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Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi logoLink to Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409. doi: 10.3767/persoonia.2020.45.10

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1112–1181

PW Crous 1,2, DA Cowan 3, G Maggs-Kölling 4, N Yilmaz 2, E Larsson 5, C Angelini 6, TE Brandrud 7, JDW Dearnaley 8, B Dima 9, F Dovana 10, N Fechner 11, D García 12, J Gené 12, RE Halling 13, J Houbraken 1, P Leonard 14, JJ Luangsa-ard 15, W Noisripoom 15, AE Rea-Ireland 16, H Ševčíková 17, CW Smyth 18, A Vizzini 10, JD Adam 19, GC Adams 20, AV Alexandrova 21,22, A Alizadeh 23, E Álvarez Duarte 24, V Andjic 25, V Antonín 17, F Arenas 26, R Assabgui 27, J Ballarà 28, A Banwell 29, A Berraf-Tebbal 30, VK Bhatt 31, G Bonito 32, W Botha 33, TI Burgess 34, M Caboň 35, J Calvert 36, LC Carvalhais 36, R Courtecuisse 37, P Cullington 38, N Davoodian 39, CA Decock 40, R Dimitrov 41, S Di Piazza 42, A Drenth 36, S Dumez 37, A Eichmeier 30, J Etayo 43, I Fernández 44, J-P Fiard 45, J Fournier 46, S Fuentes-Aponte 47, MAT Ghanbary 48, G Ghorbani 49, A Giraldo 50, AM Glushakova 21,51, DE Gouliamova 41, J Guarro 12, F Halleen 52, F Hampe 53, M Hernández-Restrepo 1, I Iturrieta-González 12, M Jeppson 5, AV Kachalkin 21,54, O Karimi 48, AN Khalid 55, A Khonsanit 15,56, JI Kim 57, K Kim 47, M Kiran 55, I Krisai-Greilhuber 58, V Kučera 35, I Kušan 59, SD Langenhoven 60, T Lebel 61, R Lebeuf 62, K Liimatainen 63, C Linde 64, DL Lindner 65, L Lombard 1, AE Mahamedi 66, N Matočec 59, A Maxwell 25, TW May 67, AR McTaggart 36, M Meijer 1, A Mešić 59, AJ Mileto 19, AN Miller 68, A Molia 69, S Mongkolsamrit 15, C Muñoz Cortés 24, J Muñoz-Mohedano 26, A Morte 26, OV Morozova 70, L Mostert 60, R Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa 71, LG Nagy 72, A Navarro-Ródenas 26, L Örstadius 73, BE Overton 19, V Papp 74, R Para 75, U Peintner 76, THG Pham 22, A Pordel 77, A Pošta 59, A Rodríguez 26, M Romberg 47, M Sandoval-Denis 1, KA Seifert 27,78, KC Semwal 79, BJ Sewall 80, RG Shivas 36, M Slovák 35,81, K Smith 25, M Spetik 30, CFJ Spies 82, K Syme 83, K Tasanathai 15,56, RG Thorn 29, Z Tkalčec 59, MA Tomashevskaya 54, D Torres-Garcia 12, Z Ullah 55, CM Visagie 2, A Voitk 84, LM Winton 85, JZ Groenewald 1
PMCID: PMC8375349  PMID: 34456379


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Austroboletus asper on soil, Cylindromonium alloxyli on leaves of Alloxylon pinnatum, Davidhawksworthia quintiniae on leaves of Quintinia sieberi, Exophiala prostantherae on leaves of Prostanthera sp., Lactifluus lactiglaucus on soil, Linteromyces quintiniae (incl. Linteromyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Quintinia sieberi, Lophotrichus medusoides from stem tissue of Citrus garrawayi, Mycena pulchra on soil, Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis (incl. Neocalonectria gen. nov.) and Xyladictyochaeta tristaniopsidis on leaves of Tristaniopsis collina, Parasarocladium tasmanniae on leaves of Tasmannia insipida, Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo from pond water, Serendipita whamiae as endophyte from roots of Eriochilus cucullatus, Veloboletus limbatus (incl. Veloboletus gen. nov.) on soil. Austria, Cortinarius glaucoelotus on soil. Bulgaria, Suhomyces rilaensis from the gut of Bolitophagus interruptus found on a Polyporus sp. Canada, Cantharellus betularum among leaf litter of Betula, Penicillium saanichii from house dust. Chile, Circinella lampensis on soil, Exophiala embothrii from rhizosphere of Embothrium coccineum. China, Colletotrichum cycadis on leaves of Cycas revoluta. Croatia, Phialocephala melitaea on fallen branch of Pinus halepensis. Czech Republic, Geoglossum jirinae on soil, Pyrenochaetopsis rajhradensis from dead wood of Buxus sempervirens. Dominican Republic, Amanita domingensis on litter of deciduous wood, Melanoleuca dominicana on forest litter. France, Crinipellis nigrolamellata (Martinique) on leaves of Pisonia fragrans, Talaromyces pulveris from bore dust of Xestobium rufovillosum infesting floorboards. French Guiana, Hypoxylon hepaticolor on dead corticated branch. Great Britain, Inocybe ionolepis on soil. India, Cortinarius indopurpurascens among leaf litter of Quercus leucotrichophora. Iran, Pseudopyricularia javanii on infected leaves of Cyperus sp., Xenomonodictys iranica (incl. Xenomonodictys gen. nov.) on wood of Fagus orientalis. Italy, Penicillium vallebormidaense from compost. Namibia, Alternaria mirabibensis on plant litter, Curvularia moringae and Moringomyces phantasmae (incl. Moringomyces gen. nov.) on leaves and flowers of Moringa ovalifolia, Gobabebomyces vachelliae (incl. Gobabebomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Vachellia erioloba, Preussia procaviae on dung of Procavia capensis. Pakistan, Russula shawarensis from soil on forest floor. Russia, Cyberlindnera dauci from Daucus carota. South Africa, Acremonium behniae on leaves of Behnia reticulata, Dothiora aloidendri and Hantamomyces aloidendri (incl. Hantamomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Aloidendron dichotomum, Endoconidioma euphorbiae on leaves of Euphorbia mauritanica, Eucasphaeria proteae on leaves of Protea neriifolia, Exophiala mali from inner fruit tissue of Malus sp., Graminopassalora geissorhizae on leaves of Geissorhiza splendidissima, Neocamarosporium leipoldtiae on leaves of Leipoldtia schultzii, Neocladosporium osteospermi on leaf spots of Osteospermum moniliferum, Neometulocladosporiella seifertii on leaves of Combretum caffrum, Paramyrothecium pituitipietianum on stems of Grielum humifusum, Phytopythium paucipapillatum from roots of Vitis sp., Stemphylium carpobroti and Verrucocladosporium carpobroti on leaves of Carpobrotus quadrifolius, Suttonomyces cephalophylli on leaves of Cephalophyllum pilansii. Sweden, Coprinopsis rubra on cow dung, Elaphomyces nemoreus from deciduous woodlands. Spain, Polyscytalum pini-canariensis on needles of Pinus canariensis, Pseudosubramaniomyces septatus from stream sediment, Tuber lusitanicum on soil under Quercus suber. Thailand, Tolypocladium flavonigrum on Elaphomyces sp. USA, Chaetothyrina spondiadis on fruits of Spondias mombin, Gymnascella minnisii from bat guano, Juncomyces patwiniorum on culms of Juncus effusus, Moelleriella puertoricoensis on scale insect, Neodothiora populina (incl. Neodothiora gen. nov.) on stem cankers of Populus tremuloides, Pseudogymnoascus palmeri from cave sediment. Vietnam, Cyphellophora vietnamensis on leaf litter, Tylopilus subotsuensis on soil in montane evergreen broadleaf forest. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes.

Keywords: ITS nrDNA barcodes, LSU, new taxa, systematics

Overview Agaricomycetes phylogeny – part 1 .

phylogeny – part 1

phylogeny – part 1

Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 435 752 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (130 sequences including outgroup; 979 aligned positions; 571 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and orders are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Backusella lamprospora (GenBank MH866118.1) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Dothideomycetes phylogeny – part 1 .

phylogeny – part 1

phylogeny – part 1

phylogeny – part 1

Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 146 328 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (233 sequences including outgroup; 824 aligned positions; 341 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and orders are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Diaporthe perjuncta (GenBank NG_059064.1) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Eurotiomycetes phylogeny .


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 146 252 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (70 sequences including outgroup; 838 aligned positions; 267 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and orders are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Diaporthe perjuncta (GenBank NG_059064.1) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Geoglossomycetes phylogeny .


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 46 502 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (18 sequences including outgroup; 930 aligned positions; 223 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. The family and order are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Aspergillus niger (GenBank KC119204.1) and the taxonomic novelty described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available is indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Leotiomycetes phylogeny .


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 222 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (78 sequences including outgroup; 839 aligned positions; 258 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and orders are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. Family assignment for Helotiales follows Johnston et al. (2019). GenBank accession or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Xylaria hypoxylon (GenBank AY544648.1) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Pezizomycetes phylogeny .


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 52 502 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (31 sequences including outgroup; 821 aligned positions; 204 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. The family and order are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Candida broadrunensis (GenBank KY106372.1) and the taxonomic novelty described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available is indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Phytophthora phylogeny .


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 1 260 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (51 sequences including outgroup; 1 305 aligned positions; 130 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. The family and order are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Absidia panacisoli (GenBank NG_063948.1) and the taxonomic novelty described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available is indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Saccharomycetes phylogeny .


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 69 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (33 sequences including outgroup; 553 aligned positions; 198 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. The families and order are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Backusella lamprospora (GenBank MH866118.1) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Sordariomycetes ( Hypocreales ) phylogeny – part 1 .

) phylogeny – part 1

) phylogeny – part 1

Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 1 695 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (135 sequences including outgroup; 812 aligned positions; 341 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and the order are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Ramularia endophylla (GenBank AY490776.2) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Sordariomycetes (Other orders) phylogeny .

(Other orders) phylogeny

Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 60 752 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (41 sequences including outgroup; 807 aligned positions; 247 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and orders are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Ramularia endophylla (GenBank AY490776.2) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

Overview Sordariomycetes ( Xylariales ) phylogeny .

) phylogeny

Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 528 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the LSU sequence alignment (49 sequences including outgroup; 815 aligned positions; 218 unique site patterns) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. Families and the order are indicated with coloured blocks to the right of the tree. GenBank accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Ramularia endophylla (GenBank AY490776.2) and the taxonomic novelties described in this study for which LSU sequence data were available are indicated in bold face. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).


Pedro Crous acknowledges Brett A. Summerell (Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia) and Michael J. Wingfield (FABI, University of Pretoria, South Africa), for making several site photographs and field collections available for study. Jan Dijksterhuis is thanked for SEM photomicrographs of Neocalonectria tristaniopsis. Katrina Syme and co-authors thank the curation staff at BRI, MEL, PERTH for their help with loans and processing of collections. Funding for fieldwork and sequencing was provided by the Helen McLellan Fund (RBG Victoria). A. Vizzini thanks R. Berndt (Curator of Fungus Collections, Herbaria Z+ZT) for the loan of specimens. The 2015 collecting trips to Martinique directed by R. Courtecuisse were made possible through financial help from Communauté Territoriale de Martinique, Parc Naturel Régional de Martinique (PNRM) and French national Forestry Office (ONF). The study of Aleksey V. Kachalkin and colleagues was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 19-74-10002). Isabel Iturrieta-González and colleagues were partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant CGL2017-88094-P). Financial support was provided by the VEGA grant agency (project 2/0061/19) to Viktor Kučera and Marek Slovák. The studies of V. Antonín and H. Ševčíková were enabled by support provided to the Moravian Museum by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as part of its long-term conceptual development programme for research institutions (MK000094862). Abigail E. Rea-Ireland and colleagues acknowledge the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Greg Turner for material support on project, Lock Haven University, Temple University, Joseph Calabrese, Jacob Adam, Collin Wesley, Alden Mileto, and Alina Pislar, as well as Karen Hughes for allowing Abigail Rea-Ireland to finish this undergraduate research while starting graduate studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Jacques Fournier gratefully acknowledges the Parc Naturel Amazonien de Guyane for having initiated, funded and organized the field work in Saül in 2018 and 2019, in the context of the ABC inventory project during which the new species Hypoxylon hepaticolor was collected. Jed Calvert acknowledges support from the Maxim Foundation for travel, collection and help in the discovery of this taxon. The research of Cobus M. Visagie, Rafik Assabgui & Keith A. Seifert was supported by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Program (grant 2014-06-03) on the Microbiology of the Built Environment. Neven Matočec, Ivana Kušan, Ana Pošta, Zdenko Tkalčec, and Armin Mešić are grateful to the Croatian Science Foundation for their financial support under the project grant HRZZ-IP-2018-01-1736 (ForFungiDNA) and to Miro Pucar for his assistance during the fieldwork. Ana Pošta thanks Croatian Science Foundation for their support under the grant HRZZ-2018-09-7081. Shaun D. Langenhoven and colleagues are grateful to the South African Table Grape Industry, Winetech, the National Research Foundation (grant number: 99916) and Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) for funding. The grant holders acknowledge that opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in any publication generated by the NRF-supported research are that of the authors, and that the NRF accepts no liability whatsoever in this regard. The authors would like to thank Meagan van Dyk for help in formatting the article. This study of Daniel Torres-Garcia, Josepa Gené and Dania García was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant CGL2017-88094-P). Kanoksri Tasanathai and colleagues would like to thank Morakot Tanticharoen and Somvong Tragoonrung, Platform Technology Management Section, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Grant No. P19-50231 and CPMO Grant No. P11-00331 for their support of the program Biodiversity studies of entomopathogenic fungi in Thailand. Jean Lodge for her suggestions about the specimens collected in Puerto Rico. The study of Olga V. Morozova was carried out within the framework of a research project of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (AAAA-A19-119020890079-6) using equipment of its Core Facility Centre ‘Cell and Molecular Technologies in Plant Science’ with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 20-04-00349). The study of Alina V. Alexandrova was supported by Moscow State University Grant for Leading Scientific Schools ‘Depository of the Living Systems’ in the framework of the MSU Development Program. Roy E. Halling acknowledges grants from the National Science Foundation (USA) DEB–0414665, DEB–1020421 and the National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration in grant #8457–08. Logistical support from the Queensland Herbarium (BRI) aided field studies in Queensland. The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service offered accommodation and orientation on Fraser Island. The staff and resources of the L.B. & D. Cullman Laboratory at the New York Botanical Garden aided in DNA extraction and amplifications. André De Kesel is thanked for providing insights regarding the morphological and developmental terminology of Clémençon (2012). Sandra Abell, Timothy Baroni, Teresa Lebel, Gregory Mueller, Todd Osmundson, and Klaus Querengasser are thanked for field assistance. Sushma Mandava kindly assisted early on in generating tef1 and LSU sequences and Pooja Singh and Olga Khmelnitsky are thanked for assistance in this project with preliminary molecular phylogenetic and morphological assessments. Dilnora Gouliamova and colleagues were supported by a grant from the Bulgarian Science Fund (KP-06-H31/19). The authors express their gratitude for Borislav Guéorguiev from National Museum of Natural History (Sofia, Bulgaria) for the identification of beetles. Asunción Morte is grateful to AEI/FEDER, UE (CGL2016-78946-R) and Fundación Séneca- Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia (20866/PI/18) for financial support. Patrick Leonard and John Dearnaley are grateful for the help and advice given by T. Lebel and F. Guard. Milan Spetik and colleagues acknowledge funding by an Internal Grant of Mendel University (IGA-ZF/2020-DP003). The study of Bálint Dima was partly supported by the ELTE Institutional Excellence Program supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH-1157-8/2019-DT) in Hungary. Kesiban Özdemir is thanked for sequencing help. Cortinarius glaucoelotus was sequenced within ABOL, subproject HRSFM University of Vienna, supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Kamal C. Semwal and Vinod K. Bhatt are grateful to the Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCoST), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India for the financial support provided under project no. UCS&T/R&D/LS-1/12-13/4912. The research of Ellen Larsson and Mikael Jeppson was supported by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative, SLU Artdatabanken (grant 2019.4.3-13).


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Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1112 – 19 December 2020

Neocalonectria Crous, gen. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to its superficial resemblance of the genus Calonectria.

Classification — Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Conidiophores consisting of a stipe, a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, one to several avesiculate stipe extensions, lacking a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth; stipe extensions septate, straight to flexuous, terminating in an acicular apical cell. Conidiogenous apparatus: primary branches aseptate or 1-septate, secondary and tertiary branches aseptate, each terminal branch producing 2–6 phialides; phialides elongate doliiform to reniform, hyaline, aseptate, apex with minute periclinal thickening and inconspicuous collarette. Conidia cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight to gently curved, 1-septate, lacking a visible abscission scar, held in parallel cylindrical mucoid clusters. Mega- and microconidia not seen.

Type species. Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis Crous.

MycoBank MB837819.

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1112 – 19 December 2020

Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Tristaniopsis from which it was isolated.

Conidiophores consisting of a stipe, a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, one to several avesiculate stipe extensions, lacking a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 30–70 × 5–6 μm; stipe extensions septate, straight to flexuous, 70–150(–200) μm long, 3–4 μm wide at the apical septum, terminating in an acicular apical cell. Conidiogenous apparatus 50–80 μm long, 30–50 μm wide; primary branches aseptate or 1-septate, 12–20 × 4–5 μm; secondary branches aseptate, 10–12 × 3–4 μm, and tertiary branches aseptate, 8–10 × 3–4 μm, each terminal branch producing 2–6 phialides; phialides elongate doliiform to reniform, hyaline, aseptate, 8–12 × 2.5–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and inconspicuous collarette. Conidia cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight to gently curved, (39–)40–43(–46) × 3(–3.5) μm (mean 42 × 3 μm), 1-septate, lacking a visible abscission scar, held in parallel cylindrical mucoid clusters. Mega- and microconidia not seen.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, covering dish after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface ochreous, with chains of brown, thick-walled chlamydospores.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, on leaves of Tristaniopsis collina (Myrtaceae), 26 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2948 (holotype CBS H-24396, culture ex-type CPC 38081 = CBS 146800, ITS, LSU, actA, cmdA, his3, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175333.1, MW175373.1, MW173091.1, MW173097.1, MW173106.1, MW173109.1, MW173118.1 and MW173130.1, MycoBank MB837820).

Additional material examined. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, on leaves of T. collina, 26 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2948, CBS H-24400, culture CPC 38155 = CBS 146805, ITS, LSU, actA, cmdA, his3, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175334.1, MW175374.1, MW173092.1, MW173098.1, MW173107.1, MW173110.1, MW173119.1 and MW173131.1.

Notes — Neocalonectria resembles Calonectria and Xenocylindrocladium in having penicillate conidiophores with hyaline, cylindrical, septate conidia (Crous 2002). Morphologically it is closer to Xenocylindrocladium, as it has multiple stipe extensions per conidiophore that lack terminal vesicles (Decock et al. 1997, Crous et al. 2001). Neocalonectria forms a well-supported clade closely related to the genera Calonectria, Curvicladiella and Xenocylindrocladium (Lombard et al. 2015). Although several stipe extensions were observed arising from conidiophores on host material, cultures of Neocalonectria sporulate profusely, but rarely form stipe extensions on synthetic nutrient-poor agar. Morphologically it is hard to argue why the present collection does not belong to the genus Xenocylindrocladium, but phylogenetically, it clusters apart, being more closely related to Curvicladiella, which has hooked, 1-septate, thick-walled, pigmented, verruculose stipe extensions. A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrograph of Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis can also be seen on the covers of the various issues of Fungal Biology Reviews volume 34, published in 2020.

Blast results are supplied as part of the supplementary material.

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Penicillate conidiophores giving rise to cylindrical 1-septate conidia on synthetic nutrient-poor agar (scale bars = 10 μm); SEM micrographs captured on host tissue showing conidiophores and conidia (small, aseptate, ellipsoid conidia belong to an acremonium-like fungus). SEM scale bars = 20 μm (left) and 10 μm (right).

Supplementary material


Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 93 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the combined 8-gene (ITS, LSU, actA, cmdA, his3, rpb2, tef1 and tub2) sequence alignment (69 sequences including outgroup; 6 214 aligned positions; 418, 203, 347, 600, 395, 668, 504 and 484 unique site patterns, respectively) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. The taxonomic novelty described in this study is highlighted with bold text and the genera are represented by coloured blocks. The culture collection accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Stachybotrys chartarum (culture CBS 129.13). The alignment is a reduced version of the alignment used by Lombard et al. (2015) and corresponding GenBank accession numbers of the sequences used can be found in that reference. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

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graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g012.jpg

Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1113 – 19 December 2020

Gobabebomyces Crous, gen. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to the Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, where this fungus was collected.

Classification — Incertae sedis, Myriangiales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata erumpent, pycnidial, opening via irregular rupture of epidermis, brown, subglobose, somewhat flattened, exud­ing a brown conidial mass; wall of 3–4 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform to doliiform, phialidic. Conidia solitary, medium brown, verruculose, aseptate, ellip­soid, thick-walled with obtuse ends. Hyphae hyaline to brown, encased in mucoid sheath, constricted at septa, forming hyaline, smooth, aseptate ellipsoid conidia with obtuse ends, becoming brown and verruculose, and undergoing microcyclic conidiation.

Type species. Gobabebomyces vachelliae Crous.

MycoBank MB837821.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g013.jpg

Gobabebomyces vachelliae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1113 – 19 December 2020

Gobabebomyces vachelliae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Vachellia from which it was isolated.

Conidiomata restricted to thorns, erumpent, pycnidial, opening via irregular rupture of epidermis, brown, subglobose, somewhat flattened, 80–150 μm diam, exuding a brown conidial mass; wall of 3–4 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform to doliiform, phialidic, 3–5 × 3–4 μm. Conidia solitary, medium brown, verruculose, aseptate, ellipsoid, thick-walled with obtuse ends, (8–)10–11(–12) × (5–)6(–7) μm. In culture hyphae hyaline to brown, 4–6 μm diam, encased in mucoid sheath, constricted at septa, forming hyaline, smooth, aseptate ellipsoid conidia with obtuse ends, 5–7 × 3–4 μm, becoming brown and verruculose, swelling and larger in size, and undergoing microcyclic conidiation.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, surface irregular to folded, with sparse aerial mycelium and uneven margin, reaching 10 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface olivaceous grey, reverse iron-grey.

Typus. Namibia, Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, on leaves of Vachellia (= Acacia) erioloba (Fabaceae), 19 Nov. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 3132 (holotype CBS H-24450, culture ex-type CPC 38885 = CBS 146779, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175335.1 and MW175375.1, MycoBank MB837822).

Notes — Gobabebomyces is an asexual, coniothyrium-like coelomycetous morph related to Lembosiniella, a genus of ascomycetes forming dark brown to black, superficial, irregular leaf spots with linear to Y-shaped hysterothecia on Eucalyptus spp. in Australia (Crous et al. 2019b). Species of Lembosiniella are sterile in culture.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Elsinoe phaseoli (strain CBS 165.31, GenBank MH855166.1; Identities = 388/452 (86 %), 30 gaps (6 %)), Lembosiniella eucalyptorum (strain CBS 144603, GenBank NR_165601.1; Identities = 379/443 (86 %), 24 gaps (5 %)), and Elsinoe australis (strain KNa-5, GenBank FJ010328.2; Identities = 384/451 (85 %), 24 gaps (5 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Endosporium populi-tremuloides (strain UAMH 10529, GenBank NG_064317.1; Identities = 778/816 (95 %), nine gaps (1 %)), Lembosiniella eucalyptorum (strain CBS 144603, GenBank NG_067908.1; Identities = 774/814 (95 %), six gaps (0 %)), and Elsinoe banksiigena (strain CPC 32402, GenBank NG_064552.1; Identities = 772/814 (95 %), five gaps (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Vachellia erioloba trees growing at the Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute. Thorn with conidiomata; colonies on malt extract agar; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1114 – 19 December 2020

Graminopassalora geissorhizae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Geissorhiza from which it was isolated.

Classification — Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Dothideomycetes.

Sporulating on SNA. Conidiophores medium brown, smooth, fasciculate, arising from a brown stroma of pseudoparenchymatal cells, subcylindrical, branched, 3–7-septate, up to 160 μm tall, 4–6 μm diam. Conidiogenous cells medium brown, smooth, integrated, subcylindrical, terminal and intercalary, 20–80 × 4–6 μm, with one to several loci, thickened, darkened, refractive, 2–3(–4) μm diam. Conidia solitary, medium brown, smooth to finely verruculose, subcylindrical, straight, apex subobtuse, base truncate, guttulate, 1–3-septate, (35–)40–55(–70) × (5–)6–7 μm; hila thickened, darkened and refractive, (2–)3–4 μm diam.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and lobed, feathery margin, reaching 15 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse olivaceous grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Nieuwoudtville, Matjiesfontein, on leaves of Geissorhiza splendidissima (Iridaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3065 (holotype CBS H-24426, culture ex-type CPC 38623 = CBS 146788, ITS, LSU and rpb2 sequences GenBank MW175336.1, MW175376.1 and MW173111.1, MycoBank MB837823).

Notes — Graminopassalora, based on G. graminis, is a monotypic genus occurring on members of Poaceae, with conidia 15–60 × 5–14 μm, (0–)1(–3)-septate (Braun et al. 2015, Videira et al. 2017). Graminopassalora graminis is widespread on a wide range of grasses, and Deighton (1967) considered G. graminis an aggregate species, possibly composed of several taxa. Graminopassalora geissorhizae is the first member of the genus known from Iridaceae.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Graminopassalora graminis (strain MAFF 510604, GenBank MF951321.1; Identities = 383/411 (93 %), three gaps (0 %)), Pseudocercospora ocimi-basilici (strain ICMP 21324, GenBank MK210535.1; Identities = 377/407 (93 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Pseudocercospora ocimicola (strain CPC 10283, GenBank GU214678.1; Identities = 377/407 (93 %), two gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Graminopassalora graminis (strain CBS 113303, GenBank GU214666.1; Identities = 840/848 (99 %), no gaps), Ramulariopsis pseudoglycines (strain CPC 18242, GenBank NG_059693.1; Identities = 829/848 (98 %), no gaps), and Cercosporella virgaureae (strain CPC 11461, GenBank KX286977.1; Identities = 829/848 (98 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the rpb2 sequence had highest similarity to Zasmidium scaevolicola (strain CBS 127009, GenBank MF951726.1; Identities = 700/875 (80 %), 25 gaps (2 %)), Zasmidium citri-griseum (strain CBS 122455, GenBank MF951695.1; Identities = 705/903 (78 %), 26 gaps (2 %)), and Zasmidium hakeicola (strain CBS 144590, GenBank MK442687.1; Identities = 665/860 (77 %), 13 gaps (1 %)).

Colour illustrations. Geissorhiza splendidissima with infected leaves. Conidiophores on SNA; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g014.jpg

Graminopassalora geissorhizae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1115 – 19 December 2020

Juncomyces patwiniorum Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Lorenzo Lombard 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the Patwin indigenous people, who are the stewards of the land on which U.C. Davis campus is located.

Classification — Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Dothideomycetes.

Ascomata immersed on culms, globose, brown, 70–100 μm diam, with central, substomatal ostiole, 15–20 μm diam. Pseudoparaphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, fasciculate, stipitate, fusoid, apex subobtuse, bitunicate, apical chamber absent to 5 μm diam, with basal foot cell present, 75–100 × 19–22 μm. Ascospores multiseriate, fusoid, slightly curved, pale brown, finely verruculose, with large central guttules, constricted at median septum, later becoming 3-septate with obtuse ends, (43–)50–52(–55) × (5–)6 μm; germinating from both ends, with germ tubes parallel to the long axis of the spore, not distorting. Asexual morph developing on OA in culture. Mycelium forming chains of subglobose, brown chlamydospores, 8–12 μm diam, giving rise to erect, unbranched, subcylindrical, straight to slightly curved conidiophores, multiseptate, brown, verruculose, fasciculate, 30–80 × (3–)5–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal, integrated, 15–30 × 4–6 μm; scars thickened, darkened and refractive, 2–3 μm diam, mostly solitary. Conidia solitary, subcylindrical to narrowly obclavate, slightly flexuous, base truncate, apex subobtuse, medium brown, verruculose, guttulate, (1–)3–6-septate, (70–)80–120(–130) × (3–)4 μm; hilum thickened, darkened and refractive, 2.5–3 μm diam.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, surface folded, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 20 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface smoke grey, reverse iron-grey; on PDA surface iron-grey, reverse olivaceous grey; on OA surface olivaceous grey.

Typus. USA, California, U.C. Davis campus, on culms of Juncus effusus (Juncaceae), 2 Apr. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 2894 (holotype CBS H-24394, culture ex-type CPC 37991 = CBS 146798, ITS, LSU and rpb2 sequences GenBank MW175337.1, MW175377.1 and MW173112.1, MycoBank MB837825).

Notes — Juncomyces represents a monotypic genus in the Mycosphaerellaceae (Videira et al. 2017, Crous et al. 2020b). Juncomyces patwiniorum is characterised by having immersed ascomata with fusoid, slightly curved, pale brown, finely verruculose ascospores that can become 3-septate with age, and a passalora-like asexual morph with pigmented conidia, and darkened, thickened, refractive hila. Juncomyces californiensis is distinct in that it has smaller conidia (45–)55–70(–75) × (6–)7(–8) μm (Crous et al. 2020b).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Juncomyces californiensis (strain CPC 37989, GenBank MT373368.1; Identities = 482/512 (94 %), 12 gaps (2 %)), Graminopassalora graminis (strain CBS 113303, GenBank GU214666.1; Identities = 455/515 (88 %), 20 gaps (3 %)), and Neokirramyces syzygii (strain CPC 36122, GenBank NR_166317; Identities = 441/496 (89 %), 16 gaps (3 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Juncomyces californiensis (strain CPC 37989, GenBank MT373351.1; Identities = 808/808 (100 %), no gaps), Xenosonderhenia eucalypti (strain CBS 138858, GenBank MH878634.1; Identities = 865/892 (97 %), three gaps (0 %)), and Ramularia tovarae (strain CBS 113305, GenBank NG_069194.1; Identities = 846/874 (97 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the rpb2 sequence had highest similarity to Ramularia tovarae (strain CBS 113305, GenBank KJ504678.1; Identities = 328/400 (82 %), two gaps (0 %)), Ramularia armoraciae (strain CBS 253.28, GenBank KX288493.1; Identities = 327/401 (82 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Ramularia plurivora (strain CPC 16123, GenBank KJ504653.1; Identities = 325/399 (81 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Juncus effusus growing on U.C. Davis campus. Immersed ascoma with substomatal ostiole; asci; fusoid, 1-septate ascospores; conidiogenous cells in culture; conidia conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia. Scale bars: ascoma = 80 μm, all others = 10 μm.

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Juncomyces patwiniorum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1116 – 19 December 2020

Davidhawksworthia quintiniae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Quintinia from which it was isolated.

Classification — Dermateaceae, Helotiales, Leotiomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, 2–3 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores reduced to phialidic conidiogenous cells, ampulliform to doliiform, hyaline, smooth, erect, becoming aggregated in clusters, forming sporodochia on agar surface, 4–15 × 3–5 μm. Conidia solitary, hyaline, smooth, guttulate, aseptate, subcylindrical, ends obtuse, (10–)11–12(–15) × 2(–2.5) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with sparse aerial mycelium and lobate, smooth margin, reaching 12 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface dirty white, reverse buff; on PDA surface and reverse dirty white; on OA surface buff.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, Corina lookout, on leaves of Quintinia sieberi (Paracryphiaceae), 26 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2945 (holotype CBS H-24399, culture ex-type CPC 38153 = CBS 146963, ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175338.1, MW175378.1, MW173113.1 and MW173132.1, MycoBank MB837828).

Notes — The erect, ampulliform to doliiform phialides, and hyaline, aseptate conidia are reminiscent of the monotypic genus Davidhawksworthia (Crous & Groenewald 2016). Davidhawksworthia quintiniae is easily distinguished from D. ilicicola (on Ilex aquifolium, Netherlands; conidia 17–22 × 3–3.5 μm) by its smaller conidia.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Dermea libocedri (strain CBS 138.46, GenBank MH856142.1; Identities = 526/560 (94 %), five gaps (0 %)), Dermea acerina (strain CBS 161.38, GenBank MH855942.1; Identities = 524/560 (94 %), eight gaps (1 %)), Pseudotryblidium neesii (strain HE300, GenBank MK894293.1; Identities = 524/563 (93 %), six gaps (1 %)) and Davidhawksworthia ilicicola (strain CBS 261.95, GenBank KU728516.1; Identities = 517/556 (93 %), 15 gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Davidhawksworthia ilicicola (strain CBS 734.94, GenBank NG_067307.1; Identities = 892/898 (99 %), no gaps), Coleophoma cylindrospora (strain BP-6252, GenBank MH762908.1; Identities = 892/900 (99 %), no gaps), and Coleophoma camelliae (strain CBS 101376, GenBank KU728521.1; Identities = 886/894 (99 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the rpb2 sequence had highest similarity to Rhizodermea veluwensis (strain CBS 110615, GenBank KR859354.1; Identities = 747/882 (85 %), no gaps), Pezicula cornina (strain CBS 285.39, GenBank KR859333.1; Identities = 731/871 (84 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Pezicula neoheterochroma (strain CBS 127388, GenBank KR859338.1; Identities = 744/889 (84 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Davidhawksworthia ilicicola (strain CBS 261.95, GenBank KU728630.1; Identities = 300/371 (81 %), 14 gaps (3 %)), Monilia yunnanensis (strain GND3, GenBank KT736016.1; Identities = 304/378 (80 %), 17 gaps (4 %)), and Monilinia fructigena (strain CBS 101499, GenBank KT736015.1; Identities = 303/378 (80 %), 17 gaps (4 %)).

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Davidhawksworthia quintiniae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1117 – 19 December 2020

Cylindromonium alloxyli Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Alloxylon from which it was isolated.

Classification — Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, 1.5–2 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores solitary, subcylindrical, unbranched, hyaline, smooth, flexuous, erect, 1–2-septate, 30–60 × 2 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, 10–20 × 1.5–2 μm, phialidic, apex with periclinal thickening, lacking collarette. Conidia hyaline, smooth, medianly 1-septate, aggregating in cylindrical spore packets, subcylindrical with obtuse ends, (14–)15–17(–18) × 2–3 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, surface folded, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 25 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA and PDA surface and reverse saffron; on OA surface buff.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, Mt Merino, mycophilic on Meliola on leaves of Alloxylon pinnatum (Proteaceae), 26 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2951 (holotype CBS H-24401, culture ex-type CPC 38159 = CBS 146806, ITS, LSU, actA, his3, rpb2, tef1 (first and second part) and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175339.1, MW175379.1, MW173093.1, MW173108.1, MW173114.1, MW173120.1, MW173128.1 and MW173133.1, MycoBank MB837829).

Notes — Cylindromonium was recently established as genus to accommodate acremonium-like taxa with unbranched, hyaline conidiophores, and cylindrical, 1-septate conidia (Crous et al. 2019a).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Cylindromonium lichenicola (strain CBS 188.70, GenBank MH859549.1; Identities = 540/591 (91 %), 18 gaps (3 %)), Cylindromonium rhabdosporum (strain CBS 438.66, GenBank MH858850.1; Identities = 538/590 (91 %), 18 gaps (3 %)), and Phialoseptomonium eucalypti (strain CBS 145542, GenBank NR_165572.1; Identities = 534/587 (91 %), 14 gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Cylindromonium lichenicola (strain CBS 415.70A, GenBank MH871536.1; Identities = 588/608 (97 %), two gaps (0 %)), Trichonectria rectipila (strain CBS 132.87, GenBank NG_064146.1; Identities = 583/606 (96 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Phialoseptomonium eucalypti (strain CBS 145542, GenBank NG_067890.1; Identities = 571/596 (96 %), two gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the tef1 (second part) sequence had highest similarity to Simplicillium aogashimaense (strain JCM 18167, GenBank LC496904.1; Identities = 391/432 (91 %), two gaps (0 %)), Simplicillium cylindrosporum (strain JCM 18169, GenBank LC496906.1; Identities = 390/433 (90 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Nectria marina (strain MFLUCC 16-0544, GenBank MN433214.1; Identities = 389/432 (90 %), no gaps (0 %)).No significant hits were obtained when the actA, his3, rpb2, tef1 (first part) and tub2 sequences were used in blastn and megablast searches.

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Conidiophores sporulating on a sterile pine needle; conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Cylindromonium alloxyli

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1118 – 19 December 2020

Parasarocladium tasmanniae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Tasmannia from which it was isolated.

Classification — Sarocladiaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Ascomata perithecial, hyaline, smooth-walled, globose to obpyriform, 50–100 × 50–80 μm; wall of 3–6 layers of hyaline textura angularis. Asci obovoid to subcylindrical, hyaline, 8-spored, unitunicate with apical mechanism, not straining in Melzer’s reagent, apex slightly flattened, 23–30 × 5–8 μm, stipitate, intermingled among cellular, hyaline paraphyses that dissolve at maturity. Ascospores hyaline, smooth, guttulate, fusoid-ellipsoid, straight to slightly curved, constricted at median septum, (9–)10–11(–12) × (2.5–)3(–3.5) μm. Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, 1.5–2 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, branched below, 1–2-septate, 20–35 × 2–3 μm. Conidiogenous cells at times solitary, arising directly from superficial hyphae, or on conidiophores, terminal or intercalary, phialidic, subcylindrical with slight apical taper, 12–30 × 2–3 μm; collarette minute, 1 μm tall, not flared. Conidia hyaline, smooth, granular, subcylindrical to fusoid, straight to slightly curved, aseptate, apex subobtuse, base slightly tapered to truncate hilum, 0.5 μm diam, (5–)7–8(–9) × (1.5–)2(–2.5) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, surface folded, with sparse aerial mycelium and lobate, even margin, reaching 60 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA and PDA surface and reverse dirty white; on OA surface buff.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, Mt Merino, on leaves of Tasmannia insipida (Winteraceae), 26 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2953 (holotype CBS H-24402, culture ex-type CPC 38162 = CBS 146807, ITS, LSU, actA, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175340.1, MW175380.1, MW173094.1, MW173121.1 and MW173134.1, MycoBank MB837830).

Notes — Parasarocladium was recently introduced by Summerbell et al. (2018) to accommodate a distinct clade of acremonium-like fungi, which are commonly isolated from soil (Crous et al. 2018a). As shown here, however, species can also be foliicolous, and have a sexual morph, which has thus far not been observed for any member of Parasarocladium.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Parasarocladium radiatum (strain CBS 142.62, GenBank NR_161112.1; Identities = 546/581 (94 %), 11 gaps (1 %)), Parasarocladium debruynii (strain CBS 144942, GenBank NR_163316.1; Identities = 540/581 (93 %), 17 gaps (2 %)), and Parasarocladium gamsii (as Acremonium gamsii; strain CBS 726.71, GenBank NR_159615.1; Identities = 538/584 (92 %), 17 gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Parasarocladium breve (as Acremonium breve; strain CBS 150.62, GenBank FJ176882.1; Identities = 886/901 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), Parasarocladium gamsii (strain CBS 726.71, GenBank MH872068.1; Identities = 885/900 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Sarocladium strictum (strain CBS 147.49, GenBank HQ232139.1; Identities = 833/849 (98 %), four gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the actA sequence had highest similarity to Parasarocladium debruynii (strain CBS 144942, GenBank MK069413.1; Identities = 594/648 (92 %), 19 gaps (2 %)), Cordyceps militaris (strain ATCC 34164, GenBank CP023327.1; Identities = 400/422 (95 %), no gaps), and Fusarium striatum (strain CBS 101573, GenBank KM231195.1; Identities = 462/515 (90 %), six gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the tef1 sequence had highest similarity to Parasarocladium debruynii (strain CBS 144942, GenBank MK069410.1; Identities = 241/289 (83 %), 19 gaps (6 %)). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Parasarocladium debruynii (strain CBS 144942, GenBank MK069407.1; Identities = 586/668 (88 %), 27 gaps (4 %)), Sarocladium spirale (strain 3-22, GenBank LC464483.1; Identities = 396/482 (82 %), 29 gaps (6 %)), and Chaetopsina acutispora (strain CBS 667.92, GenBank KM232029.1; Identities = 317/370 (86 %), 16 gaps (4 %)).

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Ascomata and ascospores; ascus; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Parasarocladium tasmanniae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1119 – 19 December 2020

Exophiala mali Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Malus from which it was isolated.

Classification — Herpotrichiellaceae, Chaetothyriales, Eurotiomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of smooth, olivaceous, branched, septate, 2.5–3 μm diam hyphae. Hyphae becoming constricted at septa in terminal region, forming chains of disarticulating conidia, 0–1-septate, 12–15 × 3–5 μm, subcylindrical to ellipsoid, 0–1-septate, 8–10 × 3–4 μm, olivaceous, smooth, guttulate. Conidiogenous loci occurring as hyphal pegs on hyphal cells or on conidia, 1–2 × 1–1.5 μm, not thickened nor darkened, giving rise to smaller, ellipsoid conidia, olivaceous, smooth, aseptate, 4–7 × 2.5–3 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 25 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface folded, olivaceous grey, reverse iron-grey; on PDA surface olivaceous grey, reverse iron-grey; on OA surface olivaceous grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Ceres, from inner fruit tissue of Malus sp. with cold store damage (Rosaceae), June 2018, P.W. Crous (holotype CBS H-24408, culture ex-type CPC 38208 = CBS 146791, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175341.1 and MW175381.1, MycoBank MB837831).

Notes — Species of Exophiala are commonly isolated from soil, water, and plant debris (Crous et al. 2018b). Exophiala mali is a new species of Exophiala that was isolated from apples that underwent cold storage damage due to severe low temperatures.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to ‘Exophiala lecanii-corni’ (strain CMRP3747, GenBank MT452654.1; Identities = 398/401 (99 %), no gaps), Exophiala lecanii-corni (strain CBS 123.33, GenBank NR_145351.1; Identities = 560/579 (97 %), five gaps (0 %)), and Exophiala pisciphila (strain G1-2, GenBank KT876529.1; Identities = 592/610 (97 %), five gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Exophiala lecanii-corni (strain CBS 123.33, GenBank NG_059200.1; Identities = 881/884 (99 %), no gaps), Exophiala pisciphila (strain CBS 464.81, GenBank AF050273.1; Identities = 859/862 (99 %), no gaps), and Exophiala castellanii (strain CBS 158.58, GenBank NG_070513.1; Identities = 873/885 (99 %), one gap (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Apples with cold store damage. Hyphae and conidiogenous cells; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Exophiala mali

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1120 – 19 December 2020

Linteromyces Crous, gen. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the canoe-shaped (L = Linter-) conidia.

Classification — Incertae sedis, Xylariales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, branched, septate hyphae. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells or subcylindrical, brown, smooth, erect, unbranched, becoming dark brown and thick-walled with age, septate, with integrated terminal conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells solitary, erect, integrated on hyphae, pale to medium brown, smooth, doliiform to subcylindrical, with several cylindrical denticles near apex. Conidia solitary, aseptate, medium brown, slightly roughened, fusoid, apex and base with apiculus, with paler germ slit along length of conidium body.

Type species. Linteromyces quintiniae Crous.

MycoBank MB837832.

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1120 – 19 December 2020

Linteromyces quintiniae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Quintinia from which it was isolated.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, branched, septate, 1.5–2 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells or subcylindrical, brown, smooth, erect, unbranched, becoming dark brown and thick-walled with age, up to 8-septate and 100 μm tall, 3–4 μm diam, with integrated terminal conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells solitary, erect, integrated on hyphae, pale to medium brown, smooth, doliiform to subcylindrical, 5–20 × 4–6 μm, with several cylindrical denticles near apex, 2–4 × 1–1.5 μm. Conidia solitary, aseptate, medium brown, slightly roughened, fusoid, apex and base with apiculus, 1–2 × 1 μm, guttulate, with paler germ slit along length of conidium body, (16–)20–22(–24) × (6–)7 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, surface folded, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 25 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface pale olivaceous grey, reverse olivaceous grey; on PDA surface pale olivaceous grey, reverse olivaceous grey; on OA surface dark brick.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, Corina Lookout, on leaves of Quintinia sieberi (Paracryphiaceae), 25 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2945 (holotype CBS H-24409, culture ex-type CPC 38231 = CBS 146792, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175342.1 and MW175382.1, MycoBank MB837834).

Notes — Linteromyces resembles the genus Subramaniomyces, which has aseptate, polyblastic conidia occurring in branched, acropetal chains on mononematous, branched conidiophores occurring along the length of brown setae. It is morphologically distinct, however, in having solitary conidia, and being phylogenetically unrelated to Subramaniomyces (S. podocarpi, CBS 143176; Crous et al. 2017a), and close to Tristratiperidium, which again has conidia with terminal setulae (Daranagama et al. 2016).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Tristratiperidium microsporum (strain MFLUCC 15-0413, GenBank NR_164238.1; Identities = 531/581 (91 %), 13 gaps (2 %)), Kiliophora ubiensis (strain IPBCC 131080, GenBank KF056850.1; Identities = 527/579 (91 %), 14 gaps (2 %)), and Kirstenboschia diospyri (strain CBS 134911, GenBank NR_145171.1; Identities = 505/559 (90 %), 17 gaps (3 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica (strain CPC 32526, GenBank MH107973.1; Identities = 818/844 (97 %), no gaps), Castanediella tereticornis (strain CBS 145068, GenBank NG_068600.1; Identities = 818/846 (97 %), one gap (0 %)), and Castanediella cagnizarii (strain CBS 101043, GenBank KP858988.1; Identities = 820/849 (97 %), four gaps (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Linteromyces quintiniae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1121 – 19 December 2020

Xyladictyochaeta tristaniopsidis Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Tristaniopsis from which it was isolated.

Classification — Xyladictyochaetaceae, Xylariales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of pale brown, smooth, septate, branched, 2–3 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores erect, brown, smooth, subcylindrical, flexuous, multiseptate, 30–100 × 5–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal and intercalary, polyphialidic, 5–17 × 4–5 μm, phialidic opening 1 μm diam, lacking flared collarettes. Conidia solitary, aggregating in mucoid mass, hyaline, smooth, fusoid-ellipsoid, slightly curved, apex subobtuse, base truncate, 1 μm diam, medianly 1-septate, (16–)17–18(–20) × 2.5(–3) μm; each end with flexuous, unbranched appendage, apex central, base eccentric, 3–5 μm diam.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with sparse aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 40 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface vinaceous buff, reverse isabelline; on PDA surface and reverse dark mouse grey; on OA surface dark mouse grey.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, on leaves of Tristaniopsis collina (Myrtaceae), 25 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2948 (holotype CBS H-24410, culture ex-type CPC 38240 = CBS 146793, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175343.1, MW175383.1, MW173122.1 and MW173135.1, MycoBank MB837835).

Notes — The monotypic genus Xyladictyochaeta was established by Hernández-Restrepo et al. (2017) to accommodate dictyochaeta-like taxa with terminal and intercalary, polyphialidic conidiogenous cells. Xyladictyochaeta tristaniopsidis has slightly larger conidia than X. lusitanica (11–16 × 2–2.5 μm in Hernández-Restrepo et al. (2017); (10–)11–12(–13) × (2.5–)3 μm in Crous et al. (2018b)).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica (strain CBS 142290, GenBank NR_154542.1; Identities = 561/575 (98 %), no gaps), Castanediella eucalyptigena (strain CBS 143178, GenBank NR_156384.1; Identities = 536/578 (93 %), 12 gaps (2 %)), and Tristratiperidium microsporum (strain MFLUCC 15-0413, GenBank NR_164238.1; Identities = 527/585 (90 %), nine gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica (strain CPC 32526, GenBank MH107973.1; Identities = 784/791 (99 %), no gaps), Castanediella eucalyptigena (strain CBS 143178, GenBank NG_067332.1; Identities = 763/784 (97 %), one gap (0 %)), and Phlogicylindrium eucalypti (strain CBS 120080, GenBank DQ923534.1; Identities = 768/791 (97 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the tef1 sequence had highest similarity to Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica (strain CBS 143502, GenBank MH108033.1; Identities = 467/563 (83 %), 20 gaps (3 %)).Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica (strain CPC 32526, GenBank MH108054.1; Identities = 416/477 (87 %), 15 gaps (3 %)), and Cylindrium aeruginosum (strain CBS 693.83, GenBank KM232124.1; Identities = 295/345 (86 %), 20 gaps (5 %)).

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Xyladictyochaeta tristaniopsidis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1122 – 19 December 2020

Exophiala prostantherae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Prostanthera from which it was isolated.

Classification — Herpotrichiellaceae, Chaetothyriales, Eurotiomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of pale brown, smooth, branched, septate, 1.5–2 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores aggregated in clusters, erect, subcylindrical, septate, 5–35 × 2 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal and intercalary, subcylindrical to cymbiform, phialidic, pale brown, smooth, 4–12 × 2.5–3 μm, apex with minute collarette. Conidia aseptate, guttulate, pale brown, smooth, subcylindrical, apex obtuse, tapering at base to truncate scar, 0.5 μm diam, (3–)4(–5) × (1.5–)2 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 20 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA and PDA surface olivaceous grey, reverse iron-grey; on OA surface iron-grey.

Typus. Australia, New South Wales, Limpinwood Nature Reserve, on leaves of Prostanthera sp. (Lamiaceae), 26 May 2015, B.A. Summerell, HPC 2952 (holotype CBS H-24411, culture ex-type CPC 38251 = CBS 146794, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175344.1 and MW175384.1, MycoBank MB837836).

Notes — Exophiala prostantherae is phylogenetically closely related to E. aquamarina (from skin of leafy sea dragon, Phycodures eques, Boston, USA; conidia ellipsoidal to cylindrical, 6.7–19.2 × 4–4.8 μm; De Hoog et al. 2011) but distinct in having well-defined conidiophores, and smaller conidia.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Exophiala aquamarina (strain IMP-BG-H0001, GenBank MH813288.1; Identities = 550/569 (97 %), four gaps (0 %)), Cadophora fastigiata (strain DN12, GenBank KY781375.1; Identities = 601/633 (95 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Exophiala tremulae (strain CBS 129355, GenBank NR_159874.1; Identities = 600/632 (95 %), four gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Exophiala pisciphila (strain CBS 100.68, GenBank MH870790.1; Identities = 852/856 (99 %), no gaps), Exophiala tremulae (strain UAMH 10998, GenBank JF951155.1; Identities = 852/856 (99 %), no gaps), and Exophiala equina (strain CBS 128222, GenBank MH876297.1; Identities = 851/856 (99 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Rainforest at Limpinwood Nature Reserve (photo B. Summerell). Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Exophiala prostantherae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1123 – 19 December 2020

Talaromyces pulveris Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Jos Houbraken 1, M Meijer 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Cony A Decock 2

Etymology. Name refers to the bore dust (L = pulvis) of a beetle, from which it was isolated.

Classification — Trichocomaceae, Eurotiales, Eurotiomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, branched, septate, 1.5–2 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores dimorphic. Microconidiophores monoverticillate or as solitary phialides, short, 1–2-septate, arising from superficial hyphae, 15–25 × 2 μm. Macroconidiophores biverticillate, erect, subcylindrical, flexuous, penicillate, 70–300 × 2.5–3 μm, stipe smooth to slightly roughened, multiseptate. Metulae two to seven, subcylindrical, hyaline, smooth to slightly roughened, subcylindrical, aseptate, 8–12 × 2–3 μm; additional branches rarely observed. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, arranged in whorls of 2–6 per metula, acerose to subcylindrical with apical taper in upper third, 8–13 × 2–3 μm. Conidia arranged in long, unbranched chains, aseptate, green in masse, in basipetal chains, subglobose, thick-walled, smooth, 2–2.5 μm diam.

Culture characteristics — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA, 25 °C: Colonies restricted, non-sulcate, flat, thin; margin entire; mycelium white; sporulation absent or very sparsely produced; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse white. YES, 25 °C: Similar to CYA, though sporulation lacking. MEA, 25 °C: Colonies non-sulcate, moderately high; margin entire; mycelium white; sporulation sparse to strong; texture floccose to slightly funiculose; soluble pigments absent after 7 d, present after 2 wk, red; exudates absent; conidial colour en masse grey-green; reverse brown or dark brown. DG18, 25 °C: See CYA. OA, 25 °C: Similar to CYA, though sporulation poor to moderate; red soluble pigments produced after 2 wk. Colony diam, 7 d, in mm – CYA microcolonies to 5; CYA30°C microcolonies–5; CYA37°C no growth; CYAS no growth; DG18 3–6; MEA 7–10; OA 5–8; YES no growth or microcolonies; CREA no growth.

Typus. France, from bore dust of deathwatch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) infesting floorboards (Quercus wood), 2019, C.A. Decock (holotype CBS H-24417, culture ex-type CPC 38523 = MUCL pd8781 = DTO 432-H1 = CBS 146831, ITS, LSU, cmdA, rpb2 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175345.1, MW175385.1, MW173099.1, MW173115.1 and MW173136.1, MycoBank MB837837).

Notes — Talaromyces pulveris represents a new species in section Purpurei, phylogenetically most closely related to T. iowaense (Samson et al. 2011, Yilmaz et al. 2014, Crous et al. 2018a, Guevara-Suarez et al. 2020). Talaromyces rademirici is a sister species of T. pulveris and T. iowaense (Samson et al. 2011, Yilmaz et al. 2014, Crous et al. 2018a, Guevara-Suarez et al. 2020, Houbraken et al. 2020). Talaromyces iowaense, T. pulveris and T. rademirici grow restrictedly on CYA and are unable to grow on CYA supplemented with 5 % NaCl. Talaromyces pulveris grows more restricted on MEA (7–10 mm) than T. iowaense (17–18 mm) and T. rademirici (14–15 mm). The production of subglobose conidia and inability of T. pulveris to grow on CYA incubated at 37 °C is shared with T. iowaense. In contrast, the conidia of T. rademirici are ellipsoidal and this species is able to grow on CYA incubated at 37 °C. Talaromyces iowaense is grows on CREA, while T. pulveris and T. rademirici are unable to grow on this medium (Yilmaz et al. 2014, Crous et al. 2018a).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Talaromyces pseudostromaticus (strain AS3.16005, GenBank MT182956.1; Identities = 472/540 (87 %), 33 gaps (6 %)), Talaromyces pittii (strain CBS 139.84, GenBank MH861710.1; Identities = 472/540 (87 %), 33 gaps (6 %)), and Talaromyces aculeatus (strain BCC<THA> 88118, GenBank MH997879.1; Identities = 465/532 (87 %), 30 gaps (5 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Talaromyces purpureus (strain CBS 475.71, GenBank NG_064090.1; Identities = 787/807 (98 %), one gap (0 %)), Talaromyces rademirici (strain CBS 140.84, GenBank NG_064134.1; Identities = 815/837 (97 %), one gap (0 %)), and Talaromyces dendriticus (strain CBS 660.80, GenBank MH873068.1; Identities = 781/806 (97 %), one gap (0 %)). Closest hits using the cmdA sequence had highest similarity to Talaromyces purpureus (strain CBS 475.71, GenBank KJ885292.1; Identities = 354/410 (86 %), 16 gaps (3 %)), Talaromyces ptychoconidium (strain CV2807, GenBank JX140699.1; Identities = 443/550 (81 %), 50 gaps (9 %)), and Talaromyces cecidicola (strain CBS 101419, GenBank KJ885287.1; Identities = 285/336 (85 %), seven gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the rpb2 sequence had highest similarity to Talaromyces rademirici (strain CBS 140.84, Gen-Bank KM023302.1; Identities = 697/760 (92 %), no gaps), Talaromyces purpureus (strain CBS 475.71, GenBank JN121522.1; Identities = 748/825 (91 %), no gaps), and Talaromyces ptychoconidium (strain DTO180F1, GenBank MK450880.1; Identities = 772/864 (89 %), no gaps. Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Talaromyces rademirici (strain CBS 140.84, GenBank KJ865734.1; Identities = 395/444 (89 %), nine gaps (2 %)), Talaromyces iowaense (as Talaromyces sp. GP-2018a; strain EMSL 2233, GenBank MH282578.1; Identities = 390/452 (86 %), 12 gaps (2 %)), and Talaromyces ptychoconidium (as Penicillium sp. CMV-2008c; strain CV323, GenBank GU385735.1; Identities = 297/346 (86 %), 14 gaps (4 %)).

Colour illustrations. Sampling site in France. Colony on MEA; conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidial chains. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Talaromyces pulveris

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1124 – 19 December 2020

Neocamarosporium leipoldtiae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Leipoldtia from which it was isolated.

Classification — Neocamarosporiaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata solitary, erumpent, globose, 200–300 μm diam, with central ostiole; wall covered by brown, verruculose hyphae, 3–4 μm diam; wall consisting of 6–8 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells or with a supporting cell, lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform with long cylindrical apical part, proliferating percurrently near apex, 12–35 × 5–7 μm. Conidia solitary, medium brown, ellipsoid to subcylindrical, apex obtuse, base truncate, muriformly septate, with 3–6 transverse septa, 2–6 oblique or vertical septa, thick-walled, surface roughened, 18–20(–21) × 7(–8) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies with abundant aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, covering dish after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse iron-grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Nieuwoudtville, on leaves of Leipoldtia schultzei (Aizoaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3024 (holotype CBS H-24418, culture ex-type CPC 38531 = CBS 146774, ITS, LSU and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175346.1, MW175386.1 and MW173137.1, MycoBank MB837838).

Notes — Neocamarosporium was established for a genus of camarosporium-like fungi occurring on dying leaves of a Mesembryanthemum sp. (Aizoaceae) (Crous et al. 2014). Neocamarosporium leipoldtiae was collected in the same area, again occurring on a member of the Aizoaceae. Phylogenetically, however, it is closely related to Neocamarosporium salicorniicola, described from Salicornia sp. (Amaranthaceae) collected in Thailand (Wanasinghe et al. 2017).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Neocamarosporium sp. (strain CF-288928, GenBank MG065823.1; Identities = 544/554 (98 %), one gap (0 %)), Pleosporales sp. 6 PV-2016 (strain DW, GenBank KU933734.1; Identities = 534/544 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Neocamarosporium salicornicola (strain ZMCS3, GenBank MK809918.1; Identities = 509/520 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Neocamarosporium chichastianum (strain CBS 137502, GenBank KP004483.1; Identities = 848/853 (99 %), no gaps), Neocamarosporium salicornicola (strain MFLUCC 15-0957, GenBank MF434281.1; Identities = 842/848 (99 %), no gaps), and Chaetosphaeronema hispidulum (strain CBS 826.88, GenBank EU754145.1; Identities = 862/870 (99 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Neocamarosporium calvescens (strain T77I1, GenBank MK140511.1; Identities = 265/289 (92 %), one gap (0 %)), Phoma betae (strain CBS 109410, GenBank MK255063.1; Identities = 284/311 (91 %), seven gaps (2 %)) and Dimorphosporicola tragani (strain CBS 570.85, GenBank KU728616.1; Identities = 412/478 (86 %), 22 gaps (4 %)).

Colour illustrations. Flowers of Leipoldtia schultzei. Conidiomata on MEA with central ostiole; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Neocamarosporium leipoldtiae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1125 & 1126 – 19 December 2020

Dothiora aloidendri Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Aloidendron from which it was isolated.

Classification — Dothioraceae, Dothideales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata pycnidial, globose, black, glabrous, erumpent, 200–350 μm diam, aggregated in dense clusters, forming a superficial layer on agar, exuding a creamy conidial mass. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform to doliiform, phialidic, 6–9 × 5–7 μm. Conidia solitary, straight, subcylindrical, aseptate, guttulate, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, apex obtuse, tapering at base to truncate hilum, 1–1.5 μm diam, (10–)12–13(–14) × (3–)4 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with sparse to moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 40 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface sepia, reverse isabelline; on PDA surface iron-grey, reverse olivaceous-grey; on OA surface olivaceous-grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Namaqualand, on leaves of Aloidendron dichotomum (Asphodeloideae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3039 (holotype CBS H-24419, culture ex-type CPC 38535 = CBS 146775, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175347.1, MW175387.1, MW173123.1 and MW173138.1, MycoBank MB837839).

Notes — Species of Dothiora commonly form Dothichiza and hormonema-like morphs in culture (Crous & Groenewald 2016, 2017), as observed in D. aloidendri.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Dothiora europaea (strain EXF-12400, GenBank MK460357.1; Identities = 448/469 (96 %), two gaps (0 %)), Dothiora sorbi (strain CBS 742.71, GenBank KU728514.1; Identities = 554/591 (94 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Dothiora elliptica (strain CBS 736.71, GenBank KU728502.1; Identities = 489/522 (94 %), two gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Dothiora infuscans (strain FMR 16326, GenBank NG_066397.1; Identities = 782/792 (99 %), no gaps), Dothiora oleae (strain CBS 472.69, GenBank MH871116.1; Identities = 844/856 (99 %), no gaps), and Neophaeocryptopus cytisi (strain MFLUCC 14-0970, GenBank NG_059643.1; Identities = 826/838 (99 %), one gap (0 %)). Closest hits using the tef1 sequence had highest similarity to Dothiora oleae (strain CBS 235.57, GenBank KU728587.1; Identities = 195/200 (98 %), one gap (0 %)), Dothiora viburnicola (strain CBS 274.72, GenBank KU728591.1; Identities = 195/203 (96 %), no gaps), and Dothiora bupleuricola (strain CBS 112.75, GenBank KU728579.1; Identities = 194/201 (97 %), three gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Dothiora phillyreae (strain CBS 473.69, GenBank KU728629.1; Identities = 503/618 (81 %), 21 gaps (3 %)), Dothiora maculans (strain CBS 299.76, GenBank KU728621.1; Identities = 470/569 (83 %), 27 gaps (4 %)), and Dothiora oleae (strain CBS 152.71, GenBank KU728625.1; Identities = 495/609 (81 %), 32 gaps (5 %)).

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Dothiora aloidendri & Hantamomyces aloidendri

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1125 & 1126 – 19 December 2020

Hantamomyces Crous, gen. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the Hantam district where it was collected, Nieuwoudtville, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.

Classification — Ophiocordycipitaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Conidiophores arising from superficial hyphae, erect, solitary, cylindrical, pale brown, smooth, branched, septate. Conidiogenous cells integrated, pale brown, smooth, subcylindrical; conidiophores with terminal conidiogenous region with denticulate loci and with separating cell leaving minute collarette; conidiogenous cells giving rise to next cell in zigzag fashion (sympodial), appearing like a drawn out rachis. Conidia hyaline, smooth, fusoid, tapering towards both ends to truncate hilum with minute marginal frill and conidia occurring in long, unbranched chains, forming a mucoid droplet with age.

Type species. Hantamomyces aloidendri Crous.

MycoBank MB837840.

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1125 & 1126 – 19 December 2020

Hantamomyces aloidendri Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Aloidendron from which it was isolated.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, branched, septate, 2.5–3.5 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores arising from superficial hyphae, erect, solitary, cylindrical, pale brown, smooth, branched, septate, up to 200 μm tall, 2.5–3 μm diam. Conidiogenous cells integrated, pale brown, smooth, subcylindrical; conidiophores with terminal conidiogenous region with 1–2 denticulate loci, 1 × 1 μm, with separating cell leaving minute collarette; one locus in basal region above septum, and second locus if present below apical septum, 10–30 × 2.5–3 μm, but conidiogenous cells giving rise to next cell in zigzag fashion (sympodial), appearing like a drawn out rachis. Conidia hyaline, smooth, guttulate to granular, fusoid, not to slightly constricted at median septum, tapering towards both ends to truncate hilum with minute marginal frill, scar 1 μm diam, at times somewhat darkened, with conidia occurring in long, unbranched chains, forming a mucoid droplet with age; conidial chains with conidia attached to one another by minute separating cell, with collarette developing at each end, 1–3-septate, (15–)17–18(–20) × (3.5–)4(–5) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 20 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface dirty white, reverse buff.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Nieuwoudtville, on leaves of Aloidendron dichotomum (Asphodelaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3020 (holotype CBS H-24432, culture ex-type CPC 38655 = CBS 146814, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175348.1 and MW175388.1, MycoBank MB837841).

Colour illustrations. Aloidendron dichotomum growing along the mountain ridge. Left column D. aloidendri. Conidiomata on SNA; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Right column Hantamomyces aloidendri. Conidiophores giving rise to chains of conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

(for Notes see Supplementary material page FP1125 & 1126; and for tree on Supplemetary material page FP1141)

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1127 – 19 December 2020

Suttonomyces cephalophylli Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Cephalophyllum from which it was isolated.

Classification — Massarinaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata solitary, immersed in host tissue, pycnidial, globose, brown, 150–200 μm diam; wall of 3–6 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells, hyaline, smooth, phialidic, 4–6 × 3–5 μm. Conidia solitary, aseptate, medium brown, thick-walled, verruculose to spikey, ellipsoid with bluntly rounded ends, (12–)14–16(–18) × (7–)8–10(–12) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with sparse aerial mycelium and lobate, smooth margin, reaching 30 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface dirty white in centre, cinnamon in outer region and in reverse; on PDA surface and reverse isabelline to cinnamon; on OA surface cinnamon.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, Rocklands camping, on leaves of Cephalophyllum pilansii (Aizoaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3055 (holotype CBS H-24420, culture ex-type CPC 38541 = CBS 146787, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175349.1 and MW175389.1, MycoBank MB837842).

Notes — The present collection clusters with species of Suttonomyces (Wijayawardene et al. 2015), but is distinct from known species in the genus in that it lacks muriformly-septate conidia and paraphyses.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Suttonomyces rosae (strain MFLU 18-0112, GenBank NR_157548.1; Identities = 447/469 (95 %), three gaps (0 %)), Stagonospora bicolor (strain LF2, GenBank KX510131.1; Identities = 347/367 (95 %), three gaps (0 %)), and Stagonospora pseudopaludosa (strain CBS 136424, GenBank NR_137840.1; Identities = 348/370 (94 %), four gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Suttonomyces rosae (strain MFLU 18-0112, GenBank NG_059882.1; Identities = 807/811 (99 %), no gaps), Helminthosporium velutinum (strain L136, GenBank KY984355.1; Identities = 838/850 (99 %), no gaps), and Helminthosporium tiliae (strain L89, GenBank KY984346.1; Identities = 837/850 (98 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Flower and leaves of Cephalophyllum pilansii. Conidiomata on host tissue and on OA (scale bars = 200 μm); conidia (scale bar = 10 μm).

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Suttonomyces cephalophylli

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1128 – 19 December 2020

Endoconidioma euphorbiae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Euphorbia from which it was isolated.

Classification — Dothioraceae, Dothideales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata erumpent, globose, black, pycnidial, 200–250 μm diam, with central ostiole exuding a black mucoid conidial mass. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, doliiform to ampulliform, 7–10 × 5–7 μm, proliferating percurrently at apex. Conidia solitary, aseptate, golden-brown, thick-walled, verruculose, ellipsoid, apex obtuse, base bluntly rounded, (11–)12–13(–14) × (7–)8(–9) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and lobate, feathery margin, covering dish after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA and PDA surface and reverse iron-grey; on OA surface olivaceous grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Nieuwoudtville, on leaves with tip dieback of Euphorbia mauritanica (Euphorbiaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3069 (holotype CBS H-24422, culture ex-type CPC 38551 = CBS 146776, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175350.1 and MW175390.1, MycoBank MB837843).

Additional material examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Nieuwoudtville, on leaves with dieback of Brunsvigia bosmaniae (Amaryllidaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3041 (CBS H-24423, culture CPC 38583 = CBS 146777, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175351.1 and MW175391.1).

Endoconidioma Tsuneda et al., Mycologia 96: 1129. 2004.

Synonym. Coniozyma Crous, In: Marincowitz et al., CBS Diversity Ser. (Utrecht) 7: 97. 2008.

Endoconidioma carpetanum (Bills et al.) Crous, comb. nov. MycoBank MB837886

Basionym. Hormonema carpetanum Bills et al., Stud. Mycol. 50: 152. 2004.

Endoconidioma leucospermi (Crous & Denman) Crous, comb. nov. MycoBank MB837887

Basionym. Coniothyrium leucospermi Crous & Denman, S. Afr. J. Bot. 64: 139. 1998.

Synonym. Coniozyma leucospermi (Crous & Denman) Crous, In: Marincowitz et al., CBS Diversity Ser. (Utrecht) 7: 97. 2008.

Notes — Endoconidioma (based on E. populi) is a genus originally described from twigs of Populus tremuloides collected in Canada. It is characterised by having a yeast-like morph in culture, as well as endoconidia, and a coelomycetous, coniothyrium-like morph (Tsuneda et al. 2004). Endoconidioma appears to be the oldest name for a clade in the Dothioraceae containing species with highly adaptable morphology. Coniozyma (based on C. leucospermi), is a morphologically highly variable fungus associated leaf spots of Proteaceae (Taylor & Crous 2001, Marincowitz et al. 2008), which appears to be better accommodated in Endoconidioma. Endoconidioma euphorbiae is phylogenetically related to E. leucospermi (conidia 6–12 × 3–8 μm in vivo, 6.5–15 × 3.5–8 μm in vitro; Taylor & Crous 2001), but distinguished based on its slightly larger conidia. Isolates from Brunsvigia bosmaniae (CPC 38583, conidia (13–)15–16(–17) × 7(–8) μm) are similar in size, though slightly more subcylindrical, and olivaceous brown in colour, but are accepted as falling within the variation for E. euphorbiae.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence of CPC 38551 had highest similarity to Coniozyma leucospermi (strain CBS 111289, GenBank EU552113.1; Identities = 579/592 (98 %), four gaps (0 %)), Hormonema carpetanum (strain 235J14, GenBank KU516485.1; Identities = 561/574 (98 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Endoconidioma populi (strain NWHC 46379-1433_1SD, GenBank MK782233.1; Identities = 516/528 (98 %), three gaps (0 %)). The ITS sequences of CPC 38551 and 38583 differ at two nucleotide positions (590/592 similar nucleotides). Closest hits using the LSU sequence of CPC 38551 are Coniozyma leucospermi (strain CBS 111289, GenBank EU552113.1; Identities = 844/849 (99 %), no gaps), Hormonema carpetanum (strain ATCC 74360, GenBank MF611880.1; Identities = 843/849 (99 %), no gaps), and Endoconidioma populi (strain UAMH 10297, GenBank NG_059198.1; Identities = 812/819 (99 %), no gaps). The LSU sequences of CPC 38551 and 38583 differ at one nucleotide position (811/812 similar nucleotides).

Colour illustrations. Euphorbia mauritanica. Conidia on SNA, and conidiomata oozing dark brown conidia on PNA (scale bars = 200 μm); conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia (scale bars = 10 μm).

(for tree see Supplemetary material page FP1141)

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Endoconidioma euphorbiae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1129 – 19 December 2020

Neometulocladosporiella seifertii Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Named after Keith A. Seifert, a Canadian mycologist who is always impressed by hyphomycetes with such magnificent, pigmented, solitary conidiophores.

Classification — Rutstroemiaceae, Helotiales, Leotiomycetes.

Conidiophores dimorphic. Microconidiophores erect, medium brown, smooth, solitary, subcylindrical, straight to flexuous, 1–3-septate, 35–70 × 3–5 μm, giving rise to a single, terminal conidiogenous cell. Conidiogenous cells 10–30 × 3–4 μm, medium brown, smooth, clavate, with a flat-tipped apical locus, 1–2 μm diam, unthickened, not darkened, giving rise to ramoconidia. Macroconidiophores solitary, erect, straight to flexuous, unbranched, subcylindrical, dark brown, smooth, arising from superficial mycelium, 250–600 × 10–16 μm, 5–12-septate, dark brown, smooth, clavate, giving rise to a series of branches, 10–15 × 5–7 μm, which are medium brown, smooth, subcylindrical to clavate, aseptate, base abruptly tapered to flat-tipped locus, 2 μm diam, apex with 2–4 denticles, 1 × 1 μm, unthickened, not darkened, giving rise to secondary ramoconidia. Primary ramoconidia fusoid-ellipsoid to subcylindrical or clavate, medium brown, smooth, 0–1-septate, 10–22 × 5–6 μm, with 1–3 apical flat-tipped loci, 1 μm diam, unthickened, not darkened. Secondary ramoconidia straight, pale brown, smooth to finely verruculose, 0–1-septate, subcylindrical with obtuse ends, 10–14 × 5–6 μm, base with abrupt taper to truncate hilum, 1–1.5 μm diam, apex with 1–3 denticles, 1 μm diam, not thickened nor darkened, giving rise to branched, dry chains of acropetal conidia, pale brown, smooth to finely verruculose, subcylindrical to ellipsoid with obtuse ends, constricted at median septum, (8–)9–10(–12) × (4–)4.5(–5) μm, with a flat-tipped basal hilum and 1–3 apical denticles, 0.5–1 μm diam, not thickened nor darkened.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 35 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface isabelline, reverse hazel; on PDA surface isabelline, reverse umber; on OA surface isabelline.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, on leaves of Combretum caffrum (Combretaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3048 (holotype CBS H-24424, culture ex-type CPC 38599 = CBS 146795, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175352.1 and MW175392.1, MycoBank MB837844).

Notes — The hitherto monotypic genus Neometulocladosporiella was established for a genus of hyphomycetes occurring on Eucalyptus leaves collected in Colombia (Crous et al. 2018c). Morphologically the two species are very similar regarding their conidiophores, branches and conidial dimensions, and they are best distinguished based on the DNA sequence data.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Neometulocladosporiella eucalypti (strain CPC 31787, GenBank NR_160350.1; Identities = 535/555 (96 %), one gap (0 %)), Lanzia allantospora (strain CBS 124334, GenBank AB926099.1; Identities = 527/559 (94 %), nine gaps (1 %)), and Rutstroemia firma (voucher TU 104487, GenBank LT158448.1; Identities = 516/555 (93 %), nine gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Neometulocladosporiella eucalypti (strain CPC 31787, GenBank NG_064541.1; Identities = 831/836 (99 %), no gaps), Lanzia allantospora (strain CBS 124334, GenBank AB926154.1; Identities = 838/847 (99 %), no gaps), and Ciboria americana (voucher KUS-F52240, GenBank JN086702.1; Identities = 744/760 (98 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Leaves and branches of Combretum caffrum. Erect mononematous macroconidiophores on SNA; Clavate conidiophores giving rise to a series of branches and conidiogenous cells; microconidiophores and chains of conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Neometulocladosporiella seifertii

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1130 – 19 December 2020

Verrucocladosporium carpobroti Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Carpobrotus from which it was isolated.

Classification — Cladosporiaceae, Cladosporiales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiophores solitary, erect, straight to flexuous, branched, subcylindrical, medium brown, verruculose, arising from superficial mycelium, 50–200 × 5–6 μm, 2–10-septate, giving rise to a series of branches, 20–50 × 5–6 μm, which are medium brown, verruculose, subcylindrical, 1–3-septate. Conidiogenous cells integrated, subcylindrical, medium brown, verruculose, terminal and intercalary, 20–40 × 3–5 μm; loci thickened, darkened and refractive, 2–3 μm diam. Primary ramoconidia fusoid-ellipsoid to subcylindrical, thick-walled, medium brown, verruculose to warty, 0–2-septate, 25–55 × 4–5 μm, with 1–3 apical, flat-tipped loci, 2 μm diam, thickened, darkened. Secondary ramoconidia straight, medium brown, verruculose to warty, thick-walled, 0–1-septate, subcylindrical to fusoid-ellipsoid, 15–20 × 4–5 μm; hila thickened and darkened, 1.5–2 μm diam, giving rise to branched, dry chains of acropetal conidia, medium brown, verruculose to warty, subcylindrical to fusoid-ellipsoid, 0(–1)-septate, (10–)12–14(–16) × (4–)5–6 μm; hila 1.5–2 μm diam, thickened and darkened.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 20 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse olivaceous grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, on leaves of Carpobrotus quadrifidus (Aizoaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3027 (holotype CBS H-24427, culture ex-type CPC 38635 = CBS 146784, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175353.1 and MW175393.1, MycoBank MB837845).

Additional material examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Namaqualand, on leaves of Dimorphotheca sp. (Asteraceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3040 (CBS H-24430, culture CPC 38645 = CBS 146796, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175354.1 and MW175394.1).

Notes — Verrucocladosporium was introduced to accommodate cladosporium-like species having ± planate, non-coronate conidiogenous loci and hila, and warty, verrucose conidia. Verrucocladosporium carpobroti is related to V. dirinae (conidiophores up to 85 μm long, conidia 4–18(–23) × (2–)2.5–3.5 μm, 0–1-septate; Crous et al. 2007a), but is morphologically distinct.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Verrucocladosporium dirinae (strain CBS 112794, GenBank NR_152317.1; Identities = 496/509 (97 %), no gaps), Verrucocladosporium visseri (strain CPC 36317, GenBank NR_166320.1; Identities = 475/487 (98 %), one gap (0 %)), and Graphiopsis chlorocephala (strain CPC 11969, GenBank EU009458.2; Identities = 475/498 (95 %), six gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Verrucocladosporium dirinae (strain MUT<ITA> 4857, GenBank KP671739.1; Identities = 865/873 (99 %), no gaps), Graphiopsis chlorocephala (strain CPC 11969, GenBank EU009458.2; Identities = 865/873 (99 %), no gaps), and Verrucocladosporium visseri (strain CPC 36317, GenBank NG_068322.1; Identities = 861/869 (99 %), no gaps)

Colour illustrations. Flower of Carpobrotus quadrifidus. Conidiophores on SNA; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Verrucocladosporium carpobroti

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1131 – 19 December 2020

Stemphylium carpobroti Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Carpobrotus from which it was isolated.

Classification — Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of brown, septate, branched, finely verruculose, 3–4 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores solitary, erect, subcylindrical, mostly unbranched, brown, finely verruculose, 40–120 × 4–7 μm, 3–5-septate, becoming swollen towards conidiogenous cell. Conidiogenous cells terminal, clavate, brown, finely verruculose, thick-walled, 10–20 × 8–9 μm, with terminal locus, 3–4 μm diam. Conidia solitary, dark brown, verruculose, ellipsoid to obovoid, constricted at medium septum, tapering to subobtuse apex, (30–)35–45(–70) × (17–)20–25 μm, with (3–)4(–6) transverse septa, and 1–4 vertical or oblique septa per transverse section.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 50 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse iron-grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, on leaves of Carpobrotus quadrifolius (Aizoaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3027 (holotype CBS H-24428, culture ex-type CPC 38637 = CBS 146789, ITS, LSU and gapdh sequences GenBank MW175355.1, MW175395.1 and MW173103.1, MycoBank MB837846).

Notes — Stemphylium carpobroti is closely related to S. novae-zelandiae (conidia (31–)34–40.5(–45.5) × (9–)11–13(–14.5) μm, with 3–5(–7) transverse septa and 1–2 longitudinal or oblique septa per transverse sector; Woudenberg et al. 2017), but is distinct in having larger conidia. Stemphylium vesicarium is also closely related, but generally has shorter conidia (see Woudenberg et al. 2017).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Asteromyces cruciatus (strain CBS 171.63, GenBank NR_159604.1; Identities = 548/564 (97 %), six gaps (1 %)), Stemphylium vesicarium (strain NIHHS404, GenBank KY555005.1; Identities = 553/571 (97 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Stemphylium lucomagnoense (strain CIRM-BRFM2667, GenBank MK691703.1; Identities = 560/579 (97 %), four gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Stemphylium botryosum (strain CBS 714.68, GenBank NG_069738.1; Identities = 849/851 (99 %), no gaps), Stemphylium vesicarium (strain 18ALIM004, GenBank MT472605.1; Identities = 849/851 (99 %), no gaps), and Stemphylium eturmiunum (strain CBS 109845, GenBank NG_069866.1; Identities = 842/844 (99 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the gapdh sequence had highest similarity to Stemphylium lycopersici (strain G9RS, GenBank MN393479.1; Identities = 369/377 (98 %), no gaps), Stemphylium vesicarium (strain On16-499, GenBank MK675745.1; Identities = 369/377 (98 %), no gaps), and Stemphylium globuliferum (strain SWp202, GenBank KF479194.1; Identities = 369/377 (98 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Leaves of Carpobrotus quadrifolius. Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Stemphylium carpobroti

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1132 – 19 December 2020

Neocladosporium osteospermi Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Osteospermum from which it was isolated.

Classification — Cladosporiaceae, Cladosporiales, Dothideomycetes.

Mycelium of branched, septate, 2.5–3 μm diam hyphae, mot constricted at septa, medium brown, verruculose. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells on hyphae, or erect, straight, sometimes slightly flexuous, narrowly cylindrical, non-geniculate, or nodulose, unbranched, 0–2-septate, up to 65 μm long, 2–3 μm wide, medium brown, verruculose. Conidiogenous cells integrated, mostly terminal, sometimes intercalary, cylindrical, 15–35 μm long, proliferating sympodially with 1–3 conidiogenous loci, 2–3 μm diam, thickened, darkened and refractive. Ramoconidia cylindrical, 15–35 × 4–5 μm, 1–3-septate, concolorous with conidiophores, thick-walled, irregularly rough-walled, smooth to verruculose to warty, apically with up to two hila, 2–3 μm diam, thickened, darkened and refractive. Conidia catenate, in branched, chains, ellipsoid, fusoid to subcylindrical, (11–)13–16(–20) × (3–)3.5(–4) μm, 0–1-septate, medium brown, thick-walled, smooth to verruculose to warty, somewhat attenuated towards both ends, hila truncate, 2–3 μm diam, darkened, thickened and refractive.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 35 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse olivaceous grey.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, on leaf spots of Osteospermum moniliferum (Asteraceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3035 (holotype CBS H-24429, culture ex-type CPC 38641 = CBS 146813, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175356.1 and MW175396.1, MycoBank MB837847).

Notes — Neocladosporium presently contains two species, namely N. leucadendri and N. syringae, characterised by having conidia with a warty, mucoid outer layer (Bezerra et al. 2017, Crous et al. 2020b). Neocladosporium osteospermi adds a third species to the genus.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Neocladosporium syringae (strain CPC 35750, GenBank NR_170057.1; Identities = 648/681 (95 %), 13 gaps (1 %)), Davidiellomyces australiensis (strain CBS 142165, GenBank NR_154036.1; Identities = 612/687 (89 %), 22 gaps (3 %)), and Davidiellomyces juncicola (strain CPC 38038, GenBank NR_166347.1; Identities = 618/699 (88 %), 28 gaps (4 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Neocladosporium syringae (strain CPC 35750, GenBank MT223912.1; Identities = 774/778 (99 %), one gap (0 %)), Neocladosporium leucadendri (strain CBS 131317, GenBank NG_057949.1; Identities = 833/841 (99 %), no gaps), and Neocladosporium leucadendri (as Toxicocladosporium leucadendri; strain CPC 29092, GenBank LT799745.1; Identities = 738/746 (99 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Flower of Osteospermum moniliferum. Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Neocladosporium osteospermi

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1133 – 19 December 2020

Eucasphaeria proteae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Protea from which it was isolated.

Classification — Niessliaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, branched, septate, 1.5–2.5 μm diam hyphae. Conidiomata sporodochial, 100–300 μm diam, becoming aggregated, forming large orange, mucoid colonies on agar; basal stroma of hyaline textura angularis, giving rise to hyaline, smooth, branched, 3–10-septate conidiophores, subcylindrical, 20–70 × 2–3 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal and intercalary, subcylindrical, flexuous, phialidic, hyaline, smooth, 8–20 × 2.5–3 μm. Conidia solitary, hyaline, smooth, guttulate, subcylindrical, straight to slightly curved, apex obtuse, base truncate, 1.5–2 μm diam, 0(–3)-septate, (8–)15–17(–20) × (2–)2.5(–3) μm; 3-septate conidia can become up to 65 μm in length, and frequently undergo microcyclic conidiation.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with sparse aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 25 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA, surface and reverse orange.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, on leaves of Protea neriifolia (Proteaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3030 (holotype CBS H-24433, culture ex-type CPC 38661 = CBS 146815, ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tef1 (second part) sequences GenBank MW175357.1, MW175397.1, MW173116.1 and MW173129.1, MycoBank MB837848).

Notes — Culture CPC 38661 was originally derived from hyaline, aseptate microconidia found on the surface of leaves of Protea neriifolia. In culture, sporodochia with an Eucasphaeria asexual morph developed (Crous et al. 2007b). Based on LSU the present fungus proved to be closely related to Rosasphaeria moravica, which was described as forming densely aggregated orange pycnidial conidiomata in culture (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012). Based on the sporodochia, and conidial morphology, the present collection is best accommodated in Eucasphaeria, although the relationship with Rosasphaeria deserves further study.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Rosasphaeria moravica (strain CBS 124270, GenBank NR_138377.1; Identities = 489/572 (85 %), 26 gaps (4 %)), Neoeucasphaeria eucalypti (strain CBS 145075, GenBank NR_161136.1; Identities = 489/573 (85 %), 35 gaps (6 %)), and Eucasphaeria rustici (strain CPC 28946, GenBank NR_154028.1; Identities = 488/573 (85 %), 31 gaps (5 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Rosasphaeria moravica (strain LMM, GenBank JF440985.1; Identities = 836/851 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), Eucasphaeria capensis (strain CBS 120027, GenBank EF110619.1; Identities = 855/874 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Niesslia pulchriseta (strain CBS 839.96, GenBank MG826846.1; Identities = 854/877 (97 %), five gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the rpb2 sequence had highest similarity to Rosasphaeria moravica (strain LMM, GenBank JF440986.1; Identities = 586/683 (86 %), two gaps (0 %)), Ophiocordyceps mosingtoensis (strain BCC 30904, GenBank MK214100.1; Identities = 545/679 (80 %), six gaps (0 %)), and Ophiocordyceps coccidiicola (strain NBRC 100682, GenBank AB968545.1; Identities = 542/678 (80 %), two gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the tef1 (second part) sequence had highest similarity to Tolypocladium tropicale (strain MX338, GenBank KF747113.1; Identities = 793/864 (92 %), two gaps (0 %)), Isaria takamizusanensis (strain F896, GenBank GU979994.1; Identities = 831/911 (91 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Nectria haematococca (strain GJS89-70, GenBank AY489624.1; Identities = 831/912 (91 %), four gaps (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Flowers and leaves of Protea neriifolia. Sporodochia on OA; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Eucasphaeria proteae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1134 – 19 December 2020

Paramyrothecium pituitipietianum Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Composed of pituita (= mucus, snot) and the name Piet (referring to ‘Pietsnot’ = Snotty Pete, the common South African name of Grielum humifusum).

Classification — Stachybotryaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Conidiomata sporodochial, stromatic, superficial, cupulate, separate to gregarious, oval, 200–350 μm diam with a white, setose fringe surrounding the dark green mucoid conidial mass. Stroma well-developed of hyaline textura angularis. Setae thick-walled, 7–10-septate, straight to flexuous, hyaline, 100–300 × 4–5 μm, tapering to obtuse apex. Conidiophores penicillately branched, hyaline, smooth, 2–4-septate, 20–35 × 3–4 μm. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, tapering at tip, 10–15 × 2–2.5 μm. Conidia aseptate, subcylindrical, straight, pale green, smooth, guttulate, ends obtuse, (7–)9–10(–12) × (2–)2.5 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 35 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface folded, buff, reverse luteous; on PDA surface and reverse buff; on OA surface cinnamon.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Nieuwoudtville, on stems of Grielum humifusum (Neuradaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3057 (holotype CBS H-24435, culture ex-type CPC 38688 = CBS 146817, ITS, LSU, cmdA, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175358.1, MW175398.1, MW173100.1, MW173124.1 and MW173139.1, MycoBank MB837849).

Notes — Lombard et al. (2016) distinguished Paramyrothecium from Myrothecium s.str. and the other myrothecium-like genera by their septate, thin-walled setae surrounding the sporodochia. Paramyrothecium pituitipietianum is closely related to P. parvum (conidia 4–5 × 1–2 μm) and P. telicola (conidia (7–)7.5–8.5(–9) × 1–3 μm; Lombard et al. 2016).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Paramyrothecium parvum (strain CBS 257.35, GenBank NR_145076.1; Identities = 577/589 (98 %), one gap (0 %)), Paramyrothecium roridum (as Myrothecium roridum; strain BBA 62764, GenBank AJ301993.1; Identities = 589/602 (98 %), one gap (0 %)), and Paramyrothecium acadiense (strain CBS 123.96, GenBank KU846288.1; Identities = 576/589 (98 %), one gap (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Paramyrothecium nigrum (strain CBS 116537, GenBank NG_069341.1; Identities = 826/827 (99 %), no gaps), Paramyrothecium foliicola (strain CBS 419.93, GenBank KU846323.1; Identities = 826/827 (99 %), no gaps), and Paramyrothecium roridum (strain CBS 372.50, GenBank MH868182.1; Identities = 845/847 (99 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the cmdA sequence had highest similarity to Paramyrothecium tellicola (strain CBS 478.91, GenBank KU846272.1; Identities = 488/600 (81 %), 17 gaps (2 %)), Paramyrothecium sinense (strain ZSY8, GenBank MH885437.1; Identities = 470/578 (81 %), 19 gaps (3 %)), and Xepicula crassiseta (strain CBS 392.71, GenBank KU847222.1; Identities = 494/608 (81 %), 30 gaps (4 %)). Distant hits using the tef1 sequence had highest similarity to Neomyrothecium humicola (strain CBS 310.96, GenBank KU846527.1; Identities = 207/229 (90 %), six gaps (2 %)), Gregatothecium humicola (strain CBS 205.96, GenBank KU846402.1; Identities = 212/237 (89 %), ten gaps (4 %)), and Brevistachys ossiformis (strain CPC 16031, GenBank KU846092.1; Identities = 209/234 (89 %), nine gaps (3 %)). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Paramyrothecium sp. 2 MP-2020 (strain 18ALOM016, GenBank MT671910.1; Identities = 324/330 (98 %), no gaps), Paramyrothecium terrestris (strain CBS 564.86, GenBank KU846420.1; Identities = 310/343 (90 %), seven gaps (2 %)), and Paramyrothecium acadiense (strain CBS 123.96, GenBank KU846405.1; Identities = 308/342 (90 %), six gaps (1 %)).

Colour illustrations. Characteristic yellow flowers of Grielum humifusum. Conidioma on PNA (scale bar = 350 μm); setae; conidiogenous cells; conidia (scale bars = 10 μm).

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Paramyrothecium pituitipietianum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1135 – 19 December 2020

Polyscytalum pini-canariensis Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Javier Etayo 2

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Pinus from which it was isolated.

Classification — Phlogicylindriaceae, Xylariales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of brown, smooth, septate, 2–3 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores erect, solitary, subcylindrical, branched or not, brown, smooth, flexuous, 1–5-septate, 20–40 × 2–3 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal and intercalary, 10–20 × 2–3 μm, proliferating sympodially, denticulate, flat-tipped, 2.5–3 μm diam, not thickened nor darkened. Conidia occurring in unbranched chains, cylindrical with truncate ends, smooth, guttulate, medianly 1-septate, (18–)22–26(–48) × 3(–3.5) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, reaching 16 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse isabelline.

Typus.Spain, Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, N28°3′18″ O15°41′43″, 520 m, on needles of Pinus canariensis (Pinaceae), 4 July 2019, J. Etayo, HPC 3084 (holotype CBS H-24437, culture ex-type CPC 38727 = CBS 146819, ITS, LSU and actA sequences GenBank MW175359.1, MW175399.1 and MW173095.1, MycoBank MB837850).

Notes — Polyscytalum pini-canariensis should be compared to P. pini (on Pinus sylvestris, UK; conidia (0–)1(–2)-septate, 7–12(–14) × 1.5–2(–2.5) μm, conidiophores 50–110(–140) μm; Kirk 1983 and P. pinicola (on Pinus tecunumanii, Malaysia; conidia (0–)1-septate, (13–)14–15(–16) × 2 μm, conidiophores 40–80 × 2–3 μm; Crous et al. 2020b). The new species can be distinguished based on its shorter conidiophores, and longer conidia.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Polyscytalum neofecundissimum (strain CBS 143390, GenBank NR_158959.1; Identities = 548/590 (93 %), 12 gaps (2 %)), Subulispora britannica (strain ICMP 14767, GenBank EF029198.1; Identities = 533/585 (91 %), 16 gaps (2 %)), and Polyscytalum pinicola (strain CPC 36759, GenBank MT223833.1; Identities = 539/606 (89 %), 15 gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Polyscytalum fecundissimum (strain CBS 100506, GenBank EU035441.1; Identities = 792/801 (99 %), one gap (0 %)), Polyscytalum chilense (strain CBS 143387, GenBank MH107954.1; Identities = 824/834 (99 %), one gap (0 %)), and Polyscytalum eucalyptigenum (strain CBS 143388, GenBank MH107955.1; Identities = 822/833 (99 %), one gap (0 %)). No significant hits were obtained when the actA sequence was used in blastn and megablast searches.

Colour illustrations. Pinus canariensis covered in lichens growing on the Canary Islands. Conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g034.jpg

Polyscytalum pini-canariensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1136 – 19 December 2020

Acremonium behniae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Behnia from which it was isolated.

Classification — Bionectriaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, 1.5–2 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells, erect, straight to flexuous, hyaline, smooth, phialidic, arising from superficial hyphae or from hyphal strands, giving rise to mucoid balls of conidia, but conidiogenous cells aggregated on hyphal strands, forming a sporodochial mass on agar surface conidiogenous cells subcylindrical with apical taper, 10–30 × 1.5–2 μm; apex 1–1.5 μm diam, with minute non-flares collarette, 1 μm tall. Conidia hyaline, smooth, aseptate, subcylindrical to fusoid-ellipsoid, apex subobtuse, base bluntly rounded, (3.5–)4–5(–6.5) × 1.5–2 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with folded surface, moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 30 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface dirty white, reverse buff to dirty white.

Typus. South Africa, Northern Province, Tzaneen, Buffelskloof Nature Reserve, on leaves of Behnia reticulata (Asparagaceae), 2018, P.W. Crous, HPC 3156 (holotype CBS H- 24443, culture ex-type CPC 38798 = CBS 146824, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175360.1 and MW175400.1, MycoBank MB837851).

Notes — Acremonium behniae is closely related to A. charticola (conidiogenous cells 15–45(–60) × 1.5–2(–2.5) μm, conidia 3.2–4.5 × 1.4–2 μm; Gams 1971), but can be distinguished based on dimensions of its conidiogenous cells and conidia.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Acremonium charticola (strain UOA/HCPF 14413, GenBank KC253940.1; Identities = 525/570 (92 %), nine gaps (1 %)) and Acremonium sclerotigenum (strain CBS 286.70H, GenBank MH859618.1; Identities = 535/581 (92 %), 14 gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Acremonium sclerotigenum (strain UBOCC-A-118074, GenBank MT226553.1; Identities = 786/789 (99 %), one gap (0 %)), Acremonium sordidulum (strain CBS 385.73, GenBank MH872418.1; Identities = 837/841 (99 %), no gaps), and Acremonium alternatum (strain CBS 407.66, GenBank FJ176883.1; Identities = 837/841 (99 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. Leaves of Behnia reticulata. Sporulating colony on SNA; conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g035.jpg

Acremonium behniae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1137 – 19 December 2020

Alternaria mirabibensis Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to the collection site, namely the Mirabib Rock in the Namib Desert, Namibia, where Stanley Kubrick filmed ‘the dawn of mankind’ in the movie ‘2001- A Space Odyssey’.

Classification — Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of pale brown, smooth, branched, septate, 3–4 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores erect, solitary, arising from superficial mycelium, 50–150 × 3–5 μm, 3–6-septate, branched or not, brown, smooth, subcylindrical, straight to flexuous. Conidiogenous cells terminal and intercalary, straight to geniculous-sinuous, flexuous, 10–30 × 5–7 μm, with thickened, darkened, 1–2 terminal pores, 2–3 μm diam. Conidia occurring in branched chains, conidia brown, verruculose, guttulate, ovoid to ellipsoid, (23–)33–45(–50) × (13–)15–16(–17) μm (body excluding beak), with 3–6(–7) transverse septa, and (1–)2–3(–6) longitudinal or oblique septa, commonly forming a long terminal beak, 20–120 μm long, that becomes a secondary conidiophore, giving rise to terminal and lateral chains of conidia.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 40 mm diam on MEA, but covering dish on PDA and OA after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface folded, grey olivaceous, reverse isabelline; on PDA surface and reverse grey olivaceous; on OA surface grey olivaceous.

Typus. Namibia, Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, Mirabib, on plant litter, 19 Nov. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 3108 (holotype CBS H-24445, culture ex-type CPC 38838 = CBS 146826, ITS, LSU, actA, chs-1, cmdA, gapdh, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175361.1, MW175401.1, MW173096.1, MW173101.1, MW173102.1, MW173104.1, MW173125.1 and MW173140.1, MycoBank MB837852).

Notes — Alternaria mirabibensis is closely related to Alter-naria burnsii (CBS 130264) (Woudenberg et al. 2015, Nishikawa & Nakashima 2020), but is phylogenetically distinct.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria alternata (strain KU20017.1, GenBank MT487794.1; Identities = 552/566 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), Alternaria arborescens (strain ALT-14, GenBank MH879771.1; Identities = 552/566 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Alternaria burnsii (strain CBS 130264, GenBank MH865506.1; Identities = 552/566 (98 %), two gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Alternaria multiformis (strain CBS 102060, GenBank NG_069860.1; Identities = 870/871 (99 %), no gaps), Alternaria terricola (strain CBS 202.67, GenBank NG_069728.1; Identities = 870/871 (99 %), no gaps), and Alternaria atra (strain CBS 125894, GenBank MH875550.1; Identities = 870/871 (99 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the actA sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria iridicola (strain AC139, GenBank LC481866.1; Identities = 179/185 (97 %), no gaps), Alternaria alternata (strain LSA2, GenBank KY131956.1; Identities = 186/193 (96 %), no gaps), and Alternaria tenuissima (strain U-2, GenBank MN752246.1; Identities = 208/216 (96 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the chs-1 sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria novae-guineensis (strain SCSJ08, GenBank MH793684.1; Identities = 233/242 (96 %), no gaps), Alternaria solani (strain NL03003, GenBank CP022032.1; Identities = 257/269 (96 %), no gaps), and Alternaria radicina (strain BMP0079, GenBank EU141977.1; Identities = 252/264 (95 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the cmdA sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria alstroemeriae (strain CBS 118809, GenBank MH175185.1; Identities = 579/639 (91 %), 15 gaps (2 %)), Alternaria iridiaustralis (strain CBS 118486, GenBank MH175191.1; Identities = 578/638 (91 %), 15 gaps (2 %)), and Alternaria alternata (strain 17MC, GenBank MG925134.1; Identities = 580/647 (90 %), 25 gaps (3 %)). Closest hits using the gapdh sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria tenuissima (strain GP4, GenBank MK451969.1; Identities = 553/577 (96 %), no gaps), Alternaria longipes (strain AXLKY2019010, GenBank MN044655.1; Identities = 552/577 (96 %), no gaps), and Alternaria alternata (strain D11, GenBank MK732570.1; Identities = 552/577 (96 %), no gaps). Closest hits using the tef1 sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria alternata (strain EGS 34-016, GenBank AH013339.2; Identities = 284/304 (93 %), no gaps), Alternaria jacinthicola (strain Mlb684, GenBank HQ413697.1; Identities = 293/317 (92 %), no gaps), and Alternaria longipes (strain KY_2019_012, GenBank MT548042.1; Identities = 247/273 (90 %), five gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Alternaria arborescens (strain BAS_G1, GenBank MF070272.1; Identities = 282/289 (98 %), no gaps), Alternaria tenuissima (strain CBS 124278, GenBank MF070256.1; Identities = 282/289 (98 %), no gaps), and Alternaria gaisen (strain CBS 118488, GenBank MF070254.1; Identities = 282/289 (98 %), no gaps).

Colour illustrations. View from top of Mirabib Rock, looking outwards across the Namib Desert. Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidial chains. Scale bars = 10 μm.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g036.jpg

Alternaria mirabibensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1138 – 19 December 2020

Preussia procaviae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to Procavia capensis (rock rabbit), from who’s dung this fungus was isolated.

Classification — Sporormiaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata pycnidial, solitary, immersed to erumpent, brown, globose, 60–150 μm diam, with central ostiole, 10 μm diam; wall of 3–6 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, phialidic, 4–5 × 2.5–3 μm. Conidia solitary, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, guttulate, ellipsoid with obtuse ends, 3–4 × 2 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, surface folded, with sparse aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margin, reaching 50 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface olivaceous grey, reverse iron-grey.

Typus. Namibia, Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, Mirabib Rock, on dung of Procavia capensis (Procaviidae), 19 Nov. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 3110 (holotype CBS H-24446, culture ex-type CPC 38861 = CBS 146827, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175362.1, MW175402.1, MW173126.1 and MW173141.1, MycoBank MB837853).

Notes — The sexual morph of Preussia procaviae was not observed on the dung, nor did it develop in culture. However, species of Preussia are known to form phoma-like asexual morphs in culture. Preussia procaviae is phylogenetically distinct from its closest relatives.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Preussia sp. (strain CF209171, GenBank KX710223.1; Identities = 510/511 (99 %), one gap (0 %)), Sporormiella intermedia (as Preussia intermedia; strain OK2L1-26P, GenBank KF871451.1; Identities = 476/494 (96 %), four gaps (0 %)), and Preussia antarctica (strain CBS 222.89, GenBank KX710224.1; Identities = 492/514 (96 %), eight gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Preussia minimoides (strain MEXU 26355, GenBank KF557659.1; Identities = 886/888 (99 %), no gaps), Sporormiella isomera (strain CBS 166.73, GenBank MH872355.1; Identities = 886/890 (99 %), two gaps (0 %)), and Sporormiella intermedia (as Preussia intermedia; strain CBS 364.69, GenBank MH878451.1; Identities = 879/889 (99 %), one gap (0 %)). No significant hits were obtained when the tef1 sequence was used in blastn and megablast searches. Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Preussia sp. 10 MP-2020 (strain 18EPLE010, GenBank MT881917.1; Identities = 371/388 (96 %), two gaps (0 %)), Preussia lignicola (strain 18ALIC002, GenBank MT671880.1; Identities = 349/394 (89 %), 14 gaps (3 %)), and Sporormiella intermedia (strain 18THES003, GenBank MT881987.1; Identities = 346/393 (88 %), 12 gaps (3 %)).

Colour illustrations. Mirabib Rock in the Namib Desert, where the sample was collected. Conidiomata on SNA (scale bars = 100 μm); superficial view of conidiomatal wall (scale bar = 50 μm); conidiogenous cells (scale bars = 10 μm); conidia (scale bar = 10 μm).

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g037.jpg

Preussia procaviae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1139 & 1140 – 19 December 2020

Curvularia moringae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Moringa from which it was isolated.

Classification — Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of pale to medium brown, smooth, branched, septate, 4–6 μm diam hyphae. Conidiophores solitary, subcylindrical, erect, geniculate-sinuous, mostly unbranched, 1–10-septate, 20–110 × 5–7 μm, medium brown, smooth. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal or intercalary, subcylindrical, geniculate-sinuous to curved or straight, medium brown, smooth, 12–20 × 5–7 μm; hila thickened, darkened, 2–4 μm diam. Conidia solitary, arranged in rosettes, ellipsoid, straight to slightly curved, medium brown, finely roughened, 3–5-distoseptate, guttulate, apex obtuse, base bluntly rounded with darkened, thickened hilum, 1.5–3 μm diam, (30–)40–48(–51) × (16–)17–21(–23) μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, even margin, covering dish after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse iron-grey.

Typus. Namibia, Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, on leaves of Moringa ovalifolia (Moringaceae), 19 Nov. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 3117 (holotype CBS H-24447, culture ex-type CPC 38873 = CBS 146828, ITS, LSU, gapdh and rpb2 sequences GenBank MW175363.1, MW175403.1, MW173105.1 and MW173117.1, MycoBank MB837854).

Notes — Curvularia moringae is phylogenetically distinct from species presently known in the genus (Marin-Felix et al. 2017a, b, 2020).

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g038.jpg

Curvularia moringae & Moringomyces phantasmae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1139 & 1140 – 19 December 2020

Moringomyces Crous, gen. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Moringa from which it was isolated.

Classification — Saccotheciaceae, Dothideales, Dothideomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, hyphae. Hyphal cells becoming swollen, brown, roughened, forming intercalary chains of chlamydospores enclosed in mucoid sheath, initially transversely septate, becoming muriformly septate, becoming swollen, eventually forming microsclerotia.

Type species. Moringomyces phantasmae Crous.

MycoBank MB837855.

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1139 & 1140 – 19 December 2020

Moringomyces phantasmae Crous, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Neriman Yilmaz 2, Don A Cowan 3, Gillian Maggs-Kölling 4

Etymology. Name refers to the host Moringa ovalifolia (Namibian phantom tree), L. phantasma = phantom).

Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, 1.5–3 μm diam hyphae. Hyphal cells becoming swollen, brown, roughened, forming intercalary chains of chlamydospores enclosed in mucoid sheath, initially transversely septate, becoming muriformly septate, initially 3–4 μm diam, becoming swollen, 8–10 μm diam, eventually forming microsclerotia, more prominent and larger on OA than on SNA, up to 100 μm diam.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, surface folded, with sparse aerial mycelium and feathery, lobate margin, reaching 45 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse iron-grey.

Typus. Namibia, Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, on flower of Moringa ovalifolia (Moringaceae), 19 Nov. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 3130 (holotype CBS H-24449, culture ex-type CPC 38883 = CBS 146830, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175364.1 and MW175404.1, MycoBank MB837856).

Notes — Moringomyces is related to the genera Arxiella, Aureobasidium and Pseudosydowia. Other than the microsclerotia, Moringomyces did not form any conidiomata or conidia in culture, making morphological comparisons difficult. Genera in this complex have similar culture characteristics, namely pigmented hyphae that are strongly constricted at septa, encased in mucilage, and aggregations of hyphal cells that tend to form microsclerotia.

Colour illustrations. Moringa ovalifolia tree growing in the Namib Desert. Left column Curvularia moringae. Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia. Right column Moringomyces phantasmae. Colonies on SNA; hyphae encased in mucilage; microsclerotium. Scale bars = 10 μm.

(notes Moringomyces phantasmae continues on Supplementary material page FP1139 & 1140)

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1141 – 19 December 2020

Neodothiora Crous, G.C. Adams & Winton, gen. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Gerard C Adams 2, Loretta M Winton 3

Etymology. Name refers to its superficial resemblance of the genus Dothiora.

Classification — Dothioraceae, Dothideales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata solitary, erumpent, brown, subglobose, pycnidial, with central ostiole, exuding a crystalline mucoid conidial cirrhus; wall of 6–8 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform, proliferating percurrently. Conidiogenous cells also occurring solitary on superficial hyphae, subcylindrical, hyaline, smooth, proliferating percurrently at apex. Conidia solitary, hyaline, smooth, aseptate, guttulate, ellipsoid, apex subobtuse, tapering to truncate apex.

Type species. Neodothiora populina Crous, G.C. Adams & Winton.

MycoBank MB837857.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g039.jpg

Neodothiora populina

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1141 – 19 December 2020

Neodothiora populina Crous, G.C. Adams & Winton, sp. nov.

Pedro W Crous 1, Johannes Z Groenewald 1, Gerard C Adams 2, Loretta M Winton 3

Etymology. Name refers to the host genus Populus from which it was isolated.

On PNA: Conidiomata solitary, erumpent, brown, subglobose, pycnidial, with central ostiole, 130–180 μm diam, exuding a crystalline mucoid conidial cirrhus; wall of 6–8 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform, proliferating percurrently, 5–7 × 4–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells also occurring solitary on superficial hyphae, ampulliform to subcylindrical, hyaline, smooth, 5–10 × 2–5 μm, proliferating percurrently at apex. Conidia solitary, hyaline, smooth, aseptate, guttulate, ellipsoid, apex subobtuse, tapering to truncate apex, 5–6(–7) × 2.5–3 μm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with sparse aerial mycelium and feathery, uneven margin, covering dish after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface mucoid, saffron, reverse saffron with patches of umber; on PDA surface and reverse umber, margin black; on OA surface umber.

Typus.USA, Alaska, -148.7762872 64.63940972, on stem cankers of Populus tremuloides (Salicaceae), 24 June 2018, G. Adams & L.M. Winton (holotype CBS H-24556, culture ex-type CPC 39399 = CBS 147087, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW175365.1, MW175405.1, MW173127.1 and MW173142.1, MycoBank MB837858).

Additional materials examined. USA, Alaska, -148.7672229 64.64259316, on stems of P. tremuloides, 25 June 2018, G. Adams & L.M. Winton, CPC 39397 = CBS 147085, ITS sequence GenBank MW175366.1; USA, Alaska, -148.3288146 64.73376442, on stems of P. tremuloides, 19 June 2018, G. Adams & L.M. Winton, CPC 39398 = CBS 147086, ITS sequence GenBank MW175367.1; Alaska, Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, -148.33106. 64.73243, on stems of P. tremuloides, 15. Sept. 2020, L.M. Winton, Univ. of Alaska Herbarium (ALA) H1280665, H1280672; ibid., on stems of P. tremuloides, Jan. 2020, L.M. Winton, H1280666–H1280671.

Notes — Neodothiora is reminiscent of the genus Dothiora, having Dothichiza and hormonema-like morphs in culture (Crous & Groenewald 2016, 2017). However, it clusters apart from the type species, D. pyrenophora, and thus a new genus is herewith introduced to accommodate this pathogen, which is associated with severe cankers of Populus tremuloides in Alaska. In field inoculations, conidiomata developed on the tree bark around points of inoculation, which resembled those that developed in culture (on agar and on PNA).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to ‘Uncultured fungus’ (strain UPSC_A12_12, GenBank GU564975.1; Identities = 525/527 (99 %), one gap (0 %)), Scleroconidioma sphagnicola (strain JJ-18-24, GenBank MK880096.1; Identities = 563/591 (95 %), 13 gaps (2 %)), Rhizosphaera macrospora (strain ARSL_071114.1, GenBank

(text continues on Supplementary material page FP1141)

Colour illustrations. Stem canker on Populus tremuloides. Conidioma on PNA; conidiomata on SNA; conidiogenous cells; conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; conidia. Scale bars: conidiomata = 150 μm, all others = 10 μm.

Supplementary material


The first of 1 000 equally most parsimonious trees obtained from the LSU alignment (57 sequences including the outgroup; 809 characters including alignment gaps analysed: 566 constant, 122 variable and parsimony-uninformative and 121 parsimony-informative) using PAUP* v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003). Tree statistics: TL = 496, CI = 0.653, RI = 0.813, RC = 0.531. Parsimony bootstrap support values > 74 % and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.79 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent branches present in the parsimony strict consensus tree. The Bayesian analysis using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012) resulted in a Bayesian consensus phylogram based on 633 002 sampled trees and 180 unique site patterns (data not shown). The scale bar represents the number of changes. The taxonomic novelties described in this study are highlighted with bold text and coloured blocks. GenBank accession and culture/specimen numbers are indicated behind the species names. The two orders are indicated to the left of the tree at the basal branches. The tree was rooted to Diaporthe perjuncta (GenBank NG_059064.1). The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

per-2020-45-10-SF2.jpg (2.6MB, jpg)

The first of 414 equally most parsimonious trees obtained from the ITS alignment (50 sequences including the outgroup; 518 characters including alignment gaps analysed: 332 constant, 74 variable and parsimony-uninformative and 112 parsimony-informative) using PAUP* v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003). Tree statistics: TL = 377, CI = 0.647 RI = 0.882, RC = 0.571. Parsimony bootstrap support values > 74 % and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.79 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent branches present in the parsimony strict consensus tree. The Bayesian analysis using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012) resulted in a Bayesian consensus phylogram based on 161 252 sampled trees and 176 unique site patterns (data not shown). The scale bar represents the number of changes. The taxonomic novelties described in this study is highlighted with bold text and coloured blocks. GenBank accession and culture/specimen numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Dothidea sambuci (GenBank NR_111220.1). The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

per-2020-45-10-SF3.jpg (1.9MB, jpg)
Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1142 – 19 December 2020

Amanita domingensis Angelini & Vizzini, sp. nov.

Alfredo Vizzini 1, Francesco Dovana 1, Claudio Angelini 2

Etymology. Referring to the place of the first collection, Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic.

Classification — Amanitaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus (4.5–)5.5–6(–8.5) cm diam, campanulate, then convex, plane convex, sometimes depressed at the centre at maturity and then with a poor developed obtuse umbo, margin striated up to 1/3 of the radius; surface glabrous, opaque, oily, viscid when moist, ash grey, covered with general veil remnants in the form of whitish grey floccose patches or warts, more abundant on the centre. Lamellae free, sometimes distant, straight, interspersed with lamellulae of varying length, 0.5 cm wide, white then white-yellow and with a finely eroded grey edge. Stipe 8–10 × 0.7–0.9 cm, cylindrical, straight or slightly sinuous, narrowing and flared upwards, internally fistulous; surface covered with small, grey fibrillose squamules, sometimes becoming progressively more snakeskin-patterned and greyer towards the base, on a white background. Volva ± membranous, slightly adherent, low, internally white, externally whitish in the hypogeous part, grey in the emerging part, tending to fracture horizontally forming one or more rings of dark volval material at the stipe base. Annulus absent. Context thin, 0.2–0.3 cm thick (in the pileus), white. Odour and taste not distinctive. Spores (10–)11–12(–13.5) × 8–9 μm (av. 11.4 × 8.5 μm, Qm= 1.35), broadly ellipsoid to oblong, thin-walled, mostly containing one large drop, hyaline, inamyloid, with slightly prominent and eccentric apiculus. Basidia 30–50 × 13–15 μm, clavate, mostly tetrasporic, sometimes bisporic, with sterigmata up to 5 μm long. Marginal cells present but not abundant, not emerging over the basidia, mostly consisting of single thin-walled elements, sometimes bi-catenulate, rarely tri-catenulate, whose basal element, when present, has a mostly ovoid shape, while the terminal one has a pyriform or ovoid-claviform shape, 16–22 × 10–11 μm wide. Partial veil consisting of sphaeropedunculate elements on the lamellar edge, 25–30 × 22–25 μm wide. Universal veil (volva) mixed in structure (membranous + spherocytic) consisting of intertwining hyphae 5–6 μm wide, with also subglobose to sphaeropedunculate elements, 30–45 × 20–35 μm wide. Subhymenium a puzzle layer of cubic-multifaceted cells, about 50 μm wide. Lamellar trama divergent. Pileipellis an ixocutis of stretched and variously intertwined hyphae, with rounded terminals up to 7 μm wide, completely immersed in a hyaline gelatinous layer. Context of non-inflated hyphae, 3–9 μm wide. Stipitipellis a cutis, similar to pileipellis, but non-gelatinized, consisting of parallel non-inflated hyphae, 5–7 μm wide, covered by a layer of hyphae of the universal veil with elongated, pyriform, large terminal elements, 70–180 μm wide; occasionally, with pedunculate spherocytes, residues of the partial veil, similar in shape and size to those of the lamellar edge, 25–35 × 20–25 μm wide. Stipititrama acrophysalidic. Clamp-connections absent.

Habitat & Distribution — Exclusive in deciduous woods (probably associated with Coccoloba diversifolia), from the plains (but far from the beaches) to the hills, gregarious or as single specimens, in autumn and winter. Common.

Typus.Dominican Republic, National Garden of Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, six specimens collected on litter of deciduous wood, 24 Nov. 2014, C. Angelini (holotype JBSD130784, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT991052 and MT991057, MycoBank MB837379).

Additional materials examined. Dominican Republic, National Garden of Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, on litter of deciduous wood, 18 Nov. 2013, C. Angelini JBSD130785 (ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT991053 and MT991058); Puerto Plata, Sosua, 25 Dec. 2016, C. Angelini JBSD130786 (ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT991054 and MT991059).

Notes — Amanita domingensis is one of the few Dominican Amanita species not in association with conifers and represents the most common and abundant Amanita in the deciduous forests. It belongs in sect. Vaginatae (subg. Amanita) where, in the molecular analysis, it occupies an isolated position. Amanita arenicola from Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands, which is common on the beaches in association with Coccoloba uvifera, is distinguished from the new species by its exclusively sabulicolous habitat, the veil, the stipe, the lamellae and the lamellar edge that are completely white at all developmental stages (Miller et al. 2000) and the different ITS sequence, 448/527 bp (85 %) similar. Amanita antillana described from Trinidad and Tobago as an ectomycorrhizal associate of Coccoloba pubescens and Haematoxylum campechianum, differs by the olive brown pileus, usually devoid of velar remnants and with a shortly striated margin, the fragile ochraceous brown volva that often disappears from the stipe at maturity, and broader spores, 10–13.5(–15) × 7.5–11.5(–13) μm (Dennis 1952, Pegler 1983).

Colour illustrations. Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata, Sosua, deciduous natural forest. Fresh basidiomes in field (holotype JBSD130784); volva detail; fresh basidiomes in field (JBSD130785); spores. Scale bars = 1 cm (basidiomes), 10 μm (spores).

Supplementary material


Maximum-likelihood analysis of the nrITS region of Amanita sect. Vaginatae species was performed with RAxML v. 8 (Stamatakis 2014) using the GTR+G model (1 000 bootstrap replicates, bootstrap support values ≥ 70 % are shown). The scale bar represents the number of nucleotide changes per site.

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Amanita domingensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1143 – 19 December 2020

Austroboletus asper K. Syme, Bonito, T. Lebel, Fechner & Halling, sp. nov.

Katrina Syme 1, Gregory Bonito 2, Teresa Lebel 3, Nigel Fechner 4, Roy E Halling 5

Etymology. Asper (rough), in reference to the ornamentation of the basidiospores.

Classification — Boletaceae, Boletales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 3.5–9.5(–22) cm broad when expanded, conico-convex to convex to plano-convex, rarely glutinous to viscid when young and fresh, becoming minutely areolate tomentose to matted tomentose and dry as gluten dissipates, often with a suede-like texture, with white, sterile appendiculate veil remnants, cinnamon brown to brown to cocoa brown (8A3,2; 7E8,7,6; 7D7,6; 6B3; 6C–D–E8,7,6,5; 5C6; Kornerup & Wanscher, 1983). Flesh white, unchanging, up to 2 cm deep, with mild odour and taste. Tubes depressed to deeply depressed around stipe, white when young, soon pinkish brown (8D4; 7C4), usually staining brown (6E8,7). Stipe 3.5–8(–12) cm long, 0.6–1.7(–3.4) cm broad, equal to subclavate, strict or curved, sometimes slightly tapered at base, alveolate to lacunose-reticulate, sometimes coarsely so, white above, occasionally pale yellowish, sometimes pale brownish below on reticulum when fresh, often yellow to brownish orange (5B7, 6C7) at base, especially with age, rarely viscid below when young and moist, otherwise dry, with interior white, unchanging, pithy to hollow with age, white or sometimes pale yellow in the base, with white rhizomorphs.

Spores (12.1–)14.3–18.7(–20) × 4.4–5.5 μm (av. = 16.23 × 4.92 μm, Q = 3.33, spores n = 159, specimens n = 8), faintly wrinkled to very finely and uniformly rugulose to irregularly granular (light microscope) or irregularly foveate with low, short meandering ridges and low, isolated tubercles (SEM), weakly dextrinoid in Melzer’s. Basidia 29–36 × 6–11 μm, four-sterigmata, clavate, hyaline. Tube trama boletoid and divergent, inamyloid, with occasional laticiferous elements, with hyphae, 3.5–10 μm broad. Hymenial cystidia 50–60 × 12–20 μm, scattered, embedded in the hymenium with rostrate portion protruding, fusoid rostrate to ventricose rostrate with septum separating a broad rostrum from ventricose portion, hyaline, thin-walled, inamyloid. Pileus trama inamyloid, hyaline in KOH, with hyphae 5–8 μm broad. Pileipellis a tangled, erect, dense trichodermium, soon collapsing; hyphae with rare hyaline encrustations, hyaline or otherwise a pale ochraceous in KOH, 5–8 μm broad. Stipitipellis a tangled trichodermium of thin-walled, hyaline, soon collapsing hyphae, rarely with obvious end cells.

Habit, Habitat & Distribution — Solitary to gregarious on soil or sand with Agonis flexuosa, Allocasuarina fraseriana, A. littoralis, Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus diversicolor, E. guilfoylei, E. marginata, E. pilularis, E. racemosa, Leptospermum sp., Lophostemon sp., and Syncarpia glomulifera. At present, known in Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia.

Typus. Australia, Western Australia, Denmark, 1874 South Coast Highway, SE section, S34.9861° E117.2876°, 5 May 2013, K. Syme 2828 (holotype MEL2371703, isotype NY02072470, ITS and rpb1 sequences GenBank KP242152 and KP242055, MycoBank MB836723).

Additional material examined. Australia, Queensland, Tablelands, Davies Creek National Park, Davies Creek Road, 12.6 km from Kennedy Hwy, S17.0264° E145.6°, 680 m, 19 Feb. 1992, Halling 6827 (PERTH, NY, LSU sequence GenBank KP242247); Wide Bay District, Great Sandy National Park, Fraser Island, near Lake Birrabeen, S25.4918° E153.054°, 108 m, 4 June 2009, Halling 9159 (BRI, NY); Fraser Island, S25.4095° E153.086°, 112 m, 6 June 2009, Halling 9172 (BRI, NY, LSU, rpb1 and rpb2 GenBank sequences MT921383, MT932084 and MT928122); Fraser Island, Cornwells Road near Kingfisher Bay, S25.4019° E153.031°, 94 m, 24 May 2010, Halling 9362 (BRI, NY, ITS, rpb1 and rpb2 sequences GenBank KP242158, KP242047 and KP242087); Fraser Island, Northern Road, ± 1 km N of Cornwells Road, S25.4253° E153.059°, 100 m, 26 May 2010, Halling 9393 (BRI, NY, rpb1 sequence GenBank KP242057); Victoria, Colac Otway, Carlisle Sate Park, Cricket Pitch Track, 7.5 km W of Gellibrand, S38.5428° E143.477°, 170 m, 9 May 2005, Halling 8685 (MEL, NY, ITS sequence GenBank KP242166); Western Australia, Denmark, off Sunny Glen Rd, state forest N of Plantagenet loc 6722, 6 June 1996, Syme 877 (PERTH, ITS and rpb2 sequences GenBank KP242218 and KP242111); adjoining Plantagenet loc 6721, S34.9315° E117.4435°, 6 May 1998, Syme 955 (PERTH); Walpole-Nornalup National Park, The Knoll lower walk, S34.9938° E116.727°, 18 May 2001, Syme 1139 (PERTH, MEL, LSU and ITS sequences GenBank KP242267 and KP242165).

Additional GenBank sequences. rpb1: KP242085; rpb2: KP242126, KP242127; ITS: KP242164, KP242173, KP242174, KP242186, KP242187, KP242204, KP242216

Notes — In Australia, there are other Austroboletus spp. with similar macromorphology, i.e., pileus colour, texture, and viscidity when fresh and moist. Degrees of separation are based on geographic distribution along with spore size and ornamentation. Austroboletus occidentalis appears to be restricted to Western Australia and has shorter, more citriform spores with similar, but coarser ornamentation and possesses a smooth plage (e.g., Syme 2082: PERTH8105421, NY02449690), a feature not noted in the protologue (Watling & Gregory 1986). Two other currently undescribed species (Austroboletus sp. 5, sp. 6) are only known from Queensland and tropical Northern Territory. A key feature of these latter is the asperulate spore ornamentation that can be difficult to see with a compound light microscope. However, with patience, high resolution optics equipped with Nomarski DIC lenses, a discrete ornamentation can be observed especially if the plage can be seen in adaxial and profile views.

Colour illustrations. Sclerophyll forest of Eucalyptus diversicolor, Corymbia calophylla and Agonis flexuosa near Denmark, Western Australia (photo K. Syme). Habit (Syme 2828, type); spores with DIC light microscope and with SEM; pileipellis; hymenial cystidium. Scale bars = 5 cm (habit), 5 μm (SEM), 10 μm (light micrographs).

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Austroboletus asper

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1144 – 19 December 2020

Cantharellus betularum Voitk & Thorn, sp. nov.

R Greg Thorn 1, Alicia Banwell 1, Jee In Kim 2, Renée Lebeuf 3, Andrus Voitk 4

Etymology. Betularum (Latin: of birches) refers to the tree associates of the species.

Classification — Hydnaceae, Cantharellales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 20–70 mm diam, margins inrolled, becoming plane, then funnel-shaped and irregularly wavy, opaque, yellow-gold, with thin amethyst coating that breaks up into small scales, becoming violet brown, then brown; scales often absent and amethyst colour not common. Hymenium folds moderately spaced, wide, blunt, sinuous, forked, cross-veined and anastomosing, deeply decurrent to almost absent; pale yellow to almost white. Stipe 5–25 × 30–65 mm, enlarging upwards, solid, yellow. Context whitish yellow; odour sweet and fruity. All tissues stain reddish brown with injury or prolonged exposure. Aberrant forms in exposed habitats vary from solitary pegs to fused multicephalic basidiomes. Basidiospores (two observers, five collections, seven sporocarps, 131 spores) (7.7–)8.7–14.3 × (3.9–)4.6–7.1(–7.7) μm (av. 10.4 × 5.6 μm), av. Q = 1.9; elliptical-oblong, usually narrower at the apex, slightly bent, with an asymmetric constriction; content homogeneous. Basidia 65–90 × 7.7–11.6 μm; 4–6-spored; clavate. No cystidia. Clamp connections in all tissues. Wide range in micromorphology between individual basidiomes and collections.

Habitat & Distribution — Solitary or gregarious in leaf litter of Betula, hitherto known from three sites in the Bay of Islands region of western Newfoundland.

Typus. Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Humber Village, trail to Barry’s Lookout, 48.988, -057.792, 159 m a.s.l., in leaf litter under Betula papyrifera, B. cordifolia and B. alleghaniensis (Betulaceae), 14 Sept. 2013, Andrus Voitk 13.09.14.av01 (holotype DAOM 721702, isotype DAOM 734027, nrLSU sequences GenBank KX592700–KX592701, MycoBank MB836965).

Collection and sequence data of 14 paratypes: All same site as holotype (Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Humber Village, trail to Barry’s Lookout, 48.988, -057.792, 159 m a.s.l.) and collector (A. Voitk) except where noted below, 24 Aug. 2008, 09.08.24.av04 (DAOM 72173), Tef1: MN181459, ITS-LSU: MN206942; 25 Aug. 2010, 10.08.25.av02 (DAOM 734021), Tef1: MN181461, ITS-LSU: MN206944, MN206945; 12 Aug. 2011, 11.08.12.av01 (DAOM 734022), Tef1: MN181460, ITS-LSU: MN206943; 10 Aug. 2012, 12.08.10.av01 (DAOM 734016); 2 Sept. 2012, 12.09.02.av11 (DAOM 734024), Tef1: KX592690, LSU: KX592691, KX592692; 3 Oct. 2012, 12.10.03.av01 (DAOM 734025), Tef1: KX592693, ITS: KX592696, KX592697, LSU: KX592694, KX592695; 11 Aug. 2013, 13.08.11.av01 (DAOM 734017); 30 Sept. 2013, 13.09.30.av04 (DAOM 734018), 1 Oct. 2013, 13.10.01.av02 (DAOM 734019), 30 Sept. 2017, M. Voitk, 17.09.30.av01 (DAOM 984767), Tef1: MN181458, ITS: MN206939, LSU: MN206940, MN206941; 2 Sept. 2018, 18.09.02.av01 (DAOM 984768); Humber Village, trail to Weldon’s, 48.99, -057.76, 30 Aug. 2011, A. Voitk, 11.08.30.av02 (DAOM 734023), LSU: KX592688, KX592689; same locale, 21 Aug. 2013, M. Voitk, 13.08.21.av01 (DAOM 734026), LSU: KX592698, KX592699; near Frenchman’s Cove, 49.046, -058.185, E. Humber, 14.09.01.av01 (DAOM 734020).

Notes — Using LSU sequence data, we previously reported this species as Cantharellus amethysteus (Thorn et al. 2017), but ITS, LSU and tef1 are all required to differentiate these two taxa phylogenetically. Cantharellus betularum differs from C. amethysteus by growing on a different continent (impediment to continued genetic mixing), in a region about 10 °C colder, on average, and with birch, not the oak (Quercus) or beech (Fagus; both Fagaceae and not native to Newfoundland) most commonly recorded with C. amethysteus. We have not seen C. amethysteus, but the description by Buyck (2000) suggests that its amethyst scales are more consistent and prominent than those of C. betularum, which are often absent, and its spores are broader (av. 6.5 vs 5.6 μm). Other North American vinaceous-violaceous species are not found in Newfoundland (Buyck & Hofstetter 2011, Herrera et al. 2018), and C. betularum has not been reported outside the Island. Amethyst scales, longer spores, association with birch, and sequence data separate it from C. camphoratus and C. enelensis, the two other golden chanterelles in Newfoundland (Thorn et al. 2017).

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One of 119 equally most parsimonious trees based on sequences of nrITS, nrLSU, and tef1, with node support above branches from Bayesian inference (BI: MrBayes v. 3.2.6, Ronquist et al. 2012), 1 000 bootstrap replicates in maximum likelihood (ML; MEGA X, Kumar et al. 2018, Stecher et al. 2020), and 100 bootstrap replicates in maximum parsimony (MP; PAUP v. 4.0b10, Swofford 2003), and percent consensus among the 119 equally most parsimonious MP trees below. Branches with less than 50 % support are marked with dashes (--) and those that collapsed in a particular analysis are marked with asterisks (**). New sequences are indicated in bold, and sequences from types are indicated as HT (holotype) or NT (neotype).

Colour illustrations. Canada, Newfoundland, Humber Village, near trail to Barry’s Lookout, a mixed forest dominated by Betula papyrifera, B. cordifolia and B. alleghaniensis, where the holotype was collected. Left: typical appearance of C. betularum, with stipitate basidiomata, one fused multicephalic specimen and two peg-like specimens. Note the lighter, blunted hymenial folds, almost absent on the peg form, and brownish orange staining. Centre: close-up of pileus, showing lavender scales, when present. Right: basidiospores, original magni?fication × 1 000 (modified from Thorn et al. 2017: f. 2B, with permission). Scale bars = 1 cm (basidiomes) and 10 μm (basidiospores).

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Cantharellus betularum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1145 – 19 December 2020

Chaetothyrina spondiadis Fuentes-Aponte, K. Kim & Romberg, sp. nov.

Megan Romberg 1, Katherine Kim 1, Stephanie Fuentes-Aponte 1

Etymology. Named for Spondias, the host genus from which this fungus was collected.

Classification — Phaeothecoidiellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Dothideomycetes.

Causes flyspeck on fruits of Spondias. Ascomata thyrothecial, circular, medium to dark brown, gregarious to solitary, superficial, 164.5–254 μm diam, ostiolate, margin entire to slightly irregular. Setae 49–112.5 μm long, wider at the base, scattered on the surface of the thyrothecia, straight, unbranched, septate, brown, smooth, easily removed. Upper wall consisting of 2–3 layers of cells, dark brown, textura epidermoidea. Hamathecium consisting of septate, hyaline pseudoparaphyses, 1.5–2 μm wide, sometimes branched at the tip. Asci bitunicate, oblong to pyriform, 24.7–50.8 × 8.8–16.4 μm, with eight biseriate ascospores. Ascospores hyaline, ovoid to elongated ovoid, 11.3–15.75 × 2.5–5.6 μm, 1-septate, often slightly constricted at septum, ends rounded, walls smooth.

Culture characteristics — Colonies slow-growing, reaching 15–30 mm diam after 35 d at 25 °C on MEA. Colony pulvinate, circular, entire, with a light grey surface, and reverse dark iron-grey.

Typus. USA, Puerto Rico, Hatillo, on fruits of Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae), Nov. 2018, S. Fuentes-Aponte (holotype BPI 911218, culture ex-type CBS 145915, ITS and LSU, sequences GenBank MT339448 and MT339447, MycoBank MB835259).

Additional material examined. USA, Puerto Rico, San Juan, S. mombin, 1961, M. Farr, BPI 644792; San Juan, Spondias sp., 1966, F. Pollack, BPI 644782; San Juan, Spondias sp., 1969, F. Pollack, BPI 646405; San Juan, S. dulcis, 1970, F. Pollack, BPI 646519. – Intercepted specimens: USA, intercepted in Miami, Florida, entering from Jamaica, S. cytherea, 1963, F. Pollack, BPI 646407; intercepted in New York, New York, entering from Brazil, S. mombin, 1964, F. Pollack, BPI 646446; entering from Trinidad, S. dulcis, 1966, A. Watson, BPI 646243.

Notes — Chaetothyrina was described in 1913 by Theissen, with type species Chaetothyrina musarum. Several species have been described in the genus, mainly on tropical hosts including Artocarpus (Chaetothyrina artocarpi), Mangifera (Chaetothyrina guttulata), Anacardium (Chaetothyrina megalospora) and Musa (Chaetothyrina musarum) (Singtripop et al. 2016). The measurements of salient characters for most of these species overlap. Stevenson (1975) identified the fungus causing flyspeck on Spondias cytherea and Spondias mombin in Puerto Rico as Chaetopeltopsis tenuissima which was later transferred to Chaetothyrina as C. tenuissima (Müller & Von Arx 1962). Chaetothyrina tenuissima (Asterina tenuissima) was described from Hevea brasilensis in Sri Lanka by Petch (1906) with the following characters: ‘perithecia 130–160 μm diam, asci 30–40 × 9–12, spores 13 × 4, one-septate, constricted, fusoid, hyaline’. Other superficial, thyrothecial fungi with similar ascospores reported from Spondias include Stomiopeltis sp. reported from Venezuela on Spondias mombin and Schizothyrium sp. reported from Spondias purpurea in the West Indies. Chaetothyrina spondiadis is genetically distinct from both Stomiopeltis and Schizothyrium and clearly belongs to Chaetothyrina. It is morphologically distinct from C. tenuissima, having larger thyrothecia, asci and ascospores.

Few described Chaetothyrina species have sequences available in public databases. In a megablast search of the NCBI GenBank, ITS sequences of C. spondiadis showed highest identity to Chaetothyrina guttulata (GenBank NR_153923.1, 98.17 %) and Chaetothyrina musarum (GenBank KX372275.1, 96.88 %). Alignment of the ITS regions of these and other fungi in the Capnodiales revealed several indels and SNPs between the sequences of the two other species of Chaetothyrina available publicly and Chaetothyrina spondiadis.

Colour illustrations. Puerto Rico, type locality, tree of Spondias mombin. Thyrothecia on host; thyrothecium; asci; ascospores. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Chaetothyrina spondiadis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1146 – 19 December 2020

Circinella lampensis E. Alvarez, C. Muñoz & I. Fernandez, sp. nov.

Eduardo Álvarez Duarte 1, Constanza Muñoz Cortés 1, Ignacio Fernández 2

Etymology. Referring to Lampa, where this fungus was collected, Lampa Caves, Santiago, Chile.

Classification — Lichtheimiaceae, Mucorales, Mucoromycetes.

Hyphae hyaline, 5–10 μm wide, thin- to thick-walled, smooth, aseptate. Sporangiophores erect, 2–20 mm high, branched, hyaline to brownish when older, producing sporangia mainly in umbels of 4–6, circinate branches, often uniseptate stalks; sporangia spherical or subglobose, brown to black in transmitted light, 40–75 μm diam, but mostly about 55 μm; columellae ranging from 15–30 μm, but usually 20 μm, globose to subglobose or pyriform in shape; sporangiospores (4.5–)5–7.5 μm diam, mostly 6 μm, globose to subglobose, biconcave in the frontal view, singly hyaline to slightly coloured. Zygospores and chlamydospores not observed.

Culture characteristics — Colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA) attaining 90 mm diam after 9–10 d at 25 °C, cottony, whitish to light greyish, reverse hyaline. Growth observed at 15 and 25 °C, but no growth at 5 and 37 °C.

Typus. Chile, Santiago, Lampa caves, from soil, Jan. 2020, E. Alvarez, C. Muñoz & I. Fernandez (holotype ChFC-564 in Chilean Fungal Collection preserved in a metabolically inactive state, ex-type culture ChFC-2020564; ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT764259 and MW082021, MycoBank MB836221).

Notes — Based on BLAST search results, the closest hits with the ITS sequence were Circinella umbellata (GenBank JN205858; Identities = 596/611 (97.55 %), six gaps (0 %)) and C. minor (GenBank MH854640; Identities = 588/611 (96 %), eight gaps (1 %)).

Phylogenetic inference, performed using the ITS sequences of different Circinella spp., including the type species C. umbellata, demonstrated that our fungus represents a new species of the genus Circinella, being closely related to the species C. umbellata. Macroscopically, C. lampensis resembles C. umbellata (Hesseltine & Fennell 1955). Both species showed whitish greyish colonies on all media tested. However, microscopically, C. lampensis presents umbels of up to six sporangia, contrasting to C. umbellata which produce umbels of up to 12 sporangia. Also, C. lampensis differs from C. umbellata in having smaller sporangia (up to 75 μm diam vs up to 120 μm diam in C. umbellata), usually smaller sporangiospores (5–7.5 μm vs 4.5–10.5 μm in C. umbellata), and smaller columellae (15–30 μm vs 84–90 μm in C. umbellata). In addition, C. minor can be distinguished from C. lampensis due the larger size of its sporangia and columellae (40–90 μm, and 12–75 μm vs 40–75 μm, and 15–30 μm, respectively).

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Maximum Likelihood tree obtained from ITS sequences of our isolate and sequences retrieved from the GenBank nucleotide database. The tree was built by using PhyML v. 3.0 (Guindon et al. 2010a, b). Bootstrap support values (≥ 70 %) are given above the branches. Mucor simplex CBS 428.80 was used as outgroup. The new species proposed in the present study is indicated in bold. T = ex-type.

Colour illustrations. Lampa caves, Santiago de Chile; colony after 7 d at 25 °C on PDA; umbel with sporangia; sporangia and columella; sporangiospores. Scale bars = 50 μm (sporangia borne in umbel), 10 μm (all others).

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Circinella lampensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1147 – 19 December 2020

Colletotrichum cycadis Andjic, Maxwell & Smith, sp. nov.

Vera Andjic 1, Aaron Maxwell 1, Keelin Smith 1

Etymology. Named after the host genus, Cycas, from which it was isolated.

Classification — Glomerellaceae, Glomerellales, Sordariomycetes.

Sexual morph not observed. Asexual morph on malt extract agar (MEA) (microscopic preparations in lacto-glycerol, with at least 30 measurements per structure). Hyphae hyaline to pale brown, smooth-walled, septate, branched. Mycelium white, becoming olive grey with age. Conidiomata acervular, brown to black. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to pale brown, smooth-walled, aseptate, occasionally septate, mostly cylindrical, gradually thinner towards the apex, (7.5–)11–12(–17.5) × (2–)2.5–3(–4.5) μm (av. ± SD = 11.5 ± 2.3 × 2.6 ± 0.6 μm, L/W ratio = 4.4). Conidia aseptate, hyaline, smooth-walled, cylindrical to fusoid with obtuse ends, sometimes tapering towards the apex, contents granular or guttulate, 9.5–13.5 × 3–4 μm (av. ± SD = 11.5 ± 0.65 × 3.5 ± 0.2 μm, L/W ratio = 3.3). Appressoria single or in small groups, pale to dark brown, smooth-walled, variable in shape, ovate to irregularly lobed, often tapering towards apex, 4.5–8 × 2–5.5 μm (av. ± SD = 6.1 ± 1.1 × 4.5 ± 0.9 μm, L/W ratio = 1.3).

Culture characteristics — Colonies grown from single conidium on MEA reaching 70–80 mm diam after 10 d at 25 °C in the dark, light grey (5Y 7/1) to light olive grey (5Y 6/2) (Munsell & Munsell 2000); with orange conidial ooze on the surface of colony, aerial mycelium white, tufted near centre. Reverse dark olive grey (5Y 3/2), surrounded with white cottony mycelium.

Typus. China, Fujian, Zhangzhou, on leaves of Cycas revoluta, intercepted at Australian border, July 2019, V. Andjic & A. Maxwell (holotype BRIP 71326a, includes holotype culture, LSU, ITS, chs-1, gapdh and tub2 sequences GenBank MW136942, MT439915, MT439917, MT439919, and MT439921, MycoBank MB836054).

Additional material examined. China, Fujian, Zhangzhou, on leaves of Cycas revoluta, intercepted at Australian border, July 2019, V. Andjic & A. Maxwell, AQISWA201901 (culture dead), LSU, ITS, chs-1, gapdh and tub2 sequences GenBank MW136943, MT439916, MT439918, MT439920, and MT439922.

Notes — Leaf spots were observed on the young leaves of Cycas revoluta in a post entry quarantine greenhouse in Carabooda, Western Australia, Australia. Infected plants were destroyed and the pathogen remains absent from Australia (Australian Plant Pest Database 2020). The leaf symptoms were characterised by chlorosis starting from the tip of the leaf going towards the base where it becomes cream and then dark brown. Conidiomata occur in small, black, irregular shaped aggregates, sometimes clustered in concentric circles.

A phylogenetic tree obtained using Bayesian analysis as implemented in Geneious R10 ( of separate and combined sequence data from four gene loci (chs-1, gapdh, ITS and tub2) placed the pathogenic fungus in the Kahawae clade in the C. gloeosporioides species complex (Weir et al. 2012). It is phylogenetically distinct from all other species of the Kahawae clade and can be distinguished with all loci studied, except LSU and tub2. Based on megablast searches on NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest match to C. cycadis using the LSU sequences was C. lentis (99.83 %), using ITS was C. cobbttiense (98.92 % identity), using chs-1 was C. wuxiense and C. aotearoa (98.62 % identity), and using gapdh was C. aotearoa (98.91 % identity).

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Phylogenetic tree from Bayesian analysis based on combined gene sequences (chs-1, gapdh, ITS and tub2) showing the phylogenetic relationships amongst the newly described taxon C. cycadis (in bold) and known species in the C. gloeosporoides complex. Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP > 0.95) are shown at the nodes. The tree is rooted with C. boninense (ICMP 17904). Ex-type cultures are marked with an asterisk (*). The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID S26714).

Colour illustrations. Cycas revoluta plant. Symptomatic leaves; appressoria; conidiogenous cells; colony on MEA at 10 d; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Colletotrichum cycadis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1148 – 19 December 2020

Coprinopsis rubra Örstadius, E. Larss. & L. Nagy, sp. nov.

Leif Örstadius 1, Ellen Larsson 2, László G Nagy 3

Etymology. The epithet refers to the red cap and veil colour.

Classification — Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Basidiomata small, coprinoid. Pileus at first ellipsoid, campanulate, then expanded convex to plane, umbonate, 6–12 mm wide, radially grooved, red to pale red below the veil, when mature or old pallescent becoming grey tinged; veil vividly red to dark red, covering greater part of surface, splitting into flocci especially at centre. Lamellae free, medium spaced, L = c. 25, when young whitish, becoming brown to blackish, with pale red edge, partly deliquescent. Stipe 12–20 × 1–2 mm, thickened towards base, not root-like extended, concolorous with cap at base, with pale red to whitish upper part, fibrillose, with flocculose veil remnants particularly towards base. Smell not distinctive; taste not recorded. Basidiospores 8–10 × 4.8–5.4 μm (av. 8.8–9.2 × 5.1 μm, Qav = 1.7–1.8), oblong, ellipsoid, ovoid, sometimes slightly irregular, in profile flattened on one side, neither amygdaliform nor phaseoliform, rarely broken, in water red (Mu. 2.5YR 4/8, Munsell 1975), with small, central, rather distinct germ pore. Basidia 4-spored, 15–30 × 7–8 μm, surrounded by (3–)4(–5) pseudoparaphyses. Pleurocystidia 35–65 × 20–32 μm, subutriform, ventricose, clavate, sphaeropedunculate, numerous, pale. Cheilocystidia 15–50 × 12–30 μm, similar to pleurocystidia in shape, ellipsoid, numerous. Pileipellis a cutis made up of hyphae with short, 7–14 μm wide cells. Veil cells 20–80 × 5–30 μm, pale to moderately red intracellular pigmented; surface with dark red spots, irregularly and loosely attached, disappearing when gently tapping on the coverslip. Clamp connections seen at stem base mycelium and veil hyphae.

Habitat & Distribution — Growing scattered on cow dung in pastures, only manured from the grazing animals. So far known from three localities in Halland, a southern province of Sweden.

Typus. Sweden, Halland, Steninge, Lövängen, about 15 km N of Halmstad, on cow dung, 28 Aug. 2019, B. Larsson (EL387-19, holotype GB-0207585, ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT800814, MycoBank MB836567).

Additional materials examined. Sweden, Halland, Varberg, Vadkärr, on cow dung, 17 Aug. 2018, K. Persson (LÖ73-18, GB); Halland, Steninge, Lövängen, about 15 km N of Halmstad, on cow dung, 30 Aug. 2019, B. Larsson & K. Persson (LÖ47-19, GB-0207595); Halland, Mannarp, on cow dung, 18 Sept. 2009, L. Nagy, M. Jeppson & T. Knutsson (NL-2758).

Notes — Coprinopsis rubra can be recognised by the striking dark red colour of its cap and veil, coprophilous habitat, and rather small spores. The species belongs to subsection Lanatuli (Uljé 2005) characterised by a hairy-floccose veil made up of elongate elements. Subsection Alachuani differs in having diverticulate often thick-walled elements (Uljé 2005). Coprinopsis erythrocephala is morphologically closely related but can be separated by larger basidiomata, a soon disappearing veil, larger pleurocystidia, larger spores, and a non-coprophilous habitat. In the phylogenetic analysis C. rubra comes out closest to an ITS sequence of an unknown species of Coprinopsis from Brazil, and in the sister clade to C. erythrocephala.

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Phylogram obtained using PAUP* v. 4.0a (Swofford 2003) based on ITS and LSU sequence data showing the position of C. rubra in the Atramentarii and Lanatuli clades (Nagy et al. 2013). Bootstrap values are indicated on branches and the holotype is marked in bold.

Colour illustrations. Sweden, Halland, Steninge, Lövängen, a pasture from the type locality. Basidioma (Varberg, Vadkärr, LÖ73-18); basidiomata (Steninge, holotype); spores; pleurocystidia (above) and cheilocystidia (below); veil cells. Scale bars = 1 cm (basidiomata), 10 μm (spores, cystidia and veil).

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Coprinopsis rubra

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1149 – 19 December 2020

Crinipellis nigrolamellata Antonín, Fiard, Ševčíková, Dumez & Courtec., sp. nov.

Vladimír Antonín 1, Hana Ševčíková 1, Régis Courtecuisse 2, Sylvain Dumez 2, Jean-Pierre Fiard 3

Etymology. The epithet refers to the lamellae that become black with age.

Classification — Marasmiaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 5–10 mm broad, convex-conical to broadly conical with a shallow central umbilicus and involute to inflated margin, then broadly conical with central umbo with distinct umbilicus, distinctly radially fibrillose, fibrils projecting up to 1 mm beyond pileus margin, margin shallowly sulcate, dark brown to black-brown (8F3–5; Kornerup & Wanscher 1978) at centre, other parts brown-argillaceous or brown (6E5), outermost part paler (± 8D5) or even dirty whitish in old basidiomata. Lamellae moderately close, L = 24–28, l = 3, emarginate and with small tooth, slightly ventricose, (greenish) grey (± 5D3), with finely pubescent, at first whitish edge; edge and adjacent parts becoming stainy to entirely black. Stipe 15–45 × 0.5–1(–1.5) mm, cylindrical, very slightly broadened at base, insititious, entirely tomentose to adpressedly hairy, strigose at base, sometimes longitudinally striate, entirely dark brown to black-brown (concolorous with pileus centre). Rhizomorphs absent. Basidiospores (7.5–)8–9.5(–10) × (2.7–)3–4 μm, av. 8.7 × 3.5 μm, E = (2–)2.3–2.8(–2.9), Q = 2.4–2.5, fusoid, lacrimoid, thin-walled, colourless or greyish brownish in KOH, sometimes with one septum, non-dextrinoid. Basidia 17–20 × 6–8 μm, 4-spored, clavate; rare sclerobasidia present, black in KOH. Basidioles 13–25 × 3–9 μm, clavate, subcylindrical, subfusoid. Cheilocystidia 11–27 × 6–8.5(–10) μm, clavate, fusoid, rarely subutriform, mostly with apical projections or (rarely) subcoralloid, less frequently simple, thin- to slightly thick-walled, colourless to often with dark (greyish) blackish contents in KOH. Pleurocystidia (17–)20–35 × 6–9 μm, fusoid, sometimes subrostrate, thin-walled, mostly colourless or pale greyish in KOH. Pileipellis (hypotrichium) a cutis composed of cylindrical, thin- to slightly thick-walled, non-dextrinoid, 3–8 μm wide hyphae; pileus hairs up to c. 1300 × 2–6(–9) μm, cylindrical, obtuse to subacute, thick-walled (walls up to 1.5(–4) μm), often curved especially at base, often septate or with obliterated lumen, dextrinoid, walls reddish brown in H2O, brown-olivaceous to pale olivaceous in KOH, covered with granular or irregular brown incrustation, more frequently towards base. Stipitipellis a cutis composed of cylindrical, slightly thick-walled, 2–5 μm wide, walls ± colourless or pale brownish in H2O; stipe hairs similar to pileus ones, 15–600 × 4–17 μm. Clamp connections present.

Habit, Habitat & Distribution — Solitary or in groups on fallen leaves in forests. So far known only from Martinique, France.

Typus. France, Martinique, Trinité com., Tartane, Point Rouge Reserve, Pointe à Bibi, on leaves of Pisonia fragrans (Nyctaginaceae), 3 Nov. 2015, R. Courtecuisse (holotype LIP 0201684, LSU and ITS sequences GenBank MT946361 and MT946363, MycoBank MB836917).

Additional materials examined.France, Martinique, Trinité com., Tartane, Caravelle Nature Reserve, Anse Four à Chaux, on fallen leaves, 4 Nov. 2015, V. Antonín & R. Courtecuisse (LIP 0201685, LSU and ITS sequences GenBank MT946362 and MT946364); ibid., on fallen leaves, 17 Dec. 2001, J.P. Fiard F2480 (LIP 0701686).

Notes — Crinipellis nigrolamellata is characterised by a dark brown to black-brown pileus and stipe, lamellae becoming black, non-dextrinoid, narrow basidiospores, small cheilocystidia mostly with apical projections, well-developed pleurocystidia, and hairs walls reddish brown in H2O, brown-olivaceous to pale olivaceous in KOH, and covered with brown incrustation.

Black coloured lamellae are described in C. bisulcata known from Ecuador and Venezuela. It differs by shorter and differently shaped basidiospores, 6.3–8.5 × 3.1–3.8 μm (mostly 7–8.5 × 3–3.8 μm) and longer, 37–56 × 4–7.5 μm, cheilocystidia (Singer 1942). However, Singer mentioned that the black lamellae colour of the type specimen may be caused by a bad preservation – specimens were preserved in alcohol at first and then dried. Crinipellis brunnescens also has lamellae brown to black with age or when where bruised. It differs by a smaller stipe, 8–12 × 0.4–0.8 mm, larger basidiospores, 6–10 × 4–5 μm and the absence of pleurocystidia (Kerekes & Desjardin 2009).

Other phylogenetically relatively close species never have dark coloured lamellae. Moreover, C. malesiana has a brown to brownish orange pileus at the margin with age, larger basidiospores, longer pleurocystidia, larger, mostly simple cheilocystidia (Kerekes & Desjardin 2009); C. actinophora also differs by a shorter stipe, the presence of rhizomorphs and the absence of pleurocystidia (Singer 1955, Kerekes & Desjardin 2009); C. pallidipilus has golden brown, then pallescent pileus hairs, a shorter stipe, abundant rhizomorphs, larger basidiospores, cheilocystidia with numerous digitate projections and lacks pleurocystidia (Antonín et al. 2014); C. wandoensis differs by well-developed rhizomorphs, broader basidiospores and absent pleurocystidia (Antonín et al. 2014).

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Crinipellis sp. (strain GL-2017, GenBank LT716050.1; Identities = 615/648 (95 %), eight gaps (1 %)) and the type of Crinipellis pallidipilus (strain BRNM 751595, GenBank KF380833.1; Identities = 572/603 (95 %), 11 gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Crinipellis setipes (strain Bandala 4085, GenBank MN567618.1; Identities = 998/1021(98 %), 4 gaps (0 %)) and Crinipellis nigricaulis (strain G1325, GenBank MK277894.1; Identities = 997/1021(98 %), 4 gaps (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Locality (France, Martinique, Caravelle NR). From top to bottom: basidiomata; stipe hair. Drawing: basidia, basidiospores, cheilocystidia, pileus hairs, stipe hair, pleurocystidia. Scale bars = 1 cm (basidiomata), 10 μm (all microcharacters).

Supplementary material


Phylogram: Best tree from the ML analysis of the nrITS dataset for Crinipellis nigrolamellata and related species with Marasmius crinis-equi as outgroup. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out online at (Dereeper et al. 2008) with PhyML v. 3.0 (Guindon et al. 2010a). Multiple sequence alignments were carried out with MUSCLE v. 3.7 (Edgar 2004). Trees were constructed using TreeDyn v. 198.3 (Chevenet et al. 2006) and edited with the newly generated sequences in bold.

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Crinipellis nigrolamellata

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1150 – 19 December 2020

Cyberlindnera dauci A.M. Glushakova, M.A. Tomashevskaya & Kachalkin, sp. nov.

Anna M Glushakova 1, Maria A Tomashevskaya 2, Aleksey V Kachalkin 3

Etymology. Name refers to Daucus carota from which the species was isolated.

Classification — Wickerhamomycetaceae, Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetes.

On glucose peptone yeast extract agar (GPYA) and 5 % malt extract agar (MEA), after 7 d at 25 °C, streak is white-cream, butyrous, with a smooth surface and entire margin. Cells are subglobose, ovoid to elongate (2–5.5 × 2.5–6.5 μm) and occur singly or in pairs, dividing by multilateral budding. After growth on potato dextrose agar (PDA) cells have visible lipid-like body. Ascospores, pseudohyphae and true hyphae have not been observed during 4 wk at 10 and 25 °C in culture (pure cultures and in mating test) grown on GPYA, MEA, PDA, cornmeal agar (CMA), McClary acetate agar and yeast nitrogen base with 0.5 % glucose (YNB) agar. Fermentation of glucose, sucrose and raffinose are positive. Glucose, inulin, sucrose, raffinose, trehalose (delayed weak), cellobiose, salicin, L-rhamnose, D-xylose, ethanol, glycerol, D-mannitol (weak), D-glucitol, DL-lactic acid (weak), succinic acid, citric acid and arbutin are assimilated; no growth occurs on melibiose, galactose, lactose, maltose, melezitose, methyl alpha-D-glucoside, soluble starch, L-sorbose, L-arabinose, D-arabinose, D-ribose, methanol, erythritol, ribitol, galactitol, myo-inositol, D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, hexadecane, 2-keto-D-gluconate, 5-keto-D-gluconate and D-glucuronate. Assimilation of nitrogen compounds: positive for ammonium sulfate, cadaverine, creatinine, creatine, L-lysine, D-glucosamine, and negative for potassium nitrate. Growth on vitamin-free medium and on 50 % w/w glucose / yeast extract (0.5 %) agar is positive. Growth on MEA with 10 % NaCl is delayed weak. Growth with 0.01 % and 0.1 % cycloheximide is negative. Starch-like compounds are not produced. Diazonium blue B colour and urease reactions are negative. Maximum growth temperature is 27.5 °C.

Typus. Russia, Moscow region, from carrot sample bought on local market, Feb. 2020, A.M. Glushakova, fvmr-2 (holotype KBP Y-6686, preserved in a metabolically inactive state, ex-type cultures VKM Y-3058 = DSM 111207 = CBS 16524, SSU, ITS-D1/D2 domains of LSU nrDNA, tef1 and rpb1 sequences GenBank MT636884, MT636878, LR814018 and LR814019, Myco-Bank MB836776).

Additional material examined.Russia, Moscow region, from carrot sample bought on local market, Feb. 2020, A.M. Glushakova, KBP YE-0693, ITS-D1/D2 domains of LSU nrDNA sequences GenBank MT936327 and MT939260.

Notes — Analysis of the ITS-D1/D2 regions of the surveyed asexual yeasts suggested that they were conspecific and represented a hitherto undescribed species of Cyberlindnera. Based on the NCBI GenBank nucleotide database, the best hit using the ITS sequence is Cyberlindnera galapagoensis CBS 13997T (GenBank NR_159816; 86.56 % similar, 48 subst. and 29 gaps), using LSU it is Cyb. galapagoensis CBS 13997T (GenBank KJ020281; 96.98 % similar, 17 subst.), using SSU it is Candida mengyuniae CBS 10845T (GenBank EU043157; 96.28 % similar, 48 subst. and 14 gaps), using tef1 it is Cyb. mrakii CBS 1707T (GenBank EU307984; 92.92 % similar, 26 subst. and 4 gaps) and using rpb1 it is Cyb. fabianii YJS4271 (GenBank LK052886; 82.51 % similar, 109 subst. and 1 gap). In compliance with a recent phylogenetic analysis of the Cyberlindnera clade (Zheng et al. 2017), the placement of the new species is demonstrated using the combined ITS and LSU rDNA phylogeny. Cyberlindnera dauci can be physiologically differentiated from the phylogenetically most close species Cyb. galapagoensis based on its ability to assimilate trehalose, cellobiose, L-rhamnose and DL-lactic acid.

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Maximum likelihood (ML) tree for the Cyberlindnera clade obtained from the combined analysis of ITS and LSU sequence data. The alignment included 1 194 bp and was performed with MAFFT v. 7 (Katoh et al. 2019). The General Time Reversible model (GTR) with Gamma distribution and invariant sites (G+I) was used as the best nucleotide substitution model. The phylogenetic analysis was conducted in MEGA v. 6 (Tamura et al. 2013). Pichia membranifaciens NRRL Y-2026 (DQ104710/U75725) was used as outgroup (hidden).

Colour illustrations. Russia, Moscow region, carrots on local market (photo provided by Yu.A. Kachalkina). Cyberlindnera dauci KBP Y-6686: growth of yeast colonies on MEA, yeast cells on PDA and MEA (after 7 d at 25 °C). Scale bar = 5 μm.

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Cyberlindnera dauci

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1151 – 19 December 2020

Cyphellophora vietnamensis Iturrieta-González, Dania García, Guarro & Gené, sp. nov.

Isabel Iturrieta-González 1, Josepa Gené 1, Josep Guarro 1, Dania García 1

Etymology. Name refers to the geographical region where the fungus was collected.

Classification — Cyphellophoraceae, Chaetothyriales, Eurotiomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of branched, septate, subhyaline to pale olivaceous, smooth-walled hyphae, 1–1.5 μm diam. Conidiophores commonly macronematous, mononematous or in groups of 2–4, growing laterally or terminally on hyphae, erect, more or less penicillately branched, up to 250 μm long, with stipe pale brown to brown, smooth- and thick-walled; branches bearing terminally groups of 2–3 phialides, pale brown, asperulate to verruculose; micronematous conidiophores also present, consisting in phialides growing directly or on short supporting cells from vegetative hyphae. Phialides lageniform, 12–20 × 2–3.5 μm at the broad part, tapering to a long cylindrical neck with a conspicuous collaret slightly darker than the rest of the phialide, pale olivaceous, smooth-walled. Conidia in long unbranched chains (up to 90 conidia), 0(–1)-septate, ellipsoidal to somewhat fusoid, with truncate ends, obovoid when terminal, pale olivaceous, smooth-walled, 4–7 × 1–2 μm. Chlamydospores absent. Sexual morph not observed.

Culture characteristics — Colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA) reaching 18–19 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C, brownish grey to grey (4D2/4B1) (Kornerup & Wanscher 1978), final edge olive (2F8), velvety, radially folded, aerial mycelium scarce, irregular margin; reverse olive (2F8). On potato carrot agar (PCA) reaching 18–20 mm after 2 wk at 25 °C, olive grey to olive (3D2/3F8), velvety, flat, aerial mycelium scarce, regular margin; reverse olive (2F8). On oatmeal agar (OA) reaching 18–19 mm diam after 2 wk, pale grey to olive (1B1/2F8), velvety at the centre, flat, aerial mycelium scarce, irregular margin; producing a metallic brightness on the border of the colony; reverse olive (2F8). Urease positive; laccase production negative.

Cardinal temperatures for growth — Minimum 15 °C, optimum 25 °C, maximum 30 °C.

Typus. Vietnam, Northeast region, on unidentified dead leaf, Aug. 2011, J. Guarro (holotype CBS H-24475, cultures ex-type FMR 17714 = CBS 146924; ITS, LSU and tub2 sequences GenBank LR814107, LR814108 and LR814116, MycoBank MB836045).

Notes — Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank database, the LSU sequence of C. vietnamensis showed a similarity of 98.22 % (829/844) with the sequence of C. oxyspora (CBS 698.73, GenBank NG_067405) and 97.75 % (825/844) with that of C. suttonii (CBS 125441, GenBank MH874978); the ITS sequence was 96.71 % (558/577) similar with that of Phialophora capiguarae (ex-type strain CBS 132767, GenBank KF928464) and a 88.61 % (537/606) with respect to C. oxyspora (IFM 51368, GenBank AB190870); and the tub2 sequence was 94.65 % (336/355) similar with that of P. capiguarae (strain CBS 131954, GenBank KF928593) and a 77.74 % (255/328) with respect to C. ludoviensis (CMRP 1317, GenBank KX583749). Phylogenetic reconstruction with ITS, LSU and tub2 loci (Attili-Angelis et al. 2014) of the accepted species of Cyphellophora and Phialophora, including the type species of the respective genera (i.e., C. laciniata CBS 190.61 and P. verrucosa CBS 140326), showed that the new species is allocated in a strongly supported clade with C. oxyspora and P. capiguarae, but being closely related to the latter species. Our phylogeny supports that P. capiguarae as well as P. attinorum, both described by Attili-Angelis et al. (2014), belong to the Cyphellophora clade. Although P. capiguarae was previously considered a species of Cyphellophora (Gomes et al. 2016), the formal taxonomic change was not proposed. Therefore, respective new combinations are proposed below.

Morphologically, C. vietnamensis differs from P. capiguarae mainly by having unbranched conidial chains, which are smaller (4–7 × 1–2 μm vs 6.5–9 × 1.9–2.5 μm in P. capiguarae) and commonly aseptate, absence of chlamydospores, and a moderately faster growth (PDA, 18–19 mm vs 13–14 mm in P. capiguarae; OA, 18–19 mm vs 14–15 mm in P. capiguarae) after 2 wk at 25 °C. Cyphellophora vietnamensis clearly differs from C. oxyspora (Gams & Holubová-Jechová 1976, Réblová et al. 2013) by its long penicillate conidiophores.

Cyphellophora attinorum (Attili-Angelis et al.) Iturrieta-González, Gené, Dania García, comb. nov. — MycoBank MB836046

Basionym. Phialophora attinorum Attili-Angelis et al., ‘attae’ Fungal Diversity 65: 68. 2014.

Typus.Brazil, Fazenda Santana, Botucatu, São Paulo, from the cuticle of Atta capiguara gynes, Nov. 2008, A.P.M. Duarte, F.L.A. Guedes & D. Attili-Angelis (holotype and cultures ex-type CBS 131958; ITS, LSU and tub2 sequences GenBank KF928463, KF928527 and KF928591).

Notes — Cyphellophora attinorum is closely related to C. livistonae (Crous et al. 2012, Madrid et al. 2016) and C. sessilis (De Hoog et al. 1999, Réblová et al. 2013), both species formerly classified in Phialophora. Morphologically, C. attinorum can be differentiated from C. livistonae by the production of shorter (1.6–4.2 vs (4–)7–8(–10) μm) and aseptate conidia, and by the absence of chlamydospores. Chlamydospores in C. livistonae are intercalary, 0–1-septate, measuring 8–10 × 3–5 μm (Crous et al. 2012). Cyphellophora sessilis differs by its shorter (up 3 μm; up to 4.2 in C. attinorum) and obovoidal conidia (broadly ellipsoidal in C. attinorum).

Cyphellophora capiguarae (Attili-Angelis et al.) Iturrieta-González, Gené, Dania García, comb. nov. — MycoBank MB836047

Basionym. Phialophora capiguarae Attili-Angelis et al., Fungal Diversity 65: 70. 2014.

Typus.Brazil, Fazenda Santana, Botucatu, São Paulo, from cuticle of Atta capiguara gynes, Dec. 2009, F.C. Pagnocca, N.S. Nagamoto, A.P.M. Duarte & D. Attili-Angelis (holotype and cultures ex-type CBS 132767; ITS, LSU and tub2 sequences GenBank KF928464, KF928528 and KF928592).

Colour illustrations. Vietnam, Northeast region. Colony sporulating on OA after 2 wk at 25 ºC; conidiophores, phialides and conidia after 18 d. Scale bars = 10 mm (colony), = 10 μm (microscopic structures).

Supplementary material


Maximum likelihood tree obtained from the combined analysis of ITS, LSU and tub2 sequences of the genus Cyphellophora and representative species of the genus Phialophora. New species and new combinations proposed are indicated in bold face.

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Cyphellophora vietnamensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1152 – 19 December 2020

Elaphomyces nemoreus Jeppson, Molia & E. Larss., sp. nov.

Mikael Jeppson 1, Ellen Larsson 1, Anne Molia 2

Etymology. Name refers to the occurrence in deciduous woodlands.

Classification — Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Eurotiomycetes.

Ascomata subglobose 1–6 cm diam. Peridial surface yellowish grey-brown with a covering of low and flat, obtuse, somewhat darker warts or platelets on a lighter background. Ascomata are found solitary or in small groups and are covered by a pale yellow to sulphur yellow mycelial layer encrusting soil. Cortex and mycelial covering constructed of loosely to intricately interwoven thin-walled, hyaline to yellowish hyphae, 2–5 μm diam, sometimes with slightly encrusted walls. Areas between the warts are formed by compacted parallel bundles of hyaline compacted hyphae. Peridium in section thick (fresh up to 5 mm), distinctly marbled with large ochraceous to dark brown or purplish brown and irregularly rounded marbles divided by winding, more or less radially arranged whitish veins. Peridium formed by loosely to intricately interwoven hyphae up to 10 μm diam, in darker areas of the marbling with adhering brown grains of extra-cellular pigments. Gleba young greyish white, web-like, later pulverulent and black. Asci not observed. Ascospores dark brown, globose, in KOH 3 % 23–32 μm (av. 26 μm) including ornamentation, 17–25 μm (av. 22 μm) ornamentation excluded, in Hoyer’s solution significantly smaller: 20–25.5 μm (av. 22 μm) including ornamentation, 16.5–22 μm (av. 18.7 μm) ornamentation excluded. Ornamentation in side view with broad spines and warts up to 3 μm high. A surface view reveals groups of spines with confluent apices, with age coalescing to form coarse meshes and crests.

Habitat & Distribution — Found associated with Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur on basic and acidic soils. Likely to have a northern distribution range in Europe, but occurs also in Southern Europe.

Typus. Sweden, Bohuslän, Valla, Sundsby, deciduous woodland under Quercus robur and Fagus sylvatica, 20 m asl., N58.065348° E11.676246°, 17 July 2020, E. Larsson & M. Jeppson 11077 (holotype GB-0207587, ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT872017, MycoBank MB837347).

Additional materials examined. Elaphomyces decipiens: Sweden, Gotland, Mästerby, wooded meadow under Quercus robur, 24 Oct. 2019, E. Larsson 268-19 (GB-0207592), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT872011. Elaphomyces nemoreus: Norway, Agder, Farsund, 2013, A. Molia 351-2013 (O-F21484), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank KR029742; Aust-Agder, Arendal, 9 Nov. 2013, A. Molia et al. (O-F21513), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank KR027943. – Sweden, Bohuslän, Valla, Sundsby, deciduous woodland under Fagus sylvatica, 26 Aug. 2014, K. Rense & M. Jeppson 10151 (GB-0207593), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MF614923; ibid., 17 July 2020, E. Larsson & M. Jeppson 11180 (GB); Bohuslän, Ljung, Tjöstelseröd, under Quercus robur, 24 Apr. 2020, E. Larsson & M. Jeppson 11141 (GB), ITS sequence GenBank MT872012; ibid., 24 Apr. 2020, E. Larsson & M. Jeppson 11139 (GB-0207589); Bohuslän, Resteröd, under Fagus sylvatica, 20 Nov. 2019, E. Larsson 382-19 (GB-0207590), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT872015; ibid., 16 Apr. 2020, E. Larsson 44-20 (GB-0207591), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT872013; Bohuslän, Uddevalla, Rimnersvallen, deciduous woodland under Quercus robur, 3 Aug. 2016, A. Molia & M. Jeppson 10482 (GB-0207594), ITS sequence GenBank MT872016; Västergötland, V. Tunhem, deciduous woodland under Quercus robur, 26 Dec. 2019, A. Bohlin, E. Larsson & M. Jeppson 11076 (GB-0207588), ITS sequence GenBank MT872014.

Notes — Elaphomyces nemoreus belongs to Elaphomyces section Elaphomyces subsection Muricati. It is closely related to E. decipiens (with a neotype recently designated by Paz et al. 2017), with which it shares the characteristic marbled peridium with whitish, more or less radially arranged veins and the ochraceous to dark purplish brown, irregularly rounded, large marbles. Both species have a cortex surface with low flat, grey-brown warts. In E. nemoreus the surface warts typically appear as plates forming a cheetah pattern. In E. decipiens the hyphal crust surrounding the ascomata is creamy white whereas in E. nemoreus it has distinct sulphur yellow tinges. The spores are similar in size and ornamentation in the two species.

In Molia et al. (2020), a genetic divergence was observed within E. decipiens. Further sequenced collections from Scandinavia confirmed this observation and the occurrence of two genetically distinct but morphologically similar species. So, we here recognise E. nemoreus as a distinct species in the subsection Muricati. In the phylogenetic analyses it comes out with support as a sister species to E. decipiens from which it differs by five substitutions and two 1–2 bp insertion/deletion events in the ITS1 region and two substitutions in the ITS2 region. Based on the sequences included here no gene flow between the two genotypes can be observed, which supports their evolutionary autonomy. The sequences originating from North America submitted to GenBank as E. decipiens (EU837299, EU846311) did not come out together with the neotype of E. decipiens nor with the herein described species, and these two sequences are shown to be more closely related to E. barrioi and the recently described E. bucholtzii (Crous et al. 2020a).

Elaphomyces nemoreus is recorded from coastal areas of south-western Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) where it occurs in south-facing, warm forest habitats with Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur, often on acid, but more nutrient-rich soils. Elaphomyces nemoreus is more frequently encountered in Scandinavia than E. decipiens, that must be regarded as rare but with confirmed finds from meadow areas under Quercus robur on calcareous ground. Elaphomyces decipiens may have a more southern European distribution range, but sequence data published in Paz et al. (2017) indicate that also E. nemoreus occurs under Fagus in northernmost Spain.

Colour illustrations. Elaphomyces nemoreus (holotype), habitat. Ascomata; ascospores in side view and surface view. Scale bars = 10 μm (ascospores), 50 mm (ascomata).

Supplementary material


Phylogram obtained using PAUP v. 4.0a (Swofford 2003) based on ITS and LSU data showing the position of E. nemoreus in Elaphomyces subsection Muricati. Bootstrap values are indicated on branches, E. nemoreus is marked in bold and the holotype is indicated.

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Elaphomyces nemoreus

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1153 – 19 December 2020

Exophiala embothrii Sand.-Den. & Giraldo López, sp. nov.

Marcelo Sandoval-Denis 1, Alejandra Giraldo 2

Etymology. Named after the plant genus on whose rhizosphere the fungus was isolated, Embothrium.

Classification — Herpotrichiellaceae, Chaetothyriales, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes.

Mycelium consisting of hyaline to pale brown, smooth, branched, septate, 1–3 μm diam hyphae, torulose hyphae seldom present. Conidiophores short, erect, cylindrical, septate, poorly differentiated 18–50 μm long, 1–2.5 μm wide at the widest portion, often reduced to conidiogenous cells born laterally on the hyphae. Conidiogenous cells terminal or lateral on conidiophores and hyphae, subcylindrical to doliiform, 3.5–12.5 × 1–3 μm, or more commonly as lateral pegs borne terminal or intercalary on undifferentiated hyphae, 0.5–1.5 × 0.5–1 μm. Conidia aseptate, (sub)hyaline, ellipsoidal to cylindrical, (2.5–)4.5–6(–7) × 1.5–2.5 μm, often forming palisades alongside the hyphae or small heads on the tip of conidiophores. Chlamydospores and budding cells not observed.

Culture characteristics — Colonies on malt extract agar (MEA) dull green to olivaceous grey, velvety to cottony, slightly raised to umbonate, margin entire. Reverse olivaceous black without diffusible pigment.

Typus. Chile, Los Lagos Region, Osorno, from rhizosphere of Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae), 1 Jan. 2019, A. Giraldo & N. Sandoval-Giraldo (holotype CBS H-24520, culture ex-type CBS 146558, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW045817, MW045821, MW055980 and MW055976, MycoBank MB837535).

Additional materials examined. Chile, Los Lagos Region, Osorno, from rhizosphere of Embothrium coccineum, 1 Jan. 2019, A. Giraldo & N. Sandoval-Giraldo, CBS 146559 ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW045818, MW045822, MW055981 and MW055977; ibid., CBS 146560, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW045819, MW045823, MW055982 and MW055978; ibid., CBS 146561, ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MW045820, MW045824, MW055983 and MW055979.

Notes — Exophiala embothrii clusters within the salmonis-clade of Exophiala. This clade includes typically waterborne mesophilic species, some of which are associated with superficial and in some cases invasive infections mostly on cold-blooded animals, but also including agents of infection in humans and other homeothermic animals (De Hoog et al. 2011, Najafzadeh et al. 2018, Garzon et al. 2019). The new species described here was isolated from the rhizosphere of a native South American Proteaceae species, Embothrium coccineum. Similarly, two other genetically related Exophiala species of the salmonis-clade, E. radicis and E. tremulae, are known to inhabit plant roots of Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) and Populus tremula (Salicaceae), respectively (Crous et al. 2011, Maciá-Vicente et al. 2016). A four-gene phylogeny based on ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences showed that E. embothrii is phylogenetically closely related to E. opportunistica and E. bonariae. However, E. embothrii differ by its consistently more elongated conidia and phialides, the absence of budding cells and the scarce presence of moniliform hyphae.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Exophiala opportunistica (strain CBS 637.69, GenBank JF747121.1; Identities = 549/549 (100 %), 0 gaps), and Exophiala opportunistica (strain CBS 122269, GenBank JF747124.1; Identities = 549/549 (100 %), 0 gaps). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Exophiala psychrophila (strain CBS 191.87, GenBank MH873750.1; Identities = 812/815 (99 %), no gaps), Exophiala bonariae (strain CCFEE 5899, GenBank KR781082.1; Identities = 812/815 (99 %), no gaps), and Exophiala cancerae (strain CBS 115142, GenBank MH874540.1; Identities = 814/816 (99%), 1 gap (0%)). Closest hits using the tef1 sequence had highest similarity to Exophiala opportunistica (strain CGMCC:3.17515, GenBank KP347908.1; Identities = 192/201 (96 %), no gaps), Exophiala opportunistica (strain CGMCC:3.17507, GenBank KP347907.1; Identities = 192/201 (96 %), no gaps), and Exophiala cancerae (strain CBS 117491, GenBank JN128799.1; Identities = 173/201 (86 %), 3 gaps (1 %)). Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Exophiala opportunistica (strain CBS 112269, GenBank JN112487.1; Identities = 408/408 (100 %), no gaps), and Exophiala opportunistica (CBS 637.69, GenBank JN112490.1; Identities = 405/408 (99 %), no gaps).

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Maximum likelihood tree (RAxML, conducted in the CIPRES science gateway) from the analysis of combined ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequences (total 1 957 bp) of members of the Exophiala salmonis clade. Bootstrap support values above 70 % are indicated on the nodes. The new species proposed in this study is indicated in bold. T and IT denotes ex-type and ex-isotype cultures. GenBank reference sequence accession numbers for ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 are indicated between parentheses. The tree is rooted to Cladophialophora modesta (CBS 985.96).

Colour illustrations. Embothrium coccineum (‘Notro’ or ‘Chilean firetree’) with the Osorno volcano on the background (photo by Samuel Troncoso Sandoval, from Wikimedia Commons, license CC BY-SA 3.0). Conidiophores; conidiogenous cells; conidia. Scale bars = 5 μm.

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Exophiala embothrii

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1154 – 19 December 2020

Geoglossum jirinae V. Kučera, Ševčíková, Slovák, sp. nov.

Viktor Kučera 1, Marek Slovák 2, Hana Ševčíková 3

Etymology. The name ‘jirinae’ honours the collector of the holotype, Jiřina Hrabáková.

Classification — Geoglossaceae, Geoglossales, Geoglossomycetes.

Ascomata solitary, scattered, clavate, stipitate, 18–36 × 2–4 mm, dry, black. Ascigerous part lanceolate or broadly clavate, 1/3–2/3 of the total ascomata length, black, compressed in cross section, clearly delimited from the stipe, smooth both in fresh and dry conditions. Stipe cylindrical, oval in cross section, 9–15 × 1.5–2.5 mm, robust, with black squamules, slightly thickened upward. Asci cylindrical to clavate, (123–)135–145(–166) × 14–17 μm (all measurements of microscopic characters refer to material examined in 3 % KOH), Q = 7.8–9.7, unitunicate, inoperculate, 8-spored, with euamyloid ascoapical apparatus and inamyloid wall in MLZ and IKI. Ascospores elongated clavate to ellipsoid baculiform, usually slightly curved, (39–)45–57(–60) × 5–6(–6.5) μm, Q = 7–10(–12), first hyaline, finally becoming brown in water, blackish in 5 % KOH, 1–4(–7)-septate when mature, most often with three septa, smooth. Ascoconidia not observed. Paraphyses numerous, longer than asci, straight, sparsely or moderately septate, 2–3 μm wide, hyaline, agglutinated by light brown amorphous matter in apical part. Apical cells of paraphyses variable, cylindrical, clavate to capitate, curved, contorted, sometimes bifurcate, or proliferating, mostly 22–47 × 2–3 μm, some cells inflated up to 10 μm. Stipe surface squamulose. Hyphae of the squamules straight, moderately septate, formed by chains of several (4–7) pale brown cells, apical cells clavate.

Habit, Habitat & Distribution — Solitary, on soil among grass. The species is known only from the type locality.

Typus. Czech Republic, Hrubšice village, Nad řekami Nature Reserve, N49°05′35″ E16°17′33″, elev. 257 m, on soil in dry steppe lawns on serpentine slopes, 16 Nov. 2019, J. Hrabáková, (holotype SAV F-11578, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT940893 and MT940893, MycoBank MB837371).

Notes — The combination of characters involving short ascospores (45–55 × 5–6 μm) with predominantly three septa (occasionally 0–7) and stipe with scales, and long (22–45 × 2–3.5 μm) slightly curved last cell of paraphyses is unique for this Geoglossum species. Macromorphologically similar G. fallax differs in longer (65–105 × 5–7 μm) and more septate (7–12) spores (Durand 1908). The steppe habitat on calcareous soil could host also G. cookeanum which is different in chain-forming apical cells of paraphyses, almost smooth stipe and 7-septate ascospores (Minter & Cannon 2015). Very close in having a squamulose stipe, spores (50–60 × 4–6 μm) with 1–3 (5–7 when mature) septa is G. vleugelianum, but the difference is in the coloured and stout, upwardly clavulate paraphyses with pyriform or globose apical cells and easily removed tufts of hyphae on the stipe; G. elongatum has likewise elongate paraphyses and relatively short spores (50–60 × 5–7 μm) with 0–7 septa (Nannfeldt 1942), but has setose hairs on the stipe and therefore was relocated to Hemileucoglossum (Arauzo & Iglesias 2014). It was impossible to verify the type specimen of G. elongatum due to undergoing renovation of the fungarium building (S), but the presence of setose hairs on the stipe is the basic character of the genus Hemileucoglossum. Possibly similar could also be G. fumosum with a densely squamulose stipe, short spores (30–40 × 4.5–5.5 μm) and asci (100–125 × 12–17 μm), but the ascigerous part characteristically looks like it is impregnated by brown smoke (Hakelier 1967).

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The Bayesian majority-rule consensus tree was inferred from the concatenated dataset of ITS-LSU sequences. The dataset included G. jirinae (H: holotype), relevant Geoglossum species, and Leucoglossum leucosporum as an outgroup (TreeBASE study S26857). Bayesian inference was run in MrBayes v. 3.2.7a, using four independent chains, 10 M generations, and a sampling frequency of 1 000 (Ronquist et al. 2012). The best-fit partitioning schemes and models were estimated for the concatenated tree, using the greedy search mode as implemented in the PartitionFinder v. 2.1.1 (Lanfear et al. 2016). The maximum likelihood analysis was computed in RAxML v. 8.2.12 (Stamatakis 2014). Analyses were computed in the CIPRES Science Gateway v. 3.3 (Miller et al. 2010). Numbers above branches indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95 and the maximum likelihood bootstrap support values ≥ 85 %. The scale bar represents the number of nucleotide changes per site.

Colour illustrations. Steppe lawns on serpentine slopes near Hrubšice village in the Czech Republic. Macro- and microscopic structures of holotype: ascomata; ascospores (in KOH); amyloid reaction of the ascoapical apparatus (in IKI); paraphyses (in 3 % KOH); stipe surface (in 3 % KOH). Scale bars = 1 cm (ascomata), 10 μm (microscopic structures).

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Geoglossum jirinae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1155 – 19 December 2020

Gymnascella minnisii Adam, Rea-Ireland, Smyth & Overton, sp. nov.

Jacob D Adam 1, Alden J Mileto 1, Barrie E Overton 1, Abigail E Rea-Ireland 2, Christopher W Smyth 3

Etymology. Named after Andrew Minnis who first mentioned the specimen as 24MN30 (GenBank JX270629) in a survey of Eastern United States bat hibernacula in 2013 after the initial outbreak of White-nose syndrome of bats.

Classification — Gymnoascaceae, Onygenales, Eurotiomycetes.

On oatmeal salt sediment agar: Ascomata gymnothecial-like, more hyphal than peridial, solitary, globose, measuring 28–118.5 (av. = 56.80, n = 40) μm diam; yellow grey (3B6; Kornerup & Wanscher 1978); developing slowly and ripening within 90 d at 25 °C (12 h white fluorescent light / 12 h dark). Ascomatal initials clavate with thin curled hyphae; peridial hyphae light orange to gold yellow (5A4–5B7), smooth and septate with distinct appendages measuring 3.8–31 (av. = 14.86, n = 11) × 1.7–4. (av. = 1.93, n = 11) μm. Asci globose to ovoid, 8-spored, 6.8–10 (av. = 8.5, n = 11) μm diam. Ascospores globose to hat- or saturn-shaped, measuring 2.6–4 (av. = 3.34, n = 19) × 2.8–3.5 (av. = 3.13, n = 13) μm.

Culture characteristics — On Sabouraud dextrose agar (SAB) acidified with 120 μL 85 % lactic acid for optimal pigment production, (12 h white fluorescent light / 12 h dark at 25 °C): Colony yeast-like, at first yellow-grey (3A3–3B6), in age darkening slightly after 90 d. On synthetic nutrient-poor agar (SNA), colony filamentous, at first white to pale yellow-white on SNA (2A1–2A2).

Typus. USA, Pennsylvania, Blair County, Canoe Creek State Park, Canoe Creek Hartman Mine, from bat guano, 15 Mar. 2012, B. Overton LHU G3 (dried, non-metabolically active holotype CUP-70725, in Cornell University Plant Pathology Fungarium, metabolically active culture CBS 147160, ITS sequence GenBank MT988379, MycoBank MB836835).

Notes — Gymnascella minnisii can be differentiated from other species of Gymnascella due to the absence of conidial development. The ascomata of G. minnisii are more hyphal and less developed than the peridial ascomata described in Pseudogymnoascus species. Additionally, the hat- or saturn-shaped ascospores place this species in the Onygenales. Genetic analysis of the ITS gene of G. minnisii suggests that the new species described here is identical to the ITS gene sequence of isolate 24MN30 (Lorch et al. 2013) deposited in GenBank (accession number JX270629). Isolate 24MN30 has remained an undescribed species since the publication of their work. This work is the first to unite 24MN30 and LHU G3 under one name through morphological and molecular data. This species forms racket hyphae similar to that observed by Peck (1985).

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Phylogenetic placement of Gymnascella minnisii compared to close relatives on a maximum likelihood tree with maximum likelihood/maximum parsimony bootstrap support values. Gymnascella minnisii is highlighted in bold. This analysis was based on a single gene alignment, utilising nrDNA sequences (ITS1, ITS4 primers; White et al. 1990) only. PAUP v. 4.0a build 167 (Swofford 2003) was utilised to conduct the 1 000 bootstrap maximum parsimony analysis and maximum likelihood analysis. The maximum likelihood analysis utilised the General Time Reversible (GTR) nucleotide model with rate matrix set to estimate, and variable sites set to gamma distribution. Bootstrap support values greater than 70 % are shown on nodes in the following order: maximum likelihood/maximum parsimony. The alignment was deposited in TreeBASE (submission S26902).

Colour illustrations. Background photo of Canoe Creek Hartman Mine.Colony front colour on SAB at 90 d; colony back colour on SAB at 90 d; dissecting scope image of ascomata on SNA; DIC racket hyphae; fluorescence image of claw-like initials in calcofluor white; ascospores displaying hat- or saturn-shape in calcofluor white. Scale bar = 100 μm (ascomata), 2 μm (ascomatal initial), 5 μm (all others)

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Gymnascella minnisii

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1156 – 19 December 2020

Pseudogymnoascus palmeri Rea-Ireland, Smyth, Lindner & Overton, sp. nov.

Abigail E Rea-Ireland 1, Christopher W Smyth 2, Daniel L Lindner 3, Brent J Sewall 4, Barrie E Overton 5

Etymology. Named after Jonathan M. Palmer, formerly of the United States Forest Service, for his many contributions to the study of Pseudogymnoascus and his contributions to establishing mating-type genes for the genus.

Classification — Pseudeurotiaceae, Thelebolales, Leotiomycetes.

On Rose Bengal Agar (RBA): Ascomata gymnothecial, solitary, globose, measuring 85.3–172.5 (av. = 125.3, n = 10) ×60–161.8 (av. = 112.9, n = 10) μm in size; grey orange (5B3-6; Kornerup & Wanscher 1978); developing rapidly and ripening within 10 d at 25 °C (12 h white fluorescent light / 12 h dark). Ascomatal initials coiled to irregular; peridium is a gymnothecium composed of textura intricata, the peridial hyphae darkly pigmented brownish yellow (5C7), smooth to minutely roughened with distinct appendages. Asci ovoid, 8-spored, 6.7–9.5 (av. = 7.6, n = 35) × 4.9–7.3 (av. = 5.9, n = 35) μm. Ascospores aseptate, fusoid to ellipsoid, smooth, grey orange (5B36-6); 2.9–4.1 (av. = 3.4, n = 80) × 1.8–3 (av. = 2.3, n = 80) μm.

Culture characteristics — (12 h white fluorescent light / 12 h dark at 25 °C): Colony colour analysed on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SAB) acidified with 120 μL 85 % lactic acid for optimal pigment production rather than RBA because the pink colour of the agar compromises interpretation of fungal pigmentation. Colony reverse at first yellow white (4A2), maturing to grey orange (5B3-6) with age after 10 d. On oatmeal salt sediment agar, colony reverse colour is diffuse light orange to orange (6A5-7).

Typus. USA, Pennsylvania, Centre County, Woodward Cave, from sediment, 2019, B. Overton LHU 407 (dried, non-metabolically active holotype CUP-70724, in Cornell University Plant Pathology Fungarium, metabolically active culture CBS 147159 in the CBS Collection of the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute ITS, rpb2, and tef1 sequences GenBank MT988150, MW054468, MW054467; MycoBank MB837413).

Notes — Pseudogymnoascus palmeri produces sexual structures on SNA and RBA in the presence of a bacterium co-isolated from the original sediment sample. A BLAST search of the bacterial co-isolate’s 16S rDNA provided a 100 % match with Pseudomonas moorei. Culture became sterile after removal of the co-isolated bacterium using SAB acidified with 120 μL 85 % lactic acid. Sterility was maintained, even when the fungal isolate was re-plated onto RBA or SNA. Morphological analyses suggest that P. palmeri and P. roseus could be sister taxa. They are similar in the morphological characteristics of gymnothecial ascomata production and ascospore size. Samson (1972) described P. roseus as being characterised by pinkish to reddish ascomata, roughened appendages with spines or warts, and the presence of aleurioconidia. Pseudogymnoascus palmeri can be distinguished from P. roseus based on conidiogenesis (P. palmeri does not produce conidia) and colour (P. palmeri ascomata are grey orange). Samson (1972) did not describe the reverse colour of colony plates, but as a morphological character in Pseudogymnoascus, this should not be ignored (Crous et al. 2019c). Minnis & Lindner (2013) were the first to examine many Pseudogymnoascus taxa using modern phylogenetic methods. This work builds off their multi-gene approach, utilising three of the five phylogenetically informative loci useful for phylogenetic species resolution within the genus Pseudogymnoascus (Minnis & Linder 2013).

The three-locus phylogenetic analysis conducted in this study indicates strong support for the placement of P. palmeri (LHU 407) in a clade with isolate WSF 3629 (Minnis & Linder 2013). Phylogenetically, WSF 3629 is closely related to clade G in the P. roseus complex (Palmer et al. 2014). This isolate is also of significant interest due to its phylogenetic proximity to the white-nose syndrome pathogen, P. destructans.

The relationship of this complex to P. destructans has not been fully resolved, even with a five-gene analysis (Minnis & Linder 2013). WSF 3629 was suggested as a new species by Palmer et al. (2014) but has remained an undescribed species since the publication of their work. This study honours the work of Palmer, and formally describes the new species as Pseudogymnoascus palmeri sp. nov. and identifies a new strain of this species (LHU 407) from Pennsylvania.

In addition to morphology, phylogenetic analysis of a three-gene multi-locus alignment (ITS nrDNA, rpb2 and tef1) support the description of isolates LHU 407 and WSF 3629 as the phylogenetic species P. palmeri, distinct from clade G in the P. roseus complex. This study generated the three-locus dataset for isolate LHU 407. The challenge in resolving the clade G in the P. roseus complex, as well as its association with P. destructans, highlights the need for greater biodiversity sampling of the genus Pseudogymnoascus. The multi-gene data for isolate WSF 3629, and the remainder of the Pseudogymnoascus species, were derived from Minnis & Linder (2013), as well as previous species descriptions for P. lindneri and P. turneri (Crous et al. 2019c). The outgroup taxon was Gymnascella minnisii, GenBank rpb2 and tef1 sequences MW054470, MW054469, also described in this issue of Fungal Planet.

Colour illustrations. Background photo of Woodward Cave, Pennsylvania, USA. Confocal laser-scanning image of gymnothecium; DIC image of ascospores on synthetic nutrient-poor agar (SNA); colony back colour on SAB at 10 d; ascomatal initials on SNA at 10 d; asci and peridial hyphae on SNA. Scale bars = 20 μm (gymnothecium), 2 μm (ascomatal initial), 5 μm (all others).

Supplementary material


Phylogenetic placement of Pseudogymnoascus palmeri sp. nov. on a strict consensus maximum parsimony tree with maximum likelihood/maximum parsimony bootstrap support values (based on 1 000 bootstrap pseudo-replicates), was determined from analysis of a multi-gene alignment of rDNA (primers ITS1, ITS4; White et al. 1990), rpb2 (primers RPB2-7cF, RPB2-11aR; Liu et al. 1999), and tef1 (primers EF1-983F, EF1-2218R; Rehner & Buckley 2005). PAUP v. 4.0a build 167 (Swofford 2003) was used to conduct the maximum parsimony analysis. The parsimony analysis generated a single most parsimonious tree which was also the strict consensus. A maximum likelihood analysis was completed using GARLI v. 2.01 (Zwickl 2006) on the CiPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al. 2010). A consensus tree was generated from a single replicate ML analysis with 1 000 bootstrap pseudo-replications. There were no significant topological differences between the parsimony and likelihood consensus trees. For maximum likelihood, the General Time Reversible (GTR) evolutionary model was utilised, the proportion of invariant sites was set to estimate, and the model of rate heterogeneity was set to gamma distribution. Bootstrap support values located at nodes are: Maximum Likelihood/Maximum Parsimony. Alignment and tree(s) are deposited in TreeBASE (study 27014).

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Pseudogymnoascus palmeri

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1157 – 19 December 2020

Hypoxylon hepaticolor J. Fourn. & A.N. Mill., sp. nov.

Andrew N Miller 1, Jacques Fournier 2

Etymology. From Latin hepar, hepatis = liver and color = colour, for the reddish brown stromatal surface colour reminiscent of that of liver.

Classification — Hypoxylaceae, Xylariales, Sordariomycetes.

Stromata pulvinate to effused-pulvinate, 2–10 mm long × 2–6 mm wide × 1–1.6 mm thick, coalescent into compound stromata up to 35 mm long × 13 mm wide with irregularly lobate contours, with unexposed to slightly exposed perithecial contours and abrupt margins; outermost coating dark brick (60) (Rayner 1970) with a faint vinaceous (57) tone, pruinose, wearing off on elevations and revealing a shiny blackish crust composed of waxy granules appearing light brown when bruised, honey (64) to cinnamon (62) when observed in water under the microscope, releasing sienna (8) KOH-extractable pigments within 1 min with a fugacious amber (47) halo, fading to light sienna with a marked vinaceous tone at 15 min, eventually pale greyish sepia (106) upon prolonged incubation; subperithecial tissue blackish, 0.3–0.8 mm thick, woody, with shiny black, carbonaceous, obliquely oriented strands. Perithecia lanceolate, 0.75–0.95 mm high × 0.2–0.25 mm diam. Ostioles umbilicate, most often inconspicuous. Paraphyses hyphal, thin-walled, remotely septate, 4–6 μm wide at base, tapering to 1.5–2 μm wide above asci, discretely embedded in mucilaginous material. Asci cylindrical, long-stipitate, originating from long ascogenous hyphae in unilateral spicate arrangement, with eight overlapping, uniseriately arranged ascospores, the spore-bearing parts 60–69 × 6–7.5 μm, the stipes fragile, 90–150 μm long, with a discoid apical apparatus, apically convex with a sharp rim, 0.7–0.9 × 2.1–2.5 μm (av. 0.8 × 2.4 μm, n = 20), bluing in Melzer’s reagent. Ascospores (8.8–)9.4–11.4(–11.8) × (4.5–)4.9–5.9(–6.3) μm, n = 120 (av. 10.4 × 5.4 μm), ellipsoid almost equilateral, with narrowly to less commonly broadly rounded ends, the lowermost ascospore in the ascus elongated with somewhat rhomboid ends, dark brown, with a wide straight germ slit c. 2/3 spore length with blurred contours, longitudinally to slightly obliquely oriented; perispore not dehiscent in 10 % KOH; epispore smooth.

Habitat & Distribution — On dead corticated branches in a tropical forest. Known only from Saül, French Guiana.

Typus. French Guiana, Maripasoula, Saül, shortcut toward the airfield, disturbed secondary rainforest, on a dead corticated branch 1.5–2 cm diam, N3.622159 W53.204166, c. 190 m, 20 June 2019, J. Fournier, GYJF 19127 (holotype LIP, isotypes HAST, ILLS00121426, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT799854 and MT799853, MycoBank MB837614).

Additional materials examined.French Guiana, Maripasoula, Saül, shortcut toward the airfield, disturbed secondary rainforest, on bark, N3.623524, W53.206542, c. 200 m, 17 June 2019, J. Fournier, GYJF 19011 (LIP); trail head toward Roche Bateau, disturbed secondary rainforest, on bark, N3.620498, W53.199309, 22 June 2019, J. Fournier, GYJF 19209 (LIP) (immature).

Notes — Hypoxylon hepaticolor can be distinguished by its carbonaceous, effused-pulvinate stromata up to 1.6 mm thick with reddish brown surface and concolorous KOH-extractable pigments, lanceolate perithecia and ellipsoid-equilateral ascospores 10.4 × 5.4 μm on average, with a germ slit less than spore length and a perispore indehiscent in 10 % KOH. This combination of characters does not match any known Hypoxylon species. Carbonaceous stromata with lanceolate perithecia suggest possible affinities with the species recently reinstated in Pyrenopolyporus, accommodating taxa formerly placed in Hypoxylon characterised by peltate to discoid massive stromata over 2.5 mm thick and frequently irregularly shaped ascospores with a perispore indehiscent in 10 % KOH (Wendt et al. 2018). The stromata of the new species are not discoid or peltate and do not reach the thickness encountered in Pyrenopolyporus. Furthermore, affinities with this genus are not supported by our molecular results, which suggest affinities with Hypoxylon. Its three closest relatives in the LSU-based phylogenetic tree are notably different in having waxy-woody stromata with orange KOH-extractable pigments and ascospores with a spore-length germ slit and a perispore dehiscent in KOH.

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Maximum likelihood tree of LSU sequences generated using RAxML HPC2 (Stamatakis 2014) on the CIPRES v. 3.3 portal (Miller et al. 2010). Hypoxylon hepaticolor is in bold. RAxML bootstrap support values above 70 % are shown above the nodes and Bayesian posterior probability scores above 0.95 are shown as thickened branches. GenBank accession numbers for LSU sequences are given after taxon names.

Colour illustrations. French Guiana, Maripasoula, Saül, forest trail where the holotype was collected. Habit of coalescent stromata; stroma in vertical section; stromatal waxy granules observed in water; pigments released in 10 % KOH; long-stipitate ascus; ascospores; apical apparatus in Melzer’s reagent; germ slits on ascospores. Scale bars = 5 mm (stromata), 0.5 mm (section), 10 μm (granules, ascospores), 50 μm (ascus), 5 μm (apical apparatus, germ slits). Photos: Gilles Corriol (background) and Jacques Fournier.

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Hypoxylon hepaticolor

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1158 – 19 December 2020

Inocybe ionolepis Cullington & E. Larss., sp. nov.

Ellen Larsson 1, Penny Cullington 2, Kare Liimatainen 3

Etymology. Refers to the purple scales on the pileus.

Classification — Inocybaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 15–35 mm diam, campanulate to obtusely conical with an obtuse to broad umbo, slightly incurved margin, expanding with age, surface silky fibrillose with large flat depressed scales as young, dark purple and brown around the umbo and purple-lilac towards the margin, contrasting to the pale whitish subpellis trama. Fading with age to become pale greyish lilac at margin. Cortina pale greyish white with a violet tinge. Lamellae moderately crowded, interspersed with lamellulae, sinuate to emarginate, first pale grey with a lilac tint, later greyish brown. Stipe 35–45 × 3–5 mm, equal, equal to slightly bulbous, pale with greyish lilac tint, yellowish tint at the base, pruinose at apex to 1/3 of the stipe, in lower part fibrillose, covered with thin walled hyaline hyphae 5–12 μm wide. Smell slightly spermatic. Basidia clavate, 4-spored, (21.2–)28.8(–33) × (7–)8.6(–10.3) μm. Spores smooth ellipsoid to subamygdaliform with obtuse apex and distinct apiculus (8.6–)9.5(–11.2) × (4.6–)5.1(–6.1) μm, Q = (1.82–)1.84(–1.96) (n = 85). Pleurocystidia (48–)54(–71) × (11–)14(–16) μm (n = 50), lageniform to subutriform, with pedicel, usually abundant with crystals at apex, walls 2–3.5 μm thick, mostly pale colourless. Cheilocystidia similar to pleurocystidia but shorter, (32–)40(–46) × (13–)16(–18) μm (n = 20), lageniform to broadly utriform, walls 2.5–4.5 μm thick. Paracystidia hyaline, pyriform to clavate (14–)17(–22) × (8–)9(–10) μm (n = 10). Caulocystidia at apex similar to pleurocystidia, abundant, with crystals, less so further down (40–)50(–70) × (14–)16(–18) μm (n = 10), fusiform to more cylindrical, caulocystidioid hairs thin-walled, sometimes septate, 40–100 × 9–12 μm, cauloparacystidia few. Pileipellis a compact interwoven cutis of cylindrical hyphae, thin-walled, smooth, hyaline (5–)6–10(–13) μm wide. Clamp connections present in all tissue.

Ecology & Distribution — Associated with deciduous trees, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur. Basidiomata so far only known from England and Sweden, however ITS sequence data generated from soil samples show a wider distribution with occurrence in Iran, Estonia and Latvia.

Typus.Great Britain, England, Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean, near Acorn Patch, 21 Sept. 2017, P. Cullington, in deciduous forest on stony soil under Fagus sylvatica (holotype K(M)236689, isotype GB, ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT909818, and MycoBank MB836902).

Additional material examined. Sweden, Gotland, Linde, Linde Prästänge, Forest meadow on calcareous ground, under Quercus robur, close to Corylus avellana and Betula pendula, 25 Oct. 2019, E. Larsson 279-19, GB-0207596, ITS-LSU sequence GenBank MT909817.

Notes — Inocybe ionolepis belongs in the I. geophylla group and the purple-lilac species surrounding I. lilacina (Matheny & Swenie 2018). The group is identified to host a high phylogenetic diversity and the name I. lilacina has been applied to many taxa in Europe (Ryberg et al. 2008). The group is still in need of further investigations with solid documentation of macro-morphology and ecology. Inocybe ionolepis is characterised by having a pileus with a brown umbo and purple-lilac scales, and a pale yellowish tint at the stipe base. In dry condition the scales are distinctive, see the cap detail bottom right photo, but the scales colour fade and is affected after rain, and maybe also by late season fruiting. The young lamellae have a distinct lilac tone, that with age are becoming greyish brown with a pale lilac tint. Blast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database and the UNITE database identified five additional ITS sequences of I. ionolepis generated from soil samples, suggesting the species to have a broad distribution range in Europe and Iran. In the phylogenetic analysis it comes out in a sister clade to I. lilacina 2 from Europe (Matheny & Swenie 2018). The two sequenced collections in the I. lilacina 2 clade originates from deciduous forests like I. ionolepis, while the two sequenced collections in I. lilacina 1 that comes out in a sister clade to I. sublilacina originates from coniferous forests. This suggests that there is an ecological differentiation within the group.

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Phylogram based on ITS and LSU sequence data showing the position of I. iololepis in the I. lilacina group. Bootstrap support values are indicated on branches and the sequence of the holotype is marked in bold. Multiple sequence alignments were carried out with MAFFT ( The alignment was checked and adjusted manually, heuristic searches and bootstrap parsimony analyses were performed using PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003).

Colour illustrations. Inocybe ionolepis habitat, forest meadow Linde prästänge, Gotland, Sweden. In situ basidiomata (GB-0207596); detail of pileus scales, cheilocystidia and basidiospores (holotype K(M)236689). Scale bars = 10 μm for spores, 20 μm cheilocystidia.

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Inocybe ionolepis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1159 – 19 December 2020

Lactifluus lactiglaucus P. Leonard & Dearnaley, sp. nov.

Patrick Leonard 1, John DW Dearnaley 2

Etymology. lactiglaucus means green milk and refers to the colour of the latex.

Classification — Russulaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus centrally depressed to infundibuliform, 60–100 mm diam; surface dry, slightly velutinate, sometimes rugulose, usually with dirt adhering, azonate, white with some buff colouration at centre; margins in-rolled at first. Lamellae subdecurrent, crowded, anastomosing, off-white, very narrow (< 2 mm), turning slowly greenish on bruising and finally dirty brownish after some hours, lamellulae absent. Stipe cylindrical, 40–60 × 12–18 mm, glabrous, stout, very solid, white, green blotched if injured. Flesh white, thick, exuding a thick latex. Latex white, quickly turning greyish green to pistachio green (29D4-5; Kornerup & Wanscher 1978), turning orange or yellow with KOH. Smell of honey or baked bananas. Spore print white. Spores subglobose, a few broadly ellipsoid, 6.8–8.4 × 5.5–7.4 μm, av. 7.3 ± 0.4 × 6.4 ± 0.5 μm, Q = 1.04–1.3, Qav = 1.15 ± 0.06; ornamentation of low, slowly amyloid warts with fine lines joined to them like flagella, forming a partial reticulum; plage inamyloid, 2 μm (some spores remaining inamyloid at least in dried material). Basidia narrowly clavate, 45–50 × 6–8 μm, sterigmata 2–3 μm long, 2- and 4-spored basidia present. Pleurocystidia numerous, thin-walled, narrowly clavate, 50–60 × 8–10 μm, extending 10–15 μm beyond basidia. Cheilocystidia numerous, similar to pleurocystidia, forming an almost sterile layer along the gill edge. Pileipellis an unusual type of ixocutis, resembling the hyphoepithelium illustrated (G on page 21) by Hielmann-Clausen et al. (1998), hyphae in suprapellis only 3–4 μm wide. No lactifers seen in suprapellis.

Habitat & Distribution — Gregarious in wet sclerophyll forest amongst leaf litter under Eucalyptus spp. So far only known from three sites in south east Queensland.

Typus. Australia, Queensland, Lamington National Park, 30 Mar. 2019, P. Leonard, (holotype PL640319 in BRI, ITS sequence GenBank MW007669, MycoBank MB837537).

Additional materials examined. Australia, Queensland, Bellthorpe, 21 Jan. 1985, T. Young, AQ646335 (BRI); New South Wales, Bald Rock National Park, 10 Apr. 2015, P. Leonard, PL630415 (BRI).

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Notes — This robust white fungus with hot peppery milk that turns pistachio green should be readily recognised in the field, yet it is only known from three collections. The earliest collection was identified as L. pergamenus, a synonym for the European species L. glaucescens. The European species is found in deciduous forests on calcareous soils and is said to be rather rare despite being reported from Northern Europe, North America and Japan. The Queensland collections are distinct, being found with Eucalyptus in wet sclerophyll forests. Morphologically they are distinguished by more abundant milk that is almost immediately green and microscopically by the spores that are more globose than the European species. Its separation from the European collections is supported by our molecular analysis that places it in the same clade as the recently published L. austropiperatus and L. albopicrus (Crous et al. 2020a).

There appear to be at least four Lactifluus species in section Piperates in Australia. They all have predominantly white fruiting bodies, crowded gills, hot to acrid tasting latex, and spores with low (< 0.5 μm) ornamentation. Lactifluus lactiglaucus is the most readily recognised on account of its green latex.

Phylogenetic tree: Maximum likelihood tree of the ITS-nrDNA for a selection of Lactifluus species, aligned using MUSCLE and constructed using MEGA X.

Colour illustrations. Wet sclerophyll forest in south-east Queensland. Lower right sporocarp (holotype); lower centre right abundant green latex; lower centre left subglobose spores with low ornamentation; lower left pileipellis. Scale bars = 10 μm. All photos © Patrick Leonard.

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Lactifluus lactiglaucus

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1160 – 19 December 2020

Lophotrichus medusoides Calvert, McTaggart & R.G. Shivas, sp. nov.

Jed Calvert 1, Alistair R McTaggart 1, Lília Costa Carvalhais 1, André Drenth 1, Roger G Shivas 1

Etymology. Named for the resemblance of ascomata to Medusa of Greek mythology, a Gorgon described as a winged woman with living venomous snakes for hair.

Classification — Microascaceae, Microascales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) smooth, branched, sub-hyaline to pale yellow, hyphae 2–4 μm diam. Ascomata perithecial, immersed or partly immersed, globose to subglobose, scattered, 250–400 μm diam, with beaks 120–200 × 30–40 μm, with peridium composed of dark brown textura angularis; ascomatal appendages numerous, dark flexuous, up to 1.5 mm long, abundant on the beak, curved and narrowed at the apex. Asci evanescent, broadly clavate, 30–36 × 20–24 μm, thin-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 7.5–9.5 × 5.5–6.5 μm, apices rounded, yellowish brown, with a germ pore at each end; wall even, 1–1.5 μm wide, smooth, extruded in a mass loosely held by ostiolar appendages.

Culture characteristics — On PDA after 2 wk in the dark at 23 °C colonies 3.5 cm diam, flat, with sparse aerial mycelium, cream white, ascomata concentrated toward margin; with irregular darkened patches after 3 wk; reverse cream white.

Typus. Australia, Queensland, Iron Range, Lockhart River Rd, isolated from stem tissue of Citrus garrawayi (Rutaceae), 19 July 2019, J. Calvert (holotype specimen BRIP 70690, includes the ex-type culture BRIP 70690, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT180536 and MT186160, MycoBank MB834991).

Notes — Lophotrichus medusoides was isolated as an endophyte from stem tissue of Citrus garrawayi, which is an understory tree endemic to tropical rainforests in the Cape York region of northern Queensland. Species of Lophotrichus have been described from mammal dung and soil and are morphologically similar to Microascus, Pseudallescheria and Kernia (Sandoval-Denis et al. 2016). Other taxa in the Microascales have been reported in association with Citrus as either endophytes, e.g., Scedosporium, or pathogens, e.g., Ceratocystis (De Beer et al. 2014). A phylogenetic analysis of the ITS region showed Lophotrichus was monophyletic and that L. medusoides shared a most recent common ancestor with coprophilic taxa. It differs in morphology to L. fimeti, which lacks beaks on ascomata, to L. plumbescens, which has two types of ascomatal hairs, and to L. martinii, which has larger ascospores and shorter, wavy ascomatal hairs (Guarro et al. 2012). It differs from L. indicus, which has broad ascospores with obtuse ends and ascomata that have abundant terminal hairs (Saxena & Mukerji 1970).

BLASTn results of the ITS sequence of L. medusoides indicated similarity to type sequences of L. fimeti (NR_154109; Identities = 480/485 (98.97 %), no gaps), and Enterocarpus grenotii (NR_159852; Identities = 502/530 (94.72 %), six gaps (1 %)). The LSU sequence shared 1 056/1 096 (96 %) sequence identities with Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum (GenBank MF041789). A network analysis of ITS sequences showed a difference of three parsimony-informative characters between L. medusoides and L. martinii (GenBank MH856648) and four between L. medusoides and L. fimeti (GenBank MF161105).

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Mid-point rooted phylogram from a maximum likelihood search using IQ-TREE v. (Nguyen et al. 2015) with 10 000 ultra-fast bootstraps (Minh et al. 2013), 10 000 replicates of an approximate likelihood ratio test (aLRT), and a best-fit model of evolution (command -m TEST). ITS sequences aligned with MAFFT in UGENE v. 1.30.0 (Okonechnikov et al. 2012). The aLRT and UFBootstrap values are indicated at nodes. Minimum spanning network of all available Lophotrichus ITS sequences generated using POPART v. 1.7 (Leigh & Bryant 2015); hashes indicate number of parsimony informative characters between taxa.

Colour illustrations. Monsoon rainforest in the Iron Range, Cape York Peninsula, Far North Queensland, Australia. Ascomata showing long ascomatal hairs; textura angularis; ascospores from ruptured ascomata; 8-spored unitunicate ascus; hyphae. Scale bars = 1 mm (top left), 10 μm (all others).

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Lophotrichus medusoides

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1161 – 19 December 2020

Melanoleuca dominicana Angelini, Para & Vizzini, sp. nov.

Alfredo Vizzini 1, Francesco Dovana 1, Claudio Angelini 2, Roberto Para 3

Etymology. The name dominicana (Spanish) refers to the occurrence of the species in the Dominican Republic.

Classification — Incertae sedis in the Pluteineae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 4–5 cm diam, applanate, depressed with an umbilicate centre, rarely with a large and low umbo; pileus surface smooth, opaque, always very dark in the centre, brownish, up to blackish brown, otherwise ochre-brown, grey-brownish, also ash-grey. Lamellae medium crowded, with numerous lamellulae (l = 1–3) of various lengths emarginated with long decurrent tooth, straight, white. Stipe 3.5–4 × 0.5–1 cm, central, cylindrical, enlarged at the apex, clavate at the base, longitudinally fibrillose, from brown to dirty greyish brown, blackening at the base. Context white brownish in the pileus, brown in the stipe, brown blackish in the stipe base. Odour and taste not distinctive. Spores 5.8–7.8 × 4.8–6 μm (av. 7 × 5.3 μm, Q = 1.16–1.51, Qm = 1.32), subglobose, hyaline, warty; warts isolated rarely with thin ridges, with evident suprapicular zone, amyloid. Basidia 2–4-spored, 31.5–36 × 7.2–9.6 μm, clavate, with pedunculate fusiform base. Cheilocystidia 38.4–48 × 4.8–9.6 μm, very numerous, mainly nettle-hair shaped (urticoid) to fusoid with a transversal septum and crystals at the apex (exscissa-type). Pleurocystidia not observed. Paracystidia very numerous, cylindroid-clavate to irregularly clavate. Pileipellis a cutis with up to 4 μm wide hyphae, confusedly intertwined with few emerging elements. Pileocystidia not observed. Stipitipellis a cutis with parallel hyphae from which scattered cauloparacystidia emerge; outermost hyphae cylindrical, up to 170 μm long and 3.5 μm wide, in the inner layer cylindrical to allantoid, up to 48 μm long ad 8.5 μm wide. Caulocystidia not observed. Cauloparacystidia cylindroid to flexuous, cylindroid-clavate, sometimes bifurcate, 21.5–36 × 3.4–7.2 μm. Lamellar trama regular, with parallel, slightly intertwined hyphae, 5–7 μm wide. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.

Habitat & Distribution — Growing solitary on tropical forest litter with both deciduous and coniferous trees, from sea level to the mountains. Uncommon in the studied area. So far known only from the Dominican Republic.

Typus.Dominican Republic, La Vega, Jarabacoa, two basidiomes on litter from a tropical mountain forest, with both broad-leaved and coniferous trees (Pinus occidentalis), 6 Dec. 2014, C. Angelini (holotype JBSD130779, ITS sequence GenBank MT991407, MycoBank MB837378).

Additional materials examined. Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata, Sosua, one basidiome collected on litter of a heavily anthropized humid woodland of deciduous trees, a few km from the sea, 29 Nov. 2013, C. Angelini JBSD130781; ibid., 30 Nov. 2013, C. Angelini, JBSD130780, ITS sequence GenBank MT991406.

Notes — The new species belongs in subg. Urticocystis. The two collections of Melanoleuca dominicana clustered in a strongly supported clade (MLB = 100) sister to M. jaliscoensis and M. longisterigma clade but without support. Melanoleuca dominicana is well differentiated from the other Melanoleuca species described in literature, based on morphological and/or molecular characteristics. Melanoleuca tucumanensis, M. tucumanensis var. colorata and M. tucumanensis var. striata from Argentina (Singer & Digilio 1951, Raithelhuber 1974) have larger spores (7.5–10.3 × 6.2–7.5 μm, Singer & Digilio 1951; 7.2–9.6 × 4.8–7.2 μm, pers. obs.). Despite several attempts, it was not possible to sequence neither the type nor other available collections of these three latter taxa. Melanoleuca jaliscoensis from Mexico differs from M. dominicana by its larger pileus (6.5–10 cm broad) and presence of pleurocystidia (Sánchez-García et al. 2013). Melanoleuca longisterigma from Mexico is distinguished by up to 10 μm long spores, a relevant percentage of mono- to bisporic basidia with long sterigmata and cylindrical to fusoid non-septate cheilocystidia without apical crystals (Sánchez-García et al. 2013). Melanoleuca yucatanensis from Mexico has pleurocystidia and shows shorter spores, (5.2–)6–7 μm long (Bon 1984).

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Maximum-likelihood analysis of the nrITS region of Melanoleuca subg. Urticocystis species was performed with RAxML v. 8 (Stamatakis 2014) using the GTR+G model (1 000 bootstrap replicates). Only maximum-likelihood bootstrap support values ≥ 70 % are shown in the phylogenetic tree. The scale bar represents the number of nucleotide changes per site.

Colour illustrations. Dominican Republic, La Vega, Jarabacoa, Pinus occidentalis forest, where the holotype specimen was collected. Melanoleuca dominicana basidiomata in field (holotype JBSD130779); fresh basidiomata after being collected (JBSD130780); fresh pileus (JBSD130781); lamellae attachment detail; cheilocystidia and spores; line drawings (spores, basidia, cheilocystidia, paracystidia, stipitipellis). Scale bars = 1 cm (basidiomes), 10 μm (cheilocystidia and spores, pictures).

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Melanoleuca dominicana

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1162 – 19 December 2020

Moelleriella puertoricoensis Mongkolsamrit, Noisripoom & Luangsa-ard, sp. nov.

Suchada Mongkolsamrit 1, Wasana Noisripoom 1, Janet Jennifer Luangsa-ard 1

Etymology. Name refers to Puerto Rico, the location where this species was collected.

Classification — Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Specimens found on the underside of dicotyledonous leaves of forest plants. Hosts are scale insect nymphs (Hemiptera). Stromata discoid, distinctly stud-shaped, up to 3 mm diam, and 1–2.5 mm high, pale yellow, base surrounded by a white membranous hypothallus. Conidiomata scattered around a narrow neck, with a pale yellow to yellow mass of conidia. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, aschersonia-like, cylindrical, straight, up to 55 μm long, 1–2 μm wide, forming a compact layer. Conidia hyaline, fusoid, with acute ends, aseptate, (10–)11–12.5(–14) × 2–3 μm. Paraphyses absent. Hirsutella-like synasexual morph scattered on the upper surface of stroma, phialides with a long thin neck, entire phialides up to 25 μm, 3–5 μm wide, conidia globose, 4–5 μm diam. Sexual morph not observed.

Culture characteristics — Colonies developed from germinating conidia. The conidia germinated within 24 h on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Colonies reaching a diam of 1 cm after 3 wk at 25 °C. Colonies compact with white mycelium, colonies reverse uncoloured. Conidia produced after 30 d, hyaline thinly spreading on colonies, fusoid, with acute ends, aseptate, 9–12 × 2–3 μm.

Typus. USA, Puerto Rico, Rio Abajo State Forest, on scale insect (Hemiptera) attached to underside of dicotyledonous leaves, 19 Jan. 2018, S. Mongkolsamrit, J.J. Luangsa-ard & S. Wongkanoun (holotype BBH43763, culture ex-type BCC88320, ITS, LSU and tef1 sequences GenBank MW115297, MN954683 and MN944389, MycoBank MB834780).

Additional materials examined. USA, Puerto Rico, Rio Abajo State Forest, on scale insect (Hemiptera) attached to underside of dicotyledonous leaves, 19 Jan. 2018, S. Mongkolsamrit, J.J. Luangsa-ard & S. Wongkanoun, BBH43763 (BBC88321), ITS, LSU and tef1 sequences GenBank MW115298, MN954684 and MN944390; BBH43764 (BCC88322), ITS, LSU and tef1 sequences GenBank MW115299, MN954682 and MN944391.

Notes — The gross macromorphology of the natural samples of M. puertoricoensis closely resembles the asexual morph of M. basicystis (Chaverri et al. 2008) and M. pongdueatensis (Li et al. 2016) that were found in Costa Rica and Thailand, respectively. These three species have discoid, distinctly stud-shaped stroma and conidiomata scattered around a narrow neck of the stroma, with a pale yellow to yellow mass of conidia. Conidia in M. puertoricoensis and M. pongdueatensis are fusoid with acute ends and the width of conidia are in the same range (10–14 ×2–3 μm vs 9–12.5 × 1.5–2.5 μm). Conidia of M. basicystis are ventricose with acute ends (11–15.5 × 3–5 μm) and wider than those reported in M. puertoricoensis and M. pongdueatensis. Moelleriella puertoricoensis and M. basicystis lack paraphyses while they are present in M. pongdueatensis, linear, filiform, up to 110 × 1–2 μm. Additionally, M. puertoricoensis and M. pongdueatensis have a hirsutella-like synasexual morph scattered on the upper surface of the stroma, phialides with a long thin neck (25 × 5 μm vs 20 × 1–2 μm), globose (4–5 μm) and citriform (2–3 × 1–2.5 μm) conidia, respectively. The results of our molecular phylogenetic study strongly support and separate M. puertoricoensis from other known species. Moelleriella puertoricoensis is therefore proposed as a new species belonging to Moelleriella from the Neotropics.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Moelleriella basicystis (strain ROKI2770, GenBank EF190282.1; Identities = 546/594 (92 %), 21 gaps (3 %)), and Orbiocrella sp. (strain BCC33248, GenBank KJ138267.1; Identities = 300/349 (86 %), 22 gaps (6 %)).

Closest hits using the LSU sequence had highest similarity to Moelleriella basicystis (strain F183147, GenBank EU392577.1; Identities = 276/279 (99 %), 1 gap (0 %)), and Moelleriella phyllogena (strain CUP 67340, GenBank AY518372.1; Identities = 276/279 (99 %), 1 gap (0 %)).

Closest hits using the tef1 sequence are Moelleriella basicystis (strain F183147, GenBank EU392653.1; Identities = 856/912 (94 %), no gaps (0 %)), and Moelleriella basicystis (strain P.C. 374, GenBank AY986928.1; Identities = 854/910 (94 %), no gaps (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Background photo of side of a trail in Rio Abajo State Forest; fungi on hosts, side view of stroma showing stud-shaped and conidiomata, conidiogenous cells, conidia, hirsutella-like on stroma, conidia, culture derived from conidia on PDA (sporulation present). Scale bars = 1 and 2 mm (stromata), 20 μm (phialides), 10 μm (conidia, hirsutella-like phialides and conidia), 3 mm (culture).

Supplementary material


Phylogenetic reconstruction of M. puertoricoensis was done using a combined dataset comprising LSU and tef1 sequences. The data was analysed using Maximum parsimony (MP), Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. The MP analysis was conducted on the combined data set using PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002), adopting random addition sequences (100 replications), with gaps being treated as missing data. A bootstrap (BP) analysis was performed using the maximum parsimony criterion in 1 000 replications. The ML analysis was run with RAxML-VI-HPC2 v. 8.2.12 (Stamatakis 2014) under a GTR model, with 1 000 bootstrap replicates. Bayesian phylogenetic inference was calculated with MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012), with 5 M generations and under the same model. Numbers at the significant nodes represent MP bootstrap support values/RAxML bootstrap support values/Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) times 100. Thickened lines in the tree represent 99–100 % bootstrap support values and 99–100 BPP.

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List of species and GenBank accession numbers of sequences used in this study.

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Moelleriella puertoricoensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1163 – 19 December 2020

Mycena pulchra P. Leonard, sp. nov.

Patrick Leonard 1

Etymology. pulchra means pretty and refers to the fungus in its setting on a paperbark tree.

Classification — Mycenaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus convex with a central umbilicus, 15–40 mm diam, bright reddish pink (9A6, 11A8; Kornerup & Wanscher 1978), flamingo pink, fading to pale pink with age; margin ± smooth. Lamellae adnate or with a subdecurrent tooth, white, lamellulae arranged in two series alternating with lamellae, 16–18 lamellae reach the stipe. Stipe cylindrical to somewhat flattened, tough, centrally attached, curved, 15–30 × 1.5–4 mm; bright reddish pink, but paler than cap and white towards base; fruiting singly or in small caespitose groups. Flesh white, thin. Spore print white. Spores ellipsoid, 10.4–14.6 × 5.7–8.8 μm (av. 13 ± 1.23 × 6.7 ± 0.84, Q = 1.5–2.5, Qav = 1.96 ± 0.3), spore contents weakly amyloid with Melzer’s reagent. Basidia strongly clavate, 45–60 × 10–12 μm, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia clavate, 44–50 × 7.5–11 μm, amyloid granular contents. Cheilocystidia numerous, forming an almost sterile edge to the gill, 40–100 × 8–20 μm; ventricose or narrowly utriform. Pileipellis an irregular cutis, hyphae 7–12 μm, clamps absent.

Habitat & Distribution — Growing in borer holes on the living trunks of the swamp paperbark, Melaleuca quinquinervia. Sporocarps found from just above flood level to about 2 m above ground level. Also seen on wounds where the tree has been damaged by storms or pruning. Appears to follow the distribution of Melaleuca quinquinervia with confirmed records from Eastern Australia and Western New Caledonia. Expected in New Guinea but there are no records thus far according to Maas Geesteranus & Horak (1995).

Typus. Australia, Queensland, Tewantin, Heritage Park, 13 Apr. 2008, J. Heavey (holotype PL58408, Brisbane, ITS sequence GenBank MT988148, MycoBank MB837369).

Notes — This flamingo pink fungus is associated with wounds and borer holes in live paperbark trees. It grows on the tree trunk beneath the layers of bark and requires a wound or an insect hole in order to emerge and fruit.

There are 16 collections under the name Mycena roseilignicola on I-Naturalist. Two are recorded on Melaleuca and appear to conform with M. pulchra. Six others are on dead wood and exhibit the striate cap that Corner (1994) describes. The eight other specimens either lack sufficient information to form a judgement or exhibit attachment via a distinct mycelial pad which is not a feature of M. pulchra nor mentioned by Corner (1994) for M. roseilignicola.

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Maximum likelihood tree of the ITS-nrDNA for a selection of Mycena species, aligned using MUSCLE and constructed using MEGA X.

Colour illustrations. Paperbark forest in south-east Queensland. Lower right fruiting body emerging from borer hole (holotype); lower centre fruiting body in tree wound; lower left pileipellis. All photos © Patrick Leonard. Scale bars = 20 μm.

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Mycena pulchra

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1164 – 19 December 2020

Penicillium vallebormidaense Houbraken & Di Piazza, sp. nov.

Simone Di Piazza 1, Jos Houbraken 2

Etymology. Latin, name refers to Valle Bormida, the region from which the type specimen was collected.

Classification — Aspergillaceae, Eurotiales, Eurotiomycetes.

Conidiophores monoverticillate; stipes non-vesiculate, smooth, short, 13–25(–35) × 1.5–2.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, 3–6 per conidiophore, 7–8.5(–10) × 2–2.5(–3) μm. Conidia smooth, globose to subglobose, 2–2.5(–3) μm. Ascomata or sclerotia not observed.

Culture characteristics (25 °C, 7 d) — Czapek yeast extract agar (CYA): Colonies non-sulcate, elevated in centre; margin slightly irregular; mycelium pale yellow; texture velvety; sporulation absent; soluble pigments brown, moderately produced; exudates absent; reverse brown. Malt extract agar (MEA): Colonies non-sulcate, slightly elevated in centre; margin slightly irregular; mycelium pale yellow; texture floccose; sporulation poor in centre, profuse in a ring between centre and edge, absent at edge; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; conidia en masse pale grey green; reverse brown, pale brown at edge. Yeast extract sucrose agar (YES): Colonies randomly sulcate (radial and concentric), slightly elevated; margins slightly irregular; mycelium pale yellow; texture floccose in centre, velvety at edge; sporulation absent; soluble pigment absent; exudates absent; reverse pale brown. Dichloran 18 % glycerol agar (DG18): Colonies non-sulcate, plane, raised at the centre; margins entire; mycelium pale yellow in centre, white at edge; texture velvety; sporulation absent; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse pale yellow-brown. Oatmeal agar (OA): Colonies non-sulcate, plane, low; margins slightly irregular; mycelium yellow; texture velvety; sporulation absent; soluble pigments present, pale brown, poorly produced; exudates absent. Creatine agar (CREA): poor growth, acid production absent, base production absent. Colony diam, after 7 d, in mm — CYA 18–22; CYA 30 °C 22–26; CYA 37 °C 16–20; MEA 18–22; DG18 20–23; YES 21–25; OA 18–22; CREA 9–11.

Typus.Italy, Savona, Valle Bormida, Ferrania (Cairo Montenotte), from compost 18 d in maturation, 26 June 2018, S. Di Piazza (holotype CBS H-24527, culture ex-type CBS 147064 = DTO 402-H5; ITS, LSU, BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequences GenBank MT316359, MW092765, MW115862, MW115863 and MW115864; MycoBank MB837659).

Notes — A BLAST search of BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequences of P. vallebormidaense CBS 147064 against an in-house reference sequence database containing data of all accepted Penicillium species (Houbraken et al. 2020), did not retrieved any high similarity hits. A homology search with the ITS sequence retrieved P. pimiteouiense (99.2 %), P. guttulosum (99.0 %) and P. vinaceum (98.9%) as most similar species. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, P. vallebormidaense belongs to series Erubescentia of section Exilicaulis. Penicillium vallebormidaense grows rather slowly on CYA, MEA, DG18 and YES, is able to grow at 37 °C and produces short, monoverticillate conidiophores. These features are shared with many other species in series Erubescentia (Houbraken et al. 2020), confirming the results of the phylogenetic analysis. The new species is phylogenetically most closely related to NRRL 739, the ex-type of P. vinaceum. The sequence similarity scores with this strain are: BenA 95.0 % (identities = 459/478), CaM 90.6 % (identities = 444/490) and RPB2 93.8 % (identities = 837/892). Penicillium vinaceum is characterised by the (copious) production of ruby or vinaceous exudates on CYA and other media. In contrast, no exudate production is observed in P. vallebormidaense. Furthermore, the mycelium of P. vallebormidaense is pale yellow coloured, while the mycelium in P. vinaceum is white (Pitt 1980).

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Maximum likelihood tree of Penicillium strains belonging to section Exilicaulis series Erubescentia based on 1 871 aligned nucleotides (combined BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequences). Strain and GenBank accession numbers used in the analysis can be found in Houbraken et al. (2020). Analysis performed using RAxML v. 8.2.12 (Stamatakis 2014). Bootstrap 1 000 re-samplings; only bootstrap support values above 70 % are presented at the nodes and branches of > 95 % are thickened. Penicillium fractum and P. inusitatum were used as outgroup. The scale bar indicates the number of substitutions per site.

Colour illustrations. Compost pile during ripening process. Colonies (7 d, 25 °C), left to right, first row: CYA, MEA, second row: CYA reverse, YES observe; conidiophores; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Penicillium vallebormidaense

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1165 – 19 December 2020

Penicillium saanichanum Visagie, Assabgui & Seifert, sp. nov.

Cobus M Visagie 1, Rafik Assabgui 2, Keith A Seifert 3

Etymology. Latin, saanichanum, named after Saanich, the municipality where the noted Canadian mycologist Bryce Kendrick collected the house dust sample that this species was isolated from.

Classification — Aspergillaceae, Eurotiales, Eurotiomycetes.

Conidiophores monoverticillate and loosely divaricate; stipes smooth, 19–60 × 2–3 μm; vesicles 3–4.5 μm; branches 16–23 μm; phialides ampulliform, 5–12 per metula, 7.5–11 × 2.5–3.5 μm (8.6 ± 1.1 × 2.6 ± 0.2); conidia smooth, subglobose to globose, 2–3 × 2–3 μm (2.7 ± 0.2 × 2.5 ± 0.1), av. width/length = 0.92, n = 72.

Culture characteristics (25 °C, 7 d) — On Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA): Colonies moderately deep, sunken in centre, slightly sulcate; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderate, conidia en masse greenish grey to dull green (27C2–D3–4; colour codes based on Kornerup & Wanscher (1967)); soluble pigments red, inconspicuous; exudates absent; reverse dark ruby (12F8). On Blakeslee’s malt extract agar (MEA): Colonies moderately deep, planar; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green to greyish green (26D3–4–E5); soluble pigments red, inconspicuous; exudates absent; reverse violet brown to dark ruby (10E6–12F8). On 20 % sucrose CYA (CYA20S): Colonies with conidia en masse greyish green (26D5–E5), otherwise similar to CYA. On 20 % sucrose MEA (MEA20S): Colonies less dense than those on MEA, lacking soluble pigment and red reverse colour, otherwise similar to MEA. On dichloran 18 % glycerol agar (DG18): Colonies similar to those on MEA. On yeast extract sucrose agar (YES): Colonies similar to those on MEA. On creatine sucrose agar (CREA): Growth good, no acid produced. Colony diam (in mm): CYA 9–11; CYA37C no growth; CYA20S 10–12; MEA 7–8; MEA20S 9–10; DG18 9–12; YES 12–15; OA 4–5; MY1012 7–8; MY50G 3–4; CREA 5–6.

Typus. Canada, North Saanich, from house dust, May 2017, coll. B. Kendrick, isol. C.M. Visagie (holotype DAOM 745787, cultures ex-type DAOMC 251850 = KAS 6184; LSU, ITS, BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequences GenBank MN807447, KY469059, KY469096, KY469020, MN795070, MycoBank MB835962).

Notes — A BLAST search of our BenA sequence against a locally curated reference dataset placed the new species in section Cinnamopurpurea series Idahoensia (Visagie et al. 2014, Houbraken et al. 2020). Penicillium saanichanum is characterised by restricted growth and monoverticillate conidiophores, characters typical of species classified in section Cinnamopurpurea. Morphologically and phylogenetically it is most similar to P. idahoense. However, the new species is morphologically distinct from P. idahoense based on its generally more restricted growth on most agar media, its red soluble pigments produced on CYA, and the absence of sclerotia (Paden 1971, Pitt 1980).

Combined phylogeny of Penicillium section Cinnamopurpurea based on ITS, BenA, CaM and RPB2. Aligned data sets (MAFFT v. 7.450; Katoh & Standley 2013) were analysed using Maximum Likelihood (IQ-tree v. 1.6.12; Nguyen et al. 2015) and Bayesian Inference (MrBayes v. 3.2.7a; Ronquist et al. 2012). Bootstrap support values (≥ 80 %) and posterior probabilities (≥ 0.95) are given above branches. The new species is indicated by bold text, T = ex-type strain and GenBank accession numbers are shown in a smaller font next to the culture accession number (ITS = green, BenA = blue, CaM = red, RPB2 = purple). The tree is rooted to P. lunae.

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Colour illustrations. Bryce Kendrick’s home laboratory. Colonies on CYA and MEA; conidiophores; conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Penicillium saanichanum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1166 – 19 December 2020

Phialocephala melitaea Matočec, I. Kušan, Pošta, Tkalčec & Mešić, sp. nov.

Neven Matočec 1, Ivana Kušan 1, Ana Pošta 1, Zdenko Tkalčec 1, Armin Mešić 1

Etymology. Lat. melitaeus - which refers to Mljet (lat. Melita, ex C. Plinius Secundus), island in the Adriatic Sea.

Classification — Mollisiaceae, Helotiales, Leotiomycetes.

Ascomata apothecial, shallowly cupulate and with basal depression when young, plate shaped to plane when fully mature, superficial, sessile, ± circular to much irregular from the top view, *0.8–1.4(–2) mm diam, gregarious but mutually distanced. Hymenium, when in fresh state, in the central part greyish to pale lead-grey with bluish tones, perimarginal area beige to pale grey, not wrinkled but finely pruinose; margin ± irregular, lobed and wavy in fully mature apothecia, entire, ± sharp, white, subglabrous; excipular surface in upper part whitish, lower part brownish, slightly roughened. Subicular hyphae macroscopically not discernible. Hymenium *70–85 μm thick. Asci cylindrical with conical-subtruncate to rounded apex, *60–82 × (6.4–)6.7–8.1 μm, pars sporifera *19–25.5 μm, 8-spored, in living state protruding above paraphyses up to 18 μm, base cylindrical-truncate, arising from croziers, in Lugol’s solution (IKI) apical ring of medium amyloidity (2bb), Calycina-type. Ascospores piscioid to subscutuliform, with tapered to somewhat rounded poles, sometimes slightly bent, aseptate, *(7.8–)8.2–9.8–11.5(–12.6) × (2.4–)2.6–2.9–3.2(–3.4) μm, *Q = 2.7–3.4–4.1(–4.3), hyaline, smooth, uninucleate, nearly eguttulate or with several dispersed tiny lipid bodies (LBs), *0.4–0.7 μm diam, freshly ejected without sheath remnants, biseriate inside *asci; in IKI unstained, nucleus slightly contrasted. Paraphyses cylindrical-obtuse, rarely apically clavate, apical cell *27–63 × 3.4–5 μm, straight, simple, thin-walled, *containing few globose or obloid rarely elongated, moderately refractive and hyaline semi-resistant vacuolar bodies (SVB), with age become yellowish; in KOH without yellow reaction; in *IKI SVBs golden yellow; in *brilliant cresyl blue (CRB) violet blue and after addition of KOH light ruby red. Subhymenium *15–21 μm thick at the middle flank, hyaline, composed of densely packed epidermoid cells, *3.2–5.6 μm wide. Medullary excipulum *18–28 μm thick at the middle flank, reaching *36 μm in the lower flank, subhyaline to hyaline, stretches as a continuous layer towards the margin, composed of textura prismatica, cells *12–28 × 3–10.5 μm, thin-walled, slightly gelatinised (purple in CRB), devoid of crystals. Ectal excipulum *28–40 μm thick at the middle flank, reaching *58 μm in the basal part, ochre brown to greyish brown, composed of textura angularis with elongated elements, cells *9–25.6 × 5.6–14 μm, walls *0.7–0.9 μm thick, upper flank hyaline and indistinguishable from medulla, terminal cells contain single, hyaline and globose SVB, lower flank rich in dark brown intercellular pigment, cell walls brown, thickened, *0.8–1.2 μm. Marginal tissue completely hyaline, *21–25 μm thick, composed of textura porrecta-prismatica, cells *7.5–14.6 × 2.3–5.7 μm, thin-walled, outermost cells cylindrical-clavate, each containing single globose hyaline SVB. Subicular hyphae sparse, confined to an apothecial base and lower flank, flexuous, greyish-brown, smooth, cells *19–23 × 3.3–5 μm, walls *0.6–0.8 μm thick, enveloped in gel up to *1.8 μm thick. Asterisk (*) denotes living and cross () dead state. Ascus amyloidity is termed after Baral (1987) and spore shape after Kušan et al. (2014).

Colonies after 14 d in the dark at 24 °C on 3 % malt extract agar (MEA) 32–34 mm diam, centrally pronouncedly papillate, with woolly aerial hyphae; margin radially diffuse, hyaline; surface whitish grey near the margin, pale clay buff towards the centre, clay pink in the centre; reverse dark grey to blackish sepia. Exudates present in the central part, droplets honey brown. Conidiophores developed only after 5 mo, mycelium consisting of hyaline to subhyaline hyphae only in colonial margin, others brown-walled, smooth, septate, branched, *2.2–4.2 μm wide, wall *0.3–0.6 μm, often producing loops or covered with large tuberculate exudates, *1.5–3.8 μm high, some hyphae produce large flat subhyaline plaques under which granular brown pigment develops. Conidiophores micronematous, crawling or erect, greyish brown, smooth, cylindrical, with slightly thickened walls, conidiophore stem *9–13 × 4–4.8 μm, 0–1-septate, rami richly and tightly branched. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, terminal, conoid, ventricose or ampulliform, *7.8–10.5 × 3–4.1 μm, collarettes flaring, *1.5–2.2 × 1.4–2.1 μm, hyaline. Conidia hyaline, dimorphic, primary conidia oblong to narrowly ellipsoid, aseptate, *2.9–4.3 × 1.6–1.7 μm, secondary conidia globose to subglobose, aseptate, base often subtruncate, *1.8–2.3 μm.

Distribution & Habitat — Known so far only from the type locality on the island of Mljet, Croatia. Type collection was found on a branch of Pinus halepensis lying in thick litter, in the evergreen thermo-Mediterranean forest.

Typus. Croatia, Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Island of Mljet, Prožura, near Prožurska blatina, 5 m asl, N42°43′57″ E17°38′41″; on fallen decorticated main branch of Pinus halepensis, majority of the apothecia were growing on old fruitbody of Phellinus sp., only partially directly on wood, in a forest of P. halepensis, Viburnum tinus, Myrtus communis, Arbutus × andrachnoides, Coronilla sp. and Laurus nobilis, 16 Mar. 2020, I. Kušan & M. Pucar (holotype CNF 2/11027, ex-type culture CBS 147182, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT957536 and MT957586, MycoBank MB836891).

Notes — Tanney & Seifert (2020) assigned species of true Phialocephala to a genus separated from Mollisia s.str., a view accepted here. The most closely related species Phialocephala biguttulata differs by ascospores containing two large polar guttules, paraphysis apical cells largely occupied by elongated refractive VBs, excipular tissue stained deep green by KOH and finally not producing conidiogenous structures in axenic culture. There are two other species, P. cladophialophoroides and P. aylmerensis, members of the same clade. The apothecial morph is not known for the first species whereas it produces acropetal conidial moniliform cell chains (cf. Crous et al. 2017b), and the latter differs in having more stout and

(text continues on Supplementary material page FP1166)

Colour illustrations. Croatia, Mljet Island, near Prožurska blatina (type locality). Apothecia; 14-d-old colonies on MEA, colony centre with exudates; asci and croziers in *H2O, ascus in *IKI; ascospores in *H2O; paraphyses in *H2O, *IKI and *CRB; phialides with collarettes, conidiophores (two pictures); hyphal loops, colony hyphae bearing exudates, apothecial subicular hyphae with gel envelope, colony hyphae with plaques and pigmented granules, vertical median section of the apothecium. Scale bars = 10 mm (colony), 1 mm (apothecia, colony centre), 50 μm (apothecial anatomy), 10 μm (microscopic elements).

Supplementary material


Phylogenetic tree obtained from maximum likelihood analysis based on ITS sequences of Phialocephala melitaea and related species.

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Phialocephala melitaea

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1167 – 19 December 2020

Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo R. Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa & T.I. Burgess, sp. nov.

Reza Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa 1, Treena I Burgess 2

Etymology. Named for the association of this species with water at the place Cooljarloo.

Classification — Peronosporaceae, Peronosporidae, Oomycota.

Sporangia produced on V8 agar (V8A) and carrot agar (CA) flooded with both distilled water and non-sterile soil extract; terminal, non-papillate, mostly ellipsoid to ovoid and limoniform, sometime obovoid; 66 ± 11.2 × 37 ± 4.5 μm (overall range 38–101 × 29–54 μm), length/breadth ratio of 1.9 ± 0.2. Sporangial proliferation in chains of internally proliferating sporangia, both nested and extended. Hyphal swellings absent. Chlamydospores common, globose, thin-walled, 9–(20 ± 5)–33 μm. Gametangia were produced in single cultures (homothallic). Oogonia, smooth-walled, globose, golden to brown 34 ± 4.5 μm (isolates ranged from 23–47 μm). Oospores were aplerotic, with an average of 30 ± 4 μm (isolate means 19 to 41 μm). Oospore walls were av. 3.2 ± 0.9 μm, oospore wall index 0.5. Antheridia were paragynous, monoclinous, spherical to ellipsoidal, ranged from 5 to 17 μm in length (av. 12 ± 1.7 μm) and 5 to 14 μm in breadth (av. 9 ± 1.7 μm). Hyphae were hyaline, normally not septate, 4–5 μm wide. Minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures for growth were 4 °C, 30 °C and 35 °C, respectively. Radial growth rate on CA in the dark at 30 °C was 3.9 ± 1.3 mm/d.

Culture characteristics — The colony patterns on all media were uniform with the exception of potato dextrose agar (PDA) which produced rose-shaped pattern in some isolates. Aerial mycelia were observed on some colonies specially on PDA.

Typus. Australia, Western Australia, Cooljarloo, baited from pond water, collected by Department of Biosecurity, Conservation and Attractions, 20 Sept. 2017 (holotype MURU484, culture ex-type CBS 146550 = VHS36940, ITS, Btub, hsp90, coxI, nadh1 and LSU sequences GenBank MT210484, MT210475, MT210480, MT210466, MT210470 and MT210485, MycoBank MB835165).

Additional materials examined. Australia, Western Australia, Cooljarloo baited from pond water, collected by Department of Biosecurity, Conservation and Attractions, 18 Sept. 2019, cultures VHS39966, VHS39967; 1996, culture HSA2304.

Notes — Isolates of Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo constitute a well-supported monophyletic group sharing a common ancestor with P. gemini (Man in ’t Veld et al. 2011). These species together with P. humicola (Ko & Ann 1985), P. inundata (Brasier et al. 2003), P. condilina (Burgess et al. 2018), P. balyanboodja (Burgess et al. 2018), P. chesapeakensis (Man in ’t Veld et al. 2019), and P. personensis (Crous et al. 2020a) cluster within clade 6a of the Phytophthora phylogeny (Burgess et al. 2018). In a multigene phylogeny of the ITS, Btub, hsp90, coxI and nadh1 gene regions, P. aquae-cooljarloo differs from its sister taxon, P. gemini, by 8.8 %. Morphologically, P. aquae-cooljarloo is similar to other species in clade 6a, producing terminal, ellipsoid to ovoid, persistent, non-papillate sporangia, and it is also a high-temperature tolerant Phytophthora species. Isolates of P. aquae-cooljarloo are homothallic and produce abundant oospores in culture similarly to P. humicola, P. inundata, and P. condilina. Unlike P. balyanboodja, P. chesapeakensis and P. gemini, P. aquae-cooljarloo produces chlamydospores, but does not form any hyphal swellings which differs from all other species in the clade except P. balyanboodja. Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo has been isolated over a 25-yr-period from seasonal ponds in the dry Banksia shrublands (the kwongan) in the sandplains north of Perth, Western Australia at a single location, Cooljarloo.

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Bayesian inference tree based on a concatenated ITS, Btub, hsp90, coxI and nadh1 sequence alignment showing the placement of Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo in Phytophthora Clade 6a. The tree was generated in MrBayes v. 3.2.6 (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001) as a plugin in Geneious Prime→ 2019.2.3 ( using the GTR substitution model. The posterior probability values are shown at the nodes. The tree was rooted to P. thermophila (not shown) and the novel species is shown in bold font.

Colour illustrations. Typical kwongan vegetation, north of Perth, Western Australia (Photo: Giles Hardy). Typical ellipsoid and limoniform sporangia; aplerotic oogonia with paragynous antheridia; small chlamydospore; uniform colony on V8 agar. Scale bar = 20 μm.

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Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1168 – 19 December 2020

Phytopythium paucipapillatum S.D. Langenhoven, W.J. Botha & L. Mostert, sp. nov.

Shaun D Langenhoven 1, Lizel Mostert 1, Chris FJ Spies 2, Wilhelm Botha 3, Francois Halleen 4

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the sparsely papillated sporangia and oogonia.

Classification — Pythiaceae, Pythiales, Oomycetes.

Hyphae up to 5 μm thick, lacking hyphal swellings. Sporangia apical, unilaterally intercalary or perpendicular on sporangiophore, some sporangia clustered in groups of 3–5 at apex of sporangiophore, connected by short hyphal segments. Sporangia globose, subglobose, ovoid, obovoid, limoniform to ellipsoid or distorted shapes, 15–34 μm diam, most 19–25 μm diam. Sporangia mostly apapillate germinating directly, some papillate, internally proliferating with extended proliferation. Papilla apical or subapical, close to sporangiophore, 4–5 μm. Zoospores biflagellate, differentiated extrasporangially in an ephemeral vesicle, released through discharge tubes 3.7–5 μm wide, 7.5–11 μm long. Zoospore cysts spherical, 9–11 μm diam. Oogonia, small globose terminal, intercalary, some unilaterally intercalary, (18–)20–23(–26) (av. 22) μm diam, some oogonia ornamented with one to three short, blunt papillae. Antheridia up to three per oogonium, mostly monoclinous, or occasionally diclinous at a distance. Antheridia applied lengthwise to oogonium wall with a central fertilisation tube, antheridial cell 4–5 × 11–20 μm with an undulating contour and one to several constrictions; some antheridia applied broadly apical to oogonium. Oospores plerotic or nearly so, (14–)18–20(–23) (av. 20) μm diam, wall thickness 0.9–1.9 μm. Occasionally two oospores per oogonium. Ooplast 7–13 μm diam. Aplerotic index 76.9 %, ooplast index 54.4 %, oospore wall index 45.2 %.

Cultural characteristics — Colony growth pattern on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and potato carrot agar (PCA) rosaceous, corn meal agar (CMA) slight aerial mycelium with coarsely radiate pattern and numerous micro tufts of aerial mycelium. Grows on PARP and PARPH selective media. Cardinal temperatures: min 10 °C, opt 25 °C, max 30 °C on PCA. Average growth rate at the optimum temperature was 8.55 mm/d for the STE-U isolates and 7.44 mm/d for MAFF 241149 on PCA. Growth study on CMA, min 10 °C, max 30 °C or between 30 °C and 35 °C for STE-U isolates and the MAFF isolate, respectively. The optimum growth temperature was 25 °C for STE-U 7843, 7844, 7847 and MAFF 241149. The optimum temperature for STE-U 7845, 7846 and 7848 was 30 °C. The average growth rate for the STE-U isolates with optimum growth temperatures at 25 °C and 30 °C were 9.77 mm/d and 10.63 mm/d, respectively. The average growth rate for the MAFF isolate was 8.79 mm/d.

Typus. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Wellington, Vitis sp. asymptomatic roots (Vitaceae), May 2013, S.D. Langenhoven (holotype and culture ex-type stored in a metabolically inactive state CBS 144082 = STE-U 7843; COI and ITS sequences GenBank KX372742 and KX372749, MycoBank MB819417).

Additional materials examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Wellington, grapevine roots (STE-U 7844, STE-U 7845, STE-U 7846, STE-U 7847, STE-U 7848). – Japan, Nagano, uncultivated soil, collection date and collector unknown (as Ovatisporangium sp. 5, culture MAFF 241149).

Notes — Phytopythium paucipapillatum sp. nov. was isolated from a nursery grapevine in South Africa. The inclusion of Ovatisporangium sp. 5 isolate MAFF 241149 in the species P. paucipapillatum is supported by morphological and phylogenetic data. Phylogenetically, P. paucipapillatum isolates formed a well-supported monophyletic clade with ITS (96 % bootstrap support and posterior probability of 1.0) and COI (99 % bootstrap support and posterior probability of 0.99). Phytopythium paucipapillatum was distinct from, but related to P. chamaehyphon, P. helicoides, P. fagopyri and Phytopythium sp. WJB-3 (of which only ITS is available). Morphological characteristics unique to P. paucipapillatum isolates were the plerotic and aplerotic oospores, compared to the mentioned closely related species with exclusively aplerotic oospores (Van der Plaats-Niterink 1981, McLeod et al. 2009, Baten et al. 2015). In addition, P. paucipapillatum is the only species with oogonial ornamentation as compared to P. chamaehyphon, P. helicoides, P. fagopyri and Phytopythium sp. WJB-3. Furthermore, the oogonia of P. paucipapillatum sometimes contain two oospores, unlike those of the above mentioned closely related species (including Phytopythium sp. WJB-3). Regarding internal proliferation, no nested proliferation was observed in P. paucipapillatum, as compared to P. chamaehyphon, P. fagopyri and P. helicoides – all of which display internal, nested proliferation. Furthermore, no internal proliferation has been observed for Phytopythium sp. WJB-3.

Colour illustrations. Grapevine nursery, Wellington, South Africa. Colony growth on corn meal agar; sub-globose papillate sporangium; young, terminal multipapillate sporangium; zoospore discharge into a vesicle with a zoospore remaining in the sporangium; intercalary oogonium with monoclinous antheridium; oogonium with three antheridia attached; oogonia with papillation on its surface. Scale bar = 10 μm.

Supplementary material


Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the internal transcribed spacer-nuclear ribosomal DNA region displaying species of the genus Phytopythium. Maximum likelihood analyses were performed in PhyML v. 3.3 (Guindon et al. 2010) under the best model (GTR+I+G for both ITS and COI) as estimated using the Akaike Information Criterion in jModelTest v. 2 (Darriba et al. 2012 ). Support values were calculated from 100 bootstrap replicates. Maximum likelihood bootstrap percentages and Bayesian posterior probability values are indicated at the nodes. Support values less than 60 % bootstrap or 0.60 posterior probability are omitted or indicated with ‘–’.


Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene region displaying species of the genus Phytopythium. Both trees have been lodged in TreeBASE (study S22566).

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Phytopythium paucipapillatum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1169 – 19 December 2020

Pseudopyricularia javanii A. Pordel & G. Ghorbani, sp. nov.

Adel Pordel 1, Golzar Ghorbani 2

Etymology. The species name is proposed in honour of Professor Mohammad Javan-Nikkhah, Iranian mycologist.

Classification — Pyriculariaceae, Magnaporthales, Sordariomycetes.

Mycelium on synthetic nutrient-poor agar (SNA), water agar (WA) supplemented with Cyperus leaves, and oatmeal agar (OA), consisting of smooth, hyaline, branched, septate hyphae. Conidiophores scattered, solitary, erect, pale brown, swollen at the base, macronematous, mononematous, typically unbranched, sometimes branched, straight, typically consisting of 0–5-septate, 35–85(–112) × 3–5 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, intercalary, sympodial, cylindrical, geniculate, denticulate; denticles cylindrical, thin-walled, pale brown. Conidia solitary, dry, obclavate, hyaline, (20–)25–35(–40) × 6–7 μm, 2-septate, hilum often protuberant. Sexual morph unknown.

Culture characteristics — Colonies on OA transparent, greenish olivaceous, reaching 34 mm diam after 1 wk at 23–25 °C; on potato dextrose agar (PDA) transparent, grey, and black reverse, reaching 37 mm diam after 1 wk at 23–25 °C.

Typus. Iran, Gilan Province, Someh Sara region, on infected leaves of Cyperus sp. (Cyperaceae), 15 Nov. 2018, A. Pordel (holotype in Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, IRAN 18060F, ex-type culture IRAN 3989C; ITS, LSU, CAL, RPB1 sequences GenBank MT472570, MT472574, MT472593 and MT472595, MycoBank MB837644).

Additional material examined.Iran, Gilan Province, Someh Sara region, on infected leaves of Cyperus sp. (Cyperaceae), 15 Nov. 2018, A. Pordel (UTFC-PJ02; ITS, CAL, RPB1 sequences GenBank MT472569, MT472594 and MT472596).

Notes — Pseudopyricularia javanii is similar to Ps. higginsii, Ps. cyperi, Ps. iraniana, Ps. kyllingae, Ps. persiana, and Ps. hagahagae in having 2-septate conidia (Klaubauf et al. 2014, Pordel et al. 2017, Crous et al. 2018a). However, the conidia of Pseudopyricularia javanii are larger than those of Ps. higginsii, Ps. cyperi, Ps. kyllingae, and shorter than Ps. persiana, and Ps. hagahagae. It differs from Ps. iraniana in conidial shape, and size. To clarify the phylogeny of Ps. javanii within Pseudopyricularia, sequence data of CAL/ITS/RPB1 were combined. In the multi-gene analyses (gene boundaries of CAL: 1–723, ITS: 724–1263, RPB1 1264–2265) of 39 isolates (37 taxa from NCBI and two sequenced specimens of new taxa), 2 978 characters including the alignment gaps were used. The phylogenetic tree suggested phylogenetic relatedness of the taxa from Iran to Pseudopyricularia with high statistical support (MLBP = 99 %). In the LSU sequences, the highest level of similarity (99.15 %; 819/826) was to Ps. bothriochloae (reference sequence accession NG_058051.1), and Ps. hyrcaniana (99.27 %; 820/826, GenBank KY457267), although the conidia in the new species is 2-septate. In species with 2-septate conidia, Ps. hagahagae has the highest level of similarity (98.87 %; 790/799; reference sequence accession NG_059616), although the conidia of Ps. javanii are smaller than Ps. hagahagae (conidial size; (38–)41–45(–49) × (7–)8(–9) μm).

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Maximum Likelihood tree inferred with MEGA v. 6 software (Tamura et al. 2013) from the combined CAL, ITS and RPB1 gene regions of 39 isolates. The novel species is shown in bold. Bootstrap support values from ML ≥ 90 % are provided above internodes.

Colour illustrations. Cyperus growing in Iran. Solitary, erect, unbranched conidiophore; obclavate conidia. Scale bars = 10 μm.

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Pseudopyricularia javanii

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1170 – 19 December 2020

Pseudosubramaniomyces septatus Torres-Garcia, Gené, Dania García, sp. nov.

Daniel Torres-Garcia 1, Josepa Gené 1, Dania García 1

Etymology. Name refers to the presence of septate conidia.

Classification — Beltraniaceae, Xylariales, Sordariomycetes.

On potato carrot agar (PCA) at 25 °C. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, composed of branched, septate, pale brown, smooth hyphae, 1.5–2 μm wide. Conidiophores solitary, erect, unbranched, septate, pale brown at the base, hyaline at the apex, smooth, subcylindrical, 9–66 × 2–3 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, polyblastic, sympodial, denticulate, with up to five denticles, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, 14–22 × 2–2.5 μm. Conidia dry, at first solitary, latter forming short branched or unbranched chains, dimorphic; apical conidia aseptate, pale brown, smooth, cylindrical to subcylindrical, with obtuse apex and truncate base, 27–34 × 2.5–4 μm; intercalary conidia (including ramoconidia), 0–1(–2)-septate, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth, fusoid or navicular, 12–24.5 × 2–4 μm. Sexual morph not observed.

Culture characteristics at 25 °C after 1 wk — Colonies on PCA reaching 12–16 mm diam, slightly elevated, dull green (30E4) to white (1A1) (Kornerup & Wanscher 1978), velvety, regular margin; reverse dull green (30E4) to white (1A1); sporulation sparse. On potato dextrose agar (PDA) reaching 21 mm diam, slightly elevated, greyish brown (5E3) to white (1A1), velvety, regular margin; reverse yellowish white (3A2); sporulation absent. On oatmeal agar (OA) reaching 9–12 mm diam, flat, white (1A1), velvety, regular margin; reverse brownish grey (4F2) to greyish yellow (4C5); sporulation absent.

Cardinal temperature for growth — Opt 25 °C, max 30 °C, min 5 °C.

Typus.Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona province, Montseny Natural Park, El Sot de l’Infern stream, fluvial sediments, Oct. 2018, D. Torres-Garcia (holotype FMR H-17583, culture ex-type FMR 17583, also in CBS; LSU and ITS sequences GenBank LR700217 and LR700216, MycoBank MB837574).

Notes — Pseudosubramaniomyces was proposed by Crous et al. (2017a) based on Subramaniomyces fusisaprophyticus (= Ramularia fusisaprophytica), a fungus usually isolated from decaying leaves of different trees (Matsushima 1971, Kirk 1982). The genus is characterised by having solitary, unbranched conidiophores and terminal, polyblastic, denticulate conidiogenous cells, which give rise to catenate conidia. It resembles Subramaniomyces but differs by the lack of lateral conidiogenous cells and tends to have pale brown conidiophores, in contrast to the dark brown conidiophores observed in Subramaniomyces (Varghese & Rao 1980, Crous et al. 2017a). Of note however is that the presence of dimorphic conidia (i.e., hyaline to pale brown, ellipsoidal to broadly fusoid intercalary conidia vs elongate fusoid to acicular and brown terminal conidia), typical of S. fusisaprophyticus (Kirk 1982) and also observed in P. septatus, was not mentioned in the protologue of Pseudosubramaniomyces. Pseudosubramaniomyces septatus differs from P. fusisaprophyticus and other accepted species of Subramaniomyces (Varghese & Rao 1980, Braun & Hill 2002, Da Cruz et al. 2007, Crous et al. 2017a) mainly by the presence 0–2-septate intercalary conidia. Furthermore, P. septatus has longer intercalary (12–24.5 μm) and terminal (27–34 μm) conidia than those of P. fusisaprophyticus, which measure (13–)17–18.5(–21) μm and (18–)25–31 μm long, respectively (Kirk 1982).

Our phylogenetic analysis using the barcodes LSU and ITS places P. septatus close to the species P. fusisaprophyticus in the family Beltraniaceae. A megablast search using LSU sequences shows that P. septatus has a similarity of 98.27 % (737/750) with P. fusisaprophyticus (CBS 418.95; GenBank EU040241.1) and 97.60 % (732/750) with Beltraniopsis neolitseae (CBS 137974; GenBank MH878610.1); meanwhile the similarity using ITS barcode was 91.24 % (500/548) with P. fusisaprophyticus (CBS 418.95; GenBank EU040241.1) and 90.42 % (500/553) with B. neolitseae (CBS 137974; GenBank NR148072.1).

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Phylogenetic tree based on Maximum likelihood analysis obtained by RAxML using the combined LSU and ITS sequences of Pseudosubramaniomyces and related genera in the family Beltraniaceae. Bootstrap support values above 70 % are indicated on the nodes. The alignment included 1 530 bp and was performed using Kimura-2 parameter Gamma distribution with Invariant sites (G+I) as the best nucleotide substitution model. The tree was rooted with Seimatosporium elegans NBRC 32674 and Seimatosporium eucalypti CPC 159. The alignment was constructed with MEGA v. 6 software (Tamura et al. 2013). The new species proposed in this study is indicated in bold face. A superscript T denotes ex-type cultures.

Colour illustrations. Montseny Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain. Colony on PDA and PCA after 7 d at 25 °C; conidiophores and conidia after 14 d at 25 °C. Scale bars = 25 μm (habitat in PCA), 10 μm (microscopic structures in PCA).

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Pseudosubramaniomyces septatus

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1171 – 19 December 2020

Pyrenochaetopsis rajhradensis Spetik, Eichmeier & Berraf-Tebbal, sp. nov.

Milan Spetik 1, Akila Berraf-Tebbal 1, Ales Eichmeier 1, Alla Eddine Mahamedi 2

Etymology. Named after Rajhrad (Czech Republic) where the fungus was collected.

Classification — Pyrenochaetopsidaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiomata pycnidial, brown, solitary or aggregated, semi-immersed, globose to ovoid, setose, ostiolate, uniloculate. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, hyaline, discrete and integrated. Conidia hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical to allantoid, guttulate, (3.6–)4.1–4.9(–5.7) × (1.4–)1.6–2.2(–2.4) μm (av. ± S.D. 4.5 ± 0.4 × 1.8 ± 0.2 μm, L/W ratio = 2.5). Sexual morph unknown.

Culture characteristics — Colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA) reaching 23.8 mm diam at 25 °C after 10 d, margin regular, floccose, dirty white; reverse white. On malt extract agar (MEA) reaching 22 mm diam after 10 d, margin regular, floccose, dirty white; reverse white. On oatmeal agar (OA) reaching 25.8 mm diam after 10 d, margin regular, floccose, white; reverse white.

Typus. Czech Republic, Rajhrad, isolated as saprobe from dead wood of Buxus sempervirens (Buxaceae), July 2018, M. Spetik (holotype CBS H-24478, ex-type culture CBS 146846 = MEND-F-51, ITS, LSU, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 sequences GenBank MT853115, MT853182, MT857727, MT857725 and MT857726, MycoBank MB836856).

Notes — Based on a megablast search of NCBI nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had the highest similarity to Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora (GenBank MT453283.1; Identities = 471/471 (100 %), no gaps), Phoma sp. (GenBank MN401018.1; Identities = 471/471 (100 %), no gaps) and Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora (GenBank LR216648.1; Identities = 471/471 (100 %), no gaps). The closest hits using the LSU sequence had the highest similarity to Pyrenochaetopsis microspora (GenBank NG_069864.1; Identities = 937/939 (99 %), no gaps), Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora (GenBank NG_069858.1; Identities = 937/939 (99 %), no gaps) and Pyrenochaetopsis sp. (GenBank KJ395496.1; Identities = 937/939 (99 %), no gaps); closest hits using the rpb2 sequence are Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora (GenBank LT623283.1; Identities = 893/906 (99 %), no gaps and GenBank LT623282.1; Identities = 846/858 (99 %), no gaps), Phaeopoacea festucae (GenBank MF795835.1; Identities = 840/854 (98 %), 2/854 (0 %)) and Pyrenochaetopsis poae (GenBank LT623286.1; Identities = 864/906 (95 %), no gaps). The closest hits using the tef1-α sequence had the highest similarity to Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora (GenBank MF795881.1; Identities = 266/281 (95 %), 3/281 gaps (1 %)), Parastagonospora novozelandica (GenBank MK540151.1; Identities = 57/58 (98 %), no gaps) and Parafenestella rosacearum (GenBank MK357586.1; Identities = 186/245 (76 %), 27/245 gaps (11 %)). The closest hits using the tub2 sequence had the highest similarity to Pyrenochaetopsis poae (GenBank KJ869243.1; Identities = 407/407 (100 %), no gaps), Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora (GenBank MF795917.1; Identities = 402/407 (99 %), no gaps and GenBank LT623242.1; Identities = 325/332 (98 %), no gaps).

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Maximum likelihood tree obtained from the ITS, tub2, LSU and rpb2 gene sequences of Pyrenochaetopsis species of our isolates and sequences retrieved from GenBank. The tree was built using MEGA v. 7.0 (Kumar et al. 2016). The combined LSU, ITS, tub2 and rpb2 sequence data set consisted of 17 Pyrenochaetopsis strains with Xenopyrenochaetopsis pratorum and Neopyrenochaetopsis hominis as the outgroup taxa and consisted of 2 195 characters. Of these 1 643 were constant, 188 were variable and parsimony-uninformative and 337 were parsimony-informative. A heuristic search of these 337 parsimony-informative characters resulted in 1 000 equally parsimonious trees of 467 steps with CI = 0.72, RI = 0.65 and HI = 0.28. The ML analysis yielded a best scoring tree with the final ML optimization likelihood value of –4554.41 (ln) and a gamma distribution shape parameter value of α = 0.1411. All individual trees obtained from single gene datasets were essentially similar in topology and not substantially different from the tree generated from the concatenated dataset. One of the two ML trees obtained is presented with ML/MP bootstrap support values at the nodes. The alignment and tree are available in TreeBASE (Submission ID: 26835).

Colour illustrations. Buxus sempervirens growing in Lednice castle garden. Pycnidia forming on sterile poplar twig on WA; pycnidium in culture oozing conidia; conidiogenous cells; conidia. Scale bars = 200 μm (pycnidia), 10 μm (all others).

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Pyrenochaetopsis rajhradensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1172 – 19 December 2020

Russula shawarensis Kiran & Khalid, sp. nov.

Munazza Kiran 1, Zia Ullah 1, Abdul Nasir Khalid 1, Miroslav Caboň 2, Felix Hampe 3

Etymology. The specific epithet, shawarensis, refers to the Shawar Valley, the locality from where the type was collected.

Classification — Russulaceae, Russulales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus medium to large-sized, 40–90 mm diam, semi-globose, convex to hemispheric, expanding plane and centrally slightly depressed; cuticle thin, adnate, hardly peeling, areolate; margin incurved and entire when young, later recurved, when mature radially splitting; surface matt, smooth, light pinkish brown (9.3 R 6.4/0.9) to grey buff (4.1 GY 7/0.3), discolouring to light brown (0.6Y 5.8/2.2) (Kornerup & Wanscher 1978). Lamellae moderately distant, adnate-emarginate, equal, frequently forking, brittle, cream white, spotted light yellow-brown after handling, lamellulae very rare to absent, edge even, concolorous. Stipe 25–60 × 10–12 mm, obclavate, central, velvety, white with yellow-brown to brown spots, especially near the base. Context white, changing to yellowish brown upon bruising, compact. Spores (5.9–)6.6–7.8(–9.2) × (5.1–)5.7–6.7(–8.6) μm, av. 7.2 × 6.2 μm, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, Q = (1.0–)1.08–1.26(–1.4), Qav = 1.17; ornamentation of small, distant to moderately distant (4–5(–6) in a 3 μm diam circle) amyloid spines, (0.8–)0.9–1.1(–1.2) μm high, radially oriented from suprahilar spot, occasionally fused in pairs, ((0–)1(–2) fusions in the circle), connected by dispersed fine line connections ((0–)1–2(–3) in the circle); suprahilar spot distinct, not amyloid or with few small amyloid dots. Basidia (31.5–)34–39.5(–41) × (7–)9–10.5(–11) μm, av. 37 × 10 μm, 2–4-spored, clavate; basidiola first cylindrical or ellipsoid, then clavate, c. 4–10 μm wide. Hymenial cystidia on lamellar sides widely dispersed, 200–300/mm2, (66–)72–92.5(–105) × (9.5–)10–13(–14) μm, av. 82.1 × 11.4 μm, fusiform or rarely clavate, often pedicellate, apically acute or sometimes obtuse and mostly with 4–17 μm long appendage; contents heteromorphous, crystalline-banded, turning brown to almost greyish black in sulfovanillin; abundant near the lamellae edges, (55–)61–76(–88) × (6–)8–11.5(–13.5) μm, av. 68.5 × 9.6 μm, more frequently clavate, sometimes also cylindrical, usually obtuse, frequently apically constricted or appendiculate. Lamellar edges fertile; marginal cells not well differentiated, smaller, c. 10–20 × 4–5 μm, cylindrical or clavate. Pileipellis orthochromatic in Cresyl blue, not sharply delimited from the underlying context, 175–200 μm deep, strongly gelatinised; suprapellis 45–55 μm deep, disconnected, of dense, ascending and near the surface repent hyphal terminations; gradually passing to 45–120 μm deep subpellis of irregularly oriented, intricate, (2.5–)3–4(–4.5) μm wide hyphae. Acid-resistant incrustations absent. Hyphal terminations in pileipellis near the pileus margin, composed of 2–3 unbranched cells with the basal cell often shorter and inflated, often slightly flexuous, thin-walled; terminal cells (23–)33–63.5(–81) × (2.5–)3–4.5(–5) μm, av. 48.2 × 3.8 μm, mainly cylindrical, apically often slightly attenuated; subterminal cells usually equally wide and sometimes shorter, usually unbranched. Hyphal terminations near the pileus centre slightly smaller, terminal cells (23–)32–51(–64.5) × (3–)3.5–5(–7) μm, av. 41.5 × 4.2 μm, subterminal and lower cells more frequently inflated. Pileocystidia near the pileus margin very abundant, mainly one-celled, cylindrical to narrowly clavate, thin-walled, terminal cells (31.5–)33–90(–155) × (4.5–)6–8(–9) μm, av. 61.6 × 6.7 μm, apically mainly obtuse, contents heteromorphous, slowly turning greyish in sulfovanillin. Pileocystidia near the pileus centre similar, terminal cells (22–)30–86(–166) × (5–)6–8.5(–9.5) μm, av. 58 × 7 μm. Cystidioid hyphae in subpellis and context dispersed, contents heteromorphous-banded.

Typus.Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Malakand division, Swat district, Lower Shawar, alt. 1 200 m, on the floor of Quercus floribunda dominated moist temperate forest mixed with a few pines, 7 Sept. 2015, Z. Ullah & M. Kiran MK-KS49 (holotype LAH 35453, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT738294 and MT738269, MycoBank MB836118).

Additional materials examined. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Malakand division, Swat district, Lower Shawar, alt. 1 200 m, on the floor of Quercus floribunda dominated moist temperate forest mixed with a few pines, 7 Sept. 2015, Z. Ullah MK-KS26 (LAH 35452, ITS, LSU and rpb2 sequences GenBank MT738291, MT738266 and MT732175,); ibid., 26 July 2018, Z. Ullah & J. Khan AS 48 (LAH36424, ITS, LSU and rpb2 sequences GenBank MT738290, MT738265 and MT732174); AS 61 (LAH36425, ITS, LSU and rpb2 sequences GenBank MT738292, MT738267 and MT732176); AS 75 (LAH36426, ITS, LSU and rpb2 sequences GenBank MT738293, MT738268 and MT732177).

Notes — The ITS sequence of the type collection has the closest GenBank BLAST match (97.8 %) with a sequence identified as Russula atroglauca originating from Kyrgyzstan (GenBank MK351735). More than 80 sequences that fall in the UNITE species hypothesis SH1423803.08FU of R. atroglauca (www/ are within 96 % GenBank BLAST identity. To distinguish the Pakistani collections from R. atroglauca and other European species of the section Griseinae, we performed phylogenetic multilocus analysis of ITS, LSU and rpb2 regions (for the phylogenetic tree and analysed sequences see Supplementary material FP1172-1+2). To avoid misidentification

(text continues on Supplementary material page FP1172)

Colour illustrations. Quercus floribunda dominated forest in Lower Shawar (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan) where the holotype was collected. Left top: Pileal surface of collection LAH 35453. Centre bottom: basidiomata of collection LAH 35452. Right top: Scanning electron photograph of spores from LAH 35452. Line drawings all from the holotype LAH 35453. Right bottom: basidia and basidiola (left top), marginal cells (centre) and spores (left bottom), hymenial cystidia near the lamellae edges (right top) and lamellae sides (right bottom). Left bottom: pileocystidia near the pileus centre (left top) and near the pileus margin (left bottom), hyphal terminations near the pileus centre (right top) and near the pileus margin (right bottom) from holotype. Scale bars = 10 mm (basidiomata), 5 μm (spores), 10 μm (all other microscopic structures).

Supplementary material


Maximum likelihood phylogeny estimated for members of subsection Griseinae inferred from ITS, LSU and rpb2 regions in RAxML-173 HPC2 v. 8.2.10 (Stamatakis 2015), with rapid bootstrapping (1 000 iterations), computed on the CIPRES web server (; Miller et al. 2010) under default settings including a General Time Reversible (GTR) + Gamma (G) model of sequence evolution. Bootstrap support values followed by Bayesian posterior probabilities computed in MrBayes v. 3.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012) are indicated at the nodes. Species names are followed by herbarium codes and country of origin.


List of samples and sequences used.

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Russula shawarensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1173 – 19 December 2020

Serendipita whamiae Dearnaley, T.W. May & Linde, sp. nov.

John DW Dearnaley 1, Tom W May 2, Celeste Linde 3

Etymology. Named in honour of the well-known naturalist of the Stanthorpe region, Dell Wham.

Classification — Serendipitaceae, Sebacinales, Agaricomycetes.

Sporophore produced by the soil on agar method (Warcup & Talbot 1967), grey, resupinate hyphae occurring loosely on the surface of soil clods. Probasidia globose 5–9 μm to subglobose 7–9 × 6–8 μm diam, some with sub-basidial cells. Metabasidia crucially septate, in groups of 2–3 on short stalks from hyphae, globose, 7 μm diam, to subglobose, 6–8 μm diam. Basidia ovate, 7–11 × 6–7 μm diam, longitudinally septate, with 2–4 sterigmata. Sterigmata 5–21 μm long, narrowing at apex. Basidiospores vermiform, some with septa, 11–50 × 1–2 μm diam.

Culture characteristics — Colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA) up to 6 cm diam after 3 wk growth at 22 °C, pinkish buff, flattened, without aerial mycelium, margins irregular, surface wrinkled in the central part, reverse pinkish buff. Hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, lacking clamps, 2 μm in width. Monilioid cells globose, 7 μm diam to subglobose, 6–11 × 5–10 μm diam, in chains.

Typus. Australia, Queensland, Stanthorpe, Girraween National Park, open Eucalyptus woodland, S27°49′13″ E151°58′47″, alt. 1008 m, isolated as an endophyte from roots of Eriochilus cucullatus (Orchidaceae), 7 Apr. 2016, J.D.W. Dearnaley EC3A (holotype BRIP 71159 living culture stored in a metabolically inactive state, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank KY798218 and MT422063, MycoBank MB835492).

Notes — Serendipita is a genus of Agaricomycetous fungi, many of which occur as endophytes in the roots of grasses, ericoids, liverworts and orchids (Weiss et al. 2016). The group is characterised by longitudinally septate basidia, long, worm-like basidiospores and DNA sequence data (Oberwinkler 1964, Roberts 1993, Basiewicz et al. 2012, Riess et al. 2014). Serendipita whamiae is a new species of Serendipitaceae with morphological similarities to the type species, S. vermifera, including probasidia 5–9 μm, longitudinally septate basidia and vermiform basidiospores, although the latter are shorter (11–50 μm) than that described by Oberwinkler (1964), Warcup & Talbot (1967) and Roberts (1993) at 30–60 μm, 45–64 μm, 21–86 μm, respectively. Compared to sequenced, named species within Serendipita, S. whamiae is distinct on BLAST matches from S. herbamans (ITS; 87 % identity over 637 bp; GenBank NR_144842) and S. indica (ITS; 68 % identity over 685 bp; GenBank NR_166023) and also from the type of the genus, S. vermifera (LSU; 87 % identity over 568 bp; GenBank HM030724). Otherwise, there is a series of unnamed environmental and endophyte sequences (EU625995 to KY798218) that form a well-supported clade including the sequence from the type of S. whamiae (all within 96 % similarity) that could prove conspecific, but for which morphological data is not available. Whitehead et al. (2017) found that Serendipita defined by multigene species delimitation had maximum within species variation of 4.1 % for ITS.

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Bayesian inference tree of ITS sequences from S. whamiae (bold) and related Sebacinales species in GenBank using MrBayes v. 3.2.7 (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001) as implemented in Geneious v. 10.2.6 (Kearse et al. 2012). ClustalW was used for the alignment. The numbers above the branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities with values less than 0.7 not shown. Helvellosebacina sp. (KF000449) and Sebacina incrustans (JQ66545) were used as outgroups. Sequences labelled OTUA etc. are Australian orchid isolates categorised by Whitehead et al. (2017). Sequences in red are named species of Serendipita.

Colour illustrations. Eriochilus cucullatus (inset) in Eucalyptus woodland at Girraween National Park (Photo credit Ian Milinovich). Serendipita whamiae (clockwise from top left) colony on PDA; monilioid cells; probasidia; metabasidia; basidium; basidiospores. Scale bars = 1 cm (colony and inset), 10 μm (all others).

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Serendipita whamiae

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1174 – 19 December 2020

Suhomyces rilaensis R.A. Dimitrov & Gouliamova, sp. nov.

Dilnora E Gouliamova 1, Roumen Dimitrov 1

Etymology. Ri-la-en-sis, referring to the locality Rila National Park from which this species was is olated.

Classification — Incertae sedis, Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetes.

After 7 d at 25 °C in 5 % glucose-yeast extract broth, cells are spherical, subglobose, ellipsoidal and oblong, 2–7 × 2–9 μm, occurring singly or in clusters. Asexual reproduction is by multilateral budding. After 7 d at 25 °C on 5 % malt extract agar (MEA) the culture is cream, butyrous, smooth, glistening, convex and with an entire margin fringed with filaments. Dalmau plate culture after 10 d on yeast morphology agar results in the formation of pseudohyphae. Aerobic growth is dimorphic, center is erased, and the margin is completely eroded, fringed with filaments. Ascospore production was not detected either alone or in pairs on yeast extract, malt extract agar (YMA), 5 % MEA, McClary acetate agar, potato dextrose agar (PDA), malt agar (MA2) and diluted V8 agar.

Fermentation — Glucose is fermented. Galactose, maltose, sucrose, lactose and raffinose are not fermented.

Carbon assimilation — D-glucose, D-galactose, D-glucosamine (+,w), D-ribose, D-xylose, α,α-trehalose, cellobiose (+,w), salicin, arbutin, glycerol, meso-erythritol, ribitol, xylitol (+,w), D-glucitol, D-mannitol, Glucono b-lactone (+,w), 2 keto-D-gluconate, D-gluconate (w,-), succinate, citrate, ethanol and propane 1,2 diol are assimilated. L-Sorbose, L-arabinose, D-arabinose, L-rhamnose, sucrose, maltose, methyl α –glucoside, melibiose, lactose, raffinose, melezitose, inuline, soluble starch, galactitol, myo-inositol, D-glucuronate, D-galactouronate, DL-lactate, methanol, butane 2,3 diol, quinic acid, saccharate and galactonic acid are not assimilated.

Nitrogen assimilation — Nitrite, ethylamine, L-lysine are assimilated. Nitrate, creatine, creatinine, N-acetyl- glucosamine and imidazole are not assimilated.

Other tests — Growth in medium containing 0.01 and 0.1 % cyclohexemide is negative. Growth in medium containing 50 % and 60 % glucose is negative. Starch production, urea and DBB tests are negative. Growth in medium containing 10 % NaCl is positive. Growth in 15 % NaCl is negative. Growth at 25 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C and 37 °C is positive. Growth at 42 °C is negative. Growth without all vitamins test is negative.

Typus.Bulgaria, in Podgorie area below Samuilovo village, from the gut of Bolitophagus interruptus found on a Polyporus sp., D. Gouliamova (holotype DZ3 preserved in metabolically inactive state in the yeast collection of the Institute of Microbiology, Sofia, Bulgaria. The ex-type culture is deposited at National bank for microorganisms and cell cultures (NBIMCC), Sofia Bulgaria, and at the CBS-KNAW culture collection of Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands as NBIMCC 8930 = CBS 12453; D1/D2 LSU and ITS sequences GenBank HM627113 and HM627148, MycoBank MB802451).

Additional materials examined. Bulgaria, in vicinity of Rila monastery, strain isolated from the gut of Bolitophagus reticulatus, D301 = NBIMCC 8929 = CBS 12443, D1/D2 LSU and ITS sequences GenBank HM627061 and HM627147; DKUZ1 isolated from unidentified grasshopper (Orthoptera), NBIMCC 8931 = CBS 12460, D1/D2 LSU and ITS sequences GenBank HM627116 and HM627150.

Notes — Suhomyces tanzawaensis was isolated from mosses in Japan (Nakase et al. 1988) and had no known close relatives for a long time. In 2001 six additional species were isolated from mushrooms, plants and insect frass (Kurtzman 2001). Suh et al. (2004) isolated 16 new yeast species belonging to the clade from the gut of mushroom feeding insects (Suh et al. 2004). Kurtzman et al. (2016) proposed a new genus Suhomyces to accommodate members of the clade. During a yeast biodiversity survey conducted in Bulgaria in 2008–2011 three conspecific yeast strains (100 % identity in both LSU nrDNA and ITS nrDNA sequences) belonging to the genus Suhomyces were isolated from the gut of beetles. Three strains, DZ3, D301 and DKUZ, have the most similar sequences in the database belonging to S. bolitotheri (97 % identity in LSU nrDNA sequence) and S. tanzawaensis (88 % identity in ITS1+2 nrDNA sequence), thus indicating that the three Bulgarian strains represent a new yeast species. Phylogenetic analysis of combined LSU rDNA and ITS sequences placed the new species and S. bolitotheri in a separate subclade (100 % support). Pairwise analysis of the sequences from multiple alignment data showed that the new strains show 73 % similarity (242 identical nt.: 626 subst., 36 gaps) in ITS-LSU nrDNA with S. bolitotheri and 75 % similarity (248 identical nt.: 622 subst., 86 gaps) with S. choktaworum. The results of the phylogenetic analyses were confirmed by the comparative analysis of physiological profiles of the yeast strains and closest relatives on the phylogenetic tree. The analysis showed that six physiological characteristics distinguish the new strains from S. bolithoteri. The new species is not able to ferment galactose, is able to assimilate propane 1,2 diol and is not able to assimilate L-sorbose. Growth in the presence of 16 % NaCl, 50 % and 60 % glucose, and in the presence of 0.01 cycloheximide is negative. Nine characteristics distinguished the new strains from S. choctaworum. The new species is not able to ferment galactose, is not able to assimilate L-sorbose, L-arabinose and D-arabinose. Growth in the presence of 16 % NaCl, 50 % and 60 % glucose, and in the presence of 0.01 and 0.1 % of cycloheximide is negative.

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Phylogenetic tree obtained by the analysis of combined ITS and LSU nrDNA sequences of Suhomyces rilaensis DZ3T and related species using a neighbour-joining method (Kimura two-parameter model; MEGA v. 7; 100 bootstrap replicates).

Colour illustrations. A view of reservoir Koprinka in Rose Valey, Bulgaria. Morphology of cells of Suhomyces rilaensis DZ3T in 5 % glucose broth after 1 wk; Bolitophagus interruptus (Photo credits to S. Zayakov and K. Makarov, Scale bar = 5 μm.

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Suhomyces rilaensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1175 – 19 December 2020

Tolypocladium flavonigrum Noisripoom, Tasanathai, Khonsanit & Luangsa-ard, sp. nov.

Kanoksri Tasanathai 1, Wasana Noisripoom 1, Artit Khonsanit 1, Jennifer Luangsa-ard 1, Plant Microbe Interaction Research Team 1

Etymology. Named after the colour of fresh stromata, from the Latin ‘flavo’ meaning yellow, and ‘nigrum’ meaning black.

Classification — Ophiocordycipitaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes.

Single or multiple stromata emerging directly from the ground growing on unidentified Elaphomyces sp., clavate, 15–30 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, yellowish green when immature, black when mature. Terminal part of the stroma fertile, capitate, yellow black to black, 2–5 mm diam. Perithecia crowded, ordinal in arrangement, completely immersed, elongate-ovoid, (560–)567–697(–750) × (200–)206–248(–250) μm. Asci cylindrical, 8-spored, (318–)330–416(–482) × 7–8 μm with thickened ascus caps, 4.5–5 × 5 μm. Ascospores hyaline, filiform, (310–)330–375(–395) × 1.5–2 μm, breaking into 64 cylindrical part-spores, 2–5 × 1.5–2 μm.

Culture characteristics — (Colonies developed from germinating ascospores. Ascospores germinated within 24 h on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Colonies on PDA moderately growing, funiculose, c. 10 mm diam after 3 w at 25 °C. Colonies white to smoke grey with age. Colonies reverse cream. Conidiophores erect, arising from vegetative hyphae. Conidia single-celled, hyaline, smooth, globose, 3–5 μm diam, produced in slimy heads.

Typus.Thailand, Kalasin Province, Khok Pa Si Community Forest, on Elaphomyces sp., underground, 14 Aug. 2013, K. Tasanathai, W. Noisripoom & A. Khonsanit (holotype BBH37600, culture ex-type BCC66576 = MY08887, ITS, LSU and tef1 sequences GenBank MN338090, MN337287 and MN338495, MycoBank MB832658).

Additional material examined. Thailand, Kalasin Province, Khok Pa Si Community Forest, on Elaphomyces sp., underground, 14 Aug. 2013, K. Tasanathai, W. Noisripoom & A. Khonsanit, BBH37601, culture BCC66578, ITS, LSU and tef1 sequences GenBank MN338091, MN337288 and MN338496; ibid. BBH37602, culture BCC66580 LSU, tef1 and rpb1 sequences GenBank MN337289, MN338497 and MN338494.

Notes — Tolypocladium flavonigrum is a rare species in Thailand found only in Khok Pa Si Community Forest, Kalasin province. Compared with other species occurring on Elaphomyces sp., T. flavonigrum shows similarity to T. fractum (Mains 1957) in the colour and shape of the fertile head as well as in the size and shape of the ascospores but differ in the size of perithecia and asci. Tolypocladium flavonigrum produces elongate, ovoid perithecia and asci, which are broader than T. fractum (500–600 × 220–260; 300–480 × 5–6 μm, respectively). Tolypocladium japonicum (Mains 1957) possesses a clavate fertile head and is distinct from all known species on truffles, while both T. capitatum (Mains 1957) and T. longisegmentum possess a yellowish stipe and reddish brown fertile part of the stromata, and differ mainly by the length of their part-spores: T. longisegmentum has the longest part-spores (40–65 × 4–5 μm) followed by T. capitatum, T. japonicum and T. flavonigrum (8–32 × 2.5–3; 10–18 × 2.5–4; 2–5 × 1.5–2 μm), respectively. The results of our phylogenetic study using LSU, tef1 and rpb1 sequences clearly separates T. flavonigrum from other species.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the LSU sequence of Tolypocladium flavonigrum had the highest similarity to T. japonicum (strain OSC 110991, GenBank DQ51876.1; Identities = 850/908 (94 %), 33 gaps (3 %)), the closest hits using the tef1 sequence are T. japonicum (strain OSC 110991, GenBank DQ522330.1; Identities = 880/921 (96 %), no gaps), the closest hits using the rpb1 sequence are T. japonicum (strain OSC 110991, GenBank DQ522375.1; Identities = 534/566 (94 %), 3 gaps (0 %)).

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Phylogenetic tree with T. flavonigrum constructed from a combined dataset comprising LSU, tef1 and rpb1. The phylogenetic tree was analysed using Maximum parsimony (MP), Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. The MP analysis was conducted on the combined data set using PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003), adopting random addition sequences (100 replications), with gaps being treated as missing data. A bootstrap (BP) analysis was performed using the maximum parsimony criterion in 1 000 replications. The ML analysis was run with RAxML-VI-HPC2 v. 8.2.12 (Stamatakis 2014) under a GTR model, with 1 000 bootstrap replicates. Bayesian phylogenetic inference was calculated with MrBayes v. 3.2.6 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003), with 5 M generations and under the same model. Numbers at the significant nodes represent MP bootstrap support values/RAxML bootstrap support values/Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) times 100. Thickened lines in the tree represent 99–100 % bootstrap support values and 99–100 BPP.

Colour illustrations. Type locality – a small plot in Khok Pa Si Community Forest. Stroma on Elaphomyces sp.; immersed, elongate ovoid perithecia; part of asci showing asci tips; ascospore; part-spores; colonies on PDA; conidiophores with conidia; conidia. Scale bars =10 mm (stromata and plate culture), 100 μm (perithecia), 10 μm (asci and ascospore), 5 μm (part-spores, conidiophores with conidia and conidia).

Supplementary material


List of species and GenBank accessions numbers of sequences used in this study.

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Tolypocladium flavonigrum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1176 – 19 December 2020

Tuber lusitanicum Ant. Rodr. & Muñoz-Mohedano, sp. nov.

Antonio Rodríguez 1, Justo Muñoz-Mohedano 1, Alfonso Navarro-Ródenas 1, Francisco Arenas 1, Asunción Morte 1

Etymology. Referring to Lusitania, the name given by the Romans to the western region of the Iberian Peninsula, which now covers the Portuguese area below Douro river and the neighbouring regions of Spanish Extremadura.

Classification — Tuberaceae, Pezizales, Pezizomycetes.

Ascomata hypogeous, 0.5–2 cm in size, subglobose, often lobed or irregular in form, solid, firm, white at first, becoming white-cream, pale yellowish, sometimes with a reddish tinge, darker at maturity, smooth. Peridium 300–500 μm thick, two-layered: the outermost pseudoparenchymatous, composed of subglobose or subangular cells, mostly 10–20 μm diam, yellowish, thick-walled, giving rise to hairs at the surface overlying; the inner layer composed of hyaline, thin-walled, interwoven, broad hyphae gradually intermixing into gleba. Hairs sparse, commonly 40–60 × 3–5 μm, hyaline, slender, tapered, setose, thick-walled, sometimes 1-septate near the base. Gleba whitish when immature, becoming olive brown, dark brown at maturity, marbled with numerous, thin, white veins, some veins ending in the peridium. Odour slight and not distinctive. Asci inamyloid, 50–80 × 50–60 μm, thin-walled, ellipsoid to subglobose, sessile or short-stalked, (1–)3–4(–5)-spored. Ascospores 19–35 × 17–28 μm, Q = 1.1–1.3, excluding ornamentation, the walls 2 μm thick, at first hyaline, becoming yellowish brown at maturity, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, ornamented with a regular reticulum, alveoli 3–6 μm tall, 6–10 μm long, 2–5 alveolar meshes along the spore length, polygonal (5–6 sides).

Ecology & Distribution — Tuber lusitanicum grows in acidic soils of Extremadura dehesas associated to Quercus spp. in spring. Currently known only from Cáceres, Spain.

Typus. Spain, Cáceres, Rosalejo, in acidic soil, under Quercus suber (Fagaceae), 10 June 2012, A. Rodriguez (holotype MUB Fung-986, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MT621651 and MT705332, MycoBank MB835881).

Additional materials examined.Spain, Cáceres, Rosalejo, under Quercus faginea, 10 June 2012, J. Mohedano, MUB Fung-987 and MUB Fung-988, ITS sequences GenBank MT621652 and MT621653; Belvís de Monroy under Quercus suber, 20 May 2012, J. Mohedano, MUB Fung-989 and MUB Fung-990, ITS sequences GenBank MT621654 and MT621655; Millanes under Quercus suber, 5 June 2006, J. Mohedano, MUB Fung-991, ITS sequence GenBank MT621656.

Notes — Tuber lusitanicum is a whitish truffle that clusters in the maculatum clade, and is characterised by its white-cream smooth peridium, brown gleba marbled with numerous, thin, white veins and reticulate-alveolate spores. Tuber lusitanicum is a sister species to T. rapaeodorum (88 % of similarity of ITS sequence), but T. rapaeodorum differs by having larger, narrower spores and thinner peridium (Ceruti et al. 2003). It also resembles T. maculatum (74 % of similarity of ITS sequence) but T. maculatum has a prosenchymatous peridium, lacking hairs and larger spores (Mello et al. 2000).

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Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree inferred from ITS sequences using RAxML-HPC v. 8 (Stamatakis 2014) on XSEDE in the CIPRES science gateway (Miller et al. 2010). GTR + G was selected as model of evolution for the analysis. The sequences obtained in the present study are highlighted in bold. Bootstrap support values (≥ 70 %) are indicated at the nodes. Tuber latisporum and Tuber pseudosphaerosporum were used as outgroup. The scale bar indicates the expected changes per site.

Colour illustrations. Spain, Cáceres, Rosalejo, Quercus suber in Extremadura dehesa where the holotype was collected. Ascocarps; mature ascospores; peridium and hairs. Scale bars = 20 μm.

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Tuber lusitanicum

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1177 – 19 December 2020

Tylopilus subotsuensis T.H.G. Pham, A.V. Alexandrova & O.V. Morozova, sp. nov.

Thi Ha Giang Pham 1, Alina V Alexandrova 2, Olga V Morozova 3

Etymology. The epithet refers to macromorphological similarity of the new species to Tylopilus otsuensis.

Classification — Boletaceae, Boletales, Agaricomycetes.

Basidiomata medium to large sized, boletoid. Pileus 30–90 mm diam, firstly hemispherical, then convex and pulvinate-flattened; fleshy; margin initially involute, then curved downwards, finally plane, not or only slightly extending beyond the tubes, surface matt, dry, slightly slimy in moist weather, firstly finely pruinose or felted, then smooth and glabrous; the colour varies from beige and pale ochraceous brown with minute olive tinge to light brown and brown (4A3–4, 4B3–4, 5C3–5, 5D4–8, 6E4–6; Kornerup & Wanscher 1978). Hymenophore depressed around the apex of stipe, up to 10 mm thick, thinner than the context, whitish, becoming pinkish; pores round or slightly angular, up to 1 mm diam. Stipe 80–120 × 10–25 mm, almost cylindrical or broadened towards the base, solid; minutely tomentose, without distinct reticulum; dry, slightly slimy in moist weather, concolorous with the pileus or slightly lighter. Context firm, white, unchanging or slowly yellowing in the stem base and in the areas damaged by insects. Smell weak, taste bitter. Spores (7.5–)9–10(–11.5) × (3–)3.5(–4.5) μm, Q = (2.2–)2.6(–3), fusoid, ellipsoid-fusoid, tapering towards the apex, inequilateral in side view, without or with weak suprahilar depression, sometimes substrangulate, hyaline in KOH, smooth. Basidia 23–28 × 6–9 μm, 4-spored, narrowly clavate to clavate, clampless. Cheilocystidia lageniform or fusoid, 29–66 × 9–15 μm, often thin-walled, with granulose content, forming sterile or heterogeneous tube edge. Pleurocystidia 45–72 × 10–15 μm, same as cheilocystidia. Hymenophoral trama divergent, boletoid. Pileipellis a trichoderm, made up of strongly interwoven filamentous, frequently branched yellowish hyphae 5–8 μm wide. Stipitipellis a caulohymenium of basidiolae-like narrowly clavate cells, 25–35 × 7–10 μm, with scattered caulobasidia. Caulocystidia 25–60 × 6–10 μm, lageniform, fusoid or subcylindrical. Clamp connections absent.

Habit, Habitat & Known distribution — Solitary, in groups or caespitose on soil in montane evergreen tropical forests. Known from Vietnam.

Typus.Vietnam, Dak Lak Province, Krong Bong District, Chu Yang Sin National Park, Krong Kmar, 7 km northwest of Chu Yang Sin Mt., N12.42656° E108.36633°, 985 m alt., middle montane evergreen broadleaf forest, 18 May 2014, A.V. Alexandrova & T.H.G. Pham (holotype LE312534; ITS, tef1α and LSU sequences GenBank MW009074, MW014268 and MW009073, MycoBank MB837493).

Additional materials examined. Vietnam, Dak Lak Province, Krong Bong District, Chu Yang Sin National Park, Krong Kmar, 7 km northwest of Chu Yang Sin mountain, N12.39497° E108.34823°, 1 000 m alt., middle montane evergreen mixed riparian forest, 21 Mar. 2013, A.V. Alexandrova & T.H.G. Pham (LE312526; tef1α sequence GenBank MW014271); ibid., 22 Mar. 2013, A.V. Alexandrova & T.H.G. Pham (LE312525; ITS and tef1α sequences GenBank MW009075 and MW014269); Lam Dong Province, Bao Lam District, 21 km NW of the town of Bao Loc, Loc Bac Forestry, N11.74449° E107.70647°, 1 006 m alt., 6 Apr. 2013, lower montane evergreen broadleaf forest (Magnoliaceae, Myrtaceae, Theaceae, Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Annonaceae), A.V. Alexandrova & T.H.G. Pham (LE312528; tef1α sequence GenBank MW014270); Gia Lai Province, K’Bang District, Son Lang Commune, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve, N14.50042° E108.56338°, 1 000 m alt., on soil in middle montane evergreen mixed forest, 27 May 2016, A.V. Alexandrova (LE312527; tef1α sequence GenBank MW014272).

Notes — Tylopilus subotsuensis is characterised by the brownish basidiomata, usually lacking distinct olivaceous or purplish tinges. Tylopilus otsuensis, described from Japan (Hongo 1966), is superficially similar. It is distinguished by the oblong spores, presence of distinct olivaceous tinge and reddish-brown discolouration when bruised. Long, fusoid, tapering towards the apex spores, unchanging or slightly yellowish context and lack or almost lack of olivaceous tinge in the colour of basidiomata are characteristic for the new species. Micromorphologically, due to spores and cystidia, the new species resembles T. neofelleus (Hongo 1973). But for the latter species the presence of a more or less pronounced purplish tinge and thin reticulum on the upper part of stipe surface is characteristic. In fact, colour variations are not a very reliable way to distinguish species in the genus Tylopilus. Gelardi et al. (2014b) and Wu et al. (2016) have shown with molecular evidence that the presence of a purplish tinge in basidiomata of T. neofelleus (including T. microsporus) can vary greatly from a pronounced colour to its complete absence. In the last case T. subotsuensis and T. neofelleus are almost inseparable, distinguished only by the absence of a reticulum in the apex of the stipe, slightly longer spores and wider cystidia in the new species. However, molecular data support the T. subotsuensis as distinct.

Colour illustrations. Vietnam, Dak Lak Province, Krong Bong District, Chu Yang Sin National Park, type locality. Spores, cheilocystidium; pleurocystidium; pileipellis; stipitipellis with caulocystidia (all from holotype). Pileus, basidioma in situ (from holotype); group of fasciculate basidiomata with a longitudinal section through one of them. Scale bars = 10 μm (spores and microstructures), 1 cm (basidiomata).

Supplementary material


Phylogenetic tree derived from Bayesian analysis based on tef1α data. The analysis was performed under a GTR model of evolution for 3 M generations using MrBayes v. 3.2.1 (Ronquist et al. 2012). Posterior probability (PP > 0.95) values from the Bayesian analysis are shown at the nodes. The scale bar represents the expected number of nucleotide changes per site.

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Tylopilus subotsuensis

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1178 – 19 December 2020

Veloboletus limbatus Fechner & Halling, gen. & sp. nov.

Roy E Halling 1, Nigel Fechner 2, Naveed Davoodian 3

Etymology. Velo- (veil) + boletus (genus of Boletaceae); limbus- (edge, rim, margin referring to the obvious veil remnant edge at the base of stipe).

Classification — Boletaceae, Boletales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus (3–)6.5–9 cm broad, convex to plano-convex, dry, finely appressed squamulose, with squamules brown to deep reddish brown or reddish brown, overlying a dull red disc, dull yellow to bright yellow or dirty yellowish at margin, staining blue, with even or rarely a sterile projecting margin attached at stipe when young to form limbate rim on stipe base. Flesh pale yellow to pale lemon yellow, 1–2 cm thick, staining blue when exposed, with mild odour and slowly unpleasant to nearly bitter taste. Hymenophore adnexed to depressed around stipe, with tubes bright yellow to bright greenish yellow (2A–B7,6; Kornerup & Wanscher 1983), sometimes hardly bluing when young or staining blue-green when bruised at first, with pores olive yellow (3C8) to olive brown, then pores becoming brown. Stipe (4.5–)6.5–9.5 cm long, (1.5–)2–2.7(–5) cm broad, dry, terete or slightly flattened, equal to subclavate to clavate, sometimes with a pinched base, with a clearly defined limbate rim and tapering to base below that; surface bright lemon yellow above and heavily pruinose to subfloccose or fibrillose streaked, matted toward base, fading to whitish with age, pale pinkish red with fine appressed to suberect deep red to brown squamules below limbate rim (as in pileus), staining blue; interior solid, yellow, staining blue, with yellow (4B8) basal mycelium.

Basidiospores 9.6–15.2 × 3.5–4.9 μm, x = 12.43 × 4.30 μm, Q = 2.89, n = 100, p = 5, smooth, subfusoid to ellipsoid, hyaline to pale yellow in KOH, hyaline to rarely weakly dextrinoid in Melzer’s. Basidia 18–40 × 8–12 μm, 4-sterigmate, clavate, hyaline, inamyloid. Pileus trama interwoven with hyaline, thin-walled hyphae, 4–15.6(–20) μm broad. Tube trama boletoid and divergent, becoming gelatinised with age, with hyphae 4–15.6(–20) μm broad, hyaline in KOH and Melzer’s. Pleurocystidia 32–41.6 × 8.8–12 μm clavate, thin walled, inamyloid. Cheilocystidia 8–34.4 × 6.4–10.4 μm obclavate to clavate, inamyloid, thin-walled. Pileipellis a trichodermium, composed of erect to suberect cylindrical elements, 3.2–9.6 μm broad, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline to occasionally very slightly dextrinoid. Stipitipellis a fragile and indistinct layer of cylindric to clavate elements, 3.2–12 μm long, smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid, hyaline. Clamp connections absent.

Habitat & Distribution — Solitary to gregarious on soil or sand under Allocasuarina sp., Eucalyptus sp., and Eucalyptus grandis. At present, known in Queensland from the Tablelands west of Cairns southward to Fraser Island and the southern border of the state in the mountains west of the Gold Coast. In the months February to March, June.

Typus. Australia, Queensland, Wide Bay District, Great Sandy National Park, Fraser Island, Kingfisher Bay, S25°23′35.7″ E153°1′50.7″, 8 m, 10 June 2009, R.E. Halling 9228 (holotype BRI AQ0794331, isotype NY 1393645; rpb2, atp6, tef1 and LSU sequences GenBank MT747397, MT747398, MN413636 and MN393700, MycoBank MB832369 (genus), MB832370 (species)).

Notes — BLAST searches were conducted against the NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database for each of the six novel sequences using megablast in the blastn suite (Johnson et al. 2008). The results based on percent identity indicated consistent placement of Veloboletus limbatus in the subfamily Xerocomoideae (family Boletaceae). This was corroborated by a series of phylogenetic analyses of individual genes with selections of exemplars from across the Boletaceae (especially Xerocomoideae), Paxillaceae, and Suillaceae. A concatenated analysis of tef1 and LSU was also done in this manner (see Supplement material FP1178). These analyses were conducted with MrBayes v. 3.2.7A (Ronquist et al. 2012) on the CIPRES REST API (Miller et al. 2015). In all cases, Veloboletus limbatus was consistently placed within a highly-supported Xerocomoideae (Bayesian posterior probability (bpp) = 1). With tef1 and LSU, where more than one specimen of V. limbatus was available, the genus was fully supported (bpp = 1) in the individual and concatenated analyses. Though we were able to infer that Veloboletus belongs within subfamily Xerocomoideae, no clear sister group to Veloboletus was apparent.

As far as we know, there are no other members of the Boletaceae with a distinctive and conspicuous squamulose, universal veil rupturing to form an obvious limbate rim. That and the conspicuous cyanescence are diagnostic. Xerocomoideae is globally diverse and contains a number of iconic mushroom groups, including for example, Boletellus, Aureoboletus, Phylloporus, Pulchroboletus, Heimioporus, and Xerocomus s.str. It is notable that Veloboletus limbatus has a universal veil. According to the terminology of Clémençon (2012), V. limbatus exhibits a cleistometablema. Several other epigeous stipitate-pileate Xerocomoideae exhibit veils that could be interpreted as universal (Boletellus ananas, B. ananiceps, B. emodensis, B. deceptivus, B. singeri, Aureoboletus longicollis), but in those species, the portion of the veil nearest the stipe is not physically connected to the stipe tissue. In B. singeri and A. longicollis, the veil can separate from the pileus margin and form an annular appendage. Alessioporus ichnusanus, a Xerocomoideae from southern Europe, is described as leaving a velar remnant on the stipe of mature fruiting bodies due to mixangiocarpic development (Gelardi et al. 2014a). Based on the combination of morphological features alone, we hypothesize the uniqueness of the taxon merits generic recognition. Clearly, the need for further exploration and collection of Boletales in Australasia, which harbours a diverse and unique mycota, is required. Future fieldwork or herbarium-based studies may uncover a sister group to Veloboletus or reveal additional species in the genus.

Colour illustrations. Sclerophyll vegetation with Eucalyptus and Allocasuarina at Camp Milo of the Cooloola Sandmass near Fraser Island. Stipitipellis; basidiospores; pileipellis; holotype (REH9228); solitary basidiome (REH8746); sectioned basidiome (REH8917) showing universal veil attachment (arrows). Scale bars = 1 cm (entire basidiomes), 0.5 cm (sectioned basidiome); 10 μm (spores and stipitipellis), 40 μm (pileipellis).

Supplementary material


Additional materials examined.


Bayesian phylogram of selected Boletales, especially subfam. Xerocomoideae.

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Veloboletus limbatus

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1179 – 19 December 2020

Xenomonodictys Hern.-Restr., Karimi, Alizadeh & Tajick Ghanbary, gen. nov.

Margarita Hernández-Restrepo 1, Omid Karimi 2, Mohammad Ali Tajick Ghanbary 2, Alireza Alizadeh 3

Etymology. From the Greek ‘Xenos’ indicating strangeness and the related genus Monodictys, referring to a variant of the genus Monodictys.

Classification — Sporormiaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.

Conidiophores micronematous, hyaline to subhyaline, mostly reduced to conidiogenous cells arising from the mycelium. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to subhyaline, cylindrical. Conidia multicellular, composed by brown cells of different tones, usually with basal cell paler than the rest.

Type species. Xenomonodictys iranica Hern.-Restr., Karimi, Alizadeh & Tajick Ghanbary.

MycoBank MB837750.

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Xenomonodictys iranica

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1179 – 19 December 2020

Xenomonodictys iranica Hern.-Restr., Karimi, Alizadeh & Tajick Ghanbary, sp. nov.

Margarita Hernández-Restrepo 1, Omid Karimi 2, Mohammad Ali Tajick Ghanbary 2, Alireza Alizadeh 3

Etymology. Name refers to the country where this fungus was collected, Iran.

Mycelium composed of hyaline to brown, smooth, septate, 1–2 μm wide hyphae. Conidiophores micronematous, hyaline to subhyaline, mostly reduced to conidiogenous cells arising from the mycelium. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to subhyaline, cylindrical, 3–9 × 1–2 μm. Conidia 10–15 × 7–9 μm, base 1–2 μm, subglobose to ellipsoidal, multicellular, composed of up to 10, smooth, brown cells, each cell 3–5 μm diam, usually in two rows, with basal cell paler than the rest. Conidial secession rhexolythic.

Culture characteristics — Colonies in oatmeal agar (OA) at 25 °C reaching 40 mm after 3 wk, cottony to velvety, with moderate aerial mycelium, olivaceous grey to mouse grey, margin entire to fimbriate; reverse olivaceous grey. On potato dextrose agar (PDA) after 2 wk reaching 45 mm, greyish to black.

Typus. Iran, Mazandaran, Pol sefid, (N36°3′27.99″ E53°5′57.84″), on wood of Fagus orientalis (Fagaceae), 11 May 2015, O. Karimi A2FC200 (holotype CBS H-24521, culture ex-type CBS 147181, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175368.1 and MW175406.1, MycoBank MB837751).

Notes — Monodictys is a large genus with 69 names presently registered in Index Fungorum. Morphologically it is characterised by multicellular, brown conidia borne on micronematous conidiophores. Based on DNA sequence data, species of Monodictys have in the past been allocated to several genera in Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes. Monodictys putredinis, the type species, is the asexual morph of Ohleria brasilensis (Melanommataceae) which resides in Pleosporales together with Paramonodictys (Parabambusicolaceae), Pleomonodictys (Pleomonodictydaceae) and Xenomonodictys (Sporormiaceae). Other species (as asexual morphs) have been connected with Tubeufia (Tubeufiaceae) and Aquastroma (Parabambusicolaceae) in Dothideomycetes (Day et al. 2006, Velmurugan et al. 2013, Tanaka et al. 2015, Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2017, Vu et al. 2019). In Sordariomycetes, however, monodictys-like species are placed in the genera Dematiosporium, Ascotaiwania (Savoryellalceae), Neomonodictys (Pleurotheciaceae), Trichocladium (Chaetomiaceae), and Nereiospora (Microascales) (Mouzouras & Jones 1985, Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2017, Réblová et al. 2020). Furthermore, in Helotiales, a monodictys-like species has been accommodated as the asexual morph of Hyaloshypha monodictys (Hosoya & Huhtinen 2002). Xenomonodictys is therefore introduced as a new genus for a monodictys-like taxon phylogenetically related to Preussia terricola.

Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Pleospora iqbalii (GenBank NR_160118.1; Identities = 486/546 (89 %), 28 gaps (5 %)), and Preussia fleischhakii (GenBank MH474379.1; Identities = 484/549 (88 %), 18 gaps (3 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Preussia terricola (GenBank GQ203725.1; Identities = 820/845 (97 %), one gap (0 %)), Pleospora iqbalii (GenBank MH871062.1; Identities = 819/847 (97 %), five gaps (0 %)), and Neomassarina chromolaenae (GenBank NG_068715.1; Identities = 817/845 (97 %), two gaps (0 %)).

Colour illustrations. Farim Forest near the city of Pol Sefid, Mazandaran Province, Iran. Conidiophores and conidia; conidia. Scale bars = 20 μm (conidiophores), 10 μm (all others).

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1180 – 19 December 2020

Cortinarius indopurpurascens Dima, Semwal, Brandrud, V. Papp, & V.K. Bhatt, sp. nov.

Bálint Dima 1, Kamal C Semwal 2, Tor Erik Brandrud 3, Viktor Papp 4, Vinod K Bhatt 5

Etymology. The epithet refers to the occurrence in India and the close relationship with Cortinarius purpurascens.

Classification — Cortinariaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 45–65 mm diam, convex to plano-convex, then applanate, margin uplifted with age, surface sticky to glutinous, glabrous, with a few darker, hygrophanous spots or radial streaks, initially pale bluish grey (Methuen 12B3–12C3) with an ochraceous tinge at disc, then becoming somewhat ochraceous brown from centre (6C6, 6D8–6C5). Lamellae emarginate, crowded, bifurcate towards margin, up to 7 mm broad, lamellulae of various lengths, bright purple, amethyst to reddish lilac tinge (15A6, 15C5–14B5), turning darker purplish when bruised. Stipe 50–70 × 10–17 mm, cylindrical with a 17–24 mm wide roundish marginated bulb at the base, concolorous with lamellae, purple to amethyst (15A6–15C5), reddish lilac tinged (14B5) when mature or bruised. Few remnants of cortina present at the upper half. Universal veil at bulb margin thin and indistinct. Context purplish. Odour honey-like, especially when bruised. Taste not recorded. Spore print cocoa brown (6E7). Basidiospores (9.3–)9.7–10.3(–10.9) × (5.2–)5.4–5.7(–5.9) μm, av. = 9.9 × 5.5 μm, Q = (1.6–)1.7–1.8(–1.9), Qav = 1.75, n = 60, (ellipsoid to) subamygdaloid, strongly verrucose, with discrete, hardly interconnected warts. Basidia 4-spored, 26–33 × 6–8 μm, clavate.

Habitat & Distribution — Solitary to caespitose, occurring among leaf litter of the evergreen banj oak Quercus leucotrichophora, on humicolous soil, in temperate broadleaved, Himalayan mid-elevation forests, dominated by mainly Q. leucotrichophora, Myrica esculenta with scattered Rhododendron arboreum trees.

Typus. India, Uttarakhand, Pauri Garhwal, Mundneshwar, 1820 m asl, N29°01′5″ E78°44′32″, 12 Aug. 2015, K.C. Semwal (holotype KCS 2442, ITS sequence GenBank MW135432, MycoBank MB837766).

Additional materials examined. India, Uttarakhand, Pauri Garhwal, Phedhkal, 1880 m asl, N30°16′36″ E78°85′42″, 17 Aug. 2015, K.C. Semwal, KCS 2467, ITS sequence GenBank MW135431; Dandapani, 1900 m asl, 28 July 2015, K.C. Semwal, KCS 2529, ITS sequence GenBank MW135430.

Notes — Cortinarius indopurpurascens belongs to the sect. Purpurascentes based on morphological and molecular (nrDNA ITS and LSU regions) data. The species in this section are characterised by basidiomata with purplish lilac tinges mainly in young stages of development, surfaces and context becoming purplish-lilac on bruising, especially on the lamellae, a positive Lugol reaction in the context, moderate to strong honey-like smell, and ellipsoid to subamygdaloid, distinctly-strongly verrucose spores (Saar et al. 2014, Soop et al. 2019). The nrDNA ITS sequences of the three studied C. indopurpurascens specimens are identical and form a well-supported monophyletic group within sect. Purpurascentes closely related to the European C. purpurascens, and to an undescribed Cortinarius species from North America (see Supplementary Material FP1180). It differs by 9–10 nucleotide and indel positions (98.5–98.3 % similarity) from C. purpurascens and 6–8 nucleotide and indel position (99–98.7 % similarity) from Cortinarius sp.

In morphology C. indopurpurascens is most similar to the mainly European C. purpurascens and C. collocandoides; both species may possess strong lilac-purplish tinges on the basidiomata, and show a distinctly marginate bulb. According to material seen, C. indopurpurascens seems to be a paler species, being pale bluish grey when young, a colour reminding more of C. porphyropus (a more distant relative with non-marginated bulb), than of C. purpurascens. With regard to microcharacters, the European species have significantly smaller spores (C. purpurascens: av. = 8 × 4.9 μm and C. collocandoides: av. = 9.2 × 5.4 μm vs C. indopurpurascens: 9.9 × 5.5 μm). Furthermore, among the five European species in this section (Saar et al. 2014), all taxa have smaller and broader spores than those of C. indopurpurascens. Ecologically, C. indopurpurascens seems to be associated with the Himalayan, evergreen Quercus leucotrichophora, whereas, the closely related, mainly European C. purpurascens is associated with a wide range of trees, including oaks, but normally do not occur under (Mediterranean) evergreen oaks. It should be noted that C. purpurascens also follows the coniferous boreal-taiga belt into Asian Siberia, but here it is known only from Pinus sylvestris forests (pers. obs.), and it is highly unlikely that C. indopurpurascens and C. purpurascens have an overlapping distribution.

Colour illustrations. India, Uttarakhand, Pauri Garhwal, Mundneshwar, type locality. Spores and basidiomata (from KCS 2442, holotype). Scale bar = 10 μm (spores).

Supplementary material


Phylogenetic tree of Cortinarius sect. Purpurascentes derived from Maximum Likelihood analysis based on nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and binary data from indel coding with FastGap v. 1.2 (Borchsenius 2009). Analysis was performed in raxmlGUI v. 1.5.2 (Silvestro & Michalak 2012) using the GTRGAMMA substitution model for the partitioned (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) nucleotide data and the default setting for binary (indel) data. ML bootstrap support (BS) values are shown at the nodes (BS > 70 %). Sequences of the new species are highlighted in blue.

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Cortinarius indopurpurascens

Persoonia. 2020 Dec 19;45:251–409.

Fungal Planet 1181 – 19 December 2020

Cortinarius glaucoelotus Brandrud, Dima, Krisai, Ballarà & Peintner, sp. nov.

Bálint Dima 1, Tor Erik Brandrud 2, Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber 3, Josep Ballarà 4, Ursula Peintner 5

Etymology. Name refers to bluish (glaucous) tinges on stipe and resemblance to C. elotus sensu Moser.

Classification — Cortinariaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes.

Pileus 35–60(–80) mm diam, hemispherical, then plano-convex, glutinous, glabrous, often with coarse, radial innately fibrillose structure near margin, centre sometimes with whitish patches of universal veil remnants; initially olivaceous brown, often with greenish grey tinge at margin, more ochraceous brown-buff to brown at centre, exposed parts often becoming oxidised to warmer red-brown, even chestnut brown with age. Lamellae emarginate, 4–8 mm broad, greyish to faintly wax yellow-ochre tinged, paler towards margin, later greyish brown, edge even to slightly serrulate. Stipe 25–60 × 1017 mm, with a distinctly (but not very broad) marginate bulb (bulb up to 27 mm wide), whitish, with a distinct and sometimes persistent lilac-amethyst zone at apex, with age brownish. Universal veil on bulb margin sparse, viscid, often difficult to distinguish from stipe surface, whitish (bluish tinges not seen), cortina abundant, whitish, soon brown from spores. Context whitish to cream, some with pale ochre grey hygrophanous streaks at stipe apex, cortex lilac at stipe apex, a few with vivid saffron yellow spots in base of bulb. Odour distinctly raphanoid (to earthy). Taste mild. Spore print dark (rusty) brown. Basidiospores (9.8–)10.9–11.9(–12.7) × (6.4–)6.7–7.5(–7.8) μm, av. = 11.40 × 7.07 μm, Q = (1.4–)1.5–1.7(–1.8), Qav = 1.61 (type collection; n = 67); range of MVs from all collections 11.4–12.1 × 7.0–7.7 μm, av. = 11.81 × 7.37 μm, Qav = 1.60; distinctly citriform to amygdaloid, strongly and coarsely, net-like verrucose, suprahilar plage indistinct, apiculus smooth. Basidia 4-spored, 9–11 μm wide. Pileipellis simplex, with gradual transition from erect-entangled-sinuous, gelatinous, very narrow, 2–3 μm wide, pale yellow hyphae at surface, to more repent-parallel, slightly wider (3–4(–5)) μm hyphae basally. The basal epicutis with pale yellow brown hyphae, sometimes more strongly yellow to yellow brown, with some hyphae filled with amorphous-oleiferous golden brown pigment, pigment sometimes in lumps like staples of coins, hyphae sometimes forming subparallel, interconnected bundles. A few thicker (6–7 μm wide) hyphae with faintly thicker walls are sometimes seen basally, some of these might be distinctly zebra-striped encrusted.

Chemical reactions — KOH 20–30 % negative (slightly brownish) on pileipellis and bulb margin.

Habitat & Distribution — In calcareous Abies dominated forests, as well as calcareous Picea and Pinus forests. Very rare, but widely distributed in montane Europe (Pyrenees - The Alps - Caucasus), and into Asian Siberia. Result of nrDNA ITS sequencing verified the species from NE Spain (with Pinus nigra and P. sylvestris), E Austria (with Abies alba and some Picea abies), Russian W Caucasus (with Abies nordmanniana and some Picea orientalis) and Altai (Russian Siberia; with Picea obovata).

Typus. Austria, Lower Austria, Schneebergdörfl, 780 m asl, N47°46′45″ E15°52′13″, 9 Oct. 2017, T.E. Brandrud, I. Krisai-Greilhuber & H. Voglmayr (holotype TEB898-17 (O), isotypus WU 42513, ITS sequence GenBank MW135358, MycoBank MB837764).

Additional materials examined. Austria, Lower Austria, Schneebergdörfl NW, 9 Oct. 2017, T.E. Brandrud, I. Krisai-Greilhuber & H. Voglmayr, WU 42455 / TEB898b-17 (O), ITS sequence GenBank MW135357. – Russia, Altai republic, Chuya river (Katun), NW of Uagan Unus, 22 Aug. 2001 (as ‘C. elotus’), M.M. Moser (IB 2001/0090), ITS-LSU sequence GenBank EU056953; Karachay-Cherkessia Republic (NW Caucasus), Kuzgych river, Arkhyz W, 10 Oct. 2016, T.E. Brandrud & T. Svetasheva, TEB 635-16 (LE), ITS sequence GenBank MW135356. – Spain, Berguedà, Espunyola Can Gomira, 700–900 m asl, 8 Nov. 2014, J. Ballarà, JB-8525-14, ITS sequence GenBank MW135354.

Notes — Cortinarius glaucoelotus belongs to the Humolentes clade (within the Calochroi lineage), where it has a sister position to C. pseudoglaucopus and C. praetermissus. Cortinarius pseudoglaucopus is distributed both in Europe and North America, and shows a slight phylogeographical differentiation between these regions. The nrDNA ITS sequences generated from C. glaucoelotus differ from sequences of European C. pseudoglaucopus by 9–12 nucleotide and indel positions (98.35–98.02 % similarity). The two species have overlap in their distribution and similar habitat requirements: both are occurring in calcareous coniferous forests, but C. glaucoelotus is possibly more associated with Abies spp. They are co-occurring in W Caucasus and found in the same area and same kind of forests in E Austria and NE Spain. Morphologically, C. glaucoelotus and C. pseudoglaucopus are very similar, characterised e.g. by their initially olive brown pilei. Based on the material seen so far, it seems that C. glaucoelotus can be distinguished from C. pseudoglaucopus by the beautiful lilac-amethyst narrow zone at the stipe apex when young. However, we do not know if this lilac apex colour is constant. The bluish pigments in C. pseudoglaucopus are very variable, sometimes the stipe and context can be bluish-violet tinged when young, and the veil and bulb margin are often violaceous spotted when young. These bluish variants have usually rather dark pileus colours, as already indicated by Moser (1961). The bluish tinges on the bulb margin including the veil have not thus far been seen in C. glaucoelotus. It is also possible that C. glaucoelotus on average has more olive greenish tinges on the pileus margin when (very) young, but this needs further confirmation.

(text continues on Supplementary material page FP1181)

Colour illustrations. Austria, Schneebergdörfl, WU 42513, type locality. Spores and basidiomata (from WU 42513, holotype). Scale bar = 10 μm (spores).

Supplementary material


Phylogenetic tree of the Humolentes clade within sect. Calochroi derived from a Maximum Likelihood analysis based on nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2, partial nrLSU and binary data from indel coding with FastGap v. 1.2 (Borchsenius 2009). Analysis was performed in raxmlGUI v. 1.5.2 (Silvestro & Michalak 2012) using the GTRGAMMA substitution model for the partitioned (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and LSU) nucleotide data and the default setting for binary (indel) data. ML bootstrap support (BS) values are shown at the nodes (BS > 70 %). Sequences generated for this study are highlighted in bold face.

graphic file with name per-2020-45-10-g103.jpg

Cortinarius glaucoelotus

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials


    Consensus phylogram (50 % majority rule) of 93 002 trees resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the combined 8-gene (ITS, LSU, actA, cmdA, his3, rpb2, tef1 and tub2) sequence alignment (69 sequences including outgroup; 6 214 aligned positions; 418, 203, 347, 600, 395, 668, 504 and 484 unique site patterns, respectively) using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.84 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent nodes with PP = 1.00. The scale bar represents the expected changes per site. The taxonomic novelty described in this study is highlighted with bold text and the genera are represented by coloured blocks. The culture collection accession and/or Fungal Planet numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Stachybotrys chartarum (culture CBS 129.13). The alignment is a reduced version of the alignment used by Lombard et al. (2015) and corresponding GenBank accession numbers of the sequences used can be found in that reference. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

    per-2020-45-10-SF1.jpg (2.1MB, jpg)

    The first of 1 000 equally most parsimonious trees obtained from the LSU alignment (57 sequences including the outgroup; 809 characters including alignment gaps analysed: 566 constant, 122 variable and parsimony-uninformative and 121 parsimony-informative) using PAUP* v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003). Tree statistics: TL = 496, CI = 0.653, RI = 0.813, RC = 0.531. Parsimony bootstrap support values > 74 % and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.79 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent branches present in the parsimony strict consensus tree. The Bayesian analysis using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012) resulted in a Bayesian consensus phylogram based on 633 002 sampled trees and 180 unique site patterns (data not shown). The scale bar represents the number of changes. The taxonomic novelties described in this study are highlighted with bold text and coloured blocks. GenBank accession and culture/specimen numbers are indicated behind the species names. The two orders are indicated to the left of the tree at the basal branches. The tree was rooted to Diaporthe perjuncta (GenBank NG_059064.1). The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

    per-2020-45-10-SF2.jpg (2.6MB, jpg)

    The first of 414 equally most parsimonious trees obtained from the ITS alignment (50 sequences including the outgroup; 518 characters including alignment gaps analysed: 332 constant, 74 variable and parsimony-uninformative and 112 parsimony-informative) using PAUP* v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003). Tree statistics: TL = 377, CI = 0.647 RI = 0.882, RC = 0.571. Parsimony bootstrap support values > 74 % and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) > 0.79 are shown at the nodes and thickened lines represent branches present in the parsimony strict consensus tree. The Bayesian analysis using MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012) resulted in a Bayesian consensus phylogram based on 161 252 sampled trees and 176 unique site patterns (data not shown). The scale bar represents the number of changes. The taxonomic novelties described in this study is highlighted with bold text and coloured blocks. GenBank accession and culture/specimen numbers are indicated behind the species names. The tree was rooted to Dothidea sambuci (GenBank NR_111220.1). The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 27179).

    per-2020-45-10-SF3.jpg (1.9MB, jpg)

    Maximum-likelihood analysis of the nrITS region of Amanita sect. Vaginatae species was performed with RAxML v. 8 (Stamatakis 2014) using the GTR+G model (1 000 bootstrap replicates, bootstrap support values ≥ 70 % are shown). The scale bar represents the number of nucleotide changes per site.

    per-2020-45-10-SF4.jpg (1.4MB, jpg)

    Phylogram: Best tree from the ML analysis of the nrITS dataset for Crinipellis nigrolamellata and related species with Marasmius crinis-equi as outgroup. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out online at (Dereeper et al. 2008) with PhyML v. 3.0 (Guindon et al. 2010a). Multiple sequence alignments were carried out with MUSCLE v. 3.7 (Edgar 2004). Trees were constructed using TreeDyn v. 198.3 (Chevenet et al. 2006) and edited with the newly generated sequences in bold.

    per-2020-45-10-SF5.jpg (1,017.3KB, jpg)

    Maximum likelihood tree obtained from the combined analysis of ITS, LSU and tub2 sequences of the genus Cyphellophora and representative species of the genus Phialophora. New species and new combinations proposed are indicated in bold face.

    per-2020-45-10-SF6.jpg (1.8MB, jpg)

    Phylogram obtained using PAUP v. 4.0a (Swofford 2003) based on ITS and LSU data showing the position of E. nemoreus in Elaphomyces subsection Muricati. Bootstrap values are indicated on branches, E. nemoreus is marked in bold and the holotype is indicated.

    per-2020-45-10-SF7.jpg (721.4KB, jpg)

    Phylogenetic placement of Pseudogymnoascus palmeri sp. nov. on a strict consensus maximum parsimony tree with maximum likelihood/maximum parsimony bootstrap support values (based on 1 000 bootstrap pseudo-replicates), was determined from analysis of a multi-gene alignment of rDNA (primers ITS1, ITS4; White et al. 1990), rpb2 (primers RPB2-7cF, RPB2-11aR; Liu et al. 1999), and tef1 (primers EF1-983F, EF1-2218R; Rehner & Buckley 2005). PAUP v. 4.0a build 167 (Swofford 2003) was used to conduct the maximum parsimony analysis. The parsimony analysis generated a single most parsimonious tree which was also the strict consensus. A maximum likelihood analysis was completed using GARLI v. 2.01 (Zwickl 2006) on the CiPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al. 2010). A consensus tree was generated from a single replicate ML analysis with 1 000 bootstrap pseudo-replications. There were no significant topological differences between the parsimony and likelihood consensus trees. For maximum likelihood, the General Time Reversible (GTR) evolutionary model was utilised, the proportion of invariant sites was set to estimate, and the model of rate heterogeneity was set to gamma distribution. Bootstrap support values located at nodes are: Maximum Likelihood/Maximum Parsimony. Alignment and tree(s) are deposited in TreeBASE (study 27014).

    per-2020-45-10-SF8.jpg (1.5MB, jpg)

    Phylogenetic reconstruction of M. puertoricoensis was done using a combined dataset comprising LSU and tef1 sequences. The data was analysed using Maximum parsimony (MP), Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. The MP analysis was conducted on the combined data set using PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002), adopting random addition sequences (100 replications), with gaps being treated as missing data. A bootstrap (BP) analysis was performed using the maximum parsimony criterion in 1 000 replications. The ML analysis was run with RAxML-VI-HPC2 v. 8.2.12 (Stamatakis 2014) under a GTR model, with 1 000 bootstrap replicates. Bayesian phylogenetic inference was calculated with MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012), with 5 M generations and under the same model. Numbers at the significant nodes represent MP bootstrap support values/RAxML bootstrap support values/Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) times 100. Thickened lines in the tree represent 99–100 % bootstrap support values and 99–100 BPP.

    per-2020-45-10-SF9.jpg (1.8MB, jpg)

    List of species and GenBank accession numbers of sequences used in this study.


    Phylogenetic tree obtained from maximum likelihood analysis based on ITS sequences of Phialocephala melitaea and related species.


    Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the internal transcribed spacer-nuclear ribosomal DNA region displaying species of the genus Phytopythium. Maximum likelihood analyses were performed in PhyML v. 3.3 (Guindon et al. 2010) under the best model (GTR+I+G for both ITS and COI) as estimated using the Akaike Information Criterion in jModelTest v. 2 (Darriba et al. 2012 ). Support values were calculated from 100 bootstrap replicates. Maximum likelihood bootstrap percentages and Bayesian posterior probability values are indicated at the nodes. Support values less than 60 % bootstrap or 0.60 posterior probability are omitted or indicated with ‘–’.


    Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene region displaying species of the genus Phytopythium. Both trees have been lodged in TreeBASE (study S22566).


    Maximum likelihood phylogeny estimated for members of subsection Griseinae inferred from ITS, LSU and rpb2 regions in RAxML-173 HPC2 v. 8.2.10 (Stamatakis 2015), with rapid bootstrapping (1 000 iterations), computed on the CIPRES web server (; Miller et al. 2010) under default settings including a General Time Reversible (GTR) + Gamma (G) model of sequence evolution. Bootstrap support values followed by Bayesian posterior probabilities computed in MrBayes v. 3.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012) are indicated at the nodes. Species names are followed by herbarium codes and country of origin.


    List of samples and sequences used.


    List of species and GenBank accessions numbers of sequences used in this study.


    Phylogenetic tree derived from Bayesian analysis based on tef1α data. The analysis was performed under a GTR model of evolution for 3 M generations using MrBayes v. 3.2.1 (Ronquist et al. 2012). Posterior probability (PP > 0.95) values from the Bayesian analysis are shown at the nodes. The scale bar represents the expected number of nucleotide changes per site.

    per-2020-45-10-SF17.jpg (886.4KB, jpg)

    Additional materials examined.


    Bayesian phylogram of selected Boletales, especially subfam. Xerocomoideae.


    Phylogenetic tree of Cortinarius sect. Purpurascentes derived from Maximum Likelihood analysis based on nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and binary data from indel coding with FastGap v. 1.2 (Borchsenius 2009). Analysis was performed in raxmlGUI v. 1.5.2 (Silvestro & Michalak 2012) using the GTRGAMMA substitution model for the partitioned (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) nucleotide data and the default setting for binary (indel) data. ML bootstrap support (BS) values are shown at the nodes (BS > 70 %). Sequences of the new species are highlighted in blue.


    Phylogenetic tree of the Humolentes clade within sect. Calochroi derived from a Maximum Likelihood analysis based on nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2, partial nrLSU and binary data from indel coding with FastGap v. 1.2 (Borchsenius 2009). Analysis was performed in raxmlGUI v. 1.5.2 (Silvestro & Michalak 2012) using the GTRGAMMA substitution model for the partitioned (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and LSU) nucleotide data and the default setting for binary (indel) data. ML bootstrap support (BS) values are shown at the nodes (BS > 70 %). Sequences generated for this study are highlighted in bold face.

    Articles from Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi are provided here courtesy of Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures