Although many methods have been developed for inference of biological networks, the validation of the resulting models has largely remained an unsolved problem. Here we present a framework for quantitative assessment of inferred gene interaction networks using knock-down data from cell line experiments. Using this framework we are able to show that network inference based on integration of prior knowledge derived from the biomedical literature with genomic data significantly improves the quality of inferred networks relative to other approaches. Our results also suggest that cell line experiments can be used to quantitatively assess the quality of networks inferred from tumor samples.
Keywords: Network Inference, Quantitative Validation, Gene Expression, Targeted Perturbations
1. Introduction/Methods
We have increasingly come to recognize that cellular regulatory processes are more complex than we had once imagined and that it is generally not individual genes, but networks of interacting genes and gene products, which collectively interact to define phenotypes and the alterations that occur in the development of a disease [4]. The first application of network reconstruction to gene expression used data from a yeast cell cycle experiment in which synchronized cells were profiled over a carefully planned time-course [28]. Friedman and colleagues analyzed these data in a Bayesian Network framework to develop a predictive cell-cycle model. Since this early work, there have been many other methods developed to model networks while addressing the intrinsic complexity of high-throughput genomic data (high feature-to-sample ratio and high level of noise) [22]. However, few methods have been widely used and often fail to produce useful network models, mainly because there are no gold standards on how to build and validate large gene networks [12, 35].
One challenge in developing network inference methods is validation of the resulting models. Most published network inference methods attempt to validate their models through comparison with biological databases, calculating the proportion of interactions found both in the inferred networks and those databases [2]. However, this assumes that the network topologies are static and do not change between phenotypes or in response to perturbations. Others have validated small network models using targeted biological experiments to assess interactions between genes, but this is not feasible for a large number of genes and new potential interactions. An alternate route based on simulated interventional data was used in the NIPS2008 workshop on causality validating inferred networks by trying to predict the results of interventions [16], but this method is biased to those network inference models most closely resembling the simulation model.
Here we propose a new validation framework that enables a quantitative and unbiased assessment of the performance of an inferred network model. This framework relies on generating independent, single-gene knock-down experiments targeting a collection of genes in a network or pathway of interest, and measuring gene expression data before and after the knockdowns. With this data in hand, we apply the following iterative leave-one-out cross-validation approach to assess the performance of a given network inference method (Fig. 1):
Select a single gene knock-down, including all replicates, from the collection as validation set.
From the remaining knock-down experiments, build a predictive network model.
Use the validation set to assess the network’s quality, focused on connections local to the perturbation.
Repeat steps 1–3 until all perturbations have been tested in the models and their local predictive power assessed.
This “dual use” of the data for model inference and validation allows the computation of a performance score that quantitatively assesses the inferred network’s quality based on a comparison between the genes that are empirically determined to be affected based on the validation data set and those genes inferred to be affected based on the models. Since this validation framework is not tied to a specific network inference method, it can be used to assess the relative performance of different network inference methods. As a test of the approach, we applied it to two methods that infer directed (causal) interaction network from gene expression data: GeneNet [27] and predictionet [17]. GeneNet computes full partial correlations and then orders the genes based on partial variances to identify directed acyclic causal networks. This approach improves on Bayesian network inference methods as it allows inference of large interaction networks containing hundreds of genes. However, its current implementation (version 1.2.5) does not integrate prior knowledge about likely network structure captured in published biomedical literature and pathway databases [9, 14, 18, 32]. Bayesian networks are inferred from different sources of information in [19, 29, 32] but to the best of our knowledge there is no such method publicly available in R.
The use of prior network structures is at the heart of predictionet, which builds on reported gene-gene interactions cataloged in the Predictive Networks (PN), web application [17]. predictionet infers an undirected network using mRMR (minimum Redundancy-Maximum Relevance; [8, 26]) feature selection and then orients the edges in this network using the interaction information [25]. In both steps, prior information can be used to adjust the respective rankings based on the confidence in the interactions, as further described in Section 1.1 of the Supplementary Information.
Here we will describe the application of our validation framework, which combines knock-down experiments and network inference, to quantitatively assess inference methods for large gene interaction networks. We will show that the integration of priors with gene expression data yielded networks best at predicting the genes affected by a targeted perturbation.
2. Results
In this section we will present our validation framework and the combination of targeted perturbations and network inference methods it relies on. The data and the main parameters used in our framework will be described in detail.
2.1. Targeted perturbations
One of the best approaches to test the quality of a network model is to quantify how well it can predict the system’s response to perturbations. As a demonstration, we use a well-studied model system - the RAS signaling pathway in colorectal cancer. We performed RNAi-mediated gene knockdown experiments in two colorectal cancer cell lines, SW480 and SW620 [20], targeting eight key genes in the RAS pathway: CDK5, HRAS, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, MAPK1, MAPK3, NGFR and RAF11. The experiments were done in six biological replicates of each knockdown and controls in both cell lines. From each sample, we profiled gene expression (Supplementary File 1) using the A ymetrix GeneChip HG-U133PLUS2 platform. CEL files were normalized using frma [24]. We used the jetset package to select a unique probeset for each of the 19,218 unique gene symbols represented on the arrays; further annotations were obtained using biomaRt [11]. The raw and normalized data are available from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository [5] with accession number GSE53091. A more detailed description of the knock-down experiments is available in Section 1.6 in Supplementary Information.
Although our experimental perturbations were limited to eight genes, the goal was to infer a larger network. Consequently, we needed to identify a broader set of genes linked to the RAS pathway. We compared gene expression profiles of quiescent cell lines over-expressing RAS [6]. These data were generated using the Affymetrix GeneChip HG-U133PLUS2 and normalized using MAS5 [1] (GEO accession number: GSE3151). We used the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to compare the ten control cell lines with the ten cell lines over-expressing RAS and selected the most differentially expressed genes (false discovery rate FDR < 10% and fold change ≥ 4) between groups; this identified 332 RAS-associated genes including HRAS itself. The unique set of 339 RAS-associated genes and our knock-down genes are listed together with their corresponding statistics in Supplementary File 2.
With the gene expression data from the eight knock-down experiments, we used the validation framework illustrated in Figure 2(a). Each knock-down was considered separately during the validation process. In a first step this entails the separation of the samples into those not related to the knock-down under consideration (the training samples) and the samples related to it (the validation samples). The validation samples are then analyzed to identify the list of RAS-associated genes significantly affected by the target knock-down. To compare the expression of genes in control versus knock-down experiments we used the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test with a FDR < 10%. The list of affected genes and their annotations are reported in Table 1 and Supplementary File 3, respectively.
Tab. 1.
KD | CDK5 | HRAS | MAP2K1 | MAP2K2 |
Number of affected genes | 73 | 122 | 33 | 38 |
MAPK1 | MAPK3 | NGFR | RAF1 | |
117 | 59 | 99 | 61 |
2.2. Network inference methods
Using the training samples (Figure 2(a)) we then proceed to the inference of a network using either GeneNet or predictionet with different weights on the priors (prior weight w ∈ {0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1}; see Supplementary Information Sections 1.1 and Section 1.2 for details of the inference algorithm and the parameter choices, respectively). To define these priors we used the Predictive Networks (PN) web-application to identify gene-gene interactions reported in the biomedical literature and in structured biological databases [17] for this collection of genes. The PN database was generated, in part, from PubMed abstracts and full-text papers using a text mining method in which each interaction is represented as a triplet [Subject, Predicate, Object] such as [PGC, is inhibited by, SIRT1] or [CCNT1, regulates, PGC]. While the Subjects and Objects represent genes, the Predicates capture the interactions between these genes and include terms like ‘regulates’ or ‘is inhibited by’ that describe directional interactions, here Subject → Object or Subject ← Object, respectively. PN contains 81,022 interactions from PubMed documents and 1,323,776 interactions from the Human Functional Interaction [34] and the Pathways Common [7] databases (both retrieved on 2012-11-16).
Among the 339 RAS-associated genes, 325 are present in the PN database with a total of 37,212 interactions of which 602 occurred between pairs of RAS-associated genes (Supplementary File 4). Each interaction was characterized by an evidence score represented as the difference between the number of positive evidence citations and the number of negative evidence represented by a predicate such as ‘does not regulate’. More details on how the priors are used in predictionet are available in Section 1.1 in Supplementary Information.
2.3. Inferred networks
Next, we used the genomic data and priors to infer a gene interaction network for each knock-down (CDK5, HRAS, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, MAPK1, MAPK3, NGFR and RAF1) and each network inference methods (GeneNet and predictionet with increasing prior weights). As an example, we will describe the network inferred for the HRAS knock-down using predictionet with prior weight w = 0.5 (Figure 3). Due to the size of the network and the fact that we are primarily interested in the effect of the targeted perturbation (knock-down of HRAS), we focus on that part of the inferred network which models these effects, that are the children and grand-children (referred to as CH2) of HRAS.
In theory, the genes inferred to be descendants of the knockdown should correspond to the genes identified as significantly affected in the validation experiments. That is, when considering our validation samples one can evaluate which genes exhibit a significant change in expression compared to the control samples; these affected genes should ideally be present in the knock-down’s childhood (CH).
We then tested whether the inferred interactions (edges) in the network were present in the prior (the blue edges) or not (grey edges). This together with the knowledge of which genes were truly affected by the knock-down allows us to identify possible new paths such as HRAS-POLA2-CCDC94 that although not previously reported in the literature, have empirical support in the perturbation data set.
We find (Figure 3) that truly affected genes are present within the set of children as well as with the grandchildren of HRAS; these nodes are colored yellow. Although there are additional genes that are differentially expressed in response to HRAS knockdown, for visualization purposes we focus on those that are predicted to be first or second-generation descendants of the knockdown target. To evaluate the network’s overall quality, we measured the ratio of those genes in the KD’s childhood that are affected by the perturbation relative to those genes predicted to be in the childhood that are not affected. In the following section we will use this idea to design a systematic quantitative validation procedure by properly defining true positives, false positives and false negatives nodes.
2.4. Systematic validation
Given an inferred network and a list of genes significantly affected by a specific knock-down, we can now classify the descendants of the knock-down in the inferred network depending on their response to the perturbation. If this is the case, each of these descendants is classified as true positive (TP), as false positive (FP) if it was not affected by the perturbation, and finally if we know that a gene was affected by the knock-down experiment but it is not inferred as a descendant in the network, it is classified as false negative (FN), as illustrated in Figure 4.
This classification then allows us to compute, for the inferred network, a quality measure such as the F-score
(1) |
where F=1 corresponds to perfect classification of the affected genes and F=0 to no correctly identified affected genes.
The question of which genes in the network qualify as ‘descendant’ is difficult to answer and we chose to consider the knock-down’s children and its grandchildren, that is the childhood of distance two (CH2). In our experiments, we see that considering only the direct children (CH1) will include too few genes and it is not possible to compute meaningful F-scores. On the other hand, considering larger childhoods such as that of distance three (CH3) or even all descendants usually leads to too many genes predicted as affected. Therefore, we focus on analyzing results obtained for CH2 while reporting those for CH1 and CH3 in Supplementary Information, Figure 4.
Because increasing the size of the childhood almost automatically leads to higher F-score values due to the greater weight given to true positives versus false positives, one cannot solely rely on this quality measure. Therefore, a second measure is needed that will penalize networks with a greater number of edges. Our strategy is to generate a large number n of random networks and compare their F-scores to the F-score obtained with the inferred network to assess its significance using the following formula:
(2) |
The larger the number of edges is, the easier it will be to beat the inferred network’s performance with these random networks as the variation between networks is reducing with growing number of edges.
We generated random networks by mimicking the inference using feature selection strategies as implemented by predictionet. Keeping the number of edges and the maximum number of parents equal to those of the inferred network, the random network generator adds a uniformly distributed number of parents in [1, maxparents] to each gene in the random network. This allows us to show that the feature selection and arc orientation strategy implemented in predictionet indeed performs statistically significantly better than a random edge addition procedure. Network performance is computed in terms of F-score values associated with a knock-down’s childhood and any network with a p-value as defined in equation (2) lower than 0.05 is considered to be significantly better than random networks.
2.4.1. Inferring networks with different prior weights for all knock-downs
With this combination of two complementary quantitative validation measures we can now evaluate the inferred networks, those obtained using GeneNet with only genomic data and those obtained using predictionet with genomic data and priors for different weighing schemes. We allowed the prior weights w to vary between 0 and 1, the former corresponding to networks inferred from genomic data only and the latter to networks inferred from prior knowledge only: w ∈ {0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1}.
To assure a fair comparison between GeneNet and the network inferred from data only with predictionet and the associated random network topologies, we constrained GeneNet networks to have the same number of edges as those networks inferred using predictionet. We chose to take the number of edges obtained with predictionet using prior weight of 0.5 for two reasons. Firstly, although GeneNet is not designed to natively integrate prior knowledge, we tested whether combining data and prior using predictionet will yield better results than a widely-used method that only use data. Secondly, F-score values tend to be higher for networks with greater numbers of edges, therefore choosing a prior weight which results in an advantageous number of edges, such as 0.5, seems reasonable.
Using our validation framework (Figure 2(a)), we analyzed our set of colorectal cancer cell lines and computed F-scores of the inferred networks in cross-validation for each of the eight KDs (Figure 5A). We first investigated the performance of networks inferred from prior knowledge only (prior weight w = 1). To the best of our knowledge, the informational value of priors retrieved from biomedical literature and structured biological databases has not yet been quantitatively assessed in the context of gene network inference. Indisputable, these known interactions are often the result of biological experiments that are valid in the context in which they have been performed. However, this does not necessarily mean that they carry information with respect to biological data sets generated outside of this context. In our study we found that networks inferred from priors only are informative as they yielded significant F-scores for all the knock-downs except NGFR (Figure 5A and Table 2). This is due to the fact that we found only few prior information regarding the downstream effects of NGFR, with only one direct child and no grandchild in the priors, which is not sufficient to compute a meaningful F-score.
Tab. 2.
CDK5 | HRAS | MAP2K1 | MAP2K2 | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
# edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | # edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | # edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | # edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | |
GeneNet | 1006 | 2 | 1 | 0.026667 | 1058 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1044 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1025 | 3 | 1 | 0.04878 |
pn data | 586 | 16 | 6 | 0.13483 | 661 | 16 | 7 | 0.10145 | 637 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 610 | 21 | 3 | 0.10169 |
pn w0.25 | 802 | 43 | 12 | 0.2069 | 861 | 28 | 12 | 0.16 | 831 | 34 | 5 | 0.14925 | 811 | 49 | 9 | 0.2069 |
pn w0.5 | 1006 | 62 | 18 | 0.26667 | 1058 | 37 | 17 | 0.21384 | 1044 | 46 | 5 | 0.12658 | 1025 | 61 | 11 | 0.22222 |
pn w0.75 | 1024 | 78 | 24 | 0.31788 | 1077 | 37 | 17 | 0.21384 | 1062 | 46 | 5 | 0.12658 | 1043 | 61 | 11 | 0.22222 |
pn w0.95 | 1029 | 78 | 24 | 0.31788 | 1080 | 37 | 17 | 0.21384 | 1066 | 46 | 5 | 0.12658 | 1048 | 61 | 11 | 0.22222 |
pn prior | 313 | 49 | 13 | 0.21311 | 313 | 29 | 16 | 0.21192 | 313 | 36 | 5 | 0.14493 | 313 | 33 | 5 | 0.14085 |
MAPK1 | MAPK3 | NGFR | RAF1 | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
# edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | # edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | # edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | # edges | CH2 | TP | Fscore | |
GeneNet | 1017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1025 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
pn data | 607 | 6 | 4 | 0.065041 | 593 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 578 | 7 | 5 | 0.09434 | 603 | 11 | 1 | 0.027778 |
pn w0.25 | 818 | 66 | 27 | 0.29508 | 783 | 53 | 5 | 0.089286 | 787 | 18 | 9 | 0.15385 | 792 | 26 | 5 | 0.11494 |
pn w0.5 | 1017 | 100 | 36 | 0.3318 | 1016 | 87 | 22 | 0.30137 | 1014 | 10 | 6 | 0.11009 | 1025 | 58 | 13 | 0.21849 |
pn w0.75 | 1033 | 100 | 36 | 0.3318 | 1031 | 94 | 22 | 0.28758 | 1027 | 10 | 6 | 0.11009 | 1044 | 59 | 13 | 0.21667 |
pn w0.95 | 1035 | 100 | 36 | 0.3318 | 1033 | 94 | 22 | 0.28758 | 1031 | 10 | 6 | 0.11009 | 1049 | 59 | 13 | 0.21667 |
pn prior | 313 | 58 | 22 | 0.25143 | 313 | 48 | 11 | 0.20561 | 313 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 313 | 29 | 9 | 0.2 |
denotes the number of edges in the inferred network; CH2 denotes the number of genes in the KD’s childhood consisting of children and grandchildren; TP and Fscore denote the number of true positives and F-score for the childhood consisting of children and grandchildren.
To test whether combining prior knowledge with genomic data leads to an improved inference of gene interaction networks, we compared F-scores obtained for networks inferred from data only (GeneNet and predictionet with prior weight w = 0), from priors only (prior weight w = 1) and a combination of data and priors (prior weight w ∈ ]0, 1[). As can be seen in Figure 5A, networks inferred from combination of priors and genomic data yielded consistently higher F-scores than networks inferred from genomic data alone (Wilcoxon signed rank test p = 0.004 for prior weight w = 0.5). When compared to networks inferred from priors only, we observe statistically significant improvement in the F-score for five out of eight KDs (CDK5, MAP2K2, MAPK1, MAPK3 and NGFR; Wilcoxon signed rank test p = 0.01 for prior weight w = 0.5). Moreover the networks inferred from combined data sources are significantly better than random networks in most cases, except for NGFR for which the prior knowledge is limited (Figure 5A).
We then assessed the benefit of combining data sources by counting how many true positives can only be found by combining priors and genomic data, that is they are not present in the data only and/or priors only networks (Figure 4). In other words it does not suffice to fuse the data and prior-only networks to get these true positives. Figure 5B represents the portion of true positives that can be found in the networks inferred from genomic data only, priors only or the combination of both. We observe in Figure 5B that there is little overlap between true positives identified in networks inferred from genomic data only or priors only, suggesting that priors and genomic data provide very different information regarding gene interactions. Moreover, we find that a substantial proportion of new true positives could have only been found by combining data sources, highlighting the benefit of combining priors and data to infer networks (Figure 5B, Table 2).
2.4.2. Extrapolate to tumor patient data
Having shown that the knock-down experiments enable quantitative assessment of the quality of an inferred network, we apply our validation framework to a large data set of 292 colorectal human tumors (expO data set2). We infer gene interaction networks using the entire data set as training set and used the knock-down experiments to assess networks quality as before (Figure 2(b)). Such comparison between patient samples and laboratory models is recognized as imperfect as colorectal cell lines are not precise models for patient’s tumors [15, 23].
The networks inferred from colorectal tumor data were denser than those inferred from cell lines (Supplementary Information, Table 1); this is expected due to the larger sample size of the tumor data set (~300 vs ~100 for the colorectal tumor and cell lines, respectively) and its correspondingly greater diversity. Despite the difference in network density the F-scores were not statistically significantly different to those found for the cell line knock-down experiments (Wilcoxon signed rank test p ≥ 0.10, Figure 6).
We found that GeneNet performed better on the tumor data than on the KD data, possibly due to the larger sample size. However GeneNet only provides significant results for MAPK1 compared to random networks (Figure 6). On the contrary, networks inferred using combination of genomic data and priors with predictionet yielded significant F-scores in most cases, except for NGFR which is consistent with the cell line knock-down experiments. Again, combining data with the prior knowledge improved F-scores for CDK5, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, MAPK1, MAPK3 and RAF1. This is again consistent with the cell line results.
Given that the networks inferred from colorectal cancer cell lines and tumor data (Supplementary Files 5–8) yielded similar F-scores, we compared their topologies to identify the edges inferred in both data sets and those specific to either cell lines or tumors. For this, because we do not use the test data for validation, we infer a single network using the entire knock-down data set. This cell line network and the tumor network shared on average 22% of edges depending on the methods (4%, 5%, 20%, 31%, 33%, 33% for GeneNet, predictionet with prior weight w=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, respectively; Supplementary Information, Table 2). As expected, the proportion of common edges increases with the prior weight; however the networks shared fewer than one third of their edges, suggesting that either the gene interactions present in cell lines and tumors significantly differ from each other or that the sample size in the cell line knockdown experiments was not sufficient to infer networks that are generalizable to other data sets.
Moreover we observed that most of the common interactions involve one of the eight KD genes (41%, p<0.001) for predictionet with prior weight w=0.5), suggesting that more generalizable networks could be inferred when performing targeting experiments, which is supported by recent studies [3, 30]. We illustrated this result in Supplementary Information, Figure 8 which represents the gene interaction network surrounding HRAS, which shows that most common interactions involve at least one of the KD gene.
3. Discussion
Inference of biological networks from genomic and other data has the potential to provide insight into mechanisms driving complex phenotypes including diseases such as cancer. However, the validation of large gene interaction networks remains a challenging task. The most widely used validation approaches consist of comparing network edges to ‘known’ gene-gene interactions derived from the literature or pathway databases. However, such validation is in many ways limiting and imperfect.
Firstly, it prevents the use of prior knowledge in network inference if this is to be used subsequently for validation as it would lead to over-fitting and thus provide an overoptimistic performance evaluation for the inferred networks. Secondly, it may be that most prior knowledge are not specific to the biological conditions or phenotypes under investigation, which makes it difficult to identify a set of standard references of relevant interactions. Further, we and others have suggested that prior knowledge could be used to improve network inference [9, 18]; therefore we developed a new network inference approach, called predictionet, to efficiently integrate priors, in the form of gene-gene interactions extracted from biomedical literature and structured biological databases [17].
The field of network inference lacks quantitative, unbiased validation frameworks purely driven by data [10, 21, 31]. In this paper we present a new validation framework using (I) experimental knock-down data to compute the inferred network’s performance (F-score) and (II) to assess network’s performance based on p-values computed using random networks as null hypothesis to ensure statistical significance of the results. These two parts are complementary as only relatively sparse networks are likely to be significantly better than random networks and networks with more interactions are more likely to yield higher F-scores. Within this framework, we showed how difficult it is to infer networks solely based on genomic data both for GeneNet and predictionet. Furthermore, we provided evidence for the quality of prior knowledge retrieved through the Predictive Networks web-application. Finally, we were able to show that combining genomic data and prior networks lets us achieve higher F-scores than either of the sources achieves by themselves, while at the same time inferring networks that were also significantly better than random networks. When using patients’ tumor data, we obtained comparable results, suggesting that cell line experiments can be used for the validation of patient data.
This study has some potential limitations. First, we targeted a small set of eight key genes from the RAS signaling pathway but assessed their effect on other genes from the entire genome. Second, these KDs were performed for single genes, which do not allow us to assess the effect of multiple simultaneous KDs. Third we performed the KD experiments on two colorectal cancer cell lines; extension of our validation framework to a larger number of cell lines and additional single and multiple gene KDs is likely to improve our ability to infer robust gene interaction networks. Lastly, we focused on a RAS signature of 339 genes to limit the computational time required to infer multiple networks; we are working on parallelizing the predictionet package to enable network inference from more genes, potentially the whole genome.
In conclusion, we demonstrated that performance of gene interaction networks inferred from high-throughput genomic data can be quantitatively assessed and compared using targeted experiments. Moreover we showed that priors, in the form of gene-gene interactions extracted from biomedical literature and structured biological databases using the Predictive Networks web-application, produce relevant networks on their own and substantially improve networks’ performances when efficiently integrated in the inference process. Finally we were able to use the gene perturbation data generated in cell lines to assess the performance of networks inferred from patient tumor samples, suggesting that our validation framework could be applied in a translational research setting.
Supplementary Material
Although many methods have been developed for inference of biological networks, the validation of the resulting models has largely remained an unsolved problem. Here we present a framework for quantitative assessment of inferred gene interaction networks using knock-down data from cell line experiments and show that network inference based on integration of prior knowledge significantly improves the quality of inferred networks.
Funding. Funding for open access charge: National Library of Medicine of the US National Institutes of Health (grant 1R01LM010129). JQ, KF, NP and RR were supported by a grant from the National Library of Medicine of the US National Institutes of Health (R01LM010129). GB and CO were supported by the Belgian French Community ARC (Action de Recherche Concertée) funding.
In this supplementary file we describe in more detail the network inference approach implemented in predictionet and the knock-down experiments. Furthermore we present additional results: F-scores for KD and tumor data for different childhood sizes (CH1, CH2, CH3) and the sources of the true positives for the networks inferred from KD data for the three different childhood sizes. Then we present a comparison of the KD’s childhood (CH2) for each knocked down gene between the network inferred from KD data and from the tumor patient data expO. Finally, we provide additional tables with results of the inference from the tumor data set, a comparison between networks from KD data and expO with respect to the networks’ edges and with respect to the common genes in the respective childhood.
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