Keywords: Ca2+ signaling, ion channel, membrane receptor, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary circulation
The pulmonary circulation is a low-resistance, low-pressure, and high-compliance system that allows the lungs to receive the entire cardiac output. Pulmonary arterial pressure is a function of cardiac output and pulmonary vascular resistance, and pulmonary vascular resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the intraluminal radius of the pulmonary artery. Therefore, a very small decrease of the pulmonary vascular lumen diameter results in a significant increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a fatal and progressive disease with poor prognosis. Regardless of the initial pathogenic triggers, sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric vascular remodeling, occlusive intimal lesions, in situ thrombosis, and vascular wall stiffening are the major and direct causes for elevated pulmonary vascular resistance in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and other forms of precapillary pulmonary hypertension. In this review, we aim to discuss the basic principles and physiological mechanisms involved in the regulation of lung vascular hemodynamics and pulmonary vascular function, the changes in the pulmonary vasculature that contribute to the increased vascular resistance and arterial pressure, and the pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development and progression of pulmonary hypertension. We focus on reviewing the pathogenic roles of membrane receptors, ion channels, and intracellular Ca2+ signaling in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells in the development and progression of pulmonary hypertension.
The increased pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is caused by elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). Regardless of the initial genetic and/or environmental trigger, sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling, in situ thrombosis, occlusive intimal lesions, and vascular stiffening are the major causes that directly increase PVR and PAP in patients with PAH.
The pulmonary artery wall is composed of three layers of cells: a) the intima formed by endothelial cells (ECs), b) the media formed by smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and c) the adventitia formed by fibroblasts (FBs). In addition, the pulmonary artery wall also includes the perivascular progenitor cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). All these cells contribute to the development of pulmonary vasculopathy in PAH.
Sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction is caused by pulmonary arterial SMC (PASMC) contraction, whereas concentric vascular remodeling is caused by EC injury and PASMC/FB migration and proliferation. Vascular wall stiffness is increased by increased SMC contractility, SMC/FB migration/proliferation, and ECM remodeling, whereas occlusive vascular lesions contain all types of vascular cells.
Membrane receptors, ion channels/transporters, and Ca2+ signaling cascades play a critical role in regulating cell contraction, migration, and proliferation. Activators and inhibitors of these receptors and ion channels are used for the treatment of PAH.
This review aims to discuss the basic mechanisms involved in the regulation of normal pulmonary vascular function and structure as well as the pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development and progression of pulmonary vasculopathy based on observations in patients with PAH and animals with experimental pulmonary hypertension.
There are two circulation systems in the human body: the systemic circulation system and the pulmonary circulation system. The pulmonary circulation is a circulatory system that functionally and structurally differs from the systemic circulation. It carries deoxygenated blood, or venous blood, from the right ventricle (RV) through the pulmonary artery (PA) to the lungs. It then returns oxygenated blood, or arterial blood, from the lungs via the pulmonary vein (PV) to the left atria and then the left ventricle (LV). The oxygenated blood is then pumped to the rest of the body by the LV through the systemic arterial system. Given that the predominant function of the lungs is gas exchange, the major function of the pulmonary circulation is to circulate deoxygenated venous blood via the PA to the lung capillaries, where gas exchange occurs and deoxygenated venous blood becomes oxygenated arterial blood. The oxygenated arterial blood is then circulated back to the left heart.
The blood pressure in the two circulatory systems and in the left and right ventricles is significantly different. The mean systemic arterial pressure (mSAP) is ∼100 mmHg, with a left ventricle (LV) systolic pressure at 120 mmHg. The mSAP drops significantly in small arteries and capillaries and then further drops in systemic veins (FIGURE 1A). The blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation system is much lower than that in the systemic circulation system. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) is ∼14 mmHg (14.0 ± 3.3 mmHg) in healthy subjects (1), with a right ventricle (RV) systolic pressure at 25 mmHg (FIGURE 1). Pulmonary hypertension is defined, clinically or hemodynamically, as having an mPAP > 20 mmHg at rest, measured by right heart catheterization (1–3). For example, based on a cohort of patients diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), the average mPAP reached 50 mmHg (ranging from 25 mmHg to 105 mmHg) in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 45 mmHg in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) (4). This increase in PAP is caused directly by sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular wall thickening, in situ thrombosis and occlusive vascular lesions, and pulmonary arterial wall stiffening (5–7).
Schematic diagram of the pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation (A) and distribution of mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) in normal subjects and patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) (B). A: the venous blood (or deoxygenated blood) is pumped from the right ventricle (RV) to the lungs via the pulmonary artery (PA). After taking in O2 from (and releasing CO2 to) alveoli to the capillary, the reoxygenated blood circulates to the left atria (LA) and is then delivered to systemic organs via the left ventricle (LV) through the systemic circulation. After releasing O2 to (and taking in CO2 from) organs and tissues, the deoxygenated blood circulates to the right atria (RA). The numbers in parentheses indicate the average pressure values in mmHg in healthy human subjects. For example, the mPAP is 14 mmHg, and the mean systemic arterial pressure (mSAP) is 100 mmHg. The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), also called pulmonary arterial wedge pressure (PAWP) or pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP), is ∼12 mmHg (4–12 mmHg in normal subjects). The RV systolic and diastolic pressure is 25 and 0 mmHg, whereas the LV systolic and diastolic pressure is 120 and 0 mmHg. The RA pressure and LA pressure are 2 and 5 mmHg, respectively. B: average mPAP in healthy control subjects (Healthy) and patients with IPAH and CTEPH (left) and distribution of mPAP in patients with IPAH and CTEPH (right). ***P < 0.001 vs. Healthy control.
The pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems must work together to allow deoxygenated blood to flow from the right ventricle to the lungs and oxygenated blood flow from the left ventricle to the rest of the body, respectively. The stiffening and concentric thickening of the pulmonary arterial wall disturb the pulmonary circulation specifically by increasing the resistance for deoxygenated blood to flow through the pulmonary arteries. These pathophysiological and pathological changes in the pulmonary vascular wall therefore increase PAP, adding more pressure to the heart and weakening the right ventricle over time.
1.1. Pressure Distribution in the Pulmonary Circulation System
In the pulmonary circulation, the pulsatile pressure-flow relation can be expressed in terms of pulmonary vascular impedance, which is the ratio of the amplitude of oscillatory arterial pressure to the oscillatory inflow rate at a given frequency. The distribution of pressure drop, in the systemic and pulmonary circulations, is mainly related to the resistance to blood flow. The pulmonary circulatory system is a low-pressure system compared with the systemic circulation (FIGURE 2). In the systemic circulatory system, the muscular small arteries and arterioles (or resistance arteries) account for 70% of the pressure drop. The systemic capillaries and veins only account for 7% and 19% of the pressure drop, respectively (FIGURE 2, A AND Bb) (8–10). In the pulmonary circulation system, however, the pressure drop is evenly distributed among the pulmonary arteries and veins. Overall, the pressure drop in the pulmonary capillary sheet is greater than that of the systemic circulation (FIGURE 2B). FIGURE 2Ba shows two representative curves depicting the pressure drop from the largest pulmonary artery to the smallest pulmonary arterioles (30 ± 7%), capillaries (17 ± 3), and veins (39 ± 13%). FIGURE 2Bb compares the pressure drops in the pulmonary arteries, capillaries, and veins (left) with the pressure drops in the systemic arteries, capillaries, and veins (right) based on observations by Brody et al. in 1968 (9) and Hakim et al. in 1982 (10). The data on the systemic circulation (i.e., mesenteric and skeletal muscle circulation) are results by Fronek and Zweifach in 1974 (8).
Distribution of pressure changes in the pulmonary circulation. A: blood pressure measured in the systemic circulation system including the left ventricle (LV), large artery, small artery, capillary (Cap), and vein and the pulmonary circulation system including the right ventricle (RV), large and small pulmonary artery, lung capillary, and vein. B: distribution of pressure in the lung (in cmH2O) from the arterial side to the capillary and to the venous side (a). The pressure drop in the pulmonary artery accounts for 30 ± 7% of the total pressure drop, whereas the pressure drop in the capillary and vein accounts for 17 ± 3% and 39 ± 13%, respectively. The pressure drop in the artery, capillary, and vein is compared between the pulmonary (b, left) and systemic (b, right) circulation systems. The bar graphs are based on data from Refs. 8–10.
Based on these data, there are relatively equal amounts of pressure drop in the veins (40% drop) and in the arteries (39% drop) in the pulmonary circulation, implying that both arteries and veins can contribute to an increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and PAP. Given the observations that the pulmonary artery wall is much thinner than that of the systemic arteries and that vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in pulmonary arteries and veins are similar, it is important to assume that the pulmonary veins are equally effective as the pulmonary arteries in contributing to the increase in PVR and development of PH. The veins exert a remote or downstream control and have a powerful effect on the arteries. They can reduce the resistance of the pulmonary capillaries to blood flow or contribute to an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure. In the future, as much attention should be paid to the pulmonary venous smooth muscle and endothelial cells as to those of the pulmonary arteries in searching for pathogenic triggers of PH. Indeed, the functional and structural changes in pulmonary veins are implicated in the development and progression of chronic hypoxia-induced PH in animal models (11).
In normal lungs, the pressure drop in large pulmonary arteries is similar to that in small arteries, as shown in FIGURE 2B. However, there are still insufficient data to determine the changes in the distribution of pressure drop and vascular resistance in patients with various forms of PH. More studies are needed to define the branching pattern, morphometry, morphology, and the elasticity of pulmonary arterial and venous vessels of diseased human lungs with severe PH.
The systemic and pulmonary circulatory systems differ in how blood pressure is distributed and regulated. In the systemic circulation, the arteries account for the majority of the pressure drop compared with the veins when blood flows from the left ventricle to the right atrium. On the contrary, in the pulmonary circulation arteries and veins contribute equally to the pressure drop when blood flows from the right ventricle to the left atrium. Therefore, a change in the elasticity and/or diameter of either arteries or veins in the pulmonary circulation system can lead to a higher PAP and, potentially, the development of PH. The majority of research done in the field of PH, however, has focused on pathogenic triggers in pulmonary arteries. More attention should be given additionally to the pulmonary venous system, both as a pathogenic contributor and as a potential therapeutic target, as it contributes equally to the regulation of blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation.
1.2. Definition of Pulmonary Hypertension
The lungs are the only organ in the body that receives the entire cardiac output (CO); therefore, maintaining low resistance and low pressure in the pulmonary circulation is crucial to ensure normal blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a condition in which the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and mean PAP (mPAP) are increased because of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental causes. These factors result in the sporadic pulmonary vasculopathy seen in patients with heritable and idiopathic PAH (IPAH) as well as in patients with PH due to other diseases (2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13).
The updated clinical definition of PH is having an mPAP > 20 mmHg at rest, measured by right heart catheterization (RHC) (1–3, 14). PH is clinically classified into five groups based on pathogenic mechanisms, clinical manifestations, hemodynamic characteristics, and therapeutic approaches by the World Symposium on Pulmonary Hypertension (WSPH) (1–3, 15–18). The new classification of PH has also been recently published as a guideline for clinical management and translational research in the field of pulmonary vascular disease (TABLE 1) (1–3). The hemodynamic definition for each of the five groups of PH is shown in TABLE 2. It is important to note that the hemodynamic definition of PH is determined not only by mPAP but also by pulmonary arterial wedge pressure (PAWP) and PVR (TABLE 2) (1–3, 19). Exercise PH is defined by an mPAP/CO slope > 3 mmHg/L/min between rest and exercise (2, 3, 20). An increase in the mPAP/CO slope defines an abnormal hemodynamic response to exercise; however, it does not allow for differentiation between pre- and postcapillary PH. The PAWP/CO slope with a threshold > 2 mmHg/L/min may best differentiate pre- and postcapillary causes of exercise PH (2, 3, 21, 22).
Table 1.
Revised nomenclature and updated clinical classification of pulmonary hypertension
Nomenclature | Clinical Classification |
Group 1 | |
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) | 1.1 Idiopathic PAH (IPAH) |
1.1.1 Nonresponders at vasoreactivity testing | |
1.1.2 Acute responders at vasoreactivity testing | |
1.2. Heritable PAH (HPAH) | |
1.3 PAH associated with drugs and toxins | |
1.4. Associated PAH (APAH) with: | |
1.4.1 Connective tissue disease | |
1.4.2 HIV infection | |
1.4.3 Portal hypertension | |
1.4.4 Congenital heart disease | |
1.4.5 Schistosomiasis | |
1.5 PAH with overt features of venous/capillaries (PVOD/PCH) involvement | |
1.6 Persistent PH of the newborn | |
Group 2 | |
PH associated with left heart disease | 2.1 Heart failure |
2.1.1 with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) | |
2.1.2 with reduced or mildly reduced LVEF | |
2.2 Valvular heart disease | |
2.3 Congenital/acquired cardiovascular conditions leading to postcapillary PH | |
Group 3 | |
PH associated with lung diseases and/or hypoxia | 3.1 Obstructive lung disease |
3.2 Restrictive lung disease | |
3.3 Other lung disease with mixed restrictive/obstructive pattern | |
3.4 Hypoventilation syndromes | |
3.5 Hypoxia without lung disease (e.g., high altitude) | |
3.6 Developmental lung disorders | |
Group 4 | |
PH associated with pulmonary artery obstructions | 4.1 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) |
4.2 Other pulmonary artery obstructions | |
Group 5 | |
PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms | 5.1 Hematological disorders |
5.2 Systemic disorders | |
5.3 Metabolic disorders | |
5.4 Chronic renal failure with or without hemodialysis | |
5.5 Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy | |
5.6 Fibrosing mediastinitis |
Table 2.
Hemodynamic definition of pulmonary hypertension
Definition | Characteristics | Clinical Groups of PH (see TABLE 1) |
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) | mPAP > 20 mmHg | Groups 1–5 |
Precapillary PH | mPAP > 20 mmHg | Group 1: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) |
PAWP ≤ 15 mmHg | Group 3: PH associated with lung diseases and/or hypoxia | |
PVR > 2 WU | Group 4: PH associated with pulmonary artery obstructions | |
Group 5: PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms | ||
Isolated postcapillary PH (IpcPH) | mPAP > 20 mmHg | Group 2: PH associated with left heart disease |
PAWP > 15 mmHg | Group 5: PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms | |
PVR < 2 WU | ||
Combined pre- and postcapillary PH (CpcPH) | mPAP > 20 mmHg | Group 2: PH associated with left heart disease |
PAWP > 15 mmHg | Group 5: PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms | |
PVR > 2 WU | ||
Exercise PH | mPAP/CO slope between rest and exercise > 3 mmHg/L/min |
One of the five forms (or groups) of PH is pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Idiopathic PAH is a subtype of PAH, previously referred to as primary pulmonary hypertension (23–25). It is a rare, progressive, and fatal disease that predominantly affects women (26–28). The high PAP due to increased PVR increases the afterload of the RV and imposes a big strain on the right heart, which eventually causes right heart failure and death if left untreated. Thus, it is also referred to as a right heart failure syndrome. The Registry to Evaluate Early and Long-term PAH Disease Management (REVEAL Registry) is an observational registry of the demographics, disease course, and management of patients with PAH in the United States. Despite the recent progress and advancement of new therapeutic approaches, the 5-yr survival of patients with advanced PAH remains poor (∼52% in men and 62% in women) (29, 30). The RV function estimated by the New York Heart Association Functional Classification (NYHA-FC) is an important predictor of survival. These observations reinforce the importance of continuous monitoring of NYHA-FC on RV function in PAH patients and the continuous development of novel therapies that improve hemodynamics and RV function in PAH patients (31, 32).
The law of physics can be applied to calculate pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) (TABLE 3). PAP is a function of PVR and cardiac output (CO), whereas the whole lung PVR is the sum of the resistance in the pulmonary arteries (PVRA), capillaries (PVRC), and veins (PVRV). In fluid dynamics, the Hagen–Poiseuille equation or the Poiseuille law can be applied to blood vessels in which blood flow (Q) is proportional to the pressure gradient (ΔP) and the fourth power of the intraluminal radius (r4) and inversely proportional to the total length (L) of the pulmonary arteries, capillaries, and veins, as well as the viscosity (η) (33–35). Based on the same law, the PVR is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the intraluminal radius (r4) of pulmonary vessels (TABLE 3). In other words, a very small decrease in the intraluminal diameter of the PA results in a significant increase in PVR and then PAP. It must be noted that the Poiseuille law only applies to laminar flow. Lung blood flow is not always laminar flow because of the 15–17 orders of the human pulmonary arteries and capillaries and the 15–17 orders of the pulmonary veins (36–39) as well as the short branches and multiple junctions of the pulmonary vasculature. Thus, the actual PVR or total PVR is probably greater than the PVR calculated by the Poiseuille equation (33–35).
Table 3.
Formula and equations commonly used to calculate PVR and PAP
Equations | Definition | Reference(s) |
PAP = PVR × CO | Where PVR is the vascular resistance of the whole lung including the pulmonary arteries (PVRA), capillaries (PVRC), and veins (PVRV) and CO is cardiac output | (33–35) |
PAP = CO × (PVRA + PVRC + PVRV) | ||
Hagen–Poiseuille equation (or the Poiseuille law) | ||
Q = ΔP × [(πr4) ÷ (8ηL)] | Where Q is flow; π is the constant of 3.14; ΔP is the pressure difference, r is the inner radius of the cylindrical tube (e.g., blood vessel), η is the viscosity of the fluid (e.g., blood), and L is the length of the tube (e.g., the total the blood vessel tree) | (33–35) |
PVR = ΔP ÷ Q (in mmHg·min/L) | Where ΔP is the difference between pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and left atrial pressure or pulmonary arterial wedge pressure (PAWP), and Q is cardiac output (CO). | (35) |
PVR = (PAP – PAWP) ÷ CO | ||
PVR = (8Lη) ÷ (πr4) (in dyn/cm5) | Where L is the total length of the pulmonary vasculature, η is the viscosity of the venous blood through the lung circulation, π is the constant (3.14), and r is the radius of the lumen of pulmonary vessels | (35) |
Ultimately, however, the Poiseuille equation is a useful model in demonstrating the relationship among blood flow, pressure, and vessel diameter. It is thus important to recognize that even the slightest change in intraluminal radius of the pulmonary artery (and vein) can have a major impact on the PVR and PAP. Therefore, any functional (e.g., vasoconstriction) and structural (e.g., vascular wall thickening and intraluminal occlusion) changes in the pulmonary vasculature that decrease the intraluminal radius (or diameter) of a pulmonary vessel can increase the vascular resistance and arterial pressure and the afterload put on the heart (right ventricle).
2.1. Angiogram and Cast of Pulmonary Arteries
There are 15–17 orders of PAs in the human lungs based on early morphological studies (36, 39). The morphometry and structure of the pulmonary vasculature have been well studied with casting, ex vivo angiography, and, more recently, in vivo and ex vivo imaging approaches. These include computerized tomography (CT) scans (40, 41), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (42–45). Three schemes have been proposed to describe the complex branching structure in the lungs: the Weibel model, the Strahler model, and the diameter-defined Strahler system (36) (FIGURE 3, A–D) (46–48). The Weibel model assumes a symmetrical dichotomic branching structure in which all arteries of the same size (diameter and length) are in parallel, arteries of different sizes are in series, and the largest artery is determined as order 1. The Strahler model system, however, does not require a symmetrical branching pattern, which is believed to be a better physiological representation. In this model, the order 1 branch starts from the smallest arteries, and when two vessels of the same order meet, the order number of the parent vessel increases by 1. If a small artery joins a larger artery, the order number of the larger artery does not change. The Strahler model has been applied to human and cat lungs (49, 50). The diameter-defined Strahler model improves this scheme by adding a new rule stating that when a vessel of order n with diameter Dn meets another vessel of order n, the parent vessel has order n + 1 if its diameter is larger than Dn + (Sn +Sn + 1)/2, where Sn and Sn + 1 are the standard deviations of the diameters of orders n and n + 1 (38, 51). The diameter-defined Strahler model system is potentially the most accurate model of the human lung vasculature, and calculations based on this model best mimic in vivo pulmonary hemodynamics. Using this scheme, Huang et al. (36) identified 15 orders of pulmonary arteries between the main PA and the capillaries and 15 orders of pulmonary veins between the capillaries and the left atrium in healthy human lungs (50). All three models or schemes have been applied to describe the pulmonary vascular networks of humans, cats, dogs, and rats (36, 51–54). However, none of them has been used to describe the pulmonary vasculature in mice.
A: typical cast of a small segment of the arterial tree in human lungs shows the complex structure of the vascular tree. B–D: the 3 proposed schemes describing this complex structure are illustrated by the Weibel model (B), the Strahler model (C), and the diameter-defined Strahler system (D). Generation numbers are indicated on each branch. Note that in the Weibel model the largest vessel is designated as a vessel of generation 1. After each bifurcation, the generation number of the offsprings is increased by 1. The exact opposite is true in the Strahler model and the diameter-defined Strahler system, in which the smallest noncapillary blood vessels are defined as order 1. In the Strahler model, when 2 vessels of the same order meet, the order number of the confluent vessel is increased. When 2 vessels of different orders meet, the order number of the confluent vessels remains the same as the larger of the 2. In the diameter-defined Strahler system, when 2 vessels of different order and diameter meet one another, the order number of the confluent vessel is increased only if its diameter is larger than either of the 2 segments by a certain amount. Otherwise, the order number of the confluent segment is not increased. E: lumen diameter (closed circles in blue; left) and length (closed squares in dark cyan; right) of each segment of pulmonary arteries and distribution of total cross-sectional area (closed circles in red; left) and number of branches (closed squares in dark red; right) of all segments of each order of pulmonary arteries in human lungs. Diameter and length of each of the individual pulmonary arterial branches decline exponentially from orders 1 to 15. The number of pulmonary arterial branches increases exponentially from orders 1 to 15. F: distribution of vascular resistance in different orders of pulmonary arteries showing that resistance increases exponentially from order 1 [the largest pulmonary artery (PA)] to order 15 (the smallest PA). Reproduced from Huang et al. (36). The vessels are subjectively classified into large (diameter > 0.6 mm), medium-sized (diameter = 0.6–0.2 mm), and small (diameter < 0.2 mm) based on their arterial diameter. G–I: MICROFIL-filled mouse lung via the right ventricle (RV) (G), high-resolution computerized tomography (CT) scan image of the mouse lung (H), and ex vivo angiogram of mouse lung (I) show peripheral pulmonary vascular branches.η, viscosity.
Based on the diameter-defined Strahler system, the diameter and length of individual PA branches decrease exponentially from order 1 (the main PA) to order 15 (precapillary arteriole), whereas the number of PA branches increases exponentially from order 1 to order 15 (36). Furthermore, the total cross-sectional areas of PAs increase significantly, but not exponentially, from order 1 to order 15 (FIGURE 3E). Human lung histological analyses indicate that 25% of the total cross-sectional area in the pulmonary vasculature stems from large vessels (diameter > 0.6 mm), 44% from medium-sized vessels (diameter between 0.2 and 0.6 mm), and 30% from small vessels (diameter < 0.2 mm) (39, 55).
As discussed above, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is positively proportional to the total length (L) of the PA and inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius (r). These observations indicate that the total PVR can be significantly altered by changes in the luminal diameters of all large, medium, and small vessels. Specifically, a decrease in the intraluminal diameter of small vessels is the biggest contributor to the increased PVR in patients with PAH and precapillary PH. As shown in FIGURE 3F, the resistance increases exponentially from order 1 (the largest PA) to order 15 (the smallest precapillary arteriole).
The morphology and exact vascular structure (e.g., the number of orders of pulmonary vessels) of lung vessels in experimental animals, such as mice (FIGURE 3, G–I), may be different from humans. However, the basic principles of the Weibel and Strahler models established in human lungs are still applicable to experimental animals. Based on angiogram data, the lung vasculatures of mice, rats, dogs, sheep, and cats all exhibit a branching pattern similar to those described by the Weibel and Strahler models.
The location of the pulmonary vascular abnormality in PH determines its effect on PVR. The cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vascular system enlarges progressively from the central or proximal pulmonary arteries to the capillaries. Therefore, resistance to blood flow in the main PA is much greater than that of the small PAs and arterioles. Concentric wall thickening or obliteration of millions of small PAs and arterioles would be required to equal the effect of occluding one lobar PA. PAH mainly involves vascular lesions in medium-sized and small arteries and precapillary arterioles. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) mainly involves vascular occlusion and remodeling in the central vessels, although concentric vascular remodeling and occlusive lesions are also found in the distal vessels in some CTEPH patients (56, 57).
Overall, the Weibel and Strahler models are useful tools in demonstrating the basic morphometry of pulmonary vessels in humans and experimental animals. Both models mathematically illustrate how the number and size of pulmonary arteries change as they grow more distal throughout the lungs. Through these models, it becomes easier to understand how pathological changes in different parts of the lungs, or different segments of the pulmonary vasculature, affect PVR and to what extent. Idiopathic PAH, for example, is considered a small-vessel disease in which many distal and small arteries and arterioles, rather than a few proximal and large vessels (like in PH associated with pulmonary artery obstruction), become remodeled and obliterated, thereby resulting in a significant increase in PVR and PAP.
Regardless of the model used to calculate the total resistance in the pulmonary circulation, the decreased intraluminal diameter of pulmonary arteries due to vasoconstriction, concentric vascular wall thickening, and in situ thrombosis, as well as the decreased compliance (or dispensability) of the pulmonary arterial wall, are the major “direct” causes for the elevated PVR in patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH (FIGURE 4A). Pulmonary vascular intimal lesions and fibrosis due to smooth muscle cell migration (58–62), endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) (63–67), and monoclonal endothelial cell proliferation (68–71) all contribute to partial and complete occlusion of pulmonary vessels, especially in patients and animals with severe PH. The development and progression of PH and right heart dysfunction in patients with PAH are generally divided into three stages: 1) the presymptomatic/compensated stage, in which increased PVR and PAP are caused mainly by sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction while CO is maintained normal, 2) the symptomatic or decompensating stage, in which PVR and PAP increase steadily because of pulmonary vascular remodeling while CO starts declining because of compensated RV dysfunction or hypertrophy, and 3) the declining or decompensating stage, in which PVR increases steadily because of severe pulmonary vascular remodeling and occlusive intimal lesions while PAP and CO decline because of decompensated RV failure (FIGURE 4B) (72, 73).
Schematic diagrams showing the patterns of pathological changes in the pulmonary artery (PA) and arteriole (A), the disease progression or the hemodynamic changes and pulmonary vascular remodeling (B), and the proposed mechanisms for increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) (C) in patients and animals with pulmonary hypertension. A: intraluminal radius (r) in a small PA is changed or reduced by in situ thrombosis, vasoconstriction, occlusive intimal lesions, and concentric hypertrophy, whereas PA wall stiffness can be increased by eccentric hypertrophy. B: normal cardiac output (CO), mean PAP (mPAP), and PVR are maintained in normal subjects (stage 0) because of a thin PA wall and a relaxed PA. At the early stage (stage 1) of disease initiation, pulmonary vasoconstriction is probably the major cause for increasing PVR and mPAP, whereas CO maintains normal. During the disease progression (stage 2), pulmonary vascular remodeling becomes the major contributor to the increased PVR and mPAP, whereas CO starts declining. At the late stage of the disease, combined pulmonary vascular remodeling and occlusive vascular lesions further increase PVR, whereas mPAP declines because of right ventricular dysfunction and right heart failure. NYHA-I to -IV, New York Heart Association functional classification I–IV. C: flow charts showing the key pathophysiological and pathological changes directly involved in the development and progression of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right ventricle (RV) failure. The equations for calculating PAP and PVR are also listed to correlate vasoconstriction, concentric vascular remodeling, in situ thrombosis, and vascular wall stiffening to the increased PVR and PAP. L, total length of the pulmonary vasculature; r, intraluminal radius; η, blood viscosity; π, a constant, = 3.14.
Regardless of the initial genetic, epigenetic, environmental, and acquired pathogenic factors, the pathophysiological and pathological bases for the elevated PVR and PAP in PAH are the same (FIGURE 4C). In healthy normal subjects, the RV wall is thin because of its low pressure (RVP, 25/0 mmHg), much thinner than the LV wall. In patients with PAH, elevated PVR due to a reduced intraluminal diameter of the pulmonary vasculature creates a significant burden on the RV, thereby resulting in RV dysfunction and hypertrophy. At the beginning of the disease, we can see compensated RV hypertrophy where CO is maintained in the normal range. When the disease progresses or PVR consistently rises, CO starts declining because of RV dysfunction, ultimately leading to right heart failure.
In this scenario, sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction (74–78), inhibited pulmonary vasodilation (79–81), and/or myogenic tone (82, 83) are the early pathogenic causes for the initiation of the disease. Imbalance of pulmonary vasoconstrictors and vasodilators has been implicated in the development of PH (78, 80). Vasodilators, such as prostacyclin (PGI2) and nitric oxide (NO), were the early drugs developed for treatment of PH (23, 24, 84–86). In addition to the three-stage theory for disease development and progression, variations among patients based on genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influence should be considered for the time, duration, and transition point for the stages. For example, some patients may have extremely high PVR and PAP but have good or normal RV function, whereas others may have mild increases in PVR and PAP, but their RV function deteriorates rapidly.
Although many vasodilators have an antiproliferative effect on vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), endothelial cells (ECs), and fibroblasts (FBs), many vasoconstrictors have a mitogenic effect on SMCs and FBs (87–94). In the initial stage (i.e., presymptomatic or compensating stage) of PAH, not only does sustained vasoconstriction contribute to the elevation of PVR and PAP but the contractile-to-proliferative phenotypical transition of PASMCs and the endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) of lung ECs have also begun. Then, in the symptomatic or decompensating stage, increased proliferation and migration of vascular cells [PASMC, EC, FB, myofibroblast (myoFB)], along with accumulated or entrapped inflammatory and progenitor cells (6, 95–99), become the major causes of concentric pulmonary vascular wall thickening and occlusive intimal lesions. These factors ultimately result in the progression of the disease to the declining or decompensating stage. Epoprostenol, a synthetic PGI2, and a variety of PGI2 analogs (e.g., treprostinil, iloprost, beraprost) are clinically used for adult PAH patients with functional classes II–IV (which are defined by how much activity is limited because of PH) (100). Inhaled NO is clinically used for the treatment of pediatric patients, such as neonates with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn and acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (101), and of adult patients with PAH who are considered responders to vasodilators.
Although PAH (or PH) can arise from a number of environmental, genetic, epigenetic, and other initial causes, the clinical manifestations remain consistent across patient groups. There is the initial, presymptomatic stage in which sustained vasoconstriction is the major cause for increased PVR and PAP, the second symptomatic stage in which vascular remodeling becomes the major pathological cause for increased PVR and PAP, and finally the declining stage with severe remodeling and occlusive intimal lesions. Vasodilators and antiproliferative agents have been used as therapeutic agents, with slight variation in the use and timing of these drugs depending on the patient and the specific cause of their PH. However, although these drugs slow down the progression of the disease, they do not reverse or cure it. Future studies could focus on the differences between each variation of the disease depending on its cause and patient population and whether these factors could glean insight into the treatment and potential reversal of a more specific patient group.
3.1. Pulmonary Vasoconstriction Is Dependent on Ca2+
The initial, presymptomatic phase of PAH (and other types of precapillary PH) is characterized by an increase in PVR and PAP through pulmonary vasoconstriction and concentric vascular remodeling. This phenomenon is largely controlled by the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells. An increase in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) in PASMCs due to Ca2+ release from intracellular stores [e.g., sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)] and Ca2+ influx through various Ca2+-permeable cation channels is a major trigger for PASMC contraction and thus pulmonary vasoconstriction. Increasing extracellular K+ from 4.7 to 40 mM shifts the equilibrium potential of K+ from −85 mV to −31.3 mV, which results in membrane depolarization, the opening of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs), Ca2+ influx through VDCCs, and an increase in [Ca2+]cyt (102–108). In isolated PA rings, removal of extracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+ free) from the perfusate abolishes high-K+-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction, which is mainly due to Ca2+ influx through VDCCs in PASMCs (FIGURE 5, Aa AND Ab, top). In addition to the excitation-contraction coupling through membrane depolarization-mediated opening of VDCCs, agonist-mediated Ca2+ influx through receptor-operated Ca2+ channels (ROCCs) or store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOCCs) is another important mechanism for causing pulmonary vasoconstriction (FIGURE 5, A AND C).
An increase in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) is a trigger for pulmonary vasoconstriction and an important stimulus for cell proliferation. A: pulmonary vasoconstriction, determined by measuring isometric tension in freshly isolated pulmonary artery (PA) (a), is almost abolished by removal of extracellular Ca2+ from superfusate (Ca2+ free) when 40 mM K+-containing solution (40K+) (which induces membrane depolarization and opens voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels) and phenylephrine (Phen; an agonist that activates α-adrenergic receptor and opens receptor-operated Ca2+ channels) (b) are used as stimuli for vasoconstriction. The selective constrictive effect of hypoxia on PA, but not on mesenteric artery (MA), is shown in c. B: PASMC proliferation assay showing increasing cell growth curves of PASMCs in growth media containing serum/growth factors with 1.6 mM Ca2+ (Control) and in media with EGTA (a Ca2+ chelator that decreases free [Ca2+] from 1.6 mM to the nanomolar range). Chelation of extracellular free Ca2+ significantly inhibits serum/growth factor-mediated PASMC proliferation. C: schematic diagram showing the proposed mechanisms for Ca2+-mediated PASMC contraction and proliferation, pulmonary vasoconstriction, and vascular remodeling. A rise in [Ca2+]cyt due to Ca2+ influx through various Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ release from the intracellular Ca2+ stores, the sarcoplasmic (SR) or endoplasmic (ER) reticulum, activates myosin light chain (MLC) kinase (MLCK) by binding to calmodulin (CaM). MLCK-mediated phosphorylation of MLC (MLC-P) is a major step for smooth muscle contraction. The Ca2+-sensitive signaling proteins and transcription factors then propel cells to go through the cell cycle for proliferation. Ca2+/CaM activates at least 4 steps in the cell cycle: transition from G0 to G1, transition of G1 to S, transition of G2 to M, and mitosis itself. D: hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining showing cross section of PA in a normal subject (Control, top) and 2 different patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). The images show significant adventitial and medial hypertrophy in PA from 1 IPAH patient (middle) and occlusive vascular lesion in another IPAH patient (bottom). MLCP, myosin light chain phosphatase; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.
Activation of membrane receptors like G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) on the surface membrane of PASMCs with specific ligands promotes the synthesis of second messengers like diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP3). DAG directly activates ROCCs formed by, for example, transient receptor potential (TRP) channel subunits (109). This activation results in receptor-operated Ca2+ entry triggering PASMC contraction. Furthermore, IP3 activates IP3 receptors (also referred to as Ca2+-release channels) in the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) or endoplasmic reticulum (ER), leading to Ca2+ mobilization from the SR/ER to the cytosol and an increase in [Ca2+]cyt. Store depletion mediated by agonist-mediated mobilization or release of Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+ stores (i.e., the SR/ER) results in the opening of SOCCs, formed mainly by STIM/Orai and STIM/Orai/TRP in the plasma membrane (110–116). This then induces store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) and increases [Ca2+]cyt (117).
In addition to membrane depolarization-mediated opening of VDCCs, opening of ROCCs by the adrenergic α-receptor ligand phenylephrine (Phen) also causes rapid and sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+ free) significantly inhibits agonist-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction, which is mainly due to Ca2+ influx through ROCCs (FIGURE 5Ab, bottom). The agonist (e.g., Phen)-mediated activation of α-receptors also induces Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, such as the SR. Additionally, the store depletion-mediated Ca2+ influx through SOCCs contributes to the Phen-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction (109, 112, 118–123). The rise in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs due to Ca2+ release/mobilization from the SR and Ca2+ influx through various Ca2+ channels enables Ca2+ to bind to and activate calmodulin (CaM) (124). Ca2+/CaM then activates myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), which leads to the phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) and causes PASMC contraction and pulmonary vasoconstriction (FIGURE 5, A AND C) (118, 119). Another example showing Ca2+ dependence of PASMC contraction is hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) (42, 125, 126). Acute hypoxia causes vasoconstriction in the pulmonary vasculature, whereas hypoxia causes vasodilation in various systemic vessels such as cerebral, coronary, and renal arteries (127). With the same experimental model, hypoxia increases isometric tension in the pulmonary artery (PA) but not in the mesenteric artery isolated from the same animals (rats) (FIGURE 5Ac). Removal of extracellular Ca2+ abolishes or significantly inhibits hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction in isolated pulmonary arteries and in isolated perfused/ventilated whole lungs (42, 125, 128).
An increase in [Ca2+]cyt and activation of Ca2+/CaM/CaMK signaling in PASMCs play a major role in PASMC contraction (resulting in pulmonary vasoconstriction), migration, and proliferation (causing pulmonary vascular remodeling). [Ca2+]cyt is controlled, or regulated, by Ca2+ influx through multiple Ca2+-permeable cation channels including VDCCs (activated by membrane depolarization), ROCCs (activated by DAG upon activation of membrane receptors by specific ligands), and SOCCs (activated by the intracellular store depletion due to IP3-mediated active Ca2+ release or SERCA inhibition-associated passive Ca2+ leak or mobilization from the SR/ER to the cytosol). Removal or chelation of extracellular free Ca2+ inhibits agonist-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction and attenuates PASMC migration and proliferation. Based on a large body of evidence, it becomes clear that Ca2+ and its downstream signaling cascades may play a critical role in the initial, presymptomatic stage of PAH.
3.2. Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling Is Partially Dependent on Ca2+
An increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs not only is a major trigger for PASMC contraction and pulmonary vasoconstriction but is also an important stimulus for PASMC proliferation and migration leading to pulmonary arterial wall thickening and muscularization of pulmonary arterioles and capillaries. In vitro experiments indicate that chelation of extracellular free Ca2+ with EGTA or BAPTA (129, 130) significantly inhibits proliferation and growth of human and animal PASMCs incubated in culture media containing 10% fetal bovine serum and various growth factors (110, 131) (FIGURE 5B). Ca2+ or Ca2+/CaM regulates cell proliferation via multiple mechanisms and signaling pathways (132–137). Many intracellular signaling cascades associated with cell proliferation (and growth), protein synthesis, and gene expression are regulated by Ca2+/CaM and downstream kinases (38, 133, 134, 138) (FIGURE 5C).
As described above, the major causes for the elevated PVR and PAP in patients with precapillary PH, such as PAH and PH associated with lung diseases and/or hypoxia, are the functional (e.g., sustained vasoconstriction and myogenic tone) (FIGURE 5, A AND C) and structural (e.g., concentric wall thickening, occlusive intimal lesions) (FIGURE 5, B AND D) changes of the pulmonary vasculature that reduce intraluminal diameter or radius of arteries and veins. Given the requirement for Ca2+ in cell growth, proliferation, and migration, the abnormal upregulation and increased activity of Ca2+ channels and/or receptors mediating Ca2+ influx in PASMCs, and other highly proliferative cells like myofibroblasts and fibroblasts, may be an important pathogenic mechanism involved in the development of pulmonary vascular remodeling and increased pulmonary vascular wall stiffness (139).
The pulmonary vascular wall is structurally characterized by three major layers: 1) the intima (or tunica intima) or the endothelium, which contains a single layer of endothelial cells (ECs), 2) the media (or tunica media), which contains mainly smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and 3) the adventitia (or tunica externa), which consists of multiple cells, including fibroblasts (FBs), myofibroblasts (myoFBs), and macrophages (MΦs) and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The intima (or the endothelium) is separated from the media (SMC) by the inner elastic membrane (IEM), and the media is separated from the adventitia by the external elastic membrane (EEM) (FIGURE 6A). The development of PH involves a heterogeneous constellation of genetic, molecular, and humoral abnormalities. The pathogenic factors involved interact in a complicated manner, presenting a final manifestation of vasoconstriction, vascular remodeling, and occlusive lesions in which ECs, SMCs, and FBs all play a role. Despite the relatively thin wall in the pulmonary vasculature, the structure, function, and regulation of the various cell types are complex (39).
Schematic diagram depicting the progression of pulmonary vascular remodeling caused by changes in adventitial fibroblasts (FBs) and macrophages (MΦs), medial smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and intimal endothelial cells (ECs) (A) and the pathogenic interaction among different cells through the autocrine, paracrine, and juxtacrine mechanisms (B). A: normal pulmonary artery (PA) is thin and composed of the intima or the endothelium (with a monolayer of ECs), the media (mainly contains SMCs and may contain SMC-like pericytes), and the adventitia [mainly contains FBs, MΦs, progenitor cells, and extracellular matrix (ECM)] (a). The intima and media are separated by the internal elastic membrane (IEM), whereas the media is separated by the external elastic membrane (EEM) from the adventitia. Because of the stimulation of pathogenic triggers and self-defects (e.g., somatic mutation, genetic manifestation), increased SMC/FB proliferation results in concentric PA wall thickening (b), whereas EC injury, phenotypical change [e.g., endothelium-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT)], and SMC migration contribute to the development occlusive intimal lesions (c). All cell types in the PA contribute to the development and progression of the pathological changes that narrow the lumen and increase pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP). B: diagram showing cell interactions through different mechanisms including autocrine (a), paracrine (b), juxtacrine (c), and endocrine (d) signaling. All cells can use the autocrine signaling mechanism for self-regulation or -stimulation. Adjacent cells can regulate each other through paracrine and juxtacrine signaling mechanism in the same layers (e.g., EC↔EC, SMC↔SMC, FB↔FB), whereas EC and SMC (or SMC and FB) can also interact with each other through the myoendothelial junction as well as the internal (and external) elastic lamina.
Pulmonary vasoconstriction results in increases in PVR and PAP in patients and animals with PH. Vasoconstriction is mainly caused by PASMC contraction, which is triggered by a rise in [Ca2+]cyt and the subsequent activation of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) (FIGURE 5C). However, contractile myofibroblasts and fibroblasts may also contribute to the sustained vasoconstriction and increased myogenic tone in the lung vasculature (140–142). The endothelium, or the tunica intima, is composed of a single layer of ECs in the inner lining of pulmonary vessels. It is one of the major resources for synthesizing and releasing vasodilators and vasoconstrictors, which are referred to as endothelium-derived constricting factors (EDCFs) and endothelium-derived relaxing factors (EDRFs). In the pulmonary circulation, EDRF, including NO and PGI2, is not only an endogenous vasodilator that maintains low resistance and pressure in the lungs but also an exogenous factor or drug used for treatment of pediatric and adult patients with PH (24, 80, 85, 143, 144). EDCF, including thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), is an endogenous vasoconstrictor that initiates and maintains vasoconstriction causing acute increases in PVR and PAP (145).
In pulmonary arteries from humans and animals, acetylcholine (ACh)-mediated activation of muscarinic receptors in the endothelium (or ECs) causes significant vasodilation due to the release of EDRFs (endothelium-derived relaxing factors) (146–148) and/or EDHFs (endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors) (149). The primary EDRF is NO (150), which also causes membrane hyperpolarization by indirectly (via cGMP) or directly (via nitrosylation, oxidation, or nitration of the channel protein) activating various K+ channels in SMCs. The EDRFs also include PGI2 (151). The candidates for EDHFs include K+, NO, and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (152, 153). Functional removal of the endothelium abolishes ACh-mediated pulmonary vasodilation but does not alter sodium nitroprusside-mediated vasodilation. The endothelium-dependent vasodilation induced by ACh, an activator of endothelial muscarinic receptors, and the endothelium-independent vasodilation induced by sodium nitroprusside, an NO donor, are often used to assess the functional integrity of the endothelium in the pulmonary vasculature. In patients with PAH, reduced EDRF due to downregulated endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is implicated in the development of sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction and PH (79, 154). In the human and animal pulmonary vasculature, EDCF- or TXA2/endothelin-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction plays a significant role in the development of PH and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (77, 78, 145, 155, 156). Many EDCFs, such as ET-1, also exert a mitogenic effect on PASMCs and FBs, causing vascular remodeling (90, 157). In addition, the endothelium is a major resource for synthesizing and releasing growth factors and mitogenic cytokines, which contribute to pulmonary artery endothelial cell (PAEC) proliferation via an autocrine mechanism as well as to PASMC and FB proliferation via a paracrine mechanism.
Indeed, increased EDCR and decreased EDRF are implicated in the development of PAH (77, 79, 80). In addition, PAEC apoptosis and/or endothelial injury allow circulating growth factors, mitogenic ligands, inflammatory cytokines, and circulating inflammatory cells to penetrate the endothelium and accumulate in the pulmonary vascular wall. This then further stimulates PASMC/FB proliferation and medial/adventitial hypertrophy (FIGURE 6A). In response to the pathogenic cues, a portion of PAECs undergo the endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT), which converts slowly proliferative PAECs to highly proliferative myofibroblasts (myoFBs), contributing to the development and progression of intimal thickening and occlusive intimal lesions (64, 67, 158–162). Monoclonal PAEC proliferation is also an important contributor to the obliterative intimal lesions observed in patients with PAH and animals with severe experimental PH (69, 70, 163, 164). Pathological studies on the obliterative intimal lesions (e.g., neointimal and plexiform lesions) show multiple cell types forming the occlusion: ECs, SMCs, (myo)FBs, pericytes, progenitor/stem cells, and inflammatory cells (6, 95–98). These observations indicate that the formation of obliterative intimal lesions at the late stage of some PAH patients is due to not only EC proliferation but also SMC/FB migration and proliferation (58–60, 165), vascular resident or circulating progenitor cell deposition (62, 98, 99, 166–169), and inflammatory cell infiltration and accumulation (6, 97, 170, 171). The various cells and proteins in the pulmonary extracellular matrix (ECM), or interstitial and perivascular ECM, also indirectly play a very important role in determining lung vascular structure and function (172). Among the four direct causes of the elevated PVR (vasoconstriction, concentric vascular wall thickening, occlusive lesions, and increased wall stiffness), all ECs, SMCs, and (myo)FBs contribute to the functional and structural changes observed in patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH (TABLE 4 and FIGURE 6A) (173).
Table 4.
Direct role of pulmonary vascular endothelial cells (intima), smooth muscle cells (media) and fibroblasts (adventitia) in the increased pulmonary vascular resistance in PAH
Cell Type | Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation | Concentric Vascular PA Wall Thickening | Obliterative Intimal Lesion | Increased PA Stiffness |
Endothelial cell (EC) | ↑EDCF (TXA2, ET-1) | ↑Mitogenic factors and cytokines | Monoclonal proliferation → intimal and plexiform lesion | EDCF → myogenic tone |
↓EDRF (NO, PGI2) | EndMT → myoFB → medial hypertrophy | EndMT → myoFB → occlusive lesion | ||
↓EDHF | ↑Thromboembolic factors → embolism | |||
Interaction with circulating fibrin, plasmin, and thrombin → fibrotic embolism | ||||
Smooth muscle cell (SMC) | Contraction → vasoconstriction | Proliferation → medial hypertrophy/hyperplasia and muscularization | Migration and proliferation → occlusive lesion | Contraction → myogenic tone |
Relaxation → vasodilation | Proliferation and migration → medial and intimal/adventitial thickening | |||
Myofibroblast (myoFB) and fibroblast (FB) | Contraction* | Migration and proliferation → medial hypertrophy/hyperplasia | EC-derived myoFB → intimal lesion | Contraction* |
Migration and proliferation → occlusive vascular lesion | Proliferation and migration → adventitial hypertrophy/hyperplasia | |||
Interaction with ECM → collagen deposition | ||||
Vascular-resident progenitor cells† | Differentiation to SMC and myoFB | ↑Mitogenic factors Differentiation to mesenchymal cells → wall thickening | Differentiation to SMC-like and/or FB → occlusive lesions | ↑Fibrotic factors Differentiation to SMC-like and FB → adventitial hypertrophy |
ECM, extracellular matrix; EDCF, endothelium-derived constricting factor; EDHF, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor; EDRF, endothelium-derived relaxing factor; EndMT, endothelium-to-mesenchymal transition; ET-1, endothelin-1; NO, nitric oxide; PA, pulmonary artery; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PGI2, prostacyclin; TXA2, thromboxane A2; ↑, increase; ↓, decrease; →, lead to. *Contractile myofibroblasts exist in the lungs and perivascular adventitia of the pulmonary vasculature; it is unclear whether contractile myoFB contributes to pulmonary vasoconstriction and myogenic tone. †Contribution of vascular resident progenitor cells to the normal pulmonary vascular function and pathological pulmonary vascular remodeling is not fully understood yet.
Activity (and/or expression) of the enzymes, such as endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and prostacyclin synthase, which are required for synthesis and production of EDRF, EDHF, and EDCF depends on changes of [Ca2+]cyt in PAECs. Whereas an increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs triggers PASMC contraction and induces pulmonary vasoconstriction, the rise in [Ca2+]cyt in PAECs can result in pulmonary vasodilation due to activation of eNOS. Furthermore, an increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PAECs can 1) upregulate mRNA and protein expression of mitogenic and angiogenic factors in PAECs causing pulmonary vascular remodeling (66, 174) and 2) increase pulmonary vascular endothelial permeability or cause pulmonary vascular barrier dysfunction (by causing PAEC contraction). Lung barrier dysfunction not only enhances infiltration of inflammatory cells (e.g., lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages) and circulating progenitor cells but also increases accumulation of circulating growth factors in the vascular wall to further vascular remodeling (164, 175–178).
In muscular arteries in the lungs, including proximal and distal pulmonary arteries, SMC contraction is the foundation for pulmonary vasoconstriction (tonic and phasic vasoconstriction) and generation of myogenic tone. An increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs, due to Ca2+ influx through Ca2+-permeable cation channels in the plasma membrane and/or Ca2+ release through channels in the SR/ER membrane, is an important trigger for PASMC contraction and, therefore, pulmonary vasoconstriction. SMC contractility is also regulated by increasing Ca2+ sensitivity and by Ca2+-independent mechanisms like RhoA-mediated phosphorylation of contractile proteins (74, 75, 83, 118, 119, 179, 180). SMC contractility in response to chemical and mechanical stimulations is also a major contributor to the increased myogenic tone in the pulmonary vasculature of animals with experimental PH (83, 181, 182). SMC and SMC progenitor migration is also implicated in the development of muscularization of precapillary arterioles and capillaries and in occlusive intimal lesions (55, 58–60, 183, 184). Contractile-to-proliferative phenotype transition of SMCs (61, 185, 186), as well as increased SMC proliferation and decreased SMC apoptosis, contribute to concentric medial hypertrophy (58–60, 165). Some investigators believe that SMC proliferation and SMC transformation into myofibroblasts are responsible for the formation of occlusive intimal or vascular lesions (55, 184, 187, 188).
In the normal PA, FBs are mainly localized in the adventitia and perivascular ECM. FB migration and proliferation is one of the major causes for the perivascular adventitial remodeling that increases PA wall stiffness and decreases PA intraluminal diameter (189, 190). Decreased compliance (or increased stiffness) of the pulmonary vascular wall, due to FB proliferation and extracellular matrix remodeling, is one of the major causes for the decreased distension and recruitment of pulmonary vessels observed in patients with PAH.
The lungs, or more specifically the bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells, are always exposed to inspired air, including 21% O2 and all air pollutants. The environmental changes (e.g., hypobaric and normobaric hypoxia, cold and hot temperature) (191, 192), inhaled air pollutants (e.g., particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, ozone), cigarette smoke, and hyperoxia-mediated oxygen radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) can all directly affect airway and alveolar epithelial cells. Epithelial cell-driven or -derived inflammatory cytokines, mitogenic factors, and fibrotic factors can rapidly reach the pulmonary vasculature via the perivascular adventitia. Therefore, it is possible that the initial pathogenic causes for the pathophysiological and pathological changes in the pulmonary vasculature originate from 1) the bronchial and alveolar epithelia, 2) the interstitial ECM, and 3) the perivascular adventitia in patients with PAH and other types of precapillary PH (e.g., PH due to respiratory disease and/or hypoxemia) (99, 193). The lung epithelial-endothelial interaction has been recently demonstrated to be involved in SARS-CoV-2-associated lung vascular disease (194, 195) and mechanosensitive regulation of pulmonary vascular function (196). Furthermore, bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells are the first line of cells to alveolar hypoxia, and the epithelial-vascular interaction is implicated in the development of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and PH due to respiratory disease and/or hypoxia (197).
Increased FB migration and proliferation, along with potentially enhanced contraction of contractile myoFBs, in the adventitia are major contributors to increased pulmonary vascular wall stiffness and concentric wall thickening (198, 199). The “inward” migration of (myo)FBs from the interstitial and perivascular ECM, and the adventitia to the media and intima, is another source for the development of occlusive vascular lesions in PAH and PH due to respiratory disease and/or hypoxemia. Furthermore, ECM remodeling and stiffening have been proposed as a key early step in pathogenic reprograming and molecular cross talk (through mechanosensitive, metabolic, and posttranscriptional pathways) among FBs, SMCs, and ECs in the development of pulmonary vascular remodeling and occlusive vascular lesions (200).
Cell proliferation, a process that increases the number of cells as a result of cell division, and cell growth, a process that enlarges the volume or size of cells in the absence of cell division, are both implicated in the development and progression of concentric pulmonary wall thickening. Cell growth during the G1 phase in the cell cycle dilutes the cell cycle inhibitor retinoblastoma protein (Rb) to trigger division in human cells (201). Hypertrophy, due to the increased size of cells, and hyperplasia, due to the increased number of cells, are both implicated in pulmonary vascular wall thickening. However, wall hypertrophy is often used to indicate both increased number and size of vascular cells.
Among the cells forming the pulmonary vascular wall (i.e., ECs in the intima, SMCs in the media, and FBs in the adventitia), it has been well documented that all cells contribute to the development of pulmonary vascular remodeling (e.g., concentric PA wall thickening, arteriole and precapillary muscularization, and obliterative intimal lesions) in patients with PAH and animals with severe experimental PH (6, 7, 96). In response to genetic (202, 203) and somatic (204) mutations, as well as localized cues (e.g., EC injury/apoptosis and vascular inflammation) (205, 206), PAECs release EDCFs, mitogenic factors, and inflammatory cytokines to cause PASMC contraction, migration, and proliferation. These factors result in pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular medial thickening (FIGURE 6A) through autocrine and paracrine signaling mechanisms (FIGURE 6B). SMC migration and proliferation, and their contractile-to-proliferative phenotype transition, ultimately lead to concentric medial hypertrophy. In the adventitia, environmental pollutants leading to inflammation and the recruitment of mitogenic and fibrotic factors can be one of the factors that leads to FB migration and proliferation. An increase in FBs as well as contractile myoFBs in the adventitia and extracellular matrix increases vascular wall stiffness. Ultimately, each cell type in all three layers of the pulmonary vascular wall plays a major role in contributing to the pathogenesis observed in PAH: sustained vasoconstriction, pathogenic remodeling, concentric vascular wall thickening, occlusive lesion, and increased wall stiffness.
4.1. Pathogenic Interaction of Vascular and Perivascular Cells
Regardless of the initial cause of the disease, under pathological conditions all pulmonary vascular wall cells including ECs, SMCs, (myo)FBs, pulmonary vascular resident progenitor cells, and infiltrated (and accumulated) circulating inflammatory cells in the pulmonary vasculature and perivascular tissues are believed to form a “pathogenic network” to enable vasoconstriction, vascular wall remodeling and stiffening, and occlusive lesions in PAH. Cell-to-cell interactions through autocrine, juxtacrine, paracrine, and endocrine mechanisms create a local and/or “self-potentiated” pathogenic cascade to ensure the activation or overactivation of various cells resulting in the pathophysiological and pathological phenotype. TABLE 5 lists some common vasoconstrictive, mitogenic, and inflammatory factors that potentially participate in the local pathogenic interaction among ECs and SMCs via autocrine and paracrine mechanisms.
Table 5.
Selected ligands and receptors implicated in the development of PAH and experimental PH
Ligands | Receptor (GPCR) | Receptor (TKR) | Effect of Activation on PA | Reference(s) |
Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) | TP (TBXA2R) | Vasoconstriction, arterial remodeling | (78, 145) | |
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) | ETA (EDNRA) | Vasoconstriction and arterial remodeling | (77, 145, 207) | |
Prostacyclin (PGI2) | IP (PTGIR) | Vasodilation, regression of arterial remodeling | (23, 84, 208) | |
Acetylcholine (ACh) | Muscarinic receptor (M1/M3) | EC-dependent vasodilation, SMC contraction | (209–211) | |
Bradykinin | Bradykinin Receptor (B1/B2) | EC-dependent vasodilation | (212, 213) | |
Angiotensin II (ANG II) | ATR1 (or AT1) and ATR2 (or AT2) | Vasoconstriction, vascular remodeling, increased ROS | (214, 215) | |
ATP* | P2Y | Vasoconstriction, mitogenic effect on SMC | (216–218) | |
Adenosine | AR or P1 | Vasodilation, increased EC barrier function | (219, 220) | |
Ca2+, polyamine, neomycin, amyloid-β | CaSR | Arterial remodeling, vasoconstriction, muscularization | (221–226) | |
Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) | S1PR1–5 | Inflammatory, arterial remodeling, cell migration | (227–231) | |
Apelin | APJ (APLNR) | Cell proliferation and migration, vascular remodeling, endothelial lesions | (232–235) | |
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) | VIPR (VPAC1, VPAC2) | Vasodilation via increasing cAMP and PKA | (236–240) | |
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-AA, -AB, -BB) | PDGRFA, PDGFFB | Arterial remodeling, arteriole muscularization, occlusive intimal lesion | (58, 184, 241–247) | |
Angiopoietin-1/2 | TIE1, TIE2 | Angiogenesis, vascular remodeling, thromboembolic disease, arteriole muscularization | (248–253) | |
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) | TLR-4 | Arterial remodeling, inflammation, capillary permeability | (254–258) | |
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) | VEGFR | Plexiform lesion, disordered angiogenesis | (259) | |
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) | EGF receptor | Remodeling, arteriole muscularization, occlusive lesions | (260, 261) | |
Bone morphogenic protein 9 and 10 (BMP9/10) | ACVRL1/ALK1 | Arteriole muscularization, SMC contractile-to-proliferative switch | (262–265) | |
Midkine | RPTPζ | Thromboembolic vascular remodeling | (261) | |
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) | IL6R/gp130 | Inflammatory proliferation, vascular remodeling, macrophage recruitment | (266–270) | |
Interleukin 33 (IL-33) | ST2/IL1RL1 | Vascular fibrosis and remodeling; inflammatory effect | (271–273) | |
Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) | TNFR-1 | Inflammatory vascular remodeling and RV dysfunction/failure | (274–278) |
CaSR, Ca2+-sensing receptor; EC, endothelial cell; ETA, endothelin receptor A; GPCR, G protein-coupled receptor; IP, prostacyclin receptor; PA, pulmonary artery; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PH, pulmonary hypertension; ROS, reactive oxygen species; RV, right ventricle SMC, smooth muscle cell; TKR, tyrosine kinase receptor; VEGFR, VEGF receptor.*ATP also activates P2X receptor, which is a ligand-gated ion channel.
In addition to “indirect” cell-to-cell interactions via autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine mechanisms, the juxtacrine signaling and adhesion interactions among cells are critical to the development of concentric pulmonary wall thickening and the formation of occlusive intimal lesions. Juxtacrine signaling is a form of cell signaling that occurs in cells that are in direct contact with each other, whereas paracrine signaling is a form of cell signaling between cells that are nearby each other. In paracrine signaling molecules (or ligands) are released into the extracellular space between the signal-sending cell and the signal-receiving cell, whereas in juxtacrine signaling there is physical contact between the signal-sending cell and the signal-receiving cell, so no signaling molecule is required (FIGURE 6B). Under normal conditions, ECs, SMCs, and FBs in the pulmonary arterial wall usually have direct contact with their same cell types. This is because the intimal ECs are separated from medial SMCs by the internal elastic membrane (IEM) and the medial SMCs are separated from the adventitial (myo)FBs by the external elastic membrane (EEM) (39, 279, 280). However, physical contact between two different cells like ECs and SMCs in the smooth muscle-endothelial cell interface [i.e., myoendothelial junctions (MEJs)] (281, 282) enables juxtacrine signaling between ECs and SMCs (281, 283). When the pulmonary vascular endothelium is injured during the early stage of the disease, medial SMCs can form direct contact with injured (or apoptotic) ECs through the juxtacrine signaling mechanism. Furthermore, circulating inflammatory cells infiltrate into the media and adventitia through the injured endothelium and can form direct contact with SMCs and (myo)FBs, causing pathological changes in the vascular wall. Although juxtacrine, or “direct,” interactions between cells of the same type are critical for maintaining homeostasis and coordinating vasoconstriction and vasodilation in a healthy lung, these interactions can be problematic, or pathogenic, in the case of lung injury and vascular barrier dysfunction and can contribute to pulmonary wall thickening and occlusive lesions in PH.
4.2. Juxtacrine Signaling Mechanism: Notch Signaling
Notch signaling is an example of a typical juxtacrine signaling mechanism (284, 285) (FIGURE 7A). In the PA, or the pulmonary vasculature in general, the longitudinal signaling among ECs or SMCs as well as the transverse signaling between ECs and SMCs all play an important role in the development of concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling and occlusive vascular lesions in PAH/PH. Furthermore, circulating cells as signal-sending cells can penetrate the vascular wall and form juxtacrine signaling connections with vascular resident cells such as PASMCs and PAECs to activate Notch signaling and stimulate Notch target gene expression. The Notch ligand-enriched platelets and neutrophils can activate Notch signaling in exposed PASMCs in the vascular area where the endothelial injury takes place. Notch signaling is composed of Notch ligands, Notch receptors, and Notch-responsive nuclear effectors. Notch ligands, including Delta-like (DLL1-4) and Jagged (Jag1-2), are transmembrane proteins characterized by an NH2-terminal Delta, Serrate, and LAG-2 domain (DSL). Notch receptors (Notch1–4) are transmembrane proteins for which the extracellular domains contain 29–36 epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats, 3 cysteine-rich LIN repeats, and a region that links to the transmembrane and intracellular domain (284). The key cytoplasmic and nuclear transducers of the Notch signaling pathway are the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) and the DNA-binding protein C-promoter binding factor 1 (CBF1) or recombination signal-binding protein for immunoglobulin κJ region (RBPJ or RBP-κJ) (FIGURE 7A). The canonical Notch signaling pathway dictates cell fate and influences cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (286–288).
Canonical Notch signaling pathway (A) and Notch interaction with Ca2+ signaling (B). A: Notch ligands, such as Jagged (Jag) 1–2 and Delta-like (DLL) 1–4, in the signal-sending cell [pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell (PASMC) or endothelial cell (PAEC)] bind to the extracellular domain of the Notch receptor (Notch1–3) in the signal-receiving cell (SMC or EC), inducing a conformational change in Notch that exposes the extracellular ADAM cleavage site for S2 cleavage. A subsequent internal membrane proteolytic cleavage (S3 cleavage) by γ-secretase releases the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) to the cytoplasm. NICD then translocates into the nucleus and interacts with CSL (CBF1, suppressor of hairless, lag-1) or RBPJ and Mastermind (MAM) on the target DNA (the promoter of target genes). In the absence of NICD, CSL/RBPJ recruits corepressors to turn off gene transcription. When NICD binds CSL/RBPJ and MAM, corepressors are replaced by coactivators to turn on gene transcription. A critical group of Notch target genes includes the Hes (hairy/enhancer of split) and Hey (Hes-related repressor Herp, Hesr, Hrt, CHF, gridlock) genes. PM, plasma membrane. B: NICD in the cytoplasm may directly interact with the store-operated (SOCC) and receptor-operated (ROCC) cation channels to increase Ca2+ influx. The cytoplasmic NICD may also interact with STIM protein in the sarcoplasmic (SR) or endoplasmic (ER) reticulum membrane, promote STIM translocation to the plasma-SR/ER membrane junction (or puncta) to recruit Orai channels in the plasma membrane to form SOCC, and ultimately enhance store-operated Ca2+ entry. The canonical Notch signaling pathway may also directly or indirectly stimulate transcription of TRPC6, Orai1/2, and STIM1/2 genes to upregulate ROCC and SOCC.
Canonical Notch signaling is important for regulating the growth, apoptosis, migration, and differentiation of SMCs and is a key mediator of vascular morphogenesis (287, 289, 290). Notch is required for arterial-venous differentiation during embryonic development and regulates arterial specification of vascular SMCs (291, 292). Notch3 is only expressed in the SMCs of arteries, not in veins (293). Notch signaling is involved in vascular development, and Notch3 has been implicated in PAH through enhancing SMC recruitment and proliferation. This process results in the muscularization of precapillary arterioles and capillaries as well as concentric wall thickening of small PAs (65, 206, 221, 248, 294–299). Activation of Notch signaling using the Notch ligand Jag-1 also enhances store-operated Ca2+ entry in human and animal PASMCs (FIGURE 7B), whereas the Jag-1-mediated increase in NICD proceeds the Jag-1-mediated enhancement of Ca2+ influx (294). Ex vivo studies on isolated and perfused/ventilated lungs indicated that Notch signaling is also involved in acute alveolar hypoxia-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction (299). In addition to the canonical Notch signaling pathway via NICD-mediated transcriptional activation of Hes/Hey genes, it is possible that the functional interaction of cytoplasmic NICD with various ion channels in the plasma membrane and STIM protein in the SR/ER membrane may activate Ca2+ signaling in PASMCs to further enhance cell contraction, migration, and proliferation. The Notch signaling pathway is also directly and indirectly involved in upregulating various Ca2+ channel genes in pulmonary vascular cells.
Overall, the Notch signaling pathway is a prime example of the role that juxtacrine mechanisms play in furthering the pathogenesis of PAH. In the normal lung, it is involved in developing the pulmonary vasculature and differentiating arteries and veins during embryonic development and it regulates the proliferation and differentiation of SMCs. However, in PAH it enhances the recruitment and proliferation of SMCs and upregulates cation channels to result in arteriole muscularization and concentric PA wall thickening. Abnormally increased Notch signaling is also a trigger for EndMT (65, 300) that further enhances occlusive intimal lesion and concentric vascular remodeling in PAH.
4.3. Juxtacrine Signaling Mechanism: Gap Junction
Gap junctions are also a common and important juxtacrine signaling mechanism for intercellular communication (283, 301, 302) (FIGURE 8). Gap junctions are mainly formed by hydrophilic membrane channels that bridge the opposing membrane of neighboring cells. They play an important role in intercellular communication both longitudinally (i.e., between SMCs and/or between ECs) and transversely (i.e., between ECs and SMCs) across the blood vessel axis. The gap junction-associated communication in blood vessels generally includes longitudinal and transverse electrochemical signaling. This coordinates membrane potential changes and intracellular second messenger changes along a segment of a blood vessel and produces more uniform vasoconstriction or vasodilation.
Longitudinal and transverse signaling via gap junction or gap junction channels in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) and endothelial cells (PAECs). Gap junction is formed by a connexon (which consists of 6 connexins) in 1 cell (SMC or EC) that forms a channel with another connexon (also consists of 6 connexins) in an adjacent cell (SMC or EC). Changes in membrane potential and cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]cyt in 1 cell can be quickly and efficiently communicated to an adjacent cell through the gap junction channel formed by 2 connexons. In addition, the gap junction channels also allow intracellular second messengers, for example, diacylglycerol (DAG), inositol (1,3,5)-trisphosphate (IP3), and cAMP/cGMP to be transferred from 1 cell to another adjacent cell. The changes in membrane potential and [Ca2+]cyt due to Ca2+ influx or release in 1 SMC can be communicated to an adjacent EC through gap junction channels in the myoendothelial junction. Em, membrane potential; ΔEm, change in membrane potential (e.g., membrane depolarization); eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; G, G protein; GPCR, G protein-coupled receptor; IP3R, IP3 receptor; MEJ, myoendothelial junction; NCX, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger; NO, nitric oxide; PIP2, phosphoinositol phosphate 2; PLC, phospholipase C; ROCC, receptor-operated Ca2+ channel; sGC, soluble guanylate cyclase; SOCC, store-operated Ca2+ channel; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; VDCC, voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel.
The longitudinal and transverse intercellular communication in SMCs and ECs plays an important role in coordinating vasoconstrictive and vasodilative responses (301–304). When a single cell, or a small number of cells, is stimulated, the response can be propagated to adjacent cells through gap junctions, producing a coordinate effect on a segment of the vessel. For example, a membrane potential change (depolarization or hyperpolarization) from one SMC (or a small group of SMCs) can be rapidly propagated longitudinally to other SMCs. This modulates the activity of VDCCs on the surface membrane and the SR/ER membrane [e.g., ryanodine receptors (RyRs)] to cause Ca2+ influx and/or Ca2+ release, coordinating vasomotor tone (vasoconstriction and vasodilatation) over vessel segments several millimeters in length. Such coordination is critical in minimizing turbulent flow and shear stress in the pulmonary vasculature. Longitudinal transportation of intracellular Ca2+, along with the signaling molecules that induce Ca2+ influx (e.g., diacylglycerol) and Ca2+ release (e.g., IP3), is an important mechanism that causes a uniformly coordinated vasoactive response in resistance arteries and lung capillaries (305, 306). Similar to systemic vascular SMCs and ECs, PASMCs and PAECs are functionally connected by gap junctions (283). This allows a direct transfer of electrical signals (e.g., action potentials, membrane depolarization and hyperpolarization) (307, 308), signaling molecules (i.e., Ca2+, IP3, diacylglycerol, cGMP, cAMP, ATP) (281, 301, 309), microRNAs (miRNAs) (310–314), and intracellular organelles (e.g., mitochondria) (315–317) from cell to cell (FIGURE 8).
In addition to longitudinal signaling, radical or transverse movement of ion current (or potential) or signaling molecules (e.g., Ca2+, diacylglycerol, IP3) between two cell types, such as ECs and SMCs, can occur via gap junctions located at the interface of SMCs and ECs or the myoendothelial junction (MEJ) (281, 282). The direct communication between ECs and SMCs at the myoendothelial junction allows an increase in [Ca2+]cyt, or in intracellular second messengers, in one cell to trigger complementary or opposing signaling events in the other cell type (FIGURE 8). For example, a rise in [Ca2+]cyt in PAECs is a trigger for activating eNOS and inducing NO-mediated pulmonary vasodilation. However, the increased Ca2+ in PAECs can go through the myoendothelial junction to PASMCs, causing pulmonary vasoconstriction. Dysfunction of the myoendothelial junction has been implicated in vascular dysfunction in many cardiopulmonary and metabolic diseases (318). Given the short segment of lung vessels, the coordinated (or disorganized) vascular response through longitudinal and transverse gap junctions is believed to significantly affect pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure (304, 308, 319–322).
The gap junction is a juxtacrine mechanism among cells not only to coordinate vascular tone (e.g., synchronized vasoconstriction and vasodilation) but also for “pathogenic” intercellular communication for the formation of segmental arterial wall thickening and occlusive vascular lesions. For example, a rise in [Ca2+]cyt, or an increase in intracellular second messengers and metabolites, in one cell (e.g., an EC or a SMC) can be propagated to other cells to affect the whole segment of the PA. In addition to the electrical signals generated by the changes of cations (e.g., Ca2+, K+, Zn2+) and anions (e.g., Cl−), second messengers (e.g., IP3, diacylglycerol, cAMP, cGMP), metabolites (e.g., ATP), cytoplasmic DNA and RNA (e.g., miRNA, long noncoding RNA), and intracellular organelles (e.g., mitochondria) can also go through gap junctions from one cell to another. The cytoplasmic DNA that causes innate immunity (323, 324) may also be able to go through gap junctions (325) in the pulmonary vasculature to cause vascular lesions.
Gap junctions play an important role in propagating signals across cells, both longitudinally (between the same cell type) and transversely (across different cell types). Ions, signaling molecules, metabolites, and even fragmented intracellular organelles can be transferred through gap junctions so that stimulation of one cell leads to the stimulation of an entire segment of an artery. This juxtacrine mechanism is important in regulating vasomotor tone (dilation and constriction) under normal and physiological conditions. Abnormalities in gap junction channels, however, are implicated in sustained vasoconstriction, vascular inflammation, arteriole muscularization, and vascular barrier dysfunction in the lungs.
4.4. Gap Junctions and Pulmonary Hypertension
A single cell with molecular and cellular defects as a result of, for example, somatic mutations (326) or a single cell (or a small group of cells) with metabolic defects (327–331) can affect adjacent cells by directly transferring electrical signals (321), metabolic products (320, 332), second messengers (283, 301, 321, 333), miRNAs (310, 313, 314), and fragmented or abnormal mitochondria through gap junctions (315–317). These connections can then lead to concentric remodeling and occlusive lesions in the whole segment or branch of the PA. This direct pathogenic intercellular communication among cells may be more efficient than the paracrine mechanism to transmit “cellular defects” or pathogenic triggers from one cell to another, or from a small group of cells to all cells of an arterial segment or branch. At the late stage of the disease, inflammatory cells infiltrated into the pulmonary vascular wall may also form gap junctions with adventitial myoFBs and FBs to further vascular remodeling (FIGURE 9). Circulating and inflammatory cells all highly express Notch ligands like Jag1/2 and DLL1/4. Infiltrated (from airway or alveolar site) or penetrated (from blood) cells in the pulmonary vasculature would also make direct contact with Notch receptors in SMCs and FBs to stimulate pathogenic cell proliferation and migration. It is unknown whether Notch signaling functionally interacts with gap junction channels to enhance or inhibit cell-to-cell communication in PAECs and PASMCs. The Notch-associated enhancement of Ca2+ signaling may indirectly affect cell-to-cell communication via gap junctions.
Juxtacrine signaling among pulmonary vascular endothelial cells (ECs), smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and fibroblasts (FBs) may contribute to spread “pathogenic signals.” A: schematic diagram showing the proposed scenario in which a single cell in normal pulmonary artery (PA) may become an affected cell or a “diseased” cell by, for example, somatic mutation and stimulation through localized pathogenic factors. B: the “diseased cell” then spreads the pathogenic signals to adjacent cells through juxtacrine signaling mechanisms to affect other cells in close vicinity. C: the pathogenic communication or interaction among the affected cells eventually forms the local lesion that can further develop and expand and, ultimately, affect the function and structure of the segment of the pulmonary vasculature, especially in the presence of inflammatory cells and pathogenic progenitor cells. ECM, extracellular matrix.
Connexin-40 (Cx40) is a gap junction protein that is predominantly expressed in vascular ECs. The inhibition or knockdown of Cx40 impairs vascular relaxation (334) and inhibits EC proliferation and migration (335, 336). Cx40 expression is decreased in the lungs (337, 338) and PAs (319) of animals with experimental PH and in the PAECs of patients with PAH and mice with experimental PH (308, 339). Systemic Cx40-knockout (KO) mice exhibit a significant increase in blood pressure (308, 340, 341) and a slight increase in right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP), a surrogate measure of pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (308). In addition, overexpression of the Cx40 negative mutant in ECs showed a significant increase in RVSP with no change in systemic blood pressure. Endothelial overexpression of Cx40 reduces RVSP in chronically hypoxic mice by increasing endothelium-dependent pulmonary vasodilation. Decreased Cx40 is therefore associated with the development of experimental PH. Cx43, however, is increased in PASMCs from rats with hypoxia-induced PH but not from rats with monocrotaline-induced PH (321). Cx43 is upregulated in PAs from mice with hypoxia-induced PH and patients with chronic hypoxic diseases but not in patients with idiopathic PAH (322). In addition, upregulated Cx43 in lung vascular fibroblasts leads to fibroblast proliferation ex vivo (304). There are also reports showing that hypoxia decreases Cx43 expression in PAs (319). Cx37 is another connexin that is significantly increased in PAECs isolated from mice with hypoxia-induced PH (308). Given its potential role in inducing cell apoptosis (342) and cell cycle arrest (343, 344), it is possible that Cx37 is involved in endothelial injury during the development and progression of PH. Despite these reports, the pathogenic and protective effects of various connexins, such as Cx37, Cx40, Cx43, and other isoforms, on the pulmonary vasculature are still in need of further study (308, 319, 321, 322).
Pulmonary vasculopathy in patients with precapillary PH, which includes PAH and PH due to respiratory disease and/or hypoxemia, and in animals with experimental PH is a “local” and specific pulmonary vascular disease. Although pulmonary and systemic vasculature share similar physiological and pathophysiological properties, vascular disease in the pulmonary circulation is not always associated with vascular disease in the systemic circulation. For example, patients with idiopathic PAH often have normal hemodynamics in the systemic circulation, whereas patients with essential hypertension do not have pulmonary hypertension. It is still unknown whether pulmonary vasculopathy initiates from a single cell or a small group of cells in the pulmonary vasculature (like some forms of cancer), but we do know that the initial disorder (e.g., concentric arterial remodeling, increased myogenic tone and wall stiffness) affects all of the vascular branches to increase PVR and PAP. Therefore, it is likely that gap junctions play an important role in furthering the disease to extend throughout vascular branches. Based on the current knowledge, it appears that the decrease of Cx40 and the increase of Cx43 and Cx37 are involved in endothelial cell apoptosis and injury, decreased vessel relaxation, and increased pressure in the pulmonary branches.
4.5. Cell-to-Cell Communication Is the Key in the Development of Pulmonary Vasculopathy
An example of how pathogenic interactions among PAECs and PASMCs lead to the development of sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular wall thickening, and occlusive vascular lesions in PAH is shown in FIGURE 10 (63, 123, 254, 255, 345–357). In this scenario, the increased mitogenic ligands in the lungs bind to membrane receptors, GPCRs, and/or TKRs in PAECs (174, 358). The PKC-mediated activation of eNOS subsequently increases mitochondrial production of ROS (89, 345, 346, 359), an important activator of receptor-operated (ROC) and store-operated (SOC) Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane (360). The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-mediated activation of AKT (or increased phosphorylation of AKT) (361) upregulates hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs), which then upregulate SNAI1, a trigger for endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) in ECs (63, 362). The Ca2+/CaM- and HIF-mediated production and release of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) (174, 184, 241) and nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) (254, 255, 364) trigger the respective receptors in PASMCs through the paracrine mechanism. Extracellular NAMPT, a ligand of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) (256), serves as an autocrine and paracrine stimulator to increase NF-κB in PAECs and PASMCs to activate the inflammatory signaling pathway. The Ca2+/CaM-mediated upregulation of the Notch ligand Jag-1 in PAECs allows ECs to directly activate Notch receptors in PASMCs, through a juxtacrine mechanism. Subsequently, the activated Notch and PI3K/AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling enhances PASMC proliferation and migration. The Notch- and NF-κB-mediated upregulation and activation of ROC and SOC in PASMCs further increase [Ca2+]cyt, causing PASMC contraction (221, 299). Eventually, the increased EC proliferation due partially to HIF/SNAI1- and NF-κB/SNAI1-mediated EndMT, the increased PASMC migration and proliferation due partially to Notch-, PDGF-, and NAMPT-mediated activation of Ca2+ signaling and other signaling pathways responsible for cell proliferation, and the increased PASMC contraction due to enhanced Ca2+ signaling all contribute to the development of pulmonary vascular remodeling and vasoconstriction. Activation of HIF under normoxic conditions and transition of the slow-growing EC phenotype to the highly proliferative myoFB phenotype during HIF-mediated EndMT may play an important role in forming occlusive vascular lesions and/or initiating pathogenic PASMC proliferation and concentric PA wall thickening. The longitudinal and transverse (or radical) signaling among ECs and SMCs in the pulmonary artery through autocrine, paracrine, and juxtacrine mechanisms serves as a critical pathogenic sequence of events for the development and progression of pulmonary vasculopathy in patients with PH.
Potential pathogenic role of paracrine and juxtacrine interactions between pulmonary vascular endothelial cells (PAECs) and smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) in the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Aberrant phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) due to G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated activation of protein kinase C (PKC) results in eNOS uncoupling and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation leading to increased EC proliferation via an eNOS-Akt-mitochondrial hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) signaling axis (345, 346). The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/HIF/SNAI1 signal axis or the constitutively upregulated HIF-2α due to reduced PHD2 (63, 348, 349) results in endothelium-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT), upregulates Notch ligand Jag-1, and increases the synthesis and production of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) in PAECs. EndMT converts slow-growing PAECs to highly proliferative myofibroblasts (myoFBs), causing obliterative intimal lesions. Juxtacrine activation of Notch signaling via PAEC-PASMC interaction functionally activates and transcriptionally upregulates receptor-operated Ca2+ channels (ROCs) and store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOCs) to increase cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) in PASMCs, leading to PASMC contraction and pulmonary vasoconstriction and to PASMC proliferation and concentric pulmonary medial hypertrophy. HIF-mediated upregulation of PDGF and NAMPT (254, 255) in PAECs activates their receptors [PDGF receptor (PDGFR) and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), respectively] in PASMCs through a paracrine mechanism, which results in PAMSC migration and proliferation through the PI3K/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) (350–354) and NF-κB (123, 355) signaling pathways. Increased PASMC migration and proliferation contribute to the development and progression of concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling, arteriole muscularization, and occlusive vascular lesions. Enhanced NAMPT also activates TLR4/NF-κB signaling in PAECs via autocrine mechanism to enhance inflammation-associated PAEC proliferation and migration, whereas UCHL1-mediated regulation of AKT degradation further contributes to enhancing PAEC proliferation by promoting HIF and NF-κB signaling cascades (356, 357). Both NAMPT-NF-κB and Akt1/mTOR signaling also upregulate ROCs and SOCs involved in receptor- and store-operated Ca2+ entry, increase [Ca2+]cyt, and further induce PASMC contraction, migration, and proliferation. Ultimately, concentric PA wall thickening, sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, and obliterative lung vascular lesions all contribute to increasing pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). IPAH, idiopathic PAH; MCLK, myosin light chain kinase; NICD, Notch intracellular domain; RHF, right heart failure; TKR, tyrosine kinase receptor.
In patients carrying genetic defects [e.g., single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or mutations in various genes] associated with heritable and idiopathic PAH, a cell undergoing somatic mutation, metabolic shift, or chromatin remodeling may become a “second hit” to initiate the disease process or function as a pathogenic cell. This initiates a “transmittable” pathogenic signal (e.g., dysfunctional mitochondria, specific composition of miRNAs, abnormal Ca2+ signals, cytoplasmic DNA) to affect other cells through the paracrine and juxtacrine mechanisms. The autocrine and intracrine (365, 366) mechanisms can also be used by the initial pathogenic cell(s) to spontaneously fulfill the transition from a normal cell to a “diseased” cell due to pathogenic stimulators produced as a result of genetic, genomic, and cellular defects.
Based on the current knowledge, this model illustrates what could occur at the molecular level to progress the pathological changes observed in PAH and PH. Mitogenic ligands bind to the membrane receptors of PAECs, which leads to the downstream signaling cascade increasing [Ca2+]cyt and stimulating endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) and endothelial inflammation. The gap junction or juxtacrine interaction among affected PAECs leads to the endothelial dysfunction, a major cause for sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling. In summary, gap junction channels like connexins or connexons not only allow intracellular ions (Ca2+, Na+, K+, Cl−) and second messengers (cAMP, cGMP, IP3, DAG, ATP) to transfer quickly from one cell to the other to affect adjacent cells’ function and homeostasis but also allow fragmented intracellular organelles (e.g., mitochondria, ER/SR, nuclear envelope) to travel from an affected cell (or somatically mutated cell) to adjacent normal cells to propagate pathogenic causes to affect the whole tissue segment. In addition to the plasmalemmal membranes, connexins are found to be in the nucleus (as a transcription factor) and on the mitochondrial membrane (as a trigger for apoptosis). The precise (pathogenic or protective) role of each connexin in the disease (e.g., PAH) progression and regression is still unclear, but their involvement creates and promotes an important and active research target for the field.
At the cellular level, membrane receptors, ion channels and transporters, intracellular signaling pathways (or signaling proteins), and transcription factors all contribute to the development and progression of PAH/PH by regulating cell contraction (PASMC), migration (FB, PASMC, and EC), proliferation (progenitor cell, FB, PASMC, and EC), apoptosis (EC and SMC), and differentiation (progenitor cell, myoFB, SMC, and EC). A variety of extracellular ligands including vasoactive substances, growth factors, inflammatory and mitogenic cytokines, and metabolites are involved in the regulation of pulmonary vascular function (e.g., vasodilation and vasoconstriction) and structure (e.g., maintaining wall thinness under normal conditions and wall remodeling under pathological conditions). The balance between vasoconstrictive/proproliferative ligands and vasodilative/antiproliferative ligands is one of the early pathogenic changes that result in sustained vasoconstriction and concentric vascular remodeling. The extracellular or intercellular ligands involved in causing pulmonary changes include, but are not limited to, hormones/transmitters (e.g., PE, 5-HT), peptides (e.g., ET-1, ANG II), proteins (e.g., growth factors), ions (e.g., Ca2+, ROS), metabolic products (e.g., ATP, ADP), and extracellular vehicles that can carry more unconventional molecules (e.g., miRNA, ssDNA) to function as extracellular ligands. These ligands stimulate membrane receptors and ion channels in pulmonary vascular cells via autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine mechanisms (TABLE 5) (367, 368).
GPCRs (369) and TKRs [or receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)] are two major families of membrane receptors for which activation by mitogenic ligands stimulates pulmonary vascular cell contraction, migration, and proliferation. This then leads to sustained vasoconstriction and concentric vascular remodeling. Using cells isolated from patients with PAH and/or animals with experimental PH, many investigators have studied the potential involvement of specific GPCRs and TKRs in PAH/PH. Through these studies, multiple receptors (and their respective ligands) have been discovered for which the expression and function are enhanced in pulmonary vascular cells (i.e., FBs, SMCs, and ECs) and are involved in the development and progression of PH (TABLE 5).
Different membrane receptors and ion channels use varying downstream signaling cascades to initiate or promote the “pathogenic” signaling pathways for the development and progression of the disease through regulation of genes associated with cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation (FIGURE 11). There are multiple membrane receptors, ion channels and transporters, and intracellular signaling pathways implicated in the development and progression of PAH and experimental PH (TABLE 5). Activation and/or inhibition of these membrane receptors and ion channels are thus important therapeutic strategies for treatment of sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling, in situ thrombosis, occlusive vascular lesions, and pulmonary vascular wall stiffening.
Cell signaling. Extracellular ligands (e.g., vasoconstrictive agonists, mitogenic and inflammatory factors) bind to and activate specific receptors [e.g., G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) or receptors that are ion channels]. The intracellular domains (e.g., G proteins or kinases) interact with intracellular signaling proteins and produce/activate transcription factors in the cytosol. Then, ligand/receptor-mediated transcription factors (TFs) translocate into the nucleus to bind to the promoters and enhancers of respective genes to stimulate or repress transcription of genes. There are different intracellular signaling cascades that transduce extracellular signals to the nucleus to control and regulate transcription of specific genes. DAG, diacylglycerol; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.
5.1. Receptor-Operated and Mechanosensitive Ca2+ Signaling
In addition to G protein- and tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling cascades, GPCRs and TKRs also functionally interact with adjacent ion channels and transporters to regulate, for example, Ca2+ signaling in all cell types of the pulmonary vasculature and inflammatory cells. This process is involved in eliciting vasoconstriction via PASMC contraction and developing vascular remodeling (e.g., concentric PA wall thickening, arteriole muscularization, and occlusive vascular lesions) via cell migration and proliferation. One example of a receptor-mediated interaction with ion channels is receptor-operated Ca2+ influx through transient receptor potential (TRP) channels. TRP channels are a family of nonselective cation channels that are regulated by receptors via second messengers like diacylglycerol (DAG) (370). Many membrane receptors (GPCRs and TKRs) implicated in the development of PH are functionally coupled to ion channels like TRP channels. For example, we and others have reported that Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR), a GPCR subfamily C member that is activated by extracellular Ca2+ and other agonists (e.g., Mg2+, amino acids, polyamines and antibiotics) (222, 371–373), and TRPC6, a TRP canonical subfamily member of cation channels (370, 374–376), are upregulated in PASMCs from patients with idiopathic PAH and animals with experimental PH (123, 223–226, 377–379). The upregulated CaSR and TRPC6 as well as the enhanced CaSR-associated Ca2+ influx through TRPC6 channels enable the extracellular ligands (e.g., Ca2+, polyamine, neomycin, amyloid-β) of CaSR to become pathogenic stimuli by activating Ca2+ signaling cascades in PASMCs (FIGURE 12). CaSR is a unique GPCR that can be activated directly by a number of factors, many of which have been implicated in PH. These factors include polyvalent cations (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, Gd3+), polypeptides (e.g., amyloid-β peptide), polyamines (e.g., spermine, spermidine, putrescine), aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g., neomycin, gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin), and amino acids (e.g., phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, glutamate) (221, 371, 373). The cations are consistently present in the blood/serum and extracellular fluids. Aminoglycoside antibiotics are often used to treat aerobic gram-negative bacilli (or Enterobacteriaceae) infections and pulmonary tuberculosis (against Staphylococci and Mycobacterium) (380). The blood concentration of amyloid-β is increased in patients with ischemic heart disease and hypertension (381), and the level of spermine is increased in serum from patients with cancer and PAH and in PA tissues from animals with experimental PH (382–384). Additionally, the free amino acid concentration of phenylalanine and tyrosine in blood is 0.97–0.98 mg/dL in normal fasting adults and can be increased to 1.50–2.31 mg/dL after protein/food intake (385). With upregulated and activated CaSR and TRPC6 in PASMCs, all the agonists of CaSR become either pathogenic or priming factors to stimulate vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling (FIGURE 12).
Functional interaction of membrane receptor with ion channels in the plasma membrane via second messengers is important to link extracellular stimuli to the regulation of cell functions (e.g., contraction, migration, proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation). This schematic diagram depicts the interaction of Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR), a unique G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), with receptor-operated and mechanosensitive cation channels of TRPC6 via the second messenger diacylglycerol (DAG). CaSR can be activated by cations (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, Gd3+); amino acids like phenylalanine (Phe), tyrosine (Tyr), tryptophan (Trp), and glutamic acid (Glu); antibiotics like neomycin and streptomycin; and amyloid-β peptide. Activation of CaSR not only stimulates TRPC6 channels to induce extracellular Ca2+-mediated intracellular Ca2+ increase to induce pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell (PASMC) contraction, migration, and proliferation but also activates the RAS/MAPK signaling pathway to reinforce its mitogenic effect. [Ca2+]cyt, cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration. CSD, caveolin scaffolding domain; MLC, myosin light chain.
Several other forms of TRP channels participating in forming receptor-operated and mechanosensitive Ca2+ channels are implicated in the development of PAH and experimental PH. TRPC1 channels are involved in acute hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction and chronic hypoxia-induced PH (386, 387), whereas TRPC1/3/6 and TRPV1/4 are upregulated in PASMCs from patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH (131, 181, 378). TRPC6 and TRPV4 channels in the lungs are also involved in the development of lung edema or barrier function, lung injury, and PH (388, 389). The involvement of multiple TRP channels (including canonical and vanilloid subfamily members) indicates that the initial pathogenic triggers for PAH may transcriptionally upregulate various isoforms of TRP channels to ensure the pathogenic enhancement of Ca2+ signaling, which results in sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction and excessive pulmonary vascular remodeling. Indeed, a binding site analysis for the promoter regions of various TRPC and TRPV channel genes shows significant redundancy. In other words, a variety of TRP channel genes share similar binding sites in the promoter regions for many transcription factors.
Upregulated receptor-operated Ca2+ channels (e.g., TRPC6, TRPV1) and membrane receptors (e.g., CaSR) that are functionally coupled to these channels are demonstrated in cell and tissue samples from patients with PAH and animals with various experimental PH. The upregulation of these ion channels and receptors causes extracellular ligands to become pathogenic by enhancing Ca2+ signaling cascades in PASMCs. This demonstrates how external factors in the pulmonary milieu, which are necessary and unproblematic in a healthy subject, can become pathogenic stimuli to further progress vasoconstriction and remodeling. Given the functional role of these channels, it is hypothesized that enhanced Ca2+ influx through these upregulated cation channels is involved in the development and progression of sustained vasoconstriction and concentric vascular remodeling in precapillary PH (i.e., groups 1–3 PH) (1).
5.2. Clustering of Membrane Receptors and Ion Channels in Caveolae
Membrane receptors and ion channels, especially the ones that functionally interact with each other, can be clustered into caveolae to enhance the agonist/receptor/channel/signaling cascade, which then furthers the ligand-initiated effect on cell functions (e.g., contraction, migration, and proliferation) (390–393). In addition, caveolae in PAECs can be used to reduce shear stress-mediated or membrane stretch-mediated activation of mechanosensitive receptors/channels (394). Caveolin-1 (Cav-1), a protein that enables the formation of caveolae, also binds to and inhibits eNOS. In lung endothelial cells, downregulation of Cav-1, due to caveolin-1 mutations for example (395), has been implicated in the development of PAH and experimental PH, whereas Cav-1 deficiency results in experimental PH (396, 397). In PASMCs from remodeled pulmonary vasculature of patients with IPAH and animals with severe experimental PH, the protein expression of Cav-1 and the number of caveolae on the surface membrane are increased in comparison to normal controls (398). It is unclear whether and why mutations or SNPs in Cav-1 gene, identified in PAH patients, can divergently affect Cav-1 expression or caveola formation (see below) in lung vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells.
Caveolae are membrane pits, with a size of 50–100 nm each, that are formed by caveolin/cavin-mediated invagination of the plasma membrane of many cell types, especially in ECs and adipocytes (399). Caveolae have flask-shaped structures and are rich in proteins (e.g., membrane receptors, channels, and transporters) and lipids (e.g., cholesterol, sphingolipids). They play an important functional role in ligand/receptor signal transduction, mechanoprotection and mechanosensation, and the uptake of pathogenic bacteria and viruses (392, 400). Caveolae also have a special type of lipid raft that functionally assembles membrane receptors and ion channels/transporters to enhance the ligand/receptor/signaling cascade. Furthermore, the membrane pits accumulate extracellular ligands and pathogenic factors (e.g., bacteria and viruses and toxins) to enable sustained stimulation or blockade of membrane receptors and ion channels/transporters located within caveolae (390, 391, 393, 398, 401).
In PASMCs isolated from patients with idiopathic PAH, the protein expression of Cav-1 and the number of caveolae are significantly upregulated and increased compared with PASMCs from normal subjects (FIGURE 13A) (398). In lung biopsy tissues obtained from patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), many caveola structures can be found in lung capillary ECs by electron microscopy (FIGURE 13B) (O. Mathieu-Costello, unpublished observations). The increased number of caveolae due, potentially, to upregulated caveolins may contribute to the pulmonary vascular remodeling in patients with idiopathic PAH and CTEPH. In freshly isolated PA from rats, removal of membrane cholesterol with methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD), which disrupts lipid raft and caveola structure, has little effect on high-K+-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction but significantly inhibits agonist- or phenylephrine (PE)-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction (402). The inability of MβCD to affect membrane depolarization-mediated PA contraction due to the opening of VDCCs in PASMCs indicates that VDCCs may distribute evenly in the plasma membrane of PASMCs. Raising extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]) from 4.7 to 40 mM shifts the equilibrium potential for K+ and causes membrane depolarization in the whole cell, subsequently opening VDCCs, increasing [Ca2+]cyt, and inducing PASMC contraction and pulmonary vasoconstriction (or the increase in isometric tension measured in the experiment shown in FIGURE 13C) (402, 403). The time-dependent significant inhibitory effect of MβCD on PE-induced PASMC contraction or pulmonary vasoconstriction indicates that the PE-activated receptor (e.g., α-adrenergic receptor) and its downstream second messengers may physically and functionally colocalize with the receptor-operated Ca2+ channels within caveolae. Disruption of caveolae by removal of membrane cholesterol with MβCD separates the receptor from its functionally coupled downstream effectors (e.g., signaling proteins and ion channels and transporters) and therefore reduces the ligand-mediated vasoconstrictive effect (FIGURE 13C). These experimental data direct us to hypothesize that membrane receptors, ion channels, and membrane transporters are not evenly distributed on the plasma membrane (FIGURE 13D). Instead, they suggest that they are clustered or colocalized together to form a “functional unit” by, for example, the lipid raft or membrane pits or caveolae. This well-organized and selectively formed unit is an important mechanism to enhance signal transduction, but overexpression of the receptors, effectors, and signaling proteins in it may also be pathogenic. The membrane pits can also function as a sac to accumulate and store extracellular ligands (e.g., agonists, growth factors) and, of course, pathogenic factors (e.g., bacteria, virus, heavy metals, ssDNAs) (FIGURE 13E). Alternatively, distribution of membrane receptors and ion channels/transporters in structures like caveolae may also play a critical role in protecting or maintaining normal cell function in tissues and organs under constant shear stress and membrane stretch (e.g., the lungs) (FIGURE 13F). The mechanoprotection effect of caveolae is implicated not only in cardiovascular ECs but also as a general mechanism in other types of cells (400, 404–406).
Caveola-mediated clustering of membrane receptors and ion channels in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) is implicated in the development of pulmonary vasoconstriction and remodeling in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and pulmonary hypertension (PH). A: electron microscopy (EM) images showing caveola (indicated by arrowheads) in the surface membrane of PASMCs from a normal subject (top) and a patient with idiopathic PAH (IPAH) (bottom). The number of caveolae in the plasma membrane of IPAH PASMCs is significantly more than in the membrane of normal control PASMCs; the increased caveola number in IPAH PASMCs is associated with upregulation of caveolin-1/2 (398). B: EM images showing the lung capillary endothelial cell (ENDO) and alveolar epithelial cell (EPI) of the biopsy tissue from a patient with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) (a; O. Mathieu-Costello, unpublished observations). Many caveola (indicated by arrows) are found in the different areas of the endothelial cell membrane (b in red box and c in cyan box), as shown in enlarged images (b and c) corresponding to the boxes in the main image. C: isometric tension measured in isolated rat pulmonary artery (PA) challenged with 40 mM K+ (40K)-containing physiological salt solution (PSS) (top) or phenylephrine (PE)-containing PSS (bottom), in the presence or absence of methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) (402, 403). MβCD, which disrupts caveolae in the plasma membrane by removing cholesterol, had negligible effect on 40K-mediated PA contraction (top) but significantly inhibited PE-mediated PA contraction (bottom). D: schematic diagram depicting membrane receptors, ion channels, and transporters in the plasma membrane (PM) in the absence of caveolae. E: schematic diagram depicting a cluster of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), cation channel (e.g., TRPC6), and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) in the membrane of caveolae formed by caveolin (Cav) as well as accumulated extracellular ligands in the caveola sac. F: schematic diagram showing mechanosensitive receptor (e.g., Src), integrin, and cation channel (e.g., Piezo1 or TRPC6) in the caveola membrane. Formation of caveolae and relocation of mechanosensitive membrane proteins in caveolae play an important mechanoprotection role in preventing cell membrane from shear stress and/or membrane stretch. DAG, diacylglycerol; NCX, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. BM, basement membrane; RBC, red blood cell; TRK, tyrosine receptor kinase.
Mutations or SNPs in Cav1 are associated with PAH in patients (395), and genetic deletion of the Cav1 gene in mice results in PH (407). It is, however, still unclear how the Cav-1 mutation and deficiency result in vascular remodeling and obliterative lesions in PAH and experimental PH (391, 393, 395–398). It is possible that the function of caveolae in PASMCs and ECs is very different. For example, an increased number of caveolae and/or an increased release of caveolin in PASMCs clusters receptors with ion channels and downstream signaling proteins to enhance the signal transduction for cell contraction, migration, and proliferation (391, 393). On the other hand, fewer caveolae in PAECs function to make the endothelium more sensitive to mechanical (e.g., shear stress and membrane stretch) stimulation and thus induce EC injury-associated pulmonary vasculopathy. It should be noted that Cav-1 (and other caveolins), although important to form caveolae, may directly bind to membrane proteins and affect their functions. For example, in ECs Cav-1 binds to eNOS and inhibits its activity to reduce the production of NO (392, 408) and stabilizes eNOS expression (409). Cav-1 deficiency-associated activation of eNOS is also implicated in the development of PH because of eNOS uncoupling or eNOS-mediated production of ROS and posttranslational modification of intracellular proteins (397). Cav-1 is critical to retain TRPC1 channels within the regions where STIM1 puncta are localized and enable the interaction of TRPC1 with STIM1 for store-operated Ca2+ entry (393).
As discussed above, the pulmonary vasculopathy may be initiated from one initial pathogenic cell (due to somatic mutations, for example) and then the disease phenotype spreads to other adjacent cells through paracrine and juxtacrine mechanisms in the whole vascular segment. In a single cell, the pathogenic signal may also initiate from a restricted, localized, and selective cluster containing dysfunctional or upregulated receptors, ion channels, and signaling proteins. The localized pathogenic changes in, for example, the “dysfunctional unit” may then spread to the whole cell to convert the cell to a pathogenic cell. It is important to use advanced technology and experimental approaches to find these kinds of pathogenic clusters in single cells.
Based on evidence gathered thus far, it becomes clear that mutations in Cav-1, which is responsible for the formation of caveolae in the lungs, are associated with PAH. An increase in caveolins in PASMCs is seen in patients and animals with PAH, likely because of their ability to enhance “pathogenic” ligand-receptor interactions and the harboring of pathogenic factors such as bacteria and virus, as well as single-stranded RNAs and cell-free DNAs. However, a decrease in caveolins in ECs also contributes to PAH in patients carrying Cav-1 gene mutations, potentially because of the decrease in protection they offer to the EC barrier, leading to endothelial dysfunction and injury. However, the mechanism of the role of Cav-1 deficiency in PAH and PH is still relatively unknown and in need of further study.
5.3. Ion Channels and Ca2+ Signaling in Pulmonary Vasoconstriction and Vascular Remodeling
A rise in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs, as discussed above (FIGURE 5C), is a trigger for PASMC contraction (which results in pulmonary vasoconstriction) and migration and proliferation (which result in pulmonary vascular remodeling). In addition, a rise in [Ca2+]cyt, along with activation of the Ca2+ or Ca2+/CaM-sensitive signaling proteins and pathways (e.g., calpains, MAPK, NFAT, AKT, NF-κB, and RhoA), is involved in the activation of inflammatory cells and the migration and proliferation of perivascular progenitor cells and endothelium-derived myofibroblasts. This contributes to the development of concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling and occlusive vascular lesions.
Upon activation of a membrane receptor, cytosolic [Ca2+] is increased by a transient Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, such as the SR/ER, followed by a sustained Ca2+ influx through different Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane (410). Cytosolic [Ca2+] is decreased by Ca2+ sequestration or uptake into the SR/ER by the SR/ER Ca2+ pump (SERCA, or Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase) and by Ca2+ extrusion via the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) (411). Under resting conditions (when cells are not stimulated by agonists), the extracellular [Ca2+] is 1.4–2.0 mM, the cytosolic [Ca2+] is ∼100 nM, and the membrane potential is at the range of −40 to −85 mV (102, 103). The electrochemical gradient, or the driving force, is thus in great favor of a Ca2+ influx when Ca2+-permeable cation channels in the plasma membrane are opened.
There are at least three major pathways for Ca2+ entry in PASMCs and other cells: 1) receptor-operated Ca2+ entry through receptor-operated Ca2+ channels (ROCCs) upon receptor (e.g., GPCR) activation (FIGURE 14A), 2) store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) due to Ca2+ influx through store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOCCs) when Ca2+ is depleted or reduced from the intracellular stores (e.g., SR and ER) (FIGURE 14B), and 3) voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry (VDCE) due to Ca2+ influx through VDCCs when the cell membrane is depolarized or membrane potential (Em) becomes less negative (membrane depolarization) or becomes more positive (action potential) (412).
Proposed mechanisms of receptor-operated Ca2+ entry (ROCE) and store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). A and B: upon ligand binding to receptor [e.g., G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)], phospholipase C (PLCβ for GPCR activation) cleaves phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to produce diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP3). DAG activates receptor-operated Ca2+ channels (ROCCs) like TRPC6, allowing Ca2+ influx that is often termed as ROCE (A). IP3 activates IP3 receptor (IP3R), a Ca2+ release channel, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane, allowing Ca2+ release or mobilization to the cytosol. The subsequent store depletion opens store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOCCs) (formed by Orai/STIM and TRPC) in the plasma membrane and induces SOCE (B). Ca2+ influx through ROCC/TRPC6 and/or SOCC/Orai/STIM-TRPC is a major contributor to raising cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]cyt in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) stimulated by agonists. Na+ influx through ROCC/TRPC6 and/or SOCC/Orai/STIM-TRPC would cause a localized increase in cytosolic [Na+], which triggers Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) (the reverse mode) to outwardly transport Na+ and inwardly transport Ca2+, which further increases [Ca2+]cyt and eventually results in PASMC contraction, migration, and proliferation. C: changes of the isometric tension in isolated pulmonary arterial (PA) ring before, during, and after application of phenylephrine (PE, an α-adrenergic receptor agonist) in 1.8 mM Ca2+-containing solution or Ca2+-free solution (0Ca) with or without phentolamine (an α-receptor blocker). The data show 3 components of pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by Ca2+ release from intracellular stores [or SR/endoplasmic reticulum (ER)], SOCE, and ROCE. Inset: isolated mouse PA ring. D: single-channel cation currents recorded in the cell-attached membrane patch (inset) of PASMCs before (Control) and during extracellular application of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), an inhibitor of SERCA that depletes intracellularly stored Ca2+ in the SR/ER and induces SOCE. CPA-mediated store depletion rapidly induces an inward cation current with a slope conductance at the range of 5–15 pS in PASMCs. Popen, steady-state open probability.
One of the most important signaling pathways is through second messengers derived from the membrane lipid phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Activation of both GPCRs (via phospholipase C-β or PLCβ) and TKRs (via PLC-γ) stimulates PIP2 hydrolysis, which produces two distinct second messengers, diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP3) (413). The second messenger mediating receptor-operated Ca2+ entry is mainly the membrane-attached DAG, which directly activates ROCCs, such as TRPC3/6/7 channels (414), increases Ca2+ influx or ROCE, and raises [Ca2+]cyt. Many ROCCs are nonselective cation channels (e.g., TRP channels), so the DAG-mediated opening of ROCCs/TRPs also allows Na+ to enter the cell. A local or submembrane increase in Na+ concentration ([Na+]) is a major trigger to stimulate NCX (411, 415); the inward transportation of Ca2+ due to NCX is thus another important route for the increased [Ca2+]cyt in cells stimulated by agonists (416–419) (FIGURE 14A). The DAG-mediated activation of protein-serine/threonine kinases (or PKC family protein kinases) also leads to cell proliferation and gene expression through, for example, the MAP kinase pathway and phorbol esters (420). Although DAG remains associated with the plasma membrane, IP3 is a small polar molecule that is released to the cytosol. There it activates IP3 receptors (IP3Rs) in the SR and ER membranes, allowing Ca2+ mobilization to the cytosol (and other intracellular organelles) (421, 422). Activation depletion of intracellularly stored Ca2+ in the SR/ER due to IP3-mediated Ca2+ release or mobilization, along with passive depletion of Ca2+ in the SR/ER due to inhibition of SERCA (by thapsigargin or cyclopiazonic acid), is the major cause for inducing store-operated Ca2+ entry (FIGURE 14B). Low [Ca2+]cyt (∼100 nM) under resting conditions is maintained because of Ca2+ pumps in the plasma membrane (Ca2+ extrusion) and Ca2+ pumps in the SR/ER membrane (Ca2+ sequestration or uptake). Therefore, the [Ca2+] in the SR/ER can be as high as 0.1–1 mM. Activation of IP3R or other Ca2+ release channels, such as ryanodine receptors (RyRs), or the inhibition of SERCA can efficiently result in Ca2+ transportation from the SR/ER to the cytosol based on the chemical gradient and, ultimately, to store depletion and SOCE.
Receptor-operated Ca2+ entry and store-operated Ca2+ entry are both involved in pulmonary vasoconstriction (423–425) and PASMC proliferation (242, 426,427). In isolated PA rings from animals, phenylephrine (PE) caused a transient constriction determined by an increase in isometric tension in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (0 Ca). This transition contraction was due to IP3-mediated Ca2+ release upon PE-mediated α-adrenergic receptor activation. Blockade of α-receptors with phentolamine in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ further decreases PA contraction initiated by IP3-mediated Ca2+ release, potentially because of a receptor-mediated increase in Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. While α-receptors were blocked by phentolamine, restoration of extracellular Ca2+ (to 1.8 mM) resulted in an increase in tension or PA contraction due apparently to store-operated Ca2+ entry. Then, washout of phentolamine with PE-containing solution further increased the isometric tension due to PA contraction because of receptor-operated Ca2+ entry (FIGURE 14C). These studies indicate that, upon agonist-mediated activation of membrane receptors, IP3-mediated Ca2+ release, store-operated Ca2+ entry, and receptor-operated Ca2+ entry all contribute to the increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs causing pulmonary vasoconstriction. Furthermore, passive depletion of intracellularly stored Ca2+ in the SR in primary cultured PASMCs is able to increase [Ca2+]cyt via store-operated Ca2+ entry (123, 242, 377) as a result of opening SOCCs (FIGURE 14D) (426, 428).
VDCE through different types of VDCCs, such as the L-type VDCC and the T-type VDCC, is controlled and regulated by changes in membrane potential (Em) (102, 103). Em is generated and regulated by the activity of the electrogenic Na+ pump or Na+-K+-ATPase (429) and various K+ channels in the plasma membrane (411). Decrease of K+ channel activity and downregulation of K+ channel expression are implicated in causing membrane depolarization and opening of VDCCs in PASMCs causing pulmonary vasoconstriction (105). Meanwhile, activation of K+ channels or increase of K+ efflux is involved in membrane repolarization or hyperpolarization causing pulmonary vasodilation (430) (FIGURE 15A). Given the high membrane resistance, a small change of K+ channel activity can have a substantial effect on membrane potential (431). In addition, anion channels like voltage-gated and Ca2+-activated Cl− channels are involved in the regulation of Em in human and animal PASMCs (432–437), whereas changes in Cl− channel activity are implicated in the development of PH (438–442). Since the intracellular concentration of Cl− in SMCs is very high, the opening of Cl− channels at rest (where the resting Em is −40 to −60 mV) would result in inward currents due to Cl− efflux and membrane depolarization in PASMCs.
Proposed mechanisms of voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry. A: membrane potential (Em) is regulated by Na+ pump (or Na+-K+-ATPase) and K+ channels in the plasma membrane. Decreased K+ currents (IK) due to blockade or dysfunction of K+ channels and/or downregulation of K+ channel expression (and inhibited Na+ pump by, for example, ouabain) lead to membrane depolarization that opens voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs), increases Ca2+ influx (or voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry), raises cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]cyt, and eventually induces pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell (PASMC) contraction, migration, and proliferation. B: representative records showing whole cell voltage-gated K+ (KV) currents (a), membrane potential (Em, b) and [Ca2+]cyt (c) in PASMCs before (Control), during (4-AP) and after (Recovery) extracellular application of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), a relatively selective blocker of KV channels. 4-AP-mediated decrease in whole cell KV currents (a) depolarizes the cell and induces Ca2+ action potentials (b) and induces a sustained increase in [Ca2+]cyt due apparently to Ca2+ influx through VDCC (c). C: representative records showing whole cell KV currents (a), elicited by depolarizing the cell from a holding potential of −70 mV to a series of test potentials ranging from −60 to +80 mV (in 20-mV increments) in PASMCs before [normoxia (Nor), Po2 = 155 Torr], during [hypoxia (Hyp)], and after (Recovery, Po2 = 155 Torr) acute superfusion of hypoxic solution (Po2 = 15 Torr). Acute hypoxia-mediated decrease in whole cell KV currents is associated with membrane depolarization (b and c) in PASMCs. Resting Em is measured with the patch-clamp technique in the current-clamp mode (b), whereas the histogram of Em recorded in PASMCs under normoxic (c, top) and hypoxic (c, bottom) conditions is constructed from 29 normoxic cells and 38 hypoxic cells. **P < 0.01 vs. Nor.
There are at least four families of K+ channels functionally expressed in pulmonary vascular cells including PASMCs (443): 1) voltage-gated K+ (KV) channels (444), 2) Ca2+-activated K+ (KCa) channels (445, 446), 3) ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels (447, 448), and 4) two-pore domain K+ (K2P) channels or tandem-pore domain K+ channels (449).
KV channels are a diverse subfamily of K+ channels in vascular smooth muscle cells. A functional KV channel is either a homotetrameric channel composed of four KV channel pore-forming α-subunits (e.g., KCNA5) or a heterotetrametric channel composed of four different KV channel α-subunits (e.g., KCNA1/KCNA2 and 2 KCNA5), whereas the auxiliary KV channel β-subunits alter the KV channels’ biophysical and pharmacological properties (450–452). The KV channel β-subunit confers the sensitivity of KV channels to oxygen, hypoxia, and redox status (451, 453, 454). KV channels are activated by membrane depolarization and play an important role in the regulation of resting membrane potential (e.g., inducing membrane repolarization and hyperpolarization) in PASMCs (105, 455, 456). Extracellular application of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) significantly and reversibly decreases whole cell KV currents recorded in PASMCs with Ca2+-free and EGTA-containing bath solution and ATP-including pipette solution (which minimizes the contribution of KCa and KATP currents to the whole cell currents) (FIGURE 15Ba). The 4-AP-mediated decrease in KV currents was associated with membrane depolarization, generation of Ca2+-dependent action potentials (FIGURE 15Bb), and an increase in [Ca2+]cyt (FIGURE 15Bc) in PASMCs. Furthermore, acute hypoxia or a change in Po2 from 155 Torr to 15 Torr significantly and reversibly decreases whole cell KV currents in PASMCs and causes membrane depolarization (or a 14-mV change of Em) (FIGURE 15C). It has been demonstrated that acute hypoxia inhibits different K+ channels (e.g., KV, KCa, and K2P channels) and causes membrane depolarization in PASMCs. This subsequently opens VDCCs, promotes Ca2+ influx through L-type VDCCs, increases [Ca2+]cyt, and causes hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (76). In addition, chronic hypoxia downregulates K+ channels and stimulates PASMC proliferation by increasing VDCE through L/T-type VDCCs (457–461) and inhibits PASMC apoptosis by inhibiting apoptotic volume decrease and intracellular caspase activity (93, 462–469).
KCa channels are functionally classified into three subfamilies based on their single-channel conductance: the large-conductance (BK or MaxiK) KCa channel (g = 100–300 pS), the intermediate (IK) KCa channels (g = 25–100 pS), and the small-conductance (SK) KCa channel (g = 2–25 pS) (445, 446, 470). Similar to KV channels, the BK channel is a tetrameric channel that is activated by membrane depolarization and intracellular Ca2+ (445). KCa channels function as a negative-feedback effector in many excitable cells including vascular SMCs in response to membrane depolarization and an increase in [Ca2+]cyt. In PASMCs, the outward K+ currents through large-conductance KCa channels (BKCa or MaxiK channels) are often recorded in cell-attached membrane patches (FIGURE 16A). The slope conductance of BKCa channels in PASMCs is between 200 and 250 pS. The steady-state open probability of the large-conductance BK channels can be significantly and reversibly increased by NO or the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) (FIGURE 16B). Similar to KV channels, activity and expression of the large-conductance KCa channels are also associated with PAH and experimental PH. Activation of BK channels inhibits the progression of experimental PH (471–475); however, whether KCa channels are downregulated or upregulated in remodeled PA from animals with experimental PH remains unclear (476–478).
Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (KCa) currents in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs). A: representative single-channel K+ currents in cell-attached membrane patch elicited by depolarizing the patch to a series of test potentials in a PASMC bathed in physiological salt solution (left). The current-voltage (I-V) relationship curve (right), which shifts to the right because of the membrane potential (−43 mV), shows a slope conductance (g) of 249 pS. B, top: representative single-channel KCa currents in a cell-attached membrane patch of PASMC before (Control), during (NO), and after (Recovery) extracellular application of the nitric oxide (NO) donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine. Bottom: the steady-state open probability (NPopen) of the currents.
K2P channels are a family of 15 members that form the so-called “leak channels” and generate K+ leak currents or “background currents” in excitable and nonexcitable cells. These channels are often regulated by signaling lipids, hypoxia and hyperoxia, and pH (479). Some of the K2P channels are also mechanosensitive and receptor operated (449, 480, 481). For KV channels, each pore-forming α-subunit contains six transmembrane domains (6 TMD) with one pore (P) region and the α-subunits form functional tetramers. K2P channels are characterized by the presence of two pore-forming regions and four transmembrane domains in each channel subunit. It is believed that two subunits of K2P are necessary to form functional dimeric channels. K2P channels are expressed in PASMCs and generate a noninactivating current showing no classic time- and voltage-dependent activity (481, 482). Loss-of-function mutations/SNPs of the KCNK3 gene (483), which encodes the K2P channel TASK-1, have been demonstrated to be partially responsible for the enhanced Ca2+ signaling observed in PASMCs from patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH (443, 484, 485). As a channel contributing to background K+ current, inhibition of the channels initiates membrane depolarization (480, 486, 487), which subsequently opens VDCCs and enhances Ca2+ influx. This increases [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs (488) and eventually causes pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling.
KATP channels are structurally composed of an octameric complex of four pore-forming subunits of inward-rectifier K+ (KIR) channel subunits (e.g., KIR6.1/KCNJ8 and KIR6.2/KCNJ11) and four sulfonylurea receptors (SURs) (447, 448, 489, 490). KATP channels show little or no voltage dependence and have low open probability under basal conditions. KATP channels are inhibited by intracellular ATP with IC50 of 14.5 µM (491). Coexpression of SUR with KIR6.1 (KCNJ8) or KIR6.2 (KCNJ11) produces different KATP channels that are activated by nucleotide diphosphate and inhibited by ATP (492). KIR6.1 (KCNJ8) and SUR2B are expressed in human PASMCs (493). Given the high concentration of intracellular ATP, KATP channels may normally be closed in the pulmonary arteries and therefore cannot be activated by hypoxia that causes pulmonary vasoconstriction (494). Recently, loss-of-function mutations in the ABCC8 gene that encodes sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) have been associated with PAH (448, 495, 496). These findings will shed further light on the involvement of dysfunctional K+ channels in the development and progression of PAH and experimental PH. Using KATP channel openers to treat PAH and PH due to respiratory diseases and/or hypoxemia could potentially be a good strategy to develop new therapeutic approaches for PAH (443, 448, 497). Indeed, several KATP channel activators (e.g., levosimendan, iptakalim, diazoxide, VU0071063, NN414) show promising therapeutic effects on PAH and experimental PH (498–501).
Among the four different K+ channels, the pore-forming α-subunit of KV channels contains six transmembrane domains (TMDs) with the pore (P) between TMD5 and TMD6 and the voltage sensor in TMD4. Functional KV channels are homotetramers (formed by 4 identical α-subunits) or heterotetramers (formed by 4 different α-subunits) with four regulatory β-subunits. The pore-forming α-subunit of KCa (BKCa) channels has a six-TMD structure similar to the KV channel α-subunit but contains a (TMD0) domain that makes the NH2 terminal outside of the cell. Functional KCa (BKCa) channels are also tetramers with four pore-forming α-subunits and four regulatory β-subunits. K2P channels contain two pore-forming regions (P1 and P2) and four transmembrane domains in each channel subunit. Functional K2P channels are thus dimers. The pore-forming subunits for KATP channels are inward-rectifier channel subunits (e.g., KIR6.x) that contain two TMDs and a pore-forming region. Four KIR6.x subunits and four sulfonylurea receptors (SUR1 or SUR2) are required to form functional octameric KATP channels (FIGURE 17).
Schematic diagram showing structure of K+ channels. Planar membrane topologies of single K+ channel subunits for a voltage-gated (KV) K+ channel (A), a Ca2+-activated (BKCa) K+ channel (B), a 2-pore domain (K2P) K+ channel (C), and a ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel (D), which is composed of inward-rectifier (KIR) K+ channel and sulfonylurea receptor (SUR). The pore-forming loop is indicated (P) and the voltage sensor (+) in the fourth transmembrane domain (TMD4) for KV (A) and BKCa (B) channels, which are homotetramers or heterotetramers with 4 β-subunits (left and center). C: membrane topology of a K2P channel subunit featuring 2 pore regions, P1 and P2, and 4 transmembrane spanning domains and cytoplasmic NH2 and COOH termini. The functional K2P channels are thus dimers. D: the KATP channels are heterooctamers formed by 4 pore-forming KIR subunits (e.g., KIR6.x) and 4 SURs. Right: the channel genes associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and the decreased (↓) whole cell K+ currents through different K+ channels found in PASMCs from PAH patients or related to the mutations/single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified from PAH patients. For BKCa channels, knockout (KO) of KCNMB1, a β-subunit of the large-conductance KCa channel, enhances experimental pulmonary hypertension (PH) in mice.
Downregulated and/or dysfunctional K+ channels (e.g., KV/KCNA5, KCa/KCNMA1-KCNMAB1, K2P/KCNK3, KATP/SUR1 channels) are demonstrated in cell and tissue samples from patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH (104, 485, 488, 500–507). The decreased K+ currents through various K+ channels are not only due to mutations and/or downregulation of the pore-forming α-subunits but also related to the regulatory β-subunits. For example, knockout of KCNMB1, a β-subunit of the BKCa channel (e.g., KCNMA1), enhances the development of experimental PH in mice (506). Activity of K+ channels or intracellular [K+] is not only important for the regulation of membrane potential (102–105) but also pivotal for the regulation of cell apoptosis (462, 467, 508–510) and inflammation or inflammasome formation (511–514). Inhibition of K+ efflux due to reduced number of K+ channel proteins in the plasma membrane and/or reduced open probability and conductance of K+ channels can thus reinforce the antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects on various vascular cells and inflammatory cells contributing to the development of pulmonary vascular remodeling in PAH and other types of precapillary PH (i.e., groups 1–3 PH) (1).
In addition to Ca2+ channels and K+ channels, it has been demonstrated that Na+ channels (e.g., acid-sensing ion channel, ASIC) as well as Na+/H+ (NHE) and Na+/Ca2+ (NCX) exchangers are also involved in the regulation of pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling. ASICs are voltage-insensitive cation channels activated by extracellular H+ (515). ASIC1, a nonselective cation channel that conducts both Na+ and Ca2+, is expressed in PASMCs. ASIC1-mediated Na+ influx induces membrane depolarization in PASMCs to trigger the voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry pathway, whereas ASIC1-mediated Ca2+ influx contributes directly to increasing [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs. Through patch-clamp and in vivo animal experiments, the Jernigan and Resta group (516–519) provides compelling evidence that increased nonselective cation currents through ASIC1 channels and membrane depolarization in PASMCs contribute to the development of experimental PH. Changes in extracellular and intracellular H+ or pH can also contribute to the development and progression of PAH and experimental PH by signaling through the Na+/H+ exchanger expressed in the surface membrane of PASMCs (and other types of pulmonary vascular cells and infiltrated inflammatory cells) (520, 521). Increased NHE1 activity promotes lung vascular cell proliferation and survival, whereas NHE1 inhibition may result in the regression of pulmonary vascular remodeling (522, 523). When intracellular Na+ is increased because of increased Na+ influx through TRP and ASIC channels and inward Na+ transportation through NHE, it also activates the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in the plasma membrane to induce inward transportation of Ca2+ (411, 415, 524). Upregulated NCX1 in PASMCs is implicated in the increase of [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs from patients with PAH (417). These observations indicate that Na+ influx through nonselective cation channels upregulated in PASMCs can contribute to sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction (via PASMC contraction) and vascular remodeling (via PASMC proliferation and migration) via membrane depolarization and VDCC-associated Ca2+ influx pathways. The local increase in cytoplasmic [Na+] through TRP and ASIC channels and via Na+ transporters (e.g., NHE1) can also turn on the reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+ exchange to increase [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs. The NCX-mediated inward Ca2+ transportation is also an important mechanism to enhance the sequestration of Ca2+ into the intracellular Ca2+ stores (i.e., the SR/ER) and enhance agonist- or growth factor-mediated Ca2+ response (306, 411, 419).
The pathogenic roles of ion channels and transporters in PAH and PH due to respiratory diseases and/or hypoxemia have been well established by various laboratories and investigators (443). As discussed above, PAH is a pulmonary vasculopathy that is characterized by sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling, and occlusive vascular lesions, which directly contribute to the elevated PVR and PAP in patients with PAH and PH due to respiratory disease and/or hypoxemia. Specifically, the regulation of Ca2+, K+, and Na+ channels and the ionic concentrations, and how they relate to each other, have been extensively shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of PAH. Increased concentrations of cytoplasmic Ca2+, regulated by ROCCs, SOCCs, and VDCCs, is shown in patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH. Downregulation or mutations in different types of K+ channels (e.g., KCNK3, KCNA5) leads to PH through membrane depolarization and activation of VDCC in PASMCs. Similarly, activation of Na+-permeable cation channels and augmentation of intracellular [Na+] can increase [Ca2+]cyt by causing membrane depolarization and activation of VDCCs and can increase [Ca2+]cyt through the reverse mode of NCX (411, 415, 418, 419), progressing pathogenesis. Expression and function of these ion channels in pulmonary vascular cells are implicated in the regulation of pulmonary vasoconstriction, vascular remodeling, and vascular occlusion. Indeed, genetic mutations or single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of various membrane receptors and ion channels have been identified to be associated with PAH and other forms of pulmonary hypertension (525–527).
In 1997, Nichols et al. (528) linked the gene for heritable PAH, previously referred to as familial primary pulmonary hypertension, to chromosome 2q31-32, which led to the discovery of the BMPR2 gene as a predisposing gene for PAH in 2000 (529, 530). Since then, many new genes have been reported to be associated with PAH and other forms of PH based on data obtained from multiple cohorts (TABLE 6). Details on the genetics and genomics of PAH have been reviewed extensively by experts in the field (526, 561–564). Among the genes underlying PAH that are validated from multiple cohorts, many are related to the TGF-β signaling pathway, including genes encoding ligands (e.g., BMP9/10), receptors (e.g., BMPR2, ACVRL1, and ENG), and signaling proteins (e.g., SMAD1, 4, 8, and 9) (TABLE 6). The membrane receptors and ion channels in which mutations and SNPs are associated with PAH include GPCRs (e.g., 5-HT receptor 5HT2B/HTR2B) (565), tyrosine kinase receptors (e.g., BMPR2, ACVRL1, endoglin) (533, 534, 537, 542, 566, 567), K2P channels (e.g., KCNK3) (483–485), KATP channels (e.g., ABCC8/SUR1) (495, 496), KV channels (e.g., KCNA5) (502–505, 540, 557, 568, 569), receptor-operated and mechanosensitive nonselective cation channels (e.g., TRPC6) (123, 549), water channels (e.g., AQP1) (542), and membrane transporters (e.g., 5-HT transporter SLC6A4, polyamine and ATP transporter ATP13A3) (542, 548, 565, 570–572). Furthermore, a couple of genes encoding signaling protein/kinase (e.g., EIF2AK4) (531, 551–553, 562) and transcription factors (e.g., TBX4, Sox17) (203, 531, 532, 557–559) have also been shown to play a role in the development and progression of PAH.
Table 6.
Genes underlying PAH that are validated in multiple cohorts
Gene | Protein | Cellular and Molecular Function | Reference(s) |
Ligand | |||
GDF2 (BMP9) | Growth differentiation factor 2 or bone morphogenetic protein 9 | Activates TGF-β family receptors (e.g., ACVRL1) and SMAD family transcription factors involved in gene expression and angiogenesis | (264) |
BMP10 | Bone morphogenetic protein 10 | Activates TGF-β family receptors and SMAD family transcription factors that regulate gene expression and cell proliferation | (264, 531) |
FBLN2 | Fibulin 2 | An extracellular matrix protein that binds fibronectin and Ca2+. Its function is involved in organ development. | (532) |
PDGFD | Platelet-derived growth factor D | A growth factor involved in embryonic development as well as cell proliferation, migration, survival, and chemotaxis | (532) |
Membrane receptor and transporter | |||
BMPR2 | Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) receptor type II | A tyrosine kinase receptor activated by BMP family of ligands | (529, 530, 533–536) |
ACVRL1 | Activin receptor-like kinase 1 | A tyrosine kinase receptor activated by the TGF-β superfamily of ligands | (505, 537–539) |
ENG | Endoglin | A glycoprotein as a component of the TGF-β receptor complex | (483, 537, 538) |
Cav1 | Caveolin 1 | A scaffolding protein as the main component of the caveolae plasma membrane | (395, 483) |
SLC6A4 | Serotonin (5-HT) transporter | Transports extracellular 5-HT (a neurotransmitter and vasoconstrictor) into the cytoplasm | (540, 541) |
Ion channel and transporter | |||
KCNK3 (or TASK1) | Two-pore domain K+ channel subfamily K member | A pH-sensitive K+ channel involved in generating background K+ current and regulating membrane potential | (483–485) |
ABCC8 | Sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) | Forms ATP-sensitive K+ channels with inward-rectifier K+ channel subunits that are inhibited by intracellular ATP | (448, 490, 495, 496) |
AQP1 | Aquaporin 1 | Molecular water channel and cGMP-gated nonselective cation channel that allows water, H+, , NO, glycerol, CO2, and O2 to go through according to the electrochemical gradient | (542–547) |
ATP13A3 | ATPase 13A3 | P-type ATPase family protein that transports cations across membrane | (531, 542, 548) |
TRPC6 | Transient receptor potential canonical channel 6 | Forms receptor-operated and DAG-activated cation channels for ligand- and mechanical force-mediated Ca2+ influx | (123, 549, 550) |
Signaling protein and kinase | |||
EIF2AK4 | Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α kinase 4 | Phosphorylates the α-subunit of EIF2 (eukaryotic translation initiation factor-2) and regulates protein expression | (531, 551–553) |
SMAD1 | SMAD family member 1 | Transduces signals from BMP receptors | (554) |
SMAD4 | SMAD family member 4 | Transduces signals from TGF-β family receptors | (554) |
SMAD8 | SMAD family member 8 | Transduces signals from BMP receptors | (555) |
SMAD9 | SMAD family member 9 | Transduces signals from TGF-β family receptors | (554, 556) |
Transcription factor | |||
TBX4 | T-Box transcription factor 4 | Transcriptional regulation of genes involved in the lung development or genesis | (532, 557–559) |
Sox17 | SRY-box transcription factor 17 | Transcriptional regulation of genes involved in Wnt signaling and embryonic development | (203, 560) |
DAG, diacylglycerol; NO, nitric oxide; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension.
How these genes coordinate with each other to cause changes in the pulmonary vasculature in PAH is still unknown. The correlated mutations and SNPs in multiple genes further support the hypothesis that the pathogenic mechanism involved is multifactorial. It can be parallelly and/or sequentially distributed in the different cells (e.g., lung vascular and perivascular cells, infiltrated inflammatory cells, vascular resident and circulating progenitor cells) (573) and have different signaling pathways (e.g., TGF-β/BMP signaling, Ca2+/CaM signaling, PDGF signaling, Notch signaling) (574–577) and varying proteomic and transcriptomic clusters (573, 578–580). The parallel pathogenic mechanism involving multiple genes and signaling pathways may help explain the genetic, molecular, physiological, and clinical heterogeneity of PAH (574). Different patients may acquire the disease through different pathogenic pathways or genetic defects to induce similar functional (e.g., sustained vasoconstriction) and histological (e.g., concentric vascular remodeling and occlusive lesions) alterations leading to the elevated PVR and PAP. The sequential pathogenic mechanism involving ligands, receptors, signaling proteins/kinases, and transcription factors may provide a basic molecular physiological foundation to explain the disease progression and severity in patients with PAH and PH. In the beginning, generic changes in extracellular ligands and extracellular matrix proteins may cause mild changes in the pulmonary vasculature. When the disease progresses, receptors on the surface membranes of affected cells and downstream signaling cascades may undergo significant changes (reversible or irreversible) that enable the cells to change function, structure, interaction network, and, eventually, phenotype. The disease severity is then determined by how many sequential steps are affected or become abnormal and whether the pathogenic changes are reversible. The parallel and sequential mechanisms very likely work together to ensure the development and progression of the lung vasculopathy or vascular lesions in PAH.
There are many studies demonstrating that TGF-β/BMP signaling functionally interacts with other signaling pathways to regulate cell proliferation, migration, apoptosis, and differentiation. For example, the BMP-mediated SMAD signaling in PASMCs is involved in maintaining “normal” expression and function of K+ channels (581), whereas downregulation and/or decreased activity of K+ channels (e.g., KCNK3 and KCNA5) are implicated in causing membrane depolarization, pulmonary vasoconstriction, and vascular remodeling (104, 454, 484, 488, 582, 583). A unique SNP in the promoter region of TRPC6, a receptor-operated and mechanosensitive cation channel, identified in PAH patients results in an extra NF-κB binding site. The SNP is then involved in mediating TNF-α-mediated transcriptional upregulation of the TRPC6 gene in PASMCs. The PAH patients who carry the SNP are more susceptible to inflammation-mediated upregulation of TRPC6, which subsequently enhances Ca2+-associated pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling (123, 549). Furthermore, the SNPs or mutations in the KCNK3 gene from PAH patients (483) lead to the decrease of the pH-sensitive KCNK3 channel activity (486), also referred to as TASK-1 (or K2P3.1) channel (487), which subsequently results in membrane depolarization and an increase in [Ca2+]cyt and eventually pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling (443, 484, 485). The loss-of-function mutation in KCNK3 (483) also alters inflammatory and metabolic factors synthesized and released from circulating immune cells and eventually changes the susceptibility to inflammation-mediated effect on the pulmonary vasculature (584).
PH is a multifactorial disease further complicated by the fact that it can occur in patients as a result of different initial causes [e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), acute/chronic mountain disease, pulmonary embolism, scleroderma, HIV infection]. Therefore, identifying genetic predispositions and mutations specifically for one form of PH is difficult. One good example is that mutations in the BMPRII gene can cause PAH in patients with the heritable form of the disease and that mutations in certain signaling pathways such as TGF-β/BMP, which have downstream effects, lead to changes in ion concentrations, vasoconstriction, and remodeling. More thorough studies are needed to 1) specify the mutation/SNP-associated transcriptional, translational, regulatory, and functional changes of each of the genes that are associated with PAH, 2) investigate the functional cross talk among the proteins for which gene mutations and SNPs are associated with PAH, and 3) examine whether the mutations/SNPs in various predisposing genes of PAH affect the pharmacological properties of the encoded proteins (drug target) or influence the efficacy, kinetics, and effectiveness of varying drugs on the targets. Another important concept is that the predisposing genes of PAH may require wild-type genes or gene products to reinforce the pathogenic effect. It is therefore important to identify the pathogenic partners that initiate and/or enhance the pathogenic effect of the predisposing genes (and proteins) on the pulmonary vasculature.
6.1. Coordinated Role of Ion Channels in PAH and PH
There are three categories of changes of ion channels and transporters that are linked to the development and progression of PAH and PH: 1) SNPs or mutations in certain ion channel (pore-forming subunit) genes and regulatory subunit genes are associated with PAH and other forms of PH; 2) ion channel mRNA and protein expression levels are different in lung tissue and cell (e.g., PASMCs and PAECs) specimens from patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH in comparison to normal controls; and 3) ion channel function (e.g., macroscopic or unitary transmembrane cation and/or anion currents, changes of intracellular free ion concentration due to cation influx and/or anion efflux) is changed in PASMCs/PAECs from PAH patients and PH animals in comparison to normal controls. As shown in TABLE 6, there are several ion channel and transporter genes (e.g., KCNK3/TASK1, ABCC8/SUR1, TRPC6, ATP13A3) for which SNPs or mutations identified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are associated with PAH (and PH). The SNPs in the intergenic and promoter regions of an ion channel gene can affect the transcription and expression of the gene, whereas the nonsynonymous SNPs or mutations in the exons of a channel gene can be gain-of-function or loss-of-function SNPs. For example, various gain-of-function SNPs/mutations in KCNK3 are associated with increased K+ currents through KANK3 channels in patients with sleep apnea or developmental delay in sleep apnea (DDSA) (585), whereas loss-of-function SNPs/mutations in KCNK3 are associated with decreased K+ currents through KCNK3 channels in patients with PAH (586).
In addition to these genetically linked channel and transporter genes in PAH, there are multiple ion channels and transporters for which functional and expression changes are observed in lung tissue/cell specimens from patients with PAH and animals with experimental PH (TABLE 7). In vitro studies using lung tissues and PASMCs/PAECs isolated from PAH patients and PH animal models (TABLE 7) and genetic association studies using PBMCs of PAH patients (TABLE 6) are consistent with each other for some genes (e.g., BMPR2 SNPs/mutations in cohort studies of PAH patients and BMPR2 downregulation and BMP/BMPR2 signaling inhibition in lung tissue/cell specimens from PAH patients). However, there are downregulated or upregulated ion channels in lung tissue/cell specimens from patients who do carry loss-of-function or gain-of-function SNPs/mutations in the ion channel genes in comparison to normal subjects. The gap between the in vitro and animal studies and the human genetic/phenotypic studies urges us to conduct more experiments to specify the mechanisms involved in the transcriptional and functional regulation of ion channel and transporter genes in lung vascular cells from PAH patients with or without germline SNPs/mutations associated with the disease. One of the explanations for the gap or difference between human genomic/phenotypic studies and in vitro and animal studies is that the former use PBMCs to analyze the SNP/mutation correlation with human phenotypes whereas the latter use affected tissues/cells (e.g., PASMCs isolated from remodeled pulmonary vascular segments) to define functional and transcriptional changes of the altered genes. Both sets of studies provide important information on the involvement of various ion channels and transporters in the development and progression of pulmonary vascular lesions in PAH.
Table 7.
Selected ion channels that are transcriptionally and functionally changed in lung tissues, PASMCs and PAECs from patients with PAH (in vitro studies) and animals with experimental PH (animal studies)
Category | Major Functional Effect | References |
Ca2+ channels including VDCC (CaV), ROCC (TRP), SOCC (Orai), and intracellular channels | ||
↑CaV1.2 (L-type), ↑CaV3.2 (T-type) | ↑[Ca2+]cyt → ↑SMC contraction → vasoconstriction | (76, 110, 123, 131, 377–379, 387, 587–595) |
↑TRPC1/3/6, ↑TRPM6/7, ↑TRPV1/4 | ↑[Ca2+]cyt → cell migration and proliferation → vascular remodeling | |
↑Orai1/2-STIM1/2 | ↑Na+ influx → Em depolarization in SMC → ↑VDCC → ↑[Ca2+]cyt | |
↑IP3 receptor (IP3R1) | ↑IP3R/RyR → agonist- and Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release → ↑[Ca2+]cyt → ↑ SMC contraction/migration → vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling | |
↑Ryanodine receptor (RyR2) | ||
K+ channels including KV (KCN), KCa (KCNM), and K2P (KCNK) channels | ||
↓KCNA1/2/4/5, ↓KCNB1, ↓KCNH2, ↓KCNQ4 | ↓K+ current → Em depolarization → ↑VDCC → ↑[Ca2+]cyt → ↑SMC contraction | (431, 448, 467, 472, 476, 484, 495, 500, 502, 503, 506, 583, 584, 587, 596–600) |
↑↓KCNMA1, ↑KCNMB1 | ↑K+ current → Em hyperpolarization and repolarization → ↓VDCC → ↓[Ca2+]cyt → SMC relaxation → vasodilation | |
↓KCNK3/KCNK6, ↓KCNK15/KCNK17 | ↑K+ efflux → ↑H2O leak → AVD → apoptosis | |
↑K+ efflux → ↓[K+]cyt→ ↑caspase activity → apoptosis | ||
↑K+ efflux → ↓[K+]cyt → ↑inflammasome activation and formation → vascular inflammation → vascular remodeling | ||
Na+ channels including voltage-gated (SCN), acid-sensitive (ASIC), and epithelial (ENaC) Na+ channel | ||
↑SCN1A/SCN3A/SCN9A | ↑Na+ influx → Em depolarization in SMC → ↑Ca2+ influx → ↑[Ca2+]cyt → ↑SMC contraction/migration/proliferation → vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling | (517–519, 587, 601, 602) |
↑ASIC1/ASIC2/ASIC3 | ↓Na+ influx in epithelial cell → pulmonary edema | |
↓ENaC | ||
Gap junction channels | ||
↑Cx37 in EC | ↑Cx37 in EC → ↑lung endothelial injury → vascular remodeling | (283, 304, 308, 309, 319, 321, 322) |
↓↑Cx40 in EC | ↓Cx40 in EC → ↓endothelium-dependent relaxation → vasoconstriction | |
↑Cx43 in SMC | ↑Cx40 in EC → ↑Em depolarization from EC to SMC → HPV | |
↑Cx43 in SMC → ↑SMC proliferation → vascular remodeling | ||
Cl− channels | ||
↑Ca2+-activated Cl− channel (TMEM16A) in SMC | ↑[Ca2+]cyt → ↑Cl− efflux → Em depolarization in SMC → ↑[Ca2+]cyt → SMC contraction/proliferation → vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling | (432, 434–442) |
↑CLIC4 → ↑ARF6 → ↓BMPRII → EC proliferation | ||
↑Intracellular Cl− channel (CLIC4) in EC and SMC | ↑CLIC4 → ↑ARF6 → ↑NF-kB → EC inflammation | |
↑CLIC4 → ↑RhoA/Rac1 → SMC migration/proliferation | ||
Water channels (aquaporin) | ||
↑AQP1 | ↑β-catenin → ↑c-Myc/cyclin D1 → SMC migration/proliferation → vascular remodeling | (542, 545,546) |
↑increase, activate or upregulate; ↓decrease, inhibit, or downregulate. AVD, apoptotic volume decrease; ARF6, ADP ribosylation factor 6; BMPRII, bone morphogenetic protein receptor II; [Ca2+]cyt, cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration; EC, endothelial cell; Em, membrane potential; HPV, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction; IP3, inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate; [K+]cyt, cytosolic free K+ concentration; KV, voltage-gated K+ channel; KCa, Ca2+-activated K+ channel; K2P, 2-pore domain K+ channel; PAEC. pulmonary arterial endothelial cell; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PASMC, pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell; ROCC, receptor-operated cation channel; SMC, smooth muscle cell; SOCC, store-operated cation channel; VDCC, voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel.
Ion channels and transporters in the plasmalemmal membrane, intracellular organelle membrane, and nuclear envelope in lung vascular cells are involved in maintaining and regulating cell homeostasis under normal or physiological conditions. For example, membrane potential (Em) is mainly set and regulated by the activity of K+ channels and Na+ pump (102, 103, 411). Decreased background or leak K+ currents through KCNK3, an outwardly rectifying pH-sensitive K2P channel, in PAH patients carrying KCNK3 SNPs/mutations (586) would cause or initiate membrane depolarization in PASMCs to open VDCCs, increase [Ca2+]cyt, and thus stimulate PASMC contraction, migration, and proliferation, thereby leading to pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling. Downregulated and/or dysfunctional KCNA5, a delayed-rectifier KV channel, in PAH patients with (502, 504, 505, 568) or without (540, 569) germline SNPs/mutations would help maintain the membrane depolarization by inhibiting membrane repolarization and sustain the increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs. This coordinated or combined effect of KCNK3 and KCNA5 on membrane potential would efficiently cause and maintain a sustained increase in [Ca2+]cyt due to Ca2+ influx through opened VDCCs to reinforce the pathogenic vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling in patients with PAH and PH associated with lung diseases and/or hypoxia. In PAH patients who do not carry KCNK3 SNPs/mutations, the same “pathogenic” mechanism can be used by a different trigger (e.g., a nongenetic trigger). Increased agonists (e.g., ET-1, polyamines) can activate GPCR (some are upregulated in PASMCs from PAH patients) and increase PLC/DAG to inhibit KCNK3 (603, 604) and KCNA5 (605) in PASMCs, causing membrane depolarization, opening of VDCC, and increase in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs, which ultimately result in pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling.
Functional and transcriptional alterations are observed for many ion channels and transporters in in vitro studies using lung tissue/cell specimens from PAH patients and animal studies using lung tissue/cell specimens from animals with experimental PH (TABLE 7), whereas only a few ion channel and transporter genes for which SNPs/mutations are identified in PBMCs are associated with PAH (TABLE 6). The changes, either an increased/decreased activity or an upregulated/downregulated expression, of the channels in lung tissue/cell specimens from PAH patients and PH animals are not necessarily linked to germline SNPs/mutations in the genes encoding the channels. Ion channel and transporter genes include binding sites for numerous transcription factors and microRNAs in the 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions, respectively. Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of ion channel genes induced by inflammatory (e.g., IL-3/TNF-α-NF-κB) and fibrotic (e.g., TGF-β/BMP-SMAD) factors are well established in lung tissues and pulmonary vascular cells (including ECs, SMCs, and FBs) (6, 7, 42, 443, 578, 606). A transcriptomic profiling study has identified >66 cation channels (including K+ channels, Na+ channels, Ca2+ channels, and nonselective cation channels) that are dysregulated in PAH; the functional and expression changes of mRNAs encoding these channels are similar in patients with idiopathic PAH, associated PAH with connective tissue disease, and congenital heart disease (587). Even in the case with BMPR2 mutations it is, for example, likely that the initial pathogenic cause is the germline SNPs/mutation-associated downregulation of BMPR2 and inhibition of BMPR signaling (and/or activation of TGFβR signaling). Then, the downregulated and/or dysfunctional BMPR2 would, at least in part, use or regulate various ion channels and transporters (by downregulating or upregulating their expression or inhibiting or activating their function) (581, 607, 608) to confer the pathophysiological and pathological effects on the pulmonary vasculature to increase PVR and PAP.
In patients with PAH (group 1 PH) and other forms of precapillary PH (groups 3 and 4), increased PVR is mainly caused by pulmonary vasculopathy characterized by sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling, increased pulmonary vascular wall stiffness, in situ thrombosis, and occlusive intimal lesions. An effective therapy for PAH would therefore cause pulmonary vasodilation (or inhibit pulmonary vasoconstriction), exert antiproliferative or proapoptotic effects on highly proliferative vascular cells (e.g., adventitial fibroblasts, medial smooth muscle cells, and intimal endothelial cells), prevent or resolve in situ thromboemboli in small arteries and precapillary arterioles, exert antifibrotic effects to attenuate extracellular matrix stiffness, and reduce pulmonary vascular wall stiffness due to increased myogenic tone and inflammation/cholesterol-associated membrane stiffness (7, 38, 96). Therapeutic strategies for PAH and precapillary PH are thus focused on vasodilative, antiproliferative, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic drugs.
Although the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to these changes in the pulmonary vasculature are complex, an imbalance of vasoactive mediators, mitogenic and angiogenic factors, and pro- and antiapoptotic proteins plays an important role in PAH development. Relative deficiencies of vasodilators (e.g., NO and prostacyclin) deleteriously accompany an excess of vasoconstrictors (e.g., ET-1 and TXA2). NO released by vascular ECs normally promotes the production of cyclic GMP in PASMCs, resulting in PASMC relaxation and pulmonary vasodilation. PGI2, also released from the vascular endothelium, promotes the synthesis of cAMP, causing PASMC relaxation and pulmonary vasodilation. In addition, NO and PGI2 both have antiproliferative and anticoagulant effects that inhibit concentric pulmonary vascular wall thickening and in situ thrombosis. ET-1 is a potent vasoconstrictor secreted by ECs; it exerts vasoconstrictive and proliferative effects on PASMCs. Other vasoactive mediators such as TXA2 and 5-HT appear to play a role in the development of PAH, but the therapeutic potential of targeting these substances has not been well established clinically.
Sustained vasoconstriction and pulmonary vascular remodeling also result from functional and transcriptional changes in membrane receptors and ion channels on the surface of PASMCs. Several GPCRs and TKRs are implicated in the development and progression of PAH (7, 575). Increased cytosolic [Ca2+] is an important common pathway by which receptor activation and downstream cellular signaling cascades exert their effects on the pulmonary vasculature. A rise in [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs is a major trigger for PASMC contraction and an important mediator for PASMC proliferation, migration, and vascular remodeling. Furthermore, ion channels, particularly Ca2+-permeable cation channels (e.g., TRPC6 and TRPV1) and K+-permeable channels (e.g., KCNA5 and KCNK3) in the plasma membrane of PASMCs, can directly influence [Ca2+]cyt (38). Downregulation of K+-permeable channels in PASMCs leads to membrane depolarization and opening of VDCCs, enhancing Ca2+ influx, with a consequent increase in [Ca2+]cyt and further sustained vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling (117). Changes in activity and expression of ion channels and transporters, such as VDCCs, ROCCs, SOCCs, and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, are implicated in the development of PAH. Thus, all are potential therapeutic targets.
At the cellular and molecular levels, the current therapeutic targets are classified into 1) membrane receptor blockers [e.g., bosentan and ambrisentan to block ETA and imatinib to block PDGF receptor (PDGFR)] and activators (e.g., PGI2/epoprostenol and selexipag to activate IP), 2) ion channel blockers (e.g., nifedipine and verapamil to block VDCC) and activators (e.g., NO to activate K+ channels via cGMP or nitrosylation), and 3) second messenger cGMP modulators (e.g., riociguat to stimulate soluble guanylate cyclase to increase cGMP production and sildenafil to inhibit phosphodiesterase-5 to inhibit cGMP degradation) (TABLE 8). KATP channel (formed by KIR6 and SUR1/2) openers (e.g., levosimendan, iptakalim, diazoxide, VU0071063, NN414) (498–501), selective TRPC6 channel inhibitors (e.g., BI-749327) (645, 646), serotonin transporter/receptor inhibitors (e.g., LY393558) (571, 647–649), allosteric Ca2+-sensing receptor antagonists (e.g., NPS2143 and calhex 231) (223, 225, 650), Notch receptor inhibitors or Notch ligand antibodies (248, 295, 651, 652), vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor (VPAC1 and VPAC2) agonists (VIP) (236, 237), BMP10/TGF-β/ACTRIIA signaling inhibitors (e.g., Sotatercept) (624), and recombinant angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) (214, 653–656) all have recently been tested for treatment of PAH and experimental PH, with promising effect.
Table 8.
Drugs for treatment of PAH
Drugs | Target | Action Mechanisms | References |
Membrane receptor agonist or antagonist | |||
Epoprostenal/PGI2 (Flolan, Veletri) | ↑ Prostacyclin receptor (IP) | Induces vasodilative, antiproliferative and anticoagulant effect by IP-mediated increase in cAMP and PKA | (24, 32, 84, 609) |
Treprostinil (Remodulin, Tyvaso) | ↑ IP receptor | Activates IP to induce pulmonary vasodilation and inhibit pulmonary vascular remodeling | (610, 611) |
Iloprost (Ventavis) | ↑ IP receptor | Activates IP to induce pulmonary vasodilation and attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling | (612, 613) |
Selexipag (Uptravi) | ↑ IP receptor | Activates IP to induce pulmonary vasodilation and attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling | (614, 615) |
Bosentan (Tracleer) | ↓ Endothelin receptor A (ETA), ↓ endothelin receptor B (ETB) | Blocks both ETA and ETB to inhibit vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling by inhibiting PASMC contraction and proliferation | (90, 156, 243, 605, 616, 617) |
Ambrisentan (Letairis) | ↓ETA | Selectively blocks ETA to inhibit vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling | (618, 619) |
Macitentan (Opsumit) | ↓ETA and ↓ETB | Blocks both ETA and ETB to inhibit vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling | (620, 621) |
Imatinib | Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) | Nonselective blocker of tyrosine kinase receptors to inhibit cell proliferation and concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling | (245, 622, 623) |
Sotatercept | Activin receptor type 2A (ACTRIIA or ACVR2A) | A recombinant ACTRIIA extracellular domain fused with IgG-Fc domain to neutralize activin proteins and GDF-8 (myostatin) and GDF-11 (BMP11), which then blocks the activin and GDF ligands and indirectly restores or enhances BMP signaling | (624, 625) |
Ion channel and transporter inhibitor or activator | |||
Diltiazem | ↓Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (VDCC) | Inhibits Ca2+ influx, decreases [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs and attenuates pulmonary vasoconstriction or induces pulmonary vasodilation | (626, 627) |
Nifedipine | ↓ L-type VDCC | Inhibits Ca2+ and Na+ influx in cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells to inhibit pulmonary vasodilation and induce pulmonary vasodilation | |
Verapamil | ↓VDCC | Inhibits Ca2+ influx and decreases [Ca2+]cyt in PASMCs to attenuate pulmonary vasoconstriction and induce pulmonary vasodilation | |
Amlodipine | ↓VDCC | Inhibits Ca2+ influx, decreases [Ca2+]cyt in PASMC, and causes pulmonary vasoconstriction or induces pulmonary vasodilation | |
Digoxin (Lanoxin) | ↓Na+-K+-ATPase | Exerts positive ionotropic effect to improve RV function and inhibits hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α to attenuate vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling | (628, 629) |
Nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP signaling stimulator | |||
Inhaled NO | ↓ Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) | Activates sGC to produce cGMP and induce vasodilation by activating K+ channels and inducing membrane hyperpolarization | (85, 144, 430, 630, 631) |
Riociguat (Adempas) | ↓ sGC | Stimulates sGC to produce cGMP and induce vasodilation and regression of vascular remodeling | (632–636) |
Tadalafil (Adcirca) | ↓ Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5) | Inhibits PDE-5 to decrease cGMP degradation and induce cGMP/PKG-mediated vasodilation and regression of vascular remodeling | (637–639) |
Sildenafil (Revatio) | ↓ PDE-5 | Inhibits PDE-5 to decrease cGMP degradation and induce cGMP/PKG-mediated vasodilation and regression of vascular remodeling | (640, 641) |
Anticoagulant | |||
Warfarin (Coumadin) | Vitamin K epoxide reductase | Blocks vitamin K epoxide reductase to inhibit coagulation | (642–644) |
Other | |||
Oxygen (O2) | Inhalation of O2 inhibits hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, improves gas exchange,. and increases arterial oxygenation |
↑, Increase, activate; ↓, decrease, inhibit. [Ca2+]cyt, cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PASMC, pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell; RV, right ventricle.
Owing to the important pathogenic role of membrane receptors, ion channels, and transporters in the development of pulmonary vasoconstriction, vascular remodeling, arteriole muscularization, and occlusive vascular lesions, targeting specific receptors and ion channels associated with the disease pathogenesis is a highly promising strategy to develop novel therapeutic approaches for treatment of PAH and PH.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a multifactorial pulmonary vasculopathy with complex pathogenic mechanisms. No single genetic defect is the sole trigger for the disease, although multiple genes (e.g., BMPR2, Sox17) are genetically associated with PAH in some patients. Regardless of the initial genetic, genomic, molecular, or environmental cause, sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction, concentric pulmonary vascular remodeling, in situ thrombosis, occlusive intimal lesion, and vascular wall stiffening are the direct causes for elevating PVR and PAP in patients with PAH and other forms of precapillary PH. All cells in the pulmonary vasculature, i.e., ECs from the intima, SMCs from the media, and (myo)FBs and progenitor cells in the adventitia and ECM, contribute to the pathophysiological and pathological changes in the pulmonary vasculature. The pulmonary vasculopathy in PAH is a self-defect abnormality of the pulmonary vascular cells like cancer or a cancerlike vascular defect. It is initiated by a defected cell(s), likely caused by somatic mutations and disorganized cell reprograming in the pulmonary vasculature, and is facilitated and “regulated” by other cells such as inflammatory and progenitor cells. The initial defect cell becomes a pathogenic cell via an autocrine mechanism, which then spreads the defect to other adjacent cells via paracrine and juxtacrine mechanisms to develop vascular lesions. The initial pathogenic cell(s) can also be alveolar or bronchial epithelial cells that subsequently transmit the disease signals to vascular cells.
Multiple membrane receptors, ion channels, and transporters and intracellular signaling pathways are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of PAH and PH. Partial reprograming of fully differentiated pulmonary vascular wall cells like ECs and SMCs in response to pathogenic cues is an important pathogenic mechanism. Therapeutic strategies should be focused on combination therapy and identifying new drugs that have multiple targets to efficiently inhibit the progression of and/or reverse the established pathophysiological and pathological changes in the pulmonary vasculature and improve right heart function.
This work was supported, in part, by grants from the National Lung, Blood, and Heart Institute of the National Institutes of Health (R35 HL135807, R01 HL146764).
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
J.X.-J.Y. conceived and designed the project; A.B., A.M., and J.X.-J.Y. prepared figures; A.B., A.M., and J.X.-J.Y. drafted, edited and revised manuscript; A.B., A.M., and J.X.-J.Y. approved final version of manuscript.
We thank all our colleagues, trainees, and students at the University of Illinois at Chicago, The University of Arizona, and the University of California, San Diego, who have diligently worked with us on defining pathogenic mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension and developing therapeutic interventions for the disease.
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