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. 2014 Aug 19;16(1):31–46. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxu038

Joint analysis of differential gene expression in multiple studies using correlation motifs

Yingying Wei 1,2, Toyoaki Tenzen 3, Hongkai Ji 4,*
PMCID: PMC4263229  PMID: 25143368


The standard methods for detecting differential gene expression are mostly designed for analyzing a single gene expression experiment. When data from multiple related gene expression studies are available, separately analyzing each study is not ideal as it may fail to detect important genes with consistent but relatively weak differential signals in multiple studies. Jointly modeling all data allows one to borrow information across studies to improve the analysis. However, a simple concordance model, in which each gene is assumed to be differential in either all studies or none of the studies, is incapable of handling genes with study-specific differential expression. In contrast, a model that naively enumerates and analyzes all possible differential patterns across studies can deal with study-specificity and allow information pooling, but the complexity of its parameter space grows exponentially as the number of studies increases. Here, we propose a correlation motif approach to address this dilemma. This approach searches for a small number of latent probability vectors called correlation motifs to capture the major correlation patterns among multiple studies. The motifs provide the basis for sharing information among studies and genes. The approach has flexibility to handle all possible study-specific differential patterns. It improves detection of differential expression and overcomes the barrier of exponential model complexity.

Keywords: Bayes hierarchical model, Correlation motif, EM algorithm, Microarray, Multiple datasets

1. Introduction

Detecting differentially expressed genes is a basic task in the analysis of gene expression data. The state-of-the-art solutions to this problem, such as limma (Smyth, 2004), SAM (Tusher and others, 2001), edgeR (Robinson and Smyth, 2007; 2008), and DESeq (Anders and Huber, 2010), are mostly designed for analyzing data from a single experiment or study. With Inline graphic samples stored in public databases such as Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), it is now very common for scientists to have data from multiple related experiments or studies. An emerging problem is how one can integrate data from multiple studies to more effectively analyze differential expression.

One example that motivated this article is a study of the vertebrate sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway. SHH is a signaling protein that can bind to patched 1 (PTCH1), a receptor protein in cell membrane (Figure 1(a)). PTCH1 can interact with another membrane protein smoothened (SMO) to repress its activity. In the absence of SHH, PTCH1 keeps SMO inactive. The presence of SHH will repress PTCH1 and activate SMO. The active SMO triggers a signaling cascade to modulate activities of three transcription factors, GLI1, GLI2, and GLI3, which in turn induce or repress the expression of hundreds of downstream target genes. SHH pathway is a core signaling pathway in vertebrate (Ingham and McMahon, 2001). To elucidate the underlying mechanisms linking this pathway to development and diseases, multiple studies have been conducted in different contexts to identify genes whose transcriptional activities are modulated by SHH signaling. Some studies perturb the SHH signal in different tissues by knocking out or over-expressing the pathway's key signal transduction components such as SHH, PTCH1, and SMO, while others compare disease samples with corresponding controls. Table 1 contains eight such datasets in mouse originally collected by Tenzen and others (2006) and Mao and others (2006). Each dataset involves a comparison of genome-wide expression profiles between two different sample types. These data were all generated using Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 arrays. The questions of biological interest include (i) which genes are controlled by the SHH signal in each dataset, (ii) which genes are the core targets that respond to the SHH signal irrespective of tissue type and developmental stage, and (iii) which genes are context-specific targets and are modulated by the SHH signal only in certain conditions.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

(a) A cartoon illustration of SHH pathway. (b) A numerical example of the data generating model. There exist four motifs in the dataset, with the abundance Inline graphic. Each row of the Inline graphic matrix represents a motif and each column corresponds to a study. Thus, Inline graphic indicates the probability for genes belonging to motif Inline graphic to be differentially expressed in study Inline graphic. For example, the probability for genes belonging to motif 1 to be differentially expressed in study 4 is 0.83. The gray scale of the cells in Inline graphic and Inline graphic illustrates the probability value. The probability increases from 0 to 1 as the color changes from light to dark. Given Inline graphic and Inline graphic, each gene is assigned a motif indicator Inline graphic. For instance, the fifth gene belongs to motif 2 (indicated by a cell with a number “2”). Next, the configuration of the fifth gene, Inline graphic, is generated according to Inline graphic. As a result, the fifth gene is differentially expressed in study 2, 4, and 5. Finally, the moderated t-statistic Inline graphic within each study Inline graphic is produced according to the configuration Inline graphic.

Table 1.

SHH microarray data description

Study ID Condition 1 (case) Sample No. Condition 2 (control) Sample No. Reference
1 8somites_smo 3 8somites_wt 3 Tenzen and others (2006)
2 8somites_ptc 3 8somites_wt 3 Tenzen and others (2006)
3 13somites_ptc 3 13somites_wt 3 Tenzen and others (2006)
4 head_shh 3 head_wt 3 Tenzen and others (2006)
5 limb_shh 3 limb_wt 3 Tenzen and others (2006)
6 Medulloblastoma_tumor 3 Medulloblastoma_control 2 Mao and others (2006)
7 BCC_tumor 3 BCC_control 3 Mao and others (2006)
8 13somites_smo 3 13somites_wt 3 Tenzen and others (2006)

Inline graphic and Inline graphic indicate two different developmental stages of embryos; smo indicates mice with mutant Smo; ptc stands for mice with mutant Inline graphic wt means wild type; shh represents Shh mutant. Medulloblastoma and BCC are two types of tumors.

For simplicity, below each dataset is called a study. One simple approach to analyze these data is to analyze each study separately using existing state-of-the-art methods such as limma (Smyth, 2004) or SAM (Tusher and others, 2001). This approach is not ideal as it may fail to detect genes with low-fold changes but consistently differential in many or all studies.

Modeling all data jointly may allow one to borrow information across studies to improve the analysis. A simple model to combine data is to assume that each gene is either differential in all studies or non-differential in all studies (Conlon and others, 2006). This concordance model may help with identifying genes with small but consistent expression changes in all studies. However, it ignores the reality that activities of many important genes are tissue- or time-specific. This method will only produce a single gene list that reports and ranks genes in the same way for all studies. It cannot prioritize genes differently for different studies to account for context-specificity.

A more flexible approach is to consider all possible differential expression patterns. Suppose there are Inline graphic studies and each gene can either be differential or non-differential in each study, there will be Inline graphic possible differential expression patterns. One can model the data as a mixture of Inline graphic different gene classes. This allows one to deal with context-specificity. However, an obvious drawback is that as the number of studies increases, the number of possible patterns increases exponentially. Thus, the model does not scale well with the increasing Inline graphic.

In this article, we propose a new method, CorMotif, for jointly analyzing multiple studies to improve differential expression detection. This method is both flexible for handling context-specificity and scalable to increasing study number. The key idea is to use a small number of latent probability vectors called “correlation motifs” to model the major correlation patterns among the studies. The motifs essentially group genes into clusters based on their differential expression patterns, and the differential gene detection is coupled with the clustering.

Unlike CorMotif, many methods developed previously for analyzing differential expression in multiple studies or conditions, such as the Empirical Bayes approach by Kendziorski and others (2003) (called “eb1” hereinafter), the method by Jensen and others (2009) and the method by Ruan and Yuan (2011), have exponential model complexity and therefore limited scalability. The XDE approach proposed by Scharpf and others (2009) does not have explosive complexity, but it is not flexible enough to model the heterogeneity among genes in terms of their cross-study correlation patterns. These methods are reviewed in more detail in supplementary material A.1 available at Biostatistics online. Yuan and Kendziorski (2006) explored the idea of coupling clustering with differential expression analysis to better deal with the heterogeneity of genes. However, these authors only considered detecting differential expression between two conditions in one study. Conceptually, their approach may be combined with the model developed by Kendziorski and others (2003) to handle multiple studies. However, such a simple extension would lead to a model (called “eb10best” hereinafter) in which genes are assumed to fall into multiple clusters and each cluster is a mixture of Inline graphic differential patterns. Once again, the model complexity explodes as the dataset number increases. Compared with these methods, CorMotif offers a unique data integration solution in that it addresses study-specificity, heterogeneity among genes, and exponential complexity simultaneously. Below we focus on discussing CorMotif for microarray data since it was motivated by the microarray analysis in the SHH study. However, the idea behind CorMotif is general, and it should be straightforward to develop a similar framework for RNA-seq data.

2. Methods

2.1. Data structure and preprocessing

Suppose there are Inline graphic genes and Inline graphic microarray studies. Each study Inline graphic compares two biological conditions (e.g. cancer versus normal), and each condition Inline graphic has Inline graphic replicate samples. Different studies may be related, but they can compare different biological conditions. Let Inline graphic be the normalized and appropriately transformed expression value of gene Inline graphic in study Inline graphic, condition Inline graphic and replicate Inline graphic. In this article, all data were normalized and log-transformed using RMA (Irizarry and others, 2003). The ensemble of observed data is Inline graphic.

Each gene can be differentially expressed in some, all, or none of the studies. Let Inline graphic or Inline graphic indicate whether gene Inline graphic is differentially expressed in study Inline graphic or not. Inline graphic is a Inline graphic matrix that contains all Inline graphics. Given the observed data Inline graphic, one is interested in inferring Inline graphic.

CorMotif first applies limma (Smyth, 2004) to each study separately. Define Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic. For gene Inline graphic and study Inline graphic, compute the mean expression difference Inline graphic and sample variance Inline graphic. The limma approach assumes that Inline graphics and Inline graphics within each study Inline graphic follow a hierarchical model: (i) Inline graphic, (ii) Inline graphic if Inline graphic, (iii) Inline graphic, (iv) [Inline graphic, and (v) Inline graphic. Here, Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are unknown parameters. Their values can be estimated using the procedure described in Smyth (2004). This hierarchical model allows one to pool information across genes to stabilize the variance estimates. Smyth (2004) shows that it can significantly improve differential gene detection when the sample size Inline graphic is small. For each study Inline graphic, limma produces a moderated t-statistic for each gene Inline graphic, computed as Inline graphic where Inline graphic. This statistic summarizes gene Inline graphic's differential expression information in study Inline graphic. Under this model, when gene Inline graphic is not differentially expressed in study Inline graphic (i.e. Inline graphic), Inline graphic follows a t-distribution Inline graphic; when Inline graphic, Inline graphic follows a scaled t-distribution Inline graphic (Smyth, 2004).

Next, we arrange all Inline graphics into a matrix Inline graphic. CorMotif will then use Inline graphic instead of the raw expression values Inline graphic to infer Inline graphic.

2.2. Correlation motif model

Organize the differential expression states of gene Inline graphic into a vector Inline graphic. For Inline graphic studies, Inline graphic has Inline graphic possible configurations. A simple way to describe the correlation among studies is to document the empirical frequency of observing each of the Inline graphic configurations of Inline graphic among all genes. This is because Inline graphic, the joint distribution of Inline graphic, is known once the probability of observing each configuration is given. This joint distribution will determine how Inline graphics from different studies are correlated. While simple, this approach is not scalable since it requires Inline graphic parameters and the parameter space expands exponentially with increasing Inline graphic.

To avoid this limitation, CorMotif adopts a hierarchical mixture model (Figure 1(b)). The model assumes that genes fall into Inline graphic different classes (Inline graphic for big Inline graphic), and the moderated t-statistics Inline graphic are viewed as generated as follows. First, each gene Inline graphic is randomly and independently assigned a class label Inline graphic according to probability Inline graphic. Here, Inline graphic is the prior probability that a gene belongs to class Inline graphic, and Inline graphic. Secondly, given genes’ class labels (i.e. Inline graphics), genes’ differential expression states Inline graphics are generated independently according to probabilities Inline graphic. For genes in the same class Inline graphic, Inline graphics are generated using the same probabilities Inline graphic. Thirdly, given the differential expression states Inline graphics, genes’ moderated t-statistics Inline graphics are generated independently according to Inline graphic or Inline graphic.

Let Inline graphic be the class membership for all genes. Organize Inline graphic into a matrix Inline graphic. Let Inline graphic be an indicator function: Inline graphic if its argument is true, and Inline graphic otherwise. Based on the above model, the joint probability distribution of Inline graphic, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic conditional on Inline graphic and Inline graphic is

2.2. (2.1)

In this model, each gene class Inline graphic is associated with a vector Inline graphic whose elements are the prior probabilities of a gene in this class to be differential in studies Inline graphic. Each Inline graphic represents a probabilistic differential expression pattern and therefore is called a “motif”. Since Inline graphics are probabilities, genes in the same class can have different Inline graphic configurations. On the other hand, genes from the same class share the same Inline graphic, and hence their differential expression configuration Inline graphics tend to be similar. Genes in different classes have different Inline graphics, and their Inline graphics also tend to be different. Essentially, our model groups genes into Inline graphic clusters based on Inline graphic. However, unlike an usual clustering algorithm, here Inline graphics are unknown.

Despite the assumption that Inline graphics are a priori independent conditional on the class label Inline graphic, Inline graphics are no longer independent once the class label Inline graphic is integrated out. To see this, consider the prior probability that a gene is differentially expressed in all studies. Based on our model, Inline graphic, which is different from the product of the marginals Inline graphic. This explains why the hierarchical mixture model above can be used to describe the correlation among multiple studies. Since the mixture of Inline graphics provides the key to model the cross-study correlation, each vector Inline graphic is also called a “correlation motif”.

A model with Inline graphic correlation motifs requires Inline graphic parameters in total. Usually, a small Inline graphic (Inline graphic when Inline graphic is big) is sufficient to capture the major correlation structure in the real data. Therefore, our method can be easily scaled up to deal with large Inline graphic scenarios. When Inline graphic, each Inline graphic will be able to generate all Inline graphic configurations with non-zero probabilities. Thus, our model also retains the flexibility to allow all Inline graphic configurations of Inline graphic to occur at individual gene level.

2.3. Statistical inference

In reality, only Inline graphic is observed. Inline graphic and Inline graphic are unknown parameters. Inline graphic and Inline graphic are unobserved missing data. To infer the unknowns from Inline graphic, we first assume that Inline graphic is given and introduce a Dirichlet prior Inline graphic for Inline graphic and a Beta prior Inline graphic for Inline graphic (for a discussion on the choice of prior, see supplementary material A.2 available at Biostatistics online). As a result,

2.3. (2.2)

Based on the above posterior distribution, an expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm (Gelman and others, 2004) can be derived to search for the posterior mode of Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

Using the estimated Inline graphic and Inline graphic, one can then compute Inline graphic, the posterior probability that gene Inline graphic is differentially expressed in study Inline graphic after integrating out the motif membership Inline graphic. Next, we rank-order genes in each study separately using Inline graphic. The ranked lists can be used to choose follow-up targets. Users can also provide a posterior probability cutoff to dichotomize genes into differential or non-differential genes in each study. The default cutoff is 0.5. Users have the option to set the cutoff to other values.

In order to choose the motif number Inline graphic, we use Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Details of the EM algorithm and how to use BIC to choose Inline graphic are provided in the supplementary material A.3 and A.4 available at Biostatistics online.

CorMotif improves the differential expression detection by integrating information both across studies and across genes. Inline graphic can be decomposed as Inline graphic. Here, Inline graphic is determined by jointly evaluating gene Inline graphic's data in all studies, and Inline graphic contains information specific to study Inline graphic. According to Bayes’ theorem, Inline graphic. Inline graphic in the first term contains expression information for a given gene Inline graphic in study Inline graphic. To compute its denominator, the limma approach also utilized information across genes to help with estimating the variance. Meanwhile, the second term Inline graphic involves prior probabilities given by the correlation motifs (i.e. Inline graphics) which are estimated using data from all genes. Owing to this two-way information pooling (i.e. across both studies and genes), CorMotif uses information more effectively than methods based on only a single gene or a single study. This is especially useful for analyzing studies with relatively weak signal-to-noise ratio.

3. Simulations

3.1. Compared methods

We compared CorMotif with six other methods: separate limma, all concord, full motif, SAM, eb1, and eb10best. We did not compare the method in Jensen and others (2009) as no software was available for this method. The separate limma approach analyzes each study separately using limma. The moderated t-statistics in each study are assumed to be a mixture of Inline graphic and Inline graphic. To better evaluate the gain from data integration, we matched this analysis to CorMotif as much as possible by running an EM algorithm similar to CorMotif to compute the posterior probability for differential expression using 0.5 as default cutoff. Conceptually, this makes separate limma equivalent to CorMotif with a single cluster (Inline graphic), and the analysis produces the same gene ranking as limma in each study. All concord assumes that a gene is either differential in all studies or non-differential in all studies (i.e. Inline graphic or Inline graphic). Conditional on Inline graphic, the model for Inline graphic remains the same as CorMotif and limma. Full motif assumes that genes fall into Inline graphic classes, corresponding to the Inline graphic possible Inline graphic configurations. It can be viewed as a saturated version of CorMotif. All the other methods are applied to Inline graphics directly. SAM (Tusher and others, 2001) processes each study separately, whereas eb1 and eb10best analyze all studies jointly. The eb1 method corresponds to the R package EBarrays with lognormal–normal (LNN) and one cluster assumption (Kendziorski and others, 2003). The eb10best method is EBarrays with LNN and multiple cluster assumption, and the cluster number is chosen by EBarrays as the one with the lowest AIC (Yuan and Kendziorski, 2006). We also tried XDE (Scharpf and others, 2009). However, it is based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and took extremely long computing time, usually 24 h on a machine with 2.7 GHz CPU and 4 Gb RAM for 1000 iterations, for an analysis involving four studies which was the smallest data we analyzed here. Moreover, 1000 iterations usually were not enough for XDE to converge. Therefore, XDE will not be compared hereinafter. eb10best failed to work when it was used to jointly analyze Inline graphic studies. Full motif and eb1 failed when there were 20 studies.

3.2. Model-based simulations

We first tested CorMotif using simulations. In simulation 1, we generated 10 000 genes and four studies according to the four differential patterns in Figure 2(a): 100 genes were differentially expressed in all four studies (Inline graphic); 400 genes were differential only in studies 1 and 2 (Inline graphic); 400 genes were differential only in studies 2 and 3 (Inline graphic); 9100 genes were non-differential (Inline graphic). Each study had six samples: three cases and three controls. The variances Inline graphics were simulated from a scaled inverse Inline graphic distribution Inline graphic, where Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Given Inline graphic, the expression values were generated using Inline graphic). Whenever Inline graphic, we drew Inline graphic from Inline graphic where Inline graphic, and Inline graphic was then added to the expression values of the three cases (i.e. Inline graphics).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Results for the model assumption-based simulations (simulations 1 and 4). Also see supplemental Figure A.1 available at Biostatistics online for simulations 2 and 3. (a) and (g) True motif patterns for simulations 1 and 4. The Inline graphic of the true motifs is shown. Each row indicates a motif pattern and each column represents a study. The actual number of genes belonging to each motif (i.e. Inline graphic) is displayed at the right end of each row. The gray scale of the cell Inline graphic demonstrates the probability of differential expression in study Inline graphic for pattern Inline graphic. Black means 1 and white means 0. (b) and (h) The estimated Inline graphic from the learned motifs with Inline graphic annotated at the end of each row. (c) and (i) BIC plots. It can be seen that motif patterns reported by CorMotif under the minimal BIC are similar to the true underlying motif patterns. (d)–(f) and (j)–(l) Gene ranking performance of different methods in simulations 1 and 4. Inline graphic, the number of genes that are truly differentially expressed in study Inline graphic among the top Inline graphic ranked genes by a given method, is plotted against the rank cutoff Inline graphic. For each simulation, results for a few representative studies are shown. Each plot is for one study.

CorMotif was fit with varying motif number Inline graphic. As Figure 2(c) shows, the minimal BIC was achieved at Inline graphic. As a result, four motifs were reported (Figure 2(b)). The reported motifs were very similar to the true underlying differential patterns in Figure 2(a).

Different methods were then compared in terms of how good they rank differential genes in each individual study (Figure 2(d)–(f)) as well as how accurate they can infer each gene's differential configuration Inline graphic in all studies (Table 2). For each study Inline graphic, CorMotif ranks genes using the posterior probability Inline graphic which is obtained after integrating out the motif membership Inline graphic. A gene was called differential in study Inline graphic (i.e. Inline graphic) if Inline graphic. Both the gene rankings and differential expression calls were different for different studies since Inline graphic depends on Inline graphic and can change across studies. This is a desirable property as in reality the sets of true differential genes may be different in different studies due to study-specific differential expression, and ultimately one wants to know which genes are differential in each study. Using a similar approach, we obtained gene rankings and differential calls for full motif, eb1 and eb10best which were also study-specific. Separate limma and SAM analyze each study separately and naturally produce study-specific gene ranking and differential calls. For all the methods above, we did not combine differential calls of a gene in Inline graphic studies into a single call to indicate whether the gene is differential in any study, nor did we use such a combined call to rank genes, since the combined call would fail to capture study-specificity. Unlike the other methods, all concord assumes common differential states in all studies, therefore its gene ranking and differential calls remain the same across studies.

Table 2.

Confusion matrix for simulation Inline graphic

Method Differential configuration Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
CorMotif Inline graphic 9072 161 165 16
Inline graphic 3 168 3 7
Inline graphic 3 2 151 6
Inline graphic 0 1 0 33
Inline graphic 22 68 81 38
separate limma Inline graphic 9035 144 144 16
Inline graphic 0 68 0 5
Inline graphic 0 0 57 6
Inline graphic 0 0 0 4
Inline graphic 65 188 199 69
all concord Inline graphic 9095 236 236 20
Inline graphic 0 0 0 0
Inline graphic 0 0 0 0
Inline graphic 5 164 164 80
Inline graphic 0 0 0 0
full motif Inline graphic 9072 161 164 16
Inline graphic 4 172 4 7
Inline graphic 3 2 155 6
Inline graphic 0 1 0 35
Inline graphic 21 64 77 36
eb1 Inline graphic 62 0 2 0
Inline graphic 2178 30 22 3
Inline graphic 569 7 12 0
Inline graphic 753 34 32 64
Inline graphic 5538 329 332 33
eb10best Inline graphic 0 0 0 1
Inline graphic 316 220 16 10
Inline graphic 180 23 226 10
Inline graphic 5789 77 52 63
Inline graphic 2815 80 106 16
SAM Inline graphic 9099 256 279 48
Inline graphic 0 20 0 3
Inline graphic 0 0 9 2
Inline graphic 0 0 0 1
Inline graphic 1 124 112 46

The column labels indicate the true underlying patterns and the row labels represent the reported configurations at gene level. For CorMotif, separate limma, all concord, full motif, eb1, and eb10best, differential expression in each study is determined using their default posterior probability cutoff Inline graphic. For SAM, q-value cutoff Inline graphic was used to call differential expression. This yields similar number of correct classifications for pattern Inline graphic compared with CorMotif.

To examine if CorMotif can improve gene ranking, in each study and for each method we counted the number of true differential genes (true positives), Inline graphic, among the top Inline graphic ranked genes, and we plotted Inline graphic versus Inline graphic in Figure 2(d)–(f). CorMotif consistently performed among the best in all studies. For instance, Figure 2(d) shows the results for study 1. CorMotif identified 361 true differential genes among its top 500 gene list. This performance was almost the same as the saturated model full motif which identified 362 true positives among the top 500 genes. Among the other methods, eb10best identified 341, all concord identified 292, and the others identified fewer than 292 true positives among the top 500 genes. Thus, CorMotif detected at least 23.6% more true positives compared with any other method except full motif and eb10best. Similarly, among the top 1000 genes, CorMotif and full motif both identified 419 true positives, all concord identified 401, eb10best identified 360, and the other methods identified fewer than 337. CorMotif and full motif detected 4.5% more true positives compared with all concord and improved the ranking by at least 16.4% compared with eb10best and other methods. Both full motif and eb10best have the problem of exponentially growing parameter space. As we will show later, they both will break down when the study number Inline graphic is large.

To test whether CorMotif can more accurately determine a gene's differential configuration, we constructed the confusion matrix in Table 2. For each gene, its binary differential calls Inline graphics based on Inline graphic in different studies were arranged into a vector to represent its estimated differential configuration Inline graphic. For CorMotif, separate limma, all concord, full motif, eb1 and eb10best, differential expression was called using their default posterior probability cutoff 0.5. For SAM, q-value cutoff 0.1 was used to call differential expression. At this cutoff, SAM correctly identified similar number of genes with Inline graphic (i.e. non-differential in all studies) compared with CorMotif. This allowed us to meaningfully compare SAM and CorMotif in terms of their ability to find differential genes. Table 2 shows that CorMotif was better at characterizing genes’ true differential configurations compared with most other methods. For instance, among the 400 Inline graphic, 400 Inline graphic and 100 Inline graphic genes, CorMotif correctly reported differential label Inline graphic in all four studies for 168, 151, and 33 genes, respectively. In contrast, separate limma only unmistakenly labeled 68, 57, and 4 genes, respectively. Here, the increased power by CorMotif was purely due to the use of correlation motifs to integrate multiple studies, since all other model assumptions made by CorMotif and separate limma are the same. All concord requires genes to have the same differential status in all studies. As such, it is powerful at identifying concordant signals across studies but lacks the flexibility to handle study-specific differential expression: it correctly identified 80 out of 100 Inline graphic genes, but none of the Inline graphic and Inline graphic genes were correctly labeled as study-specific. With the default cutoff, eb1 and eb10best only labeled 62 and 0 out of 9100 Inline graphic genes as completely non-differential, compared with 9072 labeled by CorMotif. In other words, eb1 and eb10best reported more false-positive differential events. Both were anti-conservative. At the same time, fewer Inline graphic and Inline graphic genes were correctly identified by eb1 (30 and 12 versus 168 and 151 by CorMotif). SAM was also poor at identifying the differential patterns Inline graphic, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic but behaved more conservatively by labeling many of them as Inline graphic. Among all the methods, only full motif performed slightly better than CorMotif. Even so, CorMotif was able to perform close to this saturated model. Adding up the diagonal elements in the confusion matrix, CorMotif unmistakenly assigned Inline graphic labels to 9424 genes, whereas this number was 9164 for separate limma, 9175 for all concord, 9434 for full motif, 168 for eb1, 509 for eb10best, and 9129 for SAM.

Using a similar approach, we performed simulations 2–4 which involved different study numbers and differential expression patterns. The complete results are shown in Figure 2, see supplementary material Figure A.1 and Tables A.1–A.3 available at Biostatistics online. The conclusions were similar to simulation 1. In many cases, the gain brought by CorMotif was substantial (e.g. Figure 2(j)–(l), see supplementary material Figure A.1(j) and (k) available at Biostatistics online). In particular, simulation 4 had 20 studies. full motif, eb1 and eb10best all failed to run on this data, whereas CorMotif was still able to borrow information across studies (Figure 2(g)–(l)).

3.3. Simulations based on real data

In real data, the distributions for Inline graphics may deviate from our model assumptions. Therefore, we further evaluated CorMotif using simulations that retained the real data noise structure. In simulation 5, 24 Human U133 Plus 2.0 Affymetrix microarray samples were downloaded from four GEO experiments. Each experiment corresponds to a different tissue and consists of six biological replicates (see supplementary material Table A.4 available at Biostatistics online). After RMA normalization, replicate samples in each experiment were split into three “cases” and three “controls”. We then spiked in differential signals by adding random Inline graphic deviates to the three cases according to patterns shown in supplementary material Figure A.2(a) available at Biostatistics online. Data simulated in this way were able to keep the background characteristics in real data. Simulation 5 is similar to simulations 1 and 2. CorMotif again recovered the underlying differential patterns (see supplementary material Figure A.2(b) and (c) available at Biostatistics online). It showed comparable differential gene detection performance to full motif and outperformed the other methods (see supplementary material Figure A.3(a)–(c) and Table A.5 available at Biostatistics online). In a similar fashion, we performed simulations 6 and 7 based on real data (see supplementary material A.5 available at Biostatistics online). These two simulations have the same differential signal patterns as simulations 3 and 4, respectively. Here, the motifs reported by CorMotif differ slightly from the underlying truth, but all the major correlation patterns were captured by the reported motifs (see supplementary material Figure A.2 available at Biostatistics online). Once again, CorMotif performed the best in terms of differential gene detection (see supplementary material Figure A.3 and Tables A.6–A.7 available at Biostatistics online), and eb1, eb10best and full motif failed to run when the study number increased (when they failed, their results were not shown).

3.4. Motifs are parsimonious representation of true correlation structures

As we use probability vectors to serve as motifs, it is possible that multiple weak patterns can be merged into a single motif. For instance, two complementary patterns [1,1,0,0] and [0,0,1,1] each with Inline graphic genes can be absorbed into a single motif with Inline graphic having Inline graphic genes. To illustrate, we conducted simulations 8–10 which were composed of the same samples as in simulation 5 and various proportions of differential expression patterns (see supplementary material Figure A.4 available at Biostatistics online). In simulation 9 (see supplementary material Figure A.4(i)–(l) available at Biostatistics online), the relative abundance of two complementary block motifs ([1,1,0,0] and [0,0,1,1]) was small compared with the concordance motif [1,1,1,1], and they were absorbed into a single motif. In simulations 5, 8, and 10 (see supplementary material Figure A.4(a)–(h) and (m)–(p) available at Biostatistics online), the complementary block motifs were more abundant, and the program successfully identified them as separate motifs. In general, we observed that weaker patterns were more likely to be merged than patterns with abundant data support. In all cases, however, CorMotif still provided the best gene ranking results compared with other methods (see supplementary material Figure A.5 available at Biostatistics online). Supplementary material Figures A.4 and A.5 available at Biostatistics online also show that the higher the proportions of study-specific motifs (e.g. [1,1,0,0] and [0,0,1,1]), the better CorMotif will perform compared with the concordance analysis (i.e. all concord) in terms of ranking genes in each study. Together, the analyses here demonstrate that the correlation motifs only represent a parsimonious representation of the correlation structure supported by the available data. One should not expect CorMotif to always recover all the true underlying clusters exactly. In spite of this, our simulations show that CorMotif can still effectively utilize the correlation among studies to improve differential gene detection.

4. Application to the Shh signaling data sets

We used CorMotif to analyze the SHH data in Table 1. The normalized data are available for download as supplementary material Table A.10 available at Biostatistics online. Datasets 1 and 2 compare SMO mutant mice with wild type mice (wt) and PTCH1 mutant with wild type, respectively, in the 8 somite stage of developing embryos. Dataset 3 compares PTCH1 mutant with wild type in 13 somite stage. Datasets 4 and 5 compare SHH mutant with wild type in developing head and limb, respectively. Datasets 6 and 7 study gene expression changes in two SHH-related tumors, medulloblastoma and basal cell carcinoma (BCC), compared with normal samples (control). Dataset 8 compares SMO mutant with wild type in the 13 somite stage of developing embryos. CorMotif was applied to datasets 1–7. Dataset 8 was reserved for testing.

Five motifs were discovered (Figure 3(a) and (b)). Motif 1 mainly represents background. Motif 2 contains genes that have high probability to be differential in all studies. Genes in motif 3 tend to be differential in most studies except for the two involving PTCH1 mutant (i.e. studies 2 and 3). Most genes in motif 4 are not differential in the two studies involving the SHH mutant (i.e. studies 4 and 5) but tend to be differential in all other studies. Motif 5 mainly represents genes differential in tumors (i.e. studies 6 and 7) but not in embryonic development (i.e. studies 1–5). In general, looking at the columns in Figure 3(a), the two studies involving tumors (6,7) are more similar to each other compared with other studies. The two PTCH1 mutant studies (2,3) are also relatively similar, and the same trend holds true for the two SHH mutant studies (4,5).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Results for the SHH data. (a) Motif patterns learned from the SHH data composed of 7 studies. (b) BIC plots for the SHH data. (c) Gene ranking performance for SHH study 1. The genes differentially expressed in dataset 8 (13somites_smo versus 13somites_wt) were obtained using separate limma. They were used as the gold standard. Inline graphic, the number of genes in dataset 1 that are truly differentially expressed among the top Inline graphic ranked genes by each method, is plotted against the rank cutoff Inline graphic. (d) Differential status claimed by each method for known SHH pathway genes. Dark color indicates differential expression and light color represents non-differential expression.

In this real data analysis, no comprehensive truth is available for evaluating differential expression calls. Without comprehensive knowledge about the true differential expression states of all genes in all cell types, we can only perform a partial evaluation based on existing knowledge. In this regard, we used dataset 8 as a test. Similar to dataset 1, this dataset compares SMO mutant with wild type. One expects that differential genes in these two datasets should be largely similar. Therefore, we used the top 217 differentially expressed genes detected by separate limma (at the posterior probability cutoff 0.5) in dataset 8 as gold standard to evaluate the gene ranking performance of different methods in dataset 1. Figure 3(c) shows that CorMotif again performed similar to full motif and outperformed all other methods. eb10best failed to run here. We note that since dataset 8 and datasets 2–7 represent more different biological contexts, one cannot use it as gold standard for evaluating these other datasets.

Finally, we examined well-studied SHH responsive target genes. Gli1, Ptch1, Ptch2, Hhip, and Rab34 are known to be regulated by SHH in somites and developing limb (Vokes and others, 2007, 2008). Therefore, we expect them to be differential in studies 1, 2, 3, and 5. Figure 3(d) shows that CorMotif, all concord and full motif were able to correctly identify differential expression of these genes in all these studies, whereas separate limma, SAM, and eb1 failed to do so (they missed some cases). Supplementary material Table A.8 available at Biostatistics online also shows that in many studies, CorMotif, all concord, and full motif provided better rank for these genes compared with separate limma, SAM, and eb1. Hand2 is known to be a SHH target in developing limb but not in somites (Vokes and others, 2008). While separate limma, CorMotif, full motif, and SAM can correctly identify this, all concord and eb1 failed to do so. For all concord, since Hand2 was not differential in studies 1–4, 6, and 7, the method thinks that this gene is not differential in any study. Similarly, Hoxd13 is a limb specific target of SHH signaling (Vokes and others, 2008). While the other methods correctly identified this, all concord failed again by claiming it to be differential in all studies. In all the genes examined, only CorMotif and full motif were able to correctly identify all known differential states.

5. Discussion

Together, our analyses show that CorMotif offers unique advantage over the other methods in the integrative analysis of multiple gene expression studies. Besides its ability to increase statistical power by combining information across studies, CorMotif is also flexible and scalable. Using a few probability vectors instead of Inline graphic dichotomous vectors to characterize the differential expression patterns provides the key to avoid the exponential growth of parameter space as the study number increases. At the same time, the probabilistic nature of the motifs allows all Inline graphic differential patterns to occur in the data at individual gene level.

The motif matrix Q can be viewed in two different ways. Each row of Q represents a cluster of genes with similar differential expression patterns across studies. Having many different motifs in Inline graphic is an indication that a concordance model, such as all concord, may not be enough to describe the correlation structure in the data. On the other hand, each column of Inline graphic represents differential expression propensities of different gene classes in a given study. If two columns are similar, the corresponding studies share similar differential expression profiles (e.g. studies 6 and 7 in the SHH data are more similar to each other compared with the other studies).

Currently, CorMotif first computes moderated t-statistics Inline graphic and then applies the correlation motif model to Inline graphic. We used this two-stage approach for considerations of effective presentation, computational efficiency, and clean method comparison (see supplementary material A.6 available at Biostatistics online for a detailed discussion). The present two-stage framework is also very general. For instance, conceptually one can modify Inline graphic and Inline graphic to accommodate other data types such as RNA-seq. A systematic treatment of RNA-seq analysis, though, is beyond the scope of this paper. The EM implementation of CorMotif is computationally tractable. On a single CPU, it took Inline graphic0.35 h to analyze the SHH data for a single Inline graphic, and Inline graphic h in total in order to search for the optimal Inline graphic (see supplementary material A.7 and Table A.9 available at Biostatistics online for comparisons with other methods).

In the future, CorMotif may be extended in multiple ways. For example, instead of using moderated t-statistics and the two-stage design, one may develop a single coherent model that couples correlation motifs with a more sophisticated model for the raw data Inline graphic. Also, it remains to be investigated whether the problem of choosing motif number can be better dealt with by a fully Bayesian approach such as by imposing a Dirichlet Process prior for Inline graphic or using a variant of Dirichlet Process prior instead of using BIC. A fully Bayesian model, however, may require MCMC in the implementation, and this may pose additional challenges for developing computationally efficient algorithms capable of handling large datasets.

6. Software

CorMotif is freely available as an R package in Bioconductor:

Supplementary material

Supplementary material is available at


The research is supported by the National Institutes of Health grant R01HG006282. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the National Institutes of Health grant R01HG006282.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Data


The authors thank Drs Andrew P. McMahon and Junhao Mao for providing the compiled SHH data, and Robert B. Scharpf for his help with running XDE. Conflict of Interest: None declared.


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