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. 2022 Jun 1;17(6):e0268754. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268754

Assessing and visualizing fragility of clinical results with binary outcomes in R using the fragility package

Lifeng Lin 1,*, Haitao Chu 2,3
Editor: Paul Aurelian Gagniuc4
PMCID: PMC9159630  PMID: 35648746


With the growing concerns about research reproducibility and replicability, the assessment of scientific results’ fragility (or robustness) has been of increasing interest. The fragility index was proposed to quantify the robustness of statistical significance of clinical studies with binary outcomes. It is defined as the minimal event status modifications that can alter statistical significance. It helps clinicians evaluate the reliability of the conclusions. Many factors may affect the fragility index, including the treatment groups in which event status is modified, the statistical methods used for testing for the association between treatments and outcomes, and the pre-specified significance level. In addition to assessing the fragility of individual studies, the fragility index was recently extended to both conventional pairwise meta-analyses and network meta-analyses of multiple treatment comparisons. It is not straightforward for clinicians to calculate these measures and visualize the results. We have developed an R package called “fragility” to offer user-friendly functions for such purposes. This article provides an overview of methods for assessing and visualizing the fragility of individual studies as well as pairwise and network meta-analyses, introduces the usage of the “fragility” package, and illustrates the implementations with several worked examples.


Research reproducibility and replicability have been major concerns in many areas of scientific research [16]. Such issues may be largely owing to the misuse of p values [7, 8], which are often misinterpreted as a measure of treatment effects in clinical studies [9, 10]. Consequently, studies with smaller p values (i.e., statistically more significant effects) are more likely to be published; this phenomenon is often referred to as publication and selective reporting bias or small-study effects [1118]. This bias may distort clinical conclusions toward an artificially favorable direction and thus greatly threaten their reliability. Due to these concerns, communities across many scientific fields have recently called for more careful interpretations of p values and statistical significance [1922]. In an effect to reduce publication bias, it has been recommended to pre-register clinical trials or publish their protocols before obtaining the final results [23].

To supplement the use of p values and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for assessing treatment effects in clinical studies with binary outcomes, Walsh et al. [24] proposed the fragility index (FI) to quantify their fragility (or robustness). The FI is defined as the minimal event status modifications that can alter a study result’s statistical significance. For example, if an originally significant treatment effect estimate becomes non-significant by modifying only a single patient’s event status (e.g., from no disease to disease), then the clinical study’s conclusion is highly fragile. In this case, clinicians may need to carefully borrow real-world evidence to assess the likelihood of that patient developing the disease and appraise the reliability of the evidence about treatment effects from this study. Similar concepts have also been considered in the earlier literature [25, 26]. With the growing concerns about research reproducibility and replicability, the FI has regained much attention in recent years. It has been applied to assess the fragility of randomized controlled trials in several clinical areas, such as anticancer medicine, critical care, surgery medicine, and obstetrics [2733].

The concerns of research reproducibility and replicability also arise in systematic reviews and meta-analyses (MAs). Publications of MAs have been rapidly increasing in the past few decades, because they offer a powerful tool for synthesizing and contrasting existing findings and producing more precise effect estimates [34, 35]. However, sometimes different MAs focusing on the same topic can have inconsistent conclusions [3638]. Similar to pre-registering clinical trials, pre-registered prospective MAs have been recommended [39, 40]. Recently, the FI was extended to assess the fragility of conventional pairwise MAs as well as network meta-analyses (NMAs) of multiple treatment comparisons [41, 42]. The FI of an MA is defined similarly to that in a clinical trial; however, its estimation is more complicated, because the modifications of event status may occur in different studies within the MA. Therefore, it is computationally challenging for applied scientists to calculate and interpret the FI of an MA.

It may not be sufficient to rely completely on the numerical value of the FI derived at a specific significance level (e.g., commonly used 0.05) for properly interpreting the fragility. For example, the FI may be highly associated with the p value under certain settings [43]. In such cases, the FI may not provide much more information in addition to the p value. Nevertheless, the correlation between the FI and p value is generally expected, because the FI is derived based on p value (or CI); however, as long as the correlation coefficient is not nearly ±1, the FI can still serve as a useful supplement. Its interpretation of “the number of events modified for altering significance” is intuitive for clinicians. This is similar to the common practice of reporting point estimates of treatment effects, their standard errors (SEs), p values, and CIs; each of them provides important information for assessing treatment comparisons, although they are associated with one another. Moreover, no widely-accepted guidelines are available to evaluate the extent of fragility based on the FI value [44]. Clinicians’ opinions (e.g., about the clinical importance of an effect) may be incorporated when assessing the fragility [45, 46]. For example, it is likely that a non-event may be changed to be an event for common diseases, but it is less likely for rare diseases. In addition, the FI may not be very suitable for analyses of time-to-event data, in which the timing of events, rather than the occurrence of events, is of primary interest [4749]. In summary, as a relatively new measure, more comprehensive evaluations, including visualizations of the whole process that alters the significance, should be taken into account when interpreting the FI in clinical practice.

To the best of our knowledge, very limited software packages are available for assessing the fragility of clinical results, and no package has been developed yet for visualizing the fragility. An online calculator ( offers a simple tool to calculate the FI of individual studies; users only need to input the event counts and sample sizes in the two treatment groups in a clinical study. However, it does not provide options for specifying the statistical significance level, statistical method used for deriving the significance, etc. The significance level is fixed at 0.05, and Fisher’s exact test is the only option to derive the FI. An R package “fragilityindex” [50] is also available to calculate the FI of individual studies; it additionally extends the FI to logistic regression analyses and survival data analyses. Nevertheless, it only permits users to specify the significance level; many other important factors (such as treatment groups in which event status is modified) that may impact the FI cannot be changed. Atal et al. [41] provide a web interface to calculate the FI of a pairwise MA (; the Stata module “metafrag” [51] can also be used for this purpose.

We have developed an R package “fragility” [52] that provides many additional options for assessing and visualizing the fragility of individual trials, pairwise MAs, and NMAs. This article gives an overview of these options and introduces the usage of the “fragility” package in detail with several worked examples. The remaining content is organized as follows. First, we review methods for assessing the fragility in various clinical settings. Second, we introduce the structures of different types of datasets and the usage of various functions provided by the “fragility” package. Third, we present several worked examples and display their results to illustrate the usage of these functions. Finally, we provide a brief discussion about future improvements.

Materials and methods

Assessing and visualizing the fragility

Fragility of an individual clinical study

Suppose that a clinical study compares two treatments, denoted by 0 and 1, with a binary outcome. The results are typically reported in a 2×2 table (Table 1). Let n0 and n1 be the sample sizes in treatment groups 0 and 1, respectively, and e0 and e1 be the event counts. These counts are non-negative integers, and e0n0 and e1n1.

Table 1. Illustration of a 2×2 table and event status modifications.
Treatment Event Non-event Sample size
2×2 table of the original study:
Group 0 e 0 n0e0 n 0
Group 1 e 1 n1e1 n 1
2×2 table with event status modifications:
Group 0 e0 + f0 n0e0f0 n 0
Group 1 e1 + f1 n1e1f1 n 1

By modifying some events’ status, the impact on the study result can be used to calculate the FI. The uncertainties in event status are common in practice; for example, if the follow-up periods for some participants are not sufficient, their disease outcomes may occur after the end of study. [24] originally proposed to assess the fragility of a study by modifying event status only in a single treatment group; such a group is chosen as the one with the fewest events. Nevertheless, this restriction may not guarantee that the modifications of event status for altering statistical significance or non-significance are minimal. In general, we may consider event status modifications in both treatment groups, as in Table 1. Specifically, let f0 and f1 be the numbers of non-events changed to events in groups 0 and 1, respectively. They may take any integer values between −ek and nkek (k = 0, 1). Negative values of f0 or f1 indicate decreasing event counts in the corresponding group, while positive values indicate increasing event counts; setting f0 or f1 to 0 implies no event status modification.

Many statistical methods can be used to assess the association between a treatment and an outcome in a 2 × 2 table [53]. Fisher’s exact test is commonly used for this purpose; its p value is calculated based on a hypergeometric distribution under the null hypothesis. This test is particularly useful for small sample sizes, because many alternative methods use large-sample asymptotic properties and may not perform well for small sample sizes. The chi-squared test is another popular method, and its p value is based on the asymptotic chi-squared distribution under the null hypothesis; thus, this test generally requires sufficiently large sample sizes.

Clinicians also frequently use certain measures to quantify treatment effects for binary outcomes, e.g., the odds ratio (OR), relative risk (RR), and risk difference (RD); p values may be produced based on these effect sizes. Without loss of generality, these effect sizes are calculated for the comparison of group 1 vs. group 0 throughout this article. The OR and RR are conventionally analyzed on a logarithmic scale for a better approximation to the normal distribution. Specifically, the log OR is estimated as


with SE


The log RR is estimated as


with SE


The RD is estimated as


with SE


In the presence of zero counts, a continuity correction (often 0.5) needs to be applied to all data cells in the 2×2 table for producing these estimates [54].

Consequently, a certain set of event status modifications f0 and f1 leads to a p value based on each of the above five methods for assessing the association between the treatment and outcome, denoted by p(f0, f1). The p value of the original study with no event status modification is p(0, 0) with f0 = f1 = 0. For the chi-squared test, OR, RR, and RD, their p values may not be accurate when some data cells are small, because they all use large-sample asymptotic null distributions to calculate p values. The estimated log OR, log RR, and RD are assumed to approximately follow the normal distribution, so their p values are calculated as p(f0,f1)=2Φ(-|y(f0,f1)|s(f0,f1)) (two-sided) or p(f0,f1)=Φ(-|y(f0,f1)|s(f0,f1)) (one-sided), where Φ(⋅) denotes the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution. The OR, RR, and RD can indicate the direction of treatment effects; thus, the alternative hypothesis could be two- or one-sided. Fisher’s exact test and the chi-squared test evaluate the association with no specific direction; therefore, their p values are two-sided.

For each method, the p values p(f0, f1) based on all considered event status modifications can be visualized as a matrix of points; each point represents a p value, with the x- and y-axes representing its corresponding event status modifications, and its color distinguishes the magnitude of the p value [55]. When event status modifications are restricted to a single treatment group, the p values p(f0, 0) or p(0, f1) can be presented against f0 or f1 in a scatterplot for visualizing the change of p values as event status modifications vary. These plots will be illustrated in our worked examples later.

Assume the statistical significance level is pre-specified at α. Formally, if the original study result is statistically significant with p(0, 0) < α, then the FI is defined as


if the original study result is non-significant with p(0, 0) ≥ α, then the FI is


A smaller value of FI indicates a more fragile result. The above minimization problems are subject to −ekfknkek (k = 0, 1). These ranges could be adjusted to accommodate with clinicians’ needs. For example, if it is more likely that some events are not observed, then one may restrict the ranges to be non-negative for yielding more events. One may also restrict event status modifications to a single group, as in Walsh et al. [24]. When the modifications are restricted to group 0, the resulting FI is


Similarly, when the modifications are restricted to group 1, the resulting FI is


Clearly, 1 ≤ FI ≤ min{FI0, FI1}. It is possible that the significance or non-significance cannot be altered based on given ranges of event status modifications; in such cases, we define FI as not available (NA). This may happen when sample sizes are small, as they only permit a narrow range of modifications.

Of note, this article discusses multiple methods for testing the association between treatment and outcome and thus deriving the FI. We hope that they offer flexibility for users when assessing clinical studies’ fragility based on different tools. We do not suggest that users should try all methods because this practice could lead to “fragility-hacking.” Users are recommended to use the statistical method specified in the study protocol for deriving the FI.

Although the significance level is conventionally set at α = 0.05, this choice is arguably arbitrary, and the resulting false positive rate may be considered high in some fields of science. Many researchers propose to lower this standard to α = 0.005 for improving research reproducibility and replicability [56, 57]. As the FI is derived based on a specific significance level, the significance level should always be reported alongside the associated level. Instead of relying on the FI at a single significance level, clinicians might also be interested in the trend of the FI as the significance level varies (e.g., from 0.005 to 0.05), which can be visualized in a scatterplot [55]. Theoretically, the FI is a function of the significance level, denoted by FI(α). This is a step function because the FI must take positive integer values. Suppose the FI is evaluated from α = αL (say, 0.005) to α = αU (say, 0.05). We may consider the average of the area under the function to quantify the overall fragility among the range of significance levels [αL, αU]. The idea is similar to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) used in diagnostic decision-making. The average FI is FIavg=1αU-αLαLαUFI(α)dα. In practice, this quantity can be approximated by the average of FIs at B (say, 100) equally-spaced values between αL and αU, denoted by αb for b = 1, 2, …, B with α1 = αL and αB = αU. Because αLαUFI(α)dααU-αLBb=1BFI(αb) for a sufficient large B, the average FI is FIavgB-1b=1BFI(αb), i.e., the arithmetic mean of the values of FI(αb).

Multiple clinical studies may be conducted on the same topic; they compare the same treatment groups and investigate the same outcome. Clinicians may want to compare the fragility across the multiple studies. As the FI of an individual study depends on the sample size, it might not be sensible to directly compare the FIs of the multiple studies. Alternatively, one may use the relative measure, fragility quotient (FQ), to compare the multiple studies’ fragility [58]. Specifically, FQ=FIn0+n1×100%, where n0 + n1 is the total sample size of the study. Thus, the FQ represents the minimal percentage change of event status among all participants that can alter the significance (or non-significance), and it ranges within 0%–100%.

Fragility of a meta-analysis

An MA aims at synthesizing and contrasting findings from multiple independent studies on the same topic. Consider an MA with a binary outcome that contains N studies. Each study compares the same two treatment groups (denoted by 0 and 1) and reports its 2×2 table with event counts ei0 and ei1 and sample sizes ni0 and ni1 in the two groups (i = 1, …, N). The effect measure can be the (log) OR, (log) RR, or RD. Let yi and si be the estimated effect size and its SE, respectively, in study i. The continuity correction is applied to studies with zero data cells. The estimated effect sizes are conventionally assumed to approximately follow the normal distributions yiN(θi,si2) within studies, where θi denotes the underlying true effect size of study i.

Here, the within-study SEs si are assumed to be fixed, known values. Alternative exact methods (without the approximation to the normal distributions) are available via generalized linear mixed models or Bayesian hierarchical models; they can avoid the continuity correction in the presence of zero data cells and may have better performance than the conventional method for sparse data [5963]. However, to assess the fragility of the MA, this article focuses on the conventional method instead of the alternatives, because many iterations may be needed to derive the FI, and it may be computationally demanding to repeat the exact methods many times. Also, as most MA applications have used the conventional method so far, the FI derived from this method may better reflect the current practice.

The underlying true effect sizes are further assumed to follow the normal distribution θiN(θ, τ2), where τ2 is the between-study variance owing to heterogeneity. A special case is that τ2 = 0, which implies θi = θ for all studies; this case is referred to as the fixed-effect or common-effect setting, and θ represents the common effect size shared by all studies. On the other hand, τ2 > 0 yields the random-effects setting, where θ is interpreted as the overall effect size across studies. In both settings, θ is of primary interest, and the MA aims at estimating this parameter and its CI. One may refer to Borenstein et al. [64], Riley et al. [65], and many other articles for extensive discussions about the interpretation and selection of the fixed-effect and random-effects settings.

The between-study variance τ2 plays a critical role in the random-effects MA because it greatly impacts the CI of the treatment effect estimate and thus the statistical significance. It can be estimated via several approaches. The DerSimonian–Laird (DL) estimator by [66] is the most popular one; nevertheless, several better alternatives, e.g., the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimator, have been shown to perform better in general [67, 68]. Let τ^2 be the estimated between-study variance; under the fixed-effect setting, set τ^2=0. Each study in the MA is assigned with a weight wi=1/(si2+τ^2). The overall effect size is estimated as


It approximately follows the normal distribution, and its (1 − α) × 100% CI is conventionally constructed as


where z1−α/2 denotes the 1 − α/2 quantile of the standard normal distribution. Alternatively, [69, 70] refined the CI by accounting for the variation in τ^2. The Hartung–Knapp–Sidik–Jonkman (HKSJ) method constructs the CI as


where tN−1,1−α/2 denotes the 1 − α/2 quantile of the t distribution with N − 1 degrees of freedom. It has been shown to have a better coverage probability than the CI based on the normal distribution, especially when the number of studies N is small [71].

To assess the fragility of an MA, an ideal approach is to exhaustively enumerate all possible event status modifications step by step; however, this procedure may be impractical from the computational perspective if many steps are needed to alter the significance or non-significance. Suppose that the overall effect size is significant and is above the null value. At each step of modifying event status, we may need to consider decreasing one event count in group 1 or increasing one event count in group 0 in a single study; thus, assuming that the event counts have not achieved the bounds (i.e., 0 or sample size), there are 2N possible cases for this step. Such iterations will terminate only after the significance is altered, so we need to perform up to (2N)FI MAs during this process. This is not practical in many real-world applications; for example, even for a relatively small MA with N = 10 studies, if the FI is 5, then this exhaustive search needs to perform over 3 million different MAs with modified event status.

Instead of enumerating all possible event status modifications, Atal et al. [41] proposed a heuristic iterative process based on the CI of the overall effect size estimate to derive the FI. Specifically, suppose that the original MA yields a significant overall effect size estimate, and it is larger than the null value. We initiate the iterative process from the original MA (step 0). In order to move the CI toward the null value, event status is modified to decrease event counts (down to 0) in group 1 or increase those in group 0 (up to the corresponding sample size). At each step, one event is changed to a non-event in group 1, or one non-event is changed to an event in group 0 in a certain study; separate MAs are performed based on the data with each of the above modifications to produce the CIs of the overall effect size estimate. The modification that leads to the smallest lower bound of the CI (i.e., the one closest to the null value if the CI still does not cover it) is selected as the optimal one for facilitating the process of altering the significance. Based on the optimal modifications identified in the previous steps, the iterations continue until the CI covers the null value. Because each step contains up to 2N modifications, the above algorithm only needs to perform up to 2N × FI MAs to derive the FI, making the process computationally feasible. This number is much smaller than (2N)FI in the exhaustive search, especially when N or the FI value is large. For visualizations of the iterative steps for deriving the FI of the MA, readers may refer to Fig 2 in Atal et al. [41]. We will also provide a worked example later to demonstrate the process.

On the other hand, suppose that the original MA has a non-significant overall effect size estimate. Unlike the case of a significant overall effect size estimate where the CI is moved toward only one specific direction, now the CI covers the null value, and we may move it toward either the left or right direction for achieving significance. For each direction, a separate FI can be derived via an algorithm similar to the one described above; the final FI is the minimum value of these two FIs.

In cases that significance or non-significance cannot be altered, the FI is defined as NA. The FQ can be similarly calculated for the MA; it is the FI divided by the total sample size across all studies. To visualize the process of the iterative algorithm for deriving the FI, one may present the changes in event counts in the two treatment groups along with the studies involved in the corresponding modifications against the iterations; we will provide worked examples to illustrate the visualizations.

Fragility of a network meta-analysis

NMA is an extension of the conventional pairwise MA that compares only a pair of treatments at one time; it aims at comparing multiple treatments simultaneously by synthesizing both direct and indirect evidence about treatment comparisons [72, 73]. Suppose a trial compares treatments A and C and another trial compares B and C; these two trials provide indirect evidence for A vs. B via the common comparator C. NMA has been increasingly used in recent years, because many treatments may be available for a specific disease outcome. It is particularly useful when some treatments of interest (e.g., new drugs) have been seldom compared directly, but many trials have compared them with some common treatments (e.g., placebo). It may produce more precise treatment effect estimates than separate pairwise MAs and provide a coherent treatment ranking for decision making [7477].

Various methods have been developed to perform NMA under both the frequentist and Bayesian frameworks [7887]. To assess the fragility of an NMA, similar iterative procedures for a pairwise MA can be used [42]. We focus on the frequentist method by Rücker [79] to produce the CIs of treatment comparisons in the NMA. Although in theory any method can be used to derive the FI, the Bayesian methods could be very time-consuming even for analyzing a single NMA, so it may not be practical to iteratively apply them to many NMAs with modified event status.

Specifically, unlike the case of a pairwise MA that involves a single treatment comparison, the NMA contains multiple comparisons, each yielding a separate effect size estimate. Let K be the number of treatments in the NMA; a total of K(K − 1)/2 comparisons are estimated. Therefore, the FI is not defined for the whole NMA as in individual studies or pairwise MAs; it is defined for each treatment comparison. Consequently, for a specific pair of treatments, say A and B, we consider event status modifications based on the significance of their comparison B vs. A. Modifying any event status, even for those not in groups A and B, may change the results of all treatment comparisons; thus, in theory, the event status modifications are possible for each study’s each treatment group. However, this would dramatically increase the computation time. Also, it is intuitive to modify event status directly in groups A and B, and such modifications are expected to have a larger impact on the estimated effect size of B vs. A and can alter the significance or non-significance faster. Therefore, during each iteration for deriving the FI for B vs. A, this article only considers event status modifications in these two groups. For example, if the effect size of B vs. A is significantly larger than the null value in the original NMA, then in each iteration, we consider decreasing event counts in group B or increasing those in group A in certain studies until the significance is altered.

Similar to assessing the fragility of an individual study and a pairwise MA, the FI of an NMA is defined as NA if the significance or non-significance cannot be altered. Of note, as mentioned above, the calculation of the NMA’s FI for comparison B vs. A is based only on modifying event status in groups A and B. It is possible that the change of significance cannot be achieved by any event status modification in groups A and B, but it could be achieved by modifications in other groups. Therefore, users should interpret an FI value of NA in the contexts of the event status modifications in the relevant two groups A and B only.

The process of deriving the FI can also be visualized for each treatment comparison using a similar approach for a pairwise MA. The relative measure FQ can be calculated as the FI divided by the sample size, but it may have two versions in the NMA. It seems straightforward to use the total sample size nNMA across all studies and all treatment groups in the whole NMA as the denominator for calculating the FQ. However, the FQ derived in this way has an upper bound nABnNMA×100%, where nAB denotes the sample size in groups A and B across all studies, because the algorithm only modifies event status in the associated two treatments for a specific comparison. This upper bound differs for different pairs of treatments, implying a methodological limitation. Alternatively, for the comparison B vs. A, we may calculate the FQ as the FI divided by nAB, so that this FQ still ranges within 0%–100% and could be fairly compared across treatment pairs.

Using the R package “fragility”

The source file of the R package “fragility” and its manual are available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at Users can directly install the package by typing install.packages(“fragility”) in R. Once the package is installed, users can begin to use the package by loading it:

> library(“fragility”)

The package imports functions from “metafor” [88] for performing pairwise MAs and “netmeta” [89] for performing NMAs. We first introduce example datasets included in “fragility” to demonstrate the data structures, and then provide details about the functions for assessing and visualizing fragility.

Example datasets

The package “fragility” provides four datasets,, dat.ns, dat.copd, and They all consist of multiple clinical studies, and are used for different illustrative purposes.

The dataset contains 347 randomized controlled trials of antidepressant drugs with a binary acceptability (dropout due to any cause) outcome; these trials were systematically collected by Cipriani et al. [90]. This dataset is used to illustrate the usage of functions for assessing and visualizing the fragility of individual studies. We display the first six trials as follows:

> data(“”)

> head(

 e0 n0 e1  n1

1 7 107 12 105

2 17 118 18 120

3 30 252 49 263

4 25 109 19 109

5 35 167 35 168

6 17 137 26 140

Each row presents the data of a trial. The columns e0, n0, e1, and n1 present event counts and sample sizes in group 0 and those in group 1, respectively. Of note, we use this dataset as an example of (multiple) individual studies, although Cipriani et al. [90] originally performed an NMA based on this dataset. The two treatments (antidepressant drugs or placebo) compared in each study may be different. This dataset does not include multi-arm trials originally collected by Cipriani et al. [90].

The dataset dat.ns contains a collection of 564 pairwise MAs on nutrition support retrieved from Feinberg et al. [91]. Each MA may compare different treatments and have different binary outcomes. This dataset is used to illustrate the usage of functions for assessing and visualizing the fragility of pairwise MAs. Its first six rows are:

> data(“dat.ns”)

> head(dat.ns) e0 n0 e1 n1

1   1 3 24 4 20

2   1 2 10 1 9

3   1 2 28 0 22

4   1 31 265 46 260

5   1 6 32 4 28

6   1 4 35 5 39

Each row represents a specific study in a specific MA. The first column indexes the MAs, ranging from 1 to 564; the output above is from the first six studies in the first MA. The remaining four columns e0, n0, e1, and n1 have the same interpretations as in the dataset of individual studies. Some MAs may have overlapping studies, and some may be divided into several subgroups.

Finally, the datasets dat.copd and are used to illustrate the usage of functions for assessing and visualizing the fragility of NMAs. The dataset dat.copd is extracted from Woods et al. [92]; it gives a simple NMA with 3 studies comparing 4 treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As this dataset is small, the assessment of its fragility does not take much time, and thus it serves as a toy example. The full dataset is:

> data(“dat.copd”)

> dat.copd

 sid tid e n

1  1  3 1 229

2  1  1 1 227

3  2  2 4 374

4  2  3 3 372

5  2  4 2 358

6  2  1 7 361

7  3  3 1 554

8  3  1 2 270

The data structure of the NMA is different from those of individual studies and pairwise MAs introduced above. Specifically, each row represents the data from a specific treatment group in a specific study. The columns sid and tid give the indexes of studies and treatments, respectively, and e and n give the corresponding event counts and sample sizes. The four treatments in this dataset are indexed as 1) placebo; 2) fluticasone; 3) salmeterol; and 4) salmeterol fluticasone combination. As shown in the output above, studies 1 and 3 are two-armed, while study 2 is four-armed. In addition to this simple dataset, the package “fragility” also includes a larger NMA dataset of smoking cessation, Its first six rows are displayed as follows:

> data(“”)

> head(

 sid tid e  n

1  1  1 9 140

2  1  3 23 140

3  1  4 10 138

4  2  2 11 78

5  2  3 12 85

6  2  4 29 170

This dataset is retrieved from Lu and Ades [93] that used formal methods to perform the NMA, while it was originally reported in Hasselblad [94]. It has the same data structure as in dat.copd. The NMA contains 24 studies comparing 4 treatments: 1) no contact; 2) self-help; 3) individual counseling; and 4) group counseling. The binary outcome is successful smoking cessation. The first two studies are three-armed as shown in the output above, and the remaining 22 studies are two-armed.

Functions for assessing the fragility of individual studies

Three functions,,, and frag.studies(), are available in the package “fragility” to assess the fragility of individual studies. The function assesses the fragility of a single study; assesses an individual study’s fragility at different significance levels; and frag.studies() assesses the fragility of multiple individual studies.

The arguments of the function include:, n0, e1, n1, data, all = FALSE, methods,

 modify0 = “both”, modify1 = “both”, alpha = 0.05,

 alternative = “two.sided”, OR = 1, RR = 1, RD = 0, allcase = TRUE)

where e0, n0, e1, and n1 specify event counts and sample sizes in groups 0 and 1. The argument data is optional for specifying the dataset; if specified, the previous four arguments should be the corresponding column names in data. The logical argument all indicates whether all possible event status modifications will be considered for assessing the study’s fragility. If users only need the numerical value of FI or FQ and the corresponding event status modifications that alter the significance or non-significance, then all = FALSE (the default) is sufficient to produce these results via an iterative algorithm (i.e., starting from modifying one event’s status, until the significance or non-significance is altered). The output of this function is of class “”. If all = TRUE, this function generates p values corresponding to all possible event status modifications, so that users are able to visualize the extent of significance based on these p values. In this case, the output is of both classes “” and “”. The visualization can be easily performed using the function plot() via the S3 method for class “” (detailed later). If the study has large sample sizes (n0 and n1) in both treatment groups and there may be many possible event status modifications, all is recommended to be set to FALSE because R may run out of memory; for example, a study with 1000 samples in each group may lead to up to one million possible event status modifications. Appendix A in S1 File includes more details of additional arguments.

The function efficiently assesses an individual study’s fragility at different significance levels, and produces the average FI and FQ across these levels. Its arguments include:, n0, e1, n1, data, methods,

 modify0 = “both”, modify1 = “both”,

 alpha.from = 0.005, = 0.05, alpha.breaks = 100,

 alternative = “two.sided”, OR = 1, RR = 1, RD = 0)

All arguments except the second line are the same as their counterparts in; the second line specifies the range of possible significance levels, which may be particularly useful if clinicians have different opinions about defining statistical significance [56, 57]. Specifically, alpha.from,, and alpha.breaks specify the smallest and largest values of the significance levels to be considered, and the number of levels, respectively. The candidate significance levels are equally spaced within the range. This function produces an object of classes “frag.alpha” and “”. The FIs or FQs assessed at different significance levels can be visualized as a step-like function using plot() via the S3 method for class “frag.alpha” (detailed later).

The function frag.studies() permits users to input multiple studies for assessing their fragility. It is particularly useful if users would like to conduct an overall assessment among a collection of studies (e.g., trials belonging to some similar specialties) and investigate the distribution of their fragility measures [31, 32]. Its arguments are similar to those of; they are displayed as follows:

frag.studies(e0, n0, e1, n1, data, methods,

 modify0 = “both”, modify1 = “both”, alpha = 0.05,

 alternative = “two.sided”, OR = 1, RR = 1, RD = 0)

All arguments have the same usage as in, except that e0, n0, e1, and n1 specify vectors of event counts and sample sizes from the multiple studies, instead of single numerical values. The function output is of classes “frag.multi” and “frag.studies”; users can apply plot() to the output for generating a bar plot or histogram to visualize the overall distribution of the multiple studies’ FIs or FQs via the S3 method for class “frag.multi”.

Functions for assessing the fragility of pairwise meta-analyses

Similar to the three functions above for assessing individual studies’ fragility, “fragility” offers,, and frag.mas() for assessing the fragility of pairwise MAs. The package imports the function rma.uni() from “metafor” [88] to perform pairwise MAs and obtain the effect size estimates (including CIs), which further determine the FIs or FQs. Users may refer to [95] for many additional arguments that can be used to customize the MAs.

The major function for assessing a pairwise MA’s fragility has the following arguments:, n0, e1, n1, data, measure = “OR”, alpha = 0.05,

 mod.dir = “both”, OR = 1, RR = 1, RD = 0, method = “DL”, test = “z”,


where e0, n0, e1, and n1 specify the event counts and sample sizes of each study in the MA, and the optional argument data can specify the MA dataset. One of the three effect measures, OR, RR, and RD, may be specified for measure, and the arguments OR, RR, and RD give the corresponding null values. The argument alpha specifies the significance level; it corresponds to the confidence level (1 − alpha) × 100% of CIs. The argument mod.dir indicates the direction of the CI change due to event status modifications when the original MA’s CI covers the null value (i.e., the case of non-significance altered to significance). It is not used if the original MA has a significant estimate. Users may specify “left” (moving the CI to the left side of the null value), “right” (moving the CI to the right side), “one” (based on the direction of the original point estimate of the overall effect size), or “both” (both directions) for mod.dir. The default option “both” is expected to find the minimal event status modifications for altering the non-significance, but it may require more computation time than the other three options. Appendix A in S1 File includes more details of additional arguments. The function returns an object of class “”; users can apply plot() to the output via the S3 method for this class to visualize the iterative process of event status modifications for deriving the fragility measure of the MA.

The function assesses the fragility of an MA at multiple significance levels. Its relationship with is similar to that between and Its arguments are the same as, except that users can specify a range of significance levels using the arguments alpha.from,, and alpha.breaks. The function returns an object of classes “frag.alpha” and “”; like the output of, it can be visualized using plot() via the S3 method for “frag.alpha”.

The function frag.mas() assesses the fragility of multiple MAs; its relationship with is similar to that between and frag.studies(). It returns an object of classes “frag.mas” and “frag.multi”, and users can visualize the fragility measures among the multiple MAs using plot() via the S3 method for “frag.multi”. Its arguments slightly differ from

frag.mas(e0, n0, e1, n1,, data, measure = “OR”, alpha = 0.05,

 mod.dir = “both”, OR = 1, RR = 1, RD = 0, method = “DL”, test = “z”,


The major difference is about the arguments e0, n0, e1, n1, and for inputting data. Users may refer to the structure of the example dataset dat.ns introduced previously. Specifically, is a vector for indexing the multiple MAs, and e0, n0, e1, and n1 specify the event counts and sample sizes of each study in each MA. Like, users may specify additional arguments from “metafor” for frag.mas(), as well as, to customize the implementation of MAs.

Functions for assessing the fragility of network meta-analyses

In addition, “fragility” provides two functions frag.nma() and frag.nma.alpha() for assessing the fragility of NMAs. These are designed for the similar purposes to and; that is, frag.nma() deals with an NMA at a specific significance level, while frag.nma.alpha() assesses the fragility at multiple significance levels. However, these two functions’ arguments may involve more specifications than their counterparts for pairwise MAs, owning to the more complicated structure of NMAs. The functions pairwise() and netmeta() imported from “netmeta” [89] are used to implement NMAs. Of note, “fragility” does not provide a function for simultaneously assessing the fragility of multiple NMAs like frag.studies() and frag.mas(), because a single NMA can be viewed as a comprehensive collection of many pairwise MAs for comparisons of all available treatments. Usually, only a few NMAs are available on certain common topics. In such cases, users may apply frag.nma() to each NMA separately for assessing their overall fragility.

The arguments of frag.nma() are as follows:

frag.nma(sid, tid, e, n, data, measure = “OR”, random = TRUE,

 alpha = 0.05, mod.dir = “both”, tid1.f, tid2.f,

 OR = 1, RR = 1, RD = 0,

 incr, allincr, addincr, allstudies, …)

where sid, tid, e, and n specify study IDs, treatment IDs, their corresponding event counts and sample sizes. One may also specify the dataset for the optional argument data. We recommend using the natural numbers (starting from 1) to index the studies and treatments; otherwise, the functions imported from “netmeta” may give warnings that treatments are re-sorted according to a certain order. Moreover, the arguments measure, alpha, mod.dir, OR, RR, and RD have the same usage as in for pairwise MAs. The logical argument random indicates whether the NMA is performed under the fixed-effects setting (FALSE) or random-effects setting (TRUE, the default). The two arguments tid1.f and tid2.f specify the treatment comparison(s) of interest for the assessment of fragility; the default is that the fragility is assessed for all treatment comparisons. For example, if tid1.f = 1 and tid2.f = 2, then the function only assesses the fragility of 1 vs. 2; if tid1.f = c(2, 3) and tid2.f = c(1, 2), then it assesses the fragility of 2 vs. 1 and 3 vs. 2. The four arguments incr, allincr, addincr, and allstudies are used for handling zero event counts; they are passed to pairwise() in “netmeta.” Users may additionally specify arguments from netmeta() to customize the implementation of the NMAs; see its manual for more details [89]. The output of frag.nma() is of class “frag.nma”. It can be visualized using plot() via the S3 method for class “frag.nma” to show the iterative process of event status modifications for deriving the fragility measure of a specific treatment comparison.

The function frag.nma.alpha() assesses the fragility of an NMA at multiple significance levels, similar to and Most arguments are the same as frag.nma(), except the arguments alpha.from,, and alpha.breaks for specifying the range of candidate significance levels. Because it may be time-consuming to perform many NMAs for deriving the fragility measures, we recommend users to specify a relatively small number of significance levels to alpha.breaks, especially for large NMAs. The output of frag.nma.alpha() is of classes “frag.alpha” and “frag.nma.alpha”; again, users can use plot() via the S3 method for “frag.alpha” to visualize the relationship between fragility measures and significance levels for a specific treatment comparison.

Summary of data types, functions, and output classes

Table 2 summarizes the functions and their output classes for each data type. The object produced by each function is a list containing different elements about the input data, relevant estimates, and their fragility measures. It is automatically printed by print() via the S3 method for its corresponding class(es). The printed messages are informative summaries of the data, analyses, and assessments of the fragility. If users would like to obtain more comprehensive information, they can extract elements from the output list; the elements’ names in the list can be found by applying the function names().

Table 2. Summary of major functions (followed by parentheses) and their output classes (within quotation marks) in the package “fragility” for assessing the fragility of different data types.
Data type Function and output class under each scenario
Single significance level and single dataset Multiple significance levels and single dataset Single significance level and multiple datasets
Individual study;; frag.studies();
“” and “frag.alpha” and “frag.multi” and
“” (if all = TRUE) “” “frag.studies”
Pairwise meta-analysis
“” “frag.alpha” and “frag.multi” and
“” “frag.mas”
Network meta-analysis frag.nma() frag.nma.alpha() Not applicable
“frag.nma” “frag.alpha” and

Functions for visualizing the fragility

The package “fragility” offers functions for visualizing the fragility of individual studies, pairwise and NMAs; they are called by plot() via the S3 method for certain classes.

To visualize the fragility of an individual study, users need to specify all = TRUE in so that all possible event status modifications are considered. The produced object belongs to the class “”; for this object, the arguments of the visualization function are as follows:

plot(x, method, modify0, modify1, trun, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim,

 cex.pts, cex.legend.pval, cex.legend.title,

 col.ori, col.ori.hl, col.f.hl, col.sig, lty.ori, lwd.ori,

 pch, pch.ori, pch.ori.hl, pch.f, pch.f.hl, pch.trun,

 adjust.legend, adjust.seg, legend.pvals, …)

where x is the output of with all = TRUE. Users may only specify a single statistical method used to calculate the p value for the argument method when visualizing the fragility at one time; it must be an element of x$methods, i.e., the argument methods specified for If method is not specified, then the first method in x$methods is used. The arguments modify0 and modify1 specify logical values indicating whether event status is modified in groups 0 and 1, respectively, for the visualization. When both modify0 and modify1 are TRUE, the generated plot presents p values (with different colors representing their magnitudes) based on all possible event status modifications; the modifications in groups 0 and 1 are presented on the x and y axes, respectively. A legend is displayed to relate different colors to p value magnitudes. When only one of modify0 and modify1 is TRUE, a scatter plot is generated. It presents p values (on a base-10 logarithmic scale) on the y axis against modifications in group 0 (if modify0 = TRUE) or group 1 (if modify1 = TRUE) on the x axis. The default of modify0 and modify1 is TRUE if the range of modifications in the corresponding treatment group, which is stored in the object x (i.e., x$f0.range or x$f1.range), is not 0; otherwise, the default is FALSE. Appendix B in S1 File includes more details of additional arguments.

To visualize the fragility of a pairwise MA, users may apply plot() via the S3 method for class “” to the object x produced by as follows:

plot(x, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ybreaks = NULL, study.marker = TRUE,

 cex.marker, offset.marker, col.line, lwd,

 legend, x.legend, y.legend, cex.legend, …)

This generates a plot showing the iterative process of event status modifications, where the x axis presents the iterations and the y axis gives the group-specific total event counts. As the total event counts of the two treatment groups may differ greatly, users may specify a range (a vector of two numerical values) for the argument ybreaks to break the y axis for better visualization. The default of this argument is NULL (i.e., not breaking the y axis). The specified range should be between the total event counts of the two groups. The axis break is implemented by importing axis.break() from “plotrix” [96]. The argument study.marker specifies a logical value indicating whether study labels involved in modifications are presented. When it is TRUE (the default), an asterisk represents that the corresponding study with an event status modification remains the same as in the previous iteration. The study labels can be adjusted by the arguments cex.marker (text size) and offset.marker (distance from lines). The remaining arguments are mainly used to specify certain graphical parameters; again, additional arguments from plot.default() can be specified for customizing the plot. A legend is automatically presented to identify the two treatment groups; it can be modified by the last three arguments, which are passed to legend() in “graphics.” The default is to place the legend on the right side with x.legend = “right” and y.legend = NULL; in cases that the default legend box overlaps with the lines of the event status modification process, users may specify other coordinates or keywords to change the legend location.

The visualization function for an NMA is similar to the function above for a pairwise MA. Specifically, the arguments of plot() via the S3 method for class “frag.nma” include:

plot(x, tid1, tid2, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ybreaks = NULL,

 study.marker = TRUE, cex.marker, offset.marker, col.line, lwd,

 legend, x.legend, y.legend, cex.legend, …)

where x is the output from frag.nma(). Most arguments are the same with those for class “” of a pairwise MA. The major difference is regarding the arguments tid1 and tid2, which specify the two treatments of the comparison of interest (i.e., tid1 vs. tid2). Only one comparison can be specified by tid1 and tid2 at one time for visualization. If these two arguments are not specified, the first comparison stored in x$tid.f is used.

In addition to the three functions above for a single dataset, “fragility” provides two functions for visualizing the relationship between fragility measures and significance levels and for generating overall distributions of fragility measures among multiple datasets. Specifically, for an object x of class “frag.alpha” produced by,, or frag.nma.alpha(), one may visualize it using plot() via the S3 method for this class with the following arguments:

plot(x, method, fragility = “FI”, percentage = TRUE, xlab, ylab,

 xlim, ylim, cex.pts, col.line, col.pval, col.sig, lty.pval,

 lwd, lwd.pval, pch, pch.inf, tid1, tid2, FQ.nma = FALSE, …)

In the generated plot, the x axis presents the significance levels, and the y axis presents the corresponding fragility measures. Appendix B in S1 File gives details of these arguments.

For an object of class “frag.multi”, the visualization function is:

plot(x, method, dir = “both”, fragility = “FI”, percentage = TRUE,

 max.f = NULL, bar, names.arg, space = 0, breaks, freq,

 reverse = FALSE, xlab, ylab, main = NULL, cex.marker, col.border,

 col.sig, trun.marker = TRUE, …)

where x is the output from frag.studies() and frag.mas(). This function generates a bar plot or histogram (depending on the specified arguments) to show the overall distribution of fragility measures among the multiple datasets of individual studies or pairwise MAs. Appendix B in S1 File gives details of these arguments and the generated plot.


This section presents worked examples to illustrate the usage of the various functions in “fragility.” These examples are based on the datasets introduced earlier; users may first load them before implementing the following code. We focus on illustrating the usage of several major arguments for each function with detailed interpretations; users may refer to the manual of “fragility” for more examples that specify many other arguments for various purposes. The results were obtained using R (version 4.0.2) with “fragility” (version 1.1).

Example of an individual clinical study

Recall that the dataset consists of 347 trials; each row presents the data of one trial. We first apply the function to assess the fragility of trial 13; the code and output are in Fig 1. The produced object out.trial13 is of class “”, and the informative output is displayed via the print method for this class. The output consists of three parts. The first part gives the information about the original 2×2 table and the ranges of event status modifications in both groups are presented. The second part displays the information about the significance, including the pre-specified significance level, null value(s) (if using the OR, RR, and/or RD), and the p value(s) with the associated method(s). The third part contains the major information about the fragility, including the FI and FQ based on each method considered, the direction of significance change, and the corresponding minimal event status modification(s) for altering significance or non-significance.

Fig 1. Output from the function

Fig 1

In this example, all arguments besides those receiving data input are set to the default, so all five methods, i.e., Fisher’s exact test, the chi-squared test, OR, RR, and RD, are considered. All methods indicate significant results in the original dataset at the level of 0.05, so the directions of their FIs are significance altered to non-significance. All methods except the RD have FIs of 6, while the RD has an FI of 7. The FI may be derived by multiple minimal event status modifications for some methods. As the produced object out.trial13 is a list, users can apply names() to obtain the names of all list elements and thus retrieve the results of interest; they may refer to the manual of “fragility” for details about each element. For example, the FIs of all five methods can be retrieved as follows:

> out.trial13$FI

Fisher chisq   OR   RR   RD

  6    6   6    6    7

To visualize the fragility of trial 13, users need to specify all = TRUE in the function:

> out.trial13.all <- = e0, n0 = n0, e1 = e1, n1 = n1,

  data =[13,], all = TRUE)

The produced output is also of class “”; it can be visualized as follows:

> plot(out.trial13.all, method = “Fisher”,

  main = “FI = 6, significance altered to non-significance”,

  cex.pts = 0.5, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9)

> plot(out.trial13.all, method = “Fisher”, modify1 = FALSE,

  main = “FI = 6, significance altered to non-significance”,

  cex.pts = 0.8, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9)

> plot(out.trial13.all, method = “Fisher”, modify0 = FALSE,

  main = “FI = 7, significance altered to non-significance”,

  cex.pts = 0.8, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9)

Here, Fisher’s exact test is used to calculate p values. Fig 2a–2c present the generated plots.

Fig 2. Visualizations of trial 13 in the dataset

Fig 2

Points or areas in green indicate non-significant results, and those in red indicate significant ones. Dashed lines represent no modifications in the corresponding groups. Square points represent the original p value, and triangle points indicate minimal modifications that alter the significance. In panels (a) and (d), event statuses are modified in both groups. Each point represents the extent of the p value corresponding to a specific combination of event status modifications in groups 0 and 1. In panels (c) and (d), event statuses are modified in only one group. Plus points represent truncated p values at 10−10.

The first function implementation in the code above visualizes the fragility of trial 13 by modifying event status in both treatment groups; the argument cex.pts specifies the size of points in Fig 2a. Each point represents a p value based on certain event status modifications given by the x axis (group 0) and the y axis (group 1). By default, the significance level is 0.05; the p values lower than this level (significant results) are presented in red, and those above this level (non-significant results) are in green. The legend on the right side indicates the magnitudes of p values; the color opacity of a p value changes linearly according to the negative base-10 logarithm of the p value. Because trun is set to 10 by default, p values lower than 10−10 are truncated. The non-significant results are generally around a diagonal line, where the event status is modified so that the even counts in the two groups are close, leading to large p values. On the other hand, for points away from the diagonal line, the difference between the modified event counts in the two groups becomes larger, so the corresponding p values are smaller. In addition, the vertical and horizontal dashed lines indicate no modifications in groups 0 and 1, respectively; they cross at a square point, corresponding to the p value of the original data. This p value is located in the red area, implying a significant result; therefore, to assess the fragility of this trial, we aim at modifying event statuses so that the original p value is moved to the green area of non-significant results. The three triangle points in the green area indicate three cases of minimal event status modifications that can alter the significance to non-significance. They represent 1) changing 6 non-events in group 0 to events; 2) changing 5 non-events in group 0 to events and 1 event to a non-event in group 1; and 3) changing 4 non-events in group 0 to events and 2 events to non-events in group 1. These match the output of out.trial13 displayed previously. All three cases indicate FI = 6.

The second function implementation sets modify1 = FALSE to visualize the fragility by restricting the modifications to group 0 (Fig 2b). As event status is only modified in group 0, this plot presents the negative base-10 logarithm of p values against the corresponding modifications. The p values in this plot correspond to those on the horizontal dashed line at 0 in Fig 2a. The red area at the top indicates significant results, and the green area at the bottom indicates non-significant results. Again, the p values lower than 10−10 are truncated; the truncated p values are presented as plus signs. The vertical dashed line at 0 implies the original p value (presented as a square point), which is within the red area of significant results. The triangle point represents the minimal event status modification in group 0 for altering the significance to non-significance; it also implies that the FI is 6 when restricting the modifications to group 0 (by changing 6 non-events to events). The numerical value of this FI can be also obtained from the output of with its argument all = TRUE, i.e., out.trial13.all$FI0.

Similarly, the third function implementation sets modify0 = FALSE; it visualizes the fragility by restricting the modifications to group 1 (Fig 2c). The FI is 7 with this restriction (by changing 7 events to non-events). The numerical value of this FI can be obtained from out.trial13.all$FI1.

If users would like to reduce the type I error rate by lowering the significance level α to 0.001, they may simply specify this level for the argument alpha:

> out.trial13.all.2 <- = e0, n0 = n0, e1 = e1, n1 = n1,

  data =[13,], all = TRUE, alpha = 0.001)

> plot(out.trial13.all.2, method = “Fisher”,

  main = “FI = 3, non-significance altered to significance”,

  cex.pts = 0.5, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9)

Fig 2d shows the generated plot. Compared with Fig 2a at α = 0.05, the original result is no longer significant, and the original p value is now within the green area. As the significance level decreases, the green area of non-significant results becomes wider. The original p value is close to the border of the green area, implying that this result might be fragile; indeed, the FI becomes 3, and its direction is the non-significance altered to significance. This can be achieved by 1) changing 3 events to non-events in group 0; 2) 2 events to non-events in group 0 and 1 non-event to an event in group 1; or 3) 1 event to a non-event in group 0 and 2 non-events to events in group 1.

Example of a pairwise meta-analysis

We use the dataset dat.ns to illustrate the assessment of the fragility of pairwise MAs. Recall that this dataset contains 564 pairwise MAs on nutrition support. We apply the function to the first MA that investigates the overall all-cause mortality; see Fig 3. All arguments besides those receiving data input are set to the default; that is, the effect measure is the OR with the null value at 1, the significance level is 0.05, the meta-analysis is performed via the DL method, and the CI of the overall effect size is derived based on the normal distribution. The OR is analyzed on a logarithmic scale; the null value of the log OR is 0. The informative output gives a summary of the original data, the evaluation of significance, and the assessment of the fragility. In this example, the CI of the overall log OR of the original data covers 0, indicating a non-significant effect of nutrition support on all-cause mortality. The FI is 14 for altering the non-significance to significance, and the FQ is 0.1%. Due to the space limit, the output does not provide complete results. The produced object out.ma1 is a list that contains many results produced during the iterative process of deriving the FI, including the study and treatment group that are involved in each event status modification, the estimated overall effect size with its CI in each iteration, as well as the data with modified event status in the final iteration where the non-significance is just altered. Users may apply names() to obtain the names of all elements of the produced object.

Fig 3. Output from the function

Fig 3

The package “fragility” does not provide functions to produce classic plots for the pairwise MA, such as the forest plot and funnel plot, because many existing popular packages such as “metafor” [88] and “meta” [97] have included these features. Nevertheless, the process of deriving the FI can be visualized as follows:

> plot(out.ma1, ybreaks = c(840, 880), font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 14, non-significance altered to significance”)

Fig 4 presents the produced plot, which shows the total event counts in the two treatment groups during the iterations. It contains two lines that depict the process, where the blue and red lines represent groups 0 and 1, respectively. As the argument ybreaks is specified as c(840, 880), the plot omits this range on the y axis for better visualization. The numbers around the blue line indicate the studies that are involved in the event status modifications during the iterations. Each asterisk indicates that a study remains unchanged as in the previous iteration; that is, the first asterisk represents study 43, and the second represents study 45. No event status is modified in group 1 for deriving the FI in this example.

Fig 4. Event status modifications in the first pairwise meta-analysis in the dataset dat.ns.

Fig 4

Each line represents changes in the total event count in a certain group. The numbers around each line indicate the studies involved in the event status modifications during the iterations; each asterisk indicates that a study remains unchanged as in the previous iteration.

Example of a network meta-analysis

The function frag.nma() assesses the fragility of an NMA. We apply it to the dataset of the NMA on smoking cessation, which contains 24 studies comparing a total of 4 treatments; see Fig 5. We do not specify the arguments tid1.f and tid2.f, so the fragility of each treatment comparison is assessed. Because many NMAs need to be performed during the iterative algorithm for each comparison, the computation time is around 1 hour; the actual time depends on users’ processors.

Fig 5. Output from the function frag.nma().

Fig 5

This NMA contains 4 treatments, so the results of FIs and FQs are presented in 4×4 matrices. The informative output only displays some important characteristics of the NMA and results about fragility. As in the previous examples, more detailed results (e.g., directions of the altered significance or non-significance, studies and treatment groups involved in event status modifications) can be retrieved from the elements of the produced object out.nma, whose names can be obtained via applying names(). In this example, the FI is as small as 3 for the comparison 4 vs. 1 (a relatively fragile comparison), and it is as large as 32 for 3 vs. 1 (a less fragile comparison).

The visualization of the process of deriving the FI in an NMA is similar to that in a pairwise MA. The major difference is that the visualization in the NMA needs to be implemented for each treatment comparison separately. We apply plot() to the produced object out.nma that is of class “frag.nma”:

> plot(out.nma, tid1 = 2, tid2 = 1, ybreaks = c(170, 595),

  x.legend = “topright”, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 18, non-significance altered to significance”)

> plot(out.nma, tid1 = 3, tid2 = 1, ybreaks = c(635, 1200),

  x.legend = “bottomright”, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 32, significance altered to non-significance”)

> plot(out.nma, tid1 = 4, tid2 = 1, ybreaks = c(105, 600),

  font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 3, significance altered to non-significance”)

> plot(out.nma, tid1 = 3, tid2 = 2, ybreaks = c(160, 1205),

  font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 19, non-significance altered to significance”)

> plot(out.nma, tid1 = 4, tid2 = 2, ybreaks = c(110, 140),

  x.legend = “topright”, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 12, non-significance altered to significance”)

> plot(out.nma, tid1 = 4, tid2 = 3, ybreaks = c(130, 1205),

  x.legend = “bottomright”, font.main = 1, cex.main = 0.9,

  main = “FI = 23, non-significance altered to significance”)

Fig 6 presents the produced plots. The argument ybreaks is specified differently for each comparison because the ranges of the involved total event counts differ. Again, an asterisk represents that a study with modified event status remains unchanged as in the previous iteration. These plots indicate event status is generally modified in a few studies to alter the significance or non-significance. For example, to derive the FI of the comparison 2 vs. 1 in Fig 6a, only studies 2, 16, and 22 among the 24 studies are involved in event status modifications.

Fig 6. Event status modifications in the network meta-analysis dataset

Fig 6

Each line represents changes in the total event count in a certain group. The numbers around each line indicate the studies involved in the event status modifications during the iterations; each asterisk indicates that a study remains unchanged as in the previous iteration. (a) Comparison 2 vs. 1. (b) Comparison 3 vs. 1. (c) Comparison 4 vs. 1. (d) Comparison 3 vs. 2. (e) Comparison 4 vs. 2. (f) Comparison 4 vs. 3.

The function frag.nma() can be similarly applied to the dataset dat.copd. This dataset serves as a toy example; its fragility can be assessed much faster due to its small size. Its results are not presented in this article. If an NMA contains many treatments, the assessment of its fragility may take a long time. In this case, users are recommended to only assess the fragility of certain treatment comparisons of primary interest by specifying tid1.f and tid2.f. Moreover, “fragility” does not provide functions to visualize the NMA, such as the treatment network plot and treatment rank plot, because many existing packages such as “gemtc” [98], “netmeta” [89], and “pcnetmeta” [99] have included these features.

Example of assessing the fragility at multiple significance levels

The previous examples present the assessment and visualization of the fragility of individual studies, pairwise MAs, and NMAs at a specific significance level. As there are ongoing debates on the choice of statistical significance level [56, 57], users might want to assess the fragility at multiple significance levels. They may apply the functions,, and frag.nma.alpha() to individual studies, pairwise MAs, and NMAs, respectively, for such purposes. Their usage is similar to their counterparts,, and frag.nma(). The produced objects are all of class “frag.alpha”, which can be visualized using plot() via the S3 method for this class. We focus on an example of an individual study; the code can be similarly applied to pairwise MAs and NMAs.

We continue to use trial 13 in the dataset for illustrating; see Fig 7. The default options are used to specify the range of significance levels, i.e., 100 equally-spaced values between 0.005 and 0.05. The p values are derived based on all five methods, i.e., Fisher’s exact test, the chi-squared test, OR, RR, and RD. Like the output produced by, the informative output displays summaries in three parts, which are about original data, significance tests, and fragility. Compared with the output produced by, the major difference is in the last part about fragility; the output of gives the average fragility measures in the range of specified significance levels. The produced object out.trial13.alpha is a list, and users can retrieve more detailed information, such as the FI and FQ at each significance level, from this list.

Fig 7. Output from the function

Fig 7

The results can be visualized via plot() as follows:

> plot(out.trial13.alpha)

> plot(out.trial13.alpha, fragility = “FQ”)

In the first line, the fragility measure is the FI by default; in the second line, the fragility measure is the FQ. Fig 8a and 8b present the generated plots. As the argument method is not specified, the plots are based on the default option, i.e., Fisher’s exact test. Because the FQ is the FI divided by the total sample size in the study, which is a constant, the two plots have the same shape; they only differ with respect to the scale on the y axis. Because the FIs must be integers, the plots appear to be step functions. All points in the plots are in red, indicating that the original results are significant at all levels, and the FIs and FQs represent that the significance is altered to non-significance. As the significance level increases from 0.005 to 0.05, the FI increases from 1 to 6. These correspond to the previous output of out.trial13.alpha, and the average FI is 4.23.

Fig 8. Visualizations of trial 13 in the dataset at multiple significance levels.

Fig 8

(a) Fragility index at α from 0.005 to 0.05. (b) Fragility quotient at α from 0.005 to 0.05. (c) Fragility index at α from 0.001 to 0.1. (d) Fragility index at α from 0.001 to 0.1 with the x axis on a logarithmic scale.

Users may specify additional arguments; for example, we change the code to:

> out.trial13.alpha.2 <-, n0, e1, n1,

  data =[13,], alpha.from = 0.001, = 0.1,

  alpha.breaks = 500)

> plot(out.trial13.alpha.2)

> plot(out.trial13.alpha.2, log = “x”)

The significance levels range from 0.001 to 0.1; 500 equally-spaced values are chosen within this range; the results are visualized in Fig 8c. Other arguments from plot.default() can be imported; here, we specify log = “x” to present the significance levels on a logarithmic scale as in Fig 8d. From the previous output of out.trial13.alpha, the p value of the original data based on Fisher’s exact test is 0.004, so the result is significant if the significance level is above 0.004 but is non-significant if the level is below 0.004. The vertical dashed line in Fig 8c indicates the original p value; the FIs on its left side (points in green) represent the non-significance altered to significance, and those on its right side (points in red) represent the significance altered to non-significance. As the significance level increases from 0.001 to 0.1, the FI first decreases from 3 to 1 and then increases from 1 to 8.

Example of assessing the fragility of multiple datasets

As multiple clinical studies or pairwise MAs (e.g., with different disease outcomes) may be available on certain common topics, clinicians may be interested in the overall distributions of the fragility measures of these studies or pairwise MAs. The functions frag.studies() and frag.mas() can be used for such purposes. Such a function is not provided for NMAs in “fragility,” because usually only a few NMAs are available on common topics. The usage of frag.studies() and frag.mas() is similar to that of and, respectively. The produced objects of both functions are of class “frag.multi”; they can be visualized using plot() via the S3 method for this class.

Specifically, we can assess the fragility of all trials contained in the dataset as in Fig 9. By default, all five methods (Fisher’s exact test, the chi-squared test, OR, RR, and RD) are used to derive the fragility measures. The informative output displays a summary of the original data, significance tests, and fragility measures (e.g., medians, ranges, and interquartile ranges [IQRs]). When presenting the fragility measures, the 347 trials are distinguished into two groups, i.e., those with originally significant results and non-significant ones. Users can retrieve complete results from the elements of the output list out.trials; for example, the FIs of all trials are stored in out.trials$FI.

Fig 9. Output from the function frag.studies().

Fig 9

The fragility measures of all trials can be visualized as follows:

> plot(out.trials, method = “Fisher”, = 0.6)

> plot(out.trials, method = “Fisher”, max.f = 16, = 0.6)

> plot(out.trials, dir = “sig2nonsig”, method = “Fisher”, = 0.6)

> plot(out.trials, dir = “nonsig2sig”, method = “Fisher”, = 0.6)

> plot(out.trials, method = “Fisher”, fragility = “FQ”, max.f = 20)

> plot(out.trials, method = “Fisher”, fragility = “FQ”, max.f = 20,

  breaks = 20)

Six plots are produced for different illustrative purposes, as shown in Fig 10. They are based on Fisher’s exact test. In the first four function implementations, the argument fragility uses the default option, i.e., “FI”, and bar is TRUE by default, so Fig 10a–10d present bar plots of FIs. The argument is passed to barplot() for adjusting the text size on the x axis; if the size is too large, many values may disappear due to space limit. Fig 10a presents the overall distribution of FIs of all 347 trials. The FIs range from 1 to 19; many trials have FIs between 1 and 10, implying that their significance could be altered by changing the event statuses of at most 10 patients. The bars in red represent trials with originally significant results, so their FIs indicate the significance altered to non-significance; the bars in green represent trials with originally non-significant results, which are altered to be significant. Most trials originally have non-significant results. The FIs of some trials have extreme values, which may affect the visualization effect of the overall distribution. As in the second function implementation of the code above, users can specify max.f to truncate FIs above the specified value. Fig 10b presents the overall distribution with FIs truncated at 16; all trials with FIs above 16 are stacked at the rightmost bar. If users want to focus on the direction of FIs that alter the significance to non-significance or its inverse, dir can be specified as “sig2nonsig” or “nonsig2sig”, leading to the bar plots in Fig 10c and 10d, respectively. By default, this argument is “both”, i.e., both directions are presented as in Fig 10a and 10b.

Fig 10. Distributions of fragility measures of the clinical trials in the dataset

Fig 10

(a) Bar plot of fragility indexes of all trials. (b) Bar plot fragility indexes of all trials truncated at 16. (c) Bar plot of fragility indexes of trials whose significance altered to non-significance. (d) Bar plot of fragility indexes of trials whose non-significance altered to significance. (e) Histogram of fragility quotients of all trials. (f) Histogram of fragility quotients of all trials with more breaks.

Alternatively, users can specify fragility = “FQ” to produce plots for FQs as in the last two function implementations in the code above. As FQs can take any values within 0%–100%, instead of only integers like FIs, the histogram rather than the bar plot is produced for FQs. Fig 10e presents the overall distribution of FQs, truncated at 20%. If breaks is not specified, the number of breaks in the histogram is automatically determined by hist(). Users may adjust this argument to change the number of breaks as in Fig 10f.

We also apply frag.mas() to the dataset dat.ns to assess the fragility of multiple pairwise MAs, as in Fig 11. The effect measure of these MAs is the OR (measure = “OR”) by default. The output is similar to that of out.trials. It displays a summary of the input MAs, information about significance, and fragility measures. Among the total of 564 pairwise MAs, 97 have significant overall ORs, and their FIs range from 1 to 167; 467 have non-significant overall ORs with FIs ranging from 1 to 61.

Fig 11. Output from the function frag.mas().

Fig 11

The produced object out.mas is of class “frag.multi”, and can be visualized as follows:

> plot(out.mas, max.f = 40, = 0.5)

> plot(out.mas, fragility = “FQ”, breaks = 20)

The first line produces the bar plot of FIs of all 564 MAs in Fig 12a, and the second line produces the histogram of FQs in Fig 12b. As displayed in the output of out.mas, the FIs may take large values up to 167, so max.f is specified as 40 for truncation. Most MAs have FIs less than 15 and FQs less than 1%.

Fig 12. Distributions of fragility measures of the pairwise meta-analyses in the dataset dat.ns.

Fig 12

(a) Bar plot of fragility indexes. (b) Histogram of fragility quotients.


This article has reviewed methods for assessing and visualizing the fragility of an individual study, pairwise MA, and NMA with a binary outcome; the package “fragility” is designed for implementing these methods. We have focused on introducing the usage of many user-friendly functions provided by this package and illustrating them via several worked examples.

The FI and FQ are useful tools to assess clinical results’ fragility; many researchers are becoming interested in these measures due to the growing concerns about research reproducibility and replicability. Nevertheless, it may be limited to assess the fragility based entirely on the numerical value of the FI or FQ. Most existing software programs do not provide much additional information about the FI or FQ besides its numerical value. The package “fragility” offers a variety of results that may aid the assessment of fragility. For example, the package produces various plots that visualize the studies and treatments involved in event status modifications in the iterative process for computing the FI or FQ of a pairwise MA or NMA. Such plots may indicate studies or treatments that are potentially influential in the meta-analytic results; clinicians may carefully examine the reliability (e.g., methodological quality) of the associated studies. In addition, users can specify certain directions of event status modifications in each treatment group for an individual study. The package provides information about different scenarios when the significance or non-significance is altered. It is crucial to incorporate such detailed information with clinicians’ opinions on a case-by-case basis; for some rare diseases, it may be more sensible to modify events to non-events.

There are still several limitations of the “fragility” package. First, using this package requires researchers to possess some coding skills; clinicians without coding training might not directly use this package for assessing the fragility of clinical studies. Second, the current version of the “fragility” package can only deal with clinical studies with binary outcomes. Recently, Caldwell et al. [100] proposed a method to define the FI of studies with continuous outcomes. If this method is further validated in practical applications, we will consider incorporating it into the future releases of the “fragility” package. Third, the existing literature lacks a guideline or rule of thumb to interpret the magnitude of the FI or FQ (i.e., the extent of fragility). On the one hand, the interpretation might depend on the clinical setting, e.g., whether the outcomes of some patients are possibly modified. On the other hand, in future work, we plan to systematically collect many clinical studies, pairwise MAs, and NMAs across different specialties (e.g., from the Cochrane Library), obtain their FIs and FQs, and derive the empirical distributions for all datasets and those within subgroups of specific research areas. Such empirical distributions will be incorporated in future versions of “fragility,” and they will further assist users in properly interpreting the fragility of clinical results.

Supporting information

S1 File. Additional information of functions’ arguments.


Data Availability

All datasets used in this article are available in the R package “fragility” (

Funding Statement

This research was supported in part by the US National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Mental Health grant R03 MH128727, National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine grant R01 LM012982 (LL and HC), and National Institutes of Health/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences grant UL1 TR001427 (LL). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Paul Aurelian Gagniuc

23 Nov 2021

PONE-D-21-32479Assessing and visualizing fragility of clinical results with binary outcomes in R using the fragility packagePLOS ONE

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5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The Fragility Index (FI) is an intuitive statistical metric used primarily in the medical literature to assess the statistical significance of study results. Lin et a. has developed an R package to calculate the frailty index in an user-friendly way. It allows both to calculate the FI of the meta-analysis (MA) to compare couple of treatments at a time, e.g. the efficacy of a drug versus placebo - and Network-Meta-Analysis (NMA), to compare multiple treatments - for example the efficacy of multiple drugs.

The first part of the article is devoted to the mathematical definition of the FI index and provides a brief overview of the methods commonly used to calculate the pvalue (Fisher's exact test, chi-squared, OR, RR and RD), and to quantify the FI for multiple levels of significance. The second part presents the functions of the R package and the applications to (i) individual clinical study (ii) pairwise meta analysis (iii) network meta analysis (iv) fragility at multiple levels of significance (v) fragility of multiple datasets .

The paper is overall well written, although the following points would deserve to be addressed in addition to the more minor points mentioned below.


* section “Assessing Fragility” (from line 375 to line 723). Here the authors describe the functions of the R package with all the options. While this is interesting when using the package, it’s really hard to follow this section when reading the paper. Moreover It seems redundant with the documentation available at The authors should consider rewriting this section, focusing on a few applications rather than listing all possible options .

* Fig 2. is not clear. The authors should give more details on how the plot is generated and how to interpret it. Same comment for Fig.3

* section "Example of assessing fragility of mutliple dataset" (from line 1004 to line 1254). Here the authors plot the fragility measures of all trials. I find it difficult to appreciate the novelty of this section as the authors describe how to make the plots, but not how to interpret them. The authors should should consider rewriting this section.


*There is no link to the CRAN page of the package (and so it is not easy to find the documentation) and it's not explained how to install it.

*Caption of Fig.1 is not clear. The authors should expand it and provide more details

Reviewer #2: This was an interesting manuscript describing a new R package for calculating and visualizing fragility of clinical studies, with clear worked examples to introduce the usage of the package.

I have a few questions/comments which, if addressed, would hopefully improve the manuscript.

1. Page 18: The author showed an example of an individual clinical study with demonstration of the number of modifications in each group for achieving non-significance altered from significance. However, in my perspective, the direction of modification in each group is less clear by indicating the number of non-events changed in group 0 and the number of events changed in group 1. For example, maybe it would be clearer to demonstrate the number of events add/minus in group 0 and the number of events add/minus in group 1?

2. Page 38: “Similar to assessing the fragility of an individual study and a pairwise MA, the FI is

defined as NA if the significance or non-significance cannot be altered.” Suppose we have three groups A,B and C, if the significance of comparing B vs A (or non-significance) cannot be altered by modifications in groups A and B, will you further consider modifications in group C or directly define it as NA. Maybe worth notify this somewhere.

3. Page 7: The explanation of deriving FI for MA under each step is not intuitive in my perspective. Could you please demonstrate a simple example here or illustrate a few iterations in the Example of a pairwise meta-analysis section?

4. The authors considered several tests with calculation of the corresponding FI. In practice, should we expect the FI to be similar across these tests? If the FI is very different among these tests, what does it imply?

Reviewer #3: The authors introduce an R package called fragility. The package contains functions and visualization tools that aid researchers in calculating the fragility index of their findings. An FI is a number that indicates how many observations must be shifted from one study sample to another for the statistical conclusion of the study to change. For example, if FI = 3, then three observations have to move from "event" to "non event" in order for a study in which the null hypothesis was rejected to become a study in which the null hypothesis is not rejected.

The package is necessary and the write up describes it in great detail - sometimes too much detail. The manuscript is 44 pages long (including references and supplements). A large proportion of the manuscript gives painstaking instructions on the functions in the fragility package and their many arguments and options for those arguments.

I request a reorganization of the paper. I would like to see Results section organized as a section on "Use Cases". By use cases, I mean having a case where the fragility index indicates an extremely fragile result (for all types of analyses - single study, MA, and NMA), and where the FI indicates a moderately fragile result, and where the FI indicates a robust result. The authors spend a great deal of white space in explaining the arguments of the functions. The reading is rather soporific. It would be better to show how the output and plots change as the FI changes for each of the three types of designs. That also means rearranging the plots. For example, a plot like Figure 1(a) for a fragile study should be placed next to the same rendering for a moderate and robust study. Such placement would help the reader understand what features of the plot are important.

I would like to see better explication of the plots (i.e. Figure 1). Perhaps this could be done with more detailed captions. I found it hard to examine the plots and the text, and then go back and forth to determine what features about the plots are being described in the text. I spent a few minutes with each one and I am still not sure that I really understand them. It seems to me that having clear, easy to explain, output for researchers is part of the reason this package exists. If the plots are hard to understand, then are they serving the researchers using this package?

A note on plotting symbols and colors: the triangles representing original p-values are quite small. I thought they were scratches on my screen at first. Finally, red and green is not a good color combination to show contrast. Red/green colorblindness is the most common type in the adult population. RColorBrewer has a list of color combinations that are meant to show divergence. One of those should be used.

I'm also a little concerned that the package, or the FI itself, seems to address only binary outcomes. The examples are about observations moving from events to non-events, but what if the measurements are quantitative and they change slightly? Such a situation might happen in the case of an outlier in the data. If the outlier were removed, how does that affect the fragility of the outcome? That said, the package is useful as it currently stands.

I think that researchers need to know about this package. It claims to make usage of FI easier, but as with all things R, there is a steep learning curve. A Shiny app would be much more helpful.

Minor Details:

The sentence at line 8 needs to be reworded. I think that "greatly" is the wrong adverb here, but I am not quite sure what the authors are trying to say; therefore, I can't suggest another word.

Line 1267 contains a sentence about user specification in the function call, but it follows a sentence about the many aids in assessment contained in the fragility package. I would change the sentence to one that describes the detailed output or the plots that are available.

I attached a PDF of the paper with minor grammatical and syntactical adjustments. They are not comprehensive. For example, the authors use the word "so" quite often as a conjunction. However, it isn't. "therefore" or "hence" or no conjunction at all should be used instead.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

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Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-32479.pdf

PLoS One. 2022 Jun 1;17(6):e0268754. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268754.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

13 Apr 2022

We thank the reviewers for providing many helpful comments on our manuscript. We have incorporated these suggestions in the revised manuscript. Our responses are detailed in the [square brackets] as follows.

Reviewer #1:

The Fragility Index (FI) is an intuitive statistical metric used primarily in the medical literature to assess the statistical significance of study results. Lin et a. has developed an R package to calculate the frailty index in an user-friendly way. It allows both to calculate the FI of the meta-analysis (MA) to compare couple of treatments at a time, e.g. the efficacy of a drug versus placebo - and Network-Meta-Analysis (NMA), to compare multiple treatments - for example the efficacy of multiple drugs.

The first part of the article is devoted to the mathematical definition of the FI index and provides a brief overview of the methods commonly used to calculate the pvalue (Fisher's exact test, chi-squared, OR, RR and RD), and to quantify the FI for multiple levels of significance. The second part presents the functions of the R package and the applications to (i) individual clinical study (ii) pairwise meta analysis (iii) network meta analysis (iv) fragility at multiple levels of significance (v) fragility of multiple datasets .

The paper is overall well written, although the following points would deserve to be addressed in addition to the more minor points mentioned below.

[Response: Thank you very much for taking the time to perform the review of our manuscript. We appreciate your positive comments regarding this manuscript and many helpful suggestions. We have incorporated your suggestions into the revised manuscript. Please see our detailed responses below.]


* section “Assessing Fragility” (from line 375 to line 723). Here the authors describe the functions of the R package with all the options. While this is interesting when using the package, it’s really hard to follow this section when reading the paper. Moreover It seems redundant with the documentation available at The authors should consider rewriting this section, focusing on a few applications rather than listing all possible options.

[Response: Thanks a lot for this suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have moved some details of less important arguments to the supplemental file “Additional information of functions' arguments.” We have reduced the main content devoted to describing the functions. Also, to group the descriptions of the functions more clearly, we have split the original subsection into three subsections for individual studies, pairwise meta-analyses, and network meta-analyses accordingly. Although the manual of our package also lists the meaning of each argument of each function, we try to explain them in more detail so that they are more accessible for users.]

* Fig 2. is not clear. The authors should give more details on how the plot is generated and how to interpret it. Same comment for Fig.3

[Response: Thanks for the suggestion. We have added the following details to the captions of Fig 2 and Fig 3 (now Fig 4 and Fig 6): “Each line represents changes in the total event count in a certain group. The numbers around each line indicate the studies involved in the event status modifications during the iterations; each asterisk indicates that a study remains unchanged as in the previous iteration.”]

* section "Example of assessing fragility of mutliple dataset" (from line 1004 to line 1254). Here the authors plot the fragility measures of all trials. I find it difficult to appreciate the novelty of this section as the authors describe how to make the plots, but not how to interpret them. The authors should should consider rewriting this section.

[Response: This article focuses on introducing how to use the “fragility” R package and implementing case studies. Considering the manuscript’s length, we did not plan to give too many interpretations, as these have been done in many earlier works on empirical analyses of FI, including the original paper by Walsh et al. that proposed the FI. In the revised manuscript, we have added some interpretations in the section “Example of assessing fragility of multiple dataset.” For example, we added: “The FIs range from 1 to 19; many trials have FIs between 1 and 10, implying that their significance could be altered by changing the event statuses of at most 10 patients.” Also, as mentioned in the manuscript, the current literature still has some debates about the FI’s interpretation, so we have tried to avoid being involved in such debates. We have included these as a limitation in the discussion section.]


*There is no link to the CRAN page of the package (and so it is not easy to find the documentation) and it's not explained how to install it.

[Response: Thanks for this comment. The link was originally provided in the reference list. To make it easier for users to access this package and install it, we have added more details at the beginning of the subsection “Using the R package fragility.” In short, users can easily install the package in R using the command install.packages("fragility").]

*Caption of Fig.1 is not clear. The authors should expand it and provide more details

[Response: In the revised manuscript, we have added the following details to the caption of Fig 1 (now Fig 2). “Points or areas in green indicate non-significant results, and those in red indicate significant ones. Dashed lines represent no modifications in the corresponding groups. Square points represent the original p value, and triangle points indicate minimal modifications that alter the significance. In panels (a) and (d), event statuses are modified in both groups. Each point represents the extent of the p value corresponding to a specific combination of event status modifications in groups 0 and 1. In panels (c) and (d), event statuses are modified in only one group. Plus points represent truncated p values at 10^{−10}.”]

Reviewer #2:

This was an interesting manuscript describing a new R package for calculating and visualizing fragility of clinical studies, with clear worked examples to introduce the usage of the package.

I have a few questions/comments which, if addressed, would hopefully improve the manuscript.

[Response: Thanks a lot for taking the time to perform the review. Please see our responses as follows.]

1. Page 18: The author showed an example of an individual clinical study with demonstration of the number of modifications in each group for achieving non-significance altered from significance. However, in my perspective, the direction of modification in each group is less clear by indicating the number of non-events changed in group 0 and the number of events changed in group 1. For example, maybe it would be clearer to demonstrate the number of events add/minus in group 0 and the number of events add/minus in group 1?

[Response: Thanks for this comment. The idea of the fragility index is based on modifying event status in some treatment groups. The total samples remain unchanged; we only modified the event status (from events to non-events or from non-events to events) for some samples. Therefore, in our function’s output, we use languages like “inversing status of certain events or non-events in certain groups,” instead of “adding or reducing certain events.”]

2. Page 38: “Similar to assessing the fragility of an individual study and a pairwise MA, the FI is

defined as NA if the significance or non-significance cannot be altered.” Suppose we have three groups A,B and C, if the significance of comparing B vs A (or non-significance) cannot be altered by modifications in groups A and B, will you further consider modifications in group C or directly define it as NA. Maybe worth notify this somewhere.

[Response: Many thanks for raising this question. We have mentioned that we only consider event status modifications in the relevant two groups for a treatment comparison because of the long run time for multiple NMAs via iterations. In the revised manuscript, we have added cautionary notes following this sentence: “Of note, as mentioned above, the calculation of the NMA’s FI for comparison B vs. A is based only on modifying event status in groups A and B. It is possible that the change of significance cannot be achieved by any event status modification in groups~A and B, but it could be achieved by modifications in other groups. Therefore, users should interpret an FI value of NA in the contexts of the event status modifications in the relevant two groups A and B only.”]

3. Page 7: The explanation of deriving FI for MA under each step is not intuitive in my perspective. Could you please demonstrate a simple example here or illustrate a few iterations in the Example of a pairwise meta-analysis section?

[Response: Thanks for this comment. We agree that the only texts may not illustrate the iterative algorithm for deriving the FI of a meta-analysis very clearly. Initially, we planned to illustrate the process, but this manuscript has already contained many figures, so we eventually decided not to include additional visualizations for the iterative algorithm, and this manuscript emphasizes introducing the “fragility” package. We have also offered a worked example of a meta-analysis, and the full iterations can be seen in Fig 4 (previous Fig 2). In the revised manuscript, at the end of the relevant paragraph, we added the following sentences. “For visualizations of the iterative steps for deriving the FI of the MA, readers may refer to Fig 4 in Atal et al. We will also provide a worked example later to demonstrate the process.”]

4. The authors considered several tests with calculation of the corresponding FI. In practice, should we expect the FI to be similar across these tests? If the FI is very different among these tests, what does it imply?

[Response: We provide multiple methods for calculating p-values and thus deriving the FI to offer flexibility for users if they want to use different methods. However, we are not suggesting that users should try all methods and compare the resulting FI values. Researchers are commended for using the method specified in the original study’s protocol for deriving the FI. In the subsection “Fragility of an individual clinical study” of the revised manuscript, we have added the following paragraph. “Of note, this article discusses multiple methods for testing the association between treatment and outcome and thus deriving the FI. We hope that they offer flexibility for users when assessing clinical studies' fragility based on different tools. We do not suggest that users should try all methods because this practice could lead to “fragility-hacking.” Users are recommended to use the statistical method specified in the study protocol for deriving the FI.”]

Reviewer #3:

The authors introduce an R package called fragility. The package contains functions and visualization tools that aid researchers in calculating the fragility index of their findings. An FI is a number that indicates how many observations must be shifted from one study sample to another for the statistical conclusion of the study to change. For example, if FI = 3, then three observations have to move from "event" to "non event" in order for a study in which the null hypothesis was rejected to become a study in which the null hypothesis is not rejected.

The package is necessary and the write up describes it in great detail - sometimes too much detail. The manuscript is 44 pages long (including references and supplements). A large proportion of the manuscript gives painstaking instructions on the functions in the fragility package and their many arguments and options for those arguments.

[Response: Thank you very much for providing many helpful suggestions on our manuscript. We have substantially restructured the manuscript. Please see our detailed responses below.]

I request a reorganization of the paper. I would like to see Results section organized as a section on "Use Cases". By use cases, I mean having a case where the fragility index indicates an extremely fragile result (for all types of analyses - single study, MA, and NMA), and where the FI indicates a moderately fragile result, and where the FI indicates a robust result. The authors spend a great deal of white space in explaining the arguments of the functions. The reading is rather soporific. It would be better to show how the output and plots change as the FI changes for each of the three types of designs. That also means rearranging the plots. For example, a plot like Figure 1(a) for a fragile study should be placed next to the same rendering for a moderate and robust study. Such placement would help the reader understand what features of the plot are important.

[Response: Thanks a lot for this suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have moved some details of less important arguments to the supplemental file “Additional information of functions' arguments.” We have reduced the main content devoted to describing the functions. Also, to group the descriptions of the functions more clearly, we have split the original subsection into three subsections for individual studies, pairwise meta-analyses, and network meta-analyses accordingly. Although the manual of our package also lists the meaning of each argument of each function, we try to explain them in more detail so that they are more accessible for users.

As for the suggestion of organizing the results section as “use cases,” we think it might be beyond this manuscript’s goal. This manuscript focuses on introducing how to use the “fragility” R package and implementing case studies. Considering the manuscript’s length, we did not plan to give too many interpretations, as these have been done in many earlier works on empirical analyses of FI, including the original paper by Walsh et al. that proposed the FI. More importantly, as mentioned in the manuscript, the current literature still has some debates about the FI’s interpretation. We have tried to avoid being involved in such debates. As discussed in the last section, there are no widely accepted rules for claiming very fragile, moderately fragile, slightly fragile, and no fragile studies/meta-analyses based on the FI or FQ values. In the future, we plan to systematically apply the FI and FQ to many studies and meta-analyses and thus derive evidence-based guidelines for interpreting the magnitudes of the fragility measures.]

I would like to see better explication of the plots (i.e. Figure 1). Perhaps this could be done with more detailed captions. I found it hard to examine the plots and the text, and then go back and forth to determine what features about the plots are being described in the text. I spent a few minutes with each one and I am still not sure that I really understand them. It seems to me that having clear, easy to explain, output for researchers is part of the reason this package exists. If the plots are hard to understand, then are they serving the researchers using this package?

[Response: Thanks a lot for this suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have added the following details to the caption of Fig 1 (now Fig 2): “Points or areas in green indicate non-significant results, and those in red indicate significant ones. Dashed lines represent no modifications in the corresponding groups. Square points represent the original p value, and triangle points indicate minimal modifications that alter the significance. In panels (a) and (d), event statuses are modified in both groups. Each point represents the extent of the p value corresponding to a specific combination of event status modifications in groups 0 and 1. In panels (c) and (d), event statuses are modified in only one group. Plus points represent truncated p values at 10^{−10}.” We have added the following to the captions of Fig 2 and Fig 3 (now Fig 4 and Fig 6): “Each line represents changes in the total event count in a certain group. The numbers around each line indicate the studies involved in the event status modifications during the iterations; each asterisk indicates that a study remains unchanged as in the previous iteration.”]

A note on plotting symbols and colors: the triangles representing original p-values are quite small. I thought they were scratches on my screen at first. Finally, red and green is not a good color combination to show contrast. Red/green colorblindness is the most common type in the adult population. RColorBrewer has a list of color combinations that are meant to show divergence. One of those should be used.

[Response: As for the triangles in Fig 1a and Fig 1d (now Fig 2a and Fig 2d), we have slightly increased the point sizes. Please kindly note that the point sizes can be adjusted using the argument cex.pts in the function

As for the colors, users can change the colors for significance and non-significance using the argument col.sig in the function We respectively argue that it is quite common to use red/green to show contrast in some scientific disciplines, at least in the literature of evidence synthesis. For example, in the assessment of the risk of bias, green is typically used for studies with a low risk of bias, and red is typically used for studies with a high risk of bias. See, e.g., In PLOS ONE, many articles also use red/green for contrasts; see, e.g., and]

I'm also a little concerned that the package, or the FI itself, seems to address only binary outcomes. The examples are about observations moving from events to non-events, but what if the measurements are quantitative and they change slightly? Such a situation might happen in the case of an outlier in the data. If the outlier were removed, how does that affect the fragility of the outcome? That said, the package is useful as it currently stands.

[Response: Thanks for this comment. In the current practice of using the FI, nearly all studies deal with binary outcomes. Recently, Caldwell et al. ( proposed a method to calculate the FI for continuous outcomes. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, this method has not been widely used for assessing the fragility of studies with continuous outcomes. In the revised manuscript, we have added the following as one of our limitations in the discussion section: “Second, the current version of the “fragility” package can only deal with clinical studies with binary outcomes. Recently, Caldwell et al. proposed a method to define the FI of studies with continuous outcomes. If this method is further validated in practical applications, we will consider incorporating it into the future releases of the “fragility” package.”]

I think that researchers need to know about this package. It claims to make usage of FI easier, but as with all things R, there is a steep learning curve. A Shiny app would be much more helpful.

[Response: We agree that using this R package requires researchers to possess some coding skills. As mentioned in the introduction, some webpages (e.g., and can be used to derive the FI for an individual study and a meta-analysis. Nevertheless, our R package “fragility” offers many more additional features than these webpage-based tools. If users just want to obtain numeric values of the FI, they could use the webpage-based tools. If they would like to make further analyses and better learn the fragility of clinical studies, they could consider using our package. Developing a Shiny app for implementing all the features offered by our current “fragility” R package is currently beyond our expertise. To the best of our knowledge, no Shiny app is available for implementing network meta-analyses, so it’s unlikely that a Shiny app for deriving the FI for NMA could be developed in the near future. In the last paragraph of the discussion section, we have added the following as our limitations. “There are still several limitations of the ``fragility'' package. First, using this package requires researchers to possess some coding skills; clinicians without coding training might not directly use this package for assessing the fragility of clinical studies.”]

Minor Details:

The sentence at line 8 needs to be reworded. I think that "greatly" is the wrong adverb here, but I am not quite sure what the authors are trying to say; therefore, I can't suggest another word.

[Response: Sorry that there was a typo in this sentence. We have changed it to “This bias may distort clinical conclusions toward an artificially favorable direction and thus greatly threaten their reliability.”]

Line 1267 contains a sentence about user specification in the function call, but it follows a sentence about the many aids in assessment contained in the fragility package. I would change the sentence to one that describes the detailed output or the plots that are available.

[Response: Thanks for this suggestion. We have changed the relevant sentences as follows. “For example, the package produces various plots that visualize the studies and treatments involved in event status modifications in the iterative process for computing the FI or FQ of a pairwise MA or NMA. Such plots may indicate studies or treatments that are potentially influential in the meta-analytic results; clinicians may carefully examine the reliability (e.g., methodological quality) of the associated studies.”]

I attached a PDF of the paper with minor grammatical and syntactical adjustments. They are not comprehensive. For example, the authors use the word "so" quite often as a conjunction. However, it isn't. "therefore" or "hence" or no conjunction at all should be used instead.

[Response: Thanks a lot for carefully reviewing the whole manuscript. We appreciate your corrections. We have made changes accordingly and double-checked the manuscript in the revision.]


Submitted filename: Response.pdf

Decision Letter 1

Paul Aurelian Gagniuc

9 May 2022

Assessing and visualizing fragility of clinical results with binary outcomes in R using the fragility package


Dear Dr. Lin,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Paul Aurelian Gagniuc, PhD

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: I would like to thank the authors for attempting to address my main concerns, and I think the revised paper is substantially improved.

I appreciated the effort they have done to improve the readability of paper by moving most of the technical details to the supplementary and leaving in the main text only the main functions.

They have added the captions and more extensive explanations to Fig.2 and 3 and some interpretations of the Fragility Index which in my opinion are of great use to non-specialists.

Also all the minor comments have been addressed.

Reviewer #2: The paper has been written in a more concise way. I am satisfied with the work done by the authors to address my questions.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Acceptance letter

Paul Aurelian Gagniuc

11 May 2022


Assessing and visualizing fragility of clinical results with binary outcomes in R using the fragility package

Dear Dr. Lin:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Paul Aurelian Gagniuc

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 File. Additional information of functions’ arguments.



    Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-32479.pdf


    Submitted filename: Response.pdf

    Data Availability Statement

    All datasets used in this article are available in the R package “fragility” (

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