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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2018 Oct 8;115(43):10938–10942. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1810003115

Topological quantum computation based on chiral Majorana fermions

Biao Lian a,b,1, Xiao-Qi Sun b,c,1, Abolhassan Vaezi b,c, Xiao-Liang Qi b,c,d, Shou-Cheng Zhang b,c,2
PMCID: PMC6205432  PMID: 30297431


We propose a platform of quantum computation using the chiral Majorana fermions on the edges of topological materials. The quantum gates are naturally accomplished by the propagation of chiral Majorana fermions. If realized, its computation speed can be 103 faster than the currently existing quantum computation schemes.

Keywords: quantum computing, topological, Majorana


The chiral Majorana fermion is a massless self-conjugate fermion which can arise as the edge state of certain 2D topological matters. It has been theoretically predicted and experimentally observed in a hybrid device of a quantum anomalous Hall insulator and a conventional superconductor. Its closely related cousin, the Majorana zero mode in the bulk of the corresponding topological matter, is known to be applicable in topological quantum computations. Here we show that the propagation of chiral Majorana fermions leads to the same unitary transformation as that in the braiding of Majorana zero modes and propose a platform to perform quantum computation with chiral Majorana fermions. A Corbino ring junction of the hybrid device can use quantum coherent chiral Majorana fermions to implement the Hadamard gate and the phase gate, and the junction conductance yields a natural readout for the qubit state.

The chiral Majorana fermion, also known as the Majorana–Weyl fermion, is a massless fermionic particle being its own antiparticle proposed long ago in theoretical physics. The simplest chiral Majorana fermion is predicted in 1D space, where it propagates unidirectionally. In condensed-matter physics, 1D chiral Majorana fermions can be realized as quasiparticle edge states of a 2D topological state of matter (1). A celebrated example is the p+ip chiral topological superconductor (TSC), which carries a Bogoliubov–de Gennes (BdG) Chern number N=1 and can be realized from a quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI) with Chern number C=1 in proximity with an s-wave superconductor (25). A QAHI–TSC–QAHI junction implemented this way is predicted to exhibit a half-quantized conductance plateau induced by chiral Majorana fermions (3, 4), which has been recently observed in the Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3 thin-film QAHI system in proximity with the Nb superconductor (6). The chiral Majorana fermion could also arise in the Moore–Read state of the fractional quantum Hall effect (7) and topologically ordered states of spin systems (8).

A closely related concept, Majorana zero modes (MZMs), which emerge in the bulk vortices of a p+ip TSC (9) or at the endpoints of a 1D p-wave TSC (10, 11), are known to obey non-Abelian braiding statistics and can be used in fault-tolerant topological quantum computations (1217). Despite the theoretical progress made during the past decade on using MZMs in universal quantum computation (1417), due to the localized and point-like nature of MZMs, all existing proposed architectures inevitably require nanoscale design and control of the coupling among MZMs. As an essential step toward topological quantum computing, the braiding of MZMs has not yet been experimentally demonstrated.

In this paper, we propose a platform to implement topologically protected quantum gates at mesoscopic scales, which uses propagation of chiral Majorana fermions with purely electrical manipulations instead of MZMs.

Chiral Majorana Fermion Qubits

The main goal of our proposal is to show that the chiral Majorana fermion edge state of the TSC can be used to realize non-Abelian quantum gate operations on electron states, even if there is no non-Abelian anyon traveling along the edge. Since our proposal is closely related to the braiding of MZMs in vortices of the p+ip TSC, we begin by reviewing this process, as illustrated in Fig. 1A. Each vortex supports a single MZM γi, and thus two vortices together define two quantum states of a fermion degree of freedom. The MZM operators satisfy the anticommutation relation {γi,γj}=δij. If we define f12=12γ1+iγ2 as a complex fermion number, the two states are labeled by f12f12=0,1, which corresponds to iγ1γ2=1,+1, respectively. When two vortices are exchanged, the corresponding MZMs also are exchanged. In the process in Fig. 1A, we have γ2γ3,γ3γ2. The relative minus sign is necessary to preserve the fermion number parity iγ2γ3 of this pair. As a consequence, the eigenstates of iγ1γ2 and iγ3γ4 evolve to eigenstates of iγ1γ3 and iγ2γ4, which are entangled states when written in the original basis of iγ1γ2 and iγ3γ4. For example, the state 112034 evolves into 12012134+112034. Since the vortices have long-range interaction, the Abelian phase during the braiding may not be well defined, but the non-Abelian unitary operation is robust (12). From the reasoning presented above, one can see that the non-Abelian gate during MZM braiding is a direct consequence of exchanging MZMs γ2,γ3. The resulting gate must be non-Abelian because iγ1γ2 anticommutes with iγ1γ3. Therefore, the same non-Abelian gate can be realized by another physical process that exchanges Majorana fermions, even if no braiding of the non-Abelian anyon is involved. In the following, we show how to obtain a realization of the same gate by making use of chiral Majorana fermion edge states of the TSC and complex chiral fermion edge states of the QAHI.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

(A) The braiding of vortices in the p+ip TSC. Each pair of vortices supports two states of a single fermion, and the braiding leads to a non-Abelian operation and maps a product state of vortices 12 and 34 into an entangled state, as a consequence of exchanging MZMs γ2,γ3. (B) Our proposed device of QAHI–TSC–QAHI junction. The same partner switch as in A occurs between incoming electrons from leads A and B and outgoing electrons in leads C and D. (C) Such an exchange leads to a non-Abelian gate that is equivalent to a Hadamard gate H followed by a Pauli-Z gate Z.

The device we propose to study is a 2D QAHI–TSC–QAHI junction predicted in refs. 3 and 4. As shown in Fig. 1B, the junction consists of two QAHIs (1820) of Chern number C=1 and a chiral TSC of BdG Chern number N=1. The conductance σ12 is measured between metallic leads 1 and 2 by driving a current I, where no current flows through lead 3 which grounds the TSC. Each edge between the chiral TSC and the vacuum or a QAHI hosts a chiral Majorana fermion edge mode governed by a Hamiltonian HM(x)=ivFγ(x)xγ(x), where γ(x) is the Majorana operator satisfying γ(x)=γ(x) and the anticommutation relation {γ(x),γ(x)}=δ(xx)/2, vF is the Fermi velocity, and x is the coordinate of the 1D edge. In contrast, each edge between a QAHI and the vacuum hosts a charged chiral fermion (electron) edge mode with a Hamiltonian HF(x)=ivFψ(x)xψ(x), where ψ(x) and ψ(x) are the annihilation and creation operators of the edge fermion, and we have assumed chemical potential μ=0 for the moment. By defining two Majorana operators γ1=(ψ+ψ)/2 and γ2=(ψψ)/2i [hereafter γi=γi(x) is short for chiral Majorana fermion], one can rewrite HF(x) as HF(x)=ivF(γ1xγ1+γ2xγ2), which implies a charged chiral fermion mode is equivalent to two chiral Majorana fermion modes. As a result, the edge states of the junction consist of four chiral Majorana fermion modes γi (1i4) as shown in Fig. 1B, which are related to the charged chiral fermion modes on the QAHI edges as ψA=γ1+iγ2, ψB=γ4+iγ3, ψC=γ1iγ3, and ψD=γ4+iγ2 (3).

Our key observation is that the same kind of partner switch of Majorana fermions as that of the vortex braiding occurs in this device between incoming and outgoing electrons. An incoming electron from lead A becomes a nonlocal fermion simultaneously on the two edges of the TSC described by γ1 and γ2. If we measure the number of outgoing electrons in leads C and D, we find that the outgoing states in the two leads are entangled, because the number operators in these leads do not commute with those of incoming electrons.

To be more specific and to make a connection with quantum computation, consider the low-current limit I0 where electrons are injected from lead 1 one by one, each of which occupies a traveling-wave packet state of ψA. The occupation number 0 or 1 of such a fermion wave packet state then defines a qubit A with basis 0A and 1A. Similarly, we can define the qubits B, C, and D for ψB, ψC, and ψD, respectively. At each moment of time, the real and imaginary parts of the fermionic annihilation operator of each wave packet state define two self-conjugate Majorana operators localized at the wave packet. When the wave packets move out the superconducting region, they merge with a different partner and form states of the outgoing qubits. In the evolution of the incident electrons, qubits A and B span the Hilbert space of the initial state ψi, while qubits C and D form the Hilbert space of the final state ψf. In the same way as the MZM braiding case, the exchange of γ2 with γ3 then leads to a unitary evolution

0C0D0C1D1C0D1C1D=1210010110011010010A0B0A1B1A0B1A1B. [1]

This transformation should be viewed as an S matrix between incoming and outgoing electron states. Note that the fermion parity is conserved in the unitary evolution. If we define a new qubit (0,1) in the odd fermion parity subspace as (0A1B,1A0B) initially and (0C1D,1C0D) at the final time, the above unitary evolution is exactly a topologically protected Hadamard gate H followed by a Pauli-Z gate Z as shown in Fig. 1C; namely, ψf=ZHψi, where

H=121111,Z=1001. [2]

The same conclusion holds for the even fermion parity subspace. Therefore, the two qubits A and B (C and D) behave effectively as a single qubit, and we can regard qubit A (C) as the data qubit, while qubit B (D) is a correlated ancilla qubit.

For an electron incident from lead 1 represented by initial state ψi=1A0B, the junction turns it into a final state ψf=(0C1D+1C0D)/2. This implies (SI Appendix) that the entanglement entropy between left and right halves of the junction divided by the dashed line in Fig. 2A increases by log2. Indeed, this is verified by our numerical calculation in a lattice model of the junction (Fig. 2A), where the entanglement entropy SE increases with time t as shown in Fig. 2B, after an electron is injected from lead 1 above the Fermi sea. More details of this calculation are provided in SI Appendix. Since ψC and ψD propagate into leads 1 and 2, respectively, the electron has r=1/2 probability to return to lead 1 and t=1/2 probability to tunnel into lead 2. This yields (3) a half-quantized two-terminal conductance σ12=te2/h=e2/2h. Since lead 1 (lead 2) connects ψA (ψB) with ψC (ψD) (Fig. 1B), we are in fact identifying the charge basis of final qubit C (D) with that of initial qubit A (B). Accordingly, the conductance σ12 provides a natural measurement of the overlap probability between ψi and ψf under this common basis; namely, σ12=(1|ψf|ψi|2)e2/h.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

(A) The setup for numerical computation of entanglement entropy. We use a lattice model of QAHI–TSC–QAHI junction, add an initial edge wave packet on a QAHI edge, and then examine the time evolution of the state and the entanglement entropy between the left and the right part of the lattice separated by the dashed line. (B) Evolution of entanglement entropy SE between left and right halves of the junction (divided by dashed line in A) with time t (arbitrary unit) after an electron above the Fermi sea is injected from lead 1, where SE0 is the entanglement entropy of the Fermi sea.

As we have discussed, the above process is topologically equivalent to fusion and braiding of four vortex operators in the TSC bulk (SI Appendix) (21, 22). More concretely, when the electron of an incident state 1A0B reaches the boundary of the TSC, one can imagine an operation of dragging the electron (fermion) into the Hilbert space of two nearby vortices σ1 and σ2 in the TSC bulk, after which σ1 and σ2 are in the fermionic fusion channel. Meanwhile, one can create two more vortices σ3 and σ4 in the bulk of the TSC in the vacuum fusion channel. Next, one can braid the vortices, fuse σ1 with σ3, and fuse σ2 with σ4. Finally, one can drag the state in the Hilbert space of σ1 and σ3 onto the QAH edge of ψC and that of σ2 and σ4 onto the QAH edge of ψD. During such a vortex braiding and fusing process, there is no Majorana fermion propagating on the TSC edge. However, the initial state and the final state in this case are the same as the above process of chiral Majorana fermion propagation (SI Appendix), so the two processes are topologically equivalent.

A Testable Quantum Gate

The conductance σ12 of the above junction, however, cannot confirm whether chiral Majorana fermions γi are coherent or not during the propagation and thus whether the process is a coherent quantum gate. For instance, if a random phase factor is introduced in the propagation of ψC and ψD, a pure initial state ψi=1A0B will evolve into a mixed final state with a density matrix ρf=(0C1D0C1D+1C0D1C0D)/2, while the conductance remains σ12=[1tr(ρfψiψi)]e2/h=e2/2h.

To confirm whether the system as a quantum gate is coherent, we propose to implement a Corbino geometry QAHI–TSC–QAHI–TSC junction as shown in Fig. 3A and measure the conductance σ12 between lead 1 and lead 2. The junction can be realized by attaching a fan-shaped s-wave superconductor on top of a C=1 QAHI Corbino ring, with a proper out-of-plane magnetic field driving the two regions II and IV into the N=1 TSC phase (4, 6). A voltage gate VG is added on the bottom edge of QAHI region III covering a length lG of the edge. Lead 3 grounds the superconductor and has no current passing through. At zero gate voltage, the edge states of the Corbino junction are four chiral Majorana edge states γi (1i4) as shown in Fig. 3A.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Quantum interference in the QAHI–TSC–QAHI–TSC Corbino junction. (A) The Corbino junction consists of a Corbino QAHI ring with a fan-shaped s-wave superconductor on top of it which drives regions II and IV into the TSC, and a voltage gate VG is added at the bottom edge. (B) Such a junction is equivalent to a series of single-qubit quantum gates ZHRϕGZH, where RϕG is a phase gate controlled by VG. (C and D) The MZM braiding process that gives the same gates as the Corbino device with ϕG=0 and ϕG=π/2, respectively.

The gate voltage VG on the bottom edge of region III behaves as a chemical potential term HG=eVGψDψD for ψD=γ4+iγ2 in a length lG. In the language of quantum computation, this induces a phase gate

RϕG=eiϕG001 [3]

acting on the corresponding qubit D, where the phase shift ϕG=eVGlG/vF is tunable via VG. Accordingly, the fermion operator ψD undergoes a unitary evolution ψDeiϕGψD. In particular, when ϕG=π/2, this is equivalent to an exchange of Majorana modes γ2 and γ4; namely, γ4γ2, and γ2γ4.

If we regard the charged chiral edge modes of QAHI region I (ψA and ψC) as the data qubit and those of QAHI region III (ψB and ψD) as the ancilla qubit, the junction can be viewed as a series of quantum gates as shown in Fig. 3B, with a total unitary evolution ψf=ZHRϕGZHψi. Fig. 3 C and D shows the MZM braiding process that results in the same non-Abelian gate as the ϕG=0 case and the π/2 case, respectively. For an electron incident from lead 1 represented by the initial state ψi=1A0B, the finial state is

ψf=eiϕG/2cosϕG20A1B+isinϕG21A0B. [4]

Therefore, the two-terminal conductance of this Corbino junction is

σ12=(1|ψf|ψi|2)e2h=1+cosϕG2e2h, [5]

which oscillates as a function of VG with a peak-to-valley amplitude e2/h. In contrast, if the system loses coherence completely, the final state will be the maximally mixed state described by density matrix ρf=(0A1B0A1B+1A0B1A0B)/2, and the conductance will constantly be σ12=e2/2h. Therefore, the oscillation amplitude of σ12 measures the coherence of the chiral Majorana fermions in the junction.

So far we have assumed chemical potential μ=0 on all QAHI edges except the interval covered by voltage gate. In general, μ is nonzero and is nonuniform along the QAHI edges when there are disorders. Such a nonzero landscape of μ contributes an additional phase gate, which leads to a phase shift ϕGϕG+ϕ0, with ϕ0 being a fixed phase (SI Appendix). Experimentally, the gate voltage VG and thus ϕG can be well controlled by current techniques at a high precision level (23).


There are mainly two effects contributing to the decoherence of chiral Majorana fermions. The first one is the nonmonochromaticity of the incident electron wave packet, which is characterized by a momentum uncertainty Δp2π/lW for a wave packet of width lW. In general, the (effective) path lengths of the four chiral Majorana modes γi(1i4) in Fig. 3A may differ by a length scale ΔL, and the σ12 oscillation is sharp only if ΔpΔL<2π. As a demonstration, we numerically examine the time evolution of an electron wave packet from lead 1 within an energy window vF[Δp/2,Δp/2] on a lattice model of the Corbino junction and calculate σ12 (SI Appendix). Fig. 4A shows σ12 as a function of VG/Eg for ΔpΔL/0 and 18, respectively, where Eg is the QAHI bulk gap. The modulation of the σ12 amplitude by VG is due to the effective change of ΔL as a result of the change in vF on the edge covered by voltage gate VG. Fig. 4B shows the peak-to-valley amplitude y=Δσ12/(e2/h) as a function of η=ΔpΔL/, where we find the amplitude roughly decays as y=|sin(η/2)/(η/2)|. In the experiments, the temperature T yields a momentum uncertainty ΔpkBT/vF, where kB is the Boltzmann constant. For the Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3 thin-film QAHI with superconducting proximity studied in ref. 6, the Fermi velocity is of order vF3 eVÅ (24), and the temperature T reaches as low as 20 mK. This requires a path-length difference ΔL100μm or smaller, which is experimentally feasible (6, 25).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Numerically calculated σ12 oscillation for the Corbino junction. (A) σ12 calculated for ΔpΔL/0 and 18 as a function of VG, respectively. (B) The peak-to-valley amplitude y of σ12 in units of e2/h with respect to η=ΔpΔL/, which is roughly given by y=sin|η/2|/|η/2|.

The second effect causing decoherence is the inelastic scattering. The inelastic scattering of charged chiral fermions ψi mainly originates from the electron–phonon coupling, which yields an inelastic scattering length linTp/2 at temperature T (2628). For integer quantum Hall systems, lin exceeds 102μm at T20 mK (29), while lin is expected to be smaller for QAHI (20). In contrast, since the electron–phonon coupling is odd under charge conjugation, the neutral chiral Majorana fermions γi are immune to phonon coupling. Instead, their lowest-order local interaction is of the form γixγix2γix3γi (30), which is highly irrelevant. Therefore, lin of γi in TSCs should be much longer than that of ψi in QAHIs. If the σ12 interference is to be observed, the sizes of the QAHI and TSC regions in the junction have to be within their inelastic scattering lengths lin, respectively.


In summary, we have introduced the appealing possibility of performing topological quantum computations via propagations of 1D chiral Majorana fermion wave packets, which are physically equivalent to the braiding of MZMs. The Corbino junction above gives a minimal demonstration of single-qubit quantum-gate operations with chiral Majorana fermions, and the conductance of the junction provides a natural readout for the final qubit states. Most importantly, this circumvents two main experimental difficulties in quantum computations with MZMs: the braiding operation of MZMs and the readout of the qubit states. The high velocity of chiral Majorana edge modes also makes the quantum gates 103 times faster than those of other quantum computation schemes (31, 32). Furthermore, the development of a single-electron source (33) makes the injection and detection of a single-electron wave packet qubit on edges possible. Yet in the current stage we still face difficulties which are also encountered by the MZM quantum computation scheme: the error correction of the phase gate RϕG (34, 35) and nondemolitional four-Majorana implementation of the controlled not gate (14, 35, 36). If one could overcome these difficulties, one may in principle achieve universal quantum computation using chiral Majorana fermion devices, which would have a high computation speed. Finally, we remark that the conductance oscillation in the Corbino junction, if observed, will also unambiguously prove the existence of quantum coherent chiral Majorana fermions in the experiment (6, 22, 30, 3739).

Supplementary Material

Supplementary File


B.L. acknowledges the support of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science at Princeton University. X.-Q.S. and S.-C.Z. acknowledge support from the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. A.V. acknowledges the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Initiative through Grant GBMF4302. X.-L.Q. acknowledges support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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