The ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide (RiPP), pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), is a dehydrogenase cofactor synthesized by, but not exclusively used by, certain prokaryotes. RiPPs represent a rapidly expanding and diverse class of natural products—many of which have therapeutic potential—and the biosynthetic pathways for these are gaining attention. Five gene products from the pqq operon (PqqA, PqqB, PqqC, PqqD, and PqqE) are essential for PQQ biosynthesis. The substrate is the peptide PqqA, which is presented to the radical SAM enzyme PqqE by the small protein PqqD. PqqA is unstructured in solution, and only binds to PqqE when in complex with PqqD. PqqD is a member of a growing family of RiPP chaperone proteins (or domains in some cases) that present their associated peptide substrates to the initial RiPP biosynthesis enzymes. An X-ray crystal dimer structure exists for Xanthomonas campestris PqqD (PDB ID: 3G2B), but PqqD is now known to act as a monomer under physiological conditions. In this study, the PqqD truncation from naturally fused Methylobacterium extorquens (Mex) PqqCD was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and MexPqqA was chemically synthesized. Solution NMR 1H-,15N-HSQC chemical shift studies have identified the PqqD residues involved in binding PqqA, and 1H, 13C, and 15N peak assignments for PqqD alone and for PqqD bound to PqqA are reported herein.
Keywords: Pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis, PQQ, PqqA, PqqD, NMR resonance assignments, RiPP
Biological context
4,5-Dihydro-4,5-dioxo-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-f] quinolone-2,7,9-tricarboxylic acid (pyrroloquinoline quinone or PQQ), is a ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide (RiPP) that acts as a dehydrogenase cofactor for certain alcohol and aldose sugar dehydrogenases in prokaryotes (Duine 1999; Anthony 2004). Five gene products from the pqq operon are required for PQQ biosynthesis (Shen et al. 2012). Two of these five products, PqqA, a 20 to 30 residue peptide with an absolutely conserved EXXXY sequence near its C-terminal end (Goosen et al. 1989; Houck et al. 1989; Unkefer et al. 1995; van Kleef and Duine 1988), and PqqD, which tightly binds PqqA and forms a ternary complex with PqqA and PqqE (Latham et al. 2015), are the focus of the NMR studies described in this paper.
PQQ is of interest for several reasons. It is a tricyclic, redox active o-quinone that is not formed by direct post-translational modification of active site residues, but instead is synthesized by way of a RiPP pathway (Goodwin 1998; Anthony 2001; Latham et al. 2015). PQQ is a significant antioxidant, and when present supports mitochondrial biogenesis and function in a wide range of organisms (Bauerly et al. 2011; Bauerly et al. 2006; Chowanadisai et al. 2010; Harris et al. 2013; Stites et al. 2006; Singh et al. 2015; Zhang et al. 2015). Additionally, PQQ demonstrates probiotic properties in mammals; studies with rats and mice have demonstrated decreased growth, reduced immune response, and declining reproductive success when subjects were deprived of PQQ in their diets (Kasahara and Kato 2003; Killgore et al. 1989; Steinberg et al. 2003; Steinberg et al. 1994). While initially considered a cofactor for prokaryotes only, a recent publication identified a fungal enzyme for which PQQ serves as cofactor (Matsumura et al. 2014). Finally, plant studies indicate that the presence of PQQ promotes growth (Okhee et al. 2008).
Only one structural model of PqqD has been published, and this is a dimeric crystal structure of Xanthomonas campestris (Xc) PqqD (PDB ID: 3G2B). However, the physiological state of PqqD is monomeric (Latham et al., 2015), so the biological relevance of the XcPqqD structure is uncertain. In this study, the PqqD portion of the natural Methylobacterium extorquens (Mex) fusion PqqCD was expressed in Escherichia coli to give 13C and 15N isotopically labeled protein, which was purified and subjected to NMR spectroscopic analysis. The interaction of the isotopically labeled MexPqqD with unlabeled and chemically synthesized MexPqqA, which binds with a Kd of ∼ 200 nM (Latham et al. 2015), was also probed by NMR spectroscopy. Here we present the MexPqqD resonance and secondary structure assignments in the absence and presence of MexPqqA in the pursuit of the physiological structure of PqqD and the mapping of the interaction surface of PqqA on PqqD.
Methods and experiments
Recombinant protein expression and purification
The T4 DNA ligase and restriction enzymes were obtained from New England BioLabs (Ipswich, MA). Polymerase was obtained from Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA). Oligonucleotides were obtained from Eurofins (Huntsville, AL). All DNA sequencing was performed by the University of California's DNA Sequencing Facility (Berkeley, CA).
Preparation of PqqA
The unlabeled peptide, MexPqqA ΔM1, C12S (derived from the wild type, UniProt # Q49148), was synthesized and purified to >80% purity by CPC Scientific (Emeryville, CA) and then used at that purity. The peptide sequence, KWAAPIVSEISVGMEVTSYESAEIDTFN, incorporated a serine in place of the cysteine at residue position 11 to eliminate spurious dimer formation.
Preparation of 15N- and 13C-labeled, recombinant PqqD
The MexpqqD gene (corresponding to amino acids 280-372 from the natural MexPqqCD fusion) was cloned into the pET28a vector (EMD Millipore) using the NdeI and XhoI restriction sites. The cloned gene, incorporating an N-terminal His6-tag, was sequence verified and used to transform E. coli BL21 (DE3) for gene expression. Transformed E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells were grown aerobically at 37°C in M9 minimal media supplemented with 1 g/L NH4Cl (99% 15N, Cambridge Isotopes, Tewksbury, MA), 4 g/L D-glucose (U-13C, Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Tewksbury, MA) and 50 μg/mL kanamycin. Cells were induced with 1 mM IPTG when the OD600 reached 0.6. Following a 12 h induction at 20°C, the cells were harvested by centrifugation at 6,500 rpm for 10 min. The cells were suspended in five times the mass of cell paste of 50 mM PBS (pH 7.5) and 50 mM imidazole. The cells were lysed by sonication, and the lysate was centrifuged at 20,000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant was loaded onto a 5 mL HisTrap FF column (GE Healthcare) and the column was washed at 4°C with lysis buffer to remove non-tagged protein, and then with 50 mM PBS (pH 6.5) and 300 mM imidazole to elute the tagged protein. The desired fractions were combined, concentrated, and buffer exchanged over PD-10 columns (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with 25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). Yield for His6-tagged 13C-,15N-labeled MexPqqD: 27 mg/L culture.
Experimental quantities
NMR experiments were performed using D2O matched Shigemi microtubes, 5 mm O.D. (Shigemi, Inc.). The experimental solution for PqqD alone contained 285 μL of 5.0 mg/ml (0.40 mM) 13C-,15N-labeled MexPqqD in 25 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.5, 7 μL of 50 mM sodium azide, and 15 μL HPLC grade D2O (final concentrations: 4.6 mg/ml (0.37 mM) MexPqqD, 1.1 mM sodium azide, 4.9% D2O).
The experimental solution for PqqD bound to PqqA (in approximately 4-fold molar excess) was identical to the PqqD alone with the inclusion of 1.35 mg lyophilized, unlabeled MexPqqA (final concentrations: 4.6 mg/ml (0.37 mM) MexPqqD, 4.4 mg/ml MexPqqA (1.4 mM), 1.1 mM sodium azide, 4.9% D2O).
NMR spectroscopy
All NMR data were recorded at 25°C on Bruker AVANCE™ III 850 or 900 MHz NMR spectrometers, each with 5 mm TCI CryoProbes including shielded z-gradient. Two sets of NMR data were acquired with the two samples, 13C-,15N-labeled PqqD and 13C-,15N-labeled PqqD + unlabeled PqqA. The tight binding of PqqD and PqqA precluded a titration approach. Data were processed with nmrPipe (Delaglio, et al. 1995). Proton chemical shifts were calibrated with respect to the water signal relative to DSS ((CH3)3Si(CH2)3SO3Na); 15N and 13C chemical shifts were indirectly referenced to DSS (Live, et al. 1984). Linear predictions were applied to the 15N and 13C dimensions to double the data size and improve digital resolution. A cosine square window function and “auto” zero filling were applied to all 1H, 15N and 13C dimensions. Data were analyzed with Sparky (Goddard and Kneller).
Sequence-specific backbone assignments were completed using AutoAssign with two 3D spectra: HNCACB and CBCA(CO)NH (Zimmerman, et al. 1997; Muhandiram, et al. 1994). The HNCACB creates both intra- and inter-residue correlations, whereas the CBCA(CO)NH creates only inter-residue correlations. Combining these two spectra, backbone chemical shifts, including 1HN, 15N, 13CA, 13CB, were assigned. 13C′ chemical shifts were assigned using a 3D HNCO and the first 2D 1H-13C plane of 3D HNCACO (Kay, et al. 1994). 1H and 13C side chain assignments were performed with HCCH-TOCSY, H(CCCO)NH and C(CCO)NH (mixing time: 16 ms) (Montelione, et al. 1992; Kay, et al. 1993). HA assignments and scalar J coupling 3JHNHA were obtained from 3D HNHA spectrum (Vuister and Bax, 1994). The 1Hδ and 1Hε resonances of aromatic residues were assigned using 2D (HB)CB(CGCD)HD and (HB)CB(CGCDCE)HE (Yamazaki, et al. 1993).
Backbone and sidechain 1H, 15N, and 13C chemical shifts were assigned at 100% with the exception of 14 of 27 aromatic 13C's (52%) and 4 of 21aromatic 1H's (19%), which were not assigned. A superposition of the 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectra for PqqD (blue peaks) and PqqD + PqqA (red peaks) is shown in Figure 1. From this plot, changes in the chemical shifts of 1H and 15N can clearly be identified.
Figure 1.
Overlay of 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectra for 13C-,15N-labeled MexPqqD (blue) and 13C-,15N-labeled MexPqqD + unlabeled MexPqqA (red) showing peak shifts.
Secondary structure information
The chemical shifts of 1Hα, 13Cα, 13Cβ and 13CO resonances were used as an input to TALOS+ and CSI2.0 to predict the secondary structures of the two samples (Shen, et al. 2009; Wishart and Sykes, 1994). As shown in Figure 2, the secondary structures predicted from the two methods for PqqD in each sample are very similar. The main difference observed between the two samples, PqqD and PqqD + PqqA, is that one β-strand from the sequence fragment RTFDL of PqqD is significantly longer in the presence of PqqA. In addition, the order parameters predicted by TALOS+ and the flexibility predicted by CSI2.0 are consistent between each sample. Besides the N-terminus of PqqD (residues 1 and 8), the region between residues 51 and 56 in both samples indicates high mobility and disorder.
Figure 2.
Secondary structures predicted by TALOS+ and CSI2.0 for MexPqqD (the first two rows) and MexPqqD + MexPqqA (the last two rows). The MexPqqD sequence is shown above the secondary structure predictions with sequence decades indicated. Arrows and helices represent β-strand and α-helix, respectively.
Assignments and data deposition
The complete backbone and side chain chemical shift assignments have been deposited in the BioMagResBank database (www.bmrb.wisc.edu) with accession numbers 26634 and 26690 for samples PqqD and PqqD + PqqA, respectively.
Financial support for this work came from the National Institutes of Health grants GM-066569 (CMW) and GM-039296 (JPK). Special thanks to the Minnesota NMR Center for both professional expertise and access to spectrometers, and to the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for their assistance in installing and configuring the annealing software to run on Mesabi (reducing 20 hour anneals to 30 minutes).
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