Of great promise are synthetic antiferromagnet-based racetrack devices in which chiral composite domain walls can be efficiently moved by current. However, overcoming the trade-off between energy efficiency and thermal stability remains a major challenge. Here we show that chiral domain walls in a synthetic antiferromagnet–ferromagnet lateral junction are highly stable against large magnetic fields, while the domain walls can be efficiently moved across the junction by current. Our approach takes advantage of field-induced global energy barriers in the unique energy landscape of the junction that are added to the local energy barrier. We demonstrate that thermal fluctuations are equivalent to the magnetic field effect, thereby, surprisingly, increasing the energy barrier and further stabilizing the domain wall in the junction at higher temperatures, which is in sharp contrast to ferromagnets or synthetic antiferromagnets. We find that the threshold current density can be further decreased by tilting the junction without affecting the high domain wall stability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that chiral domain walls can be robustly confined within a ferromagnet region sandwiched on both sides by synthetic antiferromagnets and yet can be readily injected into the synthetic antiferromagnet regions by current. Our findings break the aforementioned trade-off, thereby allowing for versatile domain-wall-based memory, and logic, and beyond.
Subject terms: Spintronics, Magnetic devices
Introducing local, nanoscopic ferromagnetic regions in a synthetic antiferromagnet racetrack can help to mitigate the trade-off between energy efficiency and thermal stability in magnetic domain-wall-based devices.
A domain wall (DW) is a boundary between magnetic regions (or domains) that have magnetizations oriented along distinct directions. The domains can be used to form magnetic bits in memory and logic devices1,2. The recent discoveries2–4 of several distinct current-induced torques that can be used to manipulate DWs has made possible the potential realization of high-performance magnetic racetrack memory and logic devices5–7. Key to these devices is the stability of the DWs. In many cases, there is an intrinsic energy barrier for their motion under the influence of a current or field. The intrinsic energy barrier for DW depinning by a current using conventional adiabatic spin-transfer torque (STT) is distinct from that by a field8. At the same time, the energy barrier that is relevant for thermal stability is understood to be the field-induced depinning barrier rather than that induced by current, although this has not yet been demonstrated in experiments. The driving force to depin DWs thermally is randomly fluctuating magnetic fields9–11 (Supplementary Note 9). However, for the case of depinning by current-induced spin–orbit torques (SOTs)6,7, the current and field depinning barriers are nearly identical, since there is no intrinsic pinning for the SOT case12. Since the SOT13–15 is the mainstream mechanism for manipulating chiral DWs16–18 due to its high efficiency and tunability, it is critical to find a new means whereby the threshold current density Jth in SOT is low while the field energy barrier is high.
In this work, we take a new approach to resolve this long-standing critical challenge. We note that Jth and the field stability are proportional to the respective energy barrier densities to overcome the displacement of a DW from its static state. Since the corresponding energy barriers are linearly proportional to the effective DW volume, then Jth and the field stability are unchanged as the device width is shrunk to smaller dimensions. Note that both the SOT and the field-driven torques are local on the DW (Supplementary Note 13): the DW volume is typically much smaller than that of the magnetic domains themselves19. If we can decrease the energy barrier with respect to the effective DW volume on which the current-driven torque is applied and, at the same time, increase the energy barrier compared to the effective volume on which the field-driven torque is applied, we can overcome such a trade-off. Here we achieve this goal by forming a lateral junction between a synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) and a ferromagnet (FM). We demonstrate that the field-driven torque is dominated by a global energy barrier that tightly binds the DW to neighbouring, large volume domains, while the current-driven torque, by contrast, is dominated by a local energy barrier defined by the DW itself. To achieve this, we employ two new concepts in the structure of the SAF–FM lateral junction. The SAF is formed from two FM layers, an upper layer and a lower layer, that are coupled antiferromagnetically with each other via a thin Ru spacer layer. By oxidizing the upper FM layer so that it becomes non-magnetic, we create lateral SAF–FM junctions, in which the lower FM layer is common to both. By design, the moment in the upper FM layer is slightly larger than that of the lower FM layer. This structure traps the DW so that depinning the DW by external fields is nearly impossible. This structure makes it possible for us to clearly demonstrate from temperature-dependent experiments that thermal effects indeed give rise to corresponding fluctuating magnetic fields. Moreover, we show from these experiments that the global energy barrier indeed increases significantly with increasing temperature. In addition, the junction is fabricated so that the boundary between the SAF and FM regions is not transverse to the length of the racetrack but rather is tilted by a junction angle θJ (Fig. 1). This significantly reduces Jth by reducing the volume of the magnetic domain in the upper FM layer that has to be switched. Furthermore, by extending this concept to a SAF–FM–SAF bi-junction, we demonstrate that a DW can be robustly confined within the FM region of the bi-junction so that the DW is stable against arbitrary magnetic fields whose magnitudes are smaller than the coercivities of the individual SAF domains, while at the same time, the DW can be efficiently injected from the FM region into the SAF regions by current.
SAF–FM lateral junctions
The details of sample preparation and fabrication are described in Methods. The magnetic hysteresis loops of the unpatterned SAF films exhibit a typical spin-flop transition when a field is applied perpendicular to the film along the easy magnetic axis20. The moments of the upper and lower FM layers are nearly compensated for, so that the remnant magnetization in zero field is almost zero. A very large magnetic field overcomes the antiferromagnet coupling to bring the upper and lower FM moments parallel to one another: the saturation moment is ~40 μemu with a spin-flop transition field of ~3 kOe. The remnant moment is ~1 μemu. Hence, the ratio of the upper layer moment to the lower layer moment is so that the current-driven DW motion is dominated by a giant exchange coupling torque (ECT) derived from the SAF structure5. The spin-flop transition shows that the antiferromagnet exchange coupling is large compared to the anisotropy of the FM layers20. The resist protects the upper layer of the SAF regions against oxidation during processing, as verified from magnetic hysteresis loop measurements on blanket unpatterned films (Fig. 1b). However, the FM films that are created by the oxidation of the SAF films have a coercivity of ~0.1 kOe and a saturation moment of ~20 µemu that is nearly half of , that is, corresponding to the moment of the lower FM layer in the SAF. This clearly shows that the oxidation process does not affect the lower FM layer at all, while completely suppressing the magnetism of the upper layer (Fig. 1b).
DW injection in lateral junction
A single chiral DW can be readily and reliably created in the FM region in a FM–SAF junction by simply applying an external field that has a value intermediate between and , as shown schematically in Fig. 1c (Methods). The DWs move much faster in the SAF regions than in the FM regions due to the ECT5,21–23, which is active only in the SAF regions (Fig. 2a). Similarly, the of ~3.0 × 107 A cm−2 in the SAF regions is lower than that in the FM regions ( of ~5.0 × 107 A cm−2) owing to the higher torque efficiency in the SAF regions. Note that the contrast of the Kerr microscopy images in the SAF regions is significantly weaker than that in the FM regions due to the nearly compensated net moment (Fig. 2b). We find that although the DWs can be injected across the junction in both directions (FM → SAF and SAF → FM) using current pulses, the process is highly asymmetric such that at θJ = 0 (Fig. 2b). Here , , and are the threshold current densities for the FM and SAF regions and FM–SAF junction in the flow regime, respectively.
The asymmetry in DW injection can be qualitatively understood as follows. First, the ECT in the SAF region gives measured in the DW flow regime for which the DW depinning is dominated by the current-driven torque with no assistance from thermal fluctuations (Fig. 2c). This very efficient torque in the SAF region explains why since the DW is initially created in the SAF region and has sufficient momentum to carry the DW into the FM region, where the ECT is no longer active, accounting for the higher in the FM region. The volume of the DW created in the FM region is reduced. On the other hand, in order to inject a DW from the FM region into the SAF region, a new DW must be nucleated near the edge of the upper FM layer in the SAF region, as shown in Fig. 2d. Hence, since such a process costs a nucleation energy Enc, is increased (with the largest increase for θJ = 0). Another possible contribution to the energy barrier, , is the stray field that emanates from the edge of the upper FM layer in the SAF at the junction.
Comparison of DW energy barriers
First, we discuss the depinning of the DWs within the SAF and FM regions themselves. Detailed results for the dependence of the Jth and Hth on the corresponding pulse lengths are shown in Figs. 2c and 3a. Interestingly, when measured in the thermally activated regime, , while when measured in the flow regime, which is technologically more useful to the development of high-speed devices (Fig. 2c). Moreover, the curve fitting in the plot of Fig. 2c shows that (Fig. 3b). This is because the ECT is more effective at higher J values (the flow regime) than at lower J values (the thermally activated regime)5. For the field case, and in the thermally activated regime, where and are the depinning fields and energy barriers for field, respectively (i = FM, SAF and FM → SAF; Fig. 3a). Thus, the DWs in the SAF regions are more stable against fields and thermal agitations, whereas the DWs can be more efficiently depinned by short current pulses in the SAF regions as compared to the FM regions. The physical origin of why is not clear at present. It may be because (1) the DW volume of the SAF region is larger than that of the FM region or (2) the reduced net magnetization in the SAF region makes the SAF region less sensitive to the external excitations, such as fields and current pulses, in the thermally excited region, in which the ECT is not large. As summarized in Fig. 3b, a clear difference exists between the SAF and FM cases. The ratio of the energy barriers for field versus current depinning is ~1 for the FM SOT case but is considerably reduced for the SAF case.
Confinement of DWs in lateral bi-junctions
Now we show that a DW is tightly bound near the boundary of the FM region in a FM–SAF junction when an external magnetic field Hz is applied (Fig. 3c; note that the SAF region is on the right-hand side of the junction, as shown in Fig. 3a). The DW sits in an energy well whose depth linearly increases with the field for Hz up to (~3 kOe), as shown in Fig. 3c. This is entirely distinct from the response of DWs to fields in the interior of the FM and SAF regions (Fig. 3c). This ‘trapping’ is a consequence of the upper FM layer having a larger moment than the lower FM layer and depends on the field direction.
For example, when a ↑↓ (up–down) configuration of DW is sitting somewhere in the FM region and the neighbouring SAF layer has the configuration of its upper layer being ↑ and its lower layer being ↓, a positive Hz results in the slope of energy landscape η being negative in the FM region but positive in the SAF region (top panel in Fig. 3c). This drives the DW towards the junction boundary, but the DW remains on the FM side of the junction. This is clearly shown in Fig. 3d where fields of up to Hz = 3 kOe that are applied for times of up to 2 h do not allow the DW to enter the SAF region. When the field direction is reversed, the DW moves away from the junction into the FM region, as illustrated in the bottom panel in Fig. 3c. To trap the DW for both positive and negative fields, a second junction is created with a second SAF region on the leftmost side of the FM region, thereby forming a SAF–FM–SAF bi-junction (Extended Data Fig. 1a). As shown in Extended Data Fig. 1b, experiments confirm that the DW is now firmly trapped within the FM region for |Hz| < 3 kOe. Once a single DW is located in the FM region, the configurations of the two SAF regions are opposite to each other. Therefore, the slopes η of the energy landscape at the SAF–FM (left-hand side) and FM–SAF (right-hand side) junctions are tilted in opposite directions in response to external fields with opposite signs (Extended Data Fig. 1c). This gives rise to a strong confinement of the DW within the FM region. It is expected that this region can be shrunk to as little as the DW width while the trapping strength remains unchanged, thus allowing for high-density devices. This is because the domains are magnetically structureless, while the region within the DW width has only magnetic gradients, so that the device functions nearly independently of the length of the FM region until this length reaches the DW width.
Temperature dependence of DW energy barriers
First, we confirm that the current density fluctuations induced by the thermal effect in our devices are negligibly small, thereby playing no role in the DW depinning (Supplementary Note 15). Most importantly, we find from temperature-dependent experiments that thermal effects induce magnetic fluctuation fields (that is, a thermal–magnetic field equivalence) that more tightly bind DWs in the junction with increasing temperature, thus significantly increasing both the global energy barriers and the Jth,therm value. This is in sharp contrast with DWs in FM or SAF regions in which the thermal fluctuation fields assist in depinning DWs, thereby decreasing the Jth,therm value very much while keeping the energy barriers EJ constant. The EJ values for FM, SAF and the FM–SAF junction are obtained by measuring the -dependent Jth,therm value at temperature T = 300 K and 400 K in the absence of external magnetic fields. Note here that the EJ for the FM–SAF junction corresponds to the case that the DW is injected from FM region to SAF region by a current pulse along the +q direction, that is, the current-induced torque τJ > 0 (Extended Data Fig. 2). Here q is the DW position. A DW with a ↑↓ configuration has been used for all the experiments, but the results are identical for the other DW configuration (↓↑).
Second, we find that the for the FM–SAF junction with θJ = 0 is larger at T = 400 K as compared to that at T = 300 K (Fig. 4c and Table 1). This is in sharp contrast to what we observe for the FM (Fig. 4a) and SAF (Fig. 4b) cases, in which both and instead decrease with increasing T. Note that not only the magnitude of Jth,therm but also the slope of Jth,therm versus , from which the EJ value can be extracted, give the same result, that is, a larger Jth,therm and a smaller slope that correspond to a larger EJ. As clearly seen from Fig. 4c, the slope at T = 400 K is smaller than that at T = 300 K. These results thus clearly show that the EJ for DW injection from the FM region to the SAF region has been increased at the higher temperature, as shown in Fig. 4d. This confirms that the thermal effect induces thermal fluctuation fields Hfl that strongly trap the DW in the field-induced global energy barrier.
Table 1.
Quantities | FM | SAF | FM–SAF junction |
Jth,therm (T = 300 K) (×106 A cm−2) | 8.8 ± 1.6 (10 ms) | 9.4 ± 1.2 (10 ms) | 38 ± 1.1 (10 ms) |
Jth,therm (T = 400 K) (×106 A cm−2) | 1.5 ± 0.4 (10 ms) | 5.1 ± 1.1 (10 ms) | 43 ± 0.8 (10 ms) |
EJ/kBT (T = 300 K) | 29 ± 11.2 | 32 ± 4.2 | 100 ± 10.7 |
EJ/kBT (T = 400 K) | 22 ± 2.3 | 24 ± 4.2 | 172 ± 43.4 |
EJ (T = 300 K) (eV) | 0.73 ± 0.3 | 0.8 ± 0.11 | 2.5 ± 0.27 |
EJ (T = 400 K) (eV) | 0.73 ± 0.08 | 0.79 ± 0.14 | 5.8 ± 1.44 |
δEJ (eV) | 0 ± 0.31 | −0.01 ± 0.18 | 3.3 ± 1.47 |
(T = 300 K) (Oe) | 177 | 791 | 791 (SAF region) |
(T = 300 K) (Oe) | −177 | −791 | −177 (FM region) |
(T = 400 K) (Oe) | 204 | 913 | 913 (SAF region) |
(T = 400 K) (Oe) | −204 | −913 | −204 (FM region) |
(Oe) | 27 | 122 | 122 (SAF region) |
(Oe) | −27 | −122 | −27 (FM region) |
(eV) | 4 | 0.9 | 0.9 (SAF region) |
(eV) | −4 | −0.9 | −4 (FM region) |
(eV) | 4 | 0.9 | 2.5 |
The first seven rows correspond to the quantities that are experimentally determined from the current-induced DW motion as shown in Fig. 4. The errors correspond to one standard deviation in these rows. The lower rows correspond to the quantities that are obtained from our model of thermal fluctuations (Extended Data Fig. 2). Note the bolded figures for comparison.
Next, as can be seen from Table 1, EJ is nearly constant as a function of T for the FM (EJ = 0.73 eV) and SAF (EJ = 0.79 eV) cases so that the Hfl assists in the depinning of the DWs and, correspondingly, a lower Jth,therm. These results hint that the anisotropy and magnetizations in both the FM and SAF regions are constant as T = 300 K → 400 K. By contrast, for the FM–SAF junction, the change of energy barrier .
Now let us investigate if this quantitatively agrees with the Hfl-induced global energy barrier landscape. Since Hfl points in all directions, and its easy-axis z component contributes only to DW depinning, let us consider two cases for the ↑↓ DW configuration: (+z direction) and (−z direction), as shown in Extended Data Fig. 2. Here the current pulse is applied along the +q direction such that the current-induced torque τJ > 0 always drives the DW along the +q direction. It is assumed that the fluctuation fields are homogeneous at each instant in time, which we believe is a good approximation to describe DW depinning for the case of the junction between FM and uncompensated SAF. Importantly, the sign and magnitude of the η as illustrated in Extended Data Fig. 2 (red and blue lines) are determined by Hfl with the opposite signs of η in the FM and SAF regions. Note that the DW is sitting in the FM region immediately next to the FM–SAF boundary and not on the boundary (Extended Data Fig. 2).
Let us consider the case. In this case, results in and , which traps a DW in the FM region immediately next to the FM–SAF boundary (Extended Data Fig. 2a). Here and correspond to the slope of energy landscape for SAF and FM regions, respectively, in the presence of . Since increases with increasing T, the magnitude of η increases with T, thus trapping the DW more tightly and increasing Jth,therm. Importantly, the energy landscape relevant to the DW motion is , since τJ (>0) tries to inject the DW into the SAF region while in the SAF region is against the injection. Consequently, the relevant energy barrier increase due to as T = 300 K → 400 K when the DW trapping range L ≈ 100 nm is used. Here L ≈ 100 nm is chosen from a roughly mean value of reported pinning potential sizes: for example, ~10 nm (ref. 9) and ~200 nm (ref. 24). Note that this calculation assumes that the magnetizations do not change as T = 300 K → 400 K, since the EJ values in the FM and SAF regions are found to be constant as shown above.
Next, for the case, results in and in the energy landscape, which repels a DW away from the FM–SAF junction boundary, as shown in Extended Data Fig. 2b. Since the DW is initially in the FM region, the energy landscape relevant to the DW motion is , which tries to move the DW along the −q direction, thus competing with τJ. This shows that prevents the injection of a DW into the SAF region, just like in the case. The relevant energy barrier increase is as T = 300 K → 400 K, when an effective DW range is L ≈ 100 nm.
As seen for the cases above, both act to form barriers against DW injection from the FM into the SAF region. Hence, the effective barrier change induced by would be , which agrees well with the value of obtained from the experiments. These results thus clearly confirm that the thermal effect is equivalent to a magnetic field in DW pinning/depinning and that the DWs are highly thermally stable in FM–SAF junctions due to the global energy barrier.
DW injection into tilted lateral junctions
In contrast to the extreme stability of the trapped DW under a magnetic field, a DW can be expelled from the FM region into the neighbouring SAF regions by current pulses, although, as discussed above, is large for θJ = 0. Note that , as discussed above. This large is consistent with the large value of of ~85kBT (T = 300 K; kB is the Boltzmann constant) that was obtained from the thermally activated regime measurements (Fig. 5c). We find that depends sensitively on θJ, decreasing with increasing θJ for θJ > 30 (Fig. 5b). The value is nearly constant for θJ ≤ 30, as shown in Fig. 5b. This is because the DW in the FM region aligns itself parallel to the junction boundary for small θJ (≤30°) when a current pulse is applied. For larger θJ, this is no longer the case due to the competition between the increased DW energy versus decreased dipolar energy25–28. Note that the value approaches that of with increasing θJ. Also we find that the dependence of on θJ that was obtained from thermally activated regime measurements shows a similar trend to that of on θJ (Fig. 5c). These observations are consistent with our mechanism proposed above: the effective initial nucleation volume in the upper FM layer in the SAF region decreases with increasing θJ, thereby decreasing and . In addition, the propagation of the nucleated DW in the upper FM layer in the SAF region is easier the larger θJ is, which further reduces and .
We have demonstrated that chiral DWs located in the FM region of a SAF–FM–SAF lateral bi-junction can be tightly bound and highly stable against large magnetic fields. However, we find that the DWs can be efficiently injected into the SAF regions across the junction by short current pulses when the θJ is large. Here we take advantage of the localized nature of SOT and the global nature of the field-induced energy landscape: the current-induced SOT depins a DW by overcoming a local energy barrier but, on the other hand, an applied field globally tilts the energy landscape. These effects allow for a SAF–FM–SAF lateral bi-junction to induce a global energy well that tightly traps DWs. Densely packed SAF–FM–SAF lateral bi-junctions within a racetrack, which are highly thermally stable, can be used for various applications such as single-bit and multi-bit DW racetrack memory and logic29,30, neuromorphic devices31,32 and DW oscillators33,34.
Sample preparation and device fabrication
The films were grown on Si(100) wafers covered with ~250-Å-thick thermally oxidized SiO2 by high vacuum d.c. magnetron sputtering at an Ar pressure of 3 mtorr and in an ultra-high vacuum system with a base pressure of <10−9 torr. The film structure is composed of the underlayer (20 TaN/30 Pt), lower FM layer (3 Co/7 Ni/1.5 Co), exchange coupling spacer layer (9.5 Ru), upper FM layer (3.5 Co/7 Ni/3 Co) and capping layer (30 TaN), where all thicknesses are given in angstroms. Nanowires (2 µm width and 40 µm length) are formed from the SAF films using electron-beam lithography with a negative resist (AR-N 7520.18, Allergist GmbH) and Ar-ion etching. Alumina was subsequently deposited on the etched regions to protect the edges of the devices from the subsequent oxidation process that was used to define the FM regions and to form the FM–SAF junctions. For this purpose, a second electron-beam lithography step using the same negative resist was performed on top of the defined racetracks. FM regions within the SAF nanowires are formed by oxidation of the upper FM layer using an oxygen plasma treatment after patterning a resist mask on top of the nanowires. The plasma treatment is optimized so that the magnetic moment of the upper FM layer is reduced to nearly zero without affecting the moment of the lower FM layer (Supplementary Note 1). In the presence of the resist mask, plasma oxidation was carried out by reactive ion etching using an oxygen pressure of 50 mtorr and a radio-frequency power of 100 W. In this regard, we find that the Ru spacer layer acts as a passivation layer that protects the lower FM layer against oxidation even with extended oxidation times. Note that the magnetic hysteresis loop for the oxidized SAF is identical to that for a related structure formed without the upper FM layer (20 TaN/30 Pt/3 Co/7 Ni/1.5 Co/9.5 Ru/30 TaN; Supplementary Fig. 1 in Supplementary Note 1). Both the SAF and FM films show excellent perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. θJ is varied from 0 to 60° (θJ = 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°). The height of the FM regions in the fully patterned devices is found using atomic force microscopy to be thicker than that of the SAF regions by ~1–2 nm. This is consistent with the oxidation of the TaN capping layer, the upper FM layer and the Ru layer (Fig. 1a). The width of the FM–SAF junction, measured with atomic force microscopy, was found to be less than ~10–20 nm (Fig. 1a).
Magnetic property measurements
Magnetic properties of blanket films were measured in a vibrating sample magnetometer (Lakeshore VSM 8600) at room temperature in the presence of an out-of-plane magnetic field varying between ±20 kOe. The influence of oxidation upon the pristine SAF unpatterned film was investigated as a function of oxidation process time, from 30 s up to 240 s. By comparison with the as-grown FM film (lower FM of SAF), the optimal oxidation time is found to be around 60 s for the SAF-to-FM transition (Supplementary Fig. 1 in Supplementary Note 1).
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth-profile analysis
Analysis of the oxidation state of the SAF and FM (oxidized SAF) films was carried out by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with sequential Ar-ion etching on unpatterned films. Spectra were collected using a Thermo Fisher K-alpha plus system. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra were collected after a series of etch steps (500 eV Ar+ energy, 0.5 µA beam current, 5 mm × 2 mm etching area, 20 s per cycle) until the Ru peak diminishes, which indicates the completion of the etching through the upper FM layer, as shown in Supplementary Fig. 3 in Supplementary Note 3.
Kerr microscopy and DW injection measurements
Magneto-optical Kerr microscopy was used to locate the position and tilting of the DWs within the patterned nanowire using differential mode imaging, thus allowing us to measure the DW velocity and DW injection at various temperatures ranging up to 400 K (refs. 24–26). These measurements were carried out in a heavily modified EVICO system. The DW injection and depinning probabilities, , and , were measured individually by monitoring the DW position for various amplitudes and lengths of current pulses and easy-axis field pulses (Supplementary Fig. 5 in Supplementary Note 5). Cases were considered in which the DW initially resides within the FM or the SAF region or at the boundary of the SAF–FM junction for various θJ values. For the FM and SAF regions, single current pulses with lengths varying from 5 ns to 100 ns (flow regime) and 10 ms to 5 s (thermally activated regime) were used, while for the field pulse measurements, was varied from 16 ms to 5 s (thermally activated regime). Note that in the thermally activated regime, the depinning of a DW is dominated by thermal fluctuations so that the measurement in this regime is relevant to evaluate energy barriers35. For the reliable quantification of energy barriers, the measurements were carried out with the initial DW positioned at many different points within the FM or SAF region. The depinning measurement was then carried out ten times at each position. This procedure allowed us to avoid the effect of any local defects (Supplementary Note 7). For the measurements of DW motion across the SAF–FM junction, was varied from 300 s to 7,200 s. The measurements were repeated ten times in each case. The values of the energy barriers for the current and field-driven modes for the three distinct cases, and where i = FM, SAF or FM → SAF, were obtained from experiments in the thermally activated regime (Supplementary Note 12).
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting summaries, source data, extended data, supplementary information, acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author contributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code availability are available at 10.1038/s41565-022-01215-z.
Supplementary information
S.S.P.P. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 670166) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the framework of the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship endowed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This study is also supported by Samsung Electronics R&D programme ‘Material and Device Research on Racetrack Memory’.
Extended data
Author contributions
S.S.P.P. and S.-H.Y. conceived and supervised the project. J.Y. carried out and managed the whole experiment by growing films, fabricating the devices, measuring the magnetic properties and performing the Kerr microscopy. T.M. provided the variable temperature Kerr microscopy system. J.Y., S.-H.Y., J.-C.J. and A.M. analysed the experimental data. S.-H.Y. developed the model. J.Y. and I.K. performed the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement and analysed the data. J.Y., S.-H.Y. and S.S.P.P. discussed the data and wrote the manuscript. All authors contributed to the discussion of the data and commented on the manuscript.
Peer review
Peer review information
Nature Nanotechnology thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Open access funding provided by Max Planck Society.
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The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
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The authors declare no competing interests.
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Contributor Information
See-Hun Yang, Email: sehuyang@mpi-halle.mpg.de.
Stuart. S. P. Parkin, Email: stuart.parkin@mpi-halle.mpg.de
Extended data
is available for this paper at 10.1038/s41565-022-01215-z.
Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41565-022-01215-z.
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