Safety signals (SS) have been shown to reinforce instrumental avoidance behaviour due to their ability to signal the absence of an aversive event; however, little is known of their neural mediation. The present study investigated whether infusions of d-amphetamine in the nucleus accumbens (Nac), previously shown to potentiate responding for appetitive conditioned reinforcers (CRf), also regulate avoidance responding for a SS. Rats were trained on a free-operant task in which lever-press responses avoided shock and were reinforced with an auditory SS. Rats were then cannulated in the Nac core (NacC) or shell (NacS) and infused with d-amphetamine and, in separate NacS groups, other drugs, prior to extinction sessions with the SS present or absent following responding. Selective effects of d-amphetamine were found in the NacS, but not in the NacC when the SS was present in the session. A significant increase in response rate during the presentation of the SS reflected a disruption of its fear-inhibiting properties. In parallel, a decrease in avoidance response rate reflected the reduced influence of the SS as a CRf. Inactivation of the NacS reduced avoidance responding only when the SS was present in the session whereas, the D1-D2 DA receptor antagonist alpha-flupenthixol reduced responding both prior to and during the SS regardless of the presence of the SS. Atomoxetine (ATO), a selective noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor, had no effect on responding. These results indicate a role for the NacS in the mediation of the conditioned reinforcing properties of a SS. These effects appear to be modulated by dopaminergic mechanisms but seem distinct from those previously reported with food-related CRfs.
Keywords: avoidance, dopamine, safety signals, psychostimulants, neuropharmacology, behavioural science
Studies of appetitive conditioned reinforcement (CRf) have implicated dopamine (DA)-dependent limbic-striatal circuitry in mediating the ability of stimuli previously paired with an appetitive reinforcer e.g. food, to support the acquisition of a new instrumental response (AnR) (Taylor and Robbins 1984; Kelley and Delfs 1991). The nucleus accumbens (Nac) is optimally situated to allow influences from both the cortex and limbic regions to modulate the behavioural expression of stimulus-reward associations and has been shown to be particularly sensitive to the enhancement of responding for a CRf using the psychomotor stimulant, d-amphetamine (Taylor and Robbins 1984; 1986; Cador et al 1991; Kelley and Delfs 1991). Sub-regions within the Nac functionally differ in their enhancement of responding for a CRf. Parkinson et al (1999) lesioned either the Nac core (NacC) or shell (NacS) and infused d-amphetamine in the Nac prior to AnR which tests the ability of a conditioned stimulus (CS) to reinforce a new instrumental response. The potentiating effects of d-amphetamine on instrumental behaviour were shown to be critically dependent on the NacS, whereas the expression or potentiation of Pavlovian conditioned responses generated by the presentation of the food-related CRf depended on the integrity of the NacC. The involvement of these regions in the enhancement of CRf may be ubiquitous to all positive CRf including drug-paired stimuli and SS.
The prediction that safety signals excite the same appetitive motivational system to that of stimuli predicting reward rests on appetitive-aversive interaction theory (Konorski 1948; 1967, Dickinson and Dearing 1979). This theory assumes that there are two motivational systems, an appetitive system and an aversive system that reciprocally inhibit one another when activated. Dickinson and Dearing (1979) advanced this theory predicting that safety signals inhibit the aversive system, through signalling the absence of an aversive US, and thereby produce rebound activation of the appetitive system when released from inhibition by the aversive system. If both safety signals and appetitive stimuli activate a common appetitive system then it could be hypothesised that the neurochemical basis of their reinforcing properties may also be equivalent. Activation of a common appetitive system by safety signals could explain the persistence of maladaptive avoidance behaviours symptomatic of anxiety disorders that are thought to be reinforced by the relief experienced following their completion, even in the absence of an explicit aversive event (Roper et al.1973).
Safety signals reinforce instrumental avoidance behaviour through signalling omission of aversive events, thus inhibiting fearful behaviour (Rescorla 1969; Weisman and Litner 1969; Morris 1975; Fernando et al 2013b). The conditioned properties of a safety signal are predicted to occur as a result of two-processes, a Pavlovian process and an instrumental process that occur during avoidance conditioning, formalised in Konorski’s two-factor theory of avoidance (1948; 1967). The first, Pavlovian, process is the inhibition of a conditioned defensive freezing response to the aversive context, with the successful performance of an avoidance response that prevents the occurrence of the negative reinforcer. Safety signals presented contingent on the avoidance response will thus anticipate the omission of the negative aversive reinforcer leading to their establishment as conditioned fear inhibitors. The second, instrumental process is the reinforcement of the avoidance response by the safety signal due to its fear inhibiting properties. The safety signal as a conditioned fear inhibitor will therefore not only provide ‘relief’ during its presentation but will result in animals responding to produce the safety signal as a reinforcer of avoidance behaviour. The dependence of the reinforcing properties of a safety signal on its ability to inhibit fearful behaviour i.e. the aversive motivational system could result in different neural mediation to that of an appetitive stimulus despite both stimuli reinforcing instrumental behaviour.
The few studies of the neural basis of the conditioned properties of a safety signal have failed to identify regions of the central nervous system that mediate the conditioned properties of a safety signal (Falls and Davis, 1995; Falls et al., 1997; Gewirtz et al., 1997; Josselyn et al., 2005). Only recently has there been any headway in defining the central nervous system substrates of a SS. Increased neuronal activity has been recorded in the BLA (Sangha, Chadick and Janak 2013) and caudate-putamen (Rogan et al 2005) to safety cues as well as a reduction in CS- evoked activity in the LA (Rogan et al 2005), possibly due to changes in LA dendritic spine structure with safety conditioning (Ostroff et al 2010). Lesion studies of the posterior insular cortex (Christianson et al 2008) and post-training lesions of the auditory thalamus (Heldt and Falls 2006) have also been shown to disrupt the inhibitory properties of a safety signal. These studies assessed the effects of their manipulations on the fear inhibiting properties of a safety signal but not on their secondary properties to reinforce instrumental behaviour. The present study thus assessed the neural and neurochemical basis of the relieving and reinforcing properties of a safety signal with infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacC or NacS that have been shown previously to enhance the conditioned reinforcing properties of an appetitive stimulus on instrumental behaviour. Subjects were first trained on a free operant lever-press avoidance paradigm and then tested using an experimental procedure sensitive to the measurement of the relieving and reinforcing properties of a safety signal, described in Fernando et al (2013b, Experiment 2) following infusions of d-amphetamine. In separate groups of rats, the selectivity of effects in the NacS was further explored with inactivation of this region using the GABA-A agonist muscimol and GABA-B agonist baclofen prior to the same test sessions in extinction. Given the catecholamine potentiating effects of d-amphetamine, infusions of the DA receptor (R) antagonist alpha-flupenthixol (alpha-flu) and the selective noradrenaline reuptake blocker atomoxetine (ATO) were also tested in the NacS to further characterise the pharmacological effects of d-amphetamine.
Materials and Methods
We used experimentally naive, male, Lister-hooded rats, weighing approximately 300g at the start of the experiment, obtained from Charles River, UK. Four rats were housed per cage in a reverse light cycle room (12 h light: 12 h dark; lights on at 0700). Experiment 1 was conducted in two cohorts. In the first cohort, 23 rats were trained in Experiment 1, 8 rats were cannulated in the NacC and 10 in the NacS, and 5 did not acquire the task prior to surgery. Sixteen rats were trained in cohort 2 and cannulated in the shell (n= 8) and in the core (n=8). Experiment 2 was conducted in a single cohort of 16 rats. Experiment 3 was conducted in one cohort of 16 rats, one rat did not acquire the task and therefore did not undergo surgery, and the other 15 rats were then cannulated in the NacS. Food and water were available ad libitum throughout both experiments. Training and testing occurred during the dark phase and complied with the statutory requirements of the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.
Eight operant conditioning chambers (Med Associates, Vermont) each measuring 29.5 cm by 32.5 cm by 23.5 cm with a Plexiglas ceiling, front door and back panel, and metal panelling on the sides of the chamber were used for all training and tests conducted in this study. The floor of the chamber was covered with a metal grid with a metal tray beneath. Med Associates shocker generators (ENV-224AMWN, 115V AC, 60-Hz) were connected to the metal grid and used to produce scrambled 0.5-s, 0.5-mA foot shocks. Each chamber was placed within a sound and light attenuating box and interfaced to a computer through Whisker control software (Cardinal and Aitken, 2010). The safety signal was a 2900-Hz tone produced by a Med Associate tone generator (ENV-223AM) for half of the rats and a white noise by a Med Associate white noise generator (ENV-2255M) for the remaining rats. Both these generators were attached to the same wall of the chamber, and the stimuli were set to 8db above background level. Levers could be extended either side of a central food magazine on the opposite side wall, but no pellets were ever delivered.
Rats were first habituated to the chamber and the levers for four sessions. During the first two days, either the left or the right lever was randomly chosen at the start of the session. The designated lever was then extended as the session began and any responses resulted in its retraction for 1 s followed by its immediate extension back into the chamber. For the last two days the opposite lever was extended and the number of responses was limited so that the number of retractions and extensions of the two levers was equated, houselights remained on until the end of the session. Each daily session lasted one hour. No shocks or auditory stimuli were presented during these sessions.
The start of the session was marked with the illumination of the houselight and the extension of a single lever, which was randomly chosen as either the right or the left lever at the start of the session. This lever remained permanently extended for the entire session. The session began with an unsignalled avoidance period of 60 s, and in the absence of a lever press was followed by a period of intermittent foot shocks. During this shock period the shock-shock interval was 10 s. After the presentation of five shocks, the shock period terminated automatically and was immediately followed by the next avoidance period. The maximum number of shocks that could be presented in the session was limited to 30 at which point the session ended. Any lever press during the avoidance or shock periods immediately terminated these periods with a 60-s auditory safety signal, which was then followed by the next avoidance period. No shocks were presented during the 60 s safety signal which therefore signaled a period of safety. Across sessions the levers were randomly switched to either right or left on a daily basis, so they were equated for exposure across all stages of training. Lever presses during the signal had no consequence and did not contribute to the assessment of avoidance responding. The durations of the avoidance period and the safety signal (and contiguous safety period) were gradually reduced across training to a variable interval (VI) of 32 s (range 3 – 60 s) and 5 s, respectively.
Bilateral 22-gauge double guide cannulae (Plastics One, Sevenoaks, UK) were implanted in the NacC (n=16) or NacS (n=18) in Experiment 1, in the NacS (n=11) in Experiment 2 and NacS (n=15) in Experiment 3. The guide cannulae protruded 4mm below the pedestal for the NacC and 3mm below the pedestal for the NacS. Subjects were implanted in the NacC according to the stereotaxic coordinates of AP +0.6, ML+1.9, DV-2.2 or were implanted in the NacS according to the stereotaxic coordinates of AP +1.7, ML+0.75, DV-2.0, both measured from bregma and DV measured from skull. Post-surgery, rats were individually housed and left to recover with both food and water ad-libitum. After one week of recovery, subjects were retrained on the avoidance task until three days of stable baseline was observed.
d-Amphetamine sulphate, alpha-fluphenthixol (alpha-flu) and atomoxetine (ATO) (all obtained from Sigma, UK) were dissolved in sterile PBS, pH 7.2 for intracerebral infusions. Inactivation of the NacS in Experiment 2 was achieved with a mixture of the GABA-B and GABA-A receptor agonists baclofen (bac) and muscimol (mus) dissolved in PBS.
Infusion procedure
Subjects were infused bilaterally through injectors that extended 5mm beyond the guide cannulae tips for the NacC and 5.25mm for the NacS. The injectors were attached to an infusion pump (Harvard Apparatus) by polyethylene tubing. Rats were infused with a volume of 0.5ul per side over 60s in Experiments 1 and 3 and 0.3ul in Experiment 2 (Ghods-Sharifi and Floresco, 2010) with a diffusion time of 120s for all infusions. Rats in Experiment 1 received infusions at two dose levels, veh (PBS) and 5ug (calculated as free-base), Rats in Experiment 2 received infusions of a mixture of baclofen and muscimol (bacmus) at doses of 0.3 nmol and 0.03 nmol respectively, which were counterbalanced with infusions of vehicle. Rats in Experiment 3 received infusions of alpha-flupenthixol at three dose levels (Veh, 2.5 and 15ug) and then at two dose levels (Veh and 5ug). The same subjects then received infusions of the selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, ATO, at three dose levels (Veh, 1.5 and 5ug). Subjects were placed in the testing chamber and the session started 10 min after infusion (Taylor and Robbins 1984; 1986) with d-amphetamine in Experiment 1, 15 min after infusion with alpha-flu and 5 min after infusion with ATO (Economidou et al 2012) and bac-mus (Jonkman, Pelloux and Everitt, 2012). Rats were infused in continuous two-day cycles, an infusion day followed by a drug-free, ‘re-baseline’ day. All rats received a sham infusion prior to the first drug infusion session, in which they were habituated to the infusion procedure and infusion room. Injectors were lowered and 0.9% filtered saline was infused for 1 min and the injectors subsequently left in place for 2 min before the subject was returned to its home-cage. This was performed so that any behavioural effects of tissue damage mechanically induced by the first infusion, occurred before the test session. Rats were then re-baselined on the avoidance task until stable levels of responding were again seen. Subjects were also given re-baseline training sessions between Latin square sequences.
Test session
Infusions were conducted prior to extinction tests either with the safety signal presented or not following responses on a single lever, no shocks were presented during these test sessions. Test sessions were counterbalanced for order of drug and test session and lasted for 30 min. The single lever was randomly chosen prior to each test session as either the right or left lever.
Assessment of cannulae placement
Following completion of the behavioural procedures, animals were deeply anaesthetized with Dolethal (pentobarbitone sodium, 200 mg/ml, minimum of 1.5ml intra-peritoneal) and perfused transcardially with 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. Their brains were removed and postfixed in paraformaldehyde before being dehydrated in 20% sucrose for cryoprotection. The brains were sectioned coronally at 60 μm and stained for approximately 5 min with Cresyl Violet. Following staining, sections were mounted and allowed to dry for examining cannulae positions. Only animals with correct cannulae placements were included in the analyses.
Data analysis
We have previously demonstrated that lever press avoidance behaviour can be used to assess the relieving and reinforcing properties of the safety signal by assessing different rates of responding that occur during an avoidance session (Fernando et al 2013b). Responses made during the safety signal are taken as a measure of the inhibitory properties of the safety signal as when removed, specific increases in fearful, non-consequential responding, were seen during the five second unsignalled period of safety (Fernando et al 2013b). Responses that avoid or escape shock and thus produce the safety signal can be taken as a measure of the reinforcing properties of the safety signal, removing the safety signal reduces these responses (Fernando et al 2013b). The test sessions in this study were conducted in extinction (in the absence of shock) in order to measure the effects of the infused drugs on the conditioned properties of the safety signal and in the absence of the unconditioned effects of shock presentations. The well-documented slow extinction of avoidance behaviour (Maier and Klee 1943; Mowrer 1947; Solomon et al 1963) enabled the analysis of the same rates of responding during the extinction test sessions in this study. Responses made during the 5s following a lever press response were computed as the rate of safety signal responses, in some sessions this was in the presence of the safety signal and in control sessions this was in the absence of the safety signal. Responses on the lever that produced the safety signal or “safety period” (in control sessions) were taken as the rate of avoidance responding as during training, these responses would normally avoid or escape shock and produce the safety signal. This analysis of instrumental avoidance behaviour has been used in previous studies (Dinsmoor and Sears, 1973 and Rescorla and Lolordo 1965).
Statistical analyses
The rates of lever press responding were square-root transformed for statistical analysis as the variance increased with mean responding. A mixed design ANOVA was conducted on response rates. Within subject factors were safety signal (Safety signal vs No safety signal), response (Safety signal responses vs Avoidance responses), dose (Veh vs Dose, 1, Dose 2 etc, dependent on drug infused). For Experiment 1 a between subjects factor of brain region (Shell vs Core) was initially included in the analysis to investigate interactions between factors, the effects of d-Amphetamine on rates of responding were then subsequently analysed for each region in separate analyses. Violations in the assumptions of sphericity in repeated measures analysis were corrected using Huynh-Feldt epsilon. All post-hoc comparisons were subject to the Sidak correction.
The injector tips for each experiment are shown next to their respective graphical data: Figure 1A, placements in the NacS in rats that had received infusions of d-amphetamine; Figure 2A, placements in the NacC in rats that had received infusions of d-amphetamine; Figure 3A, placements in the NacS of rats had received inactivations; and Figure 4A, placements in the NacS from rats that had received alpha-flupenthixol followed by atomoxetine. The final n’s after loss of head caps through the course of testing or unstable baseline avoidance behaviour were a total of 10 rats cannulated in the NacC and 12 rats in the NacS in Experiment 1. Experiment 2 had 5 rats cannulated in the NacS that received infusions with low doses of methylnaloxonium (data not shown, as no effects were detected) and inactivation with a mixture of baclofen and muscimol. Experiment 3 consisted of 10 rats that received infusions of alpha-flupenthixol and 9 rats that received infusions of atomoxetine. There was no gross tissue damage in the local vicinity of the injector tracks in the placements of these rats. Washout periods were given between different drugs infused in the same rat.
Figure 1. Infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacS resulted in bi-directional effects, increasing safety signal responding whilst decreasing the rate of avoidance responding, only when the safety signal was present in the test session.
A) Placements in the NacS. B) Rate of safety signal responses, responses during safety signals, and D) rate of avoidance responses, responses that produce the safety signal. C) Rate of safety signal responses and E) rate of avoidance responses in test sessions with no safety signal present. Each bar represents the mean of the SQRT of the rate of responding per minute ± S.E.M.
Figure 2. d-Amphetmaine infusions in the core had no effect on the rates of responding during the extinction test whether the safety signal was present or absent in the session.
A) Placements in the NacC. B) Rate of safety signal responses, responses during safety signals, and D) rate of avoidance responses, responses that produce the safety signal. C) Rate of safety signal responses and E) rate of avoidance responses in test sessions with no safety signal present. Each bar represents the mean of the SQRT of the rate of responding per minute ± S.E.M.
Figure 3. Inactivations of the NacS selectively decreased the rate of avoidance responding only in sessions where the safety signal was present.
A) Placements in the NacS. B) Rate of safety signal responses, responses during safety signals, and D) rate of avoidance responses, responses that produce the safety signal. C) Rate of safety signal responses and E) rate of avoidance responses in test sessions with no safety signal present. Each bar represents the mean of the SQRT of the rate of responding per minute ± S.E.M.
Figure 4. Infusions of alpha-flupenthixol decreased overall rates of responding whether the safety signal was present or absent in the test session.
A) Placements in the NacS. B) Rate of safety signal responses, responses during safety signals, and D) rate of avoidance responses, responses that produce the safety signal. C) Rate of safety signal responses and E) rate of avoidance responses in test sessions with no safety signal present. Each bar represents the mean of the SQRT of the rate of responding per minute ± S.E.M.
Baseline analysis
Analysis of the last three sessions of training prior to infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacC and NacS revealed a significant effect of session (F(1.8, 32.1) =4.4 p<.05); however, this effect did not interact significantly with cohort or region (Session × Cohort F(2, 36) =1.1 p = 0.3; Session × Region F<1, Session × Cohort × Region F <1). No significant differences in baseline responding prior to inactivations (Session F<1), the alpha-flu infusions (Session F<1) or atomoxetine infusions were seen (Session F(2,14) =1.2 p = 0.3 N.S.). Rats that received alpha-flu infusions and then atomoxetine infusions showed no difference in baseline responding before the infusion of the drug (Drug; Session; Drug × Session all F<1) suggesting a stable baseline was maintained through the course of the two drugs tested in Experiment 3.
Analysis of responding under vehicle infusions during the extinction tests revealed a higher rate of avoidance responding in sessions where the safety signal was present following avoidance responses (F(1,33) = 18.8 p<.001, effect size p=.04) which did not differ between experiments (F(3,33) = 2.5 p>.07 N.S., effect size p=0.2). The safety signal therefore reinforced avoidance behaviour under vehicle conditions across experiments. Analysis of safety signal responding under vehicle infusions revealed no significant effect of the presence of the safety signal in test sessions (F(1,33) = 1.1 p=0.3 N.S. effect size p=.03) and no interaction with experiment (F(3,33) = 1.0 p=0.4 N.S. effect size p=.08), again suggesting that responding during the extinction test was comparable across experiments. Atomoxetine data was not included in these analyses as they were the same animals used for the alpha-flupenthixol experiment.
Experiment 1: Effects of central infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacC or NacS on avoidance responding with or without the safety signal
Infusions of d-amphetamine affected both the rate of safety signal responding (responses during presentations of the safety signal) and avoidance responding (responses made outside safety signal presentations) (Response × Dose F(1,20) =7.3 p<.02). These effects depended on the Nac sub-region (Response × Dose × Region, F(1,11) =9.6 p<.01). A main effect of response was revealed with the ANOVA (Response F(1,11) =9.1 p<.05), however, no other factors or interactions reached the conventional levels of significance (Safety signal; Safety signal × Dose F’s <1, Dose F(1,11) =1.1 p = 0.3 N.S, Safety signal × Response F(1,11) =1.8 p = 0.2 N.S.) Subsequent analyses were conducted separately for each region in order to assess the effects of d-amphetamine on rates of responding particular to the region infused.
Nucleus accumbens shell (NacS)
Figure 1 depicts the effects of infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacS. Figures 1B and 1D demonstrate the bidirectional effects of d-amphetamine (Response × Dose F(1,11) =26.6 p<.001), increasing the rate of safety signal responses and decreasing the rate of avoidance responses only when the safety signal was present in the session (Safety signal × Response × Dose F(1,11) =7.2 p<.05). Analysis of responding during the test sessions where the safety signal was present, revealed a significant Dose × Response interaction (F(1,11) =33.6 p<.001). Post-hoc comparisons confirmed the observation that infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacS increased the rate of responding during the presentations of the safety signal (Dose p<.005) but decreased the rate of avoidance responses that produced the safety signal and avoided or escaped shock (Dose p<.005). Analysis of the test session without the safety signal shown in Figures 1C + 1E, revealed a trend towards an interaction between dose and response, however, this did not reach conventional levels of significance (F(1,11) =3.5 p>.08). No significant effects were seen with post-hoc analysis of the effects of d-amphetamine on the rate of safety signal responding (Dose p = 0.6; Fig 1C) or on the rate of avoidance responding (Dose p = 0.1; Fig 1E).
Nucleus accumbens core (NacC)
Figure 2 demonstrates the failure to detect an effect with infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacC, whether the safety signal was present or absent in the session (Safety signal, Dose, Safety signal × Dose, Response × Dose, Safety signal × Response × Dose F<1; Safety signal × Response F(1,9) =2.0 p = 0.2 N.S).
Experiment 2: Effects of inactivation of the NacS with a mixture of GABA-B and GABA-A receptor agonists baclofen (bac) and muscimol (mus)
The graphical data of Figure 3 suggest that NacS inactivation reduced avoidance response rates when responding was reinforced by the safety signal. However, statistical analysis did not reveal any significant effects of infusions of bac-mus in the NacS (Dose F(1,4) = 4.7 p = 0.1N.S.; Dose × Response F(1,4) = 6.5 p = .06 N.S.; Safety signal × Dose F(1,4) = 2.1 p = 0.2 N.S.). A main effect of the safety signal was seen, indicating that its presence influenced instrumental responding during the session (Safety signal F(1,4) = 12.6 p <.05). Separate analyses were therefore conducted on sessions in which the safety signal was present and sessions where it was absent, to assess the selective effects of inactivation of the NacS on responding. Analysis of responding during test sessions where safety signals were presented following responding, revealed an interaction of the inactivation with the different response rates in the session (Dose × Response F(1,4) = 10.2 p <.05). Post-hoc comparisons revealed that the inactivation specifically decreased the rate of avoidance responding (Dose p <.05) but not the rate of safety signal responses (Dose p = 0.9 N.S). A main effect of the inactivation was also observed in test sessions with the safety signal (Dose F(1,4) = 11.1 p <.05) but no main effect on response rates (F(1,4) = 1.6 p = 0.2 N.S.).
Analysis of responding during test sessions without the safety signal present, revealed no significant effects of inactivation of the NacS on responding (Dose F(1,4) = 1.1 p = 0.4 N.S; Dose × Response F(1,4) = 1.4 p = 0.3N.S) . No main effect of Response (F<1) was seen with statistical analysis in sessions without safety signal presentations. Inactivation of the NacS therefore selectively reduced the rate of avoidance responses producing the safety signal but did not affect responding during the safety signal itself nor the response rates when the safety signal was not present in the test session.
Experiment 3a: Effects of central infusions of the DA-R antagonist alpha-flupenthixol in the NacS on avoidance responding with or without the safety signal
Overall rates of responding did not differ between the two vehicle control infusions of the two Latin squares of alpha-flupenthixol infusions, whether the signal was present or absent in the session (Vehicle F(1,9) =2.0 p = 0.2 N.S, Vehicle × Safety signal F<1). A main effect of safety signal was observed with this ANOVA (Safety signal F(1,9) =10.9 p <.01 ). The two Latin squares were therefore analysed and presented as a single dose-response curve with responding under the two vehicles averaged.
Figure 4 illustrates the significant decrease in the rates of responding with infusions of alpha-fluphenthixol in the shell (Dose F(3,27) =7.9 p<.005), which did not differ between response types (i.e. safety signal responding and avoidance responding) regardless of whether the signal was present or absent (Response × Dose, Safety signal × Dose, Safety signal × Response × Dose, Fs <1.4 p>0.2).
Experiment 3b: Effects of central infusions of the SNRI atomoxetine in the NacS on avoidance responding with or without the safety signal
No effects were observed with administration of the SNRI, atomoxetine during the test sessions which are supported by statistical analyses (Dose; Response × Dose; Safety signal × Dose; Safety signal × Response × Dose; Fs <1.3 p>0.3, Safety signal F(1,7) = 1.8 p = 0.2), suggesting that the selective effects of d-amphetamine in the NacS are not mediated by noradrenergic mechanisms. A main effect of response (F(1,7) =7.9 p <.05) and an interaction of safety signal × response were revealed with the ANOVA (Safety signal × Response F(1,7) = 14.7p<.01). Means and S.E.Ms are presented in Table 1. Placements of animals are shown in Figure 4A.
Table 1. Effects of atomoxetine in the NacS in test sessions with and without the safety signal, at three doses levels on the rate of safety signal responses and avoidance responses.
Data are the mean of the SQRT, transformed lever presses per min. ± SEM.
Test | Rate of responses | Veh | 1.5 | 5.0 |
Safety signal | Safety signal | 1.2 ± 0.1 | 1.2 ± 0.1 | 1.3 ± 0.1 |
Avoidance | 2.6 ± 0.4 | 2.6 ± 0.3 | 1.9 ± 0.3 | |
No safety signal | Safety signal | 1.8 ± 0.2 | 1.6 ± 0.2 | 1.7 ± 0.2 |
Avoidance | 1.7 ± 0.3 | 1.5 ± 0.2 | 1.4 ± 0.2 |
The results of this study indicate a previously unknown role of the NacS in mediating the conditioned properties of a safety signal on avoidance behaviour. The effects of infusions of d-amphetamine, alpha-flupenthixol and null effects of atomoxetine in the NacS suggest that this may be achieved via its dopaminergic innervation. This is the first study to assess the role of sub-regions of the Nac in the conditioned reinforcing properties of a safety signal, demonstrating a striking reduction in its ability to reinforce avoidance behaviour with intra-NacS infusions of d-amphetamine. This study not only implicates the NacS in the mediation of conditioned reinforcement by a safety signal but suggests that the effects of psychostimulants and other drugs in the NacS vary depending on the opponent motivational properties of the CS.
Effects of d-amphetamine on free-operant avoidance responding
The lack of any effect of d-amphetamine suggestive of enhancement of the reinforcing properties of the safety signal has been observed in a previous study where systemic d-amphetamine was administered prior to acquisition of a new response sessions reinforced with a safety signal conditioned using a Pavlovian explicitly unpaired procedure (Fernando et al 2013a). Both the previous (Fernando et al 2013a) and the present study support the conclusion that d-amphetamine does not enhance the reinforcing properties of safety signals. Such safety signals also have fear inhibiting properties as shown by an increase in responding during the period of safety following an avoidance response with their omission (Fernando et al 2013b). The specific increase in responding during the presentation of the safety signal with infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacS thus suggests a disruption of the conditioned fear inhibiting properties of the safety signal (Figure 1B). The reinforcing properties of a safety signal have in turn been shown to depend on the ability of the safety signal to act as a conditioned inhibitor of fear (Rescorla 1969; Weisman and Litner, 1969; Bolles 1972) as predicted by theories of appetitive-aversive interactions and avoidance (Konorski 1948; 1967; Soltysik 1963; Dickinson and Dearing 1979; Dinsmoor, 1954; 2001). This disruption of the inhibitory properties of the safety signal with central infusions of d-amphetamine in the NacS thus diminished the safety signal’s ability to act as a Crf. The differential effects of d-amphetamine on responding for a signal of safety versus that of reward may be due to the requirement of a safety signal first being conditioned as an inhibitor before it can subsequently act as a positive CRf of instrumental avoidance behaviour. Intra-NacS d-amphetamine disrupted this capacity of the safety signal, diminishing its consequential capability to reinforce avoidance behaviour.
The effects of infusions of d-amphetamine in the Nac, on the inhibitory properties of a safety signal have been examined using a fear potentiated startle paradigm (Josselyn et al 2005). Infusions of d-amphetamine, the AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist CNQX and lesions of the Nac had no effect on conditioned inhibition of fear potentiated startle by a safety signal. Josselyn et al (2005) used an A+/AB− minus paradigm in order to condition a safety signal. The inability to detect any effects of manipulations of the Nac in the Josselyn et al study could be attributed to a failure to dissociate contributions of the NacC and NacS that have been shown to have dissociable roles in both appetitive (Ito et al 2000; Ito, Robbins and Everitt 2004; Murphy et al 2008; Ghods-Sharifi S, Floresco SB. 2010; Ostlund et al 2011; Ito and Hayen 2011; Economidou et al 2012) and aversive paradigms (Pezze et al 2001; Badrinarayan et al 2012; Budygin et al 2012) . This study differs from those previously reported by using a free-operant avoidance paradigm reinforced only with a safety signal, analysing different rates of responding during the avoidance session to enable assessment of the Pavlovian inhibitory properties of the safety signal and its ability to reinforce instrumental avoidance. Infusions in sub-regions of the Nac using this paradigm thus provides novel data on the selective anatomical effects of d-amphetamine and their specific modulation of the Pavlovian and instrumental conditioned properties of a safety signal.
Possible neural and neurochemical mechanisms
The contrasting effects of infusions of d-amphetamine when responding for a safety signal versus that previously reported in appetitive conditioned reinforcement studies could be attributed to transient, phasic changes in DA that signal appetitive and aversive events (Roitman et al 2004), that are unique to an avoidance trial (Oleson et al 2012). Oleson et al (2013) observed fluctuations in DA prior to the performance of an avoidance or escape response and a specific sub-second DA release in the Nac during the safety period following both avoidance and escape responses, as occurs with cues that predict sucrose reward (Roitman et al 2004) or cocaine (Phillips et al 2003). Oleson et al (2012) did not distinguish the contributions of the NacS and NacC to this signal, however, this sub-second enhanced release following the termination of an aversive event (tail-pinch) was localised to the NacS (Budygin et al 2012). This specific sub-second DA release in the NacS may thus be a necessary component of the fear-inhibiting effects of a safety signal. Intra-NacS infusions of d-amphetamine in an avoidance setting may occlude phasic fluctuations in DA, particularly the sub-second DA release by enhancing tonic levels of DA. This action may thus render the safety signal ineffective as a conditioned inhibitor of fear, and therefore as a positive reinforcer of avoidance behaviour.
The reduction in rate of avoidance responding was further demonstrated with inactivations of the NacS and with alpha-flupenthixol infusions. Greater selectivity was seen with inactivations of the NacS as the reduction in avoidance responding was only seen in the sessions with the safety signal with no effect on the rate of safety signal responses. Antagonism of DA D1/D2 receptors with alpha-flupenthixol led to an overall decrease in the rate of safety signal responses and avoidance responses regardless of whether the stimulus was present or absent in the test session (Figure 4). This non-selective reduction in avoidance behaviour following antagonism of DA receptors (R) in a region of the Nac supports the finding of McCullough, Sokolowski and Salamone (1993) that Nac DA depletions using 6-hydroxydopamine resulted in a substantial decrease in lever pressing to avoid or escape shock. Infusions in the Nac of the D1 antagonist, SCH 23390, and the D2 agonist quinpirole (at presynaptic doses that prevent the reuptake of DA), have also been shown to reduce conditioned two-way active avoidance responding (Boschen et al 2011; Wietzikoski et al 2011). Alpha-flupenthixol has also been shown to decrease the efficacy of a conditioned punishing stimulus when administered systemically (Killcross et al 1997). The effects of d-amphetamine, an indirect DA-R agonist and alpha-flupenthixol a D1/D2 R antagonist, were expected to be in opposite directions for responding under the control of safety signals. Such contrasting effects were, however, not evident in this study although in overall terms, d-amphetamine increased, whereas alpha-flupenthixol decreased the rate of safety signal responding. However, these effects were also accompanied by significant decreases in avoidance responding following both drugs. Reduced avoidance responding was also seen following inactivation of the NacS. However, similar to d-amphetamine, this effect was selective to those test sessions when the safety signal was present, whereas the effects of alpha-flupenthixol were non-selective, suggesting that the apparently similar effects on rates of avoidance responding with all three drugs may have resulted from different mechanisms. Indeed, the rate decreasing effect of d-amphetamine may have arisen secondarily as outlined above, as a consequence of the reduction of the conditioned fear inhibitory effects of the safety signal, whereas this is unlikely to have been the case for either the bac-mus inactivation or for alpha-flupenthixol.
Infusions of atomoxetine in the NacS, a blocker of the noradrenaline transporter like d-amphetamine, had no effect on instrumental avoidance behaviour whether the stimulus was present or absent. This suggests that the noradrenergic innervation of the NacS is not involved in the inhibitory properties of the safety signal and that the effects of d-amphetamine in the NacS are more likely to be selectively mediated by activation of the dopaminergic innervation of the NacS. A limitation in interpreting the results of the ATO infusions was that they were performed after infusions of alpha-flu, leading to a possible reduced sensitivity to further infusions. The stable levels of responding during rebaseline sessions between drugs however, suggests that the inhibitory properties of the safety signal, which were shown to be dependent on the NacS in Experiment 1, were still effective in reinforcing avoidance behaviour during those rebaselining sessions after infusions of alpha-flupenthixol. Furthermore, a lack of effect of noradrenergic manipulations in the Nac on responding for a positive conditioned reinforcer has also been observed in studies with appetitive stimuli previously paired with water reward (Cador et al 1991). Comparable doses of ATO in the NacS have been shown to selectively reduce premature responding, a measure of impulsive behaviour, during an attentional task (Economidou et al 2012) confirming the drug is behaviorally active at these doses.
Conclusions and summary
This study reports novel data examining the neural mediation of the conditioned reinforcing properties of an instrumentally trained safety signal on free operant avoidance. The study was conducted in two sub-regions of the Nac both known to facilitate the enhancement of appetitive CRf with d-amphetamine. Unlike previous studies of appetitive conditioned reinforcement, d-amphetamine was shown to decrease the reinforcing properties of the safety signal when infused in the NacS, demonstrating anatomical selectivity. This effect is attributed to d-amphetamine disrupting the inhibitory properties of the safety signal through interference with the fluctuating levels of DA occurring during avoidance behaviour that signal appetitive and aversive events. This disruption of inhibition by amphetamine is hypothesised to reduce the conditioned reinforcing properties of the safety signal during avoidance behaviour. The subsequent infusion studies in the NacS not only confirm the role of the NacS in mediating the conditioned properties of the safety signal on avoidance, but also its possible DAergic mediation.
Overall, these findings in conjunction with others argue that safety signals do not support avoidance behaviour by acting via the same neural mechanisms that mediate effects of appetitive (e.g. food- or water-related) conditioned reinforcers. In other words, subjective “relief” may be construed as a rewarding event by virtue of the omission of an aversive stimulus in a neural system of aversion that is distinct from that of reward.
This study was supported by a Wellcome Trust Programme grant to TWR, JW Dalley, BJ Everitt, AC Roberts, and BJ Sahakian (089589/z/09/z). ABPF was supported by an MRC Case studentship and GPU was supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship. We also thank Dr Rudolf Cardinal for his helpful comments and critiques of the manuscript. The study was completed within the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, supported by a joint award from the MRC and the Wellcome Trust.
Conflict of Interest: TWR is a consultant for Cambridge Cognition, Eli Lilly, GSK, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, Lundbeck, Teva, and Shire Pharmaceuticals. He is or has been in receipt of research grants from Lundbeck, Eli Lilly, and GSK and is an editor for Springer-Verlag. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.
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