This map is an update of the edition 9 map by Berlyn et al. (M. K. B. Berlyn, K. B. Low, and K. E. Rudd, p. 1715–1902, in F. C. Neidhardt et al., ed., Escherichia coli and Salmonella: cellular and molecular biology, 2nd ed., vol. 2, 1996). It uses coordinates established by the completed sequence, expressed as 100 minutes for the entire circular map, and adds new genes discovered and established since 1996 and eliminates those shown to correspond to other known genes. The latter are included as synonyms. An alphabetical list of genes showing map location, synonyms, the protein or RNA product of the gene, phenotypes of mutants, and reference citations is provided. In addition to genes known to correspond to gene sequences, other genes, often older, that are described by phenotype and older mapping techniques and that have not been correlated with sequences are included.
Previously, Berlyn et al. (323) presented the traditional map, the EcoMap physical map, and a map by Singer and Low showing the distribution of the Gross-Singer transposon set around the chromosome. The map in this paper is a revision of that traditional map of Escherichia coli K-12, the linkage map of known genes and other functional sites (Fig. 1), and the physical map, EcoMap 10, of Kenneth Rudd is presented in the companion article (3763a).
FIG. 1.
Linear drawing of circular linkage map of E. coli K-12. Symbols are defined in Table 1. Arrows show the direction of transcription. Where T-bars are used to display groups of genes, the length of the T shows the approximate length and position of the group in terms of the map coordinates, allowing visual ordering of closely packed groups.
The linkage map in this presentation includes genes located primarily by restriction, sequence, and cotransduction data reported in the literature and databases. It uses coordinates based on the complete sequence released by the Blattner laboratory. Obviously, the sequence is now the major resource for placing genes on the map. In some regions the placement represents a shift from the edition 9 map, which was based on coordinates of Rudd’s EcoMap 7 composite of sequenced genes and regions (27, 33, 395, 568, 569, 926, 3308, 3465, 4127, 4128), placed on the physical map of Escherichia coli (2291, 3763b) by restriction and sequence comparisons. Those map positions were based on the results in the literature and on EcoMap and GenBank database entries. EcoMap 10 coordinates are of course also based on the completed sequence, and cross-consulting this summary map and the EcoMap that follows should be straightforward.
The linkage map of Fig. 1 includes 2,220 genes and about 40 other chromosomal markers, such as phage attachment sites, defective-phage elements, replication origins and termini, and other features traditionally included on the published linkage map. It does not include open reading frames (ORFs) lacking evidence for expression, with unknown functions or putative functions inferred by sequence homologies only. A few exceptions occur for Salmonella genes where the inference is strong that they are also expressed in E. coli. The ORFs not included in this map can be found on EcoMap 10. The Fig. 1 map places the genes that can be found in sequence annotation and EcoMap 10 on the right side of the line. On the left side are genes not present on physical maps or the sequence, and in most cases these are not connected to a specific point on the axis to indicate that the localization is only approximate. As in previous editions of the E. coli linkage map (187, 188, 189, 190, 190a, 323, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371), an asterisk indicates that the gene is not precisely located with respect to near neighbors and parentheses indicate that the location is even more uncertain and that the gene is located only within that general region. I have been very conservative about removing these from the map; even though the usefulness of some of these may be quite limited, there will probably be cases where the old, sometimes poorly characterized phenotype may be helpful in ascribing functions and phenotypic effects to ORFs. Also shown on the left side in boldface followed by colons are operon names that are distinct from any gene name within the operon and termination and attachment sites. The arrows indicate the direction of transcription and span genes included within a transcription unit.
Updates of map information are available in electronic form from several sites. These include the E. coli Genetic Stock Center’s (CGSC’s) World Wide Web server at URL http://cgsc.biology.yale.edu, which provides an interface for querying the database and retrieving formatted reports about genes, map regions, strains, and mutations, etc. (323a); the National Center for Biotechnology Information ftp site for EcoSeq and EcoMap, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/repository/Eco/EcoMap7; the Colibri map at http://www.pasteur.fr/Bio/Colibri.html, the ECDC map at http://susi.bio.unigiessen.de/ecdc.html, the site for the sequencing project at the University of Wisconsin, http://www.genetics.wisc.edu, a gene-protein database, http://www.mbl.edu/html/ecoli.html, Genome Information Broker at http://mol.genes.nig.ac.jp/ecoli, and others. See also Rudd (3673). The references attempt to document map information, the basic definition of the gene’s function, and expression information and do not include information relating to detailed physical structure, active site in vitro mutagenesis, or enzyme mechanism. Earlier map papers contain additional references for some of the loci (188–190a, 323).
Since the 1976 recalibration of the linkage map in terms of minutes required for time of entry of markers in interrupted conjugation experiments, the standard representation of the map has used the basic units of minutes and a total length of 100 minutes (190a). This has been a convenient and accepted coordinate system for the map, and although the current map units are based on restriction and sequence data rather than time of entry, we retain the term minute for 1/100 of the length of the chromosome. Both the CGSC database and EcoMap use as “left endpoints” the counterclockwise boundary of the coding region, and genes in Fig. 1 are placed approximately at these coordinates, with the higher-resolution map of Rudd (3763a) providing more exact placement, showing nucleotide and minute coordinates for the physically mapped genes.
Gene Symbol Convention
The standard genetic nomenclature for E. coli is that of Demerec et al. (1016), as subsequently amended through use, and as described in Instructions to Authors for the Journal of Bacteriology (see also reference 3821). This map, like those preceding it, follows those nomenclatural conventions. Accordingly, we have adhered to a three-letter lowercase mnemonic symbol, with an uppercase letter added when there are two or more genes in that mnemonic category. If authors have added an uppercase letter for a gene in a single-instance category, we have used that published four-letter symbol. For attachment sites and noncoding features of the chromosome, etc., the same standard has not been used, and we have continued to use the variable-length symbols historically applied to these sites. We have continued the convention proposed for sites of termination of replication and repetitive sequences, by using italicized symbols with the first letter uppercase.
The Issue of Stability
Many names have been changed by investigators since the 1990 map was published. When those changes were part of a systematic revision of nomenclature (often aimed at clarifying usage and resolving conflicts) for a group of related genes and were in compliance with the current E. coli gene nomenclature system, or were changed for compelling mnemonic reasons or for resolution of redundancy or conflict, also in conformance with the standard system, we have adopted those changes. We have not adopted and we wish to discourage changes of valid preexisting names proposed by authors simply because they believe that theirs is a symbol signifying a more apt or accurate mnemonic. For example, a previously published name based on the pathway or phenotype is valid and should not, simply as a matter of course, be replaced by an alternate mnemonic based on the name of the enzyme that the gene codes for once that functional information has been determined. In general, the stability of a name has more value than improved nuances. In a few cases, we have been compelled to use a new name, despite the apparent validity of the original name, simply because the new name has been widely adopted in the literature. In a number of cases, a new gene has been assigned a symbol which has already been used or which is simultaneously proposed for another gene, with the two mnemonics having entirely different meanings. These names have had to be resolved, usually by changing the newer assignment. In a few cases, a uniquely named gene has been shown later to belong to a category for which a symbol already exists, and the latter symbol has been used instead of the earlier assignment. There is one case in this paper where use of a symbol already assigned to a different gene was strongly preferred by authors, and I was very reluctant to suggest a new symbol for the earlier, published gene name to the earlier authors, since that symbol has been used in a number of publications; for the interim I have broken convention to assign the newer genes temporary symbols with asterisks (gsp*), in order to show them on the map and in the hope of resolving that naming with the usual precedence custom in the near future. Some synonymy is unavoidable, since a gene under study may be named and described in print before its identity to a known gene is discovered. However, a common practice in the recent literature seems to allow publication of an author’s preliminary name for a gene even if its identity to a known gene has been discovered before publication, and that practice creates unnecessary synonymy. Alternate gene symbols are listed in Table 1, and Table 2 provides an alphabetized list of such symbols with cross-references to the symbols used in Table 1.
E. coli genes and replication- or phage-related sitesa
Gene symbol | Map location (min) | Mnemonic for symbol | Synonyms and gene product—enzyme, RNA, or phenotype affected | CGSC no.d | Referencesc |
aarF | 86.6 | Aminoglycoside acetyltransferase regulator | yigQR; regulator of 2′-N-acetyltransferase; involved in respiratory cofactor ubiquinone production | 53879 | 2696 |
aas | 64.1 | Acyl-ACP synthase | 2-Acyl-glycerophosphoethanolamine acyltransferase; acyl-ACP synthetase; salvage pathway for reacylation; inner membrane; bifunctional for turnover/incorporation | 29780 | 1831, 1972 |
aat | 20.0 | Amino acyl-tRNA-protein transferase | Aminoacyl-tRNA-protein-transferase (EC | 1054 | 4045 |
abpS | 63.5 | Arg binding protein | Low-affinity transport system for arginine and ornithine; periplasmic binding protein | 18562 | 664 |
abs | 94.1 | Antibiotic sensitivity | Sensitivity and permeability to antibiotics and dyes | 18559 | 763 |
accA | 4.5 | Acetyl-CoA carboxylase | Acetyl-CoA carboxylase α-carboxyltransferase subunit; (EC | 29829 | 2536, 2537 |
accB | 73.4 | Acetyl-CoA carboxylase | fabE; acetyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxyl carrier protein (EC | 796 | 2537, 2712, 3057, 4302, 4616 |
accC | 73.4 | Acetyl-CoA carboxylase | fabG; acetyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase (BC) subunit (EC | 29834 | 2315, 2537, 3253 |
accD | 52.4 | Acetyl-CoA carboxylase | dedB, usg; acetyl-CoA carboxylase β-carboxyltransferase subunit (EC | 28570 | 2534, 2537, 3081 |
acd | 65.1 | Acetaldehyde-CoA deHase | Acetaldehyde-CoA dehydrogenase (EC | 1053 | 764 |
aceA | 90.8 | Acetate | icl; isocitrate lyase (EC; acetate utilization | 1052 | 2744, 2811, 3674, 754, 841 |
aceB | 90.8 | Acetate | mas; malate synthase A (EC | 1051 | 2744, 591, 592, 840, 841 |
aceE | 2.7 | Acetate | aceE1; pyruvate dehydrogenase (decarboxylase component) E1p; (EC; acetate requirement | 1050 | 1553, 1555, 1556, 1558, 2934, 4150, 4204, 655 |
aceF | 2.7 | Acetate | aceE2; pyruvate dehydrogenase (dihydrolipoyltransacetylase component) E2p (EC, EC; acetate requirement | 26530 | 1554, 2934, 655 |
aceK | 90.9 | Acetate | Isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase | 17770 | 1343, 1897, 2274, 2418, 2419, 753, 842, 754 |
ackA | 52.0 | Acetate kinase | Acetate kinase (EC; mutants fluoroacetate resistant | 1048 | 1548, 2094, 2512, 2812, 530, 224 |
ackB | 39.9 | Acetate kinase | Acetate kinase activity* (EC | 1047 | 3379 |
acnA | 28.8 | Aconitase | Aconitase A (EC | 28218 | 3542, 3543 |
acnB | 2.8 | Aconitase | Aconitase B (EC | 36955 | 1538, 2141, 474 |
acpD | 31.9 | Acyl carrier protein | ACP phosphodiesterase | 52896 | 1256, 394 |
acpP | 24.8 | Acyl carrier protein | ACP (acyl carrier protein) | 31871 | 2183, 3621 |
acpS | 58.2 | Acyl carrier protein | dpj; holo-ACP synthase (EC | 32953 | 2397, 2400, 2401, 3471, 4340 |
acpX | 43.9 | Acyl carrier protein | acpS; originally thought to be holo-ACP synthase; perhaps cryptic second gene or regulator | 1046 | 3471 |
acrA | 10.4 | Acridine | Mb, lir, mbl, mtcA, sipB; AcrAB efflux system effects Mar multiple resistance | 1045 | 1291, 1726, 2684, 2685, 3282, 3563, 4723, 808 |
acrB | 10.4 | Acridine | acrE; AcrAB system has major role in Mar multiple resistance to NAL, TET, AMP, etc.; beware renamings of acrE, acrB, and envC | 35806 | 1291, 2684, 2685, 3282, 4723 |
acrC | 4.5 | Acridine | Sensitivity to acriflavine; transmembrane protein | 1044 | 3104 |
acrD | 55.7 | Acridine | Sensitivity to acriflavine | 35697 | 3188 |
acrE | 73.5 | Acridine | envC; anomolous cell division; chain formation; splits cross-wall to form new poles; see acrB | 813 | 2133, 2255, 2256, 2516, 3702 |
acrF | 73.6 | Acridine | envD; encodes lipoprotein with signal peptide; osmotically remedial envelope defect | 33608 | 2255, 2256, 2516, 2684 |
acrR | 10.5 | Acridine | Regulatory protein for acrA and acrB | 35809 | 2686 |
acs | 92.3 | Acetyl-CoA synthetase | Acetyl CoA synthetase 2 (EC | 34317 | 2367, 395 |
ada | 49.7 | Adaptive (response) | O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, inducible; DNA repair against methylating and alkylating agents; transcription factor | 1043 | 1184, 2001, 2158, 2410, 2489, 2698, 2760, 2967, 3078, 3094, 3795, 3812, 3815, 3957, 3958, 3959, 4330, 4385 |
add | 36.6 | Adenine deaminase | Adenosine deaminase (EC; mutants affect growth on deoxyadenosine in purA, B mutants | 1042 | 2024, 765 |
adhB | 19.1 | Alcohol dehydrogenase | Alcohol dehydrogenase | 36932 | E, 763a |
adhC | 8.1 | Alcohol dehydrogenase | Alcohol-acetaldehyde dehydrogenase; adhC has also been used for adhE control region | 52901 | 2070, 394 |
adhE | 27.9 | Alcohol/acetaldehyde dehydrogenase | ana; adhC; alcohol dehydrogenase, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, CoA-linked (EC allyl alcohol resistance; deactivase for PFL | 1041 | 129, 1457, 2203, 2495–2497, 2634, 710, 887, 1582 |
adhR | 72.5 | Alcohol/acetaldehyde dehydrogenase | Regulatory gene for acd and adhE | 18556 | 723, 767 |
adiA | 93.5 | Arginine decarboxylase, induced | adi; arginine decarboxylase, inducible by acid; homology with CadA, SpeC, SpeF | 34495 | 1665, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4223, 4224 |
adiY | 93.4 | Arginine decarboxylase, induced | Sequence similarity with XylS/AraC family, including EnvY and AppY regulates adiA | 35597 | 4224 |
adk | 10.7 | Adenylate kinase | dnaW, plsA; adenylate kinase (EC pleiotropic effects on glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase activity | 1040 | 1176, 1725, 541 |
aegA | 55.6 | Anaerobically expressed gene | air; induced by anaerobiosis, repressed by NO3; control mediated by Fnr, NarX, Q, L; nonessential in respiration, N source utilized | 50847 | 662 |
aer | 69.3 | Aerotaxis | air; possibly flavoprotein, mediates positive aerotactic responses; signal transducer | 47273 | 347 |
aes | 10.7 | Acetyl esterase | Esterase affecting maltose system expression | 53369 | 2114, 3393 |
aga | 70.7 | Acetylgalactosamine | Cluster of putative N-acetylgalactosamine pathway genes, including the kba gene, and mannose permease homologs | 55305 | 3649 |
agp | 23.0 | Acid glucose-1-phosphatase | Homology with appA; periplasmic | 31830 | 3521, 3524, 3525, 3526 |
ahpC | 13.8 | Alkyl hydroperoxide | tpx; alkyl hydroperoxide reductase small subunit | 31190 | 4106, 4241, 667, 668 |
ahpF | 13.8 | Alkyl hydroperoxide | Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase large subunit | 31194 | 4106, 4241, 668 |
aidB | 95.1 | Alkylating agent induced | Adaptive response | 18553 | 2408, 2409, 4602, 4603 |
ais | 50.9 | Aluminum inducible | An aluminum-inducible protein | 53490 | 1589 |
alaS | 60.7 | Alanine | act, ala-act, lovB; alanyl-tRNA synthetase 1B (ligase) (EC | 1039 | 2132, 2317, 3556, 3557, 3558, 458, 4590 |
alaT | 87.0 | Alanine | talA; alanine tRNA 1B; rrnA operon | 1038 | 2313, 926 |
alaU | 73.8 | Alanine | talD; alanine tRNA 1B; rrnD operon | 1037 | 2313 |
alaV | 4.8 | Alanine | Alanine tRNA 1B; rrnH operon | 1036 | 1146 |
alaW | 54.2 | Alanine | alaWα; alanine tRNA 2; tandemly duplicated; see alaX | 32851 | 539 |
alaX | 54.2 | Alanine | alaWβ; alanine tRNA 2; tandemly duplicated alaW | 18547 | 2313, 539 |
aldA | 32.0 | Aldehyde dehydrogenase | ald; aldehyde dehydrogenase, NAD linked | 17767 | 1749, 3571, 712 |
aldB | 80.9 | Aldehyde dehydrogenase | Aldehyde dehydrogenase | 35668 | 4813, 4815 |
aldH | 29.3 | Aldehyde dehydrogenase | Putative aldehyde dehydrogenase, by homology; transcribed in operon with goaG | 35320 | 1697, 2066 |
alkA | 46.2 | Alkylation | aidA; 3-methyl-adenine DNA glycosylase II, inducible; repairs by single- and double-strand excision of 3-methyl adenine | 1035 | 1184, 3093, 3095, 365, 4385, 4602, 773 |
alkB | 49.7 | Alkylation | aidD; DNA repair specific for alkylated DNA; mutants extremely sensitive to MMS | 18544 | 2157, 2158, 2316, 4602, 4689, 693 |
alpA | 59.4 | Activation of Lon protease | Alp protease; cryptic prophage CP4-57 element; regulates intA (slp [suppressor of Lon]) | 33086 | 2241, 4455 |
alr | 91.9 | Alanine racemase | Alanine racemase (EC | 1034 | 2549, 395 |
alsA | 92.8 | Allose | Allose transport ABC protein | 53362 | 2223 |
alsB | 92.9 | Allose | Allose-binding protein | 53365 | 2223 |
alsC | 92.8 | Allose | Allose transport, membrane component | 53357 | 2223 |
alsE | 92.8 | Allose | Allulose-6-P 3-epimerase | 53353 | 2223 |
alsK | 92.8 | Allose | Allose kinase | 53345 | 2223 |
alx | 70.0 | Alkaline-induced expression | pH-regulated locus; induced in alkaline medium | 36513 | 356 |
amiA | 55.0 | Amidase | N-Acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidase activity | 18541 | 4425 |
amiB | 94.7 | Amidase | Cell wall amidase (EC; overexpression causes lysis, osmotic hypersensitivity, autolysis | 34432 | 4489, 4490 |
amn | 44.3 | AMP nucleosidase | AMP nucleosidase (EC | 17764 | 2503, 2504 |
ampC | 94.3 | Ampicillin | ampA; β-lactamase; penicillin resistance; affects peptidoglycan synthesis; cell morphology | 1033 | 1116, 1117, 1167, 1540, 1541, 1713, 1993–1995, 3213, 796 |
ampD | 2.6 | Ampicillin | ampC regulation | 30478 | 1794, 2561 |
ampE | 2.6 | Ampicillin | Ampicillin resistance; membrane protein | 30481 | 1794, 2561 |
ampG | 9.7 | Ampicillin | Ampicillin resistance; membrane protein | 31027 | 2560 |
ampH | 8.5 | Ampicillin | Probable role in peptidoglycan, cell wall synthesis; cell morphology | 51873 | 1713 |
amtB | 10.2 | Ammonia transport | Putative ammonia transporter | 47403 | 4557 |
amyA | 43.2 | Amylase | α-amylase, cytoplasmic | 30745 | 3581, 3582 |
ansA | 39.9 | Asparaginase | l-Asparaginase I; (EC | 1030 | 1005, 4167 |
ansB | 66.8 | Asparaginase | l-Asparaginase II; (EC | 30045 | 427, 2008 |
apaG | 1.1 | ad-P-ad | Expressed as part of complex ksgA operon | 30310 | 3683, 380 |
apaH | 1.1 | ad-P-ad | Diadenosine tetraphosphatase; stress response; complex operon | 17761 | 1205, 2034, 2509, 2861, 3683, 380 |
aphA | 92.0 | Acid phosphatase | Acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase, class B | 45401 | 4390 |
appA | 22.4 | Acid (poly)phosphatase | Acid phosphatase, pH 2.5, exopolyphosphatase (EC,; agp homology; phytase P2 | 17758 | 1514, 432, 945, 946, 4446 |
appB | 22.4 | Acid (poly)phosphatase | cyxB; cytochrome oxidase, putative additional one | 31813 | 161, 947 |
appC | 22.4 | Acid (poly)phosphatase | cyxA; cytochrome oxidase, putative additional one | 31810 | 161, 947 |
appY | 12.6 | Acid (poly)phosphatase | Regulates hya and appA operons; induced by PO4 starvation and stationary phase | 31146 | 160, 161, 162, 1786, 2195, 516 |
apt | 10.6 | ad-P transferase | Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC; adenine salvage, AMP from PRPP + Ad | 1029 | 1733, 1734, 577 |
aqpZ | 19.7 | Aquaporin | Aquaporin Z, bacterial water channel | 40930 | 607, 608 |
araA | 1.4 | Arabinose | l-Arabinose isomerase (EC | 1028 | 2469 |
araB | 1.5 | Arabinose | Ribulokinase (EC | 1027 | 1102, 2169, 2469, 2470, 2970, 3247, 4110 |
araC | 1.5 | Arabinose | Regulatory gene: activator and repressor | 1026 | 1102, 1158, 2169, 2300, 2470, 2971, 3247, 4018, 4110, 4237, 4642, 643, 651 |
araD | 1.4 | Arabinose | l-Ribulosephosphate 4-epimerase (EC | 1025 | 2469, 2949 |
araE | 64.2 | Arabinose | Low-affinity l-arabinose transport; l-arabinose proton symport | 1024 | 2299, 2300, 2708, 2724, 4238 |
araF | 42.7 | Arabinose | l-Arabinose-binding protein | 1023 | 2299, 2300, 2328, 3953, 3954, 758 |
araG | 42.7 | Arabinose | High-affinity l-arabinose transport | 1022 | 2299, 2300, 2328, 3953 |
araH | 42.7 | Arabinose | High-affinity l-arabinose transport, membrane protein | 18535 | 3953 |
araJ | 8.8 | Arabinose | Function unknown, arabinose inducible, not affecting Ara transport or utilization | 29861 | 1716, 3636 |
arcA | 100.0 | Aerobic pathways control | dye, fexA, msp, seg, sfrA; negative regulatory gene for aerobic path genes, anaerobic repression; activates cydAB | 831 | 1089, 1955, 333, 4069, 587, 588, 689 |
arcB | 72.2 | Aerobic pathways control | Activates ArcA in response to anoxia; probable histidine kinase phosphorylating ArcA | 29063 | 1953, 1956, 1958, 3886, 689 |
argA | 63.5 | Arginine | Arg1, Arg2, argB; N-acetylglutamate synthase (EC; growth on acetylornithine; see argE | 1021 | 1107, 3152, 3870, 528, 862 |
argB | 89.5 | Arginine | Acetylglutamate kinase (EC; see argA | 1020 | 255, 3000, 3374, 862, 863 |
argC | 89.5 | Arginine | Arg2, argH; N-acetyl-γ-glutamyl-phosphate reductase (EC | 1019 | 255, 3000, 311, 3374, 3433, 862, 863 |
argD | 75.2 | Arginine | Arg1, argG; acetylornithine aminotransferase (EC; see argF | 1018 | 2191, 315, 3676, 862 |
argE | 89.5 | Arginine | Arg4, argA; acetylornithine deacetylase (EC; see argG | 1017 | 2187, 255, 3000, 311, 3433, 863 |
argF | 6.2 | Arginine | Arg5, argD; ornithine transcarbamylase (EC; see duplicate locus, argI | 1016 | 1597, 1838, 2015, 2476, 2997, 2998, 3434, 4561, 4892, 863, 1717 |
argG | 71.5 | Arginine | Arg6, argE; argininosuccinate synthetase (EC; see argD | 1015 | 4560, 1717 |
argH | 89.5 | Arginine | Argininosuccinate lyase (EC; see argC | 1014 | 255, 3000, 863, 1717 |
argI | 96.5 | Arginine | Ornithine transcarbamylase (EC; see argF | 1013 | 295, 3434, 3729 |
argM | 88.7 | Arginine | Acetylornithine transaminase; cryptic gene; may be duplicate of argD | 18532 | 3676 |
argP | 65.9 | Arginine | iciA (inhibitor of chromosome initiation); transport of arginine, ornithine, and lysine; canavanine sensitivity | 1012 | 1614, 1871, 1873, 1874, 2474, 2691, 3427, 3733, 665, 4405 |
argQ | 60.7 | Arginine | Rarg; arginine tRNA2 tandem quadruple genes | 2313 | 35604 |
argR | 72.9 | Arginine | xerA; repressor of Arg regulon; cer-mediated site-specific recombination | 1011 | 1114, 2187, 2481, 254, 2552, 2690, 315, 3399, 3427, 4225 |
argS | 42.2 | Arginine | lov; arginyl-tRNA synthetase (EC; | 1010 | 1164, 1772, 3147, 4590 |
argT | 52.3 | Arginine | Salmonella homolog codes for Lys-, Arg-, and Orn-binding proteins | 18529 | 3211 |
argU | 12.1 | Arginine | dnaY, pin; arginine tRNA4 | 17755 | 1285, 1360, 1415, 2313, 2563, 3888, 4140, 505, 696 |
argV | 60.7 | Arginine | argVα; arginine tRNA2 tandem quadruple genes | 2313 | 11650 |
argW | 53.1 | Arginine | Arginine tRNA5 | 17752 | 2313 |
argX | 85.8 | Arginine | Arginine tRNA3 | 17749 | 1832, 2313, 926 |
argY | 60.7 | Arginine | argVβ; arginine tRNA2 tandem quadruple genes | 2313 | 35610 |
argZ | 60.7 | Arginine | argVγ; arginine tRNA2 tandem quadruple genes | 2313 | 35607 |
aroA | 20.7 | Aromatic | 3-Enolpyruvylshikimate-5-phosphate synthetase (EC | 1008 | 1098, 1099 |
aroB | 75.8 | Aromatic | 3-Dehydroquinate synthase (EC | 1007 | 2937 |
aroC | 52.7 | Aromatic | Chorismate synthase (EC | 1006 | 683 |
aroD | 38.2 | Aromatic | 3-Dehydroquinate dehydratase (EC | 1005 | 2240, 433 |
aroE | 73.9 | Aromatic | Dehydroshikimate reductase (EC | 1004 | 116, 2865 |
aroF | 59.0 | Aromatic | DAHP synthetase (tyrosine repressible) (EC | 1003 | 1371, 1847, 4047 |
aroG | 16.9 | Aromatic | DAHP synthetase (phenylalanine repressible) (EC; TyrR regulon | 1002 | 1189, 1704, 1903, 2819, 958, 959 |
aroH | 38.5 | Aromatic | DAHP synthetase (tryptophan repressible) (EC | 1001 | 1100, 1848, 3030, 433, 4968, 958 |
aroI | 84.2 | Aromatic | Function unknown | 1000 | 1422 |
aroK | 75.8 | Aromatic | Shikimate kinase I | 30224 | 1516, 2604, 2605, 4586, 4719 |
aroL | 8.7 | Aromatic | Shikimate kinase II (EC | 999 | 2436, 2936, 4719, 998, 999 |
aroM | 8.8 | Aromatic | Function unknown; regulated by aroR | 18523 | 998, 999 |
aroP | 2.6 | Aromatic | General aromatic amino acid transport; TyrR regulon | 998 | 1553, 1556, 1558, 1657, 2131, 2415, 2416, 3689, 529, 755, 756, 83, 1795 |
aroT | 28.3 | Aromatic | trpR; aroR; indole acrylic acid resistant mutants; transport | 997 | 4410 |
arsB | 78.6 | Arsenate resistance | arsF; resistance to arsenate, arsenite, and antimonite | 35996 | 1055, 4128, 600, 637 |
arsC | 78.6 | Arsenate resistance | arsG; resistance to arsenate, arsenite, and antimonite | 35999 | 1055, 4128, 600, 637 |
arsR | 78.6 | Arsenate resistance | arsE; resistance to arsenate, arsenite, and antimonite | 35993 | 1055, 4128, 4812, 600, 637 |
artI | 19.4 | Arginine transport | Periplasmic binding protein of Arg transport system | 31674 | 4759, 4760 |
artJ | 19.4 | Arginine transport | Periplasmic binding protein of Arg transport system | 31664 | 4759 |
artM | 19.4 | Arginine transport | Arg periplasmic transport system; similarity to transmembrane proteins, BPC ATPases | 31667 | 4759, 4760 |
artP | 19.4 | Arginine transport | Arg periplasmic transport system; similarity to transmembrane proteins, BPC ATPases | 31677 | 4759, 4760 |
artQ | 19.4 | Arginine transport | Arg periplasmic transport system; similarity to transmembrane proteins, BPC ATPases | 31670 | 4759, 4760 |
ascB | 61.2 | Arbutin, salicin, cellobiose | sac; cryptic; paralogous to cryptic bglFB; expressed when AscG is mutated | 33236 | 1606, 3365 |
ascF | 61.2 | Arbutin, salicin, cellobiose | sac; cryptic; paralogous to cryptic bglFB; expressed when AscG is mutated | 33233 | 1606, 3365 |
ascG | 61.1 | Arbutin, salicin, cellobiose | Repressor of cryptic asc operon; galR paralog | 33230 | 1606 |
asd | 77.0 | Aspartate semialdehyde deHase | dap, hom; aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC | 996 | 1679, 1680, 3281, 3940 |
aslA | 85.8 | Arylsulfatase-like | gppB; suppresses gpp mutants | 33957 | 3069 |
aslB | 85.8 | Arylsulfatase-like | gppB; suppresses gpp mutants | 33960 | 3069 |
asmA | 46.1 | Assembly suppressor mutant | Membrane protein; suppressor of ompF assembly mutants | 41068 | 1021; 2957, 4811 |
asnA | 84.6 | Asparagine | Asparagine synthetase A (EC | 995 | 1769, 1861, 2295, 3111, 4610, 4621, 556 |
asnB | 15.0 | Asparagine | Asparagine synthetase B (EC | 994 | 1861, 3454, 3952 |
asnC | 84.6 | Asparagine | Regulatory gene for asnA, asnC, gidA | 18520 | 1033, 2294, 556, 729 |
asnS | 21.3 | Asparagine | lcs, tss; asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 993 | 1917, 4433 |
asnT | 44.0 | Asparagine | Asparagine tRNA | 992 | 1285, 2313, 3324 |
asnU | 44.4 | Asparagine | Asparagine tRNA | 17746 | 2313 |
asnV | 44.4 | Asparagine | Asparagine tRNA | 17743 | 2313 |
asnW | 44.3 | Asparagine | Asparagine tRNA | 51238 | 2313 |
aspA | 94.1 | Aspartate | Aspartate ammonia-lyase (aspartase) (EC | 991 | 1557, 4327 |
aspC | 21.2 | Aspartate | Aspartate aminotransferase (EC | 990 | 1283, 2317, 2373, 2740 |
aspS | 42.0 | Aspartate | tls; aspartyl-tRNA synthetase | 32508 | 1165, 1351, 4000 |
aspT | 85.0 | Aspartate | tasC; aspartate tRNA1 triplicated gene | 989 | 2313, 2777, 4904, 926 |
aspU | 4.8 | Aspartate | Aspartate tRNA1 triplicated gene, in rrnH operon | 988 | 1146, 2313, 2777 |
aspV | 5.1 | Aspartate | Aspartate tRNA1 triplicated gene | 987 | 1806, 2313, 2777, 3324 |
asr | 35.9 | Acid shock RNA | Acid shock RNA; expression controlled by phoBR | 53672 | 1986 |
asue | 33.3 | Asparagine utilization | Utilizes asparagine as sole nitrogen source | 18517 | 723 |
atoA | 50.1 | Acetoacetate | Acetate CoA-transferase (EC 2.8.3.-) | 986 | 2321 |
atoB | 50.1 | Acetoacetate | Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (EC | 985 | 2005 |
atoC | 50.0 | Acetoacetate | Az; positive regulator in two-component system, with AtoS sensor kinase | 984 | 395a, 1949a, 3985a, 2005, 2006, 3382, 3817, 629 |
atoD | 50.0 | Acetoacetate | Acetyl-CoA:acetoacetyl-CoA transferase β-subunit | 18514 | 2005 |
atoS | 50.0 | Acetoacetate | AtoS sensor kinase, with AtoC response regulator in 2-component system | 37061 | 395a, 1949a, 3985a |
atpA | 84.4 | ATP | papA, uncA; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F1 sector, α-subunit (EC | 33 | 1390, 1570, 2275, 4187, 4635 |
atpB | 84.5 | ATP | papD, uncB; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F0 sector, subunit a (EC | 32 | 1570, 1830, 2993, 3180, 3860, 4609, 4635 |
atpC | 84.3 | ATP | papG, uncC; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F1 sector, ɛ-subunit (EC | 31 | 1570, 4635, 4809, 4810 |
atpD | 84.4 | ATP | papB, uncD; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F1 sector, β-subunit (EC | 30 | 1570, 3296, 4635 |
atpE | 84.5 | ATP | papH, uncE; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F0 sector, subunit c; DCCD− (EC | 29 | 1570, 1992, 2836, 2993, 3860, 3900, 4635 |
atpF | 84.5 | ATP | papF, uncF; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F0 sector, subunit b (EC | 28 | 1570, 2993, 4635 |
atpG | 84.4 | ATP | papC, uncG; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F1 sector, γ-subunit (EC | 27 | 1570, 2275, 2692, 3860, 4635 |
atpH | 84.4 | ATP | papE, uncH; membrane-bound ATP synthase, F1 sector, δ-subunit (EC | 26 | 1570, 2994, 3380, 4635 |
atpI | 84.5 | ATP | uncI; membrane-bound ATP synthase subunit, F1-F0-type proton-ATPase (EC | 18511 | 1830, 2040, 2156, 3180, 3491, 4609, 4635, 544, 3923 |
att186 | 59.3 | Attachment | Integration site for phage HK186 | 972 | D |
att253 | 6.1 | Attachment | Integration site for phage HK253 | 18508 | 3484 |
attHK139 | 44.8 | Attachment | Attachment site for phage HK139 | 981 | 1035 |
attHK022 | 22.7 | Attachment | atthtt; lambdoid prophage HK022 attachment site | 982 | 1034, 2301 |
attλ | 17.3 | Attachment | att92, att434; lambda attachment site | 980 | 1470, 18, 1035, 1836, 2940 |
attP1,P7 | 68.7 | Attachment | loxB; attachment site for phage P1 and P7 | 979 | 4205, 722 |
attP22 | 5.6 | Attachment | ata; phage P22 attachment site, within thrW gene | 975 | 2562 |
attP2H | 44.7 | Attachment | Integration site H for phage P2 | 978 | 241a, 4291, D |
attP2II | 87.1 | Attachment | Integration site II for phage P2 | 977 | 241a, 37, D |
attP2III | 83.5 | Attachment | Integration site III for phage P2 | 32179 | 241a |
attP4 | 96.9 | Attachment | Integration site for phage P4 | 976 | 611, 3431 |
attPA-2 | 53.1 | Attachment | Integration site for phage PA-2 | 974 | C |
attφ80 | 28.2 | Attachment | Integration site for phage phi80 | 973 | 3794a |
attTn7 | 84.3 | Attachment | Specific site for Tn7 insertion | 37363 | 1520, 2852 |
avtA | 80.6 | Alanine-isoketovalerate transaminase | Alanine-α-ketoisovalerate transaminase, transaminase C | 971 | 1196, 2585, 4656, 4718 |
azaA | 44.6 | Azaserine | Mutants azaserine resistant | 970 | 4744 |
azaB | 71.9 | Azaserine | Mutants azaserine resistant | 969 | 4744 |
azl | 58.1 | Azaleucine | Mutants azaleucine resistant; regulates ilv and leu | 967 | 3452 |
bacA | 69.0 | Bacitracin resistance | A lipid kinase; may confer resistance by phosphorylation of undecaprenol | 29739 | 606 |
baeR | 46.6 | Bacterial adaptive envZ regulator | Suppresses envZ and phoR/creC mutations | 30764 | 3083 |
baeS | 46.6 | Bacterial adaptive envZ regulator | Suppresses envZ and phoR/creC mutations | 30761 | 3083 |
barA | 62.8 | Bacterial adaptive response | Has sensory kinase and response regulator domains like OmpR and EnvZ | 33320 | 1924, 3084 |
basR | 93.4 | Bacterial adaptive sensor | BasRS two-component regulatory system homologous with OmpR-EnvZ family | 28168 | 3083, 3716 |
basS | 93.3 | Bacterial adaptive sensor | BasRS two-component regulatory system homologous with OmpR-EnvZ family | 28171 | 3083 |
bax | 80.5 | Gene transcribed divergently from malS | 54736 | 3922 | |
bcp | 56.0 | Bacterioferritin comigratory protein | Probable bacterioferritin | 33035 | 112 |
bcr | 49.1 | Bicyclomycin resistance | bicA, bicR, sur, suxA; transmembrane; affects sulfathiazole-sulfonamide resistance | 32582 | 309 |
betA | 7.0 | Betaine | Choline dehydrogenase | 17740 | 104, 2399, 4257, 470 |
betB | 7.0 | Betaine | Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC | 17737 | 104, 2399, 470 |
betI | 7.1 | Betaine | Regulatory gene, perhaps repressor for choline regulation of bet genes | 30692 | 2399 |
betT | 7.1 | Betaine | High-affinity choline transport | 18505 | 104, 2399 |
bfd | 74.7 | Bfr regulating | Regulatory or redox component complexing with Bfr in iron storage and mobility [2Fe-2S] | 43017 | 1369 |
bfm | 85.9 | BF23 multiplication | Controls phage BF23 multiplication | 966 | A, 4041a |
bfr | 74.7 | Bacterioferritin | Bacterioferritin | 32528 | 111 |
bglA | 65.6 | β-Glucoside | bglD; phospho-β-glucosidase A; growth on arbutin or salicin when activated | 965 | 2076, 3239 |
bglB | 84.1 | β-Glucoside | blgA; phospho-β-glucosidase B; growth on arbutin or salicin when activated | 964 | 2718, 3528, 3658, 3924, 3925, 4611 |
bglF | 84.1 | β-Glucoside | bglC, bglB; BglG kinase; transport | 18502 | 2718, 3924, 476, 704 |
bglG | 84.1 | β-Glucoside | bglC, bglS; positive regulatory gene, RNA-binding protein; regulated by phosphorylation | 963 | 1818, 2718, 3658, 3659, 3924, 3825, 4077, 4506 |
bglJ | 99.2 | β-Glucoside | Mutation bglJ4 activates silent bgl operon, allowing arbutin and salicin transport and utilization | 45483 | 1424, 4506 |
bglT | 84.9 | β-Glucoside | bglE; regulatory gene for BglA | 961 | 3890 |
bglX | 47.8 | β-Glucoside | Periplasmic β-glucosidase (EC | 4858 | 4815,4 |
bioA | 17.4 | Biotin | Diaminopelargonic acid synthetase | 959 | 18, 232, 2331, 235, 3312, 4246, 4319 |
bioB | 17.4 | Biotin | Biotin synthetase; dethiobiotin to biotin pathway | 958 | 18, 232, 2331, 235, 3312, 4246, 4319 |
bioC | 17.5 | Biotin | Blocked prior to pimeloyl CoA formation | 957 | 18, 2488, 4246, 4319 |
bioD | 17.5 | Biotin | Dethiobiotin synthetase | 956 | 18, 2488, 4246, 4319, 4852 |
bioF | 17.5 | Biotin | 7-Keto-8-aminopelargonic acid synthetase | 955 | 18, 2488, 4246, 4319 |
bioH | 76.3 | Biotin | bioB; blocked prior to pimeloyl CoA formation | 954 | 232, 2488, 3303, 3940 |
bioP | 86.6 | Biotin | bir, birB; biotin transport | 953 | 1298, 624 |
bipA | 87.4 | BPI-induced protein | yihK; in EPEC strains, it mediates interactions with epithelial cells; tyrosine-phosphorylated GTPase | 37329 | 1206 |
birA | 89.9 | Biotin retention | bioR, dhbB; biotin-[acetyl-CoA carboxylase] holoenzyme synthetase, and repressor | 952 | 1825, 232–234, 2743, 3337, 4817, 624 |
bisC | 80.0 | Biotin sulfoxide | Biotin sulfoxide reductase, structural gene | 951 | 1003, 3430 |
bisZ | 42.1 | Biotin sulfoxide | Responsible for background activity of biotin sulfoxide reductase in bisC mutants | 50496 | 1004 |
blc | 94.3 | Bacterial lipocalin | Membrane protein, first prokaryotic lipocalin; cell division and growth, rpoS regulon; shares translation termination codons with sugE | 40887 | 361 |
bolA | 9.8 | Bolus | Morphogene; overexpression produces osmotically stable spherical cells; FtsZ dependent | 31032 | 2413, 55–57 |
brnQ | 9.0 | Branched chain | hrbA; mutants valine and o-methylthreonine resistant, glycylvaline sensitive; transport system I for Ile, Leu, and Val | 950 | 1542, 1543 |
brnR | 8.5 | Branched chain | Mutants valine resistant, glycylvaline sensitive | 949 | 1542 |
brnS | 1.2 | Branched chain | Mutants valine resistant, glycylvaline sensitive | 948 | 1542 |
brnT | 65.2 | Branched chain | Low-affinity transport of Ile | 947 | 1876a |
btuB | 89.7 | B12 uptake | bfe, cer; receptor for vitamin B12, E colicins, and phage BF23; also C1 phage absorption | 946 | 1545, 1546, 166, 167, 1705, 1850, 2082, 2430, 2546, 3000, 585 |
btuC | 38.6 | B12 uptake | Vitamin B12 transport | 945 | 1029, 1031, 1315 |
btuD | 38.6 | B12 uptake | B12 transport, membrane associated | 18499 | 1029, 1031, 1315 |
btuE | 38.6 | B12 uptake | Not required for vitamin B12 transport, perhaps periplasmic protein | 18496 | 1029, 1315, 3679 |
btuR | 28.6 | B12 uptake | Regulatory gene affecting btuB | 18493 | 2667 |
bymA | 93.2 | Bypass maltose | Growth on maltose in MalT− cells | 944 | 1781 |
cadA | 93.9 | Cadaverine | Lysine decarboxylase (EC | 943 | 168, 169, 2886, 2887, 3144, 4022, 4325, 4680 |
cadB | 93.9 | Cadaverine | Arginine/ornithine antiporter, probably | 34228 | 2886, 3144, 4680 |
cadC | 93.9 | Cadaverine | Regulatory gene | 34231 | 2887, 3144, 4680 |
cafA | 73.2 | Cytoplasmic axial filaments | Cell division and growth, overexpression forms minicells and chains with long axial structures | 31358 | 3278 |
caiA | 0.8 | Carnitine inducible | Carnitine metabolism, oxidoreductase | 36825 | 1134, 550 |
caiB | 0.8 | Carnitine inducible | Carnitine dehydratase | 36800 | 1135, 550 |
caiC | 0.8 | Carnitine inducible | Crotonobetain/carnitine-CoA ligase | 36828 | 1134, 550 |
caiD | 0.8 | Carnitine inducible | Putative enoyl hydratase/isomerase with carnitine racemase activity | 36831 | 1134, 550 |
caiE | 0.8 | Carnitine inducible | Stimulates carnitine racemase activity of CaiD and CaiB activity | 36834 | 1134, 550 |
caiF | 0.7 | Carnitine inducible | Regulatory gene; transcriptional activation of cai operon | 42995 | 1133, 550 |
caiT | 0.9 | Carnitine inducible | Putative carnitine/betaine transport | 36822 | 1134, 550 |
calA | 95.0 | Calcium | Calcium-proton antiport activity | 941 | 4417, 499 |
calC | 15.2 | Calcium | Calcium transport; mutants defective in chemotaxis | 940 | 4417, 499 |
calD | 9.4 | Calcium | Calcium transport; mutants defective in chemotaxis | 939 | 4417, 499 |
can | 66.0 | Canavanine | Resistance to canavanine | 938 | A, 2691a |
carA | 0.6 | Carbamoyl P | arg+ura, cap, pyrA; carbamoylphosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) light subunit (EC | 936 | 1427, 3432, 465, 861 |
carB | 0.7 | Carbamoyl P | arg+ura, cap, pyrA; carbamoylphosphate synthase (ammonia), heavy subunit (EC | 935 | 1427, 3234, 861 |
cbl | 44.4 | cysB-like | cys regulon member; perhaps an accessory regulatory circuit within the cys regulon | 50175 | 1964, 4550 |
cbpA | 22.9 | Curved-DNA binding protein | Recognizes a curved DNA sequence; sequence similarity to DnaJ | 31822 | 4505 |
cbt | 16.6 | Colicin B (and D) tolerance | Dicarboxylate binding protein production; ColB and ColD tolerance | 934 | 334 |
cca | 69.0 | CCA tRNA terminus | tRNA nucleotidyl transferase | 933 | 880 |
ccmA | 49.5 | Cytochrome c maturation | ABC transporter, ATPase subunit | 36574 | 1537, 4406, 4411, 739, 740 |
ccmB | 49.5 | Cytochrome c maturation | ABC transporter, ATPase subunit | 36577 | 1537, 4406, 4411, 739, 740 |
ccmC | 49.4 | Cytochrome c maturation | ABC transporter, heme binding | 36581 | 1537, 4406, 4411, 739, 740 |
ccmD | 49.4 | Cytochrome c maturation | Cytochrome c related | 36584 | 1537, 4406, 739, 740 |
ccmE | 49.4 | Cytochrome c maturation | Cytochrome c related | 36587 | 1537, 4406, 739, 740 |
ccmF | 49.4 | Cytochrome c maturation | Required for synthesis of c-type cytochromes; similarity with NrfE | 36590 | 1536, 1537, 4406, 4411, 739, 740 |
ccmG | 49.4 | Cytochrome c maturation | dsbE; thioredoxin homolog; thiol-disulfide interchange protein | 36594 | 1192, 1537, 4406, 4411, 739, 740 |
ccmH | 49.3 | Cytochrome c maturation | Required for synthesis of c-type cytochromes; similarity with NrfF and NrfG | 36597 | 1536, 1537, 4406, 739, 740 |
cdd | 48.1 | Deoxycytidine deaminase | Deoxycytidine deaminase (EC; mutants 5-fluorodeoxycytidine resistant | 932 | 1075, 2057, 2058, 2925, 3241, 429, 4325, 4851 |
cde | 14.2 | Control of dam expression | Affects growth rate control of dam expression; near or within lipB | 37102 | 3616 |
cdh | 88.5 | CDP diglyceride hydrolase | CDP-diglyceride hydrolase | 931 | 1710, 1884, 51, 559, 560 |
cdsA | 4.2 | CDP diglyceride synthase | CDP-diglyceride synthase | 930 | 1356, 1886 |
cdsS | 71.7 | CDP diglyceride synthase | Stability of CDP diglyceride synthase | 18490 | 1355 |
cedA | 39.1 | Cell division | Modulates cell division, affects inhibition after overreplication of chromosome in dnaAcos mutants | 55374 | 2161 |
celA | 39.2 | Cellobiose | chbB; member of cryptic cel operon | 34873 | 2205, 3366 |
celB | 39.2 | Cellobiose | chbC; phosphotransferase system enzyme IIcel, PEP dependent; cryptic operon; cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin transport | 18487 | 2205, 2340, 2341, 3366, 3647 |
celC | 39.2 | Cellobiose | chbA; phosphotransferase system enzyme IIIcel, PEP dependent; cryptic operon; cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin transport | 18484 | 2205, 2340, 2341, 3366, 3547 |
celD | 39.2 | Cellobiose | chbR; Cel regulatory protein | 18481 | 2205, 2340, 2341, 3366 |
celF | 39.1 | Cellobiose | chbF; phospho-β-glucosidase B; cryptic operon | 17734 | 2205, 2340, 2341, 3366 |
cfa | 37.5 | Cyclopropane fatty acid | cdfA; cyclopropane fatty acid synthase | 10810 | 1527, 1528, 1529, 4649 |
cfcA | 79.9 | Control frequency of cell division | Controls cell division frequency per round of DNA replication | 36615 | 3194 |
chaA | 27.4 | Ca2+/H+ antiporter | Ca2+/H+ antiporter | 30293 | 1961, 3271, 3330 |
chaB | 27.4 | Ca2+/H+ antiporter | Accessory and regulatory protein for chaA | 37193 | 4792a |
chaC | 27.4 | Ca2+/H+ antiporter | Accessory and regulatory protein for chaA | 37196 | 4792a |
cheA | 42.5 | Chemotaxis | Autophosphorylating histidine kinase of chemotactic response; clockwise and counterclockwise signals; Fla regulon | 928 | 2285, 2679, 3757, 3830, 4064, 4101, 4119, 4363, 4652, 84 |
cheB | 42.4 | Chemotaxis | Protein methylesterase; flagellar regulon member | 927 | 2349, 3076, 4101, 4214, 468, 923 |
cheR | 42.4 | Chemotaxis | cheX; protein methyltransferase (in chemotactic response); flagellar regulon | 926 | 2951, 3076, 4101, 468 |
cheW | 42.5 | Chemotaxis | Signal transduction; couples CheA to chemoreceptor control by promoting CheW/CheA/Tsr; flagellar regulon | 925 | 3076, 3757, 4064, 4101 |
cheY | 42.4 | Chemotaxis | Response regulator CheY for chemotactic signal transduction; flagellar regulon member | 924 | 2679, 2809, 3076, 3757, 3857, 4046, 4101, 468, 776 |
cheZ | 42.3 | Chemotaxis | Chemotactic signal transduction; flagellar regulon member | 923 | 3076, 3856, 3857, 4101, 468 |
chpA | 62.7 | Chromosomal homolog of pem | chpAK, mazF; ChpAB growth inhibitor, homology to R100 pemK gene, programmed cell death? toxic protein | 33287 | 2794, 35 |
chpB | 95.8 | Chromosomal homolog of pem | chpBK, yjfB; ChpAB growth inhibitor, homology to pemK | 33290 | 2793, 2794 |
chpR | 62.7 | Chromosomal homolog of pem | chpAI, mazE; homology to R100 pemI, which suppresses pemK; suppresses ChpA inhibition | 33283 | 2794, 35 |
chpS | 95.8 | Chromosomal homolog of pem | chpBI, yjfA; homology to pemI; supresses ChpB | 33293 | 2793, 2794 |
cirA | 48.3 | Colicin I resistance/receptor | feuA; colicin I receptor production | 916 | 1518, 2925, 428, 4783 |
citA | 17.9 | Citrate | Cryptic gene for citrate transport system | 18469 | 1604 |
citB | 16.0 | Citrate | Cryptic gene for citrate transport system | 18466 | 1604 |
cld | 45.2 | Chain length determination | rol; regulator of lipopolysaccharide O-chain length; gene studied in Salmonella and non-K-12 strains | 56819 | 1061a, 1293a |
clpA | 19.9 | Caseinolytic protease | Clp ATP-dependent protease, ATP-binding subunit | 31293 | 1472, 3972, 3973, 3990 |
clpB | 58.8 | Caseinolytic protease | ClpB protease, ATP dependent (EC 1.17.4.–, 3.4.21.–) | 32875 | 1327, 2244, 3359, 3478, 4178, 4772 |
clpP | 9.8 | Caseinolytic protease | F21.5, LopP; ClpP ATP-dependent protease proteolytic subunit | 31280 | 2344, 2822, 2824, 3973, 4765 |
clpX | 9.8 | Caseinolytic protease | LopC; ClpX protease, which activates ClpP | 31287 | 1297, 1473, 2505, 4765, 4891 |
cls | 28.1 | Cardiolipin synthase | nov; cardiolipin synthase; mutants dihydroxybutylphosphonate resistant; novobiocin sensitivity | 915 | 1690, 1765, 1766, 1876, 1960, 3193, 3267, 3600, 4462, 4463 |
cmk | 20.7 | CMP kinase | mssA; multicopy suppressor; CMP kinase | 31736 | 1308, 4843 |
cmlA | 19.0 | Chloramphenicol | Probably same as cmr; resistance or sensitivity to chloramphenicol, also tetracycline resistance | 914 | 187, 3637, 4043 |
cmr | 19.0 | Chloramphenicol resistance | cmlA?, mdfA; transmembrane multidrug/chloramphenicol efflux transporter | 55066 | 1115, 3189, 3637 |
cmtA | 66.3 | Cryptic mannitol | Similar to mannitol phosphotransferase enzymes | 33362 | 4163 |
cmtB | 66.3 | Cryptic mannitol | tolM; protein-Nπ-phosphohistidine sugar P-transferase; enzyme III of PEP-PTS cryptic mannitol transport | 33365 | 4163 |
coaA | 89.9 | CoA | panK, rts; pantothenate kinase | 17731 | 1259, 4134, 4135, 4538 |
cobS | 44.5 | Cobalamin, coenzyme B12 | Partial cobalamin biosynthesis pathway present in E. coli | 40912 | 2439 |
cobT | 44.4 | Cobalamin, coenzyme B12 | Partial cobalamin biosynthesis pathway present in E. coli | 40908 | 2439 |
cobU | 44.5 | Cobalamin, coenzyme B12 | Partial cobalamin biosynthesis pathway present in E. coli | 40916 | 2439 |
codA | 7.7 | Cytosine deaminase | Cytosine deaminase (EC | 913 | 23, 4562, 927, 95 |
codB | 7.6 | Cytosine deaminase | Cytosine transport | 912 | 23, 927, 95 |
cof | 10.1 | Complementation of fur | Complements deletion mutant for growth on succinate | 53227 | 1640 |
cog | 29.1 | Control of ompG | Probable repressor of ompG | 37297 | 2956 |
corA | 86.2 | Cobalt resistance | Mg2+ transport system; mutants resistant to Co2+, Mn2+, and Ni2+, insensitive to Ca2+ | 911 | 2750, 3242, 3243, 3353, 4120, 4683, 58, 926 |
CP4-57 | 59.4 | Cryptic prophage | Cryptic prophage; see intA and alpA | 33089 | 2241, 3653 |
cpdA | 68.4 | Cyclic nucleotide P-diesterase | icc; affects cAMP requirement during growth on maltose; 3′,5′ cAMP phosphodiesterase | 37437 | 1907 |
cpdB | 95.5 | Cyclic nucleotide P-diesterase | 2′,3′-Cyclic nucleotide 2′-phosphodiesterase (EC | 909 | 1996, 2580, 259 |
cpsA | 45.4 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Colanic acid (CPS) biosynthesis | 18463 | 4460 |
cpsB | 45.7 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Colanic acid (CPS) biosynthesis; mannose 1-P guanyltransferase | 18460 | 4460 |
cpsC | 45.8 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Colanic acid (CPS) biosynthesis | 18457 | 4460 |
cpsD | 45.8 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Colanic acid (CPS) biosynthesis | 18454 | 4460 |
cpsE | 45.8 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Colanic acid (CPS) biosynthesis | 51241 | 4460 |
cpsF | 90.2 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Colanic acid (CPS) biosynthesis | 18448 | 4460 |
cpsG | 45.7 | Capsular polysaccharide synthesis | Phosphomannomutase isozyme; colanic acid biosynthesis | 37429 | 1999 |
cpxA | 88.4 | Conjugative plasmid expression | ecfB, eup, ssd; membrane sensor in two-component cpxAR signal transduction system; Kanr, phage Q resistant; l-serine growth | 908 | 1952, 2844, 2845, 3011, 3166, 3448, 3595, 3596, 4066–4068, 4408, 4684, 50, 52, 843 |
cpxB | 41.3 | Conjugative plasmid expression | Phage Q resistance, membrane protein | 907 | 2844, 2845, 4066 |
cpxP | 88.4 | Conjugative plasmid expression | Periplasmic protein, CpxA/R activated, induced in alkaline pH; suppresses toxic envelope protein effects | 54751 | 922 |
cpxR | 88.4 | Conjugative plasmid expression | Regulator in two-component cpxAR | 34166 | 1065, 3596, 843 |
crcA | 14.1 | Camphor resistance and chromosome condensation | High-copy crc-csp restores normal chromosome condensation in presence of camphor or mukB mutations | 41127 | 1837 |
crcB | 14.2 | Camphor resistance and chromosome condensation | See crcA | 41131 | 1837 |
creA | 99.9 | Catabolite regulation | Function unknown; transcribed with cre operon | 34809 | 81 |
creB | 99.9 | Catabolite regulation | phoM-orf2; structurally homologous to creC (phoM) | 34803 | 81, 82 |
creC | 99.9 | Catabolite regulation | phoM; sensor in Pho regulon | 395 | 2654, 2733, 2734, 4431, 4660, 4661, 4664, 4666, 4667, 81 |
creD | 99.9 | Catabolite regulation | cet (colicin E2 tolerance), refII | 929 | 1090, 1284, 1462, 1568, 81 |
crg | 28.8 | Cold resistant growth | Allows cold-resistant growth | 18445 | 2175 |
crl | 5.6 | Curli | Regulatory protein for curli (cryptic csgA) | 30625 | 137, 1722, 3291, 3545 |
crp | 75.1 | cAMP receptor protein | cap, csm; cAMP receptor protein | 906 | 1404, 147, 1559, 2233, 2365, 258, 2627, 32, 3610, 3279, 3559, 3617, 4108, 4394, 500, 8, 844, 924 |
crr | 54.6 | Carrier? | gsr, iex, tgs; phosphocarrier protein for glucose of the PTS; IIIglc | 905 | 1023, 2326, 2859, 3150, 3369, 3370, 3793, 508, 539, 557, 562, 982, 983b |
csdA | 63.4 | Cysteine, selenocysteine decomposition | Cysteine sulfinate desulfinase | 52073 | 2926 |
csgA | 23.8 | Curlin ςS-dependent growth | Curlin, ςS (stationary phase) dependent, cryptic | 30620 | 137, 138, 1619, 2612, 3289–3291, 3725, 4584 |
csgB | 23.8 | Curlin ςS-dependent growth | Curlin nucleator protein, homology with major curlin, CsgA | 36735 | 138, 2612, 3725 |
csgD | 23.7 | Curlin ςS-dependent growth | csgD insertions eliminate ςS-dependent transcription from csgBA promoter | 50655 | 1619, 3725 |
csgE | 23.7 | Curlin ςS-dependent growth | Possible secretion or assembly protein for bacterial fibers | 50658 | 1619, 3725 |
csgF | 23.7 | Curlin ςS-dependent growth | Possible assembly or transport protein for curli | 50661 | 1619 |
csgG | 23.7 | Curlin ςS-dependent growth | Possible assembly or transport protein for curli; novel lipoprotein | 50664 | 1619, 2612, 3725 |
csiA | 85.3 | Carbon starvation induced | Stationary phase inducible protein | 36892 | 4690 |
csiB | 17.4 | Carbon starvation induced | Stationary phase inducible protein | 36895 | 4690 |
csiC | 66.0 | Carbon starvation induced | Stationary phase inducible protein | 36898 | 4690 |
csiD | 60.5 | Carbon starvation induced | Stationary phase inducible protein | 36904 | 2775, 4690 |
csiE | 57.4 | Carbon starvation induced | Stationary phase inducible protein | 36901 | 2774, 4690 |
csiF | 8.6 | Carbon starvation induced | Stationary phase inducible protein | 36998 | 4690 |
cspA | 80.1 | Cold shock protein | Cold shock protein CS7.4; similar to Y-box DNA binding proteins of eukaryotes; transcription factor | 29540 | 1199, 1200, 1443, 1452, 194, 2019, 2046, 2473, 478, 4841a, 4347 |
cspB | 35.3 | Cold shock protein | Cold shock protein with similarity to CspA | 32231 | 1200, 2473 |
cspC | 41.1 | Cold shock protein | msmB; multicopy suppresses mukB mutants | 35339 | 2043, 2473, 4842 |
cspD | 19.9 | Cold shock protein | Similarity to CspA but not cold shock induced | 31688 | 2473, 4841 |
cspE | 14.2 | Cold shock protein | msmC; with crcAB, high copy promotes or protects chromosome condensation | 31528 | 1837, 4841, 4842 |
cspG | 12.6 | Cold shock protein | Cold-induced CspA/B analog | 53423 | 194, 3119 |
csrA | 60.7 | Carbon storage regulator | zfiA, regulatory gene inhibiting glycogen biosynthesis; global regulatory protein | 34504 | 2586, 3061, 3723, 3724, 3787, 4854 |
csrB | 62.9 | Carbon storage regulator | CsrA-binding RNA, antagonizing CsrA regulation | 2585a | |
cstA | 13.5 | Carbon starvation | Starvation induced stress response protein | 31179 | 1523, 2798, 3937, 403 |
cstCb | 39.4 | Carbon starvation | astC; starvation gene regulated by cAMP and RpoS, T; induced by ornithine; arginine succinyltransferase | 54626 | 1290a, 1290b, 1950a, 3921a |
cup | 97.0 | Carbohydrate uptake | Mutants have defective carbohydrate uptake | 18442 | 2720 |
cutA | 94.0 | Cu tolerance | cycY, cutA1; copper sensitivity; possible role in cytochrome c maturation; cytochrome c-like | 34216 | 1271, 1921, 875 |
cutC | 42.2 | Cu tolerance | Copper sensitivity | 36974 | 1574 |
cutE | 14.8 | Cu tolerance | lnt; copper sensitivity; apolipoprotein N-acetyltransferase | 31471 | 3710 |
cutF | 4.6 | Cu tolerance | nlpE; copper sensitivity | 35748 | 1574, 4122 |
cvpA | 52.3 | Colicin V production | dedE; member of purF operon; affects Col V production | 32727 | 1207 |
cxm | 6.3 | Carbon-xylose metabolism | cxr; methyl glyoxal synthesis; d-xylose utilization | 903 | 8 |
cyaA | 86.0 | Cyclase, adenylate | Adenylate cyclase (EC | 902 | 1008, 219, 2233, 2275, 2321, 2365, 26, 29, 30, 3559, 3758, 3759, 3760, 4401, 500, 58, 924, 926 |
cybB | 32.1 | Cytochrome b | Cytochrome b561 | 17728 | 3052, 3054, 3105 |
cybC | 96.1 | Cytochrome b | Cytochrome b562 | 34583 | 4465 |
cycA | 95.4 | Cycloserine | dagA; d-alanine, d-serine, glycine permease | 900 | 3685, 3686, 3939, 4671, 569 |
cydA | 16.6 | Cytochrome d | Cytochrome d terminal oxidase, polypeptide subunit I | 10369 | 1060, 1447, 1491, 1492, 1493, 1494, 3039, 3611, 615, 847 |
cydB | 16.6 | Cytochrome d | Cytochrome d terminal oxidase, polypeptide subunit II | 9469 | 1009, 1010, 1011, 1060, 1447, 1491, 1492, 1494, 1495, 3039, 3611, 4638, 615, 847 |
cydC | 20.0 | Cytochrome d | mdrA, mdrH, surB; cytochrome d terminal oxidase, possibly heme d component | 17725 | 1009, 1405, 1447, 3763, 4054, 4055 |
cydD | 20.0 | Cytochrome d | ATP-binding cassette membrane transporter; bd-type oxidase | 31720 | 1009, 1447, 262, 3479–3481 |
cynR | 7.7 | Cyanase; cyanate metabolism | Transcriptional activator of cyn operon | 31255 | 102, 2403, 4288 |
cynS | 7.7 | Cyanase; cyanate metabolism | Cyanate aminohydrolase (EC | 15267 | 102, 1564, 1565, 2403, 4286, 4288, 4289 |
cynT | 7.7 | Cyanase; cyanate metabolism | Carbonic anhydrase | 31258 | 102, 1564, 1566, 2333, 4286, 4287, 4289 |
cynX | 7.7 | Cyanase; cyanate metabolism | Apparent hydrophobic protein, member of cyn operon | 31261 | 102, 1564 |
cyoA | 9.7 | Cytochrome o oxidase | Cytochrome o oxidase subunit II; cytochrome bo3 ubiquinol oxidase subunit II | 18439 | 164, 165, 2687, 615 |
cyoB | 9.7 | Cytochrome o oxidase | Cytochrome o oxidase subunit I | 30997 | 164, 3106, 615 |
cyoC | 9.6 | Cytochrome o oxidase | Cytochrome o oxidase subunit III | 31005 | 164, 615, 720, 721 |
cyoD | 9.6 | Cytochrome o oxidase | Cytochrome o oxidase subunit IV | 31008 | 164, 615, 720 |
cyoE | 9.6 | Cytochrome o oxidase | Cytochrome o oxidase subunit, protoheme IX farnesyltransferase | 31014 | 164, 3799, 615, 720, 721 |
cysA | 54.7 | Cysteine | Sulfate permease; chromate resistance | 898 | 3793, 4082, 4172, 47, 539 |
cysB | 28.7 | Cysteine | Positive regulator for cys regulon | 897 | 1980, 3310, 4382 |
cysC | 61.9 | Cysteine | Adenylylsulfate kinase (EC | 896 | 2520, 3879, 4380 |
cysD | 61.9 | Cysteine | Sulfate adenylyltransferase (EC | 895 | 1862, 2742, 4380 |
cysE | 81.5 | Cysteine | Serine acetyltransferase (EC | 894 | 1021, 4381 |
cysG | 75.3 | Cysteine | Uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase; transcribed from nirB operon and cysG promoters | 893 | 1647, 1973, 2693, 2694, 3386, 3387, 4148, 4380, 792 |
cysH | 62.2 | Cysteine | Adenylylsulfate reductase (EC | 892 | 1862, 2345, 2346, 2522, 4380 |
cysI | 62.2 | Cysteine | cysQ; sulfite reductase, α-subunit (EC | 891 | 1175, 1862, 2522, 4380, 4795 |
cysJ | 62.3 | Cysteine | cysP; sulfite reductase, β-subunit (EC | 890 | 1175, 1862, 2522, 2637, 4380, 4795 |
cysK | 54.5 | Cysteine | cysZ; cysteine synthase (EC; homodimer; selenate resistance, azaserine resistance | 889 | 1247, 3370, 3793, 4082, 438, 47, 4731, 508, 539 |
cysM | 54.7 | Cysteine | o-Acetylserine sulfhydrolase B (EC | 17722 | 3793, 4082, 47, 539 |
cysN | 61.9 | Cysteine | ATP sulfurylase (ATP:sulfate adenylyltransferase) | 18436 | 2520 |
cysP | 54.8 | Cysteine | Periplasmic sulfate binding protein; see cysJ | 27367 | 1828, 4081 |
cysQ | 95.6 | Cysteine | amt, amtA; requirement for sulfite or cysteine during aerobic growth; see also cysI | 34409 | 1193, 1996, 1997, 3159 |
cysS | 11.9 | Cysteine | Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 888 | 176, 413, 1816 |
cysT | 42.9 | Cysteine | Cysteine tRNA; see also cysU | 17719 | 1285, 2313 |
cysU | 54.7 | Cysteine | Cysteine transport system; may also transport molybdate (see mod) | 37093 | 4081 |
cysW | 54.7 | Cysteine | Membrane-bound sulfate transport protein; may also transport molybdate (see mod) | 27371 | 4081 |
cysX | 81.5 | Cysteine | Reading frame in opposite orientation within cysE gene; polypeptide synthesized in maxicells | 55332 | 4381 |
cysZ | 54.5 | Cysteine | putative; ORF upstream of cysK may be cysZ | 33018 | 593 |
cytR | 88.8 | Cytosine resistant? | Regulatory gene for deo, udp, and cdd; mutants show improved growth on uridine | 887 | 226, 3048, 3617, 4128, 4529 |
dacA | 14.3 | d-Alanine carboxypeptidase | pfv; d-alanine carboxypeptidase IA (EC; penicillin-binding protein; deletion suppresses ftsK mutant block | 886 | 2801, 2802, 3198, 3360, 4157, 4232, 520 |
dacB | 71.7 | d-Alanine carboxypeptidase | d-Alanine carboxypeptidase IB; penicillin-binding protein (EC | 885 | 2322, 2803, 3021, 3022, 4075, 4337 |
dacC | 19.0 | d-Alanine carboxypeptidase | Penicillin-binding protein 6 (EC | 34706 | 276, 3421, 520 |
dacD | 44.8 | d-Alanine carboxypeptidase | phsE? Penicillin-binding protein 6b | 50486 | 223 |
dadA | 26.7 | d-Amino acid dehydrogenase | dadR; d-amino acid dehydrogenase subunit | 884 | 2357, 2607, 2797, 4736, 4737, 4739, 4740 |
dadB | 1.6 | d-Amino acid dehydrogenase | alnA; d-amino acid dehydrogenase subunit | 883 | 1298 |
dadQ | 98.9 | d-Amino acid dehydrogenase | alnR; regulator of dad regulon | 882 | 1298 |
dadX | 26.7 | d-Amino acid dehydrogenase | msuA? alanine racemase (EC | 17716 | 1526, 2607, 2797, 4739 |
dam | 75.7 | DNA adenine methylase | DNA adenine methylase | 881 | 145, 1609, 2851, 3411, 518 |
dapA | 56.0 | Diaminopimelate (lysine path) | Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (EC | 880 | 3667 |
dapB | 0.6 | Diaminopimelate (lysine path) | Dihydrodipicolinate reductase (EC; see dapE and lspA | 879 | 2699, 464 |
dapC | 3.9 | Diaminopimelate (lysine path) | Tetrahydropicolinate succinylase | 878 | 1359, 558 |
dapD | 4.0 | Diaminopimelate (lysine path) | Succinyl-diaminopimelate aminotransferase | 877 | 1000, 1359, 296, 3665 |
dapE | 55.8 | Diaminopimelate (lysine path) | dapB; N-succinyl-diaminopimelate deacylase | 876 | 3364, 3667 |
dapF | 86.1 | Diaminopimelate (lysine path) | Diaminopimelate epimerase | 17713 | 3664, 3666, 926 |
dbpA | 30.3 | DNA binding protein | Binds DNA, RNA, only hydrolyses ATP in presence of 23S rRNA | 32058 | 1337, 3177 |
dcd | 46.1 | dCTP deaminase | paxA; dCTP deaminase (EC; mutants suppress lethal dut mutants | 875 | 1180, 3156, 4655 |
dcm | 43.7 | DNA cytosine methylation | mec; DNA cytosine methylase; internal cytosine methylated | 874 | 1314, 1625, 337 |
dcp | 35.0 | Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase | Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase II (EC | 873 | 1027, 1723, 269 |
dcrB | 77.8 | C resistance | Resistant to lytic phage C1; periplasmic protein perhaps anchored to inner membrane | 46606 | 2546 |
dctA | 79.3 | Dicarboxylic acid transport | Uptake of C-4 dicarboxylic acids; 3-fluoromalate resistance, d-tartrate resistant | 872 | 206, 2181, 2602, 3897 |
dctB | 16.4 | Dicarboxylic acid transport | Uptake of C-4 dicarboxylic acids; 3-fluoromalate resistance, d-tartrate resistant | 871 | 2181, 3897 |
dcuA | 94.0 | Dicarboxylate uptake | genA; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, anaerobic | 34476 | 4084 |
dcuB | 93.7 | Dicarboxylate uptake | genF; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, anaerobic | 34479 | 4084 |
dcuC | 14.1 | Dicarboxylate uptake | C4-dicarboxylate carrier, anaerobic; W3110 has an IS5 insertion | 50968 | 4956 |
ddlA | 8.6 | d-Alanine ligase | d-Alanine:d-alanine ligase, ADP-forming | 30966 | 3350, 4921 |
ddlB | 2.2 | d-Alanine ligase | ddl; d-Alanine:d-alanine ligase | 870 | 1893, 2071, 2675, 2676, 3350, 3692 |
deaD | 71.2 | Dead-box protein | csdA, mssB; gene dosage-dependent suppressor of rpsB(ts) mutations; putative RNA helicase | 33472 | 1200, 2045, 4437, 4843 |
dedA | 52.4 | Downstream, expressed? | Temporary designation for genes in pdxB and folC operons; unknown function | 32742 | 3211 |
dedD | 52.4 | Downstream, expressed? | Temporary designation for genes in pdxB and folC operons; unknown function | 32739 | 3211 |
def | 74.0 | Deformylase | fms; peptide deformylase, N-formylmethionylaminoacyl-tRNA deformylase (EC 3.4.11.–, EC | 33619 | 2830, 2869, 2871, 2872, 2873, 3597 |
degP | 3.9 | Degradative protease | htrA; DegP periplasmic serine endoprotease (EC 3.4.99–), protease Do, required for high-temperature growth; ςE promoter | 30554 | 1767, 2570, 2571, 2572, 3974, 4092, 4251, 660 |
degQ | 72.8 | Degradative protease | hhoA; periplasmic serineendoprotease | 36675 | 2296, 250, 4643 |
degS | 72.8 | Degradative protease | htrH, hhoB; periplasmic serineendoprotease | 36678 | 250, 4643 |
del | 64.3 | Deletion | Affects frequency of IS1-mediated deletions; 1,000-fold reduction in deletion frequency | 869 | 3164 |
deoA | 99.5 | Deoxyribose | tpp-75; thymidine phosphorylase (EC | 868 | 1255, 22, 4270, 4528, 4530, 4531, 4532 |
deoB | 99.5 | Deoxyribose | drm, thyR, tlr; deoxyribouratase (EC, phosphopentomutase | 867 | 1255, 22, 2616, 3705, 4527, 4530, 4532 |
deoC | 99.5 | Deoxyribose | dra, thyR, tlr; deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (EC | 866 | 1255, 2616, 3705, 4526, 4527, 4528, 4532, 54, 920 |
deoD | 99.6 | Deoxyribose | pup; purine-nucleoside phosphorylase PNP (EC | 865 | 1255, 22, 2282, 2422, 3705, 4528, 4532 |
deoR | 19.0 | Deoxyribose | nucR, nupG, tse; regulatory gene for deo operon | 864 | 3017, 3048, 4533 |
dfp | 82.1 | DNA synthesis flavoprotein | dnaS, dut; flavoprotein affecting DNA synthesis and pantothenate metabolism | 18430 | 4154, 4155 |
dgd | 72.0 | d-Galactose dehydrogenase | d-Galactose dehydrogenase production | 863 | 4803 |
dgkA | 91.7 | Diglyceride kinase | Diglyceride kinase | 862 | 2544, 2545 |
dgkR | 93.7 | Diglyceride kinase | Regulatory | 861 | 3578 |
dgoA | 83.4 | d-Galactonate | 2-Oxo-3-deoxygalactonate 6-phosphate aldolase (EC | 36891 | 182 |
dgoD | 83.4 | d-Galactonate | Galactonate dehydratase (EC | 859 | 182 |
dgoK | 83.5 | d-Galactonate | 2-Oxo-3-deoxygalactonate kinase (EC | 858 | 182 |
dgoR | 83.5 | d-Galactonate | Regulatory; growth on 2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate, dgoRc | 857 | 830 |
dgoT | 83.4 | d-Galactonate | Galactonate transport | 856 | 182 |
dgsA | 35.9 | d-Glucosamine | mlc (makes large colonies); affects function of phosphotransferase system enzyme IIA/IIB, anaerobic growth on glucosamine; binds NagC promoters; regulates manX | 855 | 1813, 3012, 3453, 3707 |
dgt | 3.9 | dGTP triphosphohydrolase | optA; deoxyguanosine 5′-triphosphate triphosphohydrolase (EC | 30546 | 261, 3572, 3573, 4806 |
dicA | 35.5 | Division control | Regulatory for dicB | 18427 | 282, 283 |
dicB | 35.5 | Division control | Control of cell division | 18424 | 282, 283, 622 |
dicC | 35.5 | Division control | Regulatory for dicB | 18421 | 282, 283 |
dicF | 35.5 | Division control | DicF antisense RNA; inhibits Qin | 32240 | 1208, 1209, 4389, 453 |
dif | 34.2 | Deletion-induced filamentation | Recombination site in terminus, recA independent | 30208 | 1675, 2354, 2356, 376, 378, 835, 836, 4378 |
dinB | 5.4 | Damage inducible | dinP; increased mutagenesis, apparently independent of umuDC; SOS related | 53389 | 2232, 526 |
dinD | 82.2 | Damage inducible | orfY, pcsA, yicD; mutant cs phenotype filamentous with large nucleoid | 33582 | 2200, 2352, 2353, 2664, 3262, 4877 |
dinF | 91.7 | Damage inducible | Induced by UV and mitomycin C; SOS, lexA regulon | 854 | 2200, 2348, 2928 |
dinG | 17.9 | Damage inducible | LexA regulated (SOS) repair enzyme | 31247 | 2318, 2518, 2519 |
dinI | 24.1 | Damage inducible | Multicopy suppresses phenotype of cold-sensitive dinD filamentous mutation | 53428 | 4877 |
dinY | 41.9 | Damage inducible | Repair gene | 36880 | 3412 |
dipZ | 94.0 | Disulfide isomerase | cycZ, dsbD, cutA2; may be involved in cytochrome maturation, see ccm genes; affects disulfide binding | 34213 | 1921, 268, 2910, 874, 875 |
djlA | 1.2 | DnaJ-like | Proposed to dock and interact with variety of membrane proteins; mutants rapidly accumulate suppressors | 51192 | 2188, 769, 770 |
dksA | 3.5 | dnaK suppressor | msmA; high copy suppresses muk and TS growth and filamentation of dnaK mutant | 30521 | 2122, 4842 |
dld | 47.9 | d-Lactate dehydrogenase | ldh; d-lactate dehydrogenase (EC; vinylglycolate resistance, FAD enzyme | 852 | 2058, 3768, 4012, 626 |
dmsA | 20.3 | DMSO reductase | DMSO reductase subunit A, anaerobic | 17710 | 353, 354, 3749 |
dmsB | 20.3 | DMSO reductase | DMSO reductase subunit B; apparent Fe-S binding domain; anaerobic | 31724 | 354, 3749 |
dmsC | 20.3 | DMSO reductase | DMSO reductase subunit C, membrane bound | 31727 | 354, 3749 |
dnaA | 83.6 | DNA | DNA biosynthesis; initiation; binding protein | 851 | 1372, 1630, 1631, 1872, 1873, 1875, 2160, 2235, 2272, 2275, 2474, 2927, 2985, 2986, 3051, 3261, 3400, 3541, 3569, 3570, 3809, 3813, 4087, 4300, 4301, 4611, 471, 4910, 1790 |
dnaB | 91.9 | DNA | groP, grpA, grpD; DNA biosynthesis; chain elongation | 850 | 1406, 2259, 2545, 3126, 3333, 3804, 3951, 4449, 561 |
dnaC | 99.1 | DNA | dnaD; DNA biosynthesis; initiation and chain elongation | 849 | 2786, 3125, 3753 |
dnaE | 4.4 | DNA | polC, sdgC (suppressor of dnaG mutation); DNA polymerase III, α-subunit | 373 | 1239, 1240, 2194, 296, 3889, 4016, 4424, 4708, 4761 |
dnaG | 69.2 | DNA | dnaP, parB, sdgA; primase; primer synthesis for leading- and lagging-strand synthesis | 847 | 1531, 2671, 2672, 2673, 3055, 3113, 3125, 3216, 3753, 4105, 4376, 4449, 4578, 4766, 579 |
dnaI | 40.3 | DNA | DNA biosynthesis | 846 | 334a |
dnaJ | 0.3 | DNA | groP, grpC; chain elongation; stress-related DNA biosynthesis, responsive to heat shock; chaperone with DnaK | 845 | 1406, 2069, 231, 3256, 3257, 3258, 3333, 3804, 4252, 4293, 4830, 972 |
dnaK | 0.3 | DNA | gro, groP, groPAB, groPC, groPF, grpC, grpF, seg; stress-related heat-shock DNA biosynthesis, ATP-regulated binding and release of polypeptide substrates; HSP-70-type molecular chaperone, with DnaJ | 844 | 1143, 1186, 1187, 1875, 2120, 227, 2837, 3035, 3158, 3257, 3332, 3807, 4252, 567, 3697 |
dnaL | 28.9 | DNA | DNA biosynthesis | 843 | 3982 |
dnaN | 83.6 | DNA | DNA biosynthesis; sliding clamp subunit, required for high processivity; DNA polymerase III β subunit | 842 | 132, 1630, 2194, 2235, 3261, 3626, 3627, 3809, 3810, 3813, 4910, 564 |
dnaQ | 5.1 | DNA | mutD; DNA polymerase III ɛ-subunit; streptomycin, azaserine resistant; 3′ to 5′ proofreading, lexA regulon | 840 | 1047, 1113, 1239, 1706, 1804, 2194, 2730, 2783, 3209, 3568, 3903, 4052, 779, 855, 856, 4331 |
dnaT | 99.1 | DNA | Primasomal protein i | 839 | 2786, 2787, 3125 |
dnaX | 10.6 | DNA | mutH, dnaZ; subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme; DNA elongation factor III; τ and γ subunits | 838 | 1264, 1265, 1266, 1669, 1845, 2194, 2228, 2229, 2283, 2421, 2471, 2472, 2511, 2731, 3043, 3753, 398, 399, 4485, 4486, 4885, 701, 912, 913 |
dppA | 79.8 | Dipeptide permease | alu, tpp?; uptake of dipeptides | 35111 | 3294, 4, 4576 |
dppB | 79.8 | Dipeptide permease | Uptake of dipeptides | 33771 | 4, 4118, 4576 |
dppC | 79.8 | Dipeptide permease | Uptake of dipeptides | 33768 | 4, 4118, 4576 |
dppD | 79.8 | Dipeptide permease | Uptake of dipeptides | 33765 | 4, 4118, 4576 |
dppF | 79.7 | Dipeptide permease | Uptake of dipeptides | 33752 | 4 |
dppG | 14.0 | Dipeptide permease | Uptake of dipeptides; dipeptide permease | 835 | 1453, 3384, 997 |
dps | 18.3 | DNA-binding protein, stationary phase | pexB; stress response DNA-binding protein; starvation induced resistance to H2O2 | 31650 | 1226, 2620, 71 |
dsbA | 87.1 | Disulfide bond | iarA, ppfA; disulfide oxidoreductase, periplasmic protein disulfide-isomerase; role in cytochrome c synthesis (EC | 34063 | 1560, 2243, 229, 230, 2778, 287, 2910, 3549, 3550, 3823, 45, 4805, 4840, 67, 904 |
dsbB | 26.6 | Disulfide bond | iarB; PDI or PDI-like protein; DTT-sensitive phenotype; periplasm/inner membrane | 31933 | 1560, 1989, 2243, 229, 288, 2960, 3823, 67 |
dsbC | 65.4 | Disulfide bond | xprA; periplasmic disulfide oxidoreductase, protein disulfide isomerase | 33355 | 2639, 2641, 2962, 4019 |
dsbG | 13.8 | Disulfide bond | Thiol-disulphide oxidase; multicopy resistance to DTT; mutants accumulate reduced proteins, corrected by DsbA/B overexpression | 53792 | 92 |
dsdA | 53.4 | d-Serine deaminase | d-Serine deaminase | 834 | 2751, 2846, 2847, 3215, 3339, 436, 48, 642 |
dsdC | 53.3 | d-Serine deaminase | LysR-type transcriptional regulator; previously cited as d-serine permease; dsdC/X order reversed in different sequence entries | 833 | 2847, 3215, 3339, 436, 48, 642 |
dsdX | 53.4 | d-Serine deaminase | Homology with gluconate permease; d-serine tolerance; dsdC/A order reversed in different sequence entries | 35717 | 3215 |
dsrA | 43.6 | Small RNA | Regulatory RNA; positive regulation of promoters sensitive to HNS negative regulation | 48173 | 2249, 4098 |
dsrB | 43.6 | Small RNA | Regulatory RNA; regulated by DsrA and HNS, under control of RpoS | 48176 | 4099 |
dut | 82.2 | dUTPase | dnaS, sof; deoxyuridinetriphosphatase (EC | 832 | 2661, 2662, 4154, 4367 |
dvl | 7.4 | Dye-visible light? | Sensitivity to SDS and toluidine blue plus light | 18418 | 4632 |
dxs | 9.4 | Deoxy-xylulose-P synthase | DXP synthase; DXP is precursor to isoprenoids, thiamin, pyridoxol | 52930 | 2615, 4166 |
e14 | 25.7 | Prophage element 14 | Defective prophage element; includes loci sfiC, lit, pin, mcrA | 18409 | 2128, 2715, 3447, 3448, 3604, 4544, 511, 512, 625 |
ebgA | 69.4 | Evolved β-galactosidase | Cryptic β-galactoside utilization | 830 | 1607, 4234, 4235, 627 |
ebgB | 69.5 | Evolved β-galactosidase | Cryptic β-galactoside utilization, possible paralog of lacY | 18415 | 1607, 4234 |
ebgC | 69.5 | Evolved β-galactosidase | Phospho-β-d-galactosidase, β-subunit; cryptic gene | 18412 | 1607 |
ebgR | 69.4 | Evolved β-galactosidase | Regulatory gene from ebg cryptic operon | 829 | 1607, 4234 |
ecfA | 67.6 | Energy coupling factor | With metC mutation, ecf mutation abolishes coupling of energy with active transport | 828 | 4434 |
eco | 49.6 | Ecotin | Ecotin, serine protease inhibitor | 32630 | 1173 |
ecpD | 3.4 | E. coli papD homolog | Possible pilin chaperone | 30513 | 3593 |
eda | 41.6 | Entner-Douderoff aldolase | hga, kdgA, kga; 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate 6-phosphate aldolase (EC; 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate aldolase | 826 | 1154, 1290 |
edd | 41.6 | Entner-Douderoff dehydratase | Phosphogluconate dehydratase (EC; growth on gluconate | 825 | 1121, 1289, 1290, 4594 |
efp | 94.3 | Elongation factor P | Elongation factors P and EF-P; prokaryotic | 34470 | 118, 119, 1357 |
emrA | 60.6 | E-multidrug resistance | Multidrug resistance pump family | 33259 | 2619, 2621 |
emrB | 60.6 | E-multidrug resistance | Hydrophobic, inner membrane-spanning domains; multidrug resistance pump family | 33262 | 2619, 2621 |
emrD | 83.0 | E-multidrug resistance | Multidrug resistance pump family | 36938 | 3132 |
emrE | 12.2 | E-multidrug resistance | envB, mvrC, mon, rodY; multidrug resistance pump family; cell shape; methylviologen sensitivity | 36935 | 2452, 4879, 4880, 300 |
endA | 66.6 | Endonuclease | DNA-specific endonuclease I; extensive DNA breakdown | 824 | 2002, 4785 |
eno | 62.6 | Enolase | Enolase (EC | 823 | 158, 2257, 4709 |
entA | 13.5 | Enterochelin | 2,3-Dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase | 822 | 1262, 1777, 2394, 2395, 2581, 3090, 3091, 3424, 4180 |
entB | 13.5 | Enterochelin | 2,3-Dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate synthetase | 821 | 1262, 2394, 2395, 3090, 3091, 3326, 5424 |
entC | 13.5 | Enterochelin | Isochorismate synthetase | 820 | 1262, 2394, 2395, 2582, 3090, 3091, 3325, 3326, 3424, 4644 |
entD | 13.1 | Enterochelin | Enterochelin synthetase, component D; facilitates secretion of enterobactin peptide | 819 | 1261, 133, 1534, 2394, 2395, 2400, 786, 787 |
entE | 13.5 | Enterochelin | Enterochelin synthetase, component E | 818 | 1262, 2394, 2395, 3090, 3091, 3424 |
entF | 13.2 | Enterochelin | Enterochelin synthetase, component F | 817 | 1262, 2394, 2395, 3415, 3770, 286 |
envN | 4.2 | Envelope | Affects envelope; defects osmotically remedied | 811 | 1120 |
envP | 90.4 | Envelope | Affects envelope; defects osmotically remedied | 810 | 1120 |
envQ | 60.7 | Envelope | Affects envelope; defects osmotically remedied | 809 | 1120 |
envR | 73.5 | Envelope | acrS; regulatory gene for envCD (acrEF) | 33605 | 2516, 2684 |
envT | 14.2 | Envelope | Affects envelope; defects osmotically remedied | 808 | 1120 |
envY | 12.6 | Envelope | Envelope protein involved with thermoregulation of porin | 18406 | 2666, 2668 |
envZ | 76.1 | Envelope | ompB, perA, tpo; inner membrane osmosensor protein; regulates production of outer membrane proteins | 807 | 1373, 1374, 1610, 1611, 2665, 2978, 2979, 2983, 3349, 3769, 4647, 4662, 4681, 4807, 661, 816 |
epd | 66.2 | Erythrose-4-P dehydrogenase | gapB; erythrose-4-P dehydrogenase | 32089 | 1071, 3980, 444, 4946, 61 |
epp | E-pentapeptide | Minigene within 23S rRNA encoding functional pentapeptide; erythromycin resistance | 51135 | 4383 | |
era | 58.2 | E. coli ras-like | sdgE; GTP-binding protein, essential gene | 29010 | 2498, 25, 4137, 708 |
esp | 17.3 | Efficiency site for phage | Site for efficient packaging of phage T1 | 805 | 1085a |
evgA | 53.5 | E. coli homolog of virulence gene | Multicopy on plasmid in envZ-deleted strain induces ompC expression; see evgS | 32763 | 4519 |
evgS | 53.5 | E. coli homolog of virulence gene | With evgA, two-component regulatory system, environmentally responsive | 32766 | 4519 |
exbB | 67.9 | Export | Uptake of enterochelin; resistance or sensitivity to colicins; similarity with TolQ | 804 | 1136, 1137, 1254, 1580, 2109, 2136, 2221, 24, 3554, 481, 482 |
exbC | 61.5 | Export | Uptake of enterochelin; resistance or sensitivity to colicins | 803 | 1580, 3554 |
exbD | 67.9 | Export | Uptake of enterochelin; resistance or sensitivity to colicins; similarity with TolR | 33384 | 1137, 1254, 1721, 2221, 24, 482 |
expA | 22.2 | Export | Expression of a group of export proteins | 802 | 944 |
exuR | 69.9 | Hexuronate | Negative regulatory gene for exu regulon (exu, uxu, uxa) | 801 | 1852, 1853, 2795, 3489, 3490, 3682, 3687 |
exuT | 69.9 | Hexuronate | Transport of hexuronates | 800 | 1852, 2795, 2796, 3489, 3490, 3682, 382 |
fabA | 21.9 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | β-hydroxydecanoylthioester dehydrase (EC | 799 | 870, 872 |
fabB | 52.6 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | fabC; β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I (EC | 798 | 1380, 1381, 4056 |
fabD | 24.8 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | Malonyl-CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase (EC | 797 | 1381, 2713, 4579 |
fabF | 24.8 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | cvc, fabJ, vtr; β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase II (EC | 795 | 1380, 1381, 3621, 4057, 4512 |
fabG | 24.8 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | 3-Ketoacyl-ACP reductase (EC; reuse of fabG synonym for accC | 31865 | 2315, 3253, 3621 |
fabH | 24.7 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | ACP synthase III | 31860 | 3253, 3466, 4481 |
fabI | 29.1 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | gts, envM, qmeA; enoyl-ACP reductase, NADH dependent (EC | 812 | 1687, 2251, 321, 322, 4502, 4734, 4735 |
fabZ | 4.4 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | sefA; 3R-hydroxymyristoyl acyl carrier protein dehydrase | 30597 | 2990, 3212 |
fadA | 86.8 | Fatty acid degradation | Thiolase I (EC | 794 | 1057, 3099, 4160, 4860, 4862, 762, 926 |
fadB | 86.8 | Fatty acid degradation | oldB; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase: 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA epimerase; dodecenoyl-CoA-Δ-isomerase, enoyl-CoA hydratase; fatty acid oxidation complex, α-subunit (EC,,, and; four activities | 793 | 1057, 3099, 3098, 4160, 4860–4862, 926 |
fadD | 40.7 | Fatty acid degradation | Acyl-CoA synthetase (EC | 792 | 1336, 371 |
fadE | 4.8 | Fatty acid degradation | Electron transport flavoprotein of β-oxidation | 791 | 762 |
fadH | 69.6 | Fatty acid degradation | 2,4-Dienoyl CoA reductase | 54705 | 1686 |
fadL | 53.0 | Fatty acid degradation | ttr; fatty acid transport protein, outer membrane | 790 | 3010, 3222, 370, 372, 3796 |
fadR | 26.6 | Fatty acid degradation | dec, ole, thdB; negative regulatory gene for fad regulon, positive regulator of fabA; regulates aceBAK, glyoxylate shunt | 789 | 1056, 1058, 1204, 1729, 2744, 3, 4073, 4074, 4739, 762 |
farR | 16.5 | Fatty acyl responsive | Fatty acyl responsive regulator | 36837 | 3566, 551 |
fatA | 71.7 | Fatty acid | Utilization of trans unsaturated fatty acids | 18403 | 1030 |
fbaA | 66.1 | Fructose bis-P aldolase | ald, fda; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase | 786 | 326, 3560, 4076, 62 |
fbaB | 46.9 | Fructose bis-P aldolase | dhnA; fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase | 54836 | 4404, 4076 |
fbp | 96.0 | Fructose-bisphosphatase | fdp; fructose-bisphosphatase (EC | 784 | 2275, 3961 |
fcl | 45.8 | Fucose, FX-like | Colanic acid gene cluster, fucose synthetase | 55074 | 113 |
fcsA | 86.9 | Filamentous, cold sensitive | Cold-sensitive cell division mutant | 787 | 2352 |
fdhD | 88.0 | Formate dehydrogenase | Homologous to fdnC and -B of Salmonella spp. | 33972 | 2746, 3465, 3912, 4221 |
fdhE | 87.9 | Formate dehydrogenase | Homologous to fdnC and -B of Salmonella spp. | 33978 | 2746, 3193, 3465, 3912, 4221 |
fdhF | 92.6 | Formate dehydrogenase | chlF, fdh; formate dehydrogenase-N selenopolypeptide subunit molybdate dependence (EC, part of FHL complex | 18400 | 3388, 360, 3736, 4798, 4799, 4964, 4965, 697 |
fdnG | 33.3 | Formate dehydrogenase-N | Formate dehydrogenase-N major subunit | 32160 | 2527, 312, 313, 314, 3575, 3678, 4221 |
fdnH | 33.4 | Formate dehydrogenase-N | Formate dehydrogenase-N Fe-S subunit | 32164 | 2527, 312, 313, 314, 3575, 3678, 4221, 859 |
fdnI | 33.4 | Formate dehydrogenase-N | Formate dehydrogenase-N cytochrome subunit | 32168 | 2527, 312, 313, 314, 3575, 3678, 4221 |
fdoG | 88.0 | Formate dehydrogenase-O | Formate dehydrogenase-O subunit, major | 33985 | 2, 3465 |
fdoH | 87.9 | Formate dehydrogenase-O | Formate dehydrogenase-O subunit, Fe-S | 33988 | 2, 3465 |
fdoI | 87.9 | Formate dehydrogenase-O | Formate dehydrogenase-O subunit cytochrome b556 | 33991 | 2, 3465 |
fdrA | 11.8 | ftsH dominant rescue | In multicopy, suppresses negative ftsH mutations | 40877 | 44 |
fdx | 57.2 | Ferredoxin | Ferredoxin, cotranscribed with hscBA, presumably cold inducible | 32984 | 2484, 4320, 4321 |
feaB | 31.2 | Phenylethylamine | padA; catabolism of phenylethylamine | 50925 | 1230, 1629 |
feaR | 31.1 | Phenylethylamine | maoB; regulates expression of tynA and padA | 50928 | 1230, 1629 |
fecA | 97.3 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Citrate-dependent iron transport, outer membrane receptor | 783 | 114, 1870, 3536, 4558, 4569, 4629, 4962 |
fecB | 97.2 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Citrate-dependent iron transport, periplasmic protein | 782 | 1870, 3536, 4190, 4569, 4962 |
fecC | 97.2 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Transport gene | 35620 | 4190, 4569, 4558 |
fecD | 97.2 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Citrate-dependent iron transport, membrane bound | 18394 | 3536, 4190, 4569, 4558 |
fecE | 97.2 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Transport gene | 35617 | 4190, 4569, 4558 |
fecI | 97.3 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Transport gene mediating induction by iron | 35630 | 114, 4569, 4558 |
fecR | 97.3 | Iron (citrate dependent) | Regulatory gene mediating induction by iron | 35627 | 4558, 4569 |
feoA | 76.3 | Ferrous iron | Ferrous iron uptake system | 28964 | 1638, 2107 |
feoB | 76.3 | Ferrous iron | Membrane protein of ferrous iron uptake system | 28967 | 1638, 2107 |
fepA | 13.1 | Ferrienterobactin permease | cbr, cbt; outer membrane component of ferribactin transport system | 18388 | 1261, 1863, 2669, 3325, 3416, 3429, 3554, 4013, 4780, 786 |
fepB | 13.4 | Ferrienterobactin permease | Periplasmic component of ferrienterobactin transport system | 18385 | 3325, 3428, 3429, 4013, 4202, 4780, 486, 501 |
fepC | 13.3 | Ferrienterobactin permease | Cytoplasmic membrane component of ferrienterobactin transport | 4987 | 3325, 3326, 3428, 4013 |
fepD | 13.4 | Ferrienterobactin permease | Ferrienterobactin permease, membrane-bound subunit | 18382 | 1863, 3325, 4013 |
fepE | 13.3 | Ferrienterobactin permease | Ferric enterobactin uptake | 18379 | 3325, 4013 |
fepG | 13.4 | Ferrienterobactin permease | Ferrienterobactin permease, membrane-bound subunit | 31162 | 717, 4013 |
fes | 13.2 | Iron | Enterochelin esterase | 780 | 1261, 1777, 1863, 2394, 2395, 3415, 3416, 786 |
fexB | 86.7 | F exclusion | Affects ArcA phenotype | 778 | 2499 |
ffh | 59.2 | 54-kDa homolog (4.5S particle) | 4.5S-RNP protein; RNP has mammalian protein-targeting counterpart: SRP | 33006 | 2695, 325, 3407, 3419, 3488, 3520 |
ffs | 10.2 | 4.5S | 4.5S rRNA; mammalian counterpart, SRP, includes 4.5S RNA; cotranslational integration of proteins into membrane | 18373 | 1064, 1834, 2695, 534 |
fhlA | 61.5 | Formate hydrogen-lyase | Transcription factor, formate hydrogen lyase system activator, global regulator, hyc, hyp | 18370 | 1800, 1801, 1957, 3745, 3852, 3853, 3907, 3909 |
fhlB | 95.1 | Formate hydrogen-lyase | Formate hydrogen-lyase; activated by fhlA | 36851 | 2821 |
fhuA | 3.6 | Ferric hydroxamate uptake | T1, T5rec, tonA; OMP receptor for ferrichrome, colicin M, and phages T1, T5, and φ80; energy-coupled transport of Fe3+ via ferrichrome; mutants albomycin resistant | 777 | 1216, 2081, 2219, 2221, 2220, 2652, 2653, 457, 483, 485, 486, 849, 850 |
fhuB | 3.7 | Ferric hydroxamate uptake | Hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake, cytoplasmic membrane component; mutants albomycin resistant | 776 | 1216, 2081, 2330, 3544, 486 |
fhuC | 3.7 | Ferric hydroxamate uptake | Hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake, cytoplasmic membrane component; mutants albomycin resistant | 11187 | 1216, 486, 566, 848 |
fhuD | 3.7 | Ferric hydroxamate uptake | Hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake, cytoplasmic membrane component; mutants albomycin resistant | 11184 | 1216, 3712, 486, 566, 848 |
fhuE | 25.0 | Ferric hydroxamate uptake | Outer membrane receptor for ferric-rhodotorulic acid | 18367 | 1636, 3881, 3882 |
fhuF | 99.2 | Ferric hydroxamate uptake | Ferric hydroxamate transport | 18364 | 1639, 3033 |
fic | 75.2 | Filamentation-cAMP | Filamentation in presence of cyclic AMP, in mutants | 18361 | 2302, 4521 |
fimA | 97.9 | Fimbriae | fimD, pilA; fimbrin type 1, major structural subunit; phase variation | 18358 | 1142, 1304, 1305, 1634, 2261, 2264, 5 |
fimB | 97.8 | Fimbriae | pil; recombinase? regulatory gene for fimA | 18355 | 1072, 1142, 1347, 1348, 2262, 2264, 2838 |
fimC | 97.9 | Fimbriae | pil, pilB; biosynthesis of fimbriae; periplasmic chaperone for type 1 fimbriae | 18352 | 2038, 2263, 2264 |
fimD | 97.9 | Fimbriae | pil, pilC; export and assembly of type 1 fimbrial outer membrane protein | 18349 | 2264 |
fimE | 97.9 | Fimbriae | pilH; recombinase? regulatory gene for expression of fimA | 18346 | 1072, 1142, 1347, 1348, 2262, 2838 |
fimF | 98.0 | Fimbriae | pilD; fimbrin type 1 minor component; fimbrial morphology, assembly | 18343 | 2265, 3779 |
fimG | 98.0 | Fimbriae | pilD; fimbrin type 1 minor component; pilus length; perhaps inhibits polymerization in pilus assembly | 18340 | 2265, 3779 |
fimH | 98.0 | Fimbriae | pilE; membrane-specific adhesin (lectin); major fimbrial subunit; mediates mannose-binding | 18337 | 1634, 1655, 2265, 2343, 6 |
fimI | 97.9 | Fimbriae | Fimbria related | 35633 | 2261 |
fipB | 86.0 | F1 phage | Morphogenesis of phage F1 | 18334 | 2629 |
fipC | 75.0 | F1 phage | Morphogenesis of phage F1 | 18331 | 2629 |
fis | 73.5 | Factor for inversion stimulation | nbp; transcriptional activator for rRNA operons; bends DNA; interacts with RNAP; nucleoid-associated protein | 18328 | 1195, 1244, 1430, 1456, 1464, 1465, 1496, 170, 2280, 2779, 3403, 3742, 443, 4767, 4814, 4815, 4943 |
fiu | 18.1 | Ferric iron uptake | Outer membrane protein, ferric iron uptake | 18325 | 1636 |
fixA | 0.9 | Sequence similar to those of N-fixation genes | Related to carnitine metabolism; amino acid similarity to Rhizobium fix gene | 53111 | 1132, 550 |
fixB | 0.9 | Sequence similar to those of N-fixation genes | Related to carnitine metabolism; amino acid similarity to Rhizobium fix gene | 53114 | 1132, 550 |
fixC | 1.0 | Sequence similar to those of N-fixation genes | Related to carnitine metabolism; amino acid similarity to Rhizobium fix gene | 53117 | 1132, 550 |
fixX | 1.0 | Sequence similar to those of N-fixation genes | Related to carnitine metabolism; amino acid similarity to Rhizobium fix gene | 53121 | 1132, 550 |
flkB | 95.4 | FKBP-like | Periplasmic PPIase, of FK506-binding protein type (EC; contains pipecolic acid residue | 48137 | 3584 |
fkpA | 74.9 | FK506-binding protein | Protein that binds immunosuppressive drug FK506, a peptidomacrolide, MIP-like | 36042 | 1809, 2964 |
fldA | 15.3 | Flavodoxin | Flavodoxin | 31496 | 3306 |
flgA | 24.3 | Flagella | flaU; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 756 | 1892, 2305 |
flgB | 24.4 | Flagella | flbA; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 750 | 2309 |
flgC | 24.4 | Flagella | flaW; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member; basal body protein | 754 | 2309 |
flgD | 24.4 | Flagella | flaV; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member; basal body rod modification | 755 | 2309, 2307 |
flgE | 24.4 | Flagella | flaK; flagellar hook subunit protein; flagellar regulon member | 766 | 2308, 2309, 2307 |
flgF | 24.4 | Flagella | flaX; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member; basal body rod protein | 753 | 2309 |
flgG | 24.4 | Flagella | flaL; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member; basal body rod protein | 765 | 2307, 2309 |
flgH | 24.5 | Flagella | flaY; flagellar synthesis, basal body L-ring protein | 752 | 2039, 2309 |
flgI | 24.5 | Flagella | flaM; flagellar regulon member; basal body P-ring protein | 764 | 2039, 2307, 2309 |
flgJ | 24.5 | Flagella | flaZ; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 751 | 2704 |
flgK | 24.5 | Flagella | flaS; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member; hook-associated protein I | 758 | 2307 |
flgL | 24.6 | Flagella | flaT; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member; hook-associated protein | 757 | 2307 |
flgM | 24.3 | Flagella | anti-ς factor regulator of FlhD | 53436 | 532 |
flgN | 24.3 | Flagella | FlgN flagellar synthesis protein | 53440 | 532 |
flhA | 42.3 | Flagella | flaH; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 768 | 2704 |
flhB | 42.3 | Flagella | flaG; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 769 | 2704, 86 |
flhC | 42.6 | Flagella | flaI; flagellar synthesis; regulatory gene | 767 | 246, 2589, 2590, 40 |
flhD | 42.6 | Flagella | flbB; regulatory gene, flagellum-specific ς factor, transcriptional activator of Fla class II operons | 749 | 246, 2589, 2590, 3547 |
fliA | 43.1 | Flagella | flaD, rpoF; regulation of late gene expression; ς transcription factor for class 3a and 3b operons | 771 | 1925, 2083, 2305, 2369, 2591, 2623, 2704 |
fliC | 43.1 | Flagella | flaF, hag; flagellin, structural gene; flagellar regulon member | 649 | 1623, 2382, 4316 |
fliD | 43.2 | Flagella | flbC; hook-associated protein 2, axial family; flagellar regulon member | 748 | 2172 |
fliE | 43.3 | Flagella | flaN; flagellar synthesis; basal body component | 763 | 2704, 3041 |
fliF | 43.4 | Flagella | flaBI; flagellar basal body M-ring protein | 17707 | 1891, 2304, 2306, 247, 4065 |
fliG | 43.4 | Flagella | flaBII; motor switching and energizing | 18322 | 1891, 2304, 2306, 247, 2601, 2785, 3720, 4065 |
fliH | 43.4 | Flagella | flaBIII; flagellar biosynthesis | 18319 | 1891, 2304, 2306, 247, 4065 |
fliI | 43.4 | Flagella | flaC; flagellar biosynthesis | 772 | 247 |
fliJ | 43.5 | Flagella | flaO; flagellar biosynthesis | 762 | 247 |
fliK | 43.5 | Flagella | flaE; hook filament junction; controls hook length | 770 | 2171, 2172, 247, 2704 |
fliL | 43.5 | Flagella | flaAI; flagellar biosynthesis | 18316 | 2370, 247, 2739, 3580 |
fliM | 43.5 | Flagella | cheC, flaA; flagellar synthesis, motor switching and energizing | 774 | 2370, 2785, 777 |
fliN | 43.5 | Flagella | motD; flagellar switch protein | 18313 | 2739 |
fliO | 43.5 | Flagella | flbD; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 17510 | 2704, 2738, 2739 |
fliP | 43.5 | Flagella | flaR; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 759 | 2738, 2739 |
fliQ | 43.6 | Flagella | flaQ; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 760 | 2739 |
fliR | 43.6 | Flagella | flaP; flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 761 | 2738, 2739 |
fliS | 43.2 | Flagella | Flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 30736 | 2172 |
fliT | 43.2 | Flagella | Flagellar synthesis; flagellar regulon member | 30739 | 2172 |
fliY | 43.1 | Flagella | Not required for motility; may regulate FliA (ςF) | 49936 | 3080 |
fliZ | 43.1 | Flagella | Not required for motility; may regulate FliA (ςF) | 49933 | 3080 |
flk | 52.5 | Flagella | div; transcribed divergently from pdxB, promoters overlapping, Salmonella homolog functions in sensing flagellar assembly stage | 32751 | 2134, 3930 |
flu | 44.6 | Flagella | Antigen 43, phase-variable bipartite outer membrane protein; affects surface properties, piliation, colonial morphology; unstable gene | 746 | 1712, 1712a, 2704 |
fmt | 74.0 | fMet-tRNA formyltransferase | Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (EC | 33616 | 1562, 1563, 2748, 2830, 2870, 3609 |
fnr | 30.1 | Fumarate-nitrate-reductase | frdB, nirA, nirR, ossA; regulatory gene for nitrite and nitrate reductases, hydrogenase, fumarate reductase | 745 | 2878, 3611, 3863, 4008, 4009, 4010, 4153, 4216 |
focA | 20.5 | Formate channel | Membrane protein | 31732 | 2088, 4294 |
focB | 56.3 | Formate channel | Membrane protein, formate transporter of hyf operon | 55723 | 108a |
folA | 1.1 | Folate | tmrA; trimethoprim resistance; dihydrofolate reductase (EC | 744 | 106, 1962, 3437, 3728, 380, 4014, 4112, 4113, 4114 |
folC | 52.4 | Folate | Dihydrofolate:folylpolyglutamate synthetase (EC | 17704 | 1228, 3211, 409 |
folD | 12.0 | Folate | ads; methenyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase (EC, EC | 31127 | 1052, 932 |
folE | 48.3 | Folate | GTP cyclohydrolase I | 32718 | 2170 |
folK | 3.4 | Folate | Dihydro-hydroxymethylpterin pyrophosphokinase | 29572 | 4341 |
folP | 71.6 | Folate | Dihydropteroate synthase (EC | 29566 | 4312, 910, 911 |
folX | 52.1 | Folate | Dihydroneopterin triphosphate epimerase | 54773 | 1668 |
fpr | 88.6 | Ferredoxin NADP+ reductase | mvrA; ferredoxin NADP+ reductase; anaerobic | 18127 | 3002, 344, 4474 |
frdA | 94.4 | Fumarate reductase | Fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit (EC | 742 | 1116, 1540, 2041, 2614, 396, 793, 796, 797, 798, 801 |
frdB | 94.4 | Fumarate reductase | Fumarate reductase iron-sulfur protein subunit (EC | 741 | 1540, 2041, 2614, 663, 796, 797, 801 |
frdC | 94.3 | Fumarate reductase | Fumarate reductase membrane anchor polypeptide (EC | 740 | 1540, 2041, 2486, 663, 796 |
frdD | 94.3 | Fumarate reductase | Fumarate reductase membrane anchor polypeptide (EC | 739 | 1540, 2041, 2486, 663, 796 |
frr | 4.2 | Factor for ribosome recycling | Ribosome recycling factor; essential gene; dissociates ribosomes from mRNA after termination of translation | 30590 | 1739, 1880, 1881, 1991, 4033 |
fruA | 48.7 | Fructose | ptsF; fructosephosphotransferase enzyme II | 350 | 1396, 3538 |
fruB | 48.7 | Fructose | fruF; fructosephosphotransferase enzyme III | 17515 | 1396, 3646 |
fruK | 48.7 | Fructose | fpk, fruF; fructose-1-phosphate kinase (EC | 743 | 1061, 1396, 2925, 428 |
fruR | 1.9 | Fructose | fruC, shl, cra; regulatory gene for fru operon, other catabolite-regulated genes | 18304 | 1396, 1982, 2324, 3611, 3797, 397 |
fsr | 10.8 | Fosmidomycin resistance | Amplification confers fosmidomycin resistance | 49279 | 1329 |
ftn | 42.8 | Ferritin | gen-165, rsgA; ferritin | 32521 | 1846, 1970 |
ftsA | 2.2 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | divA; cell division, septation | 738 | 1024, 17, 2036, 2675, 2676, 2689, 279, 3691, 3693, 4274, 4589, 4882, 57, 621 |
ftsE | 77.6 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cell division; ATP-binding protein | 736 | 1429, 3821 |
ftsI | 2.0 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | pbpB, sep; peptidoglycan synthetase; penicillin-binding protein 3 | 423 | 1439, 1642, 2071, 279, 2889, 3107 |
ftsJ | 71.7 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cell division and growth; heat inducible | 33511 | 3250 |
ftsK | 20.1 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cell division and growth, septation; NA-binding membrane protein; homology with B. subtilis SpoIIIE protein; filamentous growth mutants, suppressed by dacA deletion; promoter region dinH | 40896 | 1046, 2519, 278, 4908 |
ftsL | 2.0 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cell division and growth; essential gene; cytoplasmic membrane protein | 30402 | 1588, 1929, 2071, 238 |
ftsN | 88.8 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | msgA; essential gene; cell division and growth; multicopy suppresses ftsA12 | 34153 | 16, 903 |
ftsQ | 2.2 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cell division and growth of wall at septum | 734 | 1024, 2071, 277, 279, 3691, 3692, 4240, 4882, 57 |
ftsW | 2.1 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cytoplasmic membrane required for PBP 2 expression; homology to rodA | 30409 | 1896, 2071, 2209, 2210 |
ftsX | 77.6 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | ftsS; cell division | 18298 | 1429 |
ftsY | 77.6 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | Cell division | 18295 | 1429, 2381, 2656, 3520 |
ftsZ | 2.3 | Filamentation, temperature sensitive | sfiB, sulB; cell division and growth; initiation of septation; GTP binding protein | 143 | 1024, 1377, 17, 1978, 2036, 2071, 2674, 2677, 2689, 279, 339, 341, 3443, 3516, 3614, 3623, 4274, 4589, 4881, 4882, 57, 621, 901, 902 |
fucA | 63.2 | Fucose | fucC; l-fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase | 17701 | 2650, 4089, 4955, 669, 713, 714 |
fucI | 63.2 | Fucose | l-Fucose isomerase | 10878 | 2650, 4955, 713, 714 |
fucK | 63.3 | Fucose | l-Fuculose kinase (EC | 10881 | 2650, 4955, 713, 714 |
fucO | 63.2 | Fucose | l-1,2-Propanediol oxidoreductase | 17698 | 2650, 4089, 4955, 713, 714 |
fucP | 63.2 | Fucose | prd; fucose permease | 10875 | 2650, 4089, 4955, 669, 713, 714 |
fucR | 63.3 | Fucose | Positive regulatory protein for fuc regulon | 10884 | 2650, 4090, 4955, 713, 714 |
fumA | 36.3 | Fumarate | Fumarase A, aerobic | 18292 | 1555, 2932, 2933, 3357 |
fumB | 93.6 | Fumarate | Fumarase B, anaerobic; regulatory gene? | 18289 | 1552, 1555, 292 |
fumC | 36.3 | Fumarate | Fumarase C, aerobic; member of soxRS regulon | 15273 | 1552, 2568, 3357 |
fur | 15.3 | Ferric uptake regulation | Ferric iron uptake, negative regulatory gene | 18286 | 1637, 1777, 198, 199, 3178, 3891, 978 |
fusA | 74.8 | Fusidic acid | far; fusidic acid resistance; protein chain elongation factor G | 732 | 1815, 2383, 3498, 4929 |
fusB | 14.5 | Fusidic acid | Fusidic acid resistance; pleiotropic effects on RNA synthesis and ribosomes, ribosomal protein S6 | 731 | 1923a, 4332a |
gabC | 60.1 | γ-Aminobutyrate | Utilization of GABA as N source; regulatory for gab? | 730 | 1082, 2911, 2912 |
gabD | 60.1 | γ-Aminobutyrate | Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; NADP dependent (EC | 729 | 2911, 2912, 3179 |
gabP | 60.2 | γ-Aminobutyrate | GABA permease, membrane protein | 728 | 2239, 2911, 2912 |
gabT | 60.2 | γ-Aminobutyrate | Aminobutyrate aminotransferase (EC | 727 | 249, 2911, 2912 |
gadA | 79.0 | Glutamate deCase | gadS? glutamate decarboxylase (EC | 32191 | 4111 |
gadB | 33.8 | Glutamate deCase | Glutamate decarboxylase (EC | 32194 | 4111 |
gadR | 79.6 | Glutamate deCase | Regulatory gene for gat? | 726 | 2670, 2758 |
galE | 17.0 | Galactose | UDP-galactose 4-epimerase; hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (EC | 724 | 2456, 2485, 31, 4678, 4693, 581 |
galF | 45.5 | Galactose | wcaN; not required for colanic acid synthesis; putative UTP-glucose-P-uridylyltransferase (galU) regulatory subunit | 53092 | 2771, 4209 |
galK | 17.0 | Galactose | Galactose resistance; galactokinase (EC | 723 | 225, 2456, 3792, 4285, 4693, 4876, 993, 994 |
galM | 17.0 | Galactose | Aldose-1-epimerase (mutarotease) | 35171 | 456 |
galP | 66.5 | Galactose | d-Galactose/H+ symporter | 722 | 4693 |
galR | 64.1 | Galactose | Repressor of galETK operon; regulates low-affinity transport; Gal repressor | 721 | 1395, 2491, 2708, 3792, 4613, 4691, 4692, 4693, 4953, 584 |
galS | 48.3 | Methyl-galactoside | mglD? utilization of methylgalactoside; negative regulation of high-affinity transport; Gal isorepressor; represses mgl | 499 | 1395, 3684, 3751, 4693 |
galT | 17.0 | Galactose | galB; galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase; (EC | 720 | 2095, 2371, 2456, 2485, 2491, 4693, 839 |
galU | 27.8 | Galactose | Glucose-1-P uridylyltransferase (UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) (EC, regulatory | 719 | 1168, 1299, 1547, 3989, 4678, 4704 |
gapA | 40.1 | Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase | gad; glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase A (EC; horizontal transfer? similar to eukaryotic GAPDH | 718 | 1071, 2438, 3149, 3980, 480 |
gapC | 32.1 | Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase | gad; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase C (EC | 53105 | 1747 |
garA | 15.8 | Glucarate | d-Glucarate utilization | 717 | 3690 |
garB | 3.6 | Glucarate | d-Glucarate utilization | 716 | 3690 |
gatA | 46.8 | Galactitol | Galactitol-specific enzyme IIA of phosphotransferase system (PTS) | 715 | 1015, 2058, 2565, 2925, 3202, 3644, 429 |
gatB | 46.8 | Galactitol | Galactitol-specific enzyme IIB of PTS | 32559 | 3202 |
gatC | 46.8 | Galactitol | Galactitol-specific enzyme IIC of PTS | 714 | 2058, 2565, 2925, 3202, 429 |
gatD | 46.8 | Galactitol | Galactitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase | 713 | 2058, 2565, 2925, 3202, 429 |
gatR | 46.7 | Galactitol | Regulatory gene for gat | 32562 | 3202 |
gatY | 46.8 | Galactitol | d-Tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase | 53142 | 3202 |
gatZ | 46.8 | Galactitol | Function unknown | 53139 | 3202 |
gcd | 3.0 | Glucose dehydrogenase | Glucose dehydrogenase (pyrroloquinoline-quinone) (EC; inner membrane | 30502 | 4825, 782 |
gcl | 11.5 | Glyoxylate carboligase | Glyoxylate carboligase (EC | 31107 | 677 |
gcpE | 56.9 | Gene coding for protein E | Apparently essential gene | 32909 | 205 |
gcvA | 63.4 | Glycine cleavage | trans-Acting protein, responsible for glycine-induced activation of gcv, perhaps repression in the presence of inosine | 28676 | 4756, 4757, 4758 |
gcvH | 65.7 | Glycine cleavage | Glycine cleavage, carrier of aminomethyl group | 28664 | 4192, 4194 |
gcvP | 65.6 | Glycine cleavage | Glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (EC | 28661 | 3280 |
gcvR | 56.0 | Glycine cleavage | Regulatory gene | 40204 | 1416, 1417 |
gcvT | 65.7 | Glycine cleavage | Aminomethyl transferase, tetrahydrofolate dependent (EC | 28667 | 3280, 4192, 4193 |
gdhA | 39.7 | Glutamate dehydrogenase | Glutamate dehydrogenase | 712 | 1707, 265, 2857, 3844, 4539, 4540, 853, 968 |
gef | 0.4 | Gene expression fatal | Small toxic membrane polypeptide; multimeric | 30252 | 2012, 3507, 3508, 3509, 3510 |
ggt | 77.2 | γ-Glutamyltranspeptidase | γ-Glutamyltranspeptidase (EC | 18280 | 1663, 4303, 4304, 4305, 4306 |
gidA | 84.5 | Glucose-inhibited division | Glucose effects on cell division, perhaps replication | 18277 | 2275, 3245, 4635, 556 |
gidB | 84.5 | Glucose-inhibited division | Glucose effects on cell division, perhaps replication | 18274 | 2275, 3180, 3245, 4635 |
gip | 11.5 | Glyoxylate-induced protein | Induced by glyoxylate, downstream of gcl | 49283 | 677 |
glcB | 67.2 | Glycolate | Malate synthase G (EC | 711 | 3396 |
glcC | 67.4 | Glycolate | Regulatory gene | 49985 | 3396 |
glcD | 67.3 | Glycolate | Regulatory protein, transcriptional activator | 49982 | 3396 |
glcE | 67.3 | Glycolate | glcF (frameshifted segment of glcE); glycolate oxidase subunit, FeS protein | 49979 | 3396 |
glcG | 67.3 | Glycolate | Unknown function | 49974 | 3396 |
gldA | 89.1 | Glycerol dehydrogenase | Glycerol dehydrogenase, NAD+ dependent | 34147 | 395, 4473 |
glf | 45.4 | Galactofuranose | UDP-galactopyranose mutase (EC | 54669 | 3137 |
glgA | 76.8 | Glycogen | Glycogen synthase (EC | 710 | 2084, 2364, 2432, 3281, 3721, 3722, 4854 |
glgB | 76.9 | Glycogen | 1,4-α-Glucan branching enzyme (EC | 709 | 196, 2432, 3721, 3722, 3820 |
glgC | 76.9 | Glycogen | Glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase (EC | 708 | 195, 2432, 3721, 3722, 3281 |
glgP | 76.8 | Glycogen | α-Glucan phosphorylase (EC | 33653 | 4907, 742 |
glgS | 68.8 | Glycogen | Glycogen synthesis protein, controlled by ςS (stationary phase) and cAMP | 29727 | 1719, 4854 |
glgX | 76.9 | Glycogen | Glycogen debranching enzyme | 53576 | 4854 |
glk | 54.0 | Glucokinase | Glucokinase; (EC | 707 | 539, 890 |
glmM | 71.6 | Glucosamine | mrsA; phosphoglucosamine mutase; essential gene; UDP-GlcNAc path, peptidoglycan, lipopolysaccharide synthesis; mRNA stability effects | 47201 | 2893, 4658 |
glmS | 84.3 | Glucosamine | Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (EC | 706 | 3464, 4611, 4635 |
glmU | 84.3 | Glucosamine | Bifunctional glucosamine-1-phosphate acetyltransferase and N-acetylglucosamine-1-P uridyltransferase | 29106 | 2891, 2892 |
glmX | 26.2 | Glucosamine | Affects suppression of glmS mutations by nagB | 36538 | 4601 |
glnA | 87.4 | Glutamine | Glutamine synthetase (EC | 705 | 1579, 192, 2705, 2706, 2710, 2849, 2952, 3072, 3336, 3645, 3695, 3750, 813, 852, 853 |
glnB | 57.9 | Glutamine | PII regulatory protein for glutamine synthetase | 32933 | 1683, 2578, 4132, 4555, 555 |
glnD | 4.0 | Glutamine | Uridylyltransferase | 704 | 1359, 4556 |
glnE | 68.9 | Glutamine | GS adenylyl transferase (EC | 33468 | 4555 |
glnG | 87.3 | Glutamine | glnT, ntrC; nitrogen regulator I | 702 | 192, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2710, 2849, 2952, 3335, 3336 |
glnH | 18.2 | Glutamine | Periplasmic glutamine-binding protein | 18271 | 3206, 3207 |
glnK | 10.2 | Glutamine | Regulated through NRI/NRII two-component regulatory system | 38502 | 4554, 4557 |
glnL | 87.4 | Glutamine | glnR, ntrB; bifunctional protein kinase/phosphatase nitrogen regulator II, NRII | 701 | 159, 192, 2706, 2707, 2710, 2848, 2849, 2952, 3207, 3336, 3645, 3695, 4510, 711 |
glnP | 18.2 | Glutamine | l-Glutamate periplasmic binding protein; transport; methionine sulfoximine resistance | 700 | 2792, 3207, 4695, 4696 |
glnQ | 18.2 | Glutamine | Glutamine high-affinity transport system | 18268 | 3207 |
glnR | 24.1 | Glutamine | Glutamine transport | 699 | 724 |
glnS | 15.2 | Glutamine | Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 698 | 136, 3454, 3709, 4846, 1776 |
glnT | 78.0 | Glutamine | Levels of glutamine tRNA1 and glutamine synthetase | 697 | 3001 |
glnU | 15.0 | Glutamine | glnUα; suB, supB (ochre [UAA] suppression); glutamine tRNA1, tandem duplication | 696 | 1285, 1915, 2313, 3102, 3103, 3454 |
glnV | 15.0 | Glutamine | glnVα; SuII, Su2, supE (amber suppression); glutamine tRNA2, tandem duplication (VX) | 695 | 1122a, 1285, 1915, 1916, 2313, 3102, 3103, 3454 |
glnW | 15.0 | Glutamine | glnUβ; suB, supB (ochre [UAA] suppression); glutamine tRNA1, tandem duplication (UW) | 37440 | 1122a, 3001 |
glnX | 15.0 | Glutamine | glnVβ; SuII, Su2, supE (amber suppression); glutamine tRNA2, tandem duplication (VX) | 37443 | 1122a, 1285, 1915, 1916, 2313, 3102, 3103, 3454 |
gloA | 37.2 | Glyoxalase | Glyoxalase I | 39135 | 2703, 952 |
glpA | 50.7 | Glycerol phosphate | Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (anaerobic) large subunit (EC | 694 | 1130, 2424, 3936, 799 |
glpB | 50.7 | Glycerol phosphate | sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (anaerobic) subunit (EC; membrane anchor | 17692 | 1130, 4566, 799 |
glpC | 50.7 | Glycerol phosphate | sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (anaerobic) small subunit (EC | 17695 | 1130, 799 |
glpD | 76.7 | Glycerol phosphate | glyD; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (aerobic) (EC | 693 | 171, 2491, 3940, 3942, 3947 |
glpE | 76.7 | Glycerol phosphate | Gene of glp regulon | 18265 | 3942, 4926 |
glpF | 88.7 | Glycerol phosphate | Glycerol facilitator | 692 | 4313 |
glpG | 76.7 | Glycerol phosphate | Gene of glp regulon | 18262 | 3942, 4926 |
glpK | 88.7 | Glycerol phosphate | Glycerol kinase (EC | 691 | 324, 3413, 3414, 3798, 3940, 827 |
glpQ | 50.6 | Glycerol phosphate | Glycerol-3-phosphate diesterase, periplasmic | 690 | 2424, 2426, 4428 |
glpR | 76.7 | Glycerol phosphate | Repressor of glp operon | 688 | 3940, 3942, 3950, 4926, 743 |
glpT | 50.6 | Glycerol phosphate | sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate permease | 689 | 1130, 1138, 1581, 1620, 2424, 2477, 2931, 334, 3936, 4571, 4753, 4827 |
glpX | 88.6 | Glycerol phosphate | May be involved in glycerol metabolism but not required for growth on glycerol | 30884 | 4474 |
gltA | 16.2 | Glutamate | glut, icdB; citrate synthase (EC | 687 | 1549, 1708, 1859, 2396, 3151, 3356, 402, 4149, 4741, 4773 |
gltB | 72.3 | Glutamate | aspB, ossB; glutamate synthase, large subunit (EC | 686 | 1172, 1363, 2644, 3288, 3863, 657, 853 |
gltD | 72.4 | Glutamate | aspB, ossB; glutamate synthase, small subunit | 17689 | 1363, 3288, 3863, 657 |
gltE | 81.4 | Glutamate | Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase; possible regulatory subunit | 685 | 3062 |
gltF | 72.4 | Glutamate | ossB; regulatory gene? | 18259 | 657 |
gltH | 21.8 | Glutamate | Growth on glutamate | 684 | 2757, 2758, 3897 |
gltJ | 14.8 | Glutamate | Membrane protein, transport gene | 49541 | 2659, 3308 |
gltK | 14.8 | Glutamate | Membrane protein, transport gene | 49537 | 2659, 3308 |
gltL | 14.7 | Glutamate | Membrane protein, transport gene | 49528 | 2659, 3308 |
gltM | 43.0 | Glutamate | Affects glutamyl-tRNA synthetase level or activity? | 683 | 3062 |
gltP | 92.5 | Glutamate | Proton-glutamate-aspartate transport protein | 34330 | 1001, 2660, 4423, 4639 |
gltR | 92.3 | Glutamate | Growth on glutamate at 42°C | 682 | 2758 |
gltS | 82.5 | Glutamate | Glutamate permease | 681 | 1001, 1002, 1078, 1178, 2098, 2655, 2757, 2758, 2950, 3897 |
gltT | 89.8 | Glutamate | tgtB; glutamate tRNA2 | 680 | 2313, 3446, 3579, 522, 523 |
gltU | 85.0 | Glutamate | tgtC; glutamate tRNA2 | 679 | 2313 |
gltV | 90.7 | Glutamate | tgtE; glutamate tRNA2 | 678 | 2313 |
gltW | 58.8 | Glutamate | Glutamate tRNA2 | 677 | 1146, 2313 |
gltX | 54.3 | Glutamate | Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 676 | 2336, 3851, 498, 539 |
glyA | 57.8 | Glycine | Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC | 675 | 2633, 3444, 3445, 4191, 4522 |
glyQ | 80.2 | Glycine | glySα; glycyl-tRNA synthetase, α-subunit (EC | 33775 | 4127 |
glyS | 80.2 | Glycine | act, gly, glySβ; glycyl-tRNA synthetase, β-subunit (EC | 674 | 2196, 4127, 502 |
glyT | 90.0 | Glycine | sumA; glycine tRNA2, UGA suppressionf | 673 | 1849, 2313, 2467, 3743, 90 |
glyU | 64.6 | Glycine | suA36, sufD, sumA, sumB, supT; glycine tRNA1 | 672 | 1122a, 2313 |
glyV | 94.6 | Glycine | ins, mutA; glycine tRNA3 (VXY) | 35636 | 1122a, 2921, 2313 |
glyW | 42.9 | Glycine | ins, mutC; glycine tRNA3 | 670 | 2313, 2921, 4493, 4494 |
glyX | 94.6 | Glycine | Glycine tRNA3 (VXY) | 35639 | 2313 |
glyY | 94.6 | Glycine | Glycine tRNA3 (VXY) | 35642 | 2313 |
gmd | 45.8 | GDP-d-mannose dehydratase | Fucose biosynthesis; GDP-d-mannose 4,6-dehydratase | 51902 | 4256 |
gmk | 82.3 | GMP kinase | Guanylate kinase (EC | 33871 | 1401 |
gmm | 45.8 | GDP mannose mannosyl hydrolase | Guanosine diP mannose mannosyl hydrolase | 40934 | 1307 |
gnd | 45.2 | Gluconate-P dehydrogenase | Gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC | 669 | 3135, 3138, 3156, 4291, 4768 |
gntK | 77.1 | Gluconate | Gluconokinase, thermoresistant | 35465 | 1969, 4436, 980 |
gntP | 98.0 | Gluconate | Membrane protein, homologous to B. subtilis gluconate permease | 50203 | 2266 |
gntR | 77.1 | Gluconate | Controls gntKU induction, also edd and eda; gluconate transport and P′n | 667 | 1194, 186, 1969, 3391, 3940, 4436, 4970 |
gntS | 96.8 | Gluconate | Secondary gluconate transport system; putative regulator of GntV | 666 | 186, 1943, 569 |
gntT | 76.4 | Gluconate | gntM, usgA; high-affinity gluconate transport | 668 | 1942, 3391, 3487, 4826, 981 |
gntU | 77.0 | Gluconate | Low-affinity gluconate transport protein, membrane protein | 35461 | 1969, 4436, 4826, 980 |
gntV | 96.8 | Gluconate | Glucokinase, thermosensitive | 17686 | 1942, 569 |
goaG | 29.4 | GABA aminotransferase (EC | 51935 | 2066 | |
gor | 78.5 | GSH oxidoreductase | Glutathione oxidoreductase (EC | 665 | 1150, 1513, 270, 964 |
gph | 75.7 | Glycolate phosphatase | Phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity, in dam operon | 53568 | 2681 |
gpmA | 16.9 | Glycerol P mutase | Phosphoglycerate mutase 1 | 35790 | 456, 958 |
gpp | 85.4 | Guanosine pentaphosphatase | Guanosine pentaphosphatase activity; exopolyphosphatase | 664 | 289, 58, 926 |
gprA | 0.3 | Growth of phage, replication | Replication of certain lambdoid phage | 15896 | 3240, 3829 |
gprB | 0.2 | Growth of phage, replication | Replication of certain lambdoid phage | 15890 | 3240 |
gpsA | 81.5 | Glycerol phosphate | sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] (EC | 663 | 3700, 3701, 4032 |
gpt | 5.5 | Guanine-xanthine phosphotransferase | glyD, gpp, gxu; guanine-xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC | 662 | 1469, 1722, 1979, 3221, 3531, 3662, 535 |
greA | 71.7 | Growth restorer? | Transcription elongation factor | 33506 | 1166, 1835, 4141, 4142, 4195, 441, 442, 76 |
greB | 76.2 | Growth restorer? | Transcription elongation factor | 35448 | 1835, 442, 76 |
groE | 94.2 | Growth of phage | hdh, mop, tabB, groS; operon | 13587 | See groE, groL |
groL | 94.2 | Growth of phage | groEL, mopB; hdh; tabB; chaperone for assembly of enzyme complexes; phage morphogenesis; large subunit | 492 | 1068, 1215, 1407, 1409, 2119, 2393, 2454, 3146, 4416, 573 |
groS | 94.2 | Growth of phage | groES, mopA; hdh, tabB; small subunit of GroE chaperone | 493 | 1068, 1409, 2119, 2393, 2475, 3146, 4416 |
grpE | 59.2 | Growth after phage induction | GrpE heat shock protein; mutant survives induction of prophage λ; stimulates DnaK ATPase; nucleotide exchange function | 660 | 2569, 3804, 4093, 4252, 4790, 4791 |
grxA | 19.2 | Glutaredoxin | Glutaredoxin 1 | 17683 | 1796, 2337, 3771, 3778, 4350 |
grxB | 24.2 | Glutaredoxin | Glutaredoxin 2 | 52078 | 154, 4595 |
grxC | 81.6 | Glutaredoxin | Glutaredoxin 3 | 42921 | 154, 155 |
gshA | 60.6 | GSH, glutathione | γ-Glutamyl-cysteine synthetase; (EC | 659 | 1368, 1504, 1613, 2853, 3060, 4674 |
gshB | 66.6 | GSH, glutathione | Glutathione synthetase (EC | 33370 | 966 |
gsk | 10.8 | Guanosine kinase | Guanosine kinase | 658 | 1653, 1824 |
gsp | 67.6 | Glutathionylspermidine | Glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase; bifunctional protein | 36859 | 420 |
gsp* | 74.6 | General secretory pathway operon | hopD, hopG; gsp previously used for glutathionylspermidine (see above), cryptic general secretory pathway; pul in Klebsiella spp. | 55310 | 1292 |
gst | 36.9 | GSH S-transferase | Glutathione S-transferase | 37217 | 3192 |
guaA | 56.7 | Guanine | GMP synthetase (EC | 657 | 4414, 4503, 955, 4386 |
guaB | 56.7 | Guanine | guaR; IMP dehydrogenase (EC | 656 | 4399, 4400, 4413, 4503, 955, 4386 |
guaC | 2.4 | Guanine | GMP reductase (EC | 655 | 110, 2988, 3689 |
gurB | 75.1 | Glucuronide | Utilization of glucuronides | 654 | 3219 |
gurC | 18.0 | Glucuronide | Utilization of glucuronides | 653 | 3219 |
gutM | 60.9 | Glucitol (sorbitol) | Part of srl operon | 33198 | 4824 |
gutQ | 61.0 | Glucitol (sorbitol) | Part of srl operon; putative ATP-binding protein | 33206 | 4828, 757 |
gyrA | 50.3 | Gyrase | hisW, nalA, parD, nfxA, norA; nalidixic acid resistance; cold shock regulon; DNA gyrase, subunit A | 651 | 1053, 1626, 1699, 1869, 2046, 2159, 2339, 2900, 2901, 3112, 4189, 4250, 4311, 4475, 4682, 4888, 4893 |
gyrB | 83.5 | Gyrase | cou, acrB, himB, hisU, nalC, nalD, pcbA, parA; novobiocin, coumermycin resistance; DNA gyrase, subunit B | 650 | 10, 1053, 11, 1397, 2159, 2900, 2901, 2944, 3112, 3304, 4607, 4611, 4831, 9, 4438 |
hcaA | 61.6 | HCA, hydrocinnamic acid | dig, phd; 3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase | 35007 | 570, 571 |
hcaB | 61.7 | HCA, hydrocinnamic acid | dig, phd; 3-phenylpropionate-2′,3′-dihydrodiol deHase | 35010 | 570, 571 |
hdeA | 78.8 | H-NS-determined expression | Periplasmic, unknown function, has ςS-dependent promoter | 33734 | 138, 4894 |
hdeB | 78.8 | H-NS-determined expression | Periplasmic, unknown function, has ςS-dependent promoter | 33731 | 138, 4894 |
hdeD | 78.8 | H-NS-determined expression | Periplasmic, unknown function, has ςS-dependent promoter | 33737 | 4894 |
hdhA | 36.5 | Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase | hsdH; 7-α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (EC | 32248 | 4897 |
helD | 22.1 | Helicase | srjB; helicase IV | 31769 | 2642, 2883, 2884, 2885, 4774 |
hemA | 27.2 | Hemin | Neomycin sensitivity; hemin biosynthesis; glutamyl tRNA dehydrogenase | 648 | 1087, 177, 1898, 2528, 4573, 709, 4575 |
hemB | 8.4 | Hemin | ncf; 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase (EC | 647 | 1111, 19, 2517, 2529, 2530, 2839, 2840, 3297 |
hemC | 86.0 | Hemin | popE; porphobilinogen deaminase (EC; neomycin sensitivity | 646 | 1596, 2052, 2054, 2055, 2405, 2645, 2840, 3870, 3871, 4042, 4401, 60, 926 |
hemD | 85.9 | Hemin | Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase; neomycin sensitivity | 645 | 2052, 2053, 3870, 3871, 4042, 926 |
hemE | 90.4 | Hemin | Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (EC | 644 | 1912, 3196, 3874 |
hemF | 55.0 | Hemin | popB, sec; coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (EC | 643 | 2840, 3037, 4464 |
hemG | 86.9 | Hemin | Protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity; neomycin sensitivity | 642 | 3197, 3872, 3873, 4853 |
hemH | 10.7 | Hemin | popA, visA; ferrochelatase (EC | 641 | 1323, 3100, 3101, 2974 |
hemK | 27.3 | Hemin | Heme biosynthesis | 36992 | 3127 |
hemL | 3.7 | Hemin | gsa, popC; glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase (EC | 372 | 1519, 1899, 1900 |
hemM | 27.2 | Hemin | lolB; glutamyl-tRNA dehydrogenase? novel outer membrane lipoprotein? | 31940 | 1898, 1981, 2815, 2816, 4573, 709 |
hemX | 85.9 | Hemin | Uroporphyrinogen III methylase | 33965 | 3875, 926 |
hemY | 85.9 | Hemin | Member of uro (hemC) operon | 33969 | 926 |
hepA | 1.3 | Helicase-like protein | rapA; sequence similarity to helicases, downstream of polB, not under lexA control | 29491 | 1139, 2519, 4269a, 435 |
het | 84.6 | Heterogeneous size | cop; possibly structural gene for DNA-binding protein; near ori | 640 | 3249, 4610, 4771 |
hflA | 94.8 | High frequency lysogeny | Operon including hfq, hflX, -K, -C; part of complex mutL-hflC transcription unit | 34429 | 4487 |
hflB | 71.6 | High-frequency lysogenization | ftsH, mrsC, tolZ; cell growth, septum formation, λ development, mRNA decay; essential inner membrane ATP-dependent protease, acting on SecY | 735 | 1486, 1727, 1728, 221, 3565, 41, 4435, 4657 |
hflC | 94.9 | High-frequency lysogenization | HflA complex cleaves lambda cII; protease | 17520 | 220, 285 |
hflK | 94.8 | High frequency lysogenization | HflA complex cleaves lambda cII; protease | 639 | 220, 285 |
hflX | 94.8 | High frequency lysogenization | HflX GTPase, putative | 34423 | 220, 3203 |
hfq | 94.8 | Host factor for Q β | HF-I, host factor for phage Qβ | 34450 | 2090, 2091, 4024, 4487–4490 |
hha | 10.3 | High hemolysin activity | Histone-like; downregulates gene expression, stimulates transposition events | 31084 | 1438, 2929, 3182 |
hipA | 34.2 | High persistence | Probable role in cell division | 18244 | 2882, 3028, 3029, 367, 368, 3902 |
hipB | 34.3 | High persistence | Probable role in cell division | 32207 | 2882, 367, 368 |
hisA | 45.1 | Histidine | N-(5′-phospho-l-ribosylformimino)-5-amino-1-(5′-phosphoribosyl)-4-imidazolecarboxamide isomerase (EC | 636 | 1202, 65 |
hisB | 45.1 | Histidine | Bifunctional enzyme imidazoleglycerolphosphate (IGP) dehydratase, histidinol phosphatase (EC, EC | 635 | 1521, 730 |
hisC | 45.1 | Histidine | Histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase (EC | 634 | 1521, 1522 |
hisD | 45.0 | Histidine | Histidinol dehydrogenase (EC | 633 | 542, 65, 731 |
hisF | 45.1 | Histidine | Cyclase component of IGP synthase complex | 631 | 1202, 1263, 1296, 1376, 1451, 2260, 65 |
hisG | 45.0 | Histidine | ATP phosphoribosyltransferase (EC | 630 | 1322, 3027, 4572, 542 |
hisH | 45.1 | Histidine | Amidotransferase component of IGP synthase | 629 | 1263, 1296, 1376, 1451, 2260, 65 |
hisI | 45.2 | Histidine | Formerly hisE and hisI; bifunctional enzyme PR-ATP pyrophosphatase PR-AMP cyclohydrolase (EC, EC | 628 | 65, 731 |
hisJ | 52.3 | Histidine | Histidine-binding protein of high-affinity histidine transport system | 627 | 126, 2512 |
hisM | 52.2 | Histidine | Histidine transport membrane protein M | 25879 | 2335 |
hisP | 52.2 | Histidine | Histidine permease | 626 | 126, 2335, 2512 |
hisQ | 52.2 | Histidine | Histidine transport gene | 32721 | 126 |
hisR | 85.8 | Histidine | hisT; histidine tRNA | 625 | 1832, 2313, 2535, 926 |
hisS | 56.8 | Histidine | Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 624 | 1140, 1141, 1301 |
hlpA | 4.3 | Histone-like protein | ompH; firA, orf (skp), skp; histone-like protein HLP-I (cytoplasmic?); early confusion with adjacent lpxD gene | 18241 | 1, 1040, 1773, 1775, 1784, 2429, 2964, 4402, 4403, 706, 804, 1702 |
hlyE | 26.5 | Hemolysin (latent) | Latent hemolysin expressed in presence of Actinobacillus glyX or fnr mutant | 53859 | 1498 |
hmp | 57.9 | Hemoglobin-like | fsrB; hemoglobin-like flavoprotein | 32917 | 109, 2879, 2880, 2881, 3482, 3483, 4068 |
hns | 27.8 | Histone-like protein, H-NS | bglY, cur, drc, drdX, drs, fimG, irk, msyA, osmZ, pilG, topX, virR; H-NS (H1a) DNA-binding protein, histone-like; diverse mutant phenotypes affecting transcription, transposition, inversion, cryptic-gene expression; involved in chromosome organization | 960 | 1041, 1195, 1458, 1750, 2160, 2385, 239, 2482, 2483, 2495, 2828, 327, 3476, 4022, 4146, 4173, 4504, 4507, 4821, 887, 2392, 3599 |
hofB | 2.5 | Homologous to fim | hopB; homologous to PilB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa; function not established, insertion mutation gives no phenotype | 33679 | 4722 |
hofC | 2.5 | Homologous to fim | hopC; homologous to PilC of P. aeruginosa; function not established, insertion mutation gives no phenotype | 33676 | 4722 |
holA | 14.4 | Holoenzyme | DNA polymerase III, δ-subunit | 31431 | 1067, 2194, 3300, 645 |
holB | 24.9 | Holoenzyme | DNA polymerase III, δ′-subunit | 31447 | 1067, 2194, 3300 |
holC | 96.6 | Holoenzyme | DNA polymerase III, χ-subunit | 31456 | 2194, 3295, 4808, 644 |
holD | 99.3 | Holoenzyme | DNA polymerase, ψ-subunit | 31460 | 2194, 3295, 4808, 646 |
holE | 41.5 | Holoenzyme | DNA polymerase III, θ-subunit | 31439 | 2194, 2224, 4097, 4254, 647 |
hopB | 84.7 | Host plasmid maintenance | hop; also used for hof loci (homologous to Pil genes in Pseudomonas); required for mini-F | 37343 | 3184 |
hopC | 99.4 | Host plasmid maintenance | Required for maintenance of stable mini-F plasmid; see also hofC | 37346 | 3184 |
hopD | 11 | Host plasmid maintenance | Required for maintenance of stable mini-F plasmid | 37349 | 3184 |
hpt | 3.0 | HGPRT | Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC | 622 | 2024, 535 |
hrpA | 31.9 | Helicase-related protein | RNA helicase-like; similarity to eukaryotic DEAH family | 36987 | 3005 |
hrpB | 3.5 | Helicase-related protein | RNA helicase-like; similarity to eukaryotic DEAH family and araC | 36926 | 3005, 1331 |
hrsA | 16.5 | Heat-responsive suppressor | Suppresses ompC mutation’s defective thermoresponse | 53146 | 4520 |
hscA | 57.2 | Heat shock cognate | Stress response gene; Hsp70 family | 32977 | 2179, 2484, 3956, 4583 |
hscB | 57.3 | Heat shock cognate | Stress response gene; heat shock regulon | 40196 | 2484, 4583 |
hsdM | 98.7 | Host specificity | hs, hsm, hsp, rm; host DNA modification; DNA methylase M | 621 | 1014, 2608, 3800, 4909 |
hsdR | 98.7 | Host specificity | hs, hsp, hsr, rm; host DNA restriction; endonuclease R | 620 | 1014, 2608, 3800, 4909 |
hsdS | 98.7 | Host specificity | hss; specificity determinant for hsdM and hsdR | 619 | 1474, 2608, 3071, 3800, 4909 |
hslC | 19.9 | Heat shock locus | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 36762 | 749 |
hslD | 24.1 | Heat shock locus | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 36765 | 749 |
hslE-H | 29.7 | Heat shock loci | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 37190 | 749 |
hslJ | 31.0 | Heat shock locus | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 41193 | 323, 749 |
hslK | 40.7 | Heat shock locus | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 36945 | 749 |
hslL-N | 70.5 | Heat shock loci | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 37449 | 749 |
hslO-R | 76.0 | Heat shock loci | Heat shock proteins; HslO is HspG21.0 | 36769 | 749 |
hslU | 88.8 | Heat shock locus | htpI, clpY; heat shock protein D48.5, protease? required for peptide hydrolysis of HslVU; modulated by catabolite repression | 34157 | 1341, 2121, 2208, 2963, 3408, 3713, 4889, 749, 750 |
hslV | 88.8 | Heat-shock locus | htpO; heat shock regulon | 34160 | 1341, 2121, 2208, 2963, 3713, 4889, 4890, 749, 750 |
hslW | 94.2 | Heat shock locus | Heat-inducible; regulatory gene, near groE | 41190 | 749 |
htgA | 0.2 | High-temperature growth | htpY; heat inducible | 30233 | 1987, 2961, 984 |
htpG | 10.7 | Heat shock protein | Heat shock protein C62.5; chaperone | 17680 | 228 |
htpX | 41.2 | Heat shock protein | Protein expressed as heat shock regulon member | 32320 | 2327 |
htrB | 24.0 | High temperature (requirement) | Not under heat shock regulation; membrane protein affecting cell division, growth, and high-temperature survival | 31878 | 2137, 2140, 2141, 781 |
htrC | 90.3 | High temperature (requirement) | Essential for growth at high temperature, under ς32 (heat shock) regulation | 34265 | 2141, 3589 |
htrE | 3.3 | High temperature (requirement) | Sequence homology with pilin protein PapC | 30510 | 3593 |
htrL | 81.7 | High temperature (requirement) | RfaH-regulated high-temperature gene | 54740 | 3591 |
hupA | 90.5 | HU protein | HU-β, HU-2, histone-like protein | 34243 | 1977, 2125, 2126, 2292, 2391, 422 |
hupB | 9.9 | HU protein | dpeA, hopD; HU-α, HU-1, histone-like protein | 18235 | 1463, 1977, 2124, 2127, 2292, 2391, 2749, 4239 |
hyaA | 22.2 | Hydrogenase 1 | Hydrogenase 1 small subunit [NiFe] | 31781 | 2897, 2898 |
hyaB | 22.3 | Hydrogenase 1 | Hydrogenase 1 large subunit [NiFe] | 31784 | 2897, 2898 |
hyaC | 22.3 | Hydrogenase 1 | Possible membrane-spanning protein of hya operon | 31788 | 2897, 2898 |
hyaD | 22.3 | Hydrogenase 1 | Processing of HyaA and HyaB | 31791 | 2897, 2898 |
hyaE | 22.3 | Hydrogenase 1 | Processing of HyaA and HyaB | 31794 | 2897, 2898 |
hyaF | 22.3 | Hydrogenase 1 | Nickel incorporation in hydrogenase 1 proteins | 31797 | 2897, 2898 |
hybA | 67.7 | Hydrogenase 2 | hydL, hydC; hydrogenase 2 [Ni, Fe], small subunit, probably | 33407 | 2896 |
hybB | 67.7 | Hydrogenase 2 | HYD2 cytochrome b type component, probably | 33414 | 2896 |
hybC | 67.7 | Hydrogenase 2 | Hydrogenase 2 [Ni Fe] large subunit, probably | 33418 | 2896 |
hybD | 67.7 | Hydrogenase 2 | Processing element for hydrogenase 2, probably | 33421 | 2896 |
hybE | 67.6 | Hydrogenase 2 | Function undefined | 33424 | 2896 |
hybF | 67.6 | Hydrogenase 2 | Regulatory gene | 33427 | 2896 |
hybG | 67.6 | Hydrogenase 2 | May affect maturation of hydrogenase 2 large subunit | 33403 | 2896 |
hycA | 61.4 | Hydrogenase 3 | Regulatory gene for hyc and hyp; counteracts activation by FhlA | 33143 | 1801, 2554, 3883, 412, 4294 |
hycB | 61.4 | Hydrogenase 3 | Formate-hydrogenlyase system, formate regulon, small subunit of hydrogenase 3? | 33169 | 3883, 2554 |
hycC | 61.3 | Hydrogenase 3 | Formate-hydrogenlyase system, formate regulon, small subunit of hydrogenase 3? | 33166 | 3883, 2554 |
hycD | 61.3 | Hydrogenase 3 | Hydrogenase 3 subunit | 33162 | 3883, 2554 |
hycE | 61.3 | Hydrogenase 3 | Hydrogenase 3 subunit, large, precursor | 33159 | 3746, 3883 |
hycF | 61.3 | Hydrogenase 3 | Hydrogenase 3 subunit | 33154 | 3883 |
hycG | 61.2 | Hydrogenase 3 | Hydrogenase 3 subunit | 33151 | 3883 |
hycH | 61.2 | Hydrogenase 3 | Required for converting HycE precursor to Hyd-3 subunit | 33140 | 2678, 3883 |
hycI | 61.2 | Hydrogenase 3 | Maturation protease for Ni-containing Hyd-3 | 50402 | 3747 |
hydA | 61.1 | Hydrogenase | hydNF operon | 18232 | 2145, 2465, 2726, 3376, 3852, 4835 |
hydG | 90.6 | Hydrogenase | Two-component regulation of Hyd-3 activity | 34252 | 3410, 4231 |
hydH | 90.5 | Hydrogenase | Two-component regulation of Hyd-3 activity, sensor kinase | 34249 | 4231 |
hydN | 61.1 | Hydrogenase | Iron-sulfur protein required for Hyd-3 activity | 33521 | 2726 |
hyfA-J | 56.2 | Hydrogenase 4 | Part of 12-cistron operon encoding putative proton-translocating formate hydrogenlyase system | 55682 | 108a |
hyfR | 56.3 | Hydrogenase 4 | Formate-sensing regulator for hyf operon | 55719 | 108a |
hypA | 61.4 | Hydrogenase | Formate-hydrogenlyase system; guanine-nucleotide-binding protein, Ni donor for Hyd-3 large subunit | 33104 | 1801, 1976, 2678, 3745 |
hypB | 61.4 | Hydrogenase | hydE; formate-hydrogenlyase system; formate regulon | 33110 | 1801, 1976, 2678, 2725, 3745 |
hypC | 61.4 | Hydrogenase | Formate-hydrogenlyase system: formate regulon | 33113 | 1801, 1976, 2678, 3745 |
hypD | 61.4 | Hydrogenase | hydF; formate-hydrogenlyase system: formate regulon | 33116 | 1801, 1976, 2678, 3745, 3855 |
hypE | 61.5 | Hydrogenase | hydB; formate-hydrogenlyase system: formate regulon | 33119 | 1801, 1976, 2678, 3745, 3854 |
hypF | 61.1 | Hydrogenase | Mutation results in loss of hydrogenase activity; affects maturation of all hydrogenases, formate regulon | 50120 | 2726 |
iadA | 98.2 | Isoaspartyl dipeptidase | Isoaspartyl dipeptidase | 53593 | 1382 |
iap | 62.0 | Isozymic alkaline P′ase | Aminopeptidase, presumably, that generates alkaline phosphatase isozyme | 616 | 1931, 3120 |
ibpA | 83.3 | Inclusion body protein | hslT, htpN; chaperone, heat-inducible protein of HSP20 family | 33847 | 2427, 69, 750 |
ibpB | 83.3 | Inclusion body protein | hslS, htpE; chaperone, heat-inducible protein of HSP20 family | 33843 | 2427, 69, 750 |
icd | 25.7 | Isocitrate dehydrogenase | icdE; isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP+-specific (EC | 615 | 124, 1709, 1729, 1753, 625 |
iclR | 91.0 | Isocitrate lyase | Isocitrate lyase (EC | 614 | 1331, 2744, 3382, 4290, 840 |
ihfA | 38.7 | Integration, host factor | himA, hid; host infection, mutant λ; site-specific recombination; sequence-specific DNA-binding transcriptional activator, IHF, α subunit | 638 | 1156, 1603, 2461, 2860, 2862, 2882, 2939, 2940, 2941, 2942, 2943, 2944, 3231, 4267, 685, 817 |
ihfB | 20.8 | Integration, host factor | himD, hip; see ihfA, β subunit | 637 | 1156, 1258, 1603, 2216, 2461, 2941, 2943, 2944, 4687 |
ileR | 95.8 | Isoleucine | avr, flrA; Ile repressor; regulation of thr and ilv operons; originally placed at 99.9 min; sequence puts it at 95.8 min | 15914 | 2028, 2029, 4702, 569 |
ileS | 0.5 | Isoleucine | Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 613 | 2104, 2945, 3640, 4317, 4422, 4820, 4830 |
ileT | 87.0 | Isoleucine | Isoleucine tRNA1, triplicate (T, U, V) | 612 | 2313, 926 |
ileU | 73.8 | Isoleucine | Isoleucine tRNA1, triplicate (T, U, V) | 611 | 2313 |
ileV | 4.8 | Isoleucine | Isoleucine tRNA1, triplicate (T, U, V) | 610 | 1146, 2313 |
ileX | 69.2 | Isoleucine | Isoleucine tRNA2 | 17677 | 3058 |
ileY | 60.0 | Isoleucine | Isoleucine tRNA2 variant | 53508 | 4837 |
ilvA | 85.2 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | ile; threonine deaminase (EC | 609 | 1086, 1490, 1839, 2445, 3824, 4614, 58, 860, 926 |
ilvB | 83.0 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Acetolactate synthase I, valine sensitive (EC | 608 | 1309, 1310, 1453, 1667, 2079, 3168, 3169, 3452, 3607, 4006, 4299, 4513, 4705, 681, 960 |
ilvC | 85.3 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | ilvA; ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC | 607 | 257, 351, 4707, 58, 926 |
ilvD | 85.2 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Dihydroxyacid dehydrase (EC | 606 | 1086, 1490, 1839, 2445, 317, 58, 860, 926 |
ilvE | 85.1 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | ilvC, ilvJ; branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (EC | 605 | 1086, 149, 1490, 1839, 2374, 2441, 2445, 316, 4263, 4524, 4706, 613, 860, 926 |
ilvF | 57.0 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Production of valine-resistant acetolactate synthase activity | 604 | 3452, 960 |
ilvG | 85.1 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Acetolactate synthase II, valine insensitive (EC | 603 | 1086, 1393, 1437, 1490, 1839, 2441, 2442, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2648, 3131, 316, 3348, 4262, 4263, 4524, 575, 58, 860, 926 |
ilvH | 1.9 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | brnP; acetolactate synthase II, valine sensitive (EC | 602 | 1437, 1453, 184, 1982, 3450, 3607, 4176, 4177, 4299, 4513, 960 |
ilvI | 1.8 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Acetolactate synthase II, valine sensitive (EC | 601 | 1453, 1666, 184, 3450, 3607, 4176, 4177, 4299, 4513, 960 |
ilvJ | 1.3 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Acetolactate synthase IV, valine resistant (EC | 600 | 1437, 1975, 3694, 960 |
ilvM | 85.1 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Acetohydroxy acid synthase II (EC; valine insensitive, small subunit | 1214 | 1839, 2445, 2628, 2648, 4706, 860, 926 |
ilvN | 83.0 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Acetohydroxy acid synthase I, small subunit (EC; valine sensitive small subunit; positive regulator for thr and ilv | 15441 | 1310, 4705, 681 |
ilvR | 99.9 | Isoleucine-valine | 15917 | 2029 | |
ilvU | 6.4 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Regulation of ileS and modification of Ile tRNA2 and Val tRNA2 | 599 | 1214 |
ilvY | 85.2 | Isoleucine-valine (requirement) | Positive regulator for ilvC | 598 | 351, 3824, 4707, 58, 926 |
imp | 1.2 | Increased membrane permeability | ostA; permeability of outer membrane to large maltodextrins; antibiotic and detergent sensitivity, stress induced | 36754 | 3828 |
inaA | 50.6 | Inducible by acid | Protein induced by acid, independent of SoxRS regulation | 32692 | 3737, 4727 |
inaR | 34.8 | Inducible by acid | Regulates inaA (may be marA or soxZ?) | 32696 | 4727 |
infA | 19.9 | Initiation factor | hypA1? protein chain initiation factor IF1 | 17674 | 3475, 3849, 885, 886, 899 |
infB | 71.4 | Initiation factor | ssyG; protein chain initiation factor 2, IF2 | 597 | 1561, 1928, 2748, 3016, 3108, 3459, 3462, 4026, 4027, 4029 |
infC | 38.8 | Initiation factor | fit?, srjA; protein chain initiation factor 3, IF3 | 596 | 1148, 1601, 2500, 2592, 2829, 3056, 3463, 3527, 3788, 4168, 4710, 4801, 514, 582, 583, 732, 942 |
inm | 79.0 | Insensitive NG mutagenesis | Susceptibility to mutagenesis by nitrosoguanidine | 595 | 3767 |
intA | 59.4 | Integrase | slpA; from defective prophage CP4-57 | 33082 | 2241, 4455 |
intB | 96.9 | Integrase | Prophage P4 integrase, defective prophage derivative | 53585 | 394 |
intD | 12.2 | Integrase | int (qsr′); integrase locus within defective prophage derivative qsr′ | 31133 | 3059 |
isfA | 86.0 | Inhibits SOS function | Regulatory gene; SOS-related | 41044 | 263, 264 |
ispA | 9.5 | Isoprenoid synthesis | Farnesyl diphosphate synthase (EC | 30978 | 1328, 1330 |
ispB | 71.8 | Isoprenoid synthesis | cel; octaprenyl diphosphate synthase | 35712 | 150, 3277 |
katC | 6.0 | Catalase | IS1B and IS20B insertions sensitize to peroxide; deletion or Tn insertion increases resistance | 594 | 4605 |
katE | 39.1 | Catalase | Catalase hydroperoxidase III | 593 | 2609, 2611, 3898, 3899, 4612 |
katG | 89.1 | Catalase | Catalase hydrogen peroxidase I | 14983 | 2611, 3036, 3898, 4457, 4592, 4456 |
kba | 71.8 | Ketose-bis-phosphate aldolase | Ketose-bis-phosphate aldolase, tagatose-bis-phosphate aldolase; part of aga cluster for K+ transport | 592 | 2490, 3649 |
kbl | 81.7 | Ketobutyrate ligase | 2-Amino-3-ketobutyrate coenzyme A ligase (EC | 18205 | 140, 3620 |
kch | 28.2 | Potassium (K+) channel | Homology to potassium channel proteins | 35309 | 2026, 2935 |
kdgK | 79.3 | Ketodeoxygluconate | Ketodeoxygluconokinase (EC | 591 | 3515 |
kdgR | 41.1 | Ketodeoxygluconate | Regulator of kdgK, kdgT, and eda | 590 | 2047, 3515 |
kdgT | 88.4 | Ketodeoxygluconate | Ketodeoxygluconate transport system, structural gene | 589 | 2047, 2747, 3465, 3515 |
kdpA | 15.7 | Potassium dependence | kac; K+-translocating ATPase Kdp subunit | 588 | 1225, 4266, 74 |
kdpB | 15.6 | Potassium dependence | kac; high-affinity potassium transport | 587 | 4266, 74 |
kdpC | 15.6 | Potassium dependence | kac; high-affinity potassium transport | 586 | 4266, 74 |
kdpD | 15.5 | Potassium dependence | kac; sensor kinase for K+-kdp system | 585 | 153, 3117, 3118, 3472, 3555, 4266, 4597, 4633 |
kdpE | 15.5 | Potassium dependence | Transcriptional effector of kdp operon | 31571 | 153, 3117, 3118, 3472, 4266, 4597, 4633 |
kdpF | 15.7 | Potassium dependence | Inner membrane protein for K+ transport | 35751 | 1735, 74 |
kdsA | 27.3 | KDO synthesis | 3-Deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid 8-P synthetase | 17671 | 4763, 4764 |
kdsB | 20.9 | KDO synthesis | CMP-3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase | 18202 | 1449, 1450, 3420 |
kdtA | 82.0 | KDO transfer (to lipid A) | waaA; 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonate-lipid A transferase (EC 2.4.99.–) | 33819 | 293, 3921, 779, 780 |
kdtB | 82.1 | KDO transfer (to lipid A) | CMP-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonate-lipid A transferase (EC 2.4.99.–) | 33900 | 3726, 4128 |
kefB | 74.9 | K efflux | trkB; NEM-activatable K+/H+ antiporter | 83 | 1226, 209 |
kefC | 1.0 | K efflux | trkC; NEM-activatable K+/H+ antiporter | 82 | 1226, 209, 2946, 3050 |
kgtP | 58.7 | Ketoglutarate | witA; α-ketoglutarate permease | 32867 | 3977, 3975, 3976, 3978 |
kicA | 21.0 | Kill cell | mukE; killing protein | 31751 | 1223, 4844, 4845 |
kicB | 21.0 | Kill cell | mukF; Suppressor of killing protein | 31748 | 1223, 4845 |
ksgA | 1.1 | Kasugamycin | S-Adenosylmethionine-6-N′,N′-adenosyl (rRNA) dimethyltransferase | 583 | 105, 106, 107, 1711, 380, 4542 |
ksgB | 37.7 | Kasugamycin | High-level resistance to kasugamycin | 582 | 1042, 1286, 1529, 4144 |
ksgC | 12.0 | Kasugamycin | Resistance to kasugamycin; affects ribosomal protein S2 | 581 | 4896 |
ksgD | 30.9 | Kasugamycin | Resistance to kasugamycin | 580 | 1286 |
lacA | 7.8 | Lactose | Thiogalactoside acetyltransferase; (EC | 579 | 1696, 1805 |
lacI | 7.9 | Lactose | Repressor protein of lac operon | 578 | 1203, 1461, 1811, 2202, 2417, 2492, 2501, 2625, 2626, 2767, 3042, 3217, 331, 335, 3798, 4121, 620 |
lacY | 7.8 | Lactose | Galactoside permease (M protein) | 577 | 1127, 1685, 1805, 2033, 3042, 3293, 346, 404, 4121, 4647, 549 |
lacZ | 7.8 | Lactose | β-d-Galactosidase (EC | 576 | 1597, 1805, 2033, 2101, 2417, 2781, 4021, 4630 |
lamB | 91.5 | Lambda | Phage lambda receptor protein; maltose high-affinity uptake system; in malB cluster | 575 | 1152, 1695, 1778, 1779, 1780, 3941, 4394, 488, 778, 814, 987 |
lar | 30.4 | Ral inverse | rac locus; restriction alleviation | 37053 | 2238, 4439 |
ldcC | 4.5 | Lysine decarboxylase | Lysine decarboxylase | 49257 | 2217, 4836, 4839 |
ldhA | 31.0 | Lactate dehydrogenase | hslF, hslI, htpH; lactate dehydrogenase | 37446 | 2800, 749, 561a |
lepA | 58.3 | Leader peptidase | GTP binding membrane protein, function unknown; lep | 18199 | 1039, 2754, 2755, 4062 |
lepB | 58.3 | Leader peptidase | Signal peptidase I (for nonlipoproteins) | 573 | 2754, 4769, 906, 4062 |
leuA | 1.8 | Leucine (biosynthesis) | α-Isopropylmalate synthase (EC | 572 | 1399, 4711, 963, 245 |
leuB | 1.7 | Leucine (biosynthesis) | β-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (EC | 571 | 963 |
leuC | 1.7 | Leucine (biosynthesis) | α-Isopropylmalate isomerase subunit | 570 | 963 |
leuD | 1.7 | Leucine (biosynthesis) | α-Isopropylmalate isomerase subunit | 569 | 963 |
leuJ | 13.7 | Leucine (biosynthesis) | flr; regulation of leu and ilv operons | 18196 | 2028 |
leuO | 1.8 | Leucine (biosynthesis) | Affects expression of small regulatory Dsr-RNA, translational regulation of rpoS, relieves bgl silencing | 35918 | 2249, 4025, 4506 |
leuP | 99.2 | Leucine | leuVβ tandemly triplicate leuVPQ, duplicate with leuT; leucine tRNA1 | 38293 | 2313 |
leuQ | 99.2 | Leucine | leuVγ tandemly triplicate, and duplicate with leuT; leucine tRNA1 | 38296 | 2313 |
leuR | 79.3 | Leucine | Regulates level of leucyl-tRNA synthetase | 567 | 4392 |
leuS | 14.5 | Leucine | Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 566 | 1658, 4157 |
leuT | 85.8 | Leucine | Leucine tRNA1, duplicate with leuVPQ | 565 | 1832, 2313, 926 |
leuU | 71.6 | Leucine | Leucine tRNA2 | 564 | 2313, 4631 |
leuV | 99.2 | Leucine | leuVα leucine tRNA1, tandemly triplicate leuVPQ, duplicate with leuT | 563 | 1095, 1285, 2313 |
leuW | 15.0 | Leucine | feeB; leucine tRNA3 | 562 | 2313, 3102, 3103, 3454, 460, 703 |
leuX | 96.9 | Leucine | Su-6, supP; leucine tRNA5 (amber [UAG] suppressor) | 561 | 1122a, 135, 2313, 3210, 4407, 4409, 4899 |
leuY | 9.5 | Leucine | Regulates level of leucyl-tRNA synthetase | 560 | 2420 |
leuZ | 42.9 | Leucine | Leucine tRNA4 | 17668 | 2313 |
lev | 9.0 | Levallorphan | Resistance to levallorphan | 559 | 916 |
lexA | 91.7 | Lambda excision | exrA, recA, spr, umuA; global regulator for SOS regulon (represses ca. 20 genes) | 558 | 1654, 1755, 1802, 2575, 2576, 2765, 2928, 4017, 479, 496, 497 |
lgt | 63.9 | (Pro)lipoprotein glyceryl transferase | umpA; phosphatidylglycerol:prolipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase | 33350 | 1352, 3561, 3562, 4743 |
lhr | 37.2 | Long helicase related protein | Probable ATP-dependent helicase | 35720 | 3656 |
ligA | 54.5 | Ligase | lig, dnaL, pdeC; DNA ligase | 557 | 1398, 1932, 1959 |
ligT | 3.5 | Ligase tRNA | Name temporary, not published; 2′-5′ RNA ligase | 50132 | 134 |
linB | 29.3 | Lincomycin | High-level lincomycin resistance | 556 | 120 |
lipA | 14.2 | Lipoate | Lipoate biosynthesis | 31534 | 1672, 1673, 3632, 4563 |
lipB | 14.2 | Lipoate | Lipoyl-protein ligase | 555 | 3014, 3632, 4157, 4563, 681 |
lit | 25.8 | Late induced T4 | Locus within defective prophage e14; expression of T4 late genes | 554 | 2128, 2129, 829 |
livF | 77.4 | Leucine, isoleucine, valine (transport) | Membrane protein | 33713 | 14 |
livG | 77.4 | Leucine, isoleucine, valine (transport) | hrbB, hrbC, hrbD; high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system; membrane component | 553 | 14, 1657, 3141, 3323, 4850 |
livH | 77.5 | Leucine, isoleucine, valine (transport) | hrbB, hrbC, hrbD; high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system; membrane component | 552 | 14, 3142, 3323, 4850, 98 |
livJ | 77.5 | Leucine, isoleucine, valine (transport) | hrbB, hrbC, hrbD; binding protein, high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system | 551 | 14, 2406, 3317, 3323, 4418, 4850, 98 |
livK | 77.5 | Leucine, isoleucine, valine (transport) | hrbB, hrbC, hrbD; leucine-specific periplasmic binding protein, high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport | 550 | 14, 2406, 3141, 3142, 332, 3323, 4418, 4850, 98 |
livM | 77.4 | Leucine, isoleucine, valine (transport) | High-affinity transport system | 18190 | 14, 3141, 3142 |
lldD | 81.4 | l-Lactose dehydrogenase | lct, lctD; l-lactate dehydrogenase, FMN dependent (EC; Arc regulon | 574 | 1066, 1951, 2556, 4012 |
lldP | 81.4 | l-Lactose dehydrogenase | lctP; l-lactate permease | 35161 | 1066, 1951, 2556, 4012, 4128 |
lldR | 81.4 | l-Lactose dehydrogenase | lctR; regulatory gene | 35164 | 1066, 2556, 4012, 4128 |
lolA | 20.2 | Localization OM lipoproteins | Periplasmic protein responsible for sorting and transporting lipoproteins to outer membrane | 53417 | 2815, 2816 |
lon | 9.9 | Long form | capR, deg, dir, muc; DNA-binding, ATP-dependent protease LA; lon mutants form long cells | 547 | 1063, 1297, 1324, 1392, 20, 2768, 2769, 2823, 2992, 3929, 4924, 4925, 682, 733, 752, 4396 |
lpcA | 5.4 | Lipopolysaccharide core | gmhA; phosphoheptose isomerase, T-phage resistance | 546 | 1698, 4562, 517 |
lpcB | 68.0 | Lipopolysaccharide core | mrc, pon; T-phage resistance, novobiocin sensitivity | 545 | 1024,1 |
lpd | 2.8 | Lipoamide dehydrogenase | dhl; lipoamide dehydrogenase (NADH) (EC | 544 | 1553, 1556, 1558, 2415, 2416, 4199, 4150, 4203, 655, 866 |
lplA | 99.6 | Lipoprotein ligase | slr; lipoate-protein ligase A; selenolipoate resistant | 33052 | 3013, 3014, 3633 |
lpp | 37.8 | Lipoprotein | mlpA; murein lipoprotein structural gene | 543 | 1420, 1529, 1671, 3109, 3110, 4792, 4819, 487, 4971, 3748a |
lpxA | 4.4 | Lipid A expression | UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acetyltransferase | 17665 | 1346, 4747, 804, 876, 877 |
lpxB | 4.4 | Lipid A expression | pgsB; lipid A disaccharide synthase | 404 | 4424, 804, 876, 877 |
lpxC | 2.3 | Lipid A expression | asmA; envA; essential gene; cell envelope and cell separation | 815 | 2071, 2273, 260, 2675, 2676, 2911, 3091, 3921, 4139, 4275, 4903 |
lpxD | 4.3 | Lipid A expression | fir, firA, hlpA, omsA, skp, ssc; UDP-3-O-(R-3-hydroxymyristoyl)-glucosamine N-acyltransferase | 775 | 1, 1040, 1773, 1775, 2193, 3761, 3921, 804, 1702 |
lpxK | 20.9 | Lipid A expression | Lipid A 4′ kinase | 51784 | 1375 |
lrb | 7.3 | l-Ribose (utilization) | Affects NADPH-linked l-ribose reductase activity | 36791 | 4459 |
lrhA | 51.8 | LysR homolog | genR; regulatory protein, similar to LysR family | 32685 | 421 |
lrp | 20.1 | Leucine regulatory protein | mbf, ihb, livR, lrs, lss, lstR, oppI, rblA; high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system; global regulatory protein, Leu responsive; site-specific blocking of methylation | 549 | 100, 117, 1349, 2416, 2555, 2558, 3167, 3450, 3660, 4516, 4551, 473, 4748, 883, 1627 |
lspA | 0.5 | Lipoprotein signal peptidase | dapB, ileS; prolipoprotein signal peptidase (EC 3.4.99.–) | 11326 | 1913, 2104, 2945, 3640, 4422, 466, 4820, 4829, 4830, 4905 |
lysA | 64.1 | Lysine | Diaminopimelate decarboxylase (EC | 540 | 4247, 4249, 716 |
lysC | 91.2 | Lysine | apk; aspartokinase III (EC | 539 | 467, 652, 653 |
lysP | 48.4 | Lysine | cadR; lysine permease | 942 | 3143, 3485, 4198, 4325 |
lysQ | 16.8 | Lysine | Lysine tRNA (multiple loci, see lysT) | 51037 | 2313 |
lysR | 64.2 | Lysine | LysR, prototype of family of global transcriptional regulators | 18187 | 4248 |
lysS | 65.3 | Lysine | asuD herC; lysyl tRNA synthetase, constitutive | 17662 | 1122a, 1151, 1351, 1383, 1771, 1946, 2173, 686, 768 |
lysT | 16.8 | Lysine | Suβ, lysTα, supG, supL (ochre suppression); lysine tRNA (multiple loci, lysQTVWYZ) | 537 | 1122a, 1285, 2313, 3530, 4898 |
lysU | 93.8 | Lysine | Lysyl tRNA synthetase, inducible | 16693 | 1394, 1946, 1948, 2508, 4541, 686, 268 |
lysV | 54.3 | Lysine | supN; lysine tRNA (multiple loci, see lysT) | 132 | 1122a, 2313, 3238, 4509, 539 |
lysW | 16.8 | Lysine | lysTβ; lysine tRNA (multiple loci, see lysT) | 28352 | 2313 |
lysX | 63.3 | Lysine | Lysine excretion | 536 | 2007, 2008 |
lysY | 16.8 | Lysine | lysTγ; lysine tRNA (multiple loci, see lysT) | 51031 | 2313 |
lysZ | 16.8 | Lysine | lysine tRNA (multiple loci, see lysT) | 51034 | 2313 |
lytA | 60.6 | Lytic | Tolerance to β-lactams; autolysis | 18184 | 1649, 1651, 2380, 4035 |
lytB | 0.6 | Lytic | Penicillin tolerance and stringent response effects | 34696 | 1575, 1651, 2380, 3506, 466 |
lyx | 80.7 | Lyxose | Novel pathway for utilization of lyxose via xylulose through rhamnose and pentose pathways; xylulose kinase | 36908 | 2437, 3843 |
maa | 10.3 | Maltose acetylase | mac; maltose transacetylase | 36808 | 477 |
mac | 26.5 | Macrolide | Macrolide resistance, erythromycin resistance; see also maa | 535 | 4143 |
mae | 33.5 | Malic enzyme | May be sfcA; malic enzyme, NAD linked (EC | 36710 | 2719 |
mafA | 0.9 | Maintenance of F | Maintenance of F-like plasmids | 534 | 3249, 3313, 4625–4628 |
mafB | 1.9 | Maintenance of F | Maintenance of F-like plasmids | 533 | 4625 |
malA | 76.4 | Maltose | malQPT cluster | 23561 | 1781 |
malB | 91.5 | Maltose | malG-M cluster | 18924 | |
malE | 91.5 | Maltose | Maltose-binding protein, periplasmic; substrate recognition for transport and chemotaxis | 532 | 1103, 1224, 1293, 271, 272, 273, 274, 3265, 329, 330, 3644, 3668, 810 |
malF | 91.4 | Maltose | Maltose transport complex, inner membrane-spanning subunit | 531 | 1128, 1320, 2850, 3798 |
malG | 91.4 | Maltose | Maltose/maltodextrin transport complex, inner membrane-spanning subunit | 530 | 1224, 1295, 3798, 943 |
malI | 36.6 | Maltose | Regulatory gene whose product has homology to repressors LacI, GalR, CytR | 18181 | 1129, 3642 |
malK | 91.5 | Maltose | malB; maltose transport complex, ATP-binding subunit | 529 | 1224, 1431, 1701, 271, 272, 274, 3265, 3798, 4394, 814 |
malM | 91.5 | Maltose | molA; periplasmic protein | 18178 | 1432 |
malP | 76.5 | Maltose | blu; maltodextrin phosphorylase (EC | 528 | 1778, 1779, 1781, 3340, 3588, 3706, 3940, 990 |
malQ | 76.4 | Maltose | Amylomaltase (EC | 527 | 1778, 1779, 1781, 3551, 3940 |
malS | 80.5 | Maltose | α-Amylase, periplasmic, MalT dependent | 17659 | 1306, 3922 |
malT | 76.5 | Maltose | Lambda sensitivity; positive regulator for mal regulon | 526 | 1224, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 3587, 3588, 3669, 800, 928, 931, 988, 989, 990 |
malX | 36.6 | Maltose | PTS enzyme II homolog; malI regulated | 32254 | 3643 |
malY | 36.6 | Maltose | Affects induction of maltose system | 32257 | 3643, 4922 |
malZ | 9.1 | Maltose | Maltodextrin glucosidase | 29868 | 2651, 3394, 4352 |
manA | 36.4 | Mannose | pmi; mannosephosphate isomerase (EC | 525 | 2024, 2491, 2932, 2933, 3207, 386 |
manC | 87.6 | Mannose | mni; d-mannose isomerase | 524 | 4207 |
manX | 41.0 | Mannose | gptB, mpt, ptsL, ptsM, ptsX; mannose phosphotransferase system, protein II-A (III) | 17656 | 1169, 1171, 3344, 4745 |
manY | 41.0 | Mannose | pel, ptsM, ptsP | 18175 | 1169, 1171, 1844, 3344, 4745 |
manZ | 41.0 | Mannose | gptB, mpt, ptsM, ptsX; mannosephosphotransferase enzyme IIB | 346 | 1844, 3344, 4745, 890 |
map | 4.1 | Methionine aminopeptidase (EC | 30569 | 294, 676 | |
marA | 34.9 | Multiple antibiotic resistance | soxQ, cfxB? nfxC, norB? resistance to tetracycline, other antibiotics; transcription activator of multiple antibiotic resistance system | 18172 | 130, 1350, 1403, 1448, 1505, 1591, 1592, 1984, 2780, 3737, 4724, 790, 791 |
marB | 34.9 | Multiple antibiotic resistance | Regulatory gene for mar | 32217 | 130, 1448, 3737, 790 |
marR | 34.9 | Multiple antibiotic resistance | cfxB, soxQ; repressor of mar operon | 30935 | 130, 1448, 2780, 3737, 4271, 790 |
mbrB | 88.6 | Mothball resistant | Resistance to camphor vapors; coupling of cell division and replication, growth rate and partitioning | 36929 | 4468, 4469 |
mcrA | 26.1 | Methylcytosine restriction | rglA; within defective prophage e14; restriction of DNA at 5-methylcytosine residues | 10961 | 3602, 3603, 3604, 3618, 1759 |
mcrB | 98.6 | Methylcytosine restriction | rglB; restriction of DNA at 5-methylcytosine residues | 4978 | 1050, 2350, 3602, 3603, 3604, 3739, 3740, 3741 |
mcrC | 98.6 | Methylcytosine restriction | Modifies specificity of McrB restriction | 34613 | 1050, 2350, 3603, 3740 |
mcrD | 98.6 | Methylcytosine restriction | Inhibits McrE restriction resistance to DMP840, adriamycin, etoposide; possibly modulates Topo IV activity | 34616 | 3603, 3740 |
mdaB | 68.3 | Modulator of drug activity | 53544 | 688 | |
mdh | 72.9 | MDH | Malate dehydrogenase (EC | 523 | 1227, 2831, 4298, 4598 |
mdoA | 23.9 | Membrane-derived oligosaccharide | modGH operon | 4970 | |
mdoB | 99.0 | Membrane-derived oligosaccharide | Phosphoglycerol transferase I activity | 18169 | 1234, 1974, 569 |
mdoG | 23.9 | Membrane-derived oligosaccharide | mdoA; periplasmic oligosaccharide synthesis | 31849 | 1235, 2387, 2388, 2636, 411 |
mdoH | 23.9 | Membrane-derived oligosaccharide | mdoA; membrane glycosyltransferase | 31852 | 1235, 2387, 2388, 2636, 411 |
meb | 78.7 | malE bypass | Suppressor of malE secB-defective transport of mal-binding protein | 28194 | 1293 |
melA | 93.5 | Melibiose | mel-7; α-galactosidase (EC | 522 | 1624, 2185, 2501, 2548, 4031, 4685 |
melB | 93.6 | Melibiose | mel-4; thiomethylgalactoside permease II | 521 | 1624, 2185, 2501, 252, 4878 |
melR | 93.5 | Melibiose | Regulatory | 18166 | 2501, 462, 4685, 659 |
menA | 88.7 | Menaquinone (vitamin K2) | Dimethylmenaquinone formation in vitamin K2 biosynthesis | 520 | 3465, E |
menB | 51.2 | Menaquinone | 1,4-Dihydroxy-2-naphthoate synthase | 519 | 1548, 1550, 3997, 4007, 4011 |
menC | 51.2 | Menaquinone | o-Succinylbenzoate synthase II | 518 | 1548, 1550, 310, 4007, 4011 |
menD | 51.2 | Menaquinone | o-Succinylbenzoate synthase I (EC 4.1.3.-) | 517 | 1548, 1550, 3338, 3486, 4007, 4011 |
menE | 51.1 | Menaquinone | o-Succinylbenzoate-CoA synthase | 17653 | 2384, 3998, 4011 |
menF | 51.2 | Menaquinone | Menaquinone pathway-specific isochorismate synthase | 35955 | 3040, 310, 936 |
mepA | 52.7 | Murein peptidase | Murein dd-endopeptidase | 17650 | 1890, 2184 |
mesJ | 4.6 | Cell cycle protein | 49262 | 3423a | |
metA | 90.8 | Methionine | Homoserine transsuccinylase (EC | 516 | 1094, 2919, 2920, 358, 35 |
metB | 88.9 | Methionine | met1, met-1; cystathionine γ-synthase (EC | 515 | 1093, 1508, 1509, 2242, 2347, 2547, 3802, 4917 |
metC | 67.9 | Methionine | Cystathionine β-lyase; (EC | 514 | 284, 2918 |
metD | 4.8 | Methionine | Methionine sulfoximine sensitivity, d-methionine transport | 513 | 2078 |
metE | 86.5 | Methionine | Tetrahydropteroyltriglutamate methyltransferase (EC | 512 | 3284, 58, 66, 926 |
metF | 89.0 | Methionine | 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (EC | 511 | 1509, 2242, 2347, 3802, 3803, 4454, 4917 |
metG | 47.3 | Methionine | Methionyl-tRNA synthetase; ethionine effects | 510 | 125, 929, 930 |
metH | 91.0 | Methionine | B12-dependent homocysteine-N5-methyltetrahydrofolate transmethylase | 509 | 218, 2756, 3283, 3284 |
metJ | 88.9 | Methionine | Methionine sulfoximine plus methylmethionine sensitivity; repressor | 508 | 1509, 2078, 2242, 2336, 2347, 2547, 3802, 4109, 4917 |
metK | 66.5 | Methionine | Methionine adenosyltransferase (EC; ethionine sensitivity | 507 | 1510, 1598, 2336, 2766, 3878, 472 |
metL | 89.0 | Methionine | metM; aspartokinase II-homoserine dehydrogenase II | 506 | 1093, 1508, 1509, 2242, 2347, 3802, 3877, 4916, 4917, 789, 953 |
metR | 86.4 | Methionine | Positive regulatory gene for metE and metH and autogenous regulation | 18163 | 2825, 4515, 4703, 601, 926, 4515 |
metT | 15.0 | Methionine | metTα; duplicate gene; methionine tRNAm; see metU | 505 | 1285, 1915, 2313, 3102, 3103, 3454 |
metU | 15.0 | Methionine | metTβ; duplicate gene; methionine tRNAm | 28349 | 2313 |
metV | 63.5 | Methionine | metZβ; triplicate gene; initiator methionine tRNAf1 (metVWZ) | 35659 | 2198, 2199, 2313 |
metW | 63.5 | Methionine | Triplicate gene; methionine tRNAf1 | 35656 | 2313, 2198 |
metY | 71.5 | Methionine | Methionine tRNAf2 | 504 | 1487, 1927, 1928, 2197, 2313 |
metZ | 63.5 | Methionine | metZα; triplicate gene; initiator methionine tRNAf1; metVWZ | 503 | 2198, 2199, 2313, 3085 |
mfd | 25.2 | Mutation frequency decline | Transcription repair coupling factor | 35179 | 3964–3969 |
mglA | 48.2 | Methyl-galactoside | mglP; PMG; methyl-galactoside transport and galactose taxis; cytoplasmic membrane protein | 502 | 1158, 1645, 1783, 2925, 3156, 3302, 3751, 3932, 428, 429, 758 |
mglB | 48.2 | Methyl-galactoside | PMG; galactose-binding protein; receptor for galactose taxis | 501 | 1158, 1645, 1783, 2925, 3156, 3302, 3751, 3932, 3938, 3954, 758 |
mglC | 48.2 | Methyl-galactoside | mglP; PMG; methyl-galactoside transport and galactose taxis | 500 | 1158, 1645, 1783, 2925, 3156, 3302, 3751, 758 |
mglR | 16.9 | Methyl-galactoside | R-MG; regulatory gene | 498 | 1354 |
mgsA | 22.1b | Methylglyoxal synthase | Methylglyoxal synthase (not shown on map) | 57077 | 4444a |
mgtA | 96.2 | Magnesium transport | corB; cobalt resistance, magnesium transport | 497 | 3353, 569 |
mhpA | 7.9 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | 3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)propionate 2-hydroxylase; utilizes MHP | 29024 | 1229, 570, 571 |
mhpB | 8.0 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | 3-(2,3-Dihydroxyphenyl)propionate dioxygenase; utilizes MHP | 29027 | 1229, 4147, 570, 571 |
mhpC | 8.0 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | Dihydroxyphenylpropionate-ring-fission-product hydrolase; utilizes MHP | 29030 | 1229, 570, 571 |
mhpD | 8.0 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | mhpS; 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase; utilizes MHP | 29033 | 1229, 570, 571 |
mhpE | 8.0 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | 4-Hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase; utilizes MHP | 51197 | 1229 |
mhpF | 8.0 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, acylating; utilizes MHP | 53814 | 1228, 1229 |
mhpR | 7.9 | m-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid | Regulatory gene for MHP utilization | 29021 | 1228, 1229, 570, 571 |
miaA | 94.8 | Me-isopentyl-adenine | trpX; 2-methylthio-N6-isopentyladenosine tRNA hypermodification | 18160 | 1345, 4487, 4489, 4490, 563, 605, 825, 826 |
miaD | 99.6 | Me-isopentyl-adenine | Suppresses leaky miaA(Oc) mutation | 35254 | 826 |
micF | 49.8 | mRNA interfering cRNA | stc; regulatory antisense RNA affecting ompF; member of soxRS regulon | 18157 | 2955, 2982, 3008, 3608, 3918, 4309, 4520, 93, 4335 |
minB | 26.4 | Minicell | min operon; formation of minicells containing no DNA; positioning division septum | 495 | 3895, 954, 971a |
minC | 26.4 | Minicell | Inhibition of FtsZ ring at division site | 31329 | 340, 3614, 970, 971, 971a |
minD | 26.4 | Minicell | Affects cell division and growth; membrane ATPase that activates MinC | 31326 | 2386, 340, 3614, 948, 969, 970, 971a |
minE | 26.4 | Minicell | Reverses inhibition by MinC of FtsZ ring | 31317 | 3614, 948, 970, 993, 971a |
mioC | 84.6 | Minimal origin | Initiation of replication; transcription of 16-kDa protein proceeds through oriC | 18154 | 2603, 2606, 3245, 408 |
mltA | 63.5 | Membrane-bound lytic transglycosylase | waaN; lipoprotein lytic transglycosylase; membrane-bound murein hydrolase, affecting sacculus maturation | 53524 | 1789, 2618, 4517 |
mltB | 60.8 | Membrane-bound lytic transglycosylase | slt; murein hydrolase lipoprotein; Slt35, soluble lytic transglycosylase | 41040 | 1124, 1154, 1789, 1048a |
mltC | 66.9 | Membrane-bound lytic transglycosylase | Peptidoglycan hydrolase activity, lytic transglycosylase family | 54700 | 1049 |
mltD | 5.0 | Membrane-bound lytic transglycosylase | dniR (dissimilatory nitrite reductase); reduced amounts of hexaheme nitrite reductase; membrane transglycosylase | 1575 | 2089 |
mmrA | 85.4 | Minimal medium recovery | Same as rhlB? RNA helicase motif | 18151 | 2099, 3993, 926, 4508 |
mms | 69.2 | Macromolecular synthesis | Complex operon, macromolecular synthesis | 36863 | 3154 |
mng | 40.0 | Manganese | Manganese resistance | 494 | 4063 |
moaA | 17.6 | Molybdenate | bisA, chlA, narA; MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance protein A | 922 | 1003, 1245, 1434, 18, 187, 2030, 207, 2402, 3534, 3986, 4570, 72 |
moaB | 17.6 | Molybdenate | MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance protein B | 31222 | 3986 |
moaC | 17.6 | Molybdenate | MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance protein C | 31225 | 3986 |
moaD | 17.6 | Molybdenate | chlM; MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance | 18475 | 2030, 3986, 4373 |
moaE | 17.6 | Molybdenate | MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance | 31228 | 3986 |
mobA | 87.1 | Molybdenum | chlB, narB; MPT guanine dinucleotide synthesis; chlorate resistance | 921 | 1003, 1245, 1434, 18, 187, 1922, 2402, 3342, 3343, 3465, 3534, 3749, 3986, 654 |
mobB | 87.0 | Molybdenum | Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, putative nucleotide binding site | 43961 | 1922, 3343 |
moc | 31.9 | Modification of CCA | Modification of CCA at 3′ end of tRNA | 36923 | 3237 |
modA | 17.1 | Molybdenum | Molybdate uptake; chlorate resistance; periplasmic molybdate binding protein | 37372 | 2060, 2820, 2973, 4634 |
modB | 17.1 | Molybdenum | chlJ; molybdate uptake; chlorate resistance; membrane-spanning ABC protein | 18478 | 2025, 2060, 2820, 2973, 3630, 3986, 4634 |
modC | 17.2 | Molybdenum | chlD, narD; molybdate uptake; chlorate resistance | 920 | 1003, 1245, 1434, 18, 187, 2025, 2060, 2820, 2973, 3630, 3986, 4634 |
modE | 17.1 | Molybdenum | chlD, modR, narD; molybdate uptake | 37366 | 1539, 2855, 4634 |
modF | 17.1 | Molybdenum | chlD, narD, phrA; molybdate uptake | 37369 | 1539, 4634 |
moeA | 18.6 | Molybdenum | bisB, chlE; MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance | 919 | 1003, 1245, 1434, 1664, 18, 187, 2030, 2402, 3208, 3378, 3534, 3986, 4219 |
moeB | 18.6 | Molybdenum | chlN; MPT synthesis; chlorate resistance | 18472 | 2030, 3208, 3986, 4373 |
mog | 0.2 | Molybdenum | bisD, chlG; unknown function; chlorate resistance | 917 | 1003, 1245, 1434, 18, 187, 2003, 2004, 2060, 3986, 4219 |
molR | 47.3 | Molybdate | Unknown function, probably related to molybdate transport | 32567 | 2464, 3736 |
motA | 42.6 | Motility | flaJ; flagellar-regulon member; flagellar rotation | 491 | 374, 375, 4064, 4101, 985 |
motB | 42.5 | Motility | flaJ; flagellar-regulon member; flagellar rotation | 490 | 373, 4064, 4101, 4183 |
mpl | 96.0 | meso-Diaminopimelate ligase | UDP-N-acetylmuramate:l-alanyl-γ-d-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate ligase; recycles cell wall peptidoglycan (EC | 46610 | 2894 |
mppA | 30.0 | Murein peptide permease | Murein tripeptide (l-Ala-γ-d-Glut-m-DAP) permease | 53908 | 3352 |
mprA | 60.5 | Microcin peptide regulation | emrR; controls level of microcin synthesis; negative regulation of EmrAB | 33255 | 1006, 1007, 2622 |
mraA | 2.0 | Murein cluster a | d-Alanine carboxypeptidase | 489 | |
mraY | 2.1 | Murein cluster a | UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide:undecaprenyl-PO4 phosphatase (EC | 30466 | 1894, 1895 |
mrcA | 75.9 | Murein cluster c | ponA; penicillin-binding protein 1A | 484 | 1930, 4337, 519 |
mrcB | 3.6 | Murein cluster c | pbpF, ponB; peptidoglycan synthetase; penicillin-binding protein 1Bs | 483 | 2166, 3096, 3097, 3601, 3714, 4307, 4337, 4346, 4957, 519 |
mrdA | 14.3 | Murein cluster d | pbpA; penicillin-binding protein PBP 2, mecillinam resistance | 18148 | 156, 157, 279, 4157, 4232, 4233, 4343, 4587, 545 |
mrdB | 14.3 | Murein cluster d | rodA; affects cell shape; mecillinam sensitivity | 18145 | 156, 157, 279, 2818, 4232, 4233 |
mreB | 73.2 | Murein cluster e; mecillinam resistance | envB, mon, rodY; mecillinam resistance; cell shape, affects division versus elongation | 31343 | 1062, 1968, 2624, 434, 4616, 4617, 4619, 4716 |
mreC | 73.2 | Mecillinam resistance | Cell division and growth; mecillinam resistance; rod shape-determining protein | 31348 | 4617, 4618 |
mreD | 73.2 | Mecillinam resistance | Mecillinam resistance; rod shape-determining protein | 31351 | 4617, 4618 |
mrp | 47.2 | Methionine-related protein | Putative ATPase; in Salmonella, homolog is part of alternative pyrimidine pathway to Thi (apbC) | 32572 | 3409, 930 |
mrr | 98.8 | Methyl-purine restriction | Restriction of methylated adenine | 18139 | 1700, 3603 |
msbA | 20.8 | Multicopy suppressor of htrB | ABC transporter homology; biogenesis of outer membrane | 31743 | 2139, 3474 |
msbB | 41.8 | Multicopy suppressor of htrB | Role in outer membrane structure or function | 32359 | 2138 |
mscL | 74.1 | Mechanosensitive channel | Cytoplasmic membrane channel protein, opens large pore in response to mechanical stress | 35417 | 400, 401, 4267, 4268, 4269 |
msrA | 95.7 | Methionine sulfoxide reductase | pmsR; methionine sulfoxide reductase | 34400 | 3018, 3585, 3586, 525 |
msyB | 24.0 | Multicopy suppressor of secY | In multicopy restores growth and protein export functions of secY and secA mutants | 34718 | 4504 |
mtgA | 72.1 | Monofunctional transglycolase | Monofunctional biosynthetic peptidoglycan transglycosylase | 54732 | 4159 |
mtlA | 81.3 | Mannitol | mtlC (promoter/operator); mannitol-specific enzyme II of PTS | 481 | 2018, 2459, 2468, 965 |
mtlD | 81.3 | Mannitol | Mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC | 479 | 2018, 2347, 965 |
mtlR | 81.3 | Mannitol | Mannitol repressor | 36774 | 1236 |
mtr | 71.2 | Methyltryptophan | High-affinity Trp permease; TyR regulon | 478 | 1689, 1764, 1688, 3864 |
mukB | 21.0 | Mukaku (anucleate) | Required for chromosome partitioning; DNA binding; kinesin-like motor protein? | 31516 | 1188, 1761, 1977, 3183, 1185, 3819, 4589 |
mul | 83.1 | Mutability lambda | Mutability in UV-radiated lambda phage | 477 | 4620 |
murA | 71.8 | Murein | mrbA, murZ; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enoylpyruvyl transferase (EC; phosphomycin resistance | 33518 | 2773, 3548, 4571, 527 |
murB | 89.9 | Murein | UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyl-3-enolpyruvate reductase (EC | 34141 | 308, 3548, 395 |
murC | 2.2 | Murein | l-Alanine adding enzyme | 476 | 1183, 1893, 2021, 2071, 2675, 2676 |
murD | 2.1 | Murein | UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine:d-glutamate ligase (EC | 30450 | 1894, 2889, 2890, 3533 |
murE | 2.0 | Murein | meso-Diaminopimelate adding enzyme | 475 | 1183, 2071, 2889, 2923, 4349 |
murF | 2.0 | Murein | mra; d-alanyl:d-alanine adding enzyme | 474 | 101, 1183, 2071, 2889, 3368 |
murG | 2.1 | Murein | UDP-NAc-glucosamine: NAc-muramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol NAc-glucosamine transferase | 473 | 1893, 2071, 2889, 2895, 3820 |
murH | 99.3 | Murein | Terminal stage in peptidoglycan synthesis, incorporating disaccharide peptide units into wall | 18136 | 3204, 900 |
murI | 89.7 | Murein | mbrC, dga, glr; glutamate racemase (EC; d-glutamate synthesis, essential for peptidoglycan | 29401 | 1076, 1077, 1078, 212, 2584, 4900, 523 |
mutG | 43.7 | Mutator | Mutation causes high C-to-T mutation in second C of CCAGG; near but distinct from vsr; provisionally termed mutG | 28933 | 3766 |
mutH | 64.0 | Mutator | mutR, prv; methyl-directed mismatch repair; see also dnaX | 471 | 1222, 1484, 1485, 1706, 4052, 4488, 856 |
mutL | 94.7 | Mutator | Methyl-directed mismatch repair | 470 | 1088, 1222, 139, 1706, 4052, 4487, 4489, 4490, 856 |
mutM | 82.1 | Mutator | fpg; repair; GC to TA; formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase | 18133 | 1221, 1489, 1706, 2434, 3717, 4052, 4128, 416, 417, 568, 599, 805, 856 |
mutS | 61.5 | Mutator | ant? fdv (formate dehydrogenase 2?); methyl-directed mismatch repair | 469 | 1222, 1706, 2587, 3615, 3853, 4052, 4488, 4802, 856 |
mutT | 2.4 | Mutator | AT to GC transversions | 468 | 1288, 1706, 2729, 338, 39, 4052, 856 |
mutY | 66.8 | Mutator | micA; GC to TA transversions; adenine glycosylase, G-A repair | 18130 | 1706, 2922, 3172, 3576, 4052, 856, 4476, 4477 |
nac | 44.4 | Nitrogen assimilation control | Regulatory gene, binding ntrC | 50182 | 3073 |
nadA | 16.8 | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide | Quinolinate synthetase, A protein | 467 | 1257, 2819, 4246 |
nadB | 58.4 | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide | Quinolinate synthetase, B protein | 466 | 1257, 3015, 4379, 3963 |
nadC | 2.5 | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide | nic; quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase | 465 | 1553, 1556, 1558, 2415, 2416, 3689 |
nadE | 39.2 | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide | efg, ntrL; NAD synthetase, ammonia dependent | 28576 | 4752, 70 |
nagA | 15.1 | N-Acetylglucosamine | N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (EC | 464 | 2491, 3402, 3454–3456, 4599, 4726 |
nagB | 15.1 | N-Acetylglucosamine | glmD; glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase (EC | 463 | 3402, 3454, 3455, 3456, 3464, 3709, 4601, 4726 |
nagC | 15.1 | N-Acetylglucosamine | nagR; transcriptional regulator of nag operon | 31479 | 3402, 3455, 3456, 3457, 4593, 3458 |
nagD | 15.1 | N-Acetylglucosamine | Function unknown, expressed as part of nag operon | 36240 | 3455 |
nagE | 15.2 | N-Acetylglucosamine | pstN; N-acetylglucosamine-specific enzyme II of phosphotransferase system | 462 | 2048, 2491, 3401, 3402, 3454, 3709, 4599, 4726, 4600 |
nalB | 60.2 | Nalidixic acid | Sensitivity to nalidixic acid (NAL) | 460 | 1626 |
nalD | 89.2 | Nalidixic acid | NAL sensitivity; NAL and glycerol penetration | 18124 | 1827 |
nanA | 72.6 | N-Acetylneuraminate | N-Acetylneuraminate lyase (aldolase) (EC | 17647 | 2782, 3270, 4585 |
nanT | 72.6 | N-Acetylneuraminate | Sialic acid transport | 18121 | 2782, 4585 |
napA | 49.5 | NitrAte reductase, periplasmic | Nitrate reductase homolog | 36550 | 1537, 739, 740 |
napB | 49.5 | NitrAte reductase, periplasmic | Cytochrome c homolog | 36560 | 1537, 739, 740 |
napC | 49.5 | NitrAte reductase, periplasmic | Cytochrome c homolog | 36566 | 1537, 739, 740 |
napD | 49.6 | NitrAte reductase, periplasmic | Unknown function, nap operon | 36547 | 1537, 739, 740 |
napF | 49.6 | NitrAte reductase, periplasmic | Ferredoxin homolog | 36544 | 1537, 739, 740 |
napG | 49.5 | NitrAte reductase, periplasmic | Ferredoxin homolog | 36553 | 1537, 739, 740 |
napH | 49.5 | Nitrate reductase, periplasmic | Ferredoxin homolog | 36556 | 1537, 739, 740 |
narG | 27.6 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | chlC, narC; nitrate reductase α-subunit (EC | 459 | 1118, 1595, 240, 2495, 2532, 2533, 2856, 3727, 391, 4125 |
narH | 27.7 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | chlC; nitrate reductase β-subunit | 18118 | 1118, 1246, 1433, 240, 2495, 392, 4125 |
narI | 27.7 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | chlI; cytochrome bNR, structural gene; γ subunit | 458 | 1595, 2495, 3305, 3727, 4125, 4126, 4219, 425, 735 |
narJ | 27.7 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Nitrate reductase δ-subunit; chaperone | 18115 | 1092, 2495, 2588, 3343, 392, 4125 |
narK | 27.5 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Nitrate/nitrite antiporter (probably) | 18112 | 1017, 2495, 391, 4220 |
narL | 27.5 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | frdR, narR; regulatory protein | 18109 | 1122, 1569, 1954, 2096, 2097, 2495, 4008, 4215, 4220 |
narP | 49.3 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Regulatory protein | 32598 | 3575, 4217 |
narQ | 55.7 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Nitrate sensor-transmitter protein, anaerobic respiratory path; function redundant with narX | 36333 | 3574, 3575, 3935, 726–728 |
narU | 33.2 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Nitrate sensor-trasmitter protein, anaerobic respiratory path | 52770 | 423 |
narV | 33.1 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Cryptic nitrate reductase II, γ-subunit | 32136 | 391, 393 |
narW | 33.1 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Cryptic nitrate reductase II, δ-subunit | 32139 | 391, 393, 423 |
narX | 27.5 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | frdR, narR; nitrate sensor-transmitter protein; functional redundance with narQ | 18106 | 2096, 2097, 2495, 4215, 4220, 4746, 728 |
narY | 33.1 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Cryptic NR II, β-subunit | 32142 | 391, 393, 423 |
narZ | 33.1 | Nitrate reductase, nitrate regulation | Cryptic NR II, α-subunit | 18103 | 391, 393, 424 |
ndh | 25.1 | NADH dehydrogenase | Respiratory NADH dehydrogenase | 457 | 1497, 2888, 4901, 615 |
ndk | 57.0 | Nucleoside diphosphate kinase | Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC | 32926 | 1615, 1616, 2649, 3985 |
neaB | 75.0 | Neamine | Neamine sensitivity | 456 | 630 |
nei | 16.0 | Endonuclease VIII | DNA glycosylase/apurinic lyase, deoxyinosine-specific; endonuclease VIII | 53314 | 1656, 2016, 2017, 2875, 3805 |
nemA | 37.2 | N-Ethylmaleimide | N-Ethylmaleimide reductase | 52714 | 2968 |
nfi | 90.5 | Endonuclease V | Endonuclease V, specific for single-stranded DNA or duplex DNA with damaged U | 45426 | 1018, 1571, 1572, 4874 |
nfnA | 80.8 | Nitrofurantoin | Nitrofurantoin sensitivity | 18100 | 3876 |
nfnB | 13.0 | Nitrofurantoin | nfsI, nfsB; resistance to nitrofurantoin; a nitroreductase | 18097 | 2832, 2917, 3876, 490, 4931, 4932 |
nfo | 48.5 | Endonuclease IV | Endonuclease IV; member of soxRS regulon | 14161 | 889 |
nfrA | 12.7 | N4 (phage) resistant | Outer membrane protein, putative structural receptor for N4 adsorption | 31154 | 2213, 2214 |
nfrB | 12.7 | N4 (phage) resistant | Phage N4 susceptibility; membrane protein | 31157 | 2213, 2214 |
nfrD | 54.2 | N4 (phage) resistant | Phage N4 susceptibility | 36113 | 2215 |
nfsA | 21.9 | Nitrofurazone sensitivity | mdaA; nitrofuran reductase I activity B; overexpression results in resistance to cytotoxic drugs | 454 | 688, 2832, 490, 4930 |
nhaA | 0.4 | Na+/H+ antiporter | ant; Na+/H+ antiporter; stress response to high salinity and pH | 15893 | 1081, 1410, 1440, 1909, 2142, 2143, 3272, 3329, 3330, 3583, 4326, 4393, 4577 |
nhaB | 26.6 | Na+/H+ antiporter | Regulator of intracellular pH | 30269 | 2182, 3272, 3329, 3330, 3438, 3439, 4393, 4577 |
nhaR | 0.4 | Na+/H+ antiporter | Positive regulator of Na+-dependent transcription of nhaA; DNA-binding; LysR family of regulatory proteins | 30281 | 3330, 3583, 641 |
nikA | 77.8 | Nickel | hydC, hydD; affects formate hydrogen-lyase activity, hydrogenase, and hydrogenase-related fumarase | 18226 | 1340, 3139, 4230, 4796, 4797, 4800 |
nikB | 77.9 | Nickel | hydC, hydD; activity as nikA | 33180 | 3139, 4796 |
nikC | 77.9 | Nickel | hydC, hydD; activity as nikA | 33183 | 3139, 4796 |
nikD | 77.9 | Nickel | hydC, hydD; activity as nikA | 33186 | 3139, 4796 |
nikE | 77.9 | Nickel | hydD, lipP? formate hydrogen-lyase activity | 18223 | 3139, 4796, 4797 |
nirB | 75.3 | Nitrite reductase | Nitrite reductase [NAD(P)H] subunit (EC | 451 | 1647, 1973, 1998, 2693, 2694, 3386 |
nirC | 75.3 | Nitrite reductase | Membrane protein affecting nitrite reductase [NAD(P)H] activity | 452 | 1647, 3386 |
nirD | 75.3 | Nitrite reductase | Nitrite reductase [NAD(P)H] subunit (EC | 35425 | 1647, 3386 |
nlpA | 82.7 | New lipoprotein | Lipoprotein in outer membrane vesicles | 35704 | 2022, 3563, 4833, 4906 |
nlpB | 56.0 | New lipoprotein | Nonessential lipoprotein in outer membrane vesicles | 33030 | 463 |
nlpC | 38.6 | New lipoprotein | Lipoprotein | 35802 | 4792a |
nlpD | 61.8 | New lipoprotein | May function in cell wall formation | 33225 | 1879, 2414 |
nmpC | 12.4 | New membrane protein | phmA; locus of defective phage qsr′; porin, outer membrane, not expressed in K-12 due to IS5 insertion | 447 | 1751, 389, 390, 809 |
non | 45.7 | Nonmucoid | Affects capsule formation | 446 | 3577 |
npr | 72.1 | N-regulated protein | ptsO; NPr, N-regulated HPr-like protein | 43864 | 3517 |
nrdA | 50.5 | Nucleotide reductase | dnaF; ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase subunit B1 (EC; class I enzyme, aerobic, physiologically active | 445 | 1326, 3190, 3451, 4085, 4278, 4279, 4280, 4495, 4496, 4827, 640, 1242, 1243, 1487, 1628 |
nrdB | 50.6 | Nucleotide reductase | ftsB; ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase subunit B2 (EC; class I enzyme, aerobic | 444 | 1326, 2338, 3451, 4279, 4357, 4496, 4827, 640, 1242, 1243, 1487, 1628, 3822 |
nrdD | 96.1 | Nucleotide reductase | Ribonucleotide reductase, class III, anaerobic | 34589 | 4284 |
nrdE | 60.3 | Nucleotide reductase | Nonessential ribonucleoside-diP reductase 2, subunit α, class I, function unknown | 53512 | 2050, 2051 |
nrdF | 60.3 | Nucleotide reductase | Nonessential ribonucleoside-diP reductase 2, subunit β, class I, function unknown | 53515 | 2050, 2051 |
nrdG | 96.1 | Nucleotide reductase | NrdD activating enzyme, generating glycyl radical | 54766 | 4283 |
nrfA | 92.4 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | aidC; formate-dependent nitrite reduction; tetraheme cytochrome c552; aidC mutation complemented by nrfG | 34336 | 1868, 1921, 3334, 937, 11a, 4602 |
nrfB | 92.4 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | Formate-dependent nitrite reduction; pentaheme cytochrome c | 34364 | 1868, 938 |
nrfC | 92.4 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | Formate-dependent nitrite reduction; nonheme FE-S protein, probably transmembrane | 34352 | 1868, 938 |
nrfD | 92.4 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | Formate-dependent nitrite reduction; transmembrane protein similar to QOR | 34355 | 1868, 938 |
nrfE | 92.5 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | Formate-dependent nitrite reduction; membrane protein | 34358 | 1536, 1868, 938 |
nrfF | 92.5 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | Formate-dependent nitrite reduction; periplasmic protein; NrfA/B synthesis? | 34361 | 1536, 1868, 938 |
nrfG | 92.5 | Nitrite reductase, formate-dependent | aidC; function unknown, required for Nrf pathway; aidC mutation complemented by nrfG | 34345 | 1536, 1868, 3334, 11a, 4602 |
nth | 36.9 | Endonuclease III | DNA glycosylase/apyrimidinic (AP) lyase, specific for damaged pyrimidine sites, particularly Thy; endonuclease III | 13070 | 1656, 202, 2434, 3717, 3805, 4701, 888 |
ntpA | 42.0 | Nucleoside triphosphatase | dATP-preferring nucleoside tri-P pyrophosphohydrolase | 46700 | 1950, 3254 |
nuoA | 51.8 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32679 | 1197, 4694, 4918, 616 |
nuoB | 51.8 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32676 | 1197, 4694, 4918, 616 |
nuoC | 51.7 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32673 | 1197, 4694, 616 |
nuoE | 51.7 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32667 | 4694, 616 |
nuoF | 51.7 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32664 | 1197, 3546, 4694, 616 |
nuoG | 51.6 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32661 | 1197, 3546, 4694, 616 |
nuoH | 51.6 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32658 | 1197, 3546, 4694, 616 |
nuoI | 51.6 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32655 | 1197, 3546, 4694, 616 |
nuoJ | 51.6 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32652 | 3546, 4694, 616 |
nuoK | 51.6 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32649 | 3546, 4694, 616 |
nuoL | 51.5 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32646 | 3117, 3546, 616 |
nuoM | 51.5 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 32639 | 1197, 4694, 616 |
nuoN | 51.5 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase | NADH dehydrogenase I subunit (EC 1.6.99.–) | 29354 | 1197, 4694, 616 |
nupC | 54.1 | Nucleoside permease | cru; transport of nucleosides, except guanosine | 443 | 2303, 3046, 3047, 4944, 539, 586, 864 |
nupG | 66.9 | Nucleoside permease | Transport of nucleosides | 442 | 3046, 3047, 3172, 4715 |
nusA | 71.4 | N (λ protein) utilization substance | Survives lambda prophage induction; transcription termination/antitermination L factor | 441 | 1312, 1506, 1507, 1513, 1927, 1928, 2375, 2566, 3108, 3459, 3462, 4670, 4945, 939, 3804a |
nusB | 9.4 | N (λ protein) utilization substance | groNB, ssaD, ssyB; survives prophage induction; transcription termination L factor | 440 | 1313, 1366, 1408, 1926, 3285, 3598, 4004, 4315, 4361, 4670, 851 |
nusG | 90.0 | N (λ protein) utilization substance | Stabilizes λ-N-NusA-RNAP antitermination complex | 31308 | 2525, 2526, 2566, 4276, 576, 939 |
nuvA | 9.4 | Near UV (sensitivity) | Uridine thiolation factor A activity | 439 | 1210, 2573, 3606, 609 |
nuvC | 44.1 | Near UV (sensitivity) | Uridine thiolation factor C activity | 438 | 3781 |
ogrK | 46.7 | P2 ogr gene | Positive regulator of P2 growth (insertion of P2 ogr gene) | 53483 | 4100 |
ogt | 30.1 | O-methylguanine transferase | O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, constitutive | 31984 | 1990, 2698, 2761, 3006, 3503, 3504, 3505, 3629, 7 |
ompA | 21.9 | Outer membrane protein | con, tolG, tut; outer membrane protein 3a (II*;G;d) structural gene | 437 | 1501, 1694, 267, 280, 3023, 3024, 3025, 493, 707, 795, 949, 986 |
ompC | 49.8 | Outer membrane protein | meoA, par; outer membrane protein 1b (Ib, c) | 436 | 2954, 2980, 2981, 3880, 4520, 4574, 4811 |
ompF | 21.2 | Outer membrane protein | cmlB, coa, cry, tolF; outer membrane protein 1a (Ia;b;F) | 435 | 1652, 1841, 1842, 1917, 1918, 258, 2740, 2954, 3075, 3077, 3225, 3550, 3637, 3738, 3880, 4375, 4433, 4492, 4574, 905 |
ompG | 29.7 | Outer membrane protein | Novel porin; not shown in Fig. 1; see EcoMap10 (3763a) at 29.75 min | 57349 | 2987, 1194a |
ompR | 76.2 | Outer membrane protein | cry, envZ, ompB; activator protein for osmoregulation of OmpC and OmpF | 434 | 1374, 1610, 1611, 2110, 1167, 2978, 2979, 2983, 3129, 3946, 4374, 4491, 4584, 4681, 4807, 816, 4038 |
ompT | 12.6 | Outer membrane protein | Outer membrane protein 2b; protease VII; cleaves T7 RNA polymerases, Ada, SecY | 4984 | 1462, 1524, 1525, 1715, 2786, 3769, 4265 |
ompX | 18.3 | Outer membrane protein | Outer membrane protein, with role in inducing RNAP-ςE production | 35913 | 2863 |
oppA | 28.0 | Oligopeptide permease | Oligopeptide permease | 18094 | 108, 1782, 2494, 3351, 4188 |
oppB | 28.0 | Oligopeptide permease | Oligopeptide transport | 18091 | 108, 1782, 2494 |
oppC | 28.1 | Oligopeptide permease | Oligopeptide transport | 18088 | 108, 1782 |
oppD | 28.1 | Oligopeptide permease | Oligopeptide transport | 18085 | 108, 1782 |
oppE | 98.9 | Oligopeptide permease | Oligopeptide transport | 18082 | 108 |
oppF | 28.1 | Oligopeptide permease | Oligopeptide transport; ATP hydrolysis | 35799 | 1344 |
opr | 19.0 | rpo reversed | Rate of degradation of aberrant RNAP-subunit proteins | 18079 | 3983 |
ops | 66.1 | Overproduction of polysaccharide | Level of exopolysaccharide production | 18076 | 4963 |
oraA | 60.8 | orf-recA | Putative RecX regulatory protein | 33246 | 4914 |
ordL | 29.4 | Oxidoreductase | Putative oxidoreductase | 51940 | 2066 |
oriC | 84.6 | Origin of replication | poh; origin of DNA replication | 431 | 148, 1633, 1769, 2075, 2084, 2275, 253, 2635, 2711, 2805, 2905, 2985, 3273, 3275, 3276, 3981, 4131, 4255, 4322, 452, 4610, 4611, 4635, 556, 628 |
oriJ | 30.5 | Origin of replication | Locus in defective prophage rac | 430 | 1037, 1038, 2086 |
orn | 94.6 | Oligoribonuclease | 3′ to 5′ oligoribonuclease | 54868 | 4942 |
osmB | 28.9 | Osmotically inducible | OsmB lipoprotein | 31965 | 1054, 2072, 2073 |
osmC | 33.5 | Osmotically inducible | Nonessential gene | 32184 | 1460, 1584 |
osmE | 39.2 | Osmotically inducible | anr; promoter overlaps nadE promoter; regulated by growth phase as well as osmotic pressure | 36628 | 1585, 828 |
osmY | 99.3 | Osmotically inducible | csi-5; periplasmic, ςS dependent protein (stationary phase) | 34640 | 1054, 2412, 4883, 4884 |
otsA | 42.6 | Osmoregulated trehalose synthesis | Trehalose phosphate synthase (EC | 18073 | 1419, 2077 |
otsB | 42.7 | Osmoregulated trehalose synthesis | Trehalose phosphate phosphatase (EC | 18070 | 1419, 2077 |
oxyR | 89.6 | Oxygen | mor, momR; bifunctional regulatory protein sensor for oxidative stress | 28841 | 1455, 1712, 2358, 2359, 4242, 4951, 4356 |
oxyS | 89.6 | Oxygen | Regulatory RNA; activator for genes that detoxify oxidative damage; small RNA | 28844 | 77 |
pabA | 75.2 | para-Aminobenzoate | Sulfonamide resistance; p-aminobenzoate biosynthesis | 429 | 2130, 4593, 535, 4450 |
pabB | 40.8 | para-Aminobenzoate | Sulfonamide resistance; p-aminobenzoate biosynthesis | 428 | 1454, 3624, 4593, 535 |
pabC | 24.8 | para-Aminobenzoate | Sulfonamide resistance; aminodeoxychorismate lyase | 31889 | 1499, 1500 |
pac | 31.0 | Phenylacetate | Phenylacetate degradation | 18067 | 831 |
pal | 16.8 | Peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein | excC; essential lipoprotein associated with peptidoglycan | 35129 | 1270, 2448, 2450, 4581, 705 |
panB | 3.2 | Pantothenate | Ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase (EC | 427 | 2037, 2903, 871 |
panC | 3.2 | Pantothenate | Pantothenate synthetase (EC | 426 | 2903, 871 |
panD | 3.2 | Pantothenate | Aspartate 1-decarboxylase (EC | 425 | 2903, 871 |
panF | 73.4 | Pantothenate | Pantothenate permease (symporter) | 10818 | 1971, 4537, 4565 |
parC | 68.2 | Partition | Cell partitioning; topoisomerase IV subunit A | 33440 | 1699, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2211, 2360, 3397, 3398, 4923, 695, 4213 |
parE | 68.4 | Partition | nfxD; topoisomerase IV subunit B | 33451 | 2163, 2165, 2211, 2511, 3397, 3398, 491, 4923 |
pat | 89.1 | Putrescine aminotransferase | Putrescine aminotransferase | 18064 | 3984 |
pbpG | 47.9 | Penicillin-binding protein | Penicillin-binding protein 7 (PBP7) | 36349 | 1714 |
pck | 76.1 | PEP carboxykinase | Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP); (EC | 422 | 1444, 1445, 1446, 2864 |
pcm | 61.8 | Protein carboxyl methyltransferase | l-Isoaspartyl protein carboxyl methyltransferase (EC; repair of isoaspartyl residues | 33221 | 1325, 2524, 4591 |
pcnB | 3.4 | Plasmid copy number | Replication and cell division; poly(A) polymerase I; controls plasmid copy number | 13584 | 1358,4,2583, 2631, 2572, 2790, 2791, 3625, 631, 632, 1682 |
pdhR | 2.6 | Pyruvate-dehydrogenase | Pyruvate-dehydrogenase repressor | 30488 | 1674, 3567, 655 |
pdxA | 1.1 | Pyridoxine | Isoniazid resistance; pyridoxine biosynthesis | 420 | 1020, 105, 106 |
pdxB | 52.5 | Pyridoxine | Isoniazid resistance; erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase? pyridoxine biosynthesis | 419 | 1020, 143, 144, 3930 |
pdxH | 37.0 | Pyridoxine | Isoniazid resistance; pyridoxine-phosphate oxidase | 417 | 1020, 1526, 1529, 2398, 4034 |
pdxJ | 58.2 | Pyridoxine | Codon overlap with recO; complex operon | 416 | 2397, 4340 |
pdxK | 54.6 | Pyridoxine | Vitamin B6 kinase | 51757 | 4866 |
pdxL | 46.6 | Pyridoxine | Pyridoxine kinase | 50836 | 2977 |
pdxY | 37 | Pyridoxine | Pyridoxal kinase | 53757 | 4867 |
pepA | 96.6 | Peptidase | xerB, carP; amino-exopeptidase A | 30215 | 2842, 3732, 4226, 4227, 684 |
pepD | 5.5 | Peptidase | Peptidase D, a dipeptidase | 415 | 1698, 1722, 2254, 2938, 3384, 724 |
pepE | 91.1 | Peptidase | α-Aspartyl dipeptidase (EC 3.4.11.–) | 34261 | 822 |
pepN | 21.3 | Peptidase | Aminopeptidase N | 414 | 1233, 1269, 213, 214, 215, 2431, 2833, 2834, 2835, 3384 |
pepP | 65.8 | Peptidase | Proline aminopeptidase II | 28682 | 4897a, 3100 |
pepQ | 86.8 | Peptidase | Proline dipeptidase (EC | 34071 | 3098, 926 |
pepT | 25.5 | Peptidase | Putative peptidase T | 31914 | 2617 |
pfkA | 88.5 | Phosphofructokinase | 6-Phosphofructokinase I (EC | 413 | 1710, 3706, 907 |
pfkB | 38.9 | Phosphofructokinase | Suppresses pfkA mutations; phosphofructokinase, Pfk-2 | 412 | 817, 908, 909 |
pflA | 20.5 | Pyruvate formate-lyase | act; pyruvate formate lyase I activase | 35839 | 1085, 3699 |
pflB | 20.5 | Pyruvate formate-lyase | Pyruvate formate lyase I; induced anaerobically | 410 | 3389, 3699, 3884, 3885, 3886 |
pflC | 89.3 | Pyruvate formate-lyase | Pyruvate formate lyase II activase | 35847 | 395, 396 |
pflD | 89.3 | Pyruvate formate-lyase | Pyruvate formate lyase II | 35843 | 395, 396 |
pfs | 3.8 | PNP similarity | 5′-Methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase | 54950 | 834 |
pgi | 91.2 | Phosphoglucose isomerase | Glucosephosphate isomerase (EC | 409 | 1311, 1319, 3706, 4678 |
pgk | 66.2 | Phosphoglycerate kinase | Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC | 408 | 3148 |
pgl | 17.2 | Phosphogluconolactonase | blu; 6-phosphogluconolactonase (EC | 407 | 3706 |
pgm | 15.4 | Phophoglucomutase | blu; phosphoglucomutase (EC | 406 | 2647, 3706 |
pgpA | 9.5 | Phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase | Phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase, membrane bound, nonessential | 17644 | 1338, 1882, 1885 |
pgpB | 28.8 | Phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase | Phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase, membrane bound, nonessential | 17641 | 1051, 1338, 1883, 1885 |
pgsA | 42.9 | Phosphotidylglycerophosphate synthase | Phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthetase (EC | 405 | 1459, 3266, 4493, 4518 |
pheA | 59.0 | Phenylalanine | Chorismate mutase-P-prephenate dehydratase (EC, EC FPA resistance | 403 | 1386, 1388, 1389, 1479, 1480, 1847 |
pheP | 13.0 | Phenylalanine | Phenylalanine-specific permease | 402 | 3422, 4720 |
pheS | 38.7 | Phenylalanine | phe-act; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase α-subunit (EC | 400 | 1148, 1201, 1213, 2132, 2860, 2862, 3460, 3461, 3463, 4168, 4169, 4171, 4801 |
pheT | 38.7 | Phenylalanine | Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase β-subunit (EC | 399 | 1148, 1213, 2860, 2862, 3460, 3461, 3463, 4168, 4169, 4801 |
pheU | 94.0 | Phenylalanine | pheR, pheW; phenylalanine tRNA | 18061 | 1345, 1387, 1388, 2313, 3938, 4755, 603, 3442 |
pheV | 67.0 | Phenylalanine | Phenylalanine tRNA | 18058 | 2313, 4755, 602, 604, 3442 |
phnC | 93.2 | Phosphonate | Phosphonate transporter subunit I (cryptic in K-12); member Pho regulon | 34553 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnD | 93.1 | Phosphonate | psiD; phosphonate transporter subunit, periplasmic (cryptic in K-12) | 17638 | 2737, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 4621, 4665, 4669, 694 |
phnE | 93.1 | Phosphonate | Phosphonate transporter subunit, integral membrane component (cryptic in K-12) | 34550 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnF | 93.1 | Phosphonate | Phosphonate utilization (cryptic in K-12); putative regulatory gene, member of pho regulon | 34547 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnG | 93.1 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34544 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnH | 93.1 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34541 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnI | 93.1 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34538 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnJ | 93.0 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34535 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnK | 93.0 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34532 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnL | 93.0 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34529 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnM | 93.0 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34526 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnN | 93.0 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex subunit (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34523 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnO | 93.0 | Phosphonate | Probably regulatory for C-P lyase complex (phosphonate utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34520 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phnP | 92.9 | Phosphonate | Carbon-phosphorus lyase complex membrane-bound subunit (utilization cryptic in K-12) | 34514 | 2737, 2906, 2908, 4669, 694 |
phoA | 8.6 | Phosphate | Alkaline phosphatase (EC | 398 | 1303, 1597, 1740, 1919, 1920, 2105, 2218, 319, 3866, 3867, 4050, 415, 4443, 4667, 4668, 475, 4816, 674 |
phoB | 9.0 | Phosphate | phoRc, phoT; positive response regulator for pho regulon, two-component system | 397 | 1597, 2230, 2732, 2734, 2735, 4040, 415, 4426, 4430, 4661, 4663, 4667, 4668 |
phoE | 5.6 | Phosphate | ompE; outer membrane porin protein E | 396 | 1676, 1722, 3221, 3319, 4426, 4429, 4432, 4433, 4553 |
phoH | 23.4 | Phosphate | psiH; member of pho regulon, P starvation induced | 31841 | 2231, 2320, 2909, 4661 |
phoP | 25.6 | Phosphate | In Salmonella, a sensor in the two-component regulatory system, with phoQ | 31919 | 1530, 2146 |
phoQ | 25.6 | Phosphate | In Salmonella two-component regulatory system with phoP | 31922 | 2146 |
phoR | 9.0 | Phosphate | nmpB, phoR1, R1pho; positive and negative regulatory gene for pho regulon; sensor of two-component system for pho regulon | 394 | 1112, 2734, 2736, 4040, 4427, 4430, 4661, 4663, 4667, 4753 |
phoU | 84.2 | Phosphate | phoT; P uptake, high-affinity P-specific transport system, regulatory gene | 18055 | 3121, 4196, 4295, 79, 80 |
phrB | 15.9 | Photoreactivation | Deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase (EC | 391 | 1073, 1826, 1866, 2632, 2683, 3327, 3841, 3842 |
phxB | 17.0 | Phage φX | Adsorption of φX154 | 389 | 3049 |
pin | 26.1 | Prophage-derived inversion | Locus in defective prophage e14; calcium-binding protein required for initiation of replication | 18049 | 1159, 2168, 3447, 3448, 4544 |
pioO | 74.4 | Protein, initiation? | pinO; calcium-binding protein, may have a role in initiation of replication | 53557 | 1586, 1587 |
pit | 78.4 | Pi transport | Low-affinity Pi transport | 385 | 1149, 1150, 300, 4156 |
pldA | 86.3 | Phospholipase, detergent resistant | Detergent-resistant phospholipase A activity | 384 | 1648, 1791, 1792, 2277, 4606, 513, 58, 926, 973, 974 |
pldB | 86.4 | Phospholipase, detergent resistant | Lysophospholipase L2 | 5001 | 1792, 2277, 2278, 58, 926 |
plsB | 91.6 | Phospholipid synthesis | Glycerolphosphate acyltransferase activity | 382 | 2544, 2545 |
plsC | 68.1 | Phospholipid synthesis | 1-Acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (EC; affects partitioning | 33443 | 802, 803 |
plsX | 24.7 | Phospholipid synthesis | Glycerol P auxotrophy in plsB background | 18046 | 2425 |
pmbA | 96.0 | Peptide MccB17 | mcb, tldE; antibiotic peptide MccB17 | 34577 | 2619, 3061, 3703 |
pncA | 39.9 | Pyridine nucleotide cycle | nam; nicotinamide deamidase (EC | 381 | 1321, 2487, 3347 |
pncB | 21.3 | Pyridine nucleotide cycle | Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC | 380 | 2487 |
pnp | 71.3 | Polynucleotide phosphorylase | Polynucleotide phosphorylase (EC | 379 | 1182, 1787, 2854, 290, 3492, 3493, 3494, 3638, 3639, 4333, 868, 869, 4940 |
pntA | 36.1 | Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase | Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase α subunit (EC | 18043 | 771, 772 |
pntB | 36.1 | Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase | Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase β subunit (EC | 18040 | 1436, 771, 772 |
pnuC | 16.9 | Putative NMN uptake | Nicotinamide mononucleotide transporter, putative, by homology with Salmonella | 53409 | 1280, 4954 |
poaR | 65.9 | Proline oxidase | Regulation of proline oxidase production | 377 | 819a |
polA | 87.2 | Polymerase | resA; DNA polymerase I (EC | 375 | 2068, 2189, 2190, 3072, 4869, 4941, 4966 |
polB | 1.4 | Polymerase | dinA; DNA polymerase II (EC | 374 | 1174, 1967, 2519, 3385, 4039, 426, 698, 699 |
popD | 0.2 | Porphyrin | 5-Aminolevulinate dehydratase (EC | 371 | 2839, 3518 |
potA | 25.5 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | ATP-binding membrane protein; putrescine/spermidine-ornithine transporter | 31899 | 1339, 2148, 2150, 2617 |
potB | 25.5 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Membrane protein, channel-forming, for spermidine uptake | 31902 | 1339, 2150, 2617 |
potC | 25.5 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Membrane protein, channel-forming, for spermidine uptake | 31905 | 1339, 2150, 2617 |
potD | 25.5 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Spermidine-binding membrane protein | 31908 | 1339, 2150, 2617 |
potE | 15.4 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Putrescine-lyase antiporter | 31552 | 2149, 2151, 2152 |
potF | 19.2 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Apparent periplasmic putrescine-specific binding protein | 31694 | 3440 |
potG | 19.3 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Apparent nucleotide-binding subunit of putrescine-ornithine transporter | 31697 | 3440 |
potH | 19.3 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Transmembrane-spanning subunit | 31700 | 3440 |
potI | 19.3 | Putrescine-ornithine transporter | Apparent transmembrane-spanning subunit | 31703 | 3440 |
poxA | 94.5 | Pyruvate oxidase | Regulator of poxB | 370 | 679 |
poxB | 19.6 | Pyruvate oxidase | Pyruvate oxidase (EC | 369 | 1482, 1483, 678, 680, 681 |
ppa | 95.8 | Pyrophosphatase | Inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC | 34394 | 2389, 2390, 700 |
ppc | 89.4 | PEP carboxylase | asp, glu; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC | 368 | 1332, 3000, 3786 |
pphA | 41.4 | Phosphoprotein phosphatase | Phosphoprotein phosphatase involved in signalling protein misfolding; heat shock regulon | 54632 | 2966 |
pphB | 61.5 | Phosphoprotein phosphatase | As above; heat shock regulon | 54636 | 2966 |
ppiA | 75.2 | Peptidylprolyl isomerase | rot, a rotomase; peptidylprolyl-cis-trans-isomerase A | 31121 | 1670, 2252, 2579, 3214 |
ppiB | 11.9 | Peptidylprolyl isomerase | A rotomase; peptidylprolyl-cis-trans-isomerase B | 31117 | 1670 |
ppiC | 85.3 | Peptidylprolyl isomerase | parvA; peptidylprolyl-cis-trans isomerase C | 35829 | 3764 |
ppk | 56.5 | Polyphosphate kinase | Polyphosphate (linear Pi linked by high-energy bonds) kinase | 32894 | 2323, 37, 873 |
pps | 38.4 | PEP synthase | ppsA; phosphoenolpyruvate synthase | 367 | 3181 |
ppx | 56.5 | Exopolyphosphatase | Exopolyphosphatase | 32899 | 2323, 38 |
pqiA | 21.8 | Paraquat inducible | Induced by paraquat, regulated by SoxRS | 39521 | 2289, 2290 |
pqiB | 21.8 | Paraquat inducible | Induced by paraquat, regulated by SoxRS | 39524 | 2289 |
pqqL | 33.9 | Pyrroloquinoline quinone | Redox cofactor for pyrroloquinoline quinone synthesis (cryptic in K-12) | 35854 | 364, 4497 |
pqqM | 33.9 | Pyrroloquinoline quinone | Pyrroloquinoline quinone synthesis (cryptic in K-12) | 35857 | 4497 |
prc | 41.2 | PBP protease, C terminal | tsp; carboxy-terminal protease for penicillin-binding protein, PBP 3 | 32334 | 1643, 1644, 179, 2186, 3082, 3970, 4060, 4061 |
prfA | 27.3 | Protein release factor | asuA?, sueB, uar, ups? peptide chain release factor 1 | 14922 | 1880, 2460, 2808, 3782, 3283, 4273, 650 |
prfB | 65.4 | Protein release factor | supK; peptide chain release factor 2 | 17635 | 1880, 2174, 2178, 2460 |
prfC | 99.3 | Protein release factor | tos; release factor 3 | 34633 | 1515, 1739, 2808, 2930, 4873 |
priA | 88.9 | Primosome | srgA; primosome factor Y, also called protein n′ | 27611 | 2462, 3227, 3228, 3314, 3846, 59 |
priB | 95.3 | Primosome | Primosomal protein n | 29153 | 4920, 68 |
priC | 10.6 | Primosome | Primosomal protein n" | 29161 | 4920 |
prlC | 78.5 | Protein localization | opdA in Salmonella; oligopeptidase A | 18031 | 1153, 4471, 4472, 820, 821 |
prlZ | 71.4 | Protein localization | Suppresses export defects in signal sequence mutations | 36421 | 4688 |
prmA | 73.4 | Posttranslation ribosomal protein modification | Methyltransferase for 50s subunit L11 | 366 | 4565 |
prmB | 53.0 | Posttranslation ribosomal protein modification | Methylation of 50s subunit L3 | 365 | 815 |
proA | 5.6 | Proline | pro1; γ-glutamyl phosphate reductase (EC | 364 | 1026, 1214, 1597, 1676, 1677, 1768, 2721, 315, 3153, 4562, 1722 |
proB | 5.6 | Proline | pro2; γ-glutamyl kinase (EC | 363 | 1026, 1214, 1597, 1676, 1677, 1768, 2721, 315, 3153, 3612, 4562, 878 |
proC | 8.7 | Proline | pro2, pro3; pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (EC | 362 | 1025, 1597, 2839, 415, 999 |
proK | 79.8 | Proline | proV; proline tRNA1 | 17632 | 1285, 2313, 2351, 4128 |
proL | 49.2 | Proline | proW; proline tRNA2 | 17629 | 2313 |
proM | 85.8 | Proline | proU; proline tRNA3 | 17626 | 2313, 926 |
proP | 93.3 | Proline | Low-affinity transport; proline permease, minor | 361 | 1475, 1476, 2827, 2877, 2899, 3613, 4186, 4814, 884 |
proQ | 41.4 | Proline | Sensitivity to toxic proline analogs and positive regulator of proline porter II | 36840 | 2947 |
proS | 4.7 | Proline | drp; prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 360 | 2453, 414 |
proT | 83.8 | Proline | Proline transport carrier protein, putative | 359 | 3020 |
proU | 60.4 | Proline | osrA; operon proVWX for high-affinity transport for glycine; see also proM | 18025 | 1477, 1478, 1535, 2826, 3537, 4297, 951, 3599 |
proV | 60.4 | Proline | proU; high-affinity transport for glycine; glycine betaine-binding protein; see also proK | 18022 | 1191, 1285, 1477, 1481, 1535, 2826, 4228, 4297, 951 |
proW | 60.4 | Proline | proU; high-affinity transport for glycine, betaine, and proline; see also proL | 18019 | 1535, 1590, 4228 |
proX | 60.5 | Proline | proU; high-affinity transport for glycine, betaine, and proline | 35653 | 1535, 4228 |
prpA | 97.0 | Propionate | Growth on propionate | 358 | 2180, 4158 |
prpB-E | 7.5 | Propionate | Propionate catabolism operon, Salmonella homology and some expression information | 55452 | 4389a |
prpR | 7.5 | Propionate | Regulator, propionate catabolism operon, Salmonella homology | 55455 | 4389a |
prr | 31.2 | Pyrroline | γ-Aminobutyraldehyde (pyrroline) dehydrogenase activity | 18016 | 3984 |
prs | 27.1 | PRPP synthetase | dnaR; phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase (EC | 357 | 103, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1823, 3808, 3495 |
psd | 94.6 | Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase | Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase | 356 | 2531, 4020 |
psiF | 8.7 | P starvation induced | pho regulon member, requiring PhoRB system | 18013 | 2909, 4668, 674 |
pspA | 29.4 | Phage shock protein | Negative regulatory gene for stress ς54 dependent phage-shock-protein operon | 32009 | 2250, 2253, 2276, 2987, 320, 4697, 4698, 506, 507 |
pspB | 29.5 | Phage shock protein | Regulatory gene, with PspC activates expression of psp operon | 32012 | 2987, 4697, 4698, 506 |
pspC | 29.5 | Phage shock protein | Positive regulatory gene, cooperatively with PspB | 32015 | 2987, 4697, 4698, 506 |
pspE | 29.5 | Phage shock protein | Expressed in response to stress as part of psp operon, but also transcribed independently | 32018 | 4697, 506 |
pspF | 29.4 | Phage shock protein | Transcriptional ς54-dependent activator of psp | 50349 | 1105, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066 |
pssA | 58.6 | Phosphatidylserine synthase | Phosphatidylserine synthase (EC | 355 | 2806, 3269, 4020, 766, 995 |
pssR | 85.0 | Phosphatidylserine synthase | Regulatory gene | 18010 | 4145, 832 |
pstA | 84.2 | P-specific transport | R2pho, phoR2b, phoT; high-affinity P-specific transport | 18007 | 3734, 4196, 4296, 79, 80 |
pstB | 84.2 | P-specific transport | phoT; high-affinity P-specific transport; cytoplasmic ATP-binding protein | 18004 | 2514, 3734, 4196, 4296, 672, 79, 80 |
pstC | 84.2 | P-specific transport | phoW; high-affinity P-specific transport; cytoplasmic membrane component | 18001 | 3734, 4196, 4296, 79, 80 |
pstS | 84.2 | P-specific transport | phoR2, nmpA, phoR2a, phoS, R2pho; high-affinity P-specific transport; periplasmic P binding | 17998 | 1112, 1963, 2513, 2515, 2714, 3004, 3734, 4152, 4196, 4295, 4296, 4611, 4667, 4753, 4818, 4967, 536, 79, 80, 857 |
psu | 1.5 | Pleiotropic suppressor | Temporary designation for pleiotropic suppressor gene; oxolinic acid resistance | 37018 | 1160 |
pta | 52.0 | Phosphotransacetylase | Phosphotransacetylase (EC | 353 | 1548, 1573, 2094, 2512, 2813, 530 |
pth | 27.1 | Peptidyl tRNA hydrolase | rap; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase; required for phage λ growth | 352 | 1342, 1364, 1544, 1739, 1820, 3064, 976, 4269a |
ptrA | 63.7 | Protease III | Protease III | 351 | 1106, 1107, 1253, 220, 718, 775 |
ptrB | 41.5 | Protease III | Protease II | 32339 | 2112 |
ptsG | 24.9 | Phosphotransferase system | CR, car, cat, gpt, umg; glucosephophotransferase enzyme II | 349 | 1170, 2233, 2925, 3765, 4095, 459, 461, 557, 890 |
ptsH | 54.6 | Phosphotransferase system | Hpr, ctr, hpr; phosphohistidinoprotein-hexose phosphotransferase (EC | 348 | 9836, 2031, 2679, 3369, 3793, 4391, 508, 509, 510, 982, 983 |
ptsI | 54.6 | Phosphotransferase system | ctr; phosphotransferase system enzyme I | 347 | 3369, 983, 983a, 983b, 1163, 1168, 2491, 3793, 4571, 508, 509, 510, 85, 982 |
ptsN | 72.1 | Phosphotransferase system | pts in the rpoN operon | 38380 | 3517 |
ptsP | 63.9 | Phosphotransferase system | PEP-protein phosphotransferase (reuse of manY synonym) | 53527 | 1171, 3648 |
purA | 94.9 | Purine | Adenylosuccinate synthetase (EC | 345 | 1681, 2788, 304, 4770 |
purB | 25.6 | Purine | Adenylosuccinate lyase (EC | 344 | 12, 1503, 2788, 1668, 1682 |
purC | 55.9 | Purine | adeg; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthetase (EC | 343 | 2788, 3364, 4415 |
purD | 90.6 | Purine | adtha; phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase (EC | 342 | 1260, 2789, 28, 719 |
purE | 11.9 | Purine | Pur2, ade3, adef; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase, catalytic subunit (EC | 341 | 1597, 2103, 4412 |
purF | 52.3 | Purine | adeub, purC; amidophosphoribosyl transferase (EC | 340 | 2727, 3211, 3719, 3826, 4117, 4483 |
purH | 90.6 | Purine | Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase (EC | 338 | 1260, 2789, 28, 3410 |
purK | 11.9 | Purine | purE2; phosphoribosyl glucinamide formyltransferase | 17995 | 2103, 4412 |
purL | 58.0 | Purine | purI; phosphoribosylformylglycinamide synthetase (EC | 336 | 1817, 3827, 3901 |
purM | 56.5 | Purine | purG; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase (EC | 335 | 1817, 4115, 4116 |
purN | 56.5 | Purine | adeC; 5′-phosphoribosylglycinamide transformylase 1; see purT | 17623 | 4116 |
purP | 83.9 | Purine | High-affinity purine transport | 17992 | 578 |
purR | 37.4 | Purine | Purine repressor | 17989 | 1681, 2222, 3718, 741 |
purT | 41.6 | Purine | Glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase 2, non-folate-requiring; see purN | 32348 | 2772, 3230 |
purU | 27.7 | Purine | tgs; formyltetrahydrofolate hydrolase | 35231 | 3088, 3089, 444, 446, 447 |
pus | 20.6 | Reverse of sup (amber) | Reverses accentuation effects of amber suppressor on relB mutations | 334 | 1044 |
putA | 23.2 | Proline utilization | poaA; proline dehydrogenase (EC | 333 | 1028, 2743, 2989, 3115, 3612, 4186, 4461, 4771, 4777 |
putP | 23.2 | Proline utilization | Proline/Na+, Li+ symport protein | 332 | 2989, 3115, 3116, 3264, 3612, 4186, 4461, 4775, 4776, 4777, 4849 |
pykA | 41.7 | Pyruvate kinase | Pyruvate kinase A (II); (EC | 32363 | 1378, 3477, 4534 |
pykF | 37.8 | Pyruvate kinase | Pyruvate kinase I (EC; fructose-stimulated | 17620 | 1378, 3255, 3477, 397 |
pyrB | 96.3 | Pyrimidine | Aspartate transcarbamylase, catalytic subunit (EC | 330 | 1797, 2275, 2510, 3140, 3383, 3715, 3729, 4499 |
pyrC | 24.2 | Pyrimidine | Dihydro-orotase (EC | 329 | 193, 2010, 4754 |
pyrD | 21.6 | Pyrimidine | Dihydro-orotate oxidase (EC | 328 | 2010, 2423 |
pyrE | 82.2 | Pyrimidine | Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC | 327 | 2009, 3511–3514, 4367, 94 |
pyrF | 28.9 | Pyrimidine | Orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase (EC | 326 | 1070, 2010, 407, 4498 |
pyrG | 62.6 | Pyrimidine | CTP synthetase (EC | 325 | 158, 3426, 4709 |
pyrH | 4.1 | Pyrimidine | smbA; UMP kinase | 324 | 4104, 4843 |
pyrI | 96.3 | Pyrimidine | Aspartate transcarbamylase, regulatory subunit (EC | 323 | 1219, 1797, 2510, 3383, 3426, 3715, 3729, 4738 |
qin | 35.1 | Q independent | kim; cryptic lambdoid phage | 17529 | 1177, 455 |
qmeC | 75.3 | Q membrane | Glycine resistance; penicillin sensitivity; membrane defect | 321 | 4735 |
qmeD | 64.4 | Q membrane | Glycine resistance; penicillin sensitivity; membrane defect | 320 | 4735 |
qmeE | 37.9 | Q membrane | Glycine resistance; penicillin sensitivity; membrane defect | 319 | 4735 |
qor | 91.8 | Quinone oxidoreductase | Quinone oxidoreductase, NADPH dependent | 36654 | 2549 |
qsr′ | 12.2 | QSR replacement | DLP12; defective Q-independent lambdoid prophage, includes intD and nmpD | 19200 | 115, 1751, 2085, 3059, 390 |
queA | 9.1 | Queuosine/queuine | S-Adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase- isomerase | 29889 | 2651, 3654, 4094 |
rac | 30.4 | Recombination activation | Defective prophage Rac loci; see recE, oriJ, trkG, sieB, lar, racC, racR | 318 | 1036, 1037, 1181, 2086, 2087, 2643, 355, 4750, 4751, 503, 759a |
racC | 30.5 | Recombination activation | Element of defective prophage Rac | 32076 | 748 |
racR | 30.6 | Recombination activation | Element of defective prophage Rac; repressor | 37433 | 748, 759a |
radA | 99.7 | Radiation | sms; sensitivity to gamma and UV radiation | 15905 | 1059, 3160, 4136 |
radC | 82.1 | Radiation | Sensitivity to radiation | 13913 | 1220 |
ranA | 58.3 | Affects RNA metabolism | 317 | 121 | |
rarD | 86.2 | Recombination and repair | Chloramphenicol resistance | 34089 | 3259, 926 |
ras | 9.9 | Radiation sensitive | Sensitive to X rays and UV | 316 | 4636, 4637 |
rbfA | 71.4 | Ribosome binding factor | Overexpression suppresses cold-sensitive 16S rRNA; ribosome binding factor | 36919 | 2044, 590, 917 |
rbn | 87.8 | RNase BN | o290; RNase BN, tRNA processing enzyme | 50482 | 3850, 618 |
rbsA | 84.7 | Ribose | rbsP, rbsT; d-ribose high-affinity transport system (may have chemotaxis function) | 12082 | 1888, 242, 2630, 291 |
rbsB | 84.8 | Ribose | prlB, rbsP; d-ribose periplasmic binding protein | 12092 | 1153, 1888, 2630 |
rbsC | 84.8 | Ribose | rbsP, rbsT; d-ribose high-affinity transport system | 12089 | 1888, 2630, 291, 4915 |
rbsD | 84.7 | Ribose | rbsP; d-ribose high-affinity transport system | 314 | 291 |
rbsK | 84.8 | Ribose | Ribokinase (EC | 315 | 1798, 1888, 2630, 4611 |
rbsR | 84.8 | Ribose | Regulatory gene | 12086 | 2630 |
rcsA | 43.6 | Regulation capsule synthesis | Positive regulatory gene for capsule (colanic acid) synthesis; two regulatory proteins from the same gene | 17980 | 1045, 1471, 4243, 4244, 4441 |
rcsB | 49.9 | Regulation capsule synthesis | Positive regulatory gene for capsule (colanic acid) synthesis; when overexpressed, restores ftsZ84 growth on low-salt medium | 17977 | 1413, 1471, 2188, 4099, 4243–4245, 504 |
rcsC | 49.9 | Regulation capsule synthesis | Negative regulatory gene for capsule (colanic acid) synthesis, controls sliminess; contains TerE; probable histidine kinase | 17974 | 1471, 2188, 3037, 4099, 4245, 504 |
rcsF | 4.7 | Regulation capsule synthesis | Overexpression confers mucoid phenotype, increases capsule synthesis; restores colony formation of ftsZ84 mutants on low salt | 29845 | 1412 |
rdgA | 16.1 | RecA-dependent growth | Dependence of growth upon recA gene product | 17971 | 1317 |
rdgB | 67.0 | RecA-dependent growth | Dependence of growth and viability upon recA | 17968 | 784 |
recA | 60.8 | Recombination | srf, lexB, umuB, zab; general recombination and DNA repair; pairing and strand exchange; role in cleavage of LexA repressor, SOS mutagenesis | 312 | 1104, 1123, 1239, 1654, 1803, 2177, 2574, 2575, 3833, 3991, 4395, 4604, 4749, 495, 497, 64, 671, 759 |
recB | 63.6 | Recombination | rorA; recombination and repair; RecBCD enzyme (exonuclease V) subunit | 311 | 1107, 1180, 1249, 1743, 3870, 4365, 690, 759, 4785a, 406a |
recC | 63.7 | Recombination | Recombination and repair; RecBCD enzyme (exonuclease V) subunit | 310 | 1107, 1252, 1262, 1743, 3870, 4365, 690, 759, 4785a |
recD | 63.6 | Recombination | hopE; recombination and repair; RecBCD enzyme (exonuclease V) α-subunit | 4975 | 1248, 3187, 348, 4365, 759, 87 |
recE | 30.5 | Recombination | Recombination and repair; in prophage rac locus; degrades one strand 5′–3′ in duplex DNA; exonuclease VIII | 309 | 1181, 1287, 2086, 2087, 362, 4751, 748, 759, 760 |
recF | 83.6 | Recombination | uvrF; recombination and repair | 308 | 10, 11, 132, 1517, 152, 2709, 3626, 3627, 379, 3846, 3847, 3848, 4611, 671, 759 |
recG | 82.4 | Recombination | spoV? branch migration of Holliday junctions, junction-specific DNA helicase (see ruvABC) | 307 | 1281, 2100, 2593, 2596, 2597, 2598, 2599, 3086, 4721, 59 |
recJ | 65.4 | Recombination | Single-stranded DNA-specific exonuclease, 5′–3′ | 17965 | 2638, 2639, 2640, 2641, 2642, 4511, 759 |
recN | 59.3 | Recombination | radB; lexA regulon; recombination and repair | 10872 | 2600, 2924, 3425, 3748, 3861, 3862 |
recO | 58.2 | Recombination | Conjugational recombination and repair; DNA-binding protein; RecA-like strand assimilation | 17962 | 2297, 2657 |
recQ | 86.3 | Recombination | Conjugational recombination and repair, presynaptic stage of recombination; lexA regulon; RecQ helicase | 17959 | 1923, 2883, 3123, 3124, 58, 926 |
recR | 10.6 | Recombination | Recombination and DNA repair | 31049 | 2723 |
recT | 30.4 | Recombination | Locus in defective prophage rac; activated by sbcA mutation; DNA-annealing protein | 32070 | 1612, 2298, 2378, 761 |
relA | 62.7 | Relaxed | Required for ppGpp synthesis during stringent response to amino acid starvation; ATP:GTP 3′-pyrophosphotransferase (EC | 306 | 1237, 1441, 1442, 2913, 2914, 2915, 3070, 3606, 3934, 4310, 4807a, 924 |
relB | 35.4 | Relaxed | Stringent/relaxed response; regulation of RNA synthesis | 305 | 1042, 266 |
relE | 35.4 | Relaxed | Function unknown | 17956 | 1411, 266 |
relF | 35.4 | Relaxed | Function unknown; overproduction lethal | 17953 | 1411, 266 |
relX | 62.8 | Relaxed | Control of ppGpp synthesis | 304 | 3346 |
rep | 85.3 | Replicase | dasC, mbrA, mmrA; Rep helicase, a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase | 303 | 1086, 1428, 257, 2613, 342, 343, 4388, 58, 610, 926 |
rer | 89.9 | Resistance to radiation | Resistance to UV and gamma radiation | 302 | 4179 |
rfaB | 81.9 | Rough | waaB; UDP-galactose: (glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide-1,6-galactosyltransferase | 17617 | 3361, 3522, 3726, 3921, 4128, 867 |
rfaC | 81.8 | Rough | waaC; LPS core biosynthesis; proximal hexose; UDB-galactose: (glucosyl)LPS-1,6-galactosyltransferase | 300 | 280, 3362, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 702 |
rfaD | 81.7 | Rough | htrM; heat-inducible, LPS; allows high-temperature growth; d-glycero-d-mannoheptose epimerase | 299 | 2269, 2728, 2964, 3392, 3590, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 806, 807, 808 |
rfaF | 81.8 | Rough | waaF; ADP-heptose;LPS heptosyltransferase 1 | 28434 | 2269, 3362, 3392, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4079, 4128, 702, 807 |
rfaG | 82.0 | Rough | waaG; LPS core biosynthesis; glucosyltransferase I | 15583 | 172, 3361, 3362, 3522, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 867 |
rfaH | 86.7 | Rough | sfrB; regulates LPS core biosynthesis, transcriptional activator | 164 | 200, 201, 2959, 333, 3641, 3921, 867 |
rfaI | 81.9 | Rough | UDP-d-galactose: (glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide-1,3-d-galactosyltransferase | 17614 | 3361, 3523, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 867 |
rfaJ | 81.9 | Rough | UDP-d-glucose: (galactosyl)lipopolysaccharide glucosyltransferase | 17611 | 3361, 3522, 3523, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 867 |
rfaK | 81.8 | Rough | waaK; not similar to Salmonella rfaK; adds terminal GlcNac side branch to the lipopolysaccharide core prior to attachment of the O antigen | 33791 | 1698a, 2269, 2271, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128 |
rfaL | 81.8 | Rough | LPS core biosynthesis; O-antigen ligase | 28438 | 2269, 2271, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 1698a |
rfaP | 82.0 | Rough | LPS core biosynthesis; phosphorylation of core | 298 | 280, 3361, 3362, 3522, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128 |
rfaQ | 82.0 | Rough | Heptose region of LPS core | 33801 | 2268, 2271, 3361, 3362, 3435, 3522, 3523, 3726, 3920, 3921, 4128, 779 |
rfaS | 81.9 | Rough | LPS core, not affecting attachment of O antigen | 28949 | 172, 2268, 2270, 2271, 3523, 3726, 3920, 3921 |
rfaY | 81.9 | Rough | LPS core biosynthesis | 33828 | 2269, 3920, 3921, 4128 |
rfaZ | 81.8 | Rough | LPS core biosynthesis | 33824 | 2269, 2271, 3920, 3921 |
rfbA | 45.4 | Rough | som; TDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase | 297 | 2267, 2728, 4208, 4875 |
rfbB | 45.4 | Rough | som; TDP-glucose oxidoreductase-4,6 dehydratase | 296 | 2267, 2728, 4208, 4875 |
rfbC | 45.4 | Rough | rfbD; dTDP-4-deoxyrhamnose-3,5-epimerase | 38129 | 4875 |
rfbD | 45.5 | Rough | rfbC; TDP-rhamnose synthetase | 295 | 2267, 4208, 4875 |
rfbX | 45.4 | Rough | Hydrophobic protein, O-antigen | 37353 | 2267, 4875 |
rfc | 45.4 | Rough | O-antigen polymerase | 53474 | 2658, 4875 |
rfe | 85.5 | Rough | UDP-GlcNAc:undecaprenylphosphate GlcNAc-1-P transferase; common and O-antigen synthesis, tunicamycin sensitivity | 294 | 2866, 2867, 2868, 3268, 926 |
rffA | 85.6 | Rough | Lipid III biosynthesis in common antigen synthesis | 33935 | 241, 2867 |
rffC | 85.6 | Rough | Synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and chain elongation | 33938 | 241, 2867 |
rffD | 85.5 | Rough | Synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen; UDP-ManNAcA dehydrogenase | 293 | 2866, 2867, 2868, 3268 |
rffE | 85.5 | Rough | nfrC, wecB; synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen; UDP-GlcNAc-2-epimerase | 33925 | 2770, 2867, 2868, 926 |
rffG | 85.6 | Rough | rffE? dehydratase activity | 40941 | 2770, 926 |
rffH | 85.6 | Rough | Hypothetical protein in rffE operon | 52957 | 394 |
rffM | 85.7 | Rough | UDP-ManNAcA transferase | 33948 | 2867, 2868 |
rffT | 85.7 | Rough | Synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen; Fuc4NAc transferase | 33930 | 2867, 2868 |
rhaA | 88.2 | Rhamnose | l-Rhamnose isomerase (EC | 292 | 2999, 3465, 4421 |
rhaB | 88.2 | Rhamnose | Rhamnulokinase (EC | 291 | 3465, 4421 |
rhaD | 88.2 | Rhamnose | Rhamnulosephosphate aldolase D (EC | 289 | 3465, 4421 |
rhaR | 88.3 | Rhamnose | rhaC; positive regulatory gene | 290 | 3465, 4421, 4580 |
rhaS | 88.3 | Rhamnose | rhaC; positive regulatory gene | 17950 | 3465, 4421, 4580 |
rhaT | 88.3 | Rhamnose | Rhamnose permease; l-rhamnose-H+ symporter, membrane protein | 34185 | 1362, 211, 4358, 4359, 4580 |
rhlB | 85.4 | RNA helicase like | Same as mmrA? protein with RNA helicase-like motif | 36971 | 2099, 926 |
rhlE | 17.9 | RNA helicase like | DEAD-box protein family; ATP-dependent RNA helicase-like protein | 33907 | 3260 |
rho | 85.4 | Rho termination factor | nitA, nusD, psuA, rnsC, sun, tsu; transcription termination factor Rho | 288 | 1914, 2550, 257, 2717, 2807, 2969, 3436, 3663, 4229, 4240, 4388, 4524, 533, 58, 614, 926, 940 |
RhsA | 81.0 | Recombination hotspot | Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within chromosome | 17947 | 1232, 2557, 3790, 4596, 4950 |
RhsB | 78.0 | Recombination hotspot | Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within chromosome | 17944 | 2557, 3790, 4950 |
RhsC | 15.7 | Recombination hotspot | Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within chromosome | 17941 | 3790, 4950 |
RhsD | 11.3 | Recombination hotspot | Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within chromosome | 17938 | 3790, 3791, 4950 |
RhsE | 32.9 | Recombination hotspot | Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within chromosome | 33720 | 3791, 4950 |
ribA | 28.8 | Riboflavin | Riboflavin biosynthesis; GTP-cyclohydrolase II (EC | 287 | 216, 217, 2288, 3670, 4387 |
ribB | 68.6 | Riboflavin | htrP; luxH-like; riboflavin biosynthesis; 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase | 286 | 216, 217, 3594, 3672, 4387 |
ribC | 37.5 | Riboflavin | Riboflavin synthase α chain; see ribE | 11923 | 1110, 217, 4387 |
ribD | 9.3 | Riboflavin | ribG; riboflavin biosynthese; a deaminase | 35685 | 3671, 4361 |
ribE | 9.3 | Riboflavin | ribH; riboflavin synthase β chain; see ribC | 35688 | 4361 |
ribF | 0.5 | Riboflavin | Flavokinase and FAD synthetase | 35833 | 185, E |
ridA | 73.1 | Rifampin dependence | Rifampin resistance and dependence | 285 | 898 |
ridB | 85.5 | Rifampin dependence | Transcription and translation; rifampin (rifamycin) sensitivity | 17935 | 895 |
rimB | 38.9 | Ribosomal modification | 50S ribosomal subunit maturation | 284 | 546 |
rimC | 26.2 | Ribosomal modification | 50S ribosomal subunit maturation | 283 | 546 |
rimD | 87.7 | Ribosomal modification | 50S ribosomal subunit maturation | 282 | 546 |
rimE | 74.1 | Ribosomal modification | Ribosomal protein modification | 281 | 2865 |
rimF? | 0.8 | Ribosomal modification | res; ribosomal modification; may be same as rimG | 280 | 1379 |
rimG | 0.7 | Ribosomal modification | ramB; modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S4; probably same as rimF (res) in E. coli B | 279 | 1379, 4961 |
rimH | 13.6 | Ribosomal modification | stsB; ribosomal modification | 278 | |
rimI | 99.3 | Ribosomal modification | Modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S18; acetylation of N-terminal alanine | 277 | 1939, 4895 |
rimJ | 24.2 | Ribosomal modification | tcp; modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S5; acetylation of N-terminal alanine | 276 | 1988, 4728, 4729, 4895 |
rimK | 19.2 | Ribosomal modification | nek; modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S6 by addition of glutamic acid residues | 31682 | 122, 1860, 2123 |
rimL | 32.3 | Ribosomal modification | Modification of 50S ribosomal subunit protein L7/L12; acetylation of N-terminal serine | 275 | 1940, 4348 |
rimM | 59.1 | Ribosomal modification | yfjA; 21-kDa protein essential for 16S RNA processing | 51908 | 589, 590 |
rit | 89.2 | Ribosomal thermolability | Affects thermolability of 50S ribosomal subunit | 274 | 3298 |
rlpA | 14.3 | Rare lipoprotein | Minor lipoprotein | 17932 | 4332 |
rlpB | 14.5 | Rare lipoprotein | Minor lipoprotein | 17929 | 4332 |
rluA | 1.3 | rRNA, large, uridine modification | Dual specificity pseudouridine synthase for 23S rRNA and tRNAphe | 36966 | 1578, 2106, 4787 |
rluC | 24.66b | Pseudouridine synthase | Responsible for pseudouridine at three positions in 23S RNA (not on map, Fig. 1) | 57124 | 827a |
rluD | 48.9 | Suppressor ftsH | sfhB; suppresses ftsH(ts) mutants; 23S rRNA pseudouridine synthase (pseudouridines at position 1911, 1915, and 1917) | 53497 | 3079, 689a |
rmf | 21.9 | Ribosome modulation factor | Associated with the 100S dimers of 70S ribosomes observed in stationary phase cells | 31760 | 4622, 4624, 4832 |
rna | 13.9 | RNase A | rnsA; cleaves phosphodiester bond between two nucleotides; RNase I | 273 | 2858 |
rnb | 29.0 | RNase B | RNase II; mRNA degradation | 272 | 1069, 4958, 4959, 4960 |
rnc | 58.2 | RNase C | RNase III; cleaves double-stranded RNA | 271 | 1910, 2753, 2810, 3134, 4679, 708, 4339 |
rnd | 40.6 | RNase D | Rnase D; processes tRNA precursors | 270 | 1336, 4919, 4939, 4938 |
rne | 24.6 | RNase E | ams; RNase E; enzyme complex for RNA processing, mRNA turnover and 5S RNA maturation | 269 | 183, 1840, 1983, 2663, 2702, 2843, 2876, 2958, 3031, 3299, 3622, 4354, 621, 648, 673, 691, 774, 833 |
rnhA | 5.1 | RNase H | cer, dasF, herA, rnh, sdrA, sin; degrades RNA of DNA-RNA hybrids; replication; RNase HI; participates in DNA replication | 268 | 127, 1793, 1804, 2113, 2286, 2287, 2553, 2730, 3092, 3209, 3244, 4442, 633, 634, 636, 855 |
rnhB | 4.4 | RNase H | Degrades RNA of DNA-RNA hybrids; RNase HII (EC | 30604 | 1944 |
rnk | 13.9 | Regulator nucleoside-diP kinase | Regulator of nucleoside diphosphate kinase; suppresses Pseudomonas algR2 | 36984 | 3911, 3985 |
rnpA | 83.7 | RNase P | tRNA, 4.5S RNA-processing; RNase P, protein component | 267 | 1632, 2074, 2293, 3328 |
rnpB | 70.4 | RNase P | RNase P, RNA component | 266 | 1064, 123, 2293, 2311, 2663, 3019, 3634, 3635, 3811 |
rnr | 94.3 | RNase R | vacB; homology with Shigella virulence gene vacB; exoribonuclease R | 34417 | 569, 719a, 4417a |
rnt | 37.2 | RNase T | Degrades tRNA; RNase T (EC 3.1.13–) | 32271 | 1843, 3331, 3656, 649 |
rob | 99.8 | Right oriC binding | oriC-binding protein, binds to right border of oriC | 34661 | 131, 2093, 4086 |
rorB | 85.1 | Roentgen resistance | Sensitivity to ionizing radiation, mitomycin C | 36611 | 991, 992 |
rpe | 75.7 | Ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase | d-Ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase, in dam operon | 53572 | 2681 |
rph | 82.2 | RNase PH | RNase PH | 33892 | 2009, 2011, 2192, 3309, 94 |
rpiA | 65.9 | Ribose-P isomerase | Ribose phosphate isomerase (constitutive) (EC | 264 | 1822 |
rpiB | 92.9 | Ribose-P isomerase | Allose-6-P isomerase; ribose P isomerase? | 50228 | 2223, 4138 |
rpiR | 92.9 | Ribose-P isomerase | alsR; repressor for als operon and rpiB | 50233 | 2223, 4138 |
rplA | 90.0 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1 | 263 | 1083, 1855, 2567, 2577, 2688, 3499, 3605, 537, 89 |
rplB | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2 | 262 | 4969 |
rplC | 74.4 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3 | 261 | 4969 |
rplD | 74.4 | Ribosomal protein, large | eryA; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L4; erythromycin sensitivity | 260 | 2538, 2559, 4293, 4762, 4927, 4969, 736 |
rplE | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L5 | 259 | 666 |
rplF | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L6; gentamicin sensitivity | 258 | 554, 666 |
rplI | 95.4 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L9 | 257 | 15, 1938, 3928 |
rplJ | 90.0 | Ribosomal protein, large | strA; streptomycin resistance; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L10 | 256 | 1083, 1238, 1788, 1855, 243, 244, 2567, 2577, 2688, 3165, 3499, 3605, 4210, 4377, 537, 783, 89 |
rplK | 90.0 | Ribosomal protein, large | relC; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L11; kasugamycin sensitivity | 255 | 1083, 1855, 2567, 2577, 3065, 3165, 3499, 3605, 4210, 4377, 537, 89, 891, 918, 4398 |
rplL | 90.1 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L7/L12 | 254 | 1083, 1788, 1855, 243, 244, 2567, 2577, 2688, 3165, 3605, 4210, 537, 89 |
rplM | 72.8 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L13 | 253 | 1941, 894 |
rplN | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L14 | 252 | 666 |
rplO | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L15 | 251 | 1945, 666 |
rplP | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L16 | 250 | 4969 |
rplQ | 74.1 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L17 | 249 | 275, 2865, 3496, 666 |
rplR | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L18 | 248 | 666 |
rplS | 59.1 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L19 | 247 | 3407, 597 |
rplT | 38.7 | Ribosomal protein, large | pdzA; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L20 | 17608 | 1213 |
rplU | 71.8 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L21 | 246 | 2013, 2246 |
rplV | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | eryB; erythromycin sensitivity; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L22 | 245 | 4762, 4969, 736 |
rplW | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L23 | 244 | 4969 |
rplX | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L24 | 243 | 666, 896 |
rplY | 49.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L25 | 242 | |
rpmA | 71.8 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L27 | 241 | 2246 |
rpmB | 82.1 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L28 | 240 | 1936, 2466, 2716, 4154 |
rpmC | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L29 | 239 | 4969 |
rpmD | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L30 | 238 | 666 |
rpmE | 88.9 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L31 | 237 | 893 |
rpmF | 24.7 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L32 | 17605 | 1988 |
rpmG | 82.1 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L33 | 236 | 1936, 2466, 2716, 4154 |
rpmH | 83.7 | Ribosomal protein, large | rimA, ssaF; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L34 | 235 | 1631, 3285, 4611, 546 |
rpmI | 38.8 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein A (L35) | 17602 | 4623 |
rpmJ | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, large | 50S ribosomal subunit protein X (L36) | 17599 | 4623, 666 |
rpoA | 74.1 | RNA polymerase | phs, sez; phage P2 vir1 resistance; RNA polymerase, α-subunit (EC | 234 | 1426, 2236, 275, 2865, 3318, 3496, 3497, 3754, 3755, 4292, 666 |
rpoB | 90.1 | RNA polymerase | ftsR, groN, mbrD, nitB, rif, ron, stl, stv, tabD, sdgB; streptovar., rif., streptolyd. sensitivity; RNA polymerase, β-subunit (EC | 233 | 174, 1013, 1083, 1108, 1190, 1406, 1418, 173, 1788, 1855, 2020, 2092, 2286, 243, 244, 2463, 2567, 2577, 2688, 3165, 3316, 3499, 3605, 3698, 3756, 3906, 4210, 4211, 4523, 4588, 4912, 537, 89 |
rpoC | 90.2 | RNA polymerase | tabD; RNA polymerase, β-subunit (EC | 232 | 1083, 1108, 1788, 2020, 2092, 243, 244, 2567, 2577, 2688, 3165, 3315, 3316, 3605, 4175, 4210, 537, 89 |
rpoD | 69.2 | RNA polymerase | alt; most exponential phase transcription; RNA polymerase, ς-subunit, ς70 (EC | 231 | 1367, 1531, 2230, 2542, 2671, 2673, 3113, 3114, 4053, 4070, 4376, 565, 579, 580 |
rpoE | 58.4 | RNA polymerase | RNA polymerase ςE-subunit, high-temperature transcription (heat shock and oxidative stress) | 36181 | 1767, 3592 |
rpoH | 77.5 | RNA polymerase | fam, hin, htpR; heat-shock transcription RNA polymerase ς32-subunit (EC | 618 | 1532, 1533, 2120, 2407, 3145, 4418, 4484, 4913, 612 |
rpoN | 72.0 | RNA polymerase | glnF, ntrA; RNA polymerase ς60-subunit, transcription of N-source-controlled genes | 17926 | 1770, 1864, 1904, 2904, 3517, 656, 657 |
rpoS | 61.7 | RNA polymerase | abrD, dpeB, katF, nur, appR; ςS; RNA polymerase ς, stationary phase | 18208 | 1226, 1402, 1925, 2049, 2077, 2411, 2610, 2749, 3044, 3045, 3806, 3825, 3899, 4448, 4488, 4591, 4603, 4447, 3697, 2413a |
rpoZ | 82.3 | RNA polymerase | spoS; RNA polymerase, ω subunit | 28445 | 1400, 2597 |
rpsA | 20.7 | Ribosomal protein, small | ssyF; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1 | 230 | 1099, 2247, 2248, 3390, 3926, 3927, 4027, 746 |
rpsB | 4.1 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S2 | 229 | 2428, 296, 3133, 418, 88 |
rpsC | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S3 | 228 | 4969 |
rpsD | 74.1 | Ribosomal protein, small | ramA, sud2; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S4 | 227 | 1662, 275, 3496, 3497, 666 |
rpsE | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, small | eps, spc, spcA; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S5 | 226 | 1662, 2975, 666, 956 |
rpsF | 95.3 | Ribosomal protein, small | sdgH; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S6 | 225 | 1937, 3928 |
rpsG | 74.8 | Ribosomal protein, small | K12; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S7 | 224 | 3498 |
rpsH | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S8 | 223 | 666, 4784 |
rpsI | 72.8 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S9 | 17596 | 1941, 897 |
rpsJ | 74.4 | Ribosomal protein, small | nusE; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S10 | 222 | 1012, 2559, 4927, 851 |
rpsK | 74.1 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S11 | 221 | 275, 3496, 666 |
rpsL | 74.8 | Ribosomal protein, small | asuB; strA; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S12 | 220 | 489, 3498 |
rpsM | 74.1 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S13 | 219 | 1212, 275, 3496, 666 |
rpsN | 74.2 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S14 | 218 | 666 |
rpsO | 71.3 | Ribosomal protein, small | secC; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S15 | 217 | 1126, 1182, 1231, 2246, 2457, 3459, 3492, 3494, 3638, 3850, 4333, 4334 |
rpsP | 59.1 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S16 | 216 | 1935, 3235, 3407, 599 |
rpsQ | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, small | neaA; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S17 | 215 | 4969, 630 |
rpsR | 95.3 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S18 | 214 | 1938, 3928, 891 |
rpsS | 74.3 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S19 | 213 | 1935, 4969 |
rpsT | 0.4 | Ribosomal protein, small | sups20; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S20 | 212 | 2700, 2701, 4830 |
rpsU | 69.2 | Ribosomal protein, small | 30S ribosomal subunit protein S21 | 211 | 2671, 2673, 3148, 579, 892 |
rrfA | 87.0 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnA operon | 210 | 1146, 4044, 439 |
rrfB | 89.9 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnB operon | 209 | 4044, 522, 523 |
rrfC | 85.0 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnC operon | 208 | 4044, 4904 |
rrfD | 73.7 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnD operon | 207 | 1096, 4044 |
rrfE | 90.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnE operon | 206 | 1146, 2543, 4044, 439 |
rrfF | 73.7 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | rrfDβ, rrvD; 5S rRNA of rrnD operon | 33643 | 394 |
rrfG | 58.7 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnG operon | 205 | 1146, 4044 |
rrfH | 4.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 5S | 5S rRNA of rrnH operon | 204 | 1146 |
rrlA | 87.0 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnA operon | 203 | 1146, 1502, 3236, 4383, 439, 915, 926 |
rrlB | 89.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnB operon | 202 | 1502, 3063, 3236, 3785, 4383, 522, 523, 524, 915 |
rrlC | 85.0 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnC operon | 201 | 1502, 3236, 4383, 915 |
rrlD | 73.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnD operon | 200 | 1096, 1502, 3236, 4383, 915 |
rrlE | 90.7 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnE operon | 199 | 1146, 1502, 2543, 3236, 4383, 439, 915 |
rrlG | 58.7 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnG operon | 198 | 1146, 1502, 3236, 4383, 915 |
rrlH | 4.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 23S | 23S rRNA of rrnH operon | 197 | 1146, 1502, 3236, 4383, 4384, 915 |
rrmA | 41.1 | Ribosomal RNA modification | 23S rRNA m1G745 methyltransferase; mutant has slow growth rate, slow chain elongation rate, and viomycin resistance | 56816 | 1576 |
rrnA | 96.9 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | See Fig. 1 | 23593 | |
rrnB | 89.8 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | cqsE, rrnB1; see Fig. 1 | 195 | 1661, 248 |
rrnC | 84.9 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | cqsB; see Fig. 1 | 19503 | 2056 |
rrnD | 73.7 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | cqsD; see Fig. 1 | 193 | 1752 |
rrnE | 90.7 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | rrnD1; see Fig. 1 | 192 | 1752, 2543 |
rrnG | 58.7 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | See Fig. 1 | 10891 | 1661, 53 |
rrnH | 4.8 | Ribosomal RNA (operon) | See Fig. 1 | 190 | |
rrsA | 86.9 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnA operon | 189 | 4458, 926 |
rrsB | 89.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnB operon | 188 | 3063, 318, 3341, 3535, 440, 4458, 522, 523, 879 |
rrsC | 84.9 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnC operon | 187 | 4458 |
rrsD | 73.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnD operon | 186 | 4458 |
rrsE | 90.7 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnE operon | 185 | 2543, 4458 |
rrsG | 58.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnG operon | 184 | 1146, 4015, 4458 |
rrsH | 4.8 | Ribosomal RNA, 16S | 16S RNA of rrnH operon | 183 | 1146, 4058, 4458 |
rsd | 94.4 | Regulation of ςD | Stationary phase protein, binds major ς-subunit | 54664 | 2023 |
rseA | 58.3 | Regulation of ςE | mclA; membrane protein, negative regulator of ςE | 37241 | 2965, 977 |
rseB | 58.3 | Regulation of ςE | Binds rseA, negative regulation of ςE | 37244 | 2965, 977 |
rseC | 58.3 | Regulation of ςE | Deletion does not affect ςE activity | 37247 | 2965, 977 |
rspA | 35.5 | Repressor of ςS production | Prevents homoserine lactone-induced synthesis of ςS, starvation induced | 36959 | 1856 |
rspB | 35.5 | Repressor of ςS production | Function unknown, transcribed with rspA, starvation induced | 36962 | 1856 |
rssA | 27.8 | Regulation of ςS | Two-component response regulator, affecting ςS-dependent proteins | 37468 | 1718 |
rssB | 27.8 | Regulation of ςS | mviA, spreE, two-component response regulator, affecting ςS-dependent proteins | 37471 | 1718, 3034, 3532, 4952 |
rsuA | 49.1 | rRNA, small pseudouridine | 16S RNA pseudouridine 516 synthase | 36034 | 4786 |
rtcA | 76.6 | RNA terminal phosphate cyclase | Cyclase activity similar to human enzyme; RNA 3′-terminal phosphate cyclase | 56879 | 1399a |
rtcB | 76.6 | RNA terminal phosphate cyclase | 56882 | 1399a | |
rtcR | 76.6 | RNA terminal phosphate cyclase | 56885 | 1399a | |
rtn | 48.9 | Resistance to N4 | Probable membrane protein; resistance to phages lambda and N4 | 54796 | 1605 |
rus | 12.3 | ruv suppressor | Resolvase; resolves Holliday structures | 32471 | 2722, 2745, 4003 |
ruvA | 41.9 | Repair UV? | lexA regulon; Holliday junction recognition | 17923 | 1281, 13, 163, 1966, 305, 306, 3373, 4049, 4478, 4479, 4712 |
ruvB | 41.9 | Repair UV? | lexA regulon; branch migration of Holliday structures | 17920 | 1281, 13, 305, 306, 3373, 4712 |
ruvC | 41.9 | Repair UV? | Not SOS regulated; resolves Holliday structures; RuvC endonuclease | 32474 | 1101, 151, 1965, 2593, 299, 307, 3999, 4001, 4002, 4328, 4364, 4712, 4713, 4714, 824 |
sad | 34.3 | Succinate-semialdehyde deHase | Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, NAD dependent (EC | 180 | 2759, 4088 |
sanA | 48.1 | Sensitivity vancomycin | Amplification abolishes vancomycin-sensitive permeability defects of mutants | 50224 | 3673 |
sapA | 29.2 | Sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides | Peptide transport system periplasmic protein | 51886 | 3371, 322a, 4792a |
sapB | 29.2 | Sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides | Peptide transport system permease | 51883 | 322a, 4792a |
sapC | 29.1 | Sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides | Peptide transport system permease | 51880 | I, H |
sapD | 29.1 | Sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides | trkE; affects potassium transport; peptide transport system ATP-binding protein | 35326 | 1161, 3371, 3372, 3914 |
sapF | 29.1 | Sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides | Peptide transport system ATP-binding protein | 35323 | 3372 |
sbaA | 96.5 | Serine, branched-chain amino acids | Regulation of serine and branched-chain amino acid metabolism | 179 | 919 |
sbcB | 44.9 | Suppression of recBC | xonA; suppresses recB recC mutations; exonuclease I | 178 | 3156, 3417, 3418, 3529, 3845, 4291, 4834 |
sbcC | 8.9 | Suppression of recBC | Cosuppressor with sbcB of recB recC mutations | 17917 | 2451, 2594, 2595, 3128, 4834, 676, 823 |
sbcD | 8.9 | Suppression of recBC | Cosuppressor with sbcB of recB recC mutations | 30972 | 1423, 2451, 823 |
sbmA | 8.5 | Sensitivity B17 microcin | Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (mcm) | 17914 | 2435 |
sbmC | 44.8 | Sensitivity B17 microcin | gyrI; DNA gyrase inhibitor; in high copy protects cells from replication inhibitor MccB17; SOS induced; blocks MccB17 export | 50396 | 222, 3114a |
sbp | 88.5 | Sulfate binding protein | Periplasmic sulfate-binding protein | 17911 | 1710 |
sdaA | 40.8 | Serine deaminase | l-Serine deaminase | 32312 | 3987, 4258, 4260 |
sdaB | 63.1 | Serine deaminase | l-Serine deaminase, l-SD2 | 33324 | 3988, 4259 |
sdaC | 63.1 | Serine deaminase | dcrA; regulator of l-SD2; putative serine transporter | 33329 | 2546, 3988, 4259 |
sdhA | 16.3 | Succinate dehydrogenase | Succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit (EC | 17908 | 4741, 4773, 615, 866, 934, 3354 |
sdhB | 16.3 | Succinate dehydrogenase | Succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur protein | 17905 | 4741, 4773, 615, 934, 3354 |
sdhC | 16.3 | Succinate dehydrogenase | cybA; succinate dehydrogenase membrane anchor subunit, cytochrome b556 (EC | 17902 | 3052, 3053, 615, 3354 |
sdhD | 16.3 | Succinate dehydrogenase | Succinate dehydrogenase hydrophobic subunit (EC | 17899 | 4741, 4773, 615, 3354 |
sdiA | 43.0 | Suppress division inhibitors | Suppresses inhibitory effect of the MinC/MinD division inhibitor, positive regulator ftsQAZ | 30919 | 1361, 4659 |
sds | 30.4 | Suppresses disulfide bond | Motility defects | 4792a | |
secA | 2.3 | Secretory | azi, pea, prlD; translocation ATPase for protein export | 176 | 1079, 1241, 1279, 2329, 3286, 3287, 3358, 349, 3818, 3919, 598, 751, 921 |
secB | 81.5 | Secretory | Protein export; chaperone SecB | 17896 | 1293, 2227, 2234, 2361, 2362, 2363, 2454, 260, 3519, 3919, 4675, 4676 |
secD | 9.2 | Secretory | Membrane component of protein export complex | 17893 | 1366, 2329, 2651, 3469, 921 |
secE | 90.0 | Secretory | prlG; inner membrane protein involved in protein secretion (with SecY) | 34108 | 1079, 1080, 1084, 1267, 181, 2035, 2814, 3067, 3068, 3200, 3468, 3470, 349, 350, 3553, 36, 3675, 3893, 3894, 395, 4182, 4264, 4362, 540, 921, 2329 |
secF | 9.2 | Secretory | Membrane protein with protein secretion function | 29893 | 1198, 1365, 2329, 2651, 2817, 3467, 3469, 3794, 4264, 921 |
secG | 71.6 | Secretory | prlH; p12 cytoplasmic membrane protein involved with protein export | 33484 | 1079, 1622, 3199, 3201, 450, 451, 4733 |
secY | 74.2 | Secretory | prlA; multispanning membrane protein, translocator of proteins (with SecE) | 18037 | 1079, 1153, 1267, 1293, 180, 1945, 1947, 3218, 3292, 3307, 3470, 349, 350, 3553, 40, 4028, 4037, 4048, 42, 43, 46, 4868, 666, 921, 1949, 2329 |
selA | 81.0 | Selenium | fdhA (formate dehydrogenase activity); with SelD, converts serine residue to selenocysteine on tRNA | 785 | 1276, 2480, 3887 |
selB | 81.0 | Selenium | fdhA; novel elongation factor promoting selenocysteine incorporation (specific for selenocysteyl tRNA) | 17890 | 1274, 2480, 345, 3887 |
selC | 82.6 | Selenium | fdhC; selenocysteyl tRNAUCA (converted from serine tRNA) | 17887 | 2313, 237, 2478, 2480, 3887 |
selD | 39.8 | Selenium | Selenophosphate synthase; reduced selenium donor for selenocysteic tRNA and protein | 32292 | 1125, 1275, 2226, 2479, 3887, 4184 |
semA | 40.5 | Sensitivity to microcin | Sensitivity to microcin E492 | 17884 | 3552 |
seqA | 15.4 | Sequestration | hobH; DNA biosynthesis; negative modulator of replication initiation | 31506 | 208, 2646, 4096, 4608, 471 |
serA | 65.9 | Serine | Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC | 173 | 3239, 4420, 4444, 4949, 73 |
serB | 99.6 | Serine | Phosphoserine phosphatase (EC | 172 | 3705 |
serC | 20.6 | Serine | pdxC, pdxF; phosphoserine aminotransferase (EC | 171 | 1019, 1020, 1099, 1370, 3161, 4034a |
serR | 2.3 | Serine | Regulates level of seryl-tRNA synthetase | 4392 | |
serS | 20.2 | Serine | Serine hydroxamate resistance; seryl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 169 | 1659, 4444 |
serT | 22.2 | Serine | divE; serine tRNA1 | 168 | 2313, 34, 4345 |
serU | 44.0 | Serine | su1, Su-1, ftsM, supD, supH (amber suppressor); serine tRNA2 | 167 | 2313, 2455, 3324, 4197, 4407, 1122a |
serV | 60.7 | Serine | supD (ochre suppressor); serine tRNA3 | 166 | 2313, 1122a |
serW | 19.9 | Serine | serWα; serWX duplicate genes; serine tRNA5 | 17881 | 2313, 3849, 1122a |
serX | 23.6 | Serine | serWβ; serWX duplicate genes; serine tRNA5 | 17878 | 2313, 1122a |
sfa | 22.7 | Suppressor of fabA | Suppresses fabA6 | 46624 | 3696 |
sfcA | 33.5 | sbc fusion C-terminal | Probably maeA, malic enzyme, NAD linked (EC | 32176 | 2719 |
sfiC | 25.8 | Septum formation inhibition | Element of e14, inhibitor of cell division | 17875 | 1858, 1978, 2715, 933 |
sfsA | 3.5 | Sugar fermentation stimulation | sfs1; regulatory for maltose metabolism; overexpression increases amylomaltase | 30524 | 2176 |
sfsB | 71.8 | Sugar fermentation stimulation | nlp, sfs7; Ner-like regulatory protein | 35693 | 175, 2176, 744 |
shiA | 44.1 | Shikimate | Shikimate and dehydroshikimate permease | 163 | 1185 |
sipC | 82.6 | Suppressor of increased permeability | Mutations reverse the susceptibility to vancomycin and other hydrophobic antibiotics caused by TraT plasmid gene | 51306 | 3563 |
sipD | 82.7 | Suppressor of increased permeability | Same phenotype as that produced by sipC | 36869 | 3563 |
sir | 61.2 | SOS-independent repair | SOS-independent repair of mitomycin C-induced DNA damage | 36505 | 2366 |
sixA | 52.9 | Phosphohistidine phosphatase affecting His-Asp phosphorelay of ArcB, etc. | 54917 | 3248 | |
sloB | 75.0 | Slow growth | Tolerance for amidinopenicillin and nalidixic acid; slow growth rate | 162 | 4716 |
slp | 78.7 | Stationary-phase lipoprotein | C starvation and stationary phase inducible; outer membrane lipoprotein | 33726 | 3971, 63 |
slr | 14.7 | Selenolipoic acid resistant | Suppresses lipoate requirement of lipA; functions in lipoic acid synthesis | 36705 | 3633 |
slt | 99.8 | Soluble lytic transglycosylase | Lytic transglycosylase, major autolysin | 34819 | 1155, 332 |
slyD | 74.9 | Sensitivity to lysis | FK-506-BP-like lysis protein for φX174; metal ion-regulated peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerase, filamentation if overexpressed | 35441 | 1809, 1814, 3730, 3731, 4804 |
slyX | 74.9 | Sensitivity to lysis | Required for φX174 lysis | 54726 | 3731 |
smp | 99.6 | Serine B-contraposed membrane protein | Transcribed divergently from serB, overlapping promoter; membrane protein | 34649 | 3162, 3163 |
smtA | 21.0 | SAM-dependent methyltransferase | Putative methyltransferase, SAM-dependent | 50317 | 4844 |
sodA | 88.3 | SOD | Member of SoxRS regulon; superoxide dismutase, Mn | 17593 | 1217, 301, 3178, 3540, 3541, 4338, 4445, 638, 819, 4355 |
sodB | 37.4 | SOD | Superoxide dismutase, Fe | 15256 | 1217, 1529, 2204, 301, 3155, 3178, 3904, 638, 639 |
sodC | 37.1 | SOD | Superoxide dismutase, Cu, Zn | 50310 | 1908, 302, 303 |
sohA | 70.6 | Suppressor of htr | prlF; suppressor of htrA; putative protease | 35411 | 204, 2212, 4123 |
sohB | 28.6 | Suppressor of htr | Suppressor of hyr; homology with inner membrane protease IV, which digests cleaved signal peptides | 31951 | 203 |
solA | 24.1 | Sarcosine oxidase-like | Homology with sarcosine oxidases, but stronger activity with methyltryptophan than with sarcosine | 50669 | 2332 |
soxR | 92.2 | Superoxide | Regulatory protein of soxRS regulon; induces nine-protein sox regulon when superoxide levels increase | 27798 | 1384, 1748, 3223, 3224, 4480, 4793, 78 |
soxS | 92.1 | Superoxide | Regulatory protein of soxRS regulon; induces nine-protein sox regulon when superoxide levels increase | 27801 | 1211, 1985, 2539, 3223, 3224, 4793, 4794, 78 |
speA | 66.4 | Spermidine | Biosynthetic decarboxylase (EC | 161 | 2996, 3877, 472 |
speB | 66.4 | Spermidine | Agmatinase (EC | 160 | 3877, 472, 4318 |
speC | 66.9 | Spermidine | Ornithine decarboxylase (EC | 159 | 3877, 472 |
speD | 2.9 | Spermidine | S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC | 158 | 4323, 4324 |
speE | 2.9 | Spermidine | Spermidine synthase | 17590 | 4323, 4324 |
speF | 15.5 | Spermidine | Ornthine decarboxylase, inducible (EC | 31559 | 2149, 2153 |
speG | 35.7 | Spermidine | Spermidine acetyltransferase | 53446 | 1334 |
spf | 87.2 | Spot 42 | Spot 42 RNA | 157 | 2067, 3473, 3661 |
spoT | 82.3 | Spot (magic spot) | Guanosine 5′-diphosphate, 3′-diphosphate pyrophosphatase, ppGpp synthetase II activity | 156 | 2913, 3070, 3868, 3869, 4807a |
sppA | 39.8 | Signal peptide peptidase | Protease IV; signal peptide peptidase | 13763 | 1877, 4308 |
spr | 48.9 | Suppressor of prc | Suppresses thermosensitivity of prc mutants at low osmolality; in turn suppressed by multicopy expression of PBP 7 | 54675 | 1641 |
srlA | 60.9 | Sorbitol | gutA, sbl; d-glucitol-specific enzyme II of phosphotransferase system | 155 | 3644, 437, 4749, 4822, 4823 |
srlB | 60.9 | Sorbitol | gutB, sbl; d-glucitol (sorbitol)-specific enzyme III of the phosphotransferase system | 11886 | 4822, 4823 |
srlD | 60.9 | Sorbitol | gutD, sbl; sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC | 153 | 4749, 4822, 4823 |
srlE | 60.9 | Sorbitol | gutE; protein encoded by reading frame adjacent to srlA | 56893 | 3644a |
slrR | 60.9 | Sorbitol | gutR; regulatory gene for srl | 152 | 4749 |
srmB | 58.4 | Suppressor ribosomal mutant | rbaB, rhlA; ATP-dependent RNA helicase | 32859 | 3191 |
srnA | 9.4 | Stable RNA | Degradation of stable RNA | 151 | 3263 |
ssaE | 52.5 | Suppression secA | Suppresses secA mutations | 17869 | 3285 |
ssaG | 41.8 | Suppression secA | Suppresses secA mutations | 17866 | 3285 |
ssaH | 94.1 | Suppression secA | Suppresses secA mutations | 17863 | 3285 |
ssb | 92.1 | Single-strand binding | exrB, lexC; single-strand DNA-binding protein; member of lex regulon | 150 | 1435, 2237, 2393, 2916, 3568, 3835, 3837, 3917 |
sseA | 57.1 | Sensitivity to serine | Enhances serine sensitivity (inhibits homoserine deHase) on lactate; rhodanese-like protein | 33023 | 1617 |
sseB | 57.2 | Sensitivity to serine | Enhances serine sensitivity (inhibits homoserine deHase) on lactate; weaker than sseA | 33026 | 1617 |
sspA | 72.7 | Stringent starvation protein | pog; stress response protein | 17860 | 1333, 1335, 3979, 3985, 4742 |
sspB | 72.7 | Stringent starvation protein | Stress response protein | 33594 | 4742 |
ssrA | 59.3 | Small stable RNA | sipB; 10Sa RNA (nonribosomal); role in modulating DNA-binding proteins | 35783 | 103, 1218, 2310, 2312, 3074, 3251, 3252, 3652, 3653, 692 |
ssrS | 65.8 | Small stable RNA | 6S RNA | 17857 | 1833, 2459 |
ssyA | 57.1 | Suppression of secY | Suppressor of secY mutation | 17854 | 4026 |
ssyD | 3.0 | Suppression of secY | Suppressor of secY mutation | 17848 | 4027 |
stfZ | 2.3 | fts in reverse | Antisense RNA blocks ftsZ mRNA translation, inhibits cell division | 36124 | 1032 |
stkA | 77.5 | Suppressor of transposase killing | Suppresses cell aberrations and death caused by Tn5 transposase overexpression | 36083 | 4699 |
stkB | 86.1 | Suppressor of transposase killing | Suppresses cell aberrations and death caused by Tn5 transposase overexpression | 36093 | 4699 |
stkC | 98.5 | Suppressor of transposase killing | Suppresses cell aberrations and death caused by Tn5 transposase overexpression | 36087 | 4699 |
stkD | 28.6 | Suppressor of transposase killing | Suppresses cell aberrations and death caused by Tn5 transposase overexpression | 36090 | 4699 |
stpA | 60.3 | Suppressor of td mutant | hnsB; hns-like protein, suppresses T4 td mutant | 34492 | 1300, 4024, 4133, 4933–4935 |
strC | 7.0 | Streptomycin | strB; low-level streptomycin resistance; modifies ribosome structure | 149 | 3688 |
strM | 78.3 | Streptomycin | asuF?; control of ribosomal ambiguity | 148 | 4272 |
stsA | 84.7 | Altered RNase activity | 147 | 2493 | |
sucA | 16.3 | Succinate | lys, met; α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (decarboxylase component) | 146 | 3355, 4149, 4741, 4773, 553, 934, 935 |
sucB | 16.4 | Succinate | lys, met; dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase component of α-ketoglutarate deHase (EC | 145 | 4149, 4150, 4151, 553 |
sucC | 16.4 | Succinate | Succinyl-CoA synthetase β-subunit | 17845 | 4150, 4151, 552, 553 |
sucD | 16.5 | Succinate | Succinyl-CoA synthetase α-subunit | 17842 | 552, 553 |
sufI | 68.1 | Suppressor of ftsI | sui; suppressor of ftsI | 33437 | 2164 |
sugE | 94.3 | Suppressor of gro | Suppresses groL mutation and mimics effects of gro overexpression | 34460 | 1512 |
suhA | 78.4 | Suppressor heat-shock proteins | Induction of heat shock genes | 17839 | 4419 |
suhB | 57.4 | Suppressor heat-shock proteins | Inositol monophosphate (EC | 32968 | 1910, 1911, 2804, 4870, 675 |
sulA | 22.0 | Suppressor of lon | sfiA; inhibits cell division and ftsZ ring formation | 144 | 1391, 1857, 1978, 2027, 2984, 794 |
sup | Suppressor | Various suppressor tRNAs, see Table 2 | |||
supQ | 12.5 | Suppressor | Uncharacterized suppressor | 129 | 3780 |
surA | 1.2 | Survival | Affects stationary-phase survival | 30326 | 2446, 2964, 3752, 4440 |
surE | 61.8 | Survival | ygbC; required for stationary-phase survival | 33215 | 2523 |
syd | 63.0 | secY-d1 suppression | Interacts with secY | 36980 | 4036 |
tabC | 86.3 | T4 abortion | Mutants fail to support growth of T4 | 125 | 4329 |
tag | 80.0 | 3-Methyl adenine glycosylase | 3-Methyladenine DNA glycosylase I, constitutive | 124 | 1184, 2144, 365, 3816, 3957, 4201, 773 |
talA | 55.5 | Transaldolase | Transaldolase A | 54690 | 4164 |
talB | 0.2 | Transaldolase | Transaldolase B | 36818 | 4165 |
tanA | 41.6 | Trehalose, anaerobic | Anaerobic growth on trehalose | 37222 | 2799 |
tanB | 68.1 | Trehalose, anaerobic | Anaerobic growth on trehalose | 37910 | 2799 |
tap | 42.4 | Taxis protein | Flagellar regulon; chemotactic membrane receptor for aspartate; methyl-accepting protein IV; peptide receptor | 123 | 2342, 2951, 4101, 4102, 4651, 468 |
tar | 42.4 | Taxis, aspartate and repellents | cheM; chemotactic signal transducer protein II, methyl accepting; aspartate chemoreceptor | 122 | 2206, 2342, 4101, 4102, 4650, 4651, 468 |
tas | 64 | Tyrosine auxotrophy suppressor | Suppresses tyrosine requirement of tyrA14 O6 strain | 57111 | 4416a |
tauA | 8.3 | Taurine | Uptake of taurine (probable S source) | 51775 | 4549, 4550 |
tauB | 8.3 | Taurine | Taurine transport | 51772 | 4549, 4550 |
tauC | 8.3 | Taurine | Taurine transport | 51769 | 4549, 4550 |
tauD | 8.3 | Taurine | Taurine dioxygenase | 51766 | 1131, 4549, 4550 |
tbpA | 1.6 | Thiamin binding protein | Periplasmic thiamin binding protein | 34691 | 1785 |
tdcA | 70.4 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | Transcriptional activator of tdc operon | 29702 | 1353, 1466, 1600, 3944, 3945, 689 |
tdcB | 70.3 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | tdc, mukA; threonine dehydratase (EC; LysR family of regulator proteins | 17587 | 1466, 1467, 1468, 3944, 3945, 950 |
tdcC | 70.3 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | l-Threonine l-serine permease, membrane associated, anaerobically inducible | 29709 | 1466, 3246, 3944, 3945 |
tdcD | 70.3 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | Propionate kinase, anaerobic | 54712 | 1736, 3944 |
tdcE | 70.2 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | Pyruvate formate-lyase/ketobutyrate formate-lyase | 54717 | 1736, 3944 |
tdcF | 70.2 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | Function unknown | 54720 | 1736 |
tdcG | 70.2 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | Anaerobic pathway, l-serine deaminase, l-serine dehydratase | 54723 | 1736, 3944 |
tdcR | 70.4 | Threonine dehydratase, catabolic | Positive regulatory protein for threonine dehydratase, TdcB | 29692 | 3943, 3944 |
tdh | 81.7 | Threonine dehydrogenase | Threonine dehydrogenase | 17584 | 141, 3619, 3620, 715 |
tdi | 4.3 | Transduction inhibition | Affects transduction, transformation, and rates of mutation | 121 | 4181 |
tdk | 27.9 | Thymidine kinase | Deoxythymidine kinase | 120 | 1763, 1887, 369, 405 |
tehA | 32.3 | Tellurite resistance | Multidrug resistance; K+-tellurite ethidium and proflavin transport; membrane protein | 32106 | 4372, 4500, 4501, 4645 |
tehB | 32.3 | Tellurite resistance | Multidrug resistance; K+-tellurite ethidium and proflavin transport | 32109 | 4372, 4500, 4501 |
TerA | 28.8 | Terminus | Terminus of DNA replication; replication fork inhibition | 17836 | 1294, 1744, 1754, 1756, 1757, 3395, 979 |
TerB | 36.2 | Terminus | psrB; terminus of DNA replication; replication fork inhibition | 17833 | 1097, 1294, 1744, 1754, 1756, 1757, 281, 3395, 352, 979 |
TerC | 34.6 | Terminus | psrA; terminus of DNA replication; replication fork inhibition | 17830 | 1294, 1744, 297, 298, 454 |
TerD | 27.6 | Terminus | Terminus of DNA replication; replication fork inhibition | 17827 | 1294, 1744 |
TerE | 23.3 | Terminus | Terminus of DNA replication; replication fork inhibition | 29805 | 1746 |
TerF | 50.0 | Terminus | Terminus of DNA replication; replication fork inhibition | 29289 | 3992 |
tesA | 11.2 | Thioesterase | apeA; acyl-CoA thioesterase I; also protease I | 31102 | 1878, 737, 738 |
tesB | 10.2 | Thioesterase | Thioesterase II | 17581 | 3087, 3130 |
tgt | 9.2 | tRNA-guanine transglycosylase | tRNA-guanine transglycosylase | 118 | 1358, 2651, 3205, 3654, 3655 |
thdA | 10.5 | Thiophene degradation | Degradation of furans and thiophenes; may be tlnA? | 17824 | 3 |
thdC | 94.2 | Thiophene degradation | Degradation of furans and thiophenes | 17821 | 3 |
thdD | 99.8 | Thiophene degradation | Degradation of furans and thiophenes | 15908 | 3 |
thiA | 90.3 | Thiamin cluster | Hydroxyethylthiazole synthesis, cluster of genes | 117 | 4564 |
thiB | 90.3 | Thiamin | Unidentified, not THI-P synthase, thiamine pyrophosphate pyrophosphorylase activity | 116 | 4564 |
thiC | 90.4 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | Hydroxymethylpyrimidine synthesis; thiamin pyridine moiety biosynthesis | 115 | 4564 |
thiD | 47.2 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase | 114 | 1905 |
thiE | 90.3 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | thiA; thiamin-thiazole moiety synthesis | 34301 | 4564 |
thiF | 90.3 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | thiA; thiamin-thiazole moiety synthesis | 34298 | 4564 |
thiG | 90.3 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | thiA; thiamin-thiazole moiety synthesis | 34295 | 4564 |
thiH | 90.3 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | thiA; thiamin-thiazole moiety synthesis | 342952 | 4564 |
thiI | 9.5 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | Thiamin biosynthesis; also 4-thiouridine generation in tRNAs | 56890 | 3032, 4681a |
thiJ | 47.1 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | thiA, thiN; hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase | 37230 | 2977, 3122 |
thiK | 25.1 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | Thiamin kinase | 113 | 1906, 2425 |
thiL | 9.4 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | thiJ; thiaminmonophosphate kinase | 112 | 1906, 4681a |
thiM | 47.2 | Thiamin (and thiazole) | Hydroxyethylthiazole kinase (EC | 34309 | 2976 |
thrA | 0.0 | Threonine | thrD, Hs; aspartokinase I-homoserine dehydrogenase I (EC and EC | 111 | 1568, 2162, 2682, 4859, 845, 925 |
thrB | 0.1 | Threonine | Homoserine kinase (EC | 110 | 1568, 3801, 4948, 845, 846 |
thrC | 0.1 | Threonine | Threonine synthase (EC | 109 | 1568, 3375, 845, 846 |
thrS | 38.8 | Threonine | Autogenously regulated threonyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 108 | 1318, 2743, 2829, 3136, 3333, 3461, 3463, 3527, 4168, 4170, 4710, 4801 |
thrT | 90.0 | Threonine | Threonine tRNA3 | 107 | 1849, 2313, 2467, 3743, 90 |
thrU | 89.9 | Threonine | Threonine tRNA4 | 106 | 1849, 2313, 2467, 3743, 90 |
thrV | 73.7 | Threonine | Threonine tRNA1 in rrnD | 105 | 1096, 1146, 2313, 3814, 818 |
thrW | 5.6 | Threonine | Threonine tRNA2 | 10363 | 2313, 818, 914 |
thyA | 63.9 | Thymine | Aminopterin, trimethoprim resistance; thymidylate synthetase (EC | 104 | 1107, 1730, 1742, 286, 328, 3762, 3870, 658 |
tig | 9.8 | Trigger factor | Trigger factor; chaperone | 35681 | 1583, 1737, 1738, 2119, 4236, 4525, 619 |
tktA | 66.3 | Transketolase | Transketolase (EC | 103 | 2059, 4161, 4162, 4947 |
tktB | 55.6 | Transketolase | Transketolase (EC | 29992 | 1889, 4947 |
tldD | 73.0 | Tolerance for letD | Tolerance for effects on DNA gyrase by sex factor F gene letD | 50304 | 3061 |
tlnA | 10.5 | Thiolutin | tlnI; resistance or sensitivity to thiolutin; may be thdA? | 102 | 4083 |
tmk | 24.9 | Thymidine kinase | Deoxythymidine kinase | 17578 | 357, 3657, 967, 405 |
tnaA | 83.8 | Tryptophanase | ind, tnaR; tryptophanase (EC | 101 | 2927, 3170, 3171, 4222, 4611, 4677, 4911, 568, 996 |
tnaB | 83.8 | Tryptophanase | trpP; low-affinity Trp permease | 69 | 1119, 2102, 3865, 4218, 568, 996 |
tnm | 92.0 | Tn migration | Transposition of Tn9 and other transposons, development of phage Mu | 100 | 1901, 1902, 4107, 4725 |
tolA | 16.7 | Tolerance | cim, excC, lky, tol-2; tolerance to group A colicins, single-stranded filamentous DNA phage; required for OM integrity; membrane protein; bacteriocin tolerant | 99 | 1023, 1270, 1284, 2506, 2507, 3039, 4281, 4282, 4397, 4686, 482, 484, 635, 957 |
tolB | 16.7 | Tolerance | lkyA (leakage of periplasmic proteins), tol-3; azaleucine resistant; tolerance to colicins E2, E, A, and K | 98 | 1270, 1284, 2447, 2449, 2506, 3039, 4281, 4282, 484, 635, 957, 99 |
tolC | 68.5 | Tolerance | colE1-i, mtcB, refI, weeA, toc (topoisomerase compensation), mukA; specific tolerance to ColE1; affects chromosome segregation; OM porin | 97 | 1284, 1291, 1593, 1594, 1762, 3007, 3009, 3186, 3311, 4648, 484, 4863, 4864, 635, 957, 975 |
tolD | 22.9 | Tolerance | Bacteriocin tolerant; tolerance to colicins E2, E3, and ampicillin | 96 | 1284, 484, 572, 957 |
tolE | 22.9 | Tolerance | Bacteriocin tolerant; tolerance to colicins E2, E3, and ampicillin | 95 | 1284, 484, 635, 957 |
tolI | 0.1 | Tolerance | Bacteriocin tolerant; sensitivity to colicins Ia and Ib | 94 | 484, 635, 957 |
tolJ | 0.1 | Tolerance | Bacteriocin tolerant; sensitivity to L, A, S4, E, and K | 93 | 1284, 484, 635, 957 |
tolM | 74.8 | Tolerance | cmt; high-level tolerance to colicin M | 92 | 1284, 1618, 1650, 2865, 3892, 484, 635, 957 |
tolQ | 16.7 | Tolerance | fii, tolP? tolerance to group A colicins, single-stranded DNA filamentous phage; cell envelope integrity; inner membrane protein | 17815 | 2108, 3038, 3039, 4281, 4282, 4397, 4582, 4686, 481, 482 |
tolR | 16.7 | Tolerance | Tolerance to group A colicins, single-stranded DNA filamentous phage; cell envelope integrity; inner membrane protein | 17812 | 1721, 2108, 3039, 4282, 4397, 4686, 482 |
tonB | 28.2 | T-one | T1rec, exbA; sensitivity to T1, φ80, and colicins; uptake of chelated Fe and cyanocobalamin; energy transducer | 90 | 1254, 1470, 1488, 2080, 2135, 2136, 2221, 2502, 251, 3500, 3501, 3502, 4059, 4451, 4452, 482, 484 |
topA | 28.6 | Topoisomerase | supX; topoisomerase I, omega protein I | 89 | 1091, 2494, 2680, 2762, 3301, 3310, 4206, 4466, 4467, 4482, 4654 |
topB | 39.7 | Topoisomerase | mutR; topoisomerase III; mutR phenotype is decreased deletion formation between short repeats | 29988 | 1048, 3931, 4653, 4730, 4937 |
torA | 22.8 | Trimethylamine oxide reductase | Molybdoprotein trimethylamine N-oxide reductase | 17575 | 2874, 3377 |
torC | 22.8 | Trimethylamine oxide reductase | c-Type cytochrome | 29977 | 2874 |
torD | 22.9 | Trimethylamine oxide reductase | Transcribed with tor; no similarity with other proteins in database | 29980 | 2874 |
torR | 22.8 | Trimethylamine oxide reductase | Regulatory gene | 36408 | 4071, 4072 |
torS | 22.7 | Trimethylamine oxide reductase | Sensor partner of TorRT, two-component system for trimethylamine N-oxide induction | 50902 | 2061 |
torT | 22.8 | Trimethylamine oxide reductase | TorRT system | 50188 | 2062 |
tpiA | 88.6 | Triose P isomerase | Triosephosphate isomerase | 88 | 1710, 3423 |
tpr | 27.7 | tyrT region protamine | Protamine-like protein, apparently transcribed with tyrT | 87 | 75 |
tpx | 29.9 | Thiol peroxidase | Thioredoxin-linked thiol peroxidase | 46706 | 2225, 668 |
treA | 26.8 | Trehalose | tre; trehalase, periplasmic | 17572 | 2865, 3651, 430 |
treB | 96.2 | Trehalose | IITre, translocation system, Tre-specific PTS enzyme II | 34601 | 4253, 431 |
treC | 96.2 | Trehalose | Trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase, osmoprotectant | 34597 | 3677, 4253, 431 |
treF | 79.0 | Trehalose | Cytoplasmic trehalase | 35861 | 1807 |
treR | 96.2 | Trehalose | Repressor | 51427 | 1807, 1808, 2258 |
trg | 32.1 | Taxis to ribose and galactose | Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein III, ribose acceptor, flagellar regulon | 85 | 1646, 1678, 2865, 2991, 362, 363, 419 |
trkA | 74.0 | Transport K+ | Major constitutive K+ transport system; potassium transport inner membrane protein subunit | 84 | 1161, 1162, 1618, 2865, 3914, 448 |
trkD | 84.7 | Transport K+ | kup; major constitutive K+ transport system | 81 | 1161, 3910, 449, 4611 |
trkG | 30.6 | Transport K+ | Major constitutive K+ transport system; membrane protein, perhaps inactive during anaerobic growth | 29963 | 1074, 1162, 3915, 3916, 4453 |
trkH | 86.9 | Transport K+ | Potassium transport membrane protein subunit; binding of TrkA to membrane; mutants require high K+ | 34066 | 1074, 1162, 3915, 448 |
trmA | 89.7 | tRNA methyltransferase | rT; tRNA (uracil-5)-methyltransferase (EC | 79 | 1577, 256, 2564, 3229, 3405 |
trmB | 7.1 | tRNA methyltransferase | tRNA (guanine-7)-methyltransferase (EC | 78 | 2763 |
trmC | 52.6 | tRNA methyltransferase | 5-Methylaminoethyl-2-thiouridine in tRNA | 77 | 1599, 366 |
trmD | 59.1 | tRNA methyltransferase | tRNA (guanine-7)-methyltransferase (EC | 76 | 1599, 3407, 594–596 |
trmE | 83.7 | tRNA methyltransferase | thdF (thiophene oxidation?); tRNA base modification, 5-methyl-aminoethyl, 2-thiouridine synthesis | 17806 | 1147, 49, 568 |
trmF | 84.8 | tRNA methyltransferase | 5-Methyl aminoethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis | 17803 | 1147 |
trmH | 82.4 | tRNA methyltransferase | spoU; tRNA (Gm18) 2′-O-methyltransferase | 33877 | 2319, 3406 |
trmU | 25.7 | tRNA methyltransferase | asuE; antisuppressor; tRNA base-modifying enzyme; 2-thiouridine synthesis | 37613 | 1503, 3708, 4272 |
trnA | 63.1 | tRNA | Level of several tRNAs | 75 | 724 |
trpA | 28.3 | Tryptophan | Tryptophan synthase subunit A (EC | 74 | 1157, 1470, 1551, 1760, 2819, 3173, 4314, 4788, 4789, 4871 |
trpB | 28.4 | Tryptophan | Tryptophan synthase subunit B (EC | 73 | 1157, 1470, 1760, 2819, 4871, 865 |
trpC | 28.4 | Tryptophan | Bifunctional enzyme N-(5-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase, indole-3-glycerolphosphate synthetase (EC | 72 | 1157, 1470, 1760, 1812, 2819, 4871, 747 |
trpD | 28.4 | Tryptophan | Bifunctional enzyme anthranilate synthase component II, phosphoribosyl anthranilate transferase; (EC and EC | 71 | 1157, 1470, 1760, 1810, 1812, 2819, 3174, 4871 |
trpE | 28.4 | Tryptophan | anth, tryD, tryp-4; anthranilate synthase component I (EC | 70 | 1157, 1470, 1703, 1760, 2819, 3026, 3174, 3175, 3321, 4871 |
trpR | 99.8 | Tryptophan | 5-Methyltryptophan resistance; regulator of trp operon and aroH; autogenously regulated tryptophan repressor protein | 68 | 1567, 1568, 210, 3705, 4078, 4872, 288 |
trpS | 75.7 | Tryptophan | Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 67 | 1608, 1609, 410 |
trpT | 85.0 | Tryptophan | su7 (UGA suppression), supU (UAG suppression), su8, supV (UAA suppression)f; tryptophan tRNA | 66 | 2313, 3324, 4904, 926, 1122a |
truA | 52.4 | tRNA uridine (modification to pseudouridine | asuC, hisT, leuK; pseudouridine synthase, anticodon stem and loop specific | 623 | 142, 143, 144, 2784, 3211, 3226, 3363, 3955, 4523, 543 |
truB | 71.3 | tRNA uridine (modification to pseudouridine) | Pseudouridine synthase, ψ55 specific | 35528 | 3226 |
trxA | 85.4 | Thioredoxin | fipA, tsnC; thioredoxin | 65 | 1865, 2550, 2551, 2764, 2807, 3850, 3772, 3773, 3775, 3778, 3784, 4641, 58, 926 |
trxB | 20.1 | Thioredoxin | Thioredoxin reductase | 17569 | 1009, 1613, 3774, 3776, 3777 |
trxC | 58.6 | Thioredoxin | Thioredoxin 2 | 54694 | 2953 |
tsaA | 4.8 | t6AtRNA-SAM-methyltransferase | N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine(t6A) modification of tRNAThr, adenosine A37 to threonylated adenosine; tRNA(m6t6A37) methyltransferase | 53741 | 3564 |
tsf | 4.1 | Ts elongation factor | EF-Ts, elongation factor for transcription, stable | 64 | 2428, 296, 418, 88 |
tsmA | 40.1 | Thymine suppression modifier | Affects suppression efficiency for nonsense and frameshift mutations of Thy− strains | 36603 | 1731 |
tsr | 98.9 | Taxis to serine and repellents | cheD; serine chemoreceptor; methyl accepting chemotaxis protein II, membrane receptor | 63 | 1693, 2206, 3367, 4650, 467, 469, 617, 84 |
tsx | 9.3 | T-six | T6rec, nupA; T6, colicin K resistance; nucleoside channel | 62 | 1635, 2651, 492, 494 |
ttdA | 69.1 | Tartrate dehydratase | l-Tartrate dehydratase subunit (EC | 33459 | 3628 |
ttdB | 69.1 | Tartrate dehydratase | l-Tartrate dehydratase subunit (EC | 33462 | 3628 |
ttk | 82.2 | Function unknown, TetR, AcrR family of regulators | 52724 | 1144, 568 | |
tufA | 74.7 | Tu elongation factor | kirT, pulT; duplicate gene for EF-Tu subunit; elongation factor, unstable | 61 | 1561, 2042, 2334, 2379, 2433, 4342, 4543, 4548, 4732, 4887, 4928, 91 |
tufB | 90.0 | Tu elongation factor | kirT, pulT; duplicate gene for EF-Tu subunit; elongation factor, unstable | 60 | 1561, 1849, 2334, 2433, 2467, 2567, 2972, 4336, 4342, 4377, 4543, 4546, 4548, 4732, 89, 90 |
tus | 36.3 | Terminus utilization substance | tau; inhibits replication at Ter; Ter DNA-binding protein, blocking replication forks; DNA sequence-specific contrahelicase | 17800 | 1745, 1756, 1758, 2207, 2279, 2355, 2473, 3395, 3704, 941 |
tynA | 31.2 | Tyramine | feaA, maoA; tyramine oxidase (EC | 59 | 178, 3066, 4200, 4848 |
tyrA | 59.0 | Tyrosine | Chorismate mutase T-prephenate dehydrogenase (EC and EC bifunctional; TyrR regulon | 58 | 1847, 2819 |
tyrB | 91.9 | Tyrosine | Tyrosine aminotransferase (EC; TyrR regulon | 57 | 1283, 2372, 4856 |
tyrP | 42.8 | Tyrosine | Tyrosine-specific transport system, TyrR regulon | 56 | 2154, 2155, 4720, 4781, 4782 |
tyrR | 29.8 | Tyrosine | TyrR regulon repressor; regulates aroF, aroG, tyrA, and aromatic amino acid transport; autoregulation of tyrR not mediated by tyrosine | 55 | 2436, 2819, 3441, 4640, 4740, 4855, 4857, 531, 623, 734, 785, 837, 838, 881, 882 |
tyrS | 36.9 | Tyrosine | Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 54 | 1043, 236, 2398, 2938 |
tyrT | 27.7 | Tyrosine | tyrTα, suIII, Su-3, Su-4, supC (ochre suppressorf), supF (amber suppressor), supO? tandemly duplicated tyrosine tRNA1 (tyrTV) | 53 | 2313, 3743, 3744, 445, 446, 447 |
tyrU | 90.0 | Tyrosine | sup15B, supM (ochre suppressor), supZ (amber suppressorf); tyrosine tRNA2 | 52 | 1122a, 1849, 2313, 2467, 3743, 90 |
tyrV | 27.7 | Tyrosine | tyrTβ; tandemly duplicated, tyrosine tRNA1 | 51 | 3743, 1122a |
ubiA | 91.6 | Ubiquinone | 4-Hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase | 50 | 2549, 2576, 3195, 725 |
ubiB | 86.7 | Ubiquinone | fadI, fre, fsrC; 2-octaprenylphenol→2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol; flavin reductase (EC 1.6.99.–)? | 49 | 1273, 1385, 4174, 926 |
ubiC | 91.6 | Ubiquinone | Chorismate lyase | 48 | 2549, 3176, 4124 |
ubiD | 86.7 | Ubiquinone | Reaction: 3-octaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate to 2-octaprenylphenol | 47 | 858 |
ubiE | 86.7 | Ubiquinone | Reaction: 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone to 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone | 46 | 4902 |
ubiF | 14.8 | Ubiquinone | Reaction: 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone to 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-methoxy-1,4 benzoquinone | 45 | 811 |
ubiG | 50.4 | Ubiquinone | Reaction: 1-octaprenyl-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone to ubiquinone 8 | 44 | 1421, 1829, 3451 |
ubiH | 65.8 | Ubiquinone | visB; reaction: 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol to 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone | 43 | 3100, 2974 |
ubiX | 52.3 | Ubiquinone | dedF; sequence homologous to ubiX of S. typhimurium, which codes for 3-octaprenyl 4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase | 17797 | 3211 |
ucpA | 54.8 | Upstream cysP | Temporary name; protein with homology to short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases | 51898 | 4080 |
udk | 46.1 | Uridine kinase | Uridine/cytidine kinase (EC | 42 | 2058, 3156, 3157 |
udp | 86.5 | Uridine phosphorylase | Uridine phosphorylase (EC | 41 | 1272, 3426, 3539, 58, 66, 926, 4646 |
ugpA | 77.3 | Uptake glycerol phosphate | psiB, psiC; glycerol P transport system, integral membrane protein | 40 | 2147, 2931, 3320, 3539, 3946, 3948, 3949, 4261 |
ugpB | 77.4 | Uptake glycerol phosphate | psiB, psiC; periplasmic binding protein of sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport system | 39 | 2147, 2931, 3320, 3946, 3948, 3949, 4261 |
ugpC | 77.3 | Uptake glycerol phosphate | sn-Glycerol-3-P transport system; ABC family permease | 17794 | 1701, 2147, 3320, 3948, 3949, 4261 |
ugpE | 77.3 | Uptake glycerol phosphate | sn-Glycerol-3-P transport system; membrane protein | 17791 | 2147, 3320, 3948, 3949, 4261 |
ugpQ | 77.3 | Uptake glycerol phosphate | Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase (EC 3.1.4.-); cytosolic | 33697 | 548, 4261, 4428 |
uhpA | 82.9 | Utilization hexose phosphate | Response regulator (2-component system) required for uhpT transcription | 15437 | 1316, 1933, 2079, 4006, 4717 |
uhpB | 82.9 | Utilization hexose phosphate | Membrane protein controlling UhpA activity, sensor kinase | 15448 | 1316, 1933, 1934, 4717 |
uhpC | 82.9 | Utilization hexose phosphate | Membrane protein controlling UhpA activity, in concert with UhpB | 15449 | 1316, 1933, 1934, 2079, 4006, 4717 |
uhpT | 82.8 | Utilization hexose phosphate | Fosfomycin sensitivity; sugar P transport system; transport protein for hexose P’s | 37 | 1179, 1316, 1581, 2079, 2902, 2931, 4005, 4006, 4545, 4571, 4717 |
uidA | 36.5 | HexUronIDes | gurA, gusA; β-d-glucuronidase (EC | 36 | 2000, 386, 387, 3905 |
uidB | 36.5 | HexUronIDes | gusB, uidP; glucuronide permease | 53467 | 33, 394 |
uidR | 36.5 | HexUronIDes | gusR; regulatory gene | 35 | 384, 386, 387, 388 |
umuC | 26.5 | UV mutator | uvm; UV induction of mutations, error-prone repair; forms complex with UmuD and UmuD′ | 34 | 1068, 1145, 1297, 2245, 2776, 3404, 4041, 4778, 4779, 2284 |
umuD | 26.5 | UV mutator | uvm; inducible mutagenesis; error-prone repair; processed to UmuD′; UmuDC single-stranded binding protein with RecA-coated DNA; SOS | 17788 | 1068, 1145, 1297, 2245, 2281, 2776, 3404, 3960, 4041, 2284 |
ung | 58.5 | Uracil nucleic acid glycosylase | Uracil-DNA-glycosylase | 25 | 4567 |
upp | 56.4 | Uracil PRTase | uraP; uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (EC | 24 | 1621, 1799, 97 |
ups | 27.1 | Up-suppression? | Efficiency of nonsense suppressors; see prfA | 23 | 3782, 854 |
uraA | 56.4 | Uracil | Uracil concentration dependence of pyr mutants; Ura ABC transporter | 33043 | 96 |
uro | 85.9 | Uroporphyrinogen | hemC-Y operon | 37849 | 3871, 60 |
usg1 | 52.5 | Upstream gene, temporary | Temporary name for gene in pdxB operon, unknown function | 3274,6 | 144 |
ushA | 10.9 | UDP sugar hydrolase | UDP-glucose hydrolase (5′-nucleotidase) | 22 | 574, 854 |
uspA | 78.4 | Universal stress protein | Global regulatory gene for stress response | 28127 | 1046, 1302, 3232, 3233 |
uup | 21.7 | Precise excision of insertion elements | 17785 | 1799, 3631 | |
uvh | 90.2 | UV hyperresistant to UVC | Resistance to UVC, peroxide and antibiotics; may affect SOS repair | 51073 | 21 |
uvrA | 92.0 | Ultraviolet resistant | dar; lex regulon; repair of UV damage to DNA; excision nuclease subunit A | 21 | 1867, 2201, 3831, 3834, 3837, 3838, 3479 |
uvrB | 17.5 | UV resistant | dar-1, dar-6; DNA repair; excision nuclease subunit B, ATPase I and helicase II | 20 | 1268, 128, 191, 3345, 1831, 3836, 3838, 3839, 4319, 4547 |
uvrC | 42.9 | UV resistant | DNA repair; multicopy causes mucoidy; excision nuclease subunit C | 19 | 1277, 1278, 2995, 3220, 3831, 3832, 3838, 3840, 3994, 3995, 3996, 4493, 4559, 4886 |
uvrD | 86.1 | UV resistant | dar-2, dda, mutU, pdeB, rad, recL, srjC, uvr502, uvrE; DNA-dependent ATPaseI-DNA helicase II; increased rates of spontaneous mutagenesis | 18 | 1109, 1250, 1251, 146, 1741, 2368, 2642, 2750, 2883, 2885, 3242, 3243, 4051, 4360, 4672, 4673, 4838, 4936, 521, 58, 926 |
uvs | 91.1 | UV sensitivity | UV-sensitive mutants, locus linked to uvr | 51076 | 21 |
uxaA | 69.8 | Utilization hexuronate galacturonate | Altronate hydrolase (EC | 17 | 1851, 3489, 3682, 892 |
uxaB | 34.6 | Utilization hexuronate galacturonate | Altronate oxidoreductase (EC; exu regulon | 16 | 1854, 2796, 381, 383, 394 |
uxaC | 69.9 | Utilization hexuronate galacturonate | Uronate isomerase (EC | 15 | 1851, 2795, 2796, 3489, 3682, 382, 892 |
uxuA | 98.1 | Utilization hexuronide glucuronate | Mannonate hydrolase (EC | 14 | 1305, 3681, 3687, 385 |
uxuB | 98.1 | Utilization hexuronide glucuronate | Mannonate oxidoreductase (EC | 13 | 1304, 3681, 3687, 385 |
uxuR | 98.1 | Utilization hexuronide glucuronate | Regulatory gene for uxuBA operon | 12 | 3680, 3681, 3687 |
valS | 96.5 | Valine | val-act; valyl-tRNA synthetase (EC | 11 | 1660, 1691, 1692, 197, 4091 |
valT | 16.8 | Valine | valTα; duplicate gene with triplicated valUXY; valine tRNA1 | 10 | 2313, 3324, 4898 |
valU | 54.3 | Valine | valUα, valUγ; tandemly triplicate valUXY; valine tRNA1 | 17782 | 2313, 3238, 538, 539 |
valV | 37.6 | Valine | Valine tRNA2B | 17563 | 2313 |
valW | 37.6 | Valine | Valine tRNA2A | 17560 | 2313 |
valX | 54.3 | Valine | valUγ; tandemly triplicate valUXY; valine tRNA1 | 28696 | 3238, 539 |
valY | 54.3 | Valine | valUγ; tandemly triplicate valUXY; valine tRNA1 | 28699 | 3238, 539 |
valZ | 16.8 | Valine | valTβ; valine tRNA1 | 51028 | 394 |
vsr | 43.7 | Very short (patch) repair | Repairs mismatches; minimizes effects of C methylation | 28927 | 1282, 2540, 2541, 2697, 336, 4130, 1720 |
wrbA | 23.0 | W(Trp) repressor binding | Affects association between Trp repressor and operators in stationary phase | 31836 | 4865 |
xapA | 54.4 | Xanthosine P | pndA; xanthosine phosphorylase | 41105 | 539 |
xapB | 54.3 | Xanthosine P | Xanthosine transport protein, NupG-like | 41101 | 3962 |
xapR | 54.3 | Xanthosine P | pndR; regulatory gene for xapA | 8 | 2282, 3962, 539, 586 |
xasA | 33.8 | Extreme acid survival | Glutamate-dependent enzyme, may function in protection against cytoplasmic acidification | 36518 | 1732 |
xerC | 86.1 | cer-specific recombination | Recombinase, site specific | 30184 | 2841, 376, 377, 378, 812 |
xerD | 41.7 | cer-specific recombination | xprB; recombinase, site specific | 30201 | 2639, 2641, 376, 377 |
xni | 63.1 | Exonuclease nine | exo; exonuclease IX, a 3′–5′ exonuclease acting preferentially on single-stranded DNA, probable excision repair function | 56869 | 3983a |
xseA | 56.7 | Exonuclease VII | Exonuclease VII, large subunit | 6 | 4535, 687 |
xseB | 9.5 | Exonuclease VII | Exonuclease VII, small subunit | 17557 | 4535, 4536 |
xthA | 39.4 | Exonuclease III | Exonuclease III | 7 | 3711, 3858, 4030 |
xylA | 80.3 | Xylose | d-Xylose isomerase (EC | 5 | 2377, 2437, 2741, 3735, 3896, 4128, 502 |
xylB | 80.3 | Xylose | Xylulokinase (EC | 4 | 2741, 3735, 4128, 502 |
xylE | 91.4 | Xylose | Xylose-proton symport | 17776 | 1295, 2376, 4277, 961, 962 |
xylF | 80.4 | Xylose | xylT; xylose-binding protein, transport system | 17773 | 2377, 3735, 4128, 4277, 961 |
xylG | 80.4 | Xylose | Xylose transport gene | 33780 | 4128 |
xylH | 80.4 | Xylose | Xylose permease protein | 33783 | 4128 |
xylR | 80.5 | Xylose | Regulatory gene | 3 | 2741, 3735, 4128 |
yhhP | 77.7 | Temporary name | sirA; provisional name for small protein required for cell growth | 55460 | 4847 |
yihG | 87.1 | Temporary name | Poly(A) polymerase II; see also pcnB | 50490 | 631 |
yjaB | 90.8 | Temporary name | f147; temporary names for protein transcribed divergently from a promoter that overlaps the metA promoter, divergent from metA | 51779 | 1414 |
yohF | 47.9 | Temporary name | RpoS regulon, acid sensitive, induced by ALS inhibition, similarity to insect-type ADH | 55069 | 4552 |
zipA | 54.5 | ftsZ-interacting protein | Essential gene, affects cell division and growth; septal ring structural protein | 51069 | 1602 |
zntA | 77.7 | Zn translocation | Zn2+ translocating P-type ATPase; hypersensitive to Zn and Cd salts | 53884 | 3650 |
znuA | 41.8 | Zn uptake | High-affinity ABC transport system for zinc | 52879 | 3381 |
znuB | 41.8 | Zn uptake | High-affinity ABC transport system for zinc | 52882 | 3381 |
znuC | 41.8 | Zn uptake | High-affinity ABC transport system for zinc | 52886 | 3381 |
zur | 91.8 | Zn uptake regulation | Regulatory gene for high-affinity transport of zinc | 52889 | 3381 |
zwf | 41.7 | Zwischenferment | Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC | 2 | 1211, 3756a, 643a, 828a |
The following abbreviations are used in the table: ACP, acyl carrier protein; ad, adenine; PFL, pyruvate-formate lyase; PRPP, phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate; DAHP, 3-deoxy-d-arabinoheptulosonic acid 7-phosphate; BPC, binding protein carriers; FHL, formate hydrogen lyase; EPEC, enteropathogenic E. coli; ABC, ATP binding cassette, PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; CMP, cytidine monophosphate; PTS, phosphotransferase system; cAMP, cyclic AMP; ORF, open reading frame; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; PDI, protein disulfide isomerase; DTT, dithiothreitol; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; CoA, coenzyme A; SRP, signal recognition particle; Me, methyl; OMP, outer membrane protein; RNAP, RNA polymerase; B. subtilis, Bacillus subtilis; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; FPA, fluorophenyl alanine; QOR, quinone oxidoreductase; PNP, purine nucleoside phosphorylase; GS, glutamine synthetase; GSH, glutathione; HCA, hydrocinnamic acid; IGP, imidazole glycerol phosphate; FMN, flavin mononucleotide; MPT, molybdopterin; QSR, phage QSR; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine; SOD, superoxide dismutase; streptovar., streptovarycin; rif., rifampin (rifamycin); streptolyd., streptolydigin; NAL, nalidixic acid; TET, tetracycline; AMP, ampicillin.
Not shown on map since characterization was published very recently.
Letters used as references are identified as follows: A, Table 1 of reference 187; B, Table 1 of reference 189; C, Table 1 of reference 190; D, Table 1 of reference 190a; E, Table 1 of reference 323.
These are the unique identifiers of this site in the CGSC database. Although the database is easily queried by name or synonym, this unchanging identifier is useful in tracking gene name changes that may have resulted in homonyms among the alternative names or in following a complicated history of name changes.
Also used for “antisuppressor” phenotype for alleles at various known (or subsequently renamed) loci.
Only single-mutation suppression is indicated; double and triple mutations suppress other nonsense triplets. See reference 1122a.
Alternate gene symbols
Synonyma | Gene symbol from Table 1 |
abrD | rpoS |
acpS | acpX |
acrB | gyrB |
acrE | acrB |
acrS | envR |
act | alaS, glyS, pflA |
adec | purN |
ade3 | purE |
adef | purE |
adeg | purC |
adeub | purF |
adhC | adhE |
adi | adiA |
ads | folD |
adtha | purD |
aeg-46.5 | ccm-nap operon |
aidA | alkA |
aidC | nrfA, nrfG |
aidD | alkB |
air | aer, aegA? |
ala-act | alaS |
alaWβ | alaX |
alaWα | alaW |
ald | fbaA, aldA |
alnA | dadB |
alnR | dadQ |
alt | rpoD |
alu | dpp |
ampA | ampC |
ams | rne |
amt, amtA | cysQ |
ana | adhE |
anr | osmE |
ant | nhaA, mutS |
anth | trpE |
apbC | mrp |
apeA | tesA |
apk | lysC |
appR | rpoS |
arg+ura | carA, carB |
Arg1 | argA, argD |
Arg2 | argA, argC |
Arg4 | argE |
Arg5 | argF |
Arg6 | rargG |
argA | argE |
argB | argA |
argD | argF |
argE | argG |
argG | argD |
argH | argC |
argVα | argV |
argVβ | argY |
argVγ | argZ |
aroR | aroT |
arsE | arsR |
arsF | arsB |
arsG | arsC |
asmB | lpxC |
asp | ppc |
aspB | gltB, D |
astC | cstC |
asuA | prfA? |
asuB | rpsL |
asuC | truA |
asuD | lysS |
asuE | trmU |
asuF | strM? |
ata | attP22 |
avr | ileR |
Az | atoC |
azi | secA |
bfe | btuB |
bglC | bglF, G |
bglD | bglA |
bglE | bglT |
bglS | bglG |
bglY | hns |
bicA, bicR | bcr |
bioB | bioH |
bioR | birA |
bir, birB | bioP |
bisA | moaA |
bisB | moeA |
bisD | mog |
blgA | bglB |
blgB | bglF |
blu | malP, pgl, pgm |
brnP | ilvH |
bypA1 | infA? |
cadR | lysP |
cap | crp, carA, carB |
capR | lon |
car | ptsG |
carP | pepA |
cat | ptsG |
cbr | fepA |
cbt | fepA |
cdfA | cfa |
cfxB | marA? R |
cel | ispB |
cer | btuB, rnhA |
cet | creD |
cfxB | marR, marA |
chbA | celC |
chbB | celA |
chbF | celF |
chbR | celD |
cheC | fliM |
cheD | tsr |
cheM | tar |
cheX | cheR |
chl | moe |
chlA | moaA |
chlB | mobA |
chlC | narG, H |
chlD | modC, E, F |
chlE | moeA |
chlF | fdhF |
chlG | mog |
chlI | narI |
chlJ | modB |
chlM | moaD |
chlN | moeB |
chpAI | chpR |
chpAK | chpA |
chpBI | chpS |
chpBK | chpB |
cim | tolA |
clpY | hslU |
cmlA | cmr? |
cmlB | ompF |
cmt | tolM |
coa | ompF |
colE1-i | tolC |
con | ompA |
cop | het |
corB | mgtA |
cou | gyrB |
cqsB | rrnC |
cqsD | rrnD |
cqsE | rrnB |
CR | ptsG |
cra | fruR |
cru | nupC |
cry | ompF, R |
csdA | deaD |
csi-5 | osmY |
csm | crp |
ctr | ptsH, I |
cur | hns |
cutA1 | cutA |
cutA2 | dipZ |
cvc | fabF |
cxr | cxm |
cybA | sdhC |
cycY | cutA |
cycZ | dipZ |
cysZ | cysK |
cyxA | appC |
cyxB | appB |
dadR | dadA |
dagA | cycA |
dap | asd |
dar | uvrA |
dar-1 | uvrB |
dar-2 | uvrD |
dar-6 | uvrB |
dasC | rep |
dasF | rnhA |
dcrA | sdaC |
dda | uvrD |
ddl | ddlB |
dec | fadR |
dedB | accD |
dedE | cvpA |
dedF | ubiX |
deg | lon |
dga | murI |
dhbB | birA |
dhl | lpd |
dhnA | fbaB |
dig | hca |
dinA | polB |
dinH | ftsK regulatory region |
dinP | dinB |
dir | lon |
div | flk |
divA | ftsA |
divE | serT |
DLP12 | qsr′ |
dnaD | dnaC |
dnaF | nrdA |
dnaL | ligA |
dnaP | dnaG |
dnaR | prs |
dnaS | dfp, dut |
dnaW | adk |
dnaY | argU |
dnaZ | dnaX |
dniR | mltD |
dpeA | hupB |
dpeB | rpoS |
dpj | acpS |
dra | deoC |
drc | hns |
drdX | hns |
drm | deoB |
drp | proS |
drs | hns |
dsbD | dipZ |
dsbE | ccmG |
dut | dfp |
dye | arcA |
ecfB | cpxA |
efg | nadE |
emrR | mprA |
envA | lpxC |
envB | mreB |
envC | acrE |
envD | acrF |
envM | fabI |
envZ | ompR |
eps | rpsE |
eryA | rplD |
eryB | rplV |
eup | cpxA |
exbA | tonB |
excC | pal, tolA |
exo | xni |
exrA | lexA |
exrB | ssb |
fabC | fabB |
fabE | accB |
fabG | accC |
fabJ | fabF |
fadI | ubiB |
fam | rpoH |
far | fusA |
fda | fbaA |
fdhA | selA, B |
fdhC | selC |
fdp | fbp |
fdv | mutS |
feaA | tynA |
feeB | leuW |
feuA | cirA |
fexA | arcA |
fii | tolQ |
fimD | fimA |
fimG | hns |
fipA | trxA |
fir | lpxD |
firA | hlpA, ileR, lpxD |
fit | infC? |
flaA | fliM |
flaAI | fliL |
flaBI | fliF |
flaBII | fliG |
flaBIII | fliH |
flaC | fliI |
flaD | fliA |
flaE | fliK |
flaF | fliC |
flaG | flhB |
flaH | flhA |
flaI | flhC |
flaJ | motA, B |
flaK | flgE |
flaL | flgG |
flaM | flgI |
flaN | fliE |
flaO | fliJ |
flaP | fliR |
flaQ | fliQ |
flaR | fliP |
flaS | flgK |
flaT | flgL |
flaU | flgA |
flaV | flgD |
flaW | flgC |
flaX | flgF |
flaY | flgH |
flaZ | flgJ |
flbA | flgB |
flbB | flhD |
flbC | fliD |
flbD | fliO |
flr | leuJ |
flrA | ileR |
fms | def |
fpg | mutM |
fpk | fruK |
frdB | fnr |
frdR | narL, narX |
fre | ubiB |
fruC | fruR |
fruF | fruB, fruK |
fsrB | hmp |
fsrC | ubiB |
ftsB | nrdB |
ftsH | hflB |
ftsM | serU |
ftsR | rpoB |
ftsS | ftsX |
fucC | fucA |
gad | gapA, C |
gadS | gadA? |
galB | galT |
gapB | epd |
gen-165 | ftn |
genA | dcuA |
genF | dcuB |
genR | lrhA |
glcF | glcE |
glmD | nagB |
glnF | rpoN |
glnR | glnL |
glnT | glnG |
glnUα, β | glnU, W |
glnVα, β | glnV, X |
glr | murI |
glu | ppc |
glut | gltA |
gly | glyS |
glyD | gpt, glpD |
glySα, β | glyQ, S |
gmhA | lpcA |
gntM | gntT |
gpp | gpt |
gppB | aslA, B |
gpt | ptsG |
gptB | manX, manZ |
groEL | groL |
groES | groS |
gro | dnaK |
groN | rpoB |
groNB | nusB |
groP | dnaB, J, K |
groPAB | dnaK |
groPC | dnaK |
groPF | dnaK |
grpA | dnaB |
grpC | dnaJ, K |
grpD | dnaB |
grpF | dnaK |
gsa | hemL |
gsr | crr |
gts | fabI |
guaR | guaB |
gurA | uidA |
gusA, B, R | uidA, B, R |
gutA–E, R | srlA–E, R |
gxu | gpt |
gyrI | sbmC |
hag | fliC |
hdh | groE |
herA | rnhA |
herC | lysS |
hga | eda |
hhoA | degQ |
hhoB | degS |
hid | ihfA |
himA | ihfA |
himB | gyrB |
himD | ihfB |
hin | rpoH |
hip | ihfB |
hisE | hisI |
hisT | hisR, truA |
hisU | gyrB |
hisW | gyrA |
hnsB | stpA |
hobH | seqA? |
hom | asd |
hopD | hupB, gsp* |
hopE | recD |
hopG | gsp* |
Hpr, hpr | ptsH |
hpr | ptsH |
hrbA | brnQ |
hrbB | livG, H, J, K |
hrbC | livG, H, J, K |
hrbD | livG, H, J, K |
Hs | thrA |
hs | hsdM, R |
hsdH | hdhA |
hslF | ldhA |
hslI | ldhA |
hslS | ibpB |
hslT | ibpA |
hsm | hsdM |
hsp | hsdM, R |
hsr | hsdR |
hss | hsdS |
htpE | ibpB |
htpG21.0 | hslO-R |
htpH | ldhA |
htpI | hslU |
htpN | ibpA |
htpO | hslV |
htpR | rpoH |
htpY | htgA |
htrA | degP |
htrH | degS |
htrM | rfaD |
htrP | ribB |
hyd | nik |
hydB | hypE |
hydC | hybA, nikA–D |
hydD | nikA–E |
hydF | hypD |
hydL | hybA |
iarA | dsbA |
iarB | dsbB |
icc | cpdA |
icdB | gltA |
icdE | icd |
iciA | argP |
icl | aceA |
iex | crr |
ihb | lrp |
ile | ilvA |
ileS | lspA |
ind | tnaA |
ins | glyV, W |
int (qsr′) | intD |
irk | hns |
K12 | rpsG |
kac | kdpA, B, C, D |
katF | rpoS |
kdgA | eda |
kga | eda |
kim | qin |
kirT | tufA, B |
kup | trkD |
lcs | asnS |
lct | lldD |
lctD | lldD |
lctP | lldP |
lctR | lldR |
ldh | dld |
leuK | truA |
leuVα, β, γ | leuV, P, Q |
lexB | recA |
lexC | ssb |
lig | ligA |
lipP | nike? |
lir | acrA |
livR | lrp |
lky | tolA, B |
lkyA | tolB |
lnt | cutE |
lolB | hemM |
LopC | clpX |
LopP | clpP |
lov | argS |
lovB | alaS |
loxB | attP1,P7 |
lrs | lrp |
lss | lrp |
lstR | lrp |
luxH-like | ribB |
lysTα, β, γ | lysT, W, Y |
mac | maa |
malB | malK |
maoA | tynA |
maoB | feaR |
mas | aceB |
mazE | chpR |
mazF | chpA |
Mb | acrA |
mbf | lrp |
mbl | acrA |
mbrA | rep |
mcb | pmbA |
mclA | rseA |
mdaA | nfsA |
mdfA | cmr |
mdrA | cydC |
mdrH | cydC |
mec | dcm |
mel-4 | melB |
mel-7 | melA |
meoA | ompC |
met-1 | metB |
metM | metL |
metTβ | metU |
metZβ | metV |
mglD | galS |
mglP | mglA, C |
mhpS | mhpD |
micA | mutY |
mlc | dgsA |
mlpA | lpp |
mmrA | rep, rhlB? |
mni | manC |
modR | modE |
molA | malM |
momR | oxyR |
mon | mreB |
mopA | groS |
mopB | groL |
mor | oxyR |
motD | fliN |
mpt | manX, Z |
mra | murF |
mrbA | murA |
mrc | lpcB |
mrsA | glmM |
mrsC | hflB |
msgA | ftsN |
msmA | dksA |
msmB | cspC |
msmC | cspE |
msp | arcA |
mssA | cmk |
mssB | deaD |
msuA | dadX? |
msyA | hns |
mtcA | acrA |
mtcB | tolC |
muc | lon |
mukA | tolC |
mukE | kicA |
mukF | kicB |
murZ | murA |
mutA | glyV |
mutC | glyW |
mutD | dnaQ |
mutH | dnaX |
mutR | topB |
mutU | uvrD |
mvrA | fpr |
mvrC | emrE |
nagR | nagC |
nalA | gyrA |
nalC | gyrB |
nalD | gyrB |
nam | pncA |
narA | moaA |
narB | mobA |
narC | narG |
narD | modC, E, F |
narR | narL, X |
nbp | fis |
ncf | hemB |
neaA | rpsQ |
nek | rimK |
nfrC | rffE |
nfsB | nfnB |
nfsI | nfnB |
nfxA | gyrA |
nfxC | marA |
nfxD | parE |
nic | nadB |
nirA | fnr |
nirR | fnr |
nitA | rho |
nitB | rpoB |
nlp | sfsB |
nlpE | cutF |
nmpA | pst, pstS |
nmpB | phoR |
norA | gyrA |
norB | marA? |
nov | cls |
ntr | nfnB |
ntrA | rpoN |
ntrB | glnL |
ntrC | glnG |
ntrL | nadE |
nucR | deoR |
nupA | tsx |
nur | rpoS |
nusD | rho |
nusE | rpsJ |
oldB | fadB |
ole | fadR |
ompB | envZ, ompR |
ompE | phoE |
ompH | hlpA |
omsA | lpxD |
opdA | prlC |
oppI | lrp |
optA | dgt |
osmZ | hns |
osrA | proU |
ossA | fnr |
ossB | gltB, D, F |
ostA | imp |
padA | feaB |
panK | coaA |
papA | atpA |
papC | atpG |
papD | atpB, D |
papE | atpH |
papF | atpF |
papG | atpC |
papH | atpE |
par | ompC |
parB | dnaG |
parD | gyrA |
parvA | ppiC |
paxA | dcd |
pbpA | mrdA |
pbpB | ftsI |
pbpF | mrcB |
pcbA | gyrB |
pcsA | dinD |
pdeB | uvrD |
pdeC | ligA |
pdxC | serC |
pdxF | serC |
pdzA | rplT |
pea | secA |
pel | manY |
perA | envZ |
pexB | dps |
pfv | dacA |
pgsB | lpxB |
phd | hcaA, B |
phe-act | pheS |
pheR | pheU |
pheW | pheU |
phmA | nmpC |
phoM | creC |
phoM-orf2 | creB |
phoR1 | phoR |
phoR2a | pstS |
phoR2b | pstA |
phoRc | phoB |
phoS | pstS |
phoT | phoB, U, pstA, B |
phoW | pstC |
phrA | modF |
phs | rpoA |
phsE? | dacD |
pil | fim, fimB, C, D |
pilA | fimA |
pilB | fimC |
pilC | fimD |
pilD | fimF, G |
pilE | fimH |
pilG | hns |
pilH | fimE |
pin | argU |
pinO | pioO |
plsA | adk |
PMG | mgl |
pmi | manA |
pmsR | msrA |
pndR | xapR |
poaA | putA |
pog | sspA |
poh | oriC |
polC | dnaE |
pon | lpcB |
ponA | mrcA |
ponB | mrcB |
popA | hemH |
popB | hemF |
popC | hemL |
popE | hemC |
ppfA | dsbA |
ppsA | pps |
prd | fucP |
prlA | secY |
prlB | rbsB |
prlD | secA |
prlF | sohA |
prlG | secE |
prlH | secG |
Pro2 | proC |
pro1 | proA |
pro2 | proB |
pro3 | proC |
prv | mutH |
psiB | ugpA, B |
psiC | ugpA, B |
psiD | phn, phnD |
psiH | phoH |
psrA, B | TerC, B |
psuA | rho |
pts | man |
ptsF | fruA |
ptsL | manX |
ptsM | manX, Y, Z |
ptsN | nagE |
ptsO | npr |
ptsP | manY |
ptsX | manX, Z |
pulT | tufA, B |
pup | deoD |
Pur2 | purE |
purC | purF |
purE2 | purK |
purG | purM |
purI | purL |
pyrA | carA, B |
qmeA | fabI |
R1pho | phoR |
R2pho | pstA, S |
rad | uvrD |
radB | recN |
ramA | rpsD |
ramB | rimG |
rap | pth |
rapA | hepA |
rbaB | srmB |
rblA | lrp |
rbsP | rbsA, B, C, D |
rbsT | rbsA, C |
recA | lexA |
recL | uvrD |
refI | tolC |
refII | creD |
relC | rplK |
res | rimF |
resA | polA |
rfbC | rfbD |
rfbD | rfbC |
rffE | rffG? |
rglA | mcrA |
rglB | mcrB |
rhaC | rhaR, S |
rhlA | srmB |
ribE | ribC |
ribG | ribD |
ribH | ribE |
rif | rpoB |
rimA | rpmH |
rm | hsdM, R |
rnh | rnhA |
rnsA | rna |
rnsC | rho |
rodA | mrdB |
rodY | mreB |
ron | rpoB |
rorA | recB |
rot | ppiA |
rpoF | fliA |
rrfDβ | rrfF |
rrnB1 | rrnB |
rrnD1 | rrnE |
rrvD | rrfF |
rsgA | ftn |
rT | trmA |
rts | coaA |
sac | ascB, F |
sbl | srlA, B, D |
sdgA | dnaG |
sdgB | rpoB |
sdgE | era |
sdrA | rnhA |
sec | hemF |
secC | rpsO |
sefA | fabZ |
seg | arcA, dnaK |
sep | ftsI |
sez | rpoA |
sfcA | mae? |
sfhB | rluD |
sfiA | sulA |
sfiB | ftsZ |
sfrA | arcA |
sfrB | rfaH |
sfs1 | sfsA |
sfs7 | sfsB |
shl | fruR |
sin | rnhA |
sipB | acrA, ssrA |
sirA | yhhP |
skp | hlpA, lpxD |
slpA | intA |
slr | lplA |
slt | mltB |
smbA | pyrH |
sms | radA |
sof | dut |
som | rfbA, B |
soxQ | marA, R |
spcA | rpsE |
spoS | rpoZ |
spoU | trmH |
spoV | recG? |
spr | lexA |
srf | recA |
srgA | priA |
srjA | infC |
srjB | helD |
srjC | uvrD |
ssaD | nusB |
ssaF | rpmH |
ssc | lpxD |
ssd | cpxA |
ssyB | nusB |
ssyF | rpsA |
ssyG | infB |
stc | micF |
stl | rpoB |
strA | rpsL |
strB | strC |
stsB | rimH |
stv | rpoB |
Su-1 | serU |
Su-2 | glnV, X |
Su-3 | tyrT |
Su-4 | tyrT |
Su-6 | leuX |
Suβ | lysT |
SuII | glnV, X |
su1 | serU |
suB | glnU |
suIII | tyrT |
su7 | trpT |
su8 | trpT |
suA36 | glyU |
sud2 | rpsD |
sueB | prfA |
sufD | glyU |
sui | sufI |
sulB | ftsZ |
sumA | glyT, U |
sumB | glyU |
sun | rho |
supS20 | rpsT |
sup15B | tyrU |
supB | glnU, W |
supC | tyrT |
supD | serU, V |
supE | glnV, X |
supF | tyrT |
supG | lysT |
supH | serU |
supK | prfB |
supL | lysT |
supM | tyrU |
supN | lysV |
supO | tyrT? |
supP | leuX |
supT | glyU |
supU | trpT |
supV | trpT |
supX | topA |
supZ | tyrU |
sur | bcr |
surB | cydC |
suxA | bcr |
T1 | fhuA |
T1rec | tonB |
T5rec | fhuA |
T6rec | tsx |
tabB | groE |
tabD | rpoB, C |
talA | alaT |
talD | alaU |
tasC | aspT |
tau | tus |
tcp | rimJ |
tdc | tdcB |
tgs | crr, purU |
tgtB | gltT |
tgtC | gltU |
tgtE | gltV |
thdB | fadR |
thdF | trmE |
thiA | thiE, F, G, H |
thiJ | thiL |
thiN | thiJ |
thrD | thrA |
thyR | deoB, C |
tldE | pmbA |
tlnI | tlnA |
tlr | deoB, C |
tls | aspS |
tmrA | folA |
tnaC, L | tna leader |
tnaR | tnaA |
toc | tolC |
tol-2 | tolA |
tol-3 | tolB |
tolF | ompF |
tolG | ompA |
tolM | cmtB |
tolP | tolQ? |
tolZ | hflB |
tonA | fhuA |
topX | hns |
tos | prfC |
tpo | envZ |
tpp | dppA? |
tpp-75 | deoA |
tpx | ahpC |
tre | treA |
trkB | kefB |
trkC | kefC |
trkE | sapD |
trpP | tnaB |
trpX | miaA |
tryD | trpE |
tryp-4 | trpE |
tsnC | trxA |
tsp | prc |
tss | asnS |
tsu | rho |
ttr | fadL |
tut | ompA |
tyrTα, β | tyrT, V |
uar | prfA |
uidP | uidB |
umg | ptsG |
umpA | lgt |
umuA | lexA |
umuB | recA |
uncA–I | atpA–I |
ups? | prfA |
ura | car |
uraP | upp |
usg | accD |
usgA | gntT |
uvm | umuC, D |
uvr502 | uvrD |
uvrE | uvrD |
uvrF | recF |
vacB | rnr |
val-act | valS |
valTα | valT |
valTβ | valZ |
valUα | valU |
valUγ | valY |
virR | hns |
visA | hemH |
visB | ubiH |
vtr | fabF |
waaA | kdtA |
waaB | rfaB |
waaC | rfaC |
waaE | rfaE |
waaF | rfaF |
waaG | rfaG |
waaI | rfaI |
waaJ | rfaJ |
waaK | rfaK |
waaL | rfaL |
waaM | htrB |
waaN | mltA |
waaP | rfaP |
waaQ | rfaQ |
waaS | rfaS |
waaU | rfaK |
waaY | rfaY |
waaZ | rfaZ |
wbbH | rfc |
wcaN | galF |
wec | rff |
wecA | rfe |
wecB | rffE |
weeA | tolC |
witA | kgtP |
wzxB | rfbX |
xerA | argR |
xerB | pepA |
xonA | sbcB |
xprA | dsbC |
xprB | xerD |
xylT | xylF |
zab | recA |
zfiA | csrA |
Temporary names (y names, orfs) are not included.
There is a standing tradition of coordinating gene symbols between the CGSC and the Salmonella Genetic Stock Center to avoid the assignment of the same symbol to different genes in the two organisms and the assignment of different symbols to homologous genes, insofar as this coordination is feasible. We have not, however, changed names of E. coli genes in order to extend this tradition to other bacteria or other organisms. The desirability and feasibility of uniform nomenclature conventions for all bacteria or other microbial groupings are currently only topics of discussion and conjecture, and changes to enhance similarities in an ad hoc, piecemeal fashion seem counterproductive at the present time. Readers are reminded that symbol changes create discontinuity with previous literature concerning genes, with even more serious ramifications for allele designations, since unique allele numbers are assigned on the basis of the three letter mnemonic and changes in a symbol may necessitate renumbering of alleles as well.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation grants BIR9315421 and BIR9010005.
I thank Stanley Letovsky and Peter Kalamarides for their work in implementation and system administration for the database, which allowed direct retrieval of all the various Table 1 data and the drawing of map segments directly from the CGSC database. Even so, extensive layout work was required for the final figure, and I am indebted to Elise Low for her skill and patience in doing that during all the revisions that went into this version of the map. A number of people have worked tirelessly to get this paper together. Special thanks again go to Elise Low for editing graphics files and for unending proofreading and cross-checks on the tables and references in addition to the layout work. Completion of this task owes much to her skill and her dedication to accuracy and timeliness and to Peter Kalamarides for writing and executing scripts that brought the tables together at every critical juncture. Special thanks also go to Linda Mattice and Narinder Whitehead for valuable help with proofreading and tracking down publications for both versions and for keeping the stock center on course during this work. I’m especially grateful to all of the above for their unstinting efforts at deadline-approaching time. I thank Graeme Berlyn for sharing and helping with use of his computer setup during the printing operation, and also James Bryan for table formatting help in the earlier edition. Brooks Low and Kenn Rudd coauthored the 1996 edition of the map and therefore were major contributors to this map as well; I thank them for that collaboration and their continued help and support. Kenn Rudd and I have attempted to keep this map and the physical map compatible in terms of names and annotations; Kenn has been crucial in keeping me updated with regard to his new information, displaying his characteristic dedication and generosity with regard to his sequence-to-gene detection and expertise. Special thanks this year go to Edward Adelberg for supplying the database with bibliographic updates based on his scanning and annotation of Medline references in the context of his own bibliographic database of current papers in E. coli genetics developed and kept up to date over the past 2 1/2 years. They have been enormously helpful in our attempts to keep the CGSC database current with respect to literature on E. coli genes. These maps continue the tradition of E. coli K-12 linkage map editions so capably constructed by Barbara J. Bachmann over the past 20 years and that of her predecessors for E. coli maps dating back to 1958. Our debt to these previous maps is obvious. The accuracy of the great majority of gene positions on the map is completely indebted to the American and Japanese sequencing projects, and for this particular version of the map, especially to GenBank access to the complete sequence submitted by Fred Blattner and his colleagues as part of the Genome Sequencing project in Wisconsin. And of course we are indebted to numerous scientists who have provided helpful map-related information in the form of discussion, corrections of database inaccuracies, preprints, and personal communications.
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