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Journal of Clinical Microbiology logoLink to Journal of Clinical Microbiology
. 2001 Nov;39(11):4042–4051. doi: 10.1128/JCM.39.11.4042-4051.2001

Polymorphic Internal Transcribed Spacer Region 1 DNA Sequences Identify Medically Important Yeasts

Yi-Ching Chen 1, Jessica D Eisner 1, Mireille M Kattar 1, Sara L Rassoulian-Barrett 1, Karen Lafe 1, Uyen Bui 1, Ajit P Limaye 1,2, Brad T Cookson 1,3,*
PMCID: PMC88485  PMID: 11682528


Species-specific polymorphisms in the noncoding internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region of the rRNA operon provide accurate identification of clinically significant yeasts. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that ITS1 noncoding regions contain diagnostically useful alleles. The length of ITS1 region PCR products amplified from 40 species (106 clinical strains, 5 reference strains, and 30 type strains) was rapidly determined with single-base precision by automated capillary electrophoresis. Polymorphisms in the PCR product length permitted 19 species to be distinguished by ITS1 alone, compared with 16 species distinguished by using only ITS2. However, combination of both ITS alleles permitted identification of 30 species (98% of clinical isolates). The remaining 10 species with PCR products of similar sizes contained unique ITS alleles distinguishable by restriction enzyme analysis. DNA sequence analysis of amplified ITS1 region DNA from 79 isolates revealed species-specific ITS1 alleles for each of the 40 pathogenic species examined. This provided identification of unusual clinical isolates, and 53 diagnostic ITS1 sequences were deposited in GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses based on ITS sequences showed a similar overall topology to 26S rRNA gene-based trees. However, different species with identical 26S sequences contained distinct ITS alleles that provided species identification with strong statistical support. Together, these data indicate that the analysis of ITS polymorphisms can reliably identify 40 species of clinically significant yeasts and that the capacity for identifying potentially new pathogenic species by using this database holds significant promise.

The complexity of opportunistic fungal infections is increasing as more patients are adversely affected by an expanding diversity of yeasts. Invasive procedures or immunosuppression increases the risk of fungemia (24, 34), and drug-resistant strains have emerged (9, 21). Although Candida albicans is still the predominate agent of nosocomial infection, serious infections caused by other yeasts have increased in frequency (8, 11, 29, 34). For example, species of Cryptococcus other than Cryptococcus neoformans, previously considered to be nonpathogenic saprophytes, have been reported to cause cryptococcosis (28). Adequate treatment of these infections depends on early detection and accurate identification of the pathogens. However, conventional identification by evaluation of morphological and physiological characteristics can be laborious, sometimes leads to incorrect classification and identification (2, 3, 13), and can be impeded by database limitations (4, 6).

To develop a rapid molecular method for identifying yeasts, we recently analyzed the length and sequence polymorphisms in the DNA of noncoding internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) of the rRNA operon (2). ITS2 region polymorphisms permitted accurate identification of over 400 clinical strains representing 34 species of pathogenic yeasts. ITS2 region PCR product length determined by automated capillary electrophoresis permitted single-base-pair precision, with between-run standard deviations (SD) of ≤0.5 base, and 92% of the clinical strains examined were rapidly and correctly identified by using only the unique length of their PCR products. The remaining 8% could be identified by either restriction endonuclease or DNA sequence analysis of their ITS2 region PCR products.

In this study, we investigated the length and sequence polymorphisms in the ITS1 region and determined their diagnostic and phylogenetic utility for identification of medically important yeasts. These DNA sequences contained unique alleles for all 40 pathogenic species examined, and ITS1 alleles displayed greater interspecies variability than ITS2 region sequences. Thirty species, comprising 98% of the clinical isolates, were easily distinguished by simply determining the length of the ITS1 and ITS2 region PCR products. The remaining 10 species could be differentiated by either restriction endonuclease or DNA sequence analysis of ITS PCR products. The sequence diversity among ITS1 alleles was useful for distinguishing closely related species, particularly those that contained identical DNA sequences in the D1/D2 variable domain of the 26S rRNA gene. Thus, our ITS sequence data provide a reliable means with which to rapidly identify known yeast pathogens, will facilitate the discovery of potentially novel pathogens, and establish a foundation for further expansion of an ITS sequence database of medically important fungi.


Yeast isolates.

We examined 106 clinical strains and five reference strains (Tables 1 and 2) previously characterized genetically, morphologically, and biochemically in detail (2). These strains were from our clinical laboratory at the University of Washington Medical Center. Twenty-three type strains from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and 7 type strains from the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS) were also included in this study (Table 2). These 141 strains represented 40 different species of pathogenic yeasts. Nitrate assimilation, which distinguishes Pichia fabianii from Pichia veronae, was performed on a slant of nitrate agar (1.4 g of potassium nitrate, 1.6 g of yeast carbon base from Difco, 0.12 g of bromthymol blue, 16 g of Noble agar, 1 liter of distilled water [pH 5.9 to 6.0]) incubated at 30°C for about 1 week until the agar turned from yellow or yellow-green (negative) to blue (positive). Cryptococcus albidus and Candida albicans were used as positive and negative controls, respectively (17).


Lengths of ITS1 and ITS2 region PCR products from clinical isolates and type strains

Speciesa (no. of isolates) ITS1 PCR product lengthb (mean no. of bp) SDc (bp) Range of product lengths (bp)
ITS2 PCR product lengthd (mean no. of bp)
Minimum Maximum
Yarrowia lipolytica (2) 134.43 0.29 134.10 134.60 236.66
Candida rugosaT (1) 142.91 NAe NA 270.99
Candida lusitaniae (4) 143.87 0.35 143.54 144.44 251.14
Candida intermedia (1) 148.48 NA  NA 255.10
Pichia ohmeriT (1) 154.01 NA  NA 268.84
Candida lambica (1) 156.39 NA  NA 302.18
Candida pararugosa (1)f 161.34 NA  NA 269.57
Candida krusei (5) 181.44 0.64 180.39 182.27 344.61
Cryptococcus laurentiiT (1) 190.84 NA  NA 362.83
Trichosporon jiroveciiT (1) 192.33 NA  NA 349.89
Trichosporon cutaneumT (1) 193.72 NA  NA 350.00
Trichosporon mucoides (1) 194.25 NA  NA 349.30
Cryptococcus neoformans (5) 197.93 0.26 197.59 198.47 370.76
Cryptococcus humicolusT (1) 197.94 NA  NA 353.17
Trichosporon inkin (1) 197.97 NA  NA 353.27
Trichosporon asahii (1) 200.00 NA  NA 355.87
Cryptococcus uniguttulatus (1) 208.00 NA  NA 428.73
Candida utilisT (1) 213.92 NA  NA 362.34
Candida dubliniensis (7)g 214.06 0.46 213.40 214.81 342.33
Candida albicans (8) 214.35 0.41 214.00 214.99 339.34
Candida tropicalis (11) 214.78 0.45 213.95 215.73 327.42
Candida freyschussiiT (1) 223.46 NA  NA 347.27
Candida parapsilosis (4) 225.43 0.11 225.30 225.58 309.93
Sporobolomyces salmonicolorT (1) 227.45 NA  NA 400.19
Rhodotorula rubra (7) 228.36 0.33 228.41 229.41 400.46
Rhodotorula glutinisT (1) 229.92 NA  NA 390.93
Cryptococcus albidusT (1) 231.03 NA  NA 403.67
Cryptococcus liquefaciens (1)h 231.39 NA  NA 403.45
Cryptococcus diffluens (1)h 231.41 NA  NA 403.75
Candida guilliermondii (5) 243.75 0.21 243.51 244.11 374.61
Hansenula anomala (3) 257.35 0.12 257.21 257.53 372.58
Pichia veronaeT (1) 261.44 NA  NA 365.95
Pichia fabianii (1)f 265.45 NA  NA 364.78
Candida zeylanoides (2) 267.72 0.29 267.27 268.03 371.65
Candida famata (2) 273.52 0.21 273.32 273.73 376.21
Endomyces fibuliger (2) 291.13 1.14 289.56 292.25 374.98
Pichia farinosa (2) 303.19 0.00 303.18 303.19 379.18
Candida kefyr (3) 305.45 0.15 305.31 305.60 427.88
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6) 436.52 2.09 434.75 440.03 416.35
Candida glabrata (17) 475.24 0.29 474.78 475.68 413.51

Identification of species by biochemical, morphological, and genotypic assessment. The number of isolates analyzed is indicated in parentheses. Type strains are designated by a superscript T. 


PCR product sizes determined by capillary electrophoresis as described in Materials and Methods. 


SD are calculated for species with two or more strains. 


ITS2 PCR product lengths are from our previous study (2). 


NA, nonapplicable. 


Candida pararugosa and Pichia fabianii were designated as isolate UWFP-348 and UWFP-345, respectively, in a previous study (2). 


Three strains obtained from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (2). 


C. liquefaciens UWFP-357 and C. diffluens UWFP-359 were both misidentified as Cryptococcus albidus by the VITEK and API systems (2). 


Length and sequence polymorphisms of ITS1 region DNAs from clinical and type strains

Species Strain(s)a ITS1 PCR product lengthb (bp) Sequenced PCR productc (bp) % Identity with type strains GenBank accession no. Source or reference
Candida albicans ATCC 11006 215.09 219 AF336831d TSk
UWFP-60 214.17 218 99.5 AF336832d TS
ATCC 28516  NTl 218 99.5 AF217609
Candida dubliniensis UWFP-92 214.06 218 AF336833 TS
CD36 NT 218 100e AJ249485
Candida famata CBS1795T 273.63 278 AF336834 TS
UWFP-352 273.48 278 100 AF336834 TS
CBS767 NT 278 100 AF210327
Candida freyschussii ATCC 18737T 223.46 231 AF336835 TS
Candida glabrata ATCC 2001T 475.50 482 AF336836 TS
UWFP-115, -118 475.24 482 99.8 AF336837 TS
UWFP-192 475.31 482 99.8 AF336838 TS
IFO 0622 NT 452 100 AB032177
Candida guilliermondii ATCC 6260T 243.08 248 AF336839 TS
UWFP-195 243.73 248 100 AF336839 TS
Taxon:4929 NT 249 99.6 L47110 33
Candida intermedia ATCC 14439T 147.42 151 AF336840 TS
UWFP-347 148.48 151 100 AF336840 TS
Candida kefyr UWFP-208 305.60 309 AF336841 TS
JCM1630 NT 279 99.7f AB011519 22
Candida krusei ATCC 6258T 180.41 182 AF411417 TS
Candida krusei sequevar 1 UWFP-210, -211 181.87 183 98.4e AF336842 TS
ATCC 6258T NT 182 100 AF246989
Candida lambica ATCC 24750T 156.42 158 AF336843 TS
UWFP-346 156.39 158 100 AF336843 TS
Candida lusitaniae ATCC 34449T 144.34 148 AF336844 TS
UWFP-233, -234 144.07 148 100 AF336844 TS
ATCC 34449T NT 148 98.0 AF009215
Candida parapsilosis UWFP-254, -285 225.44 229 AF336846 TS
ATCC 22019 NT 229 100e U10987 16
Candida pararugosa ATCC 38774T 161.37 164 AF411418 TS
UWFP-348 161.34 164 99.4 AF335925d TS
Candida pelliculosa (Hansenula anomala) CBS605T 257.34 262 AF335926 TS
UWFP-396 257.36 262 100 AF335926 TS
FY-102 NT 262 100 AF270936 19
Candida rugosa ATCC 10571T 142.91 145 AF335927 TS
Candida tropicalis ATCC 750T 214.83 218 AF335928 TS
UWFP-313, -321, -324 214.94 218 100 AF335928 TS
Taxon:5482 NT 218 99.5 L47112 33
Candida utilis ATCC 22023T 213.92 220 AF335929 TS
Candida zeylanoides ATCC 7351T 267.81 272 AF335930 TS
UWFP-349 267.64 272 100 AF335930 TS
Cryptococcus albidus ATCC 10666T 231.03 234 AF335931g TS
CBS142T NT 234 100 AF145321 26
Cryptococcus diffluens UWFP-359 231.41 234 AF335932 TS
CBS160T NT 234 100e AF145330 26
Cryptococcus humicolus ATCC 14438T 197.94 200 AF335933 TS
UWFP-362 197.91 200 99.5 AF335934 TS
JCM1457 NT 170 100h AB035572 29
Cryptococcus laurentii ATCC 18803T 190.84 193 AF335935 TS
JCM9066 NT 163 99.4h AB035043 28
Cryptococcus liquefaciens UWFP-357 231.39 234 AF336845g TS
Cryptococcus neoformans ATCC 32045T 198.20 201 AF335936 TS
UWFP-360 197.74 201 99.0 AF335937 TS
Taxon:37769 NT 201 99.0 AF196312
Cryptococcus uniguttulatus CBS1730T 207.71 212 AF335938 TS
UWFP-364 208.00 212 100 AF335938 TS
JCM3685 NT 212 100 AB032692 31
Endomyces fibuliger CBS329.83T 290.92 296 AF335939 TS
UWFP-397 290.62 295 99.7 AF335940 TS
UWFP-398 291.64 297 99.7 AF335941 TS
8014 NT 296 100 U10409
Pichia fabianii CBS5640T 265.62 270 AF335942d TS
UWFP-345 265.45 270 100 AF335942 TS
Pichia farinosa CBS185T 304.46 307 AF335944 TS
Pichia farinosa sequevar 1 UWFP-389, -390 303.19 307 98.4 AF335945 TS
Pichia ohmeri ATCC 46053T 154.01 156 AF335946 TS
Pichia ohmeri sequevar 1 UWFP-388 155.48 158 88.9 AF335947g TS
Pichia veronae CBS6591T 261.44 265 AF335943d TS
Rhodotorula glutinis ATCC 32765T 229.92 232 AF335948 TS
JCM8208 NT 232 98.3 AB026018
Rhodotorula rubra ATCC 32763T 229.53 232 AF335949 TS
UWFP-370, -371, -374 228.80 232 100i AF335950d TS
UWFP-373, -380 228.61 232 99.1i AF335951d TS
SY-93 NT 232 100 AB026003
Saccharomyces cerevisiae UWFP-382, -384 435.09 441 99.8fj AF335952 TS
UWFP-383 439.90 446 98.7fj AF335953 TS
UWFP-387 437.11 443 99.3fj AF335954 TS
CBS4903 NT 424g Z95940
Sporobolomyces salmonicolor ATCC 36400T 227.45 231 AF335955 TS
JCM1841 NT 231 98.7 AB030341 30
Trichosporon asahii UWFP-391 200.00 203 AF335956 TS
CBS2530 NT 173 100f AB018014 27
Trichosporon cutaneum ATCC 28592T 193.72 196 AF335957 TS
CBS2466T NT 166 100h AB018020 27
Trichosporon inkin ATCC 18020T 198.47 201 AF335958 TS
UWFP-399 197.97 201 100 AF335958 TS
CBS5585T NT 170 99.4h AB018024 27
Trichosporon jirovecii ATCC 34499T 192.33 195 AF335959 TS
CBS6950 NT 165 100h AB018026 27
Trichosporon mucoides UWFP-363, -366, -367 194.37 197 AF335960d TS
M9478 NT 167 100f AB018031 27
Yarrowia lipolytica ATCC 18942T 133.97 139 AF335961 TS
Y. lipolytica sequevar 1 UWFP-400, -401 134.48 139 97.8 AF335962 TS

ATCC, American Type Culture Collection; UWFP, University of Washington Fungal Project; CD, Cardiff Dental; CBS, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures; IFO, Institute of Fermentation; JCM, Japan Collection of Microorganisms; SY, deep sea yeast; M, Meiji Pharmaceutical; type strains are labeled with superscript T. 


PCR product length determined with capillary electrophoresis as described in Materials and Methods. 


Exact number of nucleotides determined by direct sequencing of the PCR products. 


In addition to ITS1 data listed, new ITS2 sequence data include C. albicans ATCC 11006 (AF335963). C. albicans UWFP-60 (AF335964), C. pararugosa UWFP-348 (AF335965), P. fabianii CBS5640T (AF335967), P. veronae CBS6591T (AF335966), R. rubra UWFP-370 (AF335969), R. rubra UWFP-373 (AF335968), and T. mucoides UWFP-366 (AF335970). 


Complete sequence compared to ITS1 region DNA sequences from clinical strains in this study. 


Partial sequence compared to ITS1 region DNA sequences from clinical strains in this study. 


UWFP-357 and -359 were misidentified as Cryptococcus albidus by the VITEK system (2). Their ITS2 sequences were identical and submitted as C. albidus under accession no. AF219002


Partial sequence compared to ITS1 region DNA sequences from type strains in this study. 


UWFP-373 and -380 had identical ITS2 sequences, and they were 99.3% similar to the R. rubra type strain. UWFP-370 had 99.5% sequence similarity to the R. rubra type strain. 


ITS1 sequence similarities between UWFP-383 and -387, UWFP-382 and -383, and UWFP-382 and -387 were 98.4, 98.9, and 99.5%, respectively. 


TS, this study. 


NT, not tested. 

A hierarchical approach to building a cross-validated data set was employed when selecting isolates for molecular analyses. This was based on our observations that (i) congenic strains identified according to their genetic, biochemical, and morphological characters generally show >99% sequence similarity at ITS2 (2) and ITS1 (Table 2); (ii) capillary electrophoresis permits single-base-pair precision in determining the length of PCR products, with SD of ≤0.5 base between runs; and (iii) the apparent PCR product length strongly correlates (R2 = 0.9992) with the actual number of nucleotides enumerated by direct sequencing (2). Type and reference strains were characterized by directly sequencing ITS1 region DNA. ITS1 PCR product length polymorphisms were determined for randomly selected representatives of each of 40 species (Table 1): for 18 species, multiple isolates were characterized, and for 22 species, only single isolates were characterized for PCR product length. All length polymorphisms (Table 1) were subsequently confirmed by direct sequence analysis of, in most cases, more than one representative isolate of each species (Table 2). Among the 22 singly listed isolates in Table 1, 7 isolates represent type strains added to this study for completeness and for which no clinical isolates were available, 7 isolates showed >99% sequence similarity with their respective type strains, 7 isolates showed >99% sequence similarity with another sequenced clinical isolate, and 1 clinical isolate, Cryptococcus liquefaciens, was the only representative of that species characterized by analyzing DNA sequences from ITS1 (Table 2) and ITS2 (Table 3) and the D1/D2 variable domain of the 26S rRNA gene (Table 4).


Species with similar ITS region PCR product lengths are distinguishable by species-specific ITS1 and ITS2 DNA sequences or restriction fragments of the ITS1-ITS2-region

Species Length (bp)
% Sequence similarity
Restriction fragment size(s)b (bp)
T. jiroveciiT (A) 192.33 349.89 A A 527 49/478
T. cutaneumT (B) 193.72 350.00 98.0, B 97.7, B 529 53/74/102
T. mucoides (C) 194.25 349.30 97.0, 97.5 99.4, 97.2 528 528
C. humicolusT 197.94 353.17 84.6 85.2 535 535
T. inkin 197.97 353.27 350/189 539
C. dubliniensis 214.06 342.33c 93.2 92.1 457/84  541
C. albicans 215.09 338.63c 536 536
S. salmonicolorT 227.45 400.19 80.6 83.7 612 612
R. rubraT 229.53 400.00  41/575 616
C. albidusT (A) 231.03 403.67 A A 621 621
C. liquefaciens (B) 231.39 403.45 96.2, B 98.0, B 621 363/258
C. diffluens (C) 231.41 403.75 96.6, 99.6 98.0, 100 621 363/258

Data from reference 2


Restriction enzyme analyses of PCR products containing ITS1 plus 5.8S rRNA gene plus ITS2 sequences. 


These isolates can be distinguished by using ITS2 length polymorphisms (Table 1) but are included here because of the difficulty of phenotypic identification (2). 


Comparing three diagnostic loci for identifying unusual isolates

Group and strain(s)a Identity by biochemical testsb Actual identity by genetic analysesc Sequence similarity among clinical and type strains (%)d
Accession no. from this study for 26S
Group 1
 UWFP-208 C. kefyr C. kefyr 99.7 98.4 100 AF335978
Group 2
 ATCC 6258T C. krusei C. krusei
 UWFP-210, -211 C. krusei C. krusei 98.4 100 100 AF335979
Group 3
 ATCC 10571T C. rugosa C. rugosa (A) A A A
 UWFP-348 C. rugosa C. pararugosa (B) 69.5, B 62.8, B 63.7, B AF335972
 ATCC 38774T C. pararugosa C. pararugosa (C) 68.9, 99.4 61.1, 100 63.7, 100 AF421856
Group 4
 ATCC 10666T C. albidus C. albidus (A) A A A AF335982
 UWFP-359 C. albidus C. diffluens (B) 96.6, B 98.0, B 97.0, B AF335981
 UWFP-357 C. albidus C. liquefaciens (C) 96.2, 99.6 98.0, 100 97.3, 99.5 AF335980
Group 5
 ATCC 32045T C. neoformans C. neoformans 100 AF335984
 UWFP-360 C. neoformans C. neoformans 99.0 99.0 99.5 AF335983
Group 6
 CBS185T P. farinosa P. farinosa 100 AF335974
 UWFP-389, -390 P. farinosa P. farinosa sequevar 1 98.4 100 99.7 AF335973
Group 7
 ATCC 46053T P. ohmeri P. ohmeri 100 AF335976
 UWFP-388 P. ohmeri P. ohmeri sequevar 1 88.9 99.6 100 AF335975
Group 8
 ATCC 32765T R. glutinis R. glutinis (A) A A A AF335985
 ATCC 32763T R. rubra R. rubra (B) 90, B 91, B 94.3, B AF335986
 UWFP-370 R. glutinis R. rubra (C) 90, 100, C 90, 99, C 94.3, 100, C AF335986
 UWFP-373, -380 R. glutinis R. rubra (D) 90, 99, 99 91, 99, 100 94.3, 99.8, 99.8 AF335987
Group 9
 ATCC 18942T Y. lipolytica Y. lipolytica 100 AF335977
 UWFP-400, -401 Y. lipolytica Y. lipolytica sequevar 1 97.8 100 100 AF335977
Group 10
 UWFP-345 Unknowne P. fabianii (A) A A A AF335971
 CBS5640T P. fabianii P. fabianii (B) 100, B 100, B 100, B
 CBS6591T P. veronae P. veronae (C) 90.1, 90.1 94.1, 94.1 100, 100
Group 11
 UWFP-363, -366, -367 Unknowne T. mucoides 100 100 99.7 AF335988

Type strains are designated by a superscript T. 


API and VITEK systems, supplemented by conventional methods, were used to perform biochemical tests (2). 


Identification confirmed by ≥99% 26S rDNA gene sequence similarity with type strains and published sequences. Published sequences used for similarity comparison are given in parentheses as follows: C. kefyr (no. U94924T), C. krusei (no. U76347T), C. pararugosa (no. U62306T), C. albidus (no. AF075474T), C. diffluens (no. AF075502T), C. liquefaciens (no. AF181515T), C. neoformans (no. AF075484T), P. farinosa (no. U45739T), P. ohmeri (no. U45702T), R. glutinis (no. AF070430), R. rubra (no. AF189960T), Y. lipolytica (no. U40080T), P. fabianii (no. U73573T), P. veronae (no. U73576T), and T. mucoides (no. AF075515T). Sequences from this study are identical with published 26S sequences except as follows: there was 99.8% similarity to published sequences for strains of C. pararugosa (UWFP-348), R. glutinis (ATCC 32765T), and R. rubra (UWFP-373 and -380); 99.7% similarity for strains of P. farinosa (UWFP-389 and -390) and T. mucoides (UWFP-363, -366, and -367); and 99.5% similarity for C. neoformans (UWFP-360). 


ITS1 and ITS2 sequence similarities were compared among clinical and type strains from our study, except for C. kefyr, C. krusei, and T. mucoides, which were compared to published sequences: C. kefyr (JCM1630 for ITS1 [AB011519], taxon 4911 for ITS2 [L47107], NRRL Y-8281T for 26S [U94924]), C. krusei (NRRL Y-5396T for 26S [U76347]), and T. mucoides (M9478 for ITS1 and ITS2 [AB018031], CBS7625T for 26S [AF075515]). 


Clinical strains UWFP-345, -363, -366, and -367 were unidentifiable by routine automated biochemical methods. Strain UWFP-345 has 100% 26S sequence identity with P. fabianii and P. veronae. However, ITS sequence comparison clearly identified this strain as P. fabianii, which was concordant with its positive nitrate assimilation test. Strains UWFP-363, -366, and -367 were identified by their 100% ITS2 sequence identity with T. mucoides in the ITS2 study (2). 

PCR and DNA sequencing.

DNA was extracted from yeasts after 48 h of growth on Sabouraud's agar and PCR amplified as previously described (2). ITS1 region DNA was amplified with 900 nM primer ITS1 (5′-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3′; GIBCO BRL, Grand Island, N.Y.), 300 nM primer ITS2 (5′-GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-3′) (18), and the following thermocycler parameters: 95°C for 6 min, followed by 25 cycles at 95°C for 30 s, 55°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 30 s, followed by one final extension at 72°C for 10 min. The same parameters were used to amplify the ITS1 and ITS2 regions simultaneously as a single product by using 300 nM ITS1 and ITS4 primers (5′-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3′) (18). Similarly, 600 nM (each) NL-1 (5′-GCATATCAATAAGCGGAGGAAAAG-3′) and NL-4 (5′-GGTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGG-3′) (14) was used to amplify the D1/D2 variable domain of the 26S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene: denaturation at 94°C for 5 min was followed by 30 cycles of amplification at 94°C for 1 min, 60°C for 2 min, and 72°C for 2 min, followed by one final extension at 72°C for 7 min. Determination of the length of ITS1 PCR products by automated capillary electrophoresis and DNA sequence analysis of both the forward and reverse strands of PCR products (listed in Table 2) were performed as previously described (2).

Sequence similarity and phylogenetic analyses.

DNA sequences were assembled, edited, and subjected to phylogenetic analyses as described previously (2). Sequence similarities were expressed as the percentage of nucleotide differences determined by pairwise sequence comparisons. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used as the outgroup instead of Pneumocystis carinii (2): the ITS1 sequence of S. cerevisiae is distant from all the other sequences (except Candida glabrata) and thus forms a natural outgroup. The branching order of the neighbor-joining (23) dendrograms (Fig. 1) was evaluated with 1,000 bootstrap analyses by using the SEQBOOT program in the PHYLIP software package (version 3.573) (J. Felsenstein, Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle;

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1

FIG. 1

FIG. 1

(A) ITS1 sequence-based phylogenetic tree of 41 clinically significant yeast species. A consensus neighbor-joining dendrogram with 1,000 bootstrap replicates was based on 419 aligned positions of complete ITS1 sequences with adjacent partial sequences of 18S and 5.8S rRNA genes. GenBank accession numbers of sequences generated in this study are presented in Table 2. Numbers at the nodes indicate the bootstrap values. Lower bars indicate relative genetic distance. (B) ITS2 sequence-based phylogenetic tree of 42 clinically significant yeast species. Consensus neighbor-joining dendrogram with 1,000 bootstrap replicates was based on 432 aligned positions of complete ITS2 sequences with adjacent partial sequences of 5.8S and 26S rRNA genes. The sequences of C. albicans (no. L28817) and C. parapsilosis (no. U10988), as well as our sequences used for tree building, were previously published (2). Accession numbers of additional ITS2 sequences generated in this study are shown in Table 2 (footnote d). (C) 26S sequence-based phylogenetic tree of 41 clinically significant yeast species. Consensus neighbor-joining dendrogram with 1,000 bootstrap replicates was based on 565 aligned positions of the D1/D2 region of the 26S rRNA genes. Sequences of the following organisms (accession numbers in parentheses) were retrieved from GenBank: C. albicans (no. U45776), C. dubliniensis (no. U57685), C. famata (no. U45808), C. freyschussii (no. AF017242), C. glabrata (no. U44808), C. guilliermondii (no. U45709), C. intermedia (no. U44809), C. kefyr (no. U94924), C. krusei (no. U76347), C. lambica (no. AF020435), C. lusitaniae (no. U44817), C. parapsilosis (no. U45754), C. pararugosa (no. U62306), C. pelliculosa (no. U74592), C. rugosa (no. U45727), C. tropicalis (no. AB034689), C. utilis (no. U73570), C. zeylanoides (no. U45832), C. diffluens (no. AF075502), C. humicolus (no. AF189836), C. laurentii (no. AF075469), C. liquefaciens (no. AF181515), C. uniguttulatus (no. AF075468), E. fibuliger (no. U40088), P. fabianii (no. U73573), P. veronae (no. U73576), S. cerevisiae (no. U44806), S. salmonicolor (no. AF070439), T. asahii (no. AF105393), T. cutaneum (no. AF075483), T. inkin (no. AF105396), T. jirovecii (no. AF105398), and T. mucoides (no. AF075515). Sequences of the following organisms (accession numbers in parentheses) are from this study: C. albidus (no. AF335982), C. neoformans (no. AF335984), P. farinosa (no. AF335974), P. ohmeri (no. AF335976), P. ohmeri sequevar 1 (no. AF335975), R. glutinis (no. AF335985), R. rubra (no. AF335986), and Y. lipolytica (no. AF335977).


To determine if DNA polymorphisms in the ITS1 region contained diagnostically useful information, we analyzed single PCR products that had been amplified from 141 strains of yeasts, including 30 type and 5 reference strains. Each product contained the 3′ end of the 18S rDNA gene, the entire ITS1 region, and the 5′ end of the 5.8S rDNA gene. The PCR product length was analyzed for each strain by capillary electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (Table 1), a method that rapidly provides single-base-pair precision, low run-to-run variation, and an excellent correlation (R2 = 0.9992) with the actual number of nucleotides enumerated by direct sequencing (2). To confirm the specificity of length polymorphisms and identify species-specific ITS1 alleles, the forward and reverse strands of ITS1 region PCR products from 79 strains were directly sequenced (Table 2).

ITS1 sequence polymorphisms.

ITS1 PCR product lengths determined by capillary electrophoresis ranged from 134.43 bp (Yarrowia lipolytica) to 475.24 bp (C. glabrata) with intraspecies strain variation generally less than 0.5 bp, except for Candida krusei (SD = 0.64 bp), Endomyces fibuliger (SD = 1.14 bp), and S. cerevisiae (SD = 2.09 bp) (Table 1). Similar intraspecies strain variation was observed among ITS2 alleles for Candida dubliniensis, Candida tropicalis, and S. cerevisiae (2), but the distribution of ITS2 region PCR product lengths among all tested species was more limited and ranged from 236.66 to 428.73 bp (Table 1). Of 40 species examined, 19 could be identified based solely on the apparent length of their ITS1 PCR products (species listed individually in Table 1).

Direct DNA sequence analysis of the ITS1 region PCR products (Table 2) confirmed a close correlation of the apparent ITS1 PCR product lengths measured by capillary electrophoresis with the actual product length (2) and revealed species-specific ITS1 DNA sequences for all 40 pathogenic species examined. Intraspecies sequence variability was detected among clinical strains and between clinical and type strains (Table 2). Nucleotide insertions or deletions in the ITS1 region were observed between type and clinical strains of C. albicans and E. fibuliger, as well as among clinical strains of E. fibuliger and S. cerevisiae. For these species, this variation accounts for the SD of ≥0.5 bp observed for the PCR product lengths measured by capillary electrophoresis (Table 1). Similar nucleotide insertions and deletions were found previously in the ITS2 regions of type and clinical strains of C. glabrata and C. tropicalis, as well as among clinical strains of C. tropicalis and S. cerevisiae (2). Conspecific strains examined among a total of 79 isolates in this study, including 30 type strains and 5 reference strains, generally displayed ≥99% sequence similarity (Table 2). Together with the 53 new species-specific diagnostic alleles identified (Table 2), these data provide two important measures of the diagnostic utility of ITS1 sequences for identifying medically important yeasts.

Complementary ITS1 and ITS2 polymorphisms.

Twenty-one species in Table 1 comprise five groups with nearly identical ITS1 PCR product lengths, yet 11 of these species can be identified if their ITS2 PCR product lengths are also determined: Candida rugosa, Candida lusitaniae; Pichia ohmeri, Candida lambica, Cryptococcus laurentii, Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida utilis, C. dubliniensis, C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and Rhodotorula glutinis. Notably, C. rugosa, P. ohmeri, C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. utilis could only be identified by using a combination of ITS1 and -2 length polymorphisms (Table 1) (2). That is, neither ITS PCR product length alone permitted unambiguous identification. ITS2 length polymorphisms alone identified 16 species of yeasts (2) compared with 19 identified by using ITS1 alone (Table 1). However, the combination of ITS1 and ITS2 length polymorphisms accurately identified 30 species of yeasts (Tables 1 and 2). The isolation rate of these 30 species in our clinical laboratory, which serves a spectrum of patients ranging from primary to tertiary care and provides reference laboratory services for five Western states, indicates that >98% of clinical isolates from our laboratory could be identified by ITS length polymorphisms.

The remaining 10 species (Table 1) included four groups that could not be distinguished by ITS region PCR product lengths (Table 3). These isolates could be readily and accurately identified by DNA sequence analysis of either ITS allele (Table 3) or restriction endonuclease analysis of the PCR product containing both ITS1 and ITS2 (Table 3). Two exceptions were Cryptococcus liquefaciens and Cryptococcus diffluens. These closely related species (7) contained identical ITS2 alleles (Table 3) (2), provided indistinguishable BsaHI and HincII restriction analyses from their ITS1 and -2 PCR products, and displayed phenotypic characteristics of Cryptococcus albidus by routine automated biochemical methods and therefore were only distinguishable by the DNA sequences of their ITS1 alleles (Table 3).

Identification of unusual isolates.

In a previous study (2), we observed >98% concordance between biochemical and ITS2 genotypic identifications validated with over 400 clinical isolates. However, four clinical isolates could not be readily identified by automated biochemical systems (UWFP-345, -363, -366, and -367). Six additional clinical isolates (UWFP-348, -357, -359, -370, -373, and -380) had questionable designations: their identity predicted by biochemical characteristics was clearly not concordant with their ITS2 genotype. The identity of these 10 isolates was established in Table 4, which includes analysis of the hypervariable D1/D2 region of the 26S rRNA gene (5, 13). These data confirm the utility of ITS sequences for correctly identifying C. rugosa and C. pararugosa (Table 4, group 3), C. albidus, C. diffluens, and C. liquefaciens (group 4), R. glutinis and R. rubra (group 8), P. fabianii and P. veronae (group 10), and T. mucoides (group 11). Notably, P. veronae and P. fabianii have identical D1/D2 hypervariable sequences and could only be identified by using ITS alleles (Table 4, group 10).

Table 4 also contains analyses of isolates with ITS1 (Table 2) or ITS2 (2) alleles that showed ≤99% sequence similarity between type and clinical strains or among clinical strains. Interestingly, the newly designated C. diffluens and C. liquefaciens (7) strains share 99.6, 100, and 99.5% sequence similarity at ITS1, ITS2, and the 26S rRNA hypervariable loci, respectively (Table 4, group 4). Although >99% similarity is generally typical of conspecific strains (2, 5, 13, 27), Table 4 provides several examples where this may not be the case: Candida kefyr (row 1), C. krusei (row 2), P. farinosa (group 6), P. ohmeri (group 7), and Y. lipolytica (group 9). Because species delineation now encompasses the integration of both physiological and genotypic characteristics, we use the term “sequevar” to distinguish clinical isolates with the following characteristics: one diagnostic allele <99% similar to the type strain while biochemical and two (or more) other diagnostic loci (defined as ≥99% similar) concur for the designation of a particular species—e.g., P. farinosa ITS1 sequevar 1, P. ohmeri ITS1 sequevar 1, and Y. lipolytica ITS1 sequevar 1 (Table 4, groups 6, 7, and 9). It is possible that further investigation(s) will confirm these as new species, considering the similarity of the three diagnostic loci examined for C. diffluens and C. liquefaciens (Table 4). Furthermore, ITS2 sequevars, such as for C. keyfr (Table 4, row 1), may also exist. Together, these data indicate that ITS analyses are useful for distinguishing closely related clinical isolates.

Phylogenetic analysis.

In addition to discriminating among closely related species, we sought to determine if ITS1 alleles could accurately indicate the relationships among distantly related taxa. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with ITS1, ITS2, and 26S sequences (Fig. 1A, B, and C, respectively). Dendrogram topologies derived from the three sets of sequences were highly similar. Similar to the 26S tree, high bootstrap values were observed at the deep branches separating the heterogeneous ascomycetous yeasts and the different clades of the basidiomycetous yeasts. Within each clade, the relationships among species of monophyletic taxa with statistically well-supported peripheral branches were generally concordant between all three markers. Moreover, closely related species with identical 26S sequences could be separated by ITS sequences with strong bootstrap support (e.g., P. veronae and P. fabiani) and species with identical ITS2 sequences could be separated by examining their ITS1 alleles (e.g., C. diffluens and C. liquefaciens). We therefore conclude that ITS loci could be used for taxonomic placement and to infer phylogenetic relationships of previously undescribed species and novel pathogens isolated in the clinical laboratory.


DNA-based methods have been used successfully to characterize pathogenic yeasts and provide evidence of novel species (1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 25, 2729, 31). We have established an ITS database that provides accurate identification of at least 40 species of medically important yeasts. Nineteen of these can be rapidly identified by capillary electrophoresis to determine ITS1 PCR product lengths alone, compared with 16 identified by using ITS2 alone (Table 1). The use of both alleles identified 30 species (Table 1), including 4 species that could only be unambiguously designated by using both ITS alleles (see Results). Our diagnostic library of ITS length polymorphisms is validated with over 400 clinical strains (Tables 1 and 2) (2), and together, the ITS1 and -2 length polymorphisms identify >98% of the isolates received by our clinical laboratory.

The direct sequence analysis of 79 isolates confirmed the accuracy of estimating PCR product lengths by capillary electrophoresis (2) and provided 53 new diagnostic ITS1 alleles from a well-characterized group of clinical isolates with concordant biochemical analysis-, ITS1-, and ITS2-based identifications (Table 2). ITS1 alleles showed species specificity and permitted 40 species of pathogenic yeasts to be unambiguously identified by restriction endonuclease or DNA sequence analysis of ITS1 region PCR products (Tables 2 and 3). In combination with sequences from ITS2 (55 alleles total from reference 2 and Table 2) and the D1/D2 hypervariable region of the 26S rRNA gene, unusual clinical isolates were also readily identified (Table 4). Together with the ITS1 alleles, the additional ITS2 and D1/D2 region sequences from this study provide a total of 67 new diagnostic alleles (Table 2, footnote d, and Table 4).

Data from three diagnostic loci, the D1/D2 hypervariable region of the 26S rRNA gene, ITS1, and ITS2, allowed ambiguous biochemical and genotypic designations to be clarified (Table 4). In this respect, we found ITS1 to be most useful, because it distinguished among closely related isolates with identical sequences at either the 26S rRNA gene or ITS2 loci. Similarly, others have found ITS sequences particularly useful for distinguishing among closely related yeasts (5, 12, 14, 27, 28, 31). Furthermore, our data indicating that ATCC 11066 (originally designated Candida stellatoidea) is C. albicans (Table 2) agrees with other molecular data (20) that C. stellatoidea does not merit species status (15, 32). Although we observed intraspecies ITS allelic variation, as has been reported previously (2, 27), conspecific strains generally demonstrated ≥99% sequence similarity (Table 2). This result is in agreement with studies including other loci and large numbers of diverse isolates (2, 5, 12, 14, 27, 28). However, the possibility exists for exceptions to this benchmark (Table 4), because the converse argument implies that ≤99% sequence similarity connotes different species: for example, Cryptococcus diffluens and C. liquefaciens demonstrate >99% similarity at three diagnostic loci (Table 4 [see also Results and reference 7]). To facilitate accurate reporting of genetic data and to maintain the integrity of public databases for the purposes of identifying clinically significant yeasts, we use the term “sequevar” to indicate isolates that differ at one locus (≤99% sequence similarity) but share two (or more) loci (≥99% similarity) concordantly with biochemical and morphological indicators for a particular species designation. Clearly, additional investigation will be necessary to accurately determine the species relationships among taxa containing such isolates.

The data in Table 4 indicate the utility of ITS sequences for distinguishing among closely related yeasts, and we also determined the relevance of ITS sequences for establishing the relationships among distantly related taxa. The phylogenetic relationships observed in the ITS1 and ITS2 trees were highly concordant with those inferred from 26S rDNA sequences (Fig. 1). ITS2 and ITS1 were better than 26S at resolving the taxonomic position of Cryptococcus humicolus. In agreement with our data, this species has been previously shown to belong to the Trichosporon clade by analysis of 18S rDNA and ITS sequences (29), as well as 26S rDNA (10). In the ascomycetous group, Pichia species were polyphyletic in all three dendrograms. These results are concordant with the data of Kurtzman et al., who also showed that Pichia species are polyphyletic and widely distributed among the ascomycetous yeasts based on 26S rDNA phylogenies (13). Thus, our data confirm that ITS1 and ITS2 regions are not only phylogenetically informative, as shown by other investigators (5, 28, 29, 31), but are also useful in distinguishing closely as well as distantly related taxa (Fig. 1). By extrapolation, an expanded ITS sequence database could be used for taxonomic placement and to infer phylogenetic relationships of previously undescribed species and novel pathogens. Ready access to these species-specific DNA sequences, amplified with universal primers, predicts that array-based hybridization schemes will become useful diagnostic tools in the clinical microbiology laboratory.


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