选择3~4岁幼儿第二乳磨牙无龋者共100名,采用自身半口对照方法,以左侧上下颌第二乳磨牙分为A组,右侧上下颌第二乳磨牙为B组,每组200颗牙。两组均采用Ketac® Molar Easymix玻璃离子和非创伤性充填指压技术进行窝沟封闭,其中A组采用酸蚀技术(35%磷酸酸蚀40 s)进行封闭,B组不作酸蚀处理。观察12个月后两组封闭剂保留情况和第二乳磨牙患龋情况。
Keywords: 乳牙, 窝沟封闭, 保留率, 玻璃离子, 酸蚀
This work aimed to compare the effect of retention and preventive caries of the pit and fissure sealant on primary teeth by using glass ionomer cements (GIC) with or without acid etching technique.
In this clinical trail, 100 children aged 3–4 years old with a split-mouth design were equally divided into two groups (the left second upper and lower mandibular primary molars were present in group A, and the right second upper and lower mandibular primary molars were present in group B; each group had 200 molars). All participants were placed in pit and fissure sealant with Ketac® Molar Easymix and seated with atraumatic restorative treatmen press-finger technique in the two groups. Group A was subjected to acid etching (40 s, 35% H3PO4), while group B were not subjected to acid etching. GIC preservation rate, caries rate, and decayed teeth (dt) index were observed after 12 months.
After a 12-month follow-up period, the completely lost, partially losing, and losing rates of GIC in 86 children (172 second primary molars) were 83.14%, 9.88%, 6.98% in group A and 62.79%, 20.35%, and 16.86% in group B, respectively. The differences between the two groups were insignificant (P<0.05). The caries rates of groups A and B were 8.14% and 16.86%, and their dt indices were 0.08±0.31 and 1.17±0.46, respectively, thereby indicating significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).
Using acid etching technology, the retention rate of the pit and fissure sealant increased, while its losing rate decreased. The retention effect of the GIC was improved, and the dental caries prevention effect was enhanced. Sealant processing was a self-curing procedure that sets without the external energy. Hence, this procedure is suitable for the preventive caries of primary teeth in children.
Keywords: primary teeth, pit and fissure sealant, retention rate, glass ionomer cement, acid etching
1. 材料和方法
1.1. 研究对象的选择
1.2. 方法
放置封闭剂前,两组患牙均采用小毛刷低速清洁牙面。清洁后口内用棉卷隔湿,A组采用35%磷酸酸蚀牙面40 s,冲洗5~10 s以去除酸蚀剂,气枪吹干牙面,同时由助手用取粉小勺按一平勺粉加一滴液的粉液比例调拌Ketac® Molar Easymix玻璃离子(3M ESPE公司,美国),充分混合调拌好后立即用探针置于面并引导布满至全部窝沟,静置5~10 s后采取非创伤性充填(atraumatic restorative treatment,ART)指压技术[6]进行窝沟封闭充填。具体方法如下:术者用戴手套的食指涂上凡士林将封闭材料压入窝沟,先轻轻向颊舌,再向近远中压下,使封闭材料压入所有点隙、裂沟深处,5~10 s后从一侧移开手指,以免将材料带出,用探针检查是否完全覆盖窝沟或松动脱落,如有及时重新封闭。封闭完成后将多余材料用刮匙清除干净,再次涂上凡士林,1 h后方可进食。
1.3. 观察指标
1.4. 统计学分析
数据分析采用SPSS 21统计学软件进行处理,计量资料组间比较采用t检验,计数资料采用卡方检验,检验水准为双侧ɑ=0.05。
2. 结果
2.1. 两组封闭剂保留率情况
治疗12个月后共随访到86人,每组172颗第二乳磨牙,失防率为14%。两组封闭剂保留见表1:A组完全保留率明显高于B组,部分脱落率和完全脱落率明显低于B组。经卡方检验,两组封闭剂的保留率有明显差异(χ2 =18.16,P=0.000)。
表 1. 2组乳磨牙窝沟封闭术12个月后的保留情况.
Tab 1 The retention rate in the two groups with pit and fissure sealant after 12 months
组别 | 复查牙数 | 完全保留 | 部分保留 | 完全脱落 |
牙数/% | 牙数/% | 牙数/% | ||
A | 172 | 143/83.14 | 17/9.88 | 12/6.98 |
B | 172 | 108/62.79 | 35/20.35 | 29/16.86 |
2.2. 两组乳磨牙患龋情况
表 2. 2组乳磨牙12个月后的患龋情况.
Tab 2 Caries prevanlence in the two groups with pit and fissure sealent after 12 months
组别 | 复查牙数 | 患龋牙数 | 患龋率/% | 龋均 |
A | 172 | 14 | 8.14 | 0.08±0.31 |
B | 172 | 29 | 16.86 | 1.17±0.46 |
3. 讨论
高黏度玻璃离子具有较好的预防牙本质龋坏的效果。这类封闭剂的保留率与传统树脂基质封闭剂相比较无明显差异[9],而且是自凝材料,不需要专用光固化设备,因此成本低,临床操作简便。Ketac® Molar Easymix是高黏性的玻璃离子材料,通过材料中的羟基磷酸根离子与牙体组织中的磷酸根离子的交换实现化学性结合。因为釉质较牙本质含有更多的磷酸根,所以对釉质有更强的黏结力。尽管如此,由于牙齿的持续咀嚼作用,材料仍易脱落。
酸蚀处理首先可以清除釉质表面菌斑和有机物质,然后可使釉质表面粗糙,增加了与封闭材料的面积,形成平均5.86~10.14 µm的微孔层[10],玻璃离子固化前渗透进入微孔,同时采用ART指压技术加强了渗透,在微孔凝固后形成了微机械固位。化学固位和机械固位产生的协同效果是提高窝沟封闭材料保留率的重要因素。本研究结果显示,采用酸蚀法的A组在12个月后的封闭剂完全保留率显著高于未采用酸蚀法的B组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。
本研究采用不同窝沟表面处理方法对窝沟封闭材料的保留率进行研究,结果发现,酸蚀法效果更佳。Kanellis等[11]比较了酸蚀法和空气磨蚀法对窝沟封闭剂保留率的影响,结果发现,12个月后酸蚀法的完全保留率明显高于空气磨蚀法,因此推荐使用酸蚀法处理窝沟。Pamir等[12]比较了Ketac® Molar玻璃离子对传统的酸蚀、冲洗两步酸蚀法和免冲洗的一步自酸蚀法处理牙面后的粘接强度,结果发现,两种酸蚀法之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
本研究结果显示,A组患龋率和龋均明显低于B组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。玻璃离子中氟离子的缓慢释放有助于发挥其防龋作用,并且可以促进早期龋的再矿化[13]。变异链球菌是主要的致龋微生物[14]。Klai等[15]和Feroz等[16]的体外研究报告显示,GC Fuji Ⅰ和3M Ketac Molar两种玻璃离子材料能有效降低变异链球菌的菌落计数,可以抑制并杀灭变异链球菌,可见玻璃离子释放氟离子具有抑菌和釉质再矿化的双重作用。
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