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World Psychiatry logoLink to World Psychiatry
. 2021 May 18;20(2):244–275. doi: 10.1002/wps.20881

Efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological, psychosocial, and brain stimulation interventions in children and adolescents with mental disorders: an umbrella review

Christoph U Correll 1,2,3,4, Samuele Cortese 5,6,7,8,9, Giovanni Croatto 10, Francesco Monaco 11, Damir Krinitski 12, Gonzalo Arrondo 5,13, Edoardo G Ostinelli 14, Caroline Zangani 15, Michele Fornaro 16, Andrés Estradé 17,18, Paolo Fusar‐Poli 17,19,20,21, Andre F Carvalho 22,23, Marco Solmi 10,17
PMCID: PMC8129843  PMID: 34002501


Top‐tier evidence on the safety/tolerability of 80 medications in children/adolescents with mental disorders has recently been reviewed in this jour­nal. To guide clinical practice, such data must be combined with evidence on efficacy and acceptability. Besides medications, psychosocial inter­ventions and brain stimulation techniques are treatment options for children/adolescents with mental disorders. For this umbrella review, we systematically searched network meta‐analyses (NMAs) and meta‐analyses (MAs) of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating 48 medications, 20 psychosocial interventions, and four brain stimulation techniques in children/adolescents with 52 different mental disorders or groups of mental disorders, reporting on 20 different efficacy/acceptability outcomes. Co‐primary outcomes were disease‐specific symptom reduction and all‐cause discontinuation (“acceptability”). We included 14 NMAs and 90 MAs, reporting on 15 mental disorders or groups of mental disorders. Overall, 21 medications outperformed placebo regarding the co‐primary outcomes, and three psychosocial interventions did so (while seven outperformed waiting list/no treatment). Based on the meta‐analytic evidence, the most convincing efficacy profile emerged for amphetamines, methylphenidate and, to a smaller extent, behavioral therapy in attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder; aripiprazole, risperidone and several psychosocial interventions in autism; risperidone and behavioral interventions in disruptive behavior disorders; several antipsychotics in schizophrenia spectrum disorders; fluoxetine, the combination of fluoxetine and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and interpersonal therapy in depression; aripiprazole in mania; fluoxetine and group CBT in anxiety disorders; fluoxetine/selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, CBT, and behavioral therapy with exposure and response prevention in obsessive‐compulsive disorder; CBT in post‐traumatic stress disorder; imipramine and alarm behavioral intervention in enuresis; behavioral therapy in encopresis; and family therapy in anorexia nervosa. Results from this umbrella review of interventions for mental disorders in children/adolescents provide evidence‐based information for clinical decision making.

Keywords: Children, adolescents, pharmacotherapy, psychotherapies, psychosocial interventions, brain stimulation, ADHD, autism, dis­ruptive behavior disorders, efficacy, acceptability

Many mental disorders have an onset with clinically relevant manifestations in childhood or adolescence, followed frequently by a chronic illness course into adulthood1, 2. Many disorders with an earlier onset are first diagnosed in adulthood, with a delay ranging for example from 6 to 8 years for mood disorders and from 9 to 23 years for anxiety disorders 3 . Due to their interference with attainment of biopsychosocial milestones, mental and neurodevelopmental disorders in children and adolescents are among the leading causes of global burden of disease and years lived with disability 4 . This situation makes the appropriate delivery of evidence‐based and effective treatments for youth with mental disorders a key priority in the public health field.

Pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation options are available for the management of many mental disorders in children and adolescents. However, for several of them, what should be considered the first line treatment strategy – based on efficacy, effectiveness, acceptability and tolerability/safety – remains uncertain.

A number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been conducted to assess the efficacy, acceptability and tolerability of medications across different disorders in children and adolescents. The results from many of these RCTs have been pooled in pairwise meta‐analyses (MAs) or network meta‐analyses (NMAs)5, 6, 7, 8. While most antidepressants outperform placebo to treat depression in adults 9 , most antidepressants have not been shown to be superior to placebo in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder7, 10. Similarly, yet to a lower extent, antidepressants may not be as effective in children and adolescents with anxiety disorders as in adults 11 .

On the other hand, RCTs comparing psychosocial interventions with waiting list or no intervention control groups generally show a large effect size in youth with depression 10 or anxiety 12 disorders. Yet, when compared with placebo/sham interventions, most significant findings favoring psychosocial interventions vs. placebo disappear10, 12. Effect sizes also vary according to design, blinding, patient selection (baseline severity) and choice of the control group 13 in trials assessing combination treatments, whose superiority to monotherapies has not been consistently confirmed within and across disorders in children/adolescents.

Differences in inclusion criteria, outcomes, and a variety of features defining quality across MAs and NMAs limit the clinical value and impact of such a rich, yet complex body of evidence. Umbrella reviews may overcome these problems to some degree by taking the totality of the evidence from existing MAs and NMAs into account, and filtering top‐tier meta‐analytic estimates according to pre‐established criteria. It is paramount to provide clinicians with structured and standardized summaries, translating the massive data into actionable clinical information.

To our knowledge, no umbrella review is available of the evidence from MAs and NMAs of RCTs on the efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological, psychosocial, and brain stimulation treatment options for the core symptoms and associated problems of the full range of mental disorders in children and adolescents. The present study aims to fill this gap, as previously done in this journal concerning the safety and tolerability of 80 pharmacological agents used for the management of child and adolescent mental disorders 14 .

We focused on disease‐specific symptom reduction and treatment response as efficacy measures, and on measures of acceptability that could be compared across the three different treatment modalities, namely all‐cause discontinuation and intolerability‐related discontinuation. Following this approach, this umbrella review intends to provide practitioners with an evidence‐based atlas of therapeutic tools to inform clinical decision making, where a balance needs to be struck between efficacy, acceptability/tolerability, and safety.


Search, inclusion and exclusion criteria

This umbrella review followed an a priori protocol (available upon request). We conducted a systematic search in PubMed, PsycINFO, and Cochrane database up to January 9, 2021, using an exhaustive combination of key words (full search string available upon request). We also manually searched bibliographies of included meta‐analyses. Two independent authors conducted title/abstract screening, full‐text assessment, and data extraction into a pre‐defined excel spreadsheet. A third author triple‐checked extracted data, and resolved any conflict.

Included were: a) NMAs or MAs of RCTs, b) of a priori defined 48 psychotropic medications, 20 psychosocial interventions, and four brain stimulation interventions, c) in children and/or adolescents, d) with any of 52 a priori defined mental disorders, e) reporting on 20 a priori defined outcomes within a specific disorder. Exclusion criteria were: a) systematic reviews without meta‐analysis, b) pooling of studies other than RCTs, c) interventions for other than pre‐defined disorders/outcomes.

Whenever two NMAs or MAs reported on the same combination of disorder, intervention, comparison and outcome, we considered the comparison with more RCTs, the minimum being at least one direct comparison for NMAs.

Included disorders, interventions, and comparisons

Mental disorders of interest, as grouped in the ICD‐11 15 , were: a) neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder, attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), disorders of intellectual development, developmental speech or sound disorders, developmental learning disorders, developmental motor coordination disorders), b) schizophrenia and other primary psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal disorder, acute and transient psychotic disorder), c) catatonia, d) mood disorders (bipolar and related disorders, depressive disorders), e) anxiety or fear‐related disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, selective mutism), f) obsessive‐compulsive and related disorders (obsessive‐compulsive disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, body‐focused repetitive disorders), g) movement disorders (Tourette's disorder, other tic disorder), h) disorders specifically associated with stress (post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex PTSD, prolonged grief disorder, reactive attachment disorder, disinhibited social engagement disorder), i) dissociative disorders (dissociative neurological symptom disorder, dissociative amnesia, trance disorder, dissociative identity disorder), j) feeding and eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant‐restrictive food intake disorder, pica, rumination‐regurgitation disorder), k) elimination disorders (enuresis, encopresis), l) disorders of bodily distress or bodily experience (bodily distress disorder, body integrity dysphoria), m) disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviors, n) impulse control disorders (pyromania, kleptomania, compulsive sexual behavior disorder, intermittent explosive disorder), o) disruptive behavior or dissocial disorders (oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder).

Interventions included medications, psychosocial interventions, and brain stimulation techniques.

Medications comprised antidepressants (bupropion, mirtazapine, nefazodone, vilazodone, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, venlafaxine, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, clomipramine, desipramine, imipramine, nortriptyline, amitriptyline); antipsychotics (fluphenazine, haloperidol, molindone, trifluoperazine, amisulpride, aripiprazole, asenapine, clozapine, loxapine, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine, risperidone, thioridazine, ziprasidone); anti‐ADHD medications (amphetamines, atomoxetine, clonidine, guanfacine, methylphenidate, modafinil); mood stabilizers (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, lithium, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, valproate); and others (oxybutynin, desmopressin).

Psychosocial interventions included behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), problem solving, dialectical behavioral therapy, family‐based therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, mentalization based therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, supportive therapy, social skills training, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, narrative exposure therapy, cognitive remediation therapy, cognitive training, parent‐child interaction therapy, play therapy, art therapy, and occupational therapy.

Brain stimulation interventions included transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy, and neurofeedback.

Comparators were labeled as active drug, active psychosocial intervention, treatment as usual (TAU)/low intensity psychosocial intervention, waiting list/no treatment, or placebo/sham.


Co‐primary outcomes were disease‐specific primary symptom reduction and all‐cause discontinuation (“acceptability”).

Secondary continuous outcomes were measures of aggressive behavior, anxiety (other than anxiety disorders), cognition (other than ADHD), depressive symptoms (other than depressive episode/disorder), irritability, suicidal ideation, global illness severity, functioning (as defined by authors), and quality of life.

Secondary categorical outcomes were study‐defined treatment response, remission, relapse, hospitalization, discontinuation due to inefficacy, discontinuation due to intolerability, suicide attempt, completed suicide, and death. When available, treatment estimates from clinicians, teachers, parents, and children/adolescents were considered separately.

Quality of evidence

The quality of MAs and NMAs was measured using A Mea­surement Tool for the Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR‐PLUS)16, 17 to quantify both the methodological quality of MAs and NMAs with the first 11 items (AMSTAR) and of included RCTs with six additional items (AMSTAR‐Content).

Methodological quality was categorized into low (<4), medium (4‐7), and high (>7). Content quality was categorized into low (<4), medium (4‐6), and high (>6). The lowest score between methodological and content quality determined the overall MA or NMA quality.

Statistical analysis

We converted continuous non‐standardized outcomes, such as weighted mean differences, to standardized mean differences (SMDs), and binary outcomes to odds ratio (ORs) with Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA), Version 3 18 . We then calculated the mean SMD for the primary efficacy outcome across pharmacological, psychosocial, and brain stimulation interventions for each disorder against placebo/sham and waiting list/no intervention, as well as for active controlled monotherapy and combination treatment studies, prioritizing clinician rating, followed by teacher, parent, and then subject‐rated estimates. For treatment response, in case no data were available for the continuous primary efficacy outcome, we converted ORs to SMDs, using CMA.

Whenever data conversion was not possible, we kept the original effect sizes as reported. Whenever we included data from meta‐analyses that used fixed‐effects models, we recalculated the meta‐analysis using random‐effects models 19 . For consistent and easy comparison, we harmonized effect sizes as follows: SMD<0 favors intervention, OR/risk ratio (RR) <1 favors intervention for discontinuation, suicide or relapse, while OR/RR>1 favors intervention for response or remission.


Search results and literature coverage

The search process is described in Figure 1. Out of 5,231 initial hits, we assessed 910 MAs and NMAs at full text level. Of these, we excluded 806, with specific reasons (list available upon request). The list of all included MAs and NMAs is available in Table 1, also indicating the number of included RCTs and participants, as well as the methodological quality (AMSTAR score) together with the quality of included RCTs (AMSTAR‐Content median score).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

PRISMA flow chart, MAs – meta‐analyses, NMAs – network meta‐analyses

Table 1.

Network and pairwise meta‐analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions in children and adolescents with mental disorders included in the umbrella review

Source Number of RCTs/ patients Intervention Controls Outcomes A C

Anxiety disorders

Wang et al 79 MA 115/7,719 AD PBO PE, REM 10 4
Dobson et al 11 NMA 22/2,623 AD PBO RES, ACD, AED, S 7 5
Zhang et al 80 MA 7/358 CB WL/NT PE 9 2
James et al 12 MA 87/5,964 CB PBO, WL/NT, TAU, PS PE, REM, DEP, F, ACD 11 3
Zhou et al 78 NMA 101/6,625 CB PBO, WL/NT, TAU, PS PE, QoL, ACD 11 2
Sigurvinsdóttir et al 81 MA 81/5,913 CB WL/NT, TAU, PS REM 10 1
James et al 82 MA 41/1,955 CB TAU, PS PE, REM 11 1.5

Anorexia nervosa

Fisher et al 99 MA 21/1,407 FB TAU, PS PE, ACD, REM 10 1
van den Berg et al 100 MA 15/1,279 PS TAU PE 9 2
Zeeck et al 97 NMA 18/1,247 FB, PSD‐O PS PE 7 1

Social anxiety disorder

Yang et al 83 MA 17/1,134 CB PBO, WL/NT PE, REM, DEP, QoL, ACD 10 2
Kreuze et al 84 MA 42/3,239 CB PBO, TAU, LIP AG, F 10 2.5

Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Cortese et al 5 NMA 133/18,199 AD, STIM, α2 PBO, AD, STIM PE, AED, GLO 11 9
Otasowie et al 22 MA 6/216 AD PBO PE, GLO 10 3
Punja et al 23 MA 23/2,675 STIM PBO PE, COG, GLO 10 4
Stuhec et al 34 MA 28/4,699 AD PBO PE 8 2
Luan et al 21 NMA 73/15,025 AD, STIM, α2 PBO, PHARMA PE, AED, ID 7 4
Catalá‐López et al 20 NMA 190/26,114 AP, AD, STIM, α2, CB, CT, NF, COMB PBO RES, ACD, GLO 10 4
Schachter et al 36 MA 62/2,897 STIM PBO AG 9 1
Schwartz et al 37 MA 25/3,928 AD, STIM PBO AG, F, QoL, S 7 5
Coghill et al 38 MA 60/1,993 STIM PBO COG 8 2
Storebø et al 39 MA 185/12,245 STIM PBO QoL 8 5
Bangs et al 40 MA 32/7,248 AD, STIM PBO S 3 4
Hirota et al 41 MA 12/2,276 α2+ PBO PE, ACD, AED, ID 6 3.5
Storebø et al 42 MA 25/2,690 SKILL, COMB WL/NT PE, COG, F 11 2
Sun et al 24 MA 8/423 STIM PBO PE, ACD, AED 11 2
Battagliese et al 25 MA 24/1,690 BT MIX PE, AG, COG, F 7 1
Faraone et al 26 MA 4/216 STIM STIM AG 2 3
Van Doren et al 27 MA 10/506 NF PHARMA, PS PE, RES, ACD 8 2
Cortese et al 28 MA 16/759 CT MIX PE, COG 11 1
Daley et al 29 MA 32/2,077 BT MIX PE, COG 9 2
Bikic et al 30 MA 12/1,054 SKILL MIX PE, COG 8 2
Mulqueen et al 31 MA 8/399 BT MIX PE 6 1
Cortese et al 32 MA 13/520 NF MIX PE, COG 9 1.5
Bussalb et al 33 MA 16/706 NF MIX PE 4 2
Faraone et al 35 MA 7/384 STIM PBO AG 2 2

Autism spectrum disorder

Maneeton et al 44 MA 3/408 AP PBO PE, RES, GLO 7 4
Maneeton et al 52 MA 7/372 AP PBO REL, RES 7 3.5
Zhou et al 53 MA 64/3,499 STIM PBO PP 9 3
Murza et al 54 MA 16/837 SKILL WL/NT F 8 0.5
Fletcher‐Watson et al 56 MA 22/695 SKILL WL/NT, TAU F 10 1
Sturman et al 55 MA 4/113 STIM PBO PE 10 1
Cohen et al 57 MA 15/995 AP PBO RES 5 1
Hirota et al 58 MA 7/171 MS PBO RES, AG, ACD, AED, ID 6 4
Fallah et al 43 NMA 8/878 AP PBO, AP AG 7 1
D'Alò et al 59 MA 15/1,124 AP PBO ACD, AED 9 5
Ospina et al 60 MA 69/2,585 BT WL/NT, PS PE 9 1
Reichow et al 61 MA 5/196 SKILL WL/NT PE 10 1
James et al 12 MA 87/5,964 CB WL/NT, TAU ANX 11 0.5
Tachibana et al 62 MA 32/594 PS TAU PE 11 1
Nevill et al 63 MA 19/1,205 PCI TAU/LIP, MIX PE, COG 5 1
Yu et al 45 MA 14/555 BT TAU PE, F 9 0
Oono et al 46 MA 17/919 PCI MIX PE, F, GLO 10 1
Parsons et al 47 MA 21/925 SKILL MIX PE 9 1
Kreslins et al 48 MA 10/470 CB MIX ANX 9 0
Tarver et al 49 MA 9/521 PCI MIX AG 8 2
Soares et al 50 MA 18/1,266 SKILL MIX F 8 2
Postorino et al 51 MA 8/653 PCI MIX IR 8 1

Bipolar disorder, depressive episode

Maneeton et al 106 MA 3/251 AP PBO PE, RES, REM, GLO, ACD, AED 9 3

Bipolar disorder, manic episode

Meduri et al 107 MA 22/5,437 AP PBO PE, RES, ACD, AED, ID 10 5
Liu et al 108 MA 46/2,666 MS PBO RES 7 6
Jochim et al 109 MA 25/3,252 MS, AP PBO, MS ACD 10 4

Bulimia nervosa

Linardon et al 101 MA 79/NR CB PS PE 6 0

Depressive disorders

Zhou et al 10 NMA 71/9,510 AD, PSD‐O, FB, CB, COMB PBO, WL/NT, TAU/LIP, PHARMA, PS PE, ACD, S 11 5
Cipriani et al 7 NMA 34/5,260 AD PBO, PHARMA RES, AED 11 5
Spielmans & Gerwig 64 MA 8/1,756 AD PBO QoL 5 5
Kato et al 65 MA 40/8,890 AD PBO REL 9 3
Whittington et al 66 MA 2/376 AD PBO REM 9 2.5
Watanabe et al 67 MA 27/1,744 PSD‐O WL/PBO RES 7 2
Cox et al 68 MA 9/882 AD, CB, COMB PHARMA, PS REM, S 10 3
Dubicka et al 69 MA 5/1,206 COMB PHARMA, PS RES, F, S 7 3
Klein et al 70 MA 11/809 CB MIX PE 8 4

Disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders

Seida et al 92 MA 62/NR AP PBO PE, AG, GLO 9 3.5
Loy et al 93 MA 10/896 AP PBO PE, AG 10 4
Pringsheim et al 94 MA 18/1,195 MS PBO AG 10 2
Ipser & Stein 95 MA 14/823 PHARMA PBO AG, ACD, GLO, RES 6 1.5
Battagliese et al 25 MA 24/1,690 CB WL/NT, MIX PE 7 1.5
McQuire et al 96 MA 14/912 AP, MS PBO AG 8 2

Developmental coordination disorder

Miyahara et al 116 MA 15/649 SKILL WL/NT PE 10 1

Eating disorders

Couturier et al 98 MA 6/369 FB PS REM 8 3


Freeman et al 114 MA 10/562 COMB TAU PE, RES 7 1
Brazzelli et al 115 MA 21/1,371 COMB TAU RES 10 1


Caldwell et al 86 MA 74/5,983 BT, COMB PHARMA, PS, WL/NT PE, RES 11 1
Caldwell et al 87 MA 64/4,071 AD, COMB PBO, PHARMA, PS PE, RES 11 1
Caldwell et al 88 MA 16/1,643 BT PS, WL/NT RES 10 1
Buckley et al 89 MA 27/1,803 SKILL, COMB TAU, PHARMA REM 10 1
Deshpande et al 90 MA 40/2,440 AD, COMB PHARMA RES, REL 10 1
Peng et al 91 MA 15/1,502 PHARMA PS ACD 9 4
Song et al 85 NMA 18/1,649 PHARMA, COMB PHARMA, PS RES, REL 9 4

Obsessive‐compulsive disorder

Skapinakis et al 71 NMA 86/15,585 AD, CB, COMB PBO, WL/NT, PHARMA, PS PE, ACD 10 3
Maneeton et al 72 MA 3/188 AD PBO RES, GLO 9 2
McGuire et al 73 MA 20/1,296 AD, CB PBO, TAU/LIP, WL/NT RES, REM 8 1
Locher et al 74 MA 36/6,778 AD PBO AED 10 4
Geller 75 MA 12/1,044 AD PBO GLO 8 3
Uhre et al 76 MA 12/791 CB, AD PBO, WL/NT, PS REM, F, QoL 9 1
Johnco et al 77 MA 21/1,423 CB, AD PBO, WL/NT, TAU/LIP, PS ACD 6 1

Post‐traumatic stress disorder

Gillies et al 117 MA 14/758 CB WL/NT, TAU/LIP PE, RES, ANX, DEP, ACD 10 1

Schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Krause et al 102 NMA 28/3,003 AP PBO, PHARMA PE, RES, ACD, ID 11 3
Arango et al 103 NMA 13/2,210 AP PBO, PHARMA GLO, AED 9 7
Pagsberg et al 8 NMA 12/2,158 AP PBO, PHARMA GLO 8 3
Sarkar & Grover 104 MA 15/995 AP PHARMA PE 5 1
Kumar et al 105 MA 13/1,112 AP PHARMA AED 8 1

Tic disorder

Bloch et al 110 MA 9/477 STIM, AD PBO PE 4 1
Yu et al 111 MA 15/1,070 MS PHARMA RES 7 3

Tourette's disorder

Hollis et al 112 MA 40/2,422 AP, α2, STIM, BT PBO, MIX PE 8 1
Zheng et al 113 MA 6/528 AP PHARMA PE 10 2

MA – meta‐analysis, NMA – network meta‐analysis, A – AMSTAR, C – AMSTAR‐Content (median), AD – antidepressants, CB – cognitive‐based, FB – family‐based, PS – active psychosocial, PSD‐O – psychodynamic‐oriented, STIM – stimulants, α2 – α2‐agonists (+=augmentation with), AP – antipsychotics, CT – ­cognition‐targeted, NF – neurofeedback, COMB – combination of more than one treatment, SKILL – skills training, BT – behavioral treatment, MS – mood stabilizers, PCI – parent‐child interaction, PHARMA – mixed medications, PBO – placebo, WL – waiting list, NT – no treatment, TAU – treatment as usual, LIP – low‐intensity psychosocial intervention, MIX – mixed active/inactive control group, PE – primary efficacy outcome, REM – remission, REL – relapse, RES – response, S – suicidality, ACD – all‐cause discontinuation, AED – discontinuation due to adverse events, ID – discontinuation due to inefficacy, DEP – depressive symptoms, ANX – anxiety symptoms, AG – aggressivity, QoL – quality of life, GLO – global illness severity, COG – cognition, F – functioning, NR – not reported

We ultimately included 14 NMAs and 90 MAs, reporting on 15 disorders or groups of disorders. For ADHD, we included three NMAs5, 20, 21 and 21 MAs22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42; for autism, one NMA 43 and 21 MAs12, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 (including one focusing on comorbid anxiety disorders and autism) 12 ; for depressive disorders, two NMA7, 10 and seven MAs64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70; for obsessive‐compulsive disorder, one NMA 71 and six MAs72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77; for anxiety disorders, two NMAs11, 78 and five MAs12, 79, 80, 81, 82 (plus two MAs specific on social anxiety disorder83, 84); for enuresis, one NMA 85 and six MAs86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, for disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders, five MAs92, 93, 94, 95, 96 (plus one focusing on youth with comorbid ADHD) 25 ; for eating disorders, one NMA 97 and four MAs98, 99, 100, 101; for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, three NMAs8, 102, 103 and two MAs104, 105; for bipolar disorder, four MAs106, 107, 108, 109; for tic disorder, two MAs110, 111; for Tourette's disorder, two MAs112, 113; for encopresis, two MAs114, 115; for developmental coordination disorder, one MA 116 ; and for PTSD, one MA 117 .

Overall, 85.4% of a priori selected medications were covered for at least one of the two co‐primary outcomes, which was the case for 55% of the psychosocial interventions, and 25% of the brain stimulation interventions. Moreover, 70% of a priori selected outcomes were covered across monotherapy medication treatments (anti‐ADHD medications: 65%; antidepressants: 55%; antipsychotics: 40%; mood stabilizers: 25%), 80% across psychosocial interventions, and 20% across brain stimulation interventions.

Among monotherapy medication treatments with data on co‐primary outcomes, those most covered by the literature were atomoxetine (11 outcomes), methylphenidate (9 outcomes), amphetamines and risperidone (8 outcomes), aripiprazole, fluoxetine, guanfacine, lurasidone and quetiapine (7 outcomes), and asenapine, clonidine, olanzapine, paliperidone and sertraline (6 outcomes). Monotherapy psychosocial interventions most covered by the literature were CBT (12 outcomes), behavioral therapy (9 outcomes), parent‐child interaction therapy (7 outcomes), and CBT‐oriented, psychodynamic‐oriented and family‐based therapies (6 outcomes). Among brain stimulation interventions, neurofeedback was the only modality with data that could be included in this umbrella review (4 outcomes).

Quality of included evidence

Among 14 NMAs of RCTs, the median AMSTAR score was 9.5 (interquartile range, IQR: 7‐11), and the median AMSTAR‐Content score was 4 (IQR: 2.75‐5). The median overall quality score across all effect sizes was low in six NMAs (42.9%), moderate in six (42.9%), high in the remaining two (14.2%).

Among 90 MAs of RCTs, the median AMSTAR score was 9 (IQR: 7‐10) and the median AMSTAR‐Content score was 2 (IQR: 1‐3). The median overall quality score across all effect sizes was low in 71 MAs (78.9%), moderate in 19 (21.1%), and high in none.

Across NMAs and MAs of RCTs of medications, the median AMSTAR quality score was 10 (IQR: 7‐11), being low in 0.8%, moderate in 24.7%, and high in 74.4% of the NMAs/MAs, while the AMSTAR‐Content median quality score was 4 (IQR: 3‐5), being low in 30.1%, moderate in 58.6%, and high in 11.3%.

Across NMAs and MAs of RCTs of psychosocial interventions, the median AMSTAR quality score was 11 (IQR: 10‐12), being low in none of the NMAs/MAs, moderate in 8.2%, and high in 91.8%, while the median AMSTAR‐Content quality score was 2 (IQR: 1‐3), being low in 87.4%, moderate in 12.6%, and high in none.

Across brain stimulation interventions, the median AMSTAR quality score was 9 (IQR: 8‐10), being low in none of the NMAs/MAs, medium in 16.7%, and high in 83.3%, while the median AMSTAR‐Content quality score was 2 (IQR: 1‐4), being low in 66.7%, moderate in 33.3%, and high in none.

Efficacy, acceptability and tolerability of pharmacological, psychosocial, and brain stimulation interventions (Tables 2‐7)


Results for ADHD are shown in Tables 2, 6 and 7. Amphetamines, methylphenidate, desipramine and modafinil had the largest effect size for the primary efficacy outcome.

Table 2.

Efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions vs. inactive control in children/adolescents with neurodevelopmental and disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders

Outcome Intervention Effect size (95% CI) Control Number of RCTs/patients Q
Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Pharmacological interventions
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Amphetamines SMD=1.02 (1.19 to0.85) PBO/Sham 46/9,926 H
Methylphenidate SMD=0.78 (0.93 to0.62) PBO/Sham 46/9,926 H
Clonidine SMD=0.71 (1.17 to0.24) PBO/Sham 46/9,926 H
Guanfacine SMD=0.67 (0.85 to0.50) PBO/Sham 46/9,926 H
Modafinil SMD=0.62 (0.84 to0.41) PBO/Sham 46/9,926 H
Atomoxetine SMD=0.56 (0.66 to0.45) PBO/Sham 46/9,926 H
Efficacy (teacher‐rated) Desipramine SMD=0.97 (1.66 to0.28) PBO/Sham 2/89 L
Methylphenidate SMD=0.82 (1.16 to0.48) PBO/Sham 16/1,843 H
Modafinil SMD=0.76 (1.15 to0.37) PBO/Sham 16/1,843 H
Amphetamines SMD=0.55 (0.83 to0.27) PBO/Sham 5/745 M
Guanfacine SMD=–0.63 (–1.62 to 0.35) PBO/Sham 16/1,843 H
Atomoxetine SMD=–0.32 (–0.82 to 0.18) PBO/Sham 16/1,843 H
Efficacy (parent‐rated) Desipramine SMD=1.42 (1.99 to0.85) PBO/Sham 2/99 L
Amphetamines SMD=1.07 (1.36 to0.79) PBO/Sham 23/3,796 H
Methylphenidate SMD=0.84 (0.95 to0.72) PBO/Sham 23/3,796 H
Atomoxetine SMD=0.60 (0.71 to0.50) PBO/Sham 23/3,796 H
Modafinil SMD=0.46 (0.61 to0.31) PBO/Sham 23/3,796 H
Bupropion SMD=–0.32 (–0.69 to 0.05) PBO/Sham 2/124 L
Guanfacine SMD=–0.23 (–0.90 to 0.45) PBO/Sham 23/3,796 H
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) Atomoxetine SMD=0.17 (0.23 to0.11) PBO/Sham 36/7,579 M
Amphetamines SMD=0.18 (0.28 to0.09) PBO/Sham 36/7,579 M
Methylphenidate SMD=0.14 (0.21 to0.08) PBO/Sham 36/7,579 M
Guanfacine SMD=0.16 (0.26 to0.05) PBO/Sham 36/7,579 M
Clonidine SMD=–0.10 (–0.23 to 0.03) PBO/Sham 36/7,579 M
Response Desipramine OR=36.76 (9.17‐214) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Amphetamines OR=7.45 (5.1‐11.09) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Modafinil OR=5.51 (3.04‐10.32) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Methylphenidate OR=5.26 (4.09‐6.82) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Clonidine OR=3.96 (1.89‐8.41) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Atomoxetine OR=3.63 (2.81‐4.73) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Guanfacine OR=3.29 (2.27‐4.82) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Aggressive behavior Amphetamines SMD=1.15 (1.38 to0.93) PBO/Sham 3/84 L
Methylphenidate SMD=–0.26 (–1.10 to 0.68) PBO/Sham 2/181 L
Atomoxetine RR=1.34 (0.91 to 1.97) PBO/Sham 15/2,067 M
Cognition: executive memory Methylphenidate SMD=0.26 (0.39 to0.13) PBO/Sham 7/468 L
Cognition: non‐executive memory Methylphenidate SMD=0.60 (0.79 to0.41) PBO/Sham 8/635 L
Cognition: reaction time Methylphenidate SMD=0.21 (0.30 to0.12) PBO/Sham 21/1,095 L
Cognition: response inhibition Methylphenidate SMD=0.41 (0.55 to0.27) PBO/Sham 16/846 L
Acceptability Clonidine OR=0.40 (0.20‐0.78) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Methylphenidate OR=0.59 (0.46‐0.75) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Aripiprazole OR=0.61 (0.02‐25.34) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Modafinil OR=0.67 (0.37‐1.24) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Desipramine OR=0.70 (0.17‐2.89) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Amphetamines OR=0.78 (0.52‐1.18) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Guanfacine OR=0.79 (0.54‐1.14) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Atomoxetine OR=0.85 (0.68‐1.07) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Bupropion OR=1.54 (0.39‐6.76) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Tolerability Methylphenidate OR=1.31 (0.79‐2.25) PBO/Sham 60/12,188 M
Modafinil OR=1.34 (0.57‐3.18) PBO/Sham 60/12,188 M
Amphetamines OR=1.38 (0.64‐3.00) PBO/Sham 60/12,188 M
Clonidine OR=2.32 (0.63‐8.94) PBO/Sham 58/NR H
Bupropion OR=3.60 (0.34‐130) PBO/Sham 60/12,188 M
Atomoxetine OR=1.48 (1.01‐2.18) PBO/Sham 60/12,188 M
Guanfacine OR=3.39 (1.93‐6.3) PBO/Sham 60/12,188 M
Discontinuation due to inefficacy Amphetamine OR=0.11 (0.05‐0.20) PBO/Sham 45/9,087 M
Clonidine OR=0.29 (0.13‐0.56) PBO/Sham 45/9,087 M
Methylphenidate OR=0.31 (0.18‐0.53) PBO/Sham 45/9,087 M
Guanfacine OR=0.37 (0.26‐0.54) PBO/Sham 45/9,087 M
Atomoxetine OR=0.47 (0.33‐0.67) PBO/Sham 45/9,087 M
Bupropion OR=1.97 (0.19‐57.4) PBO/Sham 45/9,087 M
Functioning Atomoxetine SMD=0.48 (0.62 to0.33) PBO/Sham 8/1,308 M
Functioning: academic Amphetamines SMD=0.56 (0.73 to0.39) PBO/Sham 8/826 M
Global illness improvement Amphetamines OR=7.71 (5.52‐10.77) PBO/Sham 40/NR H
Atomoxetine OR=2.28 (1.38‐3.76) PBO/Sham 40/NR H
Guanfacine OR=3.63 (2.36‐5.57) PBO/Sham 40/NR H
Methylphenidate OR=5.57 (3.99‐7.79) PBO/Sham 40/NR H
Modafinil OR=3.22 (1.91‐5.43) PBO/Sham 40/NR H
Clonidine OR=2.78 (0.91‐8.53) PBO/Sham 40/NR H
Global illness severity Amphetamines SMD=0.86 (1.72 to0.01) PBO/Sham 2/86 M
Desipramine OR=26.41 (7.41‐94.18) PBO/Sham 2/103 L
Quality of life Methylphenidate SMD=0.61 (0.80 to0.42) PBO/Sham 3/514 M
Atomoxetine SMD=0.39 (0.50 to0.28) PBO/Sham 16/2,361 M
Suicide attempt Atomoxetine RR=0.84 (0.03‐20.00) PBO/Sham 23/3,883 L
Suicidal ideation Atomoxetine RR=1.67 (0.83‐3.36) PBO/Sham 15/2,517 M
Pharmacological augmentation
Efficacy α2‐agonists + stimulants SMD=0.36 (0.51 to0.21) PBO/Sham 3/719 M
Acceptability α2‐agonists + stimulants RR=0.74 (0.37‐1.48) PBO/Sham 3/726 L
Tolerability α2‐agonists + stimulants RR=0.77 (0.05‐12.50) PBO/Sham 3/726 L
Discontinuation due to inefficacy α2‐agonists + stimulants RR=0.49 (0.21‐1.13) PBO/Sham 3/726 M
Psychosocial interventions
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.39 (0.63 to0.15) WL/NT 15/2,857 L
Efficacy (teacher‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.26 (0.47 to0.05) WL/NT 14/1,379 M
Efficacy (parent‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.54 (0.81 to0.26) WL/NT 11/1,206 L
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Social skills training SMD=–3.15 (–9.88 to 3.57) WL/NT 2/107 L
Response Behavioral therapy OR=2.97 (1.53‐5.88) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Cognitive training OR=0.70 (0.12‐3.87) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Acceptability Behavioral therapy OR=0.58 (0.33‐0.99) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Cognitive training OR=1.32 (0.71‐2.52) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Functioning: academic Social skills training SMD=–0.15 (–0.31 to 0.01) WL/NT 5/642 M
Global illness severity Behavioral therapy OR=2.99 (1.21‐7.31) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Cognitive training OR=0.39 (0.01‐5.80) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Functioning: social skills (mixed‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.29 (0.47 to0.11) WL/NT 19/2,649 L
Functioning: social skills (parent‐rated) Social skills training + parental involvement SMD=0.43 (0.70 to0.15) WL/NT 4/337 L
Social skills training SMD=0.19 (0.32 to0.06) WL/NT 15/1,609 M
Functioning: social skills (teacher‐rated) Social skills training + parental involvement SMD=–0.15 (–0.41 to 0.12) WL/NT 4/632 M
Social skills training SMD=–0.11 (–0.22 to 0.00) WL/NT 11/1,271 M
Functioning: emotional (mixed‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.20 (–0.01 to 0.41) WL/NT 5/353 L
Functioning: emotional (parent‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.27 (–0.05 to 0.59) WL/NT 3/173 L
Functioning: emotional (teacher‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.02 (–0.68 to 0.72) WL/NT 2/129 L
Brain stimulation interventions
Response Neurofeedback OR=1.96 (0.52‐8.26) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Acceptability Neurofeedback OR=0.59 (0.31‐1.14) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
Combined interventions
Response Methylphenidate + parent training OR=55.63 (3.18‐29.52x10 2 ) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Methylphenidate + clonidine OR=21.91 (5.52‐105.40) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Atomoxetine + parent training OR=2.48 (0.51‐11.79) PBO/Sham 113/19,398 M
Acceptability Methylphenidate + clonidine OR=0.32 (0.13‐0.77) PBO/Sham 171/22,961 M
ADHD and disorders of intellectual development
Efficacy Methylphenidate SMD=0.88 (1.14 to0.61) PBO/Sham 8/424 L
Acceptability Methylphenidate OR=1.68 (0.68‐4.14) PBO/Sham 4/215 L
Tolerability Methylphenidate OR=4.82 (0.98‐23.63) PBO/Sham 4/215 L
Autism spectrum disorder
Pharmacological interventions
Efficacy: inappropriate speech (mixed‐rated) Aripiprazole SMD=0.30 (0.50 to0.09) PBO/Sham 3/400 L
Efficacy: stereotypic (mixed‐rated) Aripiprazole SMD=0.32 (0.53 to0.12) PBO/Sham 3/400 M
Methylphenidate SMD=–0.18 (–0.46 to 0.11) PBO/Sham 5/127 M
Atomoxetine SMD=–0.16 (–0.50 to 0.18) PBO/Sham 4/281 L
Efficacy: overall (teacher‐rated) Methylphenidate SMD=–0.53 (–1.26 to 0.19) PBO/Sham 2/37 L
Efficacy: social interaction (parent‐rated) Methylphenidate SMD=–0.21 (–0.6 to 0.18) PBO/Sham 2/90 L
Efficacy: social interaction (teacher‐rated) Methylphenidate SMD=–0.51 (–1.07 to 0.05) PBO/Sham 3/103 L
Efficacy: stereotypic (parent‐rated) Methylphenidate SMD=–0.34 (–0.84 to 0.17) PBO/Sham 3/NR L
Efficacy: social withdrawal (mixed‐rated) Aripiprazole SMD=–0.13 (–0.33 to 0.08) PBO/Sham 3/400 M
Response Risperidone OR=2.57 (1.35‐4.86) PBO/Sham 3/241 L
Aripiprazole RR=2.08 (1.24‐3.46) PBO/Sham 3/400 L
Aggressive behavior Risperidone SMD=0.29 (0.48 to0.11) PBO/Sham 8/878 L
Aripiprazole SMD=0.24 (0.40 to0.08) PBO/Sham 8/878 L
Valproate SMD=–0.18 (–0.71 to 0.35) PBO/Sham 2/57 M
Lurasidone SMD=–0.05 (–0.27 to 0.18) PBO/Sham 8/878 L
Acceptability Risperidone RR=0.52 (0.32‐0.86) PBO/sham 6/379 M
Antipsychotics RR=0.61 (0.48‐0.78) PBO/Sham 15/1,124 M
Aripiprazole RR=0.67 (0.49‐0.90) PBO/Sham 5/526 M
Haloperidol RR=0.80 (0.24‐2.62) PBO/Sham 2/60 M
Mood stabilizers RR=1.27 (0.53‐3.06) PBO/Sham 5/125 M
Tolerability Risperidone RR=0.71 (0.17‐2.92) PBO/Sham 5/339 M
Antipsychotics RR=0.99 (0.55‐1.79) PBO/Sham 12/1,010 M
Mood stabilizers RR=1.13 (0.36‐3.53) PBO/Sham 4/112 M
Aripiprazole RR=1.24 (0.57‐2.71) PBO/Sham 4/493 M
Discontinuation due to inefficacy Mood stabilizers RR=2.11 (0.36‐12.42) PBO/Sham 3/60 M
Global illness severity Aripiprazole SMD=0.54 (0.77 to0.32) PBO/Sham 3/400 M
Risperidone OR=10.5 (4.80‐22.60) PBO/Sham 6/446 L
Mood stabilizers RR=1.55 (0.39‐6.21) PBO/Sham 3/77 L
Relapse Risperidone RR=0.30 (0.13‐0.68) PBO/Sham 2/56 M
Psychosocial interventions
Efficacy: emotion recognition (mixed‐rated) Computer‐assisted interaction SMD=–0.53 (–1.12 to 0.05) WL/NT 2/48 L
Social skills training SMD=–0.34 (–0.88 to 0.20) WL/NT 2/54 L
Efficacy: social competence (mixed‐rated) Social skills training SMD=0.47 (0.78 to0.16) WL/NT 4/178 L
Anxiety (subject‐rated) Cognitive behavioral therapy SMD=–0.61 (–1.54 to 0.33) WL/NT 5/181 L
Anxiety (parent‐rated) Cognitive behavioral therapy SMD=1.12 (1.91 to0.34) WL/NT 7/244 L
Functioning: joint attention Skills training‐joint attention SMD=0.66 (0.93 to0.40) WL/NT 9/417 L
Disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders (with or without ADHD)
Pharmacological interventions
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Risperidone SMD=0.48 (0.71 to0.24) PBO/Sham 4/293 L
Efficacy (parent‐rated) Risperidone SMD=0.79 (1.06 to0.52) PBO/Sham 2/225 M
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) Risperidone SMD=0.32 (0.49 to0.16) PBO/Sham 4/590 M
Response: aggressive behavior Valproate OR=15.6 (1.91‐128.1) PBO/Sham 2/47 L
Lithium RR=4.56 (1.97‐10.56) PBO/Sham 3/116 L
Aggressive behavior (clinician‐rated) Mixed (risperidone, quetiapine) SMD=–0.24 (–0.76 to 0.29) PBO/Sham 2/57 L
Aggressive behavior (parent‐rated) Risperidone SMD=0.72 (0.99 to0.46) PBO/Sham 3/238 M
Aggressive behavior (mixed‐rated) Risperidone SMD=0.60 (0.89 to0.31) PBO/Sham 2/188 L
Mixed (risperidone, lithium, methylphenidate) SMD=–1.93 (–3.88 to 0.02) PBO/Sham 4/172 L
Acceptability Mixed (risperidone, lithium, methylphenidate) RR= 0.97 (0.60‐1.55) PBO/Sham 8/631 L
Global illness severity Risperidone SMD=1.31 ( –1.88 to0.74) PBO/Sham 2/58 L
Mixed (risperidone, quetiapine) SMD=0.30 (0.49 to0.12) PBO/Sham 5/435 M
Mixed (carbamazepine, lithium, amphetamines) RR= 2.39 (1.10‐5.21) PBO/Sham 4/136 L
Psychosocial interventions
Efficacy (parent‐rated) Parental + child behavioral interventions SMD=1.00 (1.68 to0.32) WL/NT 3/207 L
Intellectual disabilities and disruptive behavior/dissocial disorders (with or without ADHD)
Aggressive behavior (clinician‐rated) Risperidone SMD=1.09 (1.39 to0.79) PBO/Sham 4/257 L
Aripiprazole SMD=0.64 (0.91 to0.36) PBO/Sham 2/308 L
Valproate SMD=–0.06 (–0.75 to 0.63) PBO/Sham 2/57 L
Aggressive behavior (mixed‐rated) Risperidone SMD=0.70 (1.01 to0.39) PBO/Sham 3/266 L
Developmental coordination disorders
Efficacy Skills training SMD=–0.27 (–0.85 to 0.31) WL/NT 2/51 L
Tic disorder
Efficacy: tics (clinician‐rated) Desipramine SMD=–0.44 (–0.91 to 0.02) PBO/Sham 2/75 L
Methylphenidate SMD=–0.28 (–0.58 to 0.03) PBO/Sham 4/191 L
Tourette's disorder
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Antipsychotics (haloperidol, pimozide, risperidone, ­ziprasidone) SMD=0.74 (1.08 to0.41) PBO/Sham 4/75 L
Guanfacine SMD=0.73 (1.26 to0.20) PBO/Sham 2/58 L
Methylphenidate SMD=–0.17 (–0.46 to 0.11) PBO/Sham 4/161 L

RCTs – randomized controlled trials, SMD – standardized mean difference, OR – odds ratio, RR – risk ratio, PBO – placebo, WL – waiting list, NT – no treatment, NR – not reported, Q – quality (H – high, M – medium, L – low). Bold prints indicate significant values. SMDs<0 indicate that intervention is more effective than control. For discontinuation outcomes (acceptability, tolerability, inefficacy) and relapse, OR/RR<1 favors the intervention. For response and remission, OR/RR>1 favors the intervention.

Table 6.

Efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions vs. active psychological intervention or drug condition in children/adolescents (only significant differences are reported)

Outcome Intervention Effect size (95% CI) Control Number of RCTs/patients Q
Anorexia nervosa
Efficacy: weight gain FT SMD=0.44 (0.74 to0.14) Other than FT 4/178 L
Anxiety disorders
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) CBT‐Group SMD=0.44 (0.82 to0.06) CBT‐Individual 101/6,625 L
Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Amphetamines SMD=0.24 (0.44 to0.05) Methylphenidate 46/NR H
Methylphenidate SMD=0.22 (0.39 to0.05) Atomoxetine 46/NR H
Efficacy (parent‐rated) Methylphenidate SMD=1.07 (1.74 to0.40) Bupropion 23/NR H
Methylphenidate SMD=0.23 (0.37 to0.10) Atomoxetine 23/NR H
Response Methylphenidate OR=1.44 (1.08‐1.92) Atomoxetine 113/19,398 M
Aggressive behavior Amphetamines SMD=0.35 (0.56 to0.13) Methylphenidate 2/132 L
Acceptability Methylphenidate OR=0.68 (0.52‐0.91) Atomoxetine 171/22,961 M
Tolerability Methylphenidate OR=0.39 (0.18‐0.83) Guanfacine 60/12,188 M
Discontinuation due to inefficacy Amphetamines OR=0.23 (0.10‐0.44) Atomoxetine 45/9,087 M
Global illness severity Amphetamines OR=3.39 (1.95‐5.88) Atomoxetine 40/NR H
Efficacy: inattention (mixed‐rated) Neurofeedback SMD=0.44 (0.02 to 0.86) Stimulants 4/161 L
Acceptability Neurofeedback OR=0.45 (0.21‐0.95) COG TR 171/22,961 M
Response BT+stimulants OR=4.76 (2.50‐9.09) BT 113/19,398 M
BT+stimulants OR=4.58 (2.49‐8.75) Stimulants 113/19,398 M
Autism spectrum disorder
Efficacy: stereotypic (clinician‐rated) BT‐IT SMD=0.78 (1.42 to0.13) BT‐CI 2/40 L
Efficacy: distal social behavior (clinician‐rated) BT‐IT SMD=0.98 (1.64 to0.32) BT‐CI 2/40 L
Bipolar disorder, manic episode

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Risperidone SMD=1.01 (1.29 to0.74) Valproate 2/228 M
Acceptability Desmopressin OR=0.45 (0.29‐0.71) BT‐Alarm 15/1,502 M
Efficacy BT‐Alarm SMD=0.43 (0.77 to0.08) Desmopressin 4/285 L
Relapse BT‐Alarm OR=0.15 (0.03‐0.53) Desmopressin 12/1,381 M



SMD=0.58 (0.89 to0.26) Desmopressin 2/156 L
Response Desmopressin+anticholinergics OR=2.80 (1.50‐5.40) Desmopressin 15/1,350 M
Imipramine+oxybutynin RR=1.47 (1.09‐2.00) Imipramine 2/101 L
Imipramine+oxybutynin RR=1.46 (1.06‐2.01) Oxybutynin 2/100 L
Desmopressin+BT‐Alarm RR=1.32 (1.08‐1.62) Desmopressin 5/359 L
Relapse Oxybutynin+ imipramine RR=0.50 (0.30‐0.81) Oxybutynin 2/81 L
Oxybutynin+ imipramine RR=0.48 (0.31‐0.74) Imipramine 2/85 L
Depressive disorders

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Fluoxetine SMD=1.65 (2.34 to0.95) Nortriptyline 70/8,906 M
Response Fluoxetine OR=3.02 (1.04‐7.22) Nortriptyline 34/5,260 M
Tolerability Paroxetine OR=0.22 (0.08‐0.87) Imipramine 34/5,260 M
Fluoxetine OR=0.31 (0.13‐0.95) Duloxetine 34/5,260 M
Suicidal ideation CBT SMD=0.27 (0.51 to0.03) SSRIs 2/268 L
Remission CBT+SSRI OR=2.15 (1.15‐4.02) CBT+PBO 2/173 M
Functioning CBT+SSRI SMD=0.20 (0.33 to0.08) Standalone AD 4/850 L
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Haloperidol SMD=1.35 (2.16 to0.55) Fluphenazine 28/3,003 L
Clozapine SMD=0.86 (1.54 to0.17) Olanzapine 28/3,003 L
SGAs SMD=0.36 (0.56 to0.16) FGAs 4/243 L
Response Risperidone OR=5.53 (2.01‐15.18) Haloperidol 28/3,003 L
Tic disorder
Response Topiramate RR=1.10 (1.02‐1.18) Haloperidol/tiapride 14/1,017 M
Topiramate RR=1.09 (1.01‐1.19) Haloperidol 10/727 L

RCTs – randomized controlled trials, SMD – standardized mean difference, OR – odds ratio, RR – risk ratio, PBO – placebo, Q – quality (H – high, M – medium, L – low), BT – behavioral therapy, BT‐IT– behavioral therapy imitative interaction, BT‐CI – behavioral therapy contingency interaction, CBT – cognitive behavioral therapy, FT – family therapy, COG TR ‐ cognitive training, AD – antidepressant, SSRI – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SGAs – second‐generation antipsychotics, FGAs – first‐­generation antipsychotics, NR – not reported. SMDs<0 indicate that intervention is more effective than control. For discontinuation outcomes (acceptability, tolerability, inefficacy) and relapse, OR/RR<1 favors the intervention. For response and remission, OR/RR>1 favors the intervention.

Table 7.

Efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions vs. mixed control conditions in ­children/adolescents (only significant differences are reported)

Outcome Intervention Effect size (95% CI) Control Number of RCTs/patients Q
Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) BI SMD=0.55 (0.77 to0.32) WL/AC/LIP 6/333 L
Efficacy (probably blinded rater) COG TR SMD=0.20 (0.40 to0.01) Mixed 11/566 L
Efficacy (most proximal rater) COG TR SMD=0.37 (0.66 to0.09) Mixed 14/727 L
BT SMD=0.35 (0.50 to0.19) Mixed 19/1,430 L
Efficacy (teacher‐rated) ST SMD=0.26 (0.52 to0.01) Mixed 6/615 L
Efficacy (parent‐rated) BT‐Parental SMD=0.65 (1.05 to0.25) TAU/WL/LIP 8/399 L
ST SMD=0.56 (0.74 to0.38) Mixed 10/934 L
Aggressive behavior BI SMD=0.40 (0.71 to0.10) Mixed 5/350 L
Functioning: academic ST SMD=0.33 (0.51 to0.14) Mixed 7/695 L
BT SMD=0.28 (0.59 to0.06) Mixed 9/817 L
Efficacy (most proximal rater) Neurofeedback SMD=0.35 (0.59 to0.11) Mixed 13/540 M
Efficacy (parent‐rated) Neurofeedback SMD=0.32 (p=0.013) Mixed 16/706 L
Autism spectrum disorder
Efficacy: socialization (mixed‐rated) PCIT SMD=0.22 (0.36 to0.09) Mixed 13/846 L
Efficacy: language (mixed‐rated) PCIT SMD=0.16 (0.31 to0.02) Mixed 13/785 L
Efficacy: language comprehension (parent‐rated) PCIT SMD=0.29 (0.56 to0.01) Mixed 3/204 L
Anxiety (clinician‐rated) CBT SMD=1.05 (1.65 to0.45) TAU/WL 6/208 L
Anxiety (parent‐rated) CBT SMD=1.00 (1.80 to0.21) TAU/WL 7/283 L
Aggressive behavior PCIT SMD =0.67 (0.85 to0.49) Mixed 9/521 L
Functioning: shared/joint attention ST‐ToM SMD=0.55 (0.99 to0.11) TAU/WL 2/88 L
PCIT SMD=0.41 (0.68 to0.14) Mixed 3/215 L
Functioning: social skills SST‐Computer SMD=0.93 (1.29 to0.57) TAU/WL 5/138 L
SST SMD=0.83 (1.07 to0.60) TAU/WL 18/1,266 L
SST‐Face to face SMD=0.81 (1.08 to0.53) TAU/WL 14/1,128 L
Functioning: parent synchrony PCIT SMD=0.90 (1.23 to0.56) Mixed 3/244 L
Global illness severity PCIT SMD=0.30 (0.52 to0.08) Mixed 6/316 L
Irritability PCIT SMD=0.59 (0.88 to0.30) Mixed 8/653 L
Depressive disorders
Efficacy (mixed‐ rated) CBT SMD=0.53 (0.82 to0.24) Mixed 11/809 M
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) BI SMD=0.79 (0.93 to0.64) WL/AC 17/NR L
Tourette's disorder
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) BT SMD=0.64 (0.99 to0.29) WL/LIP 2/133 L
Disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders (with or without ADHD)

Efficacy: ADHD

symptoms (mixed‐ rated)

BI SMD=0.34 (0.64 to0.05) WL/AC 11/518 L
Efficacy: ADHD symptoms (parent‐rated) BI SMD=0.68 (0.91 to0.44) WL/AC 5/322 L
Efficacy: externalizing (mixed‐rated) BI SMD=0.52 (0.68 to0.36) WL/AC 10/881 L

Efficacy: ODD

symptoms (mixed‐ rated)

BI SMD=0.88 (1.24 to0.51) WL/AC 10/335 L
Efficacy: ODD symptoms (parent‐rated) BI SMD=0.81 (1.20 to0.42) WL/AC 4/199 L
Aggressive behavior BI SMD =0.28 (0.46 to0.10) WL/AC 18/794 L
Cognition: attention BI SMD=0.38 (0.52 to0.23) WL/AC 15/588 L
Functioning BI SMD=0.39 (0.52 to0.26) WL/AC 22/1,027 L

RCTs – randomized controlled trials, SMD – standardized mean difference, WL – waiting list, AC – active control, TAU – treatment as usual, LIP – low intensity psychosocial intervention, Q – ­quality (H – high, M – medium, L – low), BT – behavioral therapy, CBT – cognitive behavioral therapy, COG TR – cognitive training, BI – combination of parental and child behavioral interventions, ST – skills training, PCIT – parent‐child interaction therapy, SST – social skills training, ST‐ToM – skills training: precursors of Theory of Mind, NR – not reported. SMDs<0 indicate that intervention is more effective than control.

Focusing on the two best interventions, amphetamines had the highest effect size based on the clinician‐rated primary efficacy outcome vs. placebo (large effect size), and were superior to placebo also regarding response (large effect size), aggressive behavior (large effect size), academic functioning (medium effect size), global illness severity (large effect size), and less discontinuation due to inefficacy (large effect size), without significant differences regarding all‐cause discontinuation (“acceptability”) or discontinuation due to intolerability (see Table 2).

Methylphenidate had medium to large effect sizes regarding the primary efficacy outcome vs. placebo across different raters, and was superior to placebo regarding other‐than‐attention cognition broadly (small to medium effect size), global illness improvement (large effect size), quality of life (medium effect size), acceptability (small effect size), and less discontinuation due to inefficacy (medium effect size), without significant differences concerning discontinuation due to intolerability. The efficacy of methylphenidate was also confirmed in youth with comorbid intellectual disability (see Table 2).

Clonidine, guanfacine and atomoxetine were also effective regarding the primary efficacy outcome, but with less consistent results across raters. Among psychosocial interventions, social skills training improved the primary efficacy outcome and functioning (small to medium effect size); however, the control group was waiting list/no treatment. Only behavioral therapy outperformed placebo for response (small effect size), impact on global illness severity (small effect size), and acceptability (small effect size). Neurofeedback did not show any significant efficacy outcome, nor any difference emerged on acceptability (see Table 2).

Alpha‐2 agonists were an effective augmentation strategy when added to stimulants vs. placebo (small effect size). Importantly, combined interventions, and specifically methylphenidate with parent training or with clonidine, and atomoxetine with parent training, showed large effect sizes regarding response vs. placebo (see Table 2). Additionally, behavioral therapy plus stimulants was superior both to behavioral therapy alone and to stimulants alone regarding response (large effect size), without any differences in acceptability (see Table 6).

In head‐to‐head comparisons, amphetamines outperformed methylphenidate, which outperformed bupropion (large effect sizes) and atomoxetine (small effect size) on the primary efficacy outcome. Amphetamines were superior to atomoxetine in reducing discontinuation due to inefficacy, and better than methylphenidate for aggressive behavior (small effect size), while methylphenidate was superior to atomoxetine regarding acceptability (medium effect size), and to guanfacine regarding less discontinuation due to intolerability (medium effect size). Stimulants were superior to neurofeedback regarding cognition, and neurofeedback outperformed cognitive training on acceptability (see Table 6).

Autism spectrum disorder

Results for autism spectrum disorder are shown in Tables 2, 5, 6 and 7.

Table 5.

Efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions vs. treatment as usual (TAU) or low intensity psychosocial intervention (LIP) in children/adolescents (only significant differences are reported)

Outcome Intervention Effect size (95% CI) Control Number of RCTs/patients Q
Anxiety disorders

Efficacy (mixed‐


CBT‐Group SMD=0.84 (1.47 to0.21) TAU 101/6,625 L
Functioning CBT SMD=1.06 (1.57 to0.55) TAU/LIP/PBO/Sham 5/467 L


OR=8.56 (3.10‐23.66) TAU 5/172 L
Autism spectrum disorder
Efficacy: overall (mixed‐rated) PCIT SMD=0.22 (0.41 to0.03) TAU/LIP 6/420 L
Efficacy: reciprocity (clinician‐rated) Mixed psychosocial interventions SMD=0.53 (0.78 to0.29) TAU 8/380 L
Cognition: developmental quotient Mixed psychosocial interventions SMD=0.36 (0.66 to0.05) TAU 5/232 L
Cognition PCIT SMD=0.24 (0.46 to0.03) TAU/LIP 6/334 L
Anxiety disorder remission CBT OR=11.25 (3.11‐40.79) TAU 4/142 L
Depressive disorders

Efficacy (clinician


IPT SMD=0.66 (1.22 to0.09) TAU


Efficacy: soiling BT+TAU SMD=0.35 (0.63 to0.07) TAU 4/209 L
Response BT+TAU RR=1.78 (1.25‐2.55) TAU 4/216 L
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
Response BT‐ERP RR=1.71 (1.29‐2.25) TAU/LIP 4/271 L
Acceptability BT‐ERP RR=0.60 (0.39‐0.93) TAU/LIP 4/251 L

RCTs – randomized controlled trials, SMD – standardized mean difference, OR – odds ratio, RR – risk ratio, PBO – placebo, Q – quality (H – high, M – medium, L – low), BT – behavioral therapy, BT‐ERP – behavioral therapy with exposure and response prevention, CBT – cognitive behavioral therapy, IPT – interpersonal therapy, PCIT – parent‐child ­interaction therapy, P – parental involvement. SMDs<0 indicate that intervention is more effective than control. For discontinuation outcomes (acceptability, ­tolerability, inefficacy) and relapse, OR/RR<1 favors the intervention. For response and remission, OR/RR>1 favors the intervention.

Aripiprazole was superior to placebo regarding the primary efficacy outcome, as well as response, aggressive behavior, global illness severity, and acceptability (all small effect sizes). Risperidone showed the same profile, yet with a large effect size regarding response. Both aripiprazole and risperidone were not different from placebo concerning discontinuation due to intolerability (see Table 2).

Among psychosocial interventions, social skills training had a small to large effect size regarding the primary efficacy outcome and functioning, and CBT had a large effect concerning anxiety across different control groups (see Table 2). Parent‐child interaction therapy and other mixed psychosocial interventions had a small to medium effect size for the primary efficacy outcome vs. TAU, as well as a small effect regarding cognition. Parent‐child interaction therapy also improved aggression (medium effect size), irritability (medium effect size), and functioning (large effect size). Finally, behavioral therapy with an imitative component had a large effect size for the primary efficacy outcome against other active psychosocial interventions without the imitative component (see Tables 5, 6 and 7).

Depressive disorders

Results for depressive disorders are shown in Tables 3, 5, 6 and 7.

Table 3.

Efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions vs. inactive control in children/adoles­cents with schizophrenia spectrum, depressive, and bipolar disorders

Outcome Intervention Effect size (95% CI) Control Number of RCTs/patients Q
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Olanzapine SMD=0.74 (1.05 to0.44) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Risperidone SMD=0.62 (0.89 to0.34) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Lurasidone SMD=0.48 (0.71 to0.25) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Aripiprazole SMD=0.43 (0.63 to0.24) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Quetiapine SMD=0.42 (0.65 to0.19) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Paliperidone SMD=0.42 (0.66 to0.18) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Asenapine SMD=0.38 (0.66 to0.11) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Ziprasidone SMD=–0.14 (–0.40 to 0.11) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Response Risperidone OR=3.46 (1.92‐6.23) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Olanzapine OR=2.64 (1.07‐4.18) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Lurasidone OR=2.56 (1.45‐4.48) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Paliperidone OR=2.12 (1.07‐4.18) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Quetiapine OR=1.86 (1.03‐3.32) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Asenapine OR=1.73 (0.96‐3.10) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Global illness severity Olanzapine SMD=0.6 (1.18 to0.02) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Risperidone SMD=0.50 (0.73 to0.27) PBO/Sham 12/2,158 L
Paliperidone SMD=0.44 (0.67 to0.22) PBO/Sham 12/2,158 L
Lurasidone SMD=0.41 (0.77 to0.05) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Quetiapine SMD=0.41 (0.77 to0.05) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Ziprasidone SMD=0.40 (0.68 to0.12) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Aripiprazole SMD=0.35 (0.59 to0.11) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Asenapine SMD=0.29 (0.53 to0.06) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Acceptability Paliperidone OR=0.26 (0.08‐0.80) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Risperidone OR=0.31 (0.14‐0.72) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Olanzapine OR=0.36 (0.15‐0.85) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Lurasidone OR=0.53 (0.18‐1.55) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Ziprasidone OR=0.59 (0.22‐1.58) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Quetiapine OR=0.63 (0.27‐1.43) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Asenapine OR=0.91 (0.33‐2.56) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Aripiprazole OR=1.48 (0.60‐3.67) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Tolerability Lurasidone OR=0.45 (0.16‐1.22) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Ziprasidone OR=0.99 (0.45‐2.30) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Risperidone OR=2.38 (0.57‐13.56) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Aripiprazole OR=2.54 (0.70‐14.48) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Asenapine OR=2.67 (0.82‐12.47) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Quetiapine OR=3.29 (0.92‐16.75) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Olanzapine OR=7.76 (1.23‐87.44) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Paliperidone OR=23.12 (2.38‐778.70) PBO/Sham 13/2,210 M
Discontinuation due to inefficacy Paliperidone OR=0.10 (0.04‐0.28) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Olanzapine OR=0.14 (0.06‐0.31) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Risperidone OR=0.17 (0.07‐0.42) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Ziprasidone OR=0.41 (0.20‐0.84) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 L
Lurasidone OR=0.39 (0.09‐1.77) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Asenapine OR=0.63 (0.23‐1.73) PBO/Sham 28/3,003 M
Depressive disorders
Pharmacological interventions
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Fluoxetine SMD=0.51 (0.84 to0.18) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Desipramine SMD=–0.43 (–1.26 to 0.39) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Duloxetine SMD = –0.22 (–0.85 to 0.42) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Venlafaxine SMD = –0.25 (–0.87 to 0.36) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Mirtazapine SMD = –0.23 (–0.97 to 0.51) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Citalopram SMD=–0.18 (–0.89 to 0.55) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Escitalopram SMD=–0.17 (–0.88 to 0.54) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Paroxetine SMD=–0.16 (–0.67 to 0.35) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Nefazodone SMD=–0.14 (–0.85 to 0.57) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Desvenlafaxine SMD=–0.12 (–0.79 to 0.54) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Sertraline SMD=–0.11 (–0.71 to 0.49) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Imipramine SMD=–0.03 (–0.75 to 0.68) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Vilazodone SMD=–0.09 (–1.09 to 0.90) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Amitriptyline SMD=0.08 (–1.11 to 1.27) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Nortriptyline SMD= 1.14 (0.46‐1.81) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M
Response Nefazodone OR=2.1 (1.06‐4.89) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Duloxetine OR=1.74 (1.12‐2.84) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Fluoxetine OR=1.70 (1.25‐2.39) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Desipramine OR=1.59 (0.67‐4.84) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Escitalopram OR=1.53 (0.96‐2.58) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Sertraline OR=1.44 (0.79‐2.97) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Paroxetine OR=1.3 (0.89‐1.99) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Venlafaxine OR=1.16 (0.72‐2.03) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Citalopram OR=1.02 (0.62‐1.82) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Imipramine OR=0.83 (0.48‐1.54) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Nortriptyline OR=0.57 (0.24‐1.64) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Amitriptyline OR=0.22 (0.05‐2.78) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Acceptability Nefazodone OR=0.49 (0.21‐1.39) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Vilazodone OR=0.59 (0.27‐1.54) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Nortriptyline OR=0.76 (0.28‐3.41) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Fluoxetine OR=0.78 (0.56‐1.15) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Mirtazapine OR=0.83 (0.40‐2.08) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Desvenlafaxine OR=0.85 (0.47‐1.74) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Citalopram OR=0.96 (0.52‐1.97) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Duloxetine OR=1.04 (0.62‐1.96) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Venlafaxine OR=1.12 (0.53‐2.70) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Amitriptyline OR=1.16 (0.29‐12.13) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Paroxetine OR=1.3 (0.81‐2.27) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Escitalopram OR=1.4 (0.77‐2.86) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Sertraline OR=162 (0.83‐3.22) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Desipramine OR=2.21 (0.88‐7.67) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Imipramine OR=2.51 (1.26‐6.25) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Tolerability Amitriptyline OR=0.10 (0.02‐32.16) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Fluoxetine OR=1.03 (0.5‐2.7) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Citalopram OR=1.13 (0.45‐3.66) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Nefazodone OR=1.29 (0.3‐21.89) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Mirtazapine OR=1.36 (0.41‐10.99) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Paroxetine OR=1.59 (0.77‐3.95) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Escitalopram OR=1.64 (0.46‐13.49) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Desipramine OR=2.85 (0.83‐21.8) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Sertraline OR=2.94 (0.94‐17.19) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Duloxetine OR=2.80 (1.20‐9.42) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Venlafaxine OR=3.19 (1.01‐18.7) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Imipramine OR=5.49 (1.96‐20.86) PBO/Sham 34/5,260 M
Quality of life Mixed (fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline) SMD=–0.11 (–0.26 to 0.03) PBO/Sham 3/765 M
Relapse SSRIs OR=0.34 (0.18‐0.64) PBO/Sham 3/164 L
Remission Fluoxetine RR=1.82 (1.25‐2.63) PBO/Sham 2/315 M
Sertraline RR=1.09 (0.72‐1.61) PBO/Sham 2/376 M
Suicide attempt/ideation Nefazodone OR=0.29 (0.06‐6.31) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Mirtazapine OR=0.53 (0.10‐40.83) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Imipramine OR=0.59 (0.19‐3.07) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Desvenlafaxine OR=0.74 (0.41‐1.49) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Escitalopram OR=0.94 (0.44‐2.55) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Duloxetine OR=0.93 (0.55‐1.71) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Fluoxetine OR=1.11 (0.74‐1.75) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Paroxetine OR=1.71 (0.81‐5.05) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Citalopram OR=1.18 (0.46‐4.43) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Vilazodone OR=1.96 (0.45‐100.00) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Sertraline OR=2.22 (0.75‐12.5) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Venlafaxine OR=8.33 (1.92‐NC) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Psychosocial interventions
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) IPT SMD=–1.37 (2.04 to0.7) WL/NT 70/8,906 L
PSOLV SMD=1.26 (2.48 to0.03) WL/NT 70/8,906 L
FT SMD=1.03 (1.66 to0.4) WL/NT 70/8,906 L
CBT SMD=0.94 (1.40 to0.48) WL/NT 70/8,906 L
IPT SMD=0.70 (1.29 to0.12) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 L
FT SMD=–0.36 (–0.95 to 0.24) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 L
CBT SMD=–0.27 (–0.72 to 0.18) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 L
PSD‐O SMD=0.08 (–0.67 to 0.84) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 L
Response PSD‐O RR=1.68 (1.08‐2.63) WL/PBO/Sham 2/83 L
Acceptability IPT OR=0.53 (0.20‐1.15) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
IPT OR=0.65 (0.19‐1.62) WL/NT 66/9,075 M
CBT OR=0.65 (0.32‐1.16) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
PSOLV OR=0.77 (0.01‐4.40) WL/NT 66/9,075 M
CBT OR=0.77 (0.34‐1.48) WL/NT 66/9,075 M
FT OR=0.84 (0.35‐1.72) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
PSD‐O OR=0.96 (0.37‐1.93) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
BT OR=1.27 (0.19‐4.32) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Suicide attempt/ideation IPT OR=0.64 (0.04‐2.59) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
CBT OR=11.31 (0.01‐46.11) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
PSD‐O OR=8.64 (0.01‐40.05) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Combination interventions
Efficacy (clinician‐rated)


SMD=0.73 (1.39 to0.07) PBO/Sham 70/8,906 M


OR=0.75 (0.39‐1.65) PBO/Sham 66/9,075 M
Suicide attempt/ideation


OR=0.88 (0.41‐2.35) PBO/Sham 34/NR M
Bipolar disorder, depressive episode
Efficacy (clinician‐rated) Quetiapine SMD=–0.10 (–0.32 to 0.13) PBO/Sham 2/224 M
Response Quetiapine RR=1.1 (0.89‐1.35) PBO/Sham 3/250 L
Acceptability Quetiapine RR=0.73 (0.36‐1.49) PBO/Sham 2/225 L
Global illness severity Quetiapine SMD=0.20 (0.46 to0.06) PBO/Sham 2/224 M
Remission Quetiapine RR=1.23 (0.90‐1.68) PBO/Sham 3/250 L
Tolerability Quetiapine RR=0.31 (0.11‐1.01) PBO/Sham 2/225 L
Bipolar disorder, manic episode

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Aripiprazole SMD=1.08 (1.32 to0.85) PBO/Sham 2/339 M
Response Mixed (mood stabilizers and antipsychotics) OR=2.24 (z=8.12, p<0.001) PBO/Sham 9/1,362 M
Aripiprazole RR=1.86 (1.43‐2.43) PBO/Sham 2/332 M
SGAs z=10.34, p<0.001 PBO/Sham 6/1,190 H
Mood stabilizers z=2.06, p=0.04 PBO/Sham 2/172 M
Acceptability Aripiprazole RR=0.80 (0.51‐1.27) PBO/Sham 2/339 M
Valproate OR=1.77 (0.83‐3.78) PBO/Sham 2/179 M
Tolerability Aripiprazole RR=5.19 (0.92‐29.25) PBO/Sham 2/339 M
Discontinuation due to inefficacy Aripiprazole RR=0.27 (0.09‐0.82) PBO/Sham 2/339 M

RCTs – randomized controlled trials, SMD – standardized mean difference, OR – odds ratio, RR – risk ratio, PBO – placebo, WL – waiting list, NT – no treatment, NR – not reported, NC – not calculable, Q – quality (H – high, M – ­medium, L – low), BT – behavioral therapy, CBT – cognitive behavioral therapy, FT – family therapy, IPT – interpersonal therapy, PSD‐O – psychodynamic‐oriented, PSOLV – problem solving, SSRIs – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SGAs – second‐generation antipsychotics. Bold prints indicate significant values. SMDs<0 indicate that intervention is more effective than control. For discontinuation outcomes (acceptability, tolerability, inefficacy) and relapse, OR/RR<1 favors the intervention. For response and remission, OR/RR>1 favors the intervention.

Fluoxetine was the only pharmacological intervention that was superior to placebo on the primary efficacy outcome (medium effect size), as well as on response and remission (both small effect size). Nortriptyline worsened the primary efficacy outcome (large effect size), imipramine increased all‐cause drop‐out (small effect size), and imipramine, venlafaxine and duloxetine increased discontinuation due to intolerability (small to medium effect size). Venlafaxine increased suicidality (large effect size) (see Table 3).

Among psychosocial interventions, a large effect size on the primary efficacy outcome was apparent for interpersonal therapy, problem‐solving therapy, family therapy, and CBT vs. waiting list/no treatment. However, these results were not confirmed vs. placebo or vs. TAU, except for interpersonal therapy, that remained superior when compared to placebo and TAU (medium effect size) (see Tables 3 and 5).

CBT was also superior to mixed interventions regarding the primary efficacy outcome (medium effect size), and to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) regarding suicidality (small effect size) (see Tables 3 and 6). Psychodynamically‐oriented psychotherapy had a small effect size advantage regarding response, but no significant effect on the primary efficacy outcome vs. placebo (see Table 3).

As a combination treatment, CBT plus fluoxetine had a medium effect size advantage regarding the primary efficacy outcome vs. placebo (see Table 3), and CBT plus SSRI was superior concerning remission vs. CBT monotherapy, and functioning vs. antidepressant monotherapy (small effect size) (see Table 6).


Results for enuresis are shown in Tables 4 and 6.

Table 4.

Efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions vs. inactive control in children/adolescents with anxiety, obsessive‐compulsive, stress‐related, and mixed disorders

Outcome Intervention Effect size (95% CI) Control Number of RCTs/patients Q
Anxiety disorders
Pharmacological interventions

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Paroxetine SMD=0.43 (0.75 to0.10) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Fluvoxamine SMD=0.36 (0.61 to0.10) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Imipramine SMD=–0.27 (–0.92 to 0.39) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Guanfacine SMD=–0.13 (–0.39 to 0.12) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Fluoxetine SMD=–0.11 (–0.33 to 0.12) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Atomoxetine SMD=–0.11 (–0.38 to 0.16) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Duloxetine SMD=–0.09 (–0.27 to 0.09) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Sertraline SMD=–0.08 (–0.25 to 0.09) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Venlafaxine SMD=–0.06 (–0.22 to 0.04) PBO/Sham 14/2,502 M
Efficacy (subject‐rated) Fluoxetine SMD=0.51 (0.85 to0.18) PBO/Sham 2/154 M
SNRIs SMD=–2.14 (–9.75 to 5.48) PBO/Sham 3/622 M
Venlafaxine SMD=–1.71 (–3.93 to 0.51) PBO/Sham 2/443 M
SSRIs SMD=–0.42 (–0.96 to 0.12) PBO/Sham 4/197 M
Atomoxetine SMD=–0.29 (–0.51 to 0.08) PBO/Sham 2/331 M
TCAs SMD= 0.36 (–0.27 to 0.99) PBO/Sham 2/41 M
Efficacy (parent‐rated) SSRIs SMD=0.82 (1.38 to0.27) PBO/Sham 2/96 L
Response Fluvoxamine OR=8.17 (1.35‐49.40) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Sertraline OR=6.05 (2.23‐49.40) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Fluoxetine OR=4.06 (1.49‐18.17) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Guanfacine OR=5.47 (0.74‐49.40) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Atomoxetine OR=4.06 (0.67‐24.53) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Paroxetine OR=3.67 (0.67‐20.09) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Imipramine OR=3.00 (0.61‐14.88) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Venlafaxine OR=2.46 (0.90‐6.69) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Duloxetine OR=2.01 (0.37‐11.02) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Clomipramine OR=1.22 (0.22‐6.69) PBO/Sham 19/2,656 M
Acceptability Clomipramine OR=0.55 (0.02‐7.39) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Paroxetine OR=0.61 (0.12‐3.32) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Fluvoxamine OR=0.67 (0.11‐4.06) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Sertraline OR=0.67 (0.14‐2.72) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Guanfacine OR=0.67 (0.10‐4.95) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Atomoxetine OR=0.82 (0.15‐4.95) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Duloxetine OR=1.00 (0.18‐5.47) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Venlafaxine OR=1.11 (0.33‐3.67) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Fluoxetine OR=1.65 (0.50‐6.69) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Imipramine OR=2.01 (0.37‐9.97) PBO/Sham 20/2,679 M
Remission Fluoxetine RR=2.52 (1.19‐5.32) PBO/Sham 2/95 L

Suicide attempt/


Sertraline LogOR=19.8 (61.7 to 0.7) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Duloxetine LogOR=0.2 (–2.5 to 2.8) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Venlafaxine LogOR=1.4 (–1.4 to 5.24) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Atomoxetine LogOR=6.6 (–31.6 to 22.7) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Guanfacine LogOR=16.1 (–1.0 to 58.3) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Imipramine LogOR=17.3 (–0.1 to 54.8) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Paroxetine LogOR=20.0 (1.7 to 60.47) PBO/Sham 9/1,648 M
Tolerability Venlafaxine LogOR=–0.8 (–3.8 to 2.1) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Atomoxetine LogOR=0.0 (–5.3 to 5.3) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Duloxetine LogOR=0.2 (–3.9 to 4.3) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Sertraline LogOR=1.7 (–2.8 to 6.6) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Paroxetine LogOR=1.7 (–2.5 to 6.0) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Fluovoxamine LogOR=2.1 (–2.4 to 7.0) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Fluoxetine LogOR=2.5 (–1.8 to 7.9) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Imipramine LogOR=16.6 (–37.5 to 83.7) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Guanfacine LogOR=29.2 (2.2‐94.3) PBO/Sham 15/2,516 M
Psychosocial interventions

Efficacy (clinician


CBT/BT SMD=0.85 (1.12 to0.57) WL/NT 7/358 L
Efficacy (subject‐rated) CBT‐Child only SMD=1.04 (1.41 to0.67) WL/NT 24/1,239 L
CBT‐Group SMD=0.91 (1.22 to0.60) WL/NT 27/1,268 L
CBT SMD=0.67 (0.88 to0.47) WL/NT 45/2,831 L
CBT‐Child+P SMD=0.45 (0.67 to0.23) WL/NT 20/1,285 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=0.39 (0.64 to0.15) WL/NT 21/1,203 L
CBT SMD=0.31 (0.51 to0.11) PBO/Sham 15/978 L
CBT‐Parent only SMD=0.04 (–0.38 to 0.46) WL/NT 5/307 L
Efficacy (parent‐rated) CBT‐Group SMD=0.92 (1.21 to0.62) WL/NT 21/1,279 L
CBT‐Child only SMD=0.87 (1.21 to0.53) WL/NT 13/734 L
CBT SMD=0.70 (0.90 to0.51) WL/NT 35/2137 L
CBT‐Child+P SMD=0.69 (0.98 to0.39) WL/NT 17/1,031 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=0.43 (0.65 to0.21) WL/NT 17/858 L
CBT‐Parent only SMD=–0.37 (–0.77 to 0.04) WL/NT 5/372 L
CBT SMD=–0.25 (–0.61 to 0.11) PBO/Sham 8/638 L
Efficacy (mixed‐rated) BT‐Group SMD=1.43 (2.36 to0.51) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group SMD=1.43 (1.76 to1.09) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+P SMD=1.09 (1.93 to0.25) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group+P SMD=0.99 (1.31 to0.68) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=0.99 (1.30 to0.68) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+P SMD=0.84 (1.16 to0.53) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group SMD=0.76 (1.16 to0.36) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Parent only SMD=0.70 (1.22 to0.19) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Internet SMD=0.61 (1.02 to0.20) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+Group SMD=–0.73 (–1.59 to 0.13) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+Group SMD=–0.64 (–1.69 to 0.41) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+P SMD=–0.42 (–1.29 to 0.44) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group+P SMD=–0.33 (–0.78 to 0.13) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=–0.32 (–0.72 to 0.07) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+P SMD=–0.18 (–0.61 to 0.25) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+Group SMD=–0.06 (–0.94 to 0.82) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Internet SMD=0.06 (–0.48 to 0.60) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
Acceptability CBT‐Individual+Group OR=0.26 (0.05‐5.73) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+P OR=0.64 (0.22‐2.72) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+P OR=0.81 (0.19‐2.27) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group+P OR=0.90 (0.46‐1.60) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group OR=0.85 (0.46‐1.44) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
BT OR=0.90 (0.32‐3.95) WL/NT 101/6,625 M
CBT‐Individual OR=0.92 (0.52‐1.52) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group OR=0.93 (0.57‐1.63) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT OR=1.09 (0.85‐1.41) WL/NT 45/3,158 L
CBT‐Group+P OR=0.99 (0.67‐1.55) WL/NT 101/6,625 M
CBT OR=1.00 (0.68‐1.49) PBO/Sham 12/797 L
CBT‐Internet OR=1.02 (0.42‐2.08) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual OR=1.02 (0.67‐1.67) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Internet OR=1.05 (0.59‐2.05) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+P OR=1.11 (0.60‐1.90) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+Group OR=1.13 (0.28‐3.19) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
BT‐Group OR=1.21 (0.27‐22.51) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+P OR=1.23 (0.80‐2.02) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Parent only OR=1.43 (0.75‐3.15) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
Depressive symptoms CBT SMD=0.34 (0.51 to0.17) WL/NT 17/1,157 L
CBT SMD=–0.18 (–0.45 to 0.09) PBO/Sham 10/613 L
Functioning CBT SMD=–1.03 (–1.38 to –0.68) WL/NT 11/557 L
Quality of life CBT‐Parent only SMD=1.87 (3.04 to0.71) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=1.13 (1.82 to0.45) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=1.01 (1.55 to0.48) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Internet SMD=0.86 (1.57 to0.15) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group SMD=0.85 (1.45 to0.26) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+P SMD=0.80 (1.33 to0.27) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group+P SMD=0.75 (1.34 to0.17) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Group SMD=0.73 (1.34 to0.11) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Internet SMD=0.73 (1.14 to0.33) PBO/Sham 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+Group SMD=–0.79 (–1.68 to 0.09) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
BT‐Individual+Group SMD=–0.67 (–1.56 to 0.21) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
CBT‐Individual+Group SMD=–0.55 (–1.78 to 0.69) WL/NT 101/6,625 L
Remission CBT‐Child only OR=10.42 (5.84‐7.60) WL/NT 19/1,184 M
CBT‐Group OR=6.25 (4.45‐8.78) WL/NT 25/1,532 M
CBT‐Remote OR=6.14 (2.97‐12.71) WL/NT 10/591 L
CBT OR=5.45 (3.90‐7.60) WL/NT 39/2,697 L
CBT‐Individual OR=4.53 (2.55‐8.03) WL/NT 17/1,165 L
CBT‐Individual+P OR=4.08 (2.72‐6.11) WL/NT 19/1,142 M
CBT‐Child only OR=3.58 (1.92‐6.65) PBO/Sham 7/509 L
CBT‐Group OR=3.10 (1.14‐8.45) PBO/Sham 5/353 L
CBT‐Parent only OR=2.83 (1.12‐7.16) WL/NT 4/371 L
CBT OR=2.28 (1.33‐3.89) PBO/Sham 10/822 L
CBT‐Individual OR=2.04 (1.06‐3.91) PBO/Sham 5/469 L
CBT‐Individual+P OR=1.12 (0.65‐1.92) PBO/Sham 4/313 L
Social anxiety disorder
Efficacy (subject‐rated) CBT SMD=1.59 (2.33 to0.86) WL/NT 11/603 L
BT SMD=1.22 (2.06 to0.38) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 4/169 L
CBT SMD=1.19 (1.72 to0.67) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 14/872 L
CBT‐Group SMD=1.19 (1.93 to0.45) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 11/670 L
CBT/BT SMD=1.13 (1.59 to0.68) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 17/1,016 L
CBT+P SMD=1.13 (1.59 to0.67) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 17/983 L
CBT‐Individual SMD=1.10 (1.91 to0.29) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 3/127 L
CBT‐Individual+Group SMD=0.80 (1.19 to0.41) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 3/115 L
CBT‐Child only SMD=0.75 (1.24 to0.26) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 2/70 L
CBT‐Internet SMD=0.52 (1.01 to0.03) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 2/143 L
Acceptability CBT RR=1.00 (0.72‐1.41) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 16/1,052 M
Depressive symptoms CBT/BT SMD=0.39 (0.63 to0.16) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 8/299 L
Quality of life CBT/BT SMD=0.79 (1.17 to0.41) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 9/552 L
Remission CBT/BT RR=8.99 (5.27‐15.33) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 13/832 L
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
Pharmacological interventions

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

Sertraline SMD=0.24 (0.46 to0.03) PBO/Sham 17/991 L
Fluoxetine SMD=0.24 (0.47 to0.01) PBO/Sham 17/991 L
Clomipramine SMD=–0.31 (–0.64 to 0.02) PBO/Sham 17/991 L
Fluvoxamine SMD=–0.21 (–0.49 to 0.06) PBO/Sham 17/991 L
Response Fluoxetine RR=1.49 (1.15‐1.96) PBO/Sham 2/146 L
SSRI/TCAs RR=1.80 (1.43‐2.26) PBO/Sham 7/692 L
Acceptability Fluoxetine MOR=0.74 (0.25‐1.68) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
Fluvoxamine MOR=0.79 (0.24‐2.07) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
Sertraline MOR=0.89 (0.32‐2.07) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
Paroxetine MOR=1.12 (0.37‐3.42) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
Clomipramine MOR=3.06 (0.54‐21.69) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
Tolerability SSRIs RR=3.59 (1.89‐6.84) PBO/Sham 7/807 L
Global illness severity Fluoxetine SMD=0.52 (0.86 to0.18) PBO/Sham 2/146 L
SSRIs SMD=0.42 (0.61 to0.23) PBO/Sham 5/556 M
Remission SSRIs RR=2.06 (1.03‐4.13) PBO/Sham 3/302 L
Pharmacological augmentation (in SSRI‐refractory cases)
Response Risperidone OR=6.35 (1.48‐27.3) PBO/Sham 3/72 M
Quetiapine OR=2.33 (0.88‐6.20) PBO/Sham 3/102 M
Olanzapine OR=2.74 (0.34‐21.9) PBO/Sham 2/70 L
Psychosocial interventions

Efficacy (clinician‐rated)

CBT SMD=0.78 (1.05 to0.51) WL/NT 17/991 L
BT SMD=0.72 (1.20 to0.24) WL/NT 17/991 L
CBT SMD=–0.23 (–0.56 to 0.11) PBO/Sham 17/991 L
Response CBT/BT‐ERP RR=3.93 (2.52‐6.14) WL/NT/PBO/Sham 6/236 L
Acceptability CBT MOR=0.49 (0.09‐2.40) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
BT‐ERP RR=0.80 (0.35‐1.84) PBO/WL 6/301 L
CBT MOR=0.86 (0.23‐3.24) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
CBT MOR=0.94 (0.21‐4.79) WL/NT 18/1,143 L
BT MOR=14.28 (0.87‐785.20) WL/NT 18/1,143 L
Functioning (subject‐rated) CBT SMD=1.15 (2.11 to0.19) WL/NT 3/194 L
Functioning (parent‐rated) CBT SMD=0.95 (1.61 to0.28) WL/NT 3/194 L
CBT SMD=–0.31 (–0.63 to 0.01) PBO/Sham 2/183 L
Remission CBT RR=2.33 (1.33‐4.00) WL/NT 4/271 L
CBT RR=1.59 (1.28‐1.96) PBO/Sham 3/153 L
Quality of life CBT SMD=0.39 (0.77 to0.02) WL/PBO/Sham 2/223 L
Combined interventions
Efficacy CBT+sertraline SMD=0.58 (0.91 to0.25) PBO/Sham 17/991 L
Acceptability CBT+sertraline MOR=0.54 (0.08‐3.15) PBO/Sham 18/1,143 L
Post‐traumatic stress disorder
Efficacy CBT SMD=1.34 (1.79 to0.89) WL/NT 3/98 L
EMDR SMD=–0.61 (–1.96 to 0.74) WL/NT 2/65 L
NET SMD=–0.57 (–1.23 to 0.09) WL/NT 2/79 L
Response CBT OR=8.64 (2.01‐37.14) WL/NT 2/49 L
NET OR=3.82 (0.67‐21.8) WL/NT 2/78 L
Acceptability NET OR=5.13 (0.56‐47.28) WL/NT 2/83 L
Anxiety symptoms NET SMD=–0.66 (–1.33 to 0.01) WL/NT 2/59 L
Depressive symptoms CBT SMD=0.8 (1.47 to0.131) WL/NT 3/98 L
Pharmacological interventions
Efficacy Imipramine SMD=0.46 (0.67 to0.24) PBO/Sham 4/347 M
Response Amitriptyline RR=1.22 (1.02‐1.45) PBO/Sham 2/98 L
Imipramine RR=1.35 (1.11‐1.64) PBO/Sham 12/831 L

Psychosocial interventions

Efficacy BT‐Alarm SMD=1.30 (2.16 to0.44) WL/NT 4/127 L
Response BT‐Alarm RR=7.23 (1.40‐37.77) WL/NT 18/827 L
BT‐Alarm RR=1.59 (1.16‐2.17) PBO/Sham 2/181 L
BT‐Reward RR=1.22 (1.03‐1.45) WL/NT 2/325 L

RCTs – randomized controlled trials, SMD – standardized mean difference, OR – odds ratio, MOR – median odds ratio, RR – risk ratio, PBO – placebo, WL – waiting list, NT – no treatment, Q – ­quality (H – high, M – medium, L – low), BT – behavioral therapy, BT‐ERP – behavioral therapy with exposure and response prevention, CBT – cognitive ­behavioral therapy, EMDR – eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, NET – narrative exposure therapy, P – parental involvement, SSRIs – selective ­serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SNRIs – serotonin‐norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, TCAs – tricyclic antidepressants. Bold prints indicate significant values. SMDs<0 indicate that intervention is more effective than control. For discontinuation outcomes (acceptability, tolerability, inefficacy) and relapse, OR/RR<1 favors the intervention. For response and remission, OR/RR>1 favors the intervention.

Among pharmacological interventions, imipramine outperformed placebo regarding the primary efficacy outcome and response (small effect size), and amitriptyline was superior to placebo with respect to response (small effect size) (see Table 4).

Behavioral therapy with alarm outperformed waiting list on the primary efficacy outcome (small effect size) and response (large effect size), and maintained a small effect size regarding response vs. placebo (see Table 4).

No clear superior treatment emerged in monotherapy head‐to‐head comparisons. Combination of desmopressin plus behavioral therapy with alarm was superior to desmopressin alone regarding the primary efficacy outcome (medium effect size) and response (small effect size), while combination of oxybutynin plus imipramine was superior to either imipramine or oxybutynin monotherapy (small effect size) (see Table 6).

Obsessive‐compulsive disorder

Results for obsessive‐compulsive disorder are shown in Tables 4 and 5.

Fluoxetine was the pharmacological intervention with the broadest efficacy, including primary efficacy outcome, response, and global illness severity vs. placebo (small effect sizes). SSRIs as a class also improved response, remission and global illness severity, yet had a higher discontinuation rate due to intolerability than placebo (see Table 4).

Among monotherapy psychosocial interventions, CBT was superior to waiting list regarding the primary efficacy outcome (medium effect size), response (small effect size), remission (small effect size), quality of life (small effect size) and functioning (large effect size), and also to placebo concerning remission (small effect size) (see Table 4). Behavioral therapy with exposure and response prevention outperformed TAU for both response and acceptability (small effect size) ­(see Table 5).

As a combination treatment, CBT and sertraline outperformed placebo (medium effect size) (see Table 4). No significant differences emerged in head‐to‐head comparisons.

Anxiety disorders

Results for anxiety disorders are shown in Tables 4, 5 and 6.

SSRIs (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine) outperformed pla­cebo regarding the primary efficacy outcome, and response (small to medium effect). Fluoxetine also outperformed placebo with respect to remission (small effect size) (see Table 4). Sertraline reduced suicidality compared with placebo, but paroxetine increased it.

CBT was superior to waiting list in different formats (i.e., individual, Internet, group) regarding the primary efficacy outcome (small to large effect size), depressive symptoms (small effect size), remission (small to large effect size) and quality of life (large effect size). CBT was also superior to placebo with respect to quality of life (large effect size) and to TAU regarding the primary efficacy outcome, remission and functioning (large effect size). Group CBT was superior to individual CBT in head‐to‐head comparisons (small effect size) (see Tables 4, 5 and 6).

No meta‐analysis compared pharmacological vs. psychosocial interventions or combined treatment strategies.

Disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders

Results for disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders are shown in Tables 2 and 7.

Among pharmacological interventions, risperidone outperformed placebo across different raters regarding the primary efficacy outcome (medium effect size), aggressive behavior (medium effect size, also in people with intellectual disability), and global illness severity (medium effect size). Aggressive behavior was also improved by lithium and valproate (see Table 2).

Among psychosocial interventions, a combination of parental and child behavioral interventions had a large effect size vs. waiting list concerning the primary efficacy outcome, and a medium effect size vs. a mixed control group (see Tables 2 and 7).

Eating disorders

Results for eating disorders are shown in Table 6.

No meta‐analysis on pharmacological intervention met the inclusion criteria of this umbrella review. Among psychosocial interventions, family therapy outperformed other interventions in anorexia nervosa regarding the primary efficacy outcome (body weight, small effect size).

Schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Results for schizophrenia spectrum disorders are shown in Tables 3 and 6.

For schizophrenia, only pharmacological interventions were covered. All investigated antipsychotics but ziprasidone outperformed placebo, with a small effect size, except for olanzapine and risperidone, which had a large effect size. Small effect sizes emerged regarding response (except for asenapine), and all antipsychotics improved global illness severity. Acceptability was superior vs. placebo for paliperidone, risperidone and olanzapine, without differences for the other antipsychotics. Paliperidone and olanzapine were associated with more discontinuation due to intolerability than placebo, while discontinuation due to inefficacy favored paliperidone, olanzapine, risperidone and ziprasidone (see Table 3).

In head‐to‐head comparisons, risperidone and second‐generation antipsychotics outperformed first‐generation antipsychotics (large effect size), and clozapine outperformed olanzapine on the primary efficacy outcome (large effect size) (see Table 6).

Bipolar disorder

Results for bipolar disorder are shown in Tables 3 and 6.

Regarding bipolar depression, quetiapine was not superior to placebo regarding the primary efficacy outcome, separating only on global illness severity (small effect size). Regarding mania, aripiprazole was more effective than placebo regarding the primary efficacy outcome (large effect size) and response (small effect size), without differences vs. placebo regarding acceptability, while being superior regarding less discontinuations for inefficacy (see Table 3).

Other disorders

Results for tic disorder are shown in Tables 2 and 6. Desipramine and methylphenidate were similar to placebo, but topiramate was superior to haloperidol regarding the primary outcome.

Results for Tourette's disorder are shown in Tables 2 and 7. Antipsychotics (including haloperidol, pimozide, risperidone and ziprasidone) and guanfacine were superior to placebo regarding the primary efficacy outcome (both moderate effect size). No significant difference vs. placebo emerged for methylphenidate (see Table 2). Among psychosocial interventions, behavioral therapy outperformed waiting list or low intensity psychosocial intervention (medium effect size) regarding the primary efficacy outcome (see Table 7).

Results for encopresis are shown in Table 5. No pharmacological intervention was eligible. Behavioral therapy outperformed TAU regarding the primary efficacy outcome and response (small effect size).

Results for developmental coordination disorders are shown in Table 2. In the single meta‐analysis meeting inclusion criteria, skills training had no significant effect vs. waiting list on motor coordination.

Results for PTSD are shown in Table 4. No pharmacological intervention met inclusion criteria. CBT was superior regarding the primary efficacy outcome, response and depressive symptoms vs. waiting list (large effect sizes).


Pooling top‐tier evidence from 104 MAs/NMAs of RCTs reporting on the effects of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions, targeting 20 different outcomes in 15 mental disorders or groups of mental disorders, this umbrella review provides a comprehensive meta‐analytic view of the evidence base regarding the efficacy, acceptability and other relevant outcomes of psychiatric treatments in children and adolescents (see supplementary information for further details).

Considered together with a complementary umbrella review published in this journal 14 , focusing on the detailed evaluation of tolerability and safety of pharmacological interventions, the current review can inform clinicians, youth and their families, as well as other stakeholders, in making evidence‐based decisions regarding the choice and use of pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions in children/adolescents, in monotherapy and in combination. On the basis of these reviews, some evidence‐based recommendation can be made.

For ADHD, amphetamines and methylphenidate are the most effective interventions on a broad set of outcomes. Whilst amphetamines outperform methylphenidate on the primary efficacy outcome, methylphenidate is the medication least different from placebo concerning safety 14 . Some evidence is available regarding behavioral therapy, covering a narrow set of efficacy outcomes, and with small effect sizes compared with those for medications. Importantly, whilst social skills training shows promising results against waiting list, no evidence is available comparing this intervention with placebo. Hence, amphetamines or methylphenidate can be considered the first‐line treatment, augmented with alpha‐2 agonists if needed, and ideally in combination with behavioral therapy as an optimal treatment regimen. Behavioral therapy could be considered if medications are contraindicated.

For autism, aripiprazole and risperidone are the pharmacological treatment options of choice. However, various psychosocial interventions have proven efficacy on a broad set of outcomes, ranging from anxiety (CBT), to irritability, aggressive behavior and functioning (parent‐child interaction therapy), to the primary efficacy outcome and functioning (social skills training, and behavioral therapy with imitative component). These benefits are not only observed vs. waiting list, but also against other active interventions. Given the different outcomes that these treatment modalities target, a variety of therapeutic tools can be considered, according to the patient's and family's resources, needs and choice, as well as the disease course and the presence of environmental stressors.

For depressive disorders in youth, fluoxetine is the only evidence‐based pharmacological option. All other medications do not improve depression vs. placebo, but placebo effects are considerable. Imipramine, nortriptyline, and likely also venlafaxine should be avoided, given poor acceptability, tolerability and safety. As an alternative to medications, interpersonal therapy is the only psychosocial intervention outperforming placebo. The combination of CBT with fluoxetine also outperformed placebo on the primary efficacy outcome, and was superior to either monotherapy.

For enuresis, imipramine is the most effective pharmacological intervention. It can be combined with oxybutynin to maximize efficacy. However, due to the potential problems with tolerability of this medication in youth, psychosocial interventions should be tried first, including especially alarm behavioral therapy, that is supported by the largest body of evidence. No difference emerges among different types of alarms, and alarm maintains its efficacy after stopping the ­intervention 86 .

For obsessive‐compulsive disorder, fluoxetine and SSRIs as a class should be considered the first‐line pharmacological treatment. Among psychosocial interventions, CBT and behavioral therapy with exposure and response prevention are effective options. If fluoxetine/SSRIs are ineffective, a switch to psychosocial interventions should be performed, and vice versa 71 .

For anxiety disorders, fluoxetine and fluvoxamine are evidence‐based pharmacological treatment strategies. Among psychosocial interventions, CBT – and in particular group CBT – should be offered as first‐line treatment, likely before medications, given the large effect size and broad beneficial effect even vs. placebo in children and adolescents.

For disruptive behavior/dissocial/conduct disorders, risperidone emerges as the most effective pharmacological agent, but different types of behavioral treatment (including parent training) should be regarded as the first‐line treatment ­options118, 119.

For anorexia nervosa in children and adolescents, family therapy is the intervention supported by the most significant evidence.

For schizophrenia spectrum disorders, antipsychotic treatment is the cornerstone of treatment. All tested antipsychotics, except for ziprasidone, have broadly similar superior efficacy vs. placebo, with olanzapine and risperidone being the most effective, and lurasidone/aripiprazole a more tolerable treatment option 102 . Ideally, starting with safer medications minimizing the risk of adverse events and maximizing adherence is a recommended strategy 14 .

For bipolar disorder, little meta‐analytic evidence is available overall. For mania, the only positive data are available for aripiprazole, yet lithium is also an evidence‐based treatment based on RCT evidence 120 . For bipolar depression, only quetiapine is superior to placebo, and only on a single outcome, namely global illness severity, but not on the primary symptom outcome. This finding is different from adults 121 , and at least partially due to the larger placebo effects in youth. Our umbrella review did not include lurasidone and olanzapine/fluoxetine combination, as no meta‐analysis has been conducted on them, but these are evidence‐based options to treat bipolar depression in youth based on single RCTs122, 123, which led to their approval by the US Food and Drug Administration for bipolar depression in children and adolescents.

The available evidence presented in this umbrella review is not equally large across individual disorders, and also across monotherapies with pharmacological or psychosocial interventions. Even less meta‐analytic data are available for head‐to‐head studies, within and across treatment modalities, and regarding combination treatments. Furthermore, little meta‐analytic evidence exists on treatment‐resistant youth with a given mental disorder. This is concerning, as early illness onset and disruption of healthy development may portend poorer response and outcomes, requiring information on non‐responding conditions after first‐ and second‐line treatments have been tried.

Among the 104 included meta‐analyses, virtually none reported data on long‐term treatment or relapse prevention. This is problematic, as most of these disorders are chronic and require long‐term treatment.

This umbrella review clearly shows that large effect sizes emerge for psychosocial interventions when they are compared with waiting list or no treatment, where no placebo or expectation of study effect diminishes the treatment effect size. However, when those treatments are compared against psychological placebo or minimally active controls, significant effects either diminish in magnitude or disappear. This finding is relevant for indirect comparisons with pharmacological trials, in which the use of placebo makes the effect size appear smaller. The much greater difficulty of blinding treatment assignment in psychosocial trials is also to be taken into account. The risk of inflated effect sizes due to weak and methodologically flawed comparators (e.g., waiting list, no intervention) is that such interventions might be preferred to other superior treatments, delaying response and remission 121 .

The results from this umbrella review should be considered within its limitations. First, we only considered evidence that was evaluated quantitatively via MAs/NMAs. This approach has excluded data from RCTs that have not (yet) been meta‐analyzed. In particular, Internet‐based psychosocial interventions, whose development has been recent and which may be particularly favored by youth125, 126, have not been sufficiently covered.

Second, we focused mainly on efficacy outcomes, while choices need to be made considering both efficacy and tolerability/safety. However, we included all‐cause discontinuation as a global acceptability measure, as well as discontinuation due to intolerability as a core tolerability outcome, because these two events are typically measured and reported across both pharmacological and non‐pharmacological treatment modalities. Detailed tolerability outcomes of pharmacological interventions in youth with mental disorders, that can be used to complement the present work on efficacy, have been recently published in this journal 14 . Such detailed data are not generally reported for psychosocial interventions, which is currently a major unmet need 127 .

Third, as mentioned above, most meta‐analytic evidence concerns the acute and short‐term treatment effects, and much more data are required regarding the efficacy and safety of long‐term and relapse prevention interventions for mental disorders in youth. Fourth, most evidence is available for monotherapy and vs. placebo/no treatment, although combination and augmentation treatments across and within pharmacological and psychosocial treatment modalities are commonly used in clinical practice, in youth as well as in adults 128 . Fifth, although 14 of the 104 included meta‐analyses were NMAs that allow for direct and indirect head‐to‐head comparisons, most data were not derived from direct comparisons of active treatments, limiting the confidence with which comparative treatment choices can be made.

Sixth, since design, population and illness characteristics, as well as choice of control groups and blinding methods influence effect sizes, and these characteristics often differ substantially between pharmacological and non‐pharmacological trials, indirect comparisons of effect sizes across these treatment modalities need to be interpreted with caution. To overcome this limitation, more head‐to‐head comparisons and combination trials need to be conducted both within and across treatment modalities. Finally, we focused on those disorders that are most common and studied in youth, maximizing the chance of finding meta‐analytic evidence, but other mental conditions could also be of interest.

Despite these limitations, inherent in the umbrella review methodology and available RCT data, this study provides the most comprehensive account of the available RCT evidence concerning pharmacological, psychosocial and brain stimulation interventions for the main psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescents. The large body of literature reviewed here can inform future research aimed at addressing identified gaps, as well as current clinical care and guidelines regarding the choice of interventions for mental health conditions in youth, merging state‐of‐the‐art efficacy and acceptability data with information on tolerability and safety.


E.G. Ostinelli is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Cognitive Health Clinical Research Facility and the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (grant BRC‐1215‐20005). Supplementary information on this study is available at


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