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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy logoLink to Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
. 2024 Jun 21;79(8):1885–1899. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkae176

The novel 2024 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains for global quality assurance of laboratory investigations and superseded WHO N. gonorrhoeae reference strains—phenotypic, genetic and reference genome characterization

Magnus Unemo 1,2,, Leonor Sánchez-Busó 3,4, Daniel Golparian 5, Susanne Jacobsson 6, Ken Shimuta 7, Pham Thi Lan 8, David W Eyre 9,10, Michelle Cole 11, Ismael Maatouk 12, Teodora Wi 13, Monica M Lahra 14,15
PMCID: PMC11290888  PMID: 38889110



MDR and XDR Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains remain major public health concerns internationally, and quality-assured global gonococcal antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance is imperative. The WHO global Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GASP) and WHO Enhanced GASP (EGASP), including metadata and WGS, are expanding internationally. We present the phenotypic, genetic and reference genome characteristics of the 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 15) for quality assurance worldwide. All superseded WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 14) were identically characterized.

Material and Methods

The 2024 WHO reference strains include 11 of the 2016 WHO reference strains, which were further characterized, and four novel strains. The superseded WHO reference strains include 11 WHO reference strains previously unpublished. All strains were characterized phenotypically and genomically (single-molecule PacBio or Oxford Nanopore and Illumina sequencing).


The 2024 WHO reference strains represent all available susceptible and resistant phenotypes and genotypes for antimicrobials currently and previously used (n = 22), or considered for future use (n = 3) in gonorrhoea treatment. The novel WHO strains include internationally spreading ceftriaxone resistance, ceftriaxone resistance due to new penA mutations, ceftriaxone plus high-level azithromycin resistance and azithromycin resistance due to mosaic MtrRCDE efflux pump. AMR, serogroup, prolyliminopeptidase, genetic AMR determinants, plasmid types, molecular epidemiological types and reference genome characteristics are presented for all strains.


The 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains are recommended for internal and external quality assurance in laboratory examinations, especially in the WHO GASP, EGASP and other GASPs, but also in phenotypic and molecular diagnostics, AMR prediction, pharmacodynamics, epidemiology, research and as complete reference genomes in WGS analysis.


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is compromising the treatment of gonorrhoea globally.1–8 Internationally, the extended-spectrum cephalosporin (ESC) ceftriaxone is the only remaining option for first-line empirical gonorrhoea therapy, i.e. given as a high-dose monotherapy or with azithromycin.1,2,8–18 However, gonococcal strains with resistance to ceftriaxone and especially azithromycin have been described globally.2,5–10 Furthermore, since 2015 international spread of the ceftriaxone-resistant MDR strain FC428 has been reported5,10,19–22 and since 2018 gonococcal XDR strains with ceftriaxone resistance combined with high-level azithromycin resistance have been described.23–27 Most of the currently identified ceftriaxone-resistant strains contain a mosaic penA-60.001 allele, which result in a mosaic penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2).5,10,19–28 The international spread of ceftriaxone-resistant MDR and XDR gonococcal strains and sporadic treatment failures with ceftriaxone (mainly of pharyngeal gonorrhoea) necessitate enhanced, quality-assured global gonococcal AMR surveillance.1–3,6–8

The WHO3 and ECDC29,30 have developed global and regional action plans, respectively, to control the transmission and impact of AMR gonococcal strains. One key component is to expand, improve and quality-assure the gonococcal AMR surveillance at local, national and global levels. The WHO global Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GASP) was relaunched in 2009 (,6–8 Furthermore, the WHO Enhanced GASP (EGASP)26,31–33 is currently being expanded internationally ( WHO EGASP includes isolate AMR data linked to patient metadata and WGS, which is already implemented in some regional GASPs.9,10 To fulfil all the aims of WHO GASP and EGASP, valid, internationally comparable and quality-assured AMR data are imperative. This is enabled through the use of WHO reference strains.34,35 In 2016, the latest WHO gonococcal reference strain panel was published.35

Herein, the 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strain panel is presented and characterized in detail. This panel includes 11 of the 2016 WHO reference strains (n = 14),35 which were further characterized, and four novel WHO reference strains. These novel WHO strains represent highly relevant AMR phenotypes and/or genotypes that were not available for inclusion in the previous WHO reference strain panels.34,35 The novel WHO strains include the internationally spreading ceftriaxone-resistant, mosaic penA-60.001-containing FC428 strain (associated with several ceftriaxone treatment failures),5,10,19–22 one strain expressing ceftriaxone resistance due to a new penA mutation (associated with cefixime treatment failure),36 the first cultured strain with ceftriaxone resistance plus high-level azithromycin resistance (mosaic penA-60.001-containing and with 23S rRNA gene A2059G mutations, associated with ceftriaxone 1 g plus doxycycline treatment failure)24 and one internationally spreading azithromycin-resistant strain with a mosaic MtrRCDE efflux pump, i.e. with Neisseria lactamica-like mosaic 2 mtrR promoter and mtrD sequence.10,37,38 The 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains were characterized in detail phenotypically {e.g. antibiograms [25 antimicrobials] and genetically [e.g. AMR determinants, multi-locus sequence typing (MLST),39,40N. gonorrhoeae multiantigen sequence typing (NG-MAST),40,41N. gonorrhoeae sequence typing for AMR (NG-STAR)42 and NG-STAR clonal complexes (CCs)43]}. Complete and characterized reference genomes are also described. These 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains are recommended for internal and external quality assurance in all types of laboratory investigation, especially in the GASPs, e.g. the WHO global GASP,6–8 WHO EGASP26,31–33 and other international or national GASPs but also for phenotypic and molecular diagnostics, AMR prediction, pharmacodynamics, epidemiology, research and genomics. All superseded WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 14), including 11 not previously published WHO reference strains that have been used internationally, were characterized similarly.

Materials and methods

Bacterial strains

The 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains include 11 of the 2016 WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 14)35 and four additional gonococcal strains. The novel strains are WHO H (Austria, 2011; ceftriaxone resistant due to a new penA mutation),36 WHO Q (UK, 2018; ceftriaxone resistant combined with high-level azithromycin resistance),24 WHO R (Japan, 2015; FC428, internationally spreading ceftriaxone resistant)5,10,19–22 and WHO S2 (Sweden, 2020; internationally spreading azithromycin-resistant strain due to a mosaic MtrRCDE efflux pump).38 Furthermore, all the superseded WHO reference strains (n = 14) were characterized. All strains were cultivated as described.44

Detection of prolyliminopeptidase (PIP)

PIP45 production was detected using API NH (bioMérieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) and genetically.

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing

MIC values (mg/L) for 22 antimicrobials were determined using the Etest (bioMérieux) on GCRAP agar plates [3.6% Difco GC Medium Base agar (BD, Diagnostics, Sparks, MD, USA) with 1% haemoglobin (BD) and 1% IsoVitalex (BD)]. MICs of zoliflodacin,46–54 gepotidacin55–57 and lefamulin,58,59 were determined using agar dilution methodology. Clinical breakpoints or the epidemiological cut off (ECOFF, for azithromycin) from the EUCAST (v.14.0, were used, where available. For additional antimicrobials, only the consensus MIC values are presented. For all strains and antimicrobials, each determination was performed ≥3 times using new bacterial suspensions on separate batches of agar plates. β-lactamase production was detected using nitrocefin solution (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK).

Isolation of bacterial DNA

Genomic DNA for short-read and long-read sequencing was isolated using the QIAsymphony instrument (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and Nanobind CBB kit (PacBio, Menlo Park, CA, USA), respectively. Purified DNA was stored at 4°C before WGS.

Whole-genome sequencing

Multiplexed PacBio Single-Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT) DNA genome sequencing was performed from post-shearing DNA fragment sizes (10.8–17 kb) using the Sequel System (PacBio), v.3.0 sequencing chemistry. The average length of the reads was 4120 bp and the sequencing depth averaged 335× (range 224–834×). Paired-end short-read sequencing was performed using Illumina NextSeq 550 with an average sequencing depth of 410× (range 198–597×).

Pacbio SMRT Tools v.7.0.1 indexed the long-read raw sequencing data in bam format using pbindex and convert it to fastq with bam2fastq. Genome assembly of these long reads were performed using both HGAP v.4.060 and Canu v.1.9.61 Complete chromosomes were circularized starting on the dnaA using Circlator v1.5.5.62 Illumina short reads were mapped against the circularized chromosome with BWA-MEM v.0.7.1763 and the output filtered with samtools v.1.1164 to only keep proper-paired reads that map with a mapping quality of ≥25. These mappings were used to detect and fix base errors, small insertions/deletions (indels), local misassemblies and fill gaps in the initial long-read assembly using Pilon v.1.23.65 A minimum base and mapping qualities of 20 were required, and ≥25% of the reads mapping had to support a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) or indel. HGAP and Canu assemblies were compared using ACT v.18.1.66 To resolve discrepancies, we ran Trycycler v.0.4.167 using the raw long-read data and both chromosome sequences from each strain. No changes were needed by Pilon on the Trycycler consensus assemblies. When required, a hybrid assembly approach with Unicycler v.0.4.9b68 was performed using the long- and short-read data. Depth of coverage was obtained by mapping to the final chromosome assemblies using pbmm2 (, based on minimap269), and BWA-MEM, respectively, followed by the samtools depth command.

A short-read-only assembly was performed using SPAdes v.3.1270 with k-mer sizes of 21, 33, 55, 63, 77, 99, 111 and the careful option to minimize mismatches and short indels. Both the long- and short-read assemblies were screened for the three known gonococcal plasmids, pCryptic, pBla and pConj,35 using blastn v.2.10.1+.71 The plasmids pCryptic, pBla and pConj were circularized starting on replication initiator protein, repA and TrfA gene using Circlator v.1.5.5, respectively.

Finalized circular chromosomes and plasmids were annotated using the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline v.6.6,72 which also re-annotated the 2016 WHO gonococcal reference strains.35 Mapping of Illumina reads over the final assemblies was visually inspected using Artemis and sequencing depth across the genomes was obtained with samtools v.1.11. The core genome among the 29 strains was inferred using Panaroo v.1.2.673 with default parameters and strict mode, polymorphic sites were obtained using SNP-sites74 and a maximum-likelihood tree was reconstructed from them using IQ-TREE v.2.0.375 with automatic detection of the best substitution model76 (best-fit model TVM + F + ASC + R7) and 1000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates.77 Long-read sequencing data for WHO S2 was generated on a MinION Mk1C device (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) using a v.R10 flow cell (FLO-MIN114). The sequencing library was prepared without DNA fragmentation, and selection of long fragments (>3 kb) using duplex Nanopore chemistry (SQK-LSK114). Sequence data were deposited at the NCBI under BioProject PRJNA1067895.

Molecular sequence types (NG-MAST, NG-STAR and MLST)39–42 and AMR determinants were obtained from the N. gonorrhoeae scheme at Pathogenwatch.10,78 NG-STAR CCs were assigned using eBURST clustering on the NG-STAR ST database downloaded on 29 February 2024 ( The number of copies of the 23S rRNA gene mutations, pip gene mutants and the presence of the cppB gene in the pCryptic plasmid were inspected manually in Artemis using the finalized assemblies. Individual genome characteristics were also obtained using Artemis. DNA uptake sequences (DUSs) were located in each chromosome using the EMBOSS application fuzznuc.79


Phenotypic characterization

One (6.7%; WHO F) and 14 (93.3%) of the 2024 WHO reference strains belonged to serogroup PorB1a (WI) and PorB1b (WII/III), respectively (Table 1). One strain (6.7%; WHO U) was PIP-negative, and four (26.7%) strains (WHO M, O, R, and V) produced β-lactamase. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing results are described in Table 1. The strains represent all relevant, available resistant; susceptible, increased exposure; and susceptible phenotypes observed for most antimicrobials currently or previously recommended in national and international gonorrhoea treatment guidelines or antimicrobials in advanced clinical development for future treatment. These included strains with clinical resistance to ceftriaxone (n = 7), cefixime (n = 7), azithromycin (n = 5), spectinomycin (n = 1), ciprofloxacin (n = 10), penicillin G (n = 9) and tetracycline (n = 13), and high MICs of cefuroxime, cefepime, ceftaroline, ampicillin, temocillin, aztreonam, erythromycin, moxifloxacin, chloramphenicol, rifampicin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. No clinical strains with high MICs of ertapenem, gentamicin, kanamycin, fosfomycin, zoliflodacin, gepotidacin and lefamulin were available (Table 1).

Table 1.

Serogroup, PIP production and antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance phenotypes displayed by the 2024 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains (n = 15), which are relevant for susceptibility testing of current, previous and novel therapeutic antimicrobials

Characteristics WHO Fa WHO H WHO Ka WHO
NCTC number 13 477 15 081 13 479 13 480 13 481 13 483 13 484 14 208 15 082 15 083 13 817 13 818 13 820 13 821 13 822
Isolated (country, year) Canada, 1991 Austria, 2011 Japan, 2003 Asia, 1996 Philippines, 1992 Canada, 1991 USA, Unknown UK, 2018 Japan, 2015 Sweden, 2020 Sweden, 2011 Sweden, 2012 Japan, 2009 France, 2010 Australia, 2013
Serogroup PorB1a PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b PorB1b
PIP production Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos b Pos Pos Pos Pos
β−lactamase (PPNG)c Posc Posc Posc Posc
Ampicillind,e 0.032 2 2 2 PPNGc (8) PPNGc(32) 0.064 2 PPNGc
0.25 0.125 PPNGc
2 0.5 2
Azithromycind S (0.25) S (0.25) S (0.5) S (1) S (0.5) S (0.5) R (4) HLR (>256) S (0.5) R (2) R (4) HLR (>256) S (0.5) S (1) S (1)
Aztreonamd,e 0.016 8 4 2 0.125 0.5 0.125 64 32 0.064 0.064 0.25 ≥256 64 32
Cefepimed,e <0.016 8 4 1 0.064 0.125 0.032 4 8 0.064 0.016 0.25 16 32 4
Cefiximed S (<0.016) R (0.5) LLR (0.25) S (0.125) S (<0.016) S (0.016) S (<0.016) HLR (2) HLR (1) S (<0.016) S (<0.016) S (<0.016) HLR (4) HLR (2) HLR (2)
Ceftarolined,e 0.004 0.5 0.125 0.5 0.064 0.25 0.064 0.5 0.5 0.064 0.016 0.25 2 4 0.5
Ceftriaxoned S (<0.002) LLR (0.25) S (0.064) LLR (0.25) S (0.016) S (0.032) S (0.004) R (0.5) R (0.5) S (0.008) S (0.002) S (0.064) HLR (2) HLR (1) R (0.5)
Cefuroximed,e 0.032 32 16 8 0.25 1 0.125 16 16 0.25 0.064 2 16 16 16
Chloramphenicold,e 0.5 8 4 8 4 4 4 8 8 1 4 8 8 4 8
Ciprofloxacind S (0.004) HLR (>32) HLR (>32) HLR (>32) R (2) S (0.008) S (0.004) HLR (>32) HLR (>32) S (0.032) S (0.004) HLR (>32) HLR (>32) HLR (>32) HLR (>32)
Ertapenemd,e <0.002 0.064 0.064 0.032 0.016 0.016 0.004 0.032 0.016 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.064 0.008 0.016
Erythromycind,e 0.5 2 1 2 1 1 4 >256 2 8 >256 >256 2 2 4
Fosfomycind,e 32 32 16 8 32 32 32 16 32 8 32 16 16 16 16
Gentamicind,e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
Gepotidacind,e 0.125 0.5 0.5 4 2 0.5 0.5 1 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5
Kanamycind,e 16 16 16 32 16 16 16 16 16 16 8 16 16 16 8
Lefamulind,e 0.125 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 2 0.5 0.5 0.5
Moxifloxacind,e 0.004 4 8 >32 1 0.016 0.032 2 8 0.064 0.008 8 8 4 8
Penicillin Gd S
PPNGc (≥32) PPNGc (>32) I
Rifampicind,e 0.125 0.5 0.5 0.5 >32 0.25 >32 0.5 >32 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Spectinomycind S (16) S (8) S (16) S (16) S (16) R (>1024) S (8) S (8) S (8) S (16) S (8) S (16) S (16) S (16) S (16)
Temocillind,e 0.064 8 16 4 1 4 1 8 8 1 0.5 4 32 8 8
Tetracyclined S (0.25) R (4) R (2) R (2) R (2) R (2) R (1) TRNG (128) R (4) R (2) R (1) R (4) R (2) R (4) R (4)
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazoled,e 1 2 4 1 2 4 4 8 4 4 1 4 1 1 4
Zoliflodacind,e 0.064 0.064 0.125 0.125 0.064 0.125 0.25 0.032 0.064 0.25 0.064 0.125 0.064 0.125 0.125

National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC) susceptible; I, susceptible, increased exposure; R, resistant; PPNG, penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae; LLR, low-level resistant; HLR, high-level resistant; TRNG, plasmid-mediated high-level tetracycline resistant N. gonorrhoeae.

aInclude some previously published results.35 However, additional antimicrobials have been examined and some consensus MICs have slightly changed when additional MIC determinations using different MIC-determining methodologies have been performed.

bDo not produce the enzyme prolyliminopeptidase (PIP), which can result in doubtful and/or false-negative species identification of N. gonorrhoeae using biochemical or enzyme-substrate test. Global transmission of PIP-negative N. gonorrhoeae strains has been documented.45

cPPNG, penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae (always considered resistant to all penicillins independent on identified MIC value, which might slightly vary).

dResistance phenotypes based on MIC (mg/L) using Etest and agar dilution (zoliflodacin, gepotidacin, lefamulin), and clinical susceptibility/resistance breakpoints stated by the EUCAST (v.14.0;, where available. The reported MIC values are mean MICs (rounded to whole MIC doubling dilution) and the acceptable range of the MICs for each antimicrobial and the different strains is ±1 MIC doubling dilution. Note: the consensus MICs shown should be used and interpreted with caution because these were derived using one Etest method only and, consequently, may slightly differ using other methods.

eNo susceptibility/resistance breakpoints stated by the EUCAST (v.14.0;

The phenotypic characteristics of the superseded WHO reference strains (n = 14) are described in Table S1 (available as Supplementary data at JAC Online).

Genetic characterization

WHO F harboured a wild-type penA allele, seven strains (WHO H, K, Q, R, X, Y, Z) contained six different mosaic penA alleles (main ESC resistance determinant)1,2,9,10,19–28,42,80 and seven strains displayed the D345 insertion in the β-lactam main target PBP2, which is frequently found in chromosomally mediated penicillin resistance (Tables 1 and 2).1,2,42,80 WHO Q and R contained the mosaic penA-60.001 allele that causes ceftriaxone resistance in most currently-spreading ceftriaxone-resistant strains.5,10,19–28 WHO H contained a PBP2 T534A mutation, which causes ceftriaxone and cefixime resistance.36 WHO L and Y harboured a PBP2 A501 V and A501P alteration, respectively, which can also increase the MICs of ESCs.1,2,42,80,86,87 WHO L, O and V contained PBP2 G542S or P551S, which also may increase the ESC MICs.1,2,42,80,86,88 None of the isolates carried any other known potential ceftriaxone-resistance mutations (e.g. rpoB P157L, G158 V or R201H or rpoD D92–95 deletion or E98K).78,117 Eleven strains contained a deletion of a single nucleotide (A; n = 9) or an A→C substitution (n = 2) in the 13 bp inverted repeat of the mtrR promoter sequence, resulting in an increased MtrCDE efflux of substrate antimicrobials, e.g. macrolides and β-lactam antimicrobials.1,2,86,89–91 Also WHO L has an over-expressed MtrCDE efflux pump, however, this is caused by its mtr120 mutation, resulting in an additional promoter for mtrCDE.92 WHO S2 has a N. lactamica-like mosaic 2 mtrR promoter and mtrD sequence,10,37,38,78 while WHO P has a N. meningitidis-like mosaic 1 mtrR promoter and mtrD sequence.10,78 These mosaics increase the activity of the MtrCDE efflux pump and increase the MICs of antimicrobials such as macrolides.10,78,93–97 By contrast, a two base pair deletion in a GC dinucleotide repeat in mtrC decreases the MICs of antimicrobials, especially macrolides.120 However, this two base pair deletion was not found in any of the strains. Among the PorB1b strains (n = 14), all except WHO U displayed mutations in A102 [A102D (n = 10) and A102N (n = 3)] and 12 also a G101K alteration, which cause a decreased influx of target antimicrobials through the porin PorB1b.1,2,86,99,100 Twelve strains contained the L421P alteration in the second β-lactam target PBP1, which is found in high-level chromosomally mediated penicillin resistance.101 Of the β-lactamase-producing strains (n = 4), two (WHO M, O) contained African-type plasmid and two (WHO R, V) Asian-type plasmid, which harboured blaTEM-1 (WHO M, O, V) or blaTEM-135 (WHO R) resulting in high-level penicillin resistance (Tables 1 and 2).1,86,111–113 Ten strains contained GyrA S91F plus GyrA D95G (n = 4), D95N (n = 4) or D95A (n = 2) alterations, and nine of these strains additionally had 1–2 amino acid alterations in ParC D86, S87 or S88, which cause resistance to ciprofloxacin and other fluoroquinolones.1,2,42,78,102 One strain (WHO O) contained a C1192T spectinomycin target mutation in all four alleles of the 16S rRNA gene (spectinomycin MIC > 1024 mg/L104). One strain (WHO U) comprised the 23S rRNA C2611T gene mutation and two strains (WHO Q, V) harboured the 23S rRNA A2059G gene mutation that cause low- and high-level resistance to azithromycin, respectively.1,2,42,106,107 No azithromycin-resistance mutations were found in the rplD or rplV gene (encoding ribosomal protein L4 and L22, respectively)78 and none of the macrolide resistance-associated genes mefA/E (encoding Mef efflux pump),118ereA and ereB (encoding erythromycin esterase) or ermA-C and ermF (encoding RNA methylases that block macrolides from binding to the 23S subunit target)119 were identified. Three strains (WHO M, P, R) contained the H552N target mutation in RpoB (RNA polymerase subunit B), causing high-level rifampicin resistance.109 A tet(M)-carrying conjugative plasmid (Dutch type) causing high-level tetracycline resistance was detected in WHO Q (Tables 1 and 2).86,114,115 All strains except WHO F contained the V57M mutation in rpsJ, encoding ribosomal protein S10, contributing to chromosomally mediated tetracycline resistance.86,108 All strains except WHO F and WHO L contained the R228S mutation in the sulfonamide target dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS), encoded by folP, associated with sulfonamide resistance.110 Finally, no strain had any transcription-modulating mutations in the promoter sequence for the macAB operon (encoding the MacA-MacB efflux pump)121 or in the putative –35 promoter hexamer sequence (CTGACG) of the promoter sequence for the norM gene (encoding the NorM efflux pump) or in its ribosome binding site (TGAA).122

Table 2.

Genetic characteristics of relevance for epidemiology, diagnostics and AMR in the 2024 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains (n = 15), which are relevant for susceptibility testing of current, previous and novel therapeutic antimicrobials

MLST sequence type (ST)39,40 ST10934 ST1901 ST7363 ST1590 ST7367 ST1902 ST8127 ST12039 ST1903 ST11422 ST7367 ST10314 ST7363 ST1901 ST7363
NG-MAST ST40,41 ST3303 ST1407 ST1424 ST1422 ST3304 ST495 ST3305 ST16848 ST3435 ST3935 ST2382 ST8927 ST4220 ST1407 ST4015
NG-STAR ST42 ST2 ST1582 ST4 ST5 ST6 ST8 ST9 ST996 ST233 ST193 ST224 ST225 ST226 ST16 ST227
NG-STAR clonal complex (CC)43 CC1401 CC90 CC348 CC1229 Ungroupable CC26 CC63 CC73 CC199 CC63 CC2047 CC127 CC348 CC90 CC348
porA pseudogene mutant81 Yes
cppB gene82–84 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
pip gene mutant45 Yes
penA mosaic allele2,4,9,10,19–28,42,80 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
NG-STAR penA allele42 15.001 34.009 10.001 7.001 2.001 12.001 2.001 60.001 60.001 2.001 2.001 5.002 37.001 42.001 64.001
PBP2 A3112,4,9,10,42,78,80,85,86 A311V A311V A311V A311V
PBP2 I312, G5452,4,9,10,42,78,80,86,87 I312M, G545S I312M, G545S I312M, G545S I312M, G545S I312M, G545S I312M, G545S I312M, G545S
PBP2 V3162,4,9,10,42,78,80,85–87 V316T V316T V316T V316T V316P V316T V316T
PBP2 D345 insertion2,4,42,80 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PBP2 T4832,4,85,86 T483S T483S T483S T483S
PBP2 A5012,4,42,80,86,87 A501V A501P
PBP2 N5122,4,85,86 N512Y N512Y N512Y N512Y N512Y N512Y N512Y
PBP2 T53436 T534A
PBP2 G5424,42,80,86,88 G542S G542S
PBP2 P5514,42,80,86,88 P551S
mtrR promoter; 13 bp inverted repeat4,42,86,89–91 A-del A-del A-del A-del A→C SNP A-del A-del A-del A-del A-del A→C SNP
mtr120 92 Yes
MtrR promoter mosaic10,38,93–97 Yes
(99.4% Type 1)10,79
(Type 2)10,79
MtrD mosaic10,38,93–97 Yes
(Type 1)10,79
(Type 2)10,79
MtrD R714, S821, K82338,94–97 S821A, K823E
MtrR A39, G454,89–91,98 G45D G45D G45D N/Ab G45D
mtrR coding region frame-shift mutation4,35 T-insert 60b
PorB1b G1014,86,99,100 N/Ac G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K G101K
PorB1b A1024,86,99,100 N/Ac A102N A102D A102D A102D A102D A102D A102D A102D A102N A102D A102D A102N A102D
ponA1; PBP1 L421101 L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P L421P
GyrA S91, D951,2,4,42,86,102 S91F, D95G S91F, D95N S91F, D95N S91F, D95G S91F, D95A S91F, D95A S91F, D95G S91F, D95N S91F, D95G S91F, D95N
GyrA A9255,56
GyrB D429, K450, S46749–53
ParC D86, S87 or S8886,102 S87R S87R, S88P D86N, S88P S87R S87R S87R S87R, S88P S87R S87R, S88P
ParE G410103
16S rRNA (C1192)d,4,104 C→T (4/)
RpsE T24105
23S rRNA (A2059, C2611)d,1,2,4,42,106,107 A→G (4/4) C→T (4/4) A→G (4/4)
rpsJ V5786,108 V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M V57M
RpoB H552109 H552N H552N H552N
FolP R228110 R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S R228S
ß-lactamase plasmid type86,111–113 African African Asian Asian
blaTEM allele112 TEM-1 TEM-1 TEM-135 TEM-1
tet(M) plasmid type86,114,115 Dutch

Note: none of the 23S rRNA A2058,116rplD,78rplV,78rpoB,78,117rpoD,78,117mef,118ereA,119ereB,119ermC119 and ermF119 mutations associated with increased MICs of macrolides or cephalosporins were present.

ST, sequence type; PBP2, Penicillin-binding protein 2; rRNA, ribosomal RNA.

aInclude some previously published results,35 however, many additional genes and mutations, and reference genomes have been characterized in the present paper.

bN/A, not applicable due to frame-shift mutation that causes a premature stop codon and truncated peptide.

cN/A, not applicable because these strains were of serogroup WI (PorB1a).

d Escherichia coli numbering (A2045 and C2597, respectively, in N. gonorrhoeae). Number of the four alleles of the 23S rRNA gene with mutations is shown in parenthesis.

Regarding novel antimicrobials for gonorrhoea treatment, no strain contained any gyrB mutations associated with increased MICs of zoliflodacin (in GyrB D429 and K450) or predisposition for emergence of zoliflodacin resistance (GyrB S467N).49–53 Furthermore, no alterations in GyrA A92, i.e. one of the two targets for the new antimicrobial gepotidacin, was observed. However, one strain (WHO L) contained the ParC D86N alteration in the other gepotidacin target, i.e. which can predispose for emergence of gepotidacin resistance.55,56

Of importance for molecular (and/or phenotypic) detection of gonococci, cppB81–83 (WHO F), pip45 (WHO U) and porA pseudogene84 (WHO U) mutant strains were included. Finally, the strains represented 11, 14, 15 and 10 MLST STs, NG-MAST STs, NG-STAR STs and NG-STAR CCs (including one ungroupable strain), respectively (Table 2).

The genetic characteristics of the superseded WHO reference strains (n = 14) are described in Table S2.

Reference genome characterization

The general characteristics of the reference genomes of the 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 15) as well as the superseded WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 14) are summarized in Table 3 and Table S3. The genome size ranged from 2 163 258 bp (WHO-β) to 2 308 468 bp (WHO A). The GC content, number of coding sequences (CDS) and average CDS size varied between 52.1%–52.7%, 1945–2125 and 836–856 bp. The number of core genes was 1791 and accessory genes varied from 248 to 402 (Table 3 and Table S3).

Table 3.

General characteristics of the reference genomes of the 2024 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains (n = 15)

Accession number CP145052 CP145050-CP145051 CP145048-CP145049 CP145045-CP145047 CP145041-CP145044 CP145037-CP145040 CP145035-CP145036 CP145032-CP145034 CP145028-CP145031 CP145026-CP145027 CP145024-CP145025 CP145021-CP145023 CP145019-CP145020 CP145017-CP145018 CP145015-CP145016
Genome size (bp) 2 292 467 2 233 100 2 169 846 2 168 633 2 178 344 2 169 062 2 173 861 2 177 981 2 218 559 2 172 077 2 234 269 2 221 284 2 171 112 2 228 980 2 229 351
No. of CDS (without/with pseudogenes) 2125/2370 2036/2289 1952/2204 1955/2216 1982/2225 1971/2215 1961/2222 1963/2223 2020/2264 1964/2214 2036/2286 2039/2285 1961/2210 2028/2287 2033/2286
Coding density (%) 77.4 77.3 76.9 76.3 77.4 77.3 76.8 76.6 77.2 77.1 77.2 77.2 76.8 77.0 77.1
Average gene size (bp; without/with pseudogenes) 836/822 848/829 855/836 846/832 850/832 850/832 852/832 850/832 848/835 853/834 847/832 841/827 851/833 847/829 846/828
GC content (%) 52.1 52.3 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.4 52.6 52.4 52.4 52.6 52.4 52.4
5S rRNA 4
16S rRNA 4
23S rRNA 4
tRNAs 55 55 56 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 55 56
ncRNAs 3
tmRNAs 1
No. genes in pangenome 2471
No. core genesa 1791
Accessory genes (%) 402 (18.3) 333 (15.7) 258 (12.6) 262 (12.8) 268 (13.0) 265 (12.9) 271 (13.1) 266 (12.9) 314 (14.9) 268 (13.0) 328 (15.5) 331 (15.6) 263 (12.8) 328 (15.5) 325 (15.4)
No. 10-mer DUS (12-mer DUS)b 1981 (1533) 1977
Number of plasmids 0 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1

bp, base pairs; CDS, coding sequence; GC, guanine-cytosine; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; tRNA, transfer RNA; ncRNA, non-coding RNA; tmRNA, transfer-messenger RNA.

aPresent in 99%–100% of strains.

bNumber of the 10-mer DUS sequence GCCGTCTGAA (no. of the 12-mer ATGCCGTCTGAA). Note: the 10-mer sequence is included in the 12-mer.

Figure 1 describes the phylogenomic relationship among all the 2024 WHO reference strain core genomes (n = 15, 1791 loci), including their molecular epidemiological types, key AMR determinants and phenotypic AMR patterns.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Phylogenomic tree of the 2024 WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference core genomes (n = 15). Typing, key genetic determinants of AMR and phenotypic AMR patterns of the 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains are shown alongside the tree. Only antimicrobials with EUCAST breakpoints (v.14.0, are displayed. This figure appears in colour in the online version of JAC and in black and white in the print version of JAC.


Herein, the 2024 WHO N. gonorrhoeae reference strains (and superseded WHO gonococcal reference strains) and their detailed phenotypic, genetic and reference genome characteristics are described. The utility of these strains includes internal and external quality assurance in all types of laboratory investigation, especially in the AMR testing (phenotypic and genetic) in GASPs, such as the WHO global GASP6–8 and WHO EGASP,26,31–33 but also for phenotypic (e.g. culture, species verification) and molecular (e.g. NAATs) diagnostics, AMR prediction, pharmacodynamics, epidemiology, research and genomics. The strains include all important global susceptible; susceptible, increased exposure; and resistant phenotypes and the ranges of resistances seen for most antimicrobials currently or previously recommended in national and international gonorrhoea treatment guidelines or antimicrobials in advanced clinical development for future treatment of gonorrhoea. However, the consensus MIC values (Table 1 and Table S1) were determined using one MIC-based method only (Etest). Accordingly, these MIC values may vary slightly using other MIC-based methods, however, the resistance phenotypes should be consistent. The 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains are available through WHO sources and from the National Collection of Type Cultures (

In many countries, NAATs have more or less replaced culture for gonococcal detection and, consequently, genetic detection of AMR determinants to predict resistance or susceptibility to antimicrobials has become increasingly important for AMR surveillance and, ideally, to also guide individually tailored treatment.123–125 The genetic AMR determinants that result in the different AMR phenotypes in the 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains were characterized in detail and included most known gonococcal AMR determinants. Accordingly, the 2024 WHO reference strains can be used for internal and external quality assurance and quality controls of both conventional phenotypic AMR surveillance and surveillance using molecular AMR prediction. Molecular AMR methods can never entirely replace phenotypic culture-based AMR testing because they only detect known AMR determinants and new ones will continue to evolve. However, molecular prediction of AMR or susceptibility can supplement the phenotypic AMR surveillance, i.e. with varying sensitivity and specificity for different antimicrobials.123–125 The accuracy of the AMR prediction will also vary across geographic settings and time, due to the dynamics of the gonococcal population, regional variations in AMR and drug use, and evolution as well as importation of gonococcal strains in the settings. Finally, several challenges for direct testing of clinical, especially oropharyngeal, NAAT specimens and for accurate prediction of resistance to the currently recommended ceftriaxone and azithromycin remain.123 Nevertheless, WGS has revolutionized the molecular prediction of AMR or antimicrobial susceptibility, AMR surveillance and in general molecular epidemiological surveillance of N. gonorrhoeae strains nationally and internationally.9,10,23,24,27,28,35,37,38,43,52,78,93,95,97,120,123 However, to fully use the power of WGS joint analyses of quality-assured WGS, AMR and clinical and epidemiological data should be performed. This will substantially enhance the understanding of the spread, introduction, replacement, evolution and biofitness of AMR, and antimicrobial susceptible, clades/clones in risk groups nationally and internationally,9,10 which can inform gonorrhoea epidemiology, preventative measures, prediction of AMR or antimicrobial susceptibility, diagnostics and development of new antimicrobials and gonococcal vaccines. To support this development, we present the fully characterized and annotated chromosomes and plasmids of the 2024 WHO gonococcal reference strains, representing genomes that cover mainly the whole gonococcal species phylogeny (Figure S1), to enable quality assurance of N. gonorrhoeae WGS and its analysis. Ultimately, point-of-care genetic AMR methods, combined with gonococcal detection, should be used to guide individually tailored treatment of gonorrhoea, which can ensure rational use of antimicrobials (including sparing last-line antimicrobials) and affect the control of both gonorrhoea and gonococcal AMR.

The 2024 WHO N. gonorrhoeae reference strain panel includes 11 of the 2016 WHO reference strains (n = 14),35 which were further characterized, and four novel WHO reference strains. The four novel 2024 WHO strains (WHO H, Q, R and S2) represent phenotypes and/or genotypes that were not available when the 2016 WHO reference strains35 were published. Accordingly, WHO R is the first internationally spreading ceftriaxone-resistant strain FC428 (ceftriaxone caused by the mosaic penA-60.001 allele), associated with ceftriaxone treatment failures5,10,19–22; WHO Q is the first identified strain with ceftriaxone resistance (mosaic penA-60.001 allele) plus high-level azithromycin resistance (23S rRNA gene A2059G in all four alleles), associated with ceftriaxone 1 g plus doxycycline treatment failure24; WHO H is also expressing ceftriaxone resistance (mosaic penA-34.009, i.e. penA-34.001 plus the unique PBP2 T534A mutation), associated with cefixime treatment failure36 and WHO S2 is representing the main internationally spreading azithromycin-resistant clade (mosaic MtrRCDE efflux pump, i.e. with Neisseria lactamica-like mosaic 2 mtrR promoter and mtrD sequence10,37,38,78), which account for most of the mainly low-level azithromycin resistance in many countries.10,37,38,78,93–95 Furthermore, internationally spreading multidrug-resistant clones that have accounted for most of the ESC resistance globally such as MLST ST7363, ST1901 and ST1903, as well as NG-MAST ST1407, CC90 and CC199 are represented (Table 2).4–6,9,10,19–22,38,43 Notably, for the previously published WHO reference strains additional antimicrobial phenotypes and genotypes have been described and some consensus MICs have slightly changed when additional MIC determinations using different MIC-determining methodologies have been performed. Finally, all superseded WHO gonococcal reference strains (n = 14), including 11 not previously published WHO reference strains, were characterized in identical manners. It is important to provide quality-assured genetic and phenotypic characteristics for also these strains as they are still in use in some settings. Considering any historical data, the full characterization of the strains provides additional quality assurance to already published data. However, the use of the more relevant and updated 2024 WHO panel is strongly encouraged.

In conclusion, the 2024 WHO N. gonorrhoeae reference strains were extensively characterized both phenotypically and genetically, including characterizing the reference genomes, and are intended for internal and external quality assurance and quality control purposes in laboratory investigations. This is particularly in WHO GASP, WHO EGASP and other GASPs (to allow valid intra- and inter-laboratory comparisons of AMR data derived by different methods in various countries), but also in phenotypic (e.g. culture, species determination) and molecular diagnostics, genetic AMR detection, AMR prediction, pharmacodynamics, molecular epidemiology, research (including pre-clinical drug development) and as fully characterized, annotated and finished reference genomes in WGS analysis, transcriptomics, proteomics and other molecular technologies and data analysis. When additional resistant phenotypes and/or genotypes emerge, novel WHO gonococcal reference strains will be selected, characterized and added to the WHO gonococcal strain panel.

Supplementary Material


Contributor Information

Magnus Unemo, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, WHO Collaborating Centre for Gonorrhoea and Other STIs, National Reference Laboratory for STIs, Microbiology, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden; Institute for Global Health, University College London (UCL), London, UK.

Leonor Sánchez-Busó, Joint Research Unit ‘Infection and Public Health’, FISABIO-University of Valencia, Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), Valencia, Spain; CIBERESP, ISCIII, Madrid, Spain.

Daniel Golparian, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, WHO Collaborating Centre for Gonorrhoea and Other STIs, National Reference Laboratory for STIs, Microbiology, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.

Susanne Jacobsson, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, WHO Collaborating Centre for Gonorrhoea and Other STIs, National Reference Laboratory for STIs, Microbiology, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.

Ken Shimuta, Department of Bacteriology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan.

Pham Thi Lan, Hanoi Medical University, National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology, Hanoi, Vietnam.

David W Eyre, Big Data Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK.

Michelle Cole, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), London, UK.

Ismael Maatouk, Department of the Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.

Teodora Wi, Department of the Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.

Monica M Lahra, WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexually Transmitted Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance, New South Wales Health Pathology, Microbiology, Randwick, NSW, Australia; Faculty of Medicine, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.


This study was supported by grants from the Department of the Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI programmes, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland; Örebro County Council Research Committee, Örebro, Sweden and Foundation for Medical Research at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden. L.S.B. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-120113RA-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and Generalitat Valenciana (CDEI-06/20-B, Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública; and CISEJI/2022/66, Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital), Valencia, Spain.

Transparency declarations

None to declare.

Supplementary data

Figure S1 and Tables S1 to S3 are available as Supplementary data at JAC Online.


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Associated Data

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Data Citations

  1. Wick RR. Trycycler (v0.5.5). Zenodo. 2024 10.5281/zenodo.3965017 [DOI]

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