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Journal of Computational Biology logoLink to Journal of Computational Biology
. 2013 Feb;20(2):64–79. doi: 10.1089/cmb.2012.0228

Alignment-Free Sequence Comparison Based on Next-Generation Sequencing Reads

Kai Song 1, Jie Ren 1, Zhiyuan Zhai 2, Xuemei Liu 3, Minghua Deng 1,, Fengzhu Sun 4,5,
PMCID: PMC3581251  PMID: 23383994


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have generated enormous amounts of shotgun read data, and assembly of the reads can be challenging, especially for organisms without template sequences. We study the power of genome comparison based on shotgun read data without assembly using three alignment-free sequence comparison statistics, D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, both theoretically and by simulations. Theoretical formulas for the power of detecting the relationship between two sequences related through a common motif model are derived. It is shown that both Inline graphic and Inline graphic outperform D2 for detecting the relationship between two sequences based on NGS data. We then study the effects of length of the tuple, read length, coverage, and sequencing error on the power of Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Finally, variations of these statistics, d2, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively, are used to first cluster five mammalian species with known phylogenetic relationships, and then cluster 13 tree species whose complete genome sequences are not available using NGS shotgun reads. The clustering results using Inline graphic are consistent with biological knowledge for the 5 mammalian and 13 tree species, respectively. Thus, the statistic Inline graphic provides a powerful alignment-free comparison tool to study the relationships among different organisms based on NGS read data without assembly.

Key words: HMM, NGS, normal approximation, statistical power, word count statistics

1. Introduction

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are producing unprecedented volumes of sequence data and are being applied to study many biological and biomedical problems, such as de novo sequencing, RNA expression and alternative splicing, transcription-factor binding site (TFBS) identification, etc. The initial step of most currently available methods for the analysis of NGS data is to map the reads onto the known genomes or RNA sequences. However, for genomes without template sequences, it is generally challenging to assemble the shotgun reads because the reads are usually short and there may be a large number of repeats within the genomes. Thus, genome comparison based on NGS shotgun reads can be difficult and no methods have been developed to compare genomes based on shotgun read data directly without assembly.

Alignment-free methods for the comparison of two long sequences have recently received increasing attention because they are computationally efficient and can potentially offer better performance than alignment-based methods for gene regulatory sequence comparison (Blaisdell et al., 1986; Domazet et al., 2011; Ivan et al., 2008; Jun et al., 2010; Leung et al., 2009; Lippert et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2011; Reinert et al., 2009; Sims et al., 2009; Vinga et al., 2003; Wan et al., 2010). For the comparison of long sequences, one widely used alignment-free statistic is D2 (Blaisdell et al., 1986), an uncentered correlation between the number of occurrences of k-words for two sequences of interest. However, it was shown that D2 was dominated by the noise caused by the randomness of the sequences and has low statistical power to detect the potential relationship between two sequences (Lippert et al., 2002; Reinert et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2010). Two new variants, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, were developed by standardizing the k-tuple counts with their means and standard deviations (Reinert et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2010). These two statistics are more powerful than the D2 statistic for the detection of relationships between sequences related through a common motif model that the two sequences share instances of one or multiple motifs (Reinert et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2010). The calculations of Inline graphic and Inline graphic depend only on the numbers of occurrences of k-tuples in the two sequences of interest, and the exact long molecular sequences are not needed. Thus, we expect that they can equally be adapted for genome comparison based on NGS shotgun read data.

However, no such studies are yet available, and new statistics based on NGS shotgun read data need to be developed. In this study, we address the following questions: 1) How do we modify the D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic statistics so that they can be applicable for genome comparison based on NGS shotgun read data? 2) What are their approximate distributions under the null model that the two sequences are independent and both are generated by independent identically distributed (iid) models? 3) What is the power of these statistics for detecting the relationships between sequences when they are related? In particular, we will study the power of these statistics using both simulation and theoretical studies when the sequences of interest are related through a common motif model as in Reinert et al. (2009) and Wan et al. (2010). 4) What are the effects of the length of the tuple, read lengths, coverage, sequencing errors, and the distribution of reads along the genome on the power of these statistics? 5) How do these statistics perform on whole genome shotgun read data from multiple genomes?

The current study differs from our previous studies (Liu et al., 2011; Reinert et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2010) in the following aspects. First, two random processes need to be considered to study the distribution of the number of occurrences of word patterns from shotgun read data. One is that the long genome sequences are random and they can be modeled by a hidden Markov model as in Wan et al. (2010) and Zhai et al. (2010). The other randomness comes from the stochastic sampling of the reads from the long genome sequences. A mathematical model, similar to that in Zhang et al. (2008), for the random sampling of the reads is developed. Second, NGS shotgun reads can come from either the forward or the reverse strand of the genomes, and it is not known which strand the reads come from. Thus, the reads together with their complements need to be considered simultaneously when counting the numbers of occurrences of word patterns for NGS reads. The inclusion of both strands further complicates our mathematical analysis for the distribution of these statistics. Third, we study the distributions of the statistics D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic under the null and the alternative models based on the stochastic models for the long sequences and the sampling of the reads. The key challenges include the calculation of covariance for the numbers of occurrences of different word patterns from the shotgun reads within one long sequence and between the genome sequences. The major difficulty comes from the random sampling of the reads from the genomes and the consideration of double strands of the genome.

The organization of the article is as follows. In the Materials and Methods section, we first modify the statistics D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic so that they can be applicable to the NGS shotgun read data. Second, for completeness, we briefly describe the hidden Markov model (HMM) for the underlying long sequence, as in Zhai et al. (2010). We also describe the model for the random sampling of shotgun reads from the long sequence using NGS similar to that in Zhang et al. (2008). Third, formulas for calculating the mean and covariance of the numbers of occurrences of word patterns sampled from the sequences are presented. Fourth, the limit distributions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic under our models are given. Fifth, new dissimilarity measures based on these statistics are defined. In the Results section, we present our simulation studies on the effects of the length of the word pattern, read coverage, read length, and sequencing errors on the power of these statistics. We also compare the simulated power and the theoretical power given by the approximate distributions. Then the clustering results of the 5 mammalian and the 13 tree species based on the dissimilarity measures are given. The article concludes with some discussion on the limitations of our study and directions for further research.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Extending the D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic statistics to the NGS read data

The D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic statistics were originally developed for the comparison of two long sequences (Reinert et al., 2009). Here, we extend them so that they can be applicable to NGS shotgun read data. Consider two genome sequences taking L letters Inline graphic at each position. Suppose that M reads of length β are sampled from a genome of length n. Since the reads can come from either the forward strand or the reverse strand of the genome in NGS, we supplement the observed reads by their complements and refer to the joint set of the reads and the complements as the read set. Let Xw and Yw be the numbers of occurrences of word pattern w in the M pairs of reads from the first genome and the second genome, respectively. For the null model, we assume that the two genomes are independent and both are generated by iid models with pl being the probability of taking state Inline graphic. It can be easily shown that

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where Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is the complement of word w.

Similar to the definitions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for the comparison of long sequences in Reinert et al. (2009) and Wan et al. (2010), we define them for the shotgun read data as follows,

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where Inline graphic and Inline graphic is defined analogously. We test the alternative hypothesis, H1, that the two genome sequences are related against the null hypothesis, H0, that they are independent. The more specific hypotheses are given in Subsection 2.2. For a type I error α, we find thresholds zα, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic such that

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where P indicates the probability distribution under the null model that the two sequences are independent. The null hypothesis is rejected if the statistics are larger than the corresponding thresholds.

2.2. Modeling the long underlying sequences and the sampling of reads using NGS

We model the long genome sequences related through a common motif model as in Reinert et al. (2009) and Wan et al. (2010). Each long genome sequence is modeled by three components: 1) the background model for describing the generation of the long sequence, 2) the foreground model for the motif using a position weight matrix (PWM), and 3) the distribution of motif instances along the sequence of interest. First, the background sequence is modeled by iid random variables taking L different states Inline graphic, with pl being the probability of taking state l, for example, L = 4 for nucleotide sequences with states (A, G, C, T), and L = 20 for amino acid sequences. Second, for a motif of length K, let Inline graphic be the probability that the k-th position of the motif takes value l. We also assume that the motif positions are independent. Third, for a position along the background, the next K positions are replaced with a motif instance with probability 1 − ρ, and we refer to 1 − ρ as motif intensity throughout the article. Under this model, the null hypothesis corresponds to H0 : ρ = 1, and the alternative hypothesis corresponds to H1 : ρ < 1.

Next, we model the sampling of reads using NGS. Recent studies have shown that the distribution of reads from NGS along the genomic region of interest is not homogeneous. Instead, the read distribution is biased by the base composition of the sequences for most of the current NGS technologies (Hansen et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2008). To model the read distribution heterogeneity along the genome, we assume that a read generated by NGS starts from position i with probability λi, where Inline graphic and n is the length of the sequence. If a read is generated from the sequence, we also consider its complement. Assume that a total of M pairs of reads of length β are generated from NGS.

2.3. The mean and covariance of the numbers of occurrences of word patterns in a read set

For a fixed word pattern w of length k (note that k does not have to equal K, the length of the motif), let Xw be the number of occurrences of w within the M pairs of reads as described in Subsection 2.2. It can be seen that the expectation of Xw is given by

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where Pρ indicates the probability distribution for the forward strand and can be calculated based on the hidden Markov model in Wan et al. (2010) and Zhai et al. (2010).

To calculate EXuXv where u and v are two words of length k, we note that Inline graphic, where Cu(i) is the number of occurrences of word u in the i-th read and its complement. Thus,

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For the first term, we have ECu(1)Cv(1) = E(Xu[1, β]Xv[1, β]) = Eβ,0(u, v), assuming that both sequences start from the stationary distribution, where Xu[γ, γ′] is the number of occurrences of word u in the sequence from γ to γ′ at the forward strand and its complement, and Eβ,η(u, v) = E(Xu[1, β]Xv[1 + η, β + η]).

For the second term, we have

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The method for calculating Eβ,η(u, v) is given in the Supplementary Materials (available online at The following proposition gives the approximate covariance between Xu and Xv.

Proposition 2.1

Consider the models for the long genome sequences and the sampling of reads described in Subsection 2.2. Assume Inline graphic and M depends on n such that limn→∞M/n = θ where θ is a constant. Then

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For simplicity of notation, we also denote Inline graphic. The following proposition gives the normal approximation for Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is a subset of words of length k.

Proposition 2.2

Let Inline graphic be a subset of words of length k such that Inline graphic is non-degenerate. Then

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where Inline graphic is a multinormal distribution.

2.4. The approximate distributions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic under the null and the alternative models

The following theorems give the approximate distributions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic under the null and the alternative models, respectively. These theorems are then used to give the thresholds for a type I error α under the null model ρ = 1 and to derive the approximate power formulas for detecting the relationships between two sequences under the alternative model ρ < 1 in Theorem 2.5. These theorems are extensions of the corresponding results for the limiting distributions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for long sequences without NGS in Wan et al. (2010). For the theorems in this subsection, we assume that both the sequence length n and the number of reads M tend to infinity such that Inline graphic, where θ is a constant. We also assume that the alphabet size, motif length, and word length are kept fixed. The conditions in Propositions 2.1 and 2.2 should also be satisfied. All the limits in Theorems 2.2–2.4 are in distribution. The proof of the theorems are given in the Supplementary Materials.

Theorem 2.1

Under the models for the long sequences and the NGS sampling of sequence reads as in Subsection 2.2, the means of D2 and Inline graphic and the approximate mean of Inline graphic are given by

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where the summation is over all the word patterns of length k.

Theorem 2.2

Assume that in the background model for the long sequences, not all letters are equally likely.

a) Suppose ρ = 1 (the null model that the sequences are iid). Then

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where Z1 has normal distribution Inline graphic.

b) Suppose 0 < ρ < 1. Then

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where Zρ has normal distribution Inline graphic, and (∑ρ)2 is given by

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Theorem 2.3

a) Suppose ρ = 1. Then the limit distribution of Inline graphic is given by

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where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are independent and have mean 0 normal distributions.

b) Suppose 0 < ρ < 1 and that Inline graphic is not constant in w. Then

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where Inline graphic has normal distribution Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is given by

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Theorem 2.4

a) Suppose ρ = 1. Then

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where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are independent and have mean 0 normal distributions.

b) Suppose 0 < ρ < 1, and Inline graphic have different signs in w. Then

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where Inline graphic has normal distribution Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is given by

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The following theorem gives the theoretical formulas for the power of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic to detect the relationship between two sequences.

Theorem 2.5

Assume that Inline graphic and Inline graphic are not constant in w. Then, for any given type I error α, the power of detecting the relationship between two sequences under the common motif model in Subsection 2.2 against the null model that ρ = 1 using D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic can be approximated by 1 − Φ(C(ρ)), 1 − Φ(C*(ρ)), and 1 − Φ(CS(ρ)), respectively, where

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where, zα, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic are upper α quantiles of Z1, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic from Theorems 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4, respectively.

2.5. New dissimilarity measures for clustering genome sequences based on k-tuple distributions

The statistics D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic cannot be used directly to cluster genome sequences, as the ranges of the statistics depend on several factors such as the nucleotide frequencies, the length of the reads, and the number of reads. To avoid these problems, we define the following dissimilarity measures d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic such that they range from 0 to 1, an interval not depending on these factors.

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When the genome sequences of interest are closely related, the values of d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic are close to 0. Therefore, we can use them to measure the dissimilarities among different genome sequences.

To evaluate the validity of these dissimilarity measures in clustering genome sequences, we first use them to classify human, rabbit, mouse, opossum, and chicken based on pseudo-simulated shotgun reads using MetaSim (Richter et al., 2008). The phylogenetic relationship among the five species are clearly known. We then use d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic to cluster whole genome NGS data in Cannon et al. (2010), including eight tree species of Fagaceae (primarily of the stone oaks, Lithocarpus) and five tree species of Moraceae (ficus), mostly tropical Asian trees.

3. Results

In this section, we first study the power of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for detecting the relationships between two sequences related through the common motif model using NGS data. In the simulation study, we consider both homogeneous sampling and heterogeneous sampling of the reads across the genome. Then we compare the simulated power and the theoretical power using the formulas given in Theorem 2.5. Finally, we use the d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic dissimilarity measures to first cluster human, rabbit, mouse, opossum, and chicken, and then cluster 13 tree species using NGS read data.

3.1. Simulation Studies

We use three different models to generate the underlying background forward sequence as in Reinert et al. (2009): 1) guanine-cytosine (GC)-rich with pG = pC = 1/3, pA = pT = 1/6; 2) uniform with pA = pC =pG = pT = 0.25; and 3) GC-poor with pG = pC = 1/6, pA = pT = 1/3. For the foreground, we assume that the motif intensity 1 − ρ = 0.01 and that the inserted motif is AGCCA. Once the forward sequence is generated, we then obtain the complementary sequence.

The sampling of the reads is simulated as follows. The length of the reads is assumed to be a constant β = 200, and the coverage of the reads over the genome is defined by C = Mβ/n. Two read distributions are simulated: a) homogeneous sampling with Inline graphic, corresponding to the case that a read starts from each position with equal probability, and b) heterogeneous sampling as in Zhang et al. (2008). In heterogeneous sampling, we evenly divide the long genome sequence of length n into 100 blocks. For each block, we sample a random number from the gamma distribution Γ(1, 20), and the sampling probability λi for each position in the block is proportional to the chosen number.

For a given parameter set Inline graphic, the simulation is run 10,000 times and the statistics D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic are calculated to yield the empirical distributions of the various statistics.

The type I error was set at α = 0.05 throughout the article. Using the empirical distribution of the statistic S (S can be one of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic) under the null model ρ = 1, we find the threshold s so that P(S ≥ s) = α. The power of the statistic S is then approximated by the proportion of times that the score S exceeds s under the alternative model H1 : ρ = 0.99.

We first study the power of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic as a function of sequence length and the size of word k under both the homogeneous and the heterogeneous sampling schemes. The results are given in Figure 1. It can be seen from the first row that the power of D2 is generally low and can be smaller than the type I error of 0.05 when k = 2 or 4. Thus, D2 is not appropriate for detecting the relationships between sequences related through the common motif model.

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

The power of D2 (a, b), Inline graphic (c, d), and Inline graphic (e, f) under the homogeneous (left column) and the heterogeneous (right column) NGS read sampling as a function of sequence length and word size k. Here, GC-rich distribution: ρ = 0.99, coverage C = 10, and β = 200. The number of simulations is 10,000. GC, guanine-cytosine.

The second row of Figure 1 shows that the power of Inline graphic increases with sequence length and reaches the maximum when the word length k is the same as the length of the inserted motif (here, k = 5 according to our simulations). When k = 5, the power of Inline graphic quickly increases to 1, demonstrating the high power of Inline graphic for detecting the relationships between two sequences. Comparing the left column to the right column, we can see that the power of Inline graphic under the heterogeneous read sampling is lower than that under the homogeneous read sampling. Some parts of the genome sequence may not be sampled or undersampled in heterogeneous sampling, resulting in lowered power of the Inline graphic statistic.

The third row shows the power results for Inline graphic. These results are generally similar to those for Inline graphic. However, the power of Inline graphic is highest at k = 4, instead of 5. Comparing the second and third row, we also see that the power of Inline graphic is generally slightly higher than the power of Inline graphic.

Second, we study the effects of read coverage on the power of Inline graphic and Inline graphic and compare their power using NGS with their corresponding power when the entire genome sequences are known. We do not consider D2 in the rest of this subsection as it generally has low power. Figure 2 shows that the power of both Inline graphic and Inline graphic increases with the read coverage as expected and approaches the corresponding power when the genome sequences are known as the coverage increases. However, the power of both statistics using NGS data is lower than the corresponding power when the complete genome sequences are known. The relatively low power of these statistics using NGS reads can be attributed to the randomness of the reads due to NGS sampling.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

The power of Inline graphic (a, b) and Inline graphic (c, d) under the homogeneous (left column) and the heterogeneous (right column) NGS read sampling as a function of sequence length and coverage. For comparison, the power of the statistics when the whole genome sequences are known is also shown (underline). Here, GC-rich distribution: ρ = 0.99, k = 5, and β = 200. The number of simulations is 10,000.

Third, we study the effect of read length β on the power of Inline graphic and Inline graphic, and the results are given in Supplementary Figure S1 in the Supplementary Materials. It can be seen that, for fixed coverage, the power of each statistic decreases first and then increases as the read length increases. The results are somewhat surprising because we originally expected that the read length would not significantly affect the power of these statistics. The following reasons can explain this observation. On one hand, when we fix the coverage, the number of reads, M, is inversely proportional to the read length β. As β increases, M decreases. Smaller number of reads with longer read length will result in more uneven samples of the genome compared to more reads but with shorter read length, thus decreasing the power of the statistics. On the other hand, for a read of length β, we only count the number of k tuples starting from the first position to the β − k + 1-th position. As β increases, more k-tuples are used in these statistics resulting in increased power of the statistics. The trade-off between these two factors results in the first decrease and then increase of the power of these statistics.

Finally, we study the effect of sequencing errors on the power of Inline graphic and Inline graphic using error rate 0.005. Figure S2 in the Supplementary Materials shows their power with/without errors. It can be seen from the figure that the power of the statistics with errors is only moderately lower than the power without errors.

The same conclusions as above are obtained for the GC-poor and uniform models for the background sequences. The results are shown in Supplementary Figures S3–S10.

3.2. Comparison of the theoretical power with the simulated power of the statistics D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic

In Subsection 2.4, we present theoretical results for the approximate distributions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, as well as formulas for calculating their power of detecting the relationships between two sequences. Next, we compare the simulation results with the theoretical results to see when the theoretical approximations work well.

First, we study the approximate mean and variance for D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. For notational simplicity, we let

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The approximate means of ND2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic can be derived from Theorem 2.1. From Theorems 2.2–2.4, the approximate variances of ND2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic are Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, respectively.

It can be seen from Table 1 that the simulated means of D2 and Inline graphic are very close to their theoretical approximations. On the other hand, the simulated mean of Inline graphic is much smaller than the theoretical approximation. The simulated standard deviation of D2 is very close to the theoretical approximation. The simulated standard deviation of Inline graphic is generally larger than the theoretical approximation. When the sequence length is larger than 105, the simulated standard deviation of Inline graphic is within 20% of the theoretical approximation. For Inline graphic, the simulated standard deviation is generally smaller than the theoretical approximation. From the table, we can also see that as sequence length increases, the simulated means and variances of Inline graphic and Inline graphic approach their corresponding theoretical approximations.

Table 1.

Comparison of Simulated Means and Standard Deviations of ND2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for Different Sequence Length n with the Corresponding Theoretical Limits, with GC-rich Background and Motif = AGCCA, C = 1, β = 200, and ρ = 0.99

Inline graphic
Inline graphic
n × 10−4 Inline graphic σ(ND2) × 10−5 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
0.32 6.69 8.60 1.27 14.13 2.57 5.48
0.64 6.70 8.95 1.29 10.09 2.80 6.15
1.28 6.49 8.53 1.27 7.25 3.12 6.16
2.56 6.49 8.56 1.28 6.70 3.57 6.52
10 6.69 8.54 1.29 5.30 4.60 6.68
20 6.69 8.56 1.29 5.02 5.05 6.72
Theory 6.69 8.57 1.28 4.80 6.40 7.19

For the expectation, word length k = 5, and for the standard deviation, word length k = 2. The number of simulations is 10,000.

Second, we compare the simulated power with the theoretical power for the three statistics. We use 10,000 simulations based on the null model ρ = 1 to find the threshold values zα, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. The type I error is set at 0.05. Table 2 compares the simulated and the theoretical power for the three statistics. It can be seen from the table that the theoretical power is close to the simulated power for D2 and Inline graphic. However, the theoretical power for Inline graphic is much higher than the simulated power. A potential explanation for the poor performance of the theoretical approximate power for Inline graphic is that its theoretical mean is somewhat higher than the simulated mean as shown in the sixth column of Table 1 when the sequence length is less than 2 × 105 bps.

Table 2.

Comparison of the Theoretical and the Simulated Power for D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for Different Sequence Length n with GC-rich Background and Motif = AGCCA, C = 1, ρ = 0.99, and Word Length k = 5

Inline graphic
Inline graphic
n × 10−4 Theory Simulated Theory Simulated Theory Simulated
0.32 5.1 5.6 85.4 85.8 53.3 41.1
0.4 5.6 6.2 91.5 93.8 62.1 50.9
0.5 5.9 6.5 95.9 98.1 71.4 61.2
0.64 6.9 7.3 98.6 99.7 82.1 74.6
1.28 9.1 8.7 100 100 97.7 97.4

The type I error α = 0.05. The number of simulations is 10,000.

In our simulation studies, to save computational time, we let the sequence length be relatively short. In reality, whole genome sequences are usually much longer. It is interesting to know which of the three statistics are most powerful for very long sequences. From Table 1, we expect that the approximate power for all the three statistics given in Theorem 2.5 should work well for very long sequences as the simulated means and standard deviations are close to their corresponding theoretical approximations. From Theorem 2.5, we can see that the dominant term for C(ρ), C*(ρ), and CS(ρ) is the first term, and the second term can be ignored for very long sequences. Thus, the higher the values of B(ρ), B*(ρ), and BS(ρ), the more powerful the statistic is. Figure 3 shows their values for k = 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the GC-rich background model under homogeneous read sampling. It is clear that when the sequence length and the number of reads are high, D2S should be the most powerful. Similar results for the GC-poor and uniform background models are given as Supplementary Figures S11–S12.

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

The values of B(ρ),B*(ρ), and BS(ρ) as a function of 1 − ρ from 0 to 0.01 for the GC-rich background distribution and β = 200 under homogeneous read sampling.

Similar results are obtained for other parameter sets. In Supplementary Tables S1–S4, we give the results for the uniform and GC-poor background models.

3.3. Clustering of five mammalian species using d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic based on pseudo-NGS reads

In order to see the validity of clustering different species using NGS short reads based on d2, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we simulate NGS short reads using MetaSim (Richter et al., 2008) from five mammalian species: human, rabbit, mouse, opossum, and chicken, whose phylogenetic relationships are well established (Miller et al., 2007).

We first download their complete genome sequences from UCSC Genome Browser and Next, we use MetaSim to simulate NGS reads from each of the five species under the “empirical error model,” which is derived from empirical studies of the Illumina Sequencing Technology. The read length is set at 62 bp and the coverage is set to 1. Finally, we calculate the dissimilarities between any pair of the species using d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic for k = 7, 9, 11, based on the simulated reads, and use UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group with Arithmetic Mean) in PHYLIP ( to cluster them. Unfortunately, none of the resulting clustering is consistent with the known phylogenetic relationships of the five species (data not shown).

We reason that the large fraction of repeat regions along the genomes may make the k-tuple frequencies along the complete genomes significantly different from the k-tuple frequencies along the nonrepeat regions. Thus, we take the following approach to eliminate or mitigate the effects of repeat regions. The basic idea is that if the number of occurrences of a k-tuple in the reads is much higher than expected, we eliminate the k-tuple from consideration when we calculate d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. For every w, we calculate Tw = Xw/EXw. When Tw is larger than a threshold T0, we set Xw to 0 in the calculation of d2 and set Xw to EXw in the calculation of Inline graphic, and Inline graphic.

When k = 7 and T0 = 2, we observe that the clustering using Inline graphic is consistent with the true underlying evolutionary tree, while the clusterings using d2 and Inline graphic are not (Supplementary Fig. S13). This indicates that Inline graphic identifies the relationships between species more efficiently than d2 and Inline graphic. We also note that the clusterings using any of the three dissimilarity measures for k = 9 and k = 11 are consistent with the true phylogenetic tree of the five species.

3.4. Applications to the detection of the relationship among different tree species using NGS data

We then use the dissimilarity measures d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic defined in Subsection 2.5 to cluster the 13 tree species based on the NGS shotgun read data sets in Cannon et al., (2010). Note that the number of tree species we study here is more than the 9 tree species in the original paper (Cannon et al. 2010) because more data are now available. The 13 tree species can be generally classified into two groups: 5 tree species from Moraceae and 8 tree species from Fagaceae. Using the data set, we answer the following questions:

  • • Can the three dissimilarity measures d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic clearly separate the two groups of tree species based on the shotgun read data?

  • • How does the tuple size k affect the clustering of the tree species?

  • • How does the sequence depth γ affect the clustering of the tree species?

To answer these questions, we first use the complete shotgun read data to calculate the dissimilarities, d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, between any pair of tree species from the 13 species for different values of tuple size k = 7, 9, 11. Taking the dissimilarity matrix as input, we apply the UPGMA program to cluster the tree species. Figure 4 shows the resulting clusterings using d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, respectively, with k = 9. The clusterings of the tree species using k = 7, 11 are given as Supplementary Figures S14–S15.

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4.

The clusterings of the 13 tree species with dissimilarity measures, from left to right d2(a), Inline graphic, and Inline graphic with k = 9 using all the reads. The number on each internal branch is the fraction of times the branch occurs in 100 random sampling using γ = 5% of the reads.

Second, in order to see whether the clustering of the tree species can be correctly inferred using only a portion of the shotgun read data, we use γ = 5% of the total read data for each tree species to cluster them. Since the γ percent of the reads can be sampled randomly from the original read data, the resulting clustering of the tree species can be different. To study the variation of the clusters due to random sampling of the reads, we repeat the sampling process of the reads 100 times and calculate the frequencies of each internal branch of the clustering using all the reads occurring among the 100 clusterings. The frequencies are given in Figure 4 for k = 9 and γ = 5%.

It can be seen from the figure that the two groups of tree species can be completely separated using the dissimilarity measures Inline graphic and Inline graphic for any k = 7, 9, 11. However, the tree species cannot be distinguished using the dissimilarity measure d2. These two tree groups are quite far apart, as they are in different orders and probably separated by at least 50 million years, if not considerably longer (Cannon, personal communication). A good clustering should be able to separate the two groups of trees. This result indicates that Inline graphic and Inline graphic are more sensitive to distinguish the tree species than d2. With Inline graphic, most of the resulting clusters can be completely recovered with only 5% of the reads. However, the clustering with Inline graphic is less stable when a small fraction of the data are available.

In addition, Ficus altissima and Ficus microcarpa cluster together using all three dissimilarity measures, which is consistent with the fact that both are large trees and are closely related while the other three Moraceae species are small dioecious shrubs. Similarly, the two Castanopsis species within the Fagaceae group also cluster together separate from the others using Inline graphic. Thus, the clustering based on Inline graphic is the most reasonable among the three dissimilarity measures we study. Finally, we note that the clustering by Inline graphic is not perfect. F. Trigonobalanus is an ancestral genus that is very divergent from the rest of the family and has undergone considerable sequence evolution. It should not group within Lithocarpus (Cannon, personal communication).

4. Discussion

We modified the original D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic statistics for alignment-free sequence comparison of two long sequences to the scenario of genome sequence comparison using NGS data. Based on the HMM model for long sequences with random instances of motif occurrences (Reinert et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2010; Zhai et al., 2010) and a general model for the sampling of NGS reads from the genome, we studied the approximate distributions of D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. We also studied the power of detecting the relationships between two sequences related through the common motif model by both simulations and theoretical studies, and studied factors affecting the power of these statistics including genome sequence length, coverage of the NGS reads, read length, word length, and the distribution of the reads along the genome sequence. It is shown that Inline graphic and Inline graphic are more powerful than D2 for detecting relationships between two sequences related through a common motif model. These results are consistent with those for alignment-free comparison of long sequences found in Reinert et al. (2009) and Wan et al. (2010). We also found that Inline graphic and Inline graphic are generally less powerful when applied to NGS data than when they are applied to complete sequences. Heterogeneity in the sampling of reads along the genome further decreases the power of these statistics. On the other hand, when the sampling of reads is relatively homogeneous across the genome and the coverage is high, the power of Inline graphic and Inline graphic approaches the power that is achieved when these statistics are applied to complete sequences. Based on these statistics, we defined corresponding dissimilarity measures d2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic with ranges from 0 to 1. We applied the dissimilarity measures with some modifications to cluster five mammalian species and showed that they can all cluster them well when the tuple size is 9 or 11. When applied to the real shotgun read data from 13 tree species whose complete genome sequences are unknown, the Inline graphic and Inline graphic dissimilarity measures can correctly separate the two groups of tree species even with 5% of the reads from the shotgun read data sets.

Although we showed the usefulness of Inline graphic and Inline graphic for detecting the relationships between sequences and for clustering sequences using NGS data without assembly, our study has several limitations. First, we assumed that the background sequences are iid, which can be violated for many real molecular sequences. One solution is to use the Markov model to fit the background sequences. In this case, the D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic should be further modified by replacing pw with the probability of word pattern w according to the Markov model. We expect that the qualitative results regarding the relationships among D2, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic will still hold. Second, we assumed that the foreground consists of just one motif. In many regulatory sequences, the regulatory modules consist of multiple motifs. Simulation studies can be carried out to compare the performance of the different statistics under the module assumption. However, theoretical formulas for calculating the power of the statistics can be challenging. Third, in modeling the distribution of the shotgun reads from NGS, although we considered heterogeneous distribution of the reads along the genome, we did not assume that the sampling probabilities λi depend on the base compositions at the neighborhood of position i. Previous studies (Hansen et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010) showed that the sampling probabilities are associated with the base composition in the neighborhood of the position. One solution to this problem is to ignore the first 6–10 bases of the reads and only consider the remaining bases of the reads. Without trimming each read, the k-tuple composition vector from the shotgun read data may be significantly different from the k-tuple composition from the original genome that the shotgun read data are sampled from. On the other hand, new sequencing technologies will reduce the dependence of sampling probability on the base composition and the read distributions will be increasingly homogeneous. Despite all these problems, we expect that our study lays the foundations for the study of alignment-free sequence comparison based on NGS shotgun read data.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental data
Supp_Data.pdf (400.2KB, pdf)


The research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10871009; 10721403; 60928007; 31171262; 11021463), National Key Basic Research Project of China (No.2009CB918503), and Graduate Independent Innovation Foundation of Shandong University (GIIFSDU) (ZYZ). FS is partially supported by US NIH P50 HG 002790 and R21HG006199; and NSF DMS-1043075 and OCE 1136818. We sincerely thank Professors Michael S. Waterman and Gesine Reinert for collaborations and constant discussion on the development of alignment-free sequence comparison. The article would have been impossible without their deep insights into the statistics for alignment-free sequence comparison. We also thank Professor Chuck Cannon for his insightful comments on the evolutionary relationships of the 13 tree species, and Mr. Michael Klein for carefully reading the article and giving valuable suggestions.

Disclosure Statement

The authors declare that no competing financial interests exist.


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