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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2017 Jan 3;114(3):E406–E415. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1620230114

REST corepressors RCOR1 and RCOR2 and the repressor INSM1 regulate the proliferation–differentiation balance in the developing brain

Caitlin E Monaghan a, Tamilla Nechiporuk a, Sophia Jeng b, Shannon K McWeeney b, Jianxun Wang c,d,e, Michael G Rosenfeld c,d, Gail Mandel a,1
PMCID: PMC5255626  PMID: 28049845


Nervous system development involves a delicate balance between neural progenitor proliferation and neuronal differentiation. Repressors and corepressors each affect this balance, but in many cases, existence of the complexes in vivo has not been shown. Here, we identify a repressor/corepressor complex in embryonic brain consisting of Insulinoma-associated 1 (INSM1) and the RE1 Silencing Transcription factor (REST) corepressors RCOR1 and RCOR2. Elimination of RCOR1 and RCOR2, or INSM1, robustly promotes neural proliferation over neuronal and oligodendrocyte differentiation. Further, their elimination results in overexpression of REST, a direct target gene of INSM1. Normalizing REST levels in the RCOR1/2-deficient brain partially restores aberrant brain morphology. Our results identify a repressor complex required for critical events during normal brain development.

Keywords: neurogenesis, RCOR1, RCOR2, INSM1, REST


The transcriptional events that lead to the cessation of neural proliferation, and therefore enable the production of proper numbers of differentiated neurons and glia, are still largely uncharacterized. Here, we report that the transcription factor Insulinoma-associated 1 (INSM1) forms complexes with RE1 Silencing Transcription factor (REST) corepressors RCOR1 and RCOR2 in progenitors in embryonic mouse brain. Mice lacking both RCOR1 and RCOR2 in developing brain die perinatally and generate an abnormally high number of neural progenitors at the expense of differentiated neurons and oligodendrocyte precursor cells. In addition, Rcor1/2 deletion detrimentally affects complex morphological processes such as closure of the interganglionic sulcus. We find that INSM1, a transcription factor that induces cell-cycle arrest, is coexpressed with RCOR1/2 in a subset of neural progenitors and forms complexes with RCOR1/2 in embryonic brain. Further, the Insm1−/− mouse phenocopies predominant brain phenotypes of the Rcor1/2 knockout. A large number of genes are concordantly misregulated in both knockout genotypes, and a majority of the down-regulated genes are targets of REST. Rest transcripts are up-regulated in both knockouts, and reducing transcripts to control levels in the Rcor1/2 knockout partially rescues the defect in interganglionic sulcus closure. Our findings indicate that an INSM1/RCOR1/2 complex controls the balance of proliferation and differentiation during brain development.

The development of the nervous system is an intricately orchestrated series of events beginning with formation of neuroepithelia. Progenitors that emerge from neuroepithelial stem cells undergo several proliferative transitions before ceasing to divide and terminally differentiating into neurons and glia. Both maintenance of the proliferative state and terminal transition to differentiated neurons and glia are regulated, in part, by chromatin-modifying proteins that are recruited to genes by specific transcription factors. In many cases, however, chromatin-modifying proteins have only been studied in vitro, and their roles in vivo remain unknown. For example, a protein whose importance in epigenetic regulation of neural genes has been recognized is RE1 Silencing Transcription factor (REST) Corepressor 1 (RCOR1) (1, reviewed in ref. 2). RCOR1 was identified originally as a direct binding partner for the master transcriptional regulator of neural genes, REST (35). The REST/RCOR1 complex has been studied primarily in cultured stem/progenitor cells, neurons, and glia (69). Like many other adaptor proteins in transcriptional complexes, RCOR1 does not have intrinsic enzymatic activity but rather binds directly to chromatin-modifying enzymes including histone deacetylases 1 and 2 (HDAC1/2) and the histone demethylase KDM1A (LSD1) (1012). A related protein, RCOR2, shares ∼90% homology with RCOR1 in the ELM2 and SANT functional domains (13) and is also found in complexes with KDM1A and HDAC1/2 (14). Furthermore, RCOR2 is recruited by some of the same RCOR1-associated transcription factors, including REST, GFI1B, and ZMYND8 (15, 16). Despite knowledge of their cell-specific roles in some contexts (2, 17), the importance of RCOR1/2 in brain development has yet to be established definitively.

Here, we have generated knockout mice lacking both RCOR1 and RCOR2 in nestin+ neural progenitors (Rcor1/2 KOs) to circumvent the potential for redundancy. The mice die perinatally and have smaller brains compared with controls. The neural progenitor domains are greatly expanded in the Rcor1/2 KO embryonic brain, reflecting a larger number of progenitor cells, and numbers of mature neurons and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) are reduced significantly compared with controls. We identify the repressor Insulinoma-associated 1 (INSM1) as a factor in complexes with RCOR1 and RCOR2 in embryonic brain. Elimination of INSM1 partially recapitulates the Rcor1/2 KO phenotype. Transcript profiling analysis indicates that many of the same genes are misregulated in the Rcor1/2 KO and the Insm1−/− mouse, including Rest, which is up-regulated, and REST targets that are down-regulated. Normalization of REST levels in the Rcor1/2 KO through heterozygous loss of REST (18) partially rescues the morphological defects of the interganglionic sulcus (IGS). Our study identifies the INSM1–RCOR1/2 complex as an important contributor to the balancing of proliferation and differentiation during brain development.


Deletion of Both Rcor1 and Rcor2 Genes Results in Embryonic Lethality and Severe Brain Phenotypes.

We first generated individual brain-targeted KOs for RCOR1 and RCOR2 using nestin-Cre (Nes-Cre) (19) and floxed alleles of Rcor1 or Rcor2. Generation of the Rcor1fl/fl mouse was described previously (20). We generated a mouse line containing floxed Rcor2 alleles (Rcor2fl/fl), in which Cre-mediated excision removes exons 5–9 (Fig. S1). This prevents expression of all but the first 88 amino acids, which contain part (the first 45 of 86 amino acids) of the ELM2 domain but neither SANT domain. Both KO mice lived to adulthood. Although some Rcor1 KOs had small clefts in the ventricular zone (VZ) of the lateral subpallium that were not present in Nes-Cre controls, the other Rcor1 KOs and all Rcor2 KOs were indistinguishable from controls (Fig. S2). Hypothesizing that the RCOR proteins were to some extent compensating for each other, we generated an Rcor1fl/fl; Rcor2fl/fl; Nes-Cre mouse (Rcor1/2 KO). PCR analysis of brain genomic DNA confirmed the expected excision events in the Rcor1/2 KO.

Fig. S1.

Fig. S1.

Schematic diagram of Rcor2 gene targeting strategy. Mice with conditional Rcor2 alleles (floxed) were generated by inserting LoxP sites flanking exons 5–9. Exons are depicted as black rectangles and LoxP sites as white diamonds. HSVTK, herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase; PGKNEO, neomycin resistance gene driven by the phosphoglycerine kinase promoter.

Fig. S2.

Fig. S2.

Brain phenotypes of Rcor1 and Rcor2 knockouts at E18.5. Shown are H&E-stained coronal hemisections of telencephalon. Nes-Cre and Rcor2 KO hemisections are representative. Three of six Rcor1 KOs, including the one depicted here, had a cleft (arrowhead) at the surface of the ventral VZ/SVZ of the lateral subpallium. In other respects, single Rcor KOs were indistinguishable from Nes-Cre controls. Boxes in Top indicate Insets shown below at higher magnification. [Scale bar, 500 μm (Top) and 50 μm (Bottom).]

Western blot analysis of nuclear extracts from E13.5 brain showed that RCOR1 and RCOR2 protein levels were reduced to 27.3 ± 13.9% and 16.6 ± 10.1% of control (Rcor1fl/fl; Rcor2fl/fl, hereafter Rcor1/2 fl) levels, respectively (Fig. 1A and Fig. S3). The reduced protein levels were reflected at the level of immunohistochemistry at E13.5 (Fig. 1B). Importantly, the VZs and sub-VZs (VZ/SVZ) of the lateral subpallium (ganglionic eminences), the focus of this study, were almost entirely devoid of both RCOR1 and RCOR2. RCOR1 and RCOR2 were still present in some cells of the ventral hippocampus/dorsal septum, cortex, and subpallial mantle (Fig. 1B). However, by E18.5, very few cells in the Rcor1/2 KO expressed either RCOR1 or RCOR2. RCOR1 expression was limited to cells in the ventral hippocampus/dorsal septum and endothelial cells, whereas RCOR2 expression was limited to cells in the ventral hippocampus/dorsal septum and the neocortex (Fig. S4). It is likely that the presence of RCOR1 and RCOR2 in some cells in the KO represents mosaicism of the Cre expression due to the cell-type specificity of the nestin promoter.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Analysis of RCOR1 and RCOR2 expression at E13.5 in the Rcor1/2 fl and Rcor1/2 knockout mice. (A) Western blot analysis. RCOR1 and RCOR2 levels were normalized to histone H3 levels. The means and SDs are indicated. Statistical significance was assessed by t test (n = 4 mice). ***P < 0.001. (B) Representative immunohistochemistry on coronal hemisections of control (Rcor1/2 fl) and Rcor1/2 KO telencephalon labeled with the indicated antibodies and DAPI to mark nuclei. Boxes indicate regions shown at higher magnification to the right. (Scale bars, 200 μm and 20 μm.) LGE, lateral ganglionic eminence; MGE, medial ganglionic eminence.

Fig. S3.

Fig. S3.

Western blot from which the bands from “Rcor1/2 fl #2” and “Rcor1/2 KO #3” were shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. S4.

Fig. S4.

Representative immunohistochemistry on coronal hemisections of E18.5 control (Rcor1/2 fl) and Rcor1/2 knockout brains labeled with the indicated antibodies and DAPI to mark nuclei. (Scale bar, 500 μm.)

Although Rcor1/2 KO mice all died by P1, they were present at Mendelian ratios at E18.5 (23% of live embryos), which indicates that they died between E18.5 and P1. At E18.5, Nes-Cre control body weights (1,022 ± 105 mg) were lower than those of both Rcor1/2 fl (1,149 ± 59 mg) and Rcor1/2 KO (1,130 ± 59 mg) mice (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively). Six to seventeen embryos were analyzed per genotype. There was no statistical difference in body weight between Rcor1/2 KO embryos and Rcor1/2 fl controls (P > 0.05). However, the Rcor1/2 KO brain weights were reduced to 82–85% of those of both Rcor1/2 fl and Nes-Cre controls (Fig. 2A; Nes-Cre, 68.4 ± 3.8 mg; Rcor1/2 fl, 70.7 ± 4.7 mg; Rcor1/2 KO, 57.8 ± 3.7 mg).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Brain phenotypes of Rcor1/2 knockouts at E18.5. (A) Brain weights of control (Rcor1/2 fl and Nes-Cre) and Rcor1/2 KO mice. The results represent, for each genotype, a minimum of 11 brains from five litters. Statistical significance was assessed using ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant. (B) Representative H&E-stained coronal hemisections of Rcor1/2 fl and Rcor1/2 KO telencephalon. Note deep IGS (arrowhead), enlarged VZ/SVZs (*), and diminished corpus callosum (arrow) and axonal fasciculation in the striatum (str) in the KO compared with the control.

Morphologically, the E18.5 Rcor1/2 KO brains differed from those of Nes-Cre and Rcor1/2 fl controls in numerous ways (Fig. 2B and Fig. S5). Notably, the VZ/SVZs, especially in the subpallium, were disproportionately large. Further, the IGS, which is the cavity separating the lateral and medial ganglionic eminences (LGEs and MGEs, respectively) until these structures coalesce between E15.5 and E16.5, persisted in the Rcor1/2 KO at E18.5. In addition, the neocortices in the KO brains were abnormally thin. Multiple axonal tracts were also affected: The corpus callosum never fully developed, axons traversing the striatum were either defasciculated or absent, and the anterior commissure was narrow (Fig. 2B and Fig. S5). In the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus and CA3 failed to develop into distinct structures. The thalamus and hypothalamus were hypoplastic (Fig. S5). Taken together, these abnormalities demonstrate that telencephalic development in the Rcor1/2 KO was severely compromised.

Fig. S5.

Fig. S5.

Representative H&E-stained coronal sections from the E18.5 Rcor1/2 fl and Rcor1/2 knockout. (Top) The anterior commissure (arrowhead) is abnormally thin in the Rcor1/2 KO. (Bottom) In the Rcor1/2 KO, CA3 (arrow) and the dentate gyrus (asterisk) of the hippocampus fail to resolve into distinct structures. The thalamus (th) and hypothalamus (hyp) of the Rcor1/2 KO are also hypoplastic.

Rcor1/2 KOs Have More Neural Progenitors but Fewer Neurons and OPCs than Rcor1/2 fl Controls.

We hypothesized that the dramatic expansion of the subpallial VZ/SVZ in the KO was due to excessive proliferation. To test this hypothesis, we labeled sections from E18.5 brain with an antibody directed against MKI67 (Ki67), a marker for proliferating cells. Because the MKI67+ cells were not distributed homogeneously in the KO, we first measured the width between the lateral ventricle and the basal edge of the MKI67+ region in the lateral subpallium. The width was ∼2.7 times as large in the Rcor1/2 KO as in the controls (Fig. 3A; Nes-Cre, 149 ± 36 μm; Rcor1/2 fl, 159 ± 42 μm; Rcor1/2 KO, 412 ± 18 μm). Further, the increase in width in the KO reflected higher numbers of both proliferating cells (Rcor1/2 fl, 686 ± 273 MKI67+ cells; Rcor1/2 KO, 1470 ± 141 MKI67+ cells; P = 0.0023) and nonproliferating cells (Rcor1/2 fl, 280 ± 67 MKI67– cells; Rcor1/2 KO, 1,212 ± 166 MKI67– cells; P < 0.0001).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Increased numbers of proliferating progenitors in E18.5 brains of Rcor1/2 knockouts compared with controls. Sections labeled with antibodies were counterstained with DAPI or DRAQ5 to mark nuclei. (A, Left) Representative images of MKI67 immunohistochemistry. Boxes indicate Insets shown below at higher magnification. [Scale bars, 500 μm (Top) and 100 μm (Bottom).] (Right) Quantification of the width of the MKI67+ region in indicated controls and the Rcor1/2 KO. Measurements were taken from images comparable to Insets. The means and SDs are indicated. Statistical significance was assessed by t test (n = 5 mice). ***P < 0.001. (B) Representative in situ hybridization histochemistry for Dlx2 and immunohistochemistry for OLIG2, NKX2-1, and ASCL1. (Scale bar, 200 μm.)

Next, we used in situ hybridization histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to confirm that the expanded population of proliferating cells consisted of neural progenitors and to ascertain whether a specific subpopulation of subpallial neural progenitors was affected in the Rcor1/2 KO. More cells in Rcor1/2 KOs, compared with Rcor1/2 fl controls, expressed Dlx2 transcripts and OLIG2, ASCL1 (MASH1), and NKX2-1 proteins, markers for progenitors in the lateral subpallium (Fig. 3B). This finding suggests that the mechanism preventing cessation of cell division in Rcor1/2 KOs is common to all subpallial progenitors.

Given the increased number of progenitors and the smaller brain size in the Rcor1/2 KO mice, we expected Rcor1/2 KOs to have fewer differentiated neural cells. We therefore immunolabeled coronal sections of E18.5 brain for the mature panneuronal marker MAP2 and compared the MAP2+ area to the total area in each hemisection (Fig. 4A). We found that neurons made up a smaller proportion of each hemisection in Rcor1/2 KOs than in Rcor1/2 fl controls (Fig. 4B; Rcor1/2 fl, 84.9 ± 0.6% MAP2+; Rcor1/2 KO, 76.5 ± 1.3% MAP2+).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Rcor1/2 knockouts have fewer neurons and OPCs than controls. All analyses were performed on DAPI-labeled coronal sections from E18.5 brain. (A) Representative images of MAP2 immunohistochemistry. (Scale bar, 500 μm.) (B) Quantification of MAP2 immunolabeling, showing the percentage of each coronal hemisection occupied by the MAP2+ domain. The total area of the hemisection was determined on the basis of DAPI labeling. The means and SDs are indicated. Statistical significance was assessed with a t test (n = 5 mice). (C) Representative image of OLIG2 immunohistochemistry. Boxes in Top indicate regions shown below at higher magnification. Boxes in Bottom show the IZ of the neocortex. [Scale bar, 500 μm (Top) and 100 μm (Bottom).] (D) Quantification of OLIG2+ immunolabeling in the IZ of the neocortex. For each mouse, one region of 3 × 104 μm2 was selected from each of six hemisections, and the numbers of OLIG2+ cells from all regions were added. Each mouse is represented by one dot. The means and SDs are indicated. Statistical significance was assessed by t test (n = 5 mice). ****P < 0.0001.

To determine whether Rcor1/2 KOs also had fewer OPCs, we performed OLIG2 immunolabeling. Embryonic OLIG2+ cortical cells are considered to be OPCs that have migrated from the ganglionic eminences (21). We determined the density of OLIG2+ cells in 3 × 104 μm2 areas within the neocortical Intermediate Zone (IZ), which is the region between the cell-dense SVZ and the cortical subplate (Fig. 4C). Rcor1/2 KOs had 70% fewer OLIG2+ cells per unit area than Rcor1/2 fl controls (Fig. 4D; in 1.8 × 105 μm2 of IZ representing the sum of six areas: Rcor1/2 fl, 209 ± 15 cells; Rcor1/2 KO, 62 ± 23 cells). To rule out the possibility that cell death was responsible for reduced numbers of differentiated neurons and OPCs in the Rcor1/2 KOs compared with controls, we performed immunohistochemistry for activated caspase 3. We found very few positive cells in either Rcor1/2 KO or Rcor1/2 fl brain at E13.5 and E18.5.

RCOR1 and RCOR2 Are Coexpressed with the Transcription Factor INSM1 in Subpallial Neural Progenitors and Form Protein Complexes in Embryonic Brain.

There are several transcription factors, such as REST, that recruit RCOR1 or RCOR2 to chromatin. But in the cases where these factors have been deleted from the developing brain in mice (18, 22, 23), the phenotypes did not resemble those of Rcor1/2 KOs. One exception was the transcriptional repressor INSM1, which has been identified in complexes with RCOR1/2 in an endocrine cell line (24), is expressed in late neural progenitors (25), and has a germline knockout phenotype that resembles that of the Rcor1/2 KO (26). However, no functional link has been established between RCOR1/RCOR2 and INSM1 in the developing nervous system.

To explore the possibility that an RCOR/INSM1 complex promotes neural differentiation, we first tested whether these proteins were coexpressed in neural progenitors. RCOR1 is expressed nearly ubiquitously and at uniform levels in neural progenitors (Fig. 1B). Although RCOR2 is also expressed ubiquitously within the brain at E13.5 (Fig. 1B), its expression level varies between cells in the neural progenitor domain: Periventricular progenitors, in particular, exhibited a wide range of RCOR2 expression levels, whereas abventricular progenitors consistently expressed high levels. INSM1 was not expressed in all progenitors but resembled RCOR2 in being expressed at a range of levels in periventricular progenitors and more uniformly in abventricular progenitors. Importantly, costaining for RCOR2 and INSM1 showed that many VZ/SVZ cells had moderate or high expression of both of these proteins (Fig. 5A).

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

RCOR1 and RCOR2 interact with INSM1 in subpallial neural progenitors. (A) Representative immunohistochemistry on a coronal hemisection of E13.5 telencephalon shows a subset of cells expressing both RCOR2 and INSM1. Dashed and dotted lines indicate the boundaries of the subpallial progenitor zone, determined by alignment of the section to an adjacent section immunolabeled with the subpallial progenitor marker ASCL1. Dashed lines indicate the borders between the subpallial progenitor zone and the lateral ventricle. Dotted lines indicate the boundaries between the subpallial progenitor zone and other brain regions. The box indicates the region shown to the right at higher magnification. [Scale bars, 200 μm (Left) and 20 μm (Right).] (BD) Co-IP analysis for INSM1–RCOR1/2 complexes. IPs were performed on nuclear extracts prepared from E13.5 brain. Labels to the left of each blot indicate the antibodies used for Western blotting. IgG is rabbit IgG. Normal serum is rabbit serum in C and guinea pig serum in D. +/+, Insm1+/+ nuclear extracts; −/−, Insm1−/− nuclear extracts.

Having established that all members of an RCOR1/RCOR2/INSM1 complex were expressed in a subset of VZ/SVZ cells, we performed coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) analysis to test for complexes biochemically, using nuclear extracts from E13.5 brains. RCOR1 and RCOR2 immunocomplexes, but not immunoprecipitates of IgG or normal serum, each contained INSM1 (Fig. 5 B and C and Fig. S6). In a reciprocal experiment, RCOR2 was also present in INSM1 immunocomplexes from Insm1+/+, but not Insm1−/−, brain extracts. However, we were not able to interpret the parallel test for the presence of RCOR1 in INSM1 immunocomplexes due to nonspecific precipitation of RCOR1 from Insm1−/− brain by the INSM1 antibody (Fig. S6).

Fig. S6.

Fig. S6.

Western blots corresponding to coimmunoprecipitation analysis in Fig. 5 BD. Arrowheads indicate Western blot proteins of interest. (A) RCOR1 co-IP. (B) RCOR2 co-IP. (C) INSM1 co-IP. Note that the RCOR1 blot of the INSM1 co-IP (C, Middle) shows IP of RCOR1 by the INSM1 antibody in Insm1−/− extracts, which precludes interpretation of this experiment.

Insm1−/− Mice Phenocopy Aspects of the Rcor1/2 KO Phenotype.

If INSM1 recruits RCOR1 and RCOR2 to facilitate neuronal and oligodendroglial differentiation, we would expect an Insm1−/− mouse (27) to exhibit a subset of phenotypes resembling those seen in the Rcor1/2 KO mouse. Consistent with this idea, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained sections of E18.5 brain showed that the Insm1−/− mouse phenocopied two prominent features of the Rcor1/2 KO phenotype (Fig. 6A). First, the Insm1−/− brain had an enlarged subpallial VZ/SVZ compared with its control, as had been noted previously (26). Second, Insm1−/− mice typically retained an IGS at E18.5 (Fig. 6A), although it was less pronounced and more variable than in Rcor1/2 KO mice. In contrast, anatomical abnormalities of the corpus callosum, striatal axons, anterior commissure, hippocampus, thalamus, and hypothalamus in the Rcor1/2 KO were not reproduced in Insm1−/− mice. This is not surprising, given that RCOR1 and RCOR2 are recruited by transcription factors other than INSM1.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Insm1−/− mice phenocopy several Rcor1/2 knockout phenotypes in E18.5 brain. (A) H&E-stained E18.5 coronal hemisections. Asterisks indicate the VZ/SVZ; arrowheads indicate interganglionic sulci. (B) Representative hemisections immunolabeled for the proliferation marker MKI67 and counterstained with DAPI. Boxes indicate Insets shown below at higher magnification. [Scale bar, 500 μm (Top) and 100 μm (Bottom).] (C–E) Immunohistochemical analysis of coronal hemisections of Insm1+/+ and Insm1−/− forebrain. Statistical significance was assessed by t tests. The means and SDs are indicated. (C) Quantification of the width of the MKI67+ zone. Measurements were made from areas comparable to those depicted in the Insets in B. (D) Quantification of MAP2 immunolabeling, showing the percentage of each E18.5 coronal hemisection occupied by the MAP2+ domain. (E) Quantification of the number of OLIG2+ cells in the IZ of the neocortex. For each mouse, one region of 3 × 104 μm2 was selected from each of six hemisections, and the numbers of OLIG2+ cells from all regions were added. Each mouse is represented by one dot. Exploratory data analysis identified one wild-type count (107, indicated in red) as an outlier, so it was omitted from the statistical analysis. **P < 0.01; ****P < 0.0001.

To better assess the concordance between the Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− mice, we analyzed the expression of MKI67 in Insm1−/− mice. As in the Rcor1/2 KO, we found that the distance between the lateral ventricle and the basal edge of the MKI67+ zone was more than twice as wide in Insm1−/− as in Insm1+/+ mice (Fig. 6 B and C; Insm1+/+, 103 ± 24 μm; Insm1−/−, 256 ± 22 μm). And as in the Rcor1/2 KO, this was due to increased numbers of both proliferating cells (Insm1+/+, 531 ± 120 MKI67+ cells; Insm1−/−, 789 ± 153 MKI67+ cells; P = 0.0206) and nonproliferating cells (Insm1+/+, 312 ± 61 MKI67– cells; Insm1−/−, 660 ± 122 MKI67– cells; P = 0.0023). Immunohistochemistry for ASCL1 confirmed that many cells in the expanded progenitor zone were indeed neural progenitors. The proportion of the brain expressing MAP2 (Fig. 6D) was significantly lower in Insm1−/− (83.2 ± 0.9%) than in Insm1+/+ mice (86.7 ± 0.9%), although not as low as in the Rcor1/2 KO. Similarly, there were fewer OLIG2+ cells in the IZ of the Insm1−/− mouse, but the reduction was more modest than that seen in the Rcor1/2 KO (Fig. 6E; Insm1+/+, 225 ± 27 cells; Insm1−/−, 162 ± 15 cells; exploratory data analysis identified the sample indicated in red as an outlier, and it was removed from the analysis).

Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− Mice Share Many Common Misregulated Genes.

The above results suggested that INSM1 recruited RCOR1/RCOR2 to genes that must be repressed to promote neural differentiation. Therefore, we expected a shared subset of genes to be up-regulated in both the Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs. To test this expectation, we sequenced cDNA libraries made from the VZ/SVZ of the E13.5 MGE of each KO genotype as well as their respective controls (Dataset S1). We used ventral telencephalic progenitor cells because, in Rcor1/2 KOs, this population showed the most complete loss of RCOR1 and RCOR2 at E13.5 as well as the most pronounced morphological abnormalities at E16.5 and thereafter. The VZ/SVZ, where neural progenitors were located, was isolated using laser capture microdissection (LCM).

For all analyses, we defined putative differential gene expression based on false discovery rate (FDR) adjusted P value < 0.05. Candidates that were also differentially expressed between the two controls (Rcor1/2 fl and Insm1+/+), as genes for which differential expression may have been independent of the loss of either INSM1 or RCOR1/2, were flagged and removed from downstream analyses. We examined both up- and down-regulated genes for each KO. Because RCOR1/2 and INSM1 are repressors, we expected many of the up-regulated genes to be direct targets of these proteins. In Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− mice, we identified 451 and 100 genes that were up-regulated, respectively. Twenty-one of the up-regulated genes were shared between the KOs (Fig. 7A, P << 0.01). This suggests that a common pathway is disrupted in both knockouts. We also identified 300 and 197 genes that were down-regulated, relative to the controls, in the Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs, respectively. These genes could be direct targets of RCOR1/RCOR2- or INSM1-mediated gene activation or could represent secondary effects of RCOR1/RCOR2- or INSM1-mediated repression. The overlap between the two genotypes was 105 genes (Fig. 7A, P << 0.01).

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.

Differential gene expression in Rcor1/2 knockout and Insm1−/− mice at E13.5. (A) Venn diagrams comparing the genes misregulated in Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− mice (relative to Rcor1/2 fl and Insm1+/+ mice, respectively). (B) Proportions of up- and down-regulated genes that are REST targets. (C, Top) RT-qPCR analysis of cDNA prepared from E13.5 MGE. Each transcript quantity was normalized to the geometric mean of the quantities of four reference genes: Aip, Cxxc1, Rn45s, and Rps20. The means and SDs are indicated (n = 6 mice). (Bottom) Significance was determined by ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison tests on log-transformed data. (D) RT-qPCR analysis as described in C. Statistical significance was assessed using t tests with Welch’s correction on log-transformed data. ns, P > 0.05; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.

In contrast, very few genes (only six) were regulated oppositely in the two KOs, reinforcing our conclusion that the significance of the concordantly regulated genes was not spurious.

A Majority of the Genotype-Specific and Shared Down-Regulated Genes Are Targets of REST.

Upon assessment of the candidate genes, it was noted that the majority of the down-regulated genes, 55% (166 of 300) in the Rcor1/2 KO and 60% in the Insm1−/− mouse (118 of 197), had a functional REST binding site within two kilobases upstream of the transcription start site or within the DNA encoding the primary transcript (Dataset S2). Our identification of functional REST binding sites was based on a ChIP-seq analysis performed on mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) (28). We used ESC data because a previous study indicated that, in mice, all sites bound by REST in neural stem cells or fibroblasts were also bound by REST in ESCs, indicating that the ESC set is an inclusive set of REST targets (29). In contrast, REST binds a distinct set of targets in each neural subtype (6). Of the 105 down-regulated genes shared by the Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs, 64% (67) were REST targets (Fig. 7B). The proportion of REST targets is even higher among genes down-regulated by at least twofold [shared, 31 of 45 (69%); just Rcor1/2 KO, 47 of 81 (58%); just Insm1−/−, 21 of 35 (60%)]. In contrast, only a minority of up-regulated genes were REST targets [Fig. 7B; shared, 6 of 21 (29%); Rcor1/2 KO alone, 148 of 430 (34%); Insm1−/− alone, 33 of 79 (42%)], which suggests that the large proportion of REST targets among the down-regulated genes is not simply a reflection of large numbers of differentially expressed REST targets.

The Rest Gene Is Up-Regulated in Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs.

We sought to validate the mRNA profiling results using E13.5 MGE. To this end, we analyzed RNA from Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). We selected 8 (of 105) down-regulated genes that were shared between the genotypes based on the following criteria: Genes were down-regulated by at least twofold and detected at log cpm > 5 (cpm, counts per million). For seven of the eight genes, we observed statistically significant down-regulation in the Rcor1/2 KO relative to the Rcor1/2 fl control and the Nes-Cre control (Fig. 7C). In a separate experiment, we performed RT-qPCR to validate the Insm1−/− mRNA profiling results. Six of eight genes were significantly down-regulated compared with the Insm1+/+ control, and one of the other two barely missed significance with a P value of 0.051 (Fig. 7D). Because a majority of the down-regulated genes contained REST binding sites (Fig. 7B), we asked whether REST expression was up-regulated in the KOs relative to controls. Although an increase in Rest expression was not detected from the mRNA profiling results, the RT-qPCR did show that REST expression was increased by more than twofold in the Rcor1/2 KO (2.3-fold relative to Nes-Cre; 2.1-fold relative to Rcor1/2 fl) and in the Insm1−/− mouse (2.2-fold relative to Insm1+/+) (Fig. 7 C and D). We therefore hypothesized that the down-regulation of REST target genes in the two knockout mice was due to increased REST-mediated gene repression rather than to loss of INSM1/RCOR-mediated gene activation.

Normalizing Rest Expression in the Rcor1/2 KO Increases Transcript Levels of Repressed REST Targets.

To test whether normalizing Rest levels would rescue the major phenotypes in the Rcor1/2 KO brains, we used mice with a Rest allele containing a conditional gene trap cassette. Cre-mediated recombination of this allele results in the loss of mature Rest transcripts (18). We generated an Rcor1fl/fl; Rcor2fl/fl; RestGTi/+; Nes-Cre mouse (hereafter, Rest rescue), in which Rest transcript levels are equivalent to control levels (Fig. 7C). By RT-qPCR analysis, we found that of seven REST target transcripts down-regulated in the Rcor1/2 KO, one of them, Celsr3, was restored fully to control levels in the Rest rescue (Fig. 7C). Three other transcripts were restored partially (Chrnb2, Trim67, and Unc13a), and three were not rescued (Fam65b, Gad2, and Scrt1).

Reduction of Rest Transcript to Control Levels in the Rcor1/2 KO Ameliorates the IGS Phenotype.

H&E staining showed that E18.5 Rest rescue mice exhibited less pronounced IGS than Rcor1/2 KOs, as assessed by an investigator blinded to genotype. The difference between the KO and rescue phenotypes was most apparent at levels caudal to the peak depth of the IGS. In such sections, the IGS of the Rcor1/2 KO is still quite large, whereas that of the Rest rescue is subtle or nonexistent (Fig. 8 and Fig. S7). However, in all other regards, the Rest rescues could not be distinguished visually from the Rcor1/2 KOs. We therefore did not analyze MKI67 and MAP2 to evaluate the progenitor cell overabundance and neuronal differentiation phenotypes. Quantification of the number of OLIG2+ cells in the IZ of the neocortex indicated that this population was not rescued (in 1.8 × 105 μm2 of IZ representing the sum of six areas: Rest rescue, 60 ± 12 cells; compare with Fig. 4D).

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.

Reducing Rest transcript levels to control levels in the Rcor1/2 knockout partly rescues the IGS phenotype (arrowhead). Shown are representative H&E-stained coronal hemisections of telencephalon at E18.5.

Fig. S7.

Fig. S7.

Reducing Rest transcript levels to control levels in the Rcor1/2 KO partly rescues the IGS phenotype (arrowheads in KOs). Shown are H&E-stained coronal sections of E18.5 telencephalon from five mice of each genotype. Images were correctly sorted into groups by morphology by a person blind to the genotypes. Sections shown in Fig. 8 are on the left. (Scale bar, 500 μm.)


In this study, we demonstrate the importance of RCOR1/2 corepressor function in mouse brain development. There was no prior in situ or immunohistochemical characterization of RCOR1 expression in early mouse brain development. An early in situ hybridization study mistakenly identified Rcor3 as Rcor1, because it was performed before the mouse genome was completely annotated (30). Our analysis of control mice here indicates that RCOR1 is expressed nearly ubiquitously in the telencephalon at E13.5 and E18.5. We show that RCOR2 is also expressed nearly ubiquitously in E13.5 telencephalon but at higher levels in the abventricular progenitor zone and mantle layer than in the progenitors directly adjacent to the lateral ventricle. By E18.5, RCOR2 is no longer expressed ubiquitously, consistent with previous studies that suggested that Rcor2 mRNA and protein levels diminish during late embryonic stages (31, 32). The overlapping expression of RCOR1 and RCOR2 in E13.5 telencephalon explains why they may compensate for each other in the single KOs. Indeed, Rcor1 and Rcor2 individual KOs were nearly normal (Fig. S2), in contrast to Rcor1/2 KOs, which had profound brain phenotypes (Fig. 2). Future studies will determine whether, in a wild-type context, RCOR1/2 are found in the same or separate complexes and whether the two RCOR proteins have shared and/or distinct gene targets.

While our studies were in progress, another group published that brain deletion of just Rcor2 resulted in abnormal cortical development (32). However, the abnormalities were even more severe than those in our Rcor1/2 KO, perhaps reflecting different genetic backgrounds of the KOs or a different Nes-Cre transgene.

Retention of the IGS at E18.5, progenitor overabundance, and reduced numbers of mature neurons and OPCs were major phenotypes in the Rcor1/2 KO mouse. The role for chromatin-modifying complexes in these processes is poorly understood, particularly in regards to the transcription factors that recruit them. A strong candidate for recruiting RCOR1/2 to the chromatin is the repressor INSM1 (33). It causes cell-cycle arrest (34, 35) and is required for terminal differentiation of a variety of cell types (27, 3640). Further, previous Insm1 KO studies indicated that, similar to the Rcor1/2 KO, the Insm1 KO had a thin cortex and a thick PCNA+ proliferative region in E16.5 ventral telencephalon (26). However, the previous studies did not indicate whether the Insm1 KO retained the IGS at E18.5 or had fewer OLIG2+ cells, two striking phenotypes in the Rcor1/2 KO.

Because of the above findings, we performed co-IP analysis in embryonic brain and identified complexes containing both INSM1 and RCOR1 or RCOR2 proteins. This finding is consistent with a previous study identifying RCOR1/2 in complexes with INSM1 in an endocrine cell line (24). Another study detected Insm1 transcripts in abventricular neural progenitors and nascent neurons (25). Our immunohistochemistry was consistent with this pattern, and we found the highest levels of INSM1 staining in cells surrounding the border between the SVZ and the mantle area, where both RCOR1 and RCOR2 are also highly expressed.

We compared the phenotypes in the Insm1−/− mouse (27) to those in the Rcor1/2 KO. The Insm1−/− mouse exhibited an overabundance of progenitors, incomplete IGS closure, and deficient neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis, although a few phenotypes observed in the Rcor1/2 KO were not reproduced at all. Several studies indicate that RCOR1/2 are recruited by transcription factors other than INSM1, including factors expressed in the nervous system (5, 15, 41, 42). Further, RCOR1 binds to distinct sets of genomic targets in different neural cell types (6, 7, 9). These factors likely explain the discordance in some phenotypes between the KOs.

Two independent factors contribute to the reduction in neurons and OPCs in the Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− mouse. First, some neural progenitors fail to stop proliferating, as is demonstrated by the abnormally high numbers of MKI67+ cells in the subpallial progenitor zone of the knockouts compared with controls, and this keeps these cells from differentiating. Because increased numbers of progenitors were observed at multiple rostrocaudal levels in both knockouts and each of four different progenitor markers was expressed in more cells in Rcor1/2 KOs than in controls (Fig. 3B), it seems likely that the propensity to continue dividing is a general problem affecting multiple subpopulations of subpallial progenitors. Second, specification and/or migration of neurons and/or OPCs is also perturbed, as is evidenced by the increased numbers of MKI67-negative cells in the progenitor zone of each knockout relative to its respective control. Because specification and migration are linked, it is generally difficult to distinguish between them, and we did not pursue experiments to address this difficult issue. However, supporting the possibility that neuronal migration might be inhibited, several genes required for neuronal migration, including Celsr3 (cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3) (43), Dcx (doublecortin) (44), and Dclk2 (doublecortin like kinase 2) (45), were down-regulated in both knockouts.

Given that INSM1 can potentially regulate many different target genes, is it possible to identify a molecular basis for the phenotypes that are shared in the Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− mice? Because INSM1 and RCOR1/2 repress transcription (1, 14, 33), we anticipated that we would identify a set of shared up-regulated genes in the KOs. Although we did identify such genes, we were surprised to find even more shared down-regulated genes. Interestingly, 64% of the genes down-regulated in both the Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs were direct REST target genes. INSM1 binds to the REST promoter in vivo (27), suggesting that loss of INSM1 could cause derepression of Rest. Further, INSM1 is up-regulated at the transition from apical to basal progenitor (26), which corresponds precisely to the timing of REST down-regulation during embryogenesis (18). Together, these findings suggest that the INSM1–RCOR1/2 complex directly represses Rest and thus derepresses REST targets. We used RT-qPCR to confirm that Rest transcript levels were indeed elevated in the Rcor1/2 KO and Insm1−/− mice compared with controls.

Another question that arises is whether increased REST protein could repress target genes in the absence of RCOR1 and RCOR2. Several studies have shown that REST can mediate repression independent of RCOR proteins by recruiting the corepressors SIN3A, SIN3B, or CDYL (4649). For this reason, we hypothesized that overexpression of REST was causing repression of REST targets in the Rcor1/2 KO. To test this hypothesis, we normalized REST levels in the Rcor1/2 KO through heterozygous loss of Rest. This restored or partially restored transcript levels of some selected REST target genes, which demonstrated that REST was one of the factors contributing to their repression in the Rcor1/2 KO and likely also in the Insm1−/− mouse. Normalizing REST levels partially repaired closure of the IGS. This suggests that the retention of the IGS in the Rcor1/2 KO was due to repression mediated by the REST/SIN3 or REST/CDYL complexes. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any published work regarding mechanisms underlying the closure of the IGS. However, REST overexpression prevents neuronal migration in vivo by repressing Dcx (50), and as indicated above, several REST targets implicated in neuronal migration, including Dcx, were repressed in Rcor1/2 and Insm1 KOs. Thus, it is possible that REST overexpression prevents closure of the IGS by perturbing neuronal migration. Such a perturbation could occur if the neural progenitors responsible for remodeling the ventricular surface require instructive cues from migrating neurons. Future studies that manipulate REST target genes with potential functions in migration could shed new light on IGS closure.

The reason some abnormalities persisted in the Rest rescue is presumably that other targets of the INSM1/RCOR complex were responsible for these phenotypes. Likely targets include Tgif1 and Hey1, which were up-regulated in both the Rcor1/2 KO and the Insm1−/− mice. These genes encode transcriptional repressors involved in neural development (51, 52) and are expressed widely in neural progenitors but down-regulated in neurons (52, 53).

Both Insm1 and Rcor1/2 have homologs in Caenorhabditis elegans (54, 55). Interestingly, C. elegans that are mutant for the Insm1 homolog egl-46 have a phenotype similar to what we observe in the Insm1−/− and Rcor1/2 KO mice. In these worms, certain neural progenitors also undergo aberrant additional rounds of cell division (54, 56). In the mammalian subpallium, which produces a greater variety of neural cell types than the worm nervous system, INSM1 and RCOR1/2 regulate the production of OPCs as well as of neurons. Altogether, our studies suggest that an INSM1/RCOR complex facilitates neuronal and oligodendroglial differentiation.

Materials and Methods


All animal studies were approved by the Oregon Health and Science University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Rcor1fl/fl, Nes-Cre, and RestGTi/GTi mice have been described previously (1820). Rcor2fl/fl mice were generated by targeted mutagenesis in ESCs. Two loxP sites were inserted flanking exons 5–9 of Rcor2 (Fig. S1; exons are numbered relative to uc008gkn.2). Correct targeting was confirmed by Southern blotting with 5′ and 3′ external probes. The Rcor2fl/fl mice are available at the Jackson Laboratory as stock no. 030004. The above mice were backcrossed into a C57BL/6J background for at least 10 generations. Insm1+/− (27) mice were acquired on a mixed background from the Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Centers (036986-JAX). Founders were crossed to CD-1 mice for one generation (36), and the offspring were interbred for one to four generations to produce the embryos used in experiments. In this mixed background, ∼50% of the Insm1−/− embryos survived to E18.5. Pregnancies were timed on the basis of observation of a coital plug, with the morning that the plug was observed defined as E0.5. The following primers were used for genotyping: Cre [646 base pairs (bp)], GCTAAACATGCTTCATCGTCGG and GATCTCCGGTATTGAAACTCCAGC; Rcor1fl (481 bp) versus Rcor1+ (390 bp) (20), GTAGTTGTCTTCAGACACTCCAGA and GGGAAGCTCATCTATAGGCAA; Rcor1fl (1,199 bp) or Rcor1+ (1,006 bp) versus Rcor1rec (336 bp) (20), ATTTGTGTCATGTGTCATGTA and GGGAAGCTCATCTATAGGCAA; Rcor2fl (315 bp) versus Rcor2+ (143 bp), TCCGAGGTCTTGACTCACAGC and CAGGCTTGACACTGCACCATT; Rcor2rec (365 bp), AATTCTGCTCATCCTTTCAGA and CAGGCTTGACACTGCACCATT; Insm1−/− (∼550 bp) versus Insm1+/+ (447 bp) (protocol from Jackson Labs), CCTTGTACAACCGACAGCTCT and GTGCCCTGTATCTGCTGTGC; Rest+ (478 bp) (18), TGGATGTTGAGGTCCGTTGTG and GGCTACGGATCCCTTCTTCCC; RestGTi (782 bp) (18), CTCCGCCTCCTCTTCCTCCAT and TTTGAGGGGACGACGACAGTA; RestGTreinv (518 bp) (18), CTCCGCCTCCTCTTCCTCCAT and CCTCCCCCGTGCCTTCCTTGA.


Primary antibodies used for immunohistochemistry are listed in Table S1. The following Alexa Fluors from Thermo Fisher Scientific were used for immunohistochemistry (1:2,000): 555 goat anti-mouse IgG (A21424), 568 donkey anti-rabbit IgG (A10042), 555 goat anti-mouse IgG (A21424), 555 goat anti-rabbit IgG (A21429), 568 goat anti-rabbit IgG (A11011), 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (A11034), 647 goat anti-guinea pig IgG (A21450), and 555 goat anti-mouse IgG2a (A21137). CF647 goat anti-mouse IgG (20281) and IgG1 (20252) from Biotium were also used for immunohistochemistry (1:2,000). For the Western blot in Fig. 1, we used mouse anti-RCOR1 (NeuroMab clone K72/8, diluted 1:1,000), rabbit anti-RCOR2 (in house-generated rabbit serum recognizing the N terminus of human RCOR2; 1:10,000), rabbit anti-histone H3 (Cell Signaling 9715; 1:1,000), anti-rabbit IR680 (ThermoPierce 35569; 1:5,000), and anti-mouse IR800 (Rockland 610–132-121; 1:5,000). For IPs, the following antibodies were used: rabbit polyclonal antibody for RCOR1 (47), rabbit IgG (Jackson ImmunoResearch 011–000-002), rabbit anti-RCOR2 (described above), normal rabbit serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch 011–000-120), guinea pig INSM1 antiserum (which was a generous gift from Carmen Birchmeier, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin), and normal guinea pig serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch 006–000-001). For Western blotting following IPs, the same RCOR1, RCOR2, and INSM1 antibodies were used at concentrations of 1:1,000, 1:10,000, and 1:10,000, respectively. We also used horseradish peroxidase-conjugated mouse anti-rabbit IgG (light chain only; Jackson ImmunoResearch 211–032-171; 1:4,000) and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (heavy and light chains, Jackson ImmunoResearch 706–035-148, 1:10,000).

Table S1.

Primary antibodies used for immunohistochemistry

Antigen Manufacturer and catalog no. Concentration Postfix Protocol
ASCL1/MASH1 BD Pharmingen 556604 1:1,000 None A
Cleaved caspase 3 Cell Signaling 9664 1:500 None C
INSM1 Birchmeier laboratory guinea pig serum 1:20,000 None A
KDM1A/LSD1 Abcam ab17721 1:200 None A
MAP2 Millipore MAB3418 1:500 Overnight A
MKI67/Ki67 Abcam ab16667 1:100 Overnight C
NKX2-1 Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-13040 1:500 None B
OLIG2 Chemicon AB9610 1:500 Either C
RCOR1 Neuromab clone K72/8 1:200 None C
RCOR2 Rosenfeld laboratory rabbit serum 1:10,000 None A

Slides were prepared for blocking in one of three ways. In protocol A, sections were incubated with PBS containing 0.1% TritonX-100 (PBS-Triton) for 30 min. In protocol B, slides were incubated in –20 °C acetone for 10 min, dipped in deionized water, and incubated in PBS for 5 min. Protocol C consisted of protocol B followed by treatment with 10 mM sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate containing 0.1% Tween-20, pH 6.0, for 40 min in an Aroma kitchen steamer.

Western Blotting.

Nuclei were prepared from E13.5 brain extracts as described (57), resuspended in RIPA buffer, treated with Benzonase, homogenized with a motorized pestle, and centrifuged to remove particulates. Protein concentrations of supernatants were quantified using a Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit. Twenty-microgram samples were separated on a NuPAGE Novex 4–12% (wt/vol) Bis–Tris gel and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (GE Healthcare 10600001) at 100 V at 4 °C for 2 h. The membrane was exposed to primary antibodies overnight at 4 °C and to secondary antibodies for 1 h at room temperature. The membrane was imaged with a LI-COR Odyssey CLx using AutoScan. Background-subtracted signal intensity was quantified using Image Studio 4.0 software. For each sample, the levels of RCOR1 and RCOR2 signal were normalized to the level of histone H3.


Embryos were transcardially perfused with 4% (vol/vol) formaldehyde in PBS. For E18.5 embryos, the brain was dissected, and in some cases postfixed at 4 °C overnight, before being frozen and cryosectioned. For E13.5 embryos, the head was frozen intact. Sections were prepared for blocking in one of three ways, depending upon the antibody (indicated in Table S1). Blocking and antibody labeling were performed with either a mouse-on-mouse kit (Vector Labs BMK-2202) or 5% (vol/vol) normal serum and 0.125% BSA in PBS-Triton. All slides were blocked for 1 h at room temperature and labeled with primary antibody at 4° overnight and then at 37 °C for 2 h (with the exception of MAP2 and TUBB3 antibodies, with which the 37° step was omitted). Slides were then rinsed three times with PBS-Triton, treated with secondary antibodies and a DNA dye [either DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) or DRAQ5 (Deep Red Anthraquinone 5)] at room temperature for 1–2 h, rinsed four times with PBS-Triton, rinsed once with PBS, and coverslipped after application of Prolong Gold Antifade Mountant (Thermo Fisher Scientific P36930).

H&E Staining.

Twenty-micrometer sections were prepared from E18.5 brains as described above, with the overnight 4° postfixation step included. The sections were fixed with 4% (vol/vol) formaldehyde in PBS for 15 min and then stained with H&E.

Image Analysis.

Immunofluorescent images were acquired using a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope. Images intended to be compared with one another were acquired under the same conditions and processed identically. For quantifications, matching sections from each of five animals per genotype were used. Images were processed using ImageJ and Photoshop CS4 and were analyzed by an experimenter blinded to genotype.

In Situ Hybridization.

Dlx2 probes (58) containing digoxigenin-11-UTP were treated with DNase I to remove the template and purified with either a QIAGEN RNeasy Mini Kit or a PureLink RNA Mini Kit. Probes were diluted to 1 μg/mL with prehybridization solution [50% (vol/vol) formamide; 5× SSC, pH 4.5; 50 μg/mL yeast tRNA; 1% SDS; 50 μg/mL heparin]. Brain sections were prepared in the same way as for H&E staining. Slides were hybridized with probe as previously described (59). After hybridization, slides were washed three times each with wash solution 1 [50% (vol/vol) formamide; 4× SSC, pH 4.5; 1% SDS] at 70 °C, wash solution 2 [50% (vol/vol) formamide; 2× SSC, pH 4.5] at 65 °C, and TBST (50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween-20) at room temperature. Sections were blocked with 5% (vol/vol) normal sheep serum in TBST and incubated overnight at 4° with antidigoxigenin Fab fragments conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (Roche 11093274910) diluted 1:2,000. Sections were washed four times with TBST and three times with coloration buffer (100 mM Tris·HCl, pH 9.5; 100 mM NaCl; 0.1% Tween-20) and developed using NBT/BCIP Stock Solution (Roche 11681451001). Sections were fixed with 4% (wt/vol) PFA and 0.1% glutaraldehyde in PBS; progressively dehydrated with 50%, 75%, 95%, and 100% (vol/vol) ethanol; infiltrated with xylenes; dabbed with Permount (Fisher Scientific SP15); and coverslipped. In situ hybridization was performed on sections representing three distinct rostral-caudal positions for each of three Rcor1/2 fl controls and three Rcor1/2 KOs.


Nuclear pellets were prepared as described (57) but with inclusion of phosphatase inhibitors (Millipore 524628) and 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride in the tissue cracking and nuclear buffers. After being washed with nuclear buffer, each pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer [50 mM Tris, pH 7.4; 140 mM NaCl; 1% Triton X-100; 2 mM MgCl2; protease inhibitors without EDTA (Roche); phosphatase inhibitors (Millipore 524628); 1 mM sodium orthovanadate] (24). Samples were homogenized with a motorized pestle. IPs were performed as described (24) using 10 μg of antibody and 65 μL of Protein A Dynabeads (Invitrogen 10002D) for every 1.5 mg protein lysate (∼20 brains). Proteins were eluted from the beads with glycine, residual proteins were eluted by boiling in NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer (Invitrogen NP0007) containing 300 mM DTT, and the eluates were combined. Samples were run on a 3–8% (wt/vol) NuPAGE Novex Tris-Acetate Gel (Invitrogen EA03785BOX). Each input lane was loaded with 15 μg of protein, and each IP lane was loaded with the volume of immunoprecipitate corresponding to 200 μg of input. After transfer, nitrocellulose membranes were incubated with primary antibodies overnight at 4 °C and with secondary antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase for 1 h at room temperature. Membranes were treated with SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (Thermo Scientific 34080) and exposed to X-ray film. Each IP was performed at least twice.

RNA Profiling.

Brains were dissected from E13.5 embryos, embedded in Tissue Freezing Medium, frozen, cut into 10-μm coronal sections at –25°, and loaded onto poly-l-lysine–coated PEN-membrane slides (Zeiss 415190–9041-000). Immediately after sectioning, slides were stained with an abbreviated hematoxylin staining protocol. A cell-dense region roughly equivalent to the VZ/SVZ of the MGE was isolated using LCM with a Zeiss PALM MicroBeam. Tissue was pooled to make two samples of three embryos for each of four genotypes: Rcor1/2 fl, Rcor1/2 KO, Insm1+/+, and Insm1−/−. RNA was extracted using a QIAGEN RNeasy Micro Kit in accordance with the instructions, except that each sample was incubated in Buffer RLT containing 0.1% β-mercaptoethanol for 30 min at room temperature before starting. cDNA Libraries were made by the OHSU Massively Parallel Sequencing Shared Resource. A BioAnalyzer 2100 confirmed that all samples had RNA integrity numbers ≥ 9.3. Each cDNA library was made from either 300 ng (Rcor1/2 fl and Rcor1/2 KO) or 500 ng (Insm1+/+ and Insm1−/−) of RNA using the Illumina TruSeq RNA Prep Kit v2. Library quality was assessed using a TapeStation 2200, and libraries were quantified by qPCR using a KAPA Library Quantification Kit. Libraries were sequenced using 100-cycle single-read runs on a HiSeq 2500.

Sample quality was assessed using Fastqc (v0.11.3). To address technical artifacts, we trimmed 3 bp from the 5′ end and 1 bp from the 3′ end. We aligned each sample to the mm10 genome using Subread (60) and aggregated transcript counts using featureCounts (61). Transcript counts were aggregated at the gene level to perform gene-level differential expression analysis. Differential expression analysis was conducted using edgeR (62). Data were normalized using TMM (Trimmed Mean of M-Values). P values were adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini–Hochberg correction (63). Putative differential expression was based on FDR-adjusted P value < 0.05.

To test whether the number of concordantly up-regulated genes was significant, we performed a simulation of the amount of overlap achieved if 451 (number of genes up-regulated in the Rcor1/2 KO) and 100 (number of genes up-regulated in the Insm1−/− mouse) genes were sampled randomly and independently from the total pool of 30,737 genes. We performed the sampling 106 times to determine the distribution of possible overlaps. We performed a comparable simulation, sampling 300 and 197 genes, to determine whether the number of concordantly down-regulated genes was significant. The 99th percentile of the random sampling was five for the up-regulated genes and six for the down-regulated genes, compared with the observed values of 21 and 105, respectively. To be conservative, we report this as P << 0.01 (calculations with hypergeometric distribution were P < 1.389 × 10−18 and P < 3.639 × 10−163, respectively).


RT-qPCR was performed on manually microdissected MGEs. Tissue was homogenized in 1 mL TRIzol (Thermo Fisher 15596026) with a motorized pestle. RNA extraction was performed with the PureLink RNA Mini Kit (Thermo Fisher 12183025), including on-column DNase treatment (Thermo Fisher 12185010). After extraction, RNA was precipitated with sodium acetate and ethanol, resuspended in water, and quantified with a NanoDrop 2000. Samples of 600 ng RNA were reverse-transcribed with the SuperScript III First Strand Synthesis System (Thermo Fisher 18080–051) using random hexamers. RT-qPCR was performed on a QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System using Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems #4367659) and 300 nM of each primer (with the exception of the Prox1 primers, which were used at 900 nM each). The following primers were used: Celsr3, TGCTGTGAGGACAGCTCCTA and CTTCAGGACCAGTCGGAAAC; Chrnb2, GATGATGACCAGAGTGTGAGG and GGTCCCAAAGACACAGACAA; Fam65b, CCGCAGCTACAAGGAATACA and CCAGCCAGACCTTTCATCTT; Gad2, CTGTGCGCTCTGCTCTATG and AGAAACGCGTAGTTGACATCC; Prox1, AAAGAACAGAAGCGAGAGGAG and GCTGTCATAGACCTGGTAGAAC; Scrt1, GGTCAAACTTGACACATTCTCTTC and CGTAGTCACTGAGGTATCCTTTATC; Trim67, CCCATACCAACAGGACTGAAG and CTGTTGCCCATTGATGAAGAAG; Unc13a, GAAGGTGCAGAACGTGAAGA and GCGGTTGATCTCAAACATGAAG; Rest, GGCTGCTCTCAAGGAGTCTG and TTCTGCTCAGTGTCCACGTC; Aip, ATGCGTGAGGGGGAGATT and TGGCCACTAGAGGATACAGGAC; Cxxc1, TCTGTGAGCGGAGATATGGA and TCCCCATTCTCAGACTTGCT; Rn45s, CGGACACGGACAGGATTGACA and ACCACCCACGGAATCGAGAAA; and Rps20, GGCATTTAAAGATACCGGAAAG and GTCCGCACAAACCTTCT. Except for the Rest primers, which do not amplify transcript uc029vis.1, all primer pairs amplify all UCSC isoforms of the gene (mm10).

Statistical Analysis.

Statistical analyses were performed using Prism 5 (GraphPad). Western blots, MKI67+ width measurements in Insm1+/+ and Insm1−/− embryos, MAP2+ proportions, and OLIG2+ cell counts were each analyzed using t tests. MKI67+ and MKI67– cell counts were analyzed using t tests with Welch’s correction. Body weights, brain weights, and the MKI67+ width measurements in Nes-Cre, Rcor1/2 fl, and Rcor1/2 KO embryos were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. RT-qPCR data were log2-transformed before statistical analysis. Nes-Cre, Rcor1/2 fl, Rcor1/2 KO, and Rest rescue cDNA samples were compared with one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. Insm1+/+ and Insm1−/− cDNA samples were compared using t tests with Welch’s correction. Throughout the text, experimental results are expressed as mean ± SD.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary File
pnas.1620230114.sd01.xlsx (10.3MB, xlsx)
Supplementary File
pnas.1620230114.sd02.xlsx (432.3KB, xlsx)


We are grateful for the support and helpful ongoing discussions of the work by Dr. John Rubenstein (University of California, San Francisco) and Dr. Huilan Yao (H3 Biomedicine). We thank Dr. Carmen Birchmeier at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine for generously providing us with INSM1 antibody and Susan Kim for assisting with image analysis. This work was supported by NIH Grants NS022518 (to G.M.), UL1TR000128 (to S.K.M.), and NS093066 and DK09949 (to M.G.R.).


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article contains supporting information online at


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