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. 2021 Jun 27;15:11779322211020315. doi: 10.1177/11779322211020315

Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise

Gang Li 1,*, Jan Zrimec 1,*, Boyang Ji 1,2, Jun Geng 1, Johan Larsbrink 1, Aleksej Zelezniak 1,3, Jens Nielsen 1,2,4, Martin KM Engqvist 1,
PMCID: PMC8243133  PMID: 34262264



A challenge in developing machine learning regression models is that it is difficult to know whether maximal performance has been reached on the test dataset, or whether further model improvement is possible. In biology, this problem is particularly pronounced as sample labels (response variables) are typically obtained through experiments and therefore have experiment noise associated with them. Such label noise puts a fundamental limit to the metrics of performance attainable by regression models on the test dataset.


We address this challenge by deriving an expected upper bound for the coefficient of determination (R2) for regression models when tested on the holdout dataset. This upper bound depends only on the noise associated with the response variable in a dataset as well as its variance. The upper bound estimate was validated via Monte Carlo simulations and then used as a tool to bootstrap performance of regression models trained on biological datasets, including protein sequence data, transcriptomic data, and genomic data.


The new method for estimating upper bounds for model performance on test data should aid researchers in developing ML regression models that reach their maximum potential. Although we study biological datasets in this work, the new upper bound estimates will hold true for regression models from any research field or application area where response variables have associated noise.

Keywords: machine learning, experiment noise, label noise, regression models, upper bound


Machine learning (ML) based regression analysis, which is used to discover complex relationships between sample features and labels (supervised learning), is frequently applied in diverse biological fields including metabolic engineering, 1 protein engineering, 2 and systems biology.3-5 A key question when developing these supervised ML models is whether there is sufficient information in the available data to accurately predict sample labels. For a given dataset, the performance of the best possible function for mapping input features to sample labels should thus be estimated to serve as a benchmark in ML model development. This level of performance is typically referred to as Bayes optimal error for classification problems. 6 In many classical ML problems—such as image classification, handwriting recognition and speech recognition—human-level performance at the task is very high and can therefore be used as a heuristic to estimate maximal performance.7,8 However, for biological multi-dimensional data, human-level performance is low and is therefore not a good performance estimate. On the contrary, in biology one often seeks to train ML models for the explicit purpose of recognizing patterns and gaining insights that were obscured from the human intellect.9,10 Therefore, without a clear performance benchmark against which to bootstrap biological regression models, it is difficult to know whether further model development is worth-while and when the performance limit has been reached.

When testing the performance of trained ML regression models on holdout data, the discrepancy between predicted labels and observed labels in a test dataset is evaluated using metrics such as the mean squared error (MSE) and the coefficient of determination (R2). 11 Sample labels used in regression analysis of biological systems are typically real numbers obtained through measurements in a set of laboratory experiments. Such measurements inextricably have experimental noise and measurement error associated with them,12-14 thus affecting the quality of the sample labels. Because of such label noise a ML model with an MSE of 0 or R2 of 1 (perfect prediction) cannot be achieved; there is an upper bound that cannot be surpassed. Methods to estimate this upper bound are underdeveloped, although some progress has been made recently.15,16 Moreover, the resources invested into model development have diminishing returns on model performance as one approaches the upper bound. Knowing the best expected MSE or R2 (i.e. the upper bounds) of a specific regression problem and dataset enables the discrepancy between current and potential model performance to be quantified, thus giving researchers a means to assess the cost-benefit trade-off of further model development.

In the present study, we mathematically derive a method to estimate upper bounds for the regression model performance metrics MSE and R2 on holdout data directly from the experimental noise associated with response variables in a dataset and independently of their predictors. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that this method is highly accurate and outperforms existing ones. Furthermore, by applying the method to real biological modeling problems and datasets, including protein sequence data, transcriptomics data and genomics data, we demonstrate how the new upper bound estimates can inform model development.


Enzyme catalytic temperature optima dataset

We first collected Topt of 5675 enzymes with known protein sequences from BRENDA. 17 Of these 3096 enzymes were successfully mapped to a microbial optimal growth temperature (OGT) database. 18 To obtain a clean dataset with less noise we carried out several steps: (1) Enzymes for which the Topt entry contained “assay at” in the BRENDA “comments” field were removed from the raw dataset. (2) If a subset of all enzymes from a specific organism had the same EC number and exactly the same Topt, then these were removed. This was done to address an issue with non-perfect matching between experimental data from the literature and Uniprot identifiers (186 enzymes). (3) Enzymes with multiple Topt values having standard deviations greater than 5 were removed (96 enzymes). After these steps, 1902 enzymes remained in the cleaned dataset, of which 1232 were with known OGT. In both raw and cleaned datasets, any sequences shorter than 30 residues or containing letters that are not in 20 standard amino acids were discarded and for enzymes still with multiple Topt values the average value was used. Estimation of label noise: For enzymes with multiple Topt values in BRENDA, the variance for each enzyme was calculated. Subsequently, the average variance for all those enzymes was calculated and used as the estimation of experimental noise σy2¯ of the dataset. For the cleaned dataset the label noise was estimated at step (2) in the paragraph above, before samples with high standard deviation were removed.

Protein transcription level dataset

Genomic data including open reading frame (ORF) boundaries of Saccharomyces cerevisiae C288 was obtained from the Saccharomyces Genome Database (,20 and published data.21,22 Coding regions were extracted based on ORF boundaries and codon frequencies were normalized to probabilities. Processed raw RNA sequencing Star counts were obtained from the Digital Expression Explorer V2 database ( 23 and filtered for experiments that passed quality control. Raw mRNA data were transformed to transcripts per million (TPM) counts 24 and genes with zero mRNA output (TPM < 5) were removed. Prior to modeling, the mRNA counts were Box-Cox transformed. 25

Yeast pangenome and quantitative traits dataset

The gene presence/absence (P/A) encoding of S. cerevisiae pan genome were obtained from Li et al. 26 The 35 quantitative traits were obtained from Peter et al. 27

Monte Carlo simulations on expected R2 score

Given the true functions between features and labels f(x) :

  1. Randomly generate 1000 samples from N(0,1) as x . Then true values are y=f(x) ;

  2. Randomly generate a noise vector εy . Each εy,i is randomly sampled from N(0,σy,i2) , where σy,i2 is randomly sampled from χ2(1) ;

  3. yobs=y+εy ;

  4. Add noise to xobs=x+εx , in which εx is sampled from a normal distribution with zero-mean and variance of σx2 (varying from 0 to 1);

  5. Calculate RML2 by performing a 2-fold cross-validation on dataset {xobs,i,yobs,i} with support vector machine regression model (another inner 2-fold cross-validation for hyper-parameter optimization);

  6. Calculate upper bound for R2 with R2LG=σobs2σy2¯σobs2 and R2FP=σobs22σy2¯σobs2 , where σobs2 is the variance of yobs and σy2¯ is the average value of randomly generated σy,i2 .

  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for 1000 times.

A linear function f(x)=2x+1 and a nonlinear function f(x)=2sin(x)+1 were tested, respectively.

Monte Carlo simulations on data cleaning

Define a linear function f(x)=i=110xi as the true function to map 10 features to a target y . Each feature follows a standard normal distribution.

  1. Randomly generate feature of 1000 samples as X . Calculate real target values y ;

  2. Randomly generate a noise vector εy . Each εy,i is randomly sampled from N(0,σy,i2) , where σy,i2 is randomly sampled from χ2(5) ;

  3. Calculate observed target values via yobs=y+εy , and resulted a dataset {X,yobs} ;

  4. Assume we only know the first n features (n=2,4,6,8,10) , Sort all samples based on σy,i2 values, gradually remove the samples with the highest σy,i2 values, calculate R2 score of a linear function via a 2-fold cross validation on such a dataset with only a subset of features.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for a total of 100 times.

Feature extraction for enzymes in Topt dataset

The 5494 features from iFeature were broken up into 20 sub-feature sets according to their types, and their predictive power was evaluated using 5 different regression models (linear, elastic net, Bayesian ridge, decision tree and random forest regressors).

A total of 20 different sets of protein features were extracted with iFeature 28 using default settings: amino acid composition (AAC, 20 features), dipeptide composition (DPC, 400), composition of k-spaced amino acid pairs (CKSAAP, 2400), dipeptide deviation from expected mean (DDE, 400), grouped amino acid composition (GAAC, 5), composition of k-spaced amino acid group pairs (CKSAAGP, 150), grouped dipeptide composition (GDPC, 25), grouped tripeptide composition (GTPC, 125), Moran autocorrelation (Moran, 240), Geary autocorrelation (Geary, 240), normalized Moreau-Broto (NMBroto, 240), composition-transition-distribution (CTDC, 39; CTDT, 39; CTDD, 195), conjoint triad (CTriad, 343), conjoint k-spaced triad (KSCTriad, 343), pseudo-amino acid composition (PAAC, 50), amphiphilic PAAC (APAAC, 80), sequence-order-coupling number (SOCNumber, 60) and quasi-sequence-order descriptors (QSOrder, 100). In total, we obtained 5494 features from iFeature. Furthermore, we additionally obtained features in the form of sequence embedding representations encoded by a deep learning model UniRep, 29 which is a Multiplicative Long-Short-Term-Memory (mLSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that was trained on the UniRef50 dataset. 30 A total of 1900 × 3 features were extracted for each protein sequence using UniRep.

Supervised classical ML methods

Input features were first scaled to a standard normal distribution by xN,i=xiuiσi , where xi is the values of feature i of all samples, ui and σi are the mean and standard deviation of xi , respectively. Two linear regression algorithms BayesianRidge and Elastic Net as well as three non-nonlinear algorithms Decision Tree, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine 6 were evaluated on each feature set (iFeatures and UniRep). The evaluation was conducted via a nested cross-validation approach: an inner 3-fold cross validation was used for the hyper-parameter optimization via a grid-search strategy and an outer 5-fold cross-validation was used to estimate the model performance (see Table S2 for hyper-parameter values). With the transcriptomics data, linear regression was the only algorithm used, as it was previously found to outperform all other algorithms with a similar dataset. 5 For genomics datasets, only the random forest regression was tested. All ML analysis was performed with scikit-learn (v0.20.3) 31 using default settings and Python v3.6.7.

Supervised deep ML methods

To test the performance of a deep neural networks on the prediction of enzyme Topt, architectures were tested that comprised up to 9 convolutional neural network (CNN) layers 32 followed by 2 fully connected (FC) layers. 33 Batch normalization 34 and weight dropout 35 were applied after all layers and max-pooling 36 after CNN layers. The Adam optimizer 37 with MSE loss function and ReLU activation function 38 with uniform 7 weight initialization were used. In total, 26 hyper-parameters were optimized over a predefined parameter space (Table S3) using a tree-structured Parzen estimators approach 39 at default settings for 1000 iterations.40,41 The Keras v2.2 and Tensorflow v1.10 software packages were used.

Prediction of Topt for enzymes from BRENDA and CAZy

Sequences and associated OGT values for the BRENDA database was obtained from Li et al. 42 For the CAZy database, enzyme information including protein name, EC number, Organism, GenBank id, Uniprot id, PDB id and CAZy family id were obtained from 43 1 346 471 proteins with unique GenBank identifiers were obtained. Protein sequences were first downloaded from NCBI ftp site: Then only those sequences that were present in the CAZy dataset were kept by matching GenBank identifier. 924 642 sequences could be mapped to an OGT value by cross-referencing the source organism name and an OGT dataset. 18 Only the species names were checked, ignoring strain designations, for instance S. cerevisiae S288 C was considered as S. cerevisiae. For Topt prediction on the BRENDA and CAZy data, the model with the best performance was selected, which in this case was the random forest model trained only on amino acid frequencies and OGT. The model was then trained on all samples in the training dataset. For the prediction, (1) the 20 amino acid frequencies were extracted with iFeature 28 and OGT values of their source organisms were mapped; (2) all these 21 features were normalized by subtracting the mean and then divided by the standard deviation obtained from the training dataset; and (3) these data were used as input of the model for the prediction of the Topt values.

Theoretical Analysis

Starting from first principles, we mathematically derived a method to estimate upper bounds of model performance on holdout data in terms of R2 and benchmarked the upper bound estimates against existing methods.

Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance

Given a set of samples with experimentally determined labels {yobs,i} and corresponding unknown real labels {yi} , we assume a normally distributed experimental noise εy,iN(0,σy,i) : yobs,i=yi+εy,i ( yiR ), and that a complete set of features is known as xiRk for each sample. This complete set of features can be used to calculate the real value of label yi with y=f(x) for all samples. The performance of this real function f(x) on the dataset {xi,yobs,i} gives an upper bound for the expected performance of any ML model. The coefficient of determination ( R2 ) is a common metric to assess model performance and thus the R2 of the model in the above argument is given by

R2=1i=1m(yobs,iy^obs,i)2i=1m(yobs,iy¯obs)2=1i=1m(yobs,if(xi))2i=1m(yobs,iy¯obs)2 (1)

where m is the number of samples. Although it is not possible to obtain an exact value from the above equation, since the real values f(xi) are unknown, we can instead obtain the expectation of R2 (Note S1), which is given by

R2=1i=1m(yobs,if(xi))2i=1m(yobs,iy¯obs)2=1mm3σy2_σobs2 (2)

and in which σy2¯=1mi=1mσy,i2 . As the number of examples in ML is usually very large (m >> 1), we can approximate the final equation for upper bound estimation as

R21σy2¯σobs2=σobs2σy2¯σobs2 (3)

We refer to this upper bound estimate as R2LG hereafter. It has a variance of 2m(m2)(m3)2(m5)σy4¯σobs4 (Note S1). Similarly, the best MSE that one can expect is given as MSE=σy2¯ with a variance of 2σy4¯m (Note S2). R2LG gives a measure of the best R2 one can expect when testing an ML model on a held out dataset.

The new upper bound estimate R2LG , which is the R2 expectation of the best possible ML model on holdout data, solely depends on 2 properties of the dataset: (1) the true variance of the observed response values (σobs2) and (2) the average variance of experimental noise of all samples (σy2¯) . In practice, σobs2 and σy2¯ are unknown and have to be approximated from the dataset. σy,i can be approximated with the standard error (SE) of n replicates, which represent the standard error of the mean, and σobs2 can be approximated as the variance of the target values (Figure 1). Since the resulting R2LG is an expectation and relies on approximated values, it does not strictly represent an upper bound for the R2 of regression models and the real value may be slightly higher or lower. In this way the R2LG estimate is analogous to using human-level performance to approximate upper bounds in image classification applications.44-47

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Schematic diagram depicting the estimation of the upper bound of model performance R2LG based on experimental label noise. σy2_ can be approximated from the standard errors (se) of samples in the dataset, and σobs2 can be approximated as the variance of the target values. Data shown were randomly generated, sei denotes standard error of sample i. R2LG is the expected upper bound for the coefficient of determination R2 derived in this study (see section “Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance”).

R2LG upper bound estimates outperform existing methods

In recent publications it has been proposed that, given a set of experimentally measured values yobs,i , the best possible model is y=x in which x are the values collected from another set of experiments conducted at identical conditions.15,16 Under this assumption, the expectation of the upper bound for MSE is 2σy2¯ and R2 is σDB2σy2¯σDB2+σy2¯ , where σy2¯ is the average variance of all sample noise and σDB2 is the variance of the real values (without noise). Since σDB2+σy2¯σobs2 , the upper bound for R2 becomes σobs22σy2¯σobs2 , and we refer to this upper bound as R2FP hereafter. Despite claims that no ML model could perform better than this upper bound,15,16 by comparing the equations for R2LG and R2FP , it is clear that R2FP estimates are lower than both R2LG estimates as well as achieved ML model performance.

To directly compare R2FP and R2LG , we performed Monte Carlo simulations. Briefly, a random dataset {xi,yobs,i} was generated from a known real function f(x) with added experimental noise σy,i (see section “Monte Carlo simulations on expected R2 score”). For this dataset, R2FP and R2LG were calculated, and then the R2 of a support vector machine regression model 48 trained on the data was calculated via a 2-fold cross validation approach ( RML2 ). This process was repeated for 1000 iterations. A linear (Figure 2A) and nonlinear real function (Figure 2B) were used in two separate simulations (see observed data distributions in Figure S1). Furthermore, to evaluate the effects of feature noise on regression model performance, we generated noise-free features ( σx2=0.0 ), as well as features with different levels of noise associated with them ( σx2=0.2 , σx2=0.4 , σx2=0.6 , σx2=0.8 , σx2=1.0 ). The simulations illustrated three key points. First, in both linear and nonlinear cases, RML2 is always smaller than or close to R2LG , which confirms that R2LG gives a good estimation of the model performance upper bound. Second, the simulations show that there are ML models with RML2 higher than R2FP , which is contrary to the expectation if R2FP is a true upper bound.15,16 Third, as σx2 increases, the ML model performance falls short of the R2 upper bound, eventually falling below R2FP . This shows that R2LG gives a more accurate estimation of the upper bound for the performance of ML models at any condition, including cases with or without noisy features. R2FP is however useful as an estimate of the reproducibility of experiments, in accordance with the assumptions in the original papers.15,16

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Monte Carlo simulations of the upper bound of R2 assuming different levels of feature noise. R2FP and R2LG are expected upper bounds for the coefficient of determination R2 with equations derived by Benevenuta and Fariselli et al 15 and this study, respectively. R2MC is the expected upper bound for R2 obtained by Monte Carlo simulation as described in the “Results” section. RML2 is the R2 obtained via a 2-fold cross-validation with a support vector machine. Two real functions were tested; (A) linear and (B) nonlinear. σx2 is the variance of noise added to feature vector x , with examples of the observed data distributions depicted in Figure S1. (C) Monte Carlo simulation on data cleaning via gradually removing the samples with the largest σy,i . n/10 indicates that n features out of a complete set of 10 features were used to train and validate the model. Noise values are given as the average variance of all samples (σ2¯) .

Since x is normally distributed in the simulations (Figure 2B), 2sin(x)+1+ϵ gives a non-normal distribution for yobs values. While R2LG was derived under the assumption that yobs is normally distributed, the Monte Carlo simulations indicate that R2LG is accurate also when applied to non-normal distributions (Figure 2B). Since it is challenging to prove this mathematically, we devised an additional simulation strategy to further test whether R2LG can be applied to a given dataset with non-normal distributed yobs values given the experimental noise. Following the same notations as “Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance,” we can get yi=yobs,iεy,i , in which εy,iN(0,σy,i) . We can randomly draw a yi as an estimation of yi in this equation. The R2 resulting from using {yi} as the prediction of {yobs,i} is an independent estimation of the best achievable R2 . By repeating this step, a list of R2 scores can be calculated and the average R2 gives an estimation of the expectation of the best R2 we can get (referred to as R2MC ). Since R2MC does not rely on the normality assumption of yobs values, it can be applied to any distribution. As shown in Figure 2A and B, R2LG gives a consistent estimation of R2MC , at least in the 2 tested cases (Figure 2A and B). With a dataset with non-normal distributed yobs values, one can use this simulation strategy to obtain a R2MC to check if R2LG gives a correct estimation.

In the above analysis, idealized conditions were used in that all features were known. Conversely, in real-world ML applications, typically only an incomplete set of features is known. To more accurately simulate this real-world situation, we performed Monte Carlo simulations using incomplete feature sets (see section “Monte Carlo simulations on data cleaning”). We also evaluated how ML model performance is affected by removal of the most noisy sample labels (Figure 2C). As anticipated, models trained with the full feature set (10/10) outperformed those trained with a subset of features, with the model containing all 10 features reaching the R2LG (Figure 2C). Furthermore, model performance generally improved as noisy samples were removed. However, an interesting observation is that the degree to which the models improve upon removal of noisy samples depends on how many features were used to train them. For instance, if only a small fraction of relevant features were used (2/10 in Figure 2C), the removal of the most noisy samples did not improve model performance. In contrast, when a majority of the relevant features were known (8/10 and 10/10 in Figure 2C), the removal of noisy samples significantly improved the model performance in terms of R2 . These results indicate that when RML2 is very far from the R2LG upper bound, model performance can be most readily improved by obtaining additional or more relevant features, as opposed to performing data cleaning to reduce sample noise.

Experimental Case Studies

We next explored the applicability of R2LG to inform ML model development on real-world data that included enzyme optimal temperatures, transcriptomic and genomic datasets.

Using the theoretical upper bound to inform modeling

We first tackled the problem of obtaining models to accurately predict enzyme optimal catalytic temperatures (Topt) using features extracted from their protein primary structures. A dataset comprising the Topt of 5343 individual enzymes was collected from the BRENDA 17 database. Here, using enzymes for which Topt values had been measured in multiple experiments, the experimental noise σy2¯ was estimated as (7.84°C)2 and σobs2 was (16.32°C)2 , giving an R2LG upper bound of 0.77. Moreover, an estimated R2MC of 0.77 confirmed that R2LG could be applied on this dataset with non-normally distributed Topt values (Figure S2). To provide features for ML model training (see section “Supervised classical ML methods”), two established feature extraction methods were applied to the protein primary structures, one based on domain knowledge (iFeature, 28 5494 features) and the other based on embeddings obtained from unsupervised deep learning (UniRep, 29 5700 features). Despite testing six different types of regression algorithms to predict enzyme Topt using the two feature sets, even the best achieved R2 of 0.42 (average over 5-fold cross-validations, Figure 3A) was only 55% of the estimated R2LG upper bound, indicating that the model could be further improved. Such improvement might be achieved through either feature engineering or noise reduction, as seen in the Monte Carlo simulations (Figure 2C).

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Development of machine learning models for the prediction of enzyme optimal temperature (Topt). (A) Performance of classical models using iFeatures 28 and UniRep encoding 29 feature sets as well as a deep neural networks with one-hot encoded protein sequence as input. (B, C) Comparison of model performance on raw and clean dataset (B) with; and (C) without optimal growth temperature (OGT) as one of the features. The features calculated by iFeature were grouped into 20 sub-feature sets as described in the “Methods” section. Error bars show the standard deviation of R2 scores obtained in 5-fold cross validation. R2LG is the expected upper bound for the coefficient of determination R2 derived in this study (see section “Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance”).

First, we performed feature engineering by including the OGT of the organism, from which the enzyme was derived, as an additional feature into the iFeature and UniRep feature sets. Consequently, the dataset size decreased to 2917 enzymes, as 55% of the samples were omitted due to unknown OGT values of their source organisms. This led to models improved by 33% and 384%, respectively (Figure 3A), and the best resulting R2 (0.56) achieved 71% of the estimated R2LG (0.79). These results are consistent with our previous work, 42 where it was shown that prediction of enzyme Topt was significantly improved when including OGT as a feature. We then tested whether a deep convolutional neural network (Figure S3, see section “Supervised deep ML methods”) could discover additional features in the enzyme primary structures5,40 and provide better predictive models (with/without OGT as an additional feature). This did not, however, lead to models that outperformed the classical ones trained on iFeatures (Figure 3A). Next, we considered reducing the noise (σy2¯) in Topt values as a means to further improve model performance and used the information from the “comment” field associated with each enzyme in the BRENDA database to remove values that were deemed less likely to represent true catalytic optima (see section “Enzyme catalytic temperature optima dataset”). Despite dramatically reducing the number of samples in the dataset (1902 enzymes of which 1232 with known OGT), the experimental noise σy2¯ was reduced from (7.84°C)2 to (7.22°C)2 and the calculated R2LG increased from 0.79 to 0.85 ( R2MC was 0.85). Accordingly, the best model obtained with this dataset achieved an improved R2 of 0.61, which again was around 71% of R2LG . Here, in accordance with the expectation that large training datasets are required for optimal deep learning performance, 40 the convolutional network displayed a reduced R2 score (Figure 3A). Finally, further in-depth analysis to explore how different sub-features of the iFeature set contributed to predictive accuracy (20 sub-feature sets used, see section “Feature extraction for enzymes in Topt dataset”) showed that each sub-feature set only improved model performance when OGT was included as an additional feature (Figures 3B, C and S4, 5). This is consistent with Monte Carlo simulation results showing that noise reduction is mainly beneficial with more complete feature sets (Figure 2C).

As a side note, we used the improved model (a random forest trained on amino acid composition and OGT) to update Topt annotation of BRENDA enzymes in the Tome package 42 and also extended it to carbohydrate-active (CAZy) enzymes 43 (Figure S6) (

Further analyses of R2LG in relation to experimental noise

We next explored how the amount of experimental noise in the response variables can affect the R2LG and model performance. A suitable problem for this was the prediction of intrinsic gene expression levels in S. cerevisiae, since thousands of RNAseq experiments across multiple conditions are available for this species. 23 For a given gene, the intrinsic expression level was defined as the average mRNA level across the different experiments and conditions. 5 The noise level could then be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the number of sampled data points (i.e. replicates) (Figure 4 inset), where the corresponding standard deviation was used to quantify the amount of noise present within the intrinsic expression levels (see section “Protein transcription level dataset”). Apart from estimating the R2LG upper bounds, the achievable predictive performance was explored by building linear regression models using DNA sequence features (codon usage)5,49 as input. We observed a strong effect of the amount of experimental noise on the theoretical upper bound, especially with a smaller number of data replicates (Figures 4 and S7). Similarly, the variability of the R2LG upper bound also markedly decreased with an increasing number of replicates. Therefore, with an insufficient amount of replicates, apart from a lower confidence in the estimated upper bound, the variability of the data was found to also drastically affect the predictive performance and accuracy of the models. This suggests that for data that are inherently noisy, such as those obtained from transcriptomics, the R2LG upper bound, as well as the overall ML performance, can both be improved by increasing the number of experimental replicates generated for downstream computational analysis. 50 For accurate condition-specific or cross-condition modeling, the number of replicates of at least 100, with most reliable results above 1000, should be used (Figures 4 and S6). Such dataset sizes are nowadays highly feasible, especially in the case of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data, as resources that comprise thousands of experiments are readily available for each model organism.23,26,27

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Amount of experimental noise affects estimates of R2LG and model performance. Analysis of the effect of experimental noise in the response variables on the R2LG upper bound estimates (black) and predictive performance of ML models (red) with the case of a large yeast multi-experiment transcriptomics dataset. 23 The noise level was varied by adjusting the number of data replicates with random sampling (inset figure). Lines and shaded areas depict means and standard deviations of the 30 measurements per each n replicates, depicted as points. R2LG is the expected upper bound for the coefficient of determination R2 derived in this study (see section “Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance”), CV denotes cross validations.

Finally, for some datasets it may not be feasible to estimate the experimental noise, for instance, if the values for replicates in an experiment are not available. We thus analyzed how R2LG can be used to define the predictive potential of biological regression analysis even in the absence of direct experimental noise estimates. Since R2LG is an upper bound estimate, RML2R2LG holds true, from which we obtain that σy2¯(1RML2)×σobs2 . If multiple datasets with the same level of (unknown) experimental noise are available, the inequality holds for all datasets, meaning that σy2¯min({(1RML,i2)×σobs,i2|i=1,··,s}) , in which s is the number of the datasets. In this way it is possible to estimate the maximal level of experimental noise based on the ML results, and then further use it to obtain the minimal value of R2LG , where R2LG could be any value between R2LG,min and 1.0. This idea was applied on a problem to predict yeast phenotypes directly from genomes 51 (Figure 5A) using a dataset of growth profiles of 971 sequenced S. cerevisiae isolates under 35 stress conditions, 27 where experimental noise was not reported nor replicate data provided (see section “Yeast pangenome and quantitative traits dataset”). To analyze these data we made use of a published S. cerevisiae pan-genome 26 that included all protein-coding genes across 971 isolates with measured phenotypes. Here, the pan-genome was represented as either a gene presence/absence table (P/A, Figure 5B), or copy number variation table (CNV) which contains additional information to P/A (Figure 5C). Using these features we could estimate R2LG,min for each condition by training a random forest regressor on the 35 different quantitative traits. P/A and CNV showed a similar predictive power and could explain at most 30% of the variance (Figure 5D: R2 was ~0.3) for some traits like the growth profile under the YPD medium enriched with 40 mM of caffeine (YPDCAFEIN40). Furthermore, with RML2 s for these 35 datasets, the maximal experimental noise were estimated as σy2¯0.0762 , based on which we could finally estimate the R2LG,min10.0762σobs,i2 for each condition (Figure 5C). Since most of the traits did not follow a normal distribution (Figure S8), R2MC was obtained by Monte Carlo simulation with σy2¯ of 0.0762 for each dataset and was used to cross-check the R2LG values, indicating that breaking the normality assumption did not adversely affect the R2 estimate (Figure S9 :R2MC was consistent with R2LG ). Despite that for a small number of traits (e.g. YPDNACL15M) the low R2LG,min was too low to be useful (Figure 5D), in most cases it was higher than the current predictive performance of our models (e.g. > 0.97 with YPDCUSO410MM). Thus, for most of the conditions, the estimated upper bounds showed great potential for further improvement of model performance (Figure 5D), demonstrating the applicability and usefulness of R2LG even in case the experimental noise is unknown.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

R2LG is applicable even in case the experimental noise is unknown. Analysis of 34 quantitative traits of S. cerevisiae from its pan-genome composition. (A) A random forest model applied to predict yeast phenotypes from genomics features. Genomes are represented as (B) gene presence/absence table and (C) copy number variance table in the pangenome. 26 (D) Obtained R2 score for 35 different phenotypes. Experimental trait values were taken from Peter et al. 27 Detailed label description can be found in Table S2 of Peter et al. 27 Error bars show the standard deviation of R2 scores obtained in 5-fold cross validation. R2LG is the expected upper bound for the coefficient of determination R2 derived in this study (see section “Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance”).


In the present study, we establish a method to estimate an upper bound for expected ML regression model performance on holdout data. This addresses an important need in the ML field as human performance on multi-dimensional data is poor and cannot be used to bootstrap regression model performance,9,10 an approach that is common when developing ML systems for image analysis.7,8 The coefficient of determination upper bound (model performance) for regression analysis is: R2LG1σy2¯σobs2 , and depends only on the experimental noise σy2¯ and the variance of observed labels σobs2 (Figure 1), under the assumptions that observed label values {yobs,i} are normally distributed and that each yobs,i has a normally distributed experimental noise with 0 mean. With non-normally distributed {yobs,i} , we provide a Monte Carlo based approach ( R2MC ) to estimate R2LG . In all tested cases, R2LG gives results consistent with R2MC , indicating that even though it was derived under the normality assumption of {yobs,i} , it can also be applied to data with other distributions (Figures 2A and B and S8). R2LG is thus confirmed using Monte-Carlo simulations and also shown to outperform existing measures 15 (Figure 2A and B).

Our case studies demonstrate how calculating the R2LG upper bound estimate for experimental data yields a more realistic modeling objective than naively assuming that an R2 of 1.0 is possible. For instance, in the prediction of enzyme optimal temperature, R2LG was estimated at 0.86 for a specific dataset (Figure 3A), and one should not expect to obtain ML models with R2 scores on holdout data above this value. Moreover, achieving upper bound performance is only possible when a complete set of noise-free features relevant for the predicted labels are used for model training and prediction (Figure 2A to C). When noisy features are used, the performance attainable by ML algorithms will be lower than R2LG , and thus for classical ML models relying on engineered features, models with holdout data R2 close to their upper bound are not easily achieved in practice (Figures 3A, 4 and 5D). On the other hand, if the estimated R2LG upper bound for a specific problem and dataset is low (label values are noisy compared to the label variance, σy2¯ is close to σobs2 ), it may not be worthwhile to attempt modeling at all, at least not before collecting additional data (more replicates). An example of this is the prediction of melting temperatures of human proteins (Table S1) using the dataset from Leuenberger et al. 52 The sample labels for human proteins in this dataset have a large level of noise ( σy2¯ , 5.49) 2 compared to the label variance ( σobs2 , 6.57) 2 and the calculated R2LG was therefore correspondingly low at approximately 0.30 (using equation (3), see section “Estimating the theoretical upper bound of regression model performance”). Even if a ML model with upper bound performance could be developed for these data, it would have little predictive value. In contrast, for three other, non-human, organisms in the Leuenberger dataset the calculated R2LG was above 0.90, indicating that the development of predictive ML models may be worthwhile (Table S1).

To conclude, our method for estimating upper bounds for model performance on holdout data should aid researchers from diverse fields in developing ML regression models that reach their maximum potential.

Supplemental Material

sj-pdf-1-bbi-10.1177_11779322211020315 – Supplemental material for Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-bbi-10.1177_11779322211020315 for Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise by Gang Li, Jan Zrimec, Boyang Ji, Jun Geng, Johan Larsbrink, Aleksej Zelezniak, Jens Nielsen and Martin KM Engqvist in Bioinformatics and Biology Insights


Funding: The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: GL and JN have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie program, project PAcMEN (grant agreement no. 722287). JN also acknowledges funding from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (grant no. NNF10CC1016517), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. JZ and AZ are supported by SciLifeLab funding. The computations were performed on resources at Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering (C3SE) provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC).

Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Author Contributions: GL and MKME conceptualized the research. GL and JG mathematically derived the R2LG . GL performed Monte Carlo simulations. GL, JZ, JL and MKME analyzed and interpreted the results of predicting enzyme Topt. JZ and AZ analyzed and interpreted the results of transcriptomics data. GL, BJ and JN analyzed or interpreted the genomics results. GL, JZ and MKME wrote the initial draft of the paper. GL, JZ, AZ, JN and MKME carried out revisions on the initial draft and wrote the final version.

Availability of Data and Materials: The tome package is available on GitHub ( The annotated Topt values and sourceorganism OGTs for enzymes in the BRENDA and CAZy databases are available as flatfiles on Zenodo (, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3578467). Other scripts and datasets are available on GitHub (

Supplemental Material: Supplemental material for this article is available online.


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Supplementary Materials

sj-pdf-1-bbi-10.1177_11779322211020315 – Supplemental material for Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-bbi-10.1177_11779322211020315 for Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise by Gang Li, Jan Zrimec, Boyang Ji, Jun Geng, Johan Larsbrink, Aleksej Zelezniak, Jens Nielsen and Martin KM Engqvist in Bioinformatics and Biology Insights

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