Index of Online Supplemental Material for
J. Cell Biol. 10.1083/jcb.200703092
Okreglak et al.

Figure S1 GFP-cofilin complements a cof1Δ-null allele.

Figure S2 Cofilin is restricted from actin tails proximal to regions of active actin filament assembly.

Figure S3 Redistribution of GFP-cofilin within actin comet tails labeled by Abp1-mRFP in sla2Δ cells upon treatment with lat A.

Figure S4 cof1-22 cells have fragmented vacuoles as marked by Phm5-GFP and FM4-64, and AP (Pho8p) is properly localized to the fragmented vacuoles.

Figure S5 Low levels of lat A slow actin assembly at endocytic sites.

Video 1 GFP-cofilin recruitment to endocytic sites is delayed relative to actin assembly.

Video 2 GFP-cofilin is uniformly distributed along elongated actin tails in jasplakinolide-treated cells.

Video 3 GFP-cofilin is no longer restricted to regions distal to the cell cortex within actin tails in lat A-treated cells.

Video 4 FRAP analysis reveals slow F-actin flux rates in actin tails in cof1-22 sla2Δ double mutant cells.

Video 5 Endocytic and actin marker dynamics are perturbed in cof1-22 mutant cells.

Video 6 Low levels of lat A slow actin assembly at endocytic sites in vivo.

Video 7 Internalized FM4-64 is not appreciably associated with Abp1-GFP after 5 min of dye internalization.

Video 8 Internalized FM4-64-labeled membranes are associated with Abp1-GFP in cof1-22 mutant cells.

Table S1 Yeast strains used in this study

Table S2 Primer sequences used to generate GFP-cofilin