Evaluate the internal consistency and temporal stability of advance directives (ADs) generated by an interactive, online computer program.
33 participants completed the program at three visits, two weeks apart. Agreement rates were calculated for the General Wishes component of the AD. The test-retest method was used to examine the temporal stability of the Specific Wish for Treatment component which contains five clinical scenarios.
General Wishes remained stable with 94% selecting the identical response at each visit. For the Specific Wish for Treatment scale, significant variations in test-retest correlations existed (i.e., ρ = 0.32 to 0.78 between time points 1 vs. 2), however within scenario, correlations did not significantly vary between time points. Temporal stability was lower in the Specific Wish for Treatment scale compared to General Wishes (avg ρ = 0.59 between time points 1 and 2, and ρ = 0.75 between time points 2 and 3).
ADs generated by an online decision aid demonstrate good temporal stability, with highest stability for General Wishes and moderate stability for Specific Wish for Treatment regarding medical treatments in specific clinical scenarios. Internal consistency for wish for treatment across all time points and scenarios was high (Cronbach alpha > 0.90).
Keywords: advance care planning, advance directive, decision aid, computer
Advance care planning (ACP) is a process of planning for future medical treatment in the event that a person cannot speak for him or herself. This is usually accomplished by completing an advance directive (AD), a document that outlines specific healthcare instructions and/or designates a proxy decision-maker. Up to 75% of adults lack decision-making capacity when life-or-death medical decisions must be made1, and studies have shown that neither family members nor doctors accurately predict what patients want.2–3 The lack of advance planning can lead to unfavorable outcomes including moral distress4 and conflict for those who must make the decisions5, medical care that is inconsistent with an individual’s wishes6, and unintended financial burdens to patients, their families, and society.7
Although there is general agreement that people ought to plan for their medical futures8, there remain significant barriers to implementing ADs.9 Key elements within ADs are often poorly understood10, and there are concerns that: discussing death and dying might diminish hope and raise anxiety11; many patients lack the knowledge to complete informed ADs12; ADs often fail to accurately reflect a person’s actual values, goals and preferences for healthcare5,13; information contained in ADs is difficult for family members or healthcare providers to interpret14; and patients change their minds about which medical treatments they want.12
Making Your Wishes Known: Planning Your Medical Future (MYWK) is an interactive computer-based decision aid developed to address some of these concerns. The program guides users through the ACP process by providing tailored education, exercises to clarify values, and a decision-making algorithm based on multi-utility attribute theory (MAUT) that generates a personalized AD. In prior work with patients and healthy volunteers, we have demonstrated that users of the program are highly satisfied with MYWK, that even patients with advanced illness find MYWK easy to use, and that doing so does not raise users’ anxiety or decrease their sense of hope.15–16 Study results also demonstrate that use of MYWK improves patients’ knowledge about ACP, generates an AD that users report accurately reflects their wishes regarding future medical decisions, and can help healthcare providers make decisions on behalf of patients who cannot speak for themselves.17
To establish the validity of this decision aid, its internal consistency and temporal stability must also be examined. As such, the present study explores whether (in the absence of major life changes) the AD generated by MYWK remains stable over time in articulating an individual’s values and preferences. In this study, we asked participants to complete MYWK three times, separated by two-week intervals.
Study participants were recruited in Summer 2011 from the Penn State Hershey Medical Center using flyers placed in outpatient clinics, on-hold messages for telephone callers, and electronic message screens in public areas. Participants also were recruited from a list of individuals who had previously expressed interest in participating in advance care planning research.
Eligible individuals were invited by phone to attend an in-person session at which a member of the research team elicited informed consent and screened for eligibility—8th grade reading level (≥ 26 on WRAT-3)18, cognitively able to use the program (≥ 25 on Mini–Mental State Examination)19, and not having “moderate/severe” or “severe” depression (≤ 19 on Beck Depression Inventory-II).20 Depressed individuals were excluded because depression is associated with a diminished will to live and greater desire for death; as such, the presence of depression can distort decisions made during advance care planning.21, 22 Study participants completed a demographic questionnaire, a major life events report (recent events that might influence their responses to end-of-life healthcare decisions), and the MYWK computer program. During the second and third study visits (each conducted after a two-week interval), participants again completed the major life events questionnaire and MYWK program. Each session lasted 1–3 hours, and participants received a $25 gift certificate after the first and second study visits, and $50 upon completion of the third visit.
Intervention content and procedure
The computer-based decision aid, MYWK, includes six sections.15 Getting Started provides an overview of the program. Choosing a Spokesperson reviews surrogate decision-making and then prompts the user to designate primary and alternate spokespersons. Exploring Your Values helps the user clarify his or her values and goals regarding medical care, death and dying, and disability. Your Medical Wishes explains health conditions that can prevent a patient from communicating preferences for medical treatments, and describes interventions that commonly involve life-or-death decisions. The user is prompted to make a series of decisions involving specific conditions and treatments; these data are used in the program’s decision-making algorithm to generate an AD that individuals review in Putting It All Together. Finally, The Next Step provides practical tips for communicating one’s wishes to those who might be involved in medical decision-making.
At each study visit, participants completed the MYWK program, starting anew each time. Participants’ previous responses were not disclosed on subsequent visits, and participants did not have access to MYWK between visits to practice. In completing the program, participants confirmed, selected an alternative, and/or edited the General Wishes statement chosen by the computer program to represent their values and goals (see Appendix 1). They also reviewed and edited the Specific Wish for Treatment generated by the decision aid’s algorithm regarding desires for eleven life-sustaining medical treatments (mechanical ventilation < 24 hours, up to a month, >1 month; cardio-pulmonary resuscitation; kidney dialysis < 1 month, > 1 month; feeding tube up to one month, > 1 month; surgery; medicines; and blood transfusion) for five clinical scenarios (coma that would improve within a year; coma that would not improve within a year; moderate/severe stroke that would improve within a year; moderate/severe stroke that would not improve within a year; and dementia). This review and confirmation process resulted in a tailored, printable AD for each study visit, whose final contents were then used for data analysis.
Statistical methods
Two components of the AD document generated by the MYWK computer program were examined: 1) General Wishes score; and 2) Specific Wish for Treatment score for five clinical scenarios. The final General Wishes score consisted of an ordinal response at each of three time points, with 6 levels ranging from 1 (“want any and all medical treatments”) to 6 (“do not want any medical treatments”). The final Specific Wish for Treatment score at each time point and scenario consisted of a vote count regarding how many of the 11 life-sustaining treatments a participant wanted. A high score indicated a desire for more extensive life-prolonging treatment, whereas a low score indicated less desire for life-prolonging treatment.
For the multi-item Specific Wish for Treatment, a Longitudinal Confirmatory Factor Analysis23 on binary items was fit to examine the assumption of a latent value driving item responses. Path coefficients between the latent factor and each item were constrained to be equal across occasions. The MPLUS program was used to fit the measurement model for each of 5 scenarios, and the default WLSMV estimator was used.24
The stability of responses was assessed by the test-retest method using Pearson correlations. Agreement was assessed by weighted kappa coefficients.23 Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach alpha, or the Kuder-Richardson coefficient for binary responses.26 Weights for the kappa coefficients were based on the squared difference of the levels (Fleiss-Cohen version), shown to be equal to an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) in a randomly sampled person by occasion design.27
Thirty-three participants completed the study (79% female; mean age 52 years, range: 31–78), of whom 61% reported being college graduates, 94% being comfortable using a computer, 24% having previously created an AD, and 18% having previously assigned a healthcare spokesperson. To reach the recruitment goal, 63 individuals were telephoned, of whom 26 could not be reached and one declined participation. Of the 36 people who agreed to participate, two did not show up for the study visit and one screen-failed.
At the second study visit, 29/33 (88%) self-reported (by survey questionnaire) no change in their medical wishes for treatment, and at the third visit, 28/33 (85%) self-reported no change from the second visit. At both the second and third study visits, 22/33 (67%) reported sharing their advance directives with others since the prior visit; and 2/33 (6%) had changed their mind about one of their spokespersons. Current health was rated as excellent or very good by 20/33 (61%) and good or fair by 13/33 (39%). Two reported a major life event in the 4–6 weeks prior to visit 2, and two reported a major life event in the 4–6 weeks prior to visit 3.
Specific Wish for Treatment
Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the unidimensional measurement model fits the item response data. The root mean square error of approximation28 (RMSEA) ranged 0.0–0.03 indicating excellent fit by scenario. CFI (Comparative Fit Index)/TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index of Non-normed Fit Index) indices of fit exceeded 0.99 (where 1.00 indicates perfect fit). Standardized factor loading averages for the 11 items were high, ranging 0.94–0.98, with the minimum loading being 0.86. These results at best confirm and at worst do not contradict our view that sum score of items measures an underlying latent “wish” or desire for treatment.
Test-retest stability between time 1 and time 2 ranged 0.32–0.78 (test of equality29, p=0.02) and between time 2 and time 3 ranged 0.58–0.83 (test of equality, p=0.19). Weighted kappa coefficients closely track the correlations and ranged 0.32–0.82, with kappa agreement particularly low (0.32) for time 1 to time 2 comparison for the dementia scenario. Cronbach alpha scores were consistently high (>0.90).
Although Pearson correlations are higher when scores are correlated between time 2 and time 3 compared to time 1 and time 2, a pair-wise comparison of correlation coefficients29 did not find a significant difference for any of the five scenarios. Because statistically significant differences were not found across scenarios (except in one instance), there is not sufficient evidence to conclude correlations between time points vary.
General Wishes
For 30/33 (91%) of participants, their final General Wishes statement was identical for each of the three study visits. Additionally, 28/33 indicated that “quality-of-life” was a major determinant in their General Wishes, and that so long as they would have a good quality-of-life they would want any/all life-sustaining medical treatments. As shown in Table 1, for time 1 vs time 2, the weighted kappa is 0.12 (95% CI: −1.00,1.00); for time 2 vs time 3 the weighted kappa is 0.94 (95% CI: 0.83,1.00). It should be noted that the low kappa for time 1 vs time 2 is driven by a single outlier participant. In fact, only two participants changed their responses from time 1 to time 2, and one changed from time 2 to time 3; only 1 participant changed by more than one unit. Thus, we view this measure as particularly stable across the three time periods despite the low kappa attributable to an abnormal response from time 1 to time 2. Table 1 shows characteristics of Specific Wish for Treatment Specific Wish for Treatment and General Wishes scales.
Table 1.
General Wish Score and Specific Wish for Treatment scale characteristics at time 1 (T1), T2, T3
Specific wish for treatment | |||||||
Moderate/severe stroke that would significantly improve within a year | Moderate/severe stroke that would NOT improve | Coma that would resolve within a year | Irreversible coma | Dementia | General wish | ||
Descriptive statistics | Mean (SD)* | T1: 8.79 (3.52) | T1: 4.55 (3.89) | T1: 8.55 (3.80) | T1: 1.94 (2.89) | T1: 4.18 (3.75) | T1: 3.45 (1.23) |
T2: 9.12 (3.32) | T2: 3.94 (4.02) | T2: 8.49 (3.93) | T2: 2.49 (3.78) | T2: 3.89 (3.53) | T2: 3.34 (1.26) | ||
T3: 9.49 (3.05) | T3: 3.39 (3.64) | T3: 9.03 (3.39) | T3: 2.15 (3.47) | T3: 4.33 (3.80) | T3: 3.32 (1.27) | ||
Test-retest reliability between T1 and T2 | Pearson correlation coefficient (95% CI) | 0.78 (0.58,0.88) | 0.50 (0.18,0.72) | 0.72 (0.49,0.85) | 0.62 (0.34,0.79) | 0.32 (-0.03,0.59) | 0.12 (-0.23,0.45) |
Agreement of scale between T1 and T2 | Weighted κ (95% CI) | 0.77 (0.47,1.00) | 0.49 (0.18,0.81) | 0.72 (0.45,0.98) | 0.59 (0.26,0.92) | 0.32 (−0.04,0.68) | 0.12 (−1.00,1.00) |
Test-retest reliability between T2 and T3 | Pearson correlation coefficient (95% CI) | 0.83 (0.67,0.91) | 0.80 (0.61,0.89) | 0.77 (0.57,0.88) | 0.76 (0.56,0.87) | 0.58 (0.29,0.77) | 0.95 (0.89,0.97) |
Agreement of scale between T2 and T3 | Weighted κ (95% CI) | 0.82 (0.62,1.00) | 0.78 (0.62,0.95) | 0.75 (0.56,0.94) | 0.76 (0.49,1.00) | 0.57 (0.28,0.87) | 0.94 (0.83,1.00) |
Internal consistency of scales at each time point | Cronbach α (KR-20) | T1: 0.95 | T1: 0.92 | T1: 0.96 | T1: 0.90 | T1: 0.91 | |
T2: 0.94 | T2: 0.94 | T2: 0.96 | T2: 0.95 | T2: 0.91 | |||
T3: 0.95 | T3: 0.92 | T3: 0.94 | T3: 0.95 | T3: 0.92 |
Possible answer choices for Specific Wish Score ranged from 0–11 (0 = No wish for treatment, 11 = Wish for maximum treatment). Possible answer choices for General Wish Score ranged from 1–6 (1 = Wish for all treatments, 6 = Wish for no treatments)
Making Your Wishes Known (MYWK) was highly reliable in representing users’ General-Wishes preferences for future medical treatment when administered three times, separated by two-week intervals, but less reliable regarding Specific Wish for Treatment preferences. Despite the low kappa due to an outlier from time 1 to time 2, the high agreement rate for the General Wishes (91%) across the three time periods illustrates the stability of the measure. This stability may be helped by the lower number of categories a respondent can choose from for the General Wishes score.
To better understand whether reliability was influenced by MYWK itself, (i.e., impact of the program’s content on individuals’ preferences), participants completed the program three times rather than twice. However, in evaluating stability across these three visits, no such differences (T1→T2 versus T2→T3) were identified despite consistently higher within scenario stability at T2→T3 compared to T1→T2 for the Specific Wish for Treatment scale. We surmise that within scenarios comparison tested nonsignificant due to the small sample size, and that the consistent increase in stability between scenarios is indicative of our hypothesis.
Given the highly controlled study conditions, these findings raise the question concerning the larger than expected variability seen in individuals’ Specific Wish for Treatment as patient desire for treatment is assumed to be a fundamentally stable trait during the time frame of the study. In this study, this is supported by 29/33 participants reporting at visit 2 and 28/33 reporting at visit 3 that their wishes for medical treatment had not changed. Sources of instability as measured by the test-retest correlation can be separated into two components pertaining to transient error and random response error.30
Random response error is caused by “momentary changes in attention, mental efficiency, distractions”30 during a given occasion which may lead to different item responses in MYWK even when overall patient preference remains unchanged. In light of prior research showing that individuals may lack awareness of changes in their preferences and/or have faulty recollections31–35, this type or error is a potential threat to the stability of a measure and to the use of static documents compared to good verbal communication. As random response diminishes with increasing number of items in the scale and higher Cronbach alphas,30,36 which are high (> .90) in this study, our assessment is that this type of error does not explain the major reason for instability of the scale.
The other source of instability is then transient error, which reflects temporal variation in the underlying trait which may be attributable to mood, disposition, or other time varying states.30 If transient error plays the major role in affecting the stability, one would question why other markers (such as the General Wishes score) suggest that the desire for treatment remains unaffected by transience. Among plausible reasons for this discrepancy, we suspect the scenario dependence of the Specific Wish for Treatment scale may play a role; stability could be adversely affected by the specific scale’s use of the hypothetical clinical scenarios (e.g., an imagined decision which does not capture the emotions surrounding a real-life decision may be more susceptible to influence to transient errors). On the other hand, use of hypothetical clinical scenarios makes sense given that ACP is premised on anticipating future events. Consequently, it is important to examine whether MYWK can reliably produce ADs that accurately reflect an individual’s wishes regarding life-or-death medical decisions.
Limitations of this study include a relatively small sample size which may have affected the power to detect significant differences between correlations between scenarios and time points, a single geographic location, and a predominance of female participants. The small sample size also contributes to kappa coefficients that are variable. A larger sample that includes diverse ethnic and socioeconomic groups is desired to better characterize how the instrument performs in the real world. Also, because we excluded individuals with “moderate/severe” or “severe” depression, there is a potential for bias towards increased stability and a favorable response to MYWK; thus, future studies should consider inclusion of those with depression. Such studies are justified on the basis of this study.
Using MYWK generates an advance directive that demonstrates good temporal stability. In addition to a very high (91%) agreement rate for General Wishes statements across time-points, internal consistency of participants’ Specific Wish for Treatment within scenario and occasion was found to be ideal (> 90%). Within scenario, Specific Wish for Treatment had a lower stability across multiple occasions.
Supplementary Material
This study was funded by grants from the National Institute of Nursing Research (R21NR008539), and Penn State University (Social Science Research Institute, Woodward Endowment for Medical Science Education, and Tobacco Settlement Fund Award).
Ethics approval
This study was approved by the Penn State College of Medicine’s Institutional Review Board before the study began.
Competing Interest
Competing interests MJG and BHL have intellectual property and copyright interests for the decision aid used for this study, Making Your Wishes Known: Planning Your Medical Future (MYWK), which could result in future royalties or income to them.
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