A time to event, , is left-truncated by
can be observed only if
. This often results in oversampling of large values of
, and necessitates adjustment of estimation procedures to avoid bias. Simple risk-set adjustments can be made to standard risk-set-based estimators to accommodate left truncation when
are quasi-independent. We derive a weaker factorization condition for the conditional distribution of
in the observable region that permits risk-set adjustment for estimation of the distribution of
, but not of the distribution of
. Quasi-independence results when the analogous factorization condition for
holds also, in which case the distributions of
are easily estimated. While we can test for factorization, if the test does not reject, we cannot identify which factorization condition holds, or whether quasi-independence holds. Hence we require an unverifiable assumption in order to estimate the distribution of
based on truncated data. This contrasts with the common understanding that truncation is different from censoring in requiring no unverifiable assumptions for estimation. We illustrate these concepts through a simulation of left-truncated and right-censored data.
Keywords: Constant-sum condition, Kendall’s tau, Left truncation, Right censoring, Survival data
1. Introduction
Truncated survival data arise when observation of the time to event, , occurs only when it falls within a subject-specific interval. Left truncation occurs when
is observed only if
, where
is the time to sampling, i.e., the truncation variable. It often arises in longitudinal cohort studies in which a subcohort is sampled on the basis of having had a post-baseline assessment prior to the event of interest. Another example is when the time origin of interest, such as onset of cognitive impairment, may occur prior to entry into the cohort, and the endpoint of interest is time from onset of cognitive impairment to death. Estimation must account for the truncation to avoid bias due to the selection based on the magnitude of
. A critical condition that enables simple risk-set adjustment to standard risk-set-based estimators (Lynden-Bell, 1971; Woodroofe, 1985; Wang et al., 1986) was described by Tsai (1990) as quasi-independence, or independence in the observed region, i.e.,
. In particular, this means that
, where
, and
if the event
holds and 0 otherwise. For simplicity of presentation, we assume that
are continuous random variables and that
have densities
with respect to Lebesgue measure. Nonetheless, all of our results apply also to discrete random variables, as they are based on nonparametric maximum likelihoods (Vardi, 1989). The quasi-independence assumption expressed in terms of densities is
![]() |
(1) |
This does not imply that the sampled random variables are conditionally independent given ; it is not equivalent to
, where we use the notation
as a shorthand for
Examination of the likelihood based on left-truncated data elucidates the simplification in estimation that arises from quasi-independence, and reveals that weaker conditions also admit this simplification for estimation of the distribution of or
, but not of both. The factorization condition that enables estimation of the distribution of
![]() |
(2) |
where need not equal
and is defined on the support of
in the observable region
. In the unobservable region, we define
. For
in the support of
are constrained by
![]() |
In the Supplementary Material we derive an explicit expression for as a function of
, under the factorization condition (2). We also discuss the special cases of overall independence and quasi-independence. The factorization condition is similar to the condition of Keiding (1992) that
, upon identifying
. The factorization condition is reminiscent of the constant-sum condition for right-censored data (Williams & Lagakos, 1977; Betensky, 2000), under which dependent censoring can be ignored and the Kaplan–Meier estimator is valid.
Proposition 4 shows that the distribution of is not identifiable under (2) alone; it also requires a complementary factorization condition. The two factorization conditions together constitute quasi-independence (1), under which both distributions can be estimated. We explain in § 3 that the observed data can be used to test whether neither factorization condition holds, but cannot be used to identify which condition holds if either does. Therefore, we require unverifiable assumptions in order to estimate the distribution of
based on truncated data. This contrasts with the common understanding that truncation is distinct from censoring and requires no unverifiable assumptions for estimation.
2. Nonparametric likelihood estimation
2.1. Estimation in the absence of censoring
First we consider estimation in the absence of right censoring. The likelihood of the observed data under left truncation and no censoring is
![]() |
(3) |
![]() |
Proposition 1.
Under the factorization condition (2), the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of
is the risk-set-adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimator
Under (2),
is equal to 1 since its denominator is equal to its numerator,
effectively constitutes the full likelihood, with unknown parameters
. The standard risk-set-adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimator given by (4) is the maximum likelihood estimator of
based on
, and also equals that based on
(Wang, 1991). This is because, in the absence of parametric assumptions on
is a multinomial likelihood with maximum value
if there are no ties in
, which is attained when each factor in its product is set to the corresponding sample proportion. A similar argument holds in the presence of ties. □
Since (4) is the maximizer of , if it also maximizes the full likelihood (3), then
must be constant with respect to
. If this latter condition implies factorization (2), then it would follow that (2) is a necessary condition for (4) to be the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of
. We conjecture that this is false.
Under complete independence between and
, (4) was shown to be uniformly consistent by Woodroofe (1985). Since the likelihoods that contribute to estimation of
are identical and equal to
under any of the three conditions of complete independence between
, quasi-independence (1), or factorization (2), the uniform consistency of (4) under (1) or (2) can be proved in the same way as under complete independence between
The likelihood (3) can also be expressed as where
![]() |
A complementary factorization condition to (2) for given
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(5) |
where need not equal
. Conditions (2) and (5) together are equivalent to quasi-independence, as stated in the following proposition.
Proposition 2.
Under conditions (2) and (5),
, which implies quasi-independence (1). Conversely, quasi-independence (1) implies both (2) and (5).
Under (2) and (5),
, implying
, i.e., quasi-independence. Under (1),
, implying (2) and (5) with
. □
Under (5), the likelihood for estimation of effectively reduces to
, and its estimation is dual to that of
(Wang, 1991). This is summarized in the following proposition.
Proposition 3.
Under (5), the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of
This follows from Proposition 1 via reversal of time, by treating
as left-truncated by
. □
Propositions 1–3 lead to the following corollary.
Corollary 1.
Quasi-independence yields the standard risk-set-adjusted estimators of the distributions of both
as the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators.
Assumptions (1), (2) and (5) are indistinguishable given the observed data. We formalize this conclusion in Propositions 4 and 5 and Corollary 2. Proposition 4 shows that the likelihood under (2) is equivalent to that under (1), implying that these conditions cannot be distinguished. Proposition 5 shows that (5) and (1) cannot be distinguished.
Proposition 4.
Assuming factorization (2), quasi-independence (1) cannot be determined from the observed data. As a consequence, while
is identifiable under (2),
is not.
This follows from the equivalence of the likelihood functions under quasi-independence (1) and factorization (2). Under the latter, the likelihood (3) is
Under quasi-independence (1), the likelihood (3) is
is defined only on the observable region, it is unique only up to a constant factor. Assuming that
have positive mass at the observed times
only, but not assuming their functional forms, the contributions to the likelihood from
are identical under (1) and (2). Hence
is nonidentifiable from the data.
Proposition 5.
Assuming factorization (5), quasi-independence (1) cannot be determined from the observed data. Thus, while
is identifiable under (5),
is not.
Corollary 2.
Quasi-independence (1) cannot be distinguished from the factorization condition (2) only, or from the factorization condition (5) only, based on the observed data.
2.2. Estimation under right censoring
The nonidentifiability problem persists in the presence of right censoring. There are two practical models for right censoring in the presence of left truncation (Qian & Betensky, 2014): one is on the residual time scale, i.e., censoring of , and the other is on the original time scale, i.e., censoring of
. We extend the likelihood decomposition (3) to accommodate these models.
We first consider the independent residual censoring assumption. Suppose that is a residual censoring time such that
, where
denotes independence, and that censoring of
occurs at
, the total censoring time starting from the time origin. The observed data then comprise
, where
. This model is appropriate when censoring occurs only after entry into the study. The likelihood contribution for an uncensored observation is the same as that in (3):
![]() |
where the final relation follows from and the noninformativeness of the distribution of
for that of
. The contribution for a censored observation is
![]() |
The probability can be expressed as
![]() |
where the first term is unity under the factorization condition (2).
We next derive the likelihood decomposition under the censoring scheme on the original time scale, where is measured from the time origin, with
assumed, and
as in Tsai (1990). The condition
ensures that censoring can occur only for the sampled individuals. The overall likelihood under this censoring scheme equals that under the residual censoring model, given the assumed noninformativeness of
and that of
. Thus, under both models for censoring, the overall likelihood for left-truncated and right-censored data is
![]() |
![]() |
Under (2), . As in the uncensored case,
is the only component of the likelihood that contributes to estimation of
by the risk-set-adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimator (Wang, 1991)
![]() |
(6) |
As in Proposition 4, under (2) the data cannot inform whether equals
. Nonetheless, the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of
, assuming that it is a distribution function, is
![]() |
(7) |
In the setting of independent and
, (7) estimates
(Wang, 1991). Under factorization (2) without quasi-independence, (7) maximizes the likelihood
and estimates a normalized version of
and not
. Under factorization (5) without quasi-independence, an alternative decomposition of the likelihood with similar arguments yields the analogous result for estimation of
, as shown in the Supplementary Material.
3. Testing for the factorization condition
A statistic commonly used to test for quasi-independence is the conditional Kendall’s tau (Tsai, 1990; Martin & Betensky, 2005). In the presence of censoring, this is defined as , where
denotes the event that the pair
is comparable and orderable. A consistent estimator of
is the basis of a test for the null hypothesis of (2) or (5), versus the alternative of neither (2) nor (5). This is justified by
under (2) or (5). We derive this for (2); the calculations are similar under (5):
![]() |
(8) |
Under the residual censoring model and factorization condition (2), and upon defining as the survival function of
, we can express
![]() |
The second term of (8) can be expressed similarly, and the remaining two terms are trivially equivalent to the first two terms upon relabelling the indices. A similar result applies under the original-scale censoring model. This demonstrates that under either factorization condition, and the conditional Kendall’s tau provides a valid test for the null of either (2) or (5). If the test does not reject the null hypothesis, then under (2), Proposition 4 states that
cannot be distinguished from
in the observable region, and so quasi-independence cannot be distinguished from factorization. This holds for any test of factorization in the absence of external information.
4. Simulation
We conducted a simulation study to illustrate empirically that the factorization condition (2) alone, without quasi-independence (1), is sufficient for the validity of the risk-set-adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimator for the distribution of , as stated in Proposition 1. We also demonstrate that Kendall’s tau yields a valid test of the factorization condition even in the absence of quasi-independence. Finally, we illustrate Proposition 4, that under (2) without the complementary condition (5), we may not be able to estimate the truncation distribution
. Let
![]() |
where and we set
. It follows that
, and
. Since
, quasi-independence does not hold. We generated right censoring through an independent residual censoring time
. Each sample consisted of
. This yielded 88% truncation and 30% censoring based on 1000 replications.
Our first aim is to check the validity of the risk-set-adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimator of the conditional distribution, . The full marginal
is not estimable because there is no information for
. Figure 1(a) displays the averaged adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimate, which is indistinguishable from its target, confirming that the adjusted Kaplan–Meier estimator is valid under condition (2) and does not require the stronger condition (1). We also applied the conditional Kendall’s tau test of Martin & Betensky (2005) and obtained an estimated Type I error of 0.041, which supports the validity of the test for either factorization condition even in the absence of quasi-independence. Figure 1(b) shows that the estimator (7) estimates
and not
, as expected from Proposition 4.
Fig. 1.
Simulation results for the estimation of: (a) , with a grey solid line depicting the true curve and a black dashed line depicting the average of Kaplan–Meier estimates; (b)
, with a grey solid line depicting the true
, a black dotted line depicting the average of the estimates of Wang (1991), and a black dashed line depicting
5. Discussion
We have shown that the commonly accepted requirement of quasi-independence of and
is stronger than the factorization condition (2) that is actually needed for nonparametric estimation of the distribution of
. While we can test for factorization, the observed data do not allow us to distinguish between quasi-independence (1) and the two factorization conditions (2) and (5). This highlights an identification problem that has not been recognized in the literature; an unverifiable assumption is therefore required in order to estimate the distribution of
based on truncated data. In some observational studies, the origin may be observed for all subjects and the delayed study entry time may be externally determined, such as by calendar date. In this case,
is known for the whole population and so
is known. If factorization is not rejected via Kendall’s tau test, knowledge of
enables the factorization condition (2) to be distinguished from quasi-independence (1) and the factorization condition (5). In particular, if factorization holds and
does not estimate
, it follows from Proposition 3 that condition (5) does not hold, which means that (2) must hold and, importantly, we can estimate
Supplementary Material
The first two authors contributed equally. We thank Micha Mandel and Richard Cook for helpful comments. We acknowledge funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Supplementary material
Supplementary material available at Biometrika online includes the derivation of an explicit expression for given
under factorization condition (2); it also contains a proof that under (5) and for both censoring models, although
is nonidentifiable,
is identifiable and its nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator is similar to the estimator (7).
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