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. 2013 Jul;194(3):663–672. doi: 10.1534/genetics.113.152397

Testing for the Footprint of Sexually Antagonistic Polymorphisms in the Pseudoautosomal Region of a Plant Sex Chromosome Pair

Suo Qiu 1,2, Roberta Bergero 1,2, Deborah Charlesworth 1,1,2
PMCID: PMC3697971  PMID: 23733787


The existence of sexually antagonistic (SA) polymorphism is widely considered the most likely explanation for the evolution of suppressed recombination of sex chromosome pairs. This explanation is largely untested empirically, and no such polymorphisms have been identified, other than in fish, where no evidence directly implicates these genes in events causing loss of recombination. We tested for the presence of loci with SA polymorphism in the plant Silene latifolia, which is dioecious (with separate male and female individuals) and has a pair of highly heteromorphic sex chromosomes, with XY males. Suppressed recombination between much of the Y and X sex chromosomes evolved in several steps, and the results in Bergero et al. (2013) show that it is still ongoing in the recombining or pseudoautosomal, regions (PARs) of these chromosomes. We used molecular evolutionary approaches to test for the footprints of SA polymorphisms, based on sequence diversity levels in S. latifolia PAR genes identified by genetic mapping. Nucleotide diversity is high for at least four of six PAR genes identified, and our data suggest the existence of polymorphisms maintained by balancing selection in this genome region, since molecular evolutionary (HKA) tests exclude an elevated mutation rate, and other tests also suggest balancing selection. The presence of sexually antagonistic alleles at a locus or loci in the PAR is suggested by the very different X and Y chromosome allele frequencies for at least one PAR gene.

Keywords: Silene latifolia, sex chromosomes, pseudoautosomal region, nucleotide diversity, sexual antagonism

IN the evolution of sex chromosomes, a major process is recombination suppression between the evolving Y and X chromosomes in the region containing the sex-determining genes. In many organisms with sex chromosome systems, including mammals, birds, and plants, recombination suppression has occurred in multiple events, at different times during the chromosomes’ evolutionary history. Each event changes a formerly recombining region into a new nonrecombining region, shrinking the recombining pseudoautosomal region (PAR). These events created a series of so-called “evolutionary strata” that are recognized by their differing levels of divergence between X- and Y-linked gene pairs of mammals (Lahn and Page 1999; Skaletsky et al. 2003; Lemaitre et al. 2009), and of ZW genes in birds (Lahn and Page 1999; Skaletsky et al. 2003; Lawson-Handley et al. 2004; Matsubara et al. 2006; Nishida-Umehara et al. 2007; Nam and Ellegren 2008).

The evolutionary forces driving repeated changes in the boundary between the nonrecombining, male-specific region of the Y and the recombining PAR in different taxa are, however, not yet well understood. An attractive hypothesis (but not the only possibility, see Discussion) is that, as Y or W chromosomes evolve, sexually antagonistic alleles arise on these chromosomes, benefitting one sex, but harming the other. These alleles may become polymorphic in populations, with the Y (in XY systems) carrying male-benefit alleles at higher frequencies than the X, establishing a situation that selects for reduced recombination with the fully sex-linked sex-determining region (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1980; Rice 1987; Mank and Ellegren 2009; Jordan and Charlesworth 2012). In a species with ongoing sex chromosome evolution, the PAR is the genome region most likely to maintain such “sexually antagonistic” (SA) polymorphisms, because partially sex-linked SA alleles can most readily maintain linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the linked sex-determining region of the XY pair, producing sex differences in allele frequencies (Otto et al. 2011; Jordan and Charlesworth 2012).

A growing body of evidence suggests that loci with SA alleles exist in the genomes of various organisms (reviewed by Mank et al. 2008; Bonduriansky and Chenoweth 2009; Delcourt et al. 2009; Stulp et al. 2012). However, the only known SA polymorphisms are in fish, where male characters involved in attractiveness to females increase predation risk. These characters do not increase female fertility, so their expression in females is harmful (Lindholm and Breden 2002; Kitano et al. 2009; Roberts et al. 2009). Some of the genes controlling these characters are partially sex linked (Lindholm and Breden 2002), suggesting the potential for either selection favoring loss of recombination or to evolve sex-specific expression so that only males express the male-benefit traits, rendering tight Y-linkage unnecessary; some of these partially sex-linked genes indeed have male-specific expression. Polymorphisms at coloration loci in guppies tend to be restricted to sex-linked genes when predation is strong and the advantages and disadvantages in the two sexes conflict, but are more often found at autosomal loci when predation is weak (Gordon et al. 2012), suggesting that SA selection has affected the establishment of polymorphisms.

However, no evidence definitively connects SA alleles to the evolution of reduced recombination of Y or W sex chromosomes, and evidence is needed from systems other than fish sexual selection. Young sex chromosome systems, before multiple strata evolve, probably often have physically large PAR regions, containing many genes, and so such species should be ideal for testing these ideas. PAR genes of such species, including several plants (Liu et al. 2004; Mcdaniel et al. 2007; Spigler et al. 2008), could be used to test for signals indicating the presence of SA polymorphisms, particularly if recombination suppression is ongoing.

The plant Silene latifolia is suitable for studying the early stages of sex chromosome evolution. SA selection is plausible, because inflorescences and flowers show sexual dimorphism (e.g., Delph et al. 2010; Delph and Herlihy 2012). Recombination suppression is estimated to have been initiated ∼10 MYA (Bergero et al. 2007), i.e., the system is much younger than those of mammals, and many genes retain functional Y-linked copies, i.e., genetic degeneration of the S. latifolia Y chromosome is much less than in mammals or Drosophila (Bergero and Charlesworth 2011; Chibalina and Filatov 2011). Evolutionary strata are nevertheless present, indicating multiple recombination suppression events in S. latifolia’s ancestry (Bergero et al. 2007).

As a first step in testing the SA polymorphism hypothesis, we used a population genetic approach, because it does not require identifying the genes that are experiencing the hypothesized balancing selection, but relies on their “footprint” in the PAR, where genes exerting selection pressure for reduced recombination are expected to be found. If a PAR harbors SA polymorphism(s) in linkage disequilibrium with the sex-determining region of the XY pair, LD is expected with loci in the interval between the sexually antagonistic locus and the PAR boundary, and therefore genes in the intervening genome regions (and immediately distal PAR regions) should show elevated diversity.

In the accompanying article in this issue (Bergero et al. 2013), we mapped several genes to the S. latifolia PAR. The ∼25-cM genetic map length of the S. latifolia PAR suggests that it probably carries many genes that could potentially undergo SA mutations, and so this species is well suited for testing the SA hypothesis, unlike species whose PARs include very few genes. Here, we analyze sequence diversity in a set of alleles from PAR genes. Our goals were twofold. The first is to further test for partial sex linkage, using population genetic data. The data were primarily collected for our second goal, which was to perform analyses to ask whether PAR genes show the expected footprints of polymorphism due to sexually antagonistic selection: high diversity, other evidence of balancing selection maintaining alleles polymorphic for a long evolutionary time, and evidence of LD between the PAR and the fully Y-linked, or male-specific, region (Patten et al. 2010; Úbeda et al. 2011).

Neutral sites very closely linked to any balanced polymorphism are expected to have higher diversity than surrounding genome regions (Hudson and Kaplan 1988). Even without SA selection, neutral diversity is thus expected to be elevated in the PAR (Kirkpatrick et al. 2010). However, recombination in each generation breaks down the associations causing elevated diversity, which become negligible unless the product of the recombination rate and the effective population size is small. This is consistent with the fact that the peaks of polymorphism near sites known to be under long-term balancing selection are often confined to the gene itself. For example, in the case of the primate ABO polymorphism, the diversity peak affects ∼5 kb in and near exon 7 (Calafell et al. 2008; Ségurel et al. 2012). Therefore, under the neutral null hypothesis, only PAR genes very closely linked to the nonrecombining male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) should be affected (Kirkpatrick et al. 2010). Even if the PAR contains a gene under SA selection, unless selection is extremely strong, X–Y allele frequency differences are not likely without close linkage to the MSY. In models of SA, only loci within <1 cM from the PAR boundary are expected to maintain balanced polymorphisms, and therefore only neutral variants within this distance, or slightly longer, should show LD with the MSY (Otto et al. 2011; Jordan and Charlesworth 2012). The findings in Carica papaya are consistent with these predictions. In the small fully sex-linked region (3.5 and 8.1 Mb in the X and Y, respectively), MSY genes are diverged from their X homologs, but sequence divergence decays within 80 kb of the border with the PAR (Wang et al. 2012); assuming a plausible recombination rate of 5 cM/Mb, this represents 0.4 cM. In S. latifolia, however, we find indications of associations with the MSY, including high diversity, for several PAR genes, all of which recombine with the fully sex-linked region, at least in some families, indicating that the recombination rate for these genes in the population is at least several centimorgans (see Bergero et al. 2013). Below, we discuss possible explanations for our findings.

Materials and Methods

S. latifolia population samples for testing between partial and complete sex-linkage and estimating sequence diversity

To validate our genetic inferences of pseudoautosomal locations for some genes, and to study sequence diversity, we used a set of S. latifolia individuals of both sexes grown from seeds collected from naturally pollinated females from across Europe (Supporting Information, Table S1). Our sample of 12 males, one male per population, represent a subset of those sequenced in our previous comparison of fully X- and Y-linked genes (Qiu et al. 2010), with the addition of one male (from Ioanninon, Greece, sequenced only for the E284 gene). The females were from the same populations (Table S1). As Table S1 shows, sequences could not be obtained for all plants for all the genes.

The S. vulgaris plants used for divergence estimates are the same as those used in our previous study of autosomal gene diversity in S. latifolia (Filatov et al. 2000, 2001; Matsunaga et al. 2003; Laporte et al. 2005; Qiu et al. 2010); plants from subspecies vulgaris (from Sussex, England, and from Scotland) and subspecies maritima, from the Channel Islands and an unknown location, were included.

DNA extraction, PCR reactions, and cloning

Genomic DNA for sequencing was extracted from leaves using the FastDNA kit (Qbiogene) following the manufacturer’s instructions. The seedlings’ sexes were determined by PCR amplification of intron 2 of the SlCyp gene, which contains a fixed 293-bp indel in the Y copy (Bergero et al. 2007).

The primers for PCR amplifications for five PAR loci and locus E559, which was an initial PAR candidate, are listed in Table S2. Alleles of these loci were sequenced from our natural population sample, together with three candidate PAR genes, E559, E523, and E521, which are apparently fully sex linked, based on the diversity survey (see Bergero et al. 2013). The PCR conditions in a Finnzymes’ Piko cycler with Phire Hot-Start DNA Polymerase (Finnzymes) were as follows: 1 cycle of initial denaturation at 98° for 30 sec, 10 cycles of DNA denaturation at 98° for 5 sec, primer annealing varying from 60 to 70° for 5 sec, and DNA amplification at 72° for 30 sec, 25 cycles at 98° for 5 sec, 60° for 5 sec, 72° for 60 sec, and finally 1 cycle at 72° for 5 min. For genotyping polymorphic intron size variants, PCR products from parents and offspring were run on capillary electrophoresis according to Bergero et al. (2007).

To estimate sequence diversity of the PAR genes, the PCR products were cleaned with ExoSAP-IT (Amersham Biosciences, Tokyo) and sequenced on an ABI 3730 capillary sequencer (Applied Biosystems). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were obtained by direct sequencing from both strands. DNAs producing PCR amplicons with heterozygous indels in intron regions were reamplified with a proof-reading DNA polymerase (Phusion, Finnzymes) using the PCR conditions given above, and cloned into a T-tailed pBSKS+ vector (Stratagene) before sequencing. The final sequences were aligned in Sequencher 4.8 (Gene Codes, Ann Arbor, MI;, including sequences of the likely orthologous genes from S. vulgaris, and manually adjusted by using Se-al v. 2.0 (

Sequence analyses

To study diversity, single-copy genes are essential, and this is particularly important because we find high diversity for several putative PAR genes (see Results). The genetic results in Bergero et al. (2013) show that most of the PAR genes studied are clearly single copy in the S. latifolia genome (section entitled “The S. latifolia X map and the PAR”). For two genes, E241 and E284, however, some results suggested potential paralogues. The supporting text (File S1) describes these results, together with evidence that E241 segregates as a single-copy gene. For E284, a paralogous copy was detected. One copy, denoted by E284PAR, segregates as a PAR gene, and this was used in our diversity study, using locus-specific primers.

The aligned sequences of the putatively pseudoautosomal genes were first examined to see whether variants are shared between the Y and X chromosomes or are male-specific, indicating complete Y linkage. Male and female plants from the same natural populations (Table S1) were used to test for complete vs. partial sex linkage of all genes that are located within regions added to the sex chromosome pair since the formation of the younger of the two previously known evolutionary strata (Bergero et al. 2013).

Polymorphism analyses (including estimates of nucleotide diversity and Tajima’s D) and divergence estimates between the S. latifolia and S. vulgaris sequences were done using DnaSP v.5.00.06 (Librador and Rozas 2009). The results for previously studied fully sex-linked genes in Table 1 are from published papers, only the last of which used the same natural population sample as for the PAR genes studied here (Filatov et al. 2000, 2001; Matsunaga et al. 2003; Laporte et al. 2005; Qiu et al. 2010). Y-linked alleles were distinguished from X-linked ones because they were found exclusively in males, enabling us to use Y- or X-specific PCR primers for sequencing.

Table 1. Shared and fixed X–Y SNP differences and nucleotide diversity, using all sites (because some loci include little coding sequence), but excluding indels.

Gene Numbers of sequences Numbers of sites Differences between the two sets
Silent site divergence of X from S. vulgaris Nucleotide diversity (JC corrected)
Fixed differences Shared variants Males Females
Fully sex-linked genes Y X
 SlXY4 45 40 888 67 0 0.153 0.124 0.004
 SlXY9 23 23 243 3 0 0.149 0.121 0.0178
 SlAp3XY 12 12 788 88 0 0.070 0.016
 SlCypXY 48 46 1169 30 0 0.032 0.058 0.021
 SlXY7 46 43 576 34 0 0.115 0.036 0.0053
 DD44XY 14 13 989 25 0 0.113 0.031 0.015
 SlXY1 22 24 1582 25 0 0.080 0.024 0.016
 Totals 6235 272 0
Newly discovered fully sex-linked genes
 E559 13 27 595 13 6 0.077 0.007 0.002
 E523 16 13 527 8 0 0.058 0.009 0.003
 E521 4 7 640 21 0 0.075 0.019 0.003
PAR genes
 E219 24 16 426 0 48 0.161 0.046 0.028
 E592 21 14 545 0 28 0.176 0.023 0.031
 E200 23 18 297 0 11 0.054 0.004 0.004
 E241 23 16 592 0 77 0.135 0.038 0.042
 E284PAR 33 15 588 0 109 0.093 0.068 0.067

For the fully sex-linked genes, all our sequences are from male plants, so we estimated diversity in females using just the X alleles; diversity in males is high for some of the fully sex-linked genes, due to the contribution from divergence of the Y sequences from those of the X-linked ones.

We cannot estimate frequencies of alleles at most of the PAR loci studied, because the phase of variants is generally not known. Therefore we cannot directly test whether alleles differ in frequencies between the sexes. Instead, we used Tajima’s D, which can detect an excess of intermediate frequencies expected under balancing selection (Tajima 1989). As will be shown below, this detects a strong signal for fully sex-linked loci, as expected since Y-specific variants will be at intermediate frequencies (1/4, assuming a 1:1 sex ratio). Although Tajima’s D has not been explicitly modeled for partially sex-linked loci, it will clearly be elevated due to LD with the fully sex-linked region only in regions where diversity is elevated due to high coalescence times, i.e., regions extremely closely linked to the MSY (see Introduction).

To estimate recombination rates within the PAR genes, we used LDhat software (McVean et al. 2002). To test LD directly, we first used HaploRec software (Eronen et al. 2006) to estimate phased haplotypes for the concatenated set of five PAR loci plus E559, using SNP variants with frequencies of at least 10%, since rare variants contribute little valuable information about LD. The resulting data were analyzed to test whether the number of haplotypes at a given locus is significantly lower than expected under neutrality. DnaSP was also used for these haplotype tests (DePaulis and Veuille 1998), using the numbers of variants and R/gene values estimated by the same program, and using DnaSP’s coalescent simulation tool. We also used DnaSP to estimate the proportion of pairs of polymorphic sites with significant LD after Bonferroni correction, and the value of the LD measure Zns (Kelly 1997). To test the significance of diversity difference between sets of loci, excluding the effects of different mutation rates, HKA tests were done using a maximum likelihood implementation of the HKA test, MLHKA (Wright and Charlesworth 2004).


Population genetic tests of PAR locations of candidate PAR genes

Before conducting population genetic tests of the SA polymorphism hypothesis, partially sex-linked genes require further testing to confirm that they are genuinely located in a PAR, because segregation data (as presented in Bergero et al. 2013) cannot always distinguish PAR genes and fully sex-linked genes that are closely linked to the PAR boundary; moreover genotyping errors (including bands from paralogous and other sequences) can potentially create the appearance of recombination when a gene is in fact completely sex linked. Population genetic evidence can, however, distinguish them. Fully sex linked genes (that never recombine between the X and Y chromosomes) will have variants fixed on the Y. Genes with multiple variants that are seen only in males can therefore reliably be assigned to the nonrecombining region of the XY pair. We therefore tested our putative PAR genes by sequencing them in a sample of male and female S. latifolia plants from natural populations (including the male parents of the three families in table 1 of Bergero et al. 2013).

Table 1 shows the distributions of fixed X–Y differences and shared variants in sequences obtained from the PAR genes sequenced and the fully sex-linked genes previously sequenced (see Materials and Methods) or newly sequenced in this study. All previously identified fully sex-linked genes have many fixed X–Y differences, and no shared variants, and measures of subdivision between X and Y sequences are high (Figure S1). In contrast, the six PAR genes show no male-specific variants or fixed X–Y differences, but many shared variants, consistent with partial sex-linkage and recombination in these genes, including E352, which appears fully sex linked in our mapping family, though not in two other families (Bergero et al. 2013).

This test also confirmed complete sex linkage for two other genes (that are closely linked to PAR genes: E523 and E521; see Bergero et al. 2013). Another such gene, E559, has numerous male-specific variants, supporting complete sex linkage; Y and X haplotypes were evident in each male plant of natural origin, while all females had X haplotypes (figure S2 of Bergero et al. 2013). However, we also found six polymorphisms shared between the Y and X haplotypes (Table 1). A PAR location therefore cannot be definitively excluded until detailed physical mapping becomes possible for this region of the S. latifolia genome. However, even with complete sex linkage, shared polymorphisms are not impossible. They would not be expected if recombination stopped due to an event in the genome region affected (e.g., an inversion causing Y linkage of a PAR haplotype of the region), because diversity in the Y would be eliminated in the resulting selective sweep. However, the X- and Y-linked alleles could still recombine in regions away from inversion breakpoints, through double crossovers or by gene conversion, which has been documented in the male-specific regions of mammalian sex chromosome pairs (Slattery et al. 2000; Rosser et al. 2009; Trombetta et al. 2010; Ellegren 2011), particularly in the moderately recent stratum 4 (Iwase et al. 2010). However, the locations of the shared polymorphisms are not clustered, and do not suggest gene conversion. Alternatively, recombination suppression could occur with no inversion (e,g. through unlinked recombination modifiers Charlesworth et al. 1985; Ebinuma 1987; Perkins and Bojko 1992). In such situations, ancestral polymorphisms that were present before recombination stopped would be lost more slowly from the Y by genetic drift, and shared variants could persist for some time. The mechanism of recombination suppression between the S. latifolia Y and X is currently unknown.

The occurrence of homozygous males for a gene that shows evidence of sex linkage is a further indication that the gene is in a region that recombines with the sex-determining region. Genotype frequency results for our candidate PAR genes are consistent with this location. Homozygotes are not rare, and many are authenticated by genetic data in various families and cannot be explained as null alleles (Bergero et al. 2013).

Sex averaged recombination rate estimates for PAR genes are intermediate between those from fully X linked and autosomal genes (Figure S2). This is also consistent with partial sex linkage. Moreover, consistent with the data from families in Bergero et al. (2013), it does not suggest a very high recombination rate in males (which might be produced if the PAR is physically very small, and a crossover event occurs in every male meiosis).

Diversity in the PAR genes

Nucleotide diversity:

To test for SA polymorphism in the PAR, we estimated sequence diversity for PAR genes and performed tests of the null hypothesis of neutrality.

Occasional failed PCR amplifications from some plants (Table S1) suggest that some alleles may have substitutions in the primer annealing sites. This problem was particularly severe for E200 (indeed no alleles amplified from one individual, although other loci amplified from the same sample without problems). This gene is not devoid of variation; we found six length variants in intron 1 (which we did not attempt to sequence and align), and many indels in a different region that was sequenced. We omitted E200 from our nucleotide diversity analyses, since nonamplified alleles probably cause underestimation of nucleotide diversity for this gene, and alignment problems are severe. We also did not sequence the E352 gene, which also shows high allelic diversity, with multiple indel variants, making alignment impossible. Specifically, 9 different alleles, defined by their lengths, were detected in our total sample (or 11, including two further alleles in female plants of unknown origins). Four alleles were found in both sexes, 2 only in males or females (see Table S1; or 4, including the two females of unknown origins). The 254-bp variant in the Y chromosome of the parent of our mapping family (see Bergero et al. 2013) is common in males, but not male specific. This suggests that this gene has high diversity, but we cannot reliably estimate nucleotide diversity.

All four PAR loci for which we could obtain reliable estimates have very high nucleotide diversity (Table 1). For these loci, any potential underestimation of diversity would make this conclusion conservative. We analyzed all site types because, under the hypothesis being tested—that these genes might have high diversity due to LD with the sex-determining region on the Y chromosome—high diversity, reflecting LD, could be present throughout the sequence; the results are similar when diversity is estimated for silent sites (not shown). Despite these genes’ fairly short sequences (Table 1), and the likelihood that alleles were missed in our set of sequences, as just explained, these genes also include many indel variants, which were often found in multiple individuals (eight in E592, three in E219, large numbers in E284PAR and E241, and six in E200).

A high mutation rate is one potential explanation for the high diversity of the subset of genes with PAR locations, and this possibility must be considered, as divergence from the orthologous S. vulgaris sequences is somewhat higher for PAR genes than for other genes (Table 1). HKA tests (which allow for the possibility of different mutation rates; see Materials and Methods) show that a high mutation rate is unlikely to explain the high diversity (Table 2). Compared with nine autosomal genes studied previously (see details in Qiu et al. 2010), the PAR genes have significantly (P = 0.01) higher within-species diversity than expected, except for E200, whose diversity is underestimated, as explained above (diversity in E200 does not differ significantly from the four PAR genes whose diversity could be better estimated). However, the PAR genes’ diversity does not differ significantly from that of the seven fully X-linked genes (P = 0.06), although the difference is marginally significant (P = 0.043) when we exclude the E200 PAR gene.

Table 2. Nucleotide diversity estimates, diversity/divergence ratios, and results of MLHKA tests.
Mean diversity ± SE Divergence from S. vulgaris
Diversity/divergence from S. vulgaris
Silent sites All sites Silent sites All sites
Autosomal genes 0.115 ± 0.010 0.039 ± 0.009 0.259 ± 0.076 0.365 ± 0.116
X-linked genes, excluding E559 0.107 ± 0.016 0.060 ± 0.001 0.192 ± 0.041 0.200 ± 0.043
X-linked genes, including E559(X) 0.103 ± 0.014 0.061 ± 0.009 0.191 ± 0.036 0.211 ± 0.037
PAR genes 0.141 ± 0.030 0.079 ± 0.009 0.447 ± 0.113 0.450 ± 0.113
HKA tests among PAR genes P values
All 6 PAR genes PAR genes excluding E559
(5 genes)
 E200 0.2 0.87
 E219 0.96 0.99
 E241 1 1
 E284 0.062 0.13
 E559 0.011
 E592 0.96 0.95
Tests of the 5 PAR genes above (excluding E559) vs. other genes
 vs. 9 autosomal genes 0.01
 vs. 7 X-linked genes 0.06
Tests of 4 PAR genes vs. other genes, excluding E200 (see text)
 vs. 9 autosomal genes 0.0063
 vs. 7 X-linked genes 0.043

Statistically significant results at the P < 0.05 level are in boldface type.

LD and haplotype analyses:

For fully sex-linked genes, diversity estimates are higher in males, as expected due to fixed differences between X and Y chromosomes (Table 1). Of the PAR genes, only E352 shows a large sex difference in allele frequencies. Overall, 22/30 of the alleles in males had the common 254-bp variant, vs. 4/18 of the females’ alleles; the sex difference in frequencies is significant by a 2 × 2 contingency table analysis (P = 0.00019 by a Fisher’s exact test). For the other PAR genes, however, no such allele frequency differences were evident, and diversity is similar in both sexes. For E241, 12 different alleles could be distinguished by their lengths, and 2 were at high frequencies, but neither of these is restricted to one sex. Larger samples from within single populations, and analysis of sequences where phase is known, will be needed to better test allele frequency differences.

As a potentially more sensitive way to detect sex-specific variation in the four sequenced PAR genes, we also estimated net divergence between sequences from males and females (which will indicate associations of SNPs with the Y chromosome), and subdivision between males and females, using the population subdivision measure KST, which quantifies the proportion of variation that is between groups, rather than within groups, and whose statistical significance can be tested (Hudson et al. 1992). This approach gave no evidence for such subdivision for any of the PAR genes whose sequences could be analyzed (this excludes E352 and E200, as explained above). E559 and E523, which probably became fully sex-linked recently (see Bergero et al. 2013), yielded measures intermediate between the fully sex-linked genes and PAR genes (Figure S1). Overall, these tests give no evidence for alleles of these PAR loci being associated with the MSY.

Several other results reject the null hypothesis, but no PAR gene shows conclusive results for all tests. Haplotype tests (using the estimated haplotypes, see Materials and Methods) suggest that two PAR loci, E241 and E284PAR, have unexpectedly few haplotypes, consistent with balancing selection affecting these genes (Table 3). On the other hand, few pairs of sites yielded statistically significant LD (Table S3). Loci E592 and E219 gave significant results for the H test (conditioning the simulations on the value of θ per gene), again with unexpectedly few haplotypes, but K tests (conditioning on the value number of variants) were nonsignificant; nevertheless, a larger fraction of pairs of sites yielded significant tests for LD in these two genes. The alleles that could be analyzed from the E200 gene gave no evidence for strong LD by any of these tests.

Table 3. Haplotype tests using the estimated R/gene values.
Locus Map position Excluded sequence numbers Observed haplotype diversitya Estimated R/gene K test H test
S P valueb θ/gene P value
E559 0 F2, 12 0.83 15.3 7 0.75, 0.74 2.89 0.32, 0.34
E200 0 M3, F2, 6 0.83 30.9 8 0.82, 0.45 2.13 0.42, 0.43
E241 0 M3, F1, F2 0.89 14 50 0.017, 0.012 17.6 0.004, 0.002
E284PAR 0 M3, 8, 23, F1, 4, 8a, 10 0.98 30.2 102 0.021, 0.03 34.5 0.014, 0.010
E592 13 M11, 23, F2, 3b, 6, 9, 12 0.84 5.4 26 0.087, 0.057 12.0 0.013, 0.006
E219 21 F6, 8, 9 0.87 0.001 43 0.114, 0.102 14.6 0.035, 0.027

Note that these analyses used only variable sites, so that the S and θ/gene values cannot be compared with those in other tables or the text.


Probability of getting a haplotype diversity value lower than the observed value (2 × 1000 replicates). Bold font indicates P-values < 0.05.

If balancing selection is affecting the PAR genes, positive Tajima’s D values are expected (Tajima 1989). Given that autosomal genes or X-linked sequences alone yield generally negative values in S. latifolia, suggesting recent population expansion (Qiu et al. 2010), we tested whether PAR genes show values higher than other genes. The results are summarized in Figure 1. The means for autosomal and X-linked sequences are −0.53 ± 0.17 and −0.73 ± 0.16, respectively, based on all sites (results for silent sites alone are similar, and are not shown). In contrast, the fully sex-linked genes (pooling X and Y allele sequences from males) show the expected largely positive values (mean 1.04 ± 0.30), though the values are significant at P < 0.05 for only two loci; pooling all sequences, including X-linked alleles from females, gives similar results. The PAR genes (except for E200, which has few variants in our sequenced alleles, see above) also show positive values for most loci (mean = 0.50 ± 0.47), again consistent with balancing selection affecting the PAR genes.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Tajima’s D values for autosomal, fully sex-linked, and PAR genes. The values shown are for all site types (data from two new PAR genes, plus new analyses of genes studied by Qiu et al. (2010) and Muir et al. (2011), provided that there were at least 10 segregating sites). The lines across each of the sets of genes indicate the mean value for that set. The lowercase letters indicate sets of genes with significantly different mean values, using Mann–Whitney U-tests.


Our study of nucleotide polymorphisms in PAR genes was designed to test for the footprints of balancing selection, which should generate LD with neutral variants in the region (Hudson and Kaplan 1988; Nordborg et al. 1996; Charlesworth et al. 1997), and could suggest the occurrence of polymorphisms caused by SA selection.

We observed high allelic or nucleotide diversity in the S. latifolia PAR genes studied, which seems to suggest some form of balancing selection (but, of course, not necessarily SA selection; see below for alternative possibilities). Indeed, only one gene, E352, shows the differentiation between males and females, and evidence for linkage disequilibrium with the MSY, that are predicted under the SA polymorphism hypothesis. However, the data are not currently conclusive, because the lack of allele frequency differences at the other loci may largely reflect the greater ease of detecting different alleles in the E352 gene. For this gene, we observed high length variability in an intron, with alleles of different lengths readily distinguished by capillary electrophoresis; as explained above, the high variability prevented our obtaining sequences for the two alleles of many individuals. For the other genes, allele frequencies are less easily determined because, although we were able to obtain sequences, we find many different variants whose phase in the heterozygous plants is generally not known (Table S1); therefore we cannot directly compare haplotype frequencies in the two sexes, and all that can currently be said is that there are few sex differences in frequencies at individual nonsingleton sites. Given that different individuals within a species may differ in recombination rates (reviewed in Comeron et al. 2012), larger samples of alleles should be studied, once further PAR genes are identified. Ideally, sets of parents and offspring should be genotyped to ascertain the phase of variants in different PAR, to quantify LD across the PAR, which will reflect recombination in the species’ recent history.

An important question is the extent to which the high nucleotide diversity in S. latifolia PAR genes can be explained simply by partial linkage to the MSY region, without the action of SA selection. As discussed in the Introduction, neutral models suggest that very close linkage is necessary. Clearly, recombination in the S. latifolia PAR should be further studied. This should also help resolve differences in the estimated genetic map distances from the MSY for the closely linked E241 and OPA markers, which we find to be smaller than those estimated previously (Blavet et al. 2012). However, two genes, E592 and E219, are at least 8 cM from the MSY (see table 3 of Bergero et al. 2013) and have high diversity (Table 1), and our tests gave no evidence of paralogues in the species’ genome that could create a false appearance of high diversity. At such loose linkage, SA polymorphisms may appear no more plausible than in autosomal regions, where such polymorphisms are unlikely to be maintained (Patten et al. 2010; Jordan and Charlesworth 2012). A possibility that is consistent with high diversity at such distal locations is that linked SA polymorphisms are expected to develop LD with one another (Patten et al. 2010; Jordan and Charlesworth 2012). So far, this effect has been studied only for autosomal loci, but the effect on LD in the PAR of two or more such polymorphisms might be expected to be greater. This should be modeled in the future.

We have not attempted to explain our diversity results in terms of the direct effect of linkage to the MSY vs. the effect of selection maintaining associations with the male-determining factor, because the strength of selection is unknown. However, modeling Tajima’s D could allow one to estimate the extra effect of selection, by modeling the expected value for a neutral PAR gene at recombination distances relevant for S. latifolia. This is beyond the scope of the present paper, because our polymorphism results from autosomal loci suggest a recent expansion of the species. The parameters of the species’ recent demographic history that will affect Tajima’s D must therefore also be estimated quantitatively, using autosomal polymorphisms. Given parameter estimates, one could conduct modeling to predict Tajima’s D for PAR genes, using the inferred history and recombination distances.

An intriguing observation, consistent with the S. latifolia PAR tending to harbor high polymorphism levels, is the unexpectedly high X–Y divergence for one gene that has recently become fully sex linked, E521 (see Bergero et al. 2013). There is no reason to think that this gene has a high mutation rate, as divergence from S. vulgaris is not out of line with that of other loci (Table 1). Such high divergence thus suggests that the region close to this locus was probably highly polymorphic before recombination between the Y and X was suppressed. If strong LD existed between the MSY and an E521 haplotype associated with a male-benefit allele maintained polymorphic in the region for a long time, as expected under the SA selection hypothesis, suppression of recombination with the Y would link the male-advantage allele to the MSY, while the X chromosome population would lose this allele. This would convert some of the diversity in the population (i.e., preexisting differences between haplotypes carrying the male-benefit alleles and those without them) into fixed Y–X differences. If such events have occurred during sex chromosome evolution, the times when recombination stopped may be overestimated for loci in recently formed strata, because sequence differences between alleles predate the event that caused recombination suppression.

In mammals, parts of the PAR experience an exceptionally high recombination rate, due to a requirement for a crossing over event in male meiosis in this physically small region, and this appears to cause a high mutation rate (Yi and Li 2005; Bussell et al. 2006). A high mutation rate could lead to high diversity at pseudoautosomal genes. However, this is unlikely in S. latifolia, because the region is unlikely to be physically very small, since the map length is large at least 20 cM in both sexes. Consistent with these observations, our HKA tests exclude a high mutation rate as the explanation for the high diversity of these genes, even though divergence from S. vulgaris is slightly higher for S. latifolia PAR genes than for fully X-linked genes, suggesting a possible elevated mutation rates in the PAR (Table 2).

Alternatives to SA selection

High diversity in PAR genes could be due to some form of balancing selection other than SA effects maintaining different alleles of these or other PAR loci. However, it would be surprising if a small genome region contained several loci with balancing selection. We cannot exclude the possibility that different alleles of PAR genes are maintained in different chromosome arrangements, for example a polymorphic inversion in the PAR. However, recently established inversion polymorphisms are unlikely to cause greatly elevated diversity, as has recently been confirmed empirically in Drosophila melanogaster (Corbett-Detig and Hartl 2012). Future work in S. latifolia should nevertheless test this possibility. The small region of visible pairing in meiotic preparations probably makes cytological testing for an inversion impossible, but genetic or physical mapping of PAR genes in different families could be informative. It is now becoming possible to find new PAR genes, and markers in them, through recent technical developments such as restriction-site-associated DNA (RAD) sequencing for genetic mapping (Baird et al. 2008).

We cannot exclude the possibility that the high PAR region sequence diversity is due to introgression from S. dioica. This might also explain the non-Mendelian segregation we observed in one F2 family (see Bergero et al. 2013), since such ratios can reflect incompatibilities between species that cause loss of some zygote genotypes (reviewed in Salome et al. 2012). However, introgression seems unlikely to explain diversity as high as that observed. Raw divergence estimates between S. latifolia and S. dioica, with Jukes–Cantor correction (e.g., Graur and Li 2000), average 0.036 for silent sites, based on 10 loci for which sequences have been published, or 0.023 when weighted by the numbers of sites analyzed (to downweight two loci with sequences covering fewer than 125 silent sites). Silent site diversity values within our sample of S. latifolia plants exceed 5% for the four PAR genes other than E200, whose diversity is probably underestimated (see above; the values in Table 1 are lower because all sites were used in the estimates). To generate such high diversity, the divergence from S. dioica sequences would have to be higher than observed, and introgression would have to be very frequent.

A final possibility is that the S. latifolia PAR was previously nonrecombining, but recombination recently started to occur in the region. However, this would require a long evolutionary period of complete Y linkage, to build up the large number of variants we find. The results in Bergero et al. (2013) contradict this scenario, since the genes in the regions carrying the currently partially sex-linked genes were clearly added to both the X and Y, after the evolution of the younger of the two previously known strata, and therefore the added genome regions must initially have been able to recombine. Moreover, the fact that the PAR genes have been added to both the Y and the X indicates that the added genome regions must initially have been able to recombine.

Polymorphism for SA genes is nevertheless only one possible cause of recombination suppression. Other possibilities are not exclusive. For instance, recombination may occasionally occur in largely nonrecombining PAR boundary regions, as occurs in humans (Cooke et al. 1985). Such a region should have a reduced effective population size, which could allow transposable elements to accumulate, potentially to the extent that recombination is directly hindered. The reduction in effective population size need not be very great. For example, X chromosomes in mammals and plants have a lower recombination frequency than the autosomes, because X chromosomes recombine only in females, and, in mammals and papaya, this chromosome has a detectably higher repetitive content than the genome-wide average (reviewed in Bergero et al. 2008). Transposable element heterozygosity is known to reduce recombination in maize (Dooner and Martinez-Férez 1997; Fu et al. 2002; Dooner and He 2008), and transposable elements are abundant in S. latifolia (Cermak et al. 2008; Macas et al. 2008), whose haploid genome size is similar to that of maize (Grover et al. 2008).

Supplementary Material

Supporting Information


We thank GenePool, Edinburgh for the Sanger sequencing and capillary electrophoreses, and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for funding.

Note added in proof: See Bergero et al. 2013 (pp. 673–686) in this issue, for a related work.


Communicating editor: S. I. Wright

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