From a metabolic perspective, molecular oxygen (O2) is arguably the most significant constituent of Earth’s atmosphere. Nearly every facet of microbial physiology is sensitive to the presence and concentration of O2, which is the most favorable terminal electron acceptor used by organisms and also a dangerously reactive oxidant. As O2 has such sweeping implications for physiology, researchers have developed diverse approaches to measure O2 concentrations in natural and laboratory settings. Recent improvements to phosphorescent O2 sensors piqued our interest due to the promise of optical measurement of spatiotemporal O2 dynamics. However, we found that our preferred bacterial model, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, secretes more than one molecule that quenches such sensors, complicating O2 measurements in PA14 cultures and biofilms. Assaying supernatants from cultures of 9 bacterial species demonstrated that this phenotype is common: all supernatants quenched a soluble O2 probe substantially. Phosphorescent O2 probes are often embedded in solid support for protection, but an embedded probe called O2NS was quenched by most supernatants as well. Measurements using pure compounds indicated that quenching is due to interactions with redox-active small molecules, including phenazines and flavins. Uncharged and weakly polar molecules like pyocyanin were especially potent quenchers of O2NS. These findings underscore that optical O2 measurements made in the presence of bacteria should be carefully controlled to ensure that O2, and not bacterial secretions, is measured, and motivate the design of custom O2 probes for specific organisms to circumvent sensitivity to redox-active metabolites.
KEYWORDS: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, oxygen, pyocyanin, redox-active metabolites, sensors
The O2/H2O redox couple (E’° ≈ +800 mV) is the most favorable terminal electron acceptor used by biology. Indeed, aerobic microbes typically regulate their metabolisms to use O2 before any other terminal acceptor (1), even those with very favorable midpoint potentials like nitrate (NO3− →NO2−, E’° ≈ +370 mV). Today, O2 is abundantly produced by photosynthetic organisms, leading to an atmospheric partial pressure of ≈21% and equilibrium aqueous concentrations of ≈200–400 μM (2). This enormous reservoir of oxidant powers the complex multicellular organisms and vibrant ecosystems living near Earth’s surface.
Yet a wide variety of natural environments, ranging from soils to the insides of animals, are characterized by very low O2 concentrations ([O2]). Organisms endemic to such environments are termed “functional anaerobes” as they often rely on enzymes that are irreversibly deactivated by oxygen and cannot grow in high O2 settings. This toxicity is due to the reactivity of O2 itself as well as reactive oxygen species (e.g., H2O2 and O2-) that are produced from O2 through biotic and abiotic mechanisms (3). O2-impacted physiology also matters practically: low O2 correlates with antibiotic tolerance (4).
Microbiologists typically categorize environments as “oxic,” “anoxic,” or “hypoxic,” but natural environments are heterogeneous and often-characterized by intermediate and fluctuating O2 levels. Along the murine intestinal tract, for example, [O2] can range from subambient in the stomach (≈50 μM) to near anoxia (<1 μM) in cecum (5). This difference is consequential: microbes express alternative respiratory pathways when [O2] is depleted (1). Similarly, intestinal O2 levels decrease substantially when respiratory metabolism is stimulated by addition of glucose (6), so the O2 level that microbes experience depends on the balance of inflow and local metabolism.
When they are densely packed in environments like biofilms, colonies, or soils, microbes can consume O2 faster than it diffuses, generating suboxic microenvironments that affect metabolism and growth (7). Spatial transcriptomic data suggest that such microenvironments induce large changes in gene expression (8). We might intuit that microbes tune their gene expression, metabolism, and physiology in response to the local environment, yet bacterial gene expression is noisy (9) and often imperfectly optimized for growth and survival even in batch culture (10). We would like to understand how bacteria adapt to communal life in spatially heterogeneous settings, but our inability to measure the chemical microenvironment limits our capacity to interpret the “omics” data already collected.
Given its centrality to metabolism and physiology, there is great interest in measuring [O2] in natural environments (11) and laboratory experiments (12–15). Bulk O2 concentrations can be measured via several methods (16). However, few of these approaches can measure spatiotemporal O2 dynamics to characterize chemical microenvironments (11, 17, 18). Planar optodes are constructed by coating a surface with a phosphorescent O2-sensing dye over which a semipermeable polymer matrix is applied as insulation. As O2 quenches dye phosphorescence, the optode can be calibrated by measuring phosphorescence intensity or lifetime in known O2 concentrations (17, 19).
In principle, these dyes could be used in solution to measure [O2] at high spatiotemporal resolution. However, O2-sensing dyes are also quenched by molecules other than O2 (20). This problem has motivated engineering of sensors protected from spurious interactions by chemical modification (20, 21) or polymer encapsulation (5, 13). Impressed by recent measurements of spatiotemporal O2 dynamics in rodent brains (21) and intestines (5), we attempted similar measurements in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA14) biofilms. As PA14 is known for its secretion of many small molecules, including redox-active phenazines (22), we first tested whether culture supernatants quench a model soluble O2 sensor, RTDP (17, 23).
We grew PA14 in a minimal medium where it reliably produces the phenazine pyocyanin (PYO) and found that RTDP was strongly quenched by filtered supernatants. Undiluted supernatants reduced fluorescence by ≈50% (Fig. 1B and Fig. S2), similar to ambient levels of O2 (24). Quenching of RTDP by organics is well-documented (23) and could be due to several chemical mechanisms (25). We therefore proceeded to test a “protected” sensor, O2NS, composed of an O2-sensitive platinum-bound porphyrin encapsulated in a spherical ≈200 nm PVC matrix (13). Neat PA14 supernatants appeared to quench O2NS fluorescence by ≈40% (Fig. S3). We quantified the concentration-dependence of quenching as an effective Stern-Volmer constant (19); larger values indicate greater quenching (Fig. 1C and D).
Photochemical electron transfer is one mechanism by which small molecules quench phosphorescence (25). We therefore hypothesized that quenching is due to secretion of redox-active molecules like phenazines, which is common in Pseudomonas species (22). Consistent with this hypothesis, supernatants from a strain lacking phenazine biosynthesis (PA14 Δphz) grew to similar densities as wild-type, but quenched RTDP and O2NS to a lesser extent (Fig. 1C and D, Fig. S3 and S4). Nonetheless, PA14 Δphz supernatants still quenched both sensors substantially more than E. coli supernatants, with fit PA14 Δphz being ≈4-fold larger for RTDP and ≈8-fold larger for O2NS. Accordingly, we conclude that PA14 secretes more than one class of molecules that quench phosphorescent O2 sensors.
As PA14 makes substantial PYO in our minimal medium (26), we used lifetime spectroscopy to verify that PYO quenches three distinct phosphorescent O2 sensors in vitro: RTDP, O2NS, and a commercial sensor called OXNANO (Fig. 1E–G). We next tested a variety of small molecules with diverse biological functions in a serial dilution assay. Redox-active molecules quenched RTDP while controls lacking spontaneous redox activity did not (Fig. 1I and Fig. S5). As these serial dilution experiments were conducted on the benchtop, we assumed that redox active molecules were predominantly oxidized.
We then assayed O2NS with a subset of the molecules considered in Fig. 1I. Despite large RTDP quenching constants, molecules carrying net charge at neutral pH (PCA, AQDS) did not quench O2NS and were not differentiable from the negative control, DMSO (Fig. 1J and Fig. S6). This likely reflects the low solubility of charged molecules in the hydrophobic PVC matrix of O2NS particles. In contrast, PYO and PMS, which are uncharged and have little polar surface area, quenched O2NS and RTDP with large associated KSV values. Toxoflavin is uncharged but has a relatively larger polar surface area, which may explain its ≈15-fold lower KSV for O2NS.
To understand whether bacteria commonly secrete quenchers of phosphorescent O2 sensors, we tested supernatants from 7 additional bacterial species selected based on their ability to grow in our minimal medium supplemented with amino acids. All supernatants quenched RTDP measurably (Fig. 2A and Fig. S7). O2NS was also quenched by several culture supernatants, but less strongly than RTDP (Fig. 2B and Fig. S8). Despite the change in growth media, E. coli supernatants did not quench O2NS.
Motivated by the need to measure chemical microenvironments to better understand microbial physiology at the microscale, we attempted to make optical measurements of O2 dynamics in the presence of bacterial secretions. We found that model phosphorescent O2 sensors were substantially quenched by supernatants from several bacterial species (Fig. 1). Quenchers in P. aeruginosa PA14 supernatants included, but were not limited to, phenazines (Fig. 1B and C). Encapsulating the O2-sensitive molecule in a protective matrix, as in O2NS, reduced quenching but did not eliminate it in most cases (Fig. 1D and F). In vitro experiments indicated that quenching was due to interactions with redox-active secreted molecules like pyocyanin (Fig. 2). Indeed, the pyocyanin concentration can surpass 100 μM in PA14 supernatants (22); such concentrations quenched O2NS by ≈40%, comparable to ≈30 μM O2 (13). Several published works report optical O2 quantifications using similar sensors in the presence of growing bacteria (12–15). Such measurements typically rely on calibration curves measured in the absence of cells (12, 13, 15), or in the presence of unknown concentrations of bacterial secretions (14). Our results indicate that additional controls are required to demonstrate that the bacteria under study do not produce spurious quenchers in the chosen culture conditions.
With some exceptions (24), RTDP is not usually used to measure [O2] in the presence of living cells, likely due to the potential for spurious quenching. Rather, we used RTDP to demonstrate that microbes commonly secrete quenchers (Fig. 1D) and intended the RTDP-O2NS comparison to illustrate the protective effect of the polymer matrix, which is substantial (Fig. 1D and E) but depends on quencher chemistry (Fig. 2C and Fig. S8). These results indicate that diverse bacteria secrete small-molecule quenchers that are likely redox-active (Fig. 1I). We therefore suggest that RTDP might be used to identify copious producers like PA14. Notably, E. coli supernatants did not quench O2NS (Fig. 1C and E), indicating that O2NS and similar sensors might succeed in measuring spatiotemporal [O2] dynamics in the presence of growing E. coli cells. Our protocol for using serial dilutions to estimate supernatant quenching (Methods and Fig. S1) therefore offers a road-map for identifying mutually compatible organisms, growth media, and O2 sensors for optical characterization of the chemical microenvironment. Toward the goal of mapping spatiotemporal variation in O2 concentrations in diverse systems, our work spotlights the opportunity and need to design O2 sensors appropriate for specific applications.
Strains and culture conditions.
All strains were grown in a glucose minimal medium (GMM) comprising 10 mM glucose 50 mM KH2PO4/K2HPO4 (pH 7.2), 42.8 mM NaCl, 9.35 mM NH4Cl, 1 mM MgSO4, and a trace elements solution. The medium was prepared by autoclaving all the components together, except for the glucose and the 1000× trace elements stock solution, which were sterilized through filtration and added after autoclaving (26). For the experiments reported in Fig. 1E and F, 1× MEM Amino Acids solution (MilliporeSigma, Cat. No. M5550) was added so that diverse strains could be grown in the same media. For experiments focused on fast-growing strains (Fig. 1A to D) strains were pre-grown to saturation in 5 mL GMM (≈24 h) and back-diluted by adding 200 μL saturating culture to 5 mL fresh GMM. Experimental cultures were grown for 24 h before collecting supernatants (see below). For experiments, including slower-growing strains (Fig. 1E and F) precultures were grown for ≈60 h, back-diluted and allowed to grow 48 h before collecting supernatants. Bacterial strains are described in Table S1.
Chemical stocks.
Pyocyanin (PYO) was synthesized from phenazine methosulphate (PMS) as described previously (26) and a 7.5 mM stock was prepared in 20 mM HCl. Unless otherwise noted, other chemical stocks were prepared at 10 mM in a filter-sterilized 25 mM HEPES buffer (pH 7) and stored at 4°C between experiments. The following chemicals were sourced from Sigma-Aldrich: NAD+ (β-NAD hydrate, N1511), FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide disodium salt hydrate, F6625), riboflavin (R-4500), l-glutamic acid monosodium salt hydrate (G1626-100G), sodium 4-aminosalicylate dihydrate (A-3505) and tetracycline (T-3383). 1 M d-glucose (Alfa Aesar A16828) and acetate (sodium acetate trihydrate; Fischer Scientific S209-500) were prepared in milliQ water and diluted to 10 mM in buffer. PMS (Alfa Aesar, H56718) stocks were prepared fresh due to its known photoconversion to PYO. Toxoflavin (MedChemExpress) was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Macron Fine Chemicals) to make a 10 mM stock solution (26). Lab stocks of kanamycin sulfate (Gibco 11815-024, 103 mM in water) and chloramphenicol (Sigma C0378, 77.3 mM in ethanol) were diluted to 10 mM in HEPES buffer. 500× RTDP (100 mg/mL Tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)dichlororuthenium(II) hexahydrate, Sigma-Aldrich 544981) stocks were prepared in milliQ water. Multiple O2NS batches were prepared on the same date as previously reported (13) and pooled into a single stock that was used for all experiments.
Measurement of supernatant quenching by serial dilution.
Cultures supernatants were collected by centrifugation of 1 to 2 mL of saturating culture (6 min. at 5,000g) in a benchtop centrifuge (Eppendorf 5418). Five hundred μL of culture supernatant was filtered through 0.22 μm sterile spin filters (Costar Spin-X, Cat. No. 8160), which were centrifuged for 2 min. at 10,000g. Filtered supernatants were then 2-fold serially diluted 3 to 5 times in 100 μL volume in a 96-well plate (BRANDplates 781671). Wells containing 100 μL of fresh culture media were included as blanks. Optical measurements were then conducted using a Tecan Spark 10 M plate reader. Absorbance spectra were recorded to verify dilution and fluorescence measurements were taken to quantify the baseline (“preaddition”) fluorescence of each supernatant. RTDP was excited at 450 nm and fluorescence was monitored at 625 nm; for O2NS experiments, both dyes were excited at 450 nm, PtFPP was monitored at 650 nm and DiA 585 nm (13). After baseline measurements, the appropriate sensor (RTDP or O2NS) was added to all wells and fluorescence was measured again (“postaddition”). For O2NS, 11 μL stock was added to each well after which well contents were mixed by pipetting and 11 μL was withdrawn to conserve the total volume. In early experiments (Fig. 1A to D), 1 μL of 100× RTDP was added to each well. In later experiments (Fig. 1E and F) 11 μL of 10× RTDP was added and withdrawn as described for O2NS samples. Culture densities were recorded in 5× dilution at 500 nm (Beckman Coulter DU 800). Strains were grown in biological duplicate and each supernatant was assayed in technical duplicate. The procedure for fitting effective quenching constants (KSV) from these data are described below.
Measurement of pure chemical quenching by serial dilution.
Stocks of pure chemicals were diluted to a defined concentration and then 2-fold serially diluted five times in 100 μL volume in a 96-well plate (BRANDplates 781671). The starting concentrations were as follows: 10 mM acetate and glucose, 500 μM 4-amino salycilate, AQDS, FAD, glutamate, NAD+, PCA, PMS, tetracycline and toxoflavin, 502.5 μM chloramphenicol and PYO, 504.7 μM kanamycin, and 200 μM riboflavin. Wells containing 100 μL of buffer were included as blanks. Optical measurements were conducted in a Tecan Spark 10 M plate reader as described above, i.e., first recording baseline absorbance spectra and fluorescence levels and then recording fluorescence again after sensor addition (RTDP or O2NS). This procedure is diagrammed in Fig. S1. Excitation and emission parameters are given above. The procedure for fitting quenching constants (KSV) is described below.
Fitting quenching constants from serial dilution experiments.
The Stern-Volmer plots in Fig. S2 and 3 and S5 to 8 plot sensor I0/I against quencher concentration [Q]. The Stern-Volmer equation predicts a linear relationship of I0/I = 1 + KSV [Q]. I0 is sensor fluorescence intensity in the absence of any quencher (i.e., in buffer), which was quantified from the postaddition fluorescence of control wells. Since the supernatants and pure chemicals used were often fluorescent, sensor fluorescence in the presence of quencher (I) was calculated from the dilution series by subtracting the rescaled baseline measurement from the postaddition fluorescence. Rescaling was necessary because the preaddition sample was typically diluted by ≈10% by the addition of the sensor in order to maintain a constant sample volume and path-length. For a 10% dilution, then, I = I{post} − 0.9 I{pre}. As 11 μL was added to a 100 μL in most experiments, actual dilution factors were (1−11/111) ≈ 0.9. Given this ≈10% dilution, quencher concentrations were also rescaled before generating Stern-Volmer plots and fitting quenching constants. That is, [Q] = [Qpre]*0.9 for the example of 10% dilution. We then used weighted linear least-squares fitting (Python statsmodels package) to fit I0/I to a linear function of [Q]. Data points were weighted by estimated accuracy (1/variance) inferred by error propagation through blanking and ratio calculation. The slope of this fit was taken to be KSV. Symmetric 95% confidence intervals on KSV were calculated using the same package. As inner filter effects can be confused with quenching, we omitted the highest concentration of intrinsically fluorescent molecules (e.g., PYO, PMS, AQDS) from the KSV fit. Chemicals and supernatants were marked “NQ” for “nonquencher” if [Q] was poorly correlated with I0/I (Pearson R < 0.4) or if the magnitude of quenching overlapped with the variability measured for the unquenched sensor. This analysis pipeline is diagrammed in Fig. S1. All source code for data processing and figure generation can be found at github.com/flamholz/secretions_quench_o2sensors.
Phosphorescence lifetime measurements.
All lifetime measurements were conducted in a 25 mM HEPES buffer (pH 7.0). Buffer was air-equilibrated by bubbling house air for 1 h. RTDP stock was diluted to 40 μM for measurement and O2NS was diluted 10-fold from stock. A 0.5 mg/mL stock of OXNANO (PyroScience) was prepared and then diluted 10-fold into aerated HEPES buffer for measurement. All measurements were conducted in a custom-built lifetime fluorometer in the Caltech Beckman Institute Laser Resource Center. Lifetimes were first measured in 2 mL volumes in quartz cuvettes without PYO to choose measurement parameters and establish a baseline lifetime. All sensors were excited at 355 nm; RTDP and O2NS were monitored at 650 nm, OXNANO at 750 nm. PYO stock (7.5 mM) was then added to the cuvette in defined volumes-2 μL, 18 μL, 20 μL, 20 μL-and lifetimes were measured between additions. Cuvettes were stirred by a magnetic stir-bar during measurement.
Thanks to Chelsey VanDrisse for supplying pyocyanin, Andrew Babbin for OXNANO beads, Lucas Meirelles and John Ciemniecki for assistance with toxoflavin and B. glumae cultivation. Thanks to Josh Goldford, Darcy McRose, Georgia Squyers, Lev Tsypin, and Shuangning Xu for useful conversations. This investigation was aided by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research (to A.I.F.) and NIH grants (1R01AI127850-01A1 and 1R01HL152190-01) to D.K.N. as well as the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research Bioimaging Science Program under subcontract B643823 (to K.C.) and the LLNL 3DQ Microscope Project, SCW1713.
Contributor Information
Dianne K. Newman, Email: dkn@caltech.edu.
Deborah A. Hogan, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
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