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. 2021 Apr 22;16(4):e0250417. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250417

Predicting regional influenza epidemics with uncertainty estimation using commuting data in Japan

Taichi Murayama 1,*, Nobuyuki Shimizu 2, Sumio Fujita 2, Shoko Wakamiya 1, Eiji Aramaki 1
Editor: Tzai-Hung Wen3
PMCID: PMC8062106  PMID: 33886669


Obtaining an accurate prediction of the number of influenza patients in specific areas is a crucial task undertaken by medical institutions. Infections (such as influenza) spread from person to person, and people are rarely confined to a single area. Therefore, creating a regional influenza prediction model should consider the flow of people between different areas. Although various regional flu prediction models have previously been proposed, they do not consider the flow of people among areas. In this study, we propose a method that can predict the geographical distribution of influenza patients using commuting data to represent the flow of people. To elucidate the complex spatial dependence relations, our model uses an extension of the graph convolutional network (GCN). Additionally, a prediction interval for medical institutions is proposed, which is suitable for cyclic time series. Subsequently, we used the weekly data of flu patients from health authorities as the ground-truth to evaluate the prediction interval and performance of influenza patient prediction in each prefecture in Japan. The results indicate that our GCN-based model, which used commuting data, considerably improved the predictive accuracy over baseline values both temporally and spatially to provide an appropriate prediction interval. The proposed model is vital in practical settings, such as in the decision making of public health authorities and addressing growth in vaccine demand and workload. This paper primarily presents a GCN as a useful means for predicting the spread of an epidemic.


Predicting infectious diseases is a critical task for public health authorities and industry stakeholders worldwide. Influenza (or simply flu) epidemics, representing a class of severe infectious diseases, are characterized by the widespread incidence of various symptoms, such as the sudden onset of fever, coughs, and headaches. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that every year, 3–5 million cases of severe illness occur worldwide due to influenza, leading to 290,000–650,000 deaths annually [1]. Influenza also reduces economic productivity because of employee absenteeism and sudden increase in hospital workload [2]. Such instances have motivated public health authorities to predict the consequences of influenza in different countries.

Existing influenza prediction systems must be improved to make better decisions regarding public health. First, the influenza volume should be predicted over small regions, rather than over entire countries. Second, the reliability of prediction results should be investigated. Regional influenza predictions must consider the characteristics of infectious diseases, which are mainly spread through direct contact with infected persons (contact infection) or the sneezing and coughing of infected persons, which can lead to the spread of infectious droplets in the air (droplet infection) [3, 4]. Thus, influenza tends to spread from one area to the surrounding areas through direct contact with infected persons. According to previous research, such a regional infection spreading pattern can be better modeled by considering the flow of people between regions, rather than considering spatially-adjacent relations [57]. Additionally, public health organizations must comprehend the degree of prediction confidence. This will stimulate a flexible response to various problems triggered by influenza epidemics.

This study aimed to develop a regional flu prediction model that incorporates the geographical flow of people and uncertainty estimation for a cyclic time series. To achieve this, we used commuting data to model the flow of people into a region from other regions. In particular, inter-regional commuting information, as shown in Fig 1(b), was used instead of regional adjacency data (AD), as shown in Fig 1(a). We incorporated influenza data and commuting data into a traffic simulation model to assess the spread of infection caused by the flow of people based on geographical relations. This study extended the use of graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) to capture latent geographical relations using graph representation, where each node of the graph is a target region for influenza prediction, and each edge represents the commuting flow of people. GCNs capture spatial dependencies and can be easily combined with other neural models to improve prediction. It is important to show that a GCN can effectively predict the geographical distribution of influenza. We aimed to construct an infectious disease prediction system for each region.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

(a) Adjacency matrix, which is undirected with no weights, has been used so far. (b) Weighted directed matrix, originating from commuting data, includes weights and directions to assess infectious disease characteristics.

Furthermore, we estimated the suitable uncertainty of our model’s prediction using a prediction interval. This is important for decision making in terms of public health regarding factors such as vaccine demand and medical personnel allocation. Our spatiotemporal model is based on neural networks that are adopted by some epidemic prediction studies [6, 8]. However, it is difficult to estimate the prediction interval for the downside or upside of prediction points because neural networks conduct point estimation. Therefore, owing to the unknown reliability of prediction results, it becomes difficult for public health authorities to take certain decisions. To resolve such difficulties, Zhu et al. [9] presented an encoder–decoder method with an inference of prediction intervals by calculating three sources of prediction uncertainties, i.e., model uncertainty, inherent noise, and model misspecification, using Monte Carlo (MC) dropout, which was derived from the property of dropout-approximate Bayesian inference. This method appends an inference module to a trained model, without re-training it, to estimate the prediction uncertainties of the model. However, Zhu et al.’s method tends to favor a prediction interval that is much larger than adequate for non-epidemic periods (mainly in summer). This is due to the lack of consideration of the one-year periodicity in the time series of flu data, which exhibit strong seasonality (i.e., epidemic in winter and non-epidemic in summer). In brief, Zhu et al.’s method is not suitable for a time series with periodicity, such as flu data. Therefore, we extended their method to estimate a suitable prediction interval for one-year cyclic trends in time series and evaluated the effectiveness of the extended method.

The main contributions of this study can be summarized as follows:

  1. We demonstrate that modeling the flow of people as spatial information is useful for regional flu prediction. Our spatiotemporal model aims to provide better predictions than baseline models.

  2. We introduce an uncertainty estimation method for cyclic time series with real-life applications (such as the prediction of infectious diseases).

The proposed model with uncertainty estimation has important applications, including decision support for regional public health authorities in terms of vaccines and workload.

Related work

Influenza prediction

Influenza prediction methods can be broadly classified into three categories: compartmental model-based, statistical and time series, and machine learning. Compartmental models include the “susceptible–infected–removed” (SIR) [10] and incidence decay with exponential adjustment [11] models. They differ from statistical and machine-learning methods as they set suitable parameters for each compartment and focus on understanding disease dynamics. Statistical and time series methods include the autoregression-integrated moving average [12] and generalized autoregressive moving average [13] methods. In particular, the autoregression with Google search (ARGO) method [14], which is based on linear regression using the input data of the Google search time series and historical influenza-like illness data, has exhibited superior results for flu forecasting [1517]. Our GCN-based model is based on machine learning. Other examples of machine-learning methods include linear regression [18, 19], random forest [20], Gaussian process [21], and long short-term memory (LSTM) [7, 8, 22].

Resource selection for the prediction method is also an important factor in influenza prediction. Many studies have relied on user-generated content (UGC) from internet services, such as search services [12, 14, 23, 24] and social networking services [2527]. Infectious disease surveillance conducted with online content, such as that described above, is generally described as infoveillance [28]. Currently, Google Flu Trends [24] is one of the most representative systems, which is designed to estimate the current influenza-like illness rate using related Google search terms. Signorini et al. [29] examined Twitter streams for the volume of tweets including keywords related to influenza and demonstrated the usefulness of Twitter data for tracking flu epidemics. In addition to user-generated content, many studies have used diverse resources to improve their models, such as Wikipedia [30], historical flu data [14, 3133], and weather data [34]. Our model used historical flu data as a resource.

Moreover, our research on influenza prediction for each prefecture is related to the following studies. Senanayake et al. [5] used a kernel function based on the distance between two areas to capture spatial dependence. Wu et al. [6] used a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture to convolve the information of surrounding areas. Liu et al. [35] used a geographically weighted regression model, which extended the ordinary linear regression model and embedded geographical location data into the regression parameters, with geographical information about hospitals, such as the number of hospitals per 10,000 population, to predict the COVID-19 situation in China. In contrast to the abovementioned studies, our study used regional commuting data to model the flow of people into a specific area. Brockmann et al. [36] attempted to capture the onset of an epidemic using data on international traffic. Wang et al. [37] extended the classic SIR model to consider the visitor transmission between any two areas to predict intra-city epidemic propagation using the traffic volumes in cities. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first attempt to predict influenza volume in detail for a large area, i.e., the entire territory of Japan, by considering the inter-regional flow of people using machine learning.

Spatiotemporal model

Spatiotemporal models have a long history [38] as below. Dynamical state-space models, where the current state is conditioned in the past, have also been explored [39]. The use of tensor methods to analyze epidemic data [40] and models that detect the movement of a person in a video using conditional random fields [41] are examples of spatiotemporal models. Recently, GCNs [42], which convolve the graph architecture, were used for text classification [43], image analysis [44], and molecular structure analysis [45]. Additionally, GCN models can present regional relations as graphs and capture time dependence. Previously, GCNs were studied for traffic prediction problems, such as bicycle flow [46] and traffic volume [47].

Bayesian neural networks

Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are derived from Bayesian methods and can incorporate uncertainty in deep learning models. The method described by Zhu et al. [9], which is the base model for our prediction interval estimation, is related to BNNs. A BNN aims to determine the posterior distribution of network parameters rather than conduct point estimation. However, it is difficult to calculate the posterior inference of deep learning models because of their complex nonlinearity and non-conjugacy characteristics. Several approximate inference methods have been proposed to address this difficulty, such as probabilistic backpropagation [48] and stochastic search [49]. Zhu’s method is based on the MC dropout proposed in [50]. An important feature of MC dropout is that it can be easily applied to neural networks because it performs stochastic dropouts after passing through each learned hidden layer; further, it generates a posterior predictive distribution.

Materials and methods

This section describes the proposed model. We propose a spatiotemporal model inspired by [9, 51] that incorporates the geographical flow of people. Moreover, the model incorporates an estimation method for influenza prediction that is suitable for a year-long cyclic time series. Our model consists of two parts: influenza prediction and uncertainty (prediction interval) estimation. Fig 2 illustrates an overview of the proposed model.

Fig 2. Overview of our model.

Fig 2

The model includes sequence-to-sequence combinations of a diffusion GCN and gated recurrent unit (GRU) with uncertainty estimation. We feed the historical time series of patient numbers into the encoder. Next, we use its final states to initialize the decoder. The decoder generates a prediction from previous ground-truths or the values predicted by the model using scheduled sampling. Additionally, our model applies the predicted values to our uncertainty estimation method and then outputs the prediction interval.

Influenza prediction

The influenza prediction part of the model is composed of two combined modules: a GCN and a sequence-to-sequence architecture. The GCN extracts the features of various spatial relationships between observation points and captures spatial dependencies. The GCN can be easily combined with other neural networks, such as a recurrent neural network (RNN), which is useful in predicting infectious diseases [22]. The GCN can be used for feature extraction related to graph nodes. Overall, the GCN can achieve high accuracy in predicting infectious diseases. Based on the above reasons, we selected a GCN to capture spatial dependencies. Our model also employs a sequence-to-sequence architecture, which is useful for producing forecasts more than two weeks in advance. Table 1 defines the main notations used to represent the influenza prediction part of our model.

Table 1. Main notations.

Notation Definition or Description
X(t) epidemiology information at time t
W weighted matrix
DO out-degree diagonal matrix
DI in-degree diagonal matrix
Θ filter parameter tensor
O output of DGCN
H1,H2 output of GRU
X^t predicted influenza volume at time t
η^t total prediction uncertainty at time t
I number of input features
N number of nodes (regions)
M number of input features for DGCN
Q number of output features for DGCN
T input length
T output length
K number of diffusion steps

Task definition

The objective of influenza prediction is to predict the number of future influenza patients based on previously observed data and commuting data corresponding to N regions in the network. One can use X(t)RN×M to represent M epidemiology information observed from N different signals at time t; for example, the number of influenza patients in t weeks in N regions of Japan. Additionally, we represent the regional network as a weighted directed graph G=(V,E,W), where V is a set of nodes |V|=N, E is a set of edges, and WRN×N is a weighted matrix representation, such as the constant commuting volume between regions. The influenza prediction problem aims to learn the function f(⋅) that maps T′ historical signals and a constant weighted matrix representation of G to T future signals:


Diffusion graph convolutional network

We used a diffusion GCN (DGCN), which was originally developed for traffic flow prediction by [51], where we modeled the spatial dependence of the virus spreading by applying a diffusion process, i.e., random walk on a commuting graph. Thus, the temporal dynamics of the infection spread through regions were captured by a stochastic process on the input graph G. Intuitively, this stochastic process represents the step-by-step “flows of viruses” through regions; one day, a commuter transmits a virus to a region, and the following day, other commuters transmit the virus from this region to other regions with some probability, and so on. The transition matrix of the diffusion process is DO-1W, where DO = diag(W 1) is the diagonal matrix of the total out-commuters from each region, and 1 denotes the all-ones vector. The stationary distribution of the diffusion process is as follows:

P=k=0α(1-α)k(DO-1W)k (1)

where k represents the number of diffusion steps and α ∈ [0, 1] represents the restart probability, with which the diffusion process restarts from its initial states [52, 53]. The DGCN adopts a graph diffusion convolution using the above-mentioned diffusion process in Eq (1) over an input epidemiology signal X and a filter fθ, leveraging the flows both leaving and entering each region. The signal information X, such as the current number of patients, is transferred from one node to its neighboring nodes with the probabilities given in the transition matrix, and the spread signal distribution can reach the above-mentioned stationary distribution after several steps. However, the DGCN uses only a finite K-step truncation of the whole diffusion process for computational efficiency. Thus, it captures the K-localized graph structures of G as follows:

X:,mGfθ=k=0K-1(θk,1(DO-1W)k+θk,2(DI-1WT)k)X:,mm{1M} (2)

where θRK×2 are the filter parameters, and G denotes a graph convolution operation. Furthermore, DO-1W and DI-1WT represent the transition matrices of the diffusion and reversed processes, respectively, when considering both flows of people. Our machine learning method uses both directions; it learns different parameters for each transition matrix. These two directions might affect the epidemic situation in regions with different strengths of impact; thus, the input graph must be directed.

However, computation of the convolution operation defined in Eq (2) may be expensive. To localize the filter and reduce the number of parameters, the first part of Eq (2), including DO-1W, can be rewritten as

k=0K-1θkTk(X:,m) (3)

As Tk+1(x)=DO-1WTk(x) and DO-1W are sparse, the computational cost can be reduced by recursively computing K-localized convolutions [54].

Regarding the convolution operation defined in Eq (2), a diffusion convolutional layer maps M-dimensional features to Q-dimensional outputs, where Q is the number of output features. The diffusion convolutional layer is described as

O:,q=a(m=1MX:,mGfΘq,m,:,:)q{1Q} (4)

where ORN×Q represents the output, ΘRQ×M×K×2 consists of all θ parameters in the parameter tensor, and a represents the activation function (e.g., ReLU and sigmoid).

Sequence-to-sequence architecture of GRU and DGCN

Our model employs a sequence-to-sequence architecture to provide forecasts more than two weeks ahead of time; these are composed of RNNs to model the temporal dependence and a GCN to model the spatial dependence. In particular, a GRU [55], which is a simple and powerful variant of an RNN, was first used. The GRU considers Xt and Ht−1 as inputs and outputs Ht in accordance with the following formulae:

rt=σ(UrXt+WrHt-1)ft=tanh(UhXt+Ht-1Whrt)zt=σ(UzXt+WzHt-1)Ht=(1-zt)Ht-1+ztft (5)

where zt and rt represent the reset gate and update gate at time t, respectively. Uz,Ur,UhRI×M and Wz,Wr,WhRM×M are parameters for the respective gates, and M is the output dimension of the GRU. We can consolidate Eq (5) as follows:

Ht1=GRU(Xt),t{(i-T+1),,i} (6)

where Ht1RN×M, which is the hidden state of the GRU, is applied by the DGCN, as described in Section 4.1. We can then represent Eqs 14 as follows:

Ot=DGCN(Ht1,W) (7)

The DGCN is used between the two GRU layers to achieve feature squeezing, as described in [56]. Subsequently, we apply the output of the DGCN to the second GRU layer, as follows.

Ht2=GRU(Ot) (8)

where Ht2RN×S. For the inference of the influenza volume in each region, we apply the output of the second GRU layer in the decoder to the multilayer perceptron (MLP), which has two layers. Finally, X^n(t+1), which is the final output, represents the number of influenza patients in n regions at time t + 1:

X^n(t+1)=MLP(Ht,n2) (9)

During training, we feed the historical time series of patient numbers into the encoder. Next, we use its final states to initialize the decoder, which generates the prediction from previous ground-truth values. However, the discrepancy between the input distribution of training and testing data can decrease the performance, as because ground-truth values are replaced by predictions generated by the model. To solve this problem, we use scheduled sampling [57], which is a process that feeds the model either ground-truth values with probability ϵ or model predictions with probability 1−ϵ.

Uncertainty estimation

Our model incorporates a method to estimate the uncertainty of the model prediction, i.e., a prediction interval suitable for a cyclic time series. Estimating prediction intervals is important for public health organizations when making decisions.

However, it is difficult to apply neural networks that conduct point estimation, such as our prediction model. Therefore, we propose a method for estimating prediction intervals that are suitable for cyclic time series after explaining Zhu’s method [9], which is the basis of our method.

Algorithm 1 Inference (from [9])

Input: data x*, encoder g(⋅), prediction network h(⋅), dropout probability p, number of iterations B

Output: prediction y^mc*, uncertainty η

//Model uncertainty and model misspecification

1: y^*, η1MCdropout (x*,g,h,p,B)

// Inherent noise

2: for xv in validation set {x1,,xV} do

3:  y^vh(g(xv))

4: end for

5: η221Vv=1V(y^v-yv)2

// Total prediction uncertainty

6: ηη12+η22

7: return y^*,η

Algorithm 2 Inference considering periodicity

Input: data xm*, time cyclic point m, encoder g(⋅), prediction network h(⋅), dropout probability p, number of iterations B, window width W

Output: prediction y^mc*, uncertainty η

//Model uncertainty and model misspecification

1: y^*, η1MCdropout (xm*,g,h,p,B)

// Inherent noise

2: for xw in {xm-(W-1)/2,...,xm+(W-1)/2} do

3:  y^wh(g(xw))

4: end for

5: η221Ww=1W(y^w-yw)2

// Total prediction uncertainty

6: ηη12+η22

7: return y^*,η

Base method

We describe the method proposed by Zhu et al. (referred to as Zhu’s method), which provides time-series prediction and uncertainty estimation. This method quantifies the standard error η of the prediction. Therefore, an approximate α-level prediction interval can be constructed using [y*−zα/2 η, y*+zα/2 η]. Here, the model prediction y*=fW^(x*), x* is a new input, fW^(.) is a trained neural network, and zα/2 is the upper α/2-quantile of the standard normal distribution. The method accounts for three sources of prediction uncertainties for quantifying the prediction standard error η: model uncertainty, inherent noise, and model misspecification.

Model uncertainty and misspecification are calculated using MC dropout, which was derived from the property of dropout-approximate Bayesian inference [50]. Specifically, MC dropout proceeds to randomly drop out each hidden unit in a model with a certain probability p. This stochastic feed-forward process is repeated B times to obtain an output {y^(1)*,y^(B)*}. Using this output, we can approximate the model uncertainty as

Var^(fW(x*))=1Bb=1B(y^(b)*-y^¯*)2 (10)

where y^¯*=1Bb=1By^(b)*. To incorporate this uncertainty into the encoder–decoder model, we apply MC dropout to all layers in both the encoder g and final prediction network h. Estimation of the model uncertainty and misspecification using MC dropout is described in [9].

The inherent noise σ^2 is estimated via the residual sum of squares evaluated on an independent validation set X={x1,,xV},Y={y1,,yV}. We estimate the inherent noise via the residual sum of squares for the validation set as we do not know the correct noise level a priori.


Uncertainty estimation is presented in Algorithm 1.

Proposed method for cyclic time series

We incorporate Zhu et al.’s uncertainty estimation method into our model for flu prediction. Fig 6(a) shows the time series of our model using Zhu’s method for the Okayama prefecture. This figure shows the method applied to our model for the prediction interval. Specifically, it shows a tendency to provide a larger than necessary prediction interval in a non-epidemic period, where there is only a slight variation in the number of flu patients. This tendency, which originates from the method of calculating the inherent noise, can complicate decision making for health authorities.

The inherent noise in Algorithm 1 is assumed to be constant in all periods. However, inherent noise strongly depends on the season in a year-long periodic time series (such as the number of influenza patients). Therefore, we replace Algorithm 1 with Algorithm 2, and subsequently incorporate it into our model with this uncertainty estimation for cyclic time series. In Algorithm 2, the one-period validation set is used to calculate the inherent noise, as periodicity must be considered. In particular, we prepare the one-period validation set X={x1,,xM},Y={y1,,yM} in the time series (e.g., one-year validation set for flu prediction). Next, we calculate the inherent noise using window width W of the validation set {xm-(W-1)/2,,xm+(W-1)/2} around January, when a new input is in the January data xm*. Here, m is the time cyclic point, and M is the number of one-period data points.


We evaluated the predictive capabilities of our spatiotemporal model and prediction interval estimation on the 47 prefectures of Japan. The proposed model is referred to as “GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF” hereinafter, where PF indicates that the model considers the flow of people.

We aimed to answer the following research questions:

  • (RQ1) Does commuting data improve the accuracy of influenza prediction?

  • (RQ2) When and in which area does our model produce good results?

  • (RQ3) How effective is our uncertainty estimation method in real-world epidemic prediction?


Influenza data

We used data based on the weekly number of patients with influenza symptoms for each prefecture in Japan, as reported by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID). NIID reports aggregated information related to influenza in its weekly reports [58] to provide warnings regarding infection outbreaks. These reports are delayed by approximately seven days from the date of the original clinical reports by physicians (because of the time necessary to aggregate clinical information from different health authorities in each prefecture). We mixed all subtypes of influenza data and accumulated the number of influenza patients from the 37th week of 2012 to the 30th week of 2020. We accessed the data, which was provided fully anonymized, on 21 Oct 2020.

Commuting data

Spatiotemporal models typically use adjacency and distance between observation points to model geographical information. However, human mobility is strongly linked with the transmission of infectious diseases (such as droplets and contact infections). Therefore, this study used commuting data instead of AD as geographical information (Fig 1). Adding commuting data to our model can better capture the epidemic situation in a region, which is important for public health organizations.

To consider inter-regional flows of people, we used commuting data from the 47 prefectures of Japan. The data were provided by the national census report [59] of 2015. The provided data include the single daily average numbers of commuters from one prefecture to another over all days of the weeks. We accessed the data, which was provided fully anonymized, on 21 Oct 2020. In the experiment in each year, we represented the data of each year as a graph G=(V,E,W) in the proposed model because the national census report only provides only the number of commuters, regardless of the year. We divided the number of commuters by the maximum number of commuters between every prefecture pair, which is known as min-max normalization to graph-edge information, such as W. The maximum number of commuters (270,000) travels from Kanagawa prefecture to Tokyo prefecture. Moreover, 135,000 commuters travel from Osaka to Nara. The edge weight, representing commuters traveling from Osaka to Nara, is shown as 0.5 (=135,000/270,000) in the graph, after applying min-max normalization.

Models for comparison

Vector autoregression

Vector autoregression (VAR) [60] is an extension of autoregressive models that allow for more than one evolving variable. We selected observation values in all regions, which are up to T′ weeks before, as multiple variables. We set T′ as five weeks in the experiment. To make the model more robust, we adopted an L2-regularization term for training.


The LSTM model captures temporal dependence in data and preserves backpropagated error through time and layers. LSTM has been successfully used in natural language and sound signal processing [61] as well as influenza prediction [8, 22]. Specifically, LSTM has input, output, and forget gates, which are used to compute the new states in the memory cell given old values. Our baseline architecture is the same as that reported in [8].


The CNNRNN-Res model was developed by [6] for influenza prediction. The model structure comprises three parts: a CNN to capture regional relations; an RNN to capture time dependencies; and residual links for fast training with no overfitting. The CNN uses the adjacent information of the respective regions. The residual links bypass some intermediate layers, which can mitigate overfitting [62].

GCN+Seq2seq w/ AD

To validate the effectiveness of PF as spatial information compared with other geographical relations between prefectures, we used our model with AD instead of commuting data. Note that AD comprise a matrix that represents whether two regions are adjacent (1) or not (0) without a specified direction, as shown in Fig 1(a). We term this model with AD between the 47 prefectures “GCN+Seq2seq w/ AD,” for contrast with the proposed“GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF” model.

GCN+Seq2seq w/ DD

To validate the effectiveness of PF as spatial information, compared with other geographical relations between prefectures, we considered the distance between prefecture regions. We assume that the inter-region distance is an important factor in estimating the strength of the interaction between regions along with geographical adjacency. We prepared the data by measuring the straight-line distance between the locations of the government offices of each prefecture. In our model, we substituted the graph weighted by the inverse distance between regions after min-max normalized for commuting data. The closest distance’s edge weight is given as 1, and smaller values indicate longer distances. We term this model with inverse distance data (DD) between the 47 prefectures “GCN+Seq2seq w/ DD.”

Evaluation metrics

Two evaluation metrics were used to compare each model’s predictive performance: coefficient of determination R2 and mean absolute error (MAE). The R2 coefficient represents how well the predicted values conform to true values; the higher, the better. The MAE is the average magnitude of differences between the predicted and true values; the lower, the better.


We predicted influenza epidemics in the 47 prefectures of Japan with a spatiotemporal model. The model was validated as follows. The influenza patient numbers from week 1 to week 5 (“Nowcasting” and “Forecasting”) were predicted using the proposed model, GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF, and the five models for comparison, i.e., VAR, LSTM, CNNRNN-Res, GCN+Seq2seq w/ AD, and GCN+Seq2seq w/ DD. We assessed the predictive performance using data from four flu seasons in Japan (31st week of 2016—30th week of 2017, 31st week of 2017—30th week of 2018, 31st week of 2018—30th week of 2019, 31st week of 2019—30th week of 2020); these were year-long periods. We set 156 weeks (three years) as the training period using past data, and then set 52 weeks (one year) as the validation period for the prediction interval estimation before each testing period. In other words, we used 7332 training samples (156 weeks × 47 prefectures), 2444 validation samples, and 2444 test samples.

We used the influenza data for 26 weeks before a specific week as inputs for all models, except the VAR model, for which we set T′ as five weeks. The L2-regularization of the VAR model was searched from the set of (0.01, 0.1, 1) in the validation period. Moreover, we used two hidden layers in the LSTM. The size of the hidden layer was selected as (5, 20, 50, 80, 150, 200) for the validation period. For CNNRNN-Res, the hidden dimension for the RNN was (5, 10, 20, 40), and the number of residual links was selected as (4, 8, 16), as described in [6]. For GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF, w/ DD, and w/ AD, we set the number of diffusion steps K as 3. We subsequently selected the learning rate and hidden layer sizes of the GRU, M and S, as (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0) and (32, 64, 128, 256) for the validation period, respectively. During training, all model parameters were updated using gradient descent with the Adam update rule, with a dropout value of 0.5. The dropout was applied to hidden layers to avoid overfitting and estimate model uncertainty.

Results and discussions

Experimental results

The results are presented in Table 2. Our GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF model outperformed all other models in terms of MAE and R2 when predicting the number of influenza patients two to five weeks in advance.

Table 2. Regional prediction model performances (averaged across all 47 prefectures in Japan).

Season Model 1-week 2-week 3-week 4-week 5-week
VAR 181.18 0.936 248.07 0.816 314.34 0.690 456.05 0.511 607.31 0.294
2016/31st LSTM 149.76 0.939 259.34 0.820 375.67 0.693 513.66 0.537 713.20 0.240
CNNRNN-Res 163.24 0.918 332.83 0.750 375.44 0.616 396.16 0.542 458.51 0.460
2017/30th GCN+S2s w/ AD 142.08 0.931 214.89 0.828 266.42 0.616 320.02 0.530 384.38 0.540
GCN+S2s w/ DD 133.78 0.931 216.11 0.745 279.27 0.615 312.18 0.599 389.78 0.576
GCN+S2s w/ PF 148.76 0.936 211.30 0.864 265.85 0.760 305.77 0.667 313.29 0.635
VAR 237.94 0.902 420.40 0.781 699.27 0.362 663.41 0.131 987.73 -0.396
2017/31st LSTM 216.64 0.866 366.58 0.678 451.27 0.580 517.39 0.541 595.47 0.415
CNNRNN-Res 210.29 0.891 343.49 0.733 440.64 0.621 498.01 0.532 610.81 0.423
2018/30th GCN+S2s w/ AD 197.20 0.918 341.72 0.791 402.10 0.704 448.38 0.628 553.52 0.619
GCN+S2s w/ DD 201.53 0.915 322.87 0.779 399.76 0.697 479.11 0.648 480.35 0.619
GCN+S2s w/ PF 215.31 0.918 338.03 0.795 399.42 0.723 442.31 0.666 459.12 0.648
VAR 239.21 0.916 341.35 0.834 579.81 0.433 822.02 -0.112 1034.90 -0.695
2018/31st LSTM 167.08 0.912 263.39 0.815 310.94 0.620 368.73 0.673 417.39 0.562
CNNRNN-Res 168.01 0.917 375.27 0.652 422.63 0.528 512.72 0.437 615.29 0.400
2019/30th GCN+S2s w/ AD 130.31 0.967 237.31 0.907 266.94 0.882 290.93 0.852 362.65 0.737
GCN+S2s w/ DD 146.09 0.961 256.22 0.895 306.38 0.859 335.03 0.830 398.36 0.745
GCN+S2s w/ PF 117.40 0.974 196.45 0.918 228.85 0.884 230.85 0.887 224.62 0.890
VAR 126.56 0.942 326.09 0.420 544.50 -0.803 686.64 -1.901 856.59 -3.459
2019/31st LSTM 124.62 0.842 263.39 0.581 286.15 0.409 369.28 0.188 433.53 -0.316
CNNRNN-Res 100.91 0.922 283.58 0.571 333.94 0.357 399.31 0.151 501.02 -0.402
2020/30th GCN+S2s w/ AD 83.95 0.955 193.15 0.667 274.65 0.395 345.11 0.095 408.42 -0.255
GCN+S2s w/ DD 96.82 0.959 209.93 0.704 313.72 0.472 395.97 0.164 447.38 -0.074
GCN+S2s w/ PF 76.26 0.954 164.05 0.707 227.57 0.473 288.72 0.230 343.89 0.006

In immediate-future predictions, such as one or two weeks in advance, the predictive performance of VAR, a statistical model, had no significant difference from that of the machine-learning model. However, when predicting more than three weeks in advance, the performance of the statistical model declined sharply. LSTM, a neural network, achieved high R2 and MAE values considering temporal dependency. CNNRNN-Res, which combines a CNN and RNN using prefecture information, also achieved high performance similar to that of LSTM. However, the prediction performances of the two comparative models based on machine learning at more than four weeks ahead were insufficient. GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF, based on a GCN using commuting data, had a slightly better prediction performance for the number of influenza patients at one and two weeks as compared with the other models; it especially achieved much better performance for predictions more than four weeks in advance. These results indicate that our GCN model based on commuting data was the best model among various epidemic prediction models for regions and countries.

RQ1: Effectiveness of commuting data

To answer RQ1 (Does commuting data improve the accuracy of the influenza prediction?), we compared GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF with the GCN+Seq2seq w/ AD and GCN+Seq2seq w/ DD models, which used adjacency and distance data instead of commuting data, respectively. GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF outperformed both variants. Specifically, as shown by the comparison between GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF and other baselines, such as the LSTM and CNNRNN-Res models, the effect of the commuting data on advanced predictions (such as the four or five week prediction) was higher than that on immediate future predictions (such as the one week prediction). The results demonstrate the advantages of considering PF between prefectures to improve predictions of the numbers of patients that might be affected by infectious diseases. Such flow and movement of people leads to the spread of influenza from person to person.

Fig 3 shows examples of trained filters by GCN+Seq2seq w/ AD, w/ DD, and w/ PF centered at the Nara prefecture. The weights represent the importance of using inputs from other prefectures. Moreover, the weights by GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF reflect commuting data, as opposed to w/ AD and w/ DD. For example, the visualization by GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF indicates significant weights for Osaka (second-largest metropolitan prefecture in Japan) and relatively significant weights for Tokyo (capital of Japan) and Aichi (third-largest metropolitan prefecture in Japan), although these prefectures are far from Nara.

Fig 3. Visualization of the weights of learned localized filters of Eq (2) for (a) GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF, (b) GCN+Seq2seq w/ DD, and (c) GCN+Seq2seq w/ AD against the prediction target node (Nara prefecture, as shown by a star).

Fig 3

The colors represent the weights, i.e., strength of influence of each prefecture on the prediction of the target prefecture. The red prefectures are given assigned larger weights, i.e., they contribute significantly for to predicting the epidemics of in the target prefecture, while blue prefectures are given assigned smaller weights. Note that most prefectures are represented in white for visibility, as their weights are less than 5% of the maximum.

RQ2: Effectiveness of spatiotemporal model

To answer RQ2 (when and in which areas does our model produce good results?), we divided it into two questions: “for which areas does our model produce good results” and “when does our model produce good results?”

For which areas does our model produce good results?

For almost all prefectures, our model outperformed LSTM in terms of MAE. The model also provided a better performance over a wider space. We demonstrated the improvement of our model’s predictive performance compared with LSTM in terms of MAE in the best five and least five improved prefectures, as shown in Table 3. Their locations are presented in Fig 4. These results demonstrate that GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF had a strong positive effect, such as maximizing the reduction in MAE by up to approximately 80%, for prediction of influenza patient numbers in any prefecture. The flow of people between different prefectures was the main factor that improved the accuracy of infection predictions.

Table 3. Improvement percentage of our predictive performance compared with LSTM in terms of MAE in the five most and least improved prefectures.

Lower values indicate greater improvement because a lower MAE indicates better performance.

Rank 2016/31st–2017/30th 2017/31st–2018/30th 2018/31st–2019/30th 2019/31st–2020/30th
Prefecture Improve ment (%) Prefecture Improve ment (%) Prefecture Improve ment (%) Prefecture Improve ment (%)
1 Tokushima -79.5 Aomori -46.1 Oita -50.7 Kochi -61.1
2 Kagawa -75.0 Nigata -45.5 Gunma -48.2 Kagoshima -60.5
3 Hiroshima -74.0 Fukui -39.9 Okayama -47.8 Wakayama -60.4
4 Okayama -69.8 Ishikawa -39.6 Ehime -47.6 Miyazaki -58.7
5 Yamaguchi -66.9 Toyama -38.7 Kagawa -47.2 Saga -55.7
43 Gifu -34.0 Okinawa -14.9 Shizuoka -17.3 Akita 9.1
44 Shiga -32.3 Kyoto -12.5 Tokyo -14.5 Hukushima 10.6
45 Fukushima -27.8 Kochi -11.6 Okinawa -13.1 Nagano 14.4
46 Yamagata -24.2 Okayama -11.5 Yamaguchi -5.0 Aomori 15.9
47 Okinawa -17.5 Shiga -9.1 Miyazaki 1.6 Hokkaido 20.5
Fig 4. Prefecture maps that illustrate the improvements of prediction accuracy measured by MAE in each prefecture, where the improvement ratios of GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF against LSTM are represented by colors.

Fig 4

Red denotes improved prefectures and blue denotes degraded prefectures. Prefectures enclosed in red and blue frames denote the five best and worst prefectures in each year, respectively. The small square at the corner of each map shows Okinawa prefecture.

The next important question we want to address is “what factors lead to different results of our model, compared with LSTM, in different prefectures?” Fig 4 reveals a strong relationship between locations of top-ranked prefectures (enclosed in red frames). These include four prefectures in 2016–2017, four in 2017–2018, and three in 2018–2019, which are contiguous. Hence, the GCN ensures a synergistic effect between contiguous regions. In contrast, Fig 4 reveals that the locations of prefectures with the lowest ranks (blue frames) are unrelated, except for Okinawa. Okinawa has the lowest rank of improvement (MAE) compared with LSTM for almost every year. We assumed that this is due to the location of Okinawa, which is the southernmost prefecture and is surrounded by sea (rightmost island in Fig 4), implying that few commuters travel there from other prefectures. Therefore, the GCN does not affect the improvement of the predictive performance for Okinawa as much as other prefectures.

When does our model produce good results?

Fig 5 shows the time series for Okayama with a relative MAE improvement compared with LSTM in four years. According to these results, GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF can identify the beginning of epidemics in specific regions. This is because it uses the GCN to learn the effects of influenza epidemics from other prefectures.

Fig 5. Time series for Okayama prefecture: (a) two weeks in advance, (b) three weeks in advance, (c) four weeks in advance, and (d) five weeks in advance prediction time series in Okayama.

Fig 5

The blue and green dotted lines indicate the prediction values of compared models. The red line indicates the prediction values of the proposed GCN+Seq2seq w/ PF model. The black Line indicates the actual influenza patients.

All model predictions were lower than the true values at the peak of trends in 2018. In contrast, the results for 2020 seem to show the inverse; all model predictions were higher than the true values at the peak of trends. We assume that this tendency is due to the characteristics of machine-learning methods, which are designed to learn the data of most recent years. Evidently, in the seasons when epidemics grew much larger than in the previous years (as in 2018), these prediction models tended to underestimate the peak value. Furthermore, for seasons when the epidemics remained on a smaller scale than in the previous years, the models overestimated the peak value (as in 2020).

RQ3: Effectiveness of the proposed prediction interval estimation method

We evaluated the quality of our interval estimation method for epidemic prediction and compared it with Zhu’s method to answer RQ3 (How effective is our uncertainty estimation method in real-world epidemic prediction?) We measured the average bandwidth, which indicates the number of patients included between the upper and lower limits of the prediction interval. We set the empirical coverage of the 95% prediction interval of each method as the validation of the prediction interval quality. This method aimed to provide good interval estimation, with a narrow average bandwidth and high empirical coverage. To search for a suitable window width W, we attempted to use various values (1, 3, 5, 7) in the experiment.

The results are presented in Table 4. The proposed method reduced the average bandwidth mark by 25%–32% compared to the conventional method; the empirical coverage was approximately 85%–91%, compared with that of Zhu’s method, which was approximately 89%–91%. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Regarding the search for a suitable window width W, the average bandwidth and empirical coverage tended to increase as the window width increased. The value of the window width should be determined based on the problem characteristics. This is because there is a trade-off between the average bandwidth and empirical coverage. In this scenario, a window width (W) of 5 caused a 29%–34% reduction in the average bandwidth and approximately 1% reduction in the empirical coverage compared with those in Zhu’s method. Therefore, we assumed that a window width of 5 was sufficient.

Table 4. Average bandwidth and empirical coverage of the 95% prediction interval found using the proposed method and Zhu’s method.

Zhu’s Proposed (numbers correspond to W)
1 3 5 7
Average band width 1-week 966.64 619.76 652.87 675.33 696.09
2-week 1472.79 918.57 974.97 1016.89 1054.74
3-week 1798.09 1069.76 1136.20 1190.87 1240.26
4-week 2051.89 1224.23 1302.95 1371.27 1434.28
5-week 2151.01 1351.16 1443.91 1529.80 1610.46
Empirical coverage (%) 1-week 91.14 88.97 90.37 90.79 91.40
2-week 90.07 85.96 88.87 89.11 89.49
3-week 90.00 86.34 87.11 88.68 88.85
4-week 89.89 86.45 86.70 88.45 89.29
5-week 89.87 85.30 86.26 88.23 88.38

We present a time series with a prediction interval using the proposed method in Fig 6(b); the settings are the same as shown in Fig 6(a) using the conventional method in our model. The prediction interval’s width in Fig 6(b) decreases in a non-epidemic period when the true values do not escape from the interval; this increases the epidemic period. This study demonstrated applications of the proposed method to infection epidemics. Furthermore, this method can be useful for other periodic time series (such as traffic and sales volume). However, a shortcoming of this method is the requirement for periodicity in terms of validation. For example, for the application of the proposed method to influenza prediction, we require at least one year of validation data because the data have a periodicity of one year. This leads to the possibility of more validation data being required than in Zhu’s method.

Fig 6. Time series with prediction interval of influenza patients (black line).

Fig 6

Predictive values of the two weeks in advance prediction by our proposed model (red line) in the Okayama prefecture. Prediction intervals by (a) Zhu’s method and (b) proposed method. Light blue and dark blue sections show the 95% and 50% prediction intervals, respectively.


This study proposed a model for regional influenza prediction with uncertainty estimation by incorporating commuting data between regions. We conclude by emphasizing the following points: (1) We validated the use of PF as spatial information in a GCN for epidemic prediction. Our GCN-based model outperformed other baseline models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to apply a GCN model to an epidemic prediction problem. (2) We proposed an uncertainty estimation method for periodic time series data, which reduced the prediction interval bandwidth.

The proposed model with uncertainty estimation will contribute to the infection control measures of public health organizations. Nevertheless, more research could be conducted; specifically, future work can examine the use of user-generated content in neural networks to elucidate the dynamics of other geographically evolving epidemics.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Boxplots of the distribution of the prediction scores in each prefecture.

This figure shows the boxplots of the distribution of the prediction scores (MAE and R2) in each prefecture for the compared models. Each colored box indicates a different model; from left to right: VAR (cyan), LSTM (green), CNNRNN-Res (blue), GCN+S2s w/ AD (pink), GCN+S2s w/ DD (brown), and GCN+S2s w/ PF (red). The black center line in each box indicates the median value; the top and bottom of each box indicate the upper and lower quartiles, respectively; the whiskers indicate the maximum and minimum values; and the other points indicate outliers. For visualization, only MAE scores from 0 to 2000 and R2 scores from -1.0 to 1.0 are shown.


Data Availability

All Japan influenza surveillance reports are available from the NIID ( and can be accessed following the protocol outlined in the Methods section.

Funding Statement

This study was supported in part by Yahoo Japan Corporation. The funder provided support in the form of salaries for Dr. Nobuyuki Shimizu and Mr. Sumio Fujita, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are stated in the ‘author contributions’ section.


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Decision Letter 0

Tzai-Hung Wen

23 Sep 2020


Predicting Regional Influenza Epidemics with Uncertainty Estimation using Commuting Data in Japan


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: 1. The reference number order in the article is messy, please renumber in numerical order.

2. In lines 265 to 269, the author made the following explanation for Influenza data: "We use data for the weekly number of patients with influenza symptoms...of clinical information". However, Influenza's disease transmission and virus patterns are very complicated, and there may be asymptomatic infections, which are important parameters that cannot be captured in the data. The following points should be further explained:

(a) Which subtype of Influenza is the simulation study for?

(b) How to set the parameters that meet this Influenza subtype, especially the E (Exposed) infected persons in the SEIR model in the compartmental models?

(c) Generally, people infected with Influenza are very likely to be infected again after recovery. How to correctly evaluate the number of people infected after recovery?

(d) Since this study is based on Influenza, it does not seem to be based on a certain subtype. However, when all Influenza subtypes have been mixed and discussed, how to verify the experimental results with actual data? (Especially the data of E infected persons cannot be obtained)

3. The author uses the commuting network (Fig.1) to simulate the spread of disease in this study. However, generally speaking, the commuting network may use different means of transportation such as highways, trains, high-speed rails, planes, and ships. Sometimes the disease may spread on a large scale because an infected person takes a plane or a ship, and the plane and ship play a long-distance transmission role. However, the communicating network of Fig.1 seems to be too simple, and there is no network layer for airplanes and ships, but the simulation result (Fig.5) is very close to the true value. Can the author further explain the information acquisition and use of the commuting network in this study?

4. The results of this study are shown in Fig.4~6 until October 2019. Can the author provide a simulation to the first half of this year?

5. The number of references in 2019 and 2020 is very small (only 1 out of 50), please add the reference for the past two years.

Reviewer #2: The study proposed a graph convolutional network (GCN) based prediction model to predict influenza epidemic, which temporal trend has a 'periodicity' pattern. The model incorporate commuting data (from 2015 census) and spatial adjacency relationship as the interaction between (47) areas in the model, and used 3 flu seasons (from 2016 to 2019) as the study periods, to test and compare their model with other methods. With the three research questions analyses, they concluded that their proposed model outperform the other previous models. While the idea, method and analyses are interesting, the current status of the manuscript is yet to reach publishable quality. Therefore, I would recommend major revision. My concerns were listed as follow.

Major concerns:

1. One key contribution of the study should be the consideration of 'periodicity in a time series' (page 2, line 51) in the model, which was neglected in the previous Zhu et al. [18] Encoder-Decoder model. But, the authors did not explain what is it, and why it is important. Since the study did not use time-dependent dynamic commuting data, I would 'guess' the periodicity is in the weekly disease data. The authors should not let readers to guess, thus they should explain and clarify the 'periodicity' term where they first mention it, and emphasize the consequence of neglecting it; and which would help emphasizing the contribution of this study.

2. According to the dataset description, the commuting data is in 'the daily average number of commuters from one area to another area'. Is this dataset differentiate weekdays/weekends, or from Monday to Sunday? The time unit for the model is by weekly basis, how did the daily data converted to weekly before the 'min-max normalization'?

3. Also about the description of the commuting data (page 9, line 276-282), the authors describe the number of commuters as 'inflow of commuting data', e.g. the 270,000 and 135,000, as the number of commuters from one area to another. Based on the terminology from graph theory and social network analysis, the term 'inflow' could indicate the total number of people/commuters go to a target area, e.g. the total number of people go into Tokyo from any area; and the counterpart 'out-flow' could mean the total people leaving from the area. The usage of term 'inflow' is misleading.

4. Following the #3 point, the input data for the model should be a weighted directed matrix (as suggested in figure 1). Commuting data is expected to be the number of people commute from the home area to work area. The people eventually will go back to their home in daily basis, i.e. a reversed direction flow relationships, or transpose matrix of flow matrix. Why the reverse direction of commuting flow is not considered and processed in the model? And, why direction of flow matters in the machine-learning based model?

5. Both figures 5 and 6 suggested that all models' predictions were lower than the true values at the peak of trends, especially the second peak (near 2018 10th). Why they all failed to capture the peak values? Why LSTM's peaks were almost all earlier than the true value, whereas CNN-Res were always later?

6. In page 3 line 91, the authors claimed that 'Our study is the first to predict the influenza volume in detail on a large area...'. But in fact, the model considered only 47 areas, which is not a large number and is a low resolution for the whole country. Practically speaking, the 47 areas (assumably prefectures) might be enough for national level management, but they are too large for local disease control or health management, therefore not so useful for 'regional public health organizations' (page 15 line 459). Is this model applicable to smaller areas (higher resolution, e.g. municipal)? If so, what should be prepared and which part should be modified; if not, why?

7. Following previous point, is it possible to extend/apply the model to be used in early warning system?

8. From the view of spatial epidemiology, the disease spread from one place to another, through droplets or direct/indirect physical interactions (etc.) and through the flow of the infected people. The infectious process is described as SIR model, which has (at least) three conditions: susceptible, infected, and recovered. The infected person go through the SIR process, and thus a time-lag is expected in the process, i.e. from susceptible to infected, and from infected to recovered. How does this machine-learning based model(s) handle the complicated SIR (or SEIR, SLIR, SIS, etc.) process and the time-lag effect?

Suggestions and minor concerns:

1. Table 2 presented the average MAE and R-squared of 47 areas. While the average values shows that their model (GCN+S2s w/ PF) are in overall outperform other models, the average values may be misleading by outliers. Thus, showing the distribution of the 47 values were needed, e.g. with std or boxplots. I believe these results could be presented using a set of boxplots (3 MAE and 3 R-squared), with vertical axis showing the MAE or R-squared, horizontal-axis showing the 1-to-5-weeks, and six boxes (different colors) for each week showing the values for 47 areas for the six models. Line plot with error bars can also be used to show the average and plus-minus standard deviation if boxplot is not clear.

2. Following previous point, it should be possible to calculate the MAE and R-squared in aggregated (national) level, instead of average of 47, and the national level results shall also be useful for discussion.

3. The comparative model (GCN+S2s w/ AD) considered only the adjacent relations between areas (polygon shapes of the 47 areas). In transportation and spatial analysis, the strength of interaction between cities (e.g. flows) can be estimated mainly using gravity model or radiation model. In simple words, the interaction strengths were higher between closer cities, and lower between farther cities, i.e. distance decay effect. What if adding another comparative model that calculate the inversed distance as the weight matrix?

4. Page 12 line 378, what is 'examples of learned'. What do the colors means in Figure 3. Tokyo and Aichi were in the 'min' values, which should means that the interactions from Nara to Tokyo/Aichi are low, thus not important and could be ignored?

5. Figure 4, consider adding legends on maps. And since the authors presented a map for a year, it would be better to show the 'improvement' percentage in all 47 areas with color ramp, and maybe used colored thick borders to highlight the highest and lowest five areas.

6. Figures 3 and 4, what is the purpose of the small squares at the corner of each map (not the Hokkaido area)?

7. Table 1, consider align the second column (Definitions or Descriptions) to left.

8. Figures 5 and 6 consider changed x-label to Weeks from Date.

9. Finally, while the content is quite rich, the English writing in the manuscript is not publishable; some of the sentences needs to read twice or more to understand/guess the authors meaning, e.g. the above point 4 (examples of learned?), page 13 line 416 (beginning of epidemics?). It would be difficult for readers to understand the idea/method/uniqueness/contribution of the study, and possibly lead to misunderstanding. Please revise the writing.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: WEI CHIEN BENNY CHIN

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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Submitted filename: Review for PONE-D-20-20268.pdf

PLoS One. 2021 Apr 22;16(4):e0250417. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250417.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

24 Nov 2020

We appreciate the time and effort you and each reviewer has dedicated to providing insightful feedback on ways to strengthen our paper. We have incorporated changes that reflect the detailed suggestions you have graciously provided. We also hope that the edits and responses we have provided satisfactorily address all the issues and concerns you and the reviewers have noted.

We describes our replies to all comments in our rebuttal letter in the attached files. We kindly ask for your confirmation.


Submitted filename: Plos_one_reply.pdf

Decision Letter 1

Tzai-Hung Wen

28 Jan 2021


Predicting Regional Influenza Epidemics with Uncertainty Estimation using Commuting Data in Japan


Dear Dr. Murayama,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Tzai-Hung Wen, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

Reviewer #3: In this revised manuscript, the authors have answered the reviewer accordingly. Apparently, this version is significantly improved. As an additional reviewer, I would like to provide some extra suggestion.

1. The graph element is very crucial in this study, and thus relevant information should be given as clear as possible. For example, why is the diffusion graph (Pg5) needed while the graph information has already given (Pg 9, “Commuting Data”). Is the diffusion process is inherence process of GCN or else?

Furthermore, it seems that there are only single (cross-sectional) commuting data, since the articles states “…provides only the number of commuters, regardless of the year” (pg 9, “Commuting Data” section). Is that mean such information used throughout the GCN model, or as initial information and subsequently evolve through the diffusion process? Such information would be helpful for those readers not familiar in GCN.

2. Recently, some study (see reference) also applied geographically weighted regression (GWR) into epidemic prediction. The reason that I raise this suggestion is that GWR also considers the spatial flow relation between regions which is similar in this study. This study may indicates GWR-based method may be improved using commuting data. Adding such information may be helpful for those researchers who using “statistical and time series” approach.


Liu, F., Wang, J., Liu, J., Li, Y., Liu, D., Tong, J., Li, Z., Yu, D., Fan, Y., Bi, X., Zhang, X., & Mo, S. (2020). Predicting and analyzing the COVID-19 epidemic in China: Based on SEIRD, LSTM and GWR models. PloS one, 15(8), e0238280.


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Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

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PLoS One. 2021 Apr 22;16(4):e0250417. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250417.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

5 Mar 2021

Thank you for inviting us to submit a revised draft of our manuscript (PONE-D-20-20268).

We appreciate the time and effort you and each reviewer have dedicated to providing insightful feedback to help strengthen our manuscript. Thus, it is with great pleasure that we resubmit our manuscript for further consideration. We have incorporated changes that reflect the detailed suggestions you have graciously provided.

We have included our response to the reviewer in a separate file (Plos_one_reply.pdf).

Would you check the file.

Thank you.


Submitted filename: Plos_one_reply.pdf

Decision Letter 2

Tzai-Hung Wen

7 Apr 2021

Predicting Regional Influenza Epidemics with Uncertainty Estimation using Commuting Data in Japan


Dear Dr. Murayama,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Tzai-Hung Wen, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

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Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #3: No

Acceptance letter

Tzai-Hung Wen

13 Apr 2021


Predicting Regional Influenza Epidemics with Uncertainty Estimation using Commuting Data in Japan

Dear Dr. Murayama:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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on behalf of

Dr. Tzai-Hung Wen

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Boxplots of the distribution of the prediction scores in each prefecture.

    This figure shows the boxplots of the distribution of the prediction scores (MAE and R2) in each prefecture for the compared models. Each colored box indicates a different model; from left to right: VAR (cyan), LSTM (green), CNNRNN-Res (blue), GCN+S2s w/ AD (pink), GCN+S2s w/ DD (brown), and GCN+S2s w/ PF (red). The black center line in each box indicates the median value; the top and bottom of each box indicate the upper and lower quartiles, respectively; the whiskers indicate the maximum and minimum values; and the other points indicate outliers. For visualization, only MAE scores from 0 to 2000 and R2 scores from -1.0 to 1.0 are shown.



    Submitted filename: Review for PONE-D-20-20268.pdf


    Submitted filename: Plos_one_reply.pdf


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    Data Availability Statement

    All Japan influenza surveillance reports are available from the NIID ( and can be accessed following the protocol outlined in the Methods section.

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