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. 2021 Jul 9;16(7):e0254334. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254334

Simulation modeling to assess performance of integrated healthcare systems: Literature review to characterize the field and visual aid to guide model selection

Nicolas Larrain 1,2,*, Oliver Groene 1
Editor: Yong-Hong Kuo3
PMCID: PMC8270171  PMID: 34242350



The guiding principle of many health care reforms is to overcome fragmentation of service delivery and work towards integrated healthcare systems. Even though the value of integration is well recognized, capturing its drivers and its impact as part of health system performance assessment is challenging. The main reason is that current assessment tools only insufficiently capture the complexity of integrated systems, resulting in poor impact estimations of the actions taken towards the ‘Triple Aim’. We describe the unique nature of simulation modeling to consider key health reform aspects: system complexity, optimization of actions, and long-term assessments.

Research question

How can the use and uptake of simulation models be characterized in the field of performance assessment of integrated healthcare systems?


A systematic search was conducted between 2000 and 2018, in 5 academic databases (ACM D. Library, CINAHL, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Web of Science) complemented with grey literature from Google Scholar. Studies using simulation models with system thinking to assess system performance in topics relevant to integrated healthcare were selected for revision.


After screening 2274 articles, 30 were selected for analysis. Five modeling techniques were characterized, across four application areas in healthcare. Complexity was defined in nine aspects, embedded distinctively in each modeling technique. ‘What if?’ & ‘How to?’ scenarios were identified as methods for system optimization. The mean time frame for performance assessments was 18 years.


Simulation models can evaluate system performance emphasizing the complex relations between components, understanding the system’s adaptability to change in short or long-term assessments. These advantages position them as a useful tool for complementing performance assessment of integrated healthcare systems in their pursuit of the ‘Triple Aim’. Besides literacy in modeling techniques, accurate model selection is facilitated after identification and prioritization of the complexities that rule system performance. For this purpose, a tool for selecting the most appropriate simulation modeling techniques was developed.

1. Introduction

The guiding principle of many health care reforms is to overcome fragmentation of service delivery and work towards integrated healthcare systems (IHS) [1, 2]. Integrated healthcare comes in the form of linkage and coordination of providers along the continuum of care [3]. By focusing on the nature and strength of the links between the system components, IHS rely on and enhance the complexity of the health system [4] to achieve a threefold objective; improve health of the population, improve patient (and carer) experience while reducing healthcare costs (‘Triple Aim’) [5]. To reach the Triple Aim, IHS introduce solutions to ensure the sustainability of health care provision through investment in preventive care and constant improvements in clinical practice [3].

IHS success has been evidenced in numerous publications. However, healthcare managers encounter problems when assessing the drivers of this success [68]. These challenges arise because assessment tools are not specific to integrated care and don’t consider the unique nature of the approach [9, 10]. Acknowledging a lack of specific assessment tools, the Expert Group on Health System Performance Assessment of the EU created a standard framework for performance assessment of integrated care [3, 6, 7]. The framework consists of a series of key performance indicators in topics relevant to IHS. However, even though specific to IHS, the indicators compiled by the expert group are insufficient to capture the full value of integrated care. The problem is not in the completeness of the indicator list, but in monitoring indicators as a performance assessment approach. Indicators are developed based on assumptions about the interrelation between a measure and the system objectives [11], but the causal pathways are not described and are known to be multiple, non-linear, with changing causal effects and affected by several individuals and contextual factors [12, 13]. In other words, the traditional approach can’t capture the complexity of the health system [4]. Because IHS enhance system complexity and strive for efficiency and accountability in every component of the system, indicators alone are insuficient to guide improvement [9, 12].

Complex health policy issues can be better assessed with methods that enable research synthesis and utilize a complex systems perspective [14, 15]. As defined by Petticrew et al. (2018) [15]; a complex system perspective (or just ‘systems thinking’) is defined by acknowledging the value arising from the relationships between the system components and their dynamic properties. When used for evaluating system performance, system thinking answers an essential concern for IHS ‘how did the intervention reshape the system in favorable ways?’.

Simulation modeling (SM) is a discipline with the features necessary to implement systems thinking when assessing performance of a health system [14, 16, 17]. A simulation is a virtual recreation of a real system. It is used to test situations and understand the effect of interventions on the performance of the system over time. Combining expert opinion with observational and experimental results, SM provides a relatively inexpensive way to estimate individual and population-level effects of changes in the system’s determinants of performance.

There is extensive literature reviewing simulation models in the healthcare sector. Salleh et al. [18] published an umbrella review including 37 reviews, that together cover articles from 1950 to 2016 and explore the wide range of applications in healthcare, software tools and data sources used in the field of healthcare simulation. Meanwhile, the paper by Günal & Pidd [19] starts by narrating the historic progression of simulation modeling an its applications in healthcare, giving some idea of the long history of the field. Most recently (2021), Roy et al. [17] analyzed healthcare simulation literature of the past decade, addressing issues in various healthcare service delivery levels and categorizing the literature accordingly. Altogether, literature in the field provides a comprehensive characterization of simulation models in healthcare, including; the areas and types of application where the discipline has been used, the techniques available, data sources, simulation software [18, 20, 21], type of outputs and level of insight, inputs and resources required [22], relative frequency of use and level of implementation [23] and specific aspects of a care facility operations where techniques are most common [17, 24, 25]. These topics are most commonly analyzed following a structure similar to the one best represented by Mielczarek et al. [25], who creates a system of classification of health care topic areas assessed with simulation methods. The objective is to investigate the usefulness of modeling techniques and their correlation with a corresponding health care application. While authors add innovations to this common structure, such as the identification of research gaps influencing the limited uptake of the discipline [20, 23, 24, 26] or exploring the link between interventions and key performance indicators (KPI) [26], complexities in the relationships of system components have been heavily underassessed. Roy [17] recognizes the complexity of the health system and the ability of simulation modeling to address this complexity, but his review focuses on capturing specific health issues addressed, operations management concepts applied, simulation methods used, and identifying major research gaps—a framework similar to the one by Mielczarek et al. [25]. Vanbrabant et al. [26] also acknowledges simulations as the technique most suitable to capture the randomness and complexity of patient flow through the emergency department. But the analysis is limited to providing insights into which interventions influence which KPI. In the same line, Laker [27] also recognizes the usefulness of simulation models to integrate complexity, and provides an excellent summary of the properties of four simulation techniques. However, it fails on providing a common framework to characterize and contrast the complexities that can be represented in each technique. Complexity is also indirectly mentioned in identified research gaps, when both Vanbrand et al. and Yousefi et al. [20] state the underuse of simulation models in multi-objective evaluations and Brailsford et al. and Roy et al. [17, 24] suggests that healthcare is an area of application for hybrid simulation due in part to increasing system complexity.

By overlooking complexity, the advantages of simulation modeling and the challenges of IHS performance assessment remain unmatched. Furthermore, simulation time frames and optimization capabilities, standard knowledge for simulation experts but not for healthcare managers [28], are also overlooked in reviews summarizing the use of SM in healthcare. The gap results in simulation models not been systematically picked up by integrated healthcare managers to assess performance of IHS. The issue was partially addressed in 2015 by the ISOPOR task force [14, 29], who published a series of papers describing how three of the most common simulation modeling techniques can be used to evaluate complex health systems and provide descriptions and tools to implement them accurately. However, at the time there was no common understanding of the drivers affecting IHS performance hence a clear explanation and exemplification of how these particularly complex health systems could make use of simulation models to assess performance was not possible.

This literature review is intended to bring together the field of performance assessment of integrated healthcare systems and the discipline of simulation modeling. We contribute to the vast literature characterizing the use of simulation modeling in health system performance assessment by focusing specifically on the discipline’s ability to implement a complex system perspective in topics relevant to IHS. Our research is directed to readers that seek to expand performance assessment tools while considering the enhanced complexity embedded in the integrated care approach. We conclude our analysis with the creation of a practical tool for selecting the most appropriate simulation modeling technique depending on the characteristics of the system to be modeled.

2. Methods

2.1 Search strategy

A comprehensive search strategy was performed directed to find articles that allowed us to understand how simulation modeling techniques implemented a complex system perspective in topics relevant to IHS. The systematic search was conducted in 5 academic databases (ACM Digital Library, CINAHL, IEEE Xplore, PubMed & Web of Science). Grey literature was searched for in Google Scholar and only considered if articles complied with all the criteria in the AACODS checklist for critically appraising grey literature [30]. Finally, papers were also added through snowballing. The search was conducted for the period 01/01/2000–31/12/2018 as an increased interest in SM has been documented after this starting date, supported by technology advances [18]. The review was registered in PROSPERO (Registration number: CRD42020149658).

A Boolean search code was developed with three scopes of terms. The first scope, “Technique”, filters for simulation modeling techniques and combines 17 systematic search strategies extracted from the umbrella review by Salleh et al. [18] added to the list of simulation modeling techniques described in Jun et al. [22]. The second scope, “Integrated healthcare systems topics of interest” is defined by 76 search terms, extracted from the indicator types and domains stated in the framework for performance assessment of IHS developed by the Expert Group of the European Commission [3, 6, 7], the systematic review of methods for IHS performance assessment by Strandberg-Larsen et al. [31] and the “Care Coordination Measures Atlas” by McDonald et al. [32]. Finally, the third scope refers to the healthcare sector. Terms in the first scope (“Techniques”) were restricted to the title, and terms in the other scopes were restricted to title/abstract. The complete list of terms can be found in S1 Table.

2.2 Selection criteria

Inclusion criteria

Only health system evaluations taking a complex system perspective were considered. Furthermore, we only included articles that used a simulation model in the list of techniques described in Salleh et al. [18] or in Jun et al. [22] as SM techniques or self-identified as such. Finally, articles further had to address the performance assessment of an IHS topic-of-interest. The lists of SM techniques and IHS topics of interest can be found in S2 Table.

Exclusion criteria

We excluded studies that described non-computer-based simulation models. Also, we excluded studies that were not calibrated and validated against data from a real situation. Finally, we excluded from the data extraction and analysis studies whose reporting standards were insufficient to replicate the assessment or did not fully enable reviewers the complete understanding of the implementation of systems thinking. To comply with the latter criteria, only studies graded ‘A’ in quality assessment were selected.

2.3 Quality assessment

Two independent reviewers (SW & NL) assessed the quality of papers during the screening process. Using the quality assessment tool developed by Fone et al. [33] to appraise simulation modeling studies, reviewers gave a score of 0, 1, or 2 in ten criteria and created four quality groups (A to D). The quality assessment was followed with an assessment of the credibility and relevance of the articles for the purpose of this review and aided reviewers to select articles for revision. Given the focus of the review, an assessment of the risk of bias in the study’s results was not considered.

2.4 Data extraction and analysis

Data extraction was made by the main author (NL), based on the template used by Brailsford et al. in their analysis of simulation and modeling techniques for healthcare [23]. The final extraction sheet was modified focusing on two main topics. First, to characterize the different modeling techniques, their area of application, key features for implementation, together with data requirements and outcomes. Second, to characterize the complex aspects of the health system that each technique can represent. The detailed data extraction sheet can be found in S3 Table.

The analysis was conducted in two phases. First, using a ‘Deductive a priori template approach’ [34] articles were classified and characterized according to previous assessments of SM made by Jun et al. [22], Salleh et al. [18], and Rueckel et al. [21]. Subsequently, in a ‘Data-driven inductive approach’ [35], simulation modeling techniques were re-characterized in five items following the objectives of this review. Item (1.) presents the IHS topics-of-interest where SM has been successfully applied. The item aims to inform and exemplify in what situation of interest to IHS can the discipline be useful, in a similar structure of the analysis of previous literature. Even though the selection of articles is primarly intended to understand simulation models’ ability to integrate the shortcomings of IHS performance assessment, and not to identify the link between simulation technique and helathcare area, a similar analysis to that of previous literature will allow us to validate our findinds when compared to conclusions of other authors. In item (2.) we supported the analysis of the reviewed papers with further literature and present an introductory description of the identified simulation techniques, explaining how they are applied in the topics of interest to IHS. The last three items were selected to explore how simulation models deal with challenges that are particularly harmful to integrated care and are not yet mirrored in traditional assessment tools [8]. Item (3.) presents the modeled complexities in relationships between system components, summarized per modeling technique. The item allows us to understand the capacities of each technique to correctly model causality paths and co-existing effects, essential concerns for several integrated care interest areas [8, 10]. Item (4.) presents the identified optimization capabilities, essential function of any tool guiding healthcare to the Triple Aim [3, 10, 11, 36]. Preventive medicine and overall population health improvements are known to show effects only after several years after intervention [7] and as they comprise an essential part of IHS, Item (5.) presents the time frame of the selected papers to understand the capacity for long-term assessments.

3. Results

The search resulted in 2271 unique articles. Screenings at title/abstract and full text were made by two separate reviewers (SW & NL) and resulted in seventy-six articles selected for quality assessment. Out of these, thirty studies were included for data extraction and analysis because of their reporting quality and detailed description of system thinking. Fig 1 presents the PRISMA diagram of the selection process. Selected papers are described in Table 1.

Fig 1. PRISMA diagram.

Fig 1

Table 1. Selected papers.

Author Title IC topic-of-interest Model Aspects of complexity Optimization Time frame
Alonge et al. 2017 [37] Improving health systems performance in low- and middle-income countries: a system dynamics model of the pay-for-performance initiative in Afghanistan. Pay for performance incentive scheme SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 5 to 8 years
Ansah et al. 2016 [38] Projecting the effects of long-term care policy on the labor market participation of primary informal family caregivers of elderly with disability: insights from a dynamic simulation model. Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions—Performance evaluation of community health SD ° Dynamism
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 17 years
Comans et al. 2017 [39] The development and practical application of a simulation model to inform musculoskeletal service delivery in an Australian public health service Health facility operations simulation—Planning Health force DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interference
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 5 years
Cooper et al. 2008 [40] Use of a coronary heart disease simulation model to evaluate the costs and effectiveness of drugs for the prevention of heart disease Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interference
° Simultaneity of events
° Interaction
° Dynamism
‘What if’ scenarios 20 years
de Andrade et al. 2014 [41] System Dynamics Modeling in the Evaluation of Delays of Care in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients within a Tiered Health System. Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. SD ° Dynamism
° Interaction
° Influence of historical occurrence
‘What if’ scenarios One care case: ~4hr
Fialho et al. 2011 [42] Using discrete event simulation to compare the performance of family health unit and primary health care center organizational models in Portugal. Performance evaluation of community health DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 1 week (1/52 year)
Gao et al. 2013 [43] Tripartite hybrid model architecture for investigating health and cost impacts and intervention tradeoffs for diabetic end-stage renal disease Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. Hybrid ° Dynamism
° Soft Variables
° Intelligent Adaptation
° Simultaneity of events
° Influence of historical occurrences
° Interaction
° Individualization
‘What if’ scenarios 1 year
Getsios et al. 2013 [44] Smoking cessation treatment and outcomes patterns simulation: a new framework for evaluating the potential health and economic impact of smoking cessation interventions. Tobacco harm policies. Market Control and Interventions DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interaction
° Dynamism
‘What if’ scenarios Lifetime (since start smoking)
Goldman et al. 2004 [45] Projecting long-term impact of modest sodium reduction in Los Angeles County Evaluation of Public health intervention Micro ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interaction
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 45 years*
Günal et al. 2011 [46] DGHPSIM: Generic Simulation of Hospital Performance Health facility operations simulation DES ° Individualization
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
° Influence of historical occurrence
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 2 years
Hill et al. 2017 [47] A system dynamic modeling approach to assess the impact of launching a new nicotine product on population health outcomes. Tobacco harm policies. Market Control and Interventions SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 50 years
Homer et al. 2010 [48] Simulating and Evaluating Local Interventions to Improve Cardiovascular Health Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 50 years
Jones et al. 2006 [49] Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling and experimentation. Diabetes Population Dynamics SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 46 years
Kalton et al. 2016 [50] Multi-Agent-Based Simulation of a Complex Ecosystem of Mental Health Care. Health facility operations simulation ABM ° Individualization
° Simultaneity of events
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interaction
° Emergence
° Dynamism
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 3 years
Kang et al. 2018 [51] A system dynamic approach to planning and evaluating interventions for chronic disease management Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. SD ° Dynamism
° Influence of historic occurrences
° Interaction
° Soft variables
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 10 years
Kotiadis 2006 [52] Extracting a conceptual model for a complex integrated system in health care Health facility operations simulation DES ° Individualization
° Interaction
° Interference
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 5 months
Laurence et al. 2016 [53] Improving the planning of the GP workforce in Australia: a simulation model incorporating work transitions, health needs, and service usage. Planning Health force Markov ° Interaction ‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 10 years
Lay-Yee et al. 2015 [54] Determinants and disparities: a simulation approach to the case of child health care. Performance evaluation of community health Micro ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Dynamism
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 10 years
Lebcir et al. 2017 [55] A discrete event simulation model to evaluate the use of community services in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease in the United Kingdom. Performance evaluation of community health DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
° Simultaneity of events
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 3 years
Levy et al. 2016 [56] Estimating the Potential Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Adverse Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in the United States Using the SimSmoke Tobacco Control Policy Simulation Model. Tobacco harm policies. Market Control and Interventions Markov ° Interaction
° Influence of historical events
‘What if’ scenarios 50 years
Loyo et al. 2013 [57] From model to action: using a system dynamics model of chronic disease risks to align community action. Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 30 years
Matta et al. 2007 [58] Evaluating multiple performance measures across several dimensions at a multi-facility outpatient center Performance measures evaluation DES ° Individualization
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 1 working day
Milstein et al. 2010 [59] Analyzing national health reform strategies with a dynamic simulation model. National Health Reform Evaluation SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 25 years
Nianogo et al. 2018 [60] Impact of Public Health Interventions on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: A Simulation Study. Evaluation of Public health intervention ABM ° Individualization
° Simultaneity of events
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interaction
° Emergence
° Intelligent Adaptation
‘What if’ scenarios Adult life
Norouzzadeh et al. 2015 [61] Simulation Modeling to Optimize Health Care Delivery in an Outpatient Clinic Health facility operations simulation DES ° Individualization
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 2 years
Oh et al. 2016 [62] Use of a simulation-based decision support tool to improve emergency department throughput Health facility operations simulation DES ° Individualization
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 2.5 years
Rashwan et al. 2015 [63] Modeling behavior of nurses in a clinical medical unit in a university hospital: Burnout implications Planning Health force SD ° Dynamism
° Soft variables
° Interaction
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 1 working day
Rejeb et al. 2018 [64] Performance and cost evaluation of health information systems using micro-costing and discrete-event simulation. Evaluation of Information System DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interference
° Interaction
° Dynamism
° Simultaneity of events
‘What if’; ‘How to’ scenarios 1 to 5 years
Sugiyama et al. 2017 [65] Construction of a simulation model and evaluation of the effect of potential interventions on the incidence of diabetes and initiation of dialysis due to diabetic nephropathy in Japan. Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. SD ° Dynamism
° Influence of historic occurrences
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 35 years
Vataire et al. 2014 [66] Core discrete event simulation model for the evaluation of health care technologies in major depressive disorder. Evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions. DES ° Individualization
° Influence of historical occurrence
° Interaction
‘What if’ scenarios 1 to 5 years

* The model has been used in several projects and the time provided corresponds the one used most recently by Vidyanti et al. 2015 [67]

3.1 IHS topics-of-interest

Eleven IHS topics-of-interest were identified and classified in four areas of assessment. The first area of assessment covers simulation models of Policy and Strategy. This comprises studies that use simulation modeling for evaluating health policies and interventions directed to change or improve the structure, assess incentives, goals, or values in the overall system; such as (1.) pay for performance incentive scheme or (2.) national health reform evaluation. The second area of assessment covers Chronic Disease Management. Studies in this area evaluated the effectiveness of interventions or the evolution of chronic conditions, such as (3.) evaluating care management and interventions of chronic conditions and (4). diabetes population dynamics. The third area of assessment addresses Lifestyle Interventions, including evaluation of interventions directed at lifestyle behavior, health risks, and social determinants of health, such as (5.) tobacco harm policies, market control, and interventions or (6.) evaluation of public health interventions. The last area of assessment addresses Health Resource Management and comprises studies that use SM for resource management or system design to optimize healthcare service flow or forecast demands. In this area topics were (7.) performance evaluation of community health, (8.) performance measures evaluation in outpatient center, (9.) health facility operations simulation, (10.) planning health force, and (11.) evaluation of information systems.

3.2 Description of simulation modeling techniques in IHS

Five simulation modeling techniques were identified in the selected articles: Two Markov Models (MM), eleven System Dynamics (SD), two Micro-Simulations (MS), twelve Discrete Event Simulations (DES), and two Agent-Based Models (ABM). Finally, one paper combined three techniques, adding a sixth, Hybrid models (HM). Supported by complementary literature, we describe each technique features and use the selected papers to exemplify their implementation in integrated care. Table 2 summarizes the simulation techniques in terms of strengths, limitations, and estimation considerations and provides references for complementary literature.

Table 2. Summary descriptions of simulation modeling techniques.

 Models [complementary literature] Strengths Limitations Estimation considerations
Markov Models [16, 73] ▪ Discrete or Continuous time
▪ Easy calculation
▪ Statistically valid
▪ Inclusion of multiple data sources
▪ Transitions can be time-dependent
▪ Aggregate transition rates cannot account for individual behavior.
▪ Markovian property is a strong assumption.
▪ Clearly defined states and transitions
▪ ODE: Transition probabilities determine the values in each state at each point in time
For estimation of Transition Matrix:
▪ Maximum Likelihood Estimation (+Laplace)
▪ Bootstrap approach
▪ Maximum a posteriori
System Dynamics [14, 69, 74] ▪ Based on a conceptual model of the system, presented in a CLD & SFD.
▪ Structure determines the performance and behavior of the system.
▪ Better suited for continuous processes, where capturing information flow and feedback are important considerations.
▪ Discrete or Continuous time (time steps can be short enough to be considered continuous)
▪ More suitable for modeling whole systems
▪ Cannot include discrete changes in variables state.
▪ Validity relies on usefulness, not statistical accuracy.
▪ Population-based model. "Individualization" is only capable within the structure limits.
▪ Sensibility analysis needs to account for possible trends or changing variables.
▪ Sensitive to measurement errors. Aggregate diff eq tend to smooth fluctuations
▪ Continuous-time: Ordinary differential equations (ODE) for each variable value over time, defined by functions for inflows and outflows.
▪ Euler
▪ Runge-Kutta-Felberg method
▪ Discrete-Time:
▪ Difference equation
Microsimulations [70, 72, 75] ▪ Structured as a state transition model.
▪ Agent driven. But the structure is important.
▪ Stochastic estimation
▪ Agents can be defined at multiple levels.
▪ Good for modeling random or stochastic behavior, like the ones found in aggregate populations (patient groups)
▪ Because of computational and conceptual limitations, microsimulations results are routinely provided without measures of precision.
▪ Microsimulation models are normally computing, data, and human-intensive
▪ Difficult to validate
▪ The stochastic transitions between states are defined by functions including the individual factors of the agent moving through states.
▪ In general, ODE is used (Similar calculation to SD, but from the agent’s perspective)
Discrete Event Simulation [14, 73, 74] ▪ Process-centric. Described a clearly defined chronological process.
▪ More suited when individual history is relevant for future events, or when queuing is a driver of performance.
▪ Produces statistically valid representations of historical behavior.
▪ Allows different cycle time lengths.
▪ Discrete state, discrete time
▪ Produces accurate and valid patient-level assessments of multiple interventions simultaneously, considering other important causal effects
▪ Needs a large amount of data and a specialized interpreter.
▪ Computationally and human-intensive
▪ Rigid in statistical validity, cannot include theories of qualitative relations.
▪ More suitable as an assessment tool after a detailed risk prediction per patient
▪ODE with discrete states: discrete event system
▪ There is a randomized sampling of time-to-event of future events, organized chronologically, that will determine the next action of the system. The list is rewritten after every event
Agent-Based Simulations [70, 7578] ▪ Studies complex social phenomena
▪ Describes system from the perspective of its constituent units.
▪ Agents can be defined at multiple levels.
▪ Technically simple
▪ Validation and calibration are based on replicating real behavior.
▪ Initial values are important
▪ Constructed under fully simulated conditions, some might discount the value of findings.
▪ Due to uncertainty in data inputs and modeling process, ABM does not predict well, results are better interpreted qualitatively.
▪ Computationally intensive; Each agent needs a definition and if stochasticity is used, computer usage is intensified
▪ Discrete model; estimation over simulation
▪ Agents have a set of rules defining their behavior, and they are simulated to interact in an environment.
▪ The effect is measured throughout the simulation

Markov models

Markov models are state transition models. They have clearly defined, exclusive states, and transitions between states are defined as quantities per cycle. States cannot happen simultaneously for the same agent and transitions from one state to another depend only on the current state (Markovian property). Time can be continuous or discrete, but in the case of this review, both papers use discrete time. Markov models can define transition probabilities differently for each time step, allowing the inclusion of trend factors, and together with ‘tunnel states’ (states with no possibility of remaining in the said state in time) time-depending dynamism and partial influence of historic events are enabled. Laurence et al. [53] explore the complexity of state transitions by constructing a model comprised of four separate parts (demand, supply, productivity, and training) of the system determining the health force gap, a common topic on integrated care initiatives. The demand and training parts of the model define partial outcomes dependent on several variables. These outcomes are then used in a second stage for the supply and productivity parts of the model, resulting in further partial outcomes. The third stage studies the main outcome (workforce gap) influenced by the outcomes of the previous stages. The structure enables the inclusion of mediated relationships between the initial variables, their interaction with partial outcomes, and the main outcome. The SimSmoke simulation, presented in Levy et al. [56] was developed in the early 2000s to estimate the smoking population and the effects of possible lifestyle interventions. The model distinguishes a population by age and gender evolving through birth and death rates. The population is further divided into never, current, and former smokers. By differentiating models for different strata of the population and including tunnel states, the author can represent the influence of historical events, having portions of the population ‘jumping’ to the next model when an event happens.

System dynamics

The objective of system dynamics is to capture all determinant variables, causal pathways, and feedback loops of the system to be analyzed [48]. In SD structure determines performance, and the primarily goal is to evaluate the effect of an intervention over the qualitative nature of system performance (e.g. growth function, overshoot and collapse, oscillations, chaotic response, etc.) [27, 68]. To conceptualize the structure, relevant elements and the direction and nature of their inter-relations must be known. This information is extracted from the system’s stakeholders underlying knowledge of the way the system operates [37, 59]. This way, Homer et al. [48] and Loyo et al. [57] integrate the most important risk factors of several chronic diseases in a single model. The model calculates the expected prevalence and indirect cost effect of these diseases in the population. Milstein et al. [59] include all relevant causal pathways related to health reform policies in the US. Kang et al. [51] and Sugiyama et al. [65] use the same approach to model the care of chronic kidney disease and the effect of interventions over diabetes and dialysis. The inclusion of all known determinants and causal pathways is complemented with the possibility to include “soft” variables, enabling the exploration of aspects of a system behavior particularly relevant to integrate care such as “Gaming”, “Extrinsic motivation” [37], “Insurance complexity”, “Care coordination” [59], “Staff resistance to new policies” or “Workload pressure” [63]. This flexibility is essential to capture the influence of important variables but limits the statistical validity of the results [69]. Loyo et al. [57] undermine this limitation stating that `community decisions need to be made even though the data are disparate and incomplete’.

The model structure is represented in a causal loop diagram. There is a special focus on capturing the correct feedback loops affecting the system behavior. Feedback loops are what makes the system dynamic, by influencing the nature of the relationship between variables as the system progresses.

In the area of chronic disease management, Jones et al. [49] use causal loops to model the states of the disease itself, understanding that a key determinant in diabetes care is the reinforcement loop generated by the relation between the disease diagnosis behavior and detrimental consequences. When assessing the effect of a new nicotine product, Hill et al. [47] integrate the feedback effect of ‘normality of smoking’ to predict smoking initiation and quitting rates, while Alonge et al. [37] introduce the negative feedback loop of gaming to understand the failure of a pay for performance incentive scheme in Afghanistan.

The structure of the system is transformed into a stock-and-flow-diagram, defining the nature of the elements presented in the causal loop diagram. Stocks (elements that accumulate value) and variables that influence flows (functions that determine the growth or decline of the value in stock) are differentiated. Functions are established for flows and initial quantities are assigned to stocks, so that differential equations can be used to determine the values in the stocks over time. Ansah et al. [38] uses this structure to set up the labor market for long term care, and uses a deterministic approach to study the effect of policies to reduce unwanted market disturbances. de Andrade et al. [41] use system dynamics to represent the different stages of the maturing process related to the management of a myocardial infarction case in a hospital environment. This type of structure is known as “Aging Chains” and is useful to gather information about how long the modeled entity stays in each stage and test delays-improving policies.


As Markov Models, microsimulations are also state transition models, but they describe the population dynamics at individual levels and can be used to describe interactions between policies and individual decision-making units [70]. As state transition models, they are structured by clearly defined states. Transitions between states are generated by stochastic processes out of the parametrization of transition evidence, differentiating from the rational responses following an objective of Agent-Based Models or the time to event of Discrete Event Simulations [70, 71]. Even though the structure is similar to Markov models, they do not share some of the limitations. Besides the interaction of relevant variables, the individual approach adds the possibility of including ‘tracking variables’, to account for historical occurrences. Modeling the complexity of factors contributing to health care cost is the key objective of the “Future elderly model” created by Goldman et al. [45]. In said model, individualization and influence of historical occurrences allows for the inclusion of a multidimensional characterization of health status accounting for risk factors such as smoking, weight, age and education, along with lagged health and financial states. In their dynamic form, microsimulation models allow individuals to change their characteristics due to endogenous factors within the model [72]. In this sense, they are more suitable for modeling processes and large population dynamics, like the model Lay-Yee et al. [54] uses for estimating child health utilization. The authors modeled a child with a set of attributes as a starting point. Using equations derived from statistical analysis of real longitudinal data, they set the rules for the individual in the system and stochastically simulate changes in status over time. In other words, the model generates a set of diverse synthetic health histories for a starting sample of children. Then it uses the simulated sample as a counterfactual for estimation including the effect of interventions.

Discrete event simulation

Discrete event simulation is a process-centric simulation methodology that describes a chronological sequence of events affecting an entity. The entity (e.g., patients) carries its information, individualizing the type of relationship with each event. Vataire et al. [66] and Cooper et al. [40] use this characteristic for individualizing treatments for major depressive disorder, and to realistically assess the response to the prescription of prevention drugs for cardiovascular disease, respectively. All occurrences are registered in the entity’s information, enabling the influence of historical events in future outcomes [74]. Getsios et al. [44] use this feature to model the effect of smoking cessation attempts in tobacco-related outcomes.

Events are listed in order after random sampling over the parametrization of time-to-event evidence, rewriting the list after each occurrence. Events have their own associated time that passes when the event occurs, hence DES is best suited to model discrete processes. As events have different duration, the cycle lengths are not necessarily equal. Several authors [42, 46, 55, 62] find this structure convenient for modeling the care pathway of a health facility. The timing structure of a DES model allows the assessment of multiple and competing risks, as they will be organized in the future events list by time-to-event [79], with no immediate restriction for two events to happen simultaneously [73]. Kotiadis [52] and Norouzzadeh et al. [61] take advantage of this characteristic to model different times for referrals depending on medical factors while tracing key indicators in the system. DES also allows for the status of variables in the system to affect the nature of the relationships of an individual with the rest of the system. Günal et al. [46], Oh et al. [62] and Comans [39] uses the interference feature to evaluate the queues and backlogs at different stages of the patient pathway, understanding waiting time as a change in the manner a patient interacts with a provider, given the providers’ status (e.g., ‘Occupied’). By fixing the maximum waiting time allowed in concordance with national guidelines, the authors can assess the requirements in the rest of the system to reach this goal.

As Microsimulations, Discrete Event Simulations aim at producing statistically valid estimations out of the documented behavior of a system. This rigidity poses an important trade-off compared to other techniques as it needs detailed, well-defined processes, accurate historical data, and high intellectual, computer, and data management capabilities. Standfield et al. [73] conclude that if individualization or interference is not an important driver of the performance of the system, including these characteristics would be an unnecessary over-specification and unlikely to be informative to decision-makers.

Agent-based models

Agent-based models focus on the activities of the agents composing the system. Each agent is individually defined with a set of rules and an objective, that may be described from heuristics to the optimization of a utility function. Kalton et al. [50] use this technique to model how mental patients engage with medical and social ecosystems while studying the effect of coordination capabilities. The individualization allows the agents to be influenced by their history and external variables. At the same time, agency focus allows the technique to capture emergent population phenomena [76].

The system is modeled in a simulated space, adding the possibility to include spatial variables. Nianogo et al. [60] exploit these characteristics when understanding the dynamics of the diabetes population in L.A, USA. The ‘Virtual Los Angeles Obesity’ model simulates a cohort of patients with different characteristics that interact differently with different environments. By assigning rules for the relations with the environment, the model seeks to describe the trends in obesity and diabetes out of the behavior of the agents, and at the same time test interventions by changing the environmental conditions or characteristics of said agents.

Agent-based models also allow for the inclusion of random factors to consider the bounded rationality that is present in agents’ behavior. Finally, as agents can be affected by spatial or other types of determinants, and because the rules commanding agent’s behavior can be set as thresholds, endogenous and time-dependent feedback loops are also possible. In advanced models, agents can evolve and learn with methods like neural networks and other forms of machine learning [29, 77, 78].

As with System Dynamics, authors use proxies and expert opinions when hard evidence is not available [46]. This flexibility makes them appropriate to test behavioral theories and understand complex population phenomena. On the other hand, statistical validity is not usually the first concern in either technique, where the usefulness of the assessment is more important.

Hybrid simulations

Hybrid simulations can combine the strengths of two or more models. Gao et al. [43] developed a tripartite model combining System Dynamics, Agent-Based Models, and Discrete Event Simulations. He uses a previously developed System Dynamics model to understand the progression of diabetes up until the early stage of renal disease. As described by Jones et al. [49], the model properly describes diabetes progression by including key feedback loops. Constructing from this model, Gao et al. [43] include two different types of hybrid relationships. First, there is an upstream-downstream relation between the original model and an Agent-Based Model for the populations that flows into a particular state (diabetes) to become individualized agents. The ABM model can study the incidence of a complication (early-stage renal disease) by simulating key behaviors in the development of the disease. In parallel, the second hybrid relation integrates DES for monitoring the different status of the patients and tracks the evolution of healthcare processes and resource availability and usage.

3.3 Complexity

To understand and compare the representation of complexity in simulation models we first compiled 13 distinct features of complex systems identified by Randall [80] and Wilenksy & Rand [81]: Undetermined or fuzzy boundaries, the possibility of being open, possibility of having nested sub subsystems, dynamism in the network of relationships with different scales of interconnectivity, emergent phenomena, nonlinear relationships, feedback loops, leverage points, memory/path dependence, sensitivity to initial conditions, robustness, diversity and heterogeneity, interconnectedness and interactions. Building from the previous section, we identified the characteristics of the described modeling techniques that can represent features of complex systems specifically related to relationships between system components. The modeled complexities were classified into one framework with definitions that could be applicable across methodologies. The exercise resulted in nine aspects of complex relations that can be represented with simulation models. We present the nine aspects of complex relations together with the characteristics in each discipline to represent them. In parenthesis, we show the number of papers modeling each complexity. Among the complexities identified, four are non-linearities (1 to 4), and they were the most commonly modeled. Table 3 summarizes the aspects of complexity enabled in each modeling technique.

Table 3. Complexity aspects enabled per simulation modeling technique.

Markov Model System dynamics Micro-Simulations Discrete Event Simulation Agent-Based Models
Individualization X X
Dynamism 1
Interference X X X
Intelligent Adaptation X X X X
Soft variables X X X
Simultaneity of events X X X
Influence of historical occurrences X2
Emergence X X X X

1 The technique can incorporate dynamic changes over time, but not endogenous feedback loops.

2 Even though the ‘Markovian Property’ defines that transition probabilities will depend only on the current state and not on previous states thus eliminating the possibility of having ‘Memory’, researchers can overcome this by incorporating tunnel states and parallel models.

  1. Interactions (30/30): We understand this complexity as the dependence of the causal effect of one component (A) to another (B) on the effect of (C) over (A). i.e. mediated effects. For MM, SD, and MS interactions are embedded in the state transitions–chain structure. For DES and ABM, interactions between components are stored in their individualized information and will affect their effect on other components [70, 73, 75]. Homer’s [69] model of policies aimed at chronic conditions presents a good example of interaction. The policies in question affect a risky behavior, which in time affects the status of the disease, which in time affects healthcare provision. By interacting, each component affects the final outcome according to its particular characteristics and those of the previous component.

  2. Dynamism (23/30): Dynamism represents the circular causality of a system. If component (A) changes the nature of its relations in the system as the system progresses, then we say the system presents dynamism. Besides the dynamics produced by the passing of time, relations can be influenced by the changing conditions of any other component, producing endogenous feedback loops. In methods where estimation correspond to ordinary differential equations, the value of component (A) will be determined by a function of the state of other components (B, C) [74]. For MM the other components (B, C) can only be time, hence no endogenous feedback loops are possible [73]. For ABM, conditions ruling the behavior of agents can change depending on other components of the system or time as programmed by the modeler [74]. In Alonge’s [37] model for a pay for performance incentive scheme, dynamism is clear when understanding the effect of ‘volume of service’ over the reduction in ‘quality’ and the increase of ‘revenue’, which in time affect the ‘volume of service’ downwards and upwards respectively.

  3. Interference (10/30): We understand interference as the dependence of the causal effect of one component (A) to another (B) on the effect of a third component (C) over (B). i.e queueing. DES handles interference by given the components of the system mutable states. The particular state will affect the relationship with other components, and at the same time mutations between states are triggered by these relations. Similarly, ABM can define different behaviors of its agents depending on current or past relations with the rest of the system [70, 75]. The best example of interference is the change from available to occupied of rooms modeled by Günal [46]. Because a patient is occupying a room, other patients have to change their behavior to that room and wait.

  4. (Intelligent) Adaptation (2/30): Adaptation is the ability of a component to change the nature of its behavior to contingency happening in the system. This ability presumes the intelligence of components to make decisions. ABM can integrate this complexity when specifying agents’ behavior not only as a function of other system components but also as conditions and operations in said function such as ‘ifs’ and optimization [14, 75]. For example, in Kalton’s model [50] patients can make up to 40 decisions based on logic and preferences developed during their life process, care experience and health status. Decisions include taking their medicine, looking for employment, starting to abuse substances, etc.

  5. Soft variables (9/30): Refers to the possibility of incorporating simplified proxies for difficult-to-measure variables. Allows the inclusion of behavioral and qualitative relations. The possibility of using soft variables in ABM [82] and SD [76] responds to each methodology obtaining outputs focusing on agents’ behavior and system structure respectively, instead of mathematical correctness to represent phenomena. A good representation of a soft variable is “Workload pressure” modeled by Rashawn et al. [63] as the ratio between the actual nurse-to-patient ratio and the standard nurse-to-patient ratio.

  6. Individualization (17/30): Integrates the possibility of including individual-level characteristics. Comprehends the complex system features of heterogeneity and diversity. DES and MS use a sample of individual units, each with a unique set of attributes [73, 75]. ABM can program each agent with different characteristics [82]. Individualization is notable in the model by Lay-yee et al. [54], where data is granular at patient level, with variables such as gender, ethnicity and housing status. Each of these variables affects the subject’s number of doctor visits, reading ability and conduct problems.

  7. Simultaneity of events (5/30): Possibility of two or more events happening in parallel for the same component of the system. The concept is related to the possibility of having nested systems within a complex system. Modelers of ABM can create parallel behavior rules for the same component. Similarly, events triggering a particular state can overlap in DES, creating parallel situations for the same component. A clear example is the case of Parkison disease treatmeant as modeled by Lebcir et al. [55], where one or a combination of the diferent treatment schemes are possible for distinct patients. When a combination is chosen, the treatment sections of the model happen in parallel.

  8. Historical occurrences / Memory (18/30): Also known as hysteresis, the concept includes path dependence. It refers to the influence of past states on the nature of the relationships of the current state. In methods that allow individualization, events can be stored in the individual’s characteristics. For SD, the influence of events is stored in the stocks. A good example is the model by Vataire et al. [66], where the number of previous depression events updates the model attributes.

  9. Emergence (2/30): Characteristics of a system to develop new behaviors, different from those of the sum of its parts. ABM enables this characteristic by allowing agents to interact freely, only following the programmed behavior [82]. For example, in Nianogo’s model for policies to treat population obesity [60], researches realize that their agents would change non objective behaviors because of the interventions, making them ineffective. Also, agents would quickly go back to the undesirable behavior after the intervention was finished (in despite of the intervention objective), diminishing the long-term effect.

3.4 Optimization capabilities

All simulation modeling techniques used ‘what if? scenarios, defined as to gain information about the performance of the system (or parts of the system) when simulating the change of a variable from its original value, while using as counterfactual the baseline model. Fourteen (out of 30) articles complemented the assessment with ‘how to? scenarios, defined as fixing a variable’s value as a goal and focusing on how the other variables change from the baseline values to meet this condition.

3.5 Long term assessment

The studies had different time lengths in their assessment. While some papers had a closer look at the activities on a working day (3/30), the majority had assessments of at least 5 years (21/30). The mean number of years in the assessments was 18 years (standard deviation 20). Lifelong simulations (2/30) were considered as 60 years and working hours of a working day as 10 hours.

4. Discussion

We have characterized the use of simulation models for IHS performance assessment. First, by exposing topics of interest to IHS that can be modeled, and the techniques to model them. Second, by exposing how these techniques can implement system thinking in said topics of interest, while enabling features befitting of integrated care performance assessment.

To characterize the ability of the reviewed simulation models to implement system thinking, we have created a common framework with 9 complexity features enabled differently across modeling technique. These complexity features allow for the correct understanding of causality paths in a system’s performance. For integrated care, this means enabling accurate accountability for system components and consequently, creates a better position to guide system improvement. Accurate accountability is necessary for value-based care, and especially value-based payment schemes, two key elements of integrated care initiatives [4, 11]. Furthermore, disentangling the complex relations between system components is the key to deal with comorbidities, identifying consumed resources, and implementing ad-hoc interventions [11]. While accurately representing the complex relations of the system is essential for the model structure, simulation models can optimize interventions by testing ‘what if?’ & ‘how to?’ scenarios. These scenarios simulate changes (or fix values, respectively) anywhere in the system and compare it to a baseline value of system performance. By doing so, SM provides an easy way to compare the value of multiple interventions, understand the value of each component and identify bottlenecks and other deficiencies in the system. At the same time, the term of assessment is manageable in function of the objective of the study. Short and long-term interventions aimed at improving efficiency, changing health behavior, and preventive care are an important part of the toolbox of IHS, and the possibility of assessing them and optimize their implementation in the correct time frame is expected when in pursuit of the Triple Aim [3].

The application areas identified in the review were in line with the findings of previous work focused on characterizing applications areas of simulation modeling in healthcare [18]. Likewise, the simulation techniques covered in this work are the most used and studied in literature. Markov Models are the simplest among simulation models, because of relatively low computer, human, and data needs. It is the preferred methodology when assessing situations with low complexity. System Dynamics models add the possibility of including feedback effects and soft variables with a population perspective, characteristics that make it more prevalent in the “Policy and Strategy” area, a realization in line with results of extensive reviews aimed at linking simulation methods and healthcare areas of application [22, 25]. Microsimulations and Discrete event simulations extend the complexity into individual-level assessments, which in place enables the influence of past events. The main difference between the two is that Discrete Event Simulations add the possibility of including interference. This characteristic makes it more suitable to understand health processes that require queuing, a common feature in the topic of “Health Resource Management”. Furthermore, several authors coincide in that Discrete Event Simulation is the most common technique for evaluating the operation management of care facilities [19, 22, 25]. Agent-Based Models understand the behavior of the system out of the behavior of its agents. This simple definition allows the study of complex phenomena with a relatively simple technical construction. The technique can include all the described complexities, but the fact that works in an entirely simulated environment diminish the validity of its results.

A common characteristic of all the simulation modeling techniques is the inclusion of data from multiple sources and the possibility of a probabilistic estimation. Twenty out of the 27 papers performed a probabilistic sensitivity analysis, either with Monte Carlo simulations or other. A probabilistic estimation is not included as an aspect of complexity as we don’t consider uncertainty to be unique to complex systems, and for the same reason, Monte Carlo simulations are not included as a SM technique to assess complex systems. However, the possibility to include probabilistic estimations allows the inclusion of uncertain evidence, which is essential for the comprehensiveness of the models. Validation is key for the usefulness of the simulation results. Described in detail elsewhere [29], typically, a five steps approach is used in SM, comprising: Face validity, internal validity, cross validity, external validity, and predictive validity.

Model selection

A system is most appropriately modeled by the technique that allows the inclusion of the most important characteristics of said system. The selection of the most appropriate simulation modeling technique to assess performance must consider the characteristics of the system and the capabilities of each technique. It is important that only essential characteristics are considered so there is not an over-specification that hinders the analysis. In this line, identifying and prioritizing the complexities that rule the system to be modeled will help evaluators in selecting the most appropriate simulation model. Using our framework for complexity for this purpose, we created a conceptual map (Fig 2) that aids evaluators in selecting a simulation model to produce an accurate assessment of situations where complex relations are important. The tool is a summary of the results and characterization presented in this paper. The first step is to identify the most important complexity of the system to be modeled. Following a few key questions, the tool points to the technique with fewer inputs and technical difficulties that is appropriate to model said system.

Fig 2. Visual aid to select simulation modeling technique.

Fig 2

To help readers navigate the tool, we use the evaluation of a pay for performance incentive scheme by Alonge et al. [37] as an example. We start by assuming that the most important characteristics of the issue are (1.) the feedback loops that performance bonuses generate over the revenue and quality of services and (2.) the effect of “Gaming” (a soft variable) of the staff over this new payment scheme. Starting from the center and navigating through the figure we could go to either “Important feedback loops” or “Soft variables” and if individual effects are not considered essential, the tool takes us to System Dynamics—that is the approach used by the author. Another example is the evaluation of interventions for reducing waiting time in a health facility. Queues and backlogs are assumed the most important characteristic. If we consider non-essential the intelligent behavior of the agents, then the tool points to Discrete Event Simulation. Otherwise, an Agent-Based Model would be the most appropriate.

Sometimes the complexities of a system cannot be ranked according to their importance. If this is the case, evaluators should repeat the exercise starting from all the identified complexities as if each were the most important one. If the different runs result in different modeling techniques, a hybrid model is to be considered. This is the case for the paper by Gao et al. [43]. In this case the authors seek to model three elements of diabetes care. First, diabetes progression at the population level, with feedback loops being the most important complexity. Selecting important feedback loops in the figure takes you directly to System Dynamics (when individualization is not important). Second, disease complication, where individualization of risk factors and healthy behavior is crucial. After individual effects, the figure passes through agent behavior towards Agent-Based Models. Finally, the authors study the status of every patient to track the use of resources. In this case, individualization is the priority complexity, but as agent behavior is not important for this element, the user will lean in favor of simultaneity of events, arriving at Discrete Event Simulation. As selected by the authors, the tool guides each situation following the characteristics and prioritization of complexities to the appropriate modeling technique.


By focusing only on simulation modeling, the review overlooks many analytical methods to assess complex systems. Several authors have described other analytical methods for studying different aspects of complexity in health systems, including network analysis, marginal structural models, queuing theory, Petri nets [22], and artificial intelligence [83]. Previous work by Jun et al. [22] characterizes and compares a wider set of modeling methods. However, it does not consider the distinctive characteristics of the system to be modeled or describe how do they apply system thinking. Our review focuses solely on simulation models because of the advantages they present in the assessment of integrated care systems. Network Analysis provides an assessment of the structure of the (complex) relations in a system but does not consider causal pathways. Marginal structural models and queuing theory are useful to represent time-dependent covariates and interference (as defined in this paper) respectively, but they are limited to these capacities. SM and Artificial intelligence methods, such as Machine Learning, differ in that the latter constructs a model from patterns in the data, while SM constructs from the structure of the system and then populates the model with data. Besides making the estimations more comprehensible, this characteristic of SM allows policymakers to test structure changing interventions, such as the ones in integrated care. In any case, the mentioned analytical approaches are complementary to SM, as they can provide the necessary inputs to build and populate the simulation model. Comparisons between different analytical methods, understanding their capacities to represent complex system characteristics, is scarce and should be further assessed in future research.

It is important to highlight that the approach to find IHS topics-of-interest is not the extent of subjectivity, as there are multiple definitions for integrated care [3]. In this sense, it is probable to encounter multiple other IHS topics-of-interest that can be successfully modeled with SM techniques. In the same line, our selection criteria focused on finding papers that allowed us to understand the implementation of a complex system perspective, criteria that resulted in fewer reviewed papers than previous literature linking simulation modeling and healthcare performance assessment. Nevertheless, we are confident that the selection of papers in the review together with the complementary literature used, allowed us to accurately characterize the field of simulation modeling in their ability to use system thinking in integrated healthcare.

Finally, clarify that our work does not provide an in-depth description of the different simulation modeling techniques. We acknowledge that such a task would be impossible to undertake with our study design. Instead, we provide readers with an introduction to the identified simulation modeling techniques and highlight the characteristics that allow them to implement system thinking. We encourage readers that find a solution in this work to the challenges they encounter when assessing the performance of a complex health system to learn in detail the technique that our paper has pointed towards. For this purpose, we recommend starting with the complementary literature that we include for each technique in Table 2.

5. Conclusion

Simulation modeling techniques can use system thinking and evaluate performance emphasizing the complex relations between system components, in topics of relevance for integrated healthcare systems. By using simulation models to complement the performance assessment of integrated health systems, managers can correctly attribute causality to system components, optimize interventions, and create long term assessments. All these are important advantages over traditional assessment methods. Adding simulation models to the performance assessment tools at disposition of health authorities may be the key to understand the full value of integrated care. Selecting a simulation technique is facilitated when both the characteristics of the modeling techniques are understood, and the complexities ruling the system performance are identified and prioritized. To facilitate the use of the discipline, we consolidated complexity features of different modeling techniques into one framework and provide future performance evaluators with a visual aid to guide the selection of the most appropriate model for the assessment of complexity-enhanced systems, such as integrated healthcare.

Supporting information

S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2009 checklist.


S1 Data. Database containing result of systematic search after removal of duplicates.


S1 Table. Search terms for systematic search.


S2 Table. List of simulation modeling techniques and integrated care topics-of-interest used in selection criteria.


S3 Table. Data extraction sheet.



Ph.D. (Candidate) Sophie Wang (SW) contributed as a second literature reviewer and quality assessor.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its S1 Checklist, S1 Data, and S1S3 Tables.

Funding Statement

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765141. Both authors are employed at OptiMedis AG. The funder provided support in the form of salaries for authors NL & OG, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section.


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Decision Letter 0

Federica Angeli

22 Sep 2020


A systematic review of simulation modeling to assess health system performance:

characterization of the field and visual aid to guide model selection.


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Reviewer #1: Authors introduce the topics very clearly, exploring the whole health care performance context thoroughly. They illustrate the issue the paper should contribute to address: how to keep into account complex interactions amid factors those which impact triple aim. They also specify that their review wants to explore possible simulations for improving “what if and “how to” scenario processes, listing the major limits of actual models proposed by some institutions. Final aim – presenting a visual aid to select the most appropriate simulation - is clearly expressed.

Methods section details search strategy. Inclusion ad exclusion criteria are clean.

Authors discuss data extraction and analysis which they adopted. They carefully show the process they followed, focusing how each step contributes to an integrated frame which looks coherent with paper’s aims.


The description of Areas of Assessment is readable as it connects its themes with the topics in a structured way. The PRISMA diagram contributes to clarity.

Table 1 classifies selected papers by described criteria.

The description of simulation modelling techniques starts classifying them by five categories and adding a sixth one which includes studies based on three or more models (hybrid). The section structure is coherent but it could have started explaining reasons behind authors’ choice. Even though it should be considered a minor issue, it would add value trying to adopt a specific classification for simulation models. In case criteria available do not fit due to specificity of authors aims, it could help to quickly explore the connection between this classification and those are often adopted in decision making under uncertainty (e.g see the book Kochenderfer, M.J., 2015, Decision Making Under Uncertainty (MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series) The MIT Press.).

The table offers a synthetic view which allows readers getting the big picture. Once again, as minor issue authors should have quoted the sources they based upon to state strengths and limitations of different types of models. It could be especially helpful for readers who do not have specific background.

The Complexity section is especially interesting and at the center of authors aims. Lack of complexity in evaluating health care performances is one of the issues that authors want to address, so this section is expected to be rigorous and original. The latter expectation is quite satisfied while it is not possible to evaluate the first. Authors list nine complexity features those which are present in the 27 simulation models they’d previously selected. These features sound impactful and relevant but author should quote studies to help readers see them in the broader frame of system modelling theories. It also should allow to better understand both the connection among these features and how they impact on estimating health care system performance. Some features look ambiguous if considered outside a frame of reference as in different field they are referred to different phenomena. E.g. dynamism in dynamic system theory could refer to different meanings ranging from the presence of state variables to the time-variant characteristic of the system itself or both. Again, authors connect Adaptation with intelligence as the ability to make decisions following specific rules. While it is a possible option, the definition of dynamism few rows above could bring someone wonder whether these rules must vary over time for a model showing dynamism.

In summary, while this section is relevant and innovative, authors should better explain references and help readers put these features in a unitary frame.


The discussion starts exploring why a family of models can be helpful in modelling a specific system. While the intent is correct, this part sounds a little bit narrative. Maybe a more schematic description could help to stay connected with both the nine features and the five types of models described above. This part looks as it was written through some and partial examples, so the reader could wonder why other considerations were neglected by authors and especially why.

In the second and in the third part authors discuss the core of the paper: how to improve the choice of performance simulation model for evaluating health care performance in the late of the “triple aim”.

They begin explaining how different models can cope with different health care systems, then they explain how they applied these concepts to design the visual tools, showed in fig. 2.

The visual tools is exciting for its simplicity. Authors illustrate through one example how to apply it for choosing a simulation model which fits both your needs and constraints. Nonetheless it shows a major weakness: authors do not specify how to integrate its different components. E.g. if the system under scrutiny calls for more than one relevant feature should the user follow different connectors, probably ending up in more than one loop? In this case, should users integrate different models?

Authors should be more systematic discussing the tool which should be considered like a model itself, as it offers a way to choose simulation models through matching the features proposed by authors, as a result of their review, and needs coming from triple aim approach. More examples should be proposed to help readers understand how to use the tool when more than one feature is necessary.

Limitations are expressed clearly.

Conclusion suffers the weakness posed in the discussion section.



• Relevant goals and clear expression of the issues to address

• Impactful contents

• High quality review process

• Clear language

To improve

• Clarify classification criteria

• Better connect the nine features in a common frame

• Explore and explain how to use the visual tool when health system calls for multiple features and needs

Reviewer #2: While this paper is well written, and discusses a timely topic that in principle is worthy of academic investigation, I do not think that the paper should be accepted for publication. In my view, the paper provides an interesting overview of recent simulation modeling efforts in health systems (with a special emphasis on complexity, being an important characteristic of such systems). But it does not go beyond that, and indeed more is needed to justify publication in a scholarly journal.

First, the paper misses a scientific motivation. The justification for the paper is given in lines 70-72 and can be summarized by saying that simulation models have recently gained more recognition. But this in itself is no (scholarly) motivation for reviewing the related literature. A proper motivation would include: a discussion of why and to whom such a review would be beneficial, i.e., what is the aim of doing such a review? Who would use it, and to what aim? What goes wrong when the study (review) is not done? Also, a scientific motivation would include the identification of a clear knowledge gap: what other review efforts have been published in the academic literature? What is missing in those reviews, making this review necessary? Can the health domain learn from reviews of simulation models in other fields? Especially in light of various recently published review papers (14, 24, 65) it is of paramount importance that the authors justify the need for another review paper on this topic. Without such a clear motivation, the paper reads more like a (interesting) policy report, not a scholarly article.

Second, although the paper provides an interesting overview of relevant papers and the properties of the models described in them, it does not offer as much as I hoped for, in terms of deep reflection and discussion of subtle connections between the models. This can be due to the fact that an enormously wide net is cast across a variety of modeling approaches, each of which having been studied in thousands and thousands of academic papers. Describing such canonical and grand modeling traditions in so few words inescapably leads to gross simplifications. Although understandable, this does not do justice to the subtleties and complexities of each of these models, let alone the nuanced relations between them. Similarly, the applications of the discussed models in the healthcare domain are so diverse (see column IC Topic-of-interest in Table 1), that drawing commonalities and generic lessons from them is hardly possible. What can one learn from comparing the use of model A in context X with the use of model B in context Y? For this to lead to credible results, many more data points are needed. As a consequence, the paper results in a well-structured but unavoidably shallow discussion.

These two issues together make that this reviewer, having read the paper, feels that the paper never really explained what its added value to the academic literature would be (point 1) and that it is indeed difficult to identify key lessons learned from the material that is presented (point 2). In combination, this makes the paper rather unsuitable for publication in a scholarly journal, although I can imagine that with some extensions the manuscript could be made suitable as a report for practitioners and policy makers, especially those with limited knowledge of simulation models and a wish to have a systematic, practical guide to help them navigate such models in the healthcare domain.


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Andrea Montefusco

Reviewer #2: Yes: Caspar Chorus

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PLoS One. 2021 Jul 9;16(7):e0254334. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254334.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

19 Nov 2020

Dear reviewers and Academic Editor;

We deeply appreciate your constructive critique and valuable comments. We have extensively revised the manuscript to address each of the concerns.

Reviewer 1.

Comment 1: Authors introduce the topics very clearly, exploring the whole health care performance context thoroughly. They illustrate the issue the paper should contribute to address: how to keep into account complex interactions amid factors those which impact triple aim. They also specify that their review wants to explore possible simulations for improving “what if and “how to” scenario processes, listing the major limits of actual models proposed by some institutions. Final aim – presenting a visual aid to select the most appropriate simulation - is clearly expressed.

Methods section details search strategy. Inclusion ad exclusion criteria are clean.

Authors discuss data extraction and analysis which they adopt-ed. They carefully show the process they followed, focusing how each step contributes to an integrated frame which looks coherent with paper’s aims.

Response 1: Thank you very much for your positive assessment of our methodological approach.

Comment 2: Results

The description of Areas of Assessment is readable as it connects its themes with the topics in a structured way. The PRIS-MA diagram contributes to clarity.

Table 1 classifies selected papers by described criteria.

The description of simulation modelling techniques starts classifying them by five categories and adding a sixth one which includes studies based on three or more models (hybrid). The section structure is coherent but it could have started explaining reasons behind authors’ choice. Even though it should be considered a minor issue, it would add value trying to adopt a specific classification for simulation models. In case criteria available do not fit due to specificity of authors aims, it could help to quickly explore the connection between this classification and those are often adopted in decision making under uncertainty (e.g see the book Kochenderfer, M.J., 2015, Decision Making Under Uncertainty (MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series) The MIT Press.).

Response 2: The reviewer is correct in raising that the classification used for Simulation models and the structure used in the results section requires further explanation. As the reviewer mentioned, the reason is that criteria previously reported in the literature do not fit well the practical applications of our study, which we have now further specified. Furthermore, several reviews have been published with different approaches of classifying simulation models. Our structure choice purposely differentiates from these classifications in an effort to expose clearly the added value and practical implication of our paper. Nevertheless, we do agree that an explanation of our choice was necessary and was added in section 2.4, on lines 138 - 155, including the references that guided each item.

We thank the reviewer for the reference provided. In studying it we believe that its scope is more aligned with classifications responding to technical and mathematical issues (presented in a complexity progression typical of academic books) more than an exposé of usefulness for a particular area(Integrated care), like our work. We have however added a short mention to decision making under uncertainty on the Discussion section, lines 431-437 of the final manuscript.

Comment 3: The table offers a synthetic view which allows readers getting the big picture. Once again, as minor issue authors should have quoted the sources they based upon to state strengths and limitations of different types of models. It could be especially helpful for readers who do not have specific background.

Response 3: We thank the reviewer and agree with the assessment. The sources have been referenced in the table.

Comment 4: The Complexity section is especially interesting and at the center of authors aims. Lack of complexity in evaluating health care performances is one of the issues that authors want to address, so this section is expected to be rigorous and original. The latter expectation is quite satisfied while it is not possible to evaluate the first. Authors list nine complexity features those which are present in the 27 simulation models they’d previously selected. These features sound impactful and relevant but author should quote studies to help readers see them in the broader frame of system modelling theories.

Response 4: We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of the originality of our study. In order to allow evaluation of the rigor employed, we have now added an expanded explanation of the common framework to evaluate complex relations between system components (section Results; 3.3 Complexity; lines 333-346). References for the terms and concepts in the different fields were provided.

Comment 5: It also should allow to better understand both the connection among these features and how they impact on estimating health care system performance.

Response 5: We agree and have updated the explanations for better internalization of the concepts (lines 347-391).

Comment 6: Some features look ambiguous if considered outside a frame of reference as in different field they are referred to different phenomena. E.g. dynamism in dynamic system theory could refer to different meanings ranging from the presence of state variables to the time-variant characteristic of the system itself or both. Again, authors connect Adaptation with intelligence as the ability to make decisions following specific rules. While it is a possible option, the definition of dynamism few rows above could bring someone wonder whether these rules must vary over time for a model showing dynamism.

Response 6: We thank the reviewer for raising this issue. We added references to a common frame-work to consolidate the concepts from different fields. (lines 333-391)

Comment 7: In summary, while this section is relevant and innovative, authors should better explain references and help readers put these features in a unitary frame.

Response 7: We are particularly thankful for this comment as it motivated us to present and give central importance to the complexity framework we had developed.

Comment 8: Discussion

The discussion starts exploring why a family of models can be helpful in modelling a specific system. While the intent is correct, this part sounds a little bit narrative. Maybe a more schematic description could help to stay connected with both the nine features and the five types of models described above.

This part looks as it was written through some and partial examples, so the reader could wonder why other considerations were neglected by authors and especially why.

Response 8: Based on the reviewer´s comment we have now reorganized this section and changed the discussion with two main focuses. 1st to discuss the advantages for integrated care of implementing systems thinking, including a summary of the contribution of each modeling technique and the discipline in general in this regard.

2nd On the usefulness of our research and how to use the tool that summarizes our findings.

Comment 9: In the second and in the third part authors discuss the core of the paper: how to improve the choice of performance simulation model for evaluating health care performance in the late of the “triple aim”.

They begin explaining how different models can cope with different health care systems, then they explain how they applied these concepts to design the visual tools, showed in fig. 2.

The visual tools is exciting for its simplicity. Authors illustrate through one example how to apply it for choosing a simulation model which fits both your needs and constraints. Nonetheless it shows a major weakness: authors do not specify how to integrate its different components. E.g. if the system under scrutiny calls for more than one relevant feature should the user follow different connectors, probably ending up in more than one loop? In this case, should users integrate different models?

Authors should be more systematic discussing the tool which should be considered like a model itself, as it offers a way to choose simulation models through matching the features pro-posed by authors, as a result of their review, and needs coming from triple aim approach. More examples should be proposed to help readers understand how to use the tool when more than one feature is necessary.

Response 9: As we said before, we thank the reviewer for pushing us to give more emphasis to our selection tool. We have added a general rationale for use of the tool (Discussion, lines 451-456) and a third example that covers how to deal with a system with multiple parallel complexities (467-479). The key to the use of the selection tool is the identification and prioritization of the complexities that rule the system’s performance.

We acknowledge the limitation of the tool to integrate several complexities with a different priority. However, after the selection of the most important complexity to be modeled, the transit options will integrate the most com-mon second or third level complexities associated with systems ruled by the selected top complexity. We believe the practical utility of our tool to orient users towards an appropriate modeling approach justifies our approach

Comment 10: Limitations are expressed clearly. Conclusion suffers the weakness posed in the discussion section.

Response 10: Based on the reviewer's comments, we have updated our conclusion in line with the new structure of the discussion.


Reviewer 2.

Comment 1: While this paper is well written, and discusses a timely topic that in principle is worthy of academic investigation, I do not think that the paper should be accepted for publication. In my view, the paper provides an interesting overview of recent simulation modeling efforts in health systems (with a special emphasis on complexity, being an important characteristic of such systems). But it does not go beyond that, and indeed more is needed to justify publication in a scholarly journal.

Response 1: We thank the reviewer for stating that we are providing an interesting overview of recent simulation modeling efforts in health systems, one of the objectives of our paper.

However, we kindly disagree that our paper does not go beyond that.

First, while we clearly state that previous reviews have been conducted in the field, some of them are quite outdated. Our review provides a thorough and up-to-date overview of current approaches in the field.

Secondly, as also pointed out by reviewer one we have presented an innovative approach to help users identify the most appropriate simulation technique, given a set of criteria. We believe that our presentation of this approach would indeed stimulate scholarly debate and may lead to further refinements of the method.

Comment 2: First, the paper misses a scientific motivation. The justification for the paper is given in lines 70-72 and can be summarized by saying that simulation models have recently gained more recognition. But this in itself is no (scholarly) motivation for reviewing the related literature. A proper motivation would include: a discussion of why and to whom such a review would be beneficial, i.e., what is the aim of doing such a review? Who would use it, and to what aim? What goes wrong when the study (review) is not done?

Response 2: We thank the reviewer for the reflection which we considered carefully. The assessment of the reviewer might be informed by the expectation of a typical PICO style presentation of the research questions, which however does not apply to our study subject. In order to respond to the points raised by the reviewer, we have re-written the Introduction to better state the scientific motivation(57-59), the knowledge gap(71-82.), our aim(83-86) and objectives and the audience of the review(86-88).

In short, the paper’s motivation relates to the lack of tools to assess integrated care as a dominant health system reform strategy. The identified problem is that system thinking is missing in integrated care performance assessment framework.

A solution to this problem is simulation modeling. The identified knowledge gap is the link between the complex system perspective of SM and the usefulness for integrated care performance assessment. We close this gap by reviewing papers that use simulation models with systems thinking for evaluations in topics relevant to integrated care systems and extracting the particular features that are useful for evaluating integrated care. We focus on the features for implementation of system thinking in a common framework and culminate our results in a tool for guiding model selection. We hope that the reviewer is satisfied with these improvements to the manuscript.

Comment 3: Also, a scientific motivation would include the identification of a clear knowledge gap: what other review efforts have been published in the academic literature? What is missing in those reviews, making this review necessary? Can the health domain learn from reviews of simulation models in other fields? Especially in light of various recently published review papers (14, 24, 65) it is of paramount importance that the authors justify the need for another review paper on this topic. Without such a clear motivation, the paper reads more like a (interesting) policy report, not a scholarly article.

Response 3: We agree with the reviewer that an articulation of the knowledge gap required strengthening. We added a paragraph referencing previous literature and stating clearly the knowledge gap that we are covering with the review. Lines 71-82.

Comment 4: Second, although the paper provides an interesting overview of relevant papers and the properties of the models described in them, it does not offer as much as I hoped for, in terms of deep reflection and discussion of subtle connections between the models. This can be due to the fact that an enormously wide net is cast across a variety of modeling approaches, each of which having been studied in thousands and thousands of academic papers. Describing such canonical and grand modeling traditions in so few words inescapably leads to gross simplifications. Although understandable, this does not do justice to the subtle-ties and complexities of each of these models, let alone the nuanced relations between them.

Response 4: We thank and acknowledge the limitation highlighted by the reviewer and have addressed it in the limitations section (lines 503-509).

Nevertheless, (as the added paragraph clarifies) we think that the provided simplifications don’t undermine the usefulness and academic value of our work. We acknowledge that an in-depth description of the identified models that would allow an analysis of the subtle connections between models would be impossible to undertake with our study design. Instead, we provide readers with an introduction to the identified simulation modeling techniques and highlight the characteristics that allow them to implement system thinking.

Furthermore, we provide a way forward by encouraging readers that find a solution in our work to the challenges they encounter when assessing the performance of a complex health system to learn in detail the technique that our paper has pointed towards. Such an approach, where an extensive literature/discipline is undertaken by a few practical applications to provide a practical way forward, is common in the academic literature and fundamental for bringing together different fields of expertise. An example is the paper by Behrendt & Groene 2016 (DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.08.003)

Comment 5: Similarly, the applications of the discussed models in the healthcare domain are so diverse (see column IC Topic-of-interest in Table 1), that drawing commonalities and generic lessons from them is hardly possible. What can one learn from comparing the use of model A in context X with the use of model B in context Y? For this to lead to credible results, many more data points are needed. As a consequence, the paper results in a well-structured but unavoidably shallow discussion.

Response 5: In agreement with the reviewer comment, we too believe that is not possible to discern clear patterns between models and types of application in integrated healthcare with such a small sample size. However, two incipient patterns do emerge; (1.) System Dynamics for “Policy and strategy” and (2.) Discrete Event Simulations for “Health Resource Management”. This analysis is mention in the Discussion (lines 419-431).

This being said, even though finding a relation between the type of model and the different applications would be useful for integrated healthcare managers, a similar classification has already been made (Jun et al 2011) and escapes our main objective, that is to characterize simulation modeling focusing on the ability to implement system thinking.

Instead, we provide the type of applications (section 3.1, line 168) as part of a comprehensive characterization of simulation modeling in integrated care, with the purpose of informing readers of the reach of the discipline in integrated care topics. The classification also serves the purpose of grouping complexities, and we think it will help readers to identify complexities in different settings.

Comment 6: These two issues together make that this reviewer, having read the paper, feels that the paper never really explained what its added value to the academic literature would be (point 1) and that it is indeed difficult to identify key lessons learned from the material that is presented (point 2). In combination, this makes the paper rather unsuitable for publication in a scholarly journal, although I can imagine that with some extensions the manuscript could be made suitable as a report for practitioners and policy makers, especially those with limited knowledge of simulation models and a wish to have a systematic, practical guide to help them navigate such models in the healthcare domain.

Response 6: We thank the reviewer for the critique, which we have carefully considered and based on which we have substantially revised the manuscript.

With utmost respect, we provide a summarized answer to the two points raised by the reviewer.

Point 1: Exposing simulation models as a solution for the challenges of integrated healthcare systems performance assessment, focusing particularly on their ability to implement system thinking.

Point 2. A summary of key (to IHS) characteristics and complexity features in a common framework that helps in guiding the identification and prioritization of complexity, which in turn are useful to select an appropriate simulation model.

We strongly believe that our methodological approach adheres to rigorous standards and that our work goes far beyond the content expected for a policy brief or practical guide and indeed would inform scholarly debate.




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Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Yong-Hong Kuo

4 Feb 2021


A systematic review of simulation modeling to assess health system performance: Characterization of the field and visual aid to guide model selection.


Dear Dr. Larrain,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Mar 21 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Yong-Hong Kuo

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (if provided):

The referees from the last round were invited to review this revision. One of them agreed and returned the review report. The reviewer still had some comments for the authors to address in their work. The other was not available to review for this round. Thus, I have gone through his/her comments and the revision. Below is my evaluation.

1. As the reviewers suggested, the academic value of the work shall be strengthened. Currently, it is unclear about the research questions and how the state-of-the-art is advanced by this work. The scientific motivation is still missing.

2. The analysis part shall be strengthened. What are the key messages resulting from the analysis? Also, it would be nice to have this article discussing the research trends and shedding light on future research directions.

3. There have been dozens of literature review / survey papers on simulation models of healthcare applications. The position of this paper is unclear. How is this paper different from the existing review papers?

4. The number of papers on healthcare simulation is tremendous. Currently, only 27 papers were analyzed. This coverage is much narrow than those covered by the existing review papers. I suggest the authors have a more comprehensive review of the studies, particularly the recent ones. To my knowledge, the below studies are relevant to this review work. However, the list below is not exhaustive and the authors shall identify further related studies:

• Abramovich, M. N., Hershey, J. C., Callies, B., Adalja, A. A., Tosh, P. K., & Toner, E. S. (2017). Hospital influenza pandemic stockpiling needs: a computer simulation. American journal of infection control, 45(3), 272-277.

• Chen, Y., Kuo, Y. H., Balasubramanian, H., & Wen, C. (2015, December). Using simulation to examine appointment overbooking schemes for a medical imaging center. In 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1307-1318). IEEE.

• Gul, M., & Guneri, A. F. (2015). A comprehensive review of emergency department simulation applications for normal and disaster conditions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 83, 327-344.

• Kuo, Y. H. (2014). Integrating simulation with simulated annealing for scheduling physicians in an understaffed emergency department. HKIE transactions, 21(4), 253-261.

• Kuo, Y. H., Leung, J. M., Graham, C. A., Tsoi, K. K., & Meng, H. M. (2018). Using simulation to assess the impacts of the adoption of a fast-track system for hospital emergency services. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 12(3), JAMDSM0073-JAMDSM0073.

• Kuo, Y. H., Rado, O., Lupia, B., Leung, J. M., & Graham, C. A. (2016). Improving the efficiency of a hospital emergency department: a simulation study with indirectly imputed service-time distributions. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 28(1-2), 120-147.

• Hu, X., Barnes, S., & Golden, B. (2018). Applying queueing theory to the study of emergency department operations: a survey and a discussion of comparable simulation studies. International transactions in operational research, 25(1), 7-49.

• Moeke, D., van de Geer, R., Koole, G., & Bekker, R. (2016). On the performance of small-scale living facilities in nursing homes: a simulation approach. Operations research for health care, 11, 20-34.

• Niessner, H., Rauner, M. S., & Gutjahr, W. J. (2018). A dynamic simulation–Optimization approach for managing mass casualty incidents. Operations research for health care, 17, 82-100.

• Ordu, M., Demir, E., Tofallis, C., & Gunal, M. M. (2020). A novel healthcare resource allocation decision support tool: A forecasting-simulation-optimization approach. Journal of the operational research society, 1-16.

• Roy, S. N., Shah, B. J., & Gajjar, H. (2020). Application of Simulation in Healthcare Service Operations: A Review and Research Agenda. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 31(1), 1-23.

• Roy, S., Prasanna Venkatesan, S., & Goh, M. (2020). Healthcare services: A systematic review of patient-centric logistics issues using simulation. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-23.

• Salleh, S., Thokala, P., Brennan, A., Hughes, R., & Booth, A. (2017). Simulation modelling in healthcare: an umbrella review of systematic literature reviews. PharmacoEconomics, 35(9), 937-949.

• Vanbrabant, L., Braekers, K., Ramaekers, K., & Van Nieuwenhuyse, I. (2019). Simulation of emergency department operations: A comprehensive review of KPIs and operational improvements. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 131, 356-381.

• Vanbrabant, L., Martin, N., Ramaekers, K., & Braekers, K. (2019). Quality of input data in emergency department simulations: framework and assessment techniques. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 91, 83-101.

• Weissman, G. E., Crane-Droesch, A., Chivers, C., Luong, T., Hanish, A., Levy, M. Z., ... & Halpern, S. D. (2020). Locally informed simulation to predict hospital capacity needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of internal medicine, 173(1), 21-28.

• Yousefi, M., Yousefi, M., & Fogliatto, F. S. (2020). Simulation-based optimization methods applied in hospital emergency departments: A systematic review. Simulation, 96(10), 791-806.

• Zhang, C., Grandits, T., Härenstam, K. P., Hauge, J. B., & Meijer, S. (2018). A systematic literature review of simulation models for non-technical skill training in healthcare logistics. Advances in Simulation, 3(1), 1-16.

Based on the reviewer's and my one evaluations, I recommend major revision.

Hope that the authors shall find the comments constructive. The revision will go through a rigorous review process again. Unsuccessful revision can lead to rejection of the work.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A


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Reviewer #1: Yes


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PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The following comments refer directly to those in the previous review and the authors’ answers. The actual review did not limit to verifying whether the authors have addressed issues but reconsidered the entire paper.

Comment 1

No comment

Comment 2

The authors profoundly modified section 2.4. While before, it explained the data analysis approach weakly, now it meets expectations. Authors fully reformulate sentences, making possible a better understanding of the paper aims too. The section specifies, step by step, the rationale behind every item’s choice. It allows the reader to navigate the paper with a clean schema. The connections between items and the research question are now clear. Though this section calls for attention, it progressively helps readers build the first representation of how items integrate each other. It results in a sort of “integrated variable space” which appears to be the real novelty of this paper.

Comment 3

The authors followed the suggestion and added the reference column in Table 1. Though it was a minor issue, expert readers can now connect with their knowledge while everyone could search sources directly and efficiently.

Comment 4

The authors rewrote section 3.3 completely and, now the reader can find proper references. It helps understand the rationale behind the nine aspects of complex relations and the way to model them. It is easy to go through authors’ statements, as the text and the table together provide a clean, integrated view.

Comment 5

While the authors analyzed complexity dimensions well, section 3.3 still misses why the nine dimensions impact health system performance. They go through that in session 4, Discussion. That is correct, as this way, they directly connect their framework with the research question and the final paper’s goal. It could help anticipate here straightforward examples of each complexity component's impacts on health care system performance. Although this could be considered a minor issue, nonetheless, it can improve the clarity much. Perhaps it is not easy to connect these concepts with health care system performance for those who have no in-depth knowledge of complex system theory and health care. Despite being a minor issue, this could limit the paper’s practical impact. Delivering examples in section 3.3 could increase the readability of section 4, as the readers would have examples in their minds.

Comment 6

See comment 4.

Comment 7

See comment 5. The authors hit the nail, though they could have delivered examples of impacts in this section too.

Comment 8-9

The authors provided the suggested schematic connection between the nine features and health care. The section is informative now, though it still lacks a synthesis. Maybe its presence – A draw? Flow diagramm? - could help readers generalizing the application of the frame. Although the authors commented on the examples more in-depth than in the first submission, maybe the readers could find it challenging to apply the tools to a specific case.

With their thorough revision, the authors improved the first and the second parts of the paper. The final sections get better after the revision, but it requires further work to keep the previous sections' promises.

While reading it, it is hard to focus on the research question, as authors still do not explicitly connect their results’ discussion with keywords like triple aims and system performances, for just quickly quote them in the Limitations and Conclusion sections.

Conclusion and Limitation must exploit the potential that is now shown by the previous sections. At the moment, they seem to be far weaker than the rest of the paper.


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If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Andrea Montefusco

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PLoS One. 2021 Jul 9;16(7):e0254334. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254334.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

20 Mar 2021

Dear reviewers and Academic Editor.

We are deeply thankful for your revisions, valuable comments, and additional clarifications. We have extensively revised the manuscript to address each of your concerns. We have taken the liberty of organizing your comments in the following list, only including the second revision and responses organized by reviewer and commentary. We recommend attending the attached "Response to reviewers" letter, that provides both revisions and responses, for a better assessment.

Reviewer 1:

1. Comment 1:

2nd revision: No comment

� Response 2nd revision: -

2. Comment 2:

2nd revision: The authors profoundly modified section 2.4. While before, it explained the data analysis approach weakly, now it meets expectations. Authors fully reformulate sentences, making possible a better understanding of the paper aims too. The section specifies, step by step, the rationale behind every item’s choice. It allows the reader to navigate the paper with a clean schema. The connections between items and the research question are now clear. Though this section calls for attention, it progressively helps readers build the first representation of how items integrate each other. It results in a sort of “integrated variable space” which appears to be the real novelty of this paper.

� Response 2nd revision: We thank the reviewer for the positive comments.

3. Comment 3:

2nd revision: The authors followed the suggestion and added the reference column in Table 1. Though it was a minor issue, expert readers can now connect with their knowledge while everyone could search sources directly and efficiently.

� Response 2nd revision: We thank the reviewer for his comments and contribution in this section.

4. Comment 4:

2nd revision: The authors rewrote section 3.3 completely and, now the reader can find proper references. It helps understand the rationale behind the nine aspects of complex relations and the way to model them. It is easy to go through authors’ statements, as the text and the table together provide a clean, integrated view.

� Response 2nd revision: We thank the reviewer for his comments and contribution in this section.

5. Comment 5:

2nd revision: While the authors analyzed complexity dimensions well, section 3.3 still misses why the nine dimensions impact health system performance. They go through that in session 4, Discussion. That is correct, as this way, they directly connect their framework with the research question and the final paper’s goal. It could help anticipate here straightforward examples of each complexity component's impacts on health care system performance. Although this could be considered a minor issue, nonetheless, it can improve the clarity much. Perhaps it is not easy to connect these concepts with health care system performance for those who have no in-depth knowledge of complex system theory and health care. Despite being a minor issue, this could limit the paper’s practical impact. Delivering examples in section 3.3 could increase the readability of section 4, as the readers would have examples in their minds.

� Response 2nd revision: We thank the observation by the reviewer, and we concur in his assessment. We included short and clear examples for each complexity feature in section 3.3, referencing to previously explained phenomena when possible.

6. Comment 6

2nd revision: -

� Response 2nd revision: -

7. Comment 7:

2nd revision: See comment 4.

� Response 2nd revision: -

8. Comment 8:

2nd revision: See comment 5. The authors hit the nail, though they could have delivered examples of impacts in this section too.

� Response 2nd revision: -

9. Comment 9:

2nd revision: (Comment 8-9(10)) The authors provided the suggested schematic connection between the nine features and health care. The section is informative now, though it still lacks a synthesis. Maybe its presence – A draw? Flow diagram? - could help readers generalizing the application of the frame. Although the authors commented on the examples more in-depth than in the first submission, maybe the readers could find it challenging to apply the tools to a specific case.

With their thorough revision, the authors improved the first and the second parts of the paper. The final sections get better after the revision, but it requires further work to keep the previous sections' promises.

While reading it, it is hard to focus on the research question, as authors still do not explicitly connect their results’ discussion with keywords like triple aims and system performances, for just quickly quote them in the Limitations and Conclusion sections.

Conclusion and Limitation must exploit the potential that is now shown by the previous sections. At the moment, they seem to be far weaker than the rest of the paper.

� Response 2nd revision: We appreciate the reviewer comments. Building on the academic editor comments, we have changed the introduction, methods and analysis sections to clearly state the scientific motivation, research question and objectives so that the results and discussion are in line with what the paper promises. This being said, we have re-structured the discussion and limitations section to better explain the link we have created between SM and IHS performance assessment. We appreciated the idea of a visual aid for better understanding the characterization of SM in the field of IHS, but we think that Table 2, 3 and figure 2 comply with this role. We link the characterization of SM with triple aim and system performance assessment in lines 466-483, when stating the implications of the exposed characteristics of SM.

� We think that the best trait of the selection tool is its simplicity. We have changed the writing of the examples to highlight this trait. We hope that the reviewer is pleased with the new discussion and that the contribution of the paper is stated clearly in the conclusion.

10. Comment 10:

2nd revision: See comment 9

� Response 2nd revision: -

11. Comment 11:

2nd revision: -

� Response 2nd revision: -

Academic Editor 2nd Revision:

1. Comment 1.

As the reviewers suggested, the academic value of the work shall be strengthened. Currently, it is unclear about the research questions and how the state-of-the-art is advanced by this work. The scientific motivation is still missing.

� Response: We thank the editor for his revisions. We acknowledge that the introduction, starting with the title, invited readers into a topic that was broader than what the paper is covering. For this reason, we have strengthened the introduction to highlight the scientific motivation and the contribution of our work and clearly stating the real scope of our article. While including a more comprehensive revision of past literature, we have clearly stated the existing knowledge gap (lines 106-110) and the position of the paper.

2. Comment 2.

2. The analysis part shall be strengthened. What are the key messages resulting from the analysis? Also, it would be nice to have this article discussing the research trends and shedding light on future research directions.

� Response: We thank the editor for his comment. The new introduction is a better guide into what readers can expect from the paper and goes in line with the analysis. The analysis explanation on the methods section 2.4 was corrected so that the expectations created in the introduction and the results are in line. We agree that the key messages from the analysis should be strengthen, and we do so in the changes we did to the conclusion section. To summarize: 1. SM can use system thinking to evaluate topic of relevance for IHS. 2. SM allow IHS managers to correctly attribute causality, optimize interventions, and create long term assessments. 3. Selecting a simulation technique is facilitated when both the characteristics of the modeling techniques are understood, and the complexities ruling the system performance are identified and prioritized. Our framework for assessing complexity can be used for this purpose.

� We hope that with the new introduction section (that highlights the contribution and scientific motivation of our work) it is left clearer why the current analysis is fit for the purpose.

As suggested by the editor, we have included a much broader contextualization, so we can better position the contribution of our paper to current literature.

3. Comment 3.

There have been dozens of literature review / survey papers on simulation models of healthcare applications. The position of this paper is unclear. How is this paper different from the existing review papers?

� Response: As suggested by the editor, we have included a much broader contextualization, so we can better position the contribution of our paper to current literature. (lines 76-104)

4. Comment 4.

The number of papers on healthcare simulation is tremendous. Currently, only 27 papers were analyzed. This coverage is much narrow than those covered by the existing review papers. I suggest the authors have a more comprehensive review of the studies, particularly the recent ones. To my knowledge, the below studies are relevant to this review work. However, the list below is not exhaustive, and the authors shall identify further related studies:

1. Abramovich, M. N., Hershey, J. C., Callies, B., Adalja, A. A., Tosh, P. K., & Toner, E. S. (2017). Hospital influenza pandemic stockpiling needs: a computer simulation. American journal of infection control, 45(3), 272-277.

2. Chen, Y., Kuo, Y. H., Balasubramanian, H., & Wen, C. (2015, December). Using simulation to examine appointment overbooking schemes for a medical imaging center. In 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1307-1318). IEEE.

3. Gul, M., & Guneri, A. F. (2015). A comprehensive review of emergency department simulation applications for normal and disaster conditions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 83, 327-344.

4. Kuo, Y. H. (2014). Integrating simulation with simulated annealing for scheduling physicians in an understaffed emergency department. HKIE transactions, 21(4), 253-261.

5. Kuo, Y. H., Leung, J. M., Graham, C. A., Tsoi, K. K., & Meng, H. M. (2018). Using simulation to assess the impacts of the adoption of a fast-track system for hospital emergency services. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 12(3), JAMDSM0073-JAMDSM0073.

6. Kuo, Y. H., Rado, O., Lupia, B., Leung, J. M., & Graham, C. A. (2016). Improving the efficiency of a hospital emergency department: a simulation study with indirectly imputed service-time distributions. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 28(1-2), 120-147.

7. Hu, X., Barnes, S., & Golden, B. (2018). Applying queueing theory to the study of emergency department operations: a survey and a discussion of comparable simulation studies. International transactions in operational research, 25(1), 7-49.

8. Moeke, D., van de Geer, R., Koole, G., & Bekker, R. (2016). On the performance of small-scale living facilities in nursing homes: a simulation approach. Operations research for health care, 11, 20-34.

9. Niessner, H., Rauner, M. S., & Gutjahr, W. J. (2018). A dynamic simulation–Optimization approach for managing mass casualty incidents. Operations research for health care, 17, 82-100.

10. Ordu, M., Demir, E., Tofallis, C., & Gunal, M. M. (2020). A novel healthcare resource allocation decision support tool: A forecasting-simulation-optimization approach. Journal of the operational research society, 1-16.

11. Roy, S. N., Shah, B. J., & Gajjar, H. (2020). Application of Simulation in Healthcare Service Operations: A Review and Research Agenda. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 31(1), 1-23.

12. Roy, S., Prasanna Venkatesan, S., & Goh, M. (2020). Healthcare services: A systematic review of patient-centric logistics issues using simulation. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-23.

13. Salleh, S., Thokala, P., Brennan, A., Hughes, R., & Booth, A. (2017). Simulation modelling in healthcare: an umbrella review of systematic literature reviews. PharmacoEconomics, 35(9), 937-949.

14. Vanbrabant, L., Braekers, K., Ramaekers, K., & Van Nieuwenhuyse, I. (2019). Simulation of emergency department operations: A comprehensive review of KPIs and operational improvements. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 131, 356-381.

15. Vanbrabant, L., Martin, N., Ramaekers, K., & Braekers, K. (2019). Quality of input data in emergency department simulations: framework and assessment techniques. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 91, 83-101.

16. Weissman, G. E., Crane-Droesch, A., Chivers, C., Luong, T., Hanish, A., Levy, M. Z., ... & Halpern, S. D. (2020). Locally informed simulation to predict hospital capacity needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of internal medicine, 173(1), 21-28.

17. Yousefi, M., Yousefi, M., & Fogliatto, F. S. (2020). Simulation-based optimization methods applied in hospital emergency departments: A systematic review. Simulation, 96(10), 791-806.

18. Zhang, C., Grandits, T., Härenstam, K. P., Hauge, J. B., & Meijer, S. (2018). A systematic literature review of simulation models for non-technical skill training in healthcare logistics. Advances in Simulation, 3(1), 1-16.

� Response: As we mentioned before, starting with the title, the paper was not clear in the scope of the research. We have worked to better explain the scope of our paper, which gives reason to our much smaller sample of papers. We understand that the selection criteria was not detailed correctly, and we have worked to correct this issue (sections 2.1 & 2.2). We gave emphasis on the link between the objectives of the paper and the selection criteria, and why are these appropriate.

In short, we selected papers using a simulation technique in topics of interest to integrated healthcare system that took a system thinking perspective and had the detail and quality necessary to understand the complexities in components relations that were represented.

We also acknowledge the limitation of our systematic search in terms of the databases that we used. In particular, because articles such as 4.(Kuo 2014) ; 5.(Kuo 2018); 6.(Kuo 2016) & 8. (Moeke 2016) were not present in said databases. We will acknowledge this limitation in the corresponding section of our article(line 538).

In the same line, we acknowledge that our search strategy did not identify all relevant papers on simulation modeling, as we addressed a very specific use case which led to the exclusion of papers such as 1. (Abramovich 2017) and 2. (Chen 2015). Our search strategy with the focus on integrated healthcare was based on the work and expertise of worldwide leaders in the topic of performance assessment of integrated healthcare systems in an effort to focus the characterization of simulation modeling and their ability to implement system thinking for this particular area of research. To attend to this issue, we have strengthened the argument behind our search strategy, and we have stated a clear differentiation to what could be characterized as a comprehensive review of simulation modeling in healthcare management. (lines 126-127 147-151; 161-165; 181)

Given that the, now better explained, aim of our study is a characterization of the field of simulation modeling in areas of interest for integrated healthcare systems (particularly in the discipline’s ability to implement system thinking) and not a quantitative summary in the line of a meta-analysis, we are confident that our methodological approach allowed us to analyze a pertinent set of rigorously selected articles.

We hope that our substantive revision of the manuscript and response to the constructive comments by the reviewers and editor do now fully meet your expectations.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 2

Yong-Hong Kuo

19 Apr 2021


Simulation modeling to assess performance of integrated healthcare systems: Systematic literature review to characterize the field and visual aid to guide model selection.


Dear Dr. Larrain,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Yong-Hong Kuo

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (if provided):

The revision has been reviewed by the reviewer from the last round. The reviewer has made a favorable recommendation.

I have gone through the revision again. I highly appreciate that the authors have seriously addressed some of the concerns. The scope of the work and research question are now clear.

I believe the work has certain degree of merit and potential to be published. However, since PLOS ONE publishes scientifically rigorous studies, there are still two major issues which have to be addressed:

1. As compared with other similar studies on simulation modeling in healthcare system, the studies reviewed in this work (only 27) are significantly fewer. The arguments and conclusions made in this study are therefore not promising. This problem is particularly clear as shown in Section 3.2. For examples, the results presented are only based on 2 studies for Markov models, 1 study for microsimulation, 2 studies for agent-based models, 1 study for hybrid simulations, etc. What were claimed in those sections are not comprehensive and convincing.

2. The problem stated in point 1 is probably caused by a subjective selection of articles (on p. 10) by only the two authors. This work is title a "systematic" review but this process systems to be non-systematic. I suggest there is a clear description of how the reviewers determine whether to include a study is included. A quality score is given to an article by the two authors; however, is this quality score reliable? (Do the authors imply that out of 2271 articles, only 27 are of quality? Others are not of quality?) Another issue is that a systematic literature review is to identify trends in the research area. It would be necessary to include studies not only based on the subjectively determined quality but need to identify the overall trends.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A


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Reviewer #1: Yes


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PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The authors have progressively addressed the original version issues. Their paper now sounds informative while it illustrates its aims and methods sharply. The authors illustrate their framework clearly. Now the flow is logical, and connections between scope, data, and conclusions are evident.

Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

Yes, they did.

Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

The authors have progressively evolved their manuscript through discourse with the reviewers. After the last revision, the paper will offer a novel and informative perspective to health care scholars and especially professionals. It will help readers look at the “Triple Aim” model with a broader framework to assess health care performances considering complexity accurately and robustly. Though the proposed tool has limits, it shows the readers the relevance of the systemic approach in evaluating a health care system. The paper starts a practical conversation that goes beyond simple improvement in health care assessment techniques. This proposal falls in the field of accurate and relevant feedback conversation (e.g, see Zollo, 2009 about superstitious learning). Despite its limits, the tool connects the diverse elements that concur in performance and allows H.C. professionals to take them and their complex interactions into account in evaluating and comparing performance.

This reviewer can't judge the English level of the manuscprit.


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Andrea Montefusco

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PLoS One. 2021 Jul 9;16(7):e0254334. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254334.r006

Author response to Decision Letter 2

1 Jun 2021

Dear reviewer and Academic Editor:

We are deeply thankful for your revision. We have revised each of your comments and provide each with a response in the following text. For a more structured version of this response, please see the attached “Response to Reviewers" file.

Editor Comments, General:

The revision has been reviewed by the reviewer from the last round. The reviewer has made a favorable recommendation.

I have gone through the revision again. I highly appreciate that the authors have seriously addressed some of the concerns. The scope of the work and research question are now clear.

I believe the work has certain degree of merit and potential to be published. However, since PLOS ONE publishes scientifically rigorous studies, there are still two major issues which have to be addressed:

- Response:

We are deeply thankful to the Editor for recognizing our work in the article. We have made extensive changes to the core of the article to address the editors’ concerns. Regarding the Editor’s second comment, in summary, we understand that the current selection of articles is deemed to be more subjective than what is usually found in systematic literature reviews. In particular, because even though the criterion for selection is clearly defined, part of the definition (Section 2.2 line 155: <<Finally, we excluded from the data extraction and analysis studies whose reporting standards were insufficient to fully understand and replicate the assessment >>) leaves room for a subjective interpretation. While even in the most rigorous systematic reviews data extractors have to introduce a certain level of interpretation in deciding which study and which data to include, we agree that our approach previously has not been optimal. In order to correct for subjectivity, we have now included all the articles with the highest quality score following our quality assessment (+3 extra articles). Furthermore, to be transparent with reader expectations, we have decided to define our article as a literature review with systematic a search . The PROSPERO record was modified stating this change. We have noted that PLOS ONE publishes all types of reviews of the literature (in terms of Grant and Booth typology), not only systematic reviews of the literature. However, by now labelling our study as literature review with systematic search we believe that our methodological approach meets all expectations a reader might have.

Editor Comments, 1.

1. As compared with other similar studies on simulation modeling in healthcare system, the studies reviewed in this work (only 27) are significantly fewer. The arguments and conclusions made in this study are therefore not promising. This problem is particularly clear as shown in Section 3.2. For examples, the results presented are only based on 2 studies for Markov models, 1 study for microsimulation, 2 studies for agent-based models, 1 study for hybrid simulations, etc. What were claimed in those sections are not comprehensive and convincing.


We thank the editor for the comment. Even though we defend our article selection to be fit for purpose and aligned with the objective of the study, we recognize that the writing of section 3.2 leads readers to think that the revision of the different methodologies was based solely in the articles selected from the systematic search. This is not correct. The methodologies were extracted from the selected articles. Then, selected articles were used to explain each methodology features. Nevertheless, the features themselves were summarized using complementary literature (presented in table 2). This is explained in the methods section 2.4 (line 184-186). We have changed the first paragraph of the section 3.2 (lines 223-228) to better explain were the features explanation come from. The complementary literature used is not solely based on case articles, but mostly on review articles and books explaining the methodologies in detail.

Editor Comments, 2.

2. The problem stated in point 1 is probably caused by a subjective selection of articles (on p. 10) by only the two authors. This work is title a "systematic" review but this process systems to be non-systematic. I suggest there is a clear description of how the reviewers determine whether to include a study is included. A quality score is given to an article by the two authors; however, is this quality score reliable? (Do the authors imply that out of 2271 articles, only 27 are of quality? Others are not of quality?) Another issue is that a systematic literature review is to identify trends in the research area. It would be necessary to include studies not only based on the subjectively determined quality but need to identify the overall trends.


First, please see above regarding the change in the title of the document according to Grant´s and Booth’s typology.

Second, we edited the methods section, stating explicitly that articles were selected according to our appreciation of their reporting standards to allow for the objective of our paper(section 2.2). In other words, the final selection criteria relate to the ability of reviewers to fully understand and replicate the article for a complete assessment of how the complexities of the system were included in the model. The limitations section was also edited stating the limitation of the selection process.

Three extra articles were added following the correction in the selection process:

1. Ansah et al. 2016: The article was initially excluded because even though evaluated with quality A, it did not add any additional information to the analysis. Following the corrected exclusion criteria, the article is now added in the review.

2. Goldman et al. 2004: The article was not included in the original revision because even though the model has top quality, the practical application and validation of said model are found in subsequent articles. Meanwhile, articles depicting practical applications of the model lacked a detailed description of the model. Initially, we though evaluating them together as a whole was a reach of our quality assessment criteria, hence the initial exclusion.

3. Comans et al. 2017: Similarly, to number (1.), the paper was excluded because it did not add information for analysis. Following the corrected exclusion criteria, the article is now added in the review.

We included the assessment of the new articles and mention them as examples to explain system thinking where they contributed to the analysis. Nevertheless, the results, discussion and conclusion did not change (with exception of the count of optimization capabilities and time frame for assessment) with the inclusion with the new articles.

The abstract was edited showing these changes.

We understand that many systematic reviews indicate research trends, but we are certain that research trends are only reported when in line with the objectives of the study. Our article did not focus on pooled effect sizes or research trends, as the explanation of how SM methods are able to integrate system thinking is not time dependent. In the same line, the selection of a SM method is determined by identifying complexities and the overall objective and not on trends.

Furthermore, given that we have chosen to classify the article as a literature review (where reporting research trends is less common), we think that reporting research trends is less justified.

Reviewers' comments:

All comments by the reviewer were positive and no detailed response is needed.


We thank the reviewer for the recognition of our work, and we appreciate his positive appreciation and useful comments during the revision process.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 3

Yong-Hong Kuo

28 Jun 2021

Simulation modeling to assess performance of integrated healthcare systems: Literature review to characterize the field and visual aid to guide model selection.


Dear Dr. Larrain,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,

Yong-Hong Kuo

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Yong-Hong Kuo

1 Jul 2021


Simulation modeling to assess performance of integrated healthcare systems: Literature review to characterize the field and visual aid to guide model selection.

Dear Dr. Larrain:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Yong-Hong Kuo

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2009 checklist.


    S1 Data. Database containing result of systematic search after removal of duplicates.


    S1 Table. Search terms for systematic search.


    S2 Table. List of simulation modeling techniques and integrated care topics-of-interest used in selection criteria.


    S3 Table. Data extraction sheet.



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the paper and its S1 Checklist, S1 Data, and S1S3 Tables.

    Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS