization
To understand, from a thermodynamic point of view, how the interplay of hydrophobic and electrostatic forces drives complex formation and stability, we conducted ITC experiments and directly determined binding enthalpy (ΔH), binding entropy (ΔS), and the Kd. The ITC experiments clearly showed that complex formation between all tested Spy variants and the unfolded client Im7A3W is an endothermic process and therefore must be entirely entropically driven (Figures 4A and S5B–D and Table S1). Performing ITC binding titrations at various salt concentrations revealed the expected increase in the Kd as the ionic strength of the buffer increased, consistent with our kinetic data (Figure 2C and Table S1). Intriguingly, however, we found that whereas the entropy of the reaction remained unchanged throughout the salt concentration range tested, the enthalpy exponentially increased with ionic strength, leveling off only at high salt concentrations (Figure 5). Since salt ions screen electrostatic interactions but do not substantially weaken hydrophobic interactions, this finding suggests that the observed entropy gain upon binding is a result of desolvation of hydrophobic surface residues. The increase in enthalpy with ionic strength reflects the contribution of intermolecular salt bridges in the binding reaction, as the formation of salt bridges is an exothermic process (Matulis and Lovrien, 1998). These results are consistent with our conclusion that hydrophobic interactions play a minor role for the initial Spy-Im7A3W complex formation, but constitute the major force in complex stabilization. Thus, chaperone-client complex stability likely comes from hydrophobic shielding, reconciling some apparently contradictory models as to how chaperones function (Katsumata et al., 1996; Kim et al., 2013).
To directly determine whether hydrophobic shielding dominates the entropic stabilization of the Spy-Im7A3W complex, we measured the heat capacity change (ΔCp) upon complex formation by analyzing the temperature dependence of ΔHb (Figures 4B and S6). The magnitude and the sign of ΔCp are directly correlated with the surface area that is being solvated or desolvated upon complex formation (Prabhu and Sharp, 2005). Desolvation of hydrophobic surface area results in a negative ΔCp, whereas desolvation of hydrophilic residues produces a positive ΔCp. The net change is proportional to the summed contributions to ΔCp by hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface areas involved in the binding interface. The interaction of SpyWT with Im7A3W resulted in a strongly negative ΔCp of −426 ± 8 cal mol−1K−1 (Figure 4B). Even more negative ΔCp values of −588 ± 11 and −688 ± 6 cal mol−1K−1 were observed for the Super variants SpyH96L and SpyQ100L, respectively (Figure 4B). These results strongly support the conclusion that the entropic stabilization of the Spy-Im7A3W complex is a result of desolvation of hydrophobic surface area upon binding.
Although the Spy-Im7 complex is primarily entropically stabilized, the Kd does not significantly change throughout the temperature range tested (Figure S6C). This invariance is due to the change in entropy being compensated by an enthalpy change in the opposite direction (Figure S6D). Enthalpy-entropy compensation has been reported for numerous protein complexes as a way for biological systems to tolerate a broader range of environmental temperatures (Cooper et al., 2001; Kabiri and Unsworth, 2014; Liu et al., 2000). E. coli, and many other prokaryotic organisms containing Spy, are able to grow over a wide range of temperatures (for E. coli this range is 14–48°C) (Herendeen and VanBogelen, 1979) and can be subject to unfolding stresses (e.g., tannin exposure) at all of these temperatures. As a result, Spy is likely needed over the entire temperature growth range of E. coli. The enthalpy-entropy compensation for Spy-client binding could be a way for Spy to remain functional over the range of temperatures encountered by E. coli.
Im7 Folding Breaks Hydrophobic Contacts with Spy
The experiments with the constitutively unfolded Im7A3W revealed that client release of unfolded Im7 is primarily controlled by hydrophobic contacts. In addition, we know that folding of Im7 occurs while bound to Spy (Stull et al., 2016). Since Im7 folding buries hydrophobic residues within its own core, these two observations taken together raised the intriguing possibility that Im7 folding itself could trigger its release from Spy. To determine if folding of Im7 indeed disrupts the hydrophobic interactions between Spy and Im7, we analyzed the interaction of Spy with folded Im7WT using ITC. Measuring the temperature dependence of ΔHb for natively folded Im7WT binding to Spy revealed a clearly positive ΔCp of 129 ± 2 cal mol−1K−1, in stark contrast to the very negative ΔCp observed for the unfolded variants of Im7 (Figure 4B). This result suggests that once the client was folded, the complex was no longer stabilized by hydrophobic interactions. Thus, Im7 folding appears to change the underlying properties of the complex by breaking intermolecular hydrophobic contacts with Spy and weakening binding (Table S1).
Natively Folded Im7 Is Released from Spy Faster than Unfolded Im7
To test whether the loss of intermolecular hydrophobic contacts triggers Im7 release upon folding, we determined the release rate constant of Im7WT from Spy. We recently showed that Spy binds the native state of Im7, although with a lower affinity than the unfolded state (Stull et al., 2016). Since the release of Im7WT from Spy is too fast to be observed by stopped-flow even at 10°C, we were unable to directly determine the koff for the Im7WT-Spy complex (Stull et al., 2016). We thus performed competition experiments with the Im7WT-Spy complex using our tryptophan-free competitor Im7A3W75F at 4°C and low ionic strength (to slow down the dissociation of native Im7 from Spy) (Figures 6 and S7D). This competition experiment revealed two phases, with observed rate constants of 131 ± 7 s−1 and 6.4 ± 1.5 s−1, with the faster phase contributing ~90% of the total signal change. Recent work showed that Spy’s high affinity to unfolded Im7 causes fully folded Im7WT to partially unfold upon binding to Spy at 10°C (Stull et al., 2016). At 4 °C, we also observed some minor Spy-induced unfolding which is likely responsible for the biphasic character of the release rate (Figure S7B and Table S1). Hence, one of the two phases observed in the competition experiment may actually be reporting on the release and/or refolding of the small amount of unfolded Im7 bound to Spy. To determine which of the two phases is due to the release of the native state of Im7 and which is due to the partial unfolding, we performed double-mixing experiments. We first mixed Im7WT with Spy to allow for complex formation. After 6 ms, we chased the reaction with our competitor Im7A3W75F (Figure S7E). We picked 6 ms because at this point of the reaction, Im7WT is fully bound to Spy but no partial unfolding of Im7 has occurred (Figure S7B); thus, only the dissociation of native Im7 from Spy should be observed. Indeed, when we chased our complexes with the competitor after 6 ms, the slow phase disappeared, whereas the fast phase remained (kobs 141 ± 4 s−1). These experiments demonstrate that the major fast phase is due to the release of natively folded Im7 from Spy (Figures 6, S7D, and S7E and Table S1). We also performed competition experiments with the Im7A3W-Spy complex at 4°C so we could directly compare the release rate constants of unfolded and native Im7 from Spy under the same conditions (Figures 6, S7F, and S7G). Whereas Im7A3W dissociates from Spy with a rate constant of 10 ± 1 s−1, Im7WT is released with a rate constant of 131±7 s−1. The faster release of native Im7 is consistent with its weaker binding affinity to Spy compared to the other Im7 folding states (Stull et al., 2016). The ~13-fold increased koff for the folded state over the unfolded state demonstrates that folding of Im7 and subsequent hydrophobic burial drives Im7’s release from Spy due to the lack of intermolecular hydrophobic interactions.
From our experimental results on Spy-Im7 interactions, we can construct a model for how this chaperone interacts with its clients. It appears that Spy binds to and releases client proteins in a regulated fashion that uses client protein folding as its own cue for release. The high density of positive charges on Spy’s client-binding site allows for a directed and very rapid binding of unfolded negatively proteins in the periplasm, and most periplasmic proteins are negatively charged (Heidary et al., 2014). After the initial encounter complex, hydrophobic interactions form between Spy and the unfolded client protein, which entropically stabilize the complex and result in a shielding of exposed hydrophobic surface on the client. The mixture of electrostatic and hydrophobic residues on Spy’s surface may provide what we call a “folding friendly” surface allow the client to explore its folding landscape (Stull et al., 2016). Very recently, we developed a crystallographic approach to visualize dynamic and heterogeneous proteins that enabled us to determine an ensemble depicting Im7 folding while bound to Spy (Horowitz et al., 2016). The ensemble suggests that specific electrostatic interactions between Spy and Im7 could help tether Im7 to the surface of Spy during the folding process. The chaperone Spy thus allows the client protein to fold itself, circumventing the need for client-specific folding instructions. This mechanism may help explain how chaperones can facilitate the folding of various unrelated proteins.
The folding of the client protein while bound to Spy results in burial of hydrophobic residues within the interior of the client, reducing the hydrophobic component of complex stability. The complex therefore becomes less stable, resulting in an increased release rate of the now folded client from Spy. Thus, folding of the client protein drives its release from the chaperone. Our data provide a nuanced understanding of how molecular interactions and protein folding can direct the binding, folding, and release of client proteins from a self-regulated ATP- and co-chaperone independent molecular chaperone (Figure 7). The mechanism of protein folding while associated with a chaperone proposed here relies upon a change in surface properties of the protein as it folds. Interestingly, mass spectroscopy studies have suggested that the net charge on the protein surface may decrease for some proteins upon folding. The controversy over this topic was recently reviewed (Hall and Robinson, 2012). Future studies on if and how the surface charge of proteins changes upon folding in the presence and absence of chaperones could provide useful insight into the interactions between chaperones and clients.
That electrostatic interactions play such an important role in chaperone-client binding might seem counterintuitive, since chaperones are known to bind to exposed hydrophobic surface areas of un- or misfolded client proteins. This gives rise to the common conception that chaperone binding is driven by hydrophobic interactions (Hartl et al., 2011). However, electrostatic interactions are better poised to rapidly reduce the concentration of aggregation-sensitive folding intermediates because they are longer in range, therefore can increase binding rates to a greater extent than shorter-range hydrophobic interactions can (Schreiber et al., 2009; Selzer and Schreiber, 1999; Vijayakumar et al., 1998). Moreover, electrostatics have also been postulated to be important for client-recognition by other chaperones such as GroEL, Hsp90, Hsp70, CCT and Hsp33 (Hagn et al., 2011; Joachimiak et al., 2014; Kasper et al., 2000; Liu et al., 2003; Perrett et al., 1997; Reichmann et al., 2012). Similarly, we have recently shown that polyanions such as RNA, DNA and polyphosphate are very effective ATP-independent chaperones (Docter et al., 2016; Gray et al., 2014). While the molecular forces driving the chaperone function of these polyanions have not yet been characterized, it is plausible that electrostatic forces are vital to these highly charged molecules’ chaperone activity.
We speculate that providing a folding friendly surface that allows client proteins to fold themselves may be a general property of foldase chaperones. Most notably, the heterogeneous interior surface of the eukaryotic GroEL homologue CCT/Tric was previously postulated to be important in its protein-folding capability (Joachimiak et al., 2014). Similarly, a recent structural analysis of Hsp90-Tau binding found that the Hsp90 client interaction site contained a mixture of hydrophobic and charged residues (Karagöz et al., 2014), with superficially similar properties to the mixed hydrophobic and charged folding surface of Spy. It is possible that the interactions between folding proteins and these ATP-dependent chaperones change from hydrophobic to hydrophilic during the folding process, as observed here for Spy. It has long been known, for instance, that GroEL initially binds client in a hydrophobic manner, but following GroES association, large rigid body movements change the interior of the GroEL to a hydrophilic surface (Hayer-Hartl et al., 2016; Saibil et al., 2013). Similar as for Spy, folding-friendly surfaces may allow other chaperones to escape the need to provide client specific folding instructions by allowing the client to direct their own folding. The simple folding surface strategy employed by Spy presumably evolutionarily preceded more elaborate ATP driven chaperones. It is possible that the addition of ATP-dependence through evolution does not fundamentally alter this underlying self-folding mechanism, but instead provides a layer of regulation that allows ATP-dependent chaperones to better control client binding and release to facilitate folding. Spy’s heterogeneous folding surface perhaps lies evolutionarily part-way between primordial chaperones like nucleic acids and well studied but complex and energy dependent chaperone machines such as Hsp90 and GroEL/S.
Stopped-Flow Fluorescence and Data Fitting
Previously, we used a tryptophan fluorescence-based stopped-flow approach to determine the binding rate constant (kon) and the release rate constant (koff) of Im7A3 binding to Spy (Stull et al., 2016). To analyze the effects of ionic strength on the two microscopic rate constants, we chose the same approach; however, in this case, we used the unfolded variant Im7A3W, taking advantage of the environmental sensitivity of the additional tryptophan residue (see also Supplemental Experimental Procedures). The transient kinetics of Spy-client complex formation were recorded using a SF-2004 stopped-flow spectrofluorimeter (KinTek) by monitoring the change in tryptophan fluorescence of the Im7A3W or Im7WT upon addition of SpyWT or the Spy variants H96L and Q100L. As before (Stull et al., 2016), we detected an increase in tryptophan fluorescence upon addition of Spy to Im7A3W (Figure 1A and Figure S3) and fitted the transients to exponential functions to derive observed rate constants (kobs). To determine the binding rate constant (kon), Im7A3W or Im7WT was mixed with increasing concentrations of the respective Spy variant at a flow rate of 8 ml s−1. The tryptophan was excited at 296 nm and fluorescence emission was recorded using a 340 ± 10 nm bandpass filter. Monochromator slits were set to 4 nm each. All experiments were carried out at 4°C or 22°C in 40 mM Hepes (pH 7.5) and different amounts of sodium chloride to investigate the salt dependence of the binding reaction. The final concentration after mixing of Im7A3W and Spy was chosen such that a pseudo-first-order approximation could be used for the data analysis and the observed rate constants did not exceed the limits of the instrument (the dead time was determined to be 1.3 ms): 62.5 nM Im7A3W at 25 mM sodium chloride, 125 nM Im7A3W at 50 mM sodium chloride, 250 nM Im7A3W at 100 mM sodium chloride, 500 nM Im7A3W at 200 mM sodium chloride, and 1.5 μM Im7A3W at 300 mM sodium chloride. At 4°C in 40 mM Hepes, 100 mM sodium chloride, 2.5 μM Im7WT was titrated with sub-stoichiometric quantities of Spy to obtain a binding isotherm for the native state of Im7 since binding was too fast to be observed by stopped-flow.
Binding competition experiments using stopped-flow fluorescence were conducted to determine the release rate constant (koff) from different Spy variants as well as under different salt concentrations. The same amount of Im7A3W at the salt concentration indicated above was premixed with 250 nM SpyWT dimer (25 mM sodium chloride), 500 nM SpyWT dimer (50 mM sodium chloride), 2 μM SpyWT dimer, SpyH96L, or 500 nM SpyQ100L (100 mM sodium chloride), 8 μM SpyWT dimer (200 mM sodium chloride), or 24 μM SpyWT dimer (300 mM sodium chloride). The formed complex was then loaded into the stopped-flow instrument and mixed with tryptophan-free Im7A3W75F (tryptophan 75 in Im7A3 was replaced by a phenylalanine) as a competitor for Spy’s client binding site, up to a concentration after which no more change in the observed rate constant could be detected: 6.25 μM Im7A3W75F (25 mM sodium chloride), 25 μM Im7A3W75F (50 mM sodium chloride), 50 μM Im7A3W75F (100 mM sodium chloride, SpyWT), 75 μM Im7A3W75F (100 mM sodium chloride, SpyH96L), 100 μM Im7A3W75F (100 mM sodium chloride, SpyQ100L), 300 μM Im7A3W75F (200 mM sodium chloride), and 900 μM Im7A3W75F (300 mM sodium chloride).
To determine the binding rate constant (kon), all transients of the Spy-client interaction collected by stopped-flow were fitted with a single, double, or triple exponential function (for SpyQ100L). The observed rate constants (kobs) derived from the exponential fit were then plotted as a function of Spy concentration. Phases that showed an increasing linear dependence of kobs on Spy concentration were fitted with a linear function to obtain kon using equation [3] (Kozlov and Lohman, 2002):
[3] |
For Im7A3W binding to SpyWT as well as SpyQ100L at an ionic strength ≥ 0.12 M we observed one to two minor, slow phases in addition to the fast major phase which corresponded to the binding step. These slower phases appeared to be invariant to the Spy concentration (Figure S3H–J), indicating that this phase corresponds to a unimolecular step that either precedes or follows Spy binding to Im7A3W. Thus, this slow phase observed at high ionic strengths could represent the partial folding of Im7A3W upon binding to Spy. However, since it contributed less than 10% of the total signal change, causing a wide range of variability in kobs of these slow phases, we only analyzed kobs of the first, major phase.
The dissociation constant (koff) was calculated either from the y-intercept of linearly fitted observed rate constants of the major phase or determined via binding competition with Im7A3W75F (see above). In the latter case, the raw data were fitted with a double exponential function. All errors are illustrated by either plotting the individual data points of at least 3 independent experiments or are averages of propagated standard errors of the data fits.
Double-mixing binding competition experiments with Im7WT or Im7A3W and SpyWT were performed in 40 mM Hepes (pH 7.5), 25 mM sodium chloride at 4°C by first mixing a final concentration of 2.5 μM Im7WT with 4 μM SpyWT or 0.25 μM Im7A3W with 0.75 μM SpyWT to allow for complex formation. After 6 ms (Im7WT) or 10 ms (Im7A3W), the reaction was chased with 50 μM (Im7WT) or 25 μM (Im7A3W)tryptophan free Im7A3W75F. The recorded transients were fit with a single exponential function.
Theoretical Diffusion-Limited Association Rate Constant
The theoretical, diffusion-limited binding rate constant (kencounter) of Spy and Im7A3W was calculated using the Smoluchowski equation [4] (Von Hippel and Berg, 1989):
[4] |
where DS and DI are the diffusion coefficients of Spy and Im7A3W, rS and rI are the hydrodynamic radii of the Spy dimer and Im7, and N0 is Avogadro’s number. Diffusion coefficients were obtained by analytical ultracentrifugation (Figure S2A and Supplemental Experimental Procedures), and the hydrodynamic radius for both proteins was calculated from the crystal structure of Im7 (PDB: 1CEI) and Spy (PDB: 3O39) using the program HYDROPRO (Ortega et al., 2011).
ITC was performed using a MicroCal iTC200 (Malvern Instruments) with Im7 in the cell and Spy in the titration syringe. All samples were dialyzed against the respective buffer overnight prior to running the experiment. Concentrations of Spy dimer or RNaseA (110–3600 μM in the syringe) and Im7 (10–300 μM in the cell) were varied depending on the Kd of the binding reaction at the respective condition. Injection volumes of 1–2 μl and injection intervals of 120 to 600 s were used. The solution was stirred at 1,000 rpm and the reference power was set to 6 μcal s−1 in high feedback mode. ITC thermograms were fit to a one-site model using the Origin software (OriginLab) provided with the instrument.
Salt dependence was determined by dialyzing samples against 40 mM Hepes (pH 7.5) containing 25 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 200 mM, or 300 mM sodium chloride, and performing experiments at 4°C or 22°C. Temperature dependence was determined by dialyzing samples against 40 mM Hepes (pH 7.5) containing 100 mM sodium chloride and performing experiments at temperatures ranging from 4°C to 37°C.
The change in heat capacity (ΔCp) upon Spy-client complex formation was derived from the slope of a linear fit of the enthalpy change (ΔH) as a function of temperature [5] (Baldwin, 1986):
[5] |
where T is the absolute temperature. ΔCp was assumed to be temperature independent. ΔH values of Im7WT titrated with Spy could only be collected at low temperatures (4–13°C), as previously shown, Im7WT partially unfolds when mixed with Spy (Stull et al., 2016). At temperatures from 4°C to 13°C, little to no unfolding was observed, and the percentage of partial unfolding increased with temperature exponentially (data not shown).
Supplementary Material
J.C.A.B. acknowledges support from NIH grant GM102829. J.C.A.B. is a Howard Hughes Medical Investigator. P.K. was funded by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds. We would like to thank Sheena Radford and Ursula Jakob for helpful discussions. We thank Shu Quan for experiments that led to the identification of casein133–193 as a Spy substrate.
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Supplemental Information includes Supplemental Experimental Procedures, seven figures, one table, and references and can be found with this article online.
P.K., F.S., and R.M. performed the experiments. All authors analyzed the data. P.K., F.S., S.H., and J.C.A.B. designed the study. P.K. wrote the manuscript, with contributions from all other authors.
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