The authors wish to point out that some of the numbers presented in this commentary do not correspond exactly to those in the original manuscript. The final version of the original article excluded one sample, leading to minor changes to some of the statistics. Unfortunately, an earlier version of the original study was used to write this commentary.
The corrections are detailed below:
541 kidney-transplant recipients → 540 kidney-transplant recipients
3716 serum samples → 3715 serum samples
20.1% of patients had prolonged BKV viremia → 20.2% of patients had prolonged BKV viremia
7.21% of patients → 7.22% of patients
6.47% of patients → 6.48% of patients
EBV viremia was detected at least once in 20.1% of patients → EBV viremia was detected at least once in 20.2% of patients
6.83% of patients → 6.85% of patients
6.65% of patients → 6.67% of patients
In the reference section, “Wittenbrick” should say “Wittenbrink”
Where it says: “13.9 8.9 mL/min/1.73m2”, it should say “13.9 mL/min/1.73 m2”.
These small differences do not alter the conclusions of the commentary.