Supplemental Material for Pyle et al., 2016
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1 - Skc1 homologs exist within the F. oxysporum species complex. (.pdf, 194 KB)
- Figure S2 - A Clustal W alignment of the FVEG_03165-FVEG_03164 intergenic region from Fv999-SkK and Fv149-SkS. (.pdf, 602 KB)
- Figure S3 - Sequence alignment of putative Fveg_15999 homologs. (.pdf, 191 KB)
- Figure S4 - Sequence alignment of putative Fveg_03194 homologs. (.pdf, 215 KB)
- Figure S5 - Sequence alignment of putative Fveg_03197 homologs. (.pdf, 222 KB)
- Table S1 - Oligonucleotide primers for CAPS markers. (.pdf, 168 KB)
- Table S2 - CAPS marker sizes. (.pdf, 87 KB)
- Table S3 - Genotypes of the Fv999 (SKK) × Fv149 (SKS) mapping population at each CAPS location. (.pdf, 75 KB)