Self-motion triggers complementary visual and vestibular reflexes supporting image-stabilization and balance. Translation through space produces one global pattern of retinal image motion (optic flow), rotation another. We show that each subtype of direction-selective ganglion cell (DSGC) adjusts its direction preference topographically to align with specific translatory optic flow fields, creating a neural ensemble tuned for a specific direction of motion through space. Four cardinal translatory directions are represented, aligned with two axes of high adaptive relevance: the body and gravitational axes. One subtype maximizes its output when the mouse advances, others when it retreats, rises, or falls. ON-DSGCs and ON-OFF-DSGCs share the same spatial geometry but weight the four channels differently. Each subtype ensemble is also tuned for rotation. The relative activation of DSGC channels uniquely encodes every translation and rotation. Though retinal and vestibular systems both encode translatory and rotatory self-motion, their coordinate systems differ.
Direction-selective retinal ganglion cells (DSGCs) encode visual motion. Earlier work has probed how they do so1–9. Here, we relate global patterns of direction preference to visual reafference during self-motion. When animals move, visual and vestibular feedback drive postural adjustments, image-stabilizing eye and head movements, and cerebellar learning10. Self‐motion can be decomposed into translatory and rotatory elements — movement along, or rotation about, an axis. The vestibular apparatus achieves this biomechanically. The relative activation of otolithic organs and semicircular canals uniquely encodes every translation or rotation11.
Movement through space also produces global patterns of retinal image motion called optic flow. Translation (Fig. 1a) induces optic flow that diverges from a point in extrapersonal space (‘direction of heading;’ asterisk), follows lines of longitude in global visual space, and converges at a diametrically opposed singularity. Rotational optic flow follows lines of latitude, circulating around a point in visual space (Fig. 1b). These motion trajectories are imaged on the hemispheric retinal surface (Figs. 1c,d). Rotatory and translatory optic flows evoke different behaviors, implying divergent encoding mechanisms and output circuits.
DSGCs encode optic flow locally within small receptive fields12 (~1% of the monocular field; Fig. 1c, red circle). Most belong to two canonical classes — ON-DSGCs and ON-OFF-DSGCs — differing in gene expression, structure, projections, functional properties and roles1.
ON-OFF-DSGCs innervate retinotopic targets mediating gaze shifts and conscious motion perception13–15. They comprise four subtypes, each preferring one of four cardinal directions16–18. The polar distribution of directional preferences among ON‐OFF‐DSGCs appears cruciform, with four lobes separated by 90° (Fig. 1k).
How do the directional preferences of ON‐OFF‐DSGCs relate to the spherical geometry of optic flow? If the cruciform pattern is universal, as widely assumed, a surprising corollary follows: one pair of subtypes must prefer motion along meridians as in translatory optic flow (Fig. 1a), while the other pair follows orthogonal lines of latitude, like rotatory flow (Fig. 1b). The dorsal/ventral pair matches translatory flow in Fig. 1e,f, but could match rotatory flow instead, provided the nasal/temporal pair also switches, to translatory flow.
By intensive global mapping of DS, we refute this model. Instead, we find that all four ON‐OFF-DSGC subtypes align their preferences everywhere with one of four cardinal translatory optic flow fields, thereby encoding self-motion along two specific axes — the gravitational and body axes. Each subtype forms a panoramic, binocular ensemble best activated when the animal rises, falls, advances or retreats. We expected the other DSGC class — ON-DSGCs — would exhibit a distinct geometry (Supplementary Note 1). Surprisingly, they proved to adhere to the same translatory optic-flow geometry as ON-OFF-DSGCs, and to comprise four subtypes, not three18,19. Though optimally tuned for translatory flow, DSGC ensembles also respond differentially to rotatory flow. Any translation or rotation is uniquely encoded in the relative activation of these channels, permitting the brain to differentiate translation from rotation by simple global summation or subtraction of channels.
Mapping global direction preferences of DSGCs
We mapped the direction preferences of >2400 DSGCs at known locations in flattened mouse retinas in vitro (from >33,900 neurons; 26 retinas; Fig. 1g,h). DSGCs were identified from Ca2+ responses to moving stimuli, imaged by two‐photon microscopy of virally expressed GCaMP6f (Methods; Extended Data Fig. 1a–d). All were ganglion cells (immunopositive for RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing20; n = 706; Extended Data Fig. 2a–f). ON‐OFF‐DSGCs were discriminated from ON-DSGCs by unsupervised clustering, exploiting their faster, more transient ON responses (Extended Data Fig. 3a–h). ON-OFF-DSGCs greatly outnumbered ON-DSGCs (ON-OFF: n=1949; 6.6 ± 2.1% of imaged cells per retina vs. ON: n=497; 1.8 ± 0.9%; mean ± s.d., Supplementary Note 2). No OFF-DSGCs were encountered. Each cell’s location was mapped to spherical coordinates, permitting comparisons across retinas using standardized displays as projected or flattened spherical surfaces (Extended Data Fig. 4, Supplementary Equations).
ON-OFF-DSGCs align direction preferences with optic flow produced by translation along two cardinal axes
Like all imaged cells, ON-OFF-DSGCs were widely distributed but concentrated centrally due to preferential viral infection (Fig. 1g,h). Their DS preferences, pooled across retinas and displayed in polar format, were markedly disordered (Fig. 1i). Four lobes marking the cardinal directions were apparent, but broad and blurred, without expected gaps. Correcting errors in retinal orientation (Fig. 1j) did not resolve this (Extended Data Fig. 5e). The disorder derived instead mainly from systematic topographic variation in DS preferences. Four distinct lobes emerged when sampling only central retina (Fig. 1k), but elsewhere the lobes tilted relative to cardinal retinal directions and one another (Fig. 1l). Such topographic dependence is not an artefact of retinal flattening; it is even more apparent when viewed in reconstructed three-dimensional form (Fig. 1m). Thus, plots of DS preference are not ubiquitously cruciform (Fig. 1e,f).
Consider the ON-OFF-DSGC subtype we call “V-cells,” after their preference for ventral motion on the retina, or of the mouse (‘upward’ motion in the visual field; red lobes in Fig. 1m). V-cells preferred motion toward a center of contraction in the ventral retina, and everywhere paralleled a ventrally directed translatory optic flow field (Fig. 1m, red meridians). We extended this analysis by targeted patch recording of GFP-tagged V-cells in Hb9-GFP mice21. They preferred motion toward a ventral singularity (Fig. 2a, black arrows; Extended Data Fig. 2l-r), just as imaged V‐cells did (Fig. 1m), aligned everywhere with the same translatory optic flow (Figs. 1m and 2a, red meridians). Dendritic-field asymmetries of V-cells, which correlate with preferred direction21 (Extended Data Fig. 2q), also aligned with this flow field (Figs. 2a, gold arrowheads). Thus, as an ensemble, V‐cells respond best to a specific translatory optic flow, produced by roughly downward motion.
Other subtypes of ON-OFF-DSGCs also adhered to translatory optic-flow geometry. In Trhr‐GFP mice15, we targeted “N-cells,” preferring nasal retinal motion, for recordings. N‐cells preferred motion away from a center of expansion in temporal retina (Fig. 2b), following a distinct translatory flow field (blue meridians). To assess a third subtype, “T-cells,” preferring temporal retinal motion (Fig. 2c), we analyzed imaged ON‐OFF-DSGCs that were immunonegative for CART (Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript)22,23. T-cell preferences too were aligned with a translatory optic flow field (green meridians), here with a center of contraction in the temporal retina (Fig. 2c).
To quantify how well the DS preferences of a cell sample align with any single optic flow field, we devised a concordance index — the percentage of cells preferring directions within 10° of local flow. Repeating such template-matching for many possible translatory axes (n = 2701; 5° resolution), we generated a spherical tuning plot, displaying concordance as a function of the axis of translation. Hotspots show directions of translation inducing flow best aligned with observed DS preferences and thus driving maximal net output of this neuronal ensemble (Extended data Fig. 5a-d; Methods).
Fig. 2d shows such a translatory flow-tuning plot for patch-recorded Hb9 V-cells. Longer spikes and warmer map colors indicate better concordance and point to a location in extrapersonal space, the center of flow convergence. To facilitate comparisons, we cartographically flattened these plots (Fig. 2j,k). The flattened plot for V-cells (Fig. 2g) exhibits one hotspot at the visual coordinates of the optimal center of contraction. So do the other two molecularly defined ON‐OFF subtypes (Trhr N-cells; CART-negative T‐cells; Fig. 2b,c,e,f,h,i). Each subtype thus has a single best translation. The N- and T‐cell hotspots are separated by ~180° in polar direction (abscissa), suggesting they share a common axis, while the V-cell hotspot (Fig. 2g) is offset 90°, indicating preference for translation along an orthogonal axis (Supplementary Note 3).
The flow-tuning plot for all imaged ON-OFF-DSGCs featured four prominent hotspots separated by ~90° around the margin of the visual field or retina (Fig. 3a-c). Three of them correspond to V-, N-, and T-cell hotspots (Fig. 2d-f), the last evidently to D-cells, preferring dorsal retinal motion. The best axes of N- and T-cells are effectively aligned, as are those for D- and V-cells (Figure 3b). Thus ON-OFF-DSGCs comprise two pairs of subtypes, each pair preferring translation along the same axis, but in opposite directions.
How well does this geometric description predict the DS preferences of DSGCs? We modeled four ON-OFF-DSGC channels adhering to the inferred translatory-flow-matching geometry. Each channel comprised modeled cells with locations matched to imaged DSGCs but with preferences aligned exactly with one of the four cardinal translatory flow fields. Angular jitter (~10°) was added to mimic biological and experimental variability. As expected, flow-tuning plots for single modeled channels (Fig. 3e-h) exhibited one hotspot (i.e., best axis; cf. Fig. 2g-i). The ~90° intervals between hotspots reflect the orthogonality of the two cardinal axes. Randomizing modeled preferences yielded a plot of uniformly mediocre concordance (Fig. 3i). We differentially weighted each channel to reproduce its apparent abundance in our sample (Extended data Fig. 5f-j; Methods) and summed them. The flow-tuning plot for the best-fitting model (Fig. 3d) was strikingly similar to that for the real data (Fig. 3c; R2 = 0.97). The fit was optimal when the relative abundance of subtypes was N > V > D or T (Fig. 3k). Local polar plots of DS preference for modeled cells (Fig. 3j; black) faithfully reproduced those for real cells (gold).
The model also recapitulated the behavior of other subsets of ON-OFF-DSGCs (Hb9; Trhr; CART–negative or –positive; Fig. 3l–p; see meridians in Fig. 2a–c). Weighting coefficients (Fig. 3l–p) provide estimates of relative abundances of subtypes in each sample; three molecularly defined samples effectively comprised single subtypes (Fig. 3l–o).
ON-DSGC preferences are aligned with the same translatory optic-flow fields
ON-DSGCs ostensibly comprise three subtypes preferring directions ~120° apart18,19, implying a global architecture distinct from that of ON-OFF-DSGCs. We suspected single ON-DSGC ensembles might prefer rotatory optic flow because they innervate the accessory optic system (AOS), which encodes rotatory slip and drives optokinetic image-stabilization24,25. Surprisingly, ON-DSGCs proved virtually identical in global architecture to ON-OFF-DSGCs (Fig. 4). They, too, comprised four subtypes (N-, T-, D-, and V-type ON-DSGCs). Each subtype aligned its DS preferences everywhere with essentially the same translatory flow field as its ON-OFF-DSGC counterpart. As before, four lobes ~90° apart were discernable in the polar plots of all ON‐DSGCs (Fig. 4b) and became more distinct when the central retina was selectively sampled (Fig. 4c).
The unexpected similarity between ON- and ON-OFF-DSGCs is not an artefact of misidentification (Supplementary Discussion; Extended Data Figs. 1e-l, 3h, 6, and 7i-n). Why, then, do we find four ON-DSGC subtypes instead of three? ON-DSGC N-cells were less common (Fig. 4b,c) and less well-tuned than other ON-DSGC subtypes (Fig. 4e). A stringent direction-selectivity-index (DSI) criterion excluded virtually all of them, resulting in a three-lobed polar plot reminiscent of the classic one (Supplementary Note 4).
Like ON-OFF-DGSCs, ON-DSGCs aligned their preferred directions with optic flow produced by translation along one of two mutually orthogonal axes. Each is served by a pair of subtypes, generating paired hotspots at diametrically opposed global locations (Fig. 4i) or separated by 180° in flattened maps (Fig. 4j). Cardinal translatory axes were virtually identical for ON- and ON-OFF-DGSCs (Fig. 4i).
An adaptation of the model developed for ON-OFF-DSGCs faithfully recapitulated the flow‐tuning plot for ON-DSGCs (Figs. 4j,k; R2=0.95) and topographic variations in local DS preference (Figs. 4h). Real and modeled ON-DSGCs consistently matched ON-OFF-DSGCs in DS preference (Fig. 4h). However, the weighting of individual subtypes differed (Fig. 4m); D‐cells were the most abundant ON-DSGC subtype. Retrograde tracing revealed that ON-DSGC subtypes project differentially to components of the AOS (Extended Data Fig. 2g-k, Extended Data Fig. 3i-m).
DS subtypes panoramically encode optic flow induced by translation along the body and gravitational axes
From resting eye and head positions, we determined the orientation of these cardinal translatory axes of DSGCs relative to the visual environment (Methods). The N/T-cell axis approximated the anteroposterior (longitudinal body) axis, whereas the D/V-cell axis corresponded closely to the gravitational axis (Fig. 5a). Because N-cells, as an ensemble, respond best to forward translation along the body axis (ambulation), it is appropriate to call them “advance cells.” By extension, T-, V-, and D-cells are “retreat”, “fall”, and “rise” cells. The cardinal translatory axes are virtually identical for the two eyes (Fig. 5b), so members of one subtype prefer the same global flow regardless of their location in either retina. Together, they form a binocular, near‐panoramic cell array responding best to a specific translatory optic flow field and thus to self-motion in a cardinal direction (Fig. 5c,d).
Retinal DSGCs also encode rotatory optic flow
It is surprising that ON-DSGCs adhere to translatory optic-flow geometry because they supply directional information to the AOS and flocculus, which encode rotatory flow25. However, an ensemble aligned with translatory optic flow (Fig. 5e, blue) will also respond differentially to rotatory optic flow (Fig. 5e-f; Extended Data Fig. 8o-s; Supplementary Note 5). Might DSGC ensembles actually adhere to a rotatory flow geometry and, only secondarily, exhibit tuning for translation? Apparently not. The translatory model significantly outperformed the best rotatory one for every sample tested, including all imaged cells ON-OFF-DSGCs (R2 = 0.97 vs. 0.92) and ON-DSGCs (R2 = 0.95 vs. 0.87) (Supplementary Note 6; Extended Data Fig. 8a-n).
The brain can infer self-motion by comparing DS channels
Thus, a single DSGC ensemble’s pooled output provides ambiguous information about self-motion. However, the brain could distinguish translation from rotation by comparing the relative activation of DS-subtype ensembles in the two eyes. For example, forward translation activates the same subtype (N-cells) in both eyes, whereas leftward rotation activates opposing subtypes (right eye: N; left: T). More generally, every possible translatory or rotatory optic flow produces a unique pattern of activation across the eight DS channels (2 axes X 2 directions X 2 eyes; Extended Data Fig. 9a-e). Indeed, a simple decoder using only relative activation of channels can distinguish translation from rotation and infer the motion axis (Extended Data Fig. 9f,g). Similarly, modeled postsynaptic cells differentially tuned for rotation or translation were easily constructed by summing or subtracting specific subtype signals from the two eyes (Extended Data Fig. 10).
Relationship between visual and vestibular channels
We have shown how retinal DS channels decompose reafferent visual motion signals into translatory (otolith-like) and rotatory (canal-like) components. Tomographic reconstruction revealed that cardinal vestibular cardinal axes and planes lie near, but do not precisely match, their DSGC analogs, (Fig. 5g-k; Supplementary Methods; Supplementary Notes 7, 8).
All canonical DSGCs organize their directional preferences around the geometry of optic flow produced by translatory self-motion along two axes of high behavioral relevance: the body axis and the gravitational axis. They comprise 16 channels altogether: four cardinal directions of translation encoded per eye x 2 eyes x 2 DSGC classes (ON and ON-OFF). Subtype ensembles also respond differentially to rotatory optic flow. Any arbitrary translation or rotation will activate these 16 channels in a unique pattern the brain presumably decomposes into translatory and rotatory components. A table summarizing the properties of DSGC subtypes, their preferred translations and rotations, and their relation to previously reported DSGC subtypes and reporter mice is provided (Supplementary Table 1).
Eye movements in freely moving rodents appear driven largely by the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)26 and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN), which compensate for head movements to stabilize the retinal image. The alignment between visual and vestibular axes, imperfect even at rest (Fig. 5j,k), would be further degraded by such deviations of the eye. The brain presumably compensates when coupling these two reafferent streams to common motor outputs. On the other hand, because VOR and OKN are image-stabilizing eye movements, they defend the alignment between DSGC cardinal translatory axes and the gravitational and body axes when the head rotates26. Gaze shifts transiently reorient the cardinal translatory directions in extrapersonal space, but eye and head typically return promptly to primary position26, reestablishing the alignment of cardinal visual directions with gravitational and body axes.
The matching of DS geometry to translatory optic flow may reflect the earlier evolutionary origins of translation-sensitive as compared to rotation-sensitive vestibular organs27. Retinotopic information from DS ensembles is preserved in mappings to the colliculus and geniculocortical system13, permitting higher-order computations based on retinal motion.
Anatomical asymmetries of starburst amacrine-cell inhibition generate direction preference in DSGCs8. Our data imply that these asymmetries are the same for ON- and ON-OFF-DSGCs, and are organized around two retinal singularities, corresponding to the centers of expansion or contraction of cardinal translatory flow fields (Fig. 5l, m).
All procedures were in accordance with National Institutes of Health guidelines and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Brown University. We used three strains of adult mice of either sex, 2 - 2.5 months old: wildtype C57BL/6J (Jackson Laboratory), or Hb9:GFP (B6.Cg-Tg(Hlxb9-GFP)1Tmj/J; Jackson Laboratory) or Trhr:GFP (Tg(Trhr-EGFP)HU193Gsat; MMRRC) reporter mice.
Intravitreal injections of calcium indicator
Mice (C57BL/6J) were anesthetized with isoflurane (3% in oxygen; Matrx VIP 3000, Midmark). A viral vector inducing expression of the calcium indicator GCaMP6f (AAV2/1.hSynapsin.GCaMP6f; Vector Core, UPenn; 1.5 –2 μl of ~3 × 1013 units/ml) was injected into the vitreous humor of the right eye through a glass pipette using a microinjector (Picospritzer III, Science Products GmbH). Animals were killed and retinas harvested 14-21d later. GCaMP6f was expressed mainly in RGCs and amacrine cells of the ganglion-cell layer, most densely near central retinal blood vessels.
Retrograde labeling
Mice were anesthetized as for eye injections and secured in a stereotaxic apparatus. Respiration and body temperature were monitored. A micropipette (1B100-4; World Precision Instruments) filled with a retrograde tracer (1μl; cholera toxin beta-subunit conjugated to CF568; CtB-568; 1μg/μl PBS; Biotium #00071) was positioned stereotaxically. Tracer was injected pneumatically (Picospritzer; Parker Hannifin; 10 PSI; 400 ms pulses) and the pipette slowly withdrawn after 10 min. The wound was sutured and the mouse monitored until able to remain upright. Analgesia (Buprenex SR, subcutaneous) minimized postoperative pain.
Tissue harvest and retinal dissection
The right eye was removed and immersed in oxygenated Ames medium (95% O2, 5% CO2; Sigma-Aldrich; supplemented with 23 mM NaHCO3 and 10 mM D-glucose). In retrograde-labeling experiments, the brain was also removed and fixed by immersion in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight. Under dim red light, the globe was cut along the ora serrata, and cornea, lens and vitreous removed. Four radial relieving cuts were made in the eyecup, the largest centered on the insertions of the lateral and medial recti, useful later as a reference axis. The other two were deliberately asymmetric (roughly dorsotemporal and ventral) to disambiguate retinal orientation. The retina was flat-mounted on a custom-machined hydrophilic polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (cell culture inserts, Millicell28) using gentle suction, and secured in a chamber on the microscope stage. Retinas were continuously superfused with oxygenated Ames’ medium (32–34°C). The left eye was enucleated and photographed for measurement of arc length from optic disk to ora serrata, a parameter needed for mapping flatmounted retina data to spherical coordinates (see Extended Data Fig. 5 and Supplementary Equations).
Immunohistochemistry of retina and brain
After imaging or recording, retinas were fixed (4% paraformaldehyde, 30 min, 20°C) and counterstained with one or more antibodies: 1) rabbit anti-CART (Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript; H00362, Phoenix Pharmaceuticals) - a specific marker for most ON-OFF DS cells23; 2) guinea pig anti-RBPMS (RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing; 1832-RBPMS, PhosphoSolutions), a pan-ganglion-cell marker20; or 3) chicken anti-GFP (Abcam), to enhance the fluorescence of the GFP-based GCaMP6f indicator, which helped us to align images captured during live imaging with subsequent histology. Using a custom-designed rotating stage, we oriented the processed retina in the multiphoton microscope to match that during calcium imaging, then acquired confocal one-photon Z-stacks of all fluorophores (including retrograde tracers) in the RGC layer. Brains were embedded in 4% agarose, cut coronally (50 μM) on a vibrating microtome and immunostained using rabbit anti‐GFP (Life Technologies, A-11122) to enhance GCaMP6f fluorescence in retinal axons, useful for localizing deposits in relation to fasciculi and terminal nuclei of the AOS.
Patch recording and dye filling of ganglion cells
Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of isolated flat-mount retinae were performed under current-clamp using a Multiclamp 700B amplifier, Digidata 1550 digitizer, and pClamp 10.5 data acquisition software (Molecular Devices; 10 kHz sampling). Pipettes were pulled from thick-walled borosilicate tubing (P-97; Sutter Instruments). Tip resistances were 4–8 MΩ when filled with internal solution, which contained (in mM): 120 K-gluconate, 5 NaCl, 4 KCl, 2 EGTA, 10 HEPES, 4 ATP-Mg, 7 phosphocreatine-Tris, and 0.3 GTP-Tris, pH 7.3, 270–280 mOsm). We added red fluorescent dye (Alexa Fluor 568; Invitrogen) for visual guidance during two-photon imaging and intracellular dye-filling.
Selected calcium-imaged cells were dye-filled (Alexa Fluor 568 hydrazide; Invitrogen) using fine glass pipettes (~50 MΩ resistance) guided by two-photon imaging. A current pulse (-20 nA; 100 ms) triggered cell penetration. Dye was iontophoretically injected (20 - 60 biphasic current pulses; ‐2000 pA for 500 ms and +500 pA for 400 ms) until dendrites were well filled. After all calcium imaging was completed, filled cells were documented in Z-stacks acquired in confocal (single-photon) mode.
Two-photon functional imaging
Imaging was conducted on an Olympus FV1200MPE BASIC (BX-61WI) microscope equipped with a 25×, 1.05 NA water-immersion objective (XLPL25XWMP, Olympus) and an ultrafast pulsed laser (Mai Tai DeepSee HP, Spectra-Physics) tuned to 910 nm. Epifluorescence emission was separated into “green” and “red” channels with a 570nm dichroic mirror and a 525/50 bandpass filter (FF03-525/50-32, Semrock, green channel) and 575-630nm bandpass filter (BA575-630, Olympus, red channel), respectively. The microscope system was controlled by FluoView software (FV10-ASW v.4.1). Images of 256 × 128 pixels representing 256 × 128 μm on the retina were acquired at 15 Hz (zoom setting of 2).
Visual stimulation
Patterned visual stimuli, synthesized by custom software using Psychophysics Toolbox under Matlab (The MathWorks), were projected (AX325AA, HP) and focused onto photoreceptor outer segments through the microscope’s condenser. The projected display covered 1.5 × 1.5 mm; each pixel was 5×5 μm. The video projector was modified to use a single UV LED lamp (NC4U134A, Nichia). The LED’s peak wavelength (385 nm) shifted to 395 nm after transmission through a 440 nm short-pass dichroic filter (FF01-440/SP, Semrock), a dichroic mirror (T425lpxr, Chroma), and various reflective neutral density filters (Edmund Optics). Photoisomerization rates were derived from the stimulus spectrum (measured using an absolute‐irradiance-calibrated spectrometer [USB4000-UV-VIS-ES, Ocean Optics]), estimated rod (0.85 μm2) and cone (1μm2) collecting areas29; and spectral absorbances of mouse rod and cone pigments30. Rates were very similar among rods and cones [~104 photoisomerizations/s (R*/photoreceptor/s)], independent of their relative expression of S- and M-cone pigments31.
To probe ON and OFF responses, we used a bright bar on a dark background (bar width=1500 μm, inter-stimulus duration=5 sec) drifting perpendicular to the bars long axis in 8 randomized directions (45° interval, speed=300 μm/sec, 4 repetitions). To assess directional tuning, we used a sinusoidal grating spanning two spatial periods (spatial frequency=0.132 cycle/degree, Michelson contrast=0.95, stimulus duration=3.65 sec, inter-stimulus duration=5 sec at uniform mean grating luminance) drifted in 8 randomized directions (45° interval, drift speed=4.5 degree/sec, 4 repetitions). Grating and bar parameters were optimized for ON-DSGCs22. Frames of the stimulus movie appeared for 50 μs during the short 185 μs interval between successive sweeps of the imaging laser; thus, no stimulus was presented during the interval of laser scanning and associated imaging (300 μs /sweep). The very rapid flickering of the visual stimulus (>2000 Hz) was well above critical fusion frequency in mice32.
ROI selection and data analysis
Somatic Ca2+ responses were analyzed using FluoAnalyzer33 and custom Matlab scripts. In each imaged field, we manually defined many regions of interest (ROIs; >500 pixels each); each ROI consisted of one soma expressing enough GCaMP6f to support functional imaging. The space-averaged pixel intensity within such ROIs was the activity readout for the associated cell, a proxy for its spike rate34. Fluorescence responses are reported as normalized increases as follows:
(1) |
where F denotes the instantaneous fluorescence and F0 the mean fluorescence over a 1-second period immediately preceding stimulus onset.
The preferred direction (PD) of a cell was estimated as the angle of the vector sum following35:
(2) |
where r is the response amplitude to stimuli moving at direction ϕ (0, 45,…,315). The direction selectivity index (DSI) of cells which may range between 0 (no direction selectivity) and 1 (highest direction selectivity) was calculated as:
(3) |
The response amplitude r represented the average calcium response from the stimulus onset to 2 sec following the termination of the stimulus, to capture the OFF responses and to account for the slow decay time of the calcium response36.
Unsupervised clustering and the diversity of DSGCs
For decades, seven canonical subtypes of DSGCs have been recognized: 3 ON-DSGCs and 4 ON-OFF-DSGCs. Recently, however, several new DSGC types or subtypes have been identified or suggested, including previously unknown OFF-DS types and novel forms of ON- and ON-OFF DSGCs (Supplementary Discussion).
To assess how many subtypes might be differentiable in our sample based on calcium-response kinetics, we performed unsupervised clustering using Gaussian Mixture Models. From each cell’s response to bar motion in the optimal tested direction, we extracted two features. The first was a response-latency measure. We estimated when the leading edge of the stimulus would first arrive at the receptive-field (assuming a diameter of 300 μm and accounting for cell position within the imaged field), then measured the subsequent delay to the peak of the ON response. The second feature extracted was the slope of the decay during the first 300 msec following the ON peak. For clustering, we used the full covariance matrix, regularized by the addition of a constant (0.001) to guarantee that the estimated covariance matrix is positive. To avoid local minima, we repeated the algorithm using 50 different sets of initial values, with the accepted fit being that with the largest log likelihood. The optimal model (the model with the optimal number of clusters), was estimated based on the Bayesian information criterion:
(4) |
where L represents the maximum of the likelihood function of the model, k represents the number of clusters in the model (0-10 clusters), and n stands for the number of observations. The model with the lowest BIC was considered optimal, and any model with a BIC no higher than 6 than the optimal was considered an acceptable alternative37. Running the clustering routine on all DSGCs (n=2446) yielded an optimal model with six clusters, and a seven‐cluster model that was essentially as good. An alternative approach, the Akaike information criterion (AIC), yielded an optimal model with eight clusters and acceptable alternatives with three, four, and seven clusters. Altogether, this analysis provides evidence for 3 - 8 DSGC clusters, dependent on criteria selected. The relationship between these clusters and known or proposed DSGC subtypes is difficult to work out, though the canonical types are certainly among them, and the novel OFF-DGSCs are not (see Supplementary Discussion). In this report we therefore fall back on the classical and widely used binary division of DSGCs into ON-DSGC and ON-OFF-DSGCs classes. Of course, both classes population comprise multiple subtypes. Our findings indicate the presence of at least eight subtypes in total (ON vs. ON-OFF classes; four subtypes each, distinguishable by their topographically dependent direction preferences), in good agreement with the BIC and AIC analysis above. Because our analysis considered a limited set of potentially distinguishing parameters, it does not preclude further subdivision of DSGCs.
Inferring the form of the generic directional tuning curve for DSGCs
To generate the generic directional tuning function for DSGCs (Extended Data Fig. 9a), we expressed the directional preferences of 56 ON-DSGCs and 141 ON-OFF-DSGCs in terms of normalized spike output as a function of stimulus direction relative to the optimal (determined as described earlier). Each of these tuning curves was fit with a von Mises distribution38:
(5) |
where rmax is the peak amplitude, k is the width of the distribution, r is the calcium response amplitude to stimuli moving in angle ϕ (0°, 45°,…, 315°) away from the preferred direction. The bandwidths of ON-DSGC tuning curves, assessed as full width half maximum (FWHM), did not differ significantly from those of ON-OFF-DSGCs (Welch t-test for unequal variances, t = −1.65, d.f. = 86.2, p = 0.101 [two-tailed]; average±s.d., 131°±16° for ON DSGCs and 135°±13° for ON-OFF-DSGCs). Therefore, we estimated the directional tuning of DSGCs, regardless of class and subtype, by averaging the normalized tuning curves of all imaged DSGCs (Extended Data Fig. 9a). The bandwidth of this function (FWHM) was 135°±14°.
Registration of calcium imaging data
Initially, retinas were oriented relative to the line connecting nasal and temporal relieving cuts made through rectus muscle insertions. We made a post-hoc adjustment to this orientation by exploiting the stereotyped form across retinas of flow-tuning maps for ON‐OFF-DSGCs (four ‘hot’ bands, roughly 90° apart along the direction axis – abscissa; see Extended Data Fig. 5). We assumed that the slight variation in the exact position (direction) of these bands resulted from experimental error in orienting the retina, though we cannot exclude contributions from biological variability. To correct for this presumed rotatory error, we measured the displacement of each retina’s flow-tuning map from a reference map of the same form. The reference map was generated by averaging four flow tuning plots maps in which the hot bands were clear and appeared in similar positions (Extended Data Fig. 5e). For each retina (n = 26), the rotatory error was taken to be the phase offset of its flow-tuning plot from this standard, determined by convolving the two along a single dimension (direction; abscissa) at a resolution of 5°. The correction factor was the phase shift maximizing the total amount of energy (brightness) in the convolution matrix. Computationally correcting these rotatory errors registered all retinal datasets, allowing us to pool directional data across retinas. Such offsets had a median value of 2.5°± 11.5° (s.d.). We corrected for these when transforming retinotopic data to global extrapersonal coordinates.
Estimating the relative abundance of single subtypes in samples of DSGCs
For ON- and ON-OFF-DSGCs independently, we generated a model comprising four DS subtypes (Fig. 3e-h), each of which aligned its DS preferences everywhere with the optic flow produced by translation along a single, empirically determined best axis (Fig. 3b). Coordinates of these four best axes were derived from the four local maxima (hotspots) in flow-tuning plots. We asked what weighting of these subtypes could best reproduce the translatory-flow-tuning plot for all DSGCs (Fig. 3c,d). Formally, the best fitting flow-tuning map for modeled cells (Mf) was derived from the weighted sum of four (i=1,2,…,4) single-subtype maps Mi (Fig. 3e-h):
(6) |
where Ci denotes the weighting allocated to individual subtype maps. We used least-squares fitting (regress function in Matlab) and the multiple correlation coefficient (R2) for regression models without a constant term39 to assess the goodness of fit. Two-tailed 95% confidence intervals for R2 values were calculated using bootstrapping, resampling DS cells with replacement (Supplementary Note 6).
Transforming retinal coordinates into global egocentric coordinates
The retinocentric coordinate system we used was monocular, had its origin at the nodal point of the eye, and specified retinal or visual-field location by two coordinates: eccentricity and direction (Extended Data Fig. 5). Eccentricity was defined as the visual angle between the point of interest and the optic axis (the projection of optic disk). Eccentricity is 0° at the blind spot and 90° at the margin of the visual hemifield, corresponding to the retinal margin. Eccentricities of 90°- 180° correspond to spatial locations outside the visual hemifield. Direction refers to the direction of displacement of the point of interest from the optic axis, where nasal = 0°, dorsal = 90°, temporal = 180° and ventral = 270°.
For representations of global extrapersonal visual space, the origin was considered to lie at a point halfway between the two eyes (we neglected the small displacement of the eyes from the midline) (Extended Data Fig. 9). The horizontal plane (elevation=0°) was defined as the plane perpendicular to the gravitational axis that passes through the nodal points of the eyes. To translate retinocentric spatial locations to global ones, we assumed that the mouse’s head was in a typical ambulatory position40 which puts the lambda–bregma axis of the skull at an angle of 29° (bregma lower) relative to the anteroposterior axis. Locations in global extrapersonal space were defined by two coordinates: azimuth and elevation. Azimuth corresponds to the angle between a vector pointing straight ahead and a second vector defined by the intersection of two planes: the horizontal, and a vertical plane passing through the eye and the point of interest (azimuth = 0° at the vertical meridian of the visual field). At the horizon, azimuth = 90° lies directly to the right, ‐90° lies directly to the left, and 180° lies directly behind the animal. Iso‐elevation lines follow lines of latitude in the same global coordinate system, and range from 90° at the zenith, through 0° at the horizontal plane, to ‐90° at the nadir.
We transformed retinal or visual field locations from spherical retinocentric coordinates to global egocentric coordinates using two key additional values. The first was the orientation of the optic axis in the head of ambulating mice, drawn from Oommen and Stahl40, namely at global egocentric coordinates (as defined here) of 22° elevation and 64° azimuth. These values accounted for the tilt maculo-ocular reflex (tiltMOR), which tilts the eye upward in visual space when the nose tilts downward. The second value was the torsional orientation of the eyes measured from the positions of the insertions of the lateral and medial rectus muscles relative to the stereotaxic lambda-bregma axis. To obtain this value, mice (n = 5) were anesthetized as for survival surgery, mounted in a stereotaxic apparatus, the skull exposed, and the mouse’s head tilted about the interaural axis so that the lambda-bregma axis lay within a stereotaxic horizontal plane. Using a stereotaxically mounted fine probe as a depth guide, we used a cautery pen to make two small burn marks on the cornea, both within the same stereotaxic horizontal plane, but one at the rostral margin of the cornea, and the other at its caudal limit. The line connecting the two burn marks thus paralleled the lambda-bregma axis. We then measured the angle between this line and that connecting the insertions on the globe of the lateral and medial rectus muscles. This angle averaged 35.6±2.3° (average±s.d.), with the medial rectus insertion lying above the lateral one.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank Jonathan Demb and Wei Wei for kindly providing us with Trhr-GFP and Drd4-GFP mice. Countless colleagues provided invaluable theoretical, data-analytic and technical advice, including imaging, electronics and device synchronization, intracranial and intraocular injections, electrophysiological recordings, and statistical analysis. They included Jim McIlwain, Bart Borghuis, Geoff Williams, Chris Deister, Jakob Voigts, Chris Moore, David Sheinberg, Kevin Briggman, Michelle Fogerson, Maureen (Estevez) Stabio, Jordan Renna, Scott Cruikshank, Shane Crandall, Barry Connors, Shaobo Guan, Jerome Sanes, Wilson Trucculo, and Carlos Aizenman. Dianne Boghossian maintained the mouse colony and genotyped experimental mice. Kim Boghossian, Carin Papendorp, and Pu-Ning Chiang contributed to digital image analysis. John Murphy constructed microscope stages and retinal mounts. We thank Vivek Jayaraman, Douglas S. Kim, Loren L. Looger, and Karel Svoboda from the GENIE Project, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute for sharing their GCaMP6f calcium indicator. This project was supported by the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship of Canada for S.S., The Sidney A. Fox and Dorothea Doctors Fox Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences to S.S., NSF-RTG grant (DMS-1148284) to J.A.G., and NIH grant (R01 EY12793) and an Alcon Research Institute Award to D.M.B.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Author Contributions
D.M.B. and S.S. designed the study and developed the theoretical framework. S.S. performed all imaging, electrophysiological recordings, and intracellular dye-fills. S.S., A.B.L., G.M., G.C. and J.K.S performed intracranial and intraocular injections, immunostaining of retinas and brains, and calcium imaging data processing. J.A.G. developed the mathematical methods for interconverting locations on flattened retinas to hemispherical ones and to global extrapersonal space. N.J. performed the tomographic analysis of the vestibular system. S.S., D.M.B., J.A.G. and N.J. analyzed the data. D.M.B., S.S., J.A.G. and N.J. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Tomography of vestibular and ocular systems. See Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Table 2.
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