Published October 14, 2013 // JCB vol. 203 no. 1 115-128
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201304188

Recruitment of the autophagic machinery to endosomes during infection is mediated by ubiquitin

Video 1  Dynamics of LC3 and galectin3 in autophagy against transfected bead.

Video 2  Dynamics of Ub and galectin3 in autophagy against transfected bead.

Video 3  Dynamics of LC3 and Ub in autophagy against transfected bead.

Video 4  Dynamics of Atg5 and Ub in autophagy against transfected bead.

Video 5  Dynamics of WIPI-1 and Ub in autophagy against transfected bead.

Video 6  Dynamics of Atg14L and Ub in autophagy against transfected bead.

Video 7  Dynamics of ULK1 and Ub in autophagy against transfected bead.

Supplemental material (PDF)