Developmental bioelectricity is the study of the endogenous role of bioelectrical signaling in all cell types. Resting potentials and other aspects of ionic cell physiology are known to be important regulatory parameters in embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer. However, relevant quantitative measurement and genetic phenotyping data are distributed throughout wide-ranging literature, hampering experimental design and hypothesis generation. Here, we analyze published studies on bioelectrics and transcriptomic and genomic/phenotypic databases to provide a novel synthesis of what is known in three important aspects of bioelectrics research. First, we provide a comprehensive list of channelopathies—ion channel and pump gene mutations—in a range of important model systems with developmental patterning phenotypes, illustrating the breadth of channel types, tissues, and phyla (including man) in which bioelectric signaling is a critical endogenous aspect of embryogenesis. Second, we perform a novel bioinformatic analysis of transcriptomic data during regeneration in diverse taxa that reveals an electrogenic protein to be the one common factor specifically expressed in regeneration blastemas across Kingdoms. Finally, we analyze data on distinct Vmem signatures in normal and cancer cells, revealing a specific bioelectrical signature corresponding to some types of malignancies. These analyses shed light on fundamental questions in developmental bioelectricity and suggest new avenues for research in this exciting field.
Keywords: cancer, development, channelopathy, Vmem, resting potential, regeneration, ion channel
Bioelectrical signaling is an ancient modality by which cells and tissues exchange information necessary for coordinating development, regeneration, and cancer suppression.1–4 Many details have now been uncovered about the ion channels and pumps that determine cell membrane resting potential (Vmem) and about the electrical synapses known as gap junctions that propagate those states across distances in vivo.5 Using a range of model species, modern developmental biology and genetics efforts have identified roles of bioelectrical signaling in cell migration,6,7 organ morphogenesis,8–10 regenerative axial polarity,11 size control,12 and many other important metazoan phenomena. The implications of these results stretch from basic evolutionary developmental biology13,14 to many aspects of biomedicine.15–19
However, this exciting emerging field has been hampered by the fact that, due to its highly interdisciplinary nature, important data are spread across publications in numerous subfields and have not been analyzed en masse. Thus, we undertook a synthesis and meta-analysis of data from published studies to ask several fundamental questions in three deeply related subfields: development, regeneration, and cancer.
How important is bioelectricity in embryogenesis? It is often thought that the roles of ion channels are only apparent from a handful of focused studies,10,20–22 and that genetics does not offer a convenient entry point to discover novel bioelectric controls. Thus, we analyzed databases of developmental phenotypes across a number of popular model systems to identify a comprehensive list of electrogenic genes that have been implicated in embryonic patterning.
Cancer can be thought of as a breakdown of the normal processes that orchestrate cells into cooperating toward production and maintenance of large-scale anatomical structures during development and adulthood.23–26 Interestingly, classical27,28 and recent29–32 functional data suggest that control of bioelectric signaling can not only induce cancer phenotypes but can also be used to suppress/normalize tumors. Can bioelectric parameters be used to distinguish between normal somatic cells and those that have defected back into a unicellular-like state (transformed cancer cells)? We thus attempted to identify every published study of resting potential in cells and analyzed them to derive a physiological signature of the transformed state across different tissue types.
Regeneration is a process by which complex organs and appendages are rebuilt to a specific target morphology from various starting states (injuries).33 The evolutionary origins of this capability across taxa are poorly understood,34 and it is unclear what molecular-genetic and biophysical components underlie regeneration of different types of body architectures. Thus, we analyzed transcriptomic datasets comparing regenerating versus intact adult tissues across Kingdoms, asking what types of regeneration-induced gene expression changes they might share. A small number of genes turned out to be a common feature of regeneration in all animals, from flatworms to mammals. Remarkably, analysis taking into account plants revealed only one component that all regenerating blastemas have in common: an ancient electrogenic protein.
Development, regeneration, and cancer have a profound connection. The first two concern the ability of cells to work together to, respectively, build and rebuild complex anatomical structures. The third, cancer, illustrates the effects of individual somatic cells abandoning multicellularity and reverting to a unicellular mode of existence that treats the rest of the body as its environment. In all of these cases, communication and interaction among cell groups are paramount. Evolution discovered very early how to exploit biophysical forces to coordinate information across space and time in living cells and tissues.35–37 It is now essential, for biomedicine and for evolutionary developmental biology, to understand how the molecular mechanisms of bioelectricity enable cooperative cell function in normal morphogenesis and its disruption during disease.38,39 Together, the following meta-analyses establish a rigorous starting point for novel work in this field, revealing a range of physiological and genetic targets for future investigation and shedding light on foundational concepts in developmental bioelectricity.
Materials and Methods
Literature search for Vmem values in somatic and cancerous cells
Literature search was completed in two distinct phases: first, the keywords “Vmem,” “Electrical Potential,” “Electrophysiological properties,” and “Membrane Potential” were used singly and in combination in PubMed searches. Published Vmem values and their sources were documented in a database to avoid duplication. After all potential papers that could be found using this method were exhausted, existing meta-analyses such as those found in previous studies40,41 were mined for any additional papers that contained Vmem values. These published studies were then themselves included in our analysis. We decided to only include data from rodent and human cells in our analysis because the vast majority of the papers focused on these models and data from other systems did not provide sufficient power for analysis.
Statistical analysis
Meta-analyses were performed to assess relationships between reported Vmem in cancerous and noncancerous tissues. A random-effects meta-analysis was performed to assess the relationship between reported mean Vmem in cancerous tissues and their corresponding somatic tissue type. Statistics were only performed on tissues for which there was both somatic and cancerous measurements taken in the same report. Analysis was performed with the rma function from the Metafor (v2.0-0) R package. p-value was considered significant at p < 0.05, and tests for heterogeneity were performed in each case.
To assess the relationship between the Vmem of a somatic tissue and the difference in Vmem between it and the Vmem of a corresponding cancerous tissue, a mixed-effect regression model was used. We modeled the change in voltage from somatic tissue to cancerous tissue as a linear function of the mean somatic voltage, and included all studies that provided estimates of both means and variability for both cell types. The rma function from the Metafor (v2.0-0) R package was used for this analysis. A least-squares regression was done as sensitivity analysis that included additional studies where estimates of within-study variation were not provided. All studies were equally weighted in this analysis. The lm function in the stats (v3.5.3) R package was used to estimate the linear regression line. p-value was considered significant at p < 0.05, and tests for heterogeneity were performed in each case.
Statistics were performed by the Tufts Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Center. R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-1) run through R Studio v1.1.463 (c) 2009–2018, R Studio, Inc. was used to perform the meta-analyses. Raw p-values are reported without adjustment for multiple testing.
Channelopathy identification database and literature search
To identify as many ion channel-associated developmental and morphological phenotypes as possible, we searched species-specific databases that report phenotypes associated with genetic mutations. We primarily focused on phenotype databases to ensure that we had the broadest phenotype report possible, since these databases do not require that the phenotypes induced by genetic mutation be interesting enough to rise to the level of publication. In addition to ion pumps and channels, both of which establish bioelectrical potentials, gap junctions are important because they enable cells to communicate that bioelectric state to each other,5,42 and because their voltage-based and other gating modalities enable cell collectives to form networks, which process bioelectrical information in complex ways, such as forming feedback loops and even computational circuits.43,44 Thus, here we broaden the term “channelopathy” to include those induced by mutations in ion pumps and gap junctions, not only strictly ion channel proteins, because of the similar, crucial roles of these other two types of proteins in regulating the bioelectric state of cells.
Human channelopathies were identified from long-term, manual curation of publications that assess developmental phenotypes linked to genetic screens or clinically identified syndromes. Mouse channelopathies were identified through keyword searches in the MGI database45 for terms, including “channel,” “pump,” “transporter,” “antiporter,” “gap junction,” and “connexin” (and manually filtered to include only electrically relevant targets). Each entry was searched for morphogenesis and developmental phenotypes in the “Mutations, Alleles and Phenotypes” section, and the phenotype was verified in the reported primary literature. To identify zebrafish channelopathies, the database Zfin46 was used. Keyword searches for “Pannexin,” “Innexin,” “Ion Channel,” and “Ion Junction” were carried out to identify channelopathies, and morphogenesis phenotypes were identified in the “Disease Ontology” and “Gene Ontology” sections of each entry. Each phenotype identified was verified in the reported primary literature. Flybase47 was used to identify channelopathies in Drosophila. Keyword searches for “Ion Channel,” “Pannexin,” “Ion Pump,” and “Ion Transporter” were performed, and each entry was searched for developmental and morphogenesis phenotypes in the “Phenotype” section of the entry.
Additional genes mentioned in known papers (previously identified through PubMed searches) on ion channels in Drosophila were also included (and referenced accordingly), particularly, Smith et al.8 which contained a long list of wing-related Drosophila channelopathies. Each phenotype was verified in the reported primary literature. Genes identified in the Flybase search were also assessed using the Bristle Screen Online Database,48 which provided more detailed analyses of morphogenesis defects than Flybase alone. For the Caenorhabditis elegans, we created an XML code that searched Wormbase (release WS271) for patterning defects. The code was provided by one of the curators of the database, Christian A. Grove.
The results that gave multiple patterning defects for one gene were condensed into one entry. Identified entries were then individually assessed for ion channel activity and morphogenesis or developmental defects and confirmed in the reported primary literature.
Datasets containing lists of up- and downregulated transcripts in regeneration blastemas of axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum, NCBI SRA064951),49 planarian head and tail fragments (Schmidtea mediterranea, NCBI SRP002478),50 deer antler (Cervus nippon, BioProject IDs: PRJNA397466 and PRJNA404007), and plant (Arabidopsis thaliana, NCBI GSE19863) were obtained from published supplementary data,49,50 NCBI SRA,51 or NCBI GEO.52 Annotation for the planaria dataset was obtained from eggNOG-mapper.53,54
Some of the datasets only provided F-tests for significant results but did not provide information about direction of fold change. Thus, all significantly altered transcripts, both up- and downregulated, were combined and considered as one pool. Genes with false discovery rate (FDR) <0.25 were considered significantly altered. All significantly altered genes in each dataset were then crossreferenced to identify any transcripts that were commonly differentially expressed across model systems.
For gene set enrichment analysis, “background” genes were assigned in each model organism based on protein homology to human protein-coding gene sequences obtained from BioMart. Gene Ontology sets were acquired from the MSigDB Collections.55 Gene sets related to ion channels and cell junctions or learning, memory, and cognition were selected, and Fisher's exact tests were performed to determine enrichment. FDR <0.25 was considered significant enrichment.
Results and Discussion
Numerous channelopathies reveal roles for bioelectrics in model systems
A number of studies have used gain-of-function approaches (misexpression of specific channel or pump proteins) to evaluate a role of bioelectric states in patterning processes such as development,22,56,57 regeneration,58,59 and tumor suppression/normalization.31,60–68 Some studies also identified endogenous roles for bioelectrical gradients.9,10,12,69,70 It is critical to identify the native conductances responsible for the salient bioelectrical prepatterns in vivo to place Vmem into pathways, understand the evolution of bioelectric control mechanisms, and provide candidate targets for biomedical intervention.
We searched databases of several popular model systems (mouse, zebrafish, Drosophila, and C. elegans) as well as literature, including human channelopathies, to identify known electrogenic genes with developmental phenotypes that include structural malformations. Tables 1–5 show channels, pumps, ion transporters, and gap junctions (and a few direct regulators of these) that are known to cause not just physiological disease conditions but also anatomical malformations (birth defects).
Table 1.
Human Channelopathies
Protein (gene) | UniProt number | Channel type | Mutant phenotype | Reference |
V-ATPase, (TCIRG1/VATB1) | Q13488/P15313 | Vacuolar proton pump | Facial dysmorphism, dense bones | 89,90 |
Kir3.2 (kcnj6) | P48542 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Keppen-Lubinsky syndrome—craniofacial defects and microcephaly | 91 |
Kv10.1 (kcnh1) and VATB2 | O95259 and P21281 | K+ channel and vacuolar proton pump | Zimmermann-Laband and Temple-Baraitser syndrome—craniofacial and brain defects, dysplasia/aplasia of nails of thumb and great toe | 92,93 |
GLRa4 | Q5JXX5 | Ligand-gated Cl− channel | Craniofacial defects | 94 |
Kir6.1 (kcnj8) | Q15842 | K+ inwardly rectifying channel | Cantu syndrome—face, heart, skeleton, brain defects | 95–97 |
NALCN | Q8IZF0 | Na+ leak channel | Freeman-Sheldon syndrome—congenital contractures of face and limbs, cerebral and cerebellar atrophy, small pituitary | 98 |
CFTR | P13569 | Cl− channel transmembrane conductance regulator | Bilateral absence of vas deferens | 99,100 |
SCN3A | Q9NY46 | Voltage-gated Na+ channel | Polymicrogyria | 101 |
TRPV1, TRPV4 | Q8NER1, Q9HBA0 | Transient receptor potential cation channels | Temperature-induced face, heart defects | 102 |
Kv3.1 (kcnc1) | P48547 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Head/face dysmorphias | 103 |
KT3.2 (kcnk9) | Q9NPC2 | K+ two-pore domain channel | Birk-Barel dysmorphism syndrome—craniofacial defects, cortical patterning defects | 104–106 |
Kir6.2 (kcnj 11) | Q14654 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Craniofacial defects, neural differentiation | 107 |
Kv1.9 (kcnq1) (via epigenetic regulation) | P51787 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Hypertrophy of tongue, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenals, genitalia | 108–111 |
Kv1.9 (kcnq1) | P51787 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome—dysmorphism of inner ear | 112–114 |
Kv3.3 (kcnc3) | O43525 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Cerebellar dysplasia | 56 |
Kir2.1 (kcnj2) | P63252 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Andersen-Tawil syndrome—craniofacial defects, abnormal limb patterning, gracile ribs, and long bones | 115–117 |
Nav1.2 (scn2a) | Q99250 | Voltage-gated Na+ channel | Laterality defects | 118 |
Cav1.2 (cac1c) | Q13936 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Timothy syndrome-webbed fingers, dysmorphic facial features, heart development defects, small teeth | 119 |
Cx43 (gja1) | P17302 | Gap junction | Heart defects (outflow tract and conotruncal), ODDD, visceroatrial heterotaxia | 120–122 |
ODDD, oculodentodigital dysplasia.
Table 2.
Mouse Channelopathies
Protein (Gene) | UniProt number | Channel type | Mutant phenotype | Reference |
Kir7.1 (kcnj13) | P86046 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Cleft palate, delayed lung development | 123 |
HCN1 | O88704 | Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ channel | Reduced brain size, loss of interneuron populations | 124,125 |
CIC-3 (clcn3) | P51791 | H+/Cl− exchange transporter | Brain patterning defects | 126 |
Kv3.1 (kcnc1) | P15388 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Growth deficits | 124 |
TWIK-1 (kcnk1) | O08581 | K+ two-pore domain channel | atrial dilation | 127 |
Kv1.1 (kcna1) | P16388 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Megencephaly | 128 |
Kir6.2 (kcnj11) | Q61743 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Craniofacial defects, negatively regulates neural differentiation | 129 |
Kv1.9 (kcnq1) (via epigenetic regulation) | P97414 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Hypertrophy of tongue, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenals, genitalia—Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome; craniofacial and limb defects | 108–110 |
Kv1.9 (kcnq1) | P97414 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome—dysmorphism of inner ear and limb, abnormalities in rectum, pancreas, and stomach | 108,112–114,130,131 |
Kv3.3 (kcnc3) | Q63959 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Cerebellar dysplasia (human), eye and wing defects (Drosophila) | 56 |
Kir2.1 (kcnj2) | P35561 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Andersen-Tawil syndrome—craniofacial defects (narrow maxilla, cleft secondary palate), abnormal limb patterning, gracile ribs, and long bones | 115–117,132 |
GABA-A receptor (gabrb3) | P63080 | Ligand-gated Cl− channel | Angelman syndrome—cleft palate, cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, abnormal cochlear development and morphology | 133–137 |
ANO1 | Q8BHY3 | Ca2+-activated Cl− channel | Tracheomalacia with cartilage ring defects, abnormal trachealis muscle development | 138 |
Kir3.2 (kcnj6) | P48542 | G-protein coupled inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Cerebellar development defects | 139–142 |
Kv11.1 (kcnh2) | O35219 | Voltage-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Cardiac, craniofacial patterning defects | 143 |
Kvb1.3 (kcnab1) | P63143 | Voltage-gated K+ channel subunit | Cardiac hypertrophy | 144 |
5-HT3B (htr3b) | Q9JHJ5 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased bone density and body length in females, decreased bone density and body length in males | 145 |
CIC-2 (clcn2) | Q9R0A1 | Voltage-gated Cl− channel | Abnormal brain and eye morphology | 146 |
CIC-5 (clcn5) | Q9WVD4 | H+/Cl− exchange transporter | Renal tubular defects, kyphosis, abnormal tooth development | 147 |
nAChRα7 (chrna7) | P49582 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Abnormal bone structure, abnormal cerebral cortex morphology, abnormal myeloblast development | 148–150 |
AchR (chrng) | P04760 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Abnormal skeletal muscle morphology, abnormal neuromuscular junction morphology | 151 |
Cx50 (gja8) | P28236 | Gap junction | Abnormal lens development, micropthalmia | 152,153 |
Cx45 (gjc1) | P28229 | Gap junction | Cardiac defects (cushion patterning) and impaired hematopoiesis | 154–157 |
Cx43 (gja1) | P23242 | Gap junction | Deficits in myogenesis, abnormal osteoblast differentiation, left/right asymmetry randomization, heart defects (outflow tract and conotruncal), neural tube defects, delayed ossification of clavicles, ribs, vertebrae, and limbs, syndactyly and limb defects, craniofrontonasal syndrome | 158–164 |
Cx37 (gja4) | P28235 | Gap junction | Lymphatic system patterning | 165,166 |
Cx26 (gjb2) | Q00977 | Gap junction | Cochlear development defects | 167 |
Cx40 (gja5) | Q01231 | Gap junction | Malformed bone in wrists, digits, and sternum joints | 168 |
PANX3 | Q8CEG0 | Gap junction | Delayed hypertrophic chondrocyte and osteoblast differentiation and delayed initiation of bone mineralization | 169 |
NMDAR2D (grin2d) | O15399 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Abnormal bone mineralization and structure, reduced heart size | IMPCa |
GLRB | P48168 | Ligand-gated Cl− channel | Abnormal vertebral column morphology and abnormal intervertebral disk morphology | 170 |
Kir7.1 (kcnj13) | P86046 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Cleft palate, abnormal lung development, abnormal tracheal development | 123,171 |
SCNN1B | Q9WU38 | Sodium-permeable, nonvoltage-sensitive Na+ channel | Abnormal pelvic girdle bone morphology, decreased rib number, abnormal kidney morphology | IMPCb 172 |
Cav1.2 (cacna1c) | Q01815 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Abnormal brain morphology, enlarged lateral ventricles, cardiac hypertrophy | 173,174 |
Table 3.
Zebrafish Channelopathies
Protein (gene) | UniProt number | Channel type | Mutant phenotype | Reference |
PANX3 | E7F7V4 | Gap junction | Delayed hypertrophic chondrocyte and osteoblast differentiation and delayed initiation of bone mineralization | 169 |
Nav1.4a (scn4aa) | A0A0R4IJX4 | Voltage-gated Na+ channel | Abnormal caudal fin structure, small head and trunk, disorganized skeletal muscle | 175 |
Nav1.5 (scn12aa) | F1R3Q5 | Voltage-gated Na+ channel | Abnormal cardiac ventricle and atrium morphology | 176,177 |
GluR2A (gria2a) | A0A0R4ING5 | Ligand-activated cation channel | Abnormal cranial cartilage, achondrogenesis, absent ethmoid cartilage, enlarged fourth ventricle | 178 |
SLC8A4A | A4UQV6 | Ca2+/Na+ antiporter | Decreased length, abnormal digestive tract development, heart mislocalized abnormal liver development | 179,180 |
SLC24A5 (nckx5) | B0V3S7 | Na+/K+/Ca2+ exchanger | Delayed development of melanin pigmentation (“golden” phenotype) | 181 |
SLC26A2 | E7F9I7 | So2− transporter | Defective otolith patterning, abnormal semicircular canal morphology | 182 |
MCU | F1QT29 | Ca2+ uniporter | Abnormal anterior/posterior axis specification; abnormal cell migration during gastrulation, abnormal notochord | 183 |
CACNB2 | B2XY76 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Small cardiac ventricle, heart is malformed and edematous, fragile heart tube | 184 |
P2RX3A | B3DG55 | ATP-gated cation channel, purinoceptor | Hypotrophic ceratobranchial cartilage, abnormal ceratohyal cartilage, pharyngeal and ventral mandibular arches malformed | 185 |
PIEZO1 | E7FD74 | Mechanosensitive cation channel | Small head, caudal fin curled, erythrocyte deformities | 186,187 |
SLC8A1 | Q32SG8 | Ca2+/Na+ antiporter | Small head, heart abnormalities | 188,189 |
CLIC6 | A0A286YBT4 | Cl− intracellular channel | Abnormal otolith morphology, hydrocephalus, left/right defects, and curved body axis | 190 |
TASK1 (kcnk3) | Q5TZ59 | K+ leak channel | Abnormal heart morphology | 191 |
TASK2 (kcnk5) | A0A2R8PYU3 | K+ two-pore domain channel | Long anal fin; abnormal caudal fin | 12 |
CNGA2A (cnga5) | Q0GFG2 | Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel | Malformed otolith, right/left symmetry defects | 192 |
Kv2.1 (kcnb1) | A0A2R8Q685 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Small fourth ventricle; disrupted gastrulation | 193 |
Kir4.1 (kcjn10) | E7FD27 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Swim bladder absent, pronephric duct dilated | 194 |
Cav1.2 (cacna1c) | Q5TZF1 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Timothy syndrome, hydrocephalus; abnormal heart morphology, small heart, dilated pronephridic duct, cystic kidney, abnormal mandibular arch | 195–197 |
TRPC1 | E1U7G1 | Transient receptor potential cation channel | Microphthalmia; disrupted angiogenesis, increased curvature in postvent region | 198 |
Kir7.1 (kcnj13) | Q0KIZ7 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Pigmentation issues on anal and caudal fins | 199,200 |
MagT1 | Q7ZV50 | Mg2+ transporter | Small, malformed head | 201 |
H+ V-ATPase | Multiple | Proton pump | Left–right asymmetry defects, muscle and nerve repair | 58,76 |
CFTR | A0A0R4ID63 | cAMP-dependent Cl− channel | Primordial germ cell development | 202 |
Cx41.8 (gja5) | F1QL21 | Gap junction | “leo” phenotype, pigmentation pattern defects | 203,204 |
Cx39.4 (luchs) | Q1LWG0 | Gap junction | Loss of trunk striping, pigmentation pattern defects | 203 |
Cx43 (gja1) | O57474 | Gap junction | Small fin size, failure of joint morphogenesis, and abnormal pattern regulation | 205–207 |
FXYD6 | F1QK04 | Na+/K+ ATPase channel modulator | Abnormal Meckel's and ceratohyal cartilage, small head, abnormal skeletal muscle | 208 |
Table 4.
Drosophila Channelopathies
Protein (gene) | UniProt number | Channel type | Misexpression phenotype | Reference |
LD30634p (ATP6AP2) | Q9VHG4 | V-ATPase proton pump | Abnormal wing hair and bristle patterning, pigmentation and brain patterning, small size, small head size, blistered wings | 90,209–211 |
BEST1 | Q9V3J6 | Ca2+-activated Cl− channel | Bifurcation of posterior crossvein | 8 |
BEST2 | Q9VRW4 | Ca2+-activated Cl− channel | Wings small and severely malformed | 8 |
BEST3 | Q9VUM7 | Ca2+-activated Cl− channel | Small narrow wings (male), missing anterior and incomplete posterior crossover vein, L2 vein bifurcated | 8 |
BIB | P23645 | Nonselective cation channel, aquaporin | Defects in neural development, hyperplasia of neuroblasts, sensillum precursors and peripheral glia, small wing size, failure of heart differentiation, increased macrochaetae and supernumary bristles, notum malformation and color defects | 48,212–215 |
BRV2 | M9PFT4 | Transient receptor potential channel | Bifurcation of posterior crossvein | 8 |
GluClα | Q94900 | Glutamate-gated Cl− channel | Bristle defects | 8 |
GluRIIB | Q9VMP3 | Ionotropic glutamate receptor | Bifurcation of posterior crossvein | 8 |
GPHR | Q3ZAN1 | Voltage-gated Cl− channel | Abnormally small body and wing blades | 216 |
iINAF-A; B; C | A8JUT0, A8WH7, Q6IIF2 | Transient receptor potential channel modulator | Bifurcation of posterior crossvein | 8 |
INX2 | Q9V427 | Gap junction | Small eye size, failure of epithelial patterning, loss of bristles, bristle morphology defects, abnormal foregut development, failed germline differentiation, and spermatogenesis | 48,217–221 |
INX3 | Q9VAS7 | Gap junction | Cuticle defects, and irregular denticle belts, loss of epithelial organization, polarity defects in epidermis, dorsal closure defects, incomplete formation of posterior crossvein and L5 vein, bifurcation of L4 and L5 veins | 219,222 |
INX4 | Q9VRX6 | Gap junction | Failure of germline differentiation and spermatogenesis | 221 |
IR67A | Q9VT09 | Ionotropic glutamate receptor | Thick veins, bifurcation of posterior crossvein, and L3 vein | 8 |
IR76A | Q9VW39 | Ionotropic receptor | Incomplete posterior crossvein, bifurcated L5 vein | 8 |
IR7B | Q9W3P4 | Ionotropic receptor | Incomplete or bifurcated posterior crossvein, bifurcated L5 vein | 8 |
Ir84a | Q9VIA5 | Ionotropic glutamate receptor | Thick veins, bifurcated posterior crossvein | 8 |
Ir92a | Q9VDN3 | Ionotropic glutamate receptor | Bristle defects, abnormal vein pigment | 8 |
Ir94g | Q9VCM1 | Ionotropic receptor | Bristle defects, abnormal vein pigment | 8 |
Ir94h | Q9VCM0 | Ionotropic receptor | Bristle defects | 8 |
Kir2.1 (Irk1) | Q95UP7 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Thick veins, loss of anterior crossvein, L5 and L4 bifurcation, notum malformation, bristle morphology defects | 8,48 |
Kir2.2 (Irk2) | Q8WQ82 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Wing patterning defects, bristle defects, L5 and L4 bifurcations, loss of anterior crossvein, thick veins | 116 |
Kir2.3 (Irk3) | X2JAW9 | Inwardly rectifying K+ channel | Small wings, severe wing vein defects L5 and L4 bifurcations, loss of anterior crossvein, thick veins | 116 |
JYα | A8QI34 | Cation-transporting P-type ATPase | Defects in spermatogenesis and sperm motility | 223 |
KCNQ | Q8IT87 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Slow rate of development, enclosure failure, abnormal heart function, posterior crossvein bifurcation | 111,224 |
α1U (na) | Q8I877 | Na+ leak channel | Small size, long cylindrical abdomen, bristle defects, ectopic vein, notum malformation | 8,48,225 |
nAChRα5 (CHRNA5) | Q8T5F5 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein, notum malformation | 8,48 |
nAChRα6 (CHRNA6) | M9PFD8 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein | 8 |
nAChRα7 (CHRNA7) | Q86MN7 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein | 8 |
NaCP60E | Q9W0Y8 | Voltage-gated Na+ channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein, pigment abnormality | 8 |
Nan | Q9VUD5 | Transient receptor potential channel | Incomplete or bifurcated L5 wing vein | 8 |
Nhe2 | Q9NGZ4 | Na+/H+ exchanger | Epithelial patterning, abnormal gut morphology, defects in fat body development, defects in eye morphology | 93,226 |
nrv2 | Q24048 | Na+/K+-transporting P-type ATPase | Cardiac lumen collapse, defective blood–brain barrier formation, tracheal tube size defects, bristle loss | 48,227,228 |
Ogre | P27716 | Gap junction | Small, disorganized optic lobes | 229 |
olf186-F | Q9U6B8 | Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channel | Small body size, wing defects, abnormal abdominal dorsal multidendritic neurons | 230–232 |
Or47a | P81921 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Posterior crossvein bifurcation | 8 |
ppk | O44940 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Large body size, bifurcated posterior crossvein | 8,233 |
ppk17 | Q9VJI4 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein, L2 vein, and L3 vein | 8 |
ppk25 | A1Z6S4 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein and L5 vein | 8 |
ppk30 | Q9VAJ5 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Bifurcated L4 and L5 veins, incomplete posterior crossvein and L5 vein | 8 |
Rdl | P25123 | GABA-gated Cl− channel | L2 incomplete, ectopic bristles, pigment defect | 8 |
rpk | O46342 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Small wings, incomplete L5 formation, bifurcation of L4 and L5 veins | 8,234 |
SERCA | Q8STG9 | Ca2+-transporting P-Type ATPase | Ectopic veins, ectopic bristles, pigment defect, cardiac dilation, wing notches, malformed legs, reduced eye number, abnormal eyes | 8,235,236 |
sh | P08510 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Abnormal pigmentation, abnormal wing expansion, abnormal abdominal muscles, head eversion defects, foreshortened wings and legs, bifurcated posterior crossvein | 8,237,238 |
SLO2 | A8DY93 | Ca2+-activated K+ channel | Incomplete posterior crossvein | 8 |
Stim | P83094 | CRAC channel regulator | Loss of bristles, hair cell duplication, small larval size, small abnormal eyes, notched wings, small wings, blistered wings, ectopic wing veins | 8,48,232,239 |
Task6 | Q9VFS9 | Two-pore domain K+ channel | Bifurcated posterior crossvein, notum malformation | 8,48 |
Teh1 | Q9VH54 | Voltage-gated Na+ channel | Black spots on wing below L5 vein | 8 |
THADA | Q9VWB9 | sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase regulator | Gain/loss of bristles, malformed notum | 48 |
TRPM | A8DYE2 | Transient receptor potential channel | Decreased cell size, small salivary glands, shortened malpighian tubules | 240,241 |
Trpml | Q9VW35 | Transient receptor potential channel | Reduced neuromuscular junction boutons, crumpled wings, gain of bristles, notum malformation | 48,242,243 |
unc79 | Q06AJ1 | Na+ leak channel complex regulator | Bifurcated posterior crossvein, cylindrical abdomen | 8,225 |
unc80 | Q9VB11 | Na+ leak channel complex regulator | Bifurcated posterior crossvein, ectopic veins, pigment defects | 8 |
wtrw | Q9VHY7 | Transient receptor potential channel | Incomplete posterior crossvein | 8 |
CG18549 | Q9VG64 | Ion channel regulatory protein | Posterior crossover vein bifurcation, bristle morphology defects, notum malformation | 8,48 |
CRAC, calcium release-activated channel; TRP, transient receptor potential channel.
Table 5.
Caenorhabditis elegans Channelopathies
Protein (gene) | UniProt number | Channel type | Mutant phenotype | Reference |
acr-2 | P48182 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased length and girth, abnormal gonad morphology | 71 |
acr-6 | Q9N4M3 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased girth | 71 |
acr-7 | P45963 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased length | 71 |
acr-9 | Q18556 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Reduced girth | 71 |
acr-10 | Q21645 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased girth | 71 |
acr-14 | Q22224 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased girth | 71 |
acr-15 | O16926 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Reduced girth and length | 71 |
acr-18 | G5EG72 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Reduced girth and length | 71 |
acr-19 | B3WFZ2 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Decreased body length and increased girth | 71 |
acr-21 | A0A3P6MY71 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased girth | 71 |
acr-23 | G5EG88 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased girth | 71 |
che-6 | O61827 | Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel | Abnormal sensillum morphology | 244 |
eat-4 | P34644 | Glu/Na+ symporter | Abnormal pharynx morphology | 245 |
eat-6 | P90735 | Na+/K+ ATPase | Abnormal sarcomere morphology, decreased girth and body length, abnormal pharynx | 245–247 |
egl-2 | A0A0K3AVF4 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Increased length and girth, abnormal chemosensory neurons | 71,248 |
egl-19 | Q8MQA1 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Variable body length, decreased girth, blocked anus, tail morphology defects, pigmentation defects | 71,245,246,249–251 |
egl-23 | C0Z3L1 | K+ two-pore domain channel | Decreased body length and increased girth | 71,246 |
egl-36 | G5EFC3 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Increased body length and girth | 71 |
exc-4 | Q8WQA4 | Voltage-gated Cl− channel | Defects in excretory canal, pigmentation defects | 252 |
exp-2 | H2KZQ6 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Abnormal pharyngeal muscles, pharyngeal disorganization | 246,253, |
flr-1 | G5EGI5 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Pigmentation defects, reduced body length, reduced girth | 71,249 |
lev-1 | Q27218 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Reduced girth and body length | 71 |
lev-8 | Q93329 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Increased body length and girth | 71 |
lov-1 | Q09624 | Transient receptor potential channel | Increased girth | 71,254 |
mec-10 | P34886 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Variable body length and increased girth | 71 |
mod-1 | Q9GQ00 | Ligand-gated Cl− channel | Increased body length and girth | 71 |
unc-77 | V6CKM5 | Na+ leak channel | Decreased body length and girth | 71 |
ocr-3 | Q22374 | Transient receptor potential channel | Increased girth | 71 |
ocr-4 | Q9N3Y9 | Transient receptor potential channel | Decreased body length and increased girth | 71 |
osm-9 | G5EBV8 | Transient receptor potential channel | Reduced girth and decreased body length, abnormal uterine seam cells | 71,255 |
sup-9 | O17185 | K+ two-pore domain channel | Increased girth and length | 71 |
tax-4 | Q03611 | Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel | Failure of left/right asymmetric neuronal fate specification, abnormal sensory neurons | 256,257 |
trp-1 | P34586 | Transient receptor potential channel | Increased girth | 71 |
trp-2 | Q8I6Y9 | Transient receptor potential channel | Decreased body length and increased girth | 71 |
trp-4 | Q9GRV5 | Transient receptor potential channel | Increased girth | 71 |
unc-110 | Q18120 | Outwardly rectifying K+ channel | Reduced girth | 71 |
unc-2 | A0A3B1E663 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Reduced girth and length, abnormal axon branching, failure of left/right asymmetric neuronal fate specification | 71,246,248,258 |
unc-7 | Q03412 | Gap junction | Variable body width, short body length | 71 |
unc-8 | Q21974 | Epithelial stretch-gated Na+ channel | Reduced girth and body length, swollen ventral nerve cord | 71,259 |
unc-9 | O01393 | Gap junction | Small male fan, short body length, reduced girth | 71 |
unc-17 | P34711 | VAChT | Reduced body size and girth | 246,260 |
unc-32 | P30628 | V-Type ATPase | Abnormal body wall muscle morphology, pigmentation defects, small size and increased girth, abnormal pharynx, narrow rachis | 71,245,246,261 |
unc-36 | P34374 | Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel | Increased length, reduced girth, loss of left/right asymmetry | 245,246,262 |
unc-38 | Q23022 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Reduced girth and decreased body length | 71 |
unc-49 | G5ECD3 | Ligand-gated Cl− channel | Reduced body size | 263 |
unc-58 | Q22271 | K+ two-pore domain channel | Reduced body length and girth | 264,265 |
unc-63 | Q9N587 | Ligand-gated cation channel | Decreased body length and increased girth | 71 |
unc-68 | A0A2C9C3E8 | Ca2+ release channel | Reduced girth and body length, abnormal pharyngeal axons | 71,266 |
unc-77 | V6CKM5 | Na+ leak channel | Reduced girth, decreased body length. Abnormal vulva morphogenesis | 71,267 |
unc-80 | Q9XV66 | Na+ leak channel | Small eggs | 268 |
unc-103 | G5EFJ9 | Voltage-gated K+ channel | Reduced girth, variable body length, abnormal sarcomere morphology, abnormal body wall musculature | 71,265,268 |
unc-105 | Q09274 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Animals are shorter and thinner, abnormal body wall musculature, abnormal body morphology, protruding vulva | 71,246,265 |
trpa-1 | Q18297 | Transient receptor potential channel | Variable body length and increased girth | 71 |
delm-1 | O45402 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Reduced girth and decreased body length | 71 |
trpa-2 | Q21517 | Transient receptor potential channel | Increased girth and decreased body length | 71 |
acc-4 | Q9U358 | Ligand-gated Cl− channel | Reduced girth and body length | 71 |
asic-2 | Q22851 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Decreased body length and increased girth | 71 |
egas-3 | Q9XTS9 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Abnormal body proportions | 71 |
egas-2 | Q9U1T8 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Reduced girth and body length | 71 |
del-9 | Q18077 | Acid-sensing ion channel | Abnormal body proportions | 71 |
delm-2 | P91103 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Reduced girth and body length, abnormal ventral nerve cord patterning | 71,269 |
acd-2 | P91100 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Reduced girth | 71 |
del-7 | Q18651 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Decreased body length | 71 |
acd-5 | O01664 | Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel | Reduced girth and body length compared | 71 |
asic-1 | O01635 | Epithelial Na+ channel | Reduced girth and body length | 71 |
A large number of channelopathies were identified across taxa (Fig. 1A), with an outsize representation of channelopathies in the less complex organisms, particularly Drosophila melanogaster and C. elegans (Fig. 1B). While the large number of channelopathies identified may reflect the use of these model organisms in broad mutation screens (e.g., wing and bristle formation in Drosophila,8 or length and girth in C. elegans71), it may also be the case that the large number of identified mutations in these species is due to smaller individual-to-individual variation than is seen in mammals, allowing for more narrowly defined “normal” phenotypes.
FIG. 1.
Channelopathies across model systems. (A) The number of known morphogenetic phenotypes arising from ion channel mutations (as obtained from their respective databases) is shown for human, mouse, zebrafish, fruit fly, and nematode models. These data reflect possible differences in the density with which each model system's genome has been examined for anatomical channelopathies. (B) The ratio of channelopathies per total number of genes in each organism is shown; plotting the number of morphogenetic channelopathies relative to the genome size enables estimates of the size-corrected prevalence of ion channel genes that impact anatomy. The disproportionate number of anatomical channelopathies found in Drosophila may suggest that its genome is especially reliant on ion channels for patterning, or could be due to higher density of analysis having been done in the fruit fly model system. (C) Channelopathy phenotypes were broadly categorized, and relative proportions are compared in a pie chart. The majority of developmental channelopathies affect size or patterning, although changes to pigmentation, germline mutations, and missing structures were also identified. (D) Tissue-specific channelopathy phenotypes were considered in combined rodent and human models, and the relative proportion of tissue-specific effects were compared. Brain, heart, and craniofacial defects were most commonly affected by ion channel mutations, with limb and skeletal defects also prevalent. The disproportionate representation of brain, heart, face, and limb defects in channelopathies suggests that ion channels play an important role in patterning of these organs.
Channelopathies appear to primarily affect size and organization of tissues. The phenotypes created by channelopathies that we identified were mostly limited to alterations in size (31.6% of identified phenotypes), body patterning (i.e., left/right asymmetry, craniofacial patterning, limb patterning, etc., 31.9% of identified phenotypes), or tissue patterning (i.e., organ structure, 26.1% of identified phenotypes) (Fig. 1C). Due to variation in organ structure and function between species, we could not directly compare organs between all organisms, but we did detect a wide variety of organs affected in mammals (Fig. 1D). Craniofacial defects (14.7%), neural defects (16%), skeletal defects (12%), limb defects (10%), and heart defects (10%) were particularly common (Fig. 1D). These data reveal that numerous aspects of pattern formation, especially including the skeletal, neural, craniofacial, and cardiac systems, depend on the function of gene products that regulate bioelectric state.
Thus, the unexpected identification of ion channels in unbiased screens is a means by which many laboratories are brought into the field of bioelectricity. It should be noted that the lists in these Tables are a significant underestimate of the true prevalence of bioelectrical controls in development because single-gene knockouts/mutants are often masked by compensation and redundancy of functionality among channel family members or even completely different types of conductances.72,73 Future work will examine the phenotypes of combinatorial knockouts and knock-ins of dominant negative proteins targeting entire subclasses of electrogenic proteins. Despite the difficulty of probing physiological mechanisms with gene targeting approaches, it is seen that classical genetic strategies have already revealed a striking number of bioelectric components in development of model systems with widely diverging developmental architectures, including man.
Electrogenic proteins are an ancient common factor in regeneration across Kingdoms
Regeneration is a process that implements morphogenesis in complex body organs or appendages. It is similar to development, except that unlike embryogenesis, which always begins with the same reliable state (fertilized egg), regeneration builds species-specific target morphologies from diverse starting states (injury conditions with variable amounts and locations of missing tissue). A critical tissue in all instances of regeneration is the blastema—early cells at the site of injury, which must make decisions about differentiation, proliferation, and spatial patterning that determine the fate of the wound (scarring or functional regeneration). We thus used bioinformatics to compare published transcriptomic analyses of transcriptional changes occurring in regeneration blastemas (Fig. 2A). We specifically sought to compare extremely distant taxa (crossing Kingdoms of life), to identify components that were associated with regeneration per se, and not the specifics of any one body-plan architecture or physiological/ecological lifestyle.
FIG. 2.
Bioelectric signature of transcriptional profile in regeneration. (A) A schematic representation of the analysis performed: published transcriptomic profiles of regeneration blastemas from planaria, axolotl, deer antlers, and plants (Arabidopsis) were compared to determine common DEGs across these highly diverse samples. (B) Twenty-three differentially expressed genes are common to regeneration among taxa as diverse as mammals (deer antlers), amphibians (axolotl), and invertebrate flatworms (planaria). These are listed in (B′), and include two subunits of the proton pump complex and a voltage-gated chloride channel. (C) Remarkably, when a plant (Arabidopsis) dataset is included, only one DEG is common in regeneration across Kingdoms, and thus across independent origins of multicellularity: an evolutionarily ancient and highly conserved protein that is a key subunit of both, the V-ATPase proton pump and gap junctions (C′), which have both been implicated in regeneration, wound healing, and developmental patterning.58,74,77,78,205,270–277 DEGs, differentially expressed genes.
Common to animal regeneration (planarian body fragments, frog limb, axolotl limb, and deer antler) were 10 transcripts listed in Table 6 and Figure 2B. These 10 genes define a regenerative signature across regeneration modes, including those based on adult stem cells, dedifferentiation, and tissue renewal.
Table 6.
Transcripts Common to Blastemas Across Kingdoms
Gene name | Type of protein |
POLA1 | DNA polymerase alpha 1, catalytic subunit |
DPP10 | Dipeptidyl peptidase like 10 |
GRN | Granulin precursor |
TPM1 | Tropomyosin 1 |
PSAP | Prosaposin |
CTSB | Cathepsin B |
ITGB2 | Integrin subunit beta 2 |
CD151 | CD151 molecule (Raph blood group) |
ATP6V0C | ATPase H+-transporting V0 subunit c |
PLD3 | Phospholipase D family member 3 |
Remarkably, when crossreferenced with transcriptomes from plant (Arabidopsis) regeneration, one common gene remains: the transmembrane ring protein component of the proton-transporting V-ATPase (Fig. 2C). This fascinating structure is related to both gap junctions (a.k.a., electrical synapses)74 and ion pumps that polarize cells, and has already been functionally implicated in embryonic left–right patterning in chick, zebrafish, and frog,75,76 zebrafish eye morphogenesis,77 frog tail regeneration,58 wound healing in Drosophila,78 and stem cell regulation in the mouse brain.79 In some of these cases (e.g., chick and frog), the V-ATPase pump is known to function on the cell surface, generating a significant hyperpolarization of cells by the efflux of positive charges.58,76,80 It is also a regulator of pH, at both the cellular and organelle level,81 and the conserved c subunit has been proposed to function as a gap junction.74,82–86
It is a remarkable fact that an ancient precursor to widely conserved proteins that set resting potential (ion pumps) and distribute it across tissue networks (gap junctions) is the one common factor in regeneration across Kingdoms. Moreover, because of the distinct origins of multicellularity in plants and animals, it is interesting to note that evolution pressed this highly versatile protein complex into service for tissue regeneration at least twice independently. This finding is consistent with the central importance of bioelectrical cellular states and communication in regenerative patterning processes.
Vmem differences among normal and transformed cell types in human and rodents
Seminal work by Binggeli and Weinstein41 building on the work of Cone27,28,87,88 hypothesized that resting membrane potential, Vmem, predictably varied across cell types according to cell type and cell cycle stage. They performed a meta-analysis of literature that reported Vmem in a variety of cell types and stages, showing that proliferative cells and cancer cells both were more depolarized than differentiated cells, and that a boundary existed at around −36 mV that differentiated proliferating and nonproliferating cells.41
Binggeli and Weinstein were only able to find Vmem values for a few examples in each cell type, however, in the ensuing 34 years electrophysiological determination of Vmem has become a standard laboratory practice, providing ample examples for further assessment of Vmem as a function of cell cycle state. Thus, we revisited the Binggeli and Weinstein study,41 and analyzed all of the Vmem measurements we could find in a thorough literature search. We found Vmem values for 41 cancer cell types across 3 species from 18 publications and Vmem values for 70 noncancer cell types across 9 species from 24 publications (Supplementary Table S1). Our list did also include the publications described in Binggeli and Weinstein.41
We found that Vmem was generally more hyperpolarized in normal differentiated tissues than in their cancerous counterparts for both rodent and human tissues (Fig. 3A), a finding consistent with the conclusions in Binggeli and Weinstein. A meta-analysis using a random-effects model comparing data which had both cancer and somatic tissue Vmem values in the same study showed a significant decrease in Vmem in somatic tissue versus cancer (human cancer-somatic delta = 16.0, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1–30.8, p = 0.0343, rodent cancer-somatic delta = 32.3, 95% CI: 8.8–55.7, p = 0.0068), although significant heterogeneity between studies was observed in both human and rodent studies (Tables 7 and 8).
FIG. 3.
Meta-analysis of bioelectric data in cancer. (A) Violin plots show membrane potential (Vmem) values for somatic and cancerous tissues in human and rodent cell types. Rodent cancerous cells were significantly more depolarized than somatic cells (95% CI for change in voltage: −30.3 to −11.2, p < 0.0001), but Vmem in human cells overall was not significantly different in somatic and cancerous cells. Data were collected from reports in the literature (Supplementary Table S1) and analyzed by meta-regression. Papers that contained values for both somatic and cancerous tissues are shown as paired, with a line connecting the values. When only considering paired samples, a random-effects model found that somatic cells were significantly more hyperpolarized than cancerous cells derived from the same cell type. For human somatic cells, the average was 16 mV more hyperpolarized than comparable cancer cells (95% CI: 1.1–30.8, p = 0.0343). Rodent somatic cells were on average 32.3 mV more hyperpolarized than the corresponding cancer cells (95% CI: 8.8–55.7, p = 0.0068). Heterogeneity between the studies was significant (p < 0.05) for both human and rodent studies. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. (B) There is an inverse relationship between the Vmem of somatic cells and the amount of change between the somatic and cancerous cells of the same type, suggesting that cells that start more hyperpolarized have larger increases in depolarization than those that start with Vmem closer to 0. A mixed-effects model identified this relationship as significant, with a 0.85-fold reduction in Vmem change for every 1 mV change in the somatic Vmem. p < 0.0001. (C, D) When considered in broad tissue-specific categories, the majority of cancerous cells appear to be more depolarized than the somatic tissues from which they are derived in rodent model systems (C) and human model systems (D). In this analysis, only data for which both somatic and cancerous cell types were represented in our dataset could be used, (grey shaded data in Table 7 for human cells and 8 for rodents) resulting in an insufficient number of studies that could be included in a meta-analysis. Thus, we were unable to determine the significance of this relationship. (E–H) Data were grouped into broad categories to show the types of somatic (E, G) and cancer (F, H) tissues from which we were able to collect Vmem values in both human and rodent model systems. CI, confidence interval.
Table 7.
Human Cell Vmem Measurements
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NA, not available.
Table 8.
Rodent Cell Vmem Measurements
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Furthermore, cancer cells seemed to fall within a narrower Vmem range than somatic cells such that the cancer cells derived from more hyperpolarized somatic cells showed a greater change in Vmem than those that were derived from less hyperpolarized cells (Fig. 3B, mixed-effects model y = −16.9 − 0.85x, where y is the difference between cancer and somatic Vmem and x is the somatic Vmem, p < 0.0001). While this relationship appears to be maintained when the cells are grouped by tissue type, we did not have a sufficient number of studies to determine whether this is a statistically significant relationship or not. The studies report that Vmem values in rodent cancer lines between −38 and −15 mV (a 23 mV difference) compared with a −96 to −30 mV variance in somatic tissues (a 66 mV difference) (Fig. 3C).
Interestingly, while the variance was broad, all rodent cancer cells had about half the Vmem of their corresponding somatic cells (Table 8), suggesting a linear relationship between somatic and cancerous cell Vmem. In human tissues, cancer cells may have a more depolarized Vmem (Fig. 3D), but insufficient published data are available to give significance. Regardless, the relationship between cancer and somatic cells was complicated, with some tissue types showing hyperpolarization in cancer (thyroid) (Fig. 3D) and more variation in the fold change over somatic Vmem (Table 7). While it is as yet unknown why thyroid cancer contradicts the general trend, such exceptions could be informative; for example, it may be due to the fact that most thyroid cancers are differentiated cancers, which may be expected to exhibit the more hyperpolarized values of differentiated cells. Overall, we find that a comprehensive analysis of Vmem measurements reveal a consistent hyperpolarized relationship between somatic tissue and cancer, with variation dependent on tissue type and model system.
Because this is a meta-analysis, we are limited by the types of Vmem characterization performed in the literature. Moreover, these values were determined by workers using diverse electrophysiological techniques, which may not be uniform across the dataset. Figure 2E–H shows the distribution of cell subtypes from which we were able to collect Vmem information. The rodent dataset lacks Vmem values for many cancer subtypes that have corresponding somatic tissue values and thyroid is over-represented, but otherwise the cell types cover a broad range of cancerous and somatic tissues. The values found for human somatic and cancerous tissues were distributed across many tissue types, and we found similar representation between somatic and cancerous tissue types, indicating that the data in human tissues might be the most reflective of general cancer versus somatic tissue phenotypes. It is clear however that comprehensive profiling of diverse cancer types, from multiple patients/cell lines in each category, using identical electrode types and extracellular media, will be an important component of future work.
Developmental bioelectricity is currently at a very exciting point, because physiology data are beginning to be integrated with molecular genetics. This is enabling a better understanding of the controls of growth and form at many scales, from single-cell behavior to multicell cooperation in organ morphogenesis.
The meta-analysis presented here uncovered some important patterns. First, a large number of channelopathies reveal the genetic basis for some bioelectric disorders. This list will certainly continue to grow as more model systems' genomes receive better coverage, but this will always be an underestimate because of the rich ability of physiological networks to drive complex dynamics even when the protein profile of cells is not altered. A comparison of phenotypes arising from genetic versus physiological stress will shed welcome light on the relationship between genome and anatomy. Many other genomic and profiling large datasets should be mined for interesting patterns of ion channel gene involvement.
Second, we reveal the remarkable fact that a small core of genes is strongly conserved with respect to expression in the regeneration blastema across Phyla. One target, the V-ATPase, which is conserved even across Kingdoms, is likely to be a critical part of repair. It was either harnessed at least twice by independent origins of multicellularity, or was already utilized by the unicellular ancestor for similar functions. This aspect, and the V-ATPase function in unicellular and multicellular morphogenesis, represents an important area for future research.
Finally, we report a higher resolution study of the bioelectric signature of cancer. The patterns we identified point to the urgent need for more data: many more normal and transformed cell types need to be profiled for their bioelectric state, to better understand the physiological controls of cellular cooperation in morphogenesis and defection by cancer cells. It is clear that physiomic profiling is a gap and opportunity for inclusion in genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and epigenetic global profiling efforts.
Because of its central role in neural function and embryogenesis, progress in bioelectricity has huge implications not only for basic understanding of evolution and developmental biology but also for regenerative medicine and synthetic bioengineering that impact numerous areas of the biosciences.
Supplementary Material
Author Contributions
P.S., A.K., C.H., and M.L. analyzed data, wrote text, and made figures. All coauthors have reviewed and approved the article before submission.
Author Disclosure Statement
The authors confirm there is no conflict of interest, actual or potential, for each listed author. No competing financial interests exist.
Funding Information
The authors gratefully acknowledge support of the Allen Discovery Center program through The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group (12171) and the Barton Family Foundation.
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