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. 2019 Jun 4;14(6):e0217852. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217852

Split4Blank: Maintaining consistency while improving efficiency of loading RDF data with blank nodes

Atsuko Yamaguchi 1,*, Yasunori Yamamoto 1
Editor: Frederique Lisacek2
PMCID: PMC6548388  PMID: 31163073


In life sciences, accompanied by the rapid growth of sequencing technology and the advancement of research, vast amounts of data are being generated. It is known that as the size of Resource Description Framework (RDF) datasets increases, the more efficient loading to triple stores is crucial. For example, UniProt’s RDF version contains 44 billion triples as of December 2018. PubChem also has an RDF dataset with 137 billion triples. As data sizes become extremely large, loading them to a triple store consumes time. To improve the efficiency of this task, parallel loading has been recommended for several stores. However, with parallel loading, dataset consistency must be considered if the dataset contains blank nodes. By definition, blank nodes do not have global identifiers; thus, pairs of identical blank nodes in the original dataset are recognized as different if they reside in separate files after the dataset is split for parallel loading. To address this issue, we propose the Split4Blank tool, which splits a dataset into multiple files under the condition that identical blank nodes are not separated. The proposed tool uses connected component and multiprocessor scheduling algorithms and satisfies the above condition. Furthermore, to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we applied Split4Blank to two life sciences RDF datasets. In addition, we generated synthetic RDF datasets to evaluate scalability based on the properties of various graphs, such as a scale-free and random graph.


Recently, partly due to the rapid advancement of experimental equipment and data analysis environments, such as high-throughput sequencers, functional magnetic resonance imaging [1], and high performance computing clusters [2, 3], data driven approaches, i.e., data-intensive science, have become increasingly popular in life sciences. In such research studies, diverse types of data are produced, e.g., genome sequences and images. To understand functions in biological phenomena, we must interpret various types of large amounts of data in an integrated manner. Several public institutions, such as National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) [4], the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) [5], and DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) [6] store such data in publicly available databases. However, such databases typically have unique formats and access methods. Therefore, researchers must understand these formats and access methods to obtain target data. In this situation, adopting the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [7] to represent these datasets has attracted the attention of database developers and users [8, 9]. The specification of RDF has become a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation. In the specification, Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) is used for globally identifiable naming schema for target objects, such as genes and proteins. In addition, the specification recommends an explicit representation of the properties of such target objects. Therefore, researchers can easily combine different datasets and focus on analyzing datasets for their research purposes.

RDF datasets are generally stored in triple stores. Life science-related RDF datasets tend to be extremely large and the number of such sets is increasing; therefore, it is important to obtain an efficient method to load such datasets to a triple store. For example, UniProt [10] has approximately 44 billion triples and is updated monthly. In addition, PubChemRDF V1.6.1 beta [11] has more than 137 billion triples, and the RDF platform of EBI contains almost 4 billion triples. Triple stores that are capable of parallel loadings, such as Virtuoso [12] and Stardog [13], are preferable for efficient data loading.

Although we can load split files of an RDF dataset into a triple store in parallel, a significant issue arises when a dataset that includes blank nodes is separated. By definition, blank nodes do not have global identifiers, and pairs of identical blank nodes in the original file are recognized as different if they reside in separate files after the file has been split for parallel loading. Thus, we require a method to split a file into multiple files without losing the consistency of blank nodes. However, this task is nontrivial if there are triples whose subject and object are both blank nodes. For example, the RDF platform of EBI had 3157280 such triples as of December 2018. Similarly, NBDC NikkajiRDF [14] has 25857876 such triples and Allie [15] has 5541602 such triples. In addition, to increase load speed, the split files should be approximately the same size. Some implementations handle the problem of blank nodes by assigning special internal identifiers to blank nodes [16] or by using custom software that allows users to assign their own identifiers [17]. However, there is no general solution for splitting an RDF file for parallel loading to a triple store.

To address this issue, we propose a Split4Blank tool. This tool uses connected component and multiprocessor scheduling algorithm to satisfy the condition that identical blank nodes are not separated. Thus, Split4Blank makes the largest split file as small as possible and the processing time as short as possible. Furthermore, to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we applied Split4Blank to two life sciences RDF datasets. In addition, we generated synthetic RDF graphs to evaluate scalability for two types of scale-free graphs and random graphs. Split4Blank is available for download at

Materials and methods


We start with the formal definition for an RDF graph as follows: An RDF triple (s, p, o) is an element of (IB) × I × (IBL) where I, L and B are a set of IRIs, a set of literals and a set of blank nodes, which are considered pairwise disjoint. In this paper, an RDF triple is simply called a triple. For a triple (s, p, o), s is called the subject, p the predicate and o the object. An RDF graph is defined as a finite set of triples.

An RDF dataset is a finite set of {G} ∪ {(irii, Gi)∣iriiI, Gi is an RDF graph} where G is an RDF graph called a default graph. A pair (irii, Gi) is called a named graph. To manage triples in an RDF dataset, a triple store which stores an RDF dataset as a mutable container is generally used. To load an RDF graph into a system of a triple store, a file representing the RDF graph in a textual format such as RDF/XML [18], Turtle [19] and N-Triples [20] is loaded with IRI as the name of the RDF graph for a named graph. However, some systems of triple stores support parallel loading for an RDF graphs with a large number of triples. Thus, the RDF graph can be loaded efficiently by splitting a set of triples of an RDF graph into smaller sets of triples, and using parallel loading.

A blank node, an element in B, represents indicating the existence of a thing that does not have an IRI. If an RDF graph is represented within a file, the same blank nodes appearing in different triples can be identified using the labels of blank nodes. For example, in Turtle, blank nodes can be expressed as _: followed by a blank node label as an identifier locally scoped to the RDF graph. If the labels of blank nodes are same in a file, the nodes are regarded as the identical nodes. However, due to the fact that a blank node does not have a global identifier such as IRI, as written in [2123], the presence of blank nodes in an RDF graph may cause problems especially for distributed processing. Similarly, due to the fact that a triple store cannot generally determine whether blank nodes with the same labels in different files come from the same RDF graph, parallel loading of an RDF graph including blank nodes may cause also a problem. According to the study in [24], if blank nodes with the same labels come from the different RDF graph, the blank nodes may have to be treated as different nodes.

To avoid the problem of splitting a file of an RDF graph for parallel loading, blank nodes with the same labels should not be divided. To split a large file into smaller files such that identical blank nodes are not included in different files, we formally define the RDF split problem with blank nodes as follows. For an RDF graph G with n triples and a positive integer m representing the number of files, we find m disjoint sets D1, …, Dm of triples in G with minimum maxi|Di| such that any blank node bDi does not appear in Dj(ij) and any triple tG appears in Di for some i.

Proposed method

Our proposed method for the RDF split problem primarily comprises two procedures, SPLIT and COMBINE procedures. The SPLIT procedure splits the triples of an input RDF graph G into sets of triples that are as small as possible such that the identical blank nodes are not separated into different sets. The COMBINE procedure combines small sets of triples into m sets D1, …, Dm such that maxi |Di| is small.

Algorithms 1 and 2 show the SPLIT and COMBINE procedures, respectively. For an input set T of triples, SPLIT first separates T into three sets Tb1, Tb2, and T0, where Tb2 includes triples whose subject and object are blank nodes, Tb1 includes triples whose subject or object are blank nodes not included in Tb2, and T0 includes triples whose subject and object are not blank nodes. By computing connected components V1, …, Vk for a graph constructed by Tb2, the triples of Tb2 are split into T1, …, Tn. Then, each triple t in Tb1 is added to Ti, which shares the same blank node with t. For each triple t1, …, tm in T0, a singleton for ti is then created as Tk+i ≔ {ti}.

Algorithm 1: SPLIT Procedure

Input: a set T of triples.

Output: sets T1, …, Tn of triples such that the same blank nodes are not separated into different sets.

Step 0 Tb1 ≔ ∅, Tb2 ≔ ∅, T0 ≔ ∅.

Step 1: For each triple t = (s, p, o) in T,

   if s and o are both blank nodes, Tb2Tb2 ∪ {t},

   elseif neither s nor o is a blank node, T0T0 ∪ {t},

   otherwise Tb1Tb1 ∪ {t}.

Step 2: Construct a graph G = (V, E) with V ≔ {s|(s, p, o) ∈ Tb2} ∪ {o|(s, p, o) ∈ Tb2} and E ≔ {(s, o)|(s, p, o) ∈ Tb2}. Compute the connected components V1, …, Vk of G.

Step 3: For each triple t = (s, p, o) in Tb2, add the triple to Ti such that s and o are in Vi.

Step 4: For each triple t = (s, p, o) in Tb1, if s or o is in Vi for some i(1 ≤ ik), TiTi ∪ {t}, else Tk+1 ≔ {t}, Vk+1 ≔ {s|s is a blank node} ∪ {o|o is a blank node}, and kk + 1.

Step 5: For each triple t = (s, p, o) in T0, Tk+1 ≔ {t}, Vk+1 ≔ ∅, and kk + 1.

Step 6: Output T1, …, Tk.

We can easily prove that the sets T1, …, Tn of triples obtained by SPLIT satisfy the following propositions.

Proposition 1 A blank node b that appears in both Ti and Tj(ij) does not exist.

Proof For each blank node b, since V is split into connected components, if b is in V of Step 2, then all nodes from the triples in Tb2 that include b as the subject or object would belong to the same connected component. Here the connected component is denoted by Vi. Then, all triples in Tb2 that include b are in Ti. In addition, for each triple t in Tb1 including b, since one subject or object is b and the other is not a blank node, each triple would belong to Ti. Therefore, for any blank node b, all triples including b belong to the same set Ti.

Proposition 2 For any division of Ti into Ti1 and Ti2 with Ti1 ≠ ∅ and Ti2 ≠ ∅, there is a blank node that appears in both Ti1 and Ti2.

Proof Ti created at Step 5 is trivial because Ti is a singleton.

Ti newly created at Step4 is also trivial because all triples in Ti include the same blank node.

For Ti based on a connected component Vi at Step 3, assume there is a division of Ti into Ti1 and Ti2 with Ti1 ≠ ∅ and Ti2 ≠ ∅ such that a blank node that appears in both Ti1 and Ti2 does not exist. First, we consider the case where Ti1 or Ti2 is a subset of Tb1. To simplify the proof, we assume that Ti1 is a subset of Tb1. Then, for each triple in Ti1 including a blank node b, there should be a triple including b in Tb2 because Ti is created at Step3. Therefore, a triple including b should exist in Ti2, which is a contradiction.

If Ti1 or Ti2 is not a subset of Tb1, we consider two nonempty subsets Ti1=Ti1Tb2 and Ti2=Ti2Tb2. Here, we assume there is no blank node appearing in both Ti1 and Ti2. We consider two blank nodes b1 and b2 with b1Ti1 and b2Ti2. From this assumption, b1 ≠ b2. Ti1Ti2 is a connected component wherein all nodes are blank nodes; thus, there should be a path between b1 and b2. Since b1Ti1 and b2Ti2, there should be a triple t = (s, p, o) such that s belongs to either Ti1 or Ti2 and o belongs to the other. Then, if Ti1 includes t, either s or o should belong to only Ti2, which is a contradiction. Similarly, if Ti2 includes t, this can easily lead to a contradiction.

By Proposition 1, we see that identical blank nodes belong to the same set of triples. In addition, by Proposition 2, each Ti is the smallest set satisfying the condition that the identical blank nodes belong to the same set of triples.

Here, we describe the COMBINE procedure to make m files with as even sizes as possible using {T1, …, Tn}. The COMBINE procedure is based on an approximation algorithm for minimum multiprocessor scheduling because the problem of combining sets of triples into m sets with as even size as possible can be considered a problem of assigning jobs to m independent processors with minimum makespan by considering the size of a set as the processing time of a job. The minimum multiprocessor scheduling problem is a well-studied NP-hard optimization problem [2527]. To reduce processing time, we employ the longest processing time algorithm [25] which is very simple and fast but it has been shown that the ratio of an obtained makespan to the minimum makespan is less than 4/3 − 1/(3m), which is sufficiently close to 1.

Algorithm 2 COMBINE Procedure

Input: Sets T1, …, Tn of triples, and a positive integer m(≤ n)

Output: m sets {S1, …, Sm} of triples such that, for each Ti, there exists j(< m) such that TiSj.

Step0 For each i(0 ≤ im), Si ≔ ∅.

Step1 Sort T1, …, Tn into T1,,Tn in decreasing order.

Step2 For j from 1 to n,

   select k such that |Sk| is the smallest among |Si|(0 ≤ im), and SkSkTj.

Step3 Output {S1, …, Sm}.

The SPLIT procedure runs in O(|T|) time because each step requires O(|T|) time, while the COMBINE procedure runs in O(n log n) because sorting n items requires O(n log n) time and placing n items requires O(n) time. Here, n ≤ |T|; thus, Split4Blank runs in O(|T|log|T|) time in the worst case. However, for example, by processing triples in T0 separately from other triples, the computation time of Split4Blank can be reduced.

Implementation and availability

Based on the algorithm described above, we developed the Split4Blank tool with Java 1.8. The source code of the tool is available at under the MIT license. To run the tool, Java 1.8 or later is required. The executable Java ARchive (JAR) file of Split4Blank is available at Zenodo [28] with DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2652608. To execute the tool, Java 1.8 or later is required. The file format of an RDF graph should be N-Triples.

The usage is:

% java -jar -Xmx16g -Xms16g Split4Blank.jar [targetfile] [numberOfFiles]

For example,

% java -jar -Xmx16g -Xms16g Split4Blank.jar example.nt 10


From the theoretical analysis in the previous section, we obtained hypotheses that (1) the run time of Split4Blank does not depend on the number of files, (2) the run time of Split4Blank depends on the number of files but is less than O(|T|log|T|), where T is the set of the triples in the original RDF graph, and (3) The RDF graph loaded using an original file and the RDF graph loaded in parallel using files split by Split4Blank are isomorphic. To demonstrate them, we conducted two types of experiments. We first applied Split4Blank to real life sciences RDF datasets. In addition, we applied Split4Blank to synthetic RDF graphs to obtain the result for various sizes of RDF graphs.

For the first type of experiment, we selected Allie [15] and NikkajiRDF [14] as real RDF datasets because they include many triples whose subject and object are both blank nodes. The features of the two datasets related to our experiment are shown in Table 1. # triples, # triples(b), and # triples(b2) represent the number of triples, the number of triples with blank nodes, and the number of triples whose subject and object are blank nodes, respectively. # nodes is the number of distinct resources in the dataset, and # blank nodes is the number of distinct blank nodes in the dataset. Allie and Nikkaji datasets used for experiment are available at and, respectively. For experiments, we used a default graph of each dataset.

Table 1. Features of Allie and NikkajiRDF datasets.

Dataset # triples # triples(b) triples(b2) # nodes # blank nodes
Allie 143435311 102898132 5344135 28159813 12660238
NikkajiRDF 90445172 45276720 10441166 48299880 9549560

We split a file of each RDF graph into k files where 2 ≤ k ≤ 10, k = 100 and 1000 using our tool and measured the computation time for each k. For each k, we measured the computation time 12 times, removed the minimum and maximum computation times, and took the average of ten measurements. Figs 1 and 2 show the run times for splitting triples in the Allie or NikkajiRDF datasets into k (2 ≤ k ≤ 10) sets of triples. Here, the x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number k of files produced by split and the run time, respectively. As can be seen, run time does not depend on the number of files. Figs 3 and 4 show the run times for splitting triples in the Allie or NikkajiRDF datasets into k (k = 2, 10, 100, and 1000) sets of triples. From the two charts, even when the number of files is 1000, the average of run time is almost the same as that when the number of files is two and we can see that the results were concordant with our hypothesis (1).

Fig 1. Computation time to split the Allie dataset.

Fig 1

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of files from two to ten and the average of running time [ms], respectively.

Fig 2. Computation time to split the Nikkaji dataset.

Fig 2

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of files from two to ten and the average of running time [ms], respectively.

Fig 3. Computation time to split the Allie dataset.

Fig 3

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of files (2, 10, 100, and 1000) and the average of running time [ms], respectively.

Fig 4. Computation time to split the Nikkaji dataset.

Fig 4

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of files (2, 10, 100, and 1000) and the average of running time [ms], respectively.

To demonstrate our hypothesis (2), we created synthetic RDF datasets of various sizes in three ways and measured the computation time required to split the datasets into two files. To create the synthetic datasets, we generated graphs of various sizes and converted them into RDF datasets by adding URIs to their nodes and edges. We employed three models to generate graphs, i.e., a random graph with n nodes and edge probability p = 0.0005, the Watts–Strogatz model with n nodes, initial degree d = 2, and rewriting probability p = 0.5, and the Barabasi–Albert model with n0 = 2 initial nodes, n additional nodes, and an additional edge parameter e = 30. We generated graphs using these models where the numbers n of nodes were 10000 to 100000.

We then assigned synthetic resource URLs (*) or blank nodes (_:bnode*) to the nodes and synthetic property URLs (*) to the edges in the generated graphs. The ratio of blank nodes to all nodes was 0.5. From the labeled graph, we generated RDF datasets for our experiments.

Figs 5, 6 and 7 show the computation time required to split each RDF dataset based on the random graph, Watts–Strogatz and Barabasi–Albert model, into two files. For all models, the computation times scaled linearly with the numbers of nodes although Split4Blank theoretically runs in O(|T|log|T|) time. Therefore, from a practical viewpoint, Split4Blank runs in relatively less than O(|T|log|T|) time and should be suitable for large-scale datasets.

Fig 5. Computation time required to split the dataset generated using the random graph.

Fig 5

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of nodes and the average of running time [ms].

Fig 6. Computation time required to split the dataset generated using the Watts–Strogatz model.

Fig 6

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of nodes and the average of running time [ms].

Fig 7. Computation time required to split the dataset generated using the Barabasi–Albert model.

Fig 7

x-axis and y-axis correspond to the number of nodes and the average of running time [ms].

Finally, to test the hypothesis (3), for each experiment described above, we compared two RDF graphs in a triple store when one graph is loaded using an original file and the other graph is loaded using files split by Split4Blank. As a triple store for the experiment, we used Virtuoso Open-Source Edition ver. 07.20.3229 [12]. Ideally, an isomorphism of the two graphs should be computed to test the hypothesis (3). However, the graph isomorphism problem is known to be intractable and consumes too much time for a relatively large RDF graph such as Allie and Nikkaji. Therefore, instead of computing an isomorphism, we counted the number of triples for each blank node and sorted blank nodes according to the number of triples for the two RDF graphs using the following two SPARQL queries.


SELECT ?s (count(*) AS ?count) WHERE {

 ?s ?p ?o.

 FILTER (isBlank(?s))



SELECT ?o (count(*) AS ?count) WHERE {

 ?s ?p ?o.

 FILTER (isBlank(?o))


Then, according to the results of these SPARQL queries, we compared the two RDF graphs and confirmed that the results are exactly the same for the two RDF graphs. Table 2 shows the top ten rows of the results of Query1 for an RDF graph loaded using an original file of Allie dataset and the RDF graph loaded using ten files split by Split4Blank. s(original) and count(original) show the result of Query1 for an RDF graph loaded using an original file. s(split) and count(split) show the result of Query1 for an RDF graph loaded using files split by Split4Blank. As can be seen, the numbers of triples for each blank node are exactly the same between the two RDF graphs. From Proposition 1, the two RDF graphs should be theoretically isomorphic. Additionally, according to the result of SPARQL queries, we can partly confirm hypothesis (3) by comparing an RDF graph using an original file and an RDF graph using files split by Split4Blank for each experiment above.

Table 2. The top ten rows of the results using Query1 for Allie dataset.

s (original) count (original) s (split) count (split)
nodeID://b12672638 119292 nodeID://b10853750 119292
nodeID://b14420485 107999 nodeID://b8083572 107999
nodeID://b16163841 67143 nodeID://b10892334 67143
nodeID://b17913577 62619 nodeID://b10840032 62619
nodeID://b19662898 57546 nodeID://b8953824 57546
nodeID://b21404984 53633 nodeID://b11717248 53633
nodeID://b23152987 49065 nodeID://b10885370 49065
nodeID://b26646948 47950 nodeID://b11157944 47950
nodeID://b24897331 46809 nodeID://b11563642 46809
nodeID://b28394316 43445 nodeID://b8821258 43445


As written in [22], SPARQL engines of triple stores often offer Skolemization scheme for blank nodes. For example, values of the columns of s (original) and s (split) in Table 2, such as nodeID://b12672638 and nodeID://b10853750, are blank nodes that undergo Skolemized by Virtuoso. If there is a standardized Skolemization method of blank nodes in an RDF graph, it can also be a solution for generating split files without loss of information. However, a large number of RDF datasets including blank nodes have already been published and are circulated. Therefore, at this time, it is not realistic that all blank nodes in published RDF datasets are subjected to Skolemization.

Apache Jena Elephas (we call Elephas hereafter) [16] splits an RDF graph by generating internal identifiers from the labels of blank node present in the input file, the Job ID and the input file path. To develop an Apache Hadoop-based application that processes RDF data, the identifier is useful for building blocks for programmers However, the method used in Elephas cannot be applied in splitting an RDF dataset into multiple files to load them to any triple store in parallel, at which Split4Blank aims. A set of split files generated by Split4Blank can be loaded to any triple store that supports parallel loading.

As a limitation of our approach, if an input RDF graph includes a very large connected component of blank nodes, the file including the connected component cannot be smaller than the size of the component. However, from the practical point of view, we think this may not be a problem for almost RDF datasets because we could not find such RDF dataset in LOD although we checked many datasets in LOD for computational experiments in the Result section.

Some datasets are provided as multiple files in consideration of the above-mentioned blank node issue. However, we want to split an entire dataset into multiple files at our discretion based on machine and/or software environments. For example, the latest version (r49) of Reactome has 55 files, and we want six files in total when using a machine with six processors. In this situation, Split4Blank can be used without considering the distribution of the blank nodes.

From the scalability perspective for very large RDF datasets, our tool must consider using distributed computing, such as Apache Hadoop [29], although the experimental result demonstrates that it runs in linear time. As discussed in the Materials and Methods section, our tool primarily consists of the SPLIT procedure to compute connected components and the COMBINE procedure to solve the scheduling problem. Apache Giraph, [30] which is a graph processing framework in Apache Hadoop, includes a tool to compute connected components; thus, it may be sufficient to consider a method for solving the scheduling problem using Apache Hadoop. We employed a greedy algorithm for the problem; therefore, Map-Reduce methods for greedy algorithms [31, 32] are applicable to our tool.


In this paper, we proposed a method to split an RDF dataset into several sets of triples such that identical blank nodes are stored in the same set. Furthermore, we implemented a tool and evaluated its run time in a computational experiment. In addition, from the experimental result, we conclude that the number of split files does not affect computation time and computation time scales linearly with the number of nodes.

Future work includes an investigation into the scalability of the proposed method. In this study, we used Allie and NikkajiRDF as realistic datasets and created graphs based on the random graph, Watts–Strogatz and Barabasi–Albert models. We would like to perform experiments that include more real datasets and ones based on other graph models. In particular, to adopt synthetic datasets to actual datasets, analysis of RDF datasets as graphs, such as degree distributions, is required. In addition, as discussed previously, implementing the proposed tool using Hadoop will be a focus of future work.


This work was supported by the National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

Data Availability

Allie and Nikkaji RDF are downloadable from The Biosciences Database Center (NBDC) as follows: Allie RDF:; Nikkaji RDF:

Funding Statement

NBDC ( financially supported our work and there is no grant number. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Data Availability Statement

Allie and Nikkaji RDF are downloadable from The Biosciences Database Center (NBDC) as follows: Allie RDF:; Nikkaji RDF:

Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS