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American Journal of Epidemiology logoLink to American Journal of Epidemiology
. 2022 Feb 2;191(6):1092–1097. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwac014

On Variance of the Treatment Effect in the Treated When Estimated by Inverse Probability Weighting

Sarah A Reifeis , Michael G Hudgens
PMCID: PMC9271225  PMID: 35106534


In the analysis of observational studies, inverse probability weighting (IPW) is commonly used to consistently estimate the average treatment effect (ATE) or the average treatment effect in the treated (ATT). The variance of the IPW ATE estimator is often estimated by assuming that the weights are known and then using the so-called “robust” (Huber-White) sandwich estimator, which results in conservative standard errors (SEs). Here we show that using such an approach when estimating the variance of the IPW ATT estimator does not necessarily result in conservative SE estimates. That is, assuming the weights are known, the robust sandwich estimator may be either conservative or anticonservative. Thus, confidence intervals for the ATT using the robust SE estimate will not be valid, in general. Instead, stacked estimating equations which account for the weight estimation can be used to compute a consistent, closed-form variance estimator for the IPW ATT estimator. The 2 variance estimators are compared via simulation studies and in a data analysis of the association between smoking and gene expression.

Keywords: confounding, estimating equations, exposure effect, Huber-White sandwich variance estimator, inverse probability weighting, observational data, treatment effect, variance estimation



average treatment effect


average treatment effect in the treated


inverse probability weighting


Metabolic Syndrome in Men


standard error


stacked estimating equations

Observational studies are often used to draw inference about the effect of a treatment (or exposure) on an outcome of interest, especially in settings where randomized trials are not feasible. Common estimands for these types of analyses are the average treatment effect (ATE) and the average treatment effect in the treated (ATT). These estimands answer different causal questions, so it is critical to first establish the motivation and goals of inference when choosing a target estimand. Smoking, for example, is a commonly studied exposure where investigators may be interested in the ATT (1). With smoking as the exposure, the ATT considers the effect of smoking only among those who smoke. On the other hand, the ATE contemplates the counterfactual scenario where everyone in the population smokes versus when no one smokes, which may not be of interest from a public health perspective. The ATT is also often of interest in pharmacoepidemiology, where the effect of a certain drug in users of that drug is often the most relevant estimand for public health research (24). The ATT has utility across a range of areas within epidemiology where there is interest in effect of an exposure in the exposed population (57). Other contexts in which the ATT is often the target of inference include health behavior and policy (811), ecology and environmental management (1214), criminology (1517), and economics and public policy (1821).

Inverse probability weighting (IPW) is often used for estimation of treatment effects from observational data, where confounding is expected in general. IPW estimators of the ATE and ATT can be computed by regressing the outcome on the exposure using weighted least squares, where the weights are functions of estimated propensity scores. The variance of the IPW ATE estimator is often estimated by assuming that the weights are known and then using the so-called “robust” (Huber-White) sandwich estimator, hereafter referred to as the naive estimator, which results in conservative standard errors (SEs) (2225). Likewise, the variance of the IPW ATT estimator is sometimes estimated by assuming that the weights are known (2, 14, 26). Herein we prove that such an approach can produce either conservative or anticonservative SE estimates for the IPW ATT estimator. Consequently, confidence intervals derived using this approach will not be valid, in general. Instead, stacked estimating equations which account for the weight estimation can be used to compute a consistent, closed-form variance estimator for the IPW ATT estimator.

This paper is organized as follows. In the Methods section, we describe the IPW estimator for the ATT, and the corresponding variance estimators. The Results section includes asymptotic calculations and simulation studies of the variance estimators for 4 simple example scenarios, where we show that the robust variance estimator with the weights assumed known can be conservative or anticonservative. We also present an analysis of data from the Metabolic Syndrome in Men (METSIM) Study using the IPW ATT estimator and the variance estimators from the Methods section. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings, limitations, and areas for future work. Derivations and software code for replicating the results presented in the main text are provided in Web Appendices 1–3 (available at


IPW ATT estimator

Consider an observational study where the goal is to draw inference about the effect of a binary exposure A on an outcome Y. For Inline graphic, let Inline graphic denote the potential outcome had, possibly counter to fact, the exposure level been a. Let Y denote the observed outcome, such that Inline graphic. The ATT, the estimand of interest, is defined as Inline graphic, where Inline graphic for Inline graphic denotes the mean potential outcome under treatment a among the treated individuals. For the case of a binary outcome, the ATT can be interpreted as the causal risk difference in the treated.

With observational data, there is potential for confounding because individuals are not randomized to exposure A. IPW can be used to adjust for confounding of the relationship between the exposure and the outcome. In particular, weights for each individual are estimated by first fitting a logistic regression model of A with predictors L based on a set of measured preexposure variables; then the IPW ATT estimator (27) equals

graphic file with name DmEquation1.gif (1)

where the estimated weight Inline graphic for individual i is computed based on the estimated propensity score from the fitted logistic model as described in Web Appendix 1 and Inline graphic. The 2 ratios in equation 1 are sometimes referred to as Hajek or modified Horvitz-Thompson estimators (25). Note that no outcome model for Y given A or L is assumed.

A convenient way to compute Inline graphic using standard software entails fitting a simple linear regression model of Y on A by weighted least squares. The variance of Inline graphic is sometimes then estimated by assuming that the weights are known and computing the naive variance estimator, which is easily computed in standard software (e.g., sandwich in R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) or the REG procedure with the WHITE option in the MODEL statement in SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina)). While computationally convenient, this estimator will not generally result in valid inference, as we show below.

Variance estimators of the ATT estimator

The asymptotic distribution of the IPW ATT estimator in equation 1 can be derived using standard estimating equation theory. In particular, in Web Appendix 1, Inline graphic is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The asymptotic variance Inline graphic of Inline graphic and a corresponding simple closed-form consistent estimator Inline graphic are also given in Web Appendix 1. Thus, in large samples the variance of Inline graphic can be approximated by Inline graphic, which below is referred to as the stacked estimating equations (SEE) variance estimator. The estimator Inline graphic of Inline graphic is also often referred to as the empirical sandwich variance estimator (28).

The derivation of the result above considers the usual scenario in observational studies where the weights are estimated. Now suppose instead that the weights are assumed to be known, and therefore the propensity score need not be estimated. Let Inline graphic* denote the estimator in equation 1 with Inline graphic replaced by Inline graphic (as defined in Web Appendix 1). Then, similar to the above, it is straightforward to show that Inline graphic* is consistent and asymptotically normal with asymptotic variance Inline graphic. Likewise, a simple, closed-form, consistent estimator Inline graphic of Inline graphic is given in Web Appendix 1, where Inline graphic denotes the naive variance estimator discussed at the end of the previous section. In Web Appendix 1, it is shown that Inline graphic and Inline graphic differ by a constant that can be either positive or negative. Therefore, Inline graphic can be either larger or smaller than Inline graphic, as we show via 4 simple examples in the next section. This suggests that using Inline graphic may result in conservative or anticonservative inference.

Asymptotic calculations

In the Results section, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are compared for 4 simple data-generating processes. Table 1 contains variable definitions and relationships for the variable L, the exposure A, and the potential outcomes Inline graphic, in each of 4 examples. In scenarios 1 and 2 the variable L is binary, and in scenarios 3 and 4, L is continuous (normal). In all 4 scenarios, the exposure A is binary and Inline graphic given L is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.5. The marginal exposure probability Inline graphic and the population ATT value are also given in Table 1; these scenarios were chosen because they do not involve rare exposures or extreme effect sizes.

Table 1.

Distribution of L, Exposure A, and Potential Outcome Ya for 4 Different Hypothetical Scenarios of a Confounded Exposure-Outcome Relationship, Along With the Marginal Probability of Exposure and the ATT

Scenario L Logit{P(A = 1|L = l)} E(Ya|L = l) p 1 a ATT
1 Bern(0.5)b Inline graphic Inline graphic 0.16 −0.78
2 Bern(0.3)b Inline graphic Inline graphic 0.74 1.15
3 N(0, 1)c Inline graphic Inline graphic 0.73 0.96
4 N(1, 1)c Inline graphic Inline graphic 0.50 0.71

Abbreviation: ATT, average treatment effect in the treated.

a Inline graphic = Pr(A = 1).

b Bern(Inline graphic) = Bernoulli distribution with expectation Inline graphic.

c NInline graphic = normal distribution with mean μ and variance 1.


Asymptotic calculations

The asymptotic variances of Inline graphic and Inline graphic* for scenarios 1–4 are shown in Table 2; software code for replicating the scenario 1 results is provided in Web Appendix 2. The ratio of asymptotic standard deviations, i.e., Inline graphic, is also reported in Table 2 for the sake of comparison with the empirical results reported in the section below. Note from Table 2 that Inline graphic may be substantially smaller or larger than Inline graphic. These asymptotic results suggest that Inline graphic will tend to yield anticonservative inferences in scenarios 1 and 3 and conservative inferences in scenarios 2 and 4. This is demonstrated empirically in the next section.

Table 2.

Asymptotic Variance of the ATT Estimator When Weights Are Unknown (Inline graphic) and Known (Inline graphic) and the Ratio (Unknown:Known) of the Asymptotic Standard Deviations

Scenario Inline graphic Inline graphic SD Ratio
1 3.90 2.26 1.31
2 1.36 4.33 0.56
3 4.37 3.59 1.10
4 11.28 24.50 0.68

Abbreviations: ATT, average treatment effect in the treated; SD, standard deviation.

Simulation studies

For each scenario shown in Table 1, n = 1,000 independent and identically distributed copies of the variables L, A, and Y were generated for each of 1,000 data sets. For each simulated data set, Inline graphic was calculated using weights estimated by fitting propensity score model 1 in Web Appendix 1. Standard errors were estimated using both Inline graphic and Inline graphic. The former can be obtained with the geex package in R (29) or the CAUSALTRT procedure in SAS (30), and the latter is widely available in various R packages (e.g., sandwich, geeglm) or using SAS procedures (e.g., REG, GENMOD). The simulation study presented here and the data analysis described in the following section were conducted in R, version 3.6.3 (31), with variance estimates computed using the geex package; detailed example code is provided in Web Appendix 2. For each simulated data set, Wald 95% confidence intervals were constructed using each SE estimate.

Results from the simulation study are presented in Table 3. In all scenarios, 95% confidence intervals based on Inline graphic achieved nominal coverage, whereas confidence intervals constructed using Inline graphic either under- or overcovered. These results are in agreement with the asymptotic derivations in the Methods section. The average estimated SE (Inline graphic) for both of the SE estimators was computed over the 1,000 simulated data sets for each scenario. The Inline graphic ratios are reported in Table 3; as expected, these ratios are very similar to the asymptotic standard deviation ratios in Table 2. Additional simulation studies were conducted with the sample sizes Inline graphic and n = 2,000; the results, given in Web Table 1 of Web Appendix 3, were similar to those in Table 3.

Table 3.

Empirical Standard Error, Average Estimated Standard Error Using the SEE and Naive Variance Estimates, 95% Confidence Interval Coverage, and Inline graphic Ratio (SEE:Naive) for Each Simulated Scenario

Variance Estimator
SEE Naive
Scenario ESE Inline graphic 95% CI
Inline graphic 95% CI
Inline graphic
1 0.06 0.06 0.95 0.05 0.87 1.31
2 0.04 0.04 0.95 0.07 1.00 0.56
3 0.07 0.07 0.95 0.06 0.93 1.10
4 0.11 0.10 0.94 0.15 1.00 0.65

Abbreviations: Inline graphic, average estimated standard error; CI, confidence interval; ESE, empirical standard error; SEE, stacked estimating equations.

METSIM data analysis

The METSIM Study has been described and analyzed previously (32, 33). Participants in this population-based study were Finnish men aged 45–73 years, a subset of whom had RNA expression data recorded from an adipose tissue biopsy (Inline graphic) (34). The exposure of interest A is current smoking (yes/no), and the outcomes Inline graphic, are normalized adipose tissue expression levels for each of 18,510 genes. Each of these gene expression outcomes will be analyzed separately. The target of inference is the ATT for each gene, that is, the average effect of current smoking on that gene’s expression in smokers. The set of variables L considered sufficient for satisfying the conditional exchangeability assumption (defined in Web Appendix 1) was age, alcohol consumption, body mass index (weight (kg)/height (m)2), exercise level, and vegetable consumption.

Logistic regression model 1 (Web Appendix 1), a model of current smoking on the set of variables L, was fitted to estimate the weights Inline graphic for each individual. It is good practice to check that the mean of the estimated weights is close to its expected value. For the ATT weights, the expected value is Inline graphic; see Web Appendix 1 for details. The probability Inline graphic is unknown here, but it can be estimated by Inline graphic. For the METSIM data, the mean of the estimated weights and the estimated expected value of the weights were both 0.34. The IPW estimator of the ATT for each gene was computed by fitting a separate linear regression model Inline graphic via weighted least squares using the estimated weights. The same set of individuals and weights was used for each model. SEs for the estimated Inline graphic were estimated using both Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

Figure 1A shows the ratio of the 2 estimated SEs for each of the 18,510 genes, where the gray dashed line indicates equality of the 2 SE estimates. While most of the SE estimates using Inline graphic were conservative (ratio < 1), there were hundreds of genes for which the estimates were anticonservative relative to Inline graphic. The difference in SE estimates was modest for most genes, but even small differences in SE estimates can substantially affect the P values. Figure 1B shows raw (i.e., unadjusted for multiple testing) P values for Wald tests of the null hypothesis H0: Inline graphic using either SE estimate. Only the 50 genes with the smallest P values are shown. The top 50 genes as ranked by smallest P value differed between the 2 approaches, so there are 54 genes in total represented in Figure 1B. Neither Inline graphic nor Inline graphic always resulted in larger raw P values, which aligns with the results displayed in Figure 1A. In fact, P values were often 2–3 times larger or smaller when using Inline graphic compared with Inline graphic.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Comparison of stacked estimating equations (SEE) and naive standard error (SE) estimates for each gene in the Metabolic Syndrome in Men (METSIM) Study, 2005–2010. A) Ratio of estimated SEs, computed using Inline graphic and Inline graphic, for the average treatment effect in the treated (ATT) for each gene in an analysis of METSIM Study data. The vertical dashed line at 0 denotes equality of the 2 SE estimates. B) P values (unadjusted) for both methods of SE estimation for each of the top 50 genes as ranked by either method (54 genes are depicted in total).


In the context of variance estimation for the ATT estimator when using IPW, assuming the weights are known can result in either a conservative or an anticonservative variance estimate. This finding is contrary to the well-known result regarding variance estimation for the ATE—namely, that assuming that the weights are known results in conservative variance estimates (2225). Four simple examples are provided demonstrating that SE estimates may be substantially larger or smaller depending on whether the weights are treated as known or estimated. Haneuse and Rotnitzky (35) derived a similar result in the continuous treatment (exposure) setting.

The variance estimator using stacked estimating equations is consistent, has a closed form, and can be easily computed using the geex package in R or the CAUSALTRT procedure in SAS. R code for the asymptotic calculations is provided in Web Appendix 2, along with a workflow for analyzing a simulated data set. The bootstrap is another approach to estimating the variance of the IPW ATT estimator (11, 21, 36). Performance of the bootstrap for the simulation study scenarios and the METSIM data analysis is illustrated in Web Table 2 and Web Figure 1 of Web Appendix 3. The bootstrap SE estimator performed similarly to the SEE estimator in the simulation studies, although the bootstrap estimator does not have a closed form and therefore is more computationally intensive than the SEE estimator.

The IPW ATT estimator and corresponding SEE variance estimator can be applied in settings where the outcome is continuous or binary. As we noted above, in the latter case the ATT can be interpreted as the casual risk difference in the treated. For binary outcomes, the causal risk ratio in the treated, that is, Inline graphic, may also be of interest and can be consistently estimated by the ratio of Hajek estimators from equation 2. The results in this paper immediately apply to the ratio estimator as well. That is, the ratio estimator variance can be consistently estimated using SEE, whereas the robust variance estimator computed assuming that the weights are known may be conservative or anticonservative; this is illustrated in Web Tables 3–5 in Web Appendix 3 for 2 binary outcome examples.

The IPW ATT estimator has certain limitations which should be kept in mind when it is being used in analyses. The estimator is only valid (consistent) under the identifiability conditions described in Web Appendix 1, namely the stable unit treatment value assumption, positivity, and conditional exchangeability. Violations of these assumptions can lead to bias of the IPW estimator and under- or overcoverage of corresponding Wald confidence intervals. Positivity violations may be assessed by examining covariate overlap between treated and untreated individuals. Empirical results demonstrating variance estimator bias and confidence interval undercoverage when there is lack of covariate overlap are presented in Web Table 6 and Web Figure 2 of Web Appendix 3. In instances where there are positivity violations, analysis may be restricted (37) to strata of individuals where there is covariate overlap or may use methods other than IPW (such as g-estimation (38)) that are better suited for such settings.

In addition to the identifiability conditions, validity of the IPW ATT estimator relies on a correctly specified, finite dimensional parametric propensity score model. Recent extensions of M-estimation theory (3941) could be utilized to study the large-sample behavior of ATT estimators in the presence of high-dimensional covariates. Future work could also compare different variance estimators of doubly robust estimators of the ATT that permit misspecification of the propensity score model.

Supplementary Material



Author affiliations: Department of Biostatistics, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States (Sarah A. Reifeis, Michael G. Hudgens). Dr. Sarah A. Reifeis is currently affiliated with Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana.

This work was supported by the Chancellor’s Fellowship from the Graduate School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and by National Institutes of Health grant R01 AI085073.

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) under accession number GSE70353 (

We thank Dr. Michael Love for helpful comments.

This work was presented at the 2020 Joint Statistical Meetings conference (virtual), August 2–6, 2020, and at the 2021 Eastern North American Region Spring Meeting (virtual), March 14–17, 2021.

The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Conflict of interest: none declared.


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