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. 2021 Sep 2;16(9):e0256748. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256748

Bioengineered phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles using Carissa carandas leaf extract to embed on to urinary catheter to combat UTI pathogens

Haajira Beevi Habeeb Rahuman 1,#, Ranjithkumar Dhandapani 1,#, Velmurugan Palanivel 2,*, Sathiamoorthi Thangavelu 1, Ragul Paramasivam 3, Saravanan Muthupandian 4,5,*
Editor: Amitava Mukherjee6
PMCID: PMC8412375  PMID: 34473763


Rising incidents of urinary tract infections (UTIs) among catheterized patients is a noteworthy problem in clinic due to their colonization of uropathogens on abiotic surfaces. Herein, we have examined the surface modification of urinary catheter by embedding with eco-friendly synthesized phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to prevent the invasion and colonization of uropathogens. The preliminary confirmation of AgNPs production in the reaction mixture was witnessed by the colour change and surface resonance plasmon (SRP) band at 410nm by UV–visible spectroscopy. The morphology, size, crystalline nature, and elemental composition of attained AgNPs were further confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The functional groups of AgNPs with stabilization/capped phytochemicals were detected by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Further, antibiofilm activity of synthesized AgNPs against biofilm producers such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were determined by viability assays and micrographically. AgNPs coated and coating-free catheters performed to treat with bacterial pathogen to analyze the mat formation and disruption of biofilm formation. Synergistic effect of AgNPs with antibiotic reveals that it can enhance the activity of antibiotics, AgNPs coated catheter revealed that, it has potential antimicrobial activity and antibiofilm activity. In summary, C. carandas leaf extract mediated synthesized AgNPs will open a new avenue and a promising template to embed on urinary catheter to control clinical pathogens.


UTI is broadly defined as a symptomatic or asymptomatic infection in both upper and lower urinary system which involves initial adhesion and colonization on the surface of the medical devices (catheter). The bacteria implicated in UTIs are Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Klebsiella sp., Enterococcus sp., Proteus sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Escherichia coli owing to its biofilm assembly capacity [13]. Among most of the UTI cases, 80% are allied with ingrained urinary catheters [4] and associated UTIs are foremost common infection throughout the world [5]. The colonization of microbial community on medical devices forms a polymicrobial aggregates called “biofilm”. Self-generated extracellular polymeric matter adheres the surface of the hospital acquired devices give rise to implant failure. It has been accounted that to control biofilm forming bacteria needs 1500 times higher concentration of antibiotics when compared to planktonic bacteria [6]. The existence of urine in urinary catheters makes an appropriate habitation for urease-positive microbes. The pH of the urine increases due to the presence of ammonia which makes the deposition of calcium and magnesium phosphate on catheter can ultimately leads to thorough constriction of the biofilm on catheter over coating or crystalline biofilms [7]. The UTI bacteria cause serious concerns due to spreading to kidney and cause acute or chronic pyelonephritis [8]. Increased antibiotic resistance of biofilm was formed by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) matrix, found in the biofilm communities which makes the treatment ineffective [9]. A review by [8] Singha et al., 2017 described the several attempts have been made to impregnating antimicrobial coating on catheter with antibiotics, antimicrobial agents (both biocidal and antifouling), antimicrobial peptides, bacteriophages, enzymes, nitric oxide, polyzwitterions, polymeric coating modifications, liposomes. These coating have shown good antimicrobial activity in vitro, however a few drawbacks are shortlisted including resistance development. Silver nanoparticles produced from the phytochemicals of C. carandas leaf extract have been studied as a major and promising antibacterial alternative and also inhibit the biofilm formation in UTI pathogens. It was used as an antimicrobial nanomaterial for coat urinary catheter in order to prevent catheter associated UTI infection.

Among the various inorganic metal nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have gained its attention for various reasons such as low toxicity, environment friendly and also known for its antibacterial activity against the bacteria exhibiting resistance to antibiotics [10]. Silver exhibits excellent antimicrobial activity and the production of nanomaterial through physical and chemical approaches will have an adverse effect in environment due to the adsorption of toxic substance as a reducing agent [11]. The system of phytochemical mediated synthesis of nanomaterial is a promising eco-friendly, non-toxic, cheap substrate, easily available, convenient and quickly processable to fabricate antimicrobial nanomaterial [11,12]. C. carandas belongs to the species of flowering shrub in dogbane family, Apocyanaceae. Carissa carandas spread widely throughout the tropical and subtropical region of India. The plant possessing phytochemical constituents has high medicinal values [13]. In traditional medicine, Carissa carandas leaf, bark, fruit, root have been used to treat several human ailments such as hepatomegaly, indigestion, amenorrhea, oedema, colic, piles, antipyretic, fever, liver dysfunction, stomach pain, skin infections, intestinal worms, antimicrobial, antifungal [1416]. The leaf of C. carandas has anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant property and non-mutagenic property [17]. The leaf decoction is used to treat against sporadic fever, remedy for diarrhea, earache, syphilitic pain, oral inflammation and snake bite poisoning [18]. Since this plant has many medicinal values and very less literature availability for C. carandas leaf extract.

In this research, the leaf extract of C. carandas was used to reduce the precursor solution of silver nitrate to AgNPs and this production was optimized by modifying parameters of synthesis such as pH, C. carandas leaf extract, metal ion concentration, and production time. Characterization of synthesized AgNPs was done by UV Vis spectrophotometry, TEM, XRD, EDS, FTIR and SAED pattern. The synthesized AgNPs was investigated for antimicrobial activity and embedded on catheter to investigate the property as antimicrobial nanomaterial to inhibit catheter associate UTI infection.

Materials and method

Chemicals and biological materials

Fresh leaves of C. carandas were collected from Periyakulam, Theni District, Tamilnadu, India (10.1239º N, 77.5475º E) and washed thoroughly to remove the dust. Silver nitrate (AgNO3), Muller Hinton Agar (MHA), Lysogenic broth (LB), trypticase soya broth (TS) was acquired from Hi-media and used to assess antibacterial, antibiofilm assays. Bacterial pathogens such as Escherichia coli AMB4 (MK788230), Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5 (clinical sample), Staphylococcus aureus AMB6 (Clinical sample) was maintained by Department of Microbiology, Alagappa University, Science campus, Karaikudi, India.

Extract preparation

Cleaned C. carandas leaves were subjected to air dry and quantified the weight of 100 grams. Dried leaves were soaked in 300 mL of Millipore water and allowed to boil for 1 h at 80°C to avail decoction of leaf extract which was percolated through Whatmann no.1 filter paper and stored at 4 ºC for future use.

Synthesis and optimization of AgNPs production

The AgNPs synthesis was carried out by adding 1mL of filtered C. carandas leaf extracts and 9mL of 1.25mM aqueous silver nitrate solution (AgNO3) in the ratio of 1:9 was incubated at ambient temperature under dark condition. Initial AgNPs production was confirmed by visual color change from light yellow to dark brown color and scanning the absorbance along the UV-Vis range (200–600 nm) of the electromagnetic spectra using an UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV 1800, Japan). To achieve large scale production of AgNPs, optimization procedure was followed by modifying the parameters like pH, substrate (extract), metal ion concentration and production time. Briefly, pH of the solution was optimized by modifying the solution to various pH 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 with 1mL substrate (extract) concentration and 0.1mM metal ion concentration, left overnight under dark condition. Substrate concentration was optimized by modifying the solution to various concentration like 0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 mL with the optimized pH as a standard and 0.1mM metal ion concentration, left overnight under dark condition. Ag+ ion concentration was optimized by modifying the solution to various metal ion concentration such as 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5mM with the optimized pH and optimized substrate concentration, left overnight under dark condition. Then finally production time was optimized by measuring the absorbance at various time intervals such as 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 mins with the optimized pH, substrate and metal ion concentration using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. With the optimized parameters the optimum production was set for the large-scale production. The heterogeneous mixture was centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 20 min followed by collection of pellets; washed with methanol: water ratio at 6:4 and lyophilized to obtain nanoparticles powder.

Characterization of nanoparticles

XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis of silver nanoparticles was recorded by P analytical X’ Pert PRO powder which was operated at a voltage of 40kV with the current of 30 mA using Cu-Kα radiation of wavelength 1.5406 Å in the 2Ɵ range of 20°- 80° to obtain the crystalline structure of the AgNPs. Involvement of functional group in synthesis of nanoparticles and capping material was monitored by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometer) and performed to analyze the presence of functional groups of AgNPs and capping phytochemicals using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mode (Nicolet iS5, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Marietta, GA, USA). EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray) analysis was performed to determinate the elemental composition (Tescan VEGA 3SBH with Brukar easy). HR-TEM (High resolution Transmission Electron microscope) (JEOL-2100+, Japan) and SAED (selected area Electron Diffraction) pattern were analyzed to examine the size, crystalline structure and surface morphology of AgNPs.

Antibacterial activity

Each test bacterial strain of 0.5 McFarland standards [19] was swabbed on MHA plates using a sterile swab and a well of 8mm width was formed using a sterile well borer under aseptic condition. Different concentrations of AgNPs 25, 50, 75, 100, 125μg/mL (1mg/mL stock solution was prepared for synthesized AgNPs, from the stock solution 25 μL was dissolved in 975 μL of DMSO to make 25μg/mL concentration and further concentrations were prepared accordingly) were loaded in the MHA plates along with the DMSO as solvent control and incubated at 37ºC for 24 h. After incubation, zone of inhibition (ZoI) was measured to the nearest millimeter from end of the well to end of the zone.

Comparison was made with AgNPs (125 μg/mL), crude leaf extract (50μg/mL), 1.25mM AgNO3 solution, 99.8% of DMSO as a solvent negative control and ciprofloxacin (50μg/mL) as positive control for assessment were loaded consequently in the agar wells made in MHA plate and incubated at 37ºC for 24 h. After incubation, zone of inhibition (ZoI) was measured to the nearest millimeter from end of the well to end of the zone.

Minimum Inhibitory (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC)

The MIC and MBC was performed to evaluate the efficiency of obtained AgNPs to inhibit bacterial pathogens and protocol was followed according to the guidance of CLSI. MIC was performed by 96 microtiter well plate by broth micro dilution method. 106CFU/mL concentration of bacterial inoculum (10μL) was inoculated with different concentrations of AgNPs (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, and 160μg/mL) and incubated at 37 ºC for 24 h. After incubation well plates were recorded by ELISA reader at 590nm to assess it optical density value. MIC was analyzed to determine the efficacy of appropriate concentration of AgNPs required inhibiting the bacterial growth. The inhibition rate can be estimated as follows

%Inhibitionrate=100×(ODuntreatedODwell)(ODuntreatedODblank) (1)

Where ODuntreated = optical density of bacterial cell without AgNPs, ODwell = optical density of bacterial cell with AgNPs, ODblank = sterile culture medium.

The MIC endpoint is the lowest concentration of silver nanoparticles where no visible growth is seen in the well. The visual turbidity was noted, both before and after incubation of well plate to confirm MIC value [20].

After incubation the titer plates were agitated gently for 10 min and the broth in the well were plated on MHA plate and incubated during 24h, the CFU was counted and bacterial viability was calculated in order to calculate the MBC. MBC cutoff occurs when 99.9% of the microbial population is destroyed at the lowest concentration of AgNPs [20].

Synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles with commercial antibiotics

Synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles with commercial antibiotics for uropathogens was done by disk diffusion method. Commercial antibiotic discs were impregnated with synthesized AgNPs (Ciprofloxacin -50mcg, Trimethoprim– 30 mcg, Gentamycin– 30 mcg) in the concentration of 20μg/mL and allowed to air dry. Then MHA plates were prepared and inoculated with overnight bacterial culture in the turbidity of 0.5% of McFarland standard. Commercial antibiotic disc impregnated with AgNPs was placed on the MHA plates and control plates were swabbed with test culture and placed with commercial discs aseptically. These plates were incubated at 37 ºC for 24 h and the zone of inhibition was measured [21].

Qualitative assay for biofilm formation

Qualitative assessment of the pathogen’s biofilm potential was performed by test tube method according to [7] Doll et al., 2016. Briefly, trypticase soy broth was inoculated with loop full of mid-log phase pathogen and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Uninoculated broth was considered as a control. The broth was removed 24 hours of incubation and tubes were cleaned with sterile Phosphate buffered saline PBS with the pH of 7.4. The tubes were dried and stained for 10 minutes with 0.1 percent crystal violet. Extra dye was removed with sterile distilled water and stained film formed at the tube’s base, indicating the development of biofilm [22].

Quantitative assay for biofilm formation

Development of static biofilm formation was confirmed by quantitative assay by microtiter plate method. Mid-log phase culture was diluted ten times using a sterile media. The culture was transferred to microtiter plate. The plates were incubated at 37 ºC for 16h. After incubation, planktonic cells were removed using PBS (pH 7.2) and dried, subsequently the plates were stained with 125μL of 0.1% CV solution. Dye in the well surface was solubilized using 200μL of 30% glacial acetic acid, the content of each well was mixed and transferred to sterile well plate and this setup was read at 590nm. The test organisms were classified as weakly, moderately adherent, non-adherent and strongly adherent bacteria based on the criteria (OD<ODC = Non adherent, ODc<OD<2×ODC = weakly adherent, 2×ODc<OD<4×ODc = moderately adherent, 4 ×ODc<OD = strongly adherent where ODc = average OD of negative control [23].

Coating of urinary catheter with AgNPs

Urinary Catheter was segmented to 1×1cm. Catheter pieces were entirely dipped in synthesized AgNPs suspension with different concentration of AgNPs coated catheter such as 20μg/mL, 40μg/mL, 80μg/mL, 120μg/mL, 160μg/mL for 24 h. Excess of suspension was removed by blotting and dried at 50ºC [24].

Biofilm inhibition in AgNPs coated catheter

Conical flask containing 25mL of sterile trypticase soy broth inoculated with 100 μL of mid-log phase pathogenic culture. Two sterile catheters were introduced into the medium using sterile forceps. The different concentration of synthesized AgNPs coated catheter (20μg/mL, 40μg/mL, 80μg/mL, 120μg/mL, 160μg/mL) was introduced into the medium using sterile forceps. Later, this setup was subjected to incubation for 24h at 37°C. Sterile broth was maintained as negative control. Control for biofilm was maintained with pathogen in the growth medium. After incubation, the catheters were removed from broth and transferred into sterile PBS phosphate buffered saline to get rid of planktonic cells and then the catheter was stained with 0.1% crystal violet (CV) for 10 mins. The catheters were dried and observed under compound microscope.

Staining solutions were made out by mixing 0.05mL of stock solution of 1% Acridine orange with 5mL of acetate buffer 0.2M (pH4). Sterile catheter was placed with AgNPs treated and untreated bacterial pathogen and allowed to dried at 50°C, the bacterial cells adhered to catheter surface was fixed with absolute methanol and stained with Acridine orange for 1 min, rinsed with distilled water and dried. The catheters were observed for fluorescence microscope [25]. The biofilm can be observed on the surface of the catheter [26].

Biofilm inhibition percentage of the urinary catheter coated with AgNPs was studied using microtiter well plate method. 50μL of TSB diluted with 10μL of mid-log phase culture was added to the wells. Different concentration of AgNPs coated catheter (20μg/mL,40μg/mL,80 μg/mL,120μg/mL,160μg/mL) was added to the respective wells. Test culture with uncoated sterile catheter act as a negative control. The well plates were incubated for 24h at 37°C [3]. After 24 h incubation, the catheters were removed and washed twice with sterile distilled water to remove the planktonic cells. Catheter containing biofilm was stained with 1mL of 0.4% CV solution and then washed with sterile distilled water to remove excess stain. Stain was then solubilized by 1mL of absolute ethanol. The well plates were read for OD value at 590nm using micro titer plate reader. Conducted experiments were done in triplicate and graph was drawn using graph pad prism version 9.1.2.

The inhibition percentage was calculated by the formula

(AbcAbt)Abc×100 (2)

Where Abc = absorbance of control well Abt = absorbance of test well.

Antibacterial activity of AgNPs coated urinary catheter

Antibacterial activity of AgNPs coated catheter was assessed by the following procedure. Each test bacterial strain of 0.5 McFarland standards [19,27] was swabbed on MHA plates using a sterile swab. AgNPs coated catheter and uncoated catheter was situated on agar and incubated at 37 ºC for 24 h and zone of inhibition was observed and measured [27].

SEM analysis of urinary catheter

AgNPs coated catheter and uncoated catheter pieces were introduced into trypticase soy broth which is inoculated with a strong biofilm former E. coli AMB4, aseptically for 48 h at 37 ºC. To analyze SEM, catheters were fixed with 2.5% of Glutaraldehyde in 0.1M sodium phosphate buffer for 3 hours and washed with 0.1M sodium phosphate buffer. Then the sample was allowed to dehydrate through a series of ethanol wash: 30%, 50%, 80% for 10 min [21,28].


Optimization of AgNPs production

Initially the preliminary confirmation of AgNPs production in the reaction mixture through green process was observed through the visual color change followed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using UV–visible spectroscopy as a tremendous tool. An intense peak at 410 nm by UV–visible absorption spectra confirmed the formation of colloidal AgNPs. Carissa carandas leaf extract pH was found to be pH 7 and the UV spectra of the leaf extract was observed as shown in the Fig 1. There is no interesting λmax peak in C. carandas leaf extract and silver nitrate solution as shown in the Fig 1. Optimum reduction of Ag+ by C. carandas leaf extract to attain the maximum AgNPs production was succeeded by modifying the pH, substrate concentration, silver ion concentration, and production time and their wavelength were revealed in Fig (2A)–(2D). In summary, pH is one of the most important variables in nanoparticle products. In acidic environment, particles did not form (pH 2 and 3). At alkaline pH 10, the color production occurred quick, although only weak peak was visible. The reaction was begun as soon as the silver nitrate was introduced to the reaction at neutral pH 7. The solution changed color from pale yellowish to dark brown, indicating the production of silver nanoparticles. Production of AgNPs was further verified by the characteristic absorption peak (Fig 2A) at 410 nm in the UV-visible spectrum. Interestingly a strong intense peak was observed at pH 9 at the same wavelength of 410 nm, however, the width of the absorption peak corresponding to the SPR of AgNPs was increased, indicating the agglomeration of the AgNPs.

Fig 1. UV-visible spectra of Carissa carandas leaf mediated synthesized AgNPs (before optimization procedure at pH7 with 1mL of C. carandas leaf extract, 1mM of AgNO3 and a 30 mins reaction), AgNO3, C. carandas leaf extract.

Fig 1

Fig 2. UV—Vis spectra of AgNPs suspension obtained with Carissa carandas leaf extract at (A) different pH (B) different substrate concentration (C) different silver ion concentration (D) different time intervals.

Fig 2

Different concentration of C. carandas leaf extract was optimized for maximum production of AgNPs. However, the different extract concentration shows peak at 410 nm. Interestingly 10mL of reaction mixture containing 1.25 mL of leaf extract (Fig 2B) was turned to dark brown immediately after the addition to 0.1mM of silver nitrate solution at an optimized pH 7.

Different concentration of silver nitrate was optimized for the maximum synthesis of AgNPs. 1.25 mM concentration of silver nitrate (Fig 2C) shows a strong intense peak at 410nm and the reaction mixture was turned immediately to dark brown after the addition optimized leaf extract of 1.25 mL and altering to optimized pH 7. However, 2.0 mM, 1.75 mM and 1.5mM silver nitrate concentration shows much weaker absorbance peak at 410 nm.

Time taken for the maximum AgNPs production was optimized by measuring the reaction solution in UV-visible spectroscopy at a various time interval, where the reaction mixture contains optimized silver nitrate concentration of 1.25 mM with optimized substrate concentration of 1.25mL at an optimized pH 7. And the dark brown color occurred within 20 min of incubation, suggesting that AgNPs formed quickly. However, the color change observed in 25 and 30 mins was very dark than the color obtained in 20 mins (Fig 2D), the absorbance spectra at 25 and 30 mins showed weak characteristic peak. As a result, the optimized medium enabled for the greatest production of silver nanoparticles, and the reaction took place quickly.

Characterization of nanoparticles


The presence of silver element in synthesized AgNPs was confirmed by Energy Dispersive analysis Fig 3(A). The metallic AgNPs shows a typical optical absorption peak at 3KeV. The peaks of silver element were obtained at 3keV from the synthesized AgNPs particle and some weaker peaks were also observed that corresponds to oxygen (O) and carbon (C) element.

Fig 3. Characterization of AgNPs synthesized using Carissa carandas leaf extract using (A)EDX (B) XRD.

Fig 3


XRD pattern was evaluated to resolve the width, peak position and peak intensity in 2θ spectrum ranging from 20º to 80º as depicted in Fig 3(B). The characteristic peaks at 38.01, 44.13, 64.46, 77.40; Bragg reflections corresponding to [111], [200], [220] and [311] lattice plans of FCC structure (JCPDS File No. 04–0783) of AgNPs were observed. This pattern shows the crystalline structure of AgNPs, size of AgNPs was calculated by full width at half-maximum (FWHM) data with the Scherrer formula D = K λ/β cosθ was estimated to be 25.4 nm. Where k = constant, λ = X-ray wavelength, β = angular FWHM, θ = Bragg’s diffraction angle and D = crystalline size of diffraction angle θ.

In addition, three unassigned peaks appeared at 27.99º, 32.13º and 46.28º. These peaks were weaker than those of silver. This may be due to the bioorganic compounds occurring on the surface of AgNPs. The appearances of these peaks are due to the presence of phytochemical compounds in the leaf extracts. The stronger planes indicate silver as a major constituent in the biosynthesis.


The FTIR spectrum of AgNPs shows major absorption band around 440.02, 479.57, 548.00, 1104.68, 1383.22, 1443.38, 1621.55, 2921.60, 3419.99cm-1 and the crude C. carandas leaf extract shows absorption spectra on 780.44, 1105.57, 1315.55, 1386.44, 1443.56, 1617.79, 2922.97, 3421.32cm-1 depicted in Fig 4(D). The peak on 440.02 was due to aryl disulphide stretches, 479.57cm-1 was due to polysulphide stretches, 548 due to C-I stretches and 1104.68 and 1105.57 were–C-O- stretching vibration of alcohol and phenol, 1443.38 and 1443.56cm-1 were–C = C- aromatic structures, 1621.55and 1617.79 were the -C = C- alkene group. Peaks 2921.60, and 2922.97cm-1 were -cHsp3 group and the band on 3419.99 and 3421.32cm-1 were the normal polymeric stretch of hydroxyl (OH) group. The absorption band is due to the vibration effect of the alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids present in the plant extract and plays crucial role in capping and stabilization of AgNPs. The band shift of hydroxyl group in the FTIR spectra confirmed the binding of Ag+ to the OH group. All the changes in peak support the impact of functional group in C. carandas leaf extract as reducing and stabilizing agents to synthesize AgNPs. Some peaks appeared in the FTIR spectrum of leaf and disappeared in AgNPs spectrum. The disappearance of peaks suggests that phytochemical present in the extract involved in the reduction of AgNPs [29].

Fig 4. Characterization of AgNPs synthesized using Carissa carandas leaf extract using (A)TEM (B) Histogram (C) SAED (D) FTIR.

Fig 4


High resolution Transmission electron microscope determined the morphology, shape and size of bio fabricated AgNPs as shown in the Fig 4(A). We have analyzed TEM micrograph using Image J software and from the analysis we have found the particles was polydispersed and predominantly found to be spherical with the average diameter of approximately 14nm were determined through the histogram obtained Fig 4(B). SAED pattern image of AgNPs revealed the diffraction rings from inside to outside, could be indexed as [111, 200, 220, 311] reflections respectively with some bright spots due to Bragg’s reflection, corresponding to face-centered cubic (fcc) silver was depicted in Fig 4(C).

Antibacterial activity

Antibacterial activity of synthesized AgNPs was evaluated against Gram positive and Gram negative uropathogens such as S. aureus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa. The clear zone was gradually increased based on the dose dependent manner as shown in the Table 1 and Fig 5. The well diffusion assay also performed for comparative study of crude extract, AgNO3 solution, standard antibiotic ciprofloxacin (50μg/mL), AgNPs, DMSO as a solvent control as shown in Fig 6 and these results were depicted in the Table 2.

Table 1. Antibacterial activity against uropathogens.

Bacteria ZoI of C. carandas (mm)
25μg/mL 50μg/mL 75 μg/mL 100μg/mL 125 μg/mL
S. aureus 8±0.3 10 ±0.3 13 ±0.3 15 ±0.3 17 ±0.1
E. coli 10 ±0.1 13 ±0.2 13 ±0.2 13 ±0.3 15 ±0.2
P. aeruginosa 8 ±0.2 9 ±0.2 10 ±0.5 13 ±0.2 15 ±0.1

Fig 5. Antibacterial activity of different concentrations of C. carandas mediated synthesized AgNPs against the test pathogens.

Fig 5

Zone of Inhibition in different concentrations (A-25μg/mL, B-50 μg/mL, C-75 μg/mL, D-100 μg/mL, E-125 μg/mL) of AgNPs against Escherichia coli AMB4, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5 are shown.

Fig 6. Antibacterial comparison of C. carandas mediated synthesized AgNPs, commercial antibiotics (ciprofloxacin), C. carandas leaf extract, AgNO3 against test pathogens.

Fig 6

Zone of inhibition observed in the well of AgNPs, solvent control (DMSO), AgNO3 and commercial antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) against Escherichia coli AMB4, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5 are shown.

Table 2. Comparative analysis against uropathogens (ZOI).

Strains ZoI of C. carandas (mm)
Crude extract AgNO3 AgNPs Ciprofloxacin Uncoated catheter AgNPs Coated Catheter
S. aureus - 11 ±0.3 17±0.2 16±0.3 No zone 17±0.4
E. coli - 13±0.1 21±0.3 17±0.2 No zone 21±0.3
P. aeruginosa - 10±0.4 13±0.3 10±0.1 No zone 13±0.1

Minimum Inhibitory (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC)

After 24 h of incubation at 37°C, turbidity was noticed in the E. coli AMB4 well plates 20 and 40 μg/mL containing silver nanoparticles indicating the growth of bacteria. Whereas in the concentrations of 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 μg/mL, no turbidity was seen, indicating the inhibition of bacterial growth (Fig 7). The highest concentration 160 μg/mL of AgNPs, OD590nm (0.18) shows 99% inhibition, whereas the minimum inhibitory concentration was found to be 60 μg/mL, OD590nm (0.63) shows 97% inhibition towards E. coli AMB4. The MHA plates also show no bacterial growth from the concentrations of 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 μg/mL, hence confirming it as bactericidal.

Fig 7. Minimum inhibitory concentration for different concentrations (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, and 160μg/ml) of AgNPs against Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6.

Fig 7

Similarly, S. aureus AMB6 and P. aeruginosa AMB5 well plate containing AgNPs showed turbidity in 20 μg/mL, whereas no turbidity was seen in the concentrations of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 μg/mL containing AgNPs indicating the bacterial inhibition (Fig 7). The highest concentration 160 μg/mL of AgNPs, OD590nm (0.22) shows 99% inhibition for S. aureus AMB6 and highest concentration 160 μg/mL of AgNPs, OD590nm (0.25) shows 99.5% inhibition for Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5. Therefore, MIC of S. aureus AMB6 was found to be 40 μg/mL with OD590nm (0.69) shows 97% inhibition and MIC of P. aeruginosa AMB5 was found to be 40 μg/mL, OD590nm (0.60) shows 97% inhibition. The MHA plates also show no bacterial growth from the concentrations of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 μg/mL, hence confirming it as bactericidal.

Synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles with commercial antibiotics

In the present work, 3 commercial antibiotics were tested alone and with AgNPs against the test pathogens. AgNPs alone showed antimicrobial activity and commercial antibiotics also showed antimicrobial activity when the AgNPs is combined with the commercial antibiotics, the antimicrobial activity increased with increased fold as it was evidenced in Table 3. Maximum increase in fold area was 3.84 and 2.3 against trimethoprim (Table 3). The synergistic antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa was better than that of E. coli and S. aureus. Maximum increase in fold was 3.84 against trimethoprim 1.04 for E. coli while it was 2.3 for S. aureus against trimethoprim (Table 3).

Table 3. Zone of inhibition of different antibiotics against uropathogens with presence and absence of AgNPs.

Strains Antibiotics ZoI (mm)
Antibiotics (a) Antibiotic + AgNPs (b) Increase in fold area (b2-a2/a2)
S. aureus Ciprofloxacin 16 19 0.41
Gentamycin 27 29 0.15
Trimethoprim No zone 11 2.3
E. coli Ciprofloxacin 22 24 0.19
Gentamycin 19 20 0.10
Trimethoprim 7 10 1.04
P. aeruginosa Ciprofloxacin 23 25 0.18
Gentamycin 16 19 0.41
Trimethoprim 5 11 3.84

Bacterial biofilm potential

In our study, the biofilm forming ability was verified by test tube method. The test tube base contains the adhered layer of uropathogens. P. aeruginosa forms a strong biofilm mat than another organism. The biofilms were analyzed quantitatively to check the potential biofilm formers, P. aeruginosa shows ODC (0.1784) < OD (3.045) however S. aureus also produce strongly adherent biofilm layer ODC (0.1784) < OD (3.1074), E. coli shows an ODC (0.1784) < OD (3.012) confirms that it is a strong biofilm former.

Biofilm inhibition in AgNPs coated catheter

AgNPs coated catheter (Fig 8) was evaluated for the anti-biofilm activity against the uropathogens. Uropathogens adhered to the surface of catheter was treated with different concentration of AgNPs and subjected to microscopic analysis. Under the microscopic observation tightly adhered cells are gradually dispersed depending upon the concentration of NPs compare whereas control showed an adhered mat formation as shown in S1 Fig. Viability and disruption of biofilm mat after AgNPs treatment was analyzed by fluorescence microscopy, showed an abruption of biofilm on AgNPs coated catheters as shown in S2 Fig. The dense biofilm mat on uncoated catheter using an acridine orange staining method. In quantitative assay, highest concentration of AgNPs coated catheter showed the highest level of inhibition. The inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 85.8 ± 1.450% was slightly higher than the S. aureus 82.8 ± 1.83% whereas the inhibition percentage of E. coli 71.4 ± 1.25% become lesser than the other two test pathogen. Percentage of inhibition was calculated and shown in Fig 9.

Fig 8. Urinary catheter coated with AgNPs and uncoated catheter (A) C. carandas leaf mediated synthesized AgNPs coated urinary catheter of size 1× 1 cm (B) uncoated urinary catheter of size 1×1 cm.

Fig 8

Fig 9. Biofilm inhibition percentage of AgNPs coated catheter.

Fig 9

AgNPs coated catheter with different concentration of 20,40,80,120,160 μg/mL shows biofilm inhibition towards Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6.

Antibacterial activity of AgNPs coated urinary catheter

Antibacterial activity of AgNPs coated urinary catheter and uncoated catheter as shown in the Fig 8 was evaluated where 40μg/mL of AgNPs coated catheter exhibits antibacterial activity with the value of 17±0.4, 21±0.3, and 13±0.1 for S. aureus AMB6, E. coli AMB4, and P. aeruginosa AMB 5, respectively. The urinary catheter impregnated with AgNPs shows ZOI against uropathogens whereas uncoated catheter shows no zone of inhibition (Table 2).

SEM analysis of urinary catheter

SEM analysis of AgNPs coated catheter Fig 10(A) clearly shows the strong overlaying of AgNPs on the catheter surface and uncoated catheter Fig 10(B) shows a clear image of catheter surface. Further, SEM imaging was done on the AgNPs coated catheter inoculated with strong biofilm former E. coli AMB4 Fig 10(D) states the biofilm mat formed by the E. coli AMB4 was disturbed due to the activity of AgNPs and Fig 10(C) clearly shows the dense biofilm mat on the surface of the uncoated catheter inoculated with E. coli AMB4 which proves that E. coli AMB4 is a strong biofilm former. The incorporation of urinary catheter (biomedical devices) with AgNPs provides better biocompatibility.

Fig 10. SEM analysis of urinary catheter (A) SEM micrograph of uncoated urinary catheter (control) (B) SEM micrograph of urinary catheter coated with 30 μg/mL of AgNPs, arrow indicate the coating of AgNPs (C) SEM micrograph of biofilm mat formed by Escherichia coli AMB4 over uncoated urinary catheter, arrow indicates the mat formation (D) SEM micrograph showing the disruption of biofilm formed by Escherichia coli AMB4 over AgNPs coated urinary catheter, arrow indicates the disruption of biofilm.

Fig 10


Uropathogens are the major cause of UTI with their biofilm formation. These uropathogens are notorious and perpetuating. They become combat against wide range of antibiotics and environmental stress such as host immune response. They are difficult to treat and eradicate [30]. The major toughness of biofilm is architecture EPS, quorum sensing (QS) activity. The over production of EPS leads to resistant against antibiotic and another crucial factor is QS (construction of wild type architecture) it increases the stability against oxidative and osmotic stresses of biocide [31] Milan et al. [32] states that nosocomial acquired UTI shows high level of resistant than community acquired UTI show the patient indwelling catheters shows high risk of UTI. Due to its biocompatibility and backdrop of antimicrobial resistant create the thirst of seeking naive therapeutic despite of antibiotic [33]. The plant derived drug compiled with nanotechnology wrap out the resistance against Uropathogens. In this present study, C. carandas leaf extract was subjected to synthesize silver nanoparticle, with potent antibacterial and antibiofilm activity. The choice of green synthesis of NPs was due to their capping capability and stability. Biosynthesized NPs are facile; cost of effective, fast, non-toxic, possessing well defined morphology and uniformity in size [34]. Ag+ capped with the phytomolecules present in the plant enhanced the antimicrobial activity. Fig (2A)–(2D) demonstrates the absorption spectra of SPR for the optimization of AgNPs synthesis under distinct parameters viz. pH, crude extract concentration, Ag ion concentration and incubation time for analysis. These results provide for evaluating the reaction parameter and optimized conditions for NPs synthesis [35] Ibrahim [36] stated that, reaction mixture color and SPR intensity which are pH dependent.

In our study, acidic and alkaline pH shows weak absorbance peak. However, strong intense peak was observed in pH 9, agglomeration of reaction was happened. The neutral pH 7 typically increased the absorbance peak and provide a favorable environment. Crude concentration is noteworthy due to their phytochemical stabilizing agents. The raising of absorption peak was noticed in in 1.25 mL of extract concentration. Whereas the addition of higher crude concentration leads to decreased absorbance peak [37]. The absorption peaks were gradually increased with the increased metal concentration which may be attributed by longitudinal vibrations [38]. Optimized parameters for maximum biosynthesis of AgNPs was established at 1.25mM of AgNO3, 1.25mL of substrate, pH7 and a time reaction of 20 minutes. The color change of the heterogeneous reaction mixture observed at 410nm due to their electron excitation similar observation [39]. FTIR peak of our study was in accordance to Pavia et al. 2009 [40], the peaks ranging from 3200–3600 cm-1 are related to the O-H and -NH2 stretching vibrations and suggest that hydroxyl and carbonyl groups may responsible for the synthesis and stabilization of AgNPs [41], the peak at 2921.60 and 2922.97 are assigned to C-H stretching [40]. According to Mariselvam et al. [42] absorption band ranging from 1700–1600 cm-1 in the spectra confirms the formation of AgNPs. The bands observed at 1383.22 cm-1 and 1386.44 cm-1 corresponds to the C-N stretching vibration of aromatic amine [43]. The presence of amines or alcohols or phenols represents the polyphenols capped by AgNPs [44,45]. The shifting peak up and down reveals the synthesis of AgNPs. Biomolecules in C. carandas leaf extract is responsible for the stabilization of AgNPs [46]. The FTIR analysis speaks the stretch band and bond of AgNPs, the presence of potential biomolecules with Ag attachment leads stabilization and capping [3,19]. Due to their surface adhered potential biomolecules, green mediated AgNPs shows the higher anti-bacterial and anti-biofilm activity [47]. The size and shape of AgNPs plays a major role in bactericidal activity [48]. XRD analysis revealed the crystalline nature of AgNPs presence of silver confirmed by the diffraction pattern. These XRD patterns reported in earlier studies Saratale et al. [49] was accordance with our results. EDX profile outcomes exhibits the strong signal for silver approximately at 3KeV due to the SPR which is identical to Ramar et al. [50] and Magudapathy et al. [51] for the production of leaf extract mediated synthesis AgNPs. The structure and size of NPs were concluded as spherical and polydispersed with the approximate size of 14nm was confirmed by HR-TEM analysis [52]. SAED pattern of AgNPs was shown in the Fig 4C. Further ring like diffraction pattern indicates that the particles are crystalline [53]. During recent years, undesirable consequence effect of catheter related UTI infections lead to the increased mortality [54]. Application of AgNPs shows the efficient antimicrobial activity and that are justifiable tool for evading indwelling catheter related infections. Medically implantable devices coated with AgNPs which are requisite factor for evading the bacterial adherence and agglomeration of biofilm [55] in this investigation reported that, E. coli (71.4%)), S. aureus (82.8%), P. aeruginosa (85.8%) these nosocomial clinical pathogens are prevalent in formation of biofilm. These results were similar to Sharma et al. [56] and Kamarudheen and Rao [57]. The AgNPs embedded catheter shows antimicrobial activity against uropathogens which may due to their size and inhibition capacity that makes the drug resistant uropathogens susceptible [58]. The commercial catheters coated with AgNPs (Fig 8) creates the efficiency against the UTI. Urinary catheters are the major cause of biofilm formation in urinary tract results in nosocomial infection [59]. Techniques followed to coat urinary catheter as layer by layer for enzyme coating, impregnation of antimicrobial agents [60], polycationic nanosphere coating [61], impregnation of complex molecules [62]. In recent years, impregnation of urinary catheter with silver is under practice [63]. AgNPs is a fast and promising strategy for bactericidal coating on silicone based medical devices [64]. In recent years, there is rise in mortality rate associated with catheter associated urinary tract infection [65]. Therefore, it is important to coat the medical devices with antimicrobial agents. AgNPs are excellent tool for avoiding catheter associated UTI [55]. The solid surface provides a strong anchoring habitation for bacteria to form biofilm, similarly biofilm is formed on the surface of implant device, which protects the bacteria from antibiotic action and cause several infections [66]. Additionally, functionalized, immobilized and surface modified AgNPs embedded on surface of implants are inhibiting bacterial adhesion and icaAD transcription in implants [67].

AgNPs are responsible for the anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial activity [68]. The AgNPs reduces the encrustation of obstinate biofilm and ruptures and disintegrate the biofilm mat and shows bactericidal activity against uropathogens. The coated catheter shows antibacterial, anti-EPS and anti-quorum sensing activity of uropathogens and end up the pathogens into avirulent and disrupt the biofilm [69]. Studies shows that AgNPs has the ability to destroy the biofilm structure and it was further evidenced by acridine orange staining method [70]. Fluorescence microscopy (S2 Fig) shows the bacterial biofilm formation over uncoated urinary catheter by uropathogens whereas biofilm disruption was observed in the AgNPs coated urinary catheter exposed to uropathogens. This biofilm disruption can occur due to the inhibition of bacterial growth and adhesion to the surface [71]. The AgNPs coated biomaterials has a lethal impact on bacterial cells, which could be observed as shrunken cells when compared to live cells in fluorescence microscopy [72]. The unrestricted growth of untreated control cells resulted in the development of abundant biofilm on the surface as seen in [S2a, S2c and S2e Fig]. Treatment with Carissa carandas AgNPs, on the other hand, reduced biofilm development as seen in [S2b, S2d and S2f Fig]. Similar results were observed in Mujeeb et al. 2020 [73]. Antibiofilm activity of the AgNPs coated urinary catheter was higher in Pseudomonas aeruginosa [74] and exhibit 86% biofilm inhibition. The in-vitro studies show efficient activity against uropathogens by using AgNPs coated catheters. Scanning Electron Microscopy (Fig 10) was employed to identify the biofilm formation and destruction in surface modified and unmodified catheters using AgNPs exposed to uropathogens. SEM observation clearly indicate the disruption of E coli AMB4 biofilms (Fig 10D). Similar results were observed in the antibiofilm activity of AgNPs by Kostenko et al. 2010 [75] and Ansari et al. 2014 [76]. SEM micrograph shows dense mat on surface of the urinary catheter (Fig 10C) formed by E. coli AMB4. Our results are in agreement with the study conducted by Gomes et al. a greater quantity of biofilm was produced on the hydrophobic silicone surface [77].

The AgNPs have tremendous advantage for biological applications over the bulk metal owing to it size that enables the NPs to facilitate to anchor in to the micro cell (bacteria) components [78]. AgNPs causes physical damage to the cell components leads to killing of bacteria [79] (Fig 11). Because of the cell wall, architecture, thickness varies, AgNPs antibacterial action is associated with gram positive and gram-negative bacteria [79]. Plenty of hypothesis that have been proposed, the antibacterial mechanism action has yet to be definitively established. The antibacterial mechanism (Fig 11) that we postulated based on the existing literature may be described as follows; 1) the plant mediated AgNPs adhere to the cell membrane and forms an electrostatic interaction which results in the leakage of internal substances; 2) Ag+ ions or AgNPs interact with the sulfhydryl group of enzymes and proteins [80] and inhibit the enzymatic and protein activity; 3) Cellular toxicity induced by AgNPs is triggered by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals, which destroys internal cell structures and causes cell death, lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage; 4) AgNPs interact with the ribosome and inhibit the translation process in the cell. The high surface area of AgNPs in generating silver ions explain the mechanism of AgNPs action. In the presence of oxygen and proton, aqueous AgNPs were oxidized producing silver ions when the particle dissolves [81]. The toxicity of smaller or anisotropic AgNPs with greater surface area was higher [82]. For improved antibacterial action, the greatest concentration of silver ions, quickest release of silver ions and greater surface area of silver ions are evaluated [83]. AgNPs antibacterial action is mostly owing to their capacity to generate ROS and free radical [84]. These free radicals attached to the cell wall of bacteria and generate pore, these pores ultimately cause cell death [85]. Moreover, production free radical and high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are also a precise mechanism of AgNPs to inhibit bacterial by apoptosis and DNA damage [86]. There are different proposed mechanisms for antimicrobial activity of AgNPs. AgNPs (positively charged) can easily interact with negatively charged cell membrane which enhances the antibacterial activity [87]. The charges in the cell can facilitate the attraction of AgNPs for attachment on to the cell membrane [88]. AgNPs also destabilize the ribosomes and inhibit the electron transport chain [67]. AgNPs causes damages to bacteria by interfering the function of DNA replication [89], cell division and respiratory chain [90]. Because of the combination of cell wall components and AgNPs charges, the effect of AgNPs on gram positive bacteria is smaller than on gram negative bacteria [67]. The killing of bacteria directed through several phenomenon like penetration of AgNPs in to membrane, surface area in contact, reach cytoplasm, ribosomes, interaction with cellular structures and biomolecules by several process [81].

Fig 11. Proposed antibacterial mechanism of plant mediated AgNPs showing various inhibiting properties of AgNPs.

Fig 11

1) AgNPs interact with ribosome and inhibit the translation; 2) AgNPs have electrostatic interaction with the cell wall which ultimately causes the leakage of internal substances; 3) AgNPs interact with sulfhydryl group of enzymes and proteins, hence protein denaturation takes place; 4) AgNPs inactivates the respiratory chain and excess ROS generation, results in the apoptosis; 5) AgNPs anchor the cell wall of the bacteria and causes damages to the cell membrane and the cellular content get leaked.

In this work, a mechanism for antibiofilm activity of AgNPs is proposed based on previous studies and can be summarized as follows (Fig 12): 1) AgNPs has electrostatic interaction with the cells and disturb the biofilm formation; 2) AgNPs target the eDNA to eliminate bacterial biofilm; 3) AgNPs degrade the EPS formation and breaks the biofilm mat; 4) AgNPs inhibits the signal produced by the bacteria, thereby inhibiting the biofilm formation; 5) interact with the small regulatory RNA and extracellular protein to inhibit the biofilm. The bacterial adhesion, biofilm development and biofilm integrity, as well as internal communication, are all aided by extracellular DNA (eDNA) [91]. eDNA acts as an excellent target to eliminate bacterial biofilm [92]. eDNA is polyanionic nature and electrostatic contact is mostly mediated by AgNPs that are positively charged. Through short range hydrophobic and Vander Waals force, silver ions interact with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms of DNA bases [9395]. The electrostatic interaction, on the other hand, has an impact on cell wall thereby disturbing the formation of bacterial biofilm mat [93]. Bacterial biofilms are developed as a result of bacterial cells secreting EPS [96]. If the EPS production can be hindered or prevented, biofilm development will be limited as well [41]. Ansari et al. clearly state that the inhibition of EPS was primarily connected to anti- biofilm activity [97]. Several studies shows that AgNPs reduced the synthesis of extracellular polysaccharides in P. aeruginosa and S. epidermidis biofilm and their mechanism was unknown [74]. In biofilms, AgNPs interact with both cellular and extracellular RNA [98,99]. Studies shows that AgNPs interact with the small regulatory RNA, reduced biofilm and fibronectin binding by altering the RNA profile of S. aureus [98]. Extracellular proteins are the essential component of biofilm where AgNPs interact with these extracellular protein and extracellular polysaccharide secreted in biofilm and inhibit the biofilm formation [100]. The metallic nanoparticles bind with a few proteins that are involved in quorum sensing through hydrogen bonding, electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction makes them inactive for cell signaling [100]. Earlier, several reports on antibiofilm activity of AgNPs against several bacteria shows a promising activity [67,101,102]. Among all AgNPs interactions, AgNPs with Pseudomonas putida shows an innovative finding to arrest biofilm [67,101,102].

Fig 12. Proposed antibiofilm mechanism of plant mediated AgNPs.

Fig 12

1) AgNPs has electrostatic interaction with the cells and disturb the biofilm formation; 2) AgNPs target the eDNA to eliminate bacterial biofilm; 3) AgNPs degrade the EPS formation and breaks the biofilm mat; 4) AgNPs inhibits the signal produced by the bacteria, thereby inhibiting the biofilm formation; 5) interact with the small regulatory RNA and extracellular protein to inhibit the biofilm.

The leaf extract of C. carandas is said to contain a lot of flavonoids [16]. AgNPs synthesized using C. carandas leaf extract showed antibacterial activity [103]. The mechanism for AgNPs synthesis includes; silver ions have positive charge that attracts the functional group of phytomolecules found in plants. The phytomolecules such as flavonoids, alcoholic and phenolic compounds, tannins, terpenoids, glycosides act as a reducing agent and reducing Ag+ ion to Ago [104].

Hence, an overall mechanism proposed that phytochemical mediated synthesized AgNPs will open a new avenue to use as antibacterial and antibiofilm candidate after embedding in to implants.


Even though, many literatures were available for silver nanoparticles, silver is gaining its attention because of its antimicrobial properties. Synthesis of AgNPs using the leaf extract will provide an ecofriendly, cheap, easily available and non-toxic. In the present study, green synthesis of AgNPs was done using C. carandas leaf extract, AgNPs exhibited excellent antibacterial activity towards S. aureus AMB6 and also showed excellent synergistic activities against P. aeruginosa AMB 5, AgNPs coated urinary catheter showed highest biofilm inhibition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5 85.8 ± 1.450%. The potential of AgNPs in inhibiting the biofilm formation supports it as a potential application for AgNPs coated medical devices. Thus, the present study helps in disclosing the biomaterial coating acts as a preventive shield against uropathogens and it is long lasting, feasible technique and it act as promising treatment for UTI and nosocomial infections.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Light microscopic image of biofilm inhibition in AgNPs coated and uncoated urinary catheter.

[a, c, e] shows the biofilm formed on the surface of urinary catheter by Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6 acts as control and [b, d, f] shows the biofilm inhibition activity of AgNPs coated catheter against Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6.


S2 Fig. Fluorescence microscopic image of biofilm inhibition in AgNPs coated and uncoated urinary catheter.

[a, c, e] shows the biofilm formed on the surface of the catheter by Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6 acts as control and [b, d, f] shows the biofilm disruption by AgNPs coated catheter against Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6.


S1 Data. Minimal data.



The authors thank the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar of Alagappa University for providing the research facilities.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting information files.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Amitava Mukherjee

29 Jun 2021


Bioengineered phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles using Carissa Carandas leaf extract to embed on to urinary catheter to combat UTI pathogens


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5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: 1- Throughout the manuscript, there are a lot of typical, grammatical and unclear sentences like (Scherrs formula - AgNo3- and "Among the inorganic nanoparticles Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) considered to be a much more attention in scientific field", that lead to misunderstanding or confusion, I recommend sending this manuscript to a professional English language editing service.

2- In the introduction, authors should justify why they decided to use Ag NPs and leaves of C. carandas? highlight their advantages, because we can not simply use something because just it is available !

3- Line 60, "Leaves of C. carandas were used to yield Ag NPs", I think you need to rephrase this sentence, as leaf extract can only be used to stabilize formed Ag NPs and / or reduce the precursor solution of silver nitrate into Ag NPs.

4- Line 93, wavelength of Cu-Kα radiation is not correct, the correct value is 1.5406 Å.

5- In line 225, authors used Scherrer formula to determine crystalline size, and they mentioned non-correct wavelength in Line 93, then accordingly, the calculated size will not be correct. Please check this size again.

6- XRD pattern contains non-assigned peaks, please explain.

7- on FTIR spectra, it is better to highlight, peaks confirming the conjugation between Ag NPs and the extract.

8- On SAED pattern, you should assign the crystalline planes and match them with those obtained by XRD.

9- Fig. 2 is not clear, it is better to draw the data using suitable software !

10- Fig. 3 it is hard to see the label, also indicate the ZOI on the figure for each tested sample.

11- Fig.4, error bars should be added.

12- On Fig. 9, assign Ag NPs.

Reviewer #2: This work is having potential data, but no novelty, a simple repeat of already exiting report. The synthesis of AgNPs with plant extract is mushroomed in the literature. The MS, though, having good data, but I could not see any novelty to the field. I would suggest the work shall be modified to focus on Cather biofilm inhibition with standard drugs and other available AgNPs (might be synthesized by different methods).


1. The Fig 10 is inappropriate, require evidence based pathway

2. Light Microscopy and Florescent Microscopy images shall be placed under suppl doc

3. Include CFLSM image for biofilm inhibition

4. TEM is showing a cluster of AgNPs, required scale marked particles

5. Self agglomeration of synthesized AgNPs on storage is required

6. Language and presentation require editing e.g. In the Introduction Pseudomonas is written as Pseudomon as

Reviewer #3: I consider the manuscript is tecnically sound, however some conclusions and discussion must be reconsidered in order to be supported by data obtained, I believe that description of results, the discussion and conclusions are highly restricted by language and strongly suggest a revision by professional editing service.

Detailed minor and major revisions are yellow highlighted in manuscript file attached to revision. in general minor and major revisions are:

Bioengineered phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles using Carissa Carandas leaf extract to embed on to urinary catheter to combat UTI pathogens

Minor revisions

All minor revisions are highlighted in manuscript file, these include suggestion for rewrite sentences, and simple changes.

Major revisions

Abstract and introduction

Grammar revision is suggested in some parts of these sections, in manuscript file are highlighted in yellow.

Material and methods

Grammar revision is suggested in some parts of this section, in manuscript file are highlighted in yellow.

Synthesis and optimization of AgNPs production

Include units of Ag ion concentration, volume of leaf extract, etc.

Antibacterial activity

I suggest modification of titles and subtitles order, and include some methodology description described in other method section.

Include description about how the AgNPs concentration was calculated.

Biofilm inhibition assay

Indicate concentration of AgNPs in concentration units (i.e. mg/L) instead of volume units. If cocnetration and volume of AgNps are equivalent please indicate and explain

In Section 2.12 it is not clear the objective of this experiment, please justify.


I suggest to maintain the same subtitles used in methods section in order to establish an order and accordance between methods and results

I suggest include images of AgNPs suspensions obtained at different synthesis conditions (i.e. varying pH, leaf extract concentration, time reaction and Ag ions concentration)

I consider it is necessary to provide clear description of parameters used in each optimization condition of results obtained and presented in fig 1.

I considered necessary to clearly indicate which are the optimal parameters selected for AgNPs synthesis and criteria used for the establishment of these parameters.

It is not clear how the average size of AgNPs observed by HR-TEM was calculate, please include description.

I suggest to include information about how the MICs were calculated?

The fig 4 shows an important inhibition of bacterial growth (O.D.) at 160 mg/L however higher concentration must be proved in order to establish the MICs. I suggest include O.D. measurements of cultures exposed to higher concentrations of AgNPs to obtain a 100% of growth inhibition and establish the MICs

Description of results obtained by SEM must be wide described based on the results presentes in figure 9.

I suggest that the section of results 3.10 (Mechanisms of antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of AgNPs) must be eliminated and included and well describer in discussion section.


I suggest general revision of grammar of this sections, some parts of the text are not understandable. (yellow highlighted)

Lines 328-329

Question: With SPR intensity do you refer to intensity in colour? or intensity of the peak absorption in spectra? if you refer to the color, you must provide the images of AgNPs suspensions . if you refer to the absorption peak, in figure 1a a variation of peak intensity and wavelenght of maximum absorption was clearly observed, thus an effect of pH in the intensity of absorption peak is produced.

Lines 327-340

I consider that based on FTIR results, probable phytomolecules involved in stabilization and capping of AgNPs must be provided and make a comparison with results obtained in previous studies on which phytosynthesis of AgNPs was carried out.

Lines 346-347

I consider is important to indicate how the particle size average was determined, HR-TEM indicate certain grade of heterogenicity of particle size, and in this part of discussion you describe that AgNPs are homogeneous in size, however in conclusion section a size heterogeneity of AgNPs was mentioned. Please describe results, discussion and conclusion according to the data obtained.

Line 358

I consider that a wide discusion based on the scientific litterature about the effciency of AgNPs coated catheters against UTIs must be provided.

Line 378

I consider that a wide description of the figure 10 was necessary, adapt the information provided below to the mechanisms described in figure.

Line 386-394

I consider that this part of discussion must include comparison of the previous studies described with the results obtained in this work. And include a wide discussion about phytomolecules involved in AgNPs synthesis.


I suggest rewrite the conclusions, cause I consider that some conclusions show discrepancy with the results and discussion, some of this conclusions are not supported by data presented.

Figures and tables

In general I suggest to improve the figure description, in order to be clear, informative and to support the description of the results. Also improve of resolution is recommended.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Mohamed Abd Elkodous

Reviewer #2: No


[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.


Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-17789_reviewer.pdf

PLoS One. 2021 Sep 2;16(9):e0256748. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256748.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

21 Jul 2021

Plos One Journal Modifications

1. Revised manuscript has been changed to the style requirements of PLOS ONE

2. Tables has been included in the revised manuscript and removed separate file

3. We didn’t receive any funding for this work so please change it to “The authors received no specific funding for this work”

4. Minimal data set has been included as a supplementary file.

5. The figure 10,11 is similar but not identical to the original image and is therefore for illustrative purpose only and the figure 5 has been changed in the revised manuscript.

Response to reviewers comments

We are thankful to the Reviewers 1,2, and 3 for their kind and constructive feedback. As suggested by the reviewers, we have changed/addressed the following comments and the same has been highlighted in the revised manuscript with the response to the reviewers’ file.

No Page/Section Comments by Reviewer #1 Response by the authors

1 Introduction In the introduction, authors should justify why they decided to use Ag NPs and leaves of C. carandas? Highlight their advantages, because we cannot simply use something because just it is available! We have improved the introduction part as per your suggestion. Reviewer can find the improved part at line 76-79 and line 86-94 in the revised manuscript.

2 Line 60 Line 60, "Leaves of C. carandas were used to yield Ag NPs", I think you need to rephrase this sentence, as leaf extract can only be used to stabilize formed Ag NPs and / or reduce the precursor solution of silver nitrate into Ag NPs. We have rephrased the sentence and can be found at line 95-97 of the revised manuscript.

3 Line 93 Line 93, wavelength of Cu-Kα radiation is not correct, the correct value is 1.5406 Å Correct value can be found at line 141 in the revised manuscript

4 Line 225-line 93 In line 225, authors used Scherrer formula to determine crystalline size, and they mentioned non-correct wavelength in

Line 93, then accordingly, the calculated size will not be correct. Please check this size again. The wavelength has been corrected in line 141 of revised manuscript. Therefore, size mentioned in the line 313 of revised manuscript doesn’t need any modification

5 XRD pattern contains non-assigned peaks, please explain. Detailed description was made and can be found at line 316-320in the revised manuscript

6 on FTIR spectra, it is better to highlight, peaks confirming the conjugation between Ag NPs and the extract Highlighted peaks confirm the capping can be found at Fig 4 D in the revised manuscript

7 On SAED pattern, you should assign the crystalline planes and match them with those obtained by XRD. Fig 4 C of the revised manuscript shows the marked diffraction rings corresponds to the peaks obtained in XRD

8 Fig.2 Fig. 2 is not clear; it is better to draw the data using suitable software Suggested modifications were done in the revised manuscript and can be found as Fig 2 and Fig 3

9 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 it is hard to see the label, also indicate the ZOI on the figure for each tested sample. Suggested modification are done in the revised manuscript and can be found as Fig 4 and Fig 5

10 Fig.4 Fig.4, error bars should be added Suggested modification are done in the revised manuscript and can be found as Fig 7

11 Fig. 9 On Fig. 9, assign Ag NPs. Suggested modifications are done in the revised manuscript and can be found as Fig 10

No Page/Section Comments by Reviewer #2 Response by the authors

1 Fig 10 The Fig 10 is inappropriate, require evidence-based pathway The actual mechanism was not found through our study but we are coming up with the mechanism already available in the literature and we have changed the text in figure instead of Carisa carandas AgNPs it is mentioned as plant AgNPs and also, we have widely discussed about the biofilm mechanism in the discussion part line 545-564

2 Light Microscopy and Florescent Microscopy images shall be placed under suppl doc It is placed under supplementary file as per your suggestion and can be found as Supplementary document in the revised manuscript

3 Include CFLSM image for biofilm inhibition As stated in the financial disclosure this study does not have any funding it is very hard for us to afford this imaging as it is not available in our institutions. However, we will try to sort out this issue in the future studies.

4 TEM is showing a cluster of AgNPs, required scale marked particles Suggested modifications by the reviewer has been done and can be found at Fig 4 (A) in the revised manuscript

5 Self-agglomeration of synthesized AgNPs on storage is required We have found the AgNPs solution was stable for the period of two months under dark. Hence no agglomeration was taken place in the solution and then we lyophilized the AgNPs to obtain AgNPs powder for the purpose of application. Therefore, no chance of self-agglomeration takes place

6 Language and presentation require editing e.g. In the Introduction Pseudomonas is written as Pseudomon as All the necessary modifications were done in the revised manuscript

No Page/Section Comments by Reviewer #3 Response by the authors

1 All minor revisions are highlighted in manuscript file, these include suggestion for rewrite sentences, and simple changes All the minor revisions were changed according to the suggestion of the reviewer in the revised manuscript

2 Abstract and introduction

Grammar revision is suggested in some parts of these sections, in manuscript file are highlighted in yellow. The grammar revisions were changed according to the suggestion of the reviewer in the revised manuscript

3 Synthesis and optimization of AgNPs production

Include units of Ag ion concentration, volume of leaf extract, etc. Suggested modifications by the reviewer has been done in the revised manuscript and can be found at line 122-134

4 Antibacterial activity

I suggest modification of titles and subtitles order, and include some methodology description described in other method section.

Include description about how the AgNPs concentration was calculated.

Suggested modifications by the reviewer has been done and can be found at line 154-162 in the revised manuscript

5 Biofilm inhibition assay

Indicate concentration of AgNPs in concentration units (i.e. mg/L) instead of volume units. If concentration and volume of AgNPs are equivalent please indicate and explain Suggested modifications by the reviewers has been done and can be found at line 224-226 and at line 237-250 in the revised manuscript

6 In Section 2.12 it is not clear the objective of this experiment, please justify. The experiment title has been changed and the objective has been well described at line 252-256 in the revised manuscript

7 Results

I suggest to maintain the same subtitles used in methods section in order to establish an order and accordance between methods and results As per the reviewer’s suggestion, we have maintained the same subtitles in methods and results which can be found in the revised manuscript

8 I suggest include images of AgNPs suspensions obtained at different synthesis conditions (i.e. varying pH, leaf extract concentration, time reaction and Ag ions concentration) As per the reviewer suggestion the image for color of AgNPs synthesis has been added in Fig 1 and Fig 2 (A, B, C, D)


Submitted filename: Authors response - Plos one.docx

Decision Letter 1

Amitava Mukherjee

9 Aug 2021


Bioengineered phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles using Carissa carandas leaf extract to embed on to urinary catheter to combat UTI pathogens


Dear Dr. Saravanan,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.


ACADEMIC EDITOR: Your manuscript can be accepted provided you are ready to undertake minor revision as suggested by reviewer 3.


Please submit your revised manuscript by Sep 23 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Manuscript'.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Amitava Mukherjee, ME, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Journal Requirements:

Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: N/A


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: In the revised version of their manuscript, authors addressed the required comments properly and I think the article is acceptable.

Reviewer #3: Comments has been adressed by authors, however, some mistakes remains in the manuscript, most of those are simple mistakes and easy to correct and has been highlighted in the manuscript file.

Description of an specific part in the discussion section (highlighted in mauscript file) can be improved.

In fig 11, I stronglly suggest to modify the figure, specifically, eliminate some cellular organelles which are specific for eukaryiotic cells.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Mohamed Abd Elkodous

Reviewer #3: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-17789_R1.pdf

PLoS One. 2021 Sep 2;16(9):e0256748. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256748.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

13 Aug 2021

PLoS one Requirements

We have included new references to revised manuscript as it is necessary to address the comments by the reviewers and no retracted reference has been added to the revised manuscript and the reference list in the revised manuscript is complete.

Response to Reviewers comments

We are thankful to the Reviewers 1 and 3 for their kind and constructive feedback. As suggested by the reviewers, we have changed/addressed the following comments and the same has been highlighted in the revised manuscript with the response to the reviewers’ file.

Reviewer Comments:

Description of a specific part in the discussion section (highlighted in manuscript file) can be improved.


All the necessary modifications have been done according to the reviewer comments and can be found in the revised manuscript of line 73-74, line 154-155, line 279-280, line 283, line 294, line 303-305, line 340, line 412, line 450-451, line 498, line 502-503, line 506-514, line 517-522, line 526, line 530-532, line 534-535, line 557-558

Reviewer Comment:

Calculation of the final concentration of AgNPs in this experiment is clear, however, it remains unclear how do you determine the concentration of silver ions of biosynthesized AgNPs suspension (stock suspension of AgNPs)


We have determined the concentration of silver ion present in the AgNPs suspension based on the Avogadro number (6.023×1023) and the experimental confirmation of the silver ion concentration can be done using atomic absorption spectroscopy. As stated in the financial disclosure this study does not have any funding it is very hard for us to afford this spectroscopy as it is not available in our institutions. However, we will try to sort out this issue in the future studies

Reviewer Comment:

I suggest to discuss these studies in the context of the mechanism proposed


As per the reviewer suggestion we have modified the image and context of the antibiofilm mechanism and can be found in the revised manuscript as fig 12 and at line 568-572, line 579-581

Reviewer Comment:

In fig 11, I strongly suggest to modify the figure, specifically, eliminate some cellular organelles which are specific for eukaryotic cells


As per the reviewer suggestion we have modified fig 11 and the revised image can be found in the revised manuscript


Submitted filename: Response to reviewers -1.docx

Decision Letter 2

Amitava Mukherjee

16 Aug 2021

Bioengineered phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles using Carissa carandas leaf extract to embed on to urinary catheter to combat UTI pathogens


Dear Dr. Saravanan,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,

Amitava Mukherjee, ME, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Amitava Mukherjee

24 Aug 2021


Bioengineered phytomolecules-capped silver nanoparticles using Carissa carandas leaf extract to embed on to urinary catheter to combat UTI pathogens

Dear Dr. Muthupandian:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Professor Dr. Amitava Mukherjee

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Light microscopic image of biofilm inhibition in AgNPs coated and uncoated urinary catheter.

    [a, c, e] shows the biofilm formed on the surface of urinary catheter by Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6 acts as control and [b, d, f] shows the biofilm inhibition activity of AgNPs coated catheter against Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6.


    S2 Fig. Fluorescence microscopic image of biofilm inhibition in AgNPs coated and uncoated urinary catheter.

    [a, c, e] shows the biofilm formed on the surface of the catheter by Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6 acts as control and [b, d, f] shows the biofilm disruption by AgNPs coated catheter against Escherichia coli AMB4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB5, Staphylococcus aureus AMB6.


    S1 Data. Minimal data.



    Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-17789_reviewer.pdf


    Submitted filename: Authors response - Plos one.docx


    Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-17789_R1.pdf


    Submitted filename: Response to reviewers -1.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting information files.

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