Index of Online Supplemental Material for
J. Cell Biol. 10.1083/jcb.200804048
Rojas et al.

Figure S1 Wortmannin effects on retromer association with membranes.

Video 1 Vps29-YFP localizes to CFP-Rab7–positive domains on endosomes.

Video 2 Vps29-YFP localizes to CFP-Rab7–positive domains.

Video 3 Vps29-YFP on a tubule that emanates from a CFP-Rab7–positive endosome.

Video 4 Vps29-YFP and CFP-Rab5a localize to distinct endosomal domains.

Video 5 Vps29-YFP associates with distinct domains of a CFP-Rab5a–positive endosome.

Video 6 Persistent association of Vps29-YFP remains with an endosome that loses CFP-Rab5a.