While apical growth in plants initiates upon seed germination, radial growth is only primed during early ontogenesis in procambium cells and activated later by the vascular cambium1. Although it is not known how radial growth is organized and regulated in plants, this system resembles the developmental competence observed in some animal systems, in which pre-existing patterns of developmental potential are established early on2,3. Here we show that the initiation of radial growth occurs around early protophloem sieve element (PSE) cell files of the root procambial tissue in Arabidopsis. In this domain cytokinin signalling promotes expression of a pair of novel mobile transcription factors, PHLOEM EARLY DOF (PEAR1, PEAR2) and their four homologs (DOF6, TMO6, OBP2 and HCA2), collectively called PEAR proteins. The PEAR proteins form a short-range concentration gradient peaking at PSE and activating gene expression that promotes radial growth. The expression and function of PEAR proteins are antagonized by well-established polarity transcription factors, HD-ZIP III4, whose expression is concentrated in the more internal domain of radially non-dividing procambial cells by the function of auxin and mobile miR165/166. The PEAR proteins locally promote transcription of their inhibitory HD-ZIP III genes, thereby establishing a negative feedback loop that forms a robust boundary demarking the zone of cell divisions. Taken together, we have established a network, in which the PEAR - HD-ZIP III module integrates spatial information of the hormonal domains and miRNA gradients during root procambial development, to provide adjacent zones of dividing and more quiescent cells as a foundation for further radial growth.
Cambial growth in plants is initiated within the procambial tissues of the apical meristems through periclinal (i.e. longitudinal) divisions associated with formation of the vascular tissues xylem and phloem1 (Extended Data Fig. 1a). It has been established that during procambial development in Arabidopsis roots there are distinct domains for high auxin and cytokinin signalling, which mark the regions for further development of xylem and phloem/procambium, respectively5–8. To accurately map the spatial distribution of the periclinal divisions, we established a new nomenclature for the root procambial cells, including PSE-lateral neighbours (PSE-LN) as cells directly contacting both PSE and the pericycle, the outer procambial cells (OPC) as procambial cells adjacent to the pericycle but not contacting PSE, and SE-internal neighbours (PSE-IN) as cells located internal to and directly contacting PSE (Fig. 1a). Both the PSE cell and PSE-LN showed higher activity of periclinal cell division than the OPC and PSE-IN (Fig. 1b, Extended Data Fig. 1b-d and Supplementary Information). We observed virtually no periclinal divisions in metaxylem (MX) and internal procambial cells (IPC) (Fig. 1b). Furthermore, blocking symplastic transport genetically9 between the PSE and the surrounding cells results in a dramatic reduction in the number of cell files, not only in PSE lineage but also in the PSE-LN lineage (Extended Data Fig. 2a-e). Thus, the proliferative activity in procambium is centred on and around PSE and may involve symplastic intercellular signals.
By searching in silico for transcription factors enriched in early PSE10 (Extended Data Fig. 3a), we identified a pair of DOF transcription factors11, PHLOEM-EARLY-DOF 1 (PEAR1)/DOF2.4 and PEAR2/DOF5.112 (Extended Data Fig. 3b). RNA in situ hybridization and transcriptional fusion constructs validated that both PEAR1 and PEAR2 are transcribed specifically in PSE cells (Fig. 1c and Extended Data Fig. 3d). However, fluorescent tagged versions of the PEAR proteins show localization not only in PSE but also in PSE neighbouring cells (PSE-LN and PSE-IN), indicating that these proteins move across short ranges via plasmodesmata (Fig. 1d, Extended Data Fig. 2f-g, 3d and 4a-d).
We next investigated whether the loss-of-function of these genes would lead to a phenotype corresponding to the one observed when symplastic transport is compromised (Extended Data Fig 2c). However, we did not find such phenotype in single or double mutants corresponding to PEAR1 and PEAR2 (Extended Data Fig. 5a and b). We subsequently identified DOF1.1/OBP213, DOF3.2/DOF614, DOF5.6/HCA215, and DOF5.3/TMO616 as additional PSE specific/abundantly expressed DOF genes with a broader gene product localization (Extended data Fig 3d). Furthermore, overexpression of any of these six loci results in an increased number of cell files (Extended Data Fig. 3c). In addition, we observed that DOF6, HCA2 and TMO6 are upregulated in pear1 pear2 double mutant apparently as a compensation response (Extended Data Fig. 3e, see also Supplementary Information). Among the several higher order combinatorial mutants involving all six genes, we found the pear1 pear2 tmo6 triple mutant to display reduced radial growth variably (Fig. 2a, c and f), while the corresponding three double mutants did not show this phenotype (Extended Data Fig. 5b). Furthermore, the pear1 pear2 dof6 tmo6 quadruple mutant results in all plants with further, uniformly reduced radial growth corresponding to the line with compromised symplastic trafficking (Fig. 2d, f and Extended Data Fig. 2c), indicating that these four mobile PEAR proteins play a major role in radial growth. In addition, the pear1 pear2 dof6 obp2 hca2 quintuple mutant resulted in a population of slowly elongating roots (around 30 per cent, n=300) with a reduction in radial growth (Fig. 2b and f), whereas the corresponding five quadruple mutants for the five genes did not display a strong phenotype (Extended Data Fig. 5b). The introduction of obp2 and hca2 mutations into the pear1 pear2 dof6 tmo6 quadruple background (resulting in the pear1 pear2 dof6 tmo6 obp2 hca2 hextuple mutant) did not result in further reduced radial growth (Fig. 2d-f), collectively suggesting a significant but minor contribution of OBP2 and HCA2. We were able to suppress the phenotype of the quintuple and/or hextuple mutants with all six genes (Extended Data Fig. 5c, d and see Supplementary Information). Collectively these data indicate that the mobile PEAR proteins redundantly control cell proliferation in and around PSE cells. Their effects are likely to be both cell autonomous and/or non-cell autonomous as several putatively direct target genes, including a central regulator of phloem formation SUPPRESSOR OF MAX2 1-LIKE3 (SMXL3)17, are expressed in both PSE and its surrounding cells (Fig. 2g-h and Extended Data Fig. 6, also see Supplementary Information). Moreover, ectopic expression of SMXL3 is sufficient to enhance periclinal cell divisions (Extended Data Fig. 6j).
Earlier studies have highlighted cytokinins in regulating procambial cell proliferation6,8. During root development, cytokinin signalling reporter, pARR5::RFPer18 is initially activated and maintained in PSE and its surrounding procambial cells, later becoming concentrated in the procambial cells neighbouring to the xylem cells, while auxin response is maintained in xylem domain7,8 (Extended Data Fig. 7a, and see Supplementary Information). Cytokinin signalling reporter partially overlaps with the PEAR1 transcriptional domain (Fig. 3a). Exogenous cytokinin application rapidly increased the level of some of the PEAR transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 7b), and sustained cytokinin treatment resulted in a radial expansion of PEAR expression domains (Extended Data Fig. 7c). Conversely, both PEAR1 and TMO6 transcription were highly reduced in the procambial tissue of cytokinin signalling loss-of-function mutant wooden-leg (wol)5,19 (Fig. 3b and Extended Data Fig. 7d) and in plants overexpressing ARR2220, an inhibitor of cytokinin signalling (Fig. 3d and e). However, expression of both genes was restored by the induction of cytokinin signalling in wol (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 7d). In addition, we validated the requirement of cytokinin signalling for PEAR1 expression during embryogenesis (Extended Data Fig. 7e-r, and see Supplementary Information). Taken together, our results indicate that initiation of PEAR1 expression in early embryogenesis is independent of cytokinin signalling, but by the time the bisymmetric cytokinin pattern is formed at early heart stage, PEAR1 transcription is activated and maintained post-embryonically by cytokinins.
Almost no periclinal cell divisions were observed in the cells non-adjacent to the pericycle, including PSE-IN where both cytokinin response and PEAR protein are present (Fig. 1b-d and 3a), suggesting an inhibitory mechanism restricts PEAR function in the inner cells. We previously observed an increased cell number in the vascular tissue of quadruple loss-of-function mutant of the five Class III HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE ZIPPER (HD-ZIP III) genes21,22 (Fig. 4a, d and g). These ectopic cell divisions occur in cells non-adjacent to the pericycle (Extended Data Fig. 8a-e). We observed high levels of three HD-ZIP III proteins, PHABULOSA (PHB), CORONA (CNA) and REVOLUTA (REV), in non-dividing procambial cells, IPC and PSE-IN, whereas their expression was absent in the actively dividing cells of the PSE and PSE-LN (Extended Data Fig. 8f-k). In this domain endodermal-derived mobile miR165/6 eliminates HD-ZIP III messenger RNA22,23, suggesting that HD-ZIP III inhibit periclinal cell divisions of PSE-IN by antagonizing the functions of co-localized PEAR proteins. This is further supported by our observation that overexpression of PEAR1 in the miRNA-resistant phb-1d mutant which has elevated levels of PHB22,23 is less effective than overexpressing PEAR1 in wild-type plants (Extended Data Fig. 8l-o). Hence, to sharpen the boundary between dividing and non-dividing cells, the expression pattern of both HD-ZIP III and PEAR proteins must be tightly controlled.
Auxin is known to promote the xylem associated HD-ZIP III transcription24,25. However, PHB, CNA and REV show broader expression of both transcriptional and translational reporters (Fig. 4h, Extended Data Fig. 8f-h and Extended Data Fig. 9), suggesting that other factors may enhance HD-ZIP III transcription in the peripheral region. Interestingly, we observed a significant reduction of CNA transcription in PSE-neighbouring cells in the pear quintuple background (Fig. 4h-j). In addition, PEAR1 overexpression enhanced the transcription of HD-ZIP III genes, especially in the central domain of vascular tissue (Extended Data Fig. 9). These data suggest that PEAR1 locally enhances HD-ZIP III transcription at PSE-neighbouring cells. As previous work has reported that PEAR1 has the potential to bind HD-ZIP III promoters26,27, it is possible that these interactions are direct. As HD-ZIP III and PEAR1 show complementary expression patterns, we explored whether HD-ZIP III could regulate PEAR1 transcription. PEAR1 expression was severely attenuated in mutants showing elevated levels of HD-ZIP III such as phb-1d and shr-222 (Extended Data Fig.8p-t). Together these data suggest a feedback loop between HD-ZIP III and PEAR1 transcription.
Furthermore, to examine a possible effect of the HD-ZIP III on the mobile PEAR1 proteins, we measured the diffusion coefficient and movement pattern of PEAR1-GFP in wild type and in the hd-zip III quadruple mutant where PSE is formed in a triarch arrangement but PEAR1 transcription is restricted to PSE as observed in wild type (Extended Data Fig. 8u and w). We observed that the diffusion coefficient of PEAR1-GFP is significantly higher and the protein moves further in the mutant compared to wild type (Fig. 4k-m and Extended Data Fig. 4). To understand the significance of this enhanced PEAR1 movement, we analysed the cell proliferation pattern of combinatorial pear1 pear2 dof6 obp2 hca2 phb phv cna athb8 nonuple and pear1 pear2 dof6 tmo6 obp2 hca2 phb phv cna athb8 decuple loss-of-function mutants. We found that these mutants showed a reduced number of periclinal cell divisions in the vascular cells both adjacent to and non-adjacent to the pericycle compared to the hd-zip III quadruple mutant (Fig. 4a-g and Extended Data Fig. 8d-e). This indicates that HD-ZIP III inhibit periclinal cell division partially through inhibiting PEAR1 movement to position the cell division zone around phloem.
In order to further conceptualize the observed interactions between PEAR and HD ZIP III and test the capacity of this network to generate sharp boundaries, we incorporated the PEAR factors into a spatially one dimensional network model with HD-ZIP III, miR165/6, auxin and cytokinin as defined in previous theoretical studies 8,28,29 (Supplementary Modelling Information). The model is defined on a line in one spatial dimension representing 3, 4 or 5 cells from the centre of the xylem axis to the outer edge of the PSE cell (Extended Data Fig. 10a-d and Supplementary Modelling Information). One particularly interesting aspect of the system is that the network involves dual negative feedback loops, in which HD-ZIP III transcription is activated by PEAR1 (Interaction (1) in Extended Data Fig.10c), while in turn both PEAR1 transcription and protein movement are inhibited by HD-ZIP III (Interaction (2) and (3), respectively in Extended Data Fig.10c). We ran simulations exploring the steady state patterns created in networks with the above interactions and in scenarios when one of the interactions was missing (Extended Data Fig. 10d-h). Based solely on two inputs imposed at the margins, auxin (xylem) and miR165/6 (outer margin), the model predicts the spatial distribution of cytokinin, as well as PEAR and HD-ZIP III proteins (Extended Data Fig. 10d-h). The version of the model incorporating all three interactions (i.e repressing both the transcription and movement of PEAR) results in the sharpest gradients of PEAR and HD-ZIP III proteins (Extended Data Fig. 10f) with both PEAR1 protein and HD-ZIP III localized within the PSE-IN, consistent with experimental observations (Extended Data Fig. 10e). To our knowledge this is the first report of a role for the dual regulation of both transcription and movement of a developmental regulator in sharpening boundaries.
Collectively our research has uncovered a regulatory network involving the dual regulation of gene transcription and protein movement, in which the spatial distribution of phytohormones and small RNA is decoded into the activity of two functionally antagonistic sets of transcription factors, PEAR and HD-ZIP III, during root procambial development (Extended Data Fig. 10i). The mobile PEAR factors promote cell proliferation around the two early protophloem sieve element cell files, which constitute two new organizers just proximal to the quiescent centre. These organizers surround a more quiescent central zone defined by the HD-ZIP III factors. In this way, the PEAR - HD-ZIP III module specifies a lateral meristem within an apical meristem and as such, forms a foundation for further cambial development30. Therefore, in the future it will be interesting to determine how extensively this procambial pathway also contributes to ontogenetically late processes such as wood and storage organ formation in the crop species.
No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. The experiments were not randomized, and investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment. Experiments were repeated at least twice. All experiments were repeated successfully.
Plant materials and growth condition
Arabidopsis thaliana lines used in this study were either in Columbia or Landsberg erecta background. The following alleles were obtained from the publicly available collections: pear1 (CSHL_GT8483) in Ler, pear2 (SALK_088165) in Col-0, obp2 (SK24984) in Col-4, dof6 (Wiscseq_Ds_Llox351c08) in Col-0, hca2 (GK-466B10) in Col-0. Knock-out alleles of TMO6 were generated using CRISPR-Cas9 technology as previously described31. The following protospacer target sequence was selected as it had no predicted off-site targets and allowed screening via NheI restriction using the CRISPR-P web tool32. The Protospacer adjacent motif is underlined: GGACACCTGAGAGCTAGCTCCGG. Successful mutagenesis was confirmed via Sanger sequencing in plants of the T2 and T3 generation that no longer carried the Cas9 transgene. Four TMO6 mutant alleles were identified: tmo6-1 (+A), tmo6-2 (+T), tmo6-3 (deletion of 5 bp and at the same time insertion of 26 bp) and tmo6-4 (-5 bp) (Extended Data Fig. 5a). The alleles tmo6-1, -2, and -3 were found in the pear hextuple mutant and caused the pear hextuple phenotype, while tmo6-4 was found in the tmo6 single mutant, respectively. The genotyping primers for these mutants are listed in Supplementary Table 1. hd-zip III quadruple (phb phv cna athb8) was described previously21. Plant growth conditions were described previously5.
Histological analysis
Primary roots of vertically grown 4 to 5-day-old seedlings were used for histological analyses. For confocal imaging, root samples were stained with propidium iodide (PI), aniline blue (AB) or SCRI Renaissance 2200 (SR2200) (Renaissance Chemicals, UK). The method of PI and AB staining were described previously9,33. For SR2200 stain, root samples were fixed in SR2200 solution (4% paraformaldehyde, 0.1% (v/v) SR2200 in PBS buffer (pH7.4)). Then samples were washed with PBS buffer and transferred into the ClearSee solution34. Confocal imaging was performed on Leica TCS SP5, Leica TCS SP8, Leica TCS SP5 II HCS-A or Nikon C2 CLSM using a solid state blue laser (480nm) for GFP, a green laser (514nm) for VENUS, a lime laser (DPSS 561nm) for RFP and PI, and a UV laser (diode 405nm) for SR2200. Transverse plastic sections of root were performed as described previously5. For histological analyses of embryo, dissected embryos were mounted in SR2200 solution and visualized by the confocal microscopy.
Mapping of the position of periclinal cell divisions
A series of 2D confocal images of Arabidopsis root vascular tissue were recorded at 0.5 µm intervals using Nikon C2 CLSM or Leica TCS SP8. Cross section images in each developmental stage were created by ImageJ software from a series of 2D confocal images, and the cell segmentation was done using CellSeT35. For more information, see Supplementary Information.
Box plots
Box plots were created with standard box blot setting (the first and third quartiles, split by the median; whiskers extend to a maximum of 1.5× interquartile range (IQR) beyond the box.) Outliers are indicated as black dots.
DNA constructs and transgenic plants
Most of transgenic constructs were produced by using Gateway or multisite Gateway system (Invitrogen) as described previously18. To generate the transcriptional fusion constructs with GFP-GUS each promoter sequence was cloned into pDONR221 and fused to GFP-GUS coding sequence in the destination vector pBGWFS7 by normal LR reaction. For other transcriptional fusion constructs, including pPEAR1::VENUSer, pPEAR2::VENUSer, pAHA3::RFPer, pOBP2::VENUSer, pHCA2::RFPer, pTMO6::RFPer and pREV::RFPer and the transcriptional fusion constructs of PEAR1/PEAR2 downstream genes, each promoter was cloned into pDONRP4_P1R, and assembled with the coding sequence of fluorescent reporter (VENUSer or RFPer) and terminator into the destination vectors, pHm43GW (Hygromycin resistant), pBm43GW (Basta resistant) or by multisite Gateway system. To produce the transcriptional fusion constructs of HD-ZIP III, including PHB and CNA, each promoter was inserted upstream of the GAL4:VP16 (GV) coding region of pBIB-UAS-GFPer-NtADH5’-GV vector36. For most of the translational fusion constructs of PEAR genes, except for pPEAR1::PEAR1-GFP, each promoter was cloned into the first-box vector pDONRP4_P1R, and each coding sequence was cloned into vector pDONR221, thereafter each promoter and coding sequence were assembled with pDONR P2R_P3-terminator/reporter into pHm43GW, pBm43GW or pFR7mGW by multisite Gateway system18. To generate other translational fusion constructs, including pPEAR1::PEAR1-GFP, pCNA::CNA-GFP, pATHB8::ATHB-GFP and pREV::REV-GFP, each genomic fragment which contains promoter, coding and its 3’ region, was cloned into pAN19 vector. Then GFP coding sequence was fused to C-terminus of each coding sequence. Finally, each translational fusion sequence was inserted into the modified pBIN19 vector with Basta resistance23. For the overexpression construct, including PEAR genes and CRE1, the coding sequence of each genes was assembled with stele-specific estradiol-inducible promoter (pCRE1[XVE]) into pHm43GW or pBm43GW by the Multisite Gateway system described previously18. To construct pPEAR1[XVE]::icals3m, 1.5kb PEAR1 promoter was cloned into p1R4-ML:XVE vector18, and assembled with icals3m sequence into pBm43GW9. The primers for DNA construction and the list of plasmids are shown in Supplementary Table 1.
In situ hybridization
Amplified fragments of PEAR1, PEAR2 and OBP2 were cloned into pGEM-T Easy (Promega) vector and fragments of DOF6, HCA2, TMO6 into pCR-Bunt II-TOPO vector (Invitrogen) following manufacturer’s instructions. In order to obtain antisense probes, plasmids were first linearized by restriction enzyme treatment: MluI for PEAR1 and OBP2, ScaI for PEAR2, HindIII for TMO6 and DOF1, and XbaI for HCA2 were used. Linearized plasmids were digoxigenin (DIG) labelled using DIG RNA Labelling Kit (Roche) following manufacturer’s instructions. For PEAR1, OBP2, TMO6 and DOF1, T7 RNA polymerase and for PEAR2 and HCA2, SP6 RNA polymerase were used. mRNA detection on a whole-mount seedlings was performed as described37. Images were taken with Zeiss Axioimager microscope with either 20x or 40x objective.
Transcriptome analysis
Targets of PEAR1 and PEAR2 were identified by analysing transcriptional changes after dexamethasone (DEX) treatment of pRPS5A::PEAR1-GR and pRPS5A::PEAR2-GR. To identify putative direct targets, DEX treatment was also performed with cycloheximide (CHX), which inhibits protein synthesis and therefore activation of indirect targets. 3-day-old seedlings were grown on control medium and transferred to medium containing 10 μM DEX or 10 μM DEX and 10 μM CHX for 2h, after which root tips were collected and RNA extraction was performed. Total RNA (100 ng) was labelled using GeneChip WT PLUS Reagent Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and hybridized to GeneChip Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST array plates (Affymetrix). Sample labelling, hybridization to chips, and image scanning were performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Microarray analysis was performed as previously described to yield significantly up-regulated genes (>1.0-fold; P < 0.05)8. Venn diagram of significantly up-regulated genes was made using Venny 2.1 on-line program (http://bioinfogp.cnb.csic.es/tools/venny_old/venny.php). Previously published root spatiotemporal expression data was used to make a heatmap to visualize predicted expression patterns of all PEAR1 and PEAR2 targets10. To have relative expression values for every gene in different root cell types and developmental stages, values for every gene were normalized based on its highest expression in one of the cell types. Heatmap was generated using R with gplots R-package38. The transcriptomics data files are submitted to GEO (accession number GSE115183).
Reporter analysis of PEAR1/2 downstream genes
When selecting genes for reporter analysis, putative direct targets were preferred. Significantly more direct targets were identified for PEAR2, and therefore those are overrepresented. Other considerations were how strongly they were upregulated, as well as their predicted expression pattern. Expression in early procambium or early phloem and procambium was preferred. AT1G49230, AT1G15080, AT3G16330, AT4G00950 and SMXL3 are putative direct targets of PEAR2 and with predicted expression in early phloem/procambium. AT3G54780 was chosen because it is a putative direct target of both PEAR1 and PEAR2, although no predicted expression data was available. AT1G09460, a direct target of PEAR2 and a target of PEAR1, was chosen because it was induced very strongly by both genes, although predicted to be expressed only very weakly in phloem/procambium.
Quantitative RT-PCR analysis
qRT-PCR analyses were performed as described previously39. Cytokinin treatment was done with 10μM 6-Benzylaminopurine (BA), and experiments were performed in three biological repeats and each of these with 3 technical repeats. RNA was extracted with the RNeasy kit (QIAGEN). Poly(dT) cDNA was prepared from 1 μg of total RNA with an iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit (Biorad) and analysed on a CFX384 Real-Time PCR detection system (BioRad) with iQ SYBR Green Supermix (BioRad) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Expression levels were normalized to those of EEF1α and CDKA1;1. The primers are listed in Supplementary Table 1.
Phloem transport assay
The phloem translocation was judged by the transport and unloading of 5(6) Carboxyfluorascein diacetate (CFDA) as describe40. After application of the dye, plants were kept in agar plates and only placed on regular cover slips for imaging.
Raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS)
To determine the rate of movement of GFP-labeled PEAR1 protein in wild type and hd-zip III quadruple (phb phv cna athb8) mutant background, Raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) was performed according to previous work41–43. Images were collected using a Zeiss 880 confocal microscope. Frames of 256x256 pixels were acquired using a raster scan with a dwell time of 8.19 μsec pixel -1 at a pixel size of either 100nm for 100 frames resulting in a line scan of 5.035ms. Diffusion coefficients were derived using the SimFCS software (https://www.lfd.uci.edu/globals/)44 from GFP-labeled PEAR1 vascular cells within the first 70 μm from the QC. Specifically, 18 observations from WT and 30 for the hd-zip III quadruple (phb phv cna athb8) mutant background were used for the RICS analysis using the SimFCS software The RICS algorithm by comparing the intensity fluctuations of one pixel to the fluctuations of the pixels next to it and the fluctuations of one pixel to itself over time, produces a spatio-temporal Auto Correlation Function (ACF) that captures the fluorescence dynamics of the particles in the volume44,45. The ACF is decomposed into two correlation functions that depend on ξ (the spatial lag in x) and ψ (the spatial lag in y). The first correlation function, S(ξ,ψ), calculates the spatio-temporal correlation due to the scanning of the microscope. The second correlation function, G(ξ,ψ), calculates the spatio-temporal correlation due to particles diffusing in the medium. The ACF, GS(ξ,ψ), takes both of these correlations into account by multiplying them: GS(ξ,ψ)= S(ξ,ψ)* G(ξ,ψ). The functions are constructed assuming that the distribution of fluorescence intensities follows a 3D Gaussian distribution. The decomposition of the ACF into two parts allows RICS to distinguish random, Brownian motion from diffusing particles in the medium45. The software fits the RICS-ACF using the pixel dwell time, pixel size, line scan and the Point Spread Function (PSF) bean waist of 0.241nm as previously obtained41 and returns the diffusion coefficient of the protein. The diffusion coefficient returned results in the ACF curve that best fits the data. Goodness of fit is determined by comparing the residuals to the amplitude of the ACF41–45.
Mathematical model
The mathematical model is formulated as a set of ordinary differential equations describing the set of interactions shown in Figure 4o, defined on a one-dimensional array of discrete spatial compartments representing a cross-section of root tissue. The spatial subdivisions may represent either cell or cell wall compartments, with multiple compartments per cell so that intracellular resolution is present within the model. Three, four or five cells are simulated, from the centre of the stele at the xylem axis to the edge of the stele where phloem is formed. The model is implemented as a single stand-alone text file using Python 2.7 plus the open source libraries Scipy, from which the 'odeint' function was used to solve the differential equations, and Matplotlib, which was used to plot the figures. See Supplementary Modelling Information for more details.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank E. Scarpella, ABRC and NASC for materials, Katja Kainulainen, Karolina Blajecka, Mikko Herpola and Alessandro Mainardi for technical assistance, Natalie Clark for assisting with the scanning FCS analysis, Jenny Jansen for technical assistance with microarray hybridizations, Oleg Kambur and Lothar Kalmbach for assistance in generating the heatmap, and D. Weijers and T. Kakimoto for helpful discussions, A. Groenheide, E. Cornelissen, M. Chu, A. Korppoo and Alba Rodriguez Diez for technical support. This works was supported by Finnish Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology of Primary Producers (Academy of Finland CoE program 2014-2019) decision #271832, the Gatsby Foundation [GAT3395/PR3)], University of Helsinki [award 799992091] and the European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant SYMDEV [No. 323052] to Y. H., a NSF-BBSRC MCSB 1517058 to R.S. and Y.H., an ERC Consolidator grant (PLANTSTEMS), a Heisenberg Professorship of the German Research Foundation (DFG, GR2104/5-1) and the SFB 873 (DFG) to T.G., the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO; VIDI-864.13.001) and The Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO; Odysseus II G0D0515N and 12D1815N) to W.S. and B.D.R., respectively, a JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad and JSPS KAKENHI Grant [17K15138] to S.M., Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoc Mobility Grant (P300P3_147894) to P.R., a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists and JSPS KAKENHI Grant [JP16J00131] to K.T., Bayer Science and Education Foundation, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to B.B., The Finnish Academy of Science to J. O. H., Herchel Smith Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Herchel Smith Fund) to S.O.
Code availability
The code for mathematical model is available on request.
Data availability
All lines and data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. The microarray data files are available at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (accession no. GSE115183).
Author contributions
S.M., P.R. and I.S. contributed equally to this work. S.M. characterized the molecular interactions among PEAR and HD-ZIP III module. P.R. identified and quantified phenotype in the PEAR loss of function mutants with help of B.B. I.S. determined phloem specific DOFs and their downstream genes with input from B.D.R., W.S., M.B. and G. H. K.T. characterized PEAR-HD-ZIP III combinatorial mutants. B.B. generated tmo6 CRISPR mutants. J.H. performed in situ hybridization. N.M. and A.B. designed and performed computational modelling. H.H. produced CRE1 inducible line. S.O. assisted in the microarray experiments. K.H. and K.N. produced HD-ZIP III reporter lines. O.S. and A.P.M. provided the destination vector pSm43GW. R.S. and A.P.M. provided the pARR5::RFPer line. E.S.W., Y.K., T.G. and C.M. shared informative non-published data. R.S. analysed diffusion coefficient of PEAR1-GFP with P.R. B.D.R. and Y.H. participated in experimental design. S.M. and Y.H. wrote the manuscript and all authors commented on the manuscript. B.D.R. and Y.H. are co-corresponding authors.
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