(A) Overview of main cell classes identified throughout the fly cell atlas. Som. pre., somatic precursor cells; male repr. and fem. repr., male and female reproductive system; male germ. and fem. germ., male and female germline cells.
(B) tSNE plots showing expression of four markers in four common cell classes.
(C) Composition of whole head and body samples, showing a shift from neurons to epithelial and muscle cells. Composition of the entire fly cell atlas shows enrichment for rarer cell classes compared to the whole-body sample.
(D) Cross-tissue analysis of hemocytes reveals different cell states of plasmatocytes. Annotations marked as blue are hemocytes containing markers of different cell types, including lymph gland posterior signaling center (LGP), muscle (MUS), antenna (ANT), neurons (NEU), photoreceptor (PR), male accessory glands (MAG), glia (G), male testis and spermatocyte (MS), olfactory-binding proteins (OBP), and heat-shock proteins (Hsp). Other abbreviations show top marker gene(s) in red. Plasmatocytes and crystal cells are indicated. On the right are genes showing compartmentalized expression patterns within the plasmatocyte cluster.
(E) Cross-tissue analysis of muscle cells reveals subdivision of the visceral muscle cells based on neuropeptide receptors. Annotations marked as blue are muscle cells containing markers of different cell types, including neuron (NEU) and male testis and spermatocyte (MS). Muscle cells from three body parts are indicated: head muscle (HEAD), body muscle (BODY), and testis muscle (TESTIS). Other annotated muscle types include indirect flight muscle (IFM), ovarian sheath muscle (OSM), abdominal visceral muscle (ABD), dpy expressing muscle (DPY), visceral muscle of the midgut AstC-R2 (VMM-A), visceral muscle of the crop MsR1 (VMC-M), visceral muscle of the midgut Dh31-R (VMM-D), and visceral muscle CCAP-R (VM-C). Pdfr is expressed in all visceral muscle cells, including the ovarian sheath muscle; other four receptor genes (AstC-R2, MsR1, Dh31-R, CCAP-R) are expressed in different gut visceral muscle types.