Index of Online Supplemental Material for
J. Exp. Med. 10.1084/jem.20072051
Hill et al.

Figure S1 Histological evaluation of arthritis in DR4-IE tg mice highlighting proteoglycan changes by safranin O staining (red).

Figure S2 Splenocytes from DR4-IE tg mice immunized with CithFib (day 70) produce IL-10 after in vitro challenge with CithFib and hFib (50 µg/ml).

Figure S3 T cells from CithFib-immunized DR4-IE tg mice can induce arthritis after transfer to naive DR4-IE tg hosts that received intraarticular injection of CithFib.

Figure S4 HLA-DR–restricted immune response to FibαR84Cit in DR4-IE tg mice immunized with CithFib (day 70).

Figure S5 Citrulline-specific IgG reactivity determined by inhibition.

Figure S6 Typical mobility shift of CithFib seen by SDS-PAGE.

Tables S1--S4 (PDF)